Cultural Center: 2011 Spring/Summer Calendar

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Ca len da r

of Events

s p r i n g / s u m m e r

spring/summer 2011








April 7-9, 2011

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Calendar of Events Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Hofstra University

Hofstra Cultural Center

Celebrating the founding of Hofstra University with a conference

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H o fst r a C u lt u r a l C en t er

Academic Highlights of the 75th Anniversary Celebration...................... 3 Conferences, Symposia and Workshops................................................... 8 Lectures................................................................................................... 13 Center for Civic Engagement.................................................................. 16 Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency................................................................. 17 Hofstra University School of Law.......................................................... 18 Labor Studies Program........................................................................... 20 Theater and Dance.................................................................................. 21 Hofstra Entertainment............................................................................. 24 Music...................................................................................................... 25 Opera....................................................................................................... 28 Irish Studies Program.............................................................................. 29 Hofstra University Museum.................................................................... 30 Scott Skodnek Business Development Center........................................ 34 Hofstra University Continuing Education.............................................. 34 Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs..................... 36 African-American History Month........................................................... 36 Women’s History Month......................................................................... 37 Special Events......................................................................................... 37 Festivals.................................................................................................. 39 This calendar is a sampling of Hofstra’s spring/summer 2011 schedule of events. Information listed is subject to change. To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete the Information Request Card at the back of this brochure, or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.

For a complete schedule of events celebrating Hofstra’s 75th anniversary, please visit

For our Good Neighbors at 75 program, community attendance is welcomed and either free (often for academic programs that are open to students as well) or, for those programs requiring the purchase of a ticket, there is a buy-one full-price ticket, get-one free offer available to residents of Hempstead, Uniondale, Garden City, East Meadow and Westbury. Showing of identification may be necessary. Cover design: J Bret Bennington, Hofstra University



Information Request Card


NAME_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_ ____________________________________________________________


CITY____________________________ STATE_ ___________ZIP__________________

By automobile, Hofstra can be reached easily by main east-west and north-south roads. Of the parkways, Meadowbrook Parkway is closest; it runs north and south between the Southern State Parkway and Northern State Parkway. Leave Meadowbrook Parkway at exit M4 (Hempstead Turnpike, West); Hofstra is less than a mile to the west.

Telephone___________________________________________________________ E-mail________________________________________________________________ IF YOU ARE MOVING and would like to continue receiving the Calendar of Events, please write your new address on the return coupon. Also, please send us the old address label so that we can correct our master database. Without the old address label, we cannot process the change.

Student Center Theater, Mack Student Center, North Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn right at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto North Campus. At second STOP sign, bear left and park. Walk into the Mack Student Center (building with bell tower). Upon entering doors, make an immediate right and follow corridor to Student Center Theater.

To request additional information, check appropriate box(es):

MAILING LIST q Add to mailing list

Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn right at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto North Campus. At second STOP sign, bear left and park. Walk into Mack Student Center and continue straight ahead. Cross over pedestrian bridge to base of Axinn Library. Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater is on the left.

q Already on mailing list

CONFERENCES/SYMPOSIA/WORKSHOPS q 75th Anniversary Academic Celebrations q 1935: The Reality and the Promise q Into Sunlight: Impact of War and Violence on the Social Body From the Vietnam Era to the Present

John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, travel under second pedestrian bridge and make a Uturn at the next traffic light. Proceed 70 feet and make the first right turn onto South Campus. Go past two STOP signs and park. Building on the left is the John Cranford Adams Playhouse (lions in front of building).

LECTURES q Issues in Judaism Lectures q Italian American Experience Lecture Series q International Scene Lecture Series q Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Lectures q AIA/LIS Lecture Series

Black Box Theater, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, travel under second pedestrian bridge and make a Uturn at the next traffic light. Proceed 70 feet and make the first right turn onto South Campus. Go past two STOP signs and park. Building on the right is the New Academic Building, which houses the Black Box Theater.

SPECIAL EVENTS q Hofstra Entertainment q “Great Writers, Great Readings” Series q Joseph G. Astman International Concert Series q Hofstra University School of Law q Hofstra University Museum q Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs q Opera Performances q African-American History Month q Women’s History Month q 75th Anniversary Events

Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn left at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto California Avenue. At first STOP sign, turn right into parking lot. Building on the right is the Spiegel Theater. The Helene Fortunoff Theater, Monroe Lecture Center, California Avenue, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn left at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto California Avenue. After first STOP sign, make first left into parking lot. Monroe Lecture Center faces California Avenue. Please observe all handicapped parking restrictions. Hofstra University continues its commitment to extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status in employment and in the conduct and operation of Hofstra University’s educational programs and activities, including admissions, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school administered programs. This statement of nondiscrimination is in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, the Age Discrimination Act and other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to nondiscrimination (“Equal Opportunity Laws”). The Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer is the University’s official responsible for coordinating its adherence to Equal Opportunity Laws. Questions or concerns regarding any of these laws or other aspects of Hofstra’s Equal Opportunity Statement should be directed to Jennifer Mone, the Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer, at (516) 463-7310, C/O Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel, 101 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For more information on general student matters (not work-related), you may contact the Dean of Students or Services for Students with Disabilities Offices, as appropriate.

Spring/Summer 2011

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For all other information, please contact the appropriate department listed.


Table of Contents

COURSE WORK AT HOFSTRA I would like information about the following Hofstra University educational programs: q Full-time undergraduate q Full-time graduate q Part-time undergraduate q Part-time graduate q Hofstra University Continuing Education

For further information, call 516-HOFSTRA.

Academic Highlights of the 75th Anniversary Celebration...................... 3 Conferences, Symposia and Workshops................................................... 8 Lectures................................................................................................... 13 Center for Civic Engagement.................................................................. 16 Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency................................................................. 17 Hofstra University School of Law.......................................................... 18 Labor Studies Program........................................................................... 20 Theater and Dance.................................................................................. 21 Hofstra Entertainment............................................................................. 24 Music...................................................................................................... 25 Opera....................................................................................................... 28 Irish Studies Program.............................................................................. 29 Hofstra University Museum.................................................................... 30 Scott Skodnek Business Development Center........................................ 34 Hofstra University Continuing Education.............................................. 34 Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs..................... 36 African-American History Month........................................................... 36 Women’s History Month......................................................................... 37 Special Events......................................................................................... 37 Festivals.................................................................................................. 39 This calendar is a sampling of Hofstra’s spring/summer 2011 schedule of events. Information listed is subject to change. To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete the Information Request Card at the back of this brochure, or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.

For a complete schedule of events celebrating Hofstra’s 75th anniversary, please visit

For our Good Neighbors at 75 program, community attendance is welcomed and either free (often for academic programs that are open to students as well) or, for those programs requiring the purchase of a ticket, there is a buy-one full-price ticket, get-one free offer available to residents of Hempstead, Uniondale, Garden City, East Meadow and Westbury. Showing of identification may be necessary. Cover design: J Bret Bennington, Hofstra University



Information Request Card


NAME_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_ ____________________________________________________________


CITY____________________________ STATE_ ___________ZIP__________________

By automobile, Hofstra can be reached easily by main east-west and north-south roads. Of the parkways, Meadowbrook Parkway is closest; it runs north and south between the Southern State Parkway and Northern State Parkway. Leave Meadowbrook Parkway at exit M4 (Hempstead Turnpike, West); Hofstra is less than a mile to the west.

Telephone___________________________________________________________ E-mail________________________________________________________________ IF YOU ARE MOVING and would like to continue receiving the Calendar of Events, please write your new address on the return coupon. Also, please send us the old address label so that we can correct our master database. Without the old address label, we cannot process the change.

Student Center Theater, Mack Student Center, North Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn right at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto North Campus. At second STOP sign, bear left and park. Walk into the Mack Student Center (building with bell tower). Upon entering doors, make an immediate right and follow corridor to Student Center Theater.

To request additional information, check appropriate box(es):

MAILING LIST q Add to mailing list

Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn right at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto North Campus. At second STOP sign, bear left and park. Walk into Mack Student Center and continue straight ahead. Cross over pedestrian bridge to base of Axinn Library. Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater is on the left.

q Already on mailing list

CONFERENCES/SYMPOSIA/WORKSHOPS q 75th Anniversary Academic Celebrations q 1935: The Reality and the Promise q Into Sunlight: Impact of War and Violence on the Social Body From the Vietnam Era to the Present

John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, travel under second pedestrian bridge and make a Uturn at the next traffic light. Proceed 70 feet and make the first right turn onto South Campus. Go past two STOP signs and park. Building on the left is the John Cranford Adams Playhouse (lions in front of building).

LECTURES q Issues in Judaism Lectures q Italian American Experience Lecture Series q International Scene Lecture Series q Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Lectures q AIA/LIS Lecture Series

Black Box Theater, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, travel under second pedestrian bridge and make a Uturn at the next traffic light. Proceed 70 feet and make the first right turn onto South Campus. Go past two STOP signs and park. Building on the right is the New Academic Building, which houses the Black Box Theater.

SPECIAL EVENTS q Hofstra Entertainment q “Great Writers, Great Readings” Series q Joseph G. Astman International Concert Series q Hofstra University School of Law q Hofstra University Museum q Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs q Opera Performances q African-American History Month q Women’s History Month q 75th Anniversary Events

Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn left at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto California Avenue. At first STOP sign, turn right into parking lot. Building on the right is the Spiegel Theater. The Helene Fortunoff Theater, Monroe Lecture Center, California Avenue, South Campus: On Hempstead Turnpike, turn left at traffic light before second pedestrian bridge onto California Avenue. After first STOP sign, make first left into parking lot. Monroe Lecture Center faces California Avenue. Please observe all handicapped parking restrictions. Hofstra University continues its commitment to extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status in employment and in the conduct and operation of Hofstra University’s educational programs and activities, including admissions, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school administered programs. This statement of nondiscrimination is in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, the Age Discrimination Act and other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to nondiscrimination (“Equal Opportunity Laws”). The Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer is the University’s official responsible for coordinating its adherence to Equal Opportunity Laws. Questions or concerns regarding any of these laws or other aspects of Hofstra’s Equal Opportunity Statement should be directed to Jennifer Mone, the Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer, at (516) 463-7310, C/O Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel, 101 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For more information on general student matters (not work-related), you may contact the Dean of Students or Services for Students with Disabilities Offices, as appropriate.

Spring/Summer 2011

Send information to: (please print or affix mailing label)

For all other information, please contact the appropriate department listed.


Table of Contents

COURSE WORK AT HOFSTRA I would like information about the following Hofstra University educational programs: q Full-time undergraduate q Full-time graduate q Part-time undergraduate q Part-time graduate q Hofstra University Continuing Education

For further information, call 516-HOFSTRA.

President’s Message Dear Friends,


Years of Pride and Purpose is a yearlong celebration of Hofstra University’s unique history, our academic excellence, our service to the community, and the success of our faculty, alumni and students. During the spring, we will continue the extraordinary celebration of Hofstra’s 75th anniversary. The Hofstra Cultural Center has again assembled a rich and diverse schedule of performances, events, conferences, lectures and programs. The celebration, which began in 2010 on the anniversary of our first day of classes, September 23, continues through the end of the academic year, and concludes with two landmark events. First, we look back at our shared history through a major interdisciplinary conference, 1935: The Reality and the Promise, and second, we look forward and celebrate the admission of the first class of students to the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine at Hofstra University during our annual gala. The Hofstra Cultural Center has convened a unique series of academic conferences and symposia, and, under the direction of Provost Herman Berliner, asked each of our schools and colleges to look at the history and future of their academic disciplines. During the spring semester, we celebrate Hofstra University School of Law’s 40th anniversary with the conference Hofstra Law School and the Community: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The School for University Studies hosts Framing the World: 1935 Film Festival, and the School of Communication considers Communication, Technology and Democracy: Promises, Prophecies and Projections: 1935-2011. Other divisions and groups, such as the Saltzman Community Services Center, IDEAS Institute, Honors College and the Hofstra Association of Retired Professors host events that are open to the public. The Department of Drama and Dance hosts Into Sunlight: Impact of War and Violence on the Social Body From the Vietnam Era to the Present, an interdisciplinary conference that brings together lectures and panel discussions with artistic displays and performances. Drama and Dance also hosts an evening of musical theater with 75 Years in 75 Minutes. In addition to the rich variety of programming through the 75th anniversary celebration, our academic and student divisions offer a wealth of other public lectures, workshops and performances, designed to educate, engage and entertain you. From the Kalikow Center’s consideration of presidential issues, to the School of Medicine’s Complete Physician lecture series, to the Music Department’s variety of performances or Hofstra Entertainment’s Summer Season, to the Hofstra University Museum’s exhibitions and public education programs, to the Irish Festival, there is something for our entire community this spring. I hope you will join us for another season of exceptional events, lectures and performances. Sincerely,

Stuart Rabinowitz President


Hofstra Cultural Center


he Hofstra Cultural Center is an internationally renowned organization that includes a conference and symposium component, a music program, and the publication of the proceedings of its conferences and symposia. It plans and coordinates conferences and symposia in the fields of humanities, business, law, and the sciences to promote the University as an international arena of scholarly thought and to foster Long Island as a cultural entity. The activities of the Hofstra Cultural Center augment the offerings of the academic departments of the University. The conference and symposium component develops educational programs related to the cultural and interdisciplinary experience of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and national and international scholars. The Hofstra Cultural Center has sponsored more than 130 conferences and symposia and has won international recognition for its Presidential Conference Series. Conferences, lectures, theater performances, and concerts are open to members of the Hofstra family and the community at large. For further information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669 or visit Natalie Datlof Executive Director

Athelene A. Collins Senior Associate Director

Deborah S. Lom Assistant Director

Carol D. Mallison Conference Coordinator

Did you know? In 1935 … • Federal spending was $6.41 billion. • Unemployment was 20.1 percent. • A gallon of gas cost 10 cents. • The Consumer Price Index was 13.7. • President Roosevelt signed the U.S. Social Security Act. • U.S. Congress accepted President Roosevelt’s New Deal. • T he Emergency Relief Appropriation Act instituted the WPA (Works Progress Administration) to create millions of jobs. • A melia Earhart became the first person to fly solo from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California. • Parker Brothers released the board game Monopoly. Born in 1935 … Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama, spiritual leader; Jerry Lee Lewis, musician; Seiji Ozawa, conductor; Floyd Patterson, boxer; Pete Hamill, journalist.


Academic Highlights of the 75th Anniversary Celebration FEBRUARY/MARCH SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES presents

IDEAS (Institute for the Development of Education in the Advanced Sciences) Hofstra at 75: Science at Work

As Hofstra University celebrates its 75th anniversary, Hofstra alumni share stories of their science education and the role of science in their work. Speakers: Hofstra Alumni Date/Time: Thursday, February 3, 7:30-9 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Admission: Free


FRAMING THE WORLD: 1935 FILM FESTIVAL A film festival celebrating five of the greatest films of 1935.

Bride of Frankenstein, Thursday, February 10 Top Hat, Thursday, February 17 A Night at the Opera, Thursday, February 24 Mutiny on the Bounty, Thursday, March 3 The 39 Steps, Thursday, March 10

Time and location for all film screenings: 7-10 p.m. 211 Breslin Hall, South Campus Admission: Free For more information, please contact the School for University Studies at 516-463-5291.



This conference will look back to the early days of the Law School — from the clinic that opened its doors to the Hofstra community in 1972, to the coaching of Hempstead High School’s winning 2010 mock trial team by current Hofstra Law students. We’ll also take a look at upcoming health care, ethics, international business and collaborative law speakers, programs and events. Date/Time: Friday, February 25, 11 a.m. Location: 308 Hofstra Law School, South Campus Admission: Free For more information or to register, please contact Hofstra University School of Law at 516-463-5858 or, or visit




This conference will focus on the intersection of communication and civic participation – how, for 75 years, technology has both engaged and disenfranchised readers, listeners and viewers around the world. Keynote Speaker: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Ph.D. Elizabeth Ware Packard Professor of Communication Annenberg School for Communication Walter and Leonore Annenberg Director Annenberg Public Policy Center University of Pennsylvania Joseph G. Astman Distinguished Conference Scholar Date/Time: Location: Donation:

Wednesday, March 23, 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 246 East Library Wing Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus $15

Proceeds will benefit the School of Communication Alumni Scholarship Fund. For more information, please contact the School of Communication at 516-463-5217.



Retired faculty discuss highlights of their teaching experiences at Hofstra. Professor Emeritus Herbert Rosenbaum has assembled a number of fellow retirees for these programs to reflect on Hofstra’s past. Some of the participants recall their more than 60 years of association with Hofstra College and Hofstra University. Date/Time: Friday, March 25, 1-3 p.m.* Location: 246 East Library Wing Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus Admission: Free (light refreshments served) *Additional session date and time to be announced. For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669.



Community Service Day is an open house showcasing the work and research of Hofstra doctoral and graduate students as well as all the services and programs offered at the individual Saltzman Center clinics. Date/Time: Saturday, March 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: Saltzman Community Services Center, South Campus Admission: Free For more information, please contact the Saltzman Community Services Center at 516-463-6535.




Hofstra University commemorates 75 years of higher education with a multidisciplinary retrospective of the arts, sciences and social structure of the world as it was when our first class of students began their studies. Dates: Thursday-Saturday, April 7-9 Admission: Fee

Related Event:

Hofstra University Museum Exhibition: 1930s: Art in America

Dates: Location:

Monday, February 28-Friday, May 27 David Filderman Gallery Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 9th floor, South Campus

For more information, please see page 31.

For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669 or visit



The Colonial Academic Alliance is the parallel organization to the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA). As part of the ongoing celebration of the University’s 75th anniversary, Hofstra University will be the first CAA school to host the conference for a second time and bring together the 12 member schools to confirm their shared mission, beyond competitive sports, of academic excellence and, in particular, support for outstanding undergraduate research (with poster sessions and paper presentations). Dates: Friday-Sunday, April 8-10 Admission: Free For more information, please contact Hofstra University Honors College at 516-463-4842.

Did you know? In 1935 … • Boulder Dam in Colorado was completed.

• T he Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie (France) for the synthesis of new radioactive elements; James Chadwick (UK) received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the neutron. • George H. Gallup began the “Gallup Poll.” • P resident Roosevelt’s Revenue Act, often referred to as the Wealth Tax Act, was signed into law. To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.



DEPARTMENT OF DRAMA AND DANCE present a conference


An interdisciplinary conference, bringing together diverse perspectives from history, political science, media, trauma studies, dance, somatic studies, visual art and theater to engage both a public and university audience in active dialogue addressing current conditions of war through the historical lens of the Vietnam Era. With keynote speaker David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of They Marched Into Sunlight and featured guest speakers Edward Tick and Emilie Conrad, the program consists of three days of lectures, panel discussions, speak-outs, art showings, and performance events. Dates: Thursday-Saturday, April 14-16 Admission: Fee

Related Events:



Undeclared History

Dates/Times: Location:

Friday, April 8 and 15, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 9 and 16, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 10 and 17, 2 p.m. Thursday, April 14, 8 p.m. Black Box Theater New Academic Building, South Campus

Spring Dance Concert

For more information, please see pages 22 and 23.

Dates/Times: Location:

Thursday, April 14, 8 p.m. Friday, April 15, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 16, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday, April 17, 2 p.m. John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus

For more information on the above conferences and symposia, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669 or visit

Did you know? In 1935 … • G eorge Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess, Clifford Odets’ Waiting for Lefty and Awake and Sing, Cole Porter’s musical Jubliee, and Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart’s musical Jumbo premiered in New York City. • Your Hit Parade debuted on radio. • Fibber McGee and Molly radio show premiered. Born in 1935 … Woody Allen, film director and actor; Julie Andrews, singer and actress; Dudley Moore, actor; Johnny Mathis, singer.



The Value of Reflection

The Seventh Lecture in the Series:

The Complete Physician: Educating Tomorrow’s Caregivers Keynote Speaker: Location: Date/Time: Admission:

Dr. Martin Samuels Founding Chair, Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research North Shore-LIJ Health System Boas Marks Pavilion 350 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY Thursday, May 12, 3-4 p.m. Free

For more information, please contact Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine at Hofstra University at 516-463-7202 or visit



75 Years in 75 Minutes

An evening of musical theater spanning 75 years of repertoire, from Cole Porter to Jason Robert Brown. Students from the Advanced Musical Theater Performance class share their talents in a musical revue celebrating Hofstra’s 75th anniversary and the first graduates of our new musical theater minor. Date/Time: Friday, May 13, 8 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Admission: Free For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.

For a complete schedule of events celebrating Hofstra’s 75th anniversary, please visit

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.



CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS Eighth Annual Student-Athlete Leadership Conference co-sponsored by the

Nassau High School Principals’ Association and the

Nassau County Physical Education Consortium

This conference for high school student-athlete leaders is intended to celebrate, support, and encourage positive student leadership throughout Nassau County school districts. Date/Time: Thursday, February 10, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $45 per person (preregistration required)

Senior Year Network Partnership Workshops co-sponsored by the

Nassau High School Principals’ Association Hofstra University Center for Secondary School Administrators and Supervisors and

Nassau BOCES Department of Career and Technical Education

Intended to support high schools in Nassau County that are in the process of establishing senior year programs that provide opportunities for students to conduct internships, develop and execute service projects, or design and conduct research or creative projects.

Workshop II

Workshop III

Date: Tuesday, February 15

Date: Tuesday, April 12

Time and location for both workshop sessions: 8-11:30 a.m. Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $25 per person per workshop (preregistration required)

12th Annual Leadership Seminar Series co-sponsored by the

Nassau High School Principals’ Association and the

Hofstra University Center for Secondary School Administrators and Supervisors

Provides a forum for high school principals, aspiring administrators, and college professors to meet and discuss issues of school leadership. The seminars encourage aspiring administrators to consider the high school principalship as a career goal and to explore the emerging challenges of this position. (A light dinner is included.)

Session I: High Expectations for Students

Session II: High Expectations for Administrators

Date: Wednesday, February 16 Date: Wednesday, March 16

(continued on page 9)


Session III: High Expectations for Teachers

Date: Wednesday, April 13

Time and location for all seminar sessions: 4-7 p.m. 246 East Library Wing Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus Fee: $60 per person per session; $160 per person for all three sessions in the series (preregistration required)

Focus on the Whole Child: Preventing Youth Violence and Gangs co-sponsored by the

Safe and Supportive Schools and Community Consortium

Focuses on prevention and intervention strategies that span the home, school, and community. Conference attendees will develop plans and strategies to battle youth violence and gangs across Long Island. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Catalano, Professor and Director Social Development Research Group School of Social Work, University of Washington Date/Time: Thursday, February 17, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $75 (preregistration required)

March of Dimes High School Student Leadership Conference co-sponsored by the

Nassau High School Principals’ Association and the

Hofstra University Center for Secondary School Administrators and Supervisors

High school students from Long Island will have the opportunity to develop the skills to serve their schools and communities as leaders. Date/Time: Thursday, March 3, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $25 per person (preregistration required)

Did you know? In 1935 … • It became illegal for airplanes to fly over the White House. • F rench ocean liner Normandie set record-breaking maiden voyage across the Atlantic. • P acific Association of the Amateur Athletic Union voted not to participate in the Berlin Olympics. • Japan invaded Shanghai, China. • Nazis deprived German Jews of citizenship. • P resident Roosevelt proclaimed the Philippine Islands a free commonwealth. Born in 1935 … Bob Uecker, Major League Baseball player; Constance Berry Newman, politician; Elvis Presley, singer; Fred Ebb, lyricist, Cabaret; Luciano Pavarotti, opera singer. To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


How to Build the Master Schedule Secondary Level – Part I

This two-day workshop is designed for personnel who are connected with or responsible for building the secondary school master schedule. The workshops will be “hands-on,” with simulated data provided for participants to build a mock master schedule from start to finish. Date/Time: Thursday, March 10, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Secondary Level – Part II

Date/Time: Thursday, March 31, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Location for both workshops: 246 East Library Wing Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus Fee: $210 per person for Part I and Part II (preregistration required) (fee includes breakfast and boxed lunch on both dates)

Building a Bridge Between Service and Learning co-sponsored by the

Hofstra University Division of Student Affairs

The goal is to build a bridge between service and learning that begins with serving the community and ends with reflection and a celebration of the educational process that reinforces the value of making a difference. Sergio Argueta, Hofstra Class of 2003, is the keynote speaker. Mr. Argueta is executive director and founder of S.T.R.O.N.G. Youth, Struggling to Reunite Our New Generation, an organization intended to battle gang involvement in Nassau County. Date/Time: Friday, March 11, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $30 per person; $20 for workshop presenters (preregistration required)

HNET, Hofstra Network of Elementary Teachers Ninth Annual Conference

Multiple workshops for elementary school teachers in all content areas as well as professional practice sessions. Date/Time: Saturday, March 12, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Admission: Free* (preregistration required) *Teachers will receive a staff development workshop letter for submission to school districts. For more information on this event and to register, please e-mail

11th Annual Literature and the Imagination Conference: The Author’s Craft: Writing Novels and Picture Books for Young People co-sponsored by the

Literacy Studies Program and the

Department of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership

Features keynote speaker Patricia Riley Giff, author of Willow Run and A House of Tailors, and guest speaker Emily Jenkins, author of Toys Go Out and Toy Dance Party. Date/Time: Saturday, March 26, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: Hagedorn Hall, South Campus Fee: $140 (noncredit basis) $ 45 senior citizen (over 62) $ 25 Hofstra student registering for graduate credit (does not include the cost of Hofstra University graduate credit) Free admission with current student HofstraCard (preregistration required)


Creative Arts Conference* co-sponsored by the

Hofstra Graduate Creative Arts Therapy Program

Intended to highlight the various dimensions of arts therapy application and insight into the growth of the field. Workshops will highlight successful programs in the region. Date/Time: Tuesday, April 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $100 per person $ 50 senior citizen (over 62) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID $ 25 Hofstra creative arts therapy student (preregistration required) *Each attendee will receive a certificate by ATCB for CECs (number of credits to be determined) toward BC recertification at no additional cost.

Senior Year Network Conference: Sharing Student Work co-sponsored by the

Nassau High School Principals’ Association Hofstra University Center for Secondary School Administrators and Supervisors and

Nassau BOCES Department of Career and Technical Education

Students from schools that have senior year programs are invited to present their internships, research papers, service learning, and creative projects. High schools are encouraged to send a team of educators, parents, and students to see the potential and power of change in Long Island high schools. Date/Time: Thursday, May 19, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Fee: $45 per person $25 for presenters (preregistration required) For more information on these conferences/workshops, including fees and registration, please contact Barbara Calvo in the Office of Professional Development Services at 516-463-5750 or, or visit


IDEAS (Institute for the Development of Education in the Advanced Sciences) IDEAS PUBLIC LECTURES ON SCIENCE IDEAS provides a focus on cutting-edge issues in science and technology for the general public, local public and private school teachers and administrators, and college educators. It seeks to create public visibility and enhanced understanding of advances in science and technology. Note: Registration is not required for the free public lectures on science.

Hofstra at 75: Science at Work Date/Time: Location:

Thursday, February 3, 7:30-9 p.m. The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus

For more information, please see page 3.

Galileo’s Muse: A Tale of Music, Physics, Creativity and Insight Date/Time: Location:

Thursday, March 10, 7:30-9 p.m. The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus

For more information, please see page 12.


A Skype Conversation With Lawrence Lowery, Champion of “Real Science” in Classrooms

For decades, Lawrence Lowery has been influencing how students learn science. Join us as we interview the creator of science and math programs used in schools worldwide. What does this champion of “real” science think is “really” important in our children’s and grandchildren’s science education? Speaker: Lawrence Lowery, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley Date/Time: Thursday, April 14, 7:30-9 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus

Talking Baseball: Engineering, Math, Science, and the ERA

Such diverse fields as statistical analysis and optimization, ergonomics, and material science, as well as organizational behavior and management theory, all apply to baseball. This presentation explores several of these applications from both historical and contemporary points of view. It may change how you watch and think about baseball! Speaker: Richard Puerzer, Associate Professor and Chair Department of Engineering, Hofstra University Date/Time: Thursday, May 5, 7:30-9 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus

IDEAS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS Multidisciplinary Problem Solving to Enhance Learning: A Science, Math, Art and Music Teacher Professional Development Workshop

This six-hour professional development workshop focusing on problem solving and creativity includes an evening presentation of Galileo’s Muse: A Tale of Music, Physics, Creativity and Insight. Date/Time: Thursday, March 10, 3:30-9:30 p.m. Location: To be announced. Fee: $60* (includes dinner)

Related Event:

Galileo’s Muse: A Tale of Music, Physics, Creativity and Insight

This evening of music and physics tells the story of how Galileo’s love of music and his experience as a lute player held the key to one of his most important scientific accomplishments – the formulation of his Law of Falling Bodies. Speaker: Benjamin Wolff, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music Hofstra University Date/Time: Thursday, March 10, 7:30-9 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Admission: Free

Students as Scientists: How and Why Doing “Real Science” Can Improve Test Scores, A Professional Development Workshop for K-12 Teachers

Participants in this six-hour professional development workshop will learn how to use local ecology (at the Hofstra Bird Sanctuary) and everyday materials to engage students in authentic science inquiry of fundamental concepts within New York state curriculum guidelines. Date/Time: Thursday, April 14, 3:30-9:30 p.m. Location: To be announced. Fee: $60* (includes dinner) *Can be taken for 6 hours toward professional development credit. Visit to download a registration form for these workshops, or call 516-463-5792 for more information. Workshop registration must be accompanied by payment.




ISSUES IN JUDAISM LECTURES Mideast Update With Michael Tuchfeld

Political Analyst and Media Consultant Former Parliamentary Correspondent and News Editor TV2, The Knesset Channel, Jerusalem, Israel Dates/Time: Wednesday, March 2 and 9, 7 p.m. Location for both lectures: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Tickets: $8 (for each lecture) $7 senior citizen (over 65) $5 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket (for each lecture) with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning February 8. To order tickets by mail, please send a stamped, self-addressed, business-sized envelope to: John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office 118 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1180 For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669.


ITALIAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE LECTURE SERIES Making Italian and Italian American History Come Alive

An informal lecture series based on Benedetto Croce’s idea that history is not dead but rather the “reliving of the past in the present mind,” using a combination of live vocal performance, key ideas, lecture and video segments from historical films. Speaker:

Ben V. Scannella, Teacher Emeritus of Humanities and Italian American Studies, Copiague High School Publisher of L’Esperienza Italian American Magazine

Making Italian and Italian American History Come Alive Date/Time: Tuesday, March 8, 7 p.m.

Italian Landscapes

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 5, 7 p.m.

Italian and Italian American Culture Date/Time: Tuesday, May 3, 7 p.m.

Location for all lectures: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission: Free (continued on page 14)

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


An Evening of Opera Favorites With The Bronx Opera Company Commentary by Michael Spierman, artistic director of The Bronx Opera Company, previewing its May production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni at Hofstra University. Date/Time: Tuesday, March 22, 7 p.m. Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission: Free

For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669.



The Archaeological Institute of America is dedicated to the protection of the world’s cultural heritage through the encouragement and support of archaeological research and publication. A nonprofit cultural and educational organization, the AIA is the oldest and largest archaeological institution in the United States. AIA/LIS monthly lectures offer members and the public an opportunity to learn the latest developments from archaeologists and related professionals who are developing this knowledge.

The Archaeology of Captivity and Freedom in Early New York

This presentation discusses archaeological findings from the African Burial Ground site in Manhattan and the King Manor site in Jamaica, Queens, to explore the archaeology of slavery and freedom in early New York. Speaker: Dr. Christopher N. Matthews, Associate Professor Department of Anthropology Executive Director, Center for Public Archaeology Hofstra University Date/Time: Sunday, February 13, 2-3:30 p.m.

Korea and the Silk Road

Exotic artifacts found in Korean burials reveal the different trade routes traveled from as far away as the Mediterranean World. AIA Speaker: Dr. Sarah Milledge Nelson, John Evans Distinguished Professor Department of Anthropology University of Denver Date/Time: Sunday, March 27, 2-3:30 p.m.

The Early Development of the Temple of Mut: New Findings

Recent excavations at the Temple of Mut in Karnak, Egypt, reveal a lion-headed goddess, a festival of drunkenness and an earlier temple dating to the 19th century B.C. Speaker: Dr. Betsy M. Bryan, Alexander Badawy Professor of Egyptian Art and Archaeology Johns Hopkins University Date/Time: Sunday, April 10, 2-3:30 p.m. Endowed by AIA/LIS member Herb Loewenthal and family. These AIA/LIS lectures are free and are held at Hofstra University, 105 Breslin Hall, South Campus. For information, please contact Jesse Taub, vice president for activities, AIA/LIS, at 631-420-1564.

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.




G. Thomas Couser, Professor of English Hofstra University Wednesday, March 16

Hofstra University/Claflin University Faculty Exchange Program Presentation Speakers:

Anthony B. Dardis, Professor of Philosophy Hofstra University

Corrie Claiborne, Assistant Professor of English Claflin University Wednesday, March 23


Time and location for both events: 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. (Common Hour) Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission: Free For more information, please contact the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at 516-463-5400.


Center for Civic Engagement, Long Island Teachers for Human Rights and the Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives present

INTERNATIONAL SCENE LECTURE SERIES A Citizen’s Guide to U.S. Foreign and Economic Policies Dates:

Tuesday, March 1 Wednesday, March 16 and 30

Time and location for all lectures (except March 16 lecture): 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus

Assessing President Obama’s Foreign Policy Leadership at Midterm

Participants: Howard B. Dean III Senior Presidential Fellow, Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency, Hofstra University Chairman, Democratic National Committee, 2005-2009

Edward J. Rollins Senior Presidential Fellow, Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency, Hofstra University Political Strategist, CNN Commentator

Date/Time: Location:

Wednesday, March 16, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Common Hour) 246 East Library Wing Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus

This lecture is co-sponsored by the Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency.

Admission to all International Scene lectures is free. For more information, please contact the Department of Economics at 516-463-5595.




Howard B. Dean III Senior Presidential Fellow, Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency, Hofstra University Chairman, Democratic National Committee, 2005-2009 Wednesday, March 30, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Common Hour) The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Free

For more information, please contact Helene Morris in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at 516-463-5410 or

Center for Civic Engagement presents

SYMPOSIA Education: America’s Human Capital

Explaining where our schools have been, where they’re going and why it matters. Date: Thursday, March 10 Time: To be announced. Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission: Free

Globalization Day Africa: Insights on Africa’s Past, Present and Future Date: Time: Location: Admission:

Tuesday, March 22 To be announced. Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Free

For more information on the above events, please contact Cynthia Bogard at 516-463-5640 or visit

Did you know? In 1935 … • T he New York City Housing Authority dedicated its first public housing project. • Hitler ordered German rearmaments, violating Versailles Treaty. • Italy invaded Ethiopia. • Nuremberg Laws were put into effect. • Aircraft–detecting radar was pioneered by Robert Watson-Watt (UK). • T he Volkswagen Beetle (“The Peoples Car”) was launched in Germany. • The first U.S. streamlined electric railroad engine began service.


Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency and the


Panel Discussion: Media Coverage of the Presidency Participants:

Howard B. Dean III Senior Presidential Fellow, Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency, Hofstra University Chairman, Democratic National Committee, 2005-2009

Edward J. Rollins Senior Presidential Fellow, Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency, Hofstra University Political Strategist, CNN Commentator

Tom Rosenstiel Director, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism

Robert Siegel Senior Host, All Things Considered, National Public Radio

Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Tuesday, March 22, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. Student Center Theater Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Free

For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669 or visit

Conference Panel: Comparing the Presidential Leadership of Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center Conference

1935: The Reality and the Promise Participants: Howard B. Dean III

Edward J. Rollins

Fred Greenstein Professor of Politics Emeritus, Princeton University

Date/Time: Thursday, April 7, 2:30-4 p.m. Location: To be announced. Admission: Fee For more information, please see page 5. (continued on page 18)

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Conference Panel: Presidential Decision Making About the Vietnam War Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center Conference

Into Sunlight: Impact of War and Violence on the Social Body From the Vietnam Era to the Present Participants: Howard B. Dean III

Edward J. Rollins

David Maraniss Reporter and Editor, The Washington Post Author, They Marched Into Sunlight

Carolyn Eisenberg Professor of History, Hofstra University

Date/Time: Thursday, April 14, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. Location: To be announced. Admission: Fee For more information, please see page 6. For more information, please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669 or visit

Hofstra University School of Law CONFERENCE Hofstra Law School and the Community: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Date/Time: Admission:

Friday, February 25, 11 a.m. Free

For more information, please see page 3.

COLLOQUIUM ON LAW AND SEXUALITY Gender Identity and the Constitution

Speaker: David Cruz, Professor of Law University of Southern California Gould School of Law Date/Time: Wednesday, March 16, noon-2 p.m.

Sex Matters: Intersexuality and the Law

Speaker: Julie A. Greenberg, Professor of Law Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego Date/Time: Monday, March 21, noon-2 p.m.


COLLOQUIUM ON CITIZENSHIP The Invention of Nationality: Empire and the Law of Citizenship Speaker:


Christina Duffy Burnett, Associate Professor of Law and Milton Handler Fellow, Columbia Law School Monday, January 31, noon-2 p.m.

Interrogating Birthright Citizenship Speaker: Date/Time:

Peter J. Spiro, Charles R. Weiner Professor of Law Temple University Beasley School of Law Monday, March 7, noon-2 p.m.

The Sixth Amendment vs. Court Admonishments: When Advising Noncitizen Defendants as to the Immigration Consequences of a Criminal Conviction, Can the Two Live in Harmony? Speaker: Date/Time:

Yolanda Vazquez, Clinical Supervisor and Lecturer Civil Practice Clinic, University of Pennsylvania Law School Monday, March 28, noon-2 p.m.

Those Damn Immigrants! Speaker: Date/Time:

Ediberto Romรกn, Professor of Law Florida International University College of Law Monday, April 4, noon-2 p.m.

These events are free and are held at Hofstra Law School, South Campus. For more information, please contact Sherrice Williams at 516-463-5870.

LECTURES Howard and Iris Kaplan Memorial Lecture Speaker: Date/Time:

Honorable Gerard E. Lynch U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Paul H. Kellner Professor of Law, Columbia Law School Monday, February 7, noon-2 p.m.

Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture Speaker:

Paul Butler, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Carville Dickinson Benson Research Professor of Law The George Washington University Law School Date/Time: Wednesday, March 23, noon-2 p.m.

School Responsibility for Cyberbullying Speaker: Date/Time:

To be announced. Friday, April 8, noon-2 p.m.

Sidney and Walter Siben Distinguished Professorship Lecture Speaker: Date/Time:

June Carbone, Edward A. Smith/Missouri Chair of Law, the Constitution and Society Professor University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law Monday, April 11, noon-2 p.m.

These lectures are free and are held at 308 Hofstra Law School, South Campus. (Preregistration is required; space is limited.) For more information or to register, please contact Hofstra University School of Law at 516-463-5858 or, or visit

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Labor Studies Program and the

Hofstra University Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy present


The Labor Studies Program showcases important films on the rapidly changing world of work and working-class movements in modern Africa. Introductions and discussions are led by Hofstra faculty and invited guests. The series is in celebration of African-American History Month.

The Magnificent African Cake

Southern Treasures

Traces of the Trade

Date: Thursday, February 3

Date: Thursday, February 10 Date: Thursday, February 17

Time and location for all films: 4:30-6 p.m. Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission: Free For more information on African-American History Month events, please see pages 36 and 37. in cooperation with

Long Island Women on the Job Long Island Fund for Women and Girls Hofstra University Women's Studies Program and

Hofstra University Career Center present


This annual nationwide event focuses on the chronic male-female pay gap, with a daylong series of speakers and forums. Date/Time: Tuesday, April 12, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus. Admission: Free (no reservations; limited seating)

MAYDAY AT THE MOVIES: COMEDY AND TRAGEDY AT WORK The 10th annual film festival celebrating International Workers’ Day with new and classic movies on work and working people’s lives. Date/Time: Monday, May 2, 10:10 a.m.-8 p.m. Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission: Free (no reservations; limited seating)

For more information and a detailed listing of films and show times, please contact the Labor Studies Program Office at 516-463-5040 or, or visit


Theater and Dance SCHOOL FOR UNIVERSITY STUDIES presents

“Here Comes the Sun” The Musical, Mystical Journey of George Harrison A live music production featuring Godfrey Townsend, world renown guitarist (who has toured with fellow musicians from The Who, Traffic and Cream), and musicians from the Alan Parsons Project, and an Indian kirtan music ensemble. Touring the country for the past five years to sell-out crowds, “Here Comes the Sun” features rockin’ music from The Beatles era, music and meditative chanting by one of the nation’s leading kirtan groups, and a fascinating look into the life and legacy of a pop idol turned mystic. Based on his bestselling book Here Comes the Sun, Joshua Greene’s narration takes us inside the ’60s to reveal the trials and triumphs of beloved singer-songwriter George Harrison and his excursion into meditation and yoga. Date/Time: Friday, February 11, 8 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $10 general admission Two free tickets with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning January 25. All proceeds benefit a scholarship fund at the School for University Studies. For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.



A one-evening version of Shakespeare’s Henry VI trilogy by William Shakespeare adapted and directed by Royston Coppenger The untimely death of King Henry V leaves the throne to his infant son, Henry VI. As England’s hard-won empire begins to crumble abroad, domestic chaos threatens to overwhelm the young king’s tenuous grip on the throne. Two powerful families, the House of Lancaster and the House of York, embark on a life-and-death struggle over England’s future. Dates/Times: Thursday, March 10, 8 p.m. Friday, March 11 and 18, 8 p.m. Saturday, March 12 and 19, 8 p.m. Sunday, March 13 and 20, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $12 $10 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID Two free tickets with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning February 8.

The War of the Roses Symposium

Dates/Time: Location: Admission:

Wednesday, February 23 and March 2, 11:30 a.m. Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater California Avenue, South Campus Free

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


ANNUAL HOFSTRA SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL MUSICALE The Hofstra Collegium Musicum William E. Hettrick, director

“These Mortals Be” and

What Fools! A one-hour A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare adapted by Maureen Connolly McFeely directed by Jean Dobie Giebel In this adaptation of Shakespeare’s rollicking romantic comedy, lunatics, lovers and would-be poets escape to the woods and are transformed by moonlight and magic. Dates/Time: Saturday, March 12 and 19, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $11 $ 8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID Two free tickets with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning February 8. Special Performance of What Fools! Date/Time: Thursday, March 17, 8 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $6 Two free tickets with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning February 8.

What Fools! Symposium

Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Wednesday, March 9, 11:30 a.m. Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater California Avenue, South Campus Free

For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.

Undeclared History*

by Isaac Rathbone directed by Cindy Rosenthal Undeclared History is an exciting collaboration between emerging artists and the community, inspired by David Maraniss’ groundbreaking work on war and healing, They Marched Into Sunlight. Dates/Times: Friday, April 8 and 15, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 9 and 16, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 10 and 17, 2 p.m. Thursday, April 14, 8 p.m. Location: Black Box Theater New Academic Building, South Campus Tickets: $10 $ 8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID Two free tickets with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning March 15.

Undeclared History Symposium Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Wednesday, March 30, 11:30 a.m. Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater California Avenue, South Campus Free

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Spring Dance Concert*

The Spring Dance Concert will feature a premiere by faculty member Robin Becker, inspired by David Maraniss’ Vietnam-era book, They Marched Into Sunlight. The concert also features dynamic new work by faculty members Stormy Brandenberger and Anita Feldman. Dates/Times: Thursday, April 14, 8 p.m. Friday, April 15, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 16, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday, April 17, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $12 $10 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID Two free tickets with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning March 29.

Spring Dance Concert Symposium

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 6, 11:30 a.m. Location: Dance Studio, 209 Dempster Hall, South Campus Admission: Free

*Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center Conference

Into Sunlight: Impact of War and Violence on the Social Body From the Vietnam Era to the Present For more information, please see page 6.

THE GRAY WIG presents

Irving Berlin: From Rags to Ritzes

Celebrates Irving Berlin’s popular themes and anthems, including “Easter Parade,” “White Christmas,” “There’s No Business Like Show Business,” and “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” Dates/Times: Friday, April 1, 8 p.m Saturday, April 2, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 3, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $25 adult $23 senior citizen (over 65) $15 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID $10 with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning March 1. ALL SEATS RESERVED. For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m., or order tickets online at For more information, please contact The Gray Wig at 516-463-6459.

Did you know? In 1935 … • The average cost of a new house was $3,450. • Average income per year was $1,600. • A loaf of bread cost 8 cents. • Bacon cost 35 cents per pound. • The average new car cost $625. • A first-class stamp cost 3 cents.


Hofstra Entertainment presents

“Your Hit Parade”

Celebrating the music of the 1930s, with a tribute to the songs of 1935 – in honor of Hofstra’s 75th anniversary. Featuring an all-star big band and guest vocalists. Dates/Times: Saturday, May 14, 8 p.m. Sunday, May 15, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $27 $23 senior citizen (over 65) with ID $18 matriculated Hofstra or non-Hofstra student with ID Tickets on sale beginning April 12. ALL SEATS RESERVED. For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m., or order tickets online at

SUMMER SEASON 2011 Broadway Live! The Songs. The Shows. The Stars.*

Top Broadway performers bring you the magic of the Great White Way with selections from South Pacific, Oklahoma!, Jersey Boys, Jekyll & Hyde, Dream Girls, Guys and Dolls, Hair, Evita, Cats, Chicago and more. Soul-stirring emotions, comedy and behind-the-scenes theater stories will make you laugh, cry and cheer. Dates/Times: Saturday, June 25, 8 p.m. Sunday, June 26, 2 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Tickets: $30 $25 senior citizen (over 65) with ID $20 matriculated Hofstra or non-Hofstra student with ID $23 group rate for 20 or more Tickets on sale beginning May 17. *This concert is not part of the Summer Subscription package.

Summer Swing! – A Big Band Celebration

Featuring Joe Battaglia and The New York Big Band with special guest vocalists. Dates/Times: Saturday, July 23, 8 p.m. Sunday, July 24, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $30 $25 senior citizen (over 65) with ID $20 matriculated Hofstra or non-Hofstra student with ID $23 group rate for 20 or more

A Grand Night for Singing

Celebrating the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein. Dates/Times: Friday, August 19 and 26, 8 p.m. Saturday, August 20 and 27, 8 p.m. Sunday, August 21 and 28, 2 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Tickets: $28 $23 senior citizen (over 65) with ID $18 matriculated Hofstra or non-Hofstra student with ID $21 group rate for 20 or more


“Looking for an Echo – The Sound of Doo Wop!”

Doo Wop concert featuring special guest artists. Dates/Times: Saturday, September 24, 8 p.m. Sunday, September 25, 2 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $30 $25 senior citizen (over 65) with ID $20 matriculated student with ID $23 group rate for 20 or more SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGE: ONE TICKET TO ALL THREE SHOWS FOR ONLY $65! Subscriptions will be processed beginning May 24. Individual tickets on sale beginning June 21. ALL SEATS RESERVED. For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m., or order tickets online at



A talented ensemble of more than 50 vocalists. Date/Time: Saturday, March 12, 8 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus

Silver Roots Trio Echoing Voices: A Musical History of America

The music of 10 countries through the stories of American immigrants. Date/Time: Sunday, March 27, 2 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus

Estampas Folkloricas Peru

Authentic music, vocals and dancers celebrating the Peruvian experience. Date/Time: Saturday, April 30, 8 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Tickets: $19 $17 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID $10 child under 12 One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets for the above three concerts on sale beginning February 15. (continued on page 26)

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


The Bronx Opera Company

Michael Spierman, artistic director

Don Giovanni

by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fully staged production sung in English, with a 30-piece orchestra. Dates/Time: Friday, May 20, 8 p.m. Saturday, May 21, 2 p.m. Tickets: $30 $25 senior citizen (over 65) with ID $10 student (Hofstra and non-Hofstra) with ID $20 Hofstra faculty/staff (two-ticket maximum; must pick up tickets and present current HofstraCard at the Box Office) Child under 12 receives one free ticket with the purchase of one full-priced ticket. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets on sale beginning April 19. ALL SEATS RESERVED. NO REFUNDS. Programs/artists are subject to change. Late arrivals will be seated at the discretion of management. For tickets and information, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.


Hofstra Opera Theater

Isabel Milenski, artistic director David Ramael, musical director Don Giovanni (in Italian with supertitles) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart’s masterpiece about love, betrayal, murder and revenge. Dates/Times: Friday, January 28, 8 p.m. Saturday, January 29, 8 p.m. Sunday, January 30, 3 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $15 $12 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning January 11.

Hofstra String Quartet

Performing works by Purcell, Haydn and Schubert. Date/Time: Sunday, February 13, 3 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Tickets: $15 general admission $12 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning January 25.

ANNUAL HOFSTRA SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL MUSICALE The Hofstra Collegium Musicum William E. Hettrick, director

“These Mortals Be”

A concert of early music about living creatures, to be followed by What Fools, a one-hour version of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream presented by the Department of Drama and Dance. Dates/Time: Saturday, March 12 and 19, 2 p.m. For more information, please see page 22.


The American Chamber Ensemble (ACE) Spring Concert

Naomi Drucker and Blanche Abram, co-directors The program will include the Carl Maria von Weber Quintet for clarinet and strings, the Shostakovich Piano Trio in E-minor, the Dvorák Quintet for piano and strings and, celebrating Hofstra’s 75th anniversary, Albert Tepper’s Suite for clarinet and bassoon and Chandler Carter’s Song of the Bachman’s Warbler for cello and piano. Date/Time: Sunday, April 3, 3 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Tickets: $15 general admission $12 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning March 15.

Hofstra Jazz Ensemble

David Lalama, director An evening of traditional and contemporary Jazz compositions and arrangements for Big Band and Nonet. Date/Time: Sunday, April 10, 7 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Tickets: $6 general admission $5 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning March 22.

Hofstra Symphony Orchestra

David Ramael, director The Hofstra Symphony Orchestra welcomes renowned Belgian violinist Hans Van Kerckhoven, who will be performing Ottorino Respighi’s Concerto Gregoriano. Also part of the program is Tchaikovsky’s marvelous Fifth Symphony in E minor. Date/Times: Saturday, April 30 Pre-Concert Lecture: 7:15 p.m. Concert: 8 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $10 general admission $ 8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning April 12.

Hofstra Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band

Peter Loel Boonshaft, director A program of traditional and contemporary works for wind band. Date/Time: Saturday, May 7, 8 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $10 general admission $ 8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning April 19.

Hofstra University Choir and Hofstra String Orchestra

Cindy Bell and David Ramael, directors A program of secular and liturgical choral works and traditional chamber music. Date/Time: Tuesday, May 10, 8 p.m. Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus Tickets: $10 general admission $ 8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard Tickets on sale beginning April 26.


Hofstra Chorale and Chamber Singers*

David Fryling, director An eclectic selection of vocal music presented in an exquisite acoustic space. Date/Time: Friday, May 13, 8 p.m. Location: Cathedral of the Incarnation 50 Cathedral Avenue, Garden City, NY Tickets: $10 general admission $ 8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard

Hofstra University Chamber Singers*

David Fryling, director Choral gems – an afternoon of a cappella choral chamber music. Date/Time: Sunday, May 15, 4 p.m. Location: St. Catherine Sienna Parish 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, NY Admission: Free-will offering at the door.

*For tickets and information, please call 516-463-5497. For tickets and information, unless otherwise noted, please contact the John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office at 516-463-6644, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m. The Department of Music has many student recitals scheduled for the spring 2011 semester. For more information, please contact the Hofstra Music Department at 516-463-5490 or visit


Hofstra Opera Theater

Isabel Milenski, artistic director David Ramael, musical director Don Giovanni (in Italian with supertitles) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart’s masterpiece about love, betrayal, murder and revenge. Dates/Times: Friday, January 28, 8 p.m. Saturday, January 29, 8 p.m. Sunday, January 30, 3 p.m. For more information, please see page 26.



Michael Spierman, artistic director

Don Giovanni

by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fully staged production sung in English, with a 30-piece orchestra. Dates/Time: Friday, May 20, 8 p.m. Saturday, May 21, 2 p.m. For more information, please see page 26.


Irish Studies Program presents


A series of Irish films followed by discussion.

Waking Ned Devine

Written and directed by Kirk Jones, starring Ian Bannen, David Kelly and Fionnula Flanagan. The film takes a humorous look at tensions, unity, and mischief in a small Irish village. Facilitator: Kathleen S. Dwyer, Facilities and Operations Hofstra University Date: Wednesday, February 9

The Van

Screen adaptation of Roddy Doyle’s novel. Directed by Stephen Frears, starring Colm Meaney, Donal O’Kelly and Ger Ryan. The film explores the trials and tribulations of self-employment. Facilitator: Margaret Burke, Library Operations Hofstra University Date: Wednesday, April 13 Time and location for all film screenings: 6-8:30 p.m. The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Admission: Free

IRISH STUDIES PROGRAM LECTURE SERIES An English Poet in Dublin: Gerard Manley Hopkins

Dr. Lynn Cohen will discuss Hopkins’ relationship to Ireland and her perspective on the influential Victorian poet. Speaker: Dr. Lynn Cohen, School for University Studies Hofstra University Date/Time: Thursday, February 24, 6-7:30 p.m. Location: 246 East Library Wing Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus Admission: Free

Irish Cultural and History Readings (on St. Patrick’s Day!) co-sponsored by the

Hofstra University Women’s Studies Program

Join us and recite a snippet from your favorite reading by a female Irish author or with a theme related to Irish women in celebration of both St. Patrick’s Day and Women’s History Month. Date/Time: Thursday, March 17, noon-1:30 p.m. Location: Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library Lobby, Main Floor, South Campus Admission: Free For more information and additional events related to Women’s History Month, please see page 37.

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Irish Family Fun Day

Irish Family Fun Day gives local students and families a chance to learn about and celebrate Irish culture. Children will learn about Irish arts and crafts, Gaelic sports, traditional music, step dancing, and the Irish language. There will also be storytelling and films. Children will share what they learn during an ice cream and cookies social. Date/Time: Saturday, April 2, 12:30-5 p.m. Location: Hofstra USA and Intramural Fields, North Campus Admission: $10 per family

Remaking Ireland: The Easter Rising and Today co-sponsored by the

Irish Monument Committee and the

Consulate General of Ireland

A prominent figure in Irish life will reflect upon the legacy and contemporary implications of the Easter Rising. Speaker: To be announced. Date/Time: Thursday, April 28, 6-8 p.m. Location: The Helene Fortunoff Theater Monroe Lecture Center California Avenue, South Campus Admission: Free For more information, please contact Dr. Greg Maney at 516-463-6182 or

Hofstra University Museum presents

EXHIBITIONS AND PUBLIC PROGRAMS Note: Advance registration is required for many Hofstra University Museum programs.


Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus

Soweto Art: From the Collection of Violet and Les Payne Additional funding provided by

New York Community Bank Foundation

Tuesday, February 1-Thursday, April 21 This exhibition commemorates the 35th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising – a series of clashes between black students protesting Apartheid policies and the South African authorities. Les Payne, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, covered South Africa for Newsday and began collecting the featured artists’ works during this time.

Exhibition Reception

Enjoy original dances by Hofstra University students, under the direction of Hofstra Adjunct Associate Professor of Drama and Dance Dyane Harvey. Date/Time: Thursday, February 3, 4:30-6 p.m. Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: Free (refreshments served)

For more information and additional events related to African-American History Month, please see pages 36 and 37.


Body Mapping Tuesday, May 10-Friday, July 29 Body Mapping celebrates the opening of the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine at Hofstra University. The exhibition includes works by four contemporary artists – Tina Blondell, Geidra Montvils, K.C. (Kaethe) Kauffman, and Eileen Senner – whose imagery deals with marking the human body. The works of art draw upon cultural and societal issues of body image. This exhibition is organized through Katharine T. Carter & Associates. Please visit for Emily Lowe Gallery viewing hours.


Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, Ninth Floor, South Campus

75 Stories for 75 Years

Through Friday, February 4 This anniversary exhibition, guest curated by Geri Solomon, assistant dean of special collections and Hofstra University archivist, highlights 75 stories from the University’s past. Through photographs, original documents, and memorabilia, stories are told of the founding of the University and the contributions of Hofstra presidents, students, faculty and staff.

1930s: Art in America

Additional funding provided by

Astoria Federal Savings

Monday, February 28-Friday, May 27 Drawing upon works from the Hofstra University Museum collection and utilizing loans from the Heckscher Museum of Art, The Old Print Shop, Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, and the Sragow Gallery, this original exhibition is intended to provide a “snapshot” of the visual arts in America during the 1930s, featuring artists such as Arthur Dove and Man Ray. Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center Conference

1935: The Reality and the Promise For more information, please see page 5.

From the Hand: Drawings From the Hofstra University Museum Collection

Wednesday, June 8-Sunday, September 11 This exhibition highlights some of the remarkable drawings in the Hofstra University Museum’s permanent collection. Drawings have a greater immediacy and closer connection to the artist, and they can be studies for other works in different mediums, or incomplete ideas. Artists represented include Jean Cocteau, Harvey Dinnerstein, Charles Dana Gibson, Philip Pearlstein, Diego Rivera and Norman Rockwell. Please visit for David Filderman Gallery viewing hours.

FOR THE ARTIST WITHIN Sketching in the Gallery

Exhibitions on view at Emily Lowe Gallery are sure to inspire you to create your own works of art! Sketch materials provided. (Registration is not required.) Dates/Time: Wednesday, February 2-April 20 and May 11-July 27 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. (Common Hour) Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: Free

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


ART TALK SERIES The Soweto Uprising: A Firsthand Account

In conjunction with the exhibition Soweto Art: From the Collection of Violet and Les Payne, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and collector of the works in the exhibition Les Payne will share his experiences in Soweto during the historic uprising and how he came to discover the artists and their works. (Registration is required.) Date/Time: Thursday, February 10, 3-4:30 p.m. Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: $5 general public $3 senior citizen (over 65) or PEIR member with HofstraCard One free ticket for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard, or Hofstra University Museum member For more information and additional events related to African-American History Month, please see pages 36 and 37.

MUSICAL PERFORMANCES The Hevreh Ensemble: Original World Music

In conjunction with the exhibition Soweto Art: From the Collection of Violet and Les Payne, the Hevreh Ensemble performs original works by group member and composer Jeff Adler that combine classical, jazz and world music elements. (Registration is required.) Date/Time: Sunday, February 13, 3 p.m. Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: $7 general public $5 senior citizen (over 65) or PEIR member with HofstraCard One free ticket for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard, or Hofstra University Museum member

1930s: Music in America*

Join Hofstra University Department of Music faculty Tammy Hensrud and Marilyn Lehman, jazz students, and special guest performer Stanley Drucker, for a musical tribute to American music of the 1930s. Selections include works by Bernstein, Gershwin, Porter, Ives, and Weill. (Registration is required.) Date/Time: Saturday, March 5, 8 p.m. Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus Admission: $7 general public $5 senior citizen (over 65) or PEIR member with HofstraCard One free ticket for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard, or Hofstra University Museum member

Wasn’t That a Time! Stories and Songs of the Great Depression*

In conjunction with the exhibition 1930s: Art in America, actress Shirley Romaine presents stories, personal narratives, songs and prints through a multimedia performance that captures the power and pathos of the Great Depression, as well as some of its lighter moments. (Registration is required.) Date/Time: Thursday, March 17, 3 p.m. Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus Admission: $7 general public $5 senior citizen (over 65) or PEIR member with HofstraCard One free ticket for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard, or Hofstra University Museum member *Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center Conference

1935: The Reality and the Promise For more information, please see page 5.


CLASS FOR EDUCATORS Professional Development for Educators: Artful Evidence of History Working with the exhibitions Soweto Art: From the Collection of Violet and Les Payne and 1930s: Art in America, Hofstra University Museum education staff lead this participatory workshop. Educators engage with works of art to discover how museums can provide a powerful catalyst for immersing students in learning in all subject areas, while enriching the curriculum. Discussions, hands-on activities, and educational materials are included. (Registration is required.) Date/Time: Wednesday, April 13, 4-6 p.m. Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: $10 Class size is limited to 25 participants.


Join the Hofstra University Museum education staff for fun-filled art-making activities that celebrate the visual arts. Bring the kids, have some fun, and see our current exhibitions. Drop by the Hofstra University Museum to participate in art projects the whole family can enjoy.

Gumboots and Beading sponsored by

Bethpage Federal Credit Union

Gumboot dancing began as a form of communication in the late 19th century in the gold mines of South Africa, using work attire and native tribal rhythms. In conjunction with the exhibition Soweto Art: From the Collection of Violet and Les Payne, join members of the Forces of Nature Dance Theatre for a workshop geared toward children aged 5-10 that includes gumboot dance instruction and a beading project. (Registration is required.) Date/Time: Wednesday, February 23, 11 a.m.-noon Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: $5 per family For more information and additional events related to African-American History Month, please see pages 36 and 37.

Celebrate Art With the Hofstra University Museum at the 13th Annual Irish Experience Festival sponsored by

Bethpage Federal Credit Union

Date/Time: Sunday, March 13, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: Physical Education Building, North Campus Admission: Free with festival admission

Celebrate Art With the Hofstra University Museum at the 28th Annual Dutch Festival sponsored by

Bethpage Federal Credit Union Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Sunday, May 1, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Memorial Quad (outdoors) and Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Free with festival admission

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Sculpture Mystery: The Great Art Caper funding provided by the

New York State Council on the Arts

Join Detective Art E. Fact at the Dutch Festival to uncover clues to help solve a mystery in the outdoor sculpture collection on Hofstra University’s South Campus. Meet at Emily Lowe Gallery to pick up your caper kit, have fun while discovering more about these works, and at the end of the caper return to Emily Lowe Gallery for a snack and a prize. Date/Times: Sunday, May 1, 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Location: Emily Lowe Gallery Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus Admission: Free with festival admission For more information on any Hofstra University Museum exhibition or program, or to register for a program, please contact the Hofstra University Museum at 516-463-5672 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.) or visit

Scott Skodnek Business Development Center presents

Entrepreneurial Assistance Program

Learn how to start or expand a business in today’s challenging economy. Participants complete a business plan while attending workshops on marketing, sales, taxes, forms of ownership, financial management, banking and loans, insurance and more. Dates/Time: Monday and Wednesday, March 14-May 18, 6-9 p.m. Location: To be announced. Admission: $495 for complete 60-hour program (20 workshops) (preregistration required) For more information, please contact Laura Fetter at 516-463-7214 or or visit

Hofstra University Continuing Education presents

Lead RRP Renovator Initial

New contractors performing renovation, repair and painting work that disturbs lead-based paint in homes must enroll in course work to avoid fines. Dates: Friday, January 14, 28, February 18, March 4, 25, April 1, 29, May 13 and 27 Time: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: To be announced. Fee: $295

LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Information Session Dates/Time: Wednesday, March 9 and April 27, 6-7:30 p.m. Location: 106 University College Hall, North Campus Admission: Free


Real Estate Broker’s Qualifying Course

Thinking of a second job? Get your real estate license before the market starts moving. This course consists of 45 hours of lecture, a review and a final examination, fulfilling the requirements established by the New York State Department of State, Division of Licensing. Dates/Times: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 31-March 29 6:30-9:30 p.m. (26 sessions) or Saturday, February 5-May 21 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (13 sessions) Location: To be announced. Fee: $450

Hofstra Summer Camps Open House

Learn about Hofstra’s Specialty Camps and Sports Academy Camps for summer 2011. Dates/Time: Sunday, February 6 and March 27, noon-2:30 p.m. Location: Physical Education Building, North Campus Admission: Free

Facilities Management

This course covers areas of knowledge necessary to be an effective facility manager in a school or commercial building. It includes, but is not limited to: green cleaning, inspections, interviewing and evaluating maintenance employees, safety and fire regulations. Dates/Time: Monday, March 7, 14, 21 and 28, 7-9:30 p.m. Location: 106 University College Hall Fee: $199


Sample wines along with appetizers, and learn how to match wines with your favorite foods. Dates/Time: Saturday, March 26 and April 9, 2-4 p.m. Location: 127 University College Hall Fee: $99 For a full schedule of noncredit course offerings, please contact Catherine Valarezo at 516-463-7139 or For more information, or to register for any of these events, please contact Hofstra University Continuing Education at 516-463-7200 or visit

Did you know? In 1935 … • B abe Ruth (as a Boston Brave) hit the 714th and final home run of his career. • Hank Greenberg was selected American League MVP unanimously. • Penguin produced the first paperback books. • The first Orange Bowl was held. • J esse Owens set six world records in less than an hour at the Berlin Olympic Games, infuriating Hitler. • Persia was renamed Iran. • T he U.S. Senate refused to participate in the World Court by a vote of 52-36.

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs presents

African-American History Month Opening Reception Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Wednesday, February 9, 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. (Common Hour) West and Center Plaza Rooms Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Free

For more information and additional events related to African-American History month, please see below.

Women’s Herstory Month Opening Reception Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Wednesday, March 9, 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. (Common Hour) Center Plaza Room Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus Free

For more information and additional events related to Women's History month, please see page 37.

Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Opening Reception Time and location to be announced. Admission: Free

For more information, please e-mail Michelle Hall at the Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs at

African-American History Month HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY MUSEUM presents

Soweto Art: From the Collection of Violet and Les Payne Tuesday, February 1-Thursday, April 21

For more information, please see page 30.


Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy present

AFRICA AT WORK FILM SERIES For more information, please see page 20.


African-American History Month Opening Reception For more information, please see above.



Readings in Celebration of African-American History Month

A program of short readings by Hofstra students, faculty, staff and administrators from works by or about people of African descent. Date/Time: Wednesday, February 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Common Hour) Location: Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library Lobby, Main Floor, South Campus Admission: Free (light refreshments served) For more information, please contact David Woolwine at 516-463-6431 or

Women’s History Month HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY MUSEUM presents

1930s: Music in America For more information, please see page 32.


Women’s Herstory Month Opening Reception For more information, please see page 36.


Irish Cultural and History Readings (on St. Patrick’s Day!) co-sponsored by the

Hofstra University Women’s Studies Program For more information, please see page 29.


The following events represent spring 2011 highlights. For a full schedule, please contact the Office for Development and Alumni Affairs.

2011 Hofstra Alumni Hoops Fest*

3-on-3 coed basketball tournament and fundraiser to support scholarships at Hofstra University. Date/Time: Saturday, February 26, 9 a.m. Location: Fitness Center, North Campus Admission: $100 per person $500 per team (maximum of five players per team; one player must be a Hofstra alumnus/alumna)

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Hempstead for Hofstra/Hofstra for Hempstead Scholarship Dinner* Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Thursday, March 31 Cocktail Hour: 6:30 p.m. Dinner and Dancing: 7:30 p.m. Main Dining Room Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus $100

THE GRAY WIG presents

Irving Berlin: From Rags to Ritzes For more information, please see page 23.


Annual Scholarship and Recognition Dinner* Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Saturday, April 30, 7 p.m. Hofstra University Club David S. Mack Hall, North Campus Fee

15th Annual Hofstra Gala* Date/Time: Location: Admission:

Thursday, May 5 Cocktail Hour: 7 p.m. Dinner: 8-11 p.m. David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex North Campus Fee

*Proceeds benefit scholarships at Hofstra University. For more information on these events or to order tickets, please contact the Office for Development and Alumni Affairs at 516-463-6636.


SEVENTH ANNUAL “GREAT WRITERS, GREAT READINGS” SERIES Amy Hempel Short fiction writer Amy Hempel’s collections include Reasons to Live, At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom, Tumble Home, The Dog of the Marriage and The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel. She is a recipient of the Hobson Award and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Date/Time: Wednesday, February 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Common Hour) Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus

Martha McPhee Special Faculty Reading

Join Hofstra Associate Professor of English Martha McPhee as she discusses her fourth novel, Dear Money, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in June 2010. Professor McPhee is also the author of Bright Angel Time, Gorgeous Lies and L’America. Date/Time: Wednesday, March 2, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Common Hour) Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus

To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department for details on each event.


Christopher Durang

Christopher Durang is a playwright whose plays include the Tony Award-nominated A History of the American Film. His most recent works are Mrs. Bob Cratchit’s Wild Christmas Binge; Miss Witherspoon; Why Torture Is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them; and the musical Adrift in Macao. Date/Time: Wednesday, April 6, 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Common Hour) Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus Admission to all “Great Writers, Great Readings” events is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 516-463-5410 or visit

Festivals 13th Annual Irish Experience Festival

Be Irish for the day, and celebrate with music, dance and Irish fare. Date/Time: Sunday, March 13, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: Physical Education Building, North Campus Admission: Fee Children under 12 are admitted free. Free admission for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard

28th Annual Dutch Festival

Celebrate spring and Hofstra’s Dutch heritage with music, flowers and delicious delights. Date/Time: Sunday, May 1, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: South Campus, Outdoors Admission: Fee Children under 12 are admitted free. Free admission for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard

19th Annual Italian Experience Festival

Celebrate Italy’s gifts of culture, education and commerce to America. Date/Time: Sunday, September 18, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: South Campus, Outdoors Admission: Fee Children under 12 are admitted free. Free admission for faculty/staff/matriculated student with current HofstraCard All net proceeds benefit the Hofstra University Scholarship Fund. For more information, please contact the Festival Hotline at 516-463-6582 or visit

Did you know? In 1935 … • The Luftwaffe was created as Germany’s air force. • The China Clipper made the first Pacific Airmail delivery. • The Associated Press launched the Wirephoto service. • Robert Goddard used gyroscopes to control a rocket.

• Nylon was created by DuPont chemist Wallace Hume Carothers. • The first fluorescent tube was sold by General Electric. • Toyota cars were launched in Japan.


Information Center for Civic Engagement........................................................516-463-5640 Department of Anthropology........................................................516-463-5588 Department of Drama and Dance..................................................516-463-5444 Department of English..................................................................516-463-5454 Department of Music.....................................................................516-463-5490 Frank G. Zarb School of Business................................................516-463-5678 Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (HCLAS)..............516-463-5410 Hofstra Cultural Center.................................................................516-463-5669 Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine at Hofstra University..................................................................516-463-7202 Hofstra University Continuing Education.....................................516-463-7200 Hofstra University Honors College...............................................516-463-4842 Hofstra University Museum..........................................................516-463-5672 Hofstra University School of Law................................................516-463-5858 Irish Studies Program....................................................................516-463-6182 Joan and Arnold Saltzman Community Services Center..............516-463-6535 Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library................................................516-463-5962 John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Office................................516-463-6644 Labor Studies Program..................................................................516-463-5040 The National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University速................................................................516-463-9770 Office for Development and Alumni Affairs.................................516-463-6636 Office of Multicultural & International Student Programs........................................................................516-463-6796 Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs..................................................................516-463-5400 Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency..................................................................516-463-5669 School of Communication.............................................................516-463-5217 School of Education, Health and Human Services.......................516-463-5740 IDEAS ...................................................................................516-463-5792 Office of Professional Development Services.........................516-463-5750 School for University Studies.......................................................516-463-5291 Scott Skodnek Business Development Center..............................516-463-7214


Ca len da r

of Events

s p r i n g / s u m m e r

spring/summer 2011








April 7-9, 2011

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