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National Library Week
April 23-29 Libraries are full of stories – literally and figuratively. While everyone knows about the stories you can find on our shelves, what about the stories people tell each other when they participate in book discussion groups, children’s classes, panel discussions, author talks, and teen events? Libraries are where we tell our own stories and listen to other people’s stories, where we learn from others and build community.
An instructor at our Savage Branch relayed this story, “[name withheld]’s mom told me how she enjoys when I teach because she gets to learn and practice ASL vocabulary with her daughter. This is important because she has recently been diagnosed as hard-of-hearing, and she may suddenly lose her hearing at any moment. She asked me to help her with a couple signs and I was also able to direct her to local organizations, resources, and class opportunities that could help in her ASL journey. We don't know everyone's story coming into our classes, but how awesome it is to be the right person at the right time for someone.”
What’s your library story?