2012 Catalog

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2012 Catalog

 The International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva/ Switzerland 2002

lG old medals and diplomas: Supliform, Plantintim, Acneogel, Orisan

 The International Exhibition of Inventions

1991 - 2012

Bruxelles/ Belgium 2002,

lG old medal and diplomas: Bucoprotect  The International Exhibition of Inventions with

international participation Petrosani /Romania

lG old medals and diplomas: Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil, Catinofort, Redigest

lS ilver medals and diplomas: Hofisil, Hofisan,

Protein forte, The Hof Viodana cosmetics products range (5 products).  The International Exhibition of Inventions Bucharest/ Romania-Inventika 2003, lG old medals and diplomas: Redigest, Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil  The International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva / Switzerland 2003, lG old medals and diplomas: Catinofort, Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil  The International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva / Switzerland 2004 lG old medals and diplomas: Flavovit C, Redigest, Reglacid lS ilver medals and diplomas: Fiamarant, Shampoo 5R  The International Exhibition of Inventions Bruxelles/ Belgium lG old medals and diplomas: Complete antioxidant, Reglacid lS ilver medals and diplomas: Fiamarant, the Hof.Viodana cosmetics products range, Epifin  Inventics Exhibition Geneva/Switzerland 2005, lG old medals and diplomas: Ciuleandra cream, Epifin–gel, Orisan-gel  Merit diploma at the 7th National Conf of Environmental Protection, Bucharest, awarded by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, for the technical solutions for environmental protection applied in complex plant processing.  International Inventions Exhibition and Salon– Inventica Cluj /Romania, 2006 lG old medals and diplomas: Flavovit cpr., Redigest caps., cpr., Cream Spirulin, Hof.Viodana cosmetics products range.  Diploma awarded by the the Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI), Moldova, 2006, Geneva Invention Salon for the quality of the exhibited products.  Diploma awarded at the International Anti-Aging Congress Bucharest 2006 for the number and quality of the presented works  Certificate of Appreciation, Romexpo Cosmetics Beauty Hair 2006 ,12th ed.  Inventics Exhibition Bruxelles / Belgium 2007 lG old medals and diplomas: Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil, Supliform lS ilver medal and diplomas: Haircare balm with gemoderivates  Inventics Exhibition Geneva/Switzerland 2007 lG old medal and diplomas: Supliform  International Exhibition of Inventions – Inventica Cluj /Romania 2007, lG old medals and diplomas: Shampoo 5R., Haircare balm  International Exhibition of Inventions – Inventika Bucharest/ Romania, 2007 lG old medals and diplomas: Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil lS ilver medal and diploma: Supliform  Diploma AGEPI Cup 2007- Republic of Moldova, at the Inventics Exhibition Cluj for the quality of the patented solutions  Inventics Exhibition Geneva/Switzerland 2008: lG old medals and diplomas: Hepastim, Reglacid lS ilver medal and diploma: Haircare balm  The International Exhibition of Inventions Inventika -Bucharest 2008 lG old medals and diplomas: Hepastim, Reglacid lS ilver medal and diploma: Haircare balm  The International Exhibition of Inventions Inventika -Bucharest 2009 lG old medals and diplomas: Reglacid, TS -TutunStop lB ronze medal and diploma: Helminon

The Path to health is unique: Nature In 1990, immediately after the revolution I was firmly convinced that this is the future path of human health, the one towards Nature. There came a fashion of producing drugs imitating nature (igoxine, scopolamine, silymarin, etc.), but all the products contained a much higher toxicity level than the natural pattern, I had been working directly in the synthesis laboratories of a renowned research institute (ICCF). The human body does not accept them compared with natural products. Then, I realized the difference between the natural products and the synthetic ones. I had obtained synthetic vitamin C in concentration of 99.97% and did comparative tests with the natural one (of rosehip). I did not understand the role of the products in a concentration of 0.03%. Today when we know the role of enzyme inhibition, we see things in a better light. For these reasons on 17 April 1990 the Hofigal Company emerged. The name comes from the Ho - Homeopathy, Fi - Phytotherapy, Gal - Galenic. We started with a small business manufacturing active substances of plant origin, raw materials for medicine manufacturers, food supplements and cosmetics. Only one year after it was started, I came on the market with the first two products designed and manufactured by us, one of which was an enzymatic product, which could not fit it in any class, because then there was no nomenclature (today it is known as REDIGEST – it regulates digestion). Now, after more than two decades of activity, we have a portfolio of over 450 products. We are the only and the largest natural medicines manufacturing company with exclusively Romanian capital. We are an integrated company specializing in manufacturing exclusively natural products, with the special characte­ ristic that we produce most raw materials in our own greenhouses and agricultural green lands. The active raw materials used are obtained in a completely controlled environ­ ment within the framework of the eco agriculture. Initially, the lands were rehabilitated by suc­cessive cultivation of plants of various species which extracted from soil the substances

that could contaminate future crops. Plants used as active raw material reDipl. Chem. Eng. ŞTEFAN MANEA, sources are grown withGeneral Manager HOFIGAL S.A. out chemical fertilizers, herbicides, stimulants and other protective treatments which could contaminate the produced crops and thus the final products. In Hofigal all products are obtained on the basis of our own patented recipes, many of them are absolute world premieres. Hofigal has its own Research Department for the plants enzymes - nationally and internationally certified. The motto of our activity is to ensure quality, effectiveness and safety of all products as well as obtaining active ingredients of plant origin that fully meet international environmental standards into force. All the stages, from growing the plants (pre-processing, plant processing) until the stage of the finite products as drugs, food supplements, cosmetics and tea meet international requirements for growing, harvesting and processing plants. In terms of product quality, regardless of the stage, they meet the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia supplemented with other international pharmacopoeia traffic and quality requirements as well as with the Hofigal quality standars. The goal of our technologies is obtaining products with only natural ingredients as similar to the natural ones as possible. In fact the precise "imitation" of nature already gives us a high standard. The extraction processes allow us to reach efficiencies of over 80%, including for the volatile oils. Nature only gives you maximum satisfaction provided that you know how to read and understand it. To see how sunflower twists after sun, how in the evening the acacia closes its flower, how plants its wrinkle their leaves to reduce surface contact with the sun, how they bent down their leaves when the sun rises, all these and many others, they all talk about the " friendship "between plants and humans, the telluric consumption of energy, be it positive or negative, the communication between the plant cell and those of the human bodies. In a more than suggestive way our great poet, Mihai Eminescu, concluded: "Nature never lies! Nature has solutions for everything!" We start new researchs on the vibrational medicine and the beneficial effect of plants in our lives. We deepen our knowledge about gemmotherapy and we compare the genetic plant programs with those of various cells of the human body. Our path is clear: to understand nature, to protect it, it’s excluded the idea of forcing it to obey us, to know it and to apply the words of our great poet, Eminescu "Nature has solutions to all, investigate and apply its laws".


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food supplements Armuhep® ����������������������������������������� 4 Cătinofort® ���������������������������������������� 5 Colerd ����������������������������������������������� 5 Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil ������6 LARVALBINA ������������������������������������� 7 Complete Antioxidant® ���������������������� 8 Condartroz®-Plus ������������������������������ 9 Depurin �������������������������������������������� 9 Echinacea ��������������������������������������� 10 Evitus ��������������������������������������������� 10 Fiamarant® ������������������������������������� 11 Fitodiab® ���������������������������������������� 11 Echina VIT. C ����������������������������������� 12 Protein Power® ������������������������������� 13 Eucolon ������������������������������������������ 13 Flavovit®C ��������������������������������������� 14 Helminon ���������������������������������������� 15 Hepastim® �������������������������������������� 15 Hof.Imun® FORTE ��������������������������� 16 Hof.Imun® ��������������������������������������� 16 Hof. Estronat ����������������������������������� 17 Hofisan® ����������������������������������������� 17 Hof. Lipomin ����������������������������������� 18 L-Carnitin Complex ������������������������� 19 Licoprostat® ����������������������������������� 20 Mag - Anghinar® ����������������������������� 20 Momordica charantia ���������������������� 21 Origavir® ����������������������������������������� 21 Natural Detoxifying Complex ����������� 22 HOF-Neuromion® ���������������������������� 23 Passiflora ���������������������������������������� 24 Hawthorn ���������������������������������������� 24 Passisclerotin ��������������������������������� 25 Natural Hofigal Polyvitamins with Calcium and Magnesium® ������� 26 Tusimun ������������������������������������������ 26 Natural Salicylol ������������������������������ 27 Liver Protector Forte ����������������������� 28 Liver Protector Forte Instant Coffee ��������������������������������� 29 Redigest® ��������������������������������������� 30

Reglacid® ��������������������������������������� 30 Redigest® Plus �������������������������������� 31 Se-Spirulin ������������������������������������� 32 Spirulina ����������������������������������������� 33 Spirulina with Total Sea Buckthorn Extract �������������������� 34 TS-Tobacco Stop ���������������������������� 35 Sea buckthorn oil ��������������������������� 36 Sea buckthorn oil (softgels) ������������� 37 Fish Oil ������������������������������������������� 38

essential oils Pine oil ������������������������������������������� 50 Fennel oil ���������������������������������������� 50 Peppermint oil �������������������������������� 50 Lavender oil ������������������������������������ 51 Eucalyptus oil ��������������������������������� 51 Sage oil ������������������������������������������ 51 Essential basil oil in honey �������������� 52 Essential thyme oil in honey ������������ 52 Essential lavender oil in honey ������� 53 Essential rosemary oil in honey ������� 53

Annual supplement of the HOFIGAL - Nature and Health magazine


edited by

Organic thyme tea �������������������������� 55 Organic echinacea tea �������������������� 56 Organic black currant tea ���������������� 56 Organic plantain tea ������������������������ 57 Organic rosemary tea ��������������������� 57 Organic passiflora tea ��������������������� 58 Organic lemon balm tea ������������������ 58


cosmetics Chelstop ����������������������������������������� 40 Vegetable mild soap ����������������������� 40 Shampoo 5R ���������������������������������� 40 Spirulin Cream �������������������������������� 41 Hair balm with coenzyme Q10 ���������� 41 HOF.VIODANA® range ���������������������� 42 Anti-wrinkle cream �������������������� 42 Cleasing milk ����������������������������� 42 Eye contour gel �������������������������� 43 Neck care cream ������������������������ 43 Body care milk ��������������������������� 43 SUPLIFORM® ���������������������������������� 44 VENHOF ������������������������������������������ 44 Hofident Q10 ������������������������������������ 45 Trilavanda ��������������������������������������� 45 Plantintim solution �������������������������� 46 Plantintim gel ��������������������������������� 46 Bucoprotect gel ������������������������������ 46 Pedisan gel ������������������������������������� 46 Acneogel ���������������������������������������� 47 PLANTHIGEN liquid plant soap �������� 47 Natural deodorant HOFIGAL ������������ 47 "Alexandra" Hand cleansing gel ������ 48 "Alexandra" Hand cream ���������������� 48 "Alexandra" Heels care cream �������� 48

Bilberry Branches ��������������������������� 60 Field maple buds ���������������������������� 60 Alder buds �������������������������������������� 61 Hazel Shoots ����������������������������������� 61 White fir buds ��������������������������������� 62 Horse chestnut buds ����������������������� 62 White hornbeam buds ��������������������� 63 Red buckthorn shoots ��������������������� 63 Black currant buds ������������������������� 64 Mulberry buds �������������������������������� 64 Beech buds ������������������������������������ 65 Ash buds ���������������������������������������� 65 Juniper shoots �������������������������������� 66 Lingonberry shoots ������������������������� 66 Rosehip shoots ������������������������������� 67 Lilac buds ��������������������������������������� 67 White birch buds ����������������������������� 68 Walnut buds ����������������������������������� 68 Blackberry shoots ��������������������������� 69 Fluffy birch buds ����������������������������� 69 Corn radicels ���������������������������������� 70 Hawthorn shoots ����������������������������� 70 Pine buds ��������������������������������������� 71 Black poplar buds ��������������������������� 71 Barley radicels �������������������������������� 72 Rosemary shoots ���������������������������� 72 Blackthorn buds ������������������������������ 73 Oak buds ���������������������������������������� 73 Willow aments �������������������������������� 74 Willow buds ������������������������������������ 74 Willow bark ������������������������������������ 74 Rye Radicels ����������������������������������� 75 Vine shoots ������������������������������������� 75 Dogwood buds �������������������������������� 76 Tuia shoots ������������������������������������� 76 Tuia seeds �������������������������������������� 76 Elm buds ���������������������������������������� 77 Silver lime buds ������������������������������ 77 Raspberry shoots ���������������������������� 78

HERON Foundation - president Mihai Chirea / ISSN: 1842 - 3310

design: Dan Crăciun

food supplements

organic teas

Collaborators from Hofigal:

Anca-Daniela Raiciu Cornelia Manoliu Cristina Durnac



Composition: Each capsule contains milk thistle fruit powder (Silybum marianum) and excipients. Action: Protects and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, it is used for the detoxification of the

body, it increases the glutathione content in the liver, it is an antioxidant (its action much stronger than that of vitamin E, it increases the activity of superoxide dismutase - SOD), it stimulates bile flow, improves digestion of fat, it is slightly laxative (due to the property of increasing bile secretion), it has anti-inflammatory effects (it enables the soothing and the rehydration of irritated mucous membranes of the renal tract, bladder and inflammations in general), it decongests and fights against inflammation (it inhibits the lipoxygenase and the formation of inflammatory products), it cleans and stimulates the regeneration of the skin tissue (by performing a vivid action of deep rehydration).

The product is beneficial for people under stress, alcohol and drug addicts in long medical treatments or for people living or working in polluted, industrialized areas.

Capsules Composition: Each capsule contains powder of sea buckthorn fruit pulp (Hip-

pophae fructus), spirulina biomass powder (Spirulina platensis), fennel essential oil (Foeniculi aetheroleum), lavender essential oil (Lavandulae aetheroleum), peppermint essential oil (Menthae piperita aetheroleum) and excipients. Action: It has fortifying and remineralizing properties, it supplements nutritional deficiencies, it offers liver cell protection, it has immunomodulatory, anti-atheroscrelotic and antioxidant properties, it increases physical and intellectual stamina through increased energy intake, it is antianemic. Recommendations: It provides a rich bioactive food intake necessary to balance the diet in order to improve the functioning of the liver in inflammatory and overload states and, it normalizes blood cholesterol levels, it helps blood lipid correction, effective in functional central nervous system disorders, cardiovascular disorders; it improves the progressive decrease in bone density and higher fragility, for intellectual and physical overload, chronic fatigue, insomnia, obesity, preventive for work in toxic conditions, it increases body resistance against various pathogens (bacteria, viruses), in recovering periods.

Presentation: box containing 1 vial with 60 capsules. Lactose free!

Recommendations: The product is designed

to be a food supplement for the protection and regeneration of liver cells, having an efficient depurative role in the processes of eliminating harmful substances from the body (alcohol, drugs with hepatotoxic side effects, heavy metals, pesticides, toxins from poisonous mushrooms). Valuable adjuvant in chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, hepatic steatosis, angiocolithis, in the inflammatory affections which affect the motility of the gall bladder (atonic bladder with stagnation of bile secretion) except for the presence medium-sized and large of gallstones, favourable response in hepatitis C (it normalizes the high values of serum biochemical parameters), adjuvant in the treatment of liver cancer and other malignancies during chemotherapy and radiation treatments (promotes detoxification and elimination of the resulting metabolite degradation products), in chronic constipation, indigestion, food poisoning, mushroom poisoning (Amanita phalloides), complementary in the treatment for kidney, spleen and pelvic region congestions, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, premenstrual syndrome, benign prostatic hypertrophy, chronic allergies to chemicals and allergens from the environment, some skin disorders (rash, acne, eczema, some cases of psoriasis) through the elimination of toxins and allergens from the body, it has antidepressive by restoring and releasing the stagnant liver energy with a positive influence on the biochemical activity of the body and by the metabolisation of hormones and neurotransmitters

Presentation: box containing 2 blisters (10 capsules / blister). Lactose free!



food supplements



Shelf life: 2 years.

Shelf life: 1 year.


Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains a mixture of extracts from:

Garlic (Allium sativum), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), propolis and constituents. Action: It has lowering properties and rebalances the blood circulation, has tonic effects on the heart and protective coronary action, antihypertensive, hepatoprotective and immunostimulatory, antiplatelet, fibrinolytic, peripheral vessel protective, antiseptic, choleretic, cholagogue, hypoglycemiant, helps the detoxification process, it stimulates the intestinal peristalsis, carminative, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic. Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary to balance the diet for beneficial effects against atherosclerosis, arterial occlusive diseases and atherosclerotic vascular changes (adjuvant in the hygienic-dietry regime in case of lipid disorders) for rebalancing in states of dyslipidemia of different etiologies, characterized by hypercholesterolemia with elevated LDL cholesterol levels - and – low HDL cholesterol levels (it changes the ratio of LDL / HDL), in hipertrigliceridemy and disturbances in concentration of some serum lipoprotein classes, it helps mitigating the harmful action of risk factors (hyperglycemia, hypertension, enables the neutralization of superoxide free radicals, stress factors, various pollutants, radiation etc.). cardioprotective and prevents reinfarction, is an adjuvant in the treatment of moderate hypertension st.I-II (through its action on the vascular resistance, on the annihilation free radicals, fibrinolysis and platelet aggregation), general tonic, immunostimulatory, adaptogenic; it rebalances the nervous system.

Presentation: box containing 2 or 4 blisters / box; (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.


COENZYME Q10 IN SEA BUCKTHORN OIL acts as a catalyst in the chemical and provides body cells the necessary energy for maintaining life, protects the heart, stimulates the immune system, it extends life span by natural means. The product is available in three levels of coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil (oleum Hippophae):

a) COENZYME Q10 IN SEA BUCKTHORN OIL containing 15 mg of coenzyme Q10, sea buckthorn

oil and excipients.

b) COENZYME Q10 IN SEA BUCKTHORN OIL FORTE containing 30 mg coenzyme Q10, sea buck-

thorn oil and excipients.

c) COENZYME Q10 IN SEA BUCKTHORN OIL FORTE PLUS containing 60 mg coenzyme Q10, sea

buckthorn oil and excipients.

Action: it is a natural product that provides an adequate intake of nutrients and bioactive substances to correct deficiencies that occur in the heart, brain, immune system, all organs of the human body.  Exerts antioxidant, tonic, fortifying properties;  Has a strong energizing effect at the level of all cells;  Stimulates cardiac activity, thus having a beneficial action on the heart and blood vessels;  Provides improved rheological properties of the blood;  Regulates cardiac contractility and of te striated muscles;  Enhances significantly the immune function by stimulating the organs involved in the immune function;  Fights against superoxide radicals and protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light at the level of the cell membranes;  Helps slowing down the early aging process;  Helps burning fats and protects them against oxidation or prevents their alteration by the free radicals;  Helps normalize blood pressure, strengthens capillary walls;  Positively influences general metabolism, blood sugar and blood cholesterol;  It is beneficial in maintaining normal body weight;  Helps maintain hormonal balance;  Improves the reproductive function, thus improving fertility;  Effective in detoxification diets;  Supports the increase in the body's resistance to stress, in physical and intellectual effort, removes fatigue;  Invigorates the body and promotes a general feeling of well being. Presentation: Box containing 40 soft-

gels (4 blisters of 10 capsules / blister) in concentration of 15, 30 or 60 mg Coenzyme Q10/ capsule or box with a polyethylene bottle with a stopper to seal and silica gel containing 60 softgels in concentration of 15, 30 or 60 mg Coenzyme Q10/capsule and recommendations for use.

Lactose free!


Shelf life: 2 years.


Softgels Composition: Each softgel contains sea buckthorn oil (Hippo-

phae oleum), linseed oil (Line oleum), Spirulina Platensis biomass (Spirulina platensis), total extract of drone larvae and excipients.

Action: Total extract of drone larvae – natural source of health, vitality and longevity" it is a special bee product, with a complex composition, like royal jelly and it has a very strong effect in revitalizing and energizing potency, has a rich content in protein, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, β-carotene, vitamins, free essential amino acids which offer multiple biologically active properties, it useful for the optimization of body functions, vitality and regeneration. Spirulina - "miracle nutrient" rich in biologically active substances, essential for the human body is an important source of protein, amino acids, vitamins, including beta-carotene, micro-and macro, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) necessary to adjust and balance the metabolic and immunologic functions. Sea buckthorn oil is a multi-vitamin complex that ensures the optimal intake of dietary phytonutrients mainly the β-carotene, fat soluble vitamins D, E, F, K, a series of polyphenolic compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids which support the health body and improve the quality of life by strengthening the immune system. Linseed oil is a direct source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in an balanced optimal ratio (1:3). These fatty acids are essential fats that are part of the cell membranes and neural body, is indispensable for the biosynthesis of brain lipids and for the regulation of major central nervous system processes. Larvalbina is a natural multivitamin and mineral combination, easily digestible, which provides a complete and correct normalization of unbalanced diets and deficiencies that occur with age (over 30-35 years), especially those related to the immune system, hormonal balance and emotional self-adjustment, the brain, neuro-vegetative system, the body's resistance.

food supplements


Coenzyme Q10 in sea buckthorn oil


Recommendations:  Exercises the biotrophic properties, energizing, revitalizing, invigorating and fortifying, antioxidant, good for all ages;  Maintains tissue health, it has a positive effect in the tissue regeneration processes, stimulates and normalizes the exchange of substances at cellular level, restores and balances the metabolic functions of organs caused by various disorders or inflammatory conditions;  Optimizes the sexual function, improves men’s fertility, especially by stimulating spermatogenesis that occurs in the sexual dynamics;  Has a positive effect on the nervous system activity and brain health support, especially in older people;  Improves concentration and memory, increasing cognitive performance during periods of intense intellectual effort;  Supports the restoration of the immune system, increasing the body's natural defense mechanism against viral and bacterial attack of contaminants;  Very effective for periods of intense physical strain, stress, it decreases fatigue in the elderly, convalescent, in mental and emotional depression;  Prevenst and slows down the aging process, removes physical and psychological phenomena related to senescence;  Fights against nervous system imbalances, helps to regulate the activity of internal organs;  Beneficial in disorders of nutrition and hunger control;  Has beneficial effects on menstrual disorders and menopause;  Stimulates digestion, protects liver cells and helps eliminate harmful substances hepatotoxic;  Enhances the activity of the heart and blood circulation, protects coronary vessels and strengthens blood vessels.

Presentation: box containing 40 softgels Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Coated capsules

Composition: Each covered tablet contains extract of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthi tuberosus folium), bilberry fruit extract (Myrtilli fructus), bow turkey powder (Amaranthus caudatus herba), biomass spirulina (Spirulina platensis), sea buckthorn powder (Hippophae fructus) grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera semen), seabuckthorn extract, ascorbic acid and excipients. Action: Antioxidant, detoxificating (it helps reducing the accumulation of heavy metals and facilitates their elimination from the body), anti-inflammatory, antiedematous, fortifying and overall toning, refreshing and rebalancing of the metabolism (it contains protein, fat, vitamins and minerals), energizing and adaptogenic, it contributes to regulating the absorption process of nutrients and their distribution in the body,it improves the general health (it selectively stimulates the growth and / or the activity of microorganisms that belong solely to the useful flora at the level of the colon).


Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains glucosamine sulfate,

chondroitin sulfate, Jerusalem artichoke extract (Helianthi tuberosi tuber) and excipients.

Action: It maintains the structural and functional integrity of the osteo-articular apparatus; it fights against the anatomical and functional degradation of the joints in the aging process, it helps restore and prevent the deterioration of cartilage, it relieves joint pain by regenerating the cartilage, it improves joint mobility, it has remineralizing and fortifying effects, and supplements the body's nutritional deficiencies, it is anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, cardioprotective, antiaterosclerotic; antioxidant; antisenescent (stops or slows down the aging process). The product is designed to supplement the diet that any athlete or person over the age of 40 years should use in complementing the diet and in the prevention of joint damage.

food supplements


Complete Antioxidant®

Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary for osteoarthritis, osteochondritis, osteoporosis, for the protection of the osteo-articular apparatus in cases of increased physical effort in performance athletes or people with professions that require prolonged exercise, in the elderly with joint deformations due to aging, in cases of joint injuries, beneficial for people with increased risk of osteoporosis (in menopause, elderly). Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister). Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years. The product is necessary to supplement the diet with an adequate nutrient intake and bioactive principles because of their harmonious, synergistic combination between plants with antioxidant properties (that capture superoxide free radicals) and the inulin (a polysaccharide with important prebiotic function) in the Jerusalem artichoke.

The inulin is not only a prebiotic that stimulates the beneficial bacteria in the colon and restores the balance in the gastrointestinal tract, but also has an important role in the detoxification of the body by forming with heavy metals some biodegradable complexes which can be eliminated by digestion.

Recommendations: It is a product with a high antioxidant activity that prevents the harmful ac-

tion of superoxide free radicals on the body, it is useful in the complex hygienic-dietary regimen to stimulate cardiac activity with beneficial action on blood vessels, the normalization of blood cholesterol, lipid metabolism, for the proper functioning of the neurovegetative system, it is effective in times of physical and mental strain, exhaustion and fatigue, recovering after surgery, it is a source of silicon and calcium in bone callus formation after fractures, it is beneficial for sportsmen after efforts and helps of the early aging process.

Presentation: box containing 40 coated tablets (4 blisters, 10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!


Shelf life: 2 years.


Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains sea buckthorn extract (Hippophae rhamnoides) licorice root

extract (Glycyrrhiza radix), pansy extract (Violae herba), burdock root (Bardanae radix), dandelion (Taraxaci herba cum radicis) and excipients.

Action: It has depurative, diuretic properties, it enables perspiration, it has laxative effects, it stimulates the functions of the hepatobiliary and pancreatic secretion, bitter tonic, detoxifying (it stimulates the secretory and detoxification function of the liver, it intensifies the elimination of toxins from the colon), antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-allergic, hypoglycemic, it is a cholesterol lowering agent, uricosuric. Recommendations: Food supplement rich in bioactive substances designed for the dietary supplementation indicated in liver disease, hypoacid gastritis, dyspepsia, the malabsorption syndrome, gout, renal calculus, chronic urinary tract infections, edema, it increases the body’s resistance against infectious diseases, fever, constipation (it stimulates bowel movements), dyslipidemia, skin disorders (eczema, acne, furunculosis), general tonic. The product is beneficial to all ages. Presentation: box containing 40 tablets (4 blisters, 10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years


Capsules Composition: Each capsule contains Echina-

cea extract (Echinacea purpurea) and excipients.

Action: It has properties that support and balance the activity of the immune system (it increases the activity of phagocytes, stimulates cell activity and the production of limfokine) it supports the non-specific defense mechanisms against viral and microbial pathogens, it has beneficial effects through its antioxidant, antiinflammatory action. Recommendations: It ensures the intake of bio-

active substances necessary for the physiological functions of the immune system and improves the symptoms of acute or recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract (influenza, colds), herpes, urinary tract infections, general tonic in spring fatigue; beneficial for the healing and shorter convalescence after febrile illness, in disease-related senescence.

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters of 10 capsules / blister. Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Coated tablets Composition: Each coated tablet contains bow

turkey powder (Amaranthus caudatus), Jerusalem artichoke leaf powder (Heliantus tuberous folium), bow turkey extract, celery leaf powder (Apii graveolentidis folium) and excipients.

Action: It has energizing, refreshing, invigorating, fortifying role, it has a soothing action, emollient, diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic, cholagogue, improves digestion, restores the intestinal flora, it stimulates the appetite and the sexuality. Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary to supplement the diet in liver and kidney affections, in functional disorders of the central nervous system (fatigue, exhaustion), bronchitis, and malnutrition, malabsorption syndromes, adjuvant in the states of loss of appetite, slow digestion, constipation; gout; artritism, rheumatism, mental and physical overload, chronic fatigue, it increases the body’s resistance to some infectious and contagious diseases and during convalescence, obesity, osteoporosis, menopause, it has a beneficial role in preventing aging.

food supplements



Presentation: box containing 40 tablets, 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years


Tablets for sucking Composition: Each tablet contains licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza radix), seabuckthorn extract (Hippophae fructus), sage extract (Salviae herba), oregano extract (Origani herba), hyssop extract (Hyssopi herba) echinacea extract (Echinacea herba), raspberry extract (Rubii idaei fructus), rosehip extract (Cynosbati fructus), thyme essential oil (Thymi aetheroleum), fennel essential oil (Foeniculi aetheroleum) and excipients.

Action: It has antiseptic properties on the

airways (naso-pharyngeal and tracheo-bronchial), it stimulates the body's defense mechanisms against immunological respiratory infections - influenza, colds, angina - specific in the cold season, it soothes the cough, the product has tonic and general stimulation action.

Recommendations: It provides the necessary nutrients and bioactive substances in acute

and chronic infections of the respiratory tract, it relieves the unpleasant symptoms of influenza especially in early stages (cough, coryza, respiratory discomfort, fever, difficulty in swallowing, fatigue, loss of appetite).

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister).



Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains bilberry fruit powder (Myrtilli fructus), white mulberry leaves powder (Mori alba folium), bean pods powder without seeds (Phaseoli fructus sine seminibus), birch leaves powder (Betulae folium) and excipients.

Action: Hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, antioxidant. Recommendations: In diabetes mellitus type II (noninsulino-dependent) with or without excessive weight. Its action mainly peripheral enables the product to be associated to the insulin therapy in diabetes type I (insulin-dependent), as it triggers a better balancing of the disease. In these cases, however, the insulin therapy will not be interrupted. Presentation: box containing 6 blisters (10 tablets / blister).

Lactose free!

Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years

Shelf life: 2 years


Coated chewable tablets Composition: Each tablet contains sea buckthorn fruit extract (Hippophae rhamnoides fructus),

lemon balm extract (Melissae herba), hawthorn fruit extract (Cynosbati fructus), echinacea extract (Echinacea purpurea herba), raspberry fruit extract (Rubi idaei fructus), defatted flax seeds (Lini semen).

Potentiation of the action of the natural product ECHINA VIT C on the body’s growing resistance to infection in cases of physical and mental overload as well as its antioxidant capacity was achieved by associating plants rich in bioactive substances with a special synergistic effect Action:  Stimulates and balances the immune system (increases the body's natural defence mechanism);  Fortifies, remineralizes the body;  Antioxidant (prevents the harmful action of the superoxide free radicals), slows down the body's aging process early;  Antianemic (especially in children);  Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and general regenerator of the skin and mucous membranes;  Antiviral (herpes simplex and influenza virus);  Enhances the antiviral action of the interferon due to the vitamin C content present in hawthorn fruits;  Improves the central nervous system and restores the emotional balance;  Antitumor (reduces the appearance of cancer);  Provides a natural intake of vitamins and minerals (A, E, B1, B2, C) for the growth and harmonious development of the child;  Helps to improve memory (especially to children). Recommendations: Intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary to balance the diet

in order to increase the body’s resistance against various pathogens (bacteria, viruses) in airway inflammatory processes (cold, flu states, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis) recovering from febrile illness (especially in children and elderly) recurrent herpes with frequent mucocutaneous rash, urinary tract infection processes and inflammations of the urogenital area, during periods of physical and mental overload, overwork, stress, chronic fatigue, state of fatigue, insomnia, in post chemo- or radiotherapy immunosuppression, bacterial skin infections (especially the streptococcal), psoriasis, neurodermatitis, varicella, different forms of vitamin deficiency, anemia, anorexia (especially in children), after trauma or surgery (accelerates the healing process and reduces septic complications), increases concentration, learning and memory in children (during exams), general body tonic.

Presentation: box containing 60 tablets, 6 blisters (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!


Shelf life: 2 years

Protein Power®

Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains Spirulina biomass (Spirulina platen-

sis), celery leaf protein (Apii graveolentidis folium), lavender essential oil (Lavandulae aetheroleum), fennel essential oil (Foeniculi aetheroleum)

Action: Provides the body with a significant protein intake, vitamins, trace elements, plant pigments (phycocyanin, carotenoids), phytohormones, has energizing action, stimulates the physical and mental balance, is a general body tonic by balancing food diet, adaptogenic. Recommendations: Product intended to supplement the diet in order to maintain the integrity of the physiological functions of the body, correcting protein deficiencies, vitamins, minerals, protecting liver cells, stimulating sexual activity, in anemia, balances the immune system in some bacterial or viral acute and chronic infections, increases body resistance to infections, mental and physical fatigue, stress, in times of physical and mental strain, fatigue, recovering from febrile illness, general tonic. The product is a dietary supplement which does not replace a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

food supplements


Echina VIT. C

Presentation: box containing a bottle with 60 tablets. Shelf life: 2 years


oral, solution Composition: Melissae herba / Millefolii herba / Carvi fructus EUCOLON is part of group: other supplements for functional intestinal disorders.

Action: Adjunct in the symptomatic treatment of digestive disturbances: epigastric bloating, slow digestion, belching, flatulence and in treating pain during functional disorders of the digestive tract. Do not use EUCOLON if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to any component of the product. Recommendations: The drug alcohol content will be taken into consideration when is necessary the concomitant administration of other drugs. It is not recommended the association with medicines for which it is prohibited the concomitant administration with ethyl alcohol. Do not use alcohol while EUCOLON. The active ingredients are essential oils (Melissae herba - Millefolii herba - Carvi fructus 50:30:20 m / m / m) (melissa grass - yarrow grass – caraway fruit ), liquid hydroalcoholic extract (Melissae herba - Millefolii herba - carvi fructus 50:30:20 m / m / m) (melissa grass – yarrow grass- caraway fruit) to 100 g oral drops, solution. - The other ingredients are: glycerol. Presentation: box containing a bottle of 20 ml solution. Shelf life: 2 years


Chewable coated tablets Composition: Each chewable coated tablet includes ascorbic acid, sea buckthorn fruit extract (Hippophae rhamnoides), liquid extract of licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and excipients. Action: It fortifies, and remineralizes the body in order to prevent the tissue aging processes, non-specific immunostimulatory of the body (it has a synergistic action with the interferon α), it increases the resistance to infectious and contagious diseases, antianaemic, general anti-inflammatory, it helps regenerating the skin and mucous membranes, it may increase the effectiveness of the antimicrobial therapy in bacterial infections, it accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, it contributes favorably to the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular illnesses, it slows down the tissue degeneration process caused by the action of harmful superoxide free radicals and reduces the risk of early aging and the cancer occurrence risk (oncogenic cell transformation) it activates the glucose protides and lipid metabolisms, it facilitates the synthesis and the activity of polypeptides with essential biological functions. Recommendations: As a food supplement

with balancing role for the immune system (use in the general treatment of acute and chronic bacterial or viral infections), cardioprotective, effective in capillary fragility, phlebitis, varicose veins, arthritis, anemia, adaptogenic (stress, it increases the body’s resistance to infections, particularly in children, elderly, smokers, alcoholics, during periods of physical and mental strain, exhaustion, convalescence after febrile illness), hepatoprotective, it is beneficial after trauma or surgery to accelerate wound healing and for prevention of septic complications; general body tonic (it tones and regenerates by restoring the collagen tissue structure and of the elastic fibers, it fixes calcium in bones).

Presentation: box containing 4 blister (10 tablets / blister). Contains lactose!


Shelf life: 2 years.


Chewable tablets Composition: Each chewable tablet contains leek ex-

tract (Allium porrum), Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, thyme essential oil (Thyme vulgaris aetheroleum) and excipients.

Action: The product is rich in minerals, vitamins, essential oil, protein and carbohydrates with anthelmintic properties, slightly laxative, antiseptic, calming the states of irritation of the digestive tract, it helps detoxifying the body. Recommendations: It provides dietary supplementation through the bioactive substance intake necessary to eliminate intestinal worms, to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the irritable states of the digestive tract (irritable bowel), to eliminate toxins from the body.

food supplements



Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 chewable tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Capsules Composition: Each capsule contains of of sea buckthorn fruit powder (Hippophae rhamnoides), thistle fruit powder (Sylibum marianum), artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus), rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), fennel essential oil (Foeniculum vulgare) and excipients.

Action: It protects and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, it contributes to the normalization of serum transaminases; it has detoxifying and antioxidant action (2-3 times stronger than vitamin E, it induces and increase in the superoxide dismutase activity - SOD) cholagogue, choleretic (it stimulates the bile flow and improves fat digestion), anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering, with an important role in balancing the immune system. Recommendations: It ensures the supply of essential bioactive nutrients providing the necessary hygienic-dietary regime for people with chronic hepatobiliary diseases, for alcohol and drug addicts or those living or working in polluted areas, it helps reducing the negative effects that may occur in longterm drug treatments (it provides a diet with protective role of the liver cells and purifies the blood). It is valuable adjunct in chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, hepatic steatosis, jaundice, angiocolithis, inflammatory disorders which affect the motility of the gall bladder, to treat hepatitis C and liver cancer, other cancers, during chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment in dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, chronic constipation, indigestion, food poisoning, chronic allergies to chemicals and allergens from the environment. Presentation: box containing 4 blister packs (10 capsules / blister). Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years


Echinacea – Raspberries – Licorice Chewable Tablets Composition: Each chewable tablet contains raspberry fruit

extract (Rubii idaei fructus), Echinacea extract (Echinacea purpurea), concentrated extract of licorice root (Glycyrrhiza radix), magnesium ascorbate and excipients.

Action: It stimulates the immune system, it is antiinflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic, it fluidifies the bron-

chial and pharyngeal secretions, antioxidant, cardioprotective, vasoprotective, it has antineoplastic antileukimic action, (due to the ellagic acid), it contributes to wound healing, fortifies and remineralizes (it regulates the potassium balance), it has antiulcer effects and is an overall body tonic.

Recommendations: For supplementing the diet with nutrients and bioactive substances in: acute and chronic infections of the upper airways (angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis), prophylactic during periods with increased risk of infection with influenza viruses, it has sweating effects in fever, in recurrent herpes episodes of mucocutaneous rash, frequent urinary tract infections, inflammatory urogenital processes; immunodepression after radiotherapy or chemotherapy, bacterial skin infections, psoriasis, neurodermitis, chronic cardiovascular diseases associated with hypercholesterolemia, adjuvant in the diet indicated in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcers, tonic during periods of physical and mental strain, exhaustion. Presentation: box containing 3 blisters (10 chewable tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years

Hof. Estronat

Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains thyme extract (Thy-

mus vulgaris), raspberry extract (Rubii idaei fructus), sea buckthorn extract (Hippophae fructus), sage extract (Salviae herba), thyme essential oil (thyme aetheroleum), volatile sage oil (Salviae aetheroleum) and excipients.

Action: Useful for the daily dietary supplement in women with underlying endocrino – gynecological disorders, it regulates the amount menstrual cycle (rate, duration, flow), it stimulates gently and balances hormonal estrogen levels in all physiological hormonal stages of female life; nervous system tonic, immunostimulatory, it increases the resistance to viral and microbial infections. The product does not contain synthetic estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or steroid derivatives with potential harmful risk. The product does not trigger gaining weight and there is no addiction risk.

food supplements


Hof.Imun® FORTE

Recommendations: It is rich in bioactive substances which are beneficial in regulating the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain and cramps, premenopause disorders and menopause (hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, headache, dizziness, palpitations, mood changes, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, vulvo - vaginal itching), hormonal fluctuations after childbirth, hysterectomy, ovariectomy, it increases the tone in uterine muscle, helps to stop lactation when weaning children, it helps improve back pain and pre-and postoperative pelvic pain. Presentation: box containing 2 or 4 blisters, 10 tablets / blister. Lactose free!

Hof.Imun® Capsules Composition: Each capsule contains extract of the aerial

parts and roots of Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia, zinc gluconate, vitamin C and excipients.

Action: It stimulates the immune system, enhances the effec-

tiveness of antimicrobial therapy in bacterial infections, helps to normalize the activity of the prostate gland, general anti-inflammatory, it accelerates wound healing and ensures a good healing of burns and damaged tissues, it decreases cholesterol synthesis and deposits in vessels and tissues, it stimulates the pituitary gland and corticosuprarenal functions, it contributes to the normal development of gonads, it slows down the tissue degeneration process under the action of harmful superoxide free radicals and reduces early aging process and the cancer risk, it promotes the synthesis and biological activity of polypeptides with essential functions.

Recommendations: It enhances resistance to infections, it is recommended during times of physical and mental strain, exhaustion, adjunct in the general treatment of acute bacterial or viral infections and chronic diseases associated with chronic cardiovascular hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, prostate disease, chronic respiratory diseases, chronic hepatitis, post-trauma or post-surgery to accelerate wound healing and for the prevention of septic complications.

Presentation: box containing 3 blisters (10 capsules / blister).


Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years

Shelf life: 2 years


Capsules Composition: Each capsule contains gizzard cuticle powder, pars-

ley leaves - Petroselini folium, yarrow - Millefolii herba, wheat bran - Triticum aestivum; fir essential oil - Abies alba aetheroleum, fennel essential oil - Foeniculi aetheroleum and excipients.

Action: It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in the digestive system and kidneys, lowering the risk of forming gall and reno-ureteral stones (it helps decomposition and disposal), regulator of the motility and of the digestive and gall bladder functions, it regulates processes of digestion and absorption, it has cholesterol-lowering effect and it is slightly hypoglycemic, diuretic, depurative. Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients, enzymes and bioactive substances in the diet with beneficial role for the prevention of kidney stones and gall stones, in the hygienic-dietetic regim, it is indicated in urinary infections, in the correction of intestinal dismicrobism and the treatment of acute indigestion. Adjunct in fighting against toxic and allergic conditions. Presentation: box containing a bottle with 60 capsules. Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years


Composition: Each coated tablet contains Jerusalem artichoke extract (Helianthi tuberosi tuber), linseed (Lini semen), calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, oil, garlic extract concentrate (Alli sativi bulbus), leek juice (Allii Porri), potassium carbonate and excipients. Jerusalem artichoke contains phytocomplex substances with antioxidant action and the inulin from Jerusalem artichoke is effective in restoring intestinal flora, it regulates the digestion transit and detoxifies the colon. Linseed oil contains large amounts of mucilages having a regulator effect on the intestinal transit. It contains unsaturated acids of the Omega-3 and Omega 6 type, which have a well-known role in the central nervous system, it contains oleic acid, with protective and antioxidant action for the normal secretion of testosterone, whose effect is the proper functioning of the prostate. Leek has fiber and mucilage in its composition with a role in maintaining normal bowel movements and the alliin and allicin which it contains have anthelmintic and antibiotic effects, it is a great source of micronutrients. Action: Lipid-lowering, cholesterol lowering,

triglycerides lowering, it regulates the relationship between the "good" and "bad" cholesterol (HDL / LDL).  Ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary to balance the diet in preventing and combating atherosclerosis;  Rebalancing of dyslipidemia states of different etiologies;  Optimization of cholesterol level in the body;  Neutralization and capturing of superoxide free radicals;  Inhibits the formation of undesirable fat in the body and their depositing.

Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary to bal-

ance the diet in preventing and fighting against atherosclerosis (the thickening and solidification of the arterial wall with progressive reduction of lumen and loss of elasticity of blood vessels) for rebalancing dyslipidemia states of different etiologies, characterized by high cholesterol LDL valuesand the optimization of the cholesterol level in the body (it reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and removes the deposits from the blood vessels); it mitigates the harmful action of risk factors (elevated triglycerides, blood glucose and blood pressure), it neutralizes and captures superoxide free radicals.

It can be associated with the hygienic-dietary supplement regime in allopathic treatments for cholesterol-lowering, antihypertensive.


L-Carnitin Complex Capsules

Composition: Each capsule contains L-carnitine (as tartrate), Coenzyme Q10, sea buckthorn extract (Hippophae fructus), raspberry extract (Rubii idaei fructus) and excipients. The product is a dietary supplement with a complex composition harmoniously combining metabolic activation and energy stimulation properties of L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10 with vitamins, flavonoids and trace elements present in sea buckthorn and raspberry extracts. It is recommended to supplement the diet of conventional treatments or to maintain the balance and health state of the entire body.

food supplements


Hof. Lipomin

Coated tablets

Action: It stimulates and maintains energy levels

and metabolic processes within physiological parameters, modulates immunological mechanisms of resistance of the organism against pathogens, has cardioprotective and antioxidant action, it helps to slow down the aging process, it enhances the contractile activity of the striated muscle and the endurance to effort; it improves the energy metabolism in the brain and transmission of nerve impulses.

Recommendations: Ideal for supplementing the diet of athletes during training (before and after the race) in people with intellectual and intense physical activity (substantial psychophysical request) appropriate diet in the treatment of rapid weight loss and strict vegetarian diet for long periods. It is a dietary supplement which has to be used by people aged 30-35 years, to stimulate the activity of myocardial metabolic activity and detoxification of the liver cell to prevent joint degradation and stimulating the body's psycho-physical capabilities, to fight against early aging phenomena which require adequate food intake, exercise and performing physical therapy methods, in neuropsychiatric diseases (Alzheimer's disease, anorexia, chronic fatigue syndrome, memory impairment, Down syndrome) in patients with diabetes undergoing a long-term dietary treatment in glucose balance disturbances and to prevent vascular and neurological consecutive complications, in cardiovascular diseases (cardiomyopathy dilatative, ischemic heart disease, recovery after heart attack, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, arthritis) in dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, in liver affections (cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis as a result of alcohol abuse, hepatic steatosis), hyperthyroidism, male infertility due to decreased sperm motility, in mothers suspected of premature birth (it ensures proper functioning and maturing of the child's lungs, it lowers the risk of sudden death in premature babies), chronic renal failure, for hemodialysis-dependent patients.

Presentation: box containing 4 blister strips (10 coated tablets / blister).

Presentation: box containing 4 blister packs (10 capsules / blister).

Lactose free!

Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years

Shelf life: 2 years.


Coated capsules Composition: Each coated capsule contains seabuck-

thorn oil, linseed oil, lecithin, zinc gluconate and excipients.

Action: It ensures the health and morpho-functional integrity of the prostate, has protective effect against colon cancer, it stimulates the body's immune system and increases the resistance to intercurrent infections, respiratory infections and of the urinary tract, also has anti-inflammatory action, it fortifies, and has antioxidant properties (it reduces the harmful effects of free radicals). Recommendations: It is a dietary supplement with complex properties recommended for the prevention against the risk of benign prostatic hypertrophy,it is beneficial in the diet of people with symptoms caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy (frequent urination, especially at night, feeling of incomplete urination, painful urination), prostatitis, benign prostatic adenoma, adenocarcinoma of the prostate with and without conventional treatment (the anticancer effect of lycopene). The product Licoprostat® does not require replacement of conventional treatment of diseases but it is beneficially administered together with them, as it has an adequate nutrient intake and reduces side effects of synthetic drugs. Presentation: box containing 4 blister packs (10 capsules / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 1 year.

Mag - Anghinar

Coated tablets Composition: Each coated tablet contains artichoke extract (Cynarae folium)

enriched with organic magnesium salts easily to assimilate by complexing the active principles and excipients.

Action: Colagogo-choleretic (it increases bile secretion and qualitatively modifies

bile composition), diuretic (it increases urine volume, the elimination of urea and toxic nitrogenous substances), stimulates glucose metabolism with favorable effect on diabetes cases, it has a positive influence on cholesterol metabolism, it detoxifies and has antiallergic effects (it stimulates the antitoxic function of the liver), it corrects organic deficiencies of magnesium.

Recommendations: It ensures the intake of bioactive substances to supple-

ment the diet in all cases where it is needed to stimulate bile flow and diuresis in order to favorably influence the metabolism of cholesterol in hepatobiliary diseases, subacute and chronic cholecystitis angiocolithis, biliary dyskinesia, it fights against metabolic and functional disorders which are the consequences of a chronic digestive disorders, adjuvant in the treatment of stomach and intestinal diseases, of intestinal dismicrobism with excessive fermentation and flatulence, enteritis, spastic enterocolitis, cramping, acute indigestion and hemorrhoids, anaphylactic states, urticaria, pruritus, allergic dermatitis, food allergies and other allergic manifestations caused by the liver, migraine states, organic magnesium deficiency, atonia and muscle cramps, spasmophilia, adjunct in the treatment of heart diseases.

Presentation: box containing a bottle of 40 coated tablets.


Shelf life: 2 years.

Coated tablets Composition: Each coated tablet contains powder

and extract of Momordica charantia (bitter cucumber) and excipients.

Action: Hypoglycemic properties (achieved through the P polypeptide - with insulin-like activity and stimulates the pancreatic Langerhans cells), it regulates blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, it normalizes the ratio LDL / HDL cholesterol, it decreases the risk of atherogenesis and cardiovascular diseases, it has nonspecific immunostimulant action on the body, antioxidant, blood cleanser, diuretic, antiinflammatory, appetizer, laxative, remineralizing and fortifying, tonic. Recommendations: A dietary supplement with balancing role of carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms (diabetes type II noninsulino-dependent, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome), the product is also designed for healthy individuals with any predisposition to diabetes in order to maintain blood glucose within normal variation (it decreases the risk of diabetes) it stimulates the immune system in adolescents, the elderly, smokers, alcoholics, in physical and mental strain, exhaustion, convalescence after infectious diseases, in chronic cardiovascular diseases associated with hypercholesterolemia (ischemic heart disease, systemic hypertension ), chronic renal failure. Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 coated tablets / blister).


Contains lactose!

Momordica charantia

food supplements



Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Solution for Internal Use Composition: the solution containing a mixture of oregano extract

(Origani herba) and liquorice extract (Radix Liquiritiae).

Action: The association of the two extracts have beneficial effects in relieving upper airway disorders by stimulating the biological functions of the respiratory system and increases local defence to infections, it has expectorant and sedative properties of cough, and fluidifies bronchial and pharyngeal secretions, it is a good antiseptic of the respiratory tract (nasal-pharyngeal and tracheobronchial) nonspecific immunostimulator of the body and increases its general resistance against respiratory infections specific to the cold season. Recommendations: A dietary supplement that provides a supply of bioactive substances with complex properties in balancing the diet in: acute and chronic infections of the respiratory tract (influenza, cold, angina, etc..) Relieves unpleasant symptoms of influenza especially in the early stages (irritating cough, respiratory discomfort, fever, loss of appetite, etc), laryngitis, tracheitis, acute bronchitis and chronic cough. Presentation: 50 ml dropper bottle. Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Tablets for sucking Composition: Each tablet for sucking contains licorice root extract (Liquiritiae radix) milk thistle

fruit extract (Cardui marianae fructus), basil extract (Basil herba), thyme extract (thyme herba), raspberry fruit extract (Rubii idae fructus), lemon balm extract (Melissae herba) peppermint extract (Menthae piperita herba), lavender extract (Lavandulae flos), rosemary essential oil (Rosmarin aetheroleum), peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita aetheroleum) and excipients.

By combining the extracts from the composition of the product "Natural detoxifying complex" a phytocomplex with general detoxifying action was designed to ensure the neutralization of toxins and their elimination from the body.

Action: Hepatoprotective, it stimulates protein synthesis, protects and triggers liver cell regeneration, it contributes to the normalization of elevated serum transaminases, it helps increasing the bile flow, it improves fat digestion, it has a slightly laxative and depurative effect efficient in the processes of elimination of harmful substances (alcohol, drugs with hepatotoxic side effects, heavy metals, pesticides, anesthetics, toxins from poisonous mushrooms), it has immunostimulatory action and it helps neutralizing the effect of some allergenic substances; it displays antidepressant effects and a detoxifying action of the central and neurovegetative nervous system. Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances for protecting and

restoring the liver cell function and has a prophylactic effect against the development of diseases caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body. It is recommended in hepatic failure, hepatic steatosis, inflammatory disorders affecting the motility of the gall bladder (atonic bladder with stagnation of bile secretion) except for the presence of medium-sized and large gallstones, chronic allergies to chemicals and allergens from the environment, some skin disorders (rash, acne, eczema, in some psoriasis cases), it is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of some forms of cancer during chemotherapy and radiation treatments (it enables the detoxification and elimination of the resulting degradation metabolites), chronic constipation, indigestion, food poisoning, mushroom poisoning, complementary treatment of the renal congestion, spleen, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, premenstrual syndrome, benign prostatic hypertrophy, states of depression induced by the negative influence of liver malfunction on the general metabolic activity of the body. It can be used during long courses.

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets for sucking / blister).


HOF-Neuromion® Comprimate

Composition: Each tablet contains pepper pericarp powder (Capsicii fructus pericarpium), blades of rice (Oryza sativa paleae), blades of wheat (Triticum aestivum paleae), sunflower seeds pericarp (Helianthi semen pericarpium), hawthorn fruit (Cynosbathi fructus) and excipients. Action: Plants used in the formula have a myo-inositol-rich content, polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins and trace elements, bioactive principles necessary to stimulate neuronal metabolism and the recovery of nerve structures; it stabilizes general nerve activity, with favorable effects on neuroses and early processes of cerebral atherosclerosis and on neuromotor recoveries, it has a strong antioxidant and lipid-lowering action, which explains the beneficial effect of prevention of chronic complications in cases of diabetes (the main dysmetabolic ways which operate in diabetes at a neuronal level are intercepted) bioactive neurotropic substances with hypoglycemic potential determine favorable neurophysiological clinical effects. One of the main elements, myo-inositol, found in large quantities in this product, is important in the restoration of the neuron metabolism by the incorporation in the neuronal membrane as phosphatidyl-inositol and as fosfatiditil- inositol-diphosphate. The phytotherapeutic product contains bioactive principles with the potential to normalize blood glucose which is of particular importance for the metabolic balance of diabetes as hyperglycemia is the primary biochemical disturbance in diabetic neuropathy.

food supplements


Natural Detoxifying Complex

HOF-Neuromion - dietary supplement with beneficial action in the diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy, both somatic and autonomic and other neuropathies (alcoholic, toxic, etc.). It has favorable effects in neuroses, in the early cerebral atherosclerosis process and in neuromotor recovery.

Recommendations: It is recommended together with the specific treatment of metabolic balance in diabetes type II (insulin-independent) with or without excessive fat; for the mostly peripheral action, the product may be associated with insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus type I (insulin-dependent) inducing a better balancing of the disease while using it together with hypoglycemic medication (in these cases insulin therapy and oral hypoglycaemic medication will not be interrupted). Presentation: box containing 6 blisters (10 tablets / blister).

Lactose free!

Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years

Shelf life: 2 years.


extract of Passiflora (Passiflora herba), Jerusalem artichoke tubers powder (Helianthi tuberosus tuber) and excipients.

Actions: Sedative, anxiolytic, hypnotic, antispas-

modic, diaphoretic, vasodilators, with moderate hypotensive action. Some studies show that unlike synthetic substances with sedative action, Passiflora favors the induction of normal, restful sleep and when the patient wakes up there is not a state of drowsiness, neurological or mental depression (there are no signs of dizziness, confusion, stupor or melancholy).

Recommendations: Ensures the intake of bioactive substances with beneficial effects in states of

insomnia with difficulty of triggering the sleep state, irritability states, cardiac eretism (palpitations, extrasystoles, tahycardia, feeling of anxiety), neuralgia, irritable bladder syndrome (frequent sensations of urgent urination), states of tension and irritability in premenstrual syndrome, irritability, depression and insomnia in menopause, back pain.

Passisclerotin Coated tablets

Composition: Each coated tablet contains lemon balm extract (Melissae herba), hawthorn extract (Crataegi folium cum flore), goose foot extract (Leonuri herba), valerian root powder (Valerianae radix), Passiflora powder (Passiflorae herba), Coenzyme Q10 and excipients. Action: It acts as a eurotonic and sedative of the central nervous system, anxiolytic, antidepressant, muscle relaxant, it stimulates the cardiac function, strengthens capillary walls; it has coronarodilatatoary properties and improves the blood flow to the heart, antiarrhythmic, it increases the cerebral vascularisation, peripheral vasodilator, it helps to efficiently use the oxygen and prevent the harmful action of superoxide free radicals on the cardiovascular system; antiatherosclerotic, antioxidant, antispasmodic and detoxifying of the body.

It is a natural remedy for the improvement of the psycho-emotional balance and restores the physiological functions of the central nervous system in stress conditions which may have negative effects on people predisposed to certain cardiovascular functional disorders, gastrointestinal, renal, metabolic.

food supplements



Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains powder and

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years


Capsules Composition: Each capsule contains powder of hawthorn leaves and flowers (Crataegi folium cum flore) and excipients.

Action: Cardiac functional properties (positive

inotropic effect), moderate coronarodilatory (improves blood flow to coronary arteries, restores the integrity of blood vessels, positive use of oxygen), peripheral vasodilator, it has normotensive action, it has anticoagulant effects and mild diuretic, sedative of the central nervous system, it may increase the effect of digitalis and beta-blockers, antioxidant and antispasmodic.

Recommendations: Provides the necessary intake of dietary bioactive substances in conges-

tive heart failure, angina, miocardosclerosis, arrhythmias, myocardial recovery, cardiac erethism, heart disorders with nervous causes, restlessness, tension, irritability, emotional states, neurovegetative disorders in menopause, hypertension with psychogenic causes (stress, etc.) atherosclerosis, in people after the age of 50 to improve blood circulation to the heart and prevent the harmful effect of superoxide free radicals on the cardiovascular system.

Presentation: box containing two blisters (10 capsules / blister).


Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.

Recommendations: It provides rich nutrients and bioactive substances in the diet necessary to balance depression, anxiety, tension and nervousness states, to reduce irritability, in emotional states, in menopausal neurovegetative disorders (palpitations, anxiety), the minor sleep disturbances (difficulty in falling asleep), psychomotor agitation, it calms the cardiac erethism (palpitations, extrasystoles, tahycardia), abnormal cardiovascular function, improves circulation in the coronary arteries, in the prevention and elimination of cholesterol deposits, recovering from heart attacks, cardiacdisorders with nervous substrate; in hypertension with psychogenic cause, circulatory disorders that occur especially in elderly people; cerebral circulatory disorders which have a spastic atherosclerotic nature, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, headache, nausea, stomach pain with nervous substrate, menstrual pain associated with and vegetative symptoms and mental instability, it slows the body's aging process. It is beneficial for the dietary regim for maintaining the proper functioning of the heart and of the circulatory system. Presentation: box containing 4 blister (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years


Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains sea buckthorn

oil (Hippophae oleum), Mg2+, Ca2+ and excipients. Action: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances to support the body's metabolic functions and maintaining its health; properties: fortifies, antianaemic, hepatoprotective, antiatherosclerotic, antioxidant, immunomodulating, it increases the physical and intellectual stamina through increased energy intake; it helps the remineralization of the body.  Calcium is essential for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, heart function, capillaries permeability and cell membranes; M agnesium plays a vital role in various enzymatic activities, in transmitting nerve impulses and muscle excitability. Recommendations: Product is designed to supplement the diet in the liver and central nervous system disorders, syndromes of malabsorption and malnutrition; it has a beneficial role in some cardiovascular diseases, in the prolonged treatment with thiazide and loop diuretics, growth disorders, in calcium and magnesium deficiency; for normal callus formation after fracture, for the intellectual and physical overload, chronic fatigue, insomnia, preventive for work in toxic conditions, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages in the course of alcoholism, obesity, to increase the body’s resistance to some infectious and contagious diseases and during convalescence, in osteoporosis, menopause, some anti-cancer medication treatments and some antibiotics that can cause magnesium deficiency. Presentation: folding box containing tablets 20/40, 2 / 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister).

Natural Salicylol

Tablets NATURAL SALICYLOL – has an effective painkiller action, it prevents fever and inflammation, it is

well tolerated with no irritant effects on the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Unlike all the other "variants" of synthesis of many commercial products, SALICYLOL product has no side effects and is perfectly tolerated by the body. In fact, one of the oldest ways to combat fever and pain is "natural aspirin". Its beneficial effects have been known since around 400 BC through the careful and judicious observations of Hippocrates who considered the "father of medicine" and who used to recommend the use of willow bark powder "to lower body temperature and reduce pain in childbirth".

NATURAL SALICYLOL – because of its content rich in salicin, it acts selectively, it passes through

the stomach and intestine without irritating the stomach lining and without causing some functional disorders at the level of the gastrointestinal tract. From liver, where it is converted into salicylic acid, the salicilol reaches the bloodstream, where it exerts its beneficial anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic action, without having adverse effects. Composition: Each tablet contains willow bark extract (Salicis cortex), rosemary (rosemary herba), marjoram (Origani herba) - in a synergistical relation with the rosemary acid- and excipients.

NATURAL SALICYLOL - natural remedy with a rich content of salicin, easily digestible,it has antipyretic properties and antineuralgic action, it does not irritate the digestive tract, protects the liver, supports respiratory health, it is beneficial to the health of the cardiovascular system. Action: antiinflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, febrifuge, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, antiseptic of the respiratory tract (nasal-pharyngeal and tracheo-bronchitis) and of the gastrointestinal mucosa; sedative in cough, fluidifies bronchial and pharyngeal secretions, antiplatelet (decreases blood viscosity), sedative of the nervous system, tonic of the body.

Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Solution for Internal Use Composition: Plantain extract (Plantago media), licorice extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra), valerian tincture (Valeriana officinalis) and excipients.

Action: Anti-inflammatory, fluidifies the bronchial secretion, emollient, expectorant, healing, relieves cough, sedatives immunstimulatory.

Recommendations: The product contains the necessary dietary bioactive

principles in acute and chronic affections of the respiratory tree (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, acute and chronic lung diseases of different etiologies accompanied by spastic irritative cough). The product is recommended for people with diabetes as it is sugar free. The content of valerian tincture induces relaxation and promotes sleep. The product should not be used before driving a vehicle or by those whose profession requires an accurate psychomotor performance in combination with alcohol consumption.

Presentation: box containing a vial of 90.0 g solution.


Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.

food supplements


Natural Hofigal Polyvitamins with Calcium and Magnesium®

Recommendations:  Relieves muscle and joint pain, headaches, muscle contractures;  Improves rheumatic flare-ups;  Chronic inflammatory processes;  Fever, cold, flu states;  Pain caused by acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, the mouth, urogenital tract and menstrual pain.  Prevents the formation of blood clots-an effective natural solution to combat the appearance of cardiovascular disorders (attenuates or reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke);  Provides a slight decrease in blood pressure;  Efficient in intense physical exercise (ensures physical performance in athletes);  Has calming and sedative effects in states of nervous anxiety, insomnia. Presentation: box containing 60 tablets (6 blisters x 10 tablets / blister).

Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Tablets Composition: Each tablet contains milk thistle fruits extract (Card marianae fructus), liquorice root extract (Radix Liquiritiae) Echinacea extract (Echinacea herba), propolis tincture and excipients. Action: A product designed as a dietary supplement for the beneficial effects on liver cell protec-

tion, detoxification (alcohol and other hepatotoxic substances), antioxidant cholagogue-choleretic (stimulates bile flow), for the prevention and control of fatty liver, it stimulates the immune system, the inflammatory digestive tract and it is mucosal protective with antiviral action.

Recommendations: Is beneficial and recommended for people under stress, alcohol and drugs addicted, for long-term drug treatment, or for people living or working in industrialized, polluted areas.

Liver Protector Forte Instant Coffee Doses X 5 g Composition: An envelope contains dande-

lion leaves and artichokes soluble extract, milk thistle fruit soluble extract, lemon balm soluble extract, licorice root soluble extract, mint soluble extract.

Action: Bitter tonic, with hepatoprotective role (it stimulates liver cell regeneration, helps to normalize elevated serum transaminases and improves bile flow) due to the content of bitter taraxacin principle, vitamin B complex, choline, mineral salts from dandelion, guanidin, cinarine with bitter taste, flavonoid compounds from artichoke, silymarin from milk thistle with antihepatotoxic effect and protector of hepatocytes;

food supplements


Liver Protector Forte

 Antiviral and immunomodulatory effect (stimulates the body's immune protection capacity and prevents the impairment of the metabolic functions of the liver cell) due to the glycyrrhizin content or glycyrrhizinic acid from licorice, flavonoids, rosemary acid, ursolic acid;  Spasmolytic and sedative action because of principles from lemon balm and mint;  Blood cleanser, detoxifier, antioxidant;  Anti-inflammatory, protective of the digestive tract mucosa and of the irritated mucosa of the kidney and bladder;  Helps to regulate blood sugar levels;  The product tastes like coffee because it contains a series of principles which are also present in coffee, which gives it its specific aroma;  Rich source of minerals with energizing and refreshing action. D ietary supplement with protection role of the liver cell, it is effective in processes of waste removal by eliminating harmful substances (alcohol, drugs with hepatotoxic side effects, heavy metals, pesticides, anesthetics, toxins from poisonous mushrooms);  Valuable in diets recommended for chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, hepatic steatosis, jaundice, angiocolithis, inflammatory disorders affecting the motility of the gall bladder (atonic bladder with stagnation of bile secretion) except for the presence of medium and large gall stones;  Favourable response in hepatitis C (it normalizes elevated biochemical serum parameters);  Adjuvant in the treatment of liver cancer and other malignancies during chemotherapy and radiation treatments (it enables the detoxification and elimination of resulting degradation metabolites);

 Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, hepatic steatosis, jaundice, angiocolithis, inflammatory disorders affecting the motility of the gall bladder (atonic bladder with stagnation of bile secretion) except for the presence of medium and large gall stones ;  During chemotherapy and radiation treatment it promotes the detoxification and elimination of the resulting degradation metabolites;

 Chronic constipation, indigestion, food poisoning, mushroom poisoning (Amanita phalloides)

 Chronic constipation, indigestion, food poisoning, mushroom poisoning (Amanita phalloides)

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister) or 2 blistetres (10 tablets /

 Spleenic congestion, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, premenstrual syndrome, benign prostatic hypertrophy.


Lactose free!


Recommendations: The product can satisfactorily replace the organoleptic characteristics (taste, aroma) of natural coffee or instant coffee, for people used to consume high quantities of coffee and at the same time the product offers a beneficial protection of the liver and the digestive tract. Thus, people who use this product benefit from the possibility to avoid unwanted side effects of the natural coffee (cardiovascular, neurological and digestive) due to purine alkaloids. The product is recommended as a substitute for coffee with the hepatoprotective effect in:

Shelf life: 2 years

Presentation: 5g sachets, 24 sachets / box. Shelf life: 2 years


Capsules, chewable tablets Composition: Each capsule / tablet contains

milk thistle fruit powder (Cardui marianae fructus), gizzard cuticle powder and excipients.

Action: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances acting as a daily dietry supplement, it is an effective polienzymatic substitute for the regulation of diet in various digestive disorders, it protects liver cells, inflammatory and antiseptic in the digestive tract and related organs (liver, pancreas), it regulates the digestive tract and gall bladder motility, it has litolitic effect, prevents gall and renoureteral stones, it has cholesterol-lowering and hypoglycemic effects, detoxifying (favoring the elimination of toxins and heavy metals). Recommendations: Maintain physiological functions of the digestive system, relieves symptoms of some disorders such as chronic hepatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, chronic and functional colopathies, intestinal dismicrobism, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, gall and kidney stones, post colecistectomy syndrome, acute indigestion, alergodermy with food causes, it has positive effects in dystrophies, cachexia, ulcero-hemorrhagic rectocolitis, intestinal parasites. Recommended for people immobilised for a long time for bowel regulation. Presentation: box containing 30 capsules (3 blisters 10 capsules / blister); a bottle with 30 chewable tablets.

Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Capsules / Tablets Composition: Each capsule / tablet contains sea buckthorn fruit powder (Hippophae fructus), chicken gizzards cuticle, chamomile flower (Chamomillae flos), St. John's wort (Hyperici herba), amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus herba), essential thyme oil (Thymi vulgaris aetheroleum), lavender essential oil (Lavandulae aetheroleum) and excipients.

Redigest® Plus Coated tablets

Composition: Each coated tablet con­tains concentrated hydrolyzate from chicken gizzard cuticle, milk thistle fruit extract (Cardui marianae fructus), raspberry fruit extract (Rubii idaei fructus), Jerusalem artichoke tubers extract (Helianthi tuberosus tuber) and excipients. Action: It improves digestion, it helps to regulate the absorption of nutrients and their distribution in the body, regulates the bowel, stimulates the multiplication of microorganisms specific to the flora useful for inhibiting pathogens in the intestine, hepatoprotective and effective regulation of liver functions; action anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in the digestive tract and related organs, it regulates the digestive tract and gall bladder motility, it prevents gall and renoureteral stones with litolitic effect, helps regulate lipid metabolism and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, it has cholesterol-lowering and hypoglycemic effects, detoxifying (favoring the elimination of toxins and heavy metals from the body), action to improve calcium absorption.

food supplements



Recommendations: Food supplement providing enzymes and bioactive substances necessary to complete and normalize unbalanced diets in: chronic hepatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, chronic and functional colopathies, intestinal dismicrobism, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, gall and kidney stones syndrome post colecistectomy, acute indigestion,alergodermies with food causes, basic enzyme deficient in food intake. Adjuvant in dystrophies, drug poisoning, gout, obesity (slow intestinal absorption and decreases the utilization of calories from food sources) to regulate bowel movements in people immobilized for a long time, it can be administered to people suffering from diabetes (subject to long-term diabetic treatment).

Action: Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory at the level of the gastro-intestinal

tract, improves some mild gastrointestinal diseases and prevents complications and the evolution towards severe forms. It regulates gastric acidity, improves digestion, protects gastrointestinal mucosa and stimulate its regeneration. Depurative, slightly laxative and diuretic.

Recommendations: adjunct in gastrointestinal disorders, of the

esophageal reflux, of toxic and allergic conditions, of acute indigestion and intestinal dismicrobism. It fights against gastric hyperacidity, it improves functional metabolic disorders which are the consequences of chronic disorders of the digestive tract.

Presentation: box containing a bottle of 60 capsules or bottle of 60 tablets.


Contains lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years.

The combination of the hydrolysed concentrate of poultry gizzards cuticle (polyenzimatic substitute) with inulin (polysaccharide with important prebiotic function) creates a dietary supplement recommended for creating the conditions for balancing digestive enzymes, beneficial in stimulating and maintaining the body's metabolic processes within physiological parameters.

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 coated tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years.


Composition: Each coated tablet contains al-

gae powder, Spirulina platensis, selenium yeast, Jerusalem artichoke extract and excipients. The product is intended to supplement the diet as a metabolic correction factor to support the body's physiological processes and restore health (regulates some metabolic functions, stimulates the effector cells of the immune system, normalizes the substances exchange at the cellular level). Contributes to lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and immune function deficit. The presence of selenium (often missing in the diet of the population) associated with Spirulina is useful to supplement unbalanced diets or deficient in nutrient content, fiber and bioactive substances.

Action: It has antioxidant effects, facilitates the removal of toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides,

it stimulates the production of corticosteroids, insulin, thyroid hormones, adrenaline, noradrenaline, increases the body's defence capacity against infections, it prevents the decrease in the number of leukocyte after X rays therapy; it stimulates hematopoiesis (growth in the amount of hemoglobin and in the number of red blood cells) to stimulate the functions of macrophages, of the NK cytotoxic activity and phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclears, lipid-lowering and cholesterol-lowering, it has effects on the stimulation of spermatogenesis, to prevent impotence and frigidity, to stimulate lactation, controls hunger, helps the digestive process, protects and stimulates regeneration of liver cells, contributes to the normalization of high levels of serum transaminases, antiviral (Herpes Simplex, cytomegalovirus, measles, mumps and influenza type A viruses), anti-allergic by inhibiting delayed hypersensitivity reactions.

Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E present in Spirulina and prevents the oxidative damage to cell membranes, it enhances the production of antioxidant enzymes. Recommendations: In chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis (having the role of protecting liver cell and

and it is efficient in the waste removal processes and removes harmful substances with toxic hepatitis effects), gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus type II, obesity, renal failure, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, adrenal insufficiency, autonomic dystonia, nervous strain, sustained intellectual effort, it helps improve sports performance, it balances the lack of calcium and magnesium (it contains Mg and Ca organically assimilable), retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract, it prevents early aging, adjunct in hygienic-dietary regime recommended in the prevention of malignant diseases, radioprotector, chronic allergies to chemicals and allergens from the environment. It can be used during prolonged courses together with the conventional treatment recommended by your doctor.

Presentation: box containing 4 blister (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!


Shelf life: 2 years.

Spirulina Tablets/ Capsules Composition: Each tablet containing

200,00 mg biomass spirulina (Spirulina platensis) and excipients 500,00 mg biomass spirulina (Spirulina platensis) and excipients 1000,00 mg biomass spirulina (Spirulina platensis) and excipients, capsules containing 500.00 mg biomass Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) and excipients.

Action: It is a natural product, rich in biologically active properties which are involved in regulating and balancing the main metabolic and immunological functions of the body.

food supplements



Coated tablets

It normalizes the exchange of substances at the cellular level and restores intercellular connections, antioxidant, it stimulates the production of steroids, insulin, thyroid hormones, adrenaline, noradrenaline, it increases the body's defence against infections, it has an antitoxic role by facilitating the elimination of heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides (which are malignancy risk factors), prevents the decrease of leukocytes after X-rays therapy, increases the amount of hemoglobin and number of red blood cells it stimulates hematopoiesis and the functions of macrophages, the NK cytotoxic activity and phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclears, decreases the sedimentation rate of the erythrocyte; beneficial in eye disorders, lipid-lowering and cholesterol lowering agent, stimulates spermatogenesis, it fights against impotence and frigidity, stimulates lactation, controls hunger, helps the digestive process, stimulates protein synthesis, protects and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, contributes to the normalization of elevated levels of serum transaminases.

Recommendations: Ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary as a dietary supplement in chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis (to achieve a diet which protects the liver cells and purifies the blood in order to remove harmful hepatotoxic substances), gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal diabetes type II, obesity, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, adrenal insufficiency, autonomic dystonia, nervous strain, sustained intellectual effort, improves sports performance, it balances the calcium and magnesium deficiencies, retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract, it fights against early ageing, it has a beneficial role in the prevention of microbial and viral infections, malignant diseases, radioprotector. It is indicated to take the last dose before 18.00. It can be used during long courses of 90-180 days with a 10 days break together with conventional treatments. Presentation: box with a vial of 40 tablets of 200.00 mg spirulina, box with a vial of 30 tablets of 500.00 mg spirulina, box with 4 blisters of 10 tablets of spirulina 1000.00 mg / blister, box with 4 blisters of 10 capsules spirulina 500.00 mg / blister.

Contain lactose!

Shelf life: 2 years


TS-Tobacco Stop


Composition: Each tablet contains milk thistle fruits extract (Cardui marianae fructus), sea buck-

Composition: Each tablet contains Spirulina

Platensis biomass, concentrated sea buckthorn extract (Hyppophae rhamnoides) and excipients.

Action: The association between biomass Spirulina and sea buckthorn extract provides a harmonious combination between the nutrition and bioenergetics qualities of Spirulina and the remineralizing and fortifying properties of sea buckthorn extract.  Spirulina is a rich source of protein and contains a wide range of aminoacids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, water soluble and fat soluble vitamins, plant hormones, enzymes, trace elements and biologically active pigments (phycocyanin and aloficocianine).  The extract from sea buckthorn fruit is a natural source of multi-vitamins (the richest source of vitamins A, E, carotenoids, vitamins C, P and the whole B complex), bioactive micronutrients (phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium) and essential fatty acids.  Stimulates and normalizes the exchange of substances at the cellular level, restores and balances the metabolic functions of tissues and organs, providing protection and regeneration of liver cells (by stimulating protein synthesis and the normalization of high levels of serum transaminases);  Possesses a strong antioxidant activity and captures superoxide free radicals;  Stimulates the production of steroids, insulin, thyroid hormones, adrenaline, noradrenaline;  Increases the body's defence capacity against viral and bacterial infections (both through antiviral / antibacterial action and by stimulating the immune response);  It has an antitoxic role by facilitating the elimination of heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides (which are malignancy risk factors );  Positively influences lipid metabolism due to its lipid-lowering and cholesterol-lowering action;  Stimulates spermatogenesis and fights against impotence and frigidity;  Stimulates lactation;  Controls hunger and helps the digestive process.

Tablets thorn fruits extract (Hippophae fructus), liquorice root extract (Radix Liquiritiae), pepper fruit powder (Capsicii fructus), Violae tricoloris herba powder, dry raspberry fruits extract (Rubii idaei fructus), peppermint dry extract (Menthae piperita herba), Coenzyme Q10 and excipients.

Action: The product is intended for smokers firstly because of its inhibitory properties of the desire to smoke, and secondly because it maintains the integrity of the body's physiological functions in people addicted to smoking. It protects liver cells, improves the liver detoxification function and provides trophicity to the liver cell, it is a good coronary protector and antiatherosclerotic. It displays a strong antioxidant activity and slows down the body's ageing process by capturing superoxide free radicals. It has an antitoxic role by facilitating the elimination of toxins from the body, protects gastric mucosa against the ulcerogenic effects of toxins in tobacco, it is a general tonic and is has non-specific action of the immune system, it increases resistance in acute and chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract, acute and chronic bronchitis accompanied by cough and expectoration.

food supplements


Spirulina with Total Sea Buckthorn Extract

Recommendations: The product is beneficial for people addicted to nicotine, and is the best way to reduce the number of cigarettes per day or totally giving up to cigarettes. Through the combination of the extracts contained by the product we get a phytocomplex with an important role in improving the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal characteristic to tobacco abuse which enables coming back to the normal metabolic functions of the body. It is recommended for people who want to quit smoking because the product will trigger a feeling of disgust towards tobacco (the cigarette will no longer have its regular flavour) and will help to overcome the dependency phase. Remember the benefits of stopping smoking: it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increases physical and intellectual strength, the nervous, irritability and anxiety states disappear, it increases the chances of a long and healthy life, and you protect those around you from risks of passive smoking! Presentation: box containing 40 tablets, 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!

Shelf life: 2 years

Recommendations: It should be noted the fact that the product is recommended for the completion and normalization of unbalanced diets, to supplement the hygienic-dietary regime in professions involving intense physical and intellectual, in professional sports, professions performed in toxic environments, during adolescence, in the elderly or in malabsorption conditions, in smoking people or those who consume alcohol excessively.

Presentation: box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets / blister). Lactose free!


Shelf life: 2 years


(Hippophae rhamnoides) Composition: Sea buckthorn fruit oil (Hippo-

phae oleum).

Action: Multivitamin complex with regenerative action on cellular metabolism, general tonic, anti-anaemic, fortifying, immunomodulator (it has a synergistic action with the α interferon) protects the hepatic cells, improves the liver detoxification function, ensures liver cell trophicity and stimulates the protein synthesis in the liver, protects and stimulates the regeneration of bone marrow, the mucosa of the digestive tract (it protects the stomach mucosa against the ulcerogenic effects of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines) coronary protective; antiatherosclerotic (it reduces lipid levels and prevents lipid oxidation, increases the levels of serum HDL-cholesterol, lowers triglycerides), slows down the aging process by capturing superoxide free radicals, it has a high β-carotene content whose action is to prevent carcinogenesis. Recommendations: Provides the necessary nutri-

ents and vitamins for a balanced diet with general tonic effects, immunomodulatory, it fights against the negative effects of stress, it slows down the ageing process, it provides dietary supplementation for some skin diseases (psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, forms skin, atopic dermatitis), ENT diseases with atrophic and inflammatory component, cardiovascular diseases (it is a good coronary protector), digestive disorders (peptic ulcer, it has a very effective activity particularly in chronic hepatitis, it has a protective role against liver cirrhosis) it enables hematopoietic recovery after chemotherapy and irradiation, it is beneficial in uro-genital diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders. We highlight particularly its favorable properties in anaemia. It has a beneficial role in the stagnation and decline of various eye diseases (long-sightedness, myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, glaucoma, cataracts).

Presentation: bottles of 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml.


Shelf life: 2 years.

Sea buckthorn oil Softgels

Natural polyvitamin concentrate, refreshes and tones the body. The product is available in three concentrations of sea buckthorn oil (Hippophae oleum): 300mg, 600 mg and 900 mg.

Composition: Each capsule contains sea buckthorn oil and excipients. Sea buckthorn oil is a polyvitaminic complex which ensures the optimal intake of phytonutrients necessary in diets, mainly the β-carotene, fat soluble vitamins D, E, F, K, a series of polyphenolic compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids, free amino acids and micronutrients which help support body health and improve life quality.

food supplements


Sea buckthorn oil

Action:  natural polyvitaminic source with general tonic role, fortifying, antianemic, it stimulates the body's natural defence capacity and contributes to its detoxification mechanism;  nourishes liver cell, stimulates protein synthesis in the liver, helps to improve liver detoxification function;  effective retinal trophic, beneficial in stopping some visual disturbances, fights against the process of decrease of the visual acuity;  helps stimulate and regenerate bone marrow;  supports heart health and functions as a coronary protective by reducing lipid levels and blood triglycerides, helps increase the serum level of the good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), improves blood circulation in the capillaries, strengthens blood vessels;  protects and stimulates the regeneration of the digestive tract lining;  plays an important role in regulating the metabolism of mineral salts, trace elements and cellular respiration;  in case of intense physical and mental overload, stress, helps eliminate fatigue;  slows down the ageing process by capturing superoxide radicals;  because of the high content of β-carotene it shows a strong antimutagenic action;  helps restore the hematopoietic system after chemotherapy and radiation;  as it is a balanced combination of multivitamins and minerals it helps maintaining the health of tissues, positively influences the processes of tissue regeneration. The product is well tolerated, with no contraindications reported so far for the doses and the recommended dosing rate. In pregnancy and lactation and in children up to age 3 the specialists' advice is recommended. The product is a dietary supplement which does not replace a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Presentation: box containing 40, 60 softgels. Shelf life: 2 years.




Fish Oil

Softgels Composition: Each capsule contains fish oil and excipients.

The product is available in three concentrations of fish oil: 300 mg, 600 mg and 900 mg. The fish oil, an easily resorbable dietary supplement contains Omega essential fatty acids, essential lipids which are abundant in the brain (60%) and are part of cell membranes and neural membranes. The Omega essential fatty acids used for the completion and normalization of imbalanced diets in adults and especially children, are obtained exclusively through dietary intake because the body cannot synthesize the necessary supply of brain lipids. The Omega acids are converted into eicosanoids (strong immune system signalling molecules of which some have anti-inflammatory effects and are crucial for brain development and for the efficient transmission of nerve impulses) which restore the normal structure of cell membranes (double-layer lipoprotein) as well as the mobility and functionability of membrane receptors and ion channels.

Action:  Stimulates the metabolism and functional activity of the nervous system, its action helps re-

store and protect cell membranes and the coating of the nerve fibers, including at the level of the brain (children, adults, elderly);  it has a balancing role of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;  Reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and rebalances the ratio of bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL), fights against the development of atherosclerosis;  Positively influences rheological parameters of blood, normalizes blood pressure and supports cardiovascular health;  Possesses antithrombotic properties (prevents blood clots in the coronary arteries), reduces the tendency of blood clotting and improves blood circulation;  Displays complex immunostimulant properties  Restores emotional balance;  Ensures an improved cognitive performance (concentration, learning, memory), supports visual function in children, contributes to the development of the retina;  Improves and maintains memory at all ages;  Effective in stopping the occurrence of rickets, it triggers a good development of the nervous and immune systems in children. It is worth mentioning, premature babies and those fed artificially are most vulnerable to Omega deficiency (Omega fatty acids are concentrated in breast milk);  Stimulates tissue regeneration and mucosal reepitelisation;  Has a beneficial effect in chronic obstructive respiratory disorders;  Diminishes the inflammatory activity of some enzymes (cyclooxygenase), of cytokines and prostaglandins;  Contributes to the recovery of good mood and the feeling of wellbeing, as well as to balancing the negative effects of stress and the tendency to violent reactions;  Beneficial in the complex diet of people with high blood sugar levels because helps to improve the use of insulin in the body tissues;  Inhibits some enzymatic mechanisms of secondary messenger molecules generation (phospholipase C, protein G and protein kinase C). The product is well tolerated, with no contraindications reported so far for the doses and recommended dosing rate.

Presentation: box containing 40, 60 softgels.


Shelf life: 2 years.


Hair loss regeneration lotion - exclusively natural product Directions for use: Wash the head with mild soap. Dry the hair. Rub the hair

roots or the whole head with the product. A quantity of 1-3 caps are sufficient for the friction (depending on each hair type).

Attention - very important: After rubbing the head, cover it with a towel or a helmet to keep it warm until the revulsive effect disappears (30 minutes). Dry the hair and wash it only 48 hours later. Repeated every two days. At the 4th usage, you practically achieve to stop hair loss. For maintenance purposes it is required to use the product once or twice per week. It can be used in the treatment of skin diseases of all pets.

Vegetable mild soap The soft liquid soap with potassium salts is made of natural products, plant extracts and natural fatty acids.

Used extracts: Marigold, chamomile, plantain, nettle, horsetail, walnut leaves

and others, but also their leaf extracts as vegetable protein, produced using an original technology, which has as a result a well defined product. The product contains mineral salts obtained from plant extracts, which contribute to the ionic stable balance of the product. The product is a mild soap which can be used for washing the head and body. As the product does not have bacterial load it may be used to wash wounds and the most sensitive skin areas. Suitable for all complexion types. The use of this soap before using CHELSTOP lotion, will be not only beneficial, but it will also increase the activity of dandruff elimination, it will fight against hair loss and give a special feeling of comfort. Used for a long time (over 6 months) in combination with CHELSTOP leads to the repigmentation of the hair to its original color. Ideal for veterinary use. Wounds can be washed directly. Animal fur becomes glossy and clean.

Shampoo 5R Contains: Nettle extract, Chamomile extract, Burdock extract, Birch extract, Coenzyme Q10

Choose the product that suits you: For all hair types. Application: Use once or twice a week. Action of the active principles: The nettle extract prevents the ap-

parition of dandruff and promotes hair growth. The chamomile extract has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Birch and burdock extracts have antiseptic and analgesic effects and coenzyme Q10 revitalizes and regenerates the skin.


Effect: The hair becomes beautiful and shiny again.

Spirulin Cream

It is a maintenance and regeneration cream with total extract of live SPIRULINA PLATENSIS.

"SPIRULIN" cream REVITALIZES, REGENERATES, MOISTURIZES and PROTECTS from wind and sunlight, and it is indicated as well for all skin types.

"SPIRULIN" cream is an unscented natural product. This

cream blends harmoniously and optimally the above-mentioned cosmetic and therapeutic properties which are based on processes of regeneration, restoration and revitalization of the tissue which it moisturizes, nourishes and protects. The cream contains natural bioactive ingredients, especially the live alga Spirulina platensis. The blue-green micro-algae Spirulina platensis contains: 70% raw protein in the composition of which have been identified some essential and non-essential amino acids, including RNA and DNA specific to the human body; Lipids, of which a large proportion have the fatty acids, including gamma-linolenic acid, an intermediary for the arahidonic acid which is in its turn the precursor of prostaglandins; Carotenoids, of which a large proportion has beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, as retinol; Vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, B12, E, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, nicotinic acid; Trace elements, among which: Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn, K, Na dominated by potassium and magnesium. These components of micro-algae Spirulina platensis: normalizes the ion exchange at the cellular level; restores the weakened cell connections; stimulates protein anabolism and metabolism at the cellular level; ensures the antioxidant action; stimulates local growth and repair of locally affected tissues cuts, wounds, postoperative scars, inflamed tissue, etc. have an antitoxic role which ensures the elimination of toxins and of radionuclides (sunscreen); can be used as X-ray treatments




"SPIRULIN" cream may be used for therapeutic purposes: Acne; Dermatoses; Hives; Sprains, swelling, muscle tears, helps to improve sports performance; Gout and muscle fever by removing lactic acid and reduces the swellings of tissue; Slows down aging processes and cellular damaging.

Apply after cleansing the skin, a thin layer 2-3 times daily or more often if necessary. "SPIRULIN" cream is fully absorbed into the skin and does not require subsequent removal of the surplus. "SPIRULIN" cream cleans, heals, eliminates local pain, rejuvenates and softens, gives a fresh and youthful aspect to the skin.

Dermatologically and allergologically tested.

Hair balm with coenzyme Q10 Balm cosmetic product with gemmoderivates and coenzyme Q10

It is a product in the form of a balm designed for hair protection and regeneration and contains a combination of poplar, birch, elm, chestnut, rosemary gemmoderivates and coenzyme Q10. It is one of the most developed products designed for hair care, it contains coenzyme Q10 and besides this a mixture of glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts, the active principles are extracted from the buds and shoots of the young plant extracts which contain a multitude of active substances in higher concentrations than in the mature or dry plant which represents a huge advantage. The hair conditioner with coenzyme Q10 is a natural product that helps condition the damaged and dyed hair and the thick hair hard to comb, it is a product that helps achieve dramatic hairstyles


Cosmetics based on natural active principles.

The full range of beauty, skin care and maintenance: prevents wrinkles; restores the velvety appearance of the skin; maintains flexibility and muscle trophicity. Contains:  Coenzyme Q10, a vital catalyst in biochemical and physiological processes of the entire body.  Sea buckthorn oil is the most complex natural fat which has an important role in nourishing the skin and in the prevention of free radical formation, triggerers of the natural or premature aging process due to metabolic disorders of epithelial cells.  Spirulin powder, a well known product due to its effects or for its nourishing and regenerating action on the human body, including skin, completes in a particularly useful way the wrinkle cream composition, enhancing its nutrition and regeneration effect.  Vegetable extracts: of hollyhock, chamomile and chestnut dermoprotective effects, they have antiinflammatory, decongestant, painkiller effects and improve peripheral circulation.

The HOF.VIODANA range contains five products:

Anti-wrinkle cream Contains: Sea buckthorn oil, Spirulina biomass, Coenzyme Q10 Choose the product which suits you: It is indicated at any age, for the mainte-

nance of dry and dehydrated skins in order to prevent wrinkles. Designed for all skin types.

The action of the active principles: The action of the bioactive components of sea buckthorn oil

combined with the action of coenzyme Q10 helps rebuild skin structure and skin elasticity, reduces and delays the natural aging process of the epidermal tissue. The content rich in bioactive substances of Spirulina stimulates metabolism and cellular regeneration.

Effect: the skin becomes smooth, soft, maintaining its normal hydration level; the product is well tolerated by the skin complexion; superficial wrinkles disappear after repeated application.

Cleasing milk Contains: Sea buckthorn oil, Coenzyme Q10, Chamomile extract Choose the product which suits you: Indicated at any age to maintain the delicate skin of the body.

Application: Apply mornings and evenings by gently massaging the body skin. The action of the active principles: Combining sea buckthorn oil with coenzyme Q10 and the chamomile extract resulted a product useful especially to remove make-up and cleanse not only the impurities accumulated on the complexion during the day but also the covering makeup.


Effect: the skin gets a clean, fresh, natural look; the product is well tolerated.

Eye contour gel Contains: Echinacea tincture, Sea buckthorn oil, Coenzyme Q10 Choose the product which suits you: Designed for a normal hydration of the eye area. The action of the active principles: The complex of echinacea tincture with sea buckthorn oil,

combined with the Coenzyme Q10, acts synergistically to fight against the free radicals responsible for the premature or accelerated aging process, but also to prevent the formation of dark circles.

Effect: ensures the full hydration of the skin sensitive eye area; reduces superficial wrinkles; fades and prevents dark circles; the skin preserves its natural appearance; the product is well tolerated.




Neck care cream Contains: Chestnut extract, Hollyhock extract, Coenzyme Q10, Sea buckthorn oil Choose the product which suits you: It is indicated at any age, for the maintenance of dehydrated and wrinkled neck skin. The action of the active principles: By combining chestnut extract, mallow and sea buckthorn oil with Coenzyme Q10 the synergic action of the bioactive principles present in these extracts is enhanced. The product has protective, relieving, regenerating, maintenance, effects, it enables wound healing, it is anti-inflammatory and decongestant of the neck skin. Effect: ensure full hydration, prevents the emergence and development of wrinkles; revitalizes and restores skin elasticity; has a soothing and toning effect on the skin; stimulates epithelization and speeds up the healing process; the product is well tolerated.

Body care milk Contains: Sea buckthorn oil, Coenzyme Q10 Choose the product which suits you: Indicated at any age to maintain the delicate skin of the body.

The action of the active principles: The association of sea buckthorn oil with Coenzyme Q10 enhances the synergistic action of the bioactive components present in the regeneration of skin cells and in the process of slowing down skin aging. Effect: preserves the elasticity and skin tone; protects, enables the maintainance, regeneration and the slowing down of the skin aging process; the skin gets a clean, fresh, natural look; the product is well tolerated. HOF.VIODANA cosmetics range was created also as a single-dose preservatives free. The single dose containing cosmetics without preservatives is another concept and another way to take care of ourselves in a beautiful and healthy way. These types of cosmetics have been tested through a complex study. After performing constant researchs it was established that the best form for a cosmetic product is the single-dose and as a result the interior cream does not contain preservatives. Why no preservatives and why as a single dose (a very new and advanced single-use packaging,) is a question which has a simple and effective answer.


- Gel for body maintenance Presentation: Natural product with extracts of Hedera helix, Aesculus hippocasta-

num, Capsicum annum, essential oils.

Action: Due to the complexity of the bioactive substances it contains and their synergistic effects, the product accelerates the microcirculation in the joints, relieves rheumatic pain, it is vasculoprotector, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, easy revulsive, contributing to the lipolytic action to remove excessive deposits, unsightly fat, restores muscle tone, the structure and the elastic properties of collagen in tissues. It has refreshing, decongestant and moisturizing action offering the skin a rejuvenated, nice and soft aspect, restoring its natural glow. Recommendations: Cellulite, stretch marks, unwanted fat deposits, muscle and joint pain, rheumatic, vascular fragility, impaired peripheral circulation, for skin prone to premature aging in order to protect it against harmful environmental factors. Administration: External use, apply a thin layer on affected areas, massage, 10-15 minutes in courses of 10-12 days. You can use 1-3 times per day

VENHOF - gel foot care gel

Product presentation: Solution for oral hygiene care. Composition: Coenzyme Q10, Shepherd's purse tincture, plantain, chamomile, yarrow, walnut, mint. Action and recommendations: The product has antiseptic, healing, hemo-

static, anti-inflammatory action, it acts as a antioxidant, detoxifier, deodorant. It is strongly recommended in gingivitis, stomatitis, thrush, compression pain caused by dental prostheses, after tooth extraction, in case of nipple lesions, bleeding gums, mouth and gum ulcers. It delays dental plaque formation, it prevents bad odour and provides daily mouth hygiene.

Precautions: Contains alcohol. Use only diluted with lukwarm water. Keep out of the reach of children.

Trilavanda Aftershave lotion

Product presentation: The product contains the quali-

The product contains glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts bilberry fruit, hazel leaves, vine leaves, chestnut shoots extracts as well as thyme essential oil, blended in the form of gel which has a very rapid absorption. It is rich in anthocyanins, tannins, flavones, and vitamin C. saponosids

ties of many bioactive principles which can be found in three naturals extracts: echinacea tincture, and Shepherd's purse tincture and lavender essential oil.

The bilberry shoots glycerol hydroalcoholic extract has properties which reduce capillary fragility

Composition: The echinacea tincture contains a variety of polysaccharides with an important nutritional and biostimulatory role, polyphenolcarboxilic acids, phytosterols, fatty acids, vitamins, essential oil, flavonoids, free acids and estheric acids - caffeic acid, chlorogenic, ferulic, rutozid, echinacoside, verbacoside, free amino acids and lower gum inhibitors. The entire range of compounds act synergistically offering the tincture a remarkable anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, action, it helps skin regeneration through its immunostimulatory, emollient effect and its effect of improving the beautful aspect of the skin. The Shepherd's purse tincture has as main components: choline, acetylcholine, thiamine and other vitamins, tannins, resins, amino sugars, rutozid, fumaric and maleic acid, protocatehic acid, amino acids, phytosterols and salts of K, Mg, Ca, Zn etc. with multiple effects on nutrition and skin biostimulation. Their synergistical effect results in a better vasoconstrictor action, haemostatic, astringent and healing, edematous and anti-inflammatory, anticuperose, anti-seborrhea and increases skin trophicity. The essential lavender oil, highly appreciated for its outstanding properties due to the over 100 identified compounds, it is used in this case for its powerful antiseptic, sedative effects, it relaxes the muscles and nervous system, it has revulsive, healing effects, it helps reepitelisation, it is anti-edematous and anti seborrhea and has a pleasant smell.

and permeability alteration, it is anti-edematous and antinflammatory, regenerative and reepitelisant of the mucosa and skin tissue.

Hazel shoots glycerol hydroalcoholic extract is recommended in the arteritis of the inferior limbs. Vine shoots glycerol hydroalcoholic extract has anti-inflammatory action. It is recommended in chronic degenerative rheumatism, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, generalized arthritis, arthritis of deformed small joints, joint manifestations of gout.


Hofident Q10

Chestnut buds glycerol hydroalcoholic extract has effects on improving venous blood flow, antinflammatory, anti-edematous, it triggers an improvement of the altered circulatory function in areas of vascular dilation and improves blood flow in congested areas. Thyme essential oil has antiseptic action, it is recommended in poor peripheral circulation. The product itself is rich in anthocyanins, tannins, flavones, and vitamin C. saponosids It is recommended for swollen feet, tired after staying or standing long hours in the office, or walking for a long time. Relieves pain and the feeling of "heavy legs" and fights against edema that forms around the ankles. Apply to painful and swollen ankles and legs using a quantity of 2-3 g gel, massage gently using upward movements from feet up to the superior areas until the gel is absorbed; repeat 2 -3 times a day. The gel leaves no trace and does not stain. A few minutes after administration you get a feeling of comfort and the pain fades away.






Contains: Extracts and essential oils of chamomile, calendula, yarrow

Use: Prevention of infections and inflammations of the ano-genital area.

Product presentation: Gel for skin care and seborrheic skin. Contains a natural complex of active compounds consisting of hydrolyzed collagen, thyme extract, aloe, sea buckthorn oil, pine and lavender essential oils.

Action: Antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antifungal, antinflammatory, antiallergic,

Action: Antiseptic, anti seborrhea, anti-inflammatory, healing, regenerates the skin.

and thyme.

antipruritic, hemostatic, healing, reduces leukorrhea, emollient and trophic, epithelial for skin.

Plantintim gel Product presentation: Gel used in hygiene and for reducing the infections

in the ano-genital area.

Contains: Extracts of sage, St. John's wort, calendula, hydrolyzed collagen, sea buckthorn oil, propolis and essential oils of thyme, lavender and pine. Action: Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory painkiller, antipruritic, dermorestitutive, it stimulates trophic and healing processes. Prevents and relieves eczema, vaginal herpes, hemorrhoids, etc..

Bucoprotect gel Product presentation: Gel for oral hygiene care. Contains: Shepherd's Purse tincture, calendula, yarrow, sea buckthorn oil, hydrolyzed collagen, propolis and fennel, mint and orange essential oils.



Plantintim solution

PLANTHIGEN® liquid plant soap

The liquid plant soap from the PLANTHIGEN® range is produced in two color versions: green and yellow and the difference is in the plant extract added in addition to the basil extract. As mentioned in the presented formulas of the two liquid soap variants, they contain, apart from the skin cleansing active substances also some natural substances with multiple beneficial effects on the skin tissue. Thus, the basil extract, used in the two variants, has been well known from the earliest times for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, as well as for the immunostimulatory properties due to the presence in its composition of type triterpene tinctures unique to only certain herbs. Coenzyme Q10 which is part of the composition of the two types of liquid soap is an excellent provider of energy for the cell metabolism and antioxidant at the same time, protecting skin tissue against aging, degradation and wrinkling. These functional properties of coenzyme Q10 also have an important effect of protecting collagen and elastin in the epithelial tissue, maintaining or restoring suppleness, trophicity and skin beauty. Sage extract has many uses in local application. For external use are used products with sage extract, in particular for their antiseptic, astringent, antiperspiration, healing and anti-inflammatory properties, for the effects on skin regeneration, for the nutritious and soothing properties.

Action: Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing, stimulates the inside lining

of the mouth and gums trophicity, reduces pain caused by specific oral diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis, lesions of the prosthesis, thrush, periodontitis, etc.). Fights against bad breath (halitosis).

Pedisan gel Product presentation: Gel for feet hygiene. Composition: sage tincture, basil tincture, collagen Choose the product which suits you: For all ages. The action of the active principles: Sage and basil tinctures are antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, healing and help skin regeneration.


Effect: It helps to prevent fungal infections, excessive or moderate sweating in the legs.

Natural deodorant HOFIGAL Destroys bacteria and fungi, stops the production of natural body odors and ensures freshness and naturalness, without affecting the normal skin function. Prevents and fights against bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli) and fungi (Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans) that cause odor and can be sources for other affections. Does not affect skin metabolism, does not cause allergies or skin irritation, the skin can breathe, it does not cause the clogging of the pores.It is ideal for all skin types. NATURAL DEODORANT HOFIGAL contains rosemary shoots gemmoderivates and corn radicels, lavender, basil, sage and thyme oils. Rosemary shoots gemmoderivate slows down the processes of senescence. In this case it is recommended in dermatological disorders (alopecia, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis), it prevents the aging process. The corn radicels gemmoderivate has anti-inflammatory action, it accelerates tissue healing.



essential oils

"Alexandra" Hand cleansing gel The gel eliminates 99.9% of bacteria and keeps the skin clean and hydrated. In cool weather, the skin becomes dry more easily, but the disinfectant gel, with its special formula that contains moisturizing substances, thyme extract and peppermint essential oil not only protects against bacteria, but also keeps the skin hydrated and soft. In addition, the gel disinfectant is not sticky, dries quickly and is perfect for use at any time. It also has a fresh fragrance, which lasts long, offering a pleasant and cool feeling long time after use.

"Alexandra" Hand cream

The daily use of "Alexandra" hand cream prevents wrinkling and early aging of the hands. Protects hands in case of activities that require prolonged contact with water and detergent. It forms a protective layer on the skin surface, an "invisible glove" that protects the hand skin during the day. Irreplaceable during summer and winter, because it prevents dry skin and protect it from cold. Apply on wet skin with gentle massage. The cream contains active ingredients such as: chamomile, which heals and regenerates, glycerin - softens and moisturizes chapped skin, restore its elasticity, protects hands against everyday harmful environmental action. It is a hand cream with a rich texture that absorbs quickly. Softens, regenerates and soothes dry hands in an efficient and sensitive way. Improves skin elasticity of the hands and hydrates cuticles.

"Alexandra" Heels care cream


This product is manufactured based on active vegetable principles: willow extract (Salix alba), basil essential oil (Ocimum basilicum), Chamomile extract (Matricaria recutita) black currant extract (Ribes nigrum), has a role in moisturising and slowly naturally removing, the damaged tissue, has a great penetration power, together with the intake of essential nutrients for restoring epithelial area, of soothing and healing damaged skin, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and antifungal. ALEXANDRA product - heels care cream, because of the natural active principles used in combination and their synergism, as well as because of the manufacturing technology at room temperature, all the bioactive cream components are protected, including enzymes, which release from complex structures smaller molecules which may cross tissue barriers damaged at the level of the heel, as well as at planting area and can act beneficially to protect and restore damaged tissues. The natural extracts selected for manufacturing the product realization ALEXANDRA - Heels Care Cream have important substances, herbal and cosmetic properties which support and ensure the very good quality and efficiency of the product. After use the skin regains it smoothness by reducing and removing keratosis and mycosis phenomena.



Action: Secretolitic, hypereremic, slightly antiseptic. Recommendations: Natural remedy beneficial in functional disorders of the

upper / lower (catarrhal type) airways, effective for removing general fatigue and muscle pain in the cold and flu states.

Pine oil

(Aetheroleum pin) Composition: essential oil obtained from pine leaves and buds (Pinus silvestris). Action: Antiseptic, calming, toning of the nervous system, respiratory and renal


Recommendations: Beneficial natural remedy in: nervousness, anxiety and ten-

sion, stress, metabolic disorders, it supports the health of the upper / lower airways (influenza states, cough), inflammatory processes of the bladder and urinary tract, rheumatic pains.

Fennel oil

(Aetheroleum Foeniculi) Composition: essential oil obtained from mature fennel fruits (Foeniculum vulgare). Actions: Antispasmodic, reduces flatulence and intestinal spasms, emenagogue, carminative, vermifuge, slightly laxative, secretolitic, antiseptic, expectorant, antitussive, diuretic (dechlorurant and asoturic), anti-inflammatory.

Recommendations: Beneficial natural remedy: in functional digestive disorders

especially pain and abdominal cramps, spasms, flatulence, abnormal bowel movements and abdominal discomfort, nausea symptoms, heartburn and flatulence occurring after meals, it supports upper respiratory health. With peppermint volatile oil it is a good remedy for the irritable bowel syndrome.

Peppermint oil (Aetheroleum Menthae)

Composition: essential oil extracted from the mint aerial parts (Mentha piperita). Action: Antiseptic, anti-diarrhea, general stimulant of the digestive function, anti-inflammatory.

Recommendations: Ensures to complete the hygienic-dietary regimes


with nutrients and bioactive substances in: digestive disorders accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence and abdominal cramps, impaired control processes of the motor activity of the gallbladder and biliary function due to the presence of gallstones, kidney function impairment, mental fatigue, rash.

Lavender oil (Aetheroleum Lavandulae)

Composition: essential oil extracted from lavender flowers (Lavandula officinalis). Action: It has sedative effects on the psyche and mind, induces a state of emo-

tional balance and inner peace, calms and deeply calms the emotional side, it has strong soothing in small doses (in high doses it has exciting effects and in higher doses it gives euphoric states ) it is a good analgesic, it has antimigraine effects, intestinal and respiratory antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, diuretic, it has febrifuge effects, good fluidifiant of the bronchial secretions, it is good in hypotension, vermifuge.

essential oils


Fir oil

(Aetheroleum Therebinthinae) Composition: essential oil obtained from fir tree needles and buds (Abies alba/

Recommendations: Provides a complete diet with necessary nutrients and bioactive principles: eliminates depression, lowers blood pressure, it has beneficial effects in heart neurovegetative disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, migraines, adjuvant in states of irritability, twitching, insomnia, melancholia, neurasthenia, dizziness, hysteria, anxiety, it enables the cleansing of the airways (upper, lower) in microbial or viral infections, calms spastic cough, adjuvant in intestinal parasites.

Eucalyptus oil

(Aetheroleum Eucalipthy) Composition: essential oil obtained from eucalyptus leaves (Eucalyptus globulus). Action: Antiseptic, disinfectant and decongestant of the upper respiratory tract,

emollient, anti-inflammatory and soothing of the respiratory system, expectorant, and mucolytic anticatharral, it has febrifuge action, analgesic, spasmolytic.

Recommendations: Provides appropriate dietary intake of bioactive substances in: supporting respiratory health (influenza and febrile conditions often accompanied by chills or feeling cold, cough), respiratory congestion it is a beneficial fluidifiant of the bronchial secretions, it enables a better breathing, it fights against states of physical exhaustion and loss of concentration, reduces muscle and joint pain, headaches, during periods of convalescence to restore the body’s strength, effective in lowering fever with a refreshing effect on the body.

Sage oil

(Aetheroleum Salviae) Composition: essential oil extracted from sage leaves (Salvia officinalis) Action: Choleretic-cholagogue, carminative, antiseptic, slightly hypoglyce-

mic, antispasmodic colecisto-kinetic, antioxidant, antithermic, light sedative, bacteriostatic.

Recommendations: Natural remedy with beneficial effects in: functional disorders of the digestive tract and biliary tract especially flatulence and abdominal cramps, spasms, abnormal discharge of bile from the gall bladder, inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, helps keep the normal glucose levels in the blood, rheumatic pain, impaired venous circulation in the legs, vulvar and vaginal mucosal changes caused by estrogen deficiency (common in menopause), preventive in influenza states.


Composition: a single dose of 2.0 ml contains essential basil oil (Basil aetheroleum) in honey. Action: General antiseptic (pulmonary, genitourinary, gastrointestinal), antispasmodic, it has bron-

chodilator effect, expectorant, powerful cerebral stimulant, general stimulant, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antigout, diuretic, stomachic.

Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary for the hygienic-dietary regimen in: acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory mucosa caused by infections factors (viruses, bacteria), functional disorders of the urinary tract due to infectious processes (colibacilar, cystitis, prostatitis); digestive disorders of infectious origin (viral, bacterial), relieves stomach and intestinal spasms, states of mental and physical fatigue, depression, fatigue, beneficial effects in disorders of premature andropause, sexual dynamic disorders, circulatory disorders, poor peripheral circulation.

Essential thyme oil in honey

Composition: a single dose of 2.0 ml contains essential lavender oil (Lavandulae aetheroleum) in


Actions: Analgesic, sedative, powerful antimigraine, induces calm and relaxation, it has blood pressure lowering effect, antiseptic (intestinal and respiratory), antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, slightly diuretic, febrifuge, fluidifiant of bronchial secretions, vermifuge. Recommendations: Ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary for the hygienicdietary regimes in: neurovegetative disturbances of heart rhythm disorders, lowers blood pressure, in migraines, beneficial as an adjunct in irritability states, twitching, insomnia, melancholia, neurasthenia, dizziness, hysteria, anxiety states, cleansing of the respiratory tract (upper, lower) in micobial or viral infectious processes calms spastic and whooping cough, intestinal parasites.

Essential rosemary oil in honey Composition: a single dose of 2.0 ml contains essential rosemary oil (Rosmarin aetheroleum) in


Composition: a single dose of 2.0 ml contains essential thyme oil (thyme aetheroleum) in honey. Action: General antiseptic (pulmonary, genitourinary, gastrointestinal), antispasmodic (effective ac-

Action: Cholagogue-choleretic, stomachic, it strongly stimulates blood circulation, it is a good activator of brain circulation and oxygenation, it stimulates heart function, cholesterol lowering agent, psycho-stabilising effect, intestinal antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, antioxidant, antirheumatic antigout and has general tonic effects on the body.

Recommendations: It offers an intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary for the

Recommendations: It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances necessary for the hygienic-dietary regimen in: functional disorders of the digestive tract and biliary tract, especially in pain and abdominal cramps, spasms, flatulence, intestinal colic, liver congestion, jaundice, colic pain and inflammation of the gallbladder, vomiting, depression and nervousness, dizziness, headache, migraine, adjunct in heart erethism and weakness states after diseases and surgery, high cholesterol, physical and intellectual overexertion, fatigue, increased chronic fatigue, convalescence states; weakening of the memory, senility, gout, rheumatic pain, impotence, useful of the normalization of the low blood pressure and the sensation of cold hands and feet.

tion in small doses), balsamic, bronchodilator, diuretic, expectorant, general stimulant, vermifuge, stimulates leukocytosis in infectious diseases, slightly hypertensive


Essential lavender oil in honey

hygienic-dietary regimen in : inflammatory processes of infectious causes of tracheo-bronchial tree and lung alveoli, lung recovering in inflammatory processes caused by fungi, cold, cold, flu symptoms and their associated states; adjuvant in whooping cough, hypotension, functional digestive disorders, in particular bloating, intestinal fermentation, which affects intestinal inflammatory processes more frequently in extreme ages (children and elderly) caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, digestive atony, giardia, intestinal worms (ascarids, pinworm), circulatory disorders, poor peripheral circulation, fatigue, mental and physical fatigue, neurasthenia.

essential oils in honey


Essential basil oil in honey

"Basil is a plant which is considered sacred in the Christian tradition, as it has protection properties against negative attacks. It clears the mind and soul, induces a state of general wellbeing, of selfconfidence, mental clarity, it facilitates concentration and courage"


Organic Teas by HOFIGAL – Romania are obtained from the company’s own plantations that comply with the strict regulations for organic farming of the European Commission.

Our lands have been inspected at every stage in the organic farming supply chain and certified by Suolo e Salute SRL (code number RO-ECO 003). Suolo e Salute SRL is accredited under the EU’s General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems and approved by the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture (MADR).

organic teas

organic teas

HOFIGAL EXPORT - IMPORT S.A. guarantees that:  before sowing, our lands have undergone a conversion period of at least two years, from conventional agriculture to organic farming;  we use exclusively organically certified seeds;  our production processes exclude the use of synthetic chemicals (pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, fertilizers);  our organic crops are certified by accredited inspection agencies.

Organic thyme tea • Doses x 1 g • Food supplement

Composition: the product contains powder of certified organic aerial parts of thyme (herbal thyme), packed in sachets of 1 g


Action: The high quantities of volatile oil (with a high content of thymol) flavonosid, polyphenolcarboxylic acids, triterpenoids, tannins, bitter principles give the organic thyme tea a general antiseptic effect (pulmonary, genito-urinary, bowel), a bronchodilatory and expectorant effect, it stimulates bile secretion and is a vermifuge. Recommendations: It is recommended as a dietary supplement for improving the hygienic-dietary regimen in inflammatory processes caused by infections of the upper / lower respiratory tract (cold, flu conditions, acute and chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, to calm cough, asthma), in digestive disorders especially bloating, fermentative colitis, cholecystitis, angiocholitis, enterocholitis, intestinal inflammatory processes caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites affecting more frequently (children and the elderly digestive); digestive inertia, intestinal worms (ascaris, pinworms), it helps stimulate the appetite.


• Doses x 1 g • Food supplement Composition: the product contains certified or-

Composition: the product contains powder obtained from certified organic aerial parts of the Echinacea plant (Echinacea herba), packed in sachets x 1 g.

ganic plantain leaf powder (Plantaginis folium), packed in sachets of 1 g

Action: The aucuboside content ensures the healing and antibacterial action of the plant, and due to mucilage, it has action emollient and expectorant effects.

Action: The rich content of volatile oils, alkylamides, flavonosid, polyphenolic acids and immune polysaccharides (the echinacoside glycoside) bioactive substances present in aerial parts of Echinacea give the tea nonspecific immunostimulatory properties, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and healing properties. Recommendations: It is recommended as a dietary supplement for improving the hygienic-dietary regimen to increase the body's defence against various viral and bacterial pathogens, it is effective in the respiratory inflammatory processes (flu, cold, angina, pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis); during periods of risk of influenza infection, in recurrent herpes with frequent episodes mucocutaneous rash, oral thrush, stomatitis, psoriasis, urinary tract infections, inflammatory processes of the urogenital system, bacterial skin infections (especially the streptococcal).

Organic black currant tea

• Doses x 1 g • Food supplement Composition: the product contains powder obtained from certified organic black currant leaves (Ribes nigrum - folium).

Action: The high content of tannin, rutosides, vitamin C, potassium, flavones, essential oil give the organic black currant tee diuretic properties, it stimulates the lymphatic and venous circulation, it is anti-inflammatory (due to the content of flavones), it stimulates the elimination of uric acid from the blood, it has antihypertensive action and antirheumatic beneficial effects, it stimulates the hematopoietic system.


Organic plantain tea

Recommendations: It is recommended as a dietary supplement for improving the hygienic-dietary regimen in migraines, edema, spastic cough, gout, hypertension, arthritis, stiffness, rheumatic pain, premenstrual disorders and specific onset of menopause, kidney stones, cardiovascular disorders, anemia, fever.

organic teas


Organic echinacea tea

• Doses x 1 g • Food supplement

Recommendations: It is recommended in catarrhal inflammatory states of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urogenital tract. Lowers blood cholesterol. It is used successfully in chronic bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, gastrointestinal ulcer, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension.

Organic rosemary tea

• Doses x 1 g • Food supplement Composition: the product contains powder made from certified organic rosemary leaves (folium

Rosmarin), packed in sachets x 1g.

Action: The organic rosemary tea contains volatile oils (camfen predominates, borneol), rosmarinic acid, flavones, triterpene, saponins, tannins, vitamin C. The content rich in bioactive properties gives the tea multiple properties: tonic, bitter, cholagogue, choleretic, hepatoprotective, it improves the irrigation and brain oxygenation, it stimulates the central nervous system, peripheral circulation, it is vasoprotective (arteriolar and capillary), toning and refreshing, antiseptic (antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral effects), it has diuretic and anti-oxidant properties. Recommendations: It is recommended for dietary supplementation in hepatobiliary functional disorders, dyspeptic disorders, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, states of fatigue in elderly people with circulatory and memory problems, in hypotension with tendency for orthostatic collapse, cerebral sclerosis, physical debility in young people, after intellectual and prolonged physical effort toning and refreshing in states of fatigue after infectious and contagious diseases.




Organic passiflora tea

• Doses x 1 g • Food supplement Composition: the product contains powder

obtained from the certified organic aerial parts of Passiflora (Passiflora herba), packed in sachets x 1 g.

Action: The rich content of flavonosids, glycosides, phytosterols, polyphenolcarboxilic acids ensures that the organic Passiflora tea has a sedative action on the central nervous system, it is tranquilising, anticonvulsive, antispasmodic ,it relaxes the smooth muscles, slightly hypotensive. Recommendations: It is recommended as a dietary supplement for improving the hygienic-dietary regimen in insomnia, restlessness, tension, irritability, emotional states, neurovegetative disorders, it can be used as an adjunct in seizures of different etiologies, migraines.

Organic lemon balm tea

• Doses x 1 g • Food supplement Composition: the product contains powder obtained from certified organic lemon balm leaves (Folium Melissae), packed in sachets x 1.00g

Action: The high content of volatile oils (citral, citronelol, citronelal, geraniol, linalool) offer the organic lemon balm tea a relaxing action, sedative of the central nervous system, antispasmodic, carminative, stomachic, choleretic, antibacterial and antiviral, it is rich in bitter principles and can used as a tonic and appetizer.


Recommendations: It is recommended as a dietary supplement for improving the hygienicdietary regimen in functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract having nervous causes, as an effective remedy in cardiac neuroses, depression-anxiety (restores the emotional balance), in insomnia, headaches, it is effective digestive disorders (in especially in children), abdominal cramps, spasms, biliary dyskinesia, chronic colitis, vomiting of various causes especially in pregnancy, acute infectious processes of the upper respiratory tract, influenza , recurrent herpes, it can be used to ensure a quiet night sleep. In cardiac disorders with nervous causes consume 2-3 cups per day slowly and in small quantities. In states of anxiety and insomnia drink 2-3 cups per day, of which a compulsory cup in the evening, half an hour before bedtime, prolonged course.


edematous and anti-inflammatory), protecting and regenerating retinal tissue, antiplatelet anti trombophilic, it stimulates the carbohydrate, protein and purine metabolisms (hypoglycemic, uricosuric, it reduces excessive urea), it drains kidneys and pancreatic in metabolic disorders, astringent, antiinflammatory, and antiedematous, intestinal antiseptic, re-epitelisant and regenerating of mucosa, of the skin and connective tissues.

Recommendations: Visual disorders with impaired visual acuity (hemeralopia, hemianopsy, night

blindness), severe myopia, decreased vision, vascular protector in diabetic retinopathy and hypertension, retinitis pigmentosa, senile retinopathy, retinal detachment, uveitis, enterocolitis, dysentery, infant enteritis, colibacillosis bowel, ulcerative membranous colitis, bowel disbiose, irritable colon, dyspeptic disorders (flatulence, intestinal colics, diarrhea, excessive intestinal fermentation), stomatitis, gingivitis, oral aphtous, peptic ulcer, microarteriopaties, capillary fragility states, venous stasis, thrombophilia, diabetic ulcers, diabetes, excessive urea, hyperuricemia, juvenile acne, couperose, changes in skin in the elderly (dry, flaccid skin, altered conjunctive tissue).

Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: in retinitis with ash and black

currant, in diabetic retinopathy and diabetes with mulberry tree; in microarteriopaties with chestnut; in gingivo-aphthous stomatitis with black alder and walnut, in diarrhea and dysentery of infectious origin with walnut and mountain cranberries, in flatulence caused by excessive intestinal fermentation with the nut. The doctor may change the associations.

Field maple buds

(Acer campestre) – diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Antiinflammatory of the gallbladder, choleretic, cholagogue, it reduces bile salt precipitation avoiding the formation of gallstones, cholesterol lowering agent, with mild hypoglycemic activity and anticoagulant.

Recommendations: Cholelithiasis, biliary

dys­kinesia, cholestasis, dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, adjuvant in diabetes type II, atherosclerosis, drains toxic substances resulted from catabolism, facial and intercostal neuralgia, sciatica neuralgia.

Combinations with other glycerol hy­ droalcoholic extracts: in cholelithia-


sis with ash, in biliary dyskinesia with rosemary, in diabetes type II with black mulberry tree, in facial and intercostal neuralgia with fluffy birch, in cholelithiasis with ash etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Alder buds

(Alnus glutinosa) – diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Toning, vasoprotective, stimulating

cerebral vascular system and coronary arteries (it determined an improvment of the circulation to the brain and heart), anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, stimulates adrenal activity.

Recommendations: Remedy for improving cerebral and myocardial circulation, vascular insufficiency associated with complex treatment of arterial and venous (coronary insufficiency, coronary obstructive arthritis and thrombophlebitis), sequelae after myocardial infarction, sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage with and without the softening of the brain, brain angiosclerosis in the elderly, cerebral sclerosis, diabetic vasculopathy, vasomotor headache, impaired cerebral and memory circulation, as adjunct in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes with cronicisation tendency (sinusitis, ear infections, bronchitis, peritonitis, cholecystitis, cystopyelitis, gastritis, osteomyelitis), allergies with various causes (foods, preservatives, food additives, drugs, plants).



Bilberry Branches

(Vaccinium myrtillus) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Vasoprotective (it reduces fragility and prevents the alteration of capillar permeability, anti-

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in vasomotor headaches, hemicranium with black currant and rosehip,, in acute and chronic urticaria of various causes with black currant and blackthorn, in aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis with blueberries. The doctor may change the associations.

Hazel Shoots

(Corylus avellana) – diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: It inhibits the sclerosis of the lung tis-

sue and restores its elasticity, inhibits progressive sclerosis of the liver parenchyma, stimulates Kupffer cells, stimulates erythropoiesis, normalizes serum protein values, reduces the uric acid, it has cholesterol-lowering and antiatherosclerotic action.

Recommendations: Lung affections (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung parenchyma sclerosis, asthma), liver affections(chronic viral hepatitis, toxic-metabolic chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure) hypochromic microcytic posthaemorrhagic anemia (blood loss due to gastritis, peptic ulcers, intestinal polyposis, hemorrhoids, etc.). dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, legs arthritis, it helps stimulate the activity of Kupffer cells in the liver. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: helps restore the elasticity in the lung tissues affected by sclerosis, emphysema, with blackberry; in liver failure with rosemary; in chronic liver disease, liver cirrhosis with juniper, rosemary and rye radices; in anemia with red Buckthorn etc. The doctor may change the associations.


Action: Remineralizing, stimulating bone formation and calcium fixation in bones, it stimulates erythropoiesis, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, nonspecific imunostimulatory. Recommendations: In demineralization and osteo-articular diseases (rickets, bone growth disorders, osteoporosis in child and adult), light hypocalcaemia neuromuscular disorders following calcium deficiencies, teeth abnormal development, dental caries caused by demineralization, hypochromic anemia, acute and chronic infections in the field of ENT (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, adenoid, nasopharyngitis recurrent in children) is a nonspecific immunostimulator in people with a history of frequent respiratory tract infections. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in infant osteochondritis growth delay, rickets, fractures in children and dental caries with birch, recurrent nasopharyngitis and tracheobronchitis in children with rosehip and birch, in recurrent nasopharyngitis, allergic and asthmatic syndrome with black currant and rosehip, in chronic periodontitis with fluffy birch and oak. The doctor may change the associations.

Horse chestnut buds (Aesculus hippocastanum) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Phlebotonic (it improves venous blood flow), venous and capillary vasoprotective, venous

decongestant, anti-inflammatory, edematous, it determineds the improvement of the altered circulatory functions in vascular expansion areas and improves blood flow in congested areas.

Recommendations: Venous stasis at the level of the pelvis and of the lower limb, the portal vein,

congestion of the bronchial veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal thrombosis, capillary fragility, respiratory failure having emphysematous causes, posttraumatic or postoperative edema and inflammation; it is well-known as an adjunct in treating chronic lumbar-sacral pain and back pain, chronic constipation laryngitis pharyngolaryngeal dryness and irritation, it reduces bronchial congestion.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: impaired


pe­ripheral circulation with black currant, fragility of capillaries with rosehip; to stimulate adrenal (in case of imbalance) with black currant, in respiratory failure with hazelnuts and blackberry etc. The doctor may change the associations.

White hornbeam buds

(Carpinus betulus) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Antihemorrhagic (it increases the platelet production both quantitatively and qualitatively, it decreases the partial thromboplastin time-TTP), imunostimulatory, inflammatory, anticatharral, cough sedative, spasmolytic and healing at the mucosa level of the respiratory and digestive systems, cholesterol lowering agent, it stimulates the production of albumin serum, it reduces the hyper-gamaglobulinemeic syndrome and hyper - and alpha 1 - alpha 2. Recommendations: important remedy in post-drug iatrogenic thrombocytopenia, autoimmune and the thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism, as adjuvant in the treatment of thrombocytopenia in multiple myeloma, plasmocitom, lymphomas, recurrent nasopharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, tracheitis, acute or chronic bronchitis, spastic cough; Hypergamaglobulinemia, hepatic failure and thrombocytopenia, primary and secondary hyperlipoproteinemia, irritable bowel, colitis, enterocolitis.



White fir buds

(Abies alba) – diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: in thrombocytopenia of vari-

ous etiologies with dogwood plant, in adults with recurrent nasopharyngitis with fluffy birch, in chronic sinusitis with black alder, in chronic bronchitis with beech, the rhino-sinus-bronchial diseases with black currant and black alder etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Red buckthorn shoots

(Tamarix ramosissima) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: It stimulates hematopoiesis (formation of red blood cells and platelets), hepatoprotective, hemostatic, cholesterol lowering agent, regulates the formation of white blood cells, anti-anorexic, carminative. Recommendations: Hypochromic and normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia of various etiologies and haemorrhagic thrombocytopenia syndromes, leukopenia, hepatitis with cytomegalovirus virus and Epstein-Barr, anorexia and flatulence (especially in infants and young children), hypercholesterolemia.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: hypochro­

mic and monochrome anemia with nut, in lymphocytosis with vine, growth delay, excessive weight loss with blackthorn, teething problems with the tree etc. The doctor may change the associations.


Action: It stimulates the adrenal for the secretion of hormones with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties (cortisone-like action), activates the catabolism of urea, uric acid and cholesterol, boosts the metabolism of protides (it normalizes the values of albumin, alpha 2, beta and gamaglobulines from the blood serum), stimulates eosinophilia, reduces the ESR it increases the resistance to cold in sensitive individuals.

Beech buds

(Fagus silvatica) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Immunstimulatory, renal metabolic drainer, edematous.

Recommendations: Universal drainer, indicated in hyposuprarenalism in acute and chronic allergic syndromes (rhinitis and conjunctivitis, asthma and allergic bronchitis, Quincke edema, chronic urticaria, allergic dermatitis, dermatoses, drug awareness), prevents and inhibits inflammatory states of various causes: in rhinitis and recurrent nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, mumps, in arthritis and some forms of inflammatory rheumatism (arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis) in gastritis, chronic hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, dismetabolism, diabetic retinopathy and disorders perception, hemeralopia, retinal damage, visual acuity, optic nerve atrophy, acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis, BPH, chronic prostatitis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in adrenal insufficiency with oak and

blackthorn, in recurrent rhinitis and nasopharyngitis with rosehip and fir tree, in osteoarthritis with pine tree and vine, in diabetic retinopathy with black walnut and mulberrry tree; in retinopathy with impaired perception, hemeralopia with bilberry, in emphysema with peanuts, ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids with raspberries, optic nerve atrophy with maple, etc.. The doctor may change the associations.

Recommendations: In primary hypogammaglobulinemia immunodeficiency states (transient hypogammaglobulinemia in children, IgA or IgM isolated deficit, etc.). Secondary immunodeficiency of hypogammaglobulinemia (in steatosis, malnutrition, enteropathies with protein loss, hypogammaglobulinemia after some recurrent infections, post traumatic shock, post psychic shock after prolonged treatment with corticosteroids or ACTH, radiotherapy), hypoalbuminaemia of amyloidosis, chronic nephritis, hepatic failure, prolonged radiotherapy obesity with fluid retention, renal failure, urolithiasis, cystopyelitis, nefroangiosclerosis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosclerosis; cellulitis.



Black currant buds

(Ribes nigrum) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: in hypogammaglobulinemia

with predispositions to recurrent infections with rosehip; in pulmonary fibrosclerosis nuts and blackberry etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Ash buds

(Fraxinus excelsior) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Mulberry buds

Action: Is a hepatobiliary renal and joint drain,

(Morus nigra) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: It stimulates protein synthesis, reduces total lipidemia and cholesterol, boosts immunity by enhancing phagocytosis, hypoglycemia, protects the pancreatic function.

Recommendations: In non insulin for diabetes (type II), impaired glucose tolerance, latent diabetes, in the vascular complications of diabetes (retinal hemorrhages in diabetic and diabetic retinitis), regulator of gastrointestinal kinetics, inflammatory respiratory affections or of bacterial or viral etiology. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: for vascu­


lar complications in diabetics with blueberry. The doctor may change the associations.

acts as a diuretic, uricosuric, cholesterol lowering agent, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative, tonic, antisenescent.

Recommendations: Metabolic dysfunctions (hyperuricemia and nucleoproteins catabolism disorders, hypercholesterole­ mia,) gout, obesity with fluid retention, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, osteoarthritis and arthritis with hyperuricaemia, tendinitis and ligament inflammation, muscle and osteo-articular pain, cellulitis and lymphangitis, retinopathy of various etiologies; uveitis. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in calculus cholecystitis and renal plain with field maple and rosemary; in biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis with filed maple, in retinopathy of various etiologies with black currants and blueberries. The doctor may change the associations.


Action: Hepatoprotective, diuretic, uricosuric, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering slightly hypoglycaemic, antioxidant, diuretic.

Rosehip shoots

(Rosa canina) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: General tonic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, fortifying, remineralizing, osteoblast, painkiller, intestinal astringent,vasoprotectives, immunostimulator, antiseptic.

Recommendations: Steatosis, chronic viral hepatitis and toxic liver cirrhosis, liver failure, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, chronic pyelonephritis,chronic glomerulonephritis lipoid nephrosis, kidney stones, recurrent cystitis, renal failure, gout, obesity with liver steatosis.

Recommendations: Recurrent inflammations of the upper respiratory tract in children (nasopharyngitis, adenoid, tracheobronchitis, otitis and tonsillitis), influenza, postinfectious anemia, weight loss, best remedy for children who have growth delays problems, fatigue and exhaustion states, hemicranium, vasomotor headache, decalcification of bone demineralization juvenile, postmenopausal osteoporosis, recurrent herpes, diarrhea, chronic synovitis and arthrosynovitis, itching, eczema, recurrent furunculosis, capillary fragility.

Combinations with other glycerol hydro­ alcoholic extracts: in steatosis, liver cirrho-

Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: in children with recurrent na-

sis in alcoholics with rosemary and rye radicels; in chronic hepatitis with black currant and rye radiceles; in diabetes with walnut, field maple and mulberry tree; in lipoid nephrosis with beech; in portal hypertension with ascites, rosemary etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Lingonberry shoots



Juniper shoots

(Juniperus communis) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

sopharyngitis with birch and black currant; in growth disorders, convalescence, fatigue, demineralization, harmonization with blackthorn, birch tree, in post menopausal osteoporosis with blackberry and pine tree; in vascular fragility with wild chestnut, in allergy and allergic asthma with black currant, in states of fatigue after infectious diseases, influenza, measles, chickenpox with black currant and oak, in vasomotor headaches with black currant and black alder, to boost the tranquilizer effect with lime, in anemia with red buckthorn etc. The doctor may change the associations.

(Vaccinium vitis-idaea) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Vascular antisclerotic, it helps adjust intestinal function and motility, a good remedy against early aging, antispasmodic, stimulates protides metabolism (normalizes the values of albumin, alpha2, beta and gamaglobulines in blood serum), corrects urinary dismicrobism, anti-inflammatory, tonic.

Recommendations: Hyaline atherosclerosis senile type (with degeneration of the vascular wall)

bowel disorders (diarrhea, constipation), IBS, colitis, intestinal flatulence by dismicrobism and intestinal dysbiosis, colibacillosis, acute and chronic cystitis, hormonal senescence, menopausal disorders, arthritis and osteoarthritis in old age, osteoporosis.

Combinations with other glyc­ erol hydroalcoholic extracts: in


intestinal flatulence by dismicrobism and intestinal disbiosis with nut; in colibacillosis with blueberries, in hormonal senescence with rosemary and raspberry, in menopausal disorders with willow amenti and raspberry, in hormonal senescence with rosemary and raspberry etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Lilac buds

(Syringa vulgaris) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Coronarodilatory (favors coronary artery vasodilatation increasing the blood irrigation of the heart, improving myocardial oxygenation and trophicity). Recommendations: Coronary insufficiency with and without angina pectoris, miocardocoronarosclerosis, post-myocardial infarction, coronary thrombotic adjunct in the prevention treatment of myocardial infarction. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in angina,

coronary thrombotic with bloody plant and hawthorn; in coronary insufficiency with bloody plant, in post-myocardial infarction sequelae corn radicels and black alder, in coronary miocardosclerosis black alder and hawthorn etc. The doctor may change the associations.


Action: Stimulating the reticuloendothelial system, the macrophages, the Kupffer cells, spleen cells, the pancreatic cells and osteoblasts, anti-inflammatory.

Blackberry shoots

(Rubus fruticosus) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Remineralizing, hypoglycemiant, antisenescent, antioxidant, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, healing and diuretic. Recommendations: Obstructive respiratory failure with the reduction of FEV, emphysema, postmenopausal osteoporosis, osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis), osteoarthritis in the elderly, diabetes mellitus type II, the fibrosclerosis and hialinose of senescent organs, atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic interstitial nephropathy, erythematous angina.

Recommendations: Mucosa inlfamma-

tions (acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, recurrent nasopharyngitis), mineral deficiency, rickets, growth disorders, osteomyelitis and osteochondritis, osteoarthritis, dental caries, fibrocystic mastopathy and lymph nodes.

Combinations with other glycerol hydro­ alcoholic extracts: In allergic rhinitis, recur-

rent nasopharyngitis with black currant and rosehip; in osteochondritis, rickets, mineral deficiencies, fracture with white fir, in lymph nodes with walnut etc. The doctor may change the associations.



White birch buds

(Betula pendula) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: in obstructive chronic bron-

chitis with black alder, hornbeam and black currant; in emphysema with hazelnuts and black currant; in osteoarthrosis, chronic degenerative rheumatism with black currants, pine, fluffy birch and vine ; in diabetes type II with field maple, walnut and juniper, interstitial nephritis with or without chronic pyelonephritis with beech etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Walnut buds

(Juglans regia) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antidiabetic (useful for regulating blood sugar levels), healing, universal drain (lymph, intestinal, spleenic, pancreatic), immunomodulatory.

Recommendations: Hyper-gamaglobulinemic syndromes, chronic inflammation and chronic mu-

cosal suppurations: the ENT sphere (ear, rhinitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush), respiratory tract (tracheitis, bronchitis), gastrointestinal (GI ulcer, intestinal dismicrobism) of the uro-genital area (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, salpingitis, metritis, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea), hepatobiliary disease (hepatitis, cholecystitis, hepato-cholecystitis), pancreas disorders, skin diseases (dermatitis, dermatoses, eczema, lichen plan, herpes, pyoderma, wounds and wound suppurated drop attacks), depression-anxiety syndrome.

Combinations with other glyc­ erol hydroalcoholic extracts:


in aphthous stomatitis with black alder and black currant; in diabetes with black mulberry, in depressive and psychastenic states with rosemary; in infected eczema, impetigo, pyoderma with elm tree, in recurrent herpes with field maple, elm tree and rosehip; in diarrhea after antibiotics with forest cranberries, in gingivitis, alveolo-dental pioree with fluffy birch and oak etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Fluffy birch buds

(Betula pubescens) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: It activates the reticuloendothelial and lymphocytic activity, drains the tissues infiltrated with excessive metabolic waste, stimulates the liver detoxification function, antithrombophillic, general tonic, it enhances remineralization and osteogenesis, normalizes the levels of urea, uric acid and cholesterol. Recommendations: General tonic and stimulant in psycho-physical states of fatigue and exhaustion, dysmetabolic disorders, mineral deficiency, rickets, growth disorders, osteoporosis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, periodontal disease, anorexia in children and adults, thrombophlebitis, gingivitis, alveolo-dental pioree. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in periodontitis, gingivostomatitis, chronic purulent periodontitis white fir and oak in demineralization in children and adults, rickets white fir, accompanied by growth disorders and osteo-articular pain with with white fir and blackthorn; in recurrent nasopharynx and adenoid in children with black currant, rosehip and white fir, the recurrent nasopharyngitis in adults with hornbeam, in intercostal neuralgia with maple etc. The doctor may change the associations.


Action: Anti-inflammatory, speeds the healing process of the myocardial tissue after infarction (favors the reparative processes of the myocardium and normalizes glutamate oxalacetic transaminase levels) coronarodilatatoary, hepatoprotective.

(Pinus montana) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: It enables the regeneration of the osteoarticular system, anti-inflammatory of all the articular cartilages, remineralizing, it intervenes in the metabolism protides (corrects hypo-alpha 2, beta, gamma-globulinemia and albumin levels) and in the lipid and lipoprotein metabolism (reduces total cholesterol and of β-lipoproteins). Recommendations: Coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, vertebral arthrosis chronic degenerative rheumatism, osteoporosis (postmenopausal and senile post), pathological fractures and delayed consolidation of fractures, in back pain and cervicarthrosis, cholesterol-lowering in atherosclerosis.

Recommendations: Post-infarct syndrome, coronary insufficiency, miocardo-angio-sclerosis, chronic hepatitis. Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: promoting healing in injured

myocardium in the post infarction with bloody plant, in coronary insufficiency with bloody and lilac, in miocardo-angio-sclerosis with lilac. The doctor may change the associations.

Hawthorn shoots

(Crataegus oxyacantha) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: It has a cardiovascular and neurovegetative elective tropism, has an effective tonic heart

coronarodilatatoary action, it enables peripheral arterial vasodilation, antispasmodic, sedative, antioxidant. Hawthorn is for coronary heart diseases what the digital is for heart failure.

Recommendations: Abnormal heart rhythms (tachycardia, extrasystoles, palpitations), ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, sequelae of myocardial infarction), heart senile miocardio-angiosclerosis, myocarditis with postinfectious heart failure, endocarditis, hypertension, heart failure, early atherosclerosis, cardiac neurosis, insomnia, feelings of anxiety and oppression in the chest region, vertigo, anxiety and menopausal neurovegetative disorders (palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, sweating), peripheral circulation disorders in obese patients, cerebral circulatory insufficiency with memory impairment, it generally stimulates cell renewal and favours longevity.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in miocar-


Pine buds

dio-angio-sclerosis, senile heart, with bloody plant, the sequelae of myocardial infarction with corn, in anxiety states, insomnia, with cardiac erethism with lime etc. The doctor can change the associations.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalco­ holic extracts: in osteoarthritis and chronic de-



Corn radicels

(Zea mays) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

generative rheumatism with black currant, blackberry and vine, in coxarthrosis with black currant, vine and fluffy birch, in fractures of senile structures, osteoporosis and postmenopausal blackberry and rosehip; in back pain with mountain cranberries, in senile osteoporosis and osteoarthritis with blackberry; in pathological fractures and fractures with delayed consolidation with white fir, etc.. The doctor may change the associations.

Black poplar buds

(Populus nigra) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Vasodilators and vasoprotectives (reduces vasospasm in the lower limb arteries, favors collateral compensation circulation, prevents dystrophic disorders and infectious complications following chronic ischemia), it enables the normalization of gammaglobulines, beta-lipoproteins and uric acid, it fights against the tendency towards thrombophilia, anti-inflammatory of the osteoarticular apparatus, respiratory and urinary tract.

Recommendations: The remedy of choice in the treatment arteriopathies, arthritis of the lower limbs, wounds and ulcers following arterial insufficiency, Raynaud's disease and atherosclerotic arteritis caused by smoking, thrombophlebitis and tendency towards thromboembolic manifestations of the inferior limbs, arthritis and lower limb arthritis, gout and joint gout manifestations, recurrent cystitis, kidney stones having uric causes, chronic bronchitis and recurrent traheitis in children. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in the arteries of the lower limbs, circulatory insufficiency of the lower limbs in smoking with bloody plant, chronic bronchitis and recurrent tracheitis in children with black currant, hornbeam and walnut. The doctor may change the associations.


Blackthorn buds

(Prunus spinosa) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

(Hordeum vulgare) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Action: Nonspecific imunostimulatory, activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, general body tonic, stimulates appetite.

Action: Tonic (stimulates metabolic activity), hepatoprotective and it drans the liver.

Recommendations: Anorexia, impaired growth, psycho-physical fatigue debility states due to stress, decreased defence ability of body against intercurrent infections.

Recommendations: Chronic hepatitis, liver failure, cirrhosis, steatosis, gout, hypercholesterolemia.

Combinations with other glycerol hydro­ alcoholic extracts: on immune deficiency

Combinations with other glycerol hy­ droalcoholic extracts are not known.

Rosemary shoots

(Rosmarinus officinalis) -diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

and periods of recovering from infectious and contagious diseases with rosehip; in late puberty and anorexia with fluffy birch, in growth delays with white fir, in anaemia with red sea buckthorn and hazelnut; in angina with lilac; in juvenile acne and furunculosis with walnut etc. The doctor may change the associations.



Barley radicels

Action: It helps the regeneration of the liver tissue, rebalancing of hepatobiliary dysfunction (cholagogue, choleretic, spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory), cholesterol lowering agent, enables the normalization the electrophoretic profile of serum protein and adjusts the functions of the endocrine glands (pituitary, adrenal, ovarian and testicular), stimulates cerebral circulation and peripheral capillary microcirculation, antioxidant (reduces superoxide free radicals and slows down the processes of senescence).

Recommendations: Digestive disorders (biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, he-

patic steatosis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure, enterocolitis), metabolic (hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperuricemia), diabetes, neuro-psychic disorders (anxiety, depression, decreased memory, vertigo, migraines), cardio-vascular diseases (cerebral and peripheral circulatory failure, atherosclerosis, normalizes the blood pressure (hypotension with a tendency to faint), endocrine dysfunctions (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, frigidity, impotence, prostate adenoma, adrenocortical insufficiency, menopause, andropause), locomotor disorders (muscle contractions, mialgias), skin diseases (alopecia, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis), preventing the aging process. Rosemary is an optimal choleretic and cholesterol-lowering. Rosemary strengthens eyesight and memory, regulates the activity of the nervous system It also efficiently helps healing, it functions as a decongestant and peripheral vasodilator used in joint, muscular and rheumatic pain and stiff neck.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in hepatic


stages to enable the regeneration of liver cell functions juniper and rye radicels, for hepato-biliary drainage with field maple and ash, in hypotension with black currant and oak, in early ageing in women and menopause raspberry and mountain cranberries etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Oak buds

(Quercus pedunculata) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Non-specific immunostimulatory poliendocrine stimulant (it corrects the adrenal ovarian, testicular secretory activity), it helps regulate the intestinal function, normalizes serum protein values, it has antisenescent effect, universal drain. Recommendations: Adrenal insufficiency, hypotension, spring asthenia, andropause and menopause sexual asthenia, frigidity, impotence, azoospermia, menstrual disorders, vaginal inertia, early senescence, constipation, periodontal disease, allergies, depression. Precautions in pregnancy and lactation, it is administered only according to the doctor’s advice Combinations with other glycerol hy­ droalcoholic extracts: in physical and intellectual overexertion, denutriton states with blackthorn, for periodontitis with alveolo-dental pioree with fir tree and fluffy birch, for the capillary fragility with a tendency to bruise with horse chestnut in dysmenorrhea with raspberry and willow amenti; in hyposupra renal disorders with hypotension, allergies, etc. with currants. The doctor may change the associations.


Rye Radicels

Action: Estrogen (it helps stimulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-suprarenaliano-genital axis ), sedative.

Action: Liver drainer and hepatoprotective, supports liver cell regeneration and normalizes hepatic transaminase levels, general tonic (stimulates metabolic activity).

Recommendations: Endocrine disorders in male and female sexual sphere: hypomenorea, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, hipoestrogenie, infertility, premenstrual syndrome, pelvic pain, menopausal disorders, sexual hyperexcitability (nymphomania, priapism, onanism, premature ejaculation), sterility with hipoestrogenic disorders, uterine colic, biliary colic. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalco­ holic extracts: in endocrino-sexual dysfunctions

in both sexes with willow buds, neurovegetative PMS disorders, dysmenorrhea with raspberry etc.. The doctor may change the associations.

Willow buds (Salix alba) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Actions: Sedative, autonomic regulatory, anafrodisiac, stimulates hematopoesis.

Recommendations: Insomnia, anxiety, neuro­ve­

getative dystonia,hysteria, nymphomania, priapism, as adjunct in anaemia.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroal­ coholic extracts: in insomnia and anxiety sta­

tes with lime, in anaemia (it enhances its anaemic action) with red sea buckhtorn. The doctor may change the associations.

Willow bark

(Salix alba) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Anti-inflammatory especially of the musculoskeletal apparatus, antipyretics, analgesic.

Recommendations: Acute arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever, arthritis of small joints, arthralgia, pain from arthritis, flu syndrome with fever, night sweats.

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in arthritis with black


currant, pine and vine, the arthritis of the small joints with vine, etc. The doctor may change the associations.

(Secale cereale) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Recommendations: Acute and chronic hepatitis of different etiologies, liver failure, cirrhosis, steatosis, gout, hypercholesterolemia, psoriasis and psoriatic dermatitis. Combinations with other glycerol hy­ droalcoholic extracts: in chronic hepatitis



Willow aments

(Salix alba) -diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

with juniper and black currant; in liver failure with rosemary in liver cirrhosis with decrease in liver volume with nuts, in cirrhosis with hepatomegaly with juniper, etc.. The doctor may change the associations.

Vine shoots

(Vitis vinifera) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Anti-inflammatory (in chronic and recurrent inflammation of the osteoarticular apparatus), immunomodulator, it stimulates the reticuloendothelial system, antirheumatic, it normalizes the values of serum proteins (albumin, alpha1-, alpha2-and beta-globulin, beta-lipoproteins, gamma globulin) and total cholesterol. Recommendations: Chronic rheumatism of joints, chronic degenerative rheumatism coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, generalized arthrosis, arthritis deforming of small joints (rheumatoid arthritis), gout joint manifestations, ulcero-hemorrhagic rectocolitis, syndromes characterized by hipergammaglobulinemy, leucocytosis and lym­pho­cytosis, coadjuvant in lymphoma, osteoporosis, uterine bleeding in menopause, skin neoformations (warts, moles, etc.). Combinations with other glyc­ erol hydroalcoholic extracts: in

chronic poliarthicular rheumatism with pine and black currant; in osteoarthritis with fluffy birch, pine and black currant; in leukocytosis, lymphocytosis with red buckthorn horse chestnut, in osteoporosis with black currant and pine, in recurrent angina with nut. The doctor may change the associations.


Elm buds

Actions: Antithrombotic, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory it helps adjust the thyroid secretion.

Action: Dermatoprotective, regulates the sebaceous secretion, stimulates the liver reticuloendothelial cells (Kupffer), it helps detoxification processes, anti-inflammatory, accelerates catabolism of nucleoproteins and the elimination of uric acid, improves lipid metabolism, mild thrombophilic action, it can also be used in juvenile acne, recurrent herpes, acidic and smelly sweat.

Recommendations: Platelet antiaggregate in acute and subacute thrombosis with or without tissue necrosis (coronary thrombotic, post myocardial infarction in the first week, thrombophilia states with thrombotic risk), arthritis caused by smoking, lower limb arteriopathies, hyperthyroidism with thyrotoxicosis phenomena (eye and heart complications). Combinations with other glycerol hydroalco­ holic extracts: sequelae after myocardial infarc-

tion, coronary thrombotic diseases with black alder, in coronary insufficiency, senile miocardiosclerosis with hawthorn, in arthritis and leg arteriopathies with poplar etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Tuia shoots

(Ulmus campestris) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Recommendations: Cutaneous tissue disorders (dermatitis of various etiologies, dermatoses, piodermitis, herpes, eczema, seborrhea, impetigo), mucosal disease (stomatitis, sores, cervicitis, leukorrhea, abrasions of the cervix), gout, hypercholesterolemia, beneficial remedy for any inflammatory condition in exudative phase.



Dogwood buds

(Cornus sanguinea) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH

Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in dermatoses, eczema, hives with black currant, in juvenile acne, impetigo, suppurative wounds, hidrosadenitis with walnut, in recurrent herpes with rosehip; in hyperuricemia and gout with ash. The doctor may change the associations.

(Thuya orientalis) - contains diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Hemostatic (influences the blood

coagulation factors and improves the symptoms of different bleeding states), expectorant, reduces uterine and mammary fibroadenomas, stimulates hair growth.

Recommendations: Epistaxis, haemate-

mesis (gastrointestinal bleeding), melaena, haematuria, uterine bleeding,, adjuvant in the treatment of uterine fibromatosis and mammary fibro-adenomas, adjunct in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis (as expectorant it soothes the irritative spastic cough); can be used as an adjunct treatment to cure warts and alopecia.

Tuia seeds

(Thuja orientalis) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Actions: Sedative, soothing, anxiolytic, rebalances the neurovegetative tone.


Recommendations: Insomnia, anxiety, neurasthenia, heart erethism.

Silver lime buds

(Tilia tomentosa) - contains diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH Action: Anxiolytic and slightly hypnotic (it is a tranquilising plant par excellence), antispasmodic choleretic, mild vasodilator. Recommendations: Sedative and tranquilizer in neurovegetative dystonia, neurosis, anxiety states, hiperemotivitaty, adult and child insomnia, sedative and antispasmodic in teething pain in children and colic problems in infants, adjuvant in the treatment of unusual manifestations of epilepsy in children, spastic colitis, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in neuro-

sis, anxiety states with field plain, in heart erethism - palpitations, tachycardia, anxiety with hawthorn, the in coronary spasm with hawthorn and lilac, in colic affections in the newborn with red buckthorn, in spastic colitis with mountain cranberries etc. The doctor may change the associations. It is recommended in pediatric, geriatric treatment, in pregnancy, body debility.


Action: Organotropism for female genitalia, balances the functions of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, regulates ovarian hormone secretion during puberty and menopause, supports the regulation of protein metabolism and rebalances the serum protein values, uterine spasmolytic action. Recommendations: Cure for female endocrine disorders (puberty, dysmenorrhea and menopause), ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, female infertility, hiperfoliculinemia premenstrual syndrome, fibrocystic mastopathia, metritis and vaginitis, female senescence, neurovegetative disorders PMS, libido disorders, atherosclerosis, oliguria and urinary stones, fluid retention, acne. Combinations with other glycerol hydroalcoholic extracts: in neurovegetative disorders PMS, dysmenorrhea with willow amenti, in frigidity with fluffy birch and rosemary in polycystic ovarian disease with black currant, in early ageing and menopause in women with rosemary and mountain cranberries etc. The doctor may change the associations.

Food supplements

 The administration recommended for the 1DH glycerol hydroalcoholic extract: after dilution in some water, take a large quantity in your mouth to ensure absorption through the oral mucosa and swallow slowly.  Shelf life: 5 years  Presentation: folding box with 30 single-dose glycerol hydroalcoholic extract



Raspberry shoots

(Rubus idaeus) - diluted glycerol hydroalcoholic extract 1DH




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