………‥610乙 忠 696上…・……・
∑斗つるロ’eIき八〇とl Ou!Se⊃
iSi!e書eP e」O山」OJ ]SOH Ou!Seつ
回書0日SHVヨ入庫雪 e∂S書∀
るll] eeS ’訓Ou Pue ]!Pe」⊃ P」eOquO ’∧eldeeJ] ’sMuリP eeJ] u」ee O]
Seu川Pel山]OiS Pue Selqe1 6u叫e6 e囲]B P」e⊃ SSedeeS 」nO^ esn
piきつeu⊥ ui ‖V S,書i
:eq冊M e〃=肌O○○OuO⊥ ’与り⊃eロ`刈Se口SuO!S」n⊃Xヨe」〇日S ∂明岬斗〇〇日
“.0, 6u圃P ∧q s∂⊃V¥」eS ]Sen9 ]⊃e叫O⊃ `山d oo:上人q pe^甲e ]Ou Sell
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仙e^!1eq e6巳66n「 ’lud sL:∑ ]e間C] e明日O uO!]∂ld山O⊃ e囲uOdn uedo-e」
’S事」ed eI⊃!lle∧ u⊃uneI
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’Se⊃!∧」eSきds u!
8 7 S刈つるG uO山d o∑:乙Aleleし坤XO」dde 〕e (P」e3 SSedeeS
“与川つる口《eds何回!∧ `s川Ol `山d oo’乙-ルビOO出
Pu曾山d oo:乙l巳eSOI⊃用M Se剛!つき) e⊃!∧」∂S書S∂n9 =∀ “雪
」nO∧ uo pe叩」d) uo!〕e]S Alq山eSS∀ 」nO( OI Pee⊃0」d `sIIeq …ele Pue eI〕S!uM S.d叩S e囲JO PunOS ell=∀
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“u!M O⊥ ○○書u且。nO⊥ ed§ ∀ e)lP⊥
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`6u!u!P Snid `se!〕囚〕⊃e Pue Sde山刈⊃eP 」OJ dde 」nO
PeOIuMOP PUe測OMleu H-!M S.d川S eul O事]⊃euuO⊃
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’しPunI Pue ]SeJ準訓q 」OJ e山O⊃ieM ∂」e S〕」OllS ‘y⊃eP iOOd eu事O事」eeM山!MS dee者eSeeId ]n8 ‘eu!J e」e SeSnOIq Pue
おで務弱」PunS `S]」!咋6I開`Su煎「 iXap」 -uO!ie⊃e^ ud e」.fiQ人
ie⊃V¥eP uMO 」nO∧ uo dd∀ ueeqq!」eつiE∧oとうe囲e!∧刈OOq 」O串∵S刈⊃eG `」eE]
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6u!6uno「 )1⊃閃P!el :epO⊃ SSe賀a
人∀aO⊥ t]O」 §di⊥ 「∩]d音容H
事e」巳qきつS.叩⊃eds渇I n〇人準0ご用!M ∂M加9 e皿」OJ SleeS 」n〇人e∧」eSeとI
相1 8賀e書§ ll書賀ON `§uo!書e^」e§etl MOuS “ e叩JO XOg
人∀00⊥ 9NlqN]岩⊥ “ウ刈⊃eG `e」leeu⊥ ie^o‡] `洲e⊥山eu叫∀ lnOq∀ il∀ ’山d sL:L
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^uuns相SO川 田d oo:∑ 富者つるロ
`sMOuS OI S]eeS MOOq `d叩S elII PunO」e le6 oI MOu
’se」n6甘Pue Sl⊃eJ d!uS 6u!Pniつu! SEeS elII JO山elllu∀
e賀n書剛〇〇叫e⊥ u6!H
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とP」eOquO IO6 no^ e」OJeq u⊃」eeSe月nO^ op ol e山!l e∧eu
l.uP!C] ’」elIIO Ou e洲Aeu」nO匡uo pe刈eq山e ]Sn「 nO人
q岩V〇日V ]N○○「]M ’ウL xpeG le田山e「pu!M ’山d sL:S ’ue」Oue囚e冊JO 6u刑6!l elII PuB Se⊃!^」eS SnO!6!ie月O川e羽nueH
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@SVゴSゴH上ゴ0 〃ゴH上〃V
6しO乙`8乙○○q叫〇〇〇q `柾p置n書きS
・亀甲eG `0[OM」 `両町P甲一山d oo:0し
・∈沖e〇 ・山eel SeieS eS叫⊃}XeN 」n〇八∂eS ’l!P∂」⊃ P」eOquO
"PeSS叫eq O=Ou e⊃ue!」edxe 」O S6u!^eS u! 009$ Ol dn e」O’S Snld.」e:岬一相eJel甲! 」nO(
ue s! eZue6e∧eJ]Xe e即116!u S冊・sIS刷ee Pue S}⊃e捕Ie!⊃eds
pue se⊃ue`u」O担d esリd」nS '「c日ueP!Se月nO囲M ’eeS
le qnP川6甲甲e手工圃I=SellOll叩`鴨削O事0[OM⊥ ∪! Sn u!O「 e⊃ue害○○dx∃ qnl⊃書l16!N a]e叩書in e山一Pe岩
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○○書e「 )iooq賀O MON )IOOさ
.ゥ〉つるG 'lleH ⊃!Sn囚`山d sL:6
…OO」叩u! eSle euO相o∧e eWI q岬} Pue相o} a^叩Sn[ nO( 与eMSue 6uo」M 」O叫6リOu Se叩叩MOuS a田e6 unJ S冊」OJ Sn u!0「
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剛6岬叩q囲O事dn de}S nO^ se 」elS 」euu! 」nO∧しe準M∀
.eoue!Pne e^!l e即uO」川…O}」ed pue ∂6e}S q冊OluO de〕S
.sL xpeG ・eds布yI恥A e即E O} S}ueuJluiOdde 」nO画OO日 .]ue…ee」〕 P」∑ 」nO^ uo
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e賀oN e^甘§ `e置oNきd§
・∑ ∧叩句eS叫⊃」nd n〇時e6巳沖ed
1..Su」OH相⊃事e] eul Pue e]叩eS・, Pueq-」edns se6e∧ Se「 6u叩ee〕
・亀甲○○ uO和訓巳〇 〇事0ud eu川Sい
elqe事le6」O担n u∀伸u∂OすS」e∧Ol-⊃!Snlu PueSueP!S…囲Oq 」OJ ・⊃!Sn山XeId山O3 6u囲d ・su叩!S… SSap P一」OM JO dno」6 x∂id山O⊃ ∀
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lO A6oIOull⊃al OeP!∧ ]」e e即O e}e}S Pue e6pe 6u!〕ln⊃叫6um
§u」oH佃⊃ le] e皿8 eゴe書ue§ 6u!1n書ee川e⊃uO⊃ le叩!^
S「「憎H⊥ DN看N]^∃ .s xpec仁se⊃!∧」eS ]Sen9 }e eIq印e^e鵬lS^s 6uluers!「細事S!SS∀
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o事Olld e∧!§ni⊃u口l∀ 」nO uO e^eS ’相de」6o書Oud ieuO!SSeJO」d
囲M eS叩」nO朽O lu∂uel!⊃Xe Pue小eeq叩e」n書de⊃ Se!Jlo叫e‖ SSele叫ld uO O韓e^eS 亀甲eロ`e冊9 Sdouつ“村dd巳e6」eu⊃ 」e∧○○ .e^] S.」ee人MeN uO Ale∧!SnI⊃Xe 」euu!P uO哩」q∂l∋⊃事坤ed
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uo叩剛qeie⊃ Jle臥MeN a冊9 §dol13即O §§期喜・uOa
JO SMO」 P」Iul Pue PuO⊃eS u甲e」P冊⊃ ・MO」即刑} u甲e」Pl岬ON.P軸l10」d
e⊃ue!」edxe 6u岬P enb!un e囲lM 」ee人M∂N elll e書e」qele⊃
6u刑6II eqO」lS.ue!P」en6 」O lue」ed e句pe!uedluOつつe eq ]Sn…elee肥au]
佃」事S S- SMOuS JO 6u!d叩ep!∧ Pue S}eeS }O 6u!∧eS ell⊥ ’nO人xpO洲M eM
」O打de⊃X∂ Se岬Iu SS O} S両肩}elu!XO」dde e」e 」e〕ee里叩u! SMOuS li∀
与準eロ・∧」訓eD 〕」∀山d oo‥8 -山d o∑:[ んe]ueuJ"d山0⊃ e 」Ol相o=e9 ]」∀ P」eOquO e囲句6u!MS Ol訓nS明
・PePue田山○○e」 SUO!事跡」eSe仁判るeS
単red tw6 “p」eOq∀ e山O⊃ieM川棚O 」=0時ue eu6ed…叩⊃ lO SSeI6
・S `が沖eO `叫的肥i巳八〇打田d oo:Oし
uo!事de○○H eu6ed叫ell⊃ p賀eOqV auO刊eM ol euJO⊃ OuM lle JO S〕」eeu eu} ll⊃nO} Pue e」!dsu朝6!IeP Ol e」nS S!
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d!uS相E uO enue∧ Pe⊃ue^Pe A腔⊃!6o-Ou甲e=SOl胴lll S! O[OM山
喜l16!uO⊥ OIOM⊥
・与棚S沖eG `e」書ee皿Iき∧0江田d ⊆し:[
s xpeG ‘se6e叩∧ `山d oo:S - UOOu山O」画一!eP S6u閃o包 iMOu elqe] dI∧ 」nO^ e∧」eSe汁Se」^nO・P’S」Oll
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lue^∃ dl^ O`OM⊥ au書]e OI心§ u!置ee^MeN au事u! 6u閏 .ゥ〉⊃eC] ・epEueldsヨ1e^o江田d oo:S ]e 6u印elS .」ePIO 」0し乙eq ]Sn囚・e∧!SSe」duJ!
∂」O山ue^e S6u!^eS叩e準… SemOq 」a6Jel 」nO "SPue」q doI Jel甘O
pue uos糾e口P」e⊃閃・1nIOSq∀ uO %OS O河n e∧eS Pue ’s叩ds
・Se6引ie 」01 el叫do」dd巳
poo6 6u岬SJO S^eM血euJ ell書0] “PnleS’丞S申uo lll町S」!] s! MOllS SH⊥悶SS時日.uOa血u=∃ 」n。人らu剛∃事Oq 6u川∂S-事S∂q e囲
pIIOM PunO賀V S○○eu⊃ :6u!lS叫置Onb害「
JO 」Oulne e囲Pue ∧⊥ S」e]Sexp「 SeリeS Ape…O⊃ Pe圃Pu応AlleuO僻u
向eMe「 PuO山叩eu] u州`nO^ eq無囚闇6 eeJ"nOMo匝
佃6!u uMO S!u囲M ue!pe山0⊃ 6u岬M-P」eMe ue S岬euu」閃uOG
ゥ〉⊃eG華eG 6u!ddous]」Od …C1 00:9一山d oo:ウ
e即0 」e事S Pue 」O書⊃e」!P厚叩O」d elll OSIe S甲OG ’Se6e∧ Se「 u甲OuS
叩叫山門uOa Bu甲e書§ euI哩MOu§旬e叫o⊃賀eu!lP陶H
pue leeuM eu] u!ds ・乙z・甲しuO」J e6!ed ]ee剛岬!uO} Su!M euO和o∧∃
叩M O書u!ds
Satu「day, December 28, 2O19 Cape 」iberty, New Jersey
里㊨錘)班◎轍が雄 10:15 am - midnight Anthem of the Se∂S Video Tour with you「
CrulSe DlreCtOr Mitch
6:15 pm -8:30 pm
Roy∂i Swedes LIVE! Boieros
Fe∂tured Guit∂rist of We Wi= Rock You Bob Weg[e「
8:00 pm - 8:45 pm
Guita「 & Vocal Ente「t∂i[ment Wlth P∂ui S∂lnSbury,
Noon - 9:00 pm FitneSS C「∂SS SIg[ Ups, Vit∂lity Fitness
Performs, Schoo[e「 Ba「
3:30 pm - 530 pm Box O靴e Show Reserv∂tions: We Wi= Rock You, The G肺, Spectra’s Cab∂ret, North St∂r ∂nd iFiy, Schooner Bar
Brass& Bock Pub
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Adventure Ocean Registration (∂geS3Jl),ScienCe Lab
8:00 pm - 8:45 pm
Fe∂tured GultarISt Of We Wl= Rock You Bob Wegner Performs, Schoone「 Bar
8:4与Pm - 12:う0 ∂m
Spin to Win!, Port Shoppi[g Desk
5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Art Scave[ger Hunt, Art GaiIe「y
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Welcome Abo∂rd Champagne ReceptIOn, Art G∂=ery
7:う0 pm
18 - 20’s G∂therl[g, Se∂Plex Dog House
「「:00 pm
S[OWb訓R∂ffle D「∂W, C∂SlnO Roy∂le
廿う0 pm
O M冊on Doila「S+ Pa「∂dise Lotto Draw, C∂Sino Royaie
9:00 pm - 12:弓0∂m
9:45 pm -12:与0 ∂m
Guita「 & Vocai Ente「tainment With Paui S∂inSbury,
lO:00 pm - midnlght
Two70 Night Ciub ExperlenCe Wlth D」 Mitch, Two70
lO:30 pm - midnight
WANTED - The Uitim∂te Bon 」ovi T「ibute Show,
Brass & Bock Pub
Music H訓
W∂lk in Tongue and Pulse A[aiysIS, Vlt∂ilty Sp∂
e Ea「iy Bird Speci∂i: S∂Ve紡O on A= inclusive Digit∂i
Photo P∂Ck∂ge, Photo G訓ery Free Footprlnt Anaiysis, Vita冊y Fitness
6:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Up To 50% Off Fine 」ewelry S∂le, Reg∂il∂ 」eweiry
8:00 pm -11:00 pm
CoiIect your lnvltat10n For Your Free Br∂Celet,
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
4 5与 1
O CeIeb「∂tiOnS & Roy∂i Gifts, Royal Espian∂de
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Roy∂l Espian∂de
9:15 pm - 9:45 pm
Rock Your Jewelry Look Da[Ce Pa「ty, Roy∂l Espi∂nade
Rock You「 Look Wimer Dr∂W, Regalia 」eweIry
7:00 pm -8:00 pm 7:15 pm 7:う0 pm
8:00 pm
8:00 pm
Virtu∂l Concert featu「i[g Sant∂ Fe ∂nd the F∂t Clty Horns,
丁wo70 AiI Ages K∂r∂Oke, Music H訓 He∂dIine「 Comedy Showtlme (A= Ages), Roy∂i The∂tre Weicome Abo∂rd Music Trivia: Classic Rock,
Schooner Bar Tee[ Oniy Meet ∂nd Greet (Ages 12-17), LIVing Room
NCAA Footb訓- CIemson vs. Oh10 St∂te, PooIside (With ∂udio), Music HaiI ([O audiO due to Music ∂nd Activities)
Aduit K∂「aOke, MusIC H訓
8:弓0 pm
Two70 Tonight: l[t「Oduclng yOu tO the Am∂Zi[g Two70,
Teen O[ly Dodgeb訓(Ages 12-14), SeaPlex
9:45 pm -10:30 pm
Teen O[ly Dodgeb訓(Ages 15-17), Se∂Piex
M∂jority Rules Game Show (PG-13), MusiC H訓
「O:00 pm
N∂me Th∂t Tune: The Uitim∂te 80’s, Music HaiI
「O:00 pm
The Gift, Roy∂l The∂ter
「O:00 pm - mldnlght
lO:30 pm - midnlght
RED十he Ultim∂te NightcIub ExperlenCeWlth D」 Mitch,
丁wo70 WANTED - The Jltim∂te Bon 」ovI T「lbute Show, MusiC H訓
Cheers Around The Wo「ld Free Liquo「 T∂Stlng & P「eOrde「s, Royal EspIan∂de
与 う・44・与 与 1 4埴∴弛与 1与1うう,4う・44,与 与 与・4
7:00 pm
Pl∂nO & Voc∂l Entert∂inment w冊Dan DavIeS, Schooner B∂r
Midnlght - iate
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
L∂tin Fiesta with C∂ndela Latin Show, Bole「OS
NlghtCIub Open with D」 Mitch (Ages18+), MusIC Ha"
4 5う,4 弛
Guess the Weight - Win a PriZe, Royai Espl∂∩∂de
4 4 与 ︹J ﹁旧︺-く) ブ王
5:00 pm- 10:00 pm
saturday’December 28夢2O19
Cape Libel.tyl New Jersey 臆臆_○○臆-喜一--〇一一〇-臆、一一一〇・〇、音、一一〇・〇・〇-臆、喜一一〇臆-〇一-一一〇・〇音 ̄--⊥
Di[ner:5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
My Time Dining First §eating
Dinner: 5:30 pm
C匝& Grande Dining Room§
iecond ieating
Dimer: 8:00 pm
Chil & Grande Dining RoomS
Dimer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
§ola「ium Bi§t10
Windjammer Marketplace
5:00 pm - Iate
Casino Royaie Hub10t & Bvlg∂ri Boutique
8:00 pm -11:00 pm 3:00 pm - 8:30 pm
internet AssISt∂[Ce
Loyalty Ambassado「
350 pm - 6:30 pm 4:00pm-7:00pm-D‘a151
Medic∂l Facllity
NextC剛Se S∂Ies O靴e Photo G訓ery & Shop Picture This Port「ait Studio
Dlnner: 5:00 pm -9:00 pm
Port Shopping Desk
Izumi 」apane;e Cui§ine (§) 」amie’s italian (;)
Wonderland (;)
Dimer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Vitality Fitness Center
Dimer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
lndoor Poo1
Dimer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
0utd○○「 PooI
24 Hou「S
Caf6 Promenade
3:00 pm -11:00 pm
」ohnny Rockets (;)
lO:30 am -11:00 pm
しa Pati§Selie (;)
Room §ervi〔e Ava軸Ie ($)
う:00 pm - 6:00 am
11:00 am -11:00 pm 11:00 ∂m - 9:00 pm
§eaPlex Doghou§e
3:00 pm -11:00 pm 「l:00 am - 2:00 pm
§orlentO,s Pizzeria
Vintage§ (§)
lO:30 am - 9:00 pm (Wealhe'Pemimng)
lO:00 am -9:00 pm
§同曲「 (§) §unshine Ba「 (;)
Rese「vatlO[S Requi「ed
RipCord by IFly
Ope融0「, (D謝0) C∂fe P「ome[∂de, Deck 4 Eme「genCy O[iy, (Dia1 911)
Guest §ervices, (Dlai O) Deck 4
「O:00∂m - I∂te
Standby Only
No巾h St∂「
Library & iCafe, Deck 6
10:00 ∂m -11:00 pm
pooIロar (§)
Rock Clim師g W訓
3:00 pm- 5:00 pm
lO:00 ∂m -9:00 pm
Selected Iot Tubs, Deck 14 Shufflebo∂「d, Deck 15 Shore Excurs10nS博osks, Deck 5
与こう1 ⋮1 4う﹁ 41 4与
North§tar BaJ ($)
l「:00 am -7:00 pm
Stand upSu「fing 30O pm - 6:00 pm
530 pm -930 pm
4:うO pm - I∂te
Ca§ino (§)
ll:00 am - ml(面ght
Boogie Boarding l:00 pm - 2‥00 pm
FIow Ri dera)
Noon-1:00 pm
Noon -冊00 pm
BioniぐBa「 ($)
two70 (§)
う:00 pm -う:00∂m
Sol∂rium (Aduits c
5 4与
ll:00∂m -2:00 pm
l「:00am - 2:00 pm
ll:00 am -1:00 am
1与 1与1与1与1与
ま00 pm -12:う0 ∂m
4 41
10:00am -2:00 pm
11:00 ∂m - 8:00 pm
11:00 am -10:00 pm
Pooi towei §t∂tion
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Diai 2222
14 141414
Chop§ c剛e (§)
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Dia1 55453
6 1 与
DInner: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Shore ExcursIOnS Desk
[﹂一ヽ) [﹂ [﹂ ﹁⊃
Dimer: 6:30 pm
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
4:30 pm -11:OO pm
Royai Shops
Chef,§ねbie (§)
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
i ノ ブ J ﹁ ⊃ 一 ㌦ 4 2 こ ら 5 6 4 4 5 1
Di∩ner: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
笠uite &飾n∂CIe Guests
5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Art G訓e「y
1 4 4 う∴∴⋮ 1 41 4
〔oa§tai Kitchen
lO:00 am - Iate
Room Service: A conve…enCe fee of $7・95 applleS tO a旧tems l-Sted 'n the a"day menu and the AmerlCan SeCtlOn Of the breakfast menu・
HEA晴H AND SAFETY INFORMAT!ON safety & Secu時Faml-1arlZe yOurSelf wlth the safety routlne Onboa「d ∂nd your
Assembly StatiOn, WhlCh lS yOur aSS'gned meetl=g Place ln CaSe Of an emergenCy VleW our safety vldeo on yOur State「OOm TV on Channe1 37. use cautionwith BaI⊂Ony Doors: lf you are Stay-ng ln ∂ b∂icony st∂terOOm d=ring your adventure’Please be carefuI when ope…g and c-oslng the slldl=g glass door
Body Came'a: For the safety and wel'-belng Of訓PerSOnS O=board' SOme members of
our securlty Team w用be we∂r'ng Body Camer∂S aS Part Of the…niform・
As VIP As Can Be At Chef’s Table Enjoy a gOurmet f∂re f‘Ve-COurSe meal ∂nd wine’
presented by your Executive Chef. This private ePICurean experience is a gueSt treat.
Diai 7000 for reserVations
Enjoy The Best Wine Tuscany Ha§ To Offer For a "mited time on-y・ PurChase wor-d-renOWned wines in 3 or 5 bottle packages for the greateSt SaVings at Se∂・
starting from $99, SaVe OVer 25% a=d e=joy some Ofthe finleSt剛an wines avai一∂b-e f「om the Frescobaidi fam時 informatIOn. Ask your D面ng Room Waiter fo「 more
Lunch出00 am -2:00 pm 5
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Coa§tai Kit〔hen
Lu[Ch川:30 am -1:30 pm 14
義机I種名伽n∂C佃Guest∫ §oia「ium BiitrO Lu[C旧1:30 am - 2:00 pm 14 Windjammer Ma「ketpIa〔e Lu[Ch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm 14
Jamie’§舶iian ($) Lu[Ch: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
俺ser胸的ns suggesねd ∂nd w∂佑hs wekome. for伯se欄め碕Ph∂Se V心有 OW Sβec厄/U βesねurants or (施/ 7000. M7CW/ ∂M)W 2 hounrs foryour勅lhg
しa Pati§§e「ie (§)
「O:与0 am -11:00 pm
Room §ervi〔e Avaiiabie (§)
SeaPIex Doghou§e
Vintages ($)
ll:00am -2:00 pm 3:00 pm -11:00 pm 「l:00∂m -2:00 pm
ま00 pm -5:00am
Noon -1:00 pm
N○○[一冊00 pm 4:30 pm - i∂te
North§tar Bar ($)
lO:30 ∂m - 9:00 pm owcat11erPem鮒ng)
PooI Bar ($)
10:00∂m - 11:00 pm
lO:00 am - i∂te
§吋8a「 (§)
lO:00 am - 9:00 pm
§u唯hine 8a「 (§)
lO:00 am - 9:00 pm
丁wo70 (§)
lO:00∂m - iate
=:00am -2:00 pm/3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Photo G∂=ery & Shop
6:00 pm -9:30 pm
Picture This Portr∂it Studio
7:00 pm -10:00 pm - Di∂1 55453
Port Shopping Desk
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Di∂i 2222
Royai Shops
4:30 pm -11:00 pm
Shore Excursio[S Desk
「l:00∂m -8:00 pm
Vit∂lity FltneSS Cente「
「「:00∂m - 1:00am
Vita冊y Sp∂
ll:00∂m -10:00 pm - Dia1 4600
indoor Pooi
「「:00∂m -11:00 pm
Outdoor Pooi
「l:00am - 9:00 pm
PooI Towel St∂tion
ll:00 am - midnight
Sola「ium (Adults only)
=:00 am - 7:00 pm
与 51与 1 4 5 1 4 国 5
Bionic Bar ($)
ll:00am - 6:00 p爪
PAD1 5 St∂「 Dive Center
Current Pooi
与:与0 -9:与0 pm
〔謡ino (S)
4:00 pm -7:00 pm
NextCruise Sales Office
11:00∂m - 6:00叩
H2O W∂Ve Pooi
「「:00∂m -6:00 pm
Boogie Boardi[g l:00 pm -2:00 pm FiowRider④
Stand upSurfi[g 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Rock Climbing W∂=
3:00 pm- 5:00 pm
Standby Oniy
RipCord by iFiy
Rese「vations Required through the App
4:00 pm -1:00am
-﹂J "ヽJ ﹁、﹂ ﹁ヽ)∴きつ
§o「rento,s Pizzeria
与:00 pm - 6:00 am
Medicai Facllity (Di∂i 51)
4.4 4 4 4・4・
Johnny Ro〔kets (§)
ll:00 am -2:00 pm 3:00 pm -11:00 pm
330 pm -6:30 pm
24 Hours
lO:30∂m -2:00 pm/3:00 pm -8:30 pm
Loyalty Ambassador
a480 記 4 与
ま00 pm -12:与0∂m 〔afe P「omenade
8:00 pm -11:00 pm
irlternet Assista[Ce
10:00 am -2:00 pm
Hubiot & Bvigari Boutique
4 4 14 4D
Bras§ &甘0〔k (§)
5:00 pm - iate
6 1
expe雁nce. D伯ss po侮ies ∂pp小
5:00 pm -10:00 pm
C∂Si[O Roy∂ie
4 与 6 4 4 5 1
〔hops GriiIe (;) Lunch: 1150 ∂m - 1:00 pm
Art G訓ery
与 7J ﹁⊃ 5 4 2 5 1
Ch∂iIenger’s Video A「C∂de, Deck 15 0perator, (Diai O)
C∂fe Prome[∂de, Deck 4 Seiected Hot Tubs, Deck 14 Emergency Only, (Dia1 911) Shuffleboard, Deck 15 Library & iC∂fe, Deck 6 Shore Excursions Kiosk§, Deck 5
Guest ServICeS, (Diai O) Deck 4
($) Fee Appiies. Room §ervice: A convenIenCe fee of $7.95 ∂PPlleS tO訓ItemS llSted ln the a=-d∂y
Piease brlng yOur SeaPass card to訓actlVitieS. Certaln age, helght, Weight and
menu and the AmerlCan SeCtlOn Of the b「eakf∂St menu.
Cb蛤lng requlrementS may aPPly. Piease check actlVlty Signage fo「 more InformatlOr'
CAPE L獲BERTY PORT AGENT ADDRESS & NUMBERS HEAしTH AND SAFETY INFORMAT!ON Safety& Se⊂urity: F∂milほrlZe yOurSelf wl蛤蛤e safely routme Onboa「d and your Assembly StatlOn, WhiCh lS yOUr asSlgneC巾¥ee〔lng Plac3 1n CaSe Of an emergency VleW
Our Safety video on your statelOOm T¥/ on Channei 37 Use Caution with Baicony Doors雷yoi」 a「e 5.a甲lS! ‖l al⊃alcony staier。Om durlng
your ∂dventure, Piease be c∂refl高畑al O障I用g ar‘CI cIc’S,ng the s剛ng glass cIoor Body Camera: For the safety anc=Ve告bell「9 Ot all persons onbo∂rd, SOme members of
intercruises Shoreside & Port Services
Pler 88 Upper LeveI, 711-12th Avenue New York, NY lOO19 「e車種h○○「e僻’(+) 7弓2-904-1410/(十1) 347-44弓-与284 E中計 r)C)rtagenCybye@lnterCruises com
Loca! Law Enforcement
Cape Llberty FBI Newark Field Office 丁e厄pnone葺● (97王) 792-弓○○0
Our Securlty Team wl= be wea…g Body Ca,l「e「aS aS Part Of thelr u「l汗orm
USCG Sector New York Command Center TeIephone #: (718) 354-4353
Smoking Oniy Permitted in De§ignated A「ea§*
Casino Smoking Section, Deck 3
Check the digitai signage onboard for information on
Outer Deck, Deck 5, Starbo∂rd Slde
activities and events. You can also tune in to your TV
Pooi Deck, Deck 14, Port Side, beiow blg SCreen
downIoad the RoyaI App or ask a crew member.
‘A旧ndoor pubiIC SPaCeS, StaterOOmS and balconleS are SmOke free Electro川C ClgaretteS O「 e-ClgaretteS are Oniy permitted wlthln deslgnated
SmOklng areaS.
Satu「day, December 28, 2O19 Cape 」iberty, New 」ersey
色毎曇@日通平日言瓢二⑩濫 10:15∂m - midnight Anthem oftheSe∂SVideoTourwith CrulSe DlreCtOr Mitch Ch 14
10:30am -1:30 pm Box Office Show Reserv∂tions: We WI= Rock You, The 4 Gift, Spect「a’s Cab∂ret, North Star ∂nd iFly, Music I∂li
Noon - 9:00 pm Fit[esS Ci∂SS Slg[ Ups, Vit∂lity Fitness 16
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Adve[ture Ocean (∂geS311) and Royai B∂bies&Tots =,12 Registration, Adventure Oce∂n
2:00 pm Ali Guest Service Facilities CIose for Mand∂tOry Guest
Assembiy Driii
2:30pm Guest Assembiy Dri= - Listen For Amouncements こ醤O pm - 5:00 pm Adventure Oce∂n (ages 311) and Roy∂l B∂bies & Tots 11,12 Registr∂tio[, Adventure Ocean
Guess the Weight - Win ∂ P「ize, Roy∂i Espl∂nade
A= About Anthem O「ientation Talk, Roy∂l The∂tre
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Spin to W時Port Shopping Desk
4:30 pm -5:00 pm
Leam tO Piay, C∂Sino Roy∂le
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Art Sc∂Venger Hunt, Art Ga=e「y
与:15 pm
SeIf Led Ianukkah Service, Windj∂mmer
Q Fia如S貴慮[any∂「d5 fQr S鎚P熊s 〔軋dsSt如ng趣2 fQr $10, Royai Esplan∂de
lO:30am -2:00 pm
e鴫x & Duty F「ee Liquor Pre-Orde「s, Royai Espi∂nade
lO:う0 am -2:00 pm
e WOW W「ist B∂[ds Av∂il∂ble For S∂Ie, Boleros
=:00∂m - 2:00 pm
Spa Tou「S With M∂SS∂ge SampIes & Free R∂ffle Entry,
Vita航y Spa
=:00∂m - 9:00 pm
4:15 pm -4:45 pm
Meet Your Onboard Personal T「ainers, Vitality FitneSS
Free Sp∂ R摘e Draw: Win $500 in Sp∂ Treatments,
Vitaiity Fitness
4:45 pm -5:15 pm
Semin∂r: WaIking in Comfort with Good Feet,
Vitality Fitness
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
W∂ik l[ Facl∂i ReluV飢∂tion Ciinic, Vit∂iity Sp∂
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
F「ee Liquor Tasting: Cheers Around Wo「Id,
4、 4 4 1与 1 6 1 6 鴫 1与 4
_ 1〇二秒叩一報Qp叩
4 4 4 71﹀∴○○ 1 4
10:50 am -2:00 pm 「:15pm- 2:00pm
Roy∂l Espi∂n∂de
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Advent]「e Oce∂n Registration (3-11 Ye∂rS)
ll:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Bumper Cars, (Mi[imum ∂ge 5 ye∂rS), Se∂Piex
与:与0 pm
Sail Away Moment: P∂SSing U[der the Verr∂ZZa[O,
(∂PPrOXim∂te time)
3rO pm - 6:30 pm
Ro=e「 Sk∂ti[g, (Sig…P ∂t 350pm, Limited AvaiI∂biiity),
Se∂ Piex
4:00 pm
NCAA Footba=- Oklehom∂ VS.しSU, PooIside (With ∂]d10), MusIC H訓(no audio due to Music and Activities)
11:00 ∂m - 1:4うpm
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm P∂rty Music with D」 Mitch, Two70 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm The Roy∂I Swedes LlVE! Boieros
11:00 am - 3:00 pm Sushi Class, Cupcake Decor∂ting Cl∂SS ∂nd G∂=ey Br肌Ch Tour Sign-Ups, in front of 」amie’s ltaii訓
11:30 ∂m - 12:30 pm BIOnic Bar Robot D∂nCeWith “Shaken &Sti「’, Bionic Bar
A〃〃l制OF 〃lE SEAS◎
DAV 2 #黒December29,2O19
HAPPY HOLIDAYS SET丁LE INTO THE NEiGHBORHOOD Jojn the weicomjng commjttee. Meet and mingie with
todayタs Fo営ecast Mostly Sumy
your feliow cruisers" Read your daiIy Cruise Compass
High lemperature 66OF (180C)
for information & heipfui tips. The ship is fuli of new
Winds ssw20 kts
adventures・ Try somethjng you,ve never done before,
Sunrise 6:32am
Sunset 4:58 pm
TRENDING TODAV Meet the Captain
Join the Master of the vesse川e=rik Sのrense=, aS he weIcomes you
Onboard officia"y and introduces the Senior Officers of the Anthem of
Dress Code: Wear Your Best!
the Seas. Then stick around to have a formai portrait taken with our
Say goodbye to Formal Night, and helio to WearYour
esteemed C∂Pta面
Best. 1t’s time to shine - yOur Way.
7‥00 pm Weicome, 7:15 pm Pictures, Royal Esplanade, Deck 4.
You’ve Got Mail
Be sure to check “your messages” on your stateroom tv
Enjoy the f∂SteSt intemet at Sea - eVen On ∂ Sea day! SURF the web or SURF
daiIy for important ∂CCOunt information, SPeCiaI invites,
+ STREAM your favorite movies’TV shows ∂nd music ∂S WeIl ∂S Video chat.
PrOmOtions・ and shore excursio=S tOur uPdates.
Co=neCt tO W旧-Guest-Anthem and go to 10gin.com on your device
to get started
A「cade Charges Childre=’s SeaPass cards can be activated directly at the
ItJs Not Tooしate to Save With Beverage Packages
∂rCade even if those accou=tS have been de∂Ctivated for
Pay one flat price for∂ Beverage P∂Ckage tod∂y & enjoy a selection of
Ch∂rging privjIeges. PIease see the Guest Services Staff
beers’Wines’SPirits pius nonalcohoIic beverages, for the duration of
for further information.
your cruise.
Purchase at any bar onboard today.
SeaPass Cash Account 」imits Piease be aware th∂t the cred剛mit is $500 for guests
Nassau P○○t & Shopping Show
With cash SeaPass accounts. once this iimit is reached,
Don’t miss this one time oniy eve=t! Learn everything about the ports
the account wiiI be deactivated. To reactivate the
Of c訓and about Tax & Duty Free Shoppjng in the Bahamas. Enter to
aCCOunt, a CaSh deposit must be made on the account,
Win over $1,OOO in prizes, See you there!
Ora Credit card must be =nked to the account. visit
11:45am (Doorsopen ∂tll:15 ∂m), Two70, Deck 5
Guest Services on Deck 4 for more info. Pooi Deck Chairs Are First Come’First Served
PIease keep i= mind that we provide PooI deck chairs for the enjoyment ofali of our guests, PooI deck chaIrS Destination鴫lk
C∂n=Ot be reserved and are only ∂Va帖bIe on a first
Get a head start on pI∂nning your day ashore with insider
COme’first served basis. 1f your chair is Ieft unattended
tips on the port’eXCl=Sive inform∂tion about tours and any essentiaIs you’il need to bring with you.
10:00 ∂m, Two70, Deck 5, Deck 4
for over 30 minutes, yOur PerSOna- belongings w川be
removed ∂nd can be picked up from the Pooi Towel
Tomor「ow we wiii be:
Piay you「 Myste「y C「edits Use your Se∂Pass Card to downioad up to $100 in free siow Piay before it’s too Iate! Offer expires at midnight.
Casino Roy∂le, Deck 3
50YEARS BOLD …………・書969 苛 20置9…
Cl'uise Club $1O Fashion Accessories
Styie up with cardi-ShawIs, WraPS, eVening bags and more.
The Gift
PIus, buy 4 get l free, AIi tax & duty free every day onbo∂rd at
A musical joumey offantasy and iIiusion th∂t begins one stormy
the Royai Shops.
that is sure to deiight言nspire and touch the he∂rtS Of a= who
10:00 am Saie Begins, Royai Espianade, Deck 4 30,OOO Years of Art Histo「y in 30 Minutes
Prepare to be wowed! Our Art Team will take you through CaVe Paintings to contemporary masters in 30 minutes or less
in this informative seminar. Receive a compiimentary work of art just for attending.
night with the arrivai ofa ’M∂gic∂i Gift’’. A beautifui production
COme tO See it. Reservations recommended. 6:OO pm & 8:45 pm, Royai Theatre, Decks 4, 5. Spectra’s Cabaret ln Spectra’s Cabaret, We invite you to ∂n eIectric muIti-dimensional
Cabaret where you w冊be transported into mysterious re∂ims that are norm訓y invisible to mortaI eyes. Spectra’s Cabaret biends
Iive performance and experientiaI cinematogr∂Phy together with
music from woridwide cuiture. Reservations recommended.
7:30 pm&10:15 pm, Two70, Deck5.
10:30 ∂m - 11:00 am, BoIeros, Deck4
Late Night Comedy Star細ing Don Bamhart (Ages 18+)
Champagne Art Auction
Don Bamhart is an award-Wiming comedian with his own 両ghtIy show in Las Vegas. Don is aiso the produceVdirector
You haven’川ved untii you’ve experienced ∂ =ve art auction.
Join uS for champagne, a free gift, and 90 minutes offun
and star of the nationally syndic∂ted comedy series Jokesters
TV and the author ofthe besトSe旧ng book, Finding Your Fu…y.
Aduits only. you’li never forget,
」oln uS at lO:15 pm, Roya廿he∂tre, Decks 4, 5.
12:45 pm Registration, Art AuctiOn tO foilow, Boleros, Deck 4. The savlng Of se∂tS ∂nd videotaping Of shows is strictIy prohiblted
Compiimentary Ladies Pamper Party
Chiidren ln the flrSt three rows of the The∂ter muSt be accompanied by a
Comp‖mentary ladies’pamper party today. Aii who attend
Way radios during the performance. Strobe lighting and speci∂l effects m∂y
Pa「ent Or gu∂rdlan. Please refr∂in from using your ceiI phone and/br two-
W川enjoy free coliagen skin treatment, eye ZOne Puffiness &
be used in a= performances. AssIStive Listenlng System ava肱bie at Guest
ServICeS, Deck 4.
dark circie treatment, neCk & bust treatment and a 5 minute makeover pIus excIusive discounts,
1:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 5 Show Rese「vations - Box Office Open
Get Ready For A Thri=ing Game Of B○○-N-G-O Join your Roy∂i Bingo Host today. ifyou win, yOu Can t∂ke
home the cash. Music Hall, Deck 3. 10:30 am, Cards on SaIe, 11:15 am, Games Begin. 3:00 pm, Cards on S∂Ie, 3:45 pm, Games Begin.
Make your reservations from lO:00 am - 11:30 am & 1:00 pm - 2:OO Pm atthe Bionic Bar, Deck5 0r bookvia the Royal App right on your own device. Doors are open for guests with reservations 45 minutes prior to showtimes. We kindly request訓guests to be se∂ted 15 minutes prior to showtime as IO minutes before
Showtime, any aVaiIabie seats wiii be released for guests without reserv∂tions.
NFしFootbali - See Dajiy Plannerfo「times & game info Get a Free Gift at 」e Vjan@ Jewel細y Fashion Show
D∂y gameS W川be shown pooIside ∂nd Brass & Bock Pub, Deck
Le Vian sets jeweIry trends, See it in our fashion show, Starring
4 (With audio). Night game wiIi be shown PooIside (With audio), Music Ha", Deck 4 and Casino, Deck 3 (no audio
your feilow cruise guests. Get up to 4O% off∂nd a free
due to performances). Aiso shown on you「 St∂terOOm TV.
Chocoiate quartz just for attending!
3:00 pm, Regaiia Jewelry, Deck 4 Pictu「e This Portrait Studio
We capture you at your best. Enjoy gorgeous, unique photos
3D Movie Theater: Aquaman (PG-13) Arthur Curry, the human-bom heir to the underwater kingdom OfAtlantis, gOeS On a queSt tO PreVent ∂ War between the
WOrIds of ocean and land. Stars: Jason Momoa, WilIem Dafoe. 1:3O pm - 3:48 pm, Roya廿heatre, Deck 4.
that are forever keepsakes.
Bumper Cars
Book your complimentary formaI nlght sessiOn tOday by
On you m∂rks. Get set. Go川e∂d to the SeaPlex for first dibs on
Caliing 55453,
the bumper cars. When you get the go-ahe∂d, Put the ped∂i to the metaI and bump ∂nyOne Who gets in your way.
9:00 am - nOOn, SeaPiex, Deck15.
EVENING THR暮LLS Karaoke Step onto the st∂ge ∂nd perform in front of∂ live audience.
Awaken your imer star ∂S yOu SteP uP tO the mic tonight!
7’00 pm -8:OO pm, Music Hai上Decks 3, 4(All ages).
Last Day For $3OO Onboard C「edit Raffie
Book your next cruise before Day 2 to be entered into the drawing for $3OO of inst∂nt Onboard credit. Th∂t’s in addition
to up to $600 off or future onboard credit you receive for booking onboard.
See your NextCruise Saies Team, Deck 5.
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm, MusIC Hai上Decks 3, 4(Adultsoniy).
WANTED -丁he Uitimate Bon 」ovi Tribute §how
WANTED is an incredibie repiication ofthe musjc of Bon Jovi that was created with one purpose in mind...To create a fun COnCert enVironment in the styIe, Vibe and atmosphere of the SPeCtaCIe that is known as a iive Bon Jovi show,
1O:00 pm -11:30 pm, MusiC HalI, Decks3, 4.
Dimer: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
TSt/ite &相nn∂C/e Guesis
§oIa「ium Bist「o
Main Seating,
Dinner: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Dimer: 5:30 pm
Chil & Glande Dining Rooms Second Seating, Chi〔 & Grande Dining Rooms
MyTime Dining
Di[ner: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Windjammer MalketpIale Dimer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Chop§ G細iIle (§) Dime「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm izumi 」apanese Cui§ine (§) Dinner: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
CaslnO Roy∂Ie SeIect Tables
lO:00 ∂m - i∂te
CaslnO Roy∂Ie Siots
8:00 ∂m - iate
HubIot & Bvlg∂ri Boutique
9:う0 am - 10:00 pm
Inte「net Assistance
4:30 pm - 8:30 pm
MedlC∂l Fac冊y (Dlai 51)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
NextCruise S∂les Office
9:00∂m - 9:00 pm
Photo G∂=ery & Shop
「O:00 ∂m -10:弓0 pm
Picture This Port「ait StudiO
7:00 pm -10:00 pm - (Hotli[e Di∂I 55453)
Po「t Shopping Desk
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - (Ho帥e Di∂1 2222)
Roy∂i Shops
9:30 am -10:00 pm
Shore ExcursiOnS Desk
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Vltality Fitness Cente「
6:00 am -1:00∂m
Vitaiity Sp∂ (Diai 4600)
8:00∂m -10:00 pm
6 1与
〔hef’§鴫bIe (§) Dinner: 6:30 pm
Art G訓e「y
与 了1﹀∴71 与 ⋮ 2 与 5 6 4 4 与 1
〔oa§taI Kit〔hen
Sunday, December 29重2O19
DAY2 三豊
WonderIand (§) DImer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
lndoorPoo1 7:00 ∂m-11:00pm
Reservations suggested and w∂旧ns welcome. For 「eserv∂tiO[S, PIease vislt
Outdoo「 PooI 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Our Speci∂Ity Restau「∂ntS Or diai 7000. Kindiy aiiow 2 hours fo「 you「 dl[i[g
Pooi Towel Station 7:00 ∂m - midnight
experie[Ce. D「ess poilCies apply.
Sol∂rium (AduIts oniy) 10:00 ∂m - 7:00 pm
」ohnny Ro〔kets (;)
La Patis§e「ie (§)
6:00 ∂m -11:00 pm
Room §ervice AvaiIabie ($)
「「:00∂m - 6:00 ∂m
§eapIex Doghouse
ll:う0 ∂m -1:00 am
So細rentoJi Pizzeria
l購Oam-ま00∂m Noon -購O pm
FiowRider⑧ Fiowrider - Mixed W∂Ve, 10:00 ∂m - 5:00 pm
RockClimbing W訓 9:OO am - nOOn/3:00 pm -5:00 pm Seaplex 8:00 ∂m - 1:00 am North St∂r Reserv∂tions Required through the App
ー﹂ノ ﹁(J -i、J ﹁、J ﹁ヽJ
11:00 ∂m -12:弓0∂m
44144眈4801与4 与
甘「a;§ & Bo〔k (§)
Vin置ages (§)
4 4 4 4
」amie’§ itaIian ($) Dmner: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
RipCord by iFly Rese「v∂tions Required through the App
Cafe Promenade, Deck 4 Selected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
Ch∂=e[ge「’s Video Arcade, Deck 15 0per∂tO点Di∂i O) Emergency Oniy, (Di∂1 911) Shufflebo∂rd, Deck 15
Guest Services, (Dia1 0) Deck 4 Lib「∂ry & iC∂fe, Deck 6 Sho「e Excursions Kiosks, Deck 5
11:00 am -11:00 pm
Ca§ino ($)
9:00 am - iate
Northstar Bar ($)
9:00 am - 9:00 pm (WeatherPemitting)
Pooi Ba「 ($)
9:00 am -11:00 pm
§〔hooner ($)
9:00 am -1:00 ∂m
§巾Bさ「 (§)
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sunshine Ba「 ($)
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
丁wo70 ($)
lO:00∂m - i∂te
1 4 与 1与 1 4 5 1 4 1 4 ⋮
Bionic Ba「 (;)
HEALTH AND SAFETY iNFORMATiON Wash up! The best way to prevent colds, flu and gastrolnteStln∂l l=nesses- SuCh as
NorovIruS- 1S tO WaSh your hands with soap and warm water for ∂t least 20 seconds after b∂throom breaks ∂nd before eatlng.
Safety First withSwim Vest: Play lt Safe a=he Pooi, SWimmlng Sm∂rt and looklng COOI Compllmentary SWim vests are ava=abIe In three s教ZeS deslgned for chlldren ages
4 to 12. Swlm VeStS a「e loc∂ted ne∂r the towel statlOn On Deck 14
BodyCamera: For the safety and weil-being Of a= persons onboard, SOme members of Our Securlty Te∂m W川be wearlng Body Cameras as p∂rt Of thelr Un教form.
Smoking Oniy Permitted in Designated Areas* CaslnO SmokIng SectIOn, Deck 3, Outer Deck, Deck 5, St∂rboard Side, PooI Deck, Deck 14, Port Slde, beiow blg SCreen On PooI Deck ∴A= lndoor publlC SPaCeS, StaterOOmS and balconieS ∂re SmOke free. ElectronlC CigaretteS Or e-ClgaretteS are Only permitted wlthin deslgn∂ted smoklng ∂reaS.
Famously Fantastic ltalian
Ring in the NewYear at the Two7O VIP Event
Chef Jamie Oiiver may be one of Brita面s most famous
Experience a unique and excIusive New Year’s Eve
food exports, but it’s his intense passion for itaIian cooking
COuntdown with HD Virtu∂I Fireworks, aIi night music,
that drives the menu at Jamie’s ltaiian. Reservations
Premium Champagne and Chef’s choice of hors `d’ouvres.
SuggeSted and waik-ins weicome. Jamie’s itaiian, Deck 5.
Bookings daily from noon - 5:00 pm, VintageS, Deck 5
Sunday, December 29, 2O「9
DAY2 言嵩
Co=ect your N∂SS∂u ViP C∂rds, Port Shopping Desk
LGBTQ CommunIty Mixer Vi[tageS Captain’s WeIcome Moment, Roy∂i Espl∂[ade After Auction Spe∂CiaIs, Art Ga=ery
Your Cha[Ce To Have a Formai Po「t「∂it Wth Our Capt∂ln, Royai Espian∂de
SnowbaiI Ra冊e for Cash Dr∂W, C∂Sino Royale ($)MiliIOn Do=a「s Pi]S Pa「∂dlSe Lotto Dr∂W,
C∂Sino Roy∂ie
Evening St「etch Ci∂SS, Vi制ty FItneSS
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
W∂lk in Tongue and Piuse An∂lysis, V圃ity Spa
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
W∂旧n Medi-Spa CIiniC, Vitaiity Sp∂
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Comp=me[ta「y Foot Print Anaiysis, VitE冊y FitneSS
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
鴫nz∂nite Br∂Ceiet O[iy $299, Reg∂lla Flne 」eweiry
7:00 pm -8:00 pm
Bou「bo[ Ecu「sIOn With Pre-Owned Rolex Sale Event,
Reg∂lia W∂tChes
Bvlgar主Summer l[ Rome Event, Bvlg∂ri Boutique
8:00 pm -10:00 pm
C∂rtier Groom Event, C∂巾er Boutique
6:00 pm
The Gift, ROyal The∂tre
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
F∂mily K∂r∂Oke, Music HaiI
Spect「a’s Cabaret, Two70O
8:00 pm -8:45 pm
Teen O[ly Ro=er Sk∂ting (12-14 Ye∂rS), Se∂Plex
Aduit K∂raOke, Music H訓
NFL Footb訓: Se∂h∂Wks vs. 49ers, PooIside (With
(CI 20 Stateroom TV)
Music H訓(no audio due to MusIC & Activities)
Pub TrIVI∂, Brass & Bock Pub
The Gift, Roy∂l Theatre
8:45 pm -9:30 pm
Teen OnIy RoiIer Sketing (15-17 Ye∂rS), Se∂Plex
F剛Sh That Lyric Game Show, MusiC H訓
Spectr∂’s Cab∂ret, Two70O
Late Night Aduit Comedy (Ages 18+), Royal The∂t「e
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Featured Guita「ist of We W… Rock You Bob Wegner
Performs, Schooner Bar
7:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Big B∂nd T「lbute with the Anthem of the Seas O「Chestr∂
8:00 pm -8:45 pm
The Beaties Tribute wlth Featured Guitarist of We Wil
Fe∂turlng the High C’s Homs, Boleros
Rock You Bob Weg[er, Schoo[er Bar 9:00 pm -12:00 am 9:00 pm -12:う0 am
Latin Fiest∂ With C∂ndei∂ L∂tln Show B∂nd, Bole「os Piano & Vocal Ente「talnment Wlth D∂n D∂Vies,
Schooner Bar
lO:00 pm -11:30 pm
WANTED - The Jltimate Bo[ 」0Vi T「ibute Show, Music H訓
l130 pm - 1ate
Nlght Ciub Open with D」 Mitch (Ages18+), Music H∂li
5 4 ⋮ 4 与 与 , 4 弓 I 4
9:15 pm
4・与弛与1 55 ,4 4,1 4 44・与1与弛与4,与
7:30 pm -8:30 pm
1 6 1う ﹁唱二i b 4 与 与 4
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Breakf∂St: 7:30 ∂m - 9:30 am
Lunch: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:30 ∂m - 10:30 ∂m
Coastai Kitchen 嘗uite & finn∂de Guests §oIarium Bist「o
4 14 1
Lu[Ch: 11:30 ∂m - 5:00 pm Bre∂kf∂St: 7:30 am - 9:30 ∂m
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm B「e∂kfast: 7:30 am - 10:00 am
4 1
Lunch: Noon - 2:30 pm
Windjamme「 Marketpiace
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:00 ∂m - 11:00 am
L皿ch: 11:30am -4:00 pm
ー b う ﹁ ⊃ ⊂ ﹂
Chop§ Grilie ($)
Lu[Ch: Noon -130 pm Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
Izumi 」apanese Cui§ine ($) 」amie’§ italian (;)
Wonderland (;)
Lunch: Noo[ -1:30 pm
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
しa Pati§ieJie ($)
6:00 am -11:00 pm
8:00∂m - iate
Hubiot & Bviga「i Boutique
9:抑∂m -10:00 pm
lntemet Assistance
9:00∂m -1:00 pm/4:30 pm -8:30 pm
Loy∂ity Ambassado「
8:00 am -11:00∂m/5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Medicai F∂Ciiity (DiaI 51)
8:00 am -11:00am/4:00 pm -7:00 pm
NextCruise S∂ies Office
9:00∂m -9:00 pm
PAD1 5 Star Dive Center
lO:00∂m -1:00 pm/3:00 pm -6:00 pm
Photo G訓ery & Shop
10:00∂m -10:30 pm
Picture This Portr∂it Studto
7:00 pm -10:00 pm - (Ho冊e DiaI 55453)
Port Shopping Desk
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - (Hotiine DiaI 2222)
Royai Shops
9:与0∂m -10:00 pm
Shore Excursions Desk
9:00am- 9:00pm
Vjta航y Fitness Center
6:00 am -1:00∂m
Vlt∂冊y Spa (D由1 4600)
8:00am -10:00 pm
ll:00∂m - 6:00 am
寄「a§§ &日o〔k ($)
l「:00am -12:与0 ∂m
§o「rento’§ Pizze「ia
ll:う0 ∂m -ま00 am
」oh州y Ro〔kets (§)
ll:与0 ∂m -1:00∂m
l購0∂m -1:00∂m
Noon -1:30 pm
11:00∂m -11:00 pm
Ca§iho (§)
9:00 ∂m - i∂te
Northsta「 Bal (;)
9:00 ∂m - 9:00 pm (WealherPemitting)
poo1寄a「 (§)
9:00∂m -11:00 pm
§chooner (§)
9:00∂m - 1:00 ∂m
Sky日ar (§)
9:00∂m - 9:00 pm
§unshine Ba「 ($)
7:00 ∂m -9:00 pm
丁wo70 ($)
「O:00∂m - iate
1 451 51 4 5 1 4 1 4 ⋮
Bioni〔 Bar (§)
B∂by Spiash Zone
9:00∂m -6:00 pm
Cu「「ent Pooi
9:00∂m -6:00 pm
H20 Wave Pooi
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
lndoor Pooi
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
Outdoor PooI (AduIts only)
7:00∂m - 8:00∂m
Outdoor PooI
8:00 ∂m -8:00 pm
PooI Towel Station
7:00 am - mid両ght
Soiarium (Aduit§ Only)
lO:00∂m - 7:00 pm
Fiow「ider - Mixed Wave, 10:00 ∂m - 5:00 pm
Rock Ciimbing W∂iI
9:00am - nOOn/3:00 pm - 5:00pm
8:00 am -1:00∂m
No直h 5ta「
Reservations Required through the App
RipCord by iFIy
Rese「vations Requi「ed th「ough the App
⊂J-i⊃-﹂﹂ ︹J ﹁、J
44D - a480441 41与 5
Caf6 P「omenade
Vintagei ($)
lO:00∂m - i∂te
Casi[O Roy∂ie Siots
4 4 4 4.4 4 4 4.
Reserv∂tions suggested and w∂lk-ins weicome. For 「eserv∂tions同e∂Se Visit
§eaPiex Doghouse
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
Casino Royale SeIect Tabies
鴫S(e of Roy∂i
ou「 speciaity Restaur∂[tS O「 diai 7000. KindIy訓ow 2 hours for your dining
Room §ervi〔e Availabie (§)
Art Galle「y
与 7⊃〇一て﹂ 5 与 4 2 ⋮ 14 与6 4 4 与 1 6 1与
4 与 1
Ame「ican ilOn
ChaIienger’s Video A「cade, Deck 15 0per∂tOr, (Di∂i O)
C∂fさPromen∂de, Deck 4 Seiected Hot Tubs, Deck 14 Eme「gency Oniy, (Dia1 911) Shuffleboard, Deck 15 しibrary & iCafe, Deck 6 Shore Excursions Kiosks, Deck 5
Guest Services, (Diai O) Deck 4
Piease b佃g yOur Se∂Pass card to訓activlt'eS. Ce「tai= age, helght′ We-ght and cIo帥ng requirements may appiy. Ple∂Se Check act'Vlty Slgnage for more lnfo「matIOn
隷謹岩盤嵩鵠措鮒難聴蔀豊託s 認誌薫畿謹器託瀧諜認諾閑翫鵠盤擢- / 盤:語講藍塵f譜豊津擬盤鵠篭絡盤盤尾端e members.
欝鵠灘鶉繚繚灘繚犠寧「 Rise & Dine Experience a “behind the scenes’’tour of our Main Dining
Room, fo=owed by a priv∂te luncheon with bottomIess
SParkIing wine, Reservations recommended, WaIk-ins WeIcome. DiaI 7OOO for reservations. 10:30 am, Grande Restaurant, Deck 3
Miれi Bar On Demand F紺your m面b∂r With everything you =ke! Order forms are
inside your stateroom and shouId be hung on your stateroom door once compIete. Same day delivery for orders piaced
before 5:OO pm. Mini bar is not included with beverage PaCkages.
1N THE SPO丁LIGH丁 Cruise Club $10 Fashion Acce§SOries style up with cardirshawis’WraPS’eVening bags ∂nd more.
pIus, buy 4 get l free. A-I tax & duty free every day onboard at the Roy∂I Shops.
The Gift A musicaI joumey of fantasy and冊Sion that begins one stormy night with the arrivaI of a ・`MagicaI Gift”. A beautiful production
tha自s sure to deIight言nspire and touch the hearts of aII who come to see it. Reservations recomme=ded・
10:00 am Saie Begins, Royai EspIan∂de’Deck 4
6:OO pm & 8‥45 pm, Royal Theat「e’Decks 4, 5.
3O’OOO Yea「s of A「t History in 3O Minutes
Spect「a’s Cabaret
prepare to be wowed! Our Art Team w冊ake you through
cabaret where you wiiI be tra=SPOrted而O mySterious reaims that
c∂Ve Paintings to contemPOrary maSterS in 30 m血tes or less
are norm訓y InVisible to morta- eyes. Spectra’s Cabaret bIends
In Spectra’s Cabaret’We画te you to an eIectric muIt圃mensio=al
in this inform∂tive seminar. Receive a comp冊entary wOrk of
art just for attending.
10:30 am -11:00 am, Boleros, Deck4
Champagne Art Auction You haven判ved untii you・ve experienced a live art ∂uCtion・
Join us for champagne, a free gift’and 9O min=teS Offun
you用never forget. 12:45 pm Registration’Art Auction to foliow, BoIeros’Deck 4.
live perform∂nCe and experientieI cinematograPhy together with
music from worldwide cu-ture. Reservations recommended" 7:30 pm &10‥15 pm・Two70・ Deck5.
器課鴬霊盈黒幕悪霊悪霊能書) nightiy show in Las Vegas. Don is aiso the producer/director ∂nd st∂r Of the nationa"y syndicated comedy series Jokesters
TV and the author ofthe best-Se…ng book・ Finding Your Fumy・
Aduits onIy. Join us∂tlO:15 pm, Royai Theatre・ Decks4’5.
The savlng Of seats and videotaping of shows is strictly prohibited. c帥dren ln the flrSt three rows of the Theater must be accompanied by a
CompIimenta「yしadie§ Pamper Pa「ty complimentary ‘adies’pamper party tOday・ All who attend w用enjoy free co‘iagen skin treatment・ eye ZOne Puffiness &
dark circIe treatment, neCk & bust treatment and a 5 minute makeover pIus exciusive discounts.
l:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 5
parent or guardian. Ple∂Se refrain from using your ce岬One and/or twoway radios during the performance. Strobe llght‘ng a=d speciai effects may be used in ∂li performa=CeS. AssIStive Listening System avahable at Guest
Services, Deck 4.
DAV丁tME ADVENTURES Show Reservations " Box Office Open Make your reserVations from lO:OO am - 11:3O am & 1‥OO pm - 2‥00
Get Ready For A Thri=ing Game Of B"i-N"G-O 」oin your Roya- Bingo Host today. 1fyou w面you can t∂ke
home the cash. Music Ha=, Deck 3. 1O:30 am, Cards o= Sale, 11:15 am, Games Begin.
pm atthe Bionic Bar’Deck5 or bookviathe Royal App righton
your own device. Doors are OPen for guests with reservations
45 minutes prior to showtimes. We kindIy request aiI guests to be seated 15 minutes priorto showtime as lO minutes before showtime, any aVailabIe seats wil- be reIeased for guests without reservations,
3:00 pm, Cards on Sale膏‥45 pm’Games Begin"
Get a Free Gift at Le Vian㊥ Jewelry Fashion Show
Le Vi∂n SetS jeweIry trends, See it in our fashion show’Starring
(With audio), Music HalL Deck 4 ∂nd Casino】 Deck 3 (no audio
your fe一一ow cruise guests. Get up to 40% off and ∂ free
due to perform∂nCeS)・ A-so shown on your St∂terOOm TV・
chocoIate quartz just for attending!
4 (With ∂udio)・ Night game w用be shown Pooiside
3D Movie Theate「: Aquaman (PG・13)
3:00 pm, Rega"a Jewelry, Deck 4
Arthur Curry, the human-bom heir to the underwater kingdom ofAtlantis, gOeS On a queSt tO PreVent a War between the
Picture This Po「trait Studio
worIds ofocean and Iand. Stars: J∂SOn Momoa’W川em Dafoe.
1:30 pm - 3:48 pm, Royal Theatre, Deck4.
we c∂Pture yOu at yOur best. Enjoy gorgeOuS’unique photos
that are forever keepsakes.
Bumpe「 Cars on you ma「ks. Get set. Go川ead to the SeaPiex for first dibs on
Book your comP一一mentary formai night session tod∂y by
鵠盤諾謹言落盤葉書霊鳥the pedaI to 9:00 am - nOOn, SeaPlex, Deck15.
EVENING THRILLS Karaoke step onto the stage and perform in front of a Iive audience. Awaken your inner star ∂S yOu SteP uP tO the mic to=ight!
7.00 pm - 8:00 pm, Music HalL Decks3,4 (Ali ages)・ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Music HalL Decks 3’4(Adultsoniy)・
Last Day For綿OO Onboard C「edit RaffIe
Bookyour next Cruise before Day 2 to be entered into the
drawing for $30O of instant onboard credit. That,s in addition to up to $60O off or future onboard credit you receive for booking onboard, See your NextCruise SaIes Team・ Deck 5.
wANTED - The Ultimate Bon 」ovi Tribute Show
wANTED is an incredib-e replication of the music of Bon Jovi that was created with one purpose in mind.."To create a fun concert environment in the style’Vibe and atmosphere of the spectacle that is known as a live Bon 」ovi show.
10:OO pm -11:30 pm, Music Ha=’Decks3’4.
Monday, December 30, 2O19
DAY 器‡
THE PERFEC丁DAY TO EXPLORE! We’re sa帥ng the pristine waters of the North Atlantic,
With ocean depths of 10,OOO feet (3,300 meters) and Water temPeratureS are 82OF (280C). 1t’s the perfect
OPPOrtunity to take advantage of訓there is to do
Onboard, However you decide to spend your day, Our
Staff is here to heIp make it truiy memorabie,
丁oday’s Fo「ecast Mostly Sunny
High Temperature 68OF (2O。C)
Winds w30knots
Sunrise 6:46 am
Start a new tradition: Ceiebrate the FestivaI
Sunset 5:13pm
Of Lights atsea. Join usatsundown each day Of Hanukkah for reiigious services and the
=ghting of the Menorah. 5:15 pm, Windjammer, Deck 14.
HELPFUL TiPS FOR TODAY Dress Code: Laid Back Lounging You’re on vacation- relax! Jeans, POIo shirts, Sundresses
TRENDING TODAY Groovy TOwn Dance Party Get ready to get down ∂t Our 70’s party featuring funk, R&B and oid-
SChooi grooves. A hip trip in a time machine transports you to your Groovy Town, Where both DJ keeps the party going, Show offyour best
and blouses are fine, But please keep swimwear to the POOi deck. Shorts are welcome for breakfast and Iunch Pooi Deck Chail.S A「e First Come, First Served
Please keep in mind that we provide Pooi deck chairs for the enjoyment of訓of our guests. Pooi deck chairs
moves- and m∂ybe your piatform shoes,
10:00 pm, Music Hali, Deck3, 4.
CamOt be reserved and are oniy ∂Vaiiabie on a first
COme, first served basis. 1f your chair is left unattended
Upgrade Ybur Surf
for over 30 minutes, yOur PerSOnaI beIongings w用be
Surf’s up. And upgraded - tO Streaming! For tod∂y Oniy, PurChase a
removed and can be picked up from the Pooi Towei
Stream Day Pass for the price of Surf. And a" forjust $22.99.
Comect to “Wif主Guest-Anthem’’and go to Iogin.com on your own device
to get started
Save up to 75% on Designe細Watches Now’s the time to get a great de∂l on watches from Citizen, Buiov∂
Minor,s Accounts & Arcade Charges Minors (18 years and younger) have ∂Ctive open ∂CCOuntS for charging and can be used to for pi∂y in the
and other popular brands. Discover Buiova’s innovative CURV and the
arcade. ShouId you wish to apply a charging iimit please
Rubaiyat, the brand’s first ladies timepiece.
diaI 5与426.
10:00 am, RoyaI Esplanade, Deck 4. Ou「 Pipe§ are Sensitive!
Under $5OO & More Art Auction Looking for a masterpiece without the master price? This can’トmiss art
Our to=et system onboard is very sensitive. Piease do not fIush anythjng except toiiet paper.
auction has select works priced under $5OO, ∂longside many onboard favorites. 12:45 pm Registr∂tion, 1:00 p町Art Auction, Boieros, Deck 4
Safety Onboard For the s∂fety of aiI guests ∂nd crew, there is no running,
Elemis Detox Seaweed Massage - $5O Off丁oday oniy喜
Piaying or c=mbing on stairs and ra掴ngs ∂nyWhere on
the ship. Thank you for your cooperation.
Do you suffer from poor circuIation, iow energy, fiuid
Pooiside Safety
retention or ∂rthritis? There’s nothing =ke a detoxifying
SpIashing in the pooi is fun but the pool deck can
SeaWeed wrap and body massage to tre∂t What aiis you!
become slippery as a resuIt. Piease w∂tCh your step in
VisittheVit∂iity Spa, Deck15 ordi∂i 4600 to book.
this ∂rea.
丁Omo「row we wi11 be:
Orlando (Port CanaveraI), Fiorida We川DeaI You in
guaranteed $500 in c∂Sh - Wimertakes aii! Our Casino
Staff h∂Ve訓the detaiis.
…………・1969 苛 2019……‥…
Sign up for our RoyaI Biackjack Toumament where you’re
2:00 pm, Casino Royaie, Deck 3
Acupuncture Q&A Find out how acupuncture can heip reiieve pain, improve health, and retum vit∂iity, SO yOu Can enjoy your cruise ∂nd
beyond. Consultations av∂=abie in the spa with our licensed
HeadIine「 §howtjme - Tonight Only! Remembering Whitney: The Greatest Voice of A○○
Sta「ingしas Vegas Diva of the Seas - Stephani Parker
10:30 am, Vitality Spa, Deck 15.
Stephani Parker is an intemationai vocalist, SOngWriter, Pi∂nist,
CoIorful World of Pete営Max Seminar & Extravaganza
Jackson) she dedicated her life to singing at a young age.
Join us for a vivid celebration ofAmerican Pop Art icon Peter Max in this informative seminar. Compiimentary artwork for
After attending lndiana University SchooI of Music, Stephani
ali who attend.
WOn Chicago ldoI where the prize w∂S ∂ Singie produced by
and guitarist. A Gary lndiana native, (birthplace to Michael
11:00 am - 11:45am, Boieros, Deck 4.
appeared twice on “Showtime At The Apo=o:’Stephani also K∂nye West. Stephani has worked with other ceIebrities such
as Mich∂eI Jackson, Opr∂h Winfrey, Tyier Perry, Jamie Foxx,
Free Health Seminar: Bum Fat Faster We need energy to move. Our bodies burn fat to create energy. So why is it so hard to burn f∂t, lose weight, and increase your energy leveIs? Let our Person∂i Trainers expIain
it aIi to you and show you how to achieve real resuits. 11:00 ∂m, Vitaiity FitneSS, Deck 16
Chaka Khan, AI Green, Yolanda Ad∂mS, Faith Evans and m∂ny
more. Her voice has been compared to that ofthe late Whitney Houston’s. A Must See Show! Reservations are not required.
7:00 pm &8:45 pm, Royal Theatre, Decks4&5. Spectra’s Cabaret In Spectra’s Cabaret, We invite you to an eiectric muit主dimensionai
Cab∂ret Where you w剛be tr∂nSPOrted into mysterious re∂ims that
Special Ribbon Cutting for Lab G「own Diamonds it’s time to ceiebrate! We’re reveaiing the exclusive coIIection
Oflst At Sea Lab Grown Diamond Jewelry, Expiore rare but affordabie diamonds in a selection of styles inciuding coIors and stones at tax & duty free prices. =:30 am, Regaiia Fine JeweIry, Deck 4.
are norma=y invisibie to mortal eyes, Spectra’s C∂baret bIends
live performance and experientiaI cinematography together with music from woridwide culture. Reservations recommended. 10:15 pm, Two70, Deck 5. A// shows /n fhe the∂ter are apprOX所7ate小55 mhutes. 777e SaVhg ofse∂tS
and v/deot∂p/ng Ofshows /s sthCt小proh伯jted No c研dren /n雄e存st row
Diamond§ and Gemstones MasterClass
Chi/dren h second and初産d rows of雄e 777eater muSt be accomp∂nied Oy
Join your Port & Shopping Guide Paige to leam about the
a p∂rent OrguaId居n. Sfrobe /ight/ng ∂nd spec居/ e確。ts m∂y be used /n ∂//
4 C’s of Diamond Buying and uncover money savings tips
perfom∂n。eS. P/ease re偏/n from ushg yOur Ce// phone an匂んr fwo-Way
that wi‖ save you BiG, Everyone in attendance wiii receive
Tanzanite Studs and the chance to win ∂ Diamond pendant.
12:15 pm, Music HaIl, Deck 3. Lead the Way in Ka=ati 」eweIry Fashion Show
KaiIati sets jewelry trends, See it in our fashion show, Starring
your fe=ow cruise guests. Get up to 4O% off and a free Chocoiate quartz just for attending! 3’15 pm - 4:00 pm, Roy∂l Esplan∂de, Deck4.
Save $30 On Priceless Memories
僧dros du〃ng the perfo仰ance. Ass/St/ve LISten/ng $/Stem aV∂偏b/e ∂t Guest
Services, Deck 5.
DAY丁IME ADVEN丁URES Matinee Movie: Biinded By theしight
ln England in 1987, a teenager from an Asian famiiy iearns to iive his =fe, understand his famiiy and find his own voice
through the music of American rock star Bruce Springsteen. 1:00 pm - 3:58 pm, Two70 Deck 5. Worid’§ §exiest Man Competition
Capture the beauty and excitement of your cruise with Professionai Photography. Save on our Aii-Inciusive Photo
Ooh, la, la! Strut your stufffor the Judges at the Worid’s Sexiest
Package ifyou purchase by D∂y 3.
Of the funniest contests you’Ii ever see at sea.
VISlt the Photo Gallery on Deck 5 for more inform∂tiOn.
2‘00 pm, PooIside, Deck 14.
M∂n Competition. Join your Activities Manager Tresha for one
Bumper Ca「s
On you marks. Get set. Go! Head to the SeaPiex for first dibs on the bumper c∂rS. When you get the go-ahead, Put the pedai to
the met∂I and bump ∂nyOne Who gets in your way,
5.30 pm - 8.00 pm, SeaPlex, Deck15.
EVENiNG THRILLS Karaoke Step onto the stage and perform in front of∂ iive audience.
Aw∂ken your inner star as you step up to the mic tonig博
700pm-8:00pm,(AilAges), MusICH訓,Decks3,4 8’00 pm - 9:15 pm, (Adults Only), Music Ha仕Decks 3, 4.
Whe「e Wi= You Go Next?
GIow! FamiIy Dance Party
Discover the pl∂CeS Royai Caribbean can take you on our
Enjoy our energetic party with a neon glow! Giow sticks, flashing rings and coo=ighting effects- Check! You wiiI reaIIy
inCredibIe ships sa出ng worIdwide at our NextCruise TaIk ∂nd
Raffle today. 10:00 ∂m, tWO70。, Deck 5
d∂ZZie on the d∂nCe floor! Bring the whoIe family and don’t
forget to wear white! 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Two7O, Deck 5.
◎菓園田田圃■■ -▲ ・・::川・臆三園臆臆臆 録㊨翻i訂⑥
Compiiment∂ry Foot Print An∂Iysis, Vit∂冊y FltneSS
LGBTQ Gathering, VIntageS
7:00 pm -8:00 pm
TIme To Shlne Free 」ewel「y Cle∂ning, BvIg∂ri Boutlque
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
After Auction Speacieis, Art Ga=ery
9:45 pm -10:00 pm
Spot the Real T∂nZ∂nite Winne「 AmOunCement, Reg∂lia Fine 」eweiry
「O:00 pm
Hot Se∂t Dr∂W, Casl[O Royaie
=:00 pm
Snowb訓R∂ffle Dr∂W, C∂Sino Roy∂le
「「:う0 pm
($)Mi=ion DoiI∂rS Plus Pa「adise Lotto D「∂W,
6 与 与 与 4 与 5 5
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 7:00 pm
C∂Sino Royaie
7:00 pm -10:00 pm 鴫g Heue「C∂Pt∂ln’sCo=ection Eve[t, Reg∂li∂ W∂tChes
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Co=ectYourCh∂rm OfThe D∂yfor Oniy$5, PrlnCe&Green 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm T∂g Heuer C∂Ptain’s ColiectIOn Event, Reg∂=∂ W∂tChes 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm E∂riy Bird Speciai Extended:S∂Ve$30 with Ali lnciusiVe
Digit∂l Photo P∂Ckage, Photo G訓ery
9:45 pm - 10:00 pm Spotthe Re∂i TanzaniteWimerAmouncement, Reg∂=a FIne 」eweIry
Outdoor Movie: Men in Black lnte「n∂tionai (PG-13),
7:00 pm
He∂d=ne「 Showtlme, Royai Theatre
7:00 pm -8:00 pm
Famiiy Karaoke, Music Hali
7:う0 pm
M]Sic T「ivia: 70’s DISCO Tunes, Schooner B∂r
7:与0 pm
Rock the Room F∂miiy G∂me Show, Two70
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
G10W! Family Dance P∂rty, Two70
8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Aduit K∂raOke, Music H訓
9:00 pm -10:42 pm
Ieadli[er ShowtIme, Roy∂I The∂tre
Outdoor Movie: Dor∂ & The Lost City og Goid (PG),
9:30 pm - 10:00 pm
lf Yo] Know It, Dance冊G∂me Show, Mus剛∂=
lO:00 pm -10:45 pm
Groovy Town 70’s Disco Dance P∂rty, Music H訓
Spect「∂’s Cab∂ret, Two70
L∂te Night Movie: Sh∂ft (2019, R), PooIside
5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Led Zeppe冊T「ibute with Fe∂tured Guit∂rist of We Wi=
6:30 pm -7:15 pm
Pre-Recorded B訓room Music, Music H訓 M∂rC McBride, Conductor of We Wi= Rock You LlVE! Schooner B∂r
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm
The Roy∂l Swedes LIVE! Boieros
Marc McBride, Conducto「 of We Wiil Rock You LIVE!
Schooner Bar 9:00 pm -12:与0 ∂m
PlanO & Voc∂l E[tertainment wlth Dan Davies,
Schooner Bar 9:1与pm -12:弓0 ∂m
Guitar & Voc∂I Entert∂inment With Paul Sainsbu「y, B「∂SS
& Bock Pub
9:30 pm - Mldnight
The Royal Swedes LiVE!, BoIeros
10:00 pm -10:45 pm
Groovy Tow[ 70s Disco Da[Ce Party, MusIC I訓
lO:45 pm - 11:45 pm
Groovy Town 70’s After Party with D」 Mitch, Music HaiI
ll:45 pm - iate
Night CIub Open wlth D」 Mitch, (Ages 18+), Mus剛訓
与,4与 4⋮∴⋮4 45,4糾う・4
Rock You Bob Wegner Bole「os
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
1 4 4・与う,4与与⋮弓・4碕∴∴∴弛4与,4⋮1 4
6:00 pm - 7:55 pm
℃uite & Pmn∂Ch Guests
Dinner: 550 pm
Main §eating,
Chi〔 & Grande Dining Room; Se〔Ond §eating,
Dime「: 8:00 pm
Art Ga=ery
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
C∂Sino Roy∂ie Seiect labIes
lO:00am - 1ate
Casino Royale SIots
8:00am - Iate
Hubiot & BvIgari Boutique
9:与0 ∂m -10:00 pm
Intemet AssiSt∂nCe
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm
MedicaI Fac冊y @居/57)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
NextCruise S∂les OfflCe
9:00∂m -9:00 pm
Photo G訓e「y & Shop
lO:00 ∂m -10:う0 pm
〔hic & G「ande Dining Rooms
My Time Dining §oia「ium Bist「o
Windjamme「 Ma「ketpiace
Dime「: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Din[er: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Dimer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Picture This Portrait StudiO
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - (Hotiine Dia1 55453)
Po「t Shopping Desk
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - (Hot"ne Diai 2222)
Chef,s TabIe (;)
Dimer: 6:30 pm
Royal Shops
9:弓0∂m - 10:00 pm
Chops G軸e (§)
Dlnner: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Shore Excu「sions Desk
9:00 ∂m - 8:00 pm
izumi 」apaれeSe Cui§ine (§)
Dime「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Vitaiity Fitness Center
6:00am -1:00 am
」amie’§ ItaIian ($)
DImer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Vitaiity Sp∂の居/ 460O)
8:00∂m - 10:00 pm
Wonde「land ($)
Dinner: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
与 7つ∴71 ⋮ 5 2 ︹﹂∴﹁⊃ 6 4 4 与 1 6 1与
Coa§tal Kitchen Dinner: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm 14
仔eservaf/OnS Suggested ∂nd w∂佑Ins wekome. for伯ser脆めm"/e∂Se Vr錐
expe所ence. D伯ss po庇/eS ∂pp小
」ohnny Rockets ($)
11:与0 am -「:00 am
La Patisierie ($)
6:00 ∂m - 11:00 pm
Room Service Availabie (§)
ll:00∂m - 6:00∂m
§orrento?§ Pizzeria
l胃0∂m -与:00 ∂m
Vintage§ (§)
Noon -1:30 pm
§eaPIex Doghouse
5:30 PM -9:30 pm
7:00 am -11:00 pm 7:00 ∂m - 8:00 ∂m
Outdoor PooI
8:00 ∂m -8:00 pm
Pooi Towei Station
7:00 am - midnight
Soiarium (Adu侮on砂
「O:00 am -7:00 pm
FIowrider ⑪ - Mixed Wave
9:00 ∂m -与:00 pm
Rock Climbing W∂=
9:00 ∂m - nOOn/3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
8:00∂m - 1:00 ∂m
No直h St∂「
Reserv∂tion Required through the App
RipCo「d by iFly
Rese「v∂tion Required th「Ough the App
1与 1与1与 1与1与
Caf6 Promenade
仕00 am -12:与0 ∂m
甘「a§; &甘0〔k (§)
indoor Poo1
0utdoor PooI (AduIts o[iy)
.4.4.4 4.4.
Our 5Pe(旬ty極sねWants or (脆/ 7000焔h砂∂侮w 2 houIS foryour d”肋g
Chalienger’s Vldeo A「C∂de, Deck 15 Operator @居/ O) C∂fe Promenade, Deck 4 Seiected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
Emerge[Cy Only,の届/ 970 Shu凧ebo∂rd, Deck 15
Ca§ino (§)
9:00 am - iate
Northstar Bal (§)
9:00 ∂m - 9:00 pm (WealllelPemitting)
pooI Ba「 (§)
9:00 am -9:00 pm
9:00am 」:00am
§巾Bさ「 (§)
9:00∂m -作00 pm
§unshine Bar (;)
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
丁wo70 (§)
「O:00 am - I∂te
5 う 1与 1 4 与 1 4 1 4 ⋮
11:00 am -11:00 pm
Bio血Bar (§)
Libr∂ry & iCafe, Deck 6 Shore Excursions KIOSks, Deck 5
Guest ServICeS,の居/のDeck 4
Please brlng yOur Se∂Pass card to all actlVltleS. Certaln age, helght, Welght and
CIothlng requirementS may aPPly. PIease check ∂CtiVlty Slgnage for more而ormatlOn.
HEALTH AND SAFE丁Y INFORMATlON Wash up! The best w∂y tO PreVent COlds, fIu and gastrointeStlna1 1=nesses- SuCh as
Shake Things up AtSea With laser precision, rObotic arms work in perfect SynChronization assembling deiicious bever∂geS.
Bionic Bar, Deck 5.
NorovlruS十S tO W∂Sh your hands wlth soap ∂nd w∂rm Water for at le∂St 20 seconds after bathroom breaks ∂nd before eatlng.
§afety Firstwith Swim Vest: Play lt Safe ∂t the Pooi, SWlmmlng Smart and looklng COOl. Compllment∂ry SWim VeStS are aV∂ll∂ble ln th「ee sIZeS deslgned for chlldren ∂geS
4 to 12. Swlm VeStS ∂re located near the towei statiOn On Deck 14.
BodyCamera: For the safety and we=-bemg Of a= persons onboard, SOme membe「s of
A Far East Fea§t
Enjoy an exotic Asian-inspired dining experience. Sashimi, SuShi and more ∂re a= m∂de-tO-Order with intense fl∂VOrS,
Our SecurIty Team w川be wearlng Body C∂meraS aS P∂rt Of thelr unIform.
Smoking Oniy Pe「mitted in Designated Areas’C∂SInO Smoklng Sect10n, Deck 3, Outer
Deck, Deck 5, Starboard Slde, PooI Deck, Deck 14, Port Slde, beIow bIg SCreen On Pooi Deck ∴A= lndoor publlC SP∂CeS, StaterOOmS ∂nd b∂lconleS are SmOke free ElectronIC
and the best ingredients at Izum主Reservations suggested
and waik-ins weicome.
lzumi, Deck 5. Dia1 70OO for reservations
Clg∂「etteS Or e-CIgaretteS are OnIy permitted wlthln deslgnated smoklng areaS.
B「eakfast: 7:30 am - 10:30 am
Lunch: 11:30 ∂m - 5:00 pm
ヾuite & f)mn∂d6 Guests Soiarium Bi§tro
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:30 am - 9:30 ∂m
〔oas書aI Kitchen
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm Breakfast: 7:30 ∂m - 10:00 am
Lu[Ch: Noo[ - 2:30 pm Bre∂kf∂St: 7:00 ∂m - 11:00 am
Lunch: 11:30 ∂m - 4:00 pm
〔hops G「ilie (;)
書的Go Av訓∂bie
Lu[Ch: Noon - 1:30 pm
Reservatio[S SuggeSted ∂[d walkins weicome. For 「eserv∂tlO[S, Pie∂Se Visit
C∂Sino Royaie S10tS
8:00 am - iate
Iubiot & Bvlg∂rj Boutique
9:与0∂m -10:00 pm
Internet Assist∂nCe
Loyalty Amb∂SSador
8:00 am -10:00 am/1:00 pm -4:30 pm
Medic∂i F∂Ciiity (Di∂i 51)
8:00∂m -11:00∂m/4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
NextC「uise S∂ies O輔ce
9:00 am -9:00 pm
PAD1 5 St∂r Dive Center
「O:00 am -1:00 pm/3:00 pm -6:00 pm
Photo G訓ery & Shop
lO:00∂m -10:う0 pm
Picture This Portr∂it Studio
7:00 pm書10:00 pm - (Hotiine Diai 55453)
Port Shopping Desk
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm -(Hotline Dl∂i 2222)
Roy∂i Shops
9:与0∂m - 10:00 pm
Sho「e ExcursIOnS Desk
9:00 am -8:00 pm
Vitaiity Fitness Center
6:00∂m - 1:00∂m
」amie’s italian ($)
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
lO:00∂m - Iate
Izumi 」apanese Cui§jne ($)
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
C∂Sino Roy∂ie SeIect T∂bies
456445 1
Windjamme「 Marketpla〔e
︹﹂∴7ユニ1 ⋮54 2 与 1
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:30 ∂m - 9:30 am
Lunch: 11:30 ∂m - 1:00 pm
4 ⋮ 1
Ame「i〔an IIOn
Vit∂lity Sp∂ (Die1 4600)
8:00∂m -10:00 pm
Our Specl∂lty Rest∂urants Or di∂i 7000. Kl[dly aiIow 2 hours for you「 d面白g experience. Dress pollCies ∂PPly.
」ohmy Rolkets ($)
=:与0 ∂m - 1:00∂m
しa Pati§Serie ($)
6:00∂m -11:00 pm
Room Servi〔e AvaiiabIe (§)
廿00∂m - 6:00 ∂m
§eaPiex Doghouse
「l:50 am - 1:00am
§oll’eれtO’i Pizzeria
l「:う0 am -ま00∂m
7:00am - 8:00am
Outdoor PooI
8:00a爪-8:00 pm
N○○n - 1:与O pm
11:00 am -11:00 pm 9:00∂m - iate
North§tar Ba「 ($)
9:00 ∂m - 9:00 pm owealhe「Pemrmng)
pooI Ba「 (§)
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
§chooner ($)
9:00∂m -1:00∂m
S巾Bar (§)
9:00 am - 11:00 pm
§unihine Bar (§)
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
丁wo70 ($)
lO.00 ∂m - I∂ね
与 う 1与 1 4 与 1 4 図二与
Biol庇Bar ($)
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
Outdoor Pool (Aduits o[iy)
5:30 pm -9:30 pm
Caiino (§)
9:00∂m - 6:00 pm
lndoor PooI
PooI Towei St∂tion
7:00 ∂m - midnight
Soiarium (Aduits only)
lO:00∂m -7:00 pm
Flowride「 - Mixed W∂Ve, 9:00 ∂m -与:00 pm
Rock Ciimbi[g Wa=
9:00∂m - nOOn/3:00 pm -5:00 pm
8:00am -1:00 ∂m
No「亡h S亡a「
Reserv∂tions Requi「ed through the App
RipCord by iFiy
Reserv∂tions Requjred through the App
[J ﹁J﹂ ⊂J ﹁﹁)∴﹁トJ
ViれtageS (;)
H20 W∂Ve PooI
4.4.4 4.4 4 4・4・
11:00∂m -12:与0 am
9:00∂m - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Bra§S & Bo〔k (§)
Baby Splash Zone Cur「ent PooI
Ch訓enger’s video Arc∂de, Deck 15 0per∂tOJ, (Di∂1 0)
C∂fe Promen∂de, Deck 4 Seiected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
Emergency Oniy, (Di∂1 911) Shu冊ebo∂rd, Deck 15 Llbr∂「y & iCafe, Deck 6 Shore Ex〔urSions Kiosks, Deck 5
Guest Services, (DiaI O) Deck 4
Famously Fantastic itE亜an ChefJ∂mie Oliver may be one of Britain’s most
Ring in the NewYearatthe Two7O VIP Event
famous food exports, but it’s his intense passion for
Experience ∂ unique and excIusive New Year’s Eve
Ita‖an cooking th∂t drives the menu ∂t Jamie,s ItaIian.
COUntdown with HD VirtuaI Fireworks,訓night musIC,
Reservations suggested and waIk-ins welcome. Jamie’s
Premium Champagne and Chef’s choice of hors `d’ouvres.
ltalian, Deck 5. Dia1 7OOO fo「 reservations,
Bookings daily from noon - 5:00 pm, VintageS, Deck 5
主午逢せ時事も[無闘牛 9:00 ∂m Dance Fitness, MusIC Ha=
C「uise Di「ector Mitch & ActiV佃es M∂∩∂ger Tresha
9:00 ∂m - 11:30 ∂m RoIle「 Skati[g (SIg剛P ∂t 9:00 ∂m, LImited Ava帖bility),
SeaPiex 9:30 am C「OSSWO「d Cha=enge, Schoo[er B∂r
Crow[ & A[Chor Welcome Back Party, Roy∂i Theater
ll:00∂m -11:4与∂m
The Coio「ful Wo「Id of Pete「 M∂X Extr∂V∂g∂nZa, Boie「os
($)Royal SIot Tou「[∂me[t Quallfier, C∂SlnO Roy∂Ie
Dl∂mOnds & Gemstones Maste「 Ciass, MusIC I∂Ii
12:45 pm 」:00 pm
u[der $500 & More Art AuctlOn Regist「ation, Bole「os
Unde「 $500 & More Art AuctIOn, Boieros
l:00 pm
($)Royal Poke「 Toumament Qu掴Ier, Casino Royale
2:00 pm
($)$500 Gu∂「∂nteed BIackjack tourn∂ment, C∂Sl[O Roy∂ie ($)Roy∂I Poker Toum∂me[t Qualifier Casino Roy∂ie
4:00 pm
($)Miiiion Doliars Plus P∂r∂diseしOttO Dr∂W, Casino Royaie
Comp白ment∂ry 」ewei「y Cieaning, Po「t Shopping Desk
lO:30 ∂m - 11:15 am ($)Cash P「ize Royal Bingo Cards on S∂ie,
(Games Begln ∂=l:15 ∂m), Music Ia= 廿30 ∂m Trl-Bo[d Schooner B∂r 12:15 pm Famliy T「ivia, Voyage「 Room (front of the shiP)
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Teen O[ly B∂Sketb∂= (12-14 Yea「s), SeaPlex
l:00 pm - 1:45 pm Teen Oniy B∂Sketb訓(15-17 Years), SeaPIex
l:00 pm - 2:58 pm Matmee Movie: Biinded By The Light (PG-13), Two70 1:15 pm VISu∂i TrlVi∂: CltieS & Countries, Music H訓
2:00 pm World’s SexleSt M∂[ Competitio[, (Ages 18+), Pooiside
2:00 pm Adult DodgebaiI CompetltlOn, (Sign up at l:45 pm), Se∂Piex
2:00 pm -2:30 pm B∂Ch∂t∂ D∂nCe Cl∂SS, Music H訓
Vit掴y St「et〔h, Vitality Fitness
7:う0 am -8:00∂m
F∂b Abs Class, Vitality Fitness
8:00 am -8:与0 am
($)Pu「e Form Yog∂, Vit∂冊y Fit[eSS
9:00 ∂m -9:45 ∂m
($)RYDE l[door Cycil[g, Vitality FltneSS
lO:00∂m -10:4与am
($)Body ScuIpt Boot C∂mP, Vlt∂iity FltneSS
lO:00∂m - 10:50 pm
($)Eariy Bi「d Speciel Extended: S∂Ve ffO with A旧nciusive
Save up to 75% on Deslg[er W∂tChes, Royal Espian∂de
10:30 am -11:00∂m Semina「: Acupunctu「e Q&A, VitalitySpa lO:30 ∂m - 9:30 pm Haute 」ewels - Sterling Sliver Saie 50% Oft
11:30 ∂m - 12:30 pm ExclusiVe Onbo∂「d - L∂b Grown Diamonds Reve∂i,
l:30 pm - 2:30 pm Bobbi B「OWn M∂ke up TutorI∂I, lmpuise Boutique 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm He∂Ith Seminar: How to improve you「 posture, Vit∂iity Fitness
2:30 pm i:00 pm Seminar: inst∂[t Wrlnkie Remedies, Vitality Sp∂ 315 pm - 4:00 pm F「ee Gift Ka嶋ti Guests P∂rticip∂ted F∂Shion Show, Roy∂I Espi∂[∂de
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm ($)TRX Suspension T「aining, Vi軸ty Fit[eSS 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Comp=me[tary CooIScuipting Consultatio[S, Vitality Sp∂
10:00am -11:う0am
($)M∂Ster the Art of Ma畑g Sushi CI∂SS, izumi
lO:15 ∂m -12:う0 pm
($)Sip Tou「 B「皿ch, Chic Restaurant
($)Cupcake Decor∂tlng Ciass, La P∂tisserie
Noo[ -1:00 pm
($)$2 Mimosa Happy Hour C∂Sino Royale
Noon -1:30 pm
($)Master the Art of Making Sushi Cl∂SS, lzumi
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
($)Rum Tasting, Two70
3:00 pm -4:00 pm
($)Whiskey Semi[∂r, Boleros
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
($)Wine Tasting Spectacuiar, Vint∂geS
(Games begin ∂t 3:45 pm), Music Ha" 3:00 pm ($)Scr∂Pbooklng Sess10[, Schooner B∂r
315 pm AduIt VoIieyb訓CompetitlOn, (Sign up at 3:00 pm), Se∂Piex 4:00 pm - 5:25 pm Outdoor Movle: The Sec「et Life of Pets 2, PooisIde
4:00 pm Virtual Sympho[y St∂「「「[g the American Philharmonic O「chestr∂, Two70 5:00 pm 70’s Li[e D∂[Ce Ci∂SS , Music I∂ii 5:00 pm Gener∂l Trivia, Schooner Bar
5:15 pm Famliy Arts and C「afts, The Voy∂ger Room
5:15 pm Self -しed Hanukkah Celeb「∂tion, Wi[dj∂mmer
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Bumpe「 Cars (Minimum ∂ge, 5 Years), SeaPlex
5:15 pm F∂mily G∂gab訓(Kids & Families),
Voyager Room
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm PooIside MusIC Wlth D」 Mitch, Pooislde
2:45 pm - 3:30 pm Pooiside MusIC With D」 Mitch, Pooiside
Reg∂lia Fine 」eweI「y
3:00 pm i:45 pm ($) Cash PriZe Royai Bingo C∂rds o[ Saie,
ll:30 am - nOO[ Seminar: Tr∂[Sfo「m your Skl[ With Therm∂ge, Vita柄ty Sp∂
(PG), Royai Theatre 2:15 pm Music Trivi∂: DISney Tunes Schooner Bar
Roy∂i Espian∂de
=:00 am - 11:45 ∂m Seml[a「: Detox For IeaIth & Weight Loss, Vi軸ty Fitness
2:00 pm - 3:50 pm 3D Movie: HowtoTrain You「 Dragon: The Hidden World
45 う与1
Dlgitai Photo Pack∂ge, Photo Ga=ery
1616161616与 4154 16154 416 1う4 16記
7:00 am -7:う0∂m
41与 与・44 うう・4 51与1
ま00 pm
SeaPlex lO:00 ∂m Moming Trivia, Schooner Ba「
En「ichment Lecture with Laurie Rozakis `Junk∂nOO”,Two70
l「:00 ∂m
6 与与・4 与1
ll:00 am
9:30 ∂m - 11:07 ∂m Outdoo「 Movie: Dumbo (PG) Pooiside
lO:00 am Adult Tabie TemiS丁ou「n∂ment, (Sig[ uP ∂t 9:45am),
The Best of Next 2020-21 CrulSeS冊k with NextCruise,
[﹂ -i﹁).4.4-′⊃-﹁1).4.4.-′⊃ ﹁′ヽ)-くJ-′⊃ 4
10:00 am - 11:00∂m
与,41与 51
Midnight - 2:00 pm Anthem Today - You「 Daily Moming Show wlth your
Tue§day, December 31, 2O19
OrIando (Port Canaveral)タロOrida
WELCOME TO ORLANDO, FLORIDA As the home of Kemedy Space Center, Cape Canaverai is the iaunching
POint for訓-Out adventure in Central FIorida」ts beaches offer a mix of
Estimated Gangway Ail Aboard
famiiy-friendly shores. And with Orl∂ndo’s theme park sprawi oniy an
7:00 am 7:30 am Deck 5 (mldshlP) 6:弓0 pm
hour away, yOu Can eaSiiy mingie with your favorite characters. K∂yak past
manatees in the Banana River Lagoon or zip冊e above a冊gators at Brevard
Today’s Forecast
High Temperatu「e
7:00 pm Sunny
61OF (17OC)
Winds NW15 kts
New Years Eve Ship-Wide Countdown Ceiebration Pa「ty
Ring inthe NewYearin anyofourloungesand thenfeeI freeto make
6:54 am
5:26 pm
your way around the ship to expiore and enjoy the parties and music. Complimentary Champagne w川be served from l「:45 pm - midnight.
See the Evening Planner, Royai Caribbean App and the special New Years Eve fiyer deliVered to your stateroom for the fuli scheduie. Stay On, §tream On It’s the perfect time to stream with VOOM, the fastest lntemet at sea. For
today only Stream Day Pass for $14.99. That’s 50% off the d∂ily rate! Connect to “Wif主Guest-Anthem” and go to 10gin.com to get st∂rted.
HELPFUL TIPS FOR TODAY Dress Code: Wea「 You「 Best - New Years Eve StyIe You’re on v∂Cation- reiax! Jeans, POIo shirts, Sundresses
and biouses are fine, But please keep swimwearto the POOi deck. Shorts are weicome fo「 breakfast and lunch.
yourfavorite designer brands at up to 50% off. Get there early for the best
Transfer Tickets Guests with flights after l:00 pm on departure moming, Can PurChase transfer tickets to Newark lnternational airport or Times Square, at Guest Services. Deadiine for
PurChase is Noon, Day 5言n Nassau.
Designer Handbag Show: up tO 5O% Off Elevate your style with trendy, Chic and alI-Out-fashionabie handb∂gS from
7:30 pm - 11:00 pm, Royal EspIanade, Deck4.
SeaPass Card and Photo ldentification SeaWorld Express Se「vice (T「ansportation Oniy)
Please have your SeaPass card in hand when ieaving and
Get your∂drenaiine kick onjoyrides that plummet, loop ∂nd twist. Watch
marine creatures as they soar, fiex, and fiip in the air. Enjoy a chiiiing joumey
retuming to the ship. Guests wiii not be permitted off or On the ship without their SeaPass Card and government
to the South Poie and interact with penguins.
lSSued Photo ldentification.
Book this tour today at the Shore ExcursiOnS Desk, Deck 5
Going Ashore The first hour upon arrival couid be the busiest time On the gangway, For a more reiaxed departure言t is
recommended to depart the ship one hour after arrivai.
Wheeichair assistance wiil be avaiiabIe on the gangway Spa Tbpia
if needed.
lndulge from head to toe for 75 giorious minutes with aIi of
Safety Onboard
these treatments: Fuii-Body Hot Stone or Bamboo Massage,
For the safety ofa= guests and crew, there lS nO running,
Full-Body Skin Brushing, Foot and Ankie Massage, Hand and Arm Massage. Today oniy $159.
Piaying or climbing on stairs and r∂iiings anywhere on
the ship. Thank you for your cooperation.
VisittheVitality Spa, Deck15 ordiai 4600 to book 丁omorrow we wiII be:
The Perfect Day at CocoCay
Rack Up The Rewards PIay more, eam mOre. Cruise offers begin at 40O eamed
POints and tier up to a Grand Suite fortwo! Stop by the Casino Host Desk for detaiIs. Casino Royale, Deck 3.
50YEARS BO」D ‥1969、苛 20重9…
Medi-SPa Facial Rejuvenation Ciinic
Our onboard Medical Physician, Dr.CarIa, Performs FDA approved treatments to tighten skin and reduce the ∂PPearanCe
Of facia=ines and wrinkies, Scheduie your free consuItation todayto find out how!
VisitVitaiity Spa, Deck15 ordiaI 4600 to book.
鵠騰課業棉よ器説謹悪18繰言糾e Wi○○ Rock Hosted by your Cruise Director, D∂n, Name That Tune LiVE is based on the ci∂SSic teievision game show! Our LiVE version
Of this show wi= incorporate game piay, SOng and dance, and comedy with YOU taking center stage, 8 individuaIs w川
Health Seminar: Reiieving Back Pain Sore feet, knees, hips and back? One footprint anaiysis can heIp you improve your posture and reduce your pain with a simple insert to support you into the ideai foot position and posture.
COmPete for the title of NAME THA丁TUNE CHAMP10N! Join Our CaSt Of 8 dancers, 6 singers, 8-Piece band, Our W∂rm-uP
amouncer, and live DJ spiming the tunes. No reservations required, Pre-Show auditions start ∂t 7:10 pm with the LlVE show
4:00 pm Vit∂iity Fitness, Deck 16
immediateIy ∂fter. Royal Theatre, Decks 4, 5
Blowout End of Yea「 Under $500 Art Sale
All shows ln the theater are approximateiy 55 minutes The s∂Ving Of seats
Stop by the Art GaIiery to view an exciting co=ection of
and vldeotaping Of shows is strictly prohibited. No chIldren in the first row.
artworks priced under $500, aiongside other onboard favorites.
ChIidren ln SeCOnd and third rows of the The∂ter muSt be ∂CCOmPanied by a Parent Or guardi∂∩. Piease refraln from using your ceii phone ∂nd/br two-Way
Don’t miss out on the art bargain ofthe cruise.
radios during the performance. AssistiVe Listening System av∂ilabie at Guest
6:00 pm -11:00 pm, Art Galiery, Deck 5
ServiCeS, Deck 5.
Exclusive CoIor"Changing Gems
Discover the coior-Changing secrets of zuitanite, eXCiusiveIy
yours from far-remOte Turkey. S∂Ve uP tO 40% on this
Join us for the ride of your iife. The FIowRider⑪ simulates a re∂l
fascin∂ting gem, for a limited time onIy.
Surfing and body boarding experience. 30,000 galions of water
9:45 pm Roy∂l Espla[ade, 4
Pe「 minute rush undemeath the rider at 30 mph creating a fivefoot oce∂n-1ike wave. Riders must be at least 58” tall to surf and
52” to boogie board. Check the Open Hours for a" times for today.
Holiday Cards Send your seasons greetings in style, the photo team c∂n Create
Outdoor Family Movie: Toy Sto「y 4
beautifui personalized HoIiday Cards to send out to your famiIy
When a new toy cailed ’’Forky” joinS Woody and the gang, a
and friends, We h∂Ve tOmeS Of options and styIes to choose
road trip aiongside oid and new friends reveais how big the WOrid can be for a toy.
from and the vaiue is amazing!
9:30am -11:22 ∂m, PooIside, Deck14.
Head to the Focus Photo Ga=eryto see them: Deck #5
Matinee Movie: Yesterday Famously Fantastic ltaiian
A struggIing musician realizes he’s the only person on Earth who
ChefJamie Oliver may be one of Britain’s miost famous food
Can remember The BeatIes after waking up in an altemate time=n
exports, but it’s his intense passion for ltaiian cooking that
Where they never existed. Stars: Himesh Patei, Lily James. 2:00 pm, Two70, Deck 5.
drives the menu at Jamie’s itaiian. Reservations suggested and
Walk-ins weicome. Deck 5
Diai 7000 for your reservatiOnS tOnight!
EVENING THRILしS Karaoke Awake your inner rock or pop starasyou step upto the mic tonight ∂t k∂raOke. A= ages weIcome, however children under 12
years of age must be accompanied by an ∂duIt, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Music持出Deck 3 (Ali Ages)
8:30pm -10:00pm, Music H坤Deck3(Ages18+)
CELEBRATE WITH CHAMPAGNE Ask any of our friendly bar staff to pre-Order your champagne. An 18% gratuity w紺be added.
Battie of the Sexes Game Show Men or women - Want tO know who’s better? Join your Cruise Director’s staff ali and find out. Waming: lt couid get riotously
fumy. 10:15 pm, Music HE帖Decks 3, 4.
Movie Njght: Spider"Man: Far From Home (2O19 PG-13) 丁he critic訓y accIaimed movie takes piace foI看owing the events
Of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a worId that has changed forever.
Stars: Tom Ho=and, SamueI L. Jackson, Jake Gy=enhaai. 9:00 pm -廿09 pm, Royai The∂ter, Deck 4.
New Year,s Eve Ceiebration§ Ring in the New Year in Roy∂i f∂Shion. We’ii be celebrating
throughout the ship with festive decorations, Party favours and baiioon drops. Wherever you turn you’ii enjoy great food, live
music and dancing, And ∂S midnight∂PPrOaChes you canjoin
Haven’t Booked Your Next Cruise Yet?
Book with us and secure oniy $10O per person deposit on Select fares. Plus receive up to $600 offor onboard credit your choice, See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 5.
in the countdown and toast to the familiar strains of “Auid Lang
Syne.” Gu∂ranteed to be∂ night you判rememberali year long.
Pressing Services: lfyouroutfit for the big night couId use a iittie pick me up, PreSSlng SerVices are avaiiable for an additiOnal cost. Just hand it to your Stateroom Attendant, and we w用take lt from
HAIR AND NAILS? CHECK! Contact our Saion & Spa for hair and nail appointments for your fmishlng tOuChes. MOMS AND DADS - ARE YOU STAYiNG OUT 」A丁E?
Contact Adventure Ocean for detaiis on our kids only actIVltieS throughout the night. Some actiVitleS may incIude a nominai fee.
SIP, SIP, HOORAY! ifyou haven’t aireadysigned up fora Beverage Package, yOU Can Sti= dosotoday. 1fyou are looking
forthat something extra speciai tonight, Check with our bar staffforViP table reservatiOnS and Champagne bottie speciais. Whiie you’re at it, reSerVations are stili avaliable for specialty dining -
dia1 7OOO for avaliabie times and locations.
SHARE YOUR MEMORIES, Post photos and videos of your most brag worthy moments. Stay connected with VOOM因, the fastest intemet at sea. Connect to the “WIFi-Guest-Anthem’’network from any ofyour devices, tyPe
login.com, and choose the package that best fits you and yourf∂miiy.
A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS, Check out the many p「ofessional portrait locations around the shlP. Studios wiil be open untii ll:OO
NEW YEARS EVE CARiBBEAN STY」E Joln Rhythm ExpIosIOn aS We get the party started! Bole「OS, Deck 5
Hey parents, lfthe klds can’t stay up until midnight ortheyw∂nttO Party later in Ad-
Venture Ocean, COme tO Our early countdown party complete with a bal獲oon drop! We
Wi‖ countdown to the NewYearat 9:OO pm.8:OO pm-9:30 pm,SeaPIex15
FEしIZ A内O NUEVO - 」ATiN FiESTA PARTY 」ove great Latin muSIC? lfthe answer is yes, then thiS iS the pi∂Ce for you to ceiebr∂te
the New Year - Latin style! Wlth our Latin Band, Candeia LatIn Show. Boieros, Deck5
Get ready to be entertained with =ve musiC, reSerVed seatlng and special treats wlth performances by The Royal Swedes, a LlVE DJ and special effects. Hosted by SPECTRA and
Just for Kids (Ages 3-11) Adventure Ocean, Deck 12 (nominal fee appiies)
your Two70 cast & featurIng an aPPearanCe by the Capta血($ feesappiy) Two70, Deck 5
醒 醒
Join US for a champagne toast at midnight∂nd let i∂dy Iuck ring in the New Year. The
Casino wiII stay open untIl the wee hours of New Year’s Day. Casino Royaie, Deck 3
TOP4O & DECADES WARM UP PARTY Get warmed up for blggeSt Party Ofthe year featu「lng muSiC Ofthe dec∂des & today′s
top hitS With our Resldent DJ & your ActlVities Manager, Tresha Royai Esplanade, Deck 5
PARTY WITH THE BAND! Get ready to be party up until the countdown with llVe muSiC from the Anthem ofthe Seas Orchestra featurIng the High C′s Homs. The Via, Deck 5 (by Vintages),
Rlng in the new yearcomplete with a bail00n drop ∂nd countdown party wlth WAN丁ED!
An lnCredible repliCatiOn Ofthe musiC Of Bon Jovl that was created wlth one purpose ln mind…To create a fun concert environment ln the styie, VIbe and atmosphere of the spec-
tacIethat lS known as a liVe Bon JovI Show. Music Hall, Decks 3, 4 ROYA」 ESP」ANADE NEW YEAR’S EVE COUNTDOWN PARTY 11:○○ pm -12:50am
Captaln Henrik invIteS yOu tO 」01n him aiong wlth the SenIOr Officers and our Resident DJ
On the Royai Esplanade as we count down to 2O2O Hosted by your Cruise DireCtOr, Mitch Royal Esplanade, Decks 4, 5 TEENS ONい′ NEW YEARIS DANCE PARTY!
「「:OO pm -1:OOam
l「:15 pm -1:○○ am
Just for  ̄Teens! (Ages 12-17) The SeaPlex and Doghouse will st∂y OPen tOO! FueI, Deck15
NEW YEARS件CHiLし0UT ZONE)〕 N0 10ud music, nO rlnging in your ears, but a serene venue to reiax and see in the new Years! AIso wIth our lIVe feed of TlmeS Square Royal Theater, Decks 4, 5
AFTER HOURS 12:01 am - Iate
12:15 am - ia亡e
12:15 am - Iate
12:15 am - Iate
匪 醒 醒 醒
THE F看RST PARTY OF 2O2O With WANTED & Resident DJ MitCh (Aduits 18十ONL`′) Music Ha11, Decks 3, 4
DANCE PARTY WITH CANDELA 」ATIN SHOW 丁he New Year lS here! Come d∂nCe the night ∂Way Wlth Candel∂ Boleros, Deck4
PUB ENTERTAINER 丁he party continueS With Pub Entert∂ine「 Paui SainSbury. Brass & Bock, Deck 4
With PianO & VocaI Entertainer Dan DavIeS. Schooner Bar, Deck 5
」01N USASWE RiNG IN THE NEWYEAR iNANYOFOUR 」OUNGES,THEN MAKEYOURWAY AROUND THE SHIP TO ENJOY THE FESTIVITIES iN A」L OF OUR VENUES. HAPPY NEW YEAR! 咋or ∂ detailed liSt OfactiVltieS SCheduled earIier and later thlS eVenlng, Please refer to the CrulSe Compass
皐MusIC&Dancln9 &」ustfo.K,ds(Ag。S3-11)か」,Stfo「K,ds(12-17)萩言Ch,li t3:Th。I 盛:Casin。
Tuesday, December 31, 2O19 Orlando (PoJt Canaveral), Flo「iqa:
Art GalIery
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
㌢uiね& f肋n∂C/e Guests
Bvlg∂ri Boutique
730 pm - 10:30 pm
§olalium Bistro Dlmer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
C∂Si[O RoyaIe
8:30 pm - iate
Main §eating, Di[ner: 5:30 pm
intemet Assistance
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
C暁& Grande Dining Rooms
Loy∂lty Amb∂SS∂do「
5:00 pm -8:00 pm
MediCai F∂Ciilty (Diai 51)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
NextC「uise SaIes Office
9:00∂m - 7:00 pm
My Time Dining Di[ner: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Photo G訓e「y & Shop
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Windjammer Market匝Ie Di[ner: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Picture This Po「trait Studio
By Appointment Oniy
Port Shopplng Desk
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Ho冊e- Di∂i 2222)
Chef’§ Tabie ($) Dimer: 6:30 pm
Roy∂I Shops
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Chop§ GliIle ($) DImer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Sho「e ExcursiO[S Desk
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Izumi 」apanese 〔ui§ine ($) Dime「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
VitaIity Fitness Center
6:00∂m - 1:00 ∂m
」amie’s ltalian (;) DImer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Vit∂iity Sp∂ (Di∂1 4600)
8:00 am -10:00 pm
Wondeliand (§) Dime「: 5:00pm - 10:00 pm Reservations suggested and waik-ins weicome. For reserv∂tions, PIe∂Se Visit
Indoor Poo1
Our Specielty Restaurants or di∂1 7000. KindIy aiIow 2 hours for your dlnlng
0utdoor Pool (Adults only)
7:00am - 8:00 am
experience. Dress poiicies appiy.
Outdoor Pooi
8:00 ∂m - 8:00 pm
Noon - l∂te
しa Pati§§eJie (§)
6:00∂m -1:00 am
Room Servi〔e Avaiiabie ($)
「「:00∂m - 6:00 ∂m
SeaPlex Doghouse
ll:うO am -1:00 am
§orrento’§ pizze細ia
「「:う0 am -ま00∂m
Vin章age§ (§)
4:00 pm - late
PooI Towel St∂tion
7:00∂m - midnight
Sol∂rium (Adults onIy)
「O:00 am - 8:00 pm
●叩岡田 Adv∂nCed Su「fing 8:00 ∂m - 9:00 am
Stand Up Surfing 9:00am -10:00 ∂m/
6:00 pm -8:00 pm Boogle Boardlng lO:00 ∂m -11:00 ∂m/
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Rock Climbing Wa=
9:00∂m- 11:00 ∂m/1:00 pm iOO pm
8:00 am - 7:30 pm/10:30 pm士00 am 9:00∂m - 1l:00∂m
North St∂r
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reservation Required)
Bioni〔 Bar (§)
3:00 pm -11:00 pm
RipCord by iFly
〔asihO (§)
5:00 pm - i∂te
Northstar Bar ($)
Noon - 9:OO pm (We∂the「 permlttlng)
Challenge「’s Video Arcade, Deck 15 0perator (Die1 0)
pooI甘a「 (§)
Noon - 9:00 pm
C∂fe P「Omenade, Deck 4 SeIected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
S〔hoone細Bar ($)
9:00 ∂m - i∂te
Emergency Oniy, (Di∂1 911) Shuffleboard, Deck 15
§吋甘a「 ($)
9:00 am -1:00∂m
Library & lC∂fe, Deck 6 Shore Excursio[S K10Sks, Deck 5
iun§hine Ba「 (;)
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Guest Services, (Dl∂1 0) Deck 4
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reservation Required)
1与 1⋮1⋮ 1与 1う
24口ou「s ll:う0 am -1:00 am
Caf6 P「omenade 」ohnny Rocket§ (§)
B細asi &甘0Ck (§)
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
︹J 与 ⋮ 与 4 2 与 与 6 4 4 う 1 6 1与喜1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4園1 5
Coastal Kit(hen Dlmer: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
($) Fee Appiies. Room Service: A convenlenCe fee of?7.95 appileS tO ai=temS liSted ln the all-d∂y
menu and the AmerlCan SeCtlOn Of the bre∂kf∂St menu.
HEALTH AND SAFETY iNFORMATION Stay safe! Prevent Mo§quilo Bites: To reduce the rlSk of mosquitO biteS th∂t may C∂rry Zlk∂ VlrUS Or Other dISeaSeS, aPPly deet mosqultO rePeiIent to skln & cIothlng Rem∂in
Ple∂Se brlng yOur SeaP∂SS C∂rd to a用∂CtlVltleS. Cert∂ln age, helght, Welght and Ciothlng requIrementS m∂y ∂PPIy. Ple∂Se Check actIVlty Slgn∂ge for more lnform∂tlOn
PORT AGENT IN OR」ANDO ADDRESS & NUMBERS MしSBC Cruises, 7980 N. Ati∂ntic Ave. Suite 208, Cape Canaverai,
FL., 32920 EmaiI: POrtagenCybye@intercruises.com
lndoo「s when possIble. Didn’t pack repe=ent? lt c∂n be purchased the Glft Shop or
MedlCal Fac冊y. Moped & Motor §cooter Warning : Guests ∂re StrOngly dlSCOur∂ged agalnSt hirmg
mopeds or motor scooters ln Ports of Ca= Unfamillar SUrrOundingS, unuSUal trafflC
SUSAN DIONNE Phone: 786-327-0208 or Mobiie: (+l) 321 616 4531 Ema旺sdionne@norton剛y.comcvI-Cruise <CVi-Cruise@
and weather condlt10nS etC may reSU旧n ∂n aCCident You may wISh to conslder an Org∂nlZed tour
norton剛y.com> / Bos@mlsbcc.com,
Body Camera: For the safety and we=-belng Of訓PerSOnS Onbo∂rd, SOme members of Our Security Te∂m WIll be wearmg Body Cameras as part of thelr unlform.
岬噛鵜認鵠諾識描灘鶉鰭繚藷繚蹄 Deck 弘= lndoor publiC SP∂CeS, StaterOOmS and balcor"eS are SmOke free EiectronIC
酬 醐 何vi書厄叫一山・」 -一 Command Center - (904) 564-7511
ClgaretteS O「 e-ClgaretteS are Only pe「mltted wlthln desIgnated smokIng areaS.
As VIP As Can Be At Chefl§ Table
Enjoy a gourmet fare five-COurSe meai and wine, PreSented
Drinkofthe Day: PortSide Punch
by your Executive Chef, This private epicurean experience is
Rum, Maiibu ∂nd Pe∂Ch Schnapps punch up this fruit十川ed
a guest treat.
Di∂I 7000 for reserv∂tlOnS.
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm
M∂rC McBride, Co[ductor of We W川Rock You,
Schooner Bar
6:30 pm A= Onboard Midnigh主2:00 pm Anthem Tod∂y - Your Da=y Mo「ning Show with you「
Fe∂tured Guit∂rist of We Will Rock You Bob Wegner
Ca「lbbean band Rhythm ExpIosion Performs! Boleros
8:15 pm - 10:00 pm
NewYe∂r’s Eve with Ma「c McB「ide &The C∂St OfWe Wi=
Perfo「ms, B「ass & Bock Pub
Cruise Director Mitch & ActIVities M∂nager Tresha
Rock You, Schoone「 Bar
L∂St Ch∂nCe tO CoiIect you「 Nassau VIP Ca「ds,
Port Shopping Desk
Guess the P「ice of the Kink∂de, Roy∂l EspI∂n∂de
B10WOut End of Year - Unde「 $500 & More Art Saie,
lO:00 pm - 1∂te
Latin Fiest∂ Party with C∂ndei∂, Bole「os
lO:00 pm - 1ate
The Roy∂l Swedes LiVE! ($ fee ∂PPlies) Two70
8:15 pm - 10:30 pm
Guita「 & Voc∂i Entertainment with Paul Sainsbu「y,
lO:15 pm - L∂te
Voc∂i & Pi∂nO Ente「t∂inment with D∂n D∂Vies,
ll:00 pm - Midnight
The Anthem of the Seas Orchest「∂, The Vi∂ by Vintages
12:15 am - Late
Guit∂r & Voc∂l Entert∂inment w柵P∂ui S∂insbury, Brass
B「ass & Bock Pub
Art G訓ery
Schooner Ba「
7:00 pm
LGBTQ Gathering, Vint∂geS
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Disney & Dali Exhibition, Art G訓ery
8:00 pm -8:30 pm
Le∂「n To Pl∂y, C∂SinO Royaie
ll:00 pm
Snowbali Raffle D「∂W, C∂SinO Royaie
ll:う0 pm
($)MiIiiOn DoiI∂rS Plus Par∂dise Lotto D「∂W,
& Bock Pub
Casino Royale
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Designe「 Handbag Show: Up to 50% 0埠Roy∂i Espianade
8:00 pm -10:30 pm Hublot Jp to 25% OffTax& Duty Free, Hubiot 8:OO pm - 10:30 pm F「∂granCe Sale Startlng From $29.99, Roy∂l EspIanade
6 4 与 4 4
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Free Foot PrInt An∂lysis, V圃ity Fit[eSS
9:45 pm - 10:00 pm ExclusiVe CoIor-Ch∂nging ZuIt∂nite Competition,
Regaiia 」eweiry
6:00 pm - 7:55 pm Outdoo「 Movie: Men in Bl∂Ck intem∂tionai (PG-13),
7:1O pm N∂me Th∂t Tune LiVE ∂uditions, Royal The∂te「
7:15 pm N∂me Th∂t Tune LIVE! St∂rring the Cast of We W= Rock You, With the Anthem of the Seas Orchestra, Royai Theat「e
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm MusicTrivi∂: B「Oadw∂yTunes, Schooner Ba「
8:30pm-10:00pm AdultKar∂Oke, MusicH訓
与-4与 4与5,4与
7:00pm-8:30pm FamilyKaraoke,MusiCHalI
9:00 pm - 11:09 pm Movie Night: Spider-Man F∂「: F「Om Home (PG-13), Royai Theater
8:00 pm -9:30 pm A= Ages Family2020 Countdown D∂nCe P∂rty,
Ba"00nS drop at 9:00 pm!, SeaPIex 10:00 pm - 2:00 am ExciusIVeVIP New Ye∂r’s P∂rty& Ba=oo[ Dropwith the RoyaI Swedes ($ fee ∂PPlieS), Two7O
lO:15 pm - 11:00 pm B∂ttieoftheSexes G∂me §how, Music HaI1 10:00 pm - O[W∂rds ShiP-Wide PartleS: Countdown to 2020, Ship-Wide
「O:30 pm - 12:30 ∂m NewYe∂rS EveCountdown Party& B訓00n Dropwith you「 C「uise Director Mitch and Captain He[「ick, RoyaI Espi∂nade
lO:30 pm - 12:30 am Livefeed from the Roy∂i Espl∂n∂de, PooIsidescreen
AIso on St∂terOOm TV Chamei 14
11:00 pm - 12:30 am NewYe∂rS EveCountdown P∂rtyWith WANTED: The Ultim∂te Bon 」ovI Trlbute, Music Ha=
ll:15 pm - 1:00 am Quiet Zone: NYC Times Squ∂「e Live Feed, Roy∂i The∂ter
AIso on St∂terOOm TV Ch∂nne1 28 12:01 ∂m - OnWa「ds Afte「 Hours: ThefirSt PartleSOf2020, Ship-Wide
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm ($)SophistiC∂ted Chardo[nay Wine Flights, Vintages 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Free Liquor Tasti[g, Royai Espia[∂de
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:00 ∂m - 9:00 ∂m
〔oa§tai Kit〔hen
B「e∂kf∂St: 7:30 ∂m - 9:30 am
Lunch: Noon - 150 pm
Cafさ@ Two7OO
Breakfast: 6:30 am - 10:30 am
Lu[Ch: 11:30∂m - 5:00 pm
6:00 pm -丑00 pm
Bvlgari / Hublot Boutique
7:30 pm -10:30 pm
C∂Si[O Roy∂le Tables
8:30 pm - i∂te
C∂Sino Royaie Slots
830 pm - late
intemet Assjstance
8:00∂m -10:00am/5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Loy∂ity Amb∂SSador
8:30∂m -11:00 am/5:00 pm-8:00 pm
Bre∂kf∂St: 6:30 am - 11:00 ∂m
MedICai Facility (Diaは1)
8:00 am -11:00∂m/4:00 pm -7:00 pm
Lunch: 1130∂m -4:00 pm
NextCruise Saies OfflCe
9:00am - 9:00 pm
Photo G訓ery & Shop
7:30 pm -10:30 pm
§oia「jum Bi§t「O
Bre∂kf∂St: 6:30 am - 9:30 am
Windjamme「 Marketpiace
Noon - i∂te
6:00 ∂m 」:00∂m
Room §ervi〔e AvaiIabie (;)
=:30 pm - 1:00 am
§o「rento,§ Pizze「ia
Vintages (;)
4:00 pm - 1∂te
3:00 pm -11:00 pm 5:00 pm - i∂te
Northita「 Bar (;)
Noo[ - 9:00 pm (We∂ther pe「mltting)
poo1甘ar (§)
Noon - 9:00 pm
S吋Bar (§)
9:00∂m - 1:00∂m
§choone「 Bar ($)
9:00 am - I∂te
§un§hine Ba「 (§)
7:00 ∂m -9:00 pm
丁wo70 (§)
Noon - 1∂te
与 与 1 5 1 4 1 4 5 1 4 与
Bionic Bar (;) 〔a§ino (S)
6:00 pm -8:00 pm (Hotiine- Di∂1 2222)
Roy∂I Shops
7:30 pm -10:30 pm
Shore Excursions Desk
7:00 ∂m -9:00∂m/6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Vitality Fitness Center
6:00 am -1:00 am
Vitaiity Spa (Die1 4600)
8:00 am -10:00 pm
B∂by Splash Zone
9:00∂m -6:00 pm
Current Pool
「l:00∂m - 6:00 pm
I∩door Poo1
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
0utdoor Pool (Aduits oniy)
7:00 am -8:00 am
Outdoor Pooi
8:00 am -8:00 pm
Pooi Towel Station
7:00 ∂m - midnight
Soiarium (Adults only)
lO:00∂m - 8:00 pm
Wave Pooi
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Advanced Su面[g 8:00 ∂m - 9:00 am
St∂nd UpSur帥g 9:00∂m - 10:00∂m/
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm FiowRjder㊥
Room Service: A convenlenCe fee of $7・95 applleS tO訓itemS llSted in the訓-day menu
and the AmeriCan SeCtlOn Of the breakfast menuw
Boogie Boarding lO:00 am - 11:00 ∂m /
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Rock CiimbI[g Wail
9:00 am-11:00 am/1:00 pm -3:00 pm
8:00am - 7:30 pm/10:30 pm-1:00 am
Stay safe! Prevent Mosquito Bites‥ To reduce the r-Sk of mosquitO blteS that may c∂rry
North St∂r
indoors when poss'ble D-dn’t p∂Ck repe=ent紺Can be purchased the Glft Shop or
9:00∂m -11:00 am 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reserv∂tion Required)
Z-k∂ VIruS Or Other dlSeaSeS' ∂PPly deet mosq=ltO rePe=ent to skln & cIothlng Remaln
RipCord by iFly
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reservation Required)
15 1与1与 1与ヽ 1与
($) Fee Appiies.
By Appointment Oniy
Port Shopping Desk
4 4 4 4・
§eaPIex Doghou§e
Picture This Portrait Studio
6 1与
しa Pati§§e「ie ($)
Caf6 P「omenade 」ohmy Rockets ($)
日「a§§ & 80〔k ($)
Art G訓ery
与 ︹ユニ`J 与 与 4 2 ⋮ 与 6 4 4 与 1
Amelican I〔On
MedlCal F∂Clllty.
Moped & Motor Scooter Warning : Guests are strongly d-SCOuraged ∂galnSt hlrlng mopeds or motor scooters 'n Ports of Call Unfam'llar SurrOUndIngS, UnuSu∂I tra用c
Cha=enge「’s Video Arc∂de, Deck 15 0perator (Dj∂1 0) Cafe Promen∂de, Deck 4 Seiected Iot Tubs, Deck 14
and weather cond-tlOnS etC. may reSul白n an accldent. You may wISh to conslder an Org∂nlZed tour
Emergency O[ly, (Di∂I 911) Shu刑eboard, Deck 15 Libr∂ry & iCafe, Deck 6 Shore Excursions Kiosks, Deck 5
Body Camera: For the safety and we=-belng Of訓persons onboard, SOme members of Our Security Te∂m Wl= be wearlng Body C∂meraS aS Part Ofthelr unlform.
Guest Services, (Dia1 0) Deck 4
Smoking Only Pemitted in Designated Areas* Casl=O SmokIng SectIOn, Deck 3, Outer Deck, Deck 5, Starboard Side, PooI Deck, Deck 14, Port Slde, below blg SCreen On PooI Deck ∴Ai=ndoo「 publiC SPaCeS, StaterOOmS and balconleS ∂re SmOke free. ElectroniC ClgaretteS Or e-ClgaretteS are Only perm-tted w'thln des'gnated smoklng are∂S
Please brlng yOur SeaP∂SS Card to訓∂Ct一VitleS. Ce「亡aln ∂ge, height, Weight and
CIoth…g requlreme=tS may aPPly Ple∂Se Check ∂Ctivity slgnage for more lnformat10n
Ring in the New Year at the Two7O ViP Event
Experience a unique and exciusiVe New Year’s Eve
MLSBC Cruises, 7980 N. Atiantic Ave. Suite 208, Cape Canavera上
COuntdown with HD Virtuai Fireworks,訓night music,
FL., 32920 Email: POrt∂genCybye@interc「uises.com
Premium Champagne and Chef’s choice of hors `d’ouvres.
Bookings d∂iIy from noon - 5:00 pm, Vintages, Deck 5
SUSAN DlONNE Phone: 786-327-0208 or Mobiie: (+1) 321 616 4531 Em油sdiome@norton剛y.comcvI-Cruise <CVi-Cruise@
A Far East Feast
nortonii=y.com> / Bos@misbcc,COm,
Enjoy an exotic Asien-inspired dining experience. Sashimi, SuShi and more are a" m∂de-tO-Order with intense fl∂VOrS,
and the best ingredients at lzumi, Reservations suggested and waIk-ins welcome. lzumi, Deck 5. Dia1 7000 for reserv〔面ons.
LAW ENFORCEMEN丁CONTACT INFORMATiON FBI Tampa Fieid Office - (321) 757-6O57 USCG Jacksonv川e
Command Center - (904) 564-7511
Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Orlando (Po「t Canaverai), Fiorida
750 am Estim∂ted G∂ngW∂y (mldshlP)
6:30 pm Ai1 0nboard
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Quiet Zone, Boleros
Vlt∂ilty Stretch, Vitality Fitness
Fab Abs Ci∂SS, Vlt∂iity Fitness
9:00 ∂m - 11:00 am ll:00∂m -11:う0 ∂m
H∂ir Loss &鵬ir Thicken CIinic, Vit描y Sp∂
Seminar: Get Rid Of Fluid RetentiO[ & Ceiluiite, V圃ity Spa
A[t主Aging Mlr∂Cies, Vlt∂=ty Sp∂
350 pm -4:00 pm
Semin∂r: P∂町DlgeStlO[ & Stress, Vitality Spa
4:00pm- 6:00pm
Wa旧n CompIiment∂「y We=ness ∂[d Heaith Assessment,
Vitality Fitness
Outdoo「 Movie: Toy Story 4 (PG), Pooiside
lO:00 am
Mo「…g Trivia, Schooner B∂r
T「ue & F∂Ise Trivia, Schoo[er Ba「
0n You「 Own Ac帥ty: Zen CoIoring, The Libra「y
(Upper Level of Two70) Famliy Basketb訓Knockout, (Slgn uP ∂t廿00 ∂m), Se∂Piex
=:弓0 am
Trl-bond TrlVi∂, Schooner Bar
FamlIy Comhole Knockout (Sign uP a仕00 pm), SeaPlex
Big Screen Trivi∂: Movies & Actors, Music Ha=
2:00 pm
Gene「ai T「ivia, Schooner B∂r
Kliier PooI Competition, Music I訓
Outdoor Movie: The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG), PooIslde
Matinee Movie: Yesterday (PG-13), Two70
ま00 pm
e Scrapbooking Sessio[, Schooner Bar Fun Li[e D∂nCe Cl∂SS, Music Hal1
4:00 pm - 5:37 pm
0utdoo「 Movie: The Pe∂nut Butte「 F∂Icon, (PG) PooIside
Ro=e「 Sk∂ting (Sig剛P at 5:00 pm, Limited avaiI∂b=ity),
SeaPlex Generai TrlVl∂, Schoo[er B∂r
FamiIy C「ew Scave[ger Hu[t, Voyager Room
与:00 pm
5 与1
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
4 1
4:00 pm
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
4与与 6 1与 与1与弓I4与弓-41
Crossword Ch訓enge, Schooner Bar
9:うO am - 11:22 ∂m
9:与0 am
=:00 am - 3:00 pm
6 6 ⊂J ○○﹂ 6 [﹂ 6
7:00 ∂m - 7:与0 am
Wednesdayタ」anua「y l, 202O
DAY与 嵩慧言嵩霊
WELCOME TO NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS This picture-Perfect paradise was once a pirate’s haven.
ExpIore-its coiorful past of buccaneers and bootieggers
Estimated Gangway
∂Iong historicai streets and at the three coIonial
fortresses that iine the shores. See coIorfuI coraI on a
gIass-bottom boat. Or head to Paradise isIand, home to
Gangway Location Aii Onboa「d Depa「ture
the famous Atiantis where you can spIash through its expansive water park.
「0:弓0 am
Today’s Forecast
High Temperature
Caribbean Sail Away PooI Deck Party
「「:00 am
Deck 2 (forward & mIdshlP) 9:う0 pm
lO:00 pm Partiy Cioudy 76。F (2与。C) WNW15 knt§
6:28 am
与:24 pm
The party is at the pooi tonight用’s a Caribbean Dance Party with
ali the Caribbean fun you can imagine! Join our Resident DJ Mitch, Rhythm Expiosion band and Activities Team. AiI Ages welcome. 9:15 pm - 11:30 pm, PooIside, Deck14.
Surf Ail Day for 」ust $18,39 Share aiI you「 favorite memories to sociaI media or finaiize travei
Dress Code: Laid Back Lounging - Caribbean
Pians. Today oniy, yOu用save 20% off the daily VOOM rate,
You’re on vacation- relax! Jeans, POIo shirts, Sundresses
Connect to “WiFi-Guest-Anthem’’∂nd go to Iogin.com on your own
and biouses are fine. But please keep swimwear to the
devICe tO get Started.
Pool deck. Shorts are weIcome for breakfast and lunch.
Di§COVer AtIantis: Marine Life Magic
SeaPass Card and Photo identification
Expiore the worid-famous Atlantis Paradise lsIand Resort in the
Piease note that Guests w川not be permitted off or
B∂hamas. Nowhere but Atiantis can you experience up cIose
On the ship without their SeaPass Card and Photo
adventures with such spectacui∂r marine iife.
Identification (Govemment lssued).
Book this tour today at the Shore Excursions Desk, Deck 5 Beat the Rush 」oin Invicta CoIiectors and Save 75% Off
Avoid =ning up to settIe your SeaPass account.
DiSCOVer the technicai ∂Chievement and ingenious design that has
Register your credit card ∂t Guest Services Desk, Deck 4
turned fans of lnvicta watches into dedic∂ted coiiectors. Pius, yOu’Ii
and no check-Out WiiI be required. Check your onboard
SaVe 75% at this one-day event.
account via iTV from your stateroom.
7:30 pm SaIe Begins, RoyaI Espianade, Deck 4
The Pel.fect Escape
indulge Mind, Body And Soui For 75 Giorious Minutes
With A= OfThese Treatments For OnIy $149: Fu= Body Massage, lnvigor∂ting Skin Brushing, ELEMiS Touch Faciai,
Local Port Agricuiture Regulations Due to regulations in pIace by local port agriculture authorities, gueStS are nOt a=owed to bring food, fruits, Plants, flowers, Se∂ Sheils, buibs or rocks onboard or
take them offthe ship.
Foot and Ankle Massage and Scaip Massage. Space iS =m圧ed.
Visitthespa on Deck15 ordia1 4600 to book
Tomorrow we wiIl be: The Perfect Day at Cococay
it’s Snowing Dough
For every lOO points eamed, reCeive one entry into the Snowbaii RaffIe for a chance to win $100 or more. Must be present to win, Dr∂Wings nightly at =:00 pm Casino Roy∂ie, Deck 3.
5むYEARS BOLD ‥宣969 苛 20宣9…・
New Year Extravaganza: Siient Art Auctjon
Shhh… Want to know the bestkept secret on board? Our
famous SiIent Auction is the easiest way to bid on your
Headiiner Showtime - Tonight Only!
f∂VOrite works of art & start the New Year with the coilection
Starring The Action Comedy of Rick Novei○
you’ve aiways dreamed of,
Comedy featuring Circus Skills & PhysicaI Ente「tainment
廿OO am -廿00 pm, ArtGaiiery, Deck 5
Rick Novell is a premier head‖ner in the whose show has been
Start Your Customized PhotoBook Today
With up to 34 ofyour professionai cruise photos and beautifuI images ofthe ship, the Anthem ofthe Seas PhotoBook is the Perfect vacation keepsake.
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm, Photo Gallery, Deck5.
Performed worldwide. He began his performing c∂reer in
Baitimore at age fourteen. OnIy four years later, Rick formed the AIi American Mini Circus where he toured the worid
entertaining the troops for DOD/USO. Rick Iater formed his unique V∂riety in Motion show, Which won Worid Performance
Aw∂rds in Can∂da and J∂Pan. Rick’s Comedy, Juggling,
Omega 6Oth Anniversary Speedmaste「 Event
Unicyciing, and Freestanding iadder sk紺s h∂Ve been fe∂tured
Biast offand celebrate the 60th anniversary ofthe Omega
On TV and commerciais in USA, Japan, Austra=a and Canada.
Speedmaster, the first w∂tCh to go to the moon. Discover this
Reservations are not了equired. Don’t miss this one-Of-a-kind
renowned timepiece and get out-Of-this-WOrld tax & duty free
experience - the show everyone wi= be talking about tomorrow!
7:00 pm & 8:45 pm, Royai Theatre, Deck 4 & 5.
8:00 pm -10:30 pm, Rega=a Fine Watches, 4
The saving of se∂tS and videotaping of shows is strlCtly prohibited.
」ab Grown vs, Mined - What?s the Difference?
Join us to learn about the fascinating secrets of iab grown
diamonds. These sustainabie, rare and affordabIe diamonds are unique and have virtually no difference from a mined diamond! Expiore our coilection, taX & duty free. 9:45 pm, Roy∂i Esplanade, 4
Sc「atch You「 Way Up To $10O,OOO
Children in the first three rows of the Theater must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. PIease refr∂in from using your ceii phone
and/or two-Way radios during the performance. Strobe lighting and SPeCiai effects may be used ln訓performances. Assistive Listening System ∂Vailabie at Guest Services, Deck 4.
Play $5, $10, $20 scratch cards forthe chance to win up to
$100,000. Get your lucky card from the Cashiers Desk in CasinO Royale, Deck 3.
Expedition Two7O - An augmented reality adventu営e Joumey to Two70 ∂nd test your adventuring skiiis in four fu=y
immersive augmented reality games, Locate artifacts piaced
SaIon Speciai Try our new Keratin Express Biow out - lasts up to 8 weeks! Gent’s, get grOOmed to perfection by professionaI barbers
Onboard. 20% Off Ali Saion Services Today! ViSitthe Spa on Deck15 ordiai 4600 to book∂PPOintments.
Pictu「e This Po「trait Studio
We capture you at your best. Enjoy gorgeous, unique photos that are forever keepsakes. Book your compI〃mentary formal night session tod∂y by
C訓i旧g 5与4うう.
around the room and scan them with the Royal Caribbean intemational app to begin each ch訓enge. Raise tempIes, biast ruins and more on your quest to recover ancient masks. Finish訓
four games to win!
2:30 pm, Two70, Decks 5, 6. Bumper Ca「s
On you marks. Get set. Go! Head to the SeaPiex for first dibs on the bumper cars. When you get the go-ahe∂d, Put the pedai to
the metaI and bump anyone who gets in yourway.
5:OO pm - 8:00 pm, SeaPiex, Deck15.
1onithermie - $3O Off Today! Ionithermie is a unique therapy that detoxifies the body,
reduces the appearance of ceiluiite and visible weight loss in
just one session! Book your appointment now! Take years off your appearance today! Book your appointments to at the Vltaiity Sp∂, Deck 15.
Live Band Karaoke with The Royai Swedes Perform LlVE with a rock band ∂nd iive out your fantasies in
front of a ro∂ring crowd, FeeI free to sign a few autographs
after your performance. Adult participants oniy. 1O:15 pm -11:15 pm, Music Hal上Decks3, 4.
Movie Night: Fast & Furious Pl.eSentS: Hobbs & Shaw (PG-13) Lawman Luke Hobbs (Dwayne “The Rock’’Johnson) and
OutCaSt Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) form an un=keiy a冊ance when a cyber-genetica=y enh∂nCed v川ain thre∂tenS
Join The Club
the future of hum∂nity. Stars: Dwayne 」ohnson, Jason Statham,
Find out why booking a next cruise onboard is so popuIar,
idris Eiba.
Secure your next cruise with only $1OO per person deposit
10:00 pm - 12:17 am, Royai Theater, Deck 4.
On Select fares. PIus receive up to $600 in onboard credit or do=ars off.
See your NextCruise SaIes Team, Deck 5.
Wednesday, 」anuary l. 2O2O
DAY与 嵩禁言嵩霊
Dinner: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm 14
*Suite &相nn∂C‘/e Guests
Di[ner: 5:30 pm 3
Main §eating,
〔hic & Grande Dining Rooms
A「t G訓ery
6:00 pm -11:00 pm
Casi[O Roy∂ie T∂bles & SIots
7:00 pm - I∂te
lnte「net Assist∂nCe
5:00 pm -8:00pm
Loyaity Ambass∂dor
5:00 pm -8:00 pm
MyTime Dining
Dlnner: 5:00 pm - 9:OO pm
Medieal F∂Ciiity (Diai 51)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
§econd Seating,
Di[ner: 8:00 pm
NextCruiSe S∂1es Office
9:00am - 9:00 pm
Photo G訓e「y & Shop
7:00 pm - 10:30 pm
〔hi〔 & Grande Dining Rooms Soiarium Bi§t「O
Dinner: 530 pm -9:00 pm
Picture ThiS Portralt Studio
Windjammer Marketpiace
Dime「: 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
(Di∂I 55455)
〔hef,§鴫bIe (§)
Dimer: 6:30 pm
Chop§ GriIie (i)
Dimer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
lzumi 」apanese Cuisine (;)
Dimer: 与:00 pm -10:00 pm
」amie’§ itaIian (;)
Dimer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
Wonde「iand ($)
Dimer: 5:00 pm -10:00 pm
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
Po「t Shoppi[g Desk
By Appointment Only
Roy∂i Shops
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Bvigari & Hubiot Boutique
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Shore Excursions Desk
VitaIity Fitness Cente「
6:00 ∂m -1:00 am
∨畦冊y Spa (DiaI 4600)
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
ReservatlOnS SuggeSted and walk-ins welcome. For reserv∂tions, Please visit
Our Specialty Rest∂u「antS O「 diai 7000, Ki[dly訓ow 2 hours for you「 di[i[g
Baby Spl∂Sh Zone
experience. Dress poiiCies ∂PPly.
Cur「ent Pooi
「「:00∂m - 6:00 pm
Caf6 P細omenade
」ohmy Rolkets ($)
「「:う0 am -1:00 am
しa Patisserie ($)
6:00am -11:00 pm ll:00 am - 6:00am
§eaPiex Doghou§e
「購0∂m -1:00∂m
iorrento〕§ Pizzeria
「l:与0∂m -ま00 am
Vintage§ ($)
5:30 pm -9:30 pm
lndoor Poo1
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
0utdoor Pooi (Adults only)
7:00∂m -8:00 ∂m
Outdoor PooI
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
PooI Towel St∂tion
7:00∂m - midnight
Solarium (Adults o[iy)
「O:00 am - 8:00 pm
W∂Ve Pooi
12:30 pm - 6:00 pm
田園 Boogie Bo∂rding ll:00 ∂m - nOOn /
6:00 pm -8:00 pm Adv∂[Ced Sur師g 8:00 am - 9:00 ∂m
Room §ervice AvaiIable (§)
Noon -1:00am
B「as§ & Bock (;)
亡ユニ{J 与 4 2 5 与 6 6 4 与 与 1 6 1 5喜14 ﹁ 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4
Coa§taI Kit〔hen
St訓d Jp Su「fing 9:00 ∂m -11:00 ∂m/
Casino ($)
4:30 pm - I∂te
North§tar Ba「 ($)
Noon - midnight (We∂the「 permlttlng)
p○○I甘a「 (§)
3:00 pm -9:00 pm
§〔hooher ($)
9:00am -1:00∂m
§巾Bar (§)
9:OO∂m - midnight
Sunshine Ba「 ($)
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
丁wo70 (§)
Noon - i∂te
与:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Rock C=mbing W訓
8:00 am 「:00∂m 9:00 ∂m - n○○n
North St∂r
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Rese「Vation Required)
RipCo「d by iFly
︹J [J ︹﹂ [﹂
3:00 pm - midnight
5 う 1与 1 4 与 1 4 1 4 与
Bioni〔 Ba「 (§)
9:00 ∂m -11:00 am/ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Reserv∂tion Required)
寡を菓こし叫葛」こ事案コこlり【〃こ軍書こ種H ∃ 【 1りまこ Ch訓enger’s Video Arcade, Deck 15 0perator, (Dia1 0)
Ca俺Prome[ade, Deck 4 Selected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
($) Fee AppIies.
Energency Oniy, (Di∂1 911) Shuffleboord, Deck 15
Room Service: A conve印enCe fee of $795 ∂PPlleS tO a旧tems liSted ln the all-day menu ∂nd the AmerlCan SeCtlOn Of the breakfast menu.
日brary & iCafe, Deck 6 Shore ExoursIOnS KIOSks, Deck 5
Guest ServlCes, (Di∂i O) Deck 4 Dress Code: Laid Ba⊂k 」ounging: You十e on vacatIOn- reIaxi Jeans, POIo shirtS, Sundresses ∂nd bIouses ∂re flne. But piease keep swlmWear tO the Pool deck. Shorts are weicome for bre∂kfast ∂nd lunch.
Piease brl∩g yOUr SeaPass card to a= actiVltleS. Certaln ∂ge, helght, Welght and
CIo帥ng requlrementS may ∂PPly. Please check activlty Signage for more lnformatiOn
HEAIJH AND SAFETY INFORMATION Body Camera: For the safety and weiトbelng Of訓PerSOnS Onbo∂rd, SOme members of Our Securlty Team wIIl be wearlng Body Came「as as part of thelr uniform
Smoking Only Permitted in Designated Areas事CasinO Smoking SectlOn, Deck 3, Outer Deck, Deck 5, Starboard Slde, PooI Deck, Deck 14, Port Slde, beiow blg SC「een On PooI Deck ∴A= lndoor pubIIC SPaCeS, St∂terOOmS and balconleS ∂re SmOke free. EiectronlC
ClgaretteS Or e-ClgaretteS are Only permltted wlthln designated smoking areaS.
Drinkofthe Day: Woo Woo Vodka, Pe∂Ch Schnapps, a dash of sour ∂nd a spiash of Cran’w川h∂Ve yOU Shouting “Woo hoo!’’for Woo Woo. 」ust $8.
Unco看k an Adventure
Vintages has the perfect giass paired with a menu of =ght bites. Vintages, Deck 5.
DN与器霊嵩霊yl・2020 醗
薬毒 __-_---
9:う0 pm
l:00 am
A= Onbo∂「d 」unior Cruiser Curfew
New Ye∂rs Extr∂V∂ganZa Siient A「t AuctiOn, Art G∂=e「y
6:00 pm -10:00 pm
Guess the Prke of the Thom∂S Kinkade, Art G∂=ery
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Le∂m To Pl∂y, C∂SInO Royaie
7:00 pm
LGBTQ Gathe「ing, Vint∂geS
9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
One hour onIy: Spin n’Wn! Roy∂i Espianade
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
L∂tin Fiest∂ With C∂ndeI∂ Latin Show, Boleros
The Roy∂l Swedes LiVE用usic Ha=
9:00 pm -12:15 pm
Latin Fiesta with Candei∂ L∂帥Show, Boleros
9:00 pm - 12:弓0 ∂m
Pi∂nO & Voc∂l Ente「tainment with D∂n D∂Vies,
Schooner B∂r
﹁⊃ ﹁⊃ 〇・十)-﹂J 4 7ヽ) うつ 7⊃
4:00 pm - 11:00 pm
9:1与pm - 12:与0 ∂m
Live Pub Musie and Entert∂inment with P∂ul S∂in§bu「y,
Br∂SS & Bock Pub
9:15 pm - 9:45 pm
Caribbe∂n Night Pre P∂rty With D」 Mitch’PooI Deck
9:45 pm - 11:30 pm
C∂r伽ean Dance P∂「ty With Rhythm Expiosion’PooI
B∂gS Of C∂Sh, C∂Sino Royale
lO:15 pm -11:15 pm
Live B∂nd K∂r∂Oke with The Royai Swedes, Music H訓
l「:00 pm
Snowbali R∂ffle D「∂W, Casino Roy∂ie
The RoyaI Swedes LiVE! Music H訓
($)M冊On Do=∂「S Pius Par∂dise Lotto Dr∂W, C∂Sino
「「:1与pm - 12:1与∂m
The Roy∂l Swedes Band LiVE! Music Hail
12:15 am - 1∂te
Late Night P∂rty With D」 Mitch, (Ages 18+), Music圃i
「O:00 pm
4与,44与 4 1 41 4 う,4う・45・4弛
⑥⑨⑨⑫市⑥駄〕《軟∧y 国回国
Complimentary Foot Print Analysis’V剛ty Fitness
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
($)Tw栂ht Mass∂ge Speciai OnIy $99, Vit拙y Spa
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Co=ect You Ch∂m Of The D∂y Only $5, Prince & Green
7:30 pm - 9:45 pm
L∂b Grown vs, Mined - What’s the Difference?
Reg∂lia師e 」ewelry Gues§ The Ca「at Registration, Roy∂i Espianade
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Up to 75% 0帥Vict∂ W∂tChes’Royai Espian∂de
8:00 pm-9:00pm
Perfect Eyebrows Demonst「ationJmpulse
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Time to Shine - Free jeweiry Cie∂ning, Bvigari Boutique
6:00 pm - 7:37 pm
Outdoor Movie: The Peanut Butter Faicon (PG-13), Pooiside
7:00 pm He∂dIiner Showtime’Roy∂冊e∂ter 7:15 pm - 8‥15 pm F∂miIy Karaoke’Music H∂=
730 pm Music Trivia: Michea=ackson Tunes’Schooner Bar
8:00pm-8:45pm TeenOnlyBumperCars (12-14Years),Se∂PIex 8:45pm-9:30pm TeenOn-yBumperC∂rS(15-17Ye∂r§)・SeaPiex
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Virtu∂l Concert‥ §∂nte Fe &The F∂t City Ho「ns巾O70
8:45 pm He∂d血er Showtime’RoyaI The∂ter 9:15 pm 60 §eco=ds or Less Game Show’Music Hal1
14 4・与弛51与1与54・ 5弛1 4
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm ($)Sop圃cated Ch∂「dom∂yWine印ghts’VlntageS
61与44 444与
Evening Stretch Ci∂SS, Vi軸ty Fitness
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
9蒔pm-11:30pm C∂ribbe∂nD∂nCe&Pooi Partyw剛RhythmExpiosion’ Resident D」, yOu「 O靴ers & ActlVities Te∂m’Pooi Deck lO:00 pm - 12:17 ∂m L∂te Night Movie‥ F∂St & Furious Presents: Hobbs& ﹂ 、 了
Sh∂W (PG-13), Royal The∂te「 10:00 pm -11:15 pm Live B∂nd Ka「aoke with The Royai Swedes (Ages18+)’
帖30 pm - 1:07 am Outdoor Movie‥Yesterday (PG-13)’Pooiside
与14 15
MusicH訓 9:00pm-冊00pm AnEveningofVistar∂maS’Two70
ll:30 pm - 1:00 ∂m Teen OnlySe∂Piex P∂rty (12-17 Ye∂rS)・ Se∂Piex
9:15 pm - 11:3O pmJ Poolside] Deck14
Breakfast: 7:30 ∂m - 11:00 am
Lunch: 11:30 ∂m - 5:00 pm CoastaI Kit〔hen
Breakfast: 7:30 am - 9:30 am
ヾl/iね&勅nn∂C/e Guests
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
SoIa「ium Bistro
Windjammer Ma「ketpIa〔e
Bru[Ch: 9:00 am - 1:00pm Bre∂kf∂St: 7:00 am - 11:00 ∂m
Lunch: 11:30 ∂m - 4:00 pm
Noon 」:00 am
〔afe Promeれade
24口ou「5 11:う0 am -1:00 ∂m
しa Patisse「ie (;)
6:00∂m -11:00 pm
l「:00∂m - 6:00 am
§eaPiex Doghou§e
ll:弓0∂m -1:00 ∂m
§o「rentoJs Pizzeria
Vintage§ ($)
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
3:00 pm - midnight 4:30 pm - iate
North§tar Bar ($)
Noon - midnight (We∂the「 pe「mlttlng)
3:00pm-9:00pm 9:00∂m -工00am
§小甘ar (§)
9:00 ∂m - midnight
Sunihine Ba「 (§)
7:00 am -11:00 pm
丁wo70 (§)
N○○n - i∂te
7:00 pm -批00 pm
Casi[O Roy∂Ie ltlbies
7:00 pm - iate
C∂Sino Royaie SIots
7:00 pm - iate
intemet Assistance
9:00∂m - Noon/5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Loy∂Ity Ambassador
8:30am -11:00 am/5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Medic∂i Faciiity (Diai 51)
8:00 am -11:00∂m/4:00 pm -7:00 pm
NextCruise Sales Office
lO:00∂m -9:00 pm
PAD1 5 Star Dive Center
9:00 am - 10:00∂m
Photo Ga=ery & Shop
7:00 pm -10:与0 pm
Picture This Portrait Studio
lO:00∂m - 11:00∂m (Di∂I与与45弓)
Port Shopping Desk
By Appointment Oniy
RoyaI Shops
7:00 pm -11:00 pm
Shore Excursions Desk
8:00 am -10:00∂m/6:00 pm -8:00 pm
Vit∂亜y Fitness Center
6:00 am -1:00∂m
Vi軸ty Spa (Diai 4600)
8:00∂m -10:00 pm
B∂by Splash Zone
9:00∂m - 6:00 pm
Cur「ent Pooi
「l:00am -6:00 pm
i[door Pooi
7:00∂m -11:00 pm
Outdoor Pooi (Adults Oniy)
7:00∂m -8:00∂m
Outdoor Pooi
8:00∂m - 8:00 pm
PooI Towel Station
7:00 ∂m - midnight
SoI∂rium (Aduits only)
lO:00∂m - 7:00 pm
Wave P○○l
12:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Boogie Bo∂rdlng =:00 ∂m - nOOn /
6:00 pm-8:00 pm FiowRider⑲
Advanced Surfjng 8:00 ∂m - 9:00 am
St∂nd UpSurfing 9:00 am -11:00am/
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
($) Fee Appiies.
l:00 pm -3:00 pm/6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sea piex
8:00∂m -1:00∂m
North St∂r
9:00 am - nOO[ 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reservatio[ Required)
Stay safe! P「event Mosquito Bites: To reduce the rlSk of mosqu'tO b-teS that may car「y
RipCord by iFly
men∪ and the AmerlCan SeCtIOn Of the breakfast menu.
Zika vlruS O「 Other dlSeaSeS, aPPly deet mosqu「tO rePellent to skln & cIothlng. Remaln
ーi、J ﹁、J ○○J ︹﹂
Rock Ciimbing Waii
Room Service: A convenlenCe fee of $7.95 ∂PPlleS tO ai=temS llSted ln the ∂=-day
pooi曲「 (S) §choo調er (S)
⋮ 弓 1与 1 4 与 1 4 1 4 与
甘io両日ar (§)
Casino ($)
6:00 pm -11:00 pm
Bvlgari & Hubiot Boutique
4 4 4.4 4 4 4
Room §ervice AvaiiabIe ($)
」ohmy Rockets (;)
甘ra§S & Bo〔k (§)
Art G∂Ile「y
5 与 11-∴了へ ⋮ 4 2 与 1 4 5 664 与 1 6 1 5
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:30 am - 9:30 ∂m
4 与 1 4 1 41 4
American icon
9:00∂m - 11:00am/
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Reservatio[ Required)
Indoors when posslble Dldn’t pack repellent自t can be purchased the Gift Shop o「 MediC∂「 FacI教lty
Moped & Motor Scooter Warning : Guests are strongly dlSCOuraged agalnSt hlrlng
Please brlng yOur SeaPass card to all actiVlties. Certam age, helght, Weight and Ciothing requlrementS may aPPly PIe∂Se Check actlVIty Slgn∂ge for more inform∂tiOn
mopeds or moto「 scooters ln Ports of Call Unfamlil∂r SurrOundlngS, unuSual tr∂fflC
and weather conditiOnS etC. may reSult m an aCCldent You m∂y WISh to conslder an
Organized tour Body Came「a: For the safety and welトbelng Of訓PerSOnS Onboard, SOme members of
Our Securlty Team wl= be wearlng Body Cameras as part of thelr unlform.
PORT AGENT IN NASSAU, BAHAMAS United Shipping Co. 2nd Ttrrace West, 5th FIoor Centervilie House BIdg, P.O. Box N-40O5 N∂SS∂u, NP,
Phone: 0廿242-3221340/Fax: 011 242-3238779/Ce出Oll-242-
§moking OnIy Pel’mitted in Designated Areas書C∂SlnO Smoklng SectiOn, Deck 3, Outer
3577907 0Perations@u両tedshippingnassau.com /
Deck, Deck 5, Starboard Slde, PooI Deck, Deck 14, Port Side, below big SCreen On Pooi
Deck *A旧ndoo「 pubilC SPaCeS, StaterOOmS and balconleS are SmOke free. EIectronlC ClgaretteS Or e-Clg∂retteS are Oniy permltted wlthln designated smoking areaS.
Nassau, Bahamas US Embassy -42 Queen Street, Nass∂u,
New Providence, The Bahamas.
Tei: 242-322-1181 / 242-323-7159. After hours: 242-328-2206 しocai Law Enforcement - Royal Bahamas Po=ce Force, Tourist
Poiice, Nassau, Bay Street, 2 blocks East of PG Dock, Tei no. 242-322-4000 or 242-326-2O37
Bottomiess Ga=ey Brunch Sip, Sip, Hooray
Expe「ience ∂ ``behind the scenes” tour of our Main
Dining Room, foIIowed by a private luncheon With bottomiess sparkiing wine. Event takes pIace
tomorrow At Sea. DiaI 7OOO for reservations.
Enjoy a de=cious mango mojito at BoIeros, a dry martini at the Schooner BarタOr a COId pint ofaIe at the
Brass & Bock Pub. Check your Daily PIamer for hours and featured entertainment. Boieros Bar, Deck 4
童ぜ@堰漣離l陥漣沃野 10:30 am Arriva1 11:00 ∂m Estlm∂ted Gangw∂y Ope[lng (forward & mldship)
Midnight - 2:00 pm Anthem Today - You「 Daiiy Mor川ng Show with your Cruise Director Mitch & Activities Man∂ger T「esh∂
9:00 ∂m -4:00 pm
Quiet Zone, BoIe「OS
9:50∂m -11:00 am
Spln n’Win! Roy∂l EspIan∂de
=:00 am - 4:00 pm
New Years Extravaganza: Silent Art Auction, Art Galle「y,
Expedltion Two70 (Se旧ead), Two70
Slngle & Soio Tr∂Velers Meet fo「 Trivia, Schooner Bar
7:00 pm
LGBTQ Gathe而g, Vintages
7:00 am - 7:与0∂m
Vltality Stretch, Vitality Fitness
7:与0 am - 8:00 am
F∂b Abs Cl∂SS, Vitality Fitness
8:00 am -10:00 am
Free口∂ir Loss & Sc∂Ip Analysis, Vitaiity Spa
「O:00 ∂m -1「・00 ∂m
Be∂uty Semin∂r: Puffy Eyes & D∂「k Circies, Vitality Sp∂
「O:00 ∂m -11:00 am
12:30 pm -1:00 pm 2:00 pm- 3:00 pm
4:00pm - 4:30pm
4:00pm-6:00pm 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
16161515 4 16 1与 1与 15 1与
2:50 pm
L∂St Ch∂nCe tO Co看lect you「 Nassau ViP Cards, Po「t
Shopping Desk Seminar: Relieving Back Pain, VitE冊y Fitness
Heaith Semi[∂「: RefiexoIogy Fo「 Puffy Feet ∂nd Swo=e[,
A[kies, Vitality Spa Seminar: Pain, Digestion and Sci∂tica SoIutions,
Vitailty Sp∂
W∂lk-in Compliment∂ry We=ness ∂nd HeaIth
Assessment, Vit∂航y Sp∂ Comp=menta「y CooIScuipting Consultatio[S, Vita冊y Spa
1与 1
9:00 am - 11:30 ∂m Flyl[g Trapeze, (Sign up ∂t 9:00am上imited Av∂il∂b冊y), Se∂Piex
lO:00 am Moming Trivi∂, Schooner Bar l:30 pm - 3:47 pm M∂tinee Movie: F∂St & Fur10uS Presents: Hobbs & Sh∂W
(PG-13), Royai Theater lO:45 ∂m Candy Trivia, Schoone「 Ba「 11:00 am - 3:00 pm On Your Own ActiVity, Zen Coioring, The LIb「ary,
(Upper Level of Two70) 11:30 am Ge[eraI Trivia, Schoone「 B∂「 ∨∧ e
e a
i O i i
( ¥ ︺
12:15 pm F∂miiy Basketb訓Free Throw (Sign up ∂t nOO[)タ
2:00 pm Brain Teaser Trivia, Schooner Bar 2:00 pm - 3:55 pm M∂tinee Movie: Men in Bi∂Ck lntem∂tionai (PG-13), Pooislde
3:00 pm Blg Screen Trivia: Famous L∂ndma「ks, Music H訓
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Bumper C∂rS (minimum age, 5 years), Seaplex
4:00 pm Fun Line D∂nCe, MusiC Ha=
1:00 pm Big Screen Trivia: Cartoon Couples, Music H訓
4⋮4 与6 与1うう・4与1
9:30 am - 11:10 am Outdoor Movie: Toy Sto「y 4, (PG), Pooiside
5:00 pm Gener∂廿rivi∂, Schoo[er Bar 2
5:15 pm F∂miiy Gagabail, Voyager Room
Thu「sday, 」anuary 2, 2020 The Pe「fect Day at CocoCay
丁H8S IS YOUR PERFECT DAY We invite you to expIore a destination that resets adventure to a whole new leveI, A destination bolder Arrival
than any other, aVailable only on Roy∂i. At Perfect Day
On CocoCay, yOu川discover endIess ways to f川your
Estimated Gangway
day with one-Of-a-kind experiences. Choose your thr用s On any Ofour13 watersiides, OrChi‖ atthe largest
Gangway Location
freshwater poo=n the Caribbean, Oasis Lagoon.
7:00 am
8:00 am Deck 2 (Forward and Mldship)
AIi Onboard
5:与0 pm
6:00 pm
丁oday,s Forecast
High Tempe「ature
丁RENDING TODAY HUSH! Silent Party Shhh! You’re invited! Don’t miss the Siient Party, the iatest in on board
Mostly Cloudy 640F (20。C)
NElO kts
6:27 am
5:23 pm
fun. Everyone dances to music in the headphones provided - that’s the Siient part. But you’i=augh out loud when you take them offto hear everyone singing to the music! 」oin us tonight. 1t’s ∂ blast ∂nd absoiuteIy free. Due to headphone ∂VaiIabiiity, this event is first come, first served.
10.30 pm - midnight, Two7O, Deck5.
Right Choice Glass Bottom Boat Tour
HEしPFUし丁iPS FOR TODAY D「es§ Code: Laid BackしOunging You’re on vacation- rel∂X! Jeans, POio shirts, Sundresses
and biouses are fine. But pIease keep swimwear to the POOi deck. Shorts ∂re Weicome for breakfast and lunch.
Be fascinated by cor∂I reefs, trOPicai fish and other exotic marine旧e on
an enchanting giass bottom boat tour. Book directly on the isiand, #20 0n
Complimentary Tram Se「vice
Round trip tram service is availabie from the ship the
yOur maP.
Arrival Piaza, and further into the isIand to Oasis Lagoon
Stay On, Stream On
and Snack Shack South. No need to rush! T「ams arrive
it’s the perfect time to stream with V○○M, the fastest lnternet at sea. For
every 15 minutes.
today oniy Stream Day Pass for $14.99. That’s 50% off the daiiy rate! Comect to “WiFI-Guest-Anthem” and go to Iogin.com on your own
deviCe tO get Started. More Shine forしe§S: Spa「kie & BIing Hoiiday saie
Rock the night (Or day) with sparkIy earrings, braceiets, neCklaces and Other fashion jeweiry guaranteed to shine the spotlight on you, Box sets
Pe「fect Day at CocoCay VAT A12%vaiueadded taxw川beappliedtoail goodsand
SerVices purchased on the island.
Tips to have the Perfect Day at CocoCay l. Little adventurers need swim di∂PerS tO uSe the
island’s poois and Splash∂Way Bay.
St∂rt at」uSt $10; Pius buy 4, get l free.
2. While we ai=ove w"diife, Piease do not feed the
6:30 pm Royal Espianade, Deck4
Seaguils. 3. Sorry, nO fishing or taking home any marine life ∂S
Take A Towei And Dive into Adventure Today’s Spa Special: Relaxation Package
Pamper yourseIf with訓of these treatments for 5O minutes:
Swedish or Deep Tissue Back Massage, Soothing ScaIp Massage, Foot & AnkIe Massage, Neck & Shoulder M∂SSage, and Coiiagen
With your Se∂Pass Card you can check out as many
toweis onboard as you need. Just make sure to bring it back when you’re done! Towels are avaiiable by the pooI
On Deck 14 and the Midship Gangway on Deck 2言fyou’d iike to exchange your toweIs on the isl∂nd, Visit out
Eye Treatment, Today only $109!
Towei Exch∂nge St∂tions. A $25 repi∂Cement fee wiii be
Visit Vit∂陣y Spa, Deck 15 or diai 4600 to book today.
Charged to your SeaPass card for each unreturned towel.
Tomorrow we will be: At Sea
Learn to play Get in on the action andjoin us for compiimentary lessons on Our mOSt POPuIar games: BIackjack, Rouiette, Three Card Poker, Uitimate Texas Hoid’em, Craps, ∂nd S10tS. You’li be playing =ke a
PrO in notime. 5:30 pm, Casino Royale, Deck 3
Tea Time Tribute to Thomas Kinkade
P∂rtake in tea and pastries as we pay tribute to one ofthe
most co=ected artists in the worid, Thomas Kink∂de. Aii who
We Wi11 Rock You
attend quaiify to win an originai work by Kinkade.
丁he spectacuiar OIivier Award-Winning musicai phenomenon
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Boieros, Deck5
WE WiLL ROCK YOU, rOCked over 6.5 m冊on peopIe in a recordbreaking 12 years at London’s Dominion Theatre. Written by
KalIati JeweIry CoiIection Event
Iegendary comedian and author Ben EIton and with a score of KilIer
Take a first look at our coilection of br冊ant jeweIry creations
Queen tunes such as Radio Ga Ga, i Want To B「eak Free, Bohemien
from the brand that refiects the True You. Enjoy tax and duty
Rhapsody and of course We W川RockYou言t’s the champion ofaii
free savings.
musicals. Reservations recommended. Parentai discretion advised.
8:00 pm, Reg∂ila Fine Jewelry, Deck 4
6:30 pmタF20yai Theatre, Decks 4 & 5.
Peak Adventure at Daredevil,s Towe「
Spectra’s Caba細et
Push your iimits on seven siides. R∂Ce a friend to the bottom
In Spectra’s Cabaret, We invite you to an eiectric muiti-dimensionaI
Ofthe twin Dueling Demons drop s=des or take on the
Cabaret where you wi= be transported into mysterious reaIms that
135-foot taiI D∂redevil’s Peak - the tailest watersiide in North
are normally invisible to mortaI eyes. Spectra’s C∂baret blends =ve
Performance and experientiaI cinematography together with music
Bookdirectiy on the island, #1 onyour map
from worIdwide cuIture, Reservations recommended.
7:OO pm &9:00 pm, Two70, Deck5.
Go SmiIe Teeth Whitening - $3O off Whiten your teeth and brighten your smile up to 6 shades with
The Love & Marriage Game Show (PG-13)
the s∂fest, mOSt effective teeth whitening system ava=abIe
Coupies say the darndest things, and we’ve got the game show to
today. Fast, Pain free and with no sensitivity.
PrOVe it. Who knows? You could be the very coupie we十e looking
Visit Vitaiity Spa, Deck 15 0r dia1 460O to book.
for as our next contestants! Check out ali the h帖両y with your
Happy Tips & Toes
Cruise Director Mitch, Auditions sta「t at lO:OO pm with showtime to
foiIow, Royai Theatre, Decks 4, 5.
Book an ELEMIS SoIe DeIight Pedicure and receive ∂ COmP=mentary re-PO=sh for your finger n∂ils.
The saving Of seats and videotaping Of shows IS StrictIy prohibited.
Visit VitaIity Spa, Deck15 ordia1 4600 to book.
Children in the first three rows of the Theater must be accomp∂nied
by a parent or guardian. Piease refrain from using your cell phone and/ Share Your Adventu「es
Make the most of your cruise with a family photo by our Professionai Photographers. Choose from a gorgeous digitai
Or tWO-Way r∂dios dし両ng the performance. Strobe lighting and special
effects may be used ln訓performances.
Assistive Listening System availabIe at Guest Services, Deck 4.
Or Printed work of art. Visit the PhotoG訓ery on Deck5to getyourstoday!
Get A Famiiy Portrait To Cherish Forever Make the most ofyour cruise with a fam"y photo by our Professionai Photographers. Choose from a gorgeous digitai
Or Printed work of art. Visit the Photo G訓ery on Deck5 togetyourstoday!
DAY丁漢ME ADVEN丁URES Count「yしine-Dance Class The Country Line Dance CIass it’s not a game you play at an afternoon picnic. 1t’s one of the hottest country dances around.
Come learn the latest country =ne dances ∂S ∂ Warm-uP for tonight’s party.
5:00 pm, Music Hai上Deck3.
EVENING THR音上しS Karaoke Step onto the stage and perform in front ofa live audience. Awaken
your imer star as you step up to the mic tonight! 7:00 pm輸8:OO pm, (Aii Ages), Music Hall, Decks3, 4 8:OO pm - 9:00 pm, (AduitsOnly), MusIC Ha‖, Decks3, 4.
Anthem Country Hoedown and 」ine Dance Party The bigger, boide「 Oasis of the Seas
Give me a yee-haw, aS We kick those heeis and stomp those feet
The Ampiified Oasis, Sa掴ng f「om Cape Liberty Summer 2020,
at our very own Anthem Hoedown. Get ready forsome Country
W川offer new thriIis with the U博mate Abyss and The Perfect
Western music with your Activities Team. We’re even going to teach
Storm watersiides and a= new eats言ncIuding pitmastery
ya’li ∂ few =ne dances and have some country style fun!
Perfection ∂t Portside BBQ.
9:45 pm, Music Hali, Decks 3, 4.
NextCruise Desk, Deck 5
DAY 6 I豊霊諾‡謡盤y
、r鎚媛)砂両⑨轍二!(載帝 All Guests Onbo∂rd 」u[IO「 C「uiSerS’Cu「few
Tea Time with Thom∂S Kinkade, Bole「os
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Thom∂S Ki[k∂de & More Art AuctlOn, Boleros
7:00 pm
LGBTQ Gathe「ing, Vint∂geS
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
O[e hour Only! Wr∂P [’Go Take off Art S∂le, Art GaiIery
l「:00 pm
Snowb訓R∂ffle Dr∂W, C∂Sino Roy∂le
=:与0 pm
MIIliOn Doiiars Plus Par∂diSe Lotto Dr∂W, CaslnO Royaie
Complimenta「=y Foot P「int An∂lysis, Vitaiity Fitness
-トJ 6
Tw冊ght Sp∂ Speci∂1 0nIy $99, Vit∂lity Sp∂
4 4 ﹁⊃ [J-`J-j
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Free Seminar: Relievi[g Back P∂in with GoodFeet, 1
V圃ity Sp∂
Coilect Your Ch∂rm Of The D∂y for O[iy $5, PrlnCe & Green T而e To Shine - Free 」eweIry Cleaning, Bvlg∂ri Boutique
GlVe lt A Shot 」∂Ck D∂nIeis BiB lOO Tasting, The Shop Yeliow Emeraid CompetitlOn, Reg∂ll∂ Jewelry
2 4 4 与 4 4
Holldays Saie with Sp∂rkle & Bling 」ewelry - Buy 4 Get l For Free, Reg∂li∂ 」ewelry
6 1
FitneSS Ce[te「 Semin∂r: Free Facl∂i Rejuven∂tlOn Consuit∂tio[S,
6:30 pm -8:39 pm Outdoo「Movie:Spider-M∂n: Fa「 F「Om Home (PG-13),
(P∂rent∂l diSCretlOn ∂dvised), Roy∂l The∂tre
7:00pm-8:00pm Fam巾yK∂raOke,Musi〔Hali 7:00 pm Spect「∂’s Cab∂「et, Two70
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm NameThatTune: Count「yTunes, Schoone「 Ba「 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Teen Only Fiowrider(12-17Ye∂rS), FiowRlder
8:00pm-9:00pm AdultKar∂Oke,MusICHaiI
9:00 pm Spectra’s Cabaret, Two70
9:15 pm -9:45 pm Sing it G∂meShow, Music Hali
9:45 pm -10:30 pm Country Hoedownand Line Dance Party, Music Ha用
10:00 pm Love & Ma「「iage Game Show hosted by your C「uise Director Mitch (PG-13), Royal The∂t「e
lO:30 pm - midnight HUSH! Siient Dance Party, Two70
1130 pm - 1:28 am Outdoor Movie: Blinded By The Light (PG-13), Pooiside
P「e-「eCOrded B訓room Music, Music H訓
7:30 pm- 8:30 pm
Caribbe∂n B∂nd Rhythm Expiosion LiVE, Boieros
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Pi∂nO Hits with Serhii M∂iiar Schooner Bar
9:00 pm -12:1与am
L∂tin Fiesta with Candela L∂tin Show, BoIeros
9:1与pm -12:与0∂m
Guitar & Voc∂I Entertainme[t With P∂uI SalnSbury,
7⊃ 4 ⊂﹂ 4 4
6:00 pm-7:00 pm
与う-4うI4 4-5与1 4
9:00 pm - 10:56 pm Outdoor Movie: Yeste「day (PG-13), PooIside
4与与,4与51 ⋮与,41 4
6:30pm-8:22pm WeWi= RockYou言heSm∂ShIitWestE[dMusiCai.
Br∂SS & Bock Pub Count「y P∂rty Wlth The Royal Swedes, MusIC Ha"
9:45 pm - 11:45 pm
The llgh C’s Homs Perfo「m, Schooner B∂r
lO:50 pm -12:1与∂m
The Royai Swedes LIVE! Music H訓
12:15 am- I∂te
Night Club Open with D」 Mitch, (Ages 18+)Music H訓
9:45 pm - 10:15 pm
Thursday, January 2. 2O2O The Pe「fect Day at CocoCay
義Suite & Pmn∂C/e Guests
Art G∂=ery
7:00 pm -11:00 pm
Casino Roy∂le Siots & Tabies
6:00 pm - 1∂te
〔hic & G旧nde Dining Room§
Iublot & Bvlgari Boutique
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
My Time Dining Dimer: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
intemet Assistance
5:00 pm -8:00pm
§econd Seating, Dimer: 8:00 pm
Loyalty Amb∂SS∂dor
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
〔hi〔 & G「ande Dining Room§
MedIC∂i Faclilty (Diai 558813)
§oIarium Bist「o Dime「: 530 pm - 9:00 pm
NextCruise Office
Windjamme「 MarketpIale Dimer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Photo G訓e「y & Shop
6:30 pm -10:30 pm
PICture ThlS Po面∂it Studio
7:00 pm -10:00 pm (DiaI 55453)
Chef’s巾b看e (§) Dimer: 6:30 pm
Izumi 」apanese 〔ui§ine (§) Dime「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm 」amie’s ltaiiaれ($) Dimer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
6:00 pm -11:00 pm
Sho「e Excu「siO[S Desk
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Vit描y Fitness Center
6:00 am - 10:00 pm
Vitality Spa (Dia1 4600)
8:00 ∂m -10:00 pm
6 1与
Chops G軸e (§) Dime「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Roy∂i Shops
与 う 与 与 4 2 与 与 6 4 5 1
〔oa§taI Kitchen Dinne「: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wonde「iand (§) Dlmer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
lndoor Pooi
experience. Dress policies ∂PPly,
Outdoo「 Pool (Aduits only)
7:00 ∂m - 8:00∂m
Outdoor PooI
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
しa Pati§§e「ie ($)
6:00∂m -11:00 pm
Room §ervi〔e AvaiIabIe ($)
「l:00 ∂m - 6:00 am
§eaPlex Doghou§e
§o r「ento’§ Pizzeria
=:与0 am -ま00∂m
Vintage§ (§)
5:30 pm -9:30 pm
5:00 pm -11:00 pm
〔a§盲no (§)
4:30 pm - 1∂te
North §tar Ba「 ($)
3:00 pm - 9:00 pm (WealheJ Pe「mitting)
pooI甘さ「 (§)
Noon -9:00 pm
S〔hooner (§)
9:00 am -1:00∂m
§巾随r (§)
9:00 am -11:00 pm
§un§hine Bar (;)
Noon -9:00 pm
丁wo70 ($)
Noon - iate
5 4 1与 1 4 与 1 4 1 4 与
8i〇両関r (S)
PooI Towel Station
7:00 ∂m - mid[ight
Soi∂rium (Adults o[Iy)
「O:00∂m - 8:00 pm
Boogie Bo∂「dinglO:00 am - 11:00 am/
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm F10WRlder⑤
Adv∂nCed Su「fing 8:00 ∂m - 9:00 am
Stand UpSurfi[g 9:00 am - 10:00∂m/
6:00pm-8:00pm Rock Ciimbing W訓
9:00 ∂m -11:00 am/1:00 pm置3:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00∂m
No直h Sta「 RipCo「d by iFiy
9:00am-11:00am/ 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reserv∂tlOn Requlred)
4:OO pm - 9:00 pm (Rese「∨∂tion ReqUired)
Ch訓enger’s Video Arcade, Deck 15 Oper∂tOr, (Dia1 0)
Ca俺Promen∂de, Deck 4 Selected Hot Tubs, Deck 14 Emergency Only, (Di∂1 911) Shufflebo∂rd, Deck 15 Libra「y & iC∂fe, Deck 6 Shore Excursions KiOSks, Deck 5
Guest Services, (Dia1 0) Deck 4
DRiNK OF THE DAV: Caribbean SIing Spiced Rum and Black Be「ry Bra[dy, Simple sy「up with Pineappie JulCe ∂nd
O「ange 」uICe. $8.00 pius 18% gr∂tuity wI= be ∂dded.
〔OF幡E OFTHE DAY : 〔aptain’s C訓 0[iy $8.与0
鶉繚藷轟韓嵩鵠謹 譜浩豊島と鴇離宮濃善悪鵠器若紫嵩競。i「
萱鵠嵩書籍鵠調整器薄謝豊島er Perfect Day at CocoCay Che⊂kiist Don’t forget to grab your sunscreen, tOWels, C∂Sh/tredit Card before you le∂Ve the shiP tOday. Piease note that little adventurers wi= need swim di∂PerS,
ISl∂nd seaguiis shouId not be fed, and fishing Or taking home any m∂rine life as
SOuVenirS is not aliowed
[J [﹂ 一﹂J ︹J
」ohnny Rocket§ (§)
Noon -1:00∂m
24 Hou「s
B「a§§ &甘ock (§) 〔af6 Promenade
7:00 ∂m -11:00 pm
4 4.4.4 4.
Rese「v∂tIOnS SuggeSted and walk-ins welcome. For rese「∨∂tiOnS, Piease visit
Our Speci∂ity Restaurants or die1 7000. Kindly訓ow 2 hou「s fo「 your di[ing
①IN干O 葦 Breakf∂St: 7:00 am - 9:00 am 4
Breakf∂St: 6:30 am - 10:30 ∂m 5
Lunch: 廿30 ∂m - 5:00 pm Coa§taI Kitchen
Breakfast: 7:30 am - 9:30 am
†SuIte & P/m∂C佃Gues!s
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
§oia「ium Bi§trO
Bre∂kf∂St: 6:30 am - 9:30 am
Bre∂kfast: 6:30 ∂m - 11:00 ∂m
Lunch: 11:30 am -3:00 pm
Noon -1:00 ∂m
しa Pati§Serie (;)
6:00 am - 11:00 pm
Room §e両〔e AvaiiabIe (§)
=:00∂m - 6:00 ∂m
§eaPiex Doghouie
§o細「entoli Pizzeria
l「:与0∂m -ま00 am
Vintage§ ($)
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
5:00 pm -11:00 pm
Casino (§)
4:30 pm - i∂te
North §tar Ba「 ($)
3:00 pm - 9:OO pm (Wea(herpem聞ng)
Noon -9:00 pm 9:00am-1:00∂m
§吋Ba「 ($)
9:00 am -11:00 pm
§unihine Bar (;)
Noon -9:00 pm Noon - iate
6:00 pm - i∂te
Hubiot & Bvlg∂ri Boutique
6:00 pm -Jl:00 pm
血ernet Assistance
8:30am -10:30∂m/5:00 pm -8:00 pm
しOyaity Ambassador
5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Medic∂l F∂C冊y (Di∂i 51)
8:00am -11:00∂m/4:00 pm-7:00 pm
NextCrulSe Office
9:00∂m -9:00 pm
Photo G訓e「y & Shop
6:30 pm -10:30 pm
Picture This Po「t「∂it`Studio
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (Dia1 55453)
Royal Shop
6:00 pm -11:00 pm
Shore Excursions Desk
6:00 pm -7:00 pm
VitaIlty Fitness Center
6:00∂m -1:00 am
Vitaiity Spa (Diai 4600)
8:00 am -10:00 pm
B∂by §plash Zone
9:00∂m -6:00 pm
Cu「「ent Pool
=:00am -6:00 pm
lndoo「 Pooi
7:00∂m - 11:00 pm
Outdoor Pooi (Aduits o[ly)
7:00∂m -8:00am
Outdoor Pooi
8:00∂m -8:00 pm
PooI Towei Statio[
7:00 ∂m - mldnight
Sola「ium (Adults oniy)
「O:00∂m - 8:00 pm
Wave Pool
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Boogie Boarding lO:00 ∂m - 11:00 am /
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Adv∂[Ced Su「帥g 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Stand Jp Surfing 9:00∂m -10:00 am/
($) Fee Applies.
6:00 pm -8:00 pm
Room Service: A convenIenCe fee of $7.95 appileS tO a旧tems llSted ln the訓-day
United Shipping Company, 2nd Terrace West, 5th FIoor
Rock Ciimbing Waii
9:00 am -11:00∂m/1:00 pm -3:00 pm
8:00∂m -1:00am 9:00∂m -11:00∂m/
North St∂r
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reserv∂tion Required)
RipCord by iFiy
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Reserv∂tion Required)
Centerv川e House BIdg P.O Box N-4005- Nassau NP,
Phone: +242-422-3250, +954-266-1650/51, +242-359-9135
Ch訓enger’s Video Arc∂de, Deck 15 Operato高Diai O) Caf全Promenade, Deck 4 Selected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
New Port Agent: 242-558-8625, EmaiI: e旧cson@outIook.
Emergency O[iy, (Di∂i 911) Shuffleboard, Deck 15
COCOadmin@「cc上com, COCOmgr@rccl.com, COCOaSStmgr@
Guest §ervices, (Di∂1 0) Deck 4
Libra「y & iC∂fe, Deck 6 Shore Excursions Kiosks, Deck 5
U,S, Embassy, Nassau - 42 Queen St, Nassau, New Providence, Teiephone# 242-322-1181 Loca○ ○aw Enforcement - Great Harbor Cay PoIice, Gre∂t
H∂rbor Cay, Be「ry Isiands, Bahamas, Teiephone# 242-367-
8与44 作Or mOre det∂栂。omp小with Securify Guide/宮mbasey information which /s av∂i/∂b/e ∂t the Guest Services Desk
FamousIy Fantastic ltaiian ChefJamie O=ver may be one of Britain’s most famous food exports, but it’s his intense passion for ltaiian cooking that drives the menu at Jamie’s italian. Reservations suggested ∂nd waik-ins
-i、﹂ [﹂ ︹J ﹁ヽJ
menu ∂nd the AmerICan SeCtlOn Of the breakfast menu.
ー ト J
丁wo70 (§)
4 与 14 国 5
PooI Bar (;) Schoone「 (§)
与 4 1与 1
Bioni〔 Bar ($)
7:00 pm -11:00 pm
Casino Roy∂le SIots & Tabies
4 4 4 4 4 4 4.4.
」ohnny Ro〔kets (;)
甘「ai§ & 80〔脈($) CafさP「omenade
Art G∂ilery
与 5 5 与4 2 与 5 6 4 与 晴 1与
Amerilan IIOn
DAY 6 I豊霊諾霊霊霊,
重電①⑮ゆi強調X⑩鞘 Estimated time of ∂「「iV∂i lntO CocoC∂y, B∂h∂m∂S
Estim∂ted Gangw∂y Opening (fo「wa「d ∂nd Midship) Ali Guests Onbo∂rd D∂liy Show with your C「uise Directo「 Mitch and
Ac帥tleS M∂n∂ger Tresh∂, TV Chamei 14
C∂Pture yOur ∂dventure at CocoC∂y. Ou「 Photo Team wl= make
you「 Pe「fect D∂y, CocoC∂y
11:00 ∂m -ま00 pm
O[ Your Own Activity: Zen Coioring, The Library
(Upper Level of Two700)
5:00 pm -5:30 pm
Tea Time T「ibute to Thomas Kink∂de, Boleros
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Leam To Piay, Casi[O Roy∂le
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Thomas Kink∂de & More Art Auctio[, Boieros
7:00 pm
LGBTQ Gathering, Vint∂geS
7:00 ∂m - 7:30 ∂m Vita"ty Stretch, Vitality Fitness Center
7:30 ∂m - 8:00 am F∂b Abs, Vitaiity Fitness Cente「
8:30 ∂m - 9:30 ∂m Yog∂ On The Be∂Ch, Meet in the gym at8:00 ∂m, Vi軸ty Fitness16 Comp=ment「y Puffy Ankle Solutions, Vitality Sp∂
M∂SS∂ge Demonst「∂tion, Massage Demonstr∂tion,
350pm-4:00 pm
Seminar: Lose upto 8血hes in 50 MinuteS, Vi軸tySpa
W∂旧n Pain Man∂gement Consui融o[S, Vit∂iity Sp∂
与:00 pm-6:00pm
Walkin Compiiment∂ry Posture An∂yisis, Vitality Fitness
5:00 pm -9:00 pm
Spa Ext「av∂ganZ∂ (M∂SS∂ge T∂SterS & Mini Tre∂tS),
1与 1与 1与1516
Royai Espl∂n∂de
9:00 am - Noon Open Play Pickleb訓, Sports Court
9:30∂m -廿25am OutdoorMovie:TheSecretしifeofthePets2 (PG), Pooiside 14
10:00 ∂m Moming Trivね, Schooner B∂r 5 10:45 am Br∂in Teaser Trivfa, Schooner B∂r 5
1130 ∂m Ceiebrity He∂ds Chaiienge, §chooner B∂r 5
11:15 ∂m Famiiy B∂Sketba= Knockout (Sign up a川:00 am), Seapiex 15 1:00 pm -1:30 pm BigSc「eenT「ivia: FamousPeopie, MusicHa=
2:00 pm -2:30 pm BigScreenTrivia: Fi∂gSOftheWorid, MusicHa"
3:00 pm 」胃O pm Scattergories Cha=enge, Schooner B∂r
315 pm AdultSocce「(Sign up at 3:00pm), Seaplex 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm Flying Trapeze, (Sig冊P ∂t 4:00pm, Limited Av∂il∂bility), Se∂PIex
5:00 pm Gener∂口rivia, Schooner Ba「 5:00 pm Country Llne Dance Cl∂SS, Music H∂li
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Teen OniyTable Tennis (12-17Yea「S), Se∂Plex
14与1与1与 与弓I41612
2:00 pm -3:50 pm OutdoorMovie: Dor∂∂ndtheLostCityofGoid (PG),
与蒔pm F∂mIly Cr∂Zy Tag, Voyager Room
RoyaI Caribbean App: Comect to the shlP’s Wl-F川etWOrk ∂[d downlo∂d our app for deck m∂PS ∂nd ac帥ties, Pius d面ng, ente直ainment, and shore excu「sion 「ese「vations.
DAY 7 #蕊」anua「y3*O2O 顕顕設題
丁HE PERFEC丁DAY TO EXPしORE! We’re sa帥ng the pristine waters ofthe No「th Atiantic,
With ocean depths of lO,000 feet (3,300 meters) and Water temPeratureS are 82OF (280C). 1t’s the perfect
OPPOrtunity to take ∂dvantage of alI there is to do
Onboard. Take a shot at the FIowRider, Check out the
Today’s Forecast PartIy CIoudy
Hjgh丁emperatu細e 73OF (23OC)
Winds sw16/22 Kts
COnteStS and activities happening. Orjust reiax by
Sunrise 6:56am
the pooI with a frosty beverage in hand. However you
Sunset 5:16 pm
decide to spend your day, Our Staff is here to heIp
make it truiy memorabie,
Say goodbye to Formai Night, and heiIo to Wear Your
Dress Code: Wea「 You「 Best! / White Atti営e Best. 1t’s time to shine - yOur Way.
Captain’s Corne「 It’s a big fantastic ship. Want to get to know her? Join our Captain, HoteI Director, Chief Engineer ∂nd Cruise Director for ∂n informal and fun
Avoid theしines and Save Time
Piace a credit card on your account today. A copy of your account w川be delivered to your stateroom on
question-and-anSWer SeSSion to le∂m mOre about Anthem of the Seas
departure moming to verify a= charges before your
and her crew.
Credit card is charged. Guests on a c∂Sh accounts wiii be
1:00 pm, Two70, Deck 5.
required to p∂y at Guest Services, however those with ∂ Credit card on their account w用be ∂utOmatica=y b=led.
Upg「ade Your Surf Surf’s up, And upgraded - tO Streaming! Fortoday onIy, PurChase a
Remember, yOu Can reView your charges at any time on
your stateroom TV,
Stream Day Pass for the price of Surf, And a旧orjust $22.99.
PooI Deck Chairs Are Fi「st Come, First Served
Connect to “Wif主Guest-Anthem’’and go to Iogln.COm On yOur OWn device
Piease keep in mind that we provide Pool deck chairs for the enjoyment of ail of our guests. Pooi deck chairs
to get started.
CamOt be reserved and are only ∂Vailable on a first come,
C「uise Club $1O Fashion Accessories StyIe up with cardi-Shawis, WraPS, eVening b∂gS ∂nd more. PIus, buy 4 get
first served basis. if your chair is left un∂ttended for over
30 minutes, yOur PerSOnai beIongings w川be removed
and can be picked up from the PooI -rc)Wel Station.
「 free. AIi tax & duty free eve「y d∂y Onboard at the RoyaI Shops.
10:00 am, Royai Esplanade, Deck 4
Reciaiming Prohibited items
Grand Finale Art Auction We’ve saved the best for last. Our fast, fun, finaI art auction w川definitely
To reciaim prohibited items taken from you on boarding day, Please present your receipt to the Terminai Security after you have cIeared Customs and lmmigration in the
become your new f∂VOrite cruise tradition. New art, Champagne, free
terminal buiIding ∂Shore, ltems not picked up at the end
Of your cruise vacation wili be discarded. gifts-yOu C∂∩’t miss it.
12:45 pm Registration, 1:00 pm, Art Auction, Boleros, Deck 4
To heIp recognize superior service from crew during your adventure with us, a $14.5O USD gratuity ($17.50 USD for Suite guests) is added to each guest’s SeaPass
CompIimentaryしadies Pamper Par置y
account, da時This gratuity is shared amongst the
Comp=mentary ladies’pamper party tod∂y. AII who attend
food/beverage and cu=nary services staff, StaterOOm
W紺enjoy free co=agen skin treatment, eye ZOne Puffiness
attendants and other essential hoteI services teams, We h∂Ve Charged the final gratuities today to訓ow you to
& dark circIetreatment, neCk & bust treatment and a 5
review and settie your onboard account in advance and
minute makeover. Pius exclusive discounts!
at your leisure. Please note that an 18% gratuity is also
1:00 pm, Schooner Bar, 5
∂utOmatica用y added to Beverages, M画一Bar and Sp∂ &
SaIon purchases.
Tomorrow we wi= be: しast chance to win up to $5OO
One doIIar is a旧t takes to win up to $5OO. One lucky Winner w用be ∂nnOunCed tonight.
10:00 pm, Casino Royaie, Deck 3
5むYEARS BO」D ‥宣969 苛 20重9…
Saion Speciai Try our =eW Keratin Express Biow out - 1asts up to 8 weeks!
Gent’s’get grOOmed to perfection by professionai barbers
We Wiil Rock You
Onboard・ 20% off Both Tod∂y OnIy
丁he spectacuIar O廟er Award-Wjnning musicai phenomenon
Book your ∂PPOintmentS tO at the Vjtaiity Spa, Deck 15
WE WILL ROCK YOU’rOCked over 6.5 m冊on peopIe in a record-breaking 12 years at Lo=don’s Dom面on The∂tre. Written
HeaIth Seminar: Detox fo細Heaith and Weight loss
by legendary comedian and author Ben Elton and with a score
Are you trying to Iose weight’reduce ceilulite, tO=e uP, gain
Of k用er Queen tunes such as Radio Ga Ga, l Want To Bre∂k
mOre energy’Or get rid of blo∂ting? Detoxific∂tion may be the
SOlution you are looking for.
11:00 am, Vitaiity Fitness, Deck 16 しe Vian⑪ Mystery Box Contest
Free’Bohemian Rhapsody and ofcourse We Wi= Rock You, it’s the champion of訓musicaIs. Reservations recommended.
Parental discretion advised. 2:30 pm & 6‥30 pm, Royal The∂tre, Decks4&5.
Spectra’s Caba「et
Take ∂ Shot at guessing the code to open Choco-ate Mystery
In Spectr∂’s C∂baret, We invite you to an eIectric muIti-
box from our exquisite Le Vi∂n⑪ coIiection fora ch∂nCe tO
dimension∂I cabaret where you w川be tr∂nSPOrted jnto
Wjn a fant∂Stic prize. PIus’yOu’Ii receive a compiimentary
gemstone just for attending. Starts at =:00 am’Rega=a Fine Jewelry, Deck 4.
Bamboo Bedsheet’Toweis’& Matt「esses BIowout
mysterious reaIms that are normalIy invisib-e to mortaI eyes. Spectra’s Cab∂ret bIends live performa=Ce a=d experientiai
Cinematography together with music from worldwide cuiture. Reservations recommended. 7:00 pm & 9:00 pm, Two70, Deck5.
Come feel the difference of Cariloha Bamboo and experjence
Late Njght Comedy Sta営ring AI Romas (Ages 18十)
SIeeping in luxury with CariIoha. Brjng your Credit Card.
Al is ∂ firmly estabiished headliner who has delighted ∂udjences
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Port Shopping Desk, Deck4
in an impressive iist of ve=ueS ranging from Radio City Music H訓for ESPN’s Espy Awards to Las Vegas & Atlantic City. Ai
Wine Tasting Spectacuiar Sip ∂nd swirl reds and whites at our wine barat sea. Join
also has numerous teievision appearances incIuding VHl’s,
A&E・ MTV’s and Comedy Centrai・ CurrentIy, he can be heard daiIy’On Sirius XM radio’s “RawDog Comedy”. AduIts oniy.
us for a tasting cI∂SS that makes le∂ming about wine fun.
10:00 pm, Royal Theatre, Deck 4.
Reservatio=S SuggeSted and w∂lk-ins welcome. Book at Vintages or directIy with your W∂iter.
4:00 pm, Vintages, Deck 5.
A〃 shows柄he theater ∂re ∂pprOXIm∂te小55 m/nuteS. 777e S∂Vhg ofse∂tS
∂nd videoねp/ng Ofshows /S S面。砂pIOh伽ed No ch〃dren h the勅ot row Ch侮en /n SeCOnd and肋他,OWS Of the 77,e∂ter muSt be ∂CCOmp∂n/eddy
Formal Night Pol.t「ajts
∂ parent OrgUard居n・ Strobe /Ighthg ∂nd印e。店/ e礁cts may be used /n a〃
Tonight is the night! Everyo=e is dressing up and getting
perfom∂n。eS・ PIease ,e偏/万from ushg J/Our Ce〃 phone ∂ndんfwo-Way 伯d/os du〃ng fhe perfom∂nCe. Assisfive [isten/ng SJ,Stem ∂Va偏b/e ∂t Guest
their glam on’and you shouId too〇日ave our photo te∂m
Serv/CeS, Deck 5.
C∂Pture Photos of you rocki=g yOur formaI attire. Look for our
Photgraphers訓∂rOu=d the shjp tonight.
Diai 55453 to book your compiimentary formaI night session. MenJs lnte「national Beliy Fiop Competition
A Look Behind"The-Scenes Ever wo=der how much food it takes to feed an entire cruise Ship or how many thousand pounds of laundry ∂re done during a sai‖ng? Join us for an A= Access Tourto find out,
Reserve your spot at shore Excursions, Deck 5, tOday. Cash P「ize Royai Bingo
imagine yourself-O= yOur neXt Cruise vacation and it aii came
Oh’the prestige′ the giamou白he recognition ofthe Beliy Fiop. Come
make a splash with your Actjvities Manager in this unique activity, 2:00 pm, Pooiside, Deck 14. Virtuai Conce「t featuring Santa Fe & The Fat City Horns
Using the state of the art video technoIogy of Two70, We PreSent the world’s first `′Virtual Concert” featuri=g L∂S Vegas super-band ’`Santa Fe ∂=d the Fat City Homs”. A compIex group of worId ci∂SS
musicja=S’Playjng compIex musjc, for both musicians and musiC-
true because you ye=ed Bingo. Join us ∂t Bingo today!
Iovers to come and enjoy an unforgett∂bie musicai experience.
Cardson saie, 3‥00 pm・ Games begin 3‥45 pm, Music Ha"
4:OO pm, Two70, Deck 5.
EVENING THRiししS White Night Latin Party (Ail Ages) Join our L∂tin band CandeIa, a=d your Activities team for a fun
dance party. Get ready to SaIsa’Bachata ∂nd Merenge!
The Best of NextCruise ltlik & Raffle
9:45pm-10:45pm, MusicH紺Decks3,4
Don’t miss our present∂tion on the RoyaI C∂ribbean fleet
and destinations. Le∂rn ∂bout the 476 different ports on 7
C「azy Quest - Adults Oniy Game Show (Ages 18+) The famous and w=dest game show on the high seas comes
different co=tine=tS a=d itineraries around the world avaiIable
to Two70. Joir=n the fun with your Activities Man∂ger, for the
up to Summer2021,
CraZiest game onboard the Anthem ofthe Seas… this is one
10:00 ∂m, Two70O, Deck 5
activity you can’t miss!
10:45 pm, Two70, Deck 5.
Art G∂llery 7:00 pm -10:00 pm
ヾuite &相nn∂de Guests
Casino Roy∂le Seiect鴫bIes lO:00 ∂m - 1ate
Main §eating, Dimer: 5:30 pm
C∂Sino Roy∂ie S10tS
Chic & Grande Dining Rooms §econd ieating, Dimer: 8:00 pm
〔hil & Grande Dining Rooms
MyTimeDi11ing Dimer: 5:00 pm -9:00 pm §olarium Bi;t「O Dimer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Windjammer Malketpla〔e Dimer: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
8:00∂m - i∂te
Iubiot & Bvlg∂ri Boutique
9:与0 am - 10:与0 pm
lntemet Assist∂nCe
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Loy∂lty Amb∂SS∂dor
5:00 pm -8:00 pm
MedlCal F∂Cilityのか51)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
NextCruise Sales O冊Ce
9:00∂m - 9:00 pm
Photo G訓ery & Shop
「O:00 am -10:与0 pm
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Dia1 55453
Royai Shops
9:与0 ∂m - 10:与0 pm
Chop§ G「il看e (;) Di[[e「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Vitailty Fitness Center
6:00∂m -1:00 ∂m
Izumi 」apaneie Cuisine (§) Dimer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Vitality Sp∂の店/ 460O)
8:00 am - 10:00 pm
6 1与
Pictu「e This Portr∂it Studio
Chef’§TabIe (§) Dimer: 6:30 pm
5 71)∴了へ 与 与 4 2 与 与 6 4 1
〔oa§tal Kit〔hen Dimer: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm 14
」amie’§ italian (§) Dime「: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Wonde「iand (§) Dimer: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
indoor Pooi
Our Sped雄y Aesねu佃n!s or d勧7OOO焔hdy ∂侮w2 hours lforyour c励mg
e叩e府nce. D伯簿pO析短∂pply
11:00∂m -12:う0 ∂m
24日ou「s 「l:うO am -1:00 ∂m
しa Patis§elie (§)
6:00∂m -11:00 pm
Room §ervi〔e AvaiIable (§)
ll:00 ∂m - 6:00 ∂m
§eaPIex Doghou§e
ll:与O am -1:00∂m
§or「ento’s Pizze「ia
Vintage (;)
Noon -1:30 pm
7:00∂m - 8:00 am
Outdoo「 Pooi
8:00 am -8:00 pm
PooI Towel St∂tion
7:00 ∂m - midnight
Soi∂rlum (Ad肌s on砂
lO:00 ∂m - 7:00 pm
FIow「ide○ ○ Mixed Wave, 9:00 ∂m -
与:00 pm
9:00am-nOOn/3:00pm-5:00pm 8:00∂m-1:00∂m Reservation Req冊ed th「Ough the App
15 1与 1与151与
Ca俺Promenade 」ohnny Ro〔kets ($)
441 44D - 。側1与45
Bra§§ & 8o〔脈($)
7:00∂m - 11:00 pm
Outdoor Pooi (Aduits only)
4 4 4 4 4.
Reser㈲frons suggested ∂nd w∂佑-hs we庇)me. for伯ser融bns, p/e∂Se V扇f
Reservation Requi「ed through the App
530 pm -9:30 pm
Chaiienger’s Video Arc∂de, Deck l与 Oper∂tOr @居/O) C∂fe Promen∂de, Deck 4 Seiected Hot Tubs, Deck 14
Emergency Oniy, @居/ 971) Shu冊ebo∂rd, Deck 15
冊00 ∂m -11:00 pm
9:00 am - 9:00 pm oweatllelPem聞ng)
Pooi Bar (§)
9:00am - 9:00 pm
§lhooner ($)
9:00∂m -1:00∂m
§旬日a「 ($)
9:00am -「1:00 pm
§un§hine Bar (;)
7:00∂m -9:00 pm
丁wo70 (§)
lO:00 ∂m - i∂te
4 5 14 14 5
9:00am - I∂te
North§tar Bar (§)
5 1
Casino (§)
与 与 1
Bioni〔 Bar (§)
Llbr∂ry & iC∂fe, Deck 6 Shore Excu「Sions Kiosks, Deck 5
Guest Services,のI∂/ O) Deck 4 Ple∂Se brlng yOUr SeaPass ca「d to a" ∂CtlVltleS. Certaln age, helght, Welght and CIothlng requlrementS may aPPly Please check actlVlty Slgnage for more lnform∂tlOn.
HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION Wash up! The best way to p「event colds, fIu and gastrointestlnal llinesses- SUCh as
Shake Things Up At Sea
No「OVIruS- IS tO WaSh your h∂nds wlth soap and warm water for ∂t le∂St 2O seconds after bathroom breaks ∂nd before e∂tlng.
With laser precision, rObotic arms work in perfect SynChronization assembiing deiicious beverages. Bionic Bar, Deck 5.
Safety Firstwith Swim Vest: Pl∂y it s∂fe at the Pooi, SWlmmlng Sm∂rt and looklng COO上Comp=mentary SWlm VeStS ∂re aVallable ln three sIZeS deslgned for chlldren ages 4 to 12. Swlm VeStS are 10Cated ne∂r the towel statiOn On Deck 14
Body Camera: For the safety ∂nd we旧belng Of a= persons onbo∂rd, SOme members of
A Far East Feast
Our Security Team w川be we∂rlng Body Cameras ∂S Part Of thelr unlform
Enjoy an exotic Asian-inspired dining experience. S∂Shim主
Smoking Oniy Pe「mitted in Designated A「eas’CasInO Smoklng SectlOn, Deck 3, Outer
SuShi and more ∂re all m∂de-tO-Order with intense fiavors,
and the best ingredients at lzumi. Reservations suggested and waik-ins welcome. izum主Deck 5. Dia1 7OOO for reservations
Deck, Deck 5, Starboard Slde, PooI Deck, Deck 14, Port Slde, beiow big SCreen On PooI Deck ∴A旧ndoor publlC SPaCeS, StaterOOmS and balconleS are SmOke free. ElectronlC ClgaretteS Or e-ClgaretteS are Only permltted wlthln designated smoklng ∂reaS.
◎菓・田圃国書-▲ ∴∴:∴ 1
7:00 pm LGBTQ Gathe「ing, Vint∂geS lO:00 pm l Bet R∂ffle Dr∂W, CaslnO Royale
ll:00 pm S[OWba= R∂ffle Draw, C∂Sino Roy∂le
6与う う ⋮
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Compiimentary Foot Print An∂iysis, Vita"ty Fitness
ll:30 pm ($)Mi=ion Doli∂rS Pius Paradise Lotto Dr∂W,
Casino Royale
530 pm - 10:00 pm TwiiightSpa Speclal Oniy $99, Vita冊ySpa 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Omega 60th Amivers∂ry Event, Regalia Watches
7:00pm-9:00 pm Co=ectYourCharmOfTheDayfo「OnIy$5,
P而Ce & Green 9:45 pm - 10:00 pm K訓∂ti Yeiiow Diamonds Competition Fi[al Annou∩Cement, Rega=∂ Fine Jewelry
Outdoor Movie: Dumbo (PG 13), PooIside
6:30 pm - 8:22 pm
We Wi= Rock You, Roy∂i Theate「
7:00 pm
Spectr∂’s Cabaret, Two70
7:00 pm -8:00 pm
F∂mily K∂raOke, Musie H訓
Adult Kar∂Oke, Music Haii
Pub Trivi∂, Br∂SS & Bock Pub
9:00 pm-10:58pm
Outdoor Movie: Biinded by the Light (PG-13), Pooiside
Friendiy Feud G∂me Show, Music H訓
9:00 pm
Spectra’s Cab∂ret, Two70
9:45 pm - 10:45 pm
White Night Latin P∂rty With C∂ndeIa, & you「 C「uise
St∂請Music H訓
「O:00 pm
L∂te Night Aduit Comedy (Ages 18+), Royai The∂t「e
「O:45 pm
Cr∂Zy Quest Adult G∂me Show (Ages 18+), Two70
7:30pm-9:30pm TheRoy∂iSwedesLIVE! Boieros
8:00pm-8:45pm TheHighC’sHomsPe「fo「m,SchoonerB∂r 9:00 pm - 12:30 ∂m Piano &Voc∂i Entertainment with Dan Davies,
Schoone「 Bar 9:15 pm -12:30 am Guit∂r &Voc∂i Entertainment with P∂UI S∂insbury,
Br∂SS & Bock Pub 9:45 pm - 10:45 pm L∂tin D∂nCe Partywith Candel∂ Latin Show, Mus剛aii lO:00 pm - Midnight The Roy∂i Swedes LIVE! Boleros l「:00 pm - Midnight L∂tin D∂nCe Party with Candei∂ Latin Show, Music Ha=
Midnigh口ate Night C山b Open with DJ Mitch, (Ages 18+) Music H訓
与455 4 う,44狙う・4
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm The High C’s Homs Perfo「m, Schoone「 B∂「
1 44,与与与I4与-4414与-45 与,4 4-与与
Lu[Ch: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Bre∂kfast: 7:30 am - 10:30 ∂m
CoastaI Kit〔hen
Bre∂kfast: 7:30 ∂m - 9:30 ∂m
等しl付e &伽n∂dとGuesIs
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
Lunch: 11:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wiれdjamme「 Marketp la〔e
Izumi 」apane§e Cui§ine (;) 」amie’§ ItaIian (§)
「O:00∂m - iate
Casjno Royale Siots
8:00am - 1∂te
HubIot & Bvlg∂ri Boutique
9:与0 am -10:50 pm
l ntemet Assist∂ nCe
9:00∂m - nOOn/4:00 pm - 7:30 pm 7:30 am - 9:15∂m/5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Lunch: Noon - 2:30 pm
Medical Fac冊y (Dia1 51)
8:00∂m -11:00am/4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
B「e∂kf∂St: 7:00 ∂m - 11:00 ∂m
NextCruise Sales Office
9:00∂m - 9:00 pm
Lunch: 11:30∂m -4:00 pm
RAD1 5 Star Dive Center
lO:00am -1:00 pm丹00 pm - 6:00 pm
Photo G∂=ery & Shop
lO:00am -10:50 pm
Bre∂kf∂St: 7:30 ∂m - 10:00 ∂m
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm 章To Go Avallable
Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm
7:00 pm -10:00 pm - Diai 55453
Port Shopping Desk
4:00 pm -5:00 pm - Die1 2222
Roy∂I Shops
9:50∂m -10:王0 pm
Shore Exc]rSions Desk
ll:00 am - Noo[/4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Vitality Fit[eSS Ce[ter
6:00∂m -1:00 am
Vi軸ty Sp∂
8:00∂m -10:00 pm - Dぬ1 4600
Reservations suggested ∂nd w∂旧ns welcome. For reservatjons, PIe∂Se VISit
Picture This Po巾∂it Studio
Chops G軸e (§)
7:00 pm -10:00pm
Casino Roy∂le Seiect lt]bIes
Loyalty Amb∂SSado「
SoIa「iりm Bi§t「O
Art G∂lIery
与でごく.-﹁ 与4251
B「eakf∂St: 7:30 ∂m - 9:30 am
4 与 14 1
Ame「i〔an lcon
Our Specialty Rest∂urantS Or di∂1 7000. KindIy a=ow 2 hou「s fo「 you「 dining experience. Dress poiicies ∂PPly.
24口ou「s =:う0am - 1:00 am
La Patisserie (;)
6:00am -11:00 pm
Room Service AvaiIabie ($)
ll:00∂m -6:00∂m
§eaPiex Dogh0uie
=:う0 am -1:00∂m
Sorrento’s Pizze「ia
ll:与0∂m -ま00∂m
Vintagei (§)
」ohnny Rockets ($)
9:00∂m - 6:00 pm
9:00am - 6:00 pm
H20 W∂Ve Pool
9:00∂m - 6:00 pm
i[doo「 P○○I
7:00 am -11:00 pm
Outdoo「 Pool (Aduits onIy)
7:00am -8:00∂m
Outdoo「 PooI
8:00am -8:00 pm
Pooi ToweI St∂tion
7:00 ∂m - mid両ght
SoIa「ium (AduIts o[Iy)
「O:00∂爪- 7:00 pm
141 41 41 41 4母1 41 4
11:00∂m -12:50 am
B愉簿& Bo〔k ($)
Baby Spi∂Sh Zone
Current PooI
N○○n - 1:与0 pm FIowR ider⑨
($) Fee Appiies.
11:00am -11:00 pm
C謎iれ0 (S)
9:00am - Iate
No相調a「 Ba「 (§)
9:00 am - 9:00 pm叩電動宵阿晴贈ゆ
pooI Ba事(§)
9:00 am -9:00 pm
S〔hoone「 ($)
§吋甘a「 ($)
9:00∂m -11:00 pm
Sunshine Bar (;)
7:00 ∂m - 9:00 pm
丁wo70 ($)
10:00 am - I∂te
与う二巧1 4 与1 4 1 4 与
Bionic Ba「 (§)
Fiowrjder - Mixed Wave, 9:00 am 5:00 pm
Rock Climbi[g W訓
9:00∂m - nOO[/3:00 pm -5:00 pm
Sea pIex
8:00am -1:00∂m
No巾h Sta「
Reservation Required through the App
RipCord by iFly
Reserv∂tion Requi「ed through the App
C剛e[ger’s Video Arcade, Deck 15 Oper∂tOr, (Dj∂i O)
Cafe P「omen∂de, Deck 4 Selected Ho…bs, Deck 14 Emerge〔Cy Only, (Di∂i 911) Shuffleboard, Deck 15 しIbr∂ry & iC∂fe’Deck 6 Sho「e Excursio[S Kiosks, Deck 5
G]eSt Services, (Dia1 0) Deck 4
Famousiy Fantastic ltaiian ChefJamie Oiiver may be one of B「itain,s most famous food exports, but it’s his intense passion for
Pints & Pours Fo細Every Sho「e
itaIian cooking that drives the menu at Jamie’s lta=an.
Meet your mates for ∂ Pint or UK-inspired cocktail.
Reservations suggested and waIk-ins weIcome, Jamie’s
Br∂SS & Brock Pub, Deck 4
Ita=∂n, Deck 5. Dia1 7OOO for reservations.
1与 記 15 1与 1与
5:30 pm -930 pm
壷, @を⑥直音㊨ノ†二鮒も棚1
10:00∂m -11:00 am
The Best of Next 2020-21 Cruises Talk with NextCruise,
lO:00 am Momi[g Trivi∂, Schooner B∂「
丁wo70 o
ll:00 am
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Bumper C∂rS (M面mum age, 5 Ye∂rS), Se∂Plex
Enrichment Lecture with L∂urle Roz∂kis “We’re Sai血g the
Be「muda Triangie Today’’,Two70
lO:30 am - 11:15 am ($) Cash P「ize RoyaI B血gO C∂rds on saie,
Grand Finale Art Auction Registr∂tio[ Art Auctio[
Registration, Boleros
ll:00am F「iends Trivi∂, Schoo[e「 Bar
l:00 pm -2:30 pm
Gr∂〔d Fi[ale Art Auction, Boieros
ll:30 am St∂r Wars TrlVi∂, Schooner Bar
l:00 pm
($)RoyaI Poker巾)u「n∂ment Quallfier CasinO Royaie
12:15 pm F∂m=y Scie[Ce, Voyager Room
2:00 pm
($)$500 Guar∂nteed BIackJaCk Toumame[t, C∂Sl[O Roy∂ie
12:45 pm Merengue D∂[Ce Cl∂SS, Music Haii
ま00 pm
($)RoyaI Poker Tourn∂ment Quaiifier C∂Sino Roy∂le
l:00 pm C∂Ptain’s Co「ner - inform∂l Q&A with the C∂Pt∂in, Two70
4:00 pm
($)M冊O[ Do=ars Plus Paradise Lotto Dr∂W, Casino Roy∂le
1:30 pm Music T「ivia: Motown Tu[eS, Music Haii
ll:00 am Worid Wiidlife Fund, PooIside
2:00 pm Men’s lntem∂tlO[∂I BeIiy Fiop CompetitIOn (18+), Pooislde 2:00 pm A RoyaI Mystery with you「 Cruise Director’s §t(昨two70
7:30 ∂m - 8:00 am Fab Abs Class, V圃ity Fitness
lO:00∂m -10:45∂m ($)BodyScuipt BootC∂mP, Vitality Fit[eSS
free prices, Photo Ga=e「y
「O:30 ∂m -11:00 ∂m Semi[∂「: AcupunctureQ&A, VitalitySpa
=:00 ∂m - nOOn $29.99 & $39.99 F「∂gr∂nCe Ciear∂nCe S∂ie, lmpuIse
Boutique Opposite Music Haii ll:30 am - nOOn Semi[∂r: Wrl[kie Remedies, Vit∂lity Spa
12:30 pm -1:00 pm LIVE口ai「Show - Wi[∂ Cut &Styie, Vitaiity Fitness
Vit∂=ty Spa 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm He∂ith Semin∂r: How to lmprove Your Posture,
3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Watch Sets HoIid∂y Saie 」ust $19.99, Royal Esplanade 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm ($)TRX Suspension Tr∂ining, Vitality Fitness
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ($) B∂mboo Sheets, Toweis, & M∂ttreSSeS B10WOut Saie,
Port Shopping Desk
6与4 1う
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Hublot Watch ∂[d Scotch by M∂C訓∂[, Hublot
6 1与41
Vlt∂ilty Fitness
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Semin∂r: inst∂nt Wrinkie Remedies, Vit∂lity Sp∂
4:00 pm - 6:OO pm CompIimenta「y CooISculpting Consultations, VitE冊y Sp∂
l:30 pm - 2:00 pm Pooislde Be∂tS With DJ Mitch, PooIside
2:45 pm - 330 pm Pooiside Beats with D」 Mitch, PooisIde
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Caribbean B∂nd Rhythm Expiosion LiVE! Boleros
5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Piano Hits wjth Serhii MaIiar, Schooner Bar
1 4 1 4 1 4 4 5
11:15 ∂m士30 pm C∂ribbean Ba[d Rhythm Expiosio〔しIVE! Pooiside
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm ($) C∂Sh Prize Royai Bingo C∂rds on S∂le,
(G∂meS begin ∂t 3:45 pm), Music H訓
ま00 pm
MusiC TrlVla: Abba Tunes, Schooner B∂r
Adult Volieyb訓Competitio[ (Slg冊P ∂t 3:00 pm), Se∂ Plex
4:00 pm
Virtual Concert Encore featuring S訓te Fe & The fat City
4:00 pm - 5:40 pm
0utdoor MovIe: toy Story 4 (G), PooIside
与:00 pm
Music Trivi∂: EiviS Tunes, M]SIC H∂il
与:00 pm
Gener∂冊lVia, Schooner Bar
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Ro=er Skating (Sign up ∂t 5:00 pm, Limited Av訓ab冊y),
Seapiex 与:1与pm
Self-Led Sabbath ServiCe, Windj∂mmer
F∂mliy Fll[Ch, Voy∂ger Room
10:00am -冊50 am
($)Maste「 the Art of Making iushi Ci∂SS, lzumi
lO:1与∂m -12:与0 pm
($)Sip Tour Brun〔h, CHIC Restaur∂nt
ll:与0 am -1:00 pm
($)Cupcake Decorating CIass, La Patisse「ie
Noon -1:00 pm
($)$2 Mimosa H∂PPy Hour C∂Sl[O Roy∂le
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Comp=menta「y CooiSculpti[g Consultations,
2:30 pm - 4:22 pm We WliI Rock You, Roy∂i The∂ter
l:30 pm - 2:30 pm Sephora M∂ke up Tutoriai, impulse
65 1与 1
l:00 pm - 1:45 pm Ladies Pampe「 Pa巾y Schoo[er B∂r
6 4 4 1与1
Gemstone, Regalia 」ewei「y
(Sign up at l:45 pm), SeaPIex
2:15 pm SaIsa Dance Class, Music Hal1
471)∴﹁﹁1与 1
VIt∂iIty Fitness
ll:00 ∂m - 12:30 pm Le Vi∂n Mystery Box Contest - Get You「 Free Chocoiate
=:00 am - 11:45 am Seminar: Detox fo「 Health, Ene「gy & Weight Loss,
6鴫与 1
lO:00 ∂m - 2:30 pm ($)Sale ∂t Se∂! Digit∂l Cameras, Binoculars and more at Tax
9:00 ∂m - 9:45 ∂m ($)RYDE lndoor Cycling, Vita航y Fitness
2:00 pm AduIt 3-Oni B∂Sketb訓Competition,
7:00 ∂m - 7:30 am VitaIity Stretch, Vitality Fitness
4与1嶋∴∴封,44,与弓,4 与1与 与 1
12:45 pm -1:00 pm
($)Roy∂l S10t Tou「nament Qua冊ier Casino Royale
(Games begin at ll:15 am), Music Ha=
6 与1与与,4 1
Royal Theater lO:00 am Adult T抽e Temis Tou「n∂ment, (Sign up ∂t 9:45∂m)
弓4 1
9:00 am Dance Fitness Dance Ciass, Music Hal1 10:00∂m -11:47 pm 3D Movie: The Lego Movie 2: TheSecond Pa巾
N○○[ 」:与0 pm
($)M∂Ster the A「t of Making Sushi Class, izumi
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
($)Gln T∂St活g, Br∂SS & Bock Pub
3:00 pm -4:00 pm
($)Mojito Semi[ar, Boieros
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
($)Wine鴫sting Spec∂tul∂r, Vint∂geS
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
($)Whiskey Seminar, Bole「OS