D~~P GET INTO THE SWING OF THINGS Read on... cover to cover. You'll find everything you need to plan out the day in your daily Cruise Compass. Unpack later. The best way to get familiar with the ship is to start exploring. Watch TV. Or maybe just RCTV. That's where you can check on the weather, learn how to play blackjack, and even get details on Shore Excursions. Crulse Director's quote of the Day ' Please accept my resignation. 1 don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member." -G. Marx
TRENDING TODAY ; 1 BID Bonanza This unforgettable one time auction has something for everyone -relax in the Spa, Shop till you drop or Just love the thrill of an Auction, then you wont want to miss Welcome Onboard Auction! Bidding will start as low as $1! That's right, you read i[ correctly: $1 bids! 9:30 pm, Casino Royale, Deck 6 Share Your Moment Wlth Voom For emails and Internet surfing, at just $15.99 per day. Stream movies, video chat, social media and upload photos with Surf+Stream for just $19.99 per day. Connect to "wifl-Guest-Jewel" on your device to get started. •szx vnr ~wa~a ~, e~i o~~ an« lntemet Help Desk, Centrum, Deck 4 Let's Get Loud Sall Away Pool Party The ship is moving so IeYs get celebreting! Join your Resident DJ Gabriel, and your Entertainment team for some music and dancing. 5:15 pm, Poo/side, Deck 11
~EKGIJRit1N~ 1?ESTFN/4Ttt1Ft TA4K , lusfcr~tt+is inF~rma#iue presenfat~an o~ cur uCcomi€r9 parts s+f ~i:Sic~l~& Yal~etta. F~aue Che cMarrce tee save b~ ~ ~. ., ~~vikhcsur s~~ - _ Must ~:,3fl ktltie Ta€k wH! E~egrq aF Thy 17estinati0n . F1~atte,IMors o-~en at2;76 Pm,
Complimentary Casino Lessons We're dealing you in with learn-to-play sessions for our most popular games -Shots, Blackjack, Roulette, Three Card Poker, Ultimate Texas Hold'em and Craps. 5:30 pm, Casrno Royale, Deck 6 Experience our Unique Specialty Restaurants The more you dine, the more you save! 3 Dinners $79 per person, Chops +1, $59 per person Unlimited package $24 per person per day. Today Only 15%discount on all packages. Dial 73for bookings. Vitality Spa 8 Fitness Center Tours -Win 5500 In Prizes Come by, take a tour &see all the revolutionary treatments & services you can choose from. Be sure to enter our free raffle for the chance to win $500 in treatments. Raffle at 5:00 pm. You must be present to win! ViTality Fifness Center, Deck 12 50%Off Flne Jewelry Sparkle brighter with brilliant savings on fine jewelry during the first night of your voyage. The incredible savings won't last, so get there before the best choices are gone. 7:75 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5 Picture Thls Portrait Studio We provide one of a kind personal photography centered around the art of simplicity. Reserve your complimentary, private session today. Photo Gallery, Deck 5 Gueu the Weight of the Britto Play Guess the weight with our friendly Art Team and be entered to win a fabulous prize. 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, Centium, Deck 11 and 6:OQ pm- 10:00 pm, Centrum, Deck 5 Welcome to Sicily: Jewels from Mount Etna Book your excursion now, spaces are limited. Choose (Tormina, lava river, wine and Jewels). Take your Port Shopping Map with you. Watch Ulises on Channel 22 & 26 for more info.
NEXTCRUISE DAY 15PECIAL Book your next cruise today and receive a bottle of champagne to celebrate onboard. Choose your next adventure around the world and get up to $600 in savings. Visit yai~ NexfCruise Sales Team on Deck 5 for more details.
FM'EHE SP~?~LH~►k!T ~ll18~CQlFI@ ~Iikl081'~'a~i}Fi?Nf~~IR@ $~'a}Y~1~ ~C~St~~YS QUO ActMotion Love is an Art, life is a Motion. Express your Iwe in etch momQnt of Ilfeandystu7lgeY ArtMgYion)feaiuring the Royal Caribbean Singers . and Dancers and the Jewel of the Seas Orchestra. 7:pQ pm & 9:00 pm Coral TheaY~e, Decks 5 & 6
vrcJeomprtg All shows In the Nreater are app~oximytely 55 ma~utes. The saving of seats antl and third in of shows is strkUy prohitii[ed. No children in tRe first row. Children second from rgws of the meater must be accompanred by a parent or guardim~. please rehai~ . performance Uce dunrry radios two-way and/or phone cell using your Assistive Listenfn9 SysfEm available at Cwt Servkes, De[k 5.
AFTfi~NQ~3N THRIL~.S The TfidN of kha Rock CHmbiny VIfaN Ever veonder vehat the world looks like f~z~m 230 feel ~iac~ue the sea? Now'g your ch~cfl. Head to tf~e Rtick Ckimbin~ W31# thla evening t~ partippate. 5:30pm - 6:3Q Rm, Rack Ctimbin9 IyalG Deck 13
EYENIMG THF~ILLS "if You Iftrow ft:Sing R" Game Show Se Ure first to sing, if yCu knew it! Yoc~ doraY have to bP a "pro° Yo Katie a goad time. FctF sure you know aY Least ot~6 sa[~g7 .lain your Cruise Dktectga'fl SYBffi t4r Ylt6funt 8r(JO Pm. ~eFltrttrKF: Deck A 11V9{Coln@ OgdRard IC8f8Qk@ Awaken yp~ Irut~t rctCk or pop star as you step up tee the mic toNgkt at KBraeke: Wha knrnvs, maybe you'll q~ distoveted or laughett at:!Y5 8 singing good tirfle fAr everyfsQdy. }D:QO pm - 11.~IIi9pm, Safart Cfub, Reck fi
Cinema Mp~1~;Jkq►tt~miln (2oi8Prr 8t kituJtlom o€ ~d& Arthur GurtS, tt7e human-born heir to t the worlds of een aetw Yo i 3 quest prevertY a At{antis, gtles s71~ €~. Stars: ,lason Mpmoa, ocean and lgrNi_{ftCtign.Adventure E Ambef He8~d.3~+51L~Ti €Y~~`^ GYflatnd, !Je[k 6 t~30pm. 6.~tt'Arl~ &:~Ot ptn m~Gr H~Q Screen Mharie F1+~ A Pair of teen~g2r5vaiYfi in IQve, though tfl9fr. d~ contact (6rama; Roman Sprouse, Moises Arias. 7:Q(J W+~ &11:30 P~+7 PRQ.
part f~~►9 P~t3, ~ 5~ mlr~,t rpsis meet in a hiosPita{ grid 4a1~ r5 t{~Cy must avA~rJ clawphysif,34 Ff3~Ay Lu RichardsQrt, ~trle
~ rr
B00 am -11:00 am 4:00 Pm -7:00 pm 17:00 am - 4:00 pm 6:OO pm-B:OO pm 1130 am - 8:00 pm 10:30 am - 4:00 pm 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm -10:00 pm
Medical Facility (Dial 57)
Internet Assistance
4 4
Larx,~age Assistance Shore Excursions Desk
5 5 5 5 5 5
Art Gallery 1130 am - 330 pm food &Beverage Hospitality Desk (Dial 3333) Reservatbn 8:30 am - 4:00 pm My Time Dining Noon - 6:00 pm NeMCruise Office 6:00 pm - 70:30 pm Photo Gallery 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Portrait Studio Time 9:45 pm -10:45 pm Port ShoPa~9~ 7:00 Pm - 9:00 pm 6:00 pm -11:00 pm Royal Slops 6:00 pm -late Casirro Royale 10:30 am - 9:00 pm Main Pool 7030 am - 70:00 pm Pool Tovrel S[atbn 10:30 am - 9:00 pm Solarium Pool(Adults only) 1030 am - 70:00 pm Vitality Spa (Dial 72) Loyalty Art~atsador Desk 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm IGds Pool 1030 am -10:00 pm V~rtality Fkness Center 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Waterslide Climbing Wall 530 pm - 6:30 pm Rock
5 5 6 P 11 it 71 12 72 12 12 13
TMz Following Czrviw~ and Ven~~s are Open 24 hours: 4 Guest Services (Dial 0) 4 & 7 royal Caribbean online Community Bulletin Board 5 Dally Show Shout Out Box. Cafe Latta-tales 5 Collaborative Jigsaw Puzzle,Schooner Bar 6 Cards and Games Lib2ry Challengers Video Arcade E mer9encY ~N.(Dial 911) Please MirK~ pour SeaPazs card to all activitles Certain age, height, weight and clothing rzquirements may apply. Please check activity slgnage for mwe infamatlon antl desaiuGon of onboard services and po~Kies, please read useful Information on [he back of Meet the officer lays. Please Note: Select pools and whirlpools may be closed for cleaning antl maintenance. Minors mun be supervised a[ all times and wear proper Fbating devices. Voung chtidren in diapers/pull ups/ swimmHs may fwt use fhe pools/whidpooB, even If accompanied by a paren[i 9~~dian. The reserving of chairs is not permitted. 6 6 72
ROME CIVITAVECCHIA, ITALY PORT AGENT ADDRESS 8 NUMBERS ASC Darsena Romana,S Operations Manager- Fazio Foschf Tat:+39' ht 3c6>'CeIlPhone: +3932074G4e~2C US Embasry,Nome, Itaty -Via Vtrorio Veneto 119/A Od187 Ro~ra_ Italia. Tei no: 39-0F h6?4-i Loch Law ErHorcement- Fo~izia di Sta[o - Sezione F~cntse~a Ssalo Maritimo. Largo Bella Pace,00053 Civltavecchia_ Tel nor: 3q-0761-9601
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a~uf'trr~i~hetng pfi Bli persOfls rtty Teatn wrtlf be m~+arirtg ff P4W.SrikrirYl~Flg Sl113ft tk Sdf23f Sp}B~T~F~Wt~i 5l~IfIF1 (dt512 kt 4 41ZE5 . Bid ~OOkNS9 C60I. CORtA~B[I~fY SW~I1 Y25fs df4 ~igrxe6fiacf,ddrenag~sntol2.Sw;mvesfsareioca~dP~srtn~ ioat2l.~tatian~nCse[~l4ar~dn2arthet~d'sPoaFonDeckt2-~ ~^"'~.. &u1Y C8n1BT6 FOr YFf2 tmboard,~ism2 meRlbBrs ~Ot1Y LdRtC~B dS pH136~
{~~.1~ Q~ check the digtfaE signa90 onboard fpr information o~ actiwiY~~s and evB~fs.You tin Blsn tune ~n to your TY. pr ask a crew memller.
X019 1
~y~x~~~ i ~
~i'F~ TI:00 am - 3:00 pm Roy Car@~ean Cups & Lanyxds E~Wo. Royal Shops 11:00 am - a:00 pm Guess the Weight of the &Itto. Centrum 11:00 am - 3:45 pm ~Eccluslve Spa Tows & Dert~or~stra[Ims, Vttaltty $pa
5 P P
izao vm - a:oo w~ +b r-ree n~safle rimescu~a nwmm~>,v~nr sw
130 pm 4Onana Movies Aparnx4 CYxrtia 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Adventure Ocean Open House, Adventure Ocean Z00 pm - 3:30 pm Open Play Basketball. Spans Cwrt rso vm 3:15 pm 3:75 pm I.~S Pm 430Dm
- 6 12
snore ~ca,siau cesurau«i ratic coral meaae General Krgwledpe Trivia, Stlwoner BM Table Tennis Toumammt Poolside AIIP~sxvka aroascbsaMMk tlma In propsratlon for tla Boat Dry 1MWar DrYIMaN Guash (IJri~n for M~q~mo~manb)
5:00 pm 5:00 pn - 6:00 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 5:00 pn - 8:00 pm
♦Free Spa 5500 Raffle, Vltaliry FlU~ess Center Adventure Ocean Opm Hoiue, Adventure Ocean Teen 4T1 Se55ioR Fuel ♦ Ree Aapuncture Walk In CNnk VltaHlY Spa
5:00 pm - 300 pm a Tomas & Ftrie Wine, V~tages 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm -0 Lets Get Loud Sal Away Pool Party, Poolslde ~ Seminar. Walldnq In ComMrt, Vitality Fttness Center 530 pn 5:30 pm - 6:00 ~n ComWknmtary Gamlrg Lesso(u, Caskio Royale 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Open CIIm61rg, Rode pknbinp Wall ~~ #
72 s 6 it
g.30 Pm
f181d Bonanza, Welcome Aboard MM Auctbn. Casino Royale
6 it 12 6 13
10:00 pm -11:00 pm -0 WekorAe Onboard Karaoke, Safari qub 10:00 pm Nrtormal LGBTQ Get Together, Vate~c 70:00 pm O Tezaz Hold'em Cash Gartie, Casino Royale 11:00 pm O Paradise Lotto Draw, Cacho Royale 11:30 pn Sob Travelers' Get kpethH, Vort~ hAhYgFR 1:00 am
6 73 6 6 13 6
4 dnema Movie Aquanan. Ctwna Junbr Cruisers' Curtew
e e i1MF
71 5 6 5 5 5 5 5& 6 6
7:00 pm
fanity Free Mwde (Prize yart~es not Included), Chal{enger's Video Arcade Welcome Onboard Qiartipagr~e Px[y, Rpyal Shops ga4n Your Vazatbn Starter Pack, Art Ga6ery
12 5 5 5 4
8:U Pm 8:45 n!!;
Ezperiere Gival Jewlery h SkiN. Port Shopping Desk ?U~b Trivia: General Knowkdpe, Pit Stop Bar ~ Visual On Sveen Gxne: Actors and Moviei.
5 6
400 qn 9.U0 Pm
Safari CWb Royal Designs-Active Wear 8 Souvenir Sale, Royal Shops 4 Gt~rna Movfe ApuanarL Chars
6 5 6
i IC
Yyakome On6oerdMuds with Coto LOro Noon -1245 pm PooLside
i:oo ago - i:as am z oo ar, - z:as ~„ 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Fine Jewelry G2nd Uim!l9M. ROY ShoPS ~'If You Krgw n ;'~ K- ~,~ ~pw. CeMnm
~~ ~
12 1T 12 p
*Mel Spa Semhiar: How to Look 10 Years Younger in 10 MkwteS. Vi[aI1tY Spa Check Ou[ Your BoaNlrg Ptatos, Pho[o Gallery 6:00 pm 6.'00 Pm ~ Oxma Moviz M~~L Ck~erna 6.00 pm -10:00 pm Guess the Weight of tM1e &itto, CenWm 6:30 ptn Royal CarY~ean C~5 &lanyards Edo, Royal Shops 6:30 pm -10:00 pm Spin & Wki wtth Pak West Art Galery 7:00 pm Fdbw the Steps of Skgian Jewery, Port ShooWng Desk 7:00 pm d Wcdcane Onboard Slww: Acrobats Duo ArtMotlon, Coral Theahe -0 Name That Tune: A880. Sctnoner Bar 7:00 pn
730 Dm 8:00 pm 8:00 Pm
O Wekome Onboxd Show: Duo Art Motion, Coral Theatre
5 &6
6:00 pn
7:15 pm 7:30 Pm - 330 Vm
9:00 pm ~
aoa~ aoaside
n n TI
Clack Malodors with Rosarb Strhgc 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Centrum 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm CeMrum 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm Centium 830 pm - 9:15 pm Tides Dining Room
4 4 4 4
Pooitkk Musit & Sall Awey Pxly with DJ Gebrkl 11:00 am - rwon Poolside 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm Poolside
it 11
Danca Muck Mtb Mood Imt~s 8:45 pm - }.30 pm Centrum Centrum 9:45 pm -7030 Pm Centrum 10:45 pm -T130 pm 11:45 pm -1230 am Cenhum
4 4 4 4
Easy LbteM~W Musk wkh HNih Ckss Duo Safari CWb 8:00 pm - 6:45 pm Safari dub 930 pm -10:15 pm 7030 pm -11:15 pm Safari qub Safari Club 11:30 pm -17.15 am
6 6 6 6
Pteno Entertdnman[ wIM Jody Weda Schooncv Bar 730 pm - Wte
Dance Party wikh DJ GalH1W 10:00 pm - Wte Vortex
Vortex Disco is fw adults 18 years a~W older after70:00 pm. fnteitainers will faire c txeala.
0 L~~
Messina: The Gateway to Sicily Just off the coast of the Italy's mainland, on the island of Sicily, lies contemporary Messina. Take a stroll through the Duomo, the town's main cathedral in the Piazza del Duomo. Be sure to check out the world's largest astronomical clock, and make a wish in the Fontana di Orione. One of the most popular attractions nearby is Mount Etna, Europe's largest active volcano. Travel through the Sicilian countryside to the Silvestri Spent Craters for an amazing look at the volcanic terrain. Also worth a visit is the ancient village of Taormina, complete with a Greek Theater, a 15th-century palace and several unique shops and cafes. Cruise Director's Duote of the Day "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so mtxh" -Oscar Wilde
TRENDING TODAY 30:30 Art Auction Can our auctioneer auction off 30 works of art in 30 minutes? If not, everyone who attends get a complimentary work of art! Come watch the fun and you might win a prize. 10:00 am - 10:30 am, Centrum, Deck 4 Ladles Pamper Pnrty Come and join our amazing interactive seminar before reaching to Sicily, about the latest Anti Aging solutions and free Skin, Eye and Neck Collagen treatments with Sun Glow Make over. Dial 3887 to reserve. Vitality Spa, Deck 17 50'5860's Dance Party Grab your poodle skirts and bobby socks and [revel back to the 50's & 60's as we twist the night away with you Entertainment team and the Mood Icons Band. 10:00 pm, Centrum, Deck 4
LAST FNNU'1'E'FOlIR~1~4SiC~iX '' ~.ove~3'7aormina "Td011i~l'd~. WY8 RiY1dTe 4YIfi@ $~ JCVMBS$ "7diktl'~Itl8l3ff Ygkt~ 4118 TIAEiSf4f Ylsit vs eCtheshore ~areurarnes F~esk On L7etk 41~ â&#x201A;Źrrrd buf more antitsssign up
Cafe Select Coffee Cards Perk up your morning, afternoon or evening with our Cafe Select coffee card. Get 20% or more off specialty coffees. ' Enjoy l5 tall espreswbaseG spxWtty coffees to oNy 531.
Buy One Get One Free Calling all Pinnacle and Diamond plus members don't miss the chance to use Bogo tonight on the cover charge in Giovanni's Table or Chops Grille. Book now to avoid disapointement. ~ia174 for reservations. Keep Your Loved Ones Up to Date Surf the web with the SURF Full Voyage Package at just $15.99 per day. Only want a short period of access? We offer day pass as wel I. •zzx vnT ~zwaad m n~i owe o~ke Connect to the "WiFi-Gues[-Jewel"or visit the VOOM Help Desk, on Deck 7.
IN THE SF+QTLfCHT H@~dl~tt@i S1YOWt~ittB 3tdl'C1i11~ SIlt9$r FlOg@r1N'hit~►t Rpger YJright the UK's origMal adult'~imba' from the lion IGng brings you ltis'Feel Gaoc! shovr Feahxi~9 Saul. hbtotvn, theaVe songs aid more! to leave you #eetir~ goad 8:30 pm & )4:15 pm, Caal Theatre, Decks 5 & 6 me savinsGf saelsarid v~aeataai~bt shq+es ~s shictlr o.a~~bnen. alease rermm rrc~m ~~4 Y~ GHIPie9fINOt tM~p'4t'4Y fddlQS.fltl~Ifijt 1hEP~~mb~Ee ASSlsihre L!#R~~9 System availehle aT Guest Se~Arrs. Cledt 4..
UAYTIM~ AQY~NTU12E5 E~dI1atF8~fAlI1S SA/Oft~ fa8111@ The fin word game, whefe ys~u use as many flf your selected letters to ueate multipt~ wards, andearning poinPs far them:.foin your Crusie Director's Staff this afternoon and challenge your fellow guesfs In this aitiviYy. 1:45 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Save up to 75%with Best~Buys Look for the Best Buy logos in the Royal Shops and save up to 75% on jewelry, watches, beauty products, spirits and more. Quantities are IimiYed and so is the time for these deals, so grab your Best Buys brochure and hurry to the Royal Shops on Deck 5.
1~isual Onscreen G~agie: Fla~s of the Vllurld How well do you know your Flags? Can you guess tMe cqu~[elras from pidt~es7 ieYe f#nd aut this afkEmpon9 Jo1n or form a team, dnd havesam~ [un a~iYh Y~+w ~Fui5e DirecEcu's Staff. 3:OQ Pm, SAf~ci CfUbr DBCk 6r
Free Jewel Portfolio and Map Receive a keepsake photo display folder, afull-color photo of the ship, and a map of your adventure when you purchase any Photo Package. Photo Gallery. Deck 5
"R4tk the Rt~um" Game Shaer ihis is the ultimate music Challenge! loin your Guise Director's Staff as they tee your m~stc knowledge. Entertaining and fUn for all ages. 8:09 pm, CeMrurrk Deck 4
GO SMILE Teeth Whitening Whiten your teeth and brighten your smile up to 6 shades with the safest, most effective teeth whitening system available today. Enjoy a $30 discount today. Dia! 3887, Vdaldy Spa, Deck 71 All About Ports And Local Flavors Make the most of your time and money planning ahead. Meet Ulises your Port and Shopping Consultant to receive all the best information from the upcoming ports of call. 8:00 pm - 9'00 pm. Port and Shopping Desk, Deck 5
$0 $4tQOt~5 A~ LBSS~~M@'8~'IOIAt Get ready fpr 6(Y 5ec0~dsur LeSS, an outrageously furmY game o~ best the Gladc her5ted Cy ttt~~uf5e Rirecto~SYaY#. CReer ot~ contestants as they complete apfry5ical cha0enge using ordinary household iYerns[n g naf sro ordinary Yvay! 8:Q0 pm, Cerrtrum, Deck4 Adtdt Karaolea HGur What will ypu ~hc~p5ato waw yOU~ 8udienCe kviCh?Atone ballaA, Qr a popular Sang w@ all kncnv by tlfl~rtP You c~[1 do ~, just pi[k a Song and have some fam ~iih your Cruise pirecCor's Staff. 9:00 pm - 10:O0 pm, Safari Club, Deck b
TQt?AY'S MGYI~S tinema Move: Bahamian Rhapsody fP6.131hr 15 mMs1 "fhe story of fihe rock hand pueen and i~ad singer Freddie Ntercury, leading ~ fn their farnQus perfflrmaoee ai L6~e Aid (1985). B:OQ am, 3~QQ pm, b:00 pert, 9:00 pm, m/dnight Cinema, Aeck 6
YOUR WINNING TICKET FOR ADVENTURE IYs never too early to plan your next adventure or to win a raffle of savings. When you book your next Royal Caribean adventure by day 4 of your sailing, you'll be entered to win $300 to spend at sea. NextGulse, Deck 5
Biy &rasa Moyle: Mary Popplas Returns ROtBPIi, 3h[s m mlrt~ GeGades after her original vJ~~t, the r~agKa1 nanny raYurns to help tt~ Banks ~it~fings andMiefiae['s ehil~ken Ehmugh a ditficu[Y time in #heir lines, j~Qmedy, Family; Fantasy}Stars: Er~iFy Blunt. ~;1n-Manuel ~iita~da.Ben 4Vhishaw: 7:DQ pin acid 9:30 pm, Pewlside: Deck )t -
,. , -
Medical FacJity (Dial 5p
Language Assistance
Shore F~ccursions Desk
5 5 5 5 5
Art Gallery Food & Beve2ge Hospltaliry Desk My Time Dinkg Reservation (Dial 3333) NextCruise Office Photo Gallery
5:00 am - 71:00 am 4:00 Pm - 7:00 pm 900am - 77:00 am 6:OO pm-7:OO pm 8:00 am -10:30 am 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 7:00 pm -10:00 pm 1130 am - 3:00 pm 830 am - 4:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 8:30 pm -17:00 pm
Portr~ic sn,db n~
Aso ~- e:oo ~
93' 0 pm -10:45 pm 8:00 pm -9:00 pm 9:30 pm -arrival 830 pm -11:00 pm 6 Gino Royale 8:15 pm -late 7 Internet Assistance 8:00 am -11:00 am 4:00 Pm -7:00 Pm it Maln Pool 9:00 am - 9:00 pm it Pool Towel Station 7:00 am - 70:00 pm it Solarium Pool (Adults only) 7;00 am -10:00 pm 71 Vitality Spa (Dial 72) 8:00 am -10:00 pm 12 Loyalty Ambassador Desk 10:00 am -noon 5:00 Pm - 7:00 pm 12 Kids Pool 3.'00 pm - 7:00 pm 72 YRality Fitness Center 6:00 am - 70:00 pm 12 Waterslide 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 13 Rock CNmbing Wall 9:00 am -11:00 am 4:00 pm -7:00 pm The Following Services and Venues are Ocen 24 hours' 4 Guest Servicas (Dial 0) 4 & 7 royal Caribbean online 5 Community Bulletin Board Dalry show Slwu[ Out Box, Ca(E lattrtudes S 6 Collaborative Jigsaw Puale,Schooner Bar 6 Cards and Games 6 Library 12 Challengers Video Arcade Frner9ency Onry,(Dial 971) Please bung your SeaPass card to all activities. Certain age, height weight and clothing reGuiremeNs inay apply. Please check activity 5lynage for more information and description of onbodrd serviws and polities, please read useful Information on the back of Meet the officer Tags. Please Note- Select pools and whirlpools may he dosed fa cleaning and maintenance.Minoa must be supervised at all times and wear proper floa[i~ tlevlces- Young children in diapers/pull ups/ swimmers may not use the pools/whirlUoo~s. even If accompanied by a parenU guardian. The reserving of chairs is not {permitted. 5 5
Port Shopping Rval Slaps
SICILY(MESSINA),ITALY PORT AGENT ADDRESS8 NUMBERS HUGO TRUMPY C/O DE STEFANO SFECIALE & C. S.R.L - l,V1A i~R I Mp SETTEMBRE 84 Domenico Spetlale - ~°ar~age~ Tel: +39 09DJ740 4d' Cefphone: «39 090.6787341 U.S. Embassy, Rome,Italy -Via Vittorio Veneto ll9/A_ OO7H~ Rcxnz,4.alia, Tel: 39-06-4674-1 Local Law ¢nforcement - 4ddrpss Via Placida, 2. 98121 MPss~nc P7i-. ~,r~ly. Phone:+39 09C 356171
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IZUMf ~~~
Fresh and fl2vorP~ Sushi rails clod sashimi, or cook Your meat ishi~aki stq)e, On a hat rock pla[ed at your table. Diat5555PorFeseruativrts.
DAY ~ ~~~~~~~;my . ~ ~
Ch 14 11 11
Midnight - 8:00 pm The Dalty Show with Mdrea 8 Luang 7:00 am -11:00 am •BloodY ~Y &Mimosa Spedals. Windjammer ♦Free Acupuncture Wak In Ginkk Vltaltty Spa 8:00 am - rgon 9:0p am •Semkiar. Detox for Health and Weight Loss,
dFieadWw5lbwttne s1a'hi9 sYger Roge/ N4'Ight.
8:45 ~n
Cgel7}~g~e Local Greece Stae - Grxd Umellkig, Royal Slwps !!Male: Boheml~ RhaDsodY. Cinema
5& 6 5
300 Pm 9:00 pm -10:00 pm -0 Adutt Karaoke, Safari Club Movado Swiss Tyne Piece Even[, Royal Shops 430 pm EI &g Screen Movie: Mary Poppers Returtu, Podslde 9:30 pm
6 6 5 P
Vftaliry Fitness Center
6 13
9:00 am ~ Mwie: Bol~ernian FihaP~dY. Glnertia 900 am - 71:W am Oulet Zone. Vorte~c 9:00 am - 3:00 Pm OPT ~Y (A9e5 6 rtrontlt5 - 36 monttts). Vate~c Open PkkkbalL Sfwrts Court 9:00 am 9:00 am -11:00 am Open pknbkg. Rak Climbing Wall Art Re~slydtlm & Raffle Entry, Centrum 9:30 am
13 72 13 4 6 11
930 am 9:45 am 10:00 am
S+idoku Ch~lenBe. Sdiooner Bar Mornkg Stretfi. Podside ♦Ladles PamUer PaiTY wtth AMfA9h9 Sdutlas.
10:00 am -70:30 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 10:45 am 71:30 am 7:45 pm 3:00 Pm 3:30 Pm 4:00 pn
4 30:30 Art Auc[bn, Centnm it -0 Latin Flt Wa~knu[, Poolside 6 Momin9 TMvia, Schooner Bar 6 fx Plate Puule. Sc7bo~er Bar 6 Adutt Coloring, Schomer Bar 6 Bananaprams Word Game, Schooner Bar 6 ~ Male: Bdiemi~ RhaP~dY. Cinertia ~ Vlval On Screen Game F1afl5 of the WaM. Safari Club 6 •Free Workshop - 6etting RW W Puffy Eyes and Dark
10:00 pm 10:00 pm 10:00 pm 10:15 Pm
Informal LGBTO Mix and Mhgle, Vortex -0 50's 8 60's Raic and RoR Party, Centrum Y Taus Hold'em Cash Game, Caslrro Royale ~ Headir~r Slww[Ime s~rrfn9 sign Roger Nhi9ht
13 4 6
11:00 pm MldMght 1:00 am
Coral Theatre •Paradise Lotto Draw. Casira Royale 4Mwle: Bohemian Rhapsody, Cinema Junior U~kers' Curtew
5& 6 6 6
vita~Ry Spa
4:15 pn 4:45 pm S00 qn
8:30 Pm
ones. vtt~nv sag Bean Bag Toss Q~lenpe. Poo~lde Afterrgon TrIvW, Pit Stop Bar A Name That Tune: 50's & 60's, Sdboner Bar Table TerWs Taxnarnent Poolside Aft -0 Llne Dance Class, Poolside -0Poolside Musk With DJ GalxfH. Poolsie
n 11 6 6 P 11 it 6
5:00 pn 5:00 pm S:LS pm - 6:45 pm 5:30 pm' 9'.30 pm YTapas 8 Flne Wire, Vintages
!b Male Bohemian Rlw0.sody.Onmu •Free Foopxint Analysis, Vttallry Fltrass Center -0 Name That TUne: Classic Rock Schooner Bar J:00 pn - 8 W pm QtrnWrg Under The Stars, Rode CXmbkg Wall !!BI9 Screen Movie: Mary PoPDkIs Retort¢. Podside 7:00 Pm
6 12
-0 Visual On Screen tine: Famatt Faces, Safari pub 7:30 pn -930 pm Blowout Art Sale, Art Gatlery 7:45 pm - 8:15 pm CanWimentary Gamkq Lessa~s. Caskw Royale 4 "60 Seconds a Lets' Game Show. Centrum 8:00 pn 8:00 ~n -9:00 pn Shop, Eat and Drkik In Malta. Ask Ultses,
6 5 6 4
6:00 Pm 7:00 qn 7:0p pm
7;30 pm
X30 Pm g:3p pm 8;30 Pm
Part ShoDPh9 Desk Wb Trivia Food and Sdrltr. Ptt SioP Bar Custom JewHry Colktitbn. Royal Shops Check Out Discoufrted %wto Pa~m9es, Photo Gallery
8:30 pm
Frag2nce Clearance Sale, Royal Shops
6 13 P
5 6 5 5 5
~ Ml~$kC A~,~ D.Ek~Ca~N ♦ ~ e
Cleifk MBIOdes wldl ROfariO SMnps Centnm 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm Centrian 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Tides Dinlrg Roan 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm Tides Dir~~9 Room 8:30 Pm -9:15 Pm
4 4 4 4
POOlflda MLLSk wltll FII~ Clams Duo Poohide 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm Poolside 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
it it
Easy llsta~ny Musk M~ItlI Hlph Clest DUO Schooner Bar 6:15 - 7:00 pm Schooner Bar 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm
6 6
SO'S 860'5 ROCk efM ROY PertY WHtI MOOR ICOIIS Centrum 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm Centrum 9:00 pm - 9:45 pm Cenhtan 10:00 pm -10:45 pm Centrun 11:00 pm -11:45 Pm
4 4 4 4
Latln Dance Musk wRh Coco loco Safari Club 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm SaYari Gub 8:15 pm - 9:00 pm Safari Gub 1015 ~n -11:00 pm Safari Club 11:15 pm - mitkdght
6 6 6 6
PIa110 EIRBItakNllillt Y/Ith.lOfly WLd6 Schooner Bar 9:30 Pm - Wte'
PeRy MltSi[ Ylldl Ql Gdx181 Vortex 70:00 pm -late 'EMertainers w~l take perbdk Meeks.
99PRD39330 ~uru..~....
u DISCOVER VALLETTA, A GENUINE MEDIEVAL MARVEL IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Situated on the island of Malta just south of Sicily, Valletta is a stunning architectural marvel. Its breathtaking sand-colored buildings, all made out of native limestone rock, blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings. Explore the city's main square to get a feel for this historic town. St. John's Cathedral is perhaps the most fascinating landmark and home to one of Caravaggio's most famous paintings. The Palace of the Grand Masters is where you'll find portraits and furniture pieces from that period. And for a magnificent panoramic view of the harbor and limestone cityscape, take a stroll through the Upper Barrakka Gardens.
Cruise Director's quote of the Day "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" - Abraham Lincoln
TRENDING TODAY Beverege Packages -Last Chance To Save Last chance to save on all of your favorite cocktails, beers, wines and Non-alcoholic options with our all inclusive Deluxe Beverage Package. Ask your friendly bar staff for more details. Look 10 Years Younger Today Want to return home looking refreshed and youthful? The Medi-Spa offers targeted wrinkle treatments, non-wrgical face lift and lip enhancements. Dia13887 or visit us in the Vitality Spa, Dxk it Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception and Portraits Captain Trym invites you to join him at his welcome aboard reception held in your honor. Don't miss his welcome speech at approximately 8:00 pm, Centrum, Oxks 4, 5. 6. â&#x20AC;˘ Professional formal portraits will be available with Captain Trym from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Centrum. Oeck 5.
` ' ME#IC78 $'Ei(SXOif~ V81#etta "'M~t~ ~tY SE~hts Carand hla~Fa Highii<lhts 'Ylstft~sat the 5hcrr~* ~Zcutsiuns U~este wt C~,eck~4 fcr~ttod trr~t mtu2 f to sl$tt up.
Get A Package Today Connect to "WiFi-Guest-Jewel" on your device to select a package of your choice. Check emails, video chat, post pits ' and etc. •znc vnT ~~a,aaa M e~ni oaf P~~e. lntemet Help Desk, Deck 7
Paragon Recognized for innovative jewelry designs, defining the style of contemporary fashion. Paragon is dedicating to create pieces with lavish gemstones in elegant, sophisticated settings. 8.75 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5
Aroma Seaweed Wrap Cellulite? Fluid retention? Poor circulatlon7 Full body seaweed treatment to detox your body. Enjoy a $50 discount today. Dial 3887 for reservations. Vitality Spa, Deck Il
Get a Family Portrait to Cherish Forever Make the most of your cruise with a family photo by our Professional Photographers. Choose from a gorgeous print or canvas work of art. Photo Gallery, Deck 5
Art Stavanger Hunt Looking to solve some creative clues? IYs fun and easy! Match the artwork with the tarred riddle for a chance to win a fabulous prize. 7:30 pm, Art Gallery, Deck 5
Did You Know ? The Executive Chef has a beautiful selection of Premium items available in the Tides Dining Room every night such has a mouthwathering filetmignon cooked to perfection and Maine lobster.($) Ask your wait staff for details.
Mykonos Must-See 8 Do From food to linens, diamonds to watches, save up to 30%off jewelry &brands like Ulysse Nardin and Kabana. See Ulises for a VIP Shopping Package before going to guaranteed shops ashore. 800 pm- 9:00 pm, Porf Shopping Desk. Deck 5
RETURNING FAVORITE. NEW THRILLS. Rhapsody of the Seas returns in 2020 - 2021 with adventures from Tampa, FL —Including the returning favorite 7-night western Caribbean sailings and a new bucket list it-night Panama Canal expedition. NextGuise, Deck 5
Ifs T'F~ ~~TL~~H ~~I~D1A~it@=1NIr ~ P ~lti~'rfl'~►p8[ y Stacring tt~e Royat Caribbean Singers and F~ancers and tMe Jewel of the Seas 4hEYs~fa. CRIe'bretes the m45i[al th~ter pfbd~eCtiDnS that 170ve graced both the 6fflaelvray ~!VYe5t Enet Stages. Enloy classic show twos by Cole Porter and Andrew Ltpyd Weber t4 more contem~rary hits such as Hohemfan Rhapsody and Gopacabana. West End to eraacfiway~5 ~n eattre'metYttss~l' ~1¢nt2rtaining Show. 8.3p pm& ]f!:t5 pm, Cofat Theatre, L~etks 5 & 6 The 53v'rcg aE SBdtS and vltle0t8P~9 of Shows is 5tricGY proh~lit¢d. Please refi~amfmrnu5blgyWrcel~pholleand(grtwq-wayratllosdu[ingthe P2rfurm~riC4. ASSiSklve Llster~n9 a~StCrt~ et~atN¢ at fiuESt 58rvke5. D@tk 4.
Pki~B'frtVla: tame filet FG~d How well tao yon tell Your Fatd hY seetr g R in pictures? Joie your Cruise QiteLtUf's Staff this ritdfning aerc! see ha+~ tve0 ytnu v~5ual memarY 8d~& ~t 10.30 arrr, ~*chruttrert Bar, Dick 6 LGtew18 Moue Cniise 5fBfl` 51Wia wants to share a tradtt and 4dm@from Me~cico; where stye is PrCmi lYs very simpleand s0 tt uth11m!.#oirY her acid learn how to RWY l ta Mexipr~! ~oopm, ScnoonerBar, DeccXS -. ~~ "'~~~~i fN~~~.IW'
AdU~tB81'fi~1~tlaaSBX@SGdtn~S#~ow Meg cu warr~ - ts~rt LQ khaar ~vhtYs 68ttEr? Join yauv Guise Direct4r'SSta€F andfmd out.kilaC~rr~ It [ailtl 9~ riotously funrtY' 9.15 pm. Centrum OEYk 4 a. , . . AdUtt KBr,~CKa-SUpBrstBrS Q Y1~19 RQWCI ,'~1 What wilI you choose to wow yaw e~dience wikh7 d lave [aaltad, or a RoP~f sofuJ W2 aff k~o+K dy hurt? TaN9ht `Ne wNl Ike1~9~. a~ only a select@d femr wi[t mtrt~ c~tttn the grand fir~ls ari the ~t ntyM of the c~€se wfi2re sve tote tfie ac~esn maul sta9~ ro:onpm, sararre~un, r~erres. TQ~~~~.~i ~~~~ .~F C~141tgtl~ ~C~~16~[~'CI~S'O~til'k1d~fAtal~l (P~3-Y3;1h 14rt~t} The sece[fd inst~imer~t t~ tlt~ "Fa~stie Beasks" series tsazuring the .7dV0~I1fA5 ftf~'IB~J~~D0149i~CHBWC $Cdfri0~d0C 9:ORam.3:RlJfim.f::QOFm&9:[t9grtkGinema,'!]eek6 Big Screen Niorrle: Green Book fPG-13, 3h lomfn) A ~vnaking-class italtan-americ~ ko~er becomes the driver of an '.tfYFi3ugh tfre A$iC~rArneriK7nd~38iC81 pianist unaktitR'.taf Ymt 19505 American Sash. ZR[1prti.$ 93tt73m,~PQ0I5(de. CY~ck it
e 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 6 7 71 11 it P 12 72 12 12 13
Metkcal Fac7ity (Dial 51)
B.~EIO am -11;00 am 4:00 Pm -7:00 pm 8:00 am - 9:30 am Language Assistance 6:00 pm - 730 pm 8:00 am -10:00 am Shore 6ccursaru Desk 4:00 pm - 8.'00 pm 6:00 pm'10:00 pm Art Gallery Food &Beverage FbspRality Desk 1130 am - 3:W pm My Time Dinirg Reservation(DWI 3333) 830 am - 4:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm NextCruise Office Photo Gallery 530 pm -11:00 pm Portrait Studio Tme 530 pm - 6:30 pm 730 pm - 9:00 pm 10:00 pm -10:45 pm 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Port Stopping Royal Shorys 5:30 pm -11:00 pm Caslno Royale 6:00 pm -late Internet Assistance 8:00 am -71:00 am 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Main Pool 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 7:00 am -10:00 pm Pod Towel Statim 7:00 am - 70:00 pm SolarWm Pool(Ad~ts oNy) YRality Spa (Dial 72) .8:00 am - tO:W pm 70:00 am -noon Loyalty Ambassador Desk 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 Pm Kids Pool Vtality Fitness Center 6:00 am -10:00 pm 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Waterslide 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Rock climbing Wall
The Following Servkes and Venues are Ocen 24 hours: 4 4& 7 5 5 6 6 6 12
Guest Services (Dial 0) royal cadbbeao online Community Bulletin Board Dalty Show Shout Ou[ Box CafE Lattrtudes ColWborative Jigsaw Puzzle,Schooner Bar Cards and Games Library Challenger's Video Arcade Emergency Onry,(Dia1911)
Please bring your SeaPass card to alt ac[ivi6es. Certain age. height, weight and Uothing requirements may apply. Please check activity si9nage for more information and description of onboard services and polities, please read useful Information on the back of Meet the officer Tags. Please Note: Selxt poolsand whirlpools may be dosed forcleaniny and maintenance. Minors must be wpervised at all tlrtles and wear proper fbating devices. Young children in diapers/pull ups/ swimmers rr~y not use the pools/whirlpools, even if accompanied by a parenU guardian. The reserving of chairs is not permitted_ VALLETA, MALTA PORT AGENT ADDRESS 8 PIUMBERS S.Mlfsud &Sons LW (SMS)-137 East Street, Valletta Edward Houlton-Operations Executive Tel: 011 356-2-5773120 / Celphone: 011 356-9-9497439 US EMBASSY VALLETA- Ta' Kali National Park Attard, ATD 4000 Tel:(356)2561 4000 Fax:(356)21 243229 VALLETA POLICE STATION- Archbishop Street Phone: +356 2294 3701
IZUM4 Fresh arrd flavorful s[~i ro#Is and sashimi, or cook yo~m meal ishE-yaki skyle, an a hat raEk pWcetl at your table. Dial55S5 fire reservatleMs:
Va1le~tta,~yjla~taMaY ~.2019 ~
hfid~jlt -8()0 am The oaiN stow wah Andrea & I.ieria 7:OO am-hW am O BIOOdY Mary &Mimosa Sp2[lak, Wi~djamrt~er !!Qnema Movie: Fantastk Beasts: The Crimes of 9.90am Grindetwald Cinema 300am-M10an quiet Zone, Vortex 900am -390 pm Open PWY (,~qes 6 months - 36 months), Vorteu Word Search Challenge. Schooner Bar 9:30 am Gene21 Knowledge Momfig hivia Schooner Bar 10:00 am Pktwe Trivia: Name That Food. Schooner Bar 1030 am Sudoku Challenge, Schooner Bar 11:15 am ~► Puffy Eyes ar~d Dark Cfrcides, VI[allty Spa Noon Yuval On Screen TrWi~ hlonunerd of the Wald, CeMm 7:00 pm Free 5 Mlnute.Makeover, VI[altty Spa 2:OO pm Table Tennis Cornpetitbn, Podside 2:00 pm 'Loteria Meuicana' Game. Schooner Bar 3:00 pm dCinema Movie: Fantas[k Beazts: The Crimes of 3:00 pm Grindelwald, Cinema ~ Free Workshop: Flub Retentan and Puffy Mkles, 4:00 pm
v~arr¢y spa
Qi 14 it 6 13 13 6 6 6 6 P 4 it 11 6
12 OpenPlay Volte9ball. Sports Court ' •Sip &Sail, Happy Hour Beer Specials, All Bars 13 Open Qlmbirg, Rods Gimbing Wall P Bean Bag Toss Challenge, Poolslde 11 Challenge of The Day, Poat~de 11 -0 Sail Away Party with yax Cruise Stall Team, Poolside ~ Acupuncture fw Arthrttfs and Flbromyalgia, 17 Vdali[y Spa 6 Bar Stop Pit Knowled9e'hlvia, General Aftenwon 5:00 pm 6 Sb0 pn-100 pn O Tapas & Flne Wine, Vintages 5 Oh My Bag -Leather EvenC Royal Shops 5:30 pm M SerrYnar. Thermage: Non Surgkai Face Lift, 5:30 pm n vrta~b sva &6 5 4, Centrum Portraits. Formal 5:30 pm 6 530 pm-6OO pm Complimentary Gaming Lessons. Casino Royale
4 11 5 6 6 5&6 6
e e TIME
5 S 6 5 17 72 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5
Easy Llst~iny Musk with Rosario Strings 4:45 pm - 530 pm 5:45 pm -.6;30 pm 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Centrum Centrum Tides Dining Room Tides Dining Room
Dance I~sJc with Mood kais
7:75 pm - 8:00 ~sn 8:30 pm-9:i5pm 10:30 pm-ii:l5pm 11:30 pm -12:15 am
Centrum CenWm CenWm Centrum
Poowde ramc wnn Hencis ouo 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm 330 pm - 4:75 pm
~~~t~~~~ Designer Sunglasses Collectbn. Royal Shops Coffee qut wNh Y~+Cnffie Slaff Pad0. Cafc Lat[rttdas 4 Cinerna hbvle: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Qnerna 6O0 pn -10.W pm Guess the Prke of the Peter M1ax. Cenhum 4 Big Screen Mwie: Green Book, Poolside 7:00 pm Adult 3 x 3 Basketball Toumamen4 Sports Court 7:15 pm 730 pn - k00 pn 30,000 Years of Art in 30 Minutes, Baltk Conference Room r30 pm-4.30 pm Invkta Watch Flash Sale, Royal Shops 730 pm -4.30 pm Art Scavenger Hunt, Art Gallery -0 Captain's Welcome Onboard Rxeption. Cenhum 7:30 pm 730 pn-Ai10 pn Professional Pictures with Captain 7rym, Centrum Welcome Speech by Captain Trym, Centrum 8:00 pm Free Shopping in Greece, Pat Shopping Desk lax pm -9:00 &00 pm Mee[ the Oes{gner and His Travelling Collection, 8:15 pm Royal Shops 4 Roduction Show[kne: West End to Broadway, 8:30 pm Coral Theatre 4 Cinema Movie: Fantastic 8eas[s: The Crimes of 9:00 pm Grindelwald, Gnert~a
11:00 pm 1:00 am
q Aduft Battle of the Sexes Game Show, Centrum !! 819 Screen Movie: Green Book. Pootside Design Your Own Jewelry, Royal Shops Ac&ift Karaoke Superstars Round 1. Safari Cab •Terms Fbld'em Cash Game, Casino Royale !!Productbn Showtime: West End to &oadway, Coral Theatre t Paradise Lotto Draw. Casino Royale Junior Cruisers' Curfew
4.00 pm-S.W pm 4:00 pm - 6A0 pn 4OO pm-7:OO pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm
5:45 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm
9:15 pm 930 Pm 930 pm 1(Y.00 pm-Ttt70 pm 10:00 pm 10:15 pm
Poolside Poolside
Easy Ll~eniny Musk with Htgh Class Duo
5:45 pm - 630 pm 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm
Schooner Bar Schooner Bar
Latin Danca Musk with Cao Loco
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm 9:00 pm -9:45 pm 11:00 pm -11:45 pm
Safari Gub Safari qub Safari Qub Safari Club
Plano EntertalnmeM wRh Jody Wade 9:00 pm -late
N~ncdub Mac wnn ~~
Schooner Bar'
Vortex (Latin Hwr) 10:00 pm -11:00 pm Vortex 11:00 pm - late Vortex Disco a for adWts 18 years and rider after 10.00 pm 'Erdertainers w~l take Pudic breaks.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 P 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 13 13
S &6 6 99PRD39330
TODAY'S THE PERFECT CHANCE TO EXPLORE Today is a day at sea and we hope you had a good night's sleep, because with everything you can do onboard, you're going to need it. From sunrise to sunset you can be as active or laid-back as you want to be. Get in a workout, and then treat yourself to a luxurious spa treatment. Come evening, check out our nightly entertainment or try your luck at Casino Royale. One thing is guaranteed, it will be another unforgettable day. Cruise Director's Quote of the Day ' I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am ~Yi~. -0. Wilde
TRENDING TODAY Champagne Art Auction You haven't lived until you've experienced a live art auction. Join us for champagne, a free gift, and fun you'll never forget. 12.30 pm Preview, Auction to fol%w, Sata~i Club, Deck 6 Port 8 Shopping F~cperlence Show Don't miss this one time only event with Ulises! Learn everything about the ports of call, how to plan your day and all about Shopping in Europe. Everyone who attends will receive a copy of a shopping map. See you there! Doors open 70:45 am. 11.•00 am -12:30 pm, Coral Theatre, Deck5 Build-a-Boat Competition Sign up and Competition You can build a toy size boat made of recyclable materials and join our race. This event will happen today, so you have hours to get ready! Anyone can participate Sign up at 10:30 am in Centrum, competition at 4:00 pm poolside
SI~tfFE~ F,1~C~1Q~5 t#ESt'IFIATYObI'fAl1(_ ~, ( a°~ } .~„~
Jcsin us tcrr fl+~ lrlturm r+ pn ~w u~cuming presentaYfcar+ Ports of call. Mykcrcws.S Y~tirsi. AkhettS, W~~s.Ffav~ kBe Eh~Ce f4 s~Ye big wlih tuft Yl~str She. Fhe C3estrnatioa Falk a~~U begin at70.'Ot7 arrt fn tPte Casrat ThQatre /?eck ~ f3ct~r& t~,4k*» ~f 8:43am.
Fill Up Your Minlbar Today You don't have to go far for a refreshing beverage, complete the door hanger form and place outside pn your door, and your requests will be stocked inside your mini-bar by the neM day.
IN'fHE ~P41`t iGHT ;
Are You a Crown8 Anchor Membef~ We have something for all of you! Get up to $56 Off your voyage packages for Diamond Plus membership, 75%Off Emerald &Platinum members. Connect to "WiFi-Guest-Jewel"
No cMldren In tfieflrst The sM'6+R of SeSti ettdvidBW'CP~ MNsnrS iistr7NY P~oh~ited. kd by a Pa~mt or row. CMldren in Sscard uW tbad rows of ti~B 11+e2[Cc rtivst beaccanP7~ BuB~dfa~. Plee9e retreat from u5T~4 Y~ CND P~~e 8~1/ur Mo•waY radios dUrin9 the P~p't~nta Psistive 4atenfnA SY~m avaH~te ~ Guest Servkes, Deck 4.
on your device. •ins vnT i~~aea m ra,~ o~~ea ors /nternet Help Desk. Deck 7
Ladies Pamper Party Come and join our amazing Interactive seminar about the latest Anti Aging solutions and free Skin, Eye and Neck Collagen treatments with Sun Glow Make over. Dial 3887 to reserve Noon, Vitality Spa, Deck 11
Designer Watches Sales Event Designer Watches up to 35% Of -Unveiling and Presentation Save up to 75% at the Designer Watch Event where you'll discover stylish designs and Innovative technology from top brands, starting at $49.50. 3:30 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5
Save Big on Lasting Memories Make your vacation last a lifetime with an All-Inclusive Photo Package. Receive $25 off and get all of your exceptional cruise photos to take home. Photo Gallery, Deck 5
The Art of Making Sushi Learn with the Masters of Sushi right here onboard in Izumi on Deck 12 in this exclusive event at 10:30 am. DialSSSSforReservations. wn~reaa~ean~ra<s~
HtSL~Il1@f ~►11UrW~lfli@ S~dF'C~It~ 1'
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The rnan who made Sirs[on Cowe{l sdy ^f now d[t~ailY txelieva in Magic !I!" en route to fimsMing BrtT~ins 6oY Talent that year as the "Top HumarfY~ith over 5fl0 million YiewS ~Ine, he figs headlined 'The 4f{usionists" in l.ortdp~'s West End which aroke the box office record ak The Sfiaftesbury iheahe. 7:00 pm & 9:00 pm, Cora/ Theatre, Decks 5 8 6
DAY?IME A1~VENTURF,.S wcrrlds se~tiest Mai
Watch the men onboard stmt their Stuff at the World's Sexiest Man competiYiQn. Each man gill get a chance to show off ar~d wow the crowd ~vRh their dandng, wRh Ehe top scorers moving an La tMe flrtals. The all-Pemeke 1ud91n9 Aapal~vi~sBlect a winner wF~atahH have brd49~9 ~9~s foe being the VJorfc!'S Sexiest Mon! 539 Ws at Woos 12:15,om, Ptlntside;l~eck F7 Cesh PrG~e RoYat 8-1-ti-G-O .fQin MurUa yow bingo Host far our very first games of Bingo. A single game in the rtamtng PQr a guaraoteat9 prize of $30Q and anMher session in fhe afternoon where we'{t play fh~ree games tflr c~h as weif. The mare you play. the more we psy. 8rir~g Yow fti~ds! Cards on sale at 10 30 am, fiam~s staRat It:QQaaret Safari Gob, peckb fads on sale at 3.30 am. GameSsTaR atd;,LSam at Safarl C(ub, Deck b
EVENING THR1tf.S TrirlA Baca Gam@ Sho~r Shoes everyone You can he the firsC 4n~fa get to the end of the board by an5weriRg Yo all this questions coCfBEklyi fC i5 3 great way t9 Show everyone haw much kr~wletlge ycwhake; 8:Q0 pm. Safari Club, Deck 6 ~~ 80's and 90's Mega Mbt DtunCePefty r Break out your leg warmers Miafni Y[Ce 5uks and cQlarfut print outfits! It's Ftashdack to the ES)'s 8 9Q'sa tlancep~fy featuring She music of Bon Jpvi, Cindy tauper, VaniNa ICe. 38M1ifer LapeX, and many more. T2vel back in tirtje w[kh ya~r ~rvF5~t39retYgf'SSCaff. IftOD pm, Ce~trum, Deck 4
TOQav~s Mavt~s cinema Mavfe: 61ass{PG-,~9mf~ rfatGrate~litiesiatrack Saturitygt~arpLla~h1C7w5nu5e5fdsS
Kevin WetideU Cr~mti, a disEurhed toast whfl 1~dS twenty-four persaaalities. 9.'00 am, 125 pm. 3.Q0 pm, 6;Qtlprtt 9~(7f?pm, en/dnight, Cinema, Lteck 6
Blfi Creed MOYI@: Aq~ta~n (fG-Lir 2d 2~in~ THE VIEW JUST GOT WILDER.2019 ALASKA ADVENTURES There's never been a wilderness debut like this —summer 2079 Alaska sailings featurethe biggest adventure in the Last Frontier and the tallest seafaring view ever. Book onboard for NextCruise offers and best availability. NextCruise, Deck 5
Arthur Curry, the hurt[BTM1'~om heir #~ thB ursderw3ter ICa~gdom of Atlantis, goes on a quest to Areusr~f a waebefween fhe warkis of ocean and land. ~:OR pm and 3:30 pm, Poolslde, peclt TF
e ~ ~ 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 6 7 P 11 77 71 12 12 12 12 13
B:00 am -11:00 am 4:OO pm-7:OO pm 10:00 am -11:30 am Language AQisiance 5:00 pr~5 - 6:30 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 Pm Shore Eucurslons De9c 6:00 pm -70:00 pm AR Gallery 7730 am - 3:00 pm food &Beverage Hospita&ry Desk My Time Dinirg Reservation (Dial 3333) 8:30 am - 4:00 pm NextCruise Office 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 10:00 am -1030 pm Photo Gallery 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Portrak Studio Time 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm 9:45 pm -10:45 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Port Stwppin9~ 10:00 am -10:00 pm Ro,~ Slaps 8:00 am - Wte Slots Casino Royale 70:00 am -late Tables 9:00 am -noon Internet Assistance 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Maln Pool 7:00 am -10:00 pm Pod Towel Station 7:00 am -10:00 pm Solarium Pool(Adults onM 8:00 am -10:00 pm Vitality Spa (Dial 72) 8:00 am - 70:00 am Loyalty Ambassador Desk 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 70:00 am - 4:00 pm Kids Pool 6:00 am -10:00 pm Vitality Fltness Center 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Waterslide 10:00 am -noon Rxk dlmbing Wall 230 pm -530 pm Mecfical FacAfty (Olal 51)
Th? FOIIO1~If1Q C`tiJIC~'!hi Vf~L~' are Open 24 hoer 4 4&7 5 5 6 6
Guest Services(Dial 0) royal Caribbean online Communtty Bulletin Board Fairy Show Short Out Box CatA Lattrt~des Collaborative Jigsaw Puzzle, Schooner Bar Cards and Games
Library Challenger's Video Arcade Emergency Only,(Dial 911) Please briny your SeaPass card to all activities. Certain age, height, weight and clothing requirements may apply. Please Check activity Signage for more information and description of onboard services and policies, please read usehil Information on the back of Meet the officer Tags. Please Note: Select ppolsantl whRlpoois may b2doSEd forcleaning and maintenance. Minors[rnlst be supervised at all tinms and wear proper floating devices. Young children in diapers/pWl ups/ swimmers may not use the pools/whirlpools, even if xcompanied by a parent/ guardian. The reserving of chairs is not perrrWtted. 6 12
Smoking Only Permitted in Designated Areas' Casino Smoking Section, Deck 6 Std side. Outer Deck, Deck 5 Std side, Pool Deck. Deck 11 Std side, Deck 13 Std side next to Vortex. ' All indoor public spaces, staterooms and balconies are smoke free.
a:st~ am- ~:t~c~am 7~ttt~-11;OQam $ ,04 1-~45~n 10.'S4 a~YF
astanum e~caxr~e cram an4 xus 4Xind~menerCa#k T1d~~Np~6 ~$tt#tomtesS G~eY Brt~K~r. 3fdes FHart~9 r. R~wmc
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your ssa~irg an'aA9erneAts anB Mtntedont»e 4r~c of yvin SeaPi+~scard: (S)Atldlti6na) wrGH~425 Per Person p1u6 atl"~,4 S8N&3B ¢Fi0rg8 w+N he adtletl[o Ya+r kt~(CM1~Ra 6sifF $39:99G~wanN~S'CBbAC S3F.98,L1reC's Ta6fE$~&S.fzurtUHld CdFke Gricin,41'~8am 50rYkA579579perlalty ~D~rnriq can4tlflatwt~s with lestithan 24 hUWSfiOtK§9 sY(~lsa Clta~9~ a PeB of516 aC~mi. [+e. pereaa on Ya~nrS CtR,1~T411TiE5 '~ To Me1P ~ese9tvae superior sernee dutFn9 Your aiiventure vw'4ti tx.3bt4.5C[ ". added f~Your SetitPass USD gtatwtlr Y377.Sf)tJSO for Sucks sge5~-)is acrnurn.s1a~Fr. Thy 9raxuifv iS shared aman9sc %lie foadfheveea9e and cu6rrarY 58rvrc9s sYaf~ stat2room 8tt2ndantsan4Fathe525setrtiai tro[e~ servicesteafic. Pled EmtB TriBf ari't$4o grBtUity is also ~+tVlnetiGdl~3~ addedta 8eaerape ~W Mini~Bar ptiwch~~ts as well atsps8.5a~n~ sa*v~s. HEALTH AFI~ SAFETY iPF~4RN1~Fft}
!i: milk.:: , Sudy'[amera:faFhp ~atetY and wWt b2~n5 ffi aIf petsat~rmb4ard.sortre memtsers ofour'Sec+uvli'7¢am w~tb~ wearing fitly cameras es Bart bf their urtitwn7. C11ddt+4rsartetFbtpltotlD4vk~s For ttie sa4ety sty and ~velk Er tl cF~i[ilren. sru ~vlmrrii~cJ e~ Persa~a7 Hro,ar"w..Iw~rec ~w avuifaMchaee.E r~harnn afi:Wim ~~mlrlark araac mtl ce~nat uetmcc4s rn[ mes~
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EXPERIENCE OI~R GALLEYS FIRSTHAND '~Oin us ~w e'Behind the SCOnes"t~nm of Qw Bailey. followed by a det~derft tirurtcls vfrth unlimited sparkling wine. pia174 fw bnoking.(~)
~MY.4 a[seaay'
MaY 23~ 2019
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t1i~,~'f'If~~ ~~Jf~i`ITi hSdNglt-noon 9:OO am 430 am -10:30 am 930an 930am %Y.00 am 1Q.90 am 1Q.00 an YY.00 am 1(1.00 am
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The Day'Show witlt Mciea&Luang ~ dCherria Mwia Glaa.6wlra OpMi Play Pidcieball. Sports Court Nord Seadi Challenge.Sdgawi Ba MarYn95tretr1L Wo6kk Slwre Fxcusbr~s Dottetbn Tak Caal Tt~tre Cndse(lL E~mG ~OYa~SAOPs Qiedc Qh Yw Fcmlal Plbtos,%toM Galery A t.atln Fgress WakaR FboLside ImWai lagiege Qass wttlt Y~+m AMed CaOim
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wooam M~sgr~rar r~mazr~ vmn n~ mm ,vro~nv soa n IWt. Neecle&Hook GathcrinB(SeY led).~Ma9es 6 i000am-reasam ove~orm►q.a«~c~„~awa~ B t(Y.00 am
10.'00 am EI MarYn9 hMd Shcoona Bar 1tr30 an-ROO am eS300 Cxeratfegl RAeI BF~90. Cadsm SalE 5afalQb 1(730 am Sgn w 8 Irto for BuWd a Boa[ CanDebUal Catnnn %730 an •BofLotnles Gales' ~ud~, Tides DiaYi9 Roan
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Ta+H FOYfiID Deng w9h Flusela~Ug T~r4 CenWn X5300 GEran[eed Feral tii00. Gane SiartS Safari C1~6 Pat9nppF~9 Ta1cE~eleioe GreeoeBRaN. Coral i}leaO~e The Coiortul World dPeler Marc Adrlatic Confaie~ee Roan SeaeCs to a Ratter Stanad~ Yrta~ly Fltrwss Cara •Y2 hHrr~csa FI~PJ Hw Castio Ro~ak -0Sa~0anc20as wYhyoirOa~rn Capfah fdcadq CerOtm KaCan aiamr»v~e u*~g. Hoak sroas ~Free Laws Panx~ PxtY. `~ta§lY sag !~ Ckiana Movie G1acS an~na
5 12 6 4 s it 6
Tt~ Pm 12'l5 pm -300 Pm 2i0 pm R45 Pm
FamMY Prlae BIn9o. Pd~vNe Ornai Of~Ra!(A9es6montl5-36 months). VorO~c Prt MKUm Re~hatlon and Raffle FshY. Safari Clb Q~nPagne Fvt FwctbR Safari Club
12 II 6 6
t00 Pm t30 Pm i:as ~n 200 pn 200 Pm 20o r~ 230 pn
Pkhre Tiivlx Catoai Do9S Sdnaia Ba NaP~dn Fddrg Oaa Part L Sdnoria Ba nd~rc va~evta~i ra,na~.,~ saorrs cows • BladQadc Tamarnat OieYfla, Cacho Rgale YYortral VeOnarc GaltwMi9 (SeM Lc~. Ptt StaP &r s Royal shot roimarwt c~tiaYria, casino Rode Snnke'~ E1~ `Nor~dwP, Raft ~~
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-0 Name That Tu~tt NSeries, Sdwoirf Bar 6 6 •Royal Pdca Tarnanent Qiallfier, fazlno Royale NexlGuhe Talk 019. Bold and &~Maldn9 P1aU4 Cenlnmi 4
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•Beglrnel5 Fhe W1'ieTaStkip, VYttag~s 4Orrna Mwle Qaa, CY~.ma WYws Fvdnd Ute World-Fne Wne TaSlkiB.
3:00 pm 3U0 pm i 'OO pn 3:15 pn 3_i0 a~ z~oam 330 pm - 4:15 pn 4O0 Pm 4:75 pm 5.00 Pm 5:30 pn 530 pm -990 pm 5:45 pn
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~Bh screen novae apm~ai, roaside Aliea~v3n~MYneM JanYeF~er4 Coral llpefm Free V~ Cads fa M~kwgS, Pot[ Shop~Fi9 Drslc -0Nart~e llr~t Tune:80Y, Sdnorw~Bar AI The Trhia Rate Game Show. Safari (}b Teen ~clusive (Age 12 - in Alr Hakey Tournament Challenger's Video Arcade Tax Free Stappirg in Greece, Port Shopping Desk Spot the Real Alexandrite, Royal Shops 4H~dna 9ia+TYrieM~,Jarde Rael Coal ll~tre 4(}~anu Mole: C~,Hs.6wma 4&D been Flovie Apuartian. Poolskle
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eTmac Fbldem Cash 6artid Caskio Ro'fale a80's & 90's Mega hmc PatY, Cmwn L68f~ Mbc & Mhgle. Vatoc O Paradke Lotto Draw, Caslrro Royale 4Orw11N Mv.Ae C~las.6tmu hnbr CNi5er5' CUrfeW
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5 SpoAs hMa, PR Stop Bar 5 Flow Deslq~ Watdws Are Made, Roial Shams ssennacaaw~mrearsaesa,dwe~t~s.wr~rsaan 6 ~ Cazh PrKe Royal BNgo Cards on Sale, Safari CJ~ A BUYd~aBoat Cmip~re fie Raoe. Main Pad t Cash Prize Roy Bhpo, Games Start, Safari Club 6 AfOvrom hM3 Sdnaia Ba 6 12 Adult Soccer TournamcYrt, Sports Coat •Tapers&Fie Whe, VkKages 5 Castal PatraNs, CeYnm 586
Jag Cabaret wkh the Royal Caribbean Slnyers 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Classic Melodies with Rosario Strings 12:15 pm -1:00 pm Centrum Centrum 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Tides Dining 8:45 pm - 9:30 pm Tides Dining Dance Music with Mood Icons 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Centrum 6:45 pm - 7:i5 pm CenWm 9:00 pm - 9:45 pm Centrum 11:45 pm -12:30 am Centrum Bly Band Swing with the Jewel of the Seas Orchestra 4 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm CenWm Easy Listening Music with High Class Duo Schooner Bar 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Schooner Bar 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm
6 6
Latin Dance Music with Coco Loco Safari Club 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Safari Qub 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm Safari Club 9:15 pm -10:00 pm Safari Club 10:15 pm -11:00 pm 11:15 pm - midnght Safari CIS
6 6 6 6 6
Plano Bar EMertalnment with Jody Wade Schooner Bar 9:00 pm -late'
80's Dance Party with DJ & EntertalnmeM Team Centrum 10:00 pm -11:45
Late Night Dance Party with DJ 10:00 pm -late Vortex
'Entertainers will take periodic breaks. "Weather permitting The Vortex Nightclub is to adults 18 years and older after 10:00 pm.
99PRD39330 ItDi~ing - t~E~3terTaintnent
a t+ksic~Danc(n9
M ykonos may be one of the smallest islands in the Cyclades, but its legends are larger than life. According to Greek mythology, it was here that Hercules slew the Giants; the large rocks that are scattered about the island are said to be their petrified corpses. Either way, the rocks are a stunning sight against the deep blue waters of the Aegean Sea. As are the beaches which draw masses of tourists each year for sun and surf. Mykonos Town is just as appealing with its winding streets and whitewashed houses. Take a stroll through the maze of shops, restaurants and bars as you soak up the rays, and the Greek culture.
Y`~~t ►si S€~tatY ~~aF ~~~~ ~ ~~ St~krFst 6.hT2mn ~~ ~ ~ ,~~ ~9ata~4~sclear~nce 7~am Drams Su~gestie~n Casual ~
Cruise Director's quote of the Day
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"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog iYs too dark to read" -G. Marx
Top to Toe Special All of the following for only $159: Swedish Full Body Massage,5kin Brushing ,Foot and Ankle Massage, Neck and Shoulder Massage and Hand and Arm Massage. Dial 3887 to reserve. Vitality Spa, Deck 11
~ ~`~' ~ ~aT~ ~~ ~ ~'i~atlt S~A ~~d ~d R~4Id~3#~Catititl
Under 51,000 Fine Jewelry Event For one hour only, Royal Shops are offering a selection of Fine Jewelry pieces Including Diamond, Sapphires, Rubies and Tanzanite, all under $1,000. Starting at 8:00 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5
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Latin Dance Party What better way to spend your evening than dancing? Join your Latin Band Coco Lao this evening for afun-filled night of music and dancing. 10:45 Pm, Safari Club, Deck 6
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C,uests ~~~s6 agait~t reniin9 Persvnaf ,ATY
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5Hl~R~ EX~{~R510NS 1 96 FLASH SALE Save ]li on selected tours far 5antarmi ar~d Athens; Ffash sale vaitid icxiay otrly farm ~:~ltl wn tm 6.oU pm. E:imited s~tdCeS avait8tzie. Share Eacutsia,~ pgsk Ce~rtrum. aeck+a
&~ck~t~tF~uYtae7' a.~t~e~! &~skluctars
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Wlnes Around The World -Book Your Space Today Join us for a tasting a selection of our favorRe wines. Book now at Vintages on Deck 6 or with your dining room Waiter -Spaces are limited. $15 per guest oronfy$tOfor guests with the Deluxe Beverage Package. 3:00 pm, Day 8 At Sea, Tides Dining Room, Deck 4
~~ ~~ (k'CheStta. {~~~ Seas
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Save uP to 75%with Best BUYS Look for the Best Buy logos in the Royal Shops and save up to 75% on jewelry, watches, beauty products, spirits and more. Quantities are limited and so is the time for these deals. 8:15 pm, RoyalShopS,DeckS
( Q(~fa$$ And SC t~e9f~sthe InCredidle iaarnel'~rou9~ cites c+P dreamy reverie tl~ be9~'~~h a ff[pi~ drscietR.Atlar~is and wonders from there to ~4tfdia,themusicatYenice..mclthetelestl ~ Utf~e.S, aid ~~f ~~~~ ~~} ~ ~' u~~Fl~ G~ettlatiC scen2rytrBhspOrt tFtc audlBnCe to these e~itt~ ioc~ions artdtls8U~ligUse~tpB iBbC6~thdf istfteCiky~Aleartts~ ~:1DptftB~r(lt7prr4Estt3f7heafre,(J2~ks5B6
SteyOn Catch up on email, post vacation memories, or make arrengementr.~s vnr ircw,aea n n~a a~~ma o~~ Connect to "WiFi-GuesbJewel"and 90 to login.mm on your device to get started or visit the Help Desk on Deck?
ihuBavin9ot5e~sa~tSvWeotapin9ofshow,s~sttictlYt~ibi[ed,Ple~e ~~~~ ` ~~ ~~a~d(4f twn-Way ia[~S dungthe a€~f te. Asslstiw i7steh~n9SYskem avagable at Guest Servtce~ Dectc4 v~ !~[ `'e ~fI.f ~~r E~11*k ~~7IG~ 1 V ~~,~,~~ ny~~~p ~~f~o
Thomas Kinkade Seminar &Sale Why do they call legendary artist Thomas Kinkade'The Painter of Light"7 Learn all about one of the most collected artists In the world at this engaging seminar, followed by an exciting raffle. 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Baltic Conference Room, Oeck 5 Celebration? Join us in any of our Specialty Restaurants and make it a night to remember and we will offer 40% on the Cover Charge. Thank you for spending this special occasion with us, Congratulations. Dial73 for reservations.($) Free Jewei Portfolio and Map Receive a keepsake photo display folder, afull-color photo of the ship, and a map of your adventure when you purchase any four 8x70 prints. Photo Ga//ery, Deck 5 Welcome to Mykonos Read your Shopping Map and start your day in location #1 to enjoy luxury shopping, music, food &fun, just a boat ride from the ship. Watch Ulises on Channel 22 & 26 for more info.
dhY?Fg4 [F#AjF 4~ 5fIf1~HG DUL aIFFE[4~1i 4[~ soa~ldr}Y ~a~"g~ v¢» yvu »e a#fe try cetl chi aFfferenee?' Js~in your favise p€ractar~s staff co #~sui cwt, 74:34a~ ScHoanet Bar, Deck 6 Ati1#►~t t+a~Y E#ijCy ihi51oun9Y Upbeat atmp5pher~ d5 w~ 5Bt 5aE1 frGrtt MpkonOS. ~a tt~e ~r,(ay a ~o~ktaiF from year nar team and tit the hurtle wsv~s take you to another (eYet Uf'Ct7rtScl4usrt0sSl 5:4It7a~Poalslde,'AetkTF
Y~SYid OA $CCi@II ~9R16: PIilE@S 01' ~hik ~SAf{H'IiI There is 54 mUSh tieatity I~ the wortr}e~'S 4~ tht world and the v~rit~u~ Filaces you Frame fife oPpQrtun~Yy of ssciru3 w ufewirtg in i~ctures.Tfiey have all Eaecome crnEic in st~tnc waX. but: wiiF yeew be t@sk Y `Yisual mentoYy. ~~45 Dm, Safart ~f~b; 11eCk ~i ~i ESN6 fi tY of ehe' A U~icri~e and un~wgettab(e 3ene~ Yo exR[nrE kh~ m nib Skp Yfl4B' C~tli',s~ 41t&cCdY AfWt~d 4tF ing5lrau flR d fl~3rit t~11't0 s and canstcltattons wt{h thesc art of a star laser idefr~fyaIF the [34H}YBf:~Ftd 8 StBf Chidf4'. A 5g2C~il( 3C1PtitY n[ft tOh@i1315Skd: - W08Ih8Y::. ~ermttEitt9• 10.?SA~+R h~eetdfSky`Bar, UECk Y1fat~saVd~Wdl fal~,c~[2mL~Ck Rht~ T1J~~! 3I9~~~Gr7 CIt191t1A.MQY1@: bl8fy P4ippI11S RBL~t~lS {/~,?/1(31[fl ,~
MIDDLE EAST MARVELS Discover the Middle East on an Arabian adventure from Dubai with 2020-21 sailings ready to book. Choose from unique itineraries on Jewel of the Seas exploring the UAE, Qatar, BaMain, Oman and beyond. Nez7Cruise, Deck 5
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97VO dflli✓~~3~M"t.$.V4IR(F1, 9:VR YR7, (Ctf{tnl~'rzLr 6~QfR18r ~72L'rt 6 Bffi SC[eett Ff0Y18 Rombn HaUdaY[NR 1hr56eNdsa rnre w~Eh an ttrnertcen ne4vsrrrar+ ir+ t~orr~e. :̀QD pttt ~C 9:3t~P7n.PO0I5id2. Ufck }t
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8:00 am - 930 pm 6:OO Pfn-730 Pm 4 Shore F~ccursiorts Desk 7:00 am -10:00 am 4:00 P~T~ -9:00 Pm 6:00 pm - 70:00 pm 5 Art Gallery 11:30 am - 3:00 pm 5 Food &Beverage Hospitality Desk 5 My Tkne Dinirg Reservation (Dial 3333) 830 am - 4:00 pm 5 NextCruise Office 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 5 Photo Gallery 530 pm -11:00 pm 5:45 pm - 630 pm 5 Portrait Stuldo Time 730 pm - 9:00 pm 9:45 pm -10:45 pm 5 8:00 Pm - 400 Pm Port SFwPP~~9 Desk 530 pm - 71:00 pm 5 Royal Shops 5:15 pm -late 6 Casirw Royale 7 B:OO am -11:00 am Internet Assistance 4:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm 11 Main Pool 11 Pool Towel Station 7:00 am -70:00 pm 7:00 am - 70:00 pm 71 Solarium Pool(AdWts only) 11 8:00 am -10:00 pm Vitality Spa (Dial 72) 1030 am -noon 72 Lgalry Artd~assador Desk S:OO Pm-7:OO Pm 12 3:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm Kd5 Po01 6:00 am -10:00 pm 72 Vi[altty Fltr~ Center 72 Waterslide 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 9:00 am -1030 am 13 Rock Climbing Wall 430 pm -630 pm The Following Services and Venues are Open 24 hours 4 Gues[ Services (Dial 0) 4 & 7 royal canbbean online 5 Community Bulletln Board Dalty Show Shoo[ Out Box CafA Lattrtudes 5 6 Collaborative Jigsaw Ruzle, Schooner Bar 6 Cards and Games 6 Library 12 Challengers Video Arcade Emergency Onry.(Dial 911) 4
Language Assistanw
Please bring your SeaPass card to all activities. Certain age, height. weight and clothing requirements may apply. Please check activity signage for more information and description of onboard services and policies, please read useful Information on the back of Meei the offiwr Tags. Please Note: Select pools and whirlpools maybe Dosed for cleaning and maintenance. Minors must be supervised at all times and wear properfloatiny devices. Young children indiapers/pull ups/ swimmers may not use the pools/whirlpools, even if accompanied by a parent/ guardian. The reserving of chairs is not permitted.
51 ~.
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MYKONOS,GREECE AGENT ADDRESS8 NUMBERS KousathanasTravel-Tourlos Mykonos PO BOX 467 Elenl Kousathana-Operations Manager Tel: +302289022242 / Ceilphone: +306977477773 U.S. Embasry, Athens Greece - 91 vasilisis Sophias Avenue, tOt60 Athens, Greece Local Law ErMorcament - Mikonos 846 00. Greece Tai.: +30 2289 022716
fbt4YAT#l+U'STARLE Try our hcrtremade pastas and SeaEflod'€n 6(ovan~i's Tabfe o~rt C~etk G. UtaiT4 fnrreservaiioru.
Mrko~osayc~ce019 ~ ~ ~ ~, ' 1~"F`~M~ A~ti'I#~I'f1~5 FYdyplrt'noon
The Daki'S7iow wAh NrYea & Wana
#•tA~# ~114SE#'~ A~ 9:00 pm
~ Produ[tbn 51»wR4n~ City OF Drearrs, Coal Theatre 586
Q~ M
9:30 pm
m BIg Screen Movle: Roman Holiday. PooLSide
-0Adult Karaoke Superstars Round 2, Safarl dub
6 6
7:00 am -11:00 am
O Bloody Mary 8 Mimosa SpecWls, WInd1~~r
9:45 pm
9:00 am
!lClnema Movie: Mary Poppins Retirns, Cinmia
10:00 pm
O Texas Hdd'em Cash Gart~e, Casirw Royale
10:15 pm
Let's Go Stargazing, meet at Sky Bar
9:00 am - W30am OPen Ctlmbi~D. Rode gknbln9 Wak 900 am -11:00 am
Quiet Zone, Vorten
10:45 pm
Lath Dance Party NIgM. Safari Club
9:00 am - 3U0 pm
Open Play(Ages 6 montlis - 36 months), Vortex
11:00 pm
O Paradise Lotto Draw, Casino Royale
d gnema Movie: Mary Poppies Returru, Gnema
Junbr Cruisers' Curtew
70:00 am
Crossword Q~lenge,Schooner Bar GenFxal Krrowledge MpNng Trfvla, Sclboncr Bar
1:00 am
10:30 am
Spot the Difference QUllenge,Schooner Bar
11:00 am
Suddcu Challenge,Sdwaier Bar
1:00 pm
Scavergef Hest,SCMoner Bar
200 pm
P ~ Free Puffy Eye Treatments, Vitality Spa Arts &Crafts: Adult ReWxing Cobrtrg,Schooner Bar 6
930 am
200 pm
4Chiema MoWe: Mary Poppies Returns. CMim~a -0 Name That Tune: &oadway Tunes,Schooner Bar
3:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm
6 6 o
Pklwe Trivia Befde They Wae Fartwus. Sdioona Bar 6 n ♦Cellultte AM Spkler vehs, Vttality Spa
a:00 pm 4:00 Om - 5:00 pm
Open Play Pkklebal4 Spats Cart
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm ~ Sip & SaiL Happy Hqr Beer SpecWk, All Bars 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Open CIImMrg, Rode Clknbing WaN CeldNiry HOad Gartie, Sdwonef Bar 430 pm 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm Complimentary Gartikq Lesorx, Caslra Royale 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm •Free ncupunctwe Wak In aink vnaltty spa Afternoon TrivW, Schooner Bar 5:00 pm -0 SaA ANey Party w1N you EntMa~rr~errt Team, PooLsfde 5:00 pm
13 6 6 n 6 P
~ Haute Jewels StMI~ SihcY Collec[bn, Royal Strops 5 ~ Seminar.l0 YearS Younger N 70 Minutes, Vttaltty Spa 11
530 qn 530 pm
530 pm -9:00 pn •Tapers &Floe Wlne, VlMages Take a Casual Portraits, CenWm 5:45 qn
6 4Ck~mia Movie: Mxy Pcy~pins Returrtt, Ck~erna Centrum 5 6:00 pm -10:00 pm Guess the Price of the TM1ortias Kinkade , 630 pn 1 Sterling SIWer xd Dimnond Umeiling, Royal Shops 5 630 pm - 7:00 pm Thomas Kinlode Semirw, Baftk Conference Roan 7:00 pm ~ Big Screen Movie: Roman Holiday, Poolside
5 ii
7:00 pm
~Seminu: Walking in Canfort. Vttaltty Fitr~s Center 72 6 -0 Name That Tune Movie Tunes,Schooner Bar
7:00 Pm
d Produc[lon Showtlnte: Ct[Y Of Dreams. Coal Theatre 5& 6
7:00 pm -930 pm
Thomas Kinkade Bbwout Sale, Art Gallery 'Game Show. Centrum ~9f You Krow tt.Dance tt
Flavors of Santafil, Port SMfN~irq Desk
8:15 Pm
~ Best Buys and CharrWa9ne Party. R%~ Shops ~ Personlized JeweVY' Car[ouche Cdlec[bn.
Royal Shope
&45 Pm 9:00 pn
4 4 4 4
DMte MUSI[ wRh MOOd kO~K 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm 9:00 pm - 9:45 Pm 10:00 pm - 70:45 pm 11:00 pm'11:45 pm
Centrum Centrum Cenhum Centrum
4 4 4 4
lade Dancer rkdc wllh Coco Loco Safari Club 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm Safari Club 11:45 pm -12:30 am SaYari Club
6 6 6
%anoF.n[ertdm~eniwRhJodyWade Schooner Bar 9:00 pm -late'
Poolslda Musk wtth FYyh qaa Quo(Waathar PermltN~W)
8:00 pm 8:30 Pm
CenWm Centnxn Tides Dining Room Tides Dining Room
io as am - n:ao am
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
4:30 pm - 5:15 pm 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
5 &6
l ~~YEF11NtsACTfYI'ffES
7:00 pm
Zso r~ - s:u am
330 pm - 4:75 pm
Eat'LI~MnInD Musk wHh Hlyh Class Duo Schooner Bar 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Schooner Bar 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm
6 6
DitKe PertY witli QJ 10:00 pm - late
Vortex Disco is fro adults 18 years and older after 10:00 pm ' En[ertalners will take penodk breaks.
4Ybual Qi SocPn Gane PIaCPS of Ule Word.5alarl Oub 6 6 4Cl~cma Movie: Mary PopDins Retwns, Cinmia
nrnr~~ a~nter~air
c ~~~ar~ stress
~s tsn~+s
~v~tal~rS~ +~
SANTORINI IS A VISION OF WHITEWASHED VILLAGES AND BRIGHT BLUE SEA Perhaps the most photographed of ail the Greek Islands is Santorini. So recognizable are its whitewashed cliff-top villages against the azure waters, you may get the feeling you've been here before. A visit to the top of Fir3 will be your first glimpse of the stunning caldera. This natural wonder is the result of the biggest volcanic eruption in history, believed to have caused the disappearance of Atlantis. Perched atop a craggy cliff is the traditional village of Oia, a haven for artists and artisans. And in Megalohori is where you'll find one of the most elegant wineries on the island. Have a glass. Enjoy the view. And remember this moment forever. Cruise Director's quote of the Day "By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he's wrong" - Charles Wadsworth
TRENDING TODAY Don't Forget to FIII Up Your Mlnibar Simply complete the door hanger located In your stateroom and pace outside on your door and your requests will be stocked inside your mini-bar. Ask your friendly bar staff for more information. Invicta Watch Sale up to 75% OH Latin for "Invincible" Invicta Is led by innovation and nurtured with the consistency of quality and brand personality. You can own one of these fantastic time pieces at 75%Off today. 6:30 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5 White Attlre Party .bin your Entertainment Family th¢ evening for a furrfilled night of music and dandng. Dress up In anything and everything white for toni~t's party and dance the night away.In case of bad weather the party wl~l move to Vortex Disco Deck 13 10:30 pm, Poolside, Deck 71
74P TOURS[N ATHENS ( p~„ ' Mt.~ent Corir~tfi &CoatCvui~e 'Ancient .4thelis Plalca R Sh~sAP[ng f " ExPfore Athens & Anpent ACF~potis ShireExsu~'atons Desk; Cenkrum, Beck4
* ,`.
~ I
~ ~~~ tiw~era~+a 66°~(t9'C} ' Nfitldc ~Y H kts Sunrise 6;~r sm Qm SII ~rt1Xa1 ~:4t!am Esttofa~ed~»
uama 7;3t1am ~e3~t Ca~aifSYnike
Leif T~dat 5;30 pm 138t5s;3NliG-Ship
H L.P~1,~L "~'tPJ~' ~'t}R T~?t~Y . ~~ ~¢~ ~ii) Alltto~~t5~ Lefiade rC~Cet6.~(fldSB dtti f3f~t CGkigt9~Cl~ Ott tki~ 5t87GM~tIB t~l[fhe zidP ha»! t Cteacad.
ate9u~sts"~ttomsfii~ enshore, 7ie~tenctee k~t4er hoststo vet w~~h ba2Es tiGe takes aRCraxlnatelY tb tn~tff~s avails~ite vn a canfinu4us basis deuarttag a~tPro~m~tetY g~Y 24rMliMrteS TrznspaetaEidn!C3WEi,~r 5er+nce is au~kla64e T6ira C ~antariN's cap~tal)The tahte tauutt the pleK#n Gay rld6 t~at~lTn~itrr~ 6 ttunukes and costs 6.Qt7 Eurds Aec tint ttCte. Yau cas also walk u~ the g~l~f s~ikwaX 4f sKep% FFaCes n(itrterest VUIage 4f ~a -fl KIn(6.831niles) M~tum of Ar~stmk F6a -1.4 Km ~0.8b miles Qrtfiotlox -f3 C2thetka~ of ~FFaePaptt~$ Kr~„40 mi#es7.
importa~tignderin~lnWtmartton Tenderr~4 Cif be a I~n9€hu ~arocess. W8 ki[tdly a~dc tn[3'~` patience and coapeeatian In order to geta0 df our gaests , Fir C+ugstg an Royal Cari6bsan Shave t3cturs~ons: s time at~t c~l4~n tbu~ etCkBts for - toCdtiEsn.YC~w~[t~e~framTf~waRin5 tai reserved tettdw when i tentler L5 ready. For Goes# n~ Ctt a R~aF ~aYth6ean Excursion: located cat'Oeck 2tt~av~ F~ea&e WaceaEl to tlt~g Ct~ek 3JNd9ttgi sn~eve~ 3t~ 2trt Beady Fa9~C~t Ef~e ~ l~# 6tr ktu2 tR~it1(~: >
~ ;
9lFlORf~Yh~&+~CB~LQh6fC 8{41105 8f1d COf~FdRt Ratq€dard ctG`~Id d4A~ri S~BA~ ~~5ea t farrei io the ten~as~ ka.can aea~~ uts for hovel. Cbao&e a sakeot~iti~ mad wse ilue ~&e cap: adut%~i #tt tieen~retr~e CButi~n un HNs narfm+F p ~Y shiwtd yau chnose Kttra~f nt~ fo~,~rri bE surela aMY wear txm~lP.cltrladtne~ sFN~S. 1M dlrsat7an~Porti fiueat5 usy~g w}xeie#lair& mgt tte WrysC~~ic h0~rd tha tenders w~fr minimal asetatAn[e.Tv dct~uss t9~fder 3uad'mg hau5 an b2~ufaad&~dan~t~knde.b~wemaY gat kfe' at~largeeietsrttstt~akers at~wr ~~ ~ A#henS.Gre2C@ ~~ ~ ~i
s X
Tonight It's the Night IYs mayhem, myrtery and meatballs. Join us at for a delicious M ystery starring our very own onboard Production Cast. See you at Glovanni's Tab/e on Deck 6 a(6:00 pm.($) Targeted Wrinkle Treatments Return home looking refreshed and youthful. Soften lines and wrinkles to rejuvenate your skin. Treatments include wrinkle treatment and dermal fillers.free consultation today with Dr. Desire. 8:00 am - 9:DO pm, Vifaliry Spa. Deck 71
There's a Sale at Sea Check out the latest in digital cameras, binoculars and
a[Id M8~'KGS MBgiCian Jfimie Raven ,3I1Cf fE`5 two5how5itt9rte! Ttsnig~t You tuiH feel the Ssrmmer flre2ze ~~th 4he F~ysf i4bean singers l~Ilie aru! Markus aid fight after fiave a great time uaetGhittg.6mtti4l~wi ynw m~ti with 1tii5 trirk5. C~nB S#utw frar a41 9uesis. Aort'Y min Hutt T:30Pin:£pry!Theatres A2Cks5& b ThB Lt~it@& Md/Mage G81rle'Shorlf COnpleS 5~ the.d2indest fhin9s.and we's~a 9~ Ule edmB haw t4 Prove it. ~l~s[ui6w5? Ycc~ mad" bE the couPfa wete Mok1~9 far85 qw'r~ct catke5tarK5. Check tai alt the h~ar~:7+wfth ytwr Cadse Qirector An~ea as he puts YQw' f2lkxr gatesttmoc~ the matrimar~al test 4f time. D~'k miss Ntz Laughs.. ] ~:O~T,c~;CwalFheatr~l7eck5
accessories from GoPro. Fuji Instax. Canon, Olympus, Nikon and more. Photo Ga//ery, Deck 5 Day Pass Available Only want short period of Internet? Get a day pass to clear your emails, and keep in touch with your loved ones. Connect to "WiFi-Guest-Jewel" to get started. •szs~ vnT ~~~oeea m raw o~:~ pke.
lntemet Help Oesk, Deck 7 Under;500 &More Art Sale Stop by the Art Gallery to view an exciting collection of artworks priced under $500, alongside other onboard favorites. Don't miss out on the art bargain of the cruise. 730 pm - 9:30 pm, Art Gallery, Deck 5
Savings by the Pint Save on your favorite draft beers, enjoy 70 draks at your choice of bars and lounges onboard. So treat yourself, your family or new friends and raise a pint to savings. Ask your friendly bar staff for more information.
Santorinl's Top Flavors The #1 restaurant for the view and food in Town Da Costa is located on the top of the mountain close to the cable car. Don't forget your Port Shopping Map and enjoy the local fresh flavors. Watch Ulrses on Channel 2l & 26 for more mfo.
BOOK NOW OR BOOK LATER You don't need to map out your next adventure to save right now. Lock in today's best prices with NextCruise and choose your itinerary later. Plus score up to $600 in savings or onboard credit. NextCruise, Deck 5
6i@116l~M'KIIG~Il18dS}@ TfiYls Take a stiild gtiesa. ik rnaYbe you real €Y do know randam tiffs of tr~'ormat on. Hacr did you ever remember ttiai7 Gn ahead, w4sw Yftiem yv~##i ytwr kntr~l~dge. i#~rAOam 6 9:Ot? pm,5c![aQne~ Sac, Deck6 lla~rle Tltat'1Y~8e t+11t6ael JaEksotE 1Mhat's Y~~ favorite Michael Jackson song? Playing tick hits #ram every. era, this trivia w4{I Have every gecreratiori busting ouk fhn mnnnwa k 3:QORm SchoaneF&ar, DeckG s
Fllestl(~ F9ud 6aAte Sf1oNr C~rme andle~n us fa our ea~iti~g Fr~erMfy Feud Game Show. our es3ests a law ceuises version of the famor~s N 5hcm: Wa A~~ ~9~, 10t'S SH0 i~ yDu cc'1tf Itdtil8 Ct~O of ffiR~ tOp6 ~h'15wEC5.
83p pm, Safare Club, Qetk 6 I.OY$lSB~qQ $30@ CtUlreflEF!$d CtS~ P(iZ@ COt17B BEtd ~UITF jfCs&'1R~n9D Host-P9LFitq fPt a St~rgle Adore Uf ROyaI , $it~gtr7 This 9~~wiIl fk~p~n i3ht hefcue ttie Love & Martidge Game &tscw? Kiss Ypur lr~wad cNte W hHe Ptrcchaslrs~ YAur i~Ckage and 4eta free'cacd to irscrea5~ YQu4'chances to §o hRme a l#ttle richer# Cards arrsa(e 3'Off'pm: Game 5farts SrGO pm, Carat Fheafre,leek ~ ~~i ~~~~.~1 ~
'C»` ~@31iH NItlMY~f:~tY81Q~@~ A~?7H#(Pti^1.~i. ~h S6Af/l►,'~ A Fair t~'t2enagef5 tHith Cy5kk ~idt4si5 mEet in a hastxit8l anti fa[I in Wve:'ktrough fHeirdisease meam Yhey mvst av0it4 cls~se physical COMaCt: 9.60am;3:Ot7Rm,5:W7.r7m.9r00pm.mitlnlght,.Citrema.02tk6: ~ SCie@Il Mtflt1~: ~IYeS {P[i-1.ti~ff 3M~e~
SECUtI'[y':'~18fd R~Yld f7+lntili5@6hIS SUtJBKt~lL'~1F8t 8billti@5 L4 t~dtkKEtfln. .
1Y~~#tGrtmtb, a d'45turbed mer€ wha ttas tWentp-F4w+ persar~alltiss. 7'tTE~pm,: f't~olsrde:Deck tF
2 • 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 6 7 17 11 71 71 12 12 12 12 13
8:00 am - 71:00 am 4:00 Pm -7:00 Pm 8:00 am -930 pm Language Assistance 6:00 pm - 730 pm 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Shwe 6ccursions Desk 6:00 pm -10:00 pm Art Gallery 1130 am - 3:00 pm food & Beverage Hospitality Desk My Tme Dinlrg Reservation (Dial 3333) 830 am - 4:00 pm 9:00 am -9:00 pm NextCrulse Office 6:30 pm -11:00 pm Photo Gallery 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Portrak Studio Time 7:30 Pm - 9:00 pm 9:45 pm -10:45 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Port Shopping Desk 630 Pm -11:00 pm Hoyt Shops 6:15 pm -late Casirw Royale 8:00 am - TI:00 am Internet Pssistance 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Main Pool 7:00 am -10:00 pm Pool Towel Station 7:00 am -10:00 pm Solarium Pool(Adults Dory) 8:00 am - 70:00 pm Vitality Spa (Dlal 72) 10:00 am -noon Loyalty Artd~assador Desk 5:00 pm'7:00 pm 3:00 Pm - 7:00 pm IQds Pool 6:00 am - t0.fl0 pm Ytality Fltness Center 4:00 Pm - 6:00 pm Wa[erslfde 9:00 am - 70:00 pm Rock Climdng Wall a oo Pm-7:0o Pm Medical FaciNty (Dial 51)
The Folbwirw Crvices and Venues are Open 24 hours 4 Guest Services(Dial 0) 4 & 7 royal Caribbean online Communtty Bulletin Board S 5 ~aiy snow sr~art our eox, cafe Mme-tudg Cdlaborative Jigsaw Puule,Schooner Bar 6 6 Cards and Games Library 6 Challenger's Video Arcade 12 Ch 75 Shore F~ccursions Information Ch 22 Port SMppirg Information with Ulises Emergency OnN,(~I 911) Please bong your SeaPass cartl to all activities. Certain age, height, weight and Uothing requirements may apply. Please check ac[ivtty slynage for more information and descript(on of onboard services and polkies, please reatl usefW Information on the back of Meet Ne officer Tags. Pleaze Note Select pools and whirlpools may be dosetl for deanin9 and maintenance. Minors must Ise supervised at all times and wear proper floating devices Young children in diapers/pull ups! swimmers may rwt use the pools/wMripools, even If aaompanied by a parent] guartlian. The reserving of chars K not permitted.
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{ erage and Eger eSse0t63ftintei ~Iso e[krlrpaticAltYactded & 5~on services. us thai the tieffi tivay tQ9iR1p1Y yCKA secv~ after r@5Tr4on !~. ~99~.~dm4, tIN6C
SANTORINI GREECE PORT AGENT ADD(iE558 NUMBERS InchcapB SfdOW~G SeMtes Kama<<, Santo~~ni PatHtk Murphy- BoarUing Agent Tel: X302286030685 Cellphone k3069d4756ti44 U.A Embassy. AtAans Graece - 97 Vasllis< Sophlas avenue,10766 Athens. Greece 7ei.:+302107?12951 Local Lew En}orcQmant-Policy 4uthori[~ ~IR4, 5anro~inL Greece 84700 RR4 TaL: X30 22864 22649.fax: +30 22860 21659
node#~ciencv guests.. ~ers~r~onhiaard.sattie V£2rtter3s as Get of
F-$i~fl4 ~ITtOk~11~ $2GY7bi1. ~}gCft ~i ~~{'f Sf{iC~e ~}llkC#` ~BE~4 ~'Ck $ $I(~ 5~
Pba[[~etk Detk tl5fd s~t8 Deck 13Sid Side tit Yi7 Vortex.
AN ~1dO0f }TUNIC SPa~~•5[ffiCV04[!%~3S84CUIN4S ~25FI1W(e fl2f. `
t211Mt Ftes[t3 rd flav4rFktE sushi r4tis and sashimi, ar Caak your rtse~ ishi-S~akl sty[.qn a hot raek placed at Your table. C.Haf7afnrresefvationlS~
DAY.6 ~~~,~~,zo,9 • ~ ~ ~ ~
6 830 pm 4'The Friendy feud' Game Show, Safari Club 6 9:00 Dm - iP.00 Pm -0 Adtit Karad~ SuP~ers Last Call Safari qub 6 !!Cinertia Movie: Five Feet Apart, Qnema 9:00 pm Cash Prize Bingo 5300 Guar teed, Cards on Sale, Coral 9:00 pm 5 Theatre 5 Dixover Watches of Swl[zerland, Royal Shops 930 pm 9:40 Pm Cafi Pliae @~rgo~i00 Gie2rtr~d Game, 5 Card lheahe
c►n~rrr~i~ a~~i~rrr~~s Ch M The Dally Slaw with A7ldrea & Luar~a FYdMgM' n00n 71 7:00 am -11:00 am • BloodY Mary 8 Mknosa Specials, Windjammer 6 dCinema Movie: Flve Feet Apart, Cinema 9:00 am 13 4.00 ~n - W.00 am Open Climbing, Rock Climblrg Wall 13 9:00 am - 3:00 am Open PIaY (~ 6 montlu - 36 morM}a), Vortex 6 Sudolai Challenge, ScM1ooner Bar 930 am 6 10:00 am Morning Trivia, Schooner Bar 10:00 am Ad~t Basketball Shootlng Competltlon. Spats Court 72 6 Spot the Difference Game, Schooner Bar 1030 am 6 11:00 am Lets Play Bananagrarnsl. Sci~ooner Bar 11 Noon ♦Free Puffy Eyes Tmatments, Vitality Spa McNe Trivia: Disney Goae UP ~~ers. Sdaorxr Bar 6 1:00 Pm it 2:00 pm ~M Free 5 Ml~u[e Makeover, Vkality Spa 6 2:00 pm Who in The World am f7 Trivia, Safari dub 3:00 pm ~ Free Workslwp: Fluid Rete~rtion a~ Puffy Ankles, 11 Vttelity Spa 6 lUnema Movie: Flve Feet Apart, Cinema 3:00 pm -0 Name That Tune: Mkhael Jackson, Schooner Bar 6 3:00 pm 12 4:00 pm • 5.00 pmOpen Play Vdleyba~l, Sports Cart 6 4:00 pm 'Add A Letter' &ain Teaser Game, Schooner Bar 4 4:00 pm Herbal Remedies with AcuW~re, Centrum 11 Bean Bag Toss, PooLside 4:30 pm ~k both Abou[ Dysport and Dermal Flllers, Yrtality Spa 11 4:30 pm 13 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm Open Climbing, Rak Climbing Wall 6 Akemoon General K'wwled9e Trivia, Sd~ooner Bar 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 15ip and Sail Away Happy Hour, All Bars 6 5:00 pm - JW pm a Tapas & Flne Wine, Vintages 5&6 Take a Casual Portraits, Centrum 5:45 pm 6 5:45 pm - 6:15 pm Complimentary Gartdng Lessons. Casirw Royale
l ~r ~/k'f~ NfG~fT At''~'[9~'~~S` 70:00 pm 70:00 pm 7(Y30 Pm 11:00 pm Midnight 7:00 am
Mystery Dinner Theater. Glrnannis' !!Cinema Movie: Fine Feet Apart, Cinema Guess the Prke of the Thomas Kinkade, Centrum ~ Sterling Silver Jewelry Collection, Royal Shops Top Ten Most F~penslve Paintings in the Wald, Baltic Conference Room 6:30 pn- 330 pm t Invlcta Watch Flash Saes, Rayal Shops
a eg s~ Mo+~ cis,
~:oo wr,
5 6 71 6 6
~1 E+1175lG AN1~ bANC1NG ~
~r ~'kf~1~NG14~"~'~1F~1~S 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pn -1(tW pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:00 pn
4 Lrne & MaMage Game Show, Coral Theatre O Teuas Hold'em Cash Game, Casino Royale 0 VJhi[e Attlre Party, Pookide Y Paradise lotto Draw, Casino Royale 4 Cirrema Movie: Five Feet Apart, Cinema Junior Cruisers' Curtew
6 6 S 5 5 5
Classk Melodies wMh Rosarb Strkgs Centrum 5:15 pm - 6:00 pn Centrum 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm Centrum 7:L5 pm -8:00 pm 8:30 pm - 415 pm 7~es Dining Room
4 4 4 4
Lade Dance Musk wkh Coco Loco CenWm &15 pm-9:OO pm CeMrum 9:15 pm -10:00 pm Centrum 70:15 pm -11:00 pm CenWm TI:iS pm -midnight
6 6 6 6
Poolside Musk wNh Mood kons (weather pemtitting) Poolside 730 pm - 3:15 pm Poolside 330 pm - 4:15 pm
11 11
DancQ Musk wHh Mood karts Safari Club 10:15 pm -11:00 pm Safari Club 71:75 pm - rtddnight
6 6
Easy LlstanMp Musk wkh High qau Duo Schooner Bar B00 pm -8:45 pm Schooner Bar 9:00 pm - 345 pn
6 6
io 0o r~ - Baas om
Vip Cards fa Tradttional Jewels in Athens, 5 Port Shopping Desk -0 Name That Tune: Songs with Color, Schooner Bar 6 730 pm 7:30 pm l~Variety Showtime with Royal Caribt~ean singers Hdlie and hlarkos Madan and Jamie Raven, Coral Theahe 5 & 6 t Royal Poker Tournament (hwlifier, Casirro Royale 6 8:00 pm 5 Tax Free Stopping in Athens, Port Shopping Desk 8:00 pm 6 Movie Quotes Trivia, Pit Stop Bar B:15 pm Spo[ the Alexandrite Winner Announcement, 8:15 pm 5 Rgdl Shops 5 8:30 pm - g30 pm Under $500 & blare Art Sale, Art Gallery 7:00 pm
iL~00 pm - TF.45 pm
xhoo~r ear
Schooner Bar
YYIY[e Attire VartY wltli DJ Murdo (n case of dad weathcv will be macdro Vorter Dism) Poolside 7CY30 pm -11:30 pm
Wldte AttYe Puty ARer Hoes wllfi DJ Vortax 11:45 pm - Wte
'Fs[ertainers wNl take periodk breaks. The Vortex NipM CIS is open for guests 18 years and okkr after 10:00 pm.
99FRD39330 ~(
DISCOVER THE SPLENDORS OF ATHENS Visit the splendors of Greece's epic past in the ancient city that is also the capital of a modern nation. Athen's is where democracy was born, and Western civilization came into being. No visit to Athens would be complete without a visit to the Acropolis. There you'I~ find the Parthenon, the largest building in the Acropolis and one of the world's most awe-inspiring sights. It was built as a temple to Athena and is still a remarkable structure today.
Today"S R~CeCa5t hkvstlY Ch~1dY ~8t`F(27'C} YNI~ds SSE8kts ~@ 8:0?~n
Cruise Director's quote of the Day "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted" - 0. Wilde
TRENDING TODAY There's still Tlme Don't miss this fantastic offer and save up to 40% on Exclusive Dining options: ' 3 Dinners $79 per person, Chops +1, $59 per person 'Unlimited package $24 per person per day on all packages Dial 73!o buy your Specialty Dininq Package today. Early Blyd Massage Take advantage of our special prices starting from $99 (normally $129$759) between 7:00 am -noon only! Please make your appointments early, limited availability. Dia13887 ro reserve, Vitality Spa, Deck I) 70's Disco Inferno Dance Party Join your Cruise Director Mdrea and Activities Manager Luana along with their team as they take you back to the decade of the 70's, wear your best dance shoes because we will get you dancing like John Travolta. 10.•00 pm, Centrum, Deck 4
OAST MINUTE TQ4lRS STILL AYA1LA~t~ "Expkrce Athens &Ancient Acr~rpplis ,~°~'("~ ' HighYigltt5 Qf Ath~15 L+~.L' '. Rrtei~tt Ath@tts, F+tdlc~ & Sh4Pf~n3 i~isit t/ie Shore Exc~+rsrgns Oes& on peck 4 for more information.
AtitY~ 6;30 a~ri ~ ~ 7:Cid~t#'t 17~@sS $Ugg8St1#fit C85u01f 7C~'S ~~&}~
*~ ~
$@8P859 Clu~ia~ PIk4k41lIE1#tlflCatT4E1 cuffs wtH nor~be perm~e€ea afF ~ asthe ~sie wi~tt+auc ~~Past Csrrd 8nf4 t~hc~~A ISIEt7ttfiCa~EhOft ~~4Y~tixhQtlt IMra6~r5 Port tnfortnat[on The sC~iP ~vifl be dockeel~ Kanellos Pier -'fir fa18 En "Pfiraeus. Ttt~ ~isi'~1Ce #rum #fie pier Ca true traip ~attort is t.5 r~las km),aPpraximatel~t 3#!'~rdtt~Y~s amfiGr~ d[starne.Traimmetra Cne t(green tt iroEn fliraeus to Ahem Ctiy'Ce~fer (M~rrastirald S~aEiorr) deA~ts every 5; mfEwtes. FtieC~ ~S fasti3 available rtght~~t~td8~ tR2 pig' terniitb9l. ', T ~1i111I!~l~@I'C7Nfi~'CiATIt$t3~iQ4 '61'Std TrarsSt+erS tta Fiumicinoakpact~tb~951~'person. `. Transhai5 Yo ~7stiense tr,~n s#at+c5n CRort~ City €enter}cost $7b~r per p~rsan. `Transfers 4a Givifaveecha tram #+atltf~fut$24.5 ReE p~SCtt AY4~d T~t2Li1185 :Save time a nd avoid standfn9 in line. Plaeea credit card: on r SeaPass account totl~y. guests wfw ate an a account w(I~ be re~uirec]to pay, GuestServices [mated can peck ~,hoe eueF fiaose ~nnth aCreslkc~H sup #fi r artcau~it tWN t~ B~iCamBtic #I t. A t ~ your 58aF~.~f5s dCC+3L81t aYill b~'4k~iv2ied tct yC+f~'SCBL@i8om pn si~F r~ rturrr~ng {Ci~ii~avect~fe3fn YEr£€y a~'~har5es tre~re yt~r u~d3 Csrtf is cti~rgeG. ~Ri~FCltIRBp~i~T ~Ya kindly reminc! our s~esks thtrt .#I~mer~,seetls ifnr agriculture i~~p~ses}and 6ufes re Pmhi6it~d items ar~d u~lf 6e c+o~iscaf~d at the Gangway(. At yen s i
FIII Up Your Minibar Today You don't have to go far fa a refreshing beverage, complete the door hanger form and place outside on your door, and your requests will be stocked inside your minibar by the next day.
Ilf~ Gk"~~fl~ ~ :es witf~}aun:to make tlasticdl music rlWrati~J fnr everyone.Youn4 oW. Graffiti Clacks bursthe elitist Boundaries of the tradittanzf Sttutg ri
gs,S dan[log
Cllrattet tiMttit ~5tt~rfosts ~-stn91R9.BIFt~dtuuuig htusk0l cartedySFWW: Deslyner Handbag Flash Sale Elevate your style with handbags from your favorite designers. Handbags starting at just $89. 6:45 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5
Ionithermie lonithermie is a unique therapy that detoxifies the body, reduces the appearance of cellulite and visible weight loss in just one session) Book your appointment today and get $30 off. Dia13887, Vitality Spa, Oxk 11
Pictures From the Formal Niyht We have made a corner of your finest pictures taken from the Formal Nights. Visit us in the Photo Gallery on Deck 5 and pick your favorite. See any photo staff for package options. Photo Gallery, Deck 5 Unilmited Internet for Last 7T Hours Send R Receive emails, share your vacation pictures and videos with your loved ones, with the Surf+Stream until the end of the cruise - $73 only. ~zzssv~Ti~cx~a~a~meo~Ke. Internet Help Desk, Deck 7 Art Collectors Appretiatlon Party This celebration of all things art has something for everyone. Come learn new ways to elevate your collection. 8.•00 pm - 8:30 pm, Vortex, Deck 13
Best Greek Jewelry Designers In the Capital Take a taxi downtown to The shops Lithos by Michel & Artin Jewels in Athens, #20 Metropoleos Street close to Syngtagma
~•w pm & 9:0(l pm,,Corat Theatre.GK+ekSS &b Theswi~g~seatsa~wfvidea4~p1n0 ~fsMwslsstticttymdab~letl.lMense rebait kan.. t~ch~g yt~ta ceM1Pha~+e arrWM twn-xes'ratl~os dwk~8iheoedormance..~sktive LfSunYW Scent k at UuOst SerVkc5.~id.
DAYTIMEAC~~iEI~TU~ES SC~pb04k~lq 1M~fkShop FI~e your memories fast.: The t~ect Div project fAr 4e9si+~ers 4r pegs) Join unto make ane pagQ and, if you feel like, you <an upgrade antf purchase 8 4u11 pac&age! Ask your Cruise 6irectur'sStaff to.~3o ern, Scnaane~8~f neck fi lt811A Siff T055 TG111'11i19~ ~99a:fh2 tlas5i~'be0n b89 fta5s 9Ztrt~! IYs a chalfengi*G9 acrd e~eciting game and zue brfrrg it t0 the pool so you can p[ay aFld enjoy Cho ~tiew at tinesame 2rm2! a~'(tgFtnT, P9oLStde; L12ck l€
E~/~Ni~IC,~ TH~t~LLS W81f18 That'TMute: 70'S DtstB Y41ti~ tF~pf 70'8 INsCO Itif0ff14 NYB LHYLtEs3ld YOfltgtlt We PAY S'4u hits ftgttF LfE L115C0 EE0 CiF ~ftQ 1974'5. F'k~@`5 3~4JC th~[4C0 td ~9Yid OU[ hOW wed you know the.smogs. ~ 7:t}4 Ate. SrhQoner8a;Lleek S' 7t~'S`DBtttB CIeSS Br~k o~ Youf white pr?fyest~r su+t and P4atfarm shoes b8C8uSe! it's disco PeYe~: Leatn #hB d8nCe5 fihat m8de the ZE7's so ~re~Y ane# try p~epar'ec1 for The p~rtY tonightY 4:3p pm, Certtrum,fleck 4
square where you will find high-end Greek Jewelry, as well as the top selling treditional greek designs in Greece. Watch Ulises on Channel22 & 26 for more info.
ISLAND VIEWS FOR DAYS Vision of the Seas will sail 10 and 11 night southern Caribbean journeys beginning winter 2020, including new itineraries offering overnight stays in Oranjestad, Aruba or Cartagena, Colombia on select railings. NextCruise, Deck 5
C~glk2f 7t1@'.1~Y'ShBH N11~ faf<N~r ~Nd(Bi aMt 13td//41 A [teGFiRtistYt~y ah~,tt YctO[!d iiV3F!W)Ch t~EVBr^bePoa@^SeeR to0t898 W Gcmmernarats ttae ce€~tennial of the ehd of the war. 9:D4 Ben. 3,'90 CRt, 6:Of?PR+ ~ 9.'QQ R~rr, mtdnigM Ci~Cma. DEck 6 $~ ~t7'9B#1 ~~111YI6C 4iW1 lit 1AI~'Ct111 (/+G'fdi ~►3Di1~'R? ~fi~S !t hW3lfstCu5:4~t2.Otf 5iE Ar#hEtrfilti~2 i~O,yG&S ct~$Sit VPdtSOn. 5N7d RQCkQ! .' Sh8(IOC~ Hi71fR7.+S T:EtCrCr~+ae~d9~3Qgm,FsaoCside,LYeckX1
8:00 am -71:00 am 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 8:00 am - 930 pm 4 Language Pssis[ance 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm 7:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SFwre Excursions Desk 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:00 pm -10:00 pm 5 Art Gallery 7130 am - 3:00 pm Hospitality Desk 5 Food & Beverage My Tme Dinirg Reservation (Dial 3333) 8.30 am - 4:00 pm 5 9.00 am -9:00 pm NextCruise Office 5 6:30 pm -17:00 pm 5 Photo Gallery 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm 5 Portrait Stud'a Time 7:30 Pm-9:OO pm 9:45 pm -10:45 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Desk Shopping 5 Port 630 pm -17:00 pm 5 Royal Shops 630 pm -late 6 Casino Royale 6:00 am - t1:00 am 7 Internet AssLstance 4:00 pm -7:00 pm Closed for Maintenance 71 Main Pool 7:00 am -10:00 pm Station 11 Pool Towel 7:00 am -10:00 pm Solarium Pool(Adults Doty) 11 8:00 am -10:00 pm 77 YrtaWry Spa (Dial 72) 10:00 am -noon D~k Ambassador 12 Loyalty 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm 72 Kids Pool 6:00 am -10:00 pm Vltalfty Fdn~ Center 12 4:00 Pm - 6:00 Pm 72 Wa[erslWe 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Rock Climbing Wall 13 The Following Services and Venue< are Ocen 24 fwurs: 4 Guest Services(Dial 0) 48 7 royal Caribbean online 5 Cortummity Bulletin Board 5 DaNY Slaw Sfwut Out Box, CafA lattrtudes 6 Collaborative Jigsaw Puzzle, Schooner Bar 6 Cards and Gamas 6 Library 12 ChaAergeYs Video Arcade Ch 75 Shore 6ccurslons Information Ch 22 Port Shopping Information with Ulises Emergency OMy.(DWI 971) 2
Medkal Fadltty(DWI 57)
Please bring your SeaPass card to all ac6viBes. Certain age, height, weight and clothing requlrements may apo~Y unease chxk adivlty signage for more informatlon and description of onboard services and policies, please read useful Information on the back of Mee[ the officer Tags. Please Note: Select ~woIsand whirlpools may be dosed for cleaning and maintenance. Minors mutt be wpervised at all times and wear proce~ ~wtiny devices. Younq children in diapers/pull ups/ swimmers may not use the pools/whirlpools. even d accompanied by a parent/ guardian. The reserving of chairs is not permitted.
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ATHENS,GREECE PORT AGEPIT ADDRESS8 NUMBERS InchcapC Shlpping Services- aq cionisiou Sty 3 lobo EfStathlou-CrVise 0pera~~cn~ 7eL• F302t04146662/ Cellphorce: ~s05972288008 U.S. Embassy, Athens Greece - 9; aaslfis~s Sophias Avenue. 10760 Athens. Greece Tel.: ♦302107212957 LOCaI LAW Enfo[Cemetlt- 20. Afentouli Street 18536 Piraeus, Attiki Tel: 30 2t0 4527069J0
9C#t 5Std ode :es.
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~Z~~~: FfBSfi dlid fl3Vf1Eft115U5h1 Yff~f.4 dFltl 5ASf11fCi'k. Of CaOk your rpgdl iShMg~[ Style, qn a hot rock P~cetl aT yalir table. Ct~f55.55fOrresett~ations.
DAY'7 ~~ ~
8:15 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:00 Pm 930 pm 930 pm 10:00 pm
Midnk,7ht -noon The Dairy Show with Andrea & Luana 7:00 am -11:00 am O &oody Mary 8 MimOSa Specials, WfndJarnmer 9:00 am ~ Cinema Movie: They Shall Not Grow Old, Cinema 9:00 am -11:00 azn puiet Zone, Vorteu 9:00 am - 3.'00 pm Open PW~(l~ges6 rtgM~ - 36 montlu), Vor[a~c 9:30 am Crossword Challenge, Schooner Bar 10:00 am Morning Trivia, Sdaoner Bar 10:30 am Sc2pbooking Workshop,Schooner Bar 77:15 am Picture Trivia: Say What You See,Schooner Bar Noon • Wffy Eyes and Dark Circles, Vitality Spa 1:00 pm Open Play Board Games,Schooner Bar 2:00 pm True a False Trivia Schooner Bar 3:00 pm A to Z Scavenger Hunt, Schooner Bar 3:00 pm 4Cinema Movie: They Shall Not Grow Old, Cinema 4:00 pm ♦Free Workshop: Fluid Retention and Pufry Mkles, VltalitY SP3
Ch 14 11 6 13 13 6 5
70:00 pm 10:75 pm
6 6 it 6 6 6 6
6 LA"#~ NIGHT ACTIVITIES 71:00 pm MldNght 1:00 am
11 4:OG pm Be2n Bag Toss Tournament, PooLside 11 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Open Play Pickleball, Sports Court 12 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Open Climbing, Rock girr~ing Wail 13 4:30 pm • Acupuncture for Pain and Health, Vitality Spa 11 5:00 pm Afternoon Gene21 Knowledge Trivia, Schooner Bar 6 5:00 pm d Pure Form Pila[es, Vitality Fftr~z¢ Center 72 5:00 pm ♦Seminar: Liquid Rejuvenation In 10 Min with Dr. Camgna Vitality Spa 17 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm •Sip 8 Sail, Happy Hour Beer Specials, All Bars 5:30 pm -9:00 pm S Tapas &Fine Wine, Vintages 6 5:45 pm Casual Port2itr, Centrum 4, 5 & 6
A Paradise Lotto Draw, Casino Royale 4 Cinema Movie: They Shall Not Grow Old, Cinema Junior Cruisers' Curtew
6 6
~ Music nNo ~nNei~i ~
Poohlde Musk with Hlph Class Duo (Weather Permitt§g) 2:30 pm' 3:15 pm Podside 11 330 pm - 4:15 pm Poolside 71
6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 6:45 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm -9:00 pm 7:00 pm -X00 pm 7;00 pm
Harry Potter Trivia, Pit S[op Bar 6 Design Your Jewelry -Links of Luxury, Royal Shops 5 4 Gnema Movie: They Shall Not Grow Old, Qnema 6 !b I-leadr~er 3nwlime S~n'h9 Crditti C~ Coral il~eatre 5 & 6 -0 70's Dance CIS. Centrum 4 ~ Big Screen Movie: Holmes 8 Watson, Poolside 77 ~ 70's Sorg Set with your Royal Caribbean Singers, Centrum q B Texas Hold'em Cash Game, Casino Royale 6 m 70's Disco Inferno Dance Party, Centrum 4
~ Cinema Movie: They Shall Not Grow Old, Cinema
6 Complimentary Gaming Lessons, Casirw Royale 6 Guess the Price of the Thomas Kinkade, Centrum 5 Greek Souvenir Sales Event, Royal Shops 5 Art Auction Preview, Art Gallery 5 Designer Handbag Flash Sale, Royal Shops 5 Guess Madneu Sales Evenk Royal SM1ops 5 Casual Portraits, Centrum 4, 5 & 6 -0 Name That Tune: 70's Dixo, Schooner Bar 6 ~ Big Screen Movie: Holmes & Watron , Poolside 11 All Highlights of Naples, Port Shopping Desk 5 -0 Family Kaaoke. Safari Club 6 d Headliner Showtime Starring Grafitti Classics, Coral Theatre 586 7:00 pm -9:00 pm Shopping Highlightr of Naples, Port Shopping Desk 5 7:15 pm Adult Soccer Tournament, Sports Court 12 7:30 pm - @30 pm A Jewel of the Seas Orchestra In Concert, Centrum 4 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm Art Collectors Appreciation Party, Vortex 13 8:15 pm Tanzanite Guess the fast Weight, Royal Shops 5
Classk Melodies wkh Rosario Strinps 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm Centrum 5:30 pm-6:LS pm CenWm 6:30 pm - 715 pm Tides Dining Room 8:30 pm -9:15 pm Tides Dining Room
4 4 4 4
Eery Llsteru~np Musk with Hlyh Class Duo 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm Sclgoner Bar ras a~ - a ~o om sa,oa,er ear
6 6
Jewel of the Seas Orchestra hi Concert 730 pm - 830 pm Centrum
Dance Mush wkh Mood icons 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Centrum 8:45 pm -430 pm CenWm tt~00 pm - 7t30 am Centrum 11:45 pm - 1230 am Centrum
4 4 4 4
Dmce Music with Cxo Loco 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm Safari CWb 300 pm -9:45 pm Safari Club i000v.,,-iaas~ s~r~ci~ 1t00 pm -11:45 pm Safari Club
6 6 6 6
Pkrp Bar Eirtertalnment with Jody Wade 900 pm -late' Schooner Bar
Party Musk with DJ 71;30 pm -late
The Vortex Disco is open for west 18 years and older after HT.00 pm 'Entertainers wiA take periodic breaks.
99PRD39330 tSD~lkig
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U15E C.Cjl~~lP TODAY'S THE PERFECT CHANCE TO EXPLORE Today is a day at sea and we hope you had a good night's sleep, because with everything you can do onboard, you're going to need it. From sunrise to sunset you can be as active or laid-back as you want to be. Get in a workout, and then treat yourself to a luxurious spa treatment. Come evening, chxk out our nightly entertainment or try your luck at Casino Royale. One thing is guaranteed, it will be another unforgettable day. Cruise Director's quote of the Day "Everything popular is wrong. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, It Is time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain
TRENDING TODAY Grand Finale Art Auction We've saved the best for last. Our fast, fun, final auction will definitely become your new favorite cruise tradition. New art, champagne,free giftsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;you can't miss It. 12.30 pm Registration, Auction ro Follow, Safari Club, Deck 6
Wines Around the World - Joln us Today Join us for a tasting a selection of our delicious wines. Book now at Vintages on Deck 6 or directly before the event -spaces are limited. $15 per guest or only $10 for guests with the Deluxe Beverage Package. 3.'00 pm, Tides Dining Room, Deck 4
Crazy Gluest(Adult 18+only) IYs crazy, iCs hilarious, lYs the wildest game on the high seas - IYs Crary Quest. Jain your Activities Manager Luana,for the madness, or rather the addiction of this crazy adult scavenger hunt. You'll be hooked within the first few minutes. Don't miss one of the best entertainment activities of the cruise. 70.'15 pm, Safari Club, Deck 6
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~F ~~i~:~~R~~i'~~ JOiti tl5 t0E an iifOrsYlattve jir@s4~Ydkir3St i#t U~tf 4~~31~ ~
Gad,des.Hie tt~e c#arice css tie big wtftr ot+r fG~h sake. Fhel~t~tlighfsTalktriYl6~trnati4:Q(3arrtln~l7e5dEatiChrb, Det~k6.
Flash Sale: 2for;20 Tees Relive your cruise and share the memories with exclusive Royal Caribbean tees. Get two port-of-call tees, one to keep and one to share, for just $20. Shop great designs not available anywhere else. 10:00 am. Royal Shops, Deck 5
Ladles Champagne Pamper Party Come and join our amazing,fun and interactive seminar with free Skin, Eye and Neck Collagen treatments with a Sun Glow Make over. Dial 3887 to reserve your seat. Noon, Vitality Spa, Deck 11
LasCChance To Get A Package Price Last 48 hours stream package is $48. To get started, connect to the "WiFi-Guest-Jewel" network on your device. ' 7196 VAT in[Wtletl in Me Die.
lnteinet Help Desk, Deck 7
Jewel Portfolio and Map Purchase any photo package and received two folios for the price of one. Terms and conditions apply. Photo Gallery, Deck 5
Aroma Seaweed Wrap Cellulite? Fluid retention? Poor circulation? Full body seaweed treatment to detox your body. Enjoy a $50 discount today. Dial 3887 for reservations. Vitality Spa. Deck 11
Cupcake Decorating Class Sprinkle some sweetness into your cruise at this adorable Class where you have the chance to decorate Cupcakes and enjoy your creations. Dial 73 for reservations ($). 6iovanni's Table, Deck 6.
Naples Must-See 8 Do From jewelry to hand made ties, carved cameos to local perfume from Capri, local flavors and much more. See Ulises for VIP Shopping tips before going to guaranteed shops ashore. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Port Shopping Desk, Deck 5
WHERE WILL YOU GO NEXT? Discover the places Royal Caribbean can take you on our 24 incredible ships sailing worldwide. Also, find out how to receive additional dollars off or onboard spending money) Don't miss the free raffle! NextCruise, Deck 5
IN THE SPU"~L[CaHT ~dICC~F9~Y~G 7'he amazing uuart~ fs back oir 3ta+~e wrfh a Grand new shows 4:0C~ pm, Centrum, Decks4 Pwdu~Nan Showtlme Starring dtree[from ATga~tir~a; Ffprencia &.)Ose,Juan Santisteban & NiCa~s VelazgUex ►~Na R L3an1eNS'F~ngo Buenos Aires vaitri theRc~lGar}phiSingers.arK! L1arKers and the Tango Buenos A~e5 iJ7che5tra. 7~06pm & 4:OD prv~, Coral Theatre, Decks 5 & 6
DAYTIME AI~VENTUR~* sash pelae Etorat Binf~o GEt'ui on ail the fun of Royal flINGO and yp~ co~el win cash prize. There's alwbays a w(nneri JWn your Bingo Most Murilo and the Bingo Team for the lad Bl~go session this cruise? Earls on sale at .~30 pm, Game Begins at A,~tS pm, Safari Club, Beck 6 E9~ 1~10~f COR1p@tlt{OA SiQtt UR paslgrt and build an dRP~us that v,~dll protect an egg frort~ breaidng as !t free salEs from deck t0. 'f hfs events wifl haApen right this afternoon, so You have hours to get ready) Sign up and prepare Your flyl~9 mdC~[nef!{ 5~ ups $t 10.3(1 am, CQmpetifian Begins at 4;45pm, CeMrum. Deek 4 Icrtern nal Belly F[np Coatest C~h~ trig prestt9~. the 9tamour. ff`s our p~{wlae bel1Y ffnR contest: Makea splash with your Cruise [~ireCtor Andrea at this tmPatgettable cvmPetidon. tP you ivaFlt to l~~ p.Please sign ap at 12:k5 Bm. 12:30 Pte, ~slde, fleck ft
E1tENING THRILt.S It►teCnatW~a1 F1~~ Pa►ade aC lMaCions TUe Capt7In, Setainr esfflce[s, slat# and crew ~va~id CiKe to thank you far cruisl~sg anbodrd Yh2 Jesysi aY the Saar. More than 65 rt~iQns are cspresented 6y our crew see thin proudly carry the flag Qf their countries. ~. 8x00 pm, CenNum, DecK 4 `RCtklag 1Nith 7'~k CfBs+t" S~n3lers SbQ1rc+►s~ you`ve seen them ~~rForm their daiFy lolls an bgard lout did you knrnx chat some of yrn~ #gFlaw ccevJ m~mgers can really Sing? B:45 Pte, antrum, Deek+f Let's Gu St#1►pazl~ - weatt~c,~rmitting Last tv~o sessions -aright Yow tct identify dil the suers & canstelJaCions. 10:3Y1pm E T7:t5pm hteef at Sky Bar, Qeck /2 1~K~I~.T ~V~IW Cinema ~Nr~1e. Citeeni Book ~p8-?3, th 39m~? A working-alaSs ltaga[rRmerfcan bouneer t~ecomes the ckiusr of an APrdc~-Am~rteafl da5sical pianist o~ a tour Qf venues through Che 1960s AmEriWn South, 9:40 am, 1175 pm; 3:G~ pm, b:OQ pm, 8;U0 qm, midni9h~ Cir~emd; Deck 6. BIg Screaa Flcvie: Fanf~t[E Beasts: The C11~tieS of Grlodet~ald f~Cs-t3, 2h U{mla~ rte second ir~stallme~t oP the'"Fatttdstk 8e~ts" Series fe8turi~9 the ddYentuf&S of MagiZaOtOgiBt hl6tYt SCarYta11d8r. :DQP~artd93bNn.FbatSide,LteekTl I
~ ., 2 • 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 6 7 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 73
8.00 am -11:00 am 4:00 Pm - 7:00 pm 1030,am -noon Language Assistance 5:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Shore Excursions Desk 430 pm - 9:00 pm 7:00 Pm - 70:00 pm Art Gallery 1130 am - 3:00 pm Food &Beverage Hospttaltty Desk My Time Dining Reservatbn (Dial 3333) 8:30 am - 4:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm NextGuise Office 10:00 am - 70:30 pm Photo Gallery 530 pm - 630 pm Port2it Studio'fime 7:30 Pm - 9:00 pm 10:00 pm - 70:45 pm 7:00 pm -9:00 pm Port Shoppirg Desk 1000 am -10:00 pm Roy Shoes 8:00 am -late Slots Casino Royale 10:00 am-Wte TalNes 9:00 am -noon Internet A~stance 3:00 pm -7:00 pm 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Main Pool 7:00 am -10:00 pm Pool Towel Station 7:00 am - 70:00 pm Solarium Pod (Adults only) 8:00 am -10:00 pm Vitality Spa (Dial )2) 800 am -10:00 am Loyalty Ambassador Desk 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm lO:OQ am - 4:00 pm Kids Pool 6:00 am - 70:00 pm Vitality Fkness Center TI:00 am - 3:00 pm Waterslide 10:00 am -11:45 am Rock CGmMrg Wall 230 pm - 4:45 pm Medical Fadlfty (DIa1 51)
=rvlces and Vence<are Open 24 hwurs~ The Foll~tiirn^, C 4 Guest Services(Dial 0) 4 & 7 royal wribbean online Community Bulletin Board 5 oa~y srww sn«n out eox, caf2 l.attrtudes 5 Cabs and Games 6 6 Cards and Games 6 Library 12 Challenger's Video Arcade Ch 15 Shore Excursbns Information Ch 22 Port Shopping Informatlon with Ulises Emergency Only,(Dial 91p Please bring your SeaPass carcJ to all activities. Certain age, height, weight and clothing requirements may apply. Poease check activity slgnage for more information and description of onboard services and policies, please read useful Information on the back of Meet the offices Tags. Please Note: Select pools and whiripool5 may be dosed for cleaning dr~d mamtenanCa Minors mUSt be supervised at ail times and wear proper floating devices. Voun9 children in diapers/pull upsi swimmers may not use the pools/whirlpools, even if accompanied by a parent/ guardian. The reserving of chairs is not permitted. Smoking Only Permitted in Deslpnated Areas' Casino Smoking Section, Deck 6 Std side, Outer Deck, Deck S Std side, Pool Deck, Deck 77 Std side, Deck 13 Std side next to Vortex. ' All indoor public spaces, staterooms and balconies are smoke free.
tli~V 9Fk1'! }U dfFC ^,:.JOt~WlTY Df~. ~KIi1Sl OTtlp FgIRI t9U ~W[NCSjat61p7~C3~ 7:f}O8[f1~Tltt~~f# e r H~OO 3i}YE J;A~BCF} 'T7ff@5 ~1f11`fl~{$Odt1Y5 tb,"aaam~3'6€~prn 1tk30 arr~ Mgofr~1:30prn t~otf ~ kSl~
;~n~i~r~r r~Cafb, . . ~ @fides 17inin~ Raan - BbttarY~tess ~ialleY -._:Br~o5h6ia~7~fU[t 3 '~~ s~ri#kfiFvr~ti~73' Tuf2s Ditling Reams
tt ' ti ~ 71 5 6' 4
~1Pte^9:3I}~n ~: i~Y Mine Dif~i~q 6~1 E~ r Main Seaking~ Ydes~kt(n9 Rdans 9:~!tom' Seccurd 5eati~zg.Tides 61nin4 ~etam C.~tFl nm:~ A•iE7 nm . ineiixmn~arf~fd
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Hogs- D#un 9.30f~n"~$i}am 3:30 Dom:^+#;~t~1 2.fh~aur5
`Solaaium tSelNBfilltrC. ~ 4VCMt3ldrtlfllCCL ~Ro~sntSeruite.i~3#
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Your scatir~ aira~i9etnat~ksare Pritrtetl wE the trt~t of ywn SeaPass r.~d ft}Ad~twn~5tnGhau'€IeS Rer Personptus at~l6%service thafBe will bE added taY~bHtt~~+c+psGriN~~9 ,C~ia~anniY~able~3Z99,CheYs 7al~e'S9S; Fzwz» a(a CaRO Arlcing. R4vm Ssrulcz X795}SpEaaltY f3~m9 Carleelfad~a~S urcth Eels then 2-0 h4u~s~n4tfce wtli bE:charged a~[~ DE $1~ per pet5on on.yaur Se~i'ass acua~rtt. ad+~eN~re wRh tis, a $t4,5Q.: . f+cuse~vfcetNidn9 a hey recoS~~Fe U56'gn~tt~itY L$~t7,56 USB for SLife c~asStS} Is s'~ddett Ca Your SeaP~ aCcourtG daif~ This grat~tY#55hdzedamanc~stt(f~faotk~beverage End tWiRs~Y ~rrlceS sfaf~, St~kert~dm 5ttehtlants and czfher essertti~ Fmigl servk&52eams. L'12a52 esot~ that an'f~% 9eatuitY IsE(~ 3uturhatkally added 4o peverage ~~ui hUu-Bae pvr¢hases~ rill ~Spa.B Satgri serviczs. .. HE/►LTF1 Ablt4 SAF`ET`Y 161~C?F'2MA'!`IN
tXeaks.~sdbEfi~te8afl~9 1n9~ ~i AVb1It }{Ba~[4 lC~tormati4tf; gnimat fcwd 5tKh as beef e59s lati~, milk; ~t that is rah Qt under eook~tl siynii~cantly increases pock vnc~~Y rn seaetwd ttrrt ~5lc Wf~tt6an+l~iiesstFirtclnerabtearuf &nrtwncfdeficteruy guests: . BSWY Cadets: For ttre safe[Y §~ s+~dl«i3~,d~ of aR persons onboard same meenhers t+f cuu SecurKry Team wI~ lie wea~'in9 ~dY Cameras as Hart t~f [ht~r unaofm ChNtl P6r5Dna1Etatafittt C6N[sp~ For fh2 safety and weR;heiM1q of [ht'Idfen.swrSVNr~ittvn9 pool perso~at tkNatWn ~teuir~s ire avaf6aMe #ee n€chars at the p9ni tleck areas. PerSar±~Na[at~an devif~SGPfL?skat8~#acuse antraartl tf+e Jewel vJ the Seas - be takenbffIh~ 5fup. HndtannM
~ ~
Laam ~itfa Yt~e Masters srfSu6hi fi4t~t here onbAard in Izumi qn tfeck t21n t~€s ~cfusive event at 50:30 am. 9halteaava+c~115h Dial T4 far ~Sservatlons LYJ
May 27,2019 '. 0
~ ~CYEt,1~1~tQ~ JtG7'FV~f~'t~6
o e, Ch 74 The Daily Show with Andrea & Luana Midnight -croon 6 4Cinema Movie: Green Book Cinema 9:00 am 12 9:30 am -10:30 am Open Play PlcMeball, Sports Court 6 Word Search Challenge, Schooner Bar 9:30 am 6 Shore Excursions HIghllghtr7alk Safari Gub 70:00 am 4 Italian Class Part 2 with your CD Andrea, Centrum 10:00 am Knit, Needle &Hook Ga[hering (Self Led), Vintagas 6 10:00 am 6 Morning Trivia, Schooner Bar 10:00 am 11 ♦Seminar. Pain And Stress Mana9emen[, Vitality Spa 10:00 am 73 10:00 am -11:45 pm Open Climbing, Rock Climbing Wall 11 Morning Stretch, Poolside 1030 am 4 Egg Drop si9~ ups &Info, Centrum 10:30 am 12 O Sushi Making Class, Izurtd 10:30 am 5 10:00 am -1:00 pm Ports of Call T-Shirts Sale. Royal Shops 71 -0 Latln Dance Ftt Workout. Poolside 11:00 am •Seminar. Detox for Health and Weight Loss, 11:00 am 12 YRaltty Fitness Center 6 The Art of Collecting Seminar, Safari Club 17:00 am 6 11:00 am -noon O E2 Mimosa Happy Hour, Casino Royale Le Vlan Strawberry Champa9~ Party, Royal Shops 5 7130 am Picture Scavenger Hunt (Mirg you camera/ptwne). 11:30 am 6 Schooner Bar Towel Folding Demo with Housekeeping, Poolside it 11:45 am 73 Glufet Zone. Vorteu Noon - 2:00 pm ~t Free Champagne Ladies Pamper Party. YRality Spa 11 Noon 6 ~ Qnema Movie: Green Book, Cinema 1295 pm 12 Famlly Scavenger Nurrt, Adventure Ocean 12:15 pm 13 12:15 pm - 3:00 pm Open Play (Ages 6 rtanths - 36 rtw~ths), Vortex 11 International Belly Flop Competition, Poolside 7230 pm 6 Auction Registration &Raffle Entry, Safari Club 1230 pm 6 Lets Play Scattegories!, Schooner Bar 1230 pm 6 Graff Fl~ale Art Auction, Safari Club 12:45 pm a Royal Slot Tournament 4ualifiedFinal, Casino Royale 6 1:00 pm 6 Informal Veteran's Get Together, Pit Stop Bar 700 pm 6eQe 0a~QaswNh~a+0.3re Cytaifaad0.Cstnm 4 1:OO Pm 5 * Captain's Corner Q&h Coral Theatre 1:00 pm 6 -0Nane That Tune Disney Songs, Schooner Bar 130 pm 12 Adult 3x3 Basketball Competition, Sports Court 1:45 pm ~ ~l5u~ on Screen Gamy Cartoon Characters. Cenfim 4 2:00 Pm Wellness Seminar. Relieving Back Pain, 2:00 pm 12 Vitality Fkness Center Casira.Royale 6 ua • BlackJackToumament (aualifier/Final, 2:00 pm 11 9 Line Darxe Class, Poolside 2:00 pm 5 Anti Aging Skincare Workshop, Royal Shops 230 pm 6 A Cupcake Class, GlovannPs Table 230 pm 6 Arts &Crafts: Color Your Bookmark, Schooner Bar 230 pm 73 2:30 pm - 4:45 pm Open Clirr~ing, Rock Climbing Wall •Royal Poker Tournament (]ualirying Round, 3:00 pm 6 Corsica Royale Y Wines Arowtd the World -Fine Wine Tasting, 3:00 pm 4 Tides Dining Room NextCruise Talk: Around The World in 30 Min, Cenhum 4 3:00 pm 4 iMartini Masterdass, Lobby Bar 3:00 pm 6 O Conraisseur's Fine Wine Tasting, Vintages 3:00 pm 6 EI Cinema Movie: Green Book, Qnema 3:00 pm S Designer Watches Sales Even[. Royal Shops 330 pm 6 330 pm - 4:75 pm O Cash Prize Royal Birgo Cards on Sale, Safari Club Acupuncture Seminar. Herbs That Heal, Vitality Spa it 330 pm Fr{ends of Bill W. Infomul Meet and Mingle, Vortex 13 3:45 pm d Matlhee Showtime with Graffi[I Gassier, Centrum 4 4;00 pm 6 SpecWtty Trivia: Brainteaser (~uestian. Pit Stop Bar 4:00 pm 6 •Cash Prize Roy Birgo, Game Begir~. Safari Club 4:15 pm 4 Egg Drop Competl[Ion, Centrum 4:45 pm 12 Adult Soccer Tournament, Sports Court 5:75 pm 4.5 & 6 Formal PorValts, Centrum 5:30 pm 6 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm 9 Torpors 8 Fine Wine, Vintages
4 Gnema Movie: Green Book, Cinema a RodixUon 5l~wtirte: Tago 9~nas Aires. Coal theatre Free VIP Cards for Naples, Port ShopPin9 ~ 4 Big Screen Movie: Fantastic Beasts: The Dimes of Grindelwald. Poolskk -0 Name That Tune: James Bond. Schooner Bar 7:30 pm Bbwout Art Sale, Art Gallery 7:30 pm -0 International Flag Parade of Nations, Centrum 8:00 pm Carving of Cameos and T2ditional Jewels, 8:00 pm Port Shopping Desk Tissot Swlss Watches Presentation, Royal Shops 8:15 pm 8:45 pm - 930 pm ~ Pdutt Karaoke, Safari Qub -0'Rodcing with the CreH' Singers Sfawcase, CenWm 6:45 pm ~ Cinema Movle: Green Book, Cinema 9:00 pm !! Pmdixtion Stiaatirie Tago &~ Pire, Cad Tteatre 9:00 Pm m &g Screen Movie: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of 9:30 pm Grl~elwald, Poolslde $1 Bet Raffle Draw, Casino Royale 70:00 pm *'Crazy (kiest' Adult Game Show, Safari Club 70:15 pm Let's 90 Stargazing, meet at Sky Bar 10:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:OO pm 7:00 pm -9:00 pm 7:00 pm
6 5& 6 5 71 6 5 4 5 5 6 4 6 5&6 71 6 6 72
6 LATE M1GHT ACTIVITIES 17:00 pm 11:75 pm MWnight 1:00 am
6 12 6
A Paadtse Lotto Draw, Caslrw Royale Let's go Stargazlrg, meet at Sky Bar ~ Cinema Movie: Green Book, Cinema Junlor Crullers' Curfew
?4 t~1~S~C 11Nk? L1~iN'~?IGt ~
PodsWe Music wNh HIS CWss Duo(V✓eafher FHrmittin9) Podside 7:00 Pm - 1:45 Pm Poolside 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Poolside 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
P it it
Jaa Standards witl~ Vlktor 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Dmice Musk with Mood kms 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm 8:45 pm -9:30 pm 9:45 pm -10:30 pm 10:45 pm -11:30 pm 17:45 pm -1230 am
Cerrtrum Cen[rum Centrum Centrum Cenhum
4 4 4 4 4
LMN Dmice Musk with Coco Loco Safari Gub 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Safari Club 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm Safari Ciub 9:30 pm 70:75 pm Safari Ck~b 17:15 pm -midnight
6 6 6 6
Muck wHh Huh Class Duo 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Schooner Bar
Wand Bar EntartalnmeM with hdY Wade Schooner Bar 9:00 Pm -late'
Dice Party with DJ 11:00 pm -late
Voter Dism is(oradu/t~ 18 years arrc/ olderaker 10.b0 pm. Entertainers will fake periodic bi&3ki '
h~`ca[*v EF1+vIlKIFR
~ ~
FROM ANCIENT ARTIFACTS TO THE AMALFI COAST, NAPLES IS A TREASURE TROVE Many would argue that pizza was Naples' greatest contribution to mankind. You might even agree after sinking your teeth into a slice of Margherita. This town is chock-full of museums so take your pick and, by all means, have some pica too. From Naples, visit the world-famous excavation of Pompeii at the base of Mt. Vesuvius. Once a thriving empire, it was left in ashes after a volcanic erupt(on in 79 AD. Also worth seeing is Italy's stunning Rmalfi Coast, a journey thaYs as famous as its seaside destinations. And the isle of Capri is perhaps the gem of them ali, with sweeping vistas, lively caf8s and blooming gardens.temple to Athena and is still a remarkable structure today.
Tad~Y'S fcwreCafs~ c.~xrciv with Chance~f ~n T411 H~ 66°F t~°'C} 1lMlud+~ SW~'~#~a ~ 5.35 ar+t
S alt X35 rttett A'1h1~ 8~!eut~ dunw~c~e ►fin 1~{ J
Cruise Director's Quota of tha Day ' Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says 'I'll try again tomonow.'" - Mary Anne Radmacher
t t t~C
B:~t'► Pin R t~8ck °~ Ned-*
~, G11~A #~eF PhQfO IdAl1E1t1~8tiCh
TRENDING TODAY Donn Miss the Last Chance to try our Specialty Restaurants Tonight )oln us for an e~cclusive enperience In any of our Specialty Restaurants such as Izumi, Chop's Grille or Giovanni's Table and receive a 30% discount on the cover charge: Dial 74 for reservations(S). Last Day Spa Special: Ralazadon Packaya Go home feeling absolutely relaxed and refreshed. 75 minutes of full body massage with Elemis touch facial. Only $99 for today. CaII 3887 or visit the Vitality Spa, Deck 11
AduR Karaoke Superstar. Finals Who will walk away with the title of "Karaoke Superstar'? Tonight's the night, the best of the best. IYs a performance you can't miss, and only one will win the title of Karaoke Superstar. 9:45 pm, Cent~um, Dxk4
,° ~,1.~
6A5'C 1~11lt1l7$'Etl~U135i STltl AYAR~SBL6 "Tfr9 RuYns of Herd ' Tfle BOt~bP(!fiB~Y & i~itza T89Ei[ly "t5Chi0 8e 7~12R1181 A3~h Rg5t7{L
! ,~ I~tsrEflrBShat2fuutsfo~l~esko[1Cieck4lbrmore irrfarmatlon.
5M~ nC~ #16 Rerm~Ctect t~ ~oR 3~4 S~riF?~
Rvt~G c~ tk s~tle 3 ' SeaPass accawtrt. yaclt CSC C ~ C~tte5t ServF~~, AeGk 4 anEl:n~ otR wl~ tre r~quie~d.`Gftieck }~~n ontraard accaur~Y vi8 iT~t htlKn ynzu st orm. A~D~d'i~Y'L $eve time and a+r+~ii sEand~#~ fn ling. Place a crate caz~I SeaP.us atraunk to~a~ guests wtw ar@ en 8 cut ut a~uit WiIE be [~ptu[ect lb Pad aY GU~St Se~~eiees IocaKed o~► [lack 4, hcwe~rer ~hpse w+~h a crecsft card cui t11Wt ~ao~c ~r[H be 7Er~ti€di~ bi[~ct. # Ctkpy (~yQur , 5eeA6~gs aCtGu~ wilf be detiv~re fo your sEateraam rxs e~fC atrs~chFa? to verify atl~ .; ycsu' card 3s charged.;
~ d
EEI4t1 SI111(@YS
~ Royal Caribbean's canti~ru~d effort to Save tfie iNaves, were rro tan9er d~Buex~9~ the~ afisf~e~ion 3t~ est skaterac~ms. AN sailed attests over that t8 w~ia have prcrviifeil,c+s wi#h their emait ac~lresa rp ~n errk~[tnu~atio~tcr partici~aEe [~r tnan ~rnline~uest Saflstacti~~ ~cvey ~n fihe daY ed departuee. Yzru yriF( have ogre week to csrmalete the cues. offer i~~ri~rg the sFr~. 'k'~ie ~rarvev srartzs en 5martPhanes. tablets, laptops airtf other twtt 5 and
dp~tf47ClR7d1'8Iy ~ - ~fU IYl1hUXES ~b 8t18W6(.VY@ t~i~1fS ftX t~BTq± CTE4K tnehtbef tV~#t dB1iYe16t~ thB -. .
xcur cr~rtse v~etton.
Lt ua~rpin Atl~ucrr~o~~IAuerdkls~'~tfi~e taken from yhtr at tike g~ih'+ai~t ~~rts v€ h@ tfeliver20 t0 your s~ater4om 'eu~ir~G, i1~A1►11I ~NR ~. ~ Rome fCivNaVecthfB}~ Italy
nr .w~
taf~ Select Co(fee Cards Perk up your morning, afternoon or evening with our Cafe Select coffee card. Get 20% or more off specialty coffees and if you don't use up the card this time -you can bring it on your next Royal Caribbean Cruise. ' Enjoy 15 tall espre5sp-OaseE specialty tnHees tw only f31. Finalize Tomorrow's Travel Plarls Printing your Boardingpasses with an hour consecutive Surf package for $9.99. Connect to "WiFi-Guest-Jewel" today. 72%VAT iMWtletl in final package prkc ' Visit the Mtemet Cafe located on Decks 9 & 7 Mega Clearance Sale Spoil yourself during the Royal Shops Clearance Event —your last chance to find amazing deakon exciting loot up to 70% off. Supplies are limitedsohurry andgetyour hands on the best selection. 7'30 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 5 Salon Medness EnJoy a 20% discount from all our hair, barbering and teeth whitening services all day. Dial 3887 to book. Vitality Spa, Deck 77 Last Chance to Choose Your Memories View and select your photos from Boarding, Formal Night and more. IYs your task chance to purchase; Photo Gallery is closed on final morning. Photo Gallery. Deck 5 Last Chance Art Sale Don't miss your last chance to find the perfect work of art for an amazing price. Remember, the only art you regret, is the art you didn't get. 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Conference Room, Deck 5 Rome Ultimate Top Picks Last chance for information on shopping ashore in Italy after leaving the ship. Museums, religious items blessed by the Pope and much more. Meet Ulises before you leave the ship. 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Port Shopping Desk, Dxk 5
~~1 Tt~~ PC?fi1~iC~►EY~' r Farevii~N x+awtftn~ staxrin5,f~''t~r Rtusierart'Acrobat,d~ggter and'ihf touisei_a fenny ManE Walcom~ tt~ tine Visual comedg.Show of Jeremy's World. Featuring the Royal CBribtsean ~ing~rs and Rancers~nd tMe .fewel of tha Seas 6rCh25fra. 7:LiTk Ifi524 ~;Dt}R~t lsl7rdt ~l~d4ee, D2ck9:5.3 6 'i7ie saNt0aF5~is a~dviddgkaphgof Shgws ~S 9tnttty ArohlWted. Pfeste refraxviran Sy5l~rid1711f~p{ CiFk6f $6fYi4R5.~ ~{.:'. ~~~~i~lY~ ~
Trf^bOnid'ft1Y1~ H2te`5 a trivi8~wiTtt Bat it~ereStiru3 hs~t. Wait this"4Uiz. Y~ 9~ C17f@B GCtJ85ffM'QHi~f'~f."~1EF~2f0RCCi3yoU ~dYB W:C417141li3 tY~h . their cvmttwn dertaminatgr. See if you have whet it takes to pUt all the pi~C~ tOBQCttev, I•C1Dpm,::5~'hoor~e~BaEDQck4 Ctunn Ism s #an way tis fnkt a gaper ~d UartNQrm ~ ir~ta a flS'i~ MBfiCo~efY YVf! S rClat(81t tly $t Ht~s€~d Of tltB GIaS57 ks flNl ft1r8~ a9~5." it:d~pm,'CetrtCwrr.[SeCkd
M18h1@'fl~ttTfplY: ~f ABtld Can ybrt'Ndme tt~t Teuse7" !E's t#~ r~(thirncJ'
t Carihbeart is the
.'d! the ftl~? ~g TcxH9F~ty0rJ hBYe th@~pa~r#unityttS.F ~~`~ ~r ~ ~~~ ~u~. ~~`~ 8~~5 ~~$b` ~ ~ the dare ftnar may rtetige kte the s +' ~~~~p~
+,. tw~u u~Mw.ac ntnv u~¢ rt*auur~~v~~: ~f$ r12AI ti? 8tK7f~ICf. (dC8t10tf, ~Cld. Ytt~I the e~[etnm heat €ftR7~ LhE
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A 3C7-Yeae^okt hcfrtiCUlY4uist m~da fnra'Uiaviran raac~
~aq S~ veter8tt tur~'rs tlruq n. M~itn~gfttCtnema, Deck &
FINAL DAY TO BOOK YOUR NEXT CRUISE AND SECURE OUR ONBOARD OFFERS This is the time to book it! Receive our Best Offer: Up to $600 Dollars Off or Onboard Credit when you book your next cruise vacation onboard. NextCruise, Deck _5
rrny aware r~vrar..rrrn. A rsair its Yeena~ers w(th tti
fl~G'13i lh~i~t} meet ina hasprtaiand fall C avaitl dose pAy~ca~ 'Y
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Please 6nng yoiu SeaPass card to all activities. Certain age, height weight and clothing requirements inay apply. Please check activlty s(9nage for more information and description of onboard services and policies, piesse read useful Information on the back of Meet the offker Tags. %ease Note: Select poolsand whirlpools may bedosed fordeaning and maintenance. Minors must be supervised at all times anc~ wear proper floating devices_ Youny children In diapea/pull ups/ swirzimers may not use [he pools/whirlpool_ even .f accompanied 6y a Garent; guardian. The reserving of chars Is not Dermitteei
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Mld~¢R -noon The DaNY SMw wRh Andrea & Luana 7Uo an - nao an •Blooay Man a wrrnsa soedaG.NNrgammer 4.00 am 4Cirema Moyle: The Mink CNiema 9:00 am - llk00 am Open Gimbirg. Rack GimMng Wall 400~n - 71:00 am Quie[ Zone Vorte~c 9:00 am - 3.00 Pm OPen Play(Ages6 months - 36 months). Vortex g30 am Sudoku Cha~len9e. Schooner Bar 10:00 am Homing hlWa,Schooner Bar t(Y.W an Sacer Crossbar Chalk~nge.5(wrts CaM I(Y.30 am Ribbora to Roses, Schooner Bar 11:00 am Pithxe hivla: Martnalc. Schomer Bar 1:00 pn Tri-BorM TrivW,Stl~oaner Bar 204f~ +Y Free 5 Mkwrte Malmaer. VkalitY Spa 200 pm Baggo Tournament, Poolside 3~0 pn U Grena Movie: The Mule, CY~ertm 3.00Pm - k00Pm ~ Free CaOapen Eye heaUnents. VltnWtY Spa 3.00 pn Tffile Te~Ws Twrt~arnerN,POgISiA¢ AR 4:00 E~ +Y kee LoW~es MassaOe Waldrop. vftalky Spa 4:00Pm tJne Dance Qatis. Paolsfde 430f~ ~Y Fife WOAdpf1 FMdd RMmtlo~ and WfIY Hides.
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4Fe~.~el9wgre9afipJaaryrieBiataYxsCaal7la~aOe 5 &6 13 Adit SPeed limb. Rode Cgmbin9 Wall 9Name thM Tine:6W Band.Schooner Bar 6 6 Cort~rt~entety GarNng Lessons, Cask~o Royale 5 Portr of Call T-Shhtr Sale. Royal Shops 5 Check Ou[ Yoe CruLse M~Uos.Plwto Gallery Las[ Mpwte Wabd~es & Cxeat Gifts Salrs Evert, 5 Royal Shops 5 730 Pm -9'30 Pm Last Chance Art Sale. Art Gallery rcerra eles~ed vy aie roce n Fi~ome, avo pn 5 Port SlwppMg Desk 5 Mega Clearance Event~~ &OU Pm 5 &00 pm -9:00 Pm last Mkwte Info for Rare.Port SIwPP~~9 Desk &OO pm - Ik45 Pm t.atln Dare Meic Mitli Coon lmo(~ Gea~aZ Safari dub 6 Las[ Change Foie JexekY &ow Out Sale. Rgal StnOs S X15 Pm 4 oe. CeMrum X75 Pm 4Tango Encore P 6 True of False Trivia, Schooner Bar 8:30 pn 6 4Gnertre Movie: The M~9e,Ckierna 4W pm 4Fac+W3n~NY~esterYp.kie~dMe6telaY~CorallheeVe 586 JW Pm Ck~ert~a TrWia, PI[ Stop Bar 69:15 pm P 4BiD Screen Movie: Fhe Feet Apart. Podside 4.30 f~ 4 -0 Hdult Karaoke Superstars Fkials, Cmtrum 9:45 pm
10:00 Pm 10:00 pm 1(Y30Pm 17:00 pm Midnight 1:00 am
~Tmtas Hdd'em Cash Game.Casino Royale Wdcy Gull Raffle, Casino Royale BYe BYe Part:~brtec Paradise Lotto Draw, Casino Royce 4Gnerna Mwle: The Mule, Cinert~a Junbr Cndsers' Curtew
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Fanw~ Vartp wMp D! 10:00 pm -late
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