Student Government Association: Senatorial Actions of the 87th and 88th Senate

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Student Government Association

Senatorial Actions of the 87th and 88th Senate

Amendments Made on - October 5, 2023

Fall Semester 2022

● SA.2022.87.001 Revisions to Club Resources Policy Series

● SA.2022.87.002 Revision of the Policy Series for the Programming Committee

● SA.2022.87.003 Revision of Programming Committee Constitution

● SA.2022.87.004 Addition to Club Office Space General Policies

● SA.2022.87.005 Elections Update Fall 2022

● SA.2022.87.006 Appropriations Chair Treasurer Training Discretion

● SA.2022.87.007 External Advocacy Branch Guidelines

● SA.2022.87.008 Senate Quorum

● SA.2022.87.009 Student Appreciation Week Survey Questions

● SA.2022.87.010 Updates to Advocacy Committees

Passed Senatorial Actions of the 87th Senate

Spring Semester 2023

● SA.2023.87.001 Updates to the Election of the Comptroller

● SA,2023.87.002 Senatorial Actions Booklet Curator

● SA.2023.87.003 Ticket(s) to the Presidency and Vice Presidency

● SA.2023.87.004 Election of the Secretary

● SA.2023.87..005 Senator Signatures

● SA.2023.87.006 Special Accommodations to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections

● SA.2023.87.007 Expansion of Debates

● SA.2023.87.008 SAW Questions

● SA.2023.87.009 Impeachment in the Constitution

● SA.2023.87.010 Impeachment in the Policy Series

● SA.2023.87.011 OSLE & SGA Club Recognition

● SA.2023.87.012 Detailing OSLE & SGA Club Recognition

Fall Semester 2023

● SA.2023.88.001 Appropriations Committee Policy Updates

● SA.2023.88.002 Club Resources Updates

● SA.2023.88.003 Policy Series Updates

● SA.2023.88.004 Updates to Office Hour Requirements

● SA.2023.88.005 Financing the 18th Credit

● SA.2023.88.006 Appropriations Cost Restrictive Policy Changes

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two


Revisions to Club Resources Policy Series

Taken from Article III , Section A of the Policy Series

3. Office Space Review Application:

a. Every club desiring an office space shall submit an application provided by the Student Government Association to be reviewed by the Club Resources Committee.

b. Applications shall include:

i. Name of organization

ii. A copy of the club’s constitution

iii. A copy of the club’s roster

iv. An explanation of the club’s purpose and how an office space would benefit that purpose

v. Explanation of campus presence and activity

vi. A recommendation from the Club Advisor

c. Notification of the allocation of club office spaces shall be provided prior to the last operational week of the semester.

d. The Club Resources Committee shall review, allocate, and vote on club office spaces preceding ratification by the Senate.

e. The Club Resources Chair shall monitor all transitions between office space moves.

f. Organizations that apply for an office space and do not receive one, may be automatically considered by the Club Resources Committee to receive storage space.

4. Club Hours for Office Spaces:

g. The organizations occupying an office space shall have their Executive Board members serve two (2) open office hours per operational week in totality.

i. An office hour is defined as a minimum of thirty (30) consecutive minutes where an Executive Board member is available in their office.

h. Office hours shall be submitted to the Club Resources Chair by 6:30 pm on TuesdaysMondays

i. If an organization fails to use its office, the organization shall first receive a written warning. If the behavior persists, the Club Resources Committee shall take corrective measures.

5. Club Office Space Policies:

j. General Expectations:

i. All clubs/organizations are expected to use their office space solely for the purpose of conducting official club business. No

Respectfully Submitted,

students are permitted to reside in, sleep in, or utilize the office space for personal use.

ii. No organization is allowed to bring furniture into their office (e.g. desks, refrigerators, couches, or file cabinets) without prior approval by the Student Government Association and Hofstra University. Any furniture in the office is considered property of Hofstra University.

iii. All office spaces shall abide by all fire codes and the Guide to Pride.

iv. Posters, flyers, and stickers may be attached to the office doors and walls provided that they do not damage the surface. Staples and thumbtacks are strictly forbidden. They cannot block any windows.

1. Student organizations may advertise an event on their office door(s) by submitting a flyer(s) for approval to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

v. Organization executive boards are responsible for all activities that occur within the office space. This includes the actions of all persons in the office.

vi. There is absolutely no smoking, alcohol, or drugs allowed, at any time, regardless of a member’s age. Any violation shall result in immediate revocation of the club office space by the Student Government Association and disciplinary action through the Office of Community Standards.

vii. The club office space shall not be altered, painted, nor vandalized.

viii. The organization is expected to keep the office space tidy and organized. Clutter, trash, and junk shall be removed from the office space.

ix. Any items used for the purpose of the club that has been funded by the Student Government Association shall be stored in an administrative building.1

x. Any violation or behavior deemed to be unethical shall result in the loss of the office space.

xi. All offices and items within the office are subject to random checks.

1 Materials shall not be stored in residence halls, cars, etc.

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two

S.A. 2022. 87. 002

Revision of the Policy Series for the Programming Committee

Taken from Article V of the Policy Series



1. The Programming Committee shall participate as a co-sponsor and/or member of the Pride Expo.


1. The Programming Committee shall be responsible for promoting Student Government Association involvement in Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays. All Student Government Association members shall contribute to the activities of Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays.

a. All Student Government Association members shall contribute to the activities of Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays through participation or attending the lighting ceremony.


1. The Programming Committee shall be responsible for hosting one (1) event on behalf of the Student Government Association in conjunction with Hofstra’s Athletic Department during the fall semester for Pride Unleashed Week.


1. The Programming Committee shall plan the involvement and transportation of the student body to the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Tournament. The Student Government Association shall not allocate more than $4,000 in transportation costs pertaining to the CAA Tournament.


1. The Programming Committee shall organize SGA’s participation in at least one Hofstra Athletics-related activity per semester.

a. This includes but is not limited to hosting an event during Pride Unleashed Week, allocating funds for transportation to the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Tournament (in which transportation costs shall not exceed more than $4,000 ), hosting a tailgate, or attending a game as a group.


1. The Programming Committee shall be responsible for assisting and/or co-sponsoring at least two (2) one (1) events for Stressbusters alongside the Office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness (OSAPA) Leadership and Engagement (OSLE) each semester.


1. The Programming Committee shall plan and direct Student Appreciation Week every fall semester at a date determined by the committee preceding ratification by the Cabinet. Student Appreciation Week shall include five (5) days of programming, surveying, and hosting an internal town hall event all aimed to increase communication between the Student Government Association and the student body.


1. The Programming Committee shall plan and direct a week during the Spring semester at a date determined by the committee preceding ratification by the Cabinet. This shall may include five (5) days of programming, surveying, and hosting an internal town hall advocacy-related event/activity all aimed to increase communication between the Student Government Association and the student body.

Respectfully Submitted,



Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two

S.A. 2022. 87. 003

Revision of Programming Committee Constitution

Taken from Article 210, Section I of the Constitution


210.1 GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Programming Committee shall work with or independently of the Athletics Department, Fraternity and Sorority Life, and clubs and organizations on campus to increase overall school spirit. The Programming Committee shall help these groups and departments to organize, promote, and increase attendance at campus-wide events.

210.2 ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT DUTIES: The Programming Committee Chair shall be responsible for maintaining contact with the Hofstra Athletics’ marketing team, specifically the Director of Fan Engagement.

210.3 SEMESTERLY EVENTS: At a minimum, the The Programming Committee shall be responsible for designing and/or participating in the following events: semesterly events as outlined in the Policy Series.

A. Fall Semester

i. Fall Festival

ii. Pride Unleashed Week

iii. Student Appreciation Week

iv. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays

v. Stress busters

B. Spring Semester

i. The Colonial Athletic Association Basketball Tournament

ii. Spirit Week

iii. Stress busters

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two


Addition to Club Office Space General Policies

Taken from Article III , Section A, Subsection 5 of the Policy Series

5. Club Office Space Policies:

a. General Expectations:

i. All clubs/organizations are expected to use their office space solely for the purpose of conducting official club business. No students are permitted to reside in, sleep in, or utilize the office space for personal use.

ii. No organization is allowed to bring furniture into their office (e.g. desks, refrigerators, couches, or file cabinets) without prior approval by the Student Government Association and Hofstra University. Any furniture in the office is considered property of Hofstra University.

iii. All office spaces shall abide by all fire codes and the Guide to Pride.

iv. Posters, flyers, and stickers may be attached to the office doors and walls provided that they do not damage the surface. Staples and thumbtacks are strictly forbidden. They cannot block any windows.

1. Student organizations may advertise an event on their office door(s) by submitting flyer(s) for approval to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

v. Organization executive boards are responsible for all activities that occur within the office space. This includes the actions of all persons in the office.

vi. There is absolutely no smoking, alcohol, or drugs allowed, at any time, regardless of a member’s age. Any violation shall result in immediate revocation of the club office space by the Student Government Association and disciplinary action through the Office of Community Standards.

vii. The club office space shall not be altered, painted, nor vandalized.

viii. The organization is expected to keep the office space tidy and organized. Clutter, trash, and junk shall be removed from the office space.

ix. Any items used for the purpose of the club that has been funded by the Student Government Association shall be stored in an administrative building.2

x. Any violation or behavior deemed to be unethical shall result in the loss of the office space.

2 Materials shall not be stored in residence halls, cars, etc.

xi. Any items provided by SGA to a club office may solely be used only on behalf of the organization for the purpose of maintaining organization records or furthering the organization’s mission to foster their community. Such items are not permitted to be used for individual personal purposes.

xii. All offices and items within the office are subject to random checks.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two


Elections Update Fall 2022

Taken from Article X, Section 2 of the SGA Policy Series



a. The Elections Commission shall publicize informational sessions to the student body at least two (2) weeks before they take place. At least two (2) information sessions shall be held no later than one (1) week prior to the signature deadline.

b. At least two (2) information sessions shall be held before elections occur.

c. The Elections Commission will begin an election promotion no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start of the campaign.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two


Appropriations Chair Treasurer Training Discretion

Taken from Article II of the Policy Series


1. General Policies:

a. The Appropriations Chair has the discretion to require a Treasurer Training on a semesterly basis.

b. At the discretion of the Appropriations Chair, any organization that fails to attend a required Treasurer Training can be denied an allocation for a semesterly budget and/or a weekly allocation.

i. The denial of an allocation by the chair must be made on a request by request basis, and may not occur when an executive board member has attended a training session within the semester.

Respectfully Submitted,


Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Two


External Advocacy Branch Guidelines

Taken from Section 1 of the Policy Series

1. External Advocacy Groups (EAGs) that are a part of the Student Government Association

External Advocacy Branch (EAB) are responsible for following the protocols below:

a. EAGs must be in full adherence to the SGA Policy Series.

i. All members must be undergraduate students, currently enrolled at Hofstra University.

b. Each EAG must appoint a liaison who would be the point of contact for all official SGA-EAG communication If utilizing an organization email or social media account, the liaison’s identity must be clear.

i. The required position of a liaison has no bearing on the group’s internal leadership structure; it can be any member and can be changed.

ii. If communication is to be conducted through another EAG member besides the liaison as outlined in Article 502.1 Section B of the Constitution, the change must be notified and conferred upon by all parties involved.

c. Should SGA desire to change any rules or procedures regarding the EAB, one representative from each EAG is required to attend the Senate meeting in which the changes will be deliberated and voted on.

i. EAGs will receive the text of any legislation regarding changes to EAB guidelines prior to its review by the Club Resources (CR) committee from the author(s) of the legislation. EABs may respond with any comments prior to its review by the CR committee and Senate body.

1. The SGA Club Resources Committee and Senate reserve the right to pass any legislation through sole internal deliberation.

ii. The EAG Representative(s) chosen by each respective EAG cannot also be a current member of the SGA Senate or Judicial Panel.

iii. EAG representatives can exercise the right to express the view of their group during Senate debates, but they may not exercise voting power.

1. During Senate debates on EAB related legislation, EAG representatives will not be considered part of the gallery, allowing for their direct participation through the expression of their views; however, they shall be physically seated in the gallery.

2. An EAG not represented at the Senate meeting on the day of an EAB related legislative vote will have no impact on the procession of its debate and corresponding vote.

2. Failure to adhere to these protocols or any regulations outlined in other legislation pertaining to the EAB is defined as misconduct as mentioned in Article 504.1 of S.A.2022.86.005 and may result in a suspension of partnership with SGA.

3. Upon being recognized as an EAG, all organization members are to receive all relevant EAB information within two days of SGA recognition.

Respectfully Submitted,

Danny DeCrescenzo Justin Fountain Kashmiraa Pandit Lincoln Anniballi Communications Chair Comptroller Club Resources Chair Appropriations Chair

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Two


Senate Quorum

Taken Section XI General Policies, Subsection B of the Policy Series



a. In all meetings of Student Government Association organized bodies, except for full Senate, a quorum and/or majority shall be constituted by attendance of half plus one the majority of the voting members present full membership. No business shall be entertained unless in the presence of quorum. If any Senator doubts the presence of a quorum, they may order the calling of the roll. If a quorum is not demonstrated at any given time, the only motions that are in order are to recess temporarily, to call for absent members, or to adjourn.


a. The presiding officer reserves the right in all cases to set regulations for debate and voting, but members of the Senate may, through an appeal from the decision of the Chair, make motions concerning debate and voting which shall supersede such regulation.


a. Senators shall have the right to object to any proceedings.


a. Senators who make a motion are entitled to the floor to speak on their motion and receive the floor by virtue of their making the motion. If the presiding officer declines to recognize a motion, a Senator who did not originally make or second the motion may raise a point of order that the motion be recognized. If one-third (1/3) the members present second said point of order, the presiding officer shall then put the question to the Senate.

1. Consideration of Motions: In the absence of objection, motions proposed and entertained shall stand approved.

2. Objections to Motions: Motions where a contest obviously exists through objection must be put to a vote. The presiding officer may also, at their discretion, put a question to a formal vote even where there is no apparent objection.

Respectfully submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty Two


Student Appreciation Week Survey Questions

1. Have you witnessed, heard of, or personally experienced bias against you or someone you know based on an aspect of your identity (race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc)?

a. Yes

b. No

2. If needed, would you feel comfortable using the Ethicspoint reporting system?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I do not know what the Ethicspoint reporting system is.

3. Which of the following difficulties have you experienced in regards to observing or practicing your culture and/or religion on campus: (Choose all that apply)

a. Lack of Academic Accommodations

b. Difficulties with Excused Absences for Observances/Holidays

c. Lack of Dietary Options

d. Insufficient Prayer Spaces

e. Lack of Inclusive Language

f. Other

g. Does Not Apply to Me

h. None

4. Would you support the availability of free menstrual products in bathrooms on campus?

a. Yes

b. No

5. Are you aware that only 17 credits are included in tuition and any additional credits will result in an extra charge?

a. Yes

b. No

6. Would you be in favor of increasing the number of credits included in Hofstra’s tuition?

a. Yes

b. No

7. Do you feel that your voice is heard when reporting issues regarding structures or facilities on campus (leaks, damages, ADA buttons, sprinklers, etc.)?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don’t know how to make a report

8. Which dining facility(ies) would you want to have extended hours of operation? (Select all that apply)

a. Netherlands Core


c. Dutch Treats

d. Student Center Eateries

e. Einstein Bros. Bagels

f. Au Bon Pain

g. Bits & Bytes

9. In which situations do you feel comfortable contacting Public Safety?

a. In an emergency

b. In a non-emergency

c. Both

d. Neither

10. How best do you agree with the following statement? I consider printers to be necessities in residence halls.

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Strongly disagree

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Two

S.A. 2022.87.010

Updates to Advocacy Committees

Taken from Articles 202, 205-208, and 215.9, Section I of the Constitution


202.1 STANDING COMMITTEES: There are hereby established eight (8) standing Committees of the Student Government Association, to be titled and apportioned as follows:

A. Appropriations Committee: To consist of at least four (4) senators, in addition to a committee chair, and the Comptroller, who shall serve as a voting member.

B. Club Resources Committee: To consist of at least two (2) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

C. Committee on Academic Affairs Committee: To consist of at least two (2) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

D. Committee on Equity and Inclusion Committee: To consist of at least two (2) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

E. Committee on Facilities and Operations Committee: To consist of at least two (2) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

F. Committee on Wellness and Campus Safety Committee: To consist of at least two (2) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

G. Communications Committee: To consist of at least two (2) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

H. Programming Committee: To consist of at least three (3) senators, in addition to a committee chair.

205.1 GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Committee on Academic Affairs Committee shall address and advocate on behalf of any concerns, complaints, and suggestions made by any constituent or other members of the Student Government Association in regards to academic affairs. The committee shall work with appropriate Hofstra University offices, administrators, and student organizations to advance initiatives and facilitate programming; including but not limited to:

1. University Senate/Student Affairs Committee 2. Financial Services 3. Provost’s Office 4. Center for Academic Excellence 5. Center for University Advising 6. Alumni Affairs 7. Career Center 8. Information Technology 206. COMMITTEE ON EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE

206.1 GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Committee on Equity and Inclusion Committee shall address and advocate on behalf of any concerns, complaints, and suggestions made by any constituent or other members of the Student Government Association in regards to equity and inclusion. The committee shall work with appropriate Hofstra University offices, administrators, and student organizations to advance initiatives and facilitate programming; including but not limited to:

1. Chief Equity Diversity and Inclusion Officer

2. Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion

3. Student Access Services

4. International Student Affairs

5. Center for Civic Engagement

6. Commuter Student Association

7. NOAH Office

8. First Generation Committee


207.1 GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Committee on Facilities and Operations Committee shall address and advocate on behalf of any concerns, complaints, and suggestions made by any constituent or other members of the Student Government Association in regards to facilities and operations. The committee shall work with appropriate Hofstra University offices, administrators, and student organizations to advance initiatives and facilitate programming; including but not limited to:

1. Campus Dining

2. Office of Residence Life

3. Residence Hall Association

4. Sustainability Initiatives

5. Information Technology

6. Campus Renovations

7. Campus Operations


208.1 GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Committee on Wellness and Campus Safety Committee shall address and advocate on behalf of any concerns, complaints, and suggestions made by any constituent or other members of the Student Government Association in regards to wellness and campus safety. The committee shall work with appropriate Hofstra University offices, administrators, and student organizations to advance initiatives and facilitate programming; including but not limited to:

1. Public Safety

2. Student Health and Counseling Services Center

3. Office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness Student Health Services

4. Dean of Students Office

5. Campus Recreation

6. Title IX

7. Wellness and Campus Living Center


A. A state of emergency is constituted as the Senate being unable to constitutionally outfit any of the following eight (8) committees: the Appropriations Committee, the Club Resources Committee, the Committee on Academic Affairs Committee, the Committee on Equity and Inclusion Committee, the Committee on Facilities and Operations Committee, the Committee on Wellness and Campus Safety Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Programming Committee.

B. In the case of a state of emergency, a campus-wide election shall be held. The Cabinet shall oversee the election process.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anthony Papasodero Sam Atlas Kayla Stadeker

Senator Facilities & Operations Chair Wellness & Campus Safety Chair

Dallas Jackson

Cristianna Giovanangelo-Nicotera Andrew Tauro

Equity & Inclusion Chair Academic Affairs Chair Senator

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three S.A. 2023.87.001

Updates to the Election of the Comptroller

Taken from Articles 201.3 and 215.6 of the Constitution

201.3 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The first order of business at the first Senate meeting following the annual election, following the confirmation of the President, Vice President and Senators, shall be the election of the following officers of the Student Government Association.

A. Comptroller: The Comptroller shall be chosen from among the Senators-at-Large.

B. Committee Chairs: The Chairs of all legislative committees established under Section 202.1 of these Bylaws shall be chosen from the Senators-at-Large.

C. Voting for the Election of Officers

i. Election of a candidate to a chair position shall be constituted by a majority plus one (1) of votes of voting members present at the time of the election.

ii. If any one candidate does not achieve a majority of the votes, the two (2) senators with the highest plurality of votes shall have a run-off election immediately following, until a candidate earns a majority of the votes.

215.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER: Any person who wishes to be a candidate for the office of Comptroller must first meet the following criteria:

A. The candidate shall first be an elected Senator-at-Large, as provided under these bylaws

B. Election of committee chairs the Comptroller shall occur at the annual Senate meeting following turnover. special meeting held the day following the first Senate meeting after turnover. Election of committee chairs the Comptroller shall be determined by a vote of the Senate and as outlined in the Constitution.

C. The candidate shall have served as senator for at least one academic year.

D. Any Senator-at-Large who wishes to fulfill the office of Comptroller shall maintain a 3.0 GPA. The GPA status of any Senator-at-Large shall be verified by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE).

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three


Student Organization Recognition

Taken from Article IV, Section 204, Subsection 6 of the Constitution

204.6 HOFSTRA STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS CLUBS: Organizations Undergraduate Hofstra organizations that wish to seek funding by the Student Government Association (SGA) shall first be recognized by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE) Recognition Committee comprised of both OSLE Staff and at least one (1) member of the SGA Club Resources Committee. Following the probation period of one semester, as required by OSLE, those organizations shall present their constitutions to the Club Resources Committee for approval before official recognition by the Senate. If recognized by both OSLE and SGA at the Recognition Committee Meeting, Hofstra organizations shall enter a five month training period with SGA. In the event that OSLE pauses club recognition, SGA reserves the right to recognize previously OSLE recognized Hofstra organizations. No club or Hofstra organization shall be recognized whose governing documents do not conform to abide by the following general standards:

A. The club’s and/or presented organization’s documents shall be constitutional in accordance with the Hofstra University Undergraduate Student Organization Manual and the Student Government Association governing documents.

Respectfully submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two-Thousand and Twenty Three


Ticket(s) to the Presidency and Vice Presidency

Taken from Article II, Section 215, Subsection 4 of the Constitution

215.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT: Any person who wishes to be a candidate for the office of the President or Vice President shall meet the following criteria:

A. Candidates shall attend an informational meeting held by the Elections Commission. The meeting shall outline the proper procedures as to their candidacy. Candidates shall be full-time undergraduate students at Hofstra University.

B. Candidates for the office of President and Vice President shall not serve as President or Vice President of another organization if elected.

C. Candidates for the office of President and Vice President shall maintain a 3.00 GPA in order to be elected to the office of President and Vice President. The GPA status of the candidates shall be verified by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE).

D. Candidates for the positions must submit individual petitions with at least 250 undergraduate signatures. The candidate’s ticket shall submit a petition to the elections commission with the student identification numbers of no less than ten (10) percent of the Student Government constituency.

E. The President-elect and/or Vice President-elect shall make a speech at the Presidential Election Bash.

F. The president shall be elected by a separate ballot than the vice president.

G. Candidates are prohibited from running for more than one position.

H. “Students may only vote for one presidential candidate and one vice president candidate”. Losing candidates who receive the required votes to obtain a seat in the Senate shall be offered the position of Senator at Large.

I. “Candidates for positions of President and Vice president are required to have served in Student Government Association, excluding external advocacy branches, the session prior to the current election”

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two-Thousand and Twenty Three S.A.2023.87.004

Election of the Secretary

Taken from Article II, Section 215 of the Constitution


215.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OFFICE OF SECRETARY: Any person who wishes to be a candidate for the office of Secretary must first meet the following criteria:

A. The candidate shall first be an elected Senator-at-Large, as provided under these bylaws

B. Election of the secretary shall occur at the annual Senate meeting following turnover. Election of the secretary shall be determined by a vote of the Senate and as outlined in the Constitution.

C. The candidate shall have served as a member of the Student Government Association, excluding the external advocacy branch, in the previous session.

D. Any Senator-at-Large who wishes to fulfill the office of secretary shall maintain a 3.0 GPA. The GPA status of any Senator-at-Large shall be verified by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE).


A. The candidate shall first be an elected Senator-at-Large, as provided under these bylaws

B. Election of committee chairs shall occur at the annual Senate meeting following turnover. Election of committee chairs shall be determined by a vote of the Senate and as outlined in the Constitution.

C. The candidate shall have served as a member of the Student Government Association, excluding the external advocacy branch, in the previous session.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two-Thousand and Twenty Three


Senator Signatures

Taken from Article II, Section 215, Subsection 7 of the Constitution


Section Nine. The Senate shall not exceed membership equivalent to one at-large senator for every one hundred and fifty (150) 200 full-time undergraduate students provided by the University’s enrollment.

215.7 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OFFICE OF SENATOR: Any person who wishes to be a candidate for the office of Senator shall meet the following criteria:

A. The candidate shall be registered as a full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University.

B. Attend a Student Government Association seminar to be run by the Elections Commission prior to the spring and fall election.

C. The candidate shall submit a petition to the Elections Commission with the signatures and student identification numbers of at least 100 undergraduate students of no less than one (1) percent of the Student Government constituency.

D. Candidates shall maintain a 2.50 GPA in order to be elected to the office of Senator.

E. Candidates that run for a Student Government Association office in the spring election and are not elected may run again for the same office in the following fall election.

Respectfully Submitted,

Appropriations Chair Archivist Senator Senator Senator
Lincoln Anniballi Arianna Wallace Sydney Greenlaw Eden Barone Sydney Livingston


Special Accommodations to Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections

Taken from Article X, Section B of the Policy Series


1. All presidential and vice presidential candidates shall run as a ticket. If either the presidential and/or vice presidential candidate does not meet the requirements stated in the Student Government Association Policy Series, or are unable to continue their candidacy, the remaining eligible member of the ticket shall have up to seventy-two (72) hours to pick a replacement.

2. The Elections Commission shall only see a new ticket comprised of at least one (1) candidate from a previously disqualified ticket.

3. Candidates for President and Vice President are to be elected on separate ballots, though one Presidential campaign may be run in coordination with one Vice Presidential campaign.

4. If anIf an electorally unsuccessful ticket candidate receives the minimum number amount of votes for Senator at Large, the candidates shall be offered may choose to be elected to the position of Senator at Large.

5. On a date(s) specified by the Elections Commission, candidates for President, and Vice President, Senators, and Justices must attend a meeting to declare their candidacy.

a. If a student cannot attend this meeting, they may email a member of the Elections Commission twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting with their name, 700 number, email address, and the title of the position they would like to run for.

6. Candidates for President and Vice President must have collected the required signatures at a separate and earlier date than other offices.

a. This date is to be specified by the Elections Commission and cannot be later than the first Monday of April.

b. Only candidates who have collected the required signatures by this separate and earlier date may campaign, participate in debates, and appear on the ballot.

7. Candidates for President and Vice President are to be afforded an extra week of campaigning in the interest of increasing awareness of candidates and facilitating debates between candidates.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University Student Government Association 2023

Hofstra University Student Government Association 2023


Expansion of Debates

Taken from Article X, Section C Subsection 3 of the Policy Series


a. Any questions relating to the debates shall be directed to the Elections Commission and answered outside of the Student Government Association office.

b. If there is an uncontested election, the Elections Commission shall hold at least one (1) event during which the ticket candidates presents the goals of their campaigns to the general Student Government Association constituency prior to voting dates.

c. The Elections Commission shall organize at least one (1) presidential debate and one vice presidential debate if each office sees a contested election. there is a contested election.

i. Debates are to be open to the Student Government Association constituency.

ii. The format and logistics of debates shall be left to the discretion of the Elections Commission but the following provisions must be adhered to:

1. The debate must occur before elections begin and after signatures are collected for president and vice president.

2. At least one of the moderators must be the Elections Commission Chair.

3. Every effort must be made to include all candidates for each respective debate.

d. A ticket debate shall be held prior to voting dates. The Elections Commission may hold two (2) additional debates prior to voting: a presidential debate and a vice presidential debate.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University Student Government Association 2023 S.A.2023.87.008

Spring 2023 Spring-Into-Action Week Questions

1. Would you be in favor of Hofstra providing peer advisors in the Center for University Advising?

a. Yes

b. No

2. Would you be in favor of creating additional 1-2 credit courses?

a. Yes

b. No

3. Have you found difficulty completing your coursework without taking more than 17 credits in a semester?

a. Yes

b. No

4. Is your dietary restriction catered to at Hofstra?

a. Yes

b. No

5. What changes would you like to see made to first-year meal plans?

a. More expensive plans

b. Less expensive plans

c. No change

6. Have you witnessed, heard of, or personally experienced bias against you or someone you know based on an aspect of your identity (race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.)?

a. Yes

b. No

7. If needed, would you feel comfortable using the Ethicspoint reporting system?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I do not know what the Ethicspoint reporting system is

8. Which of the following difficulties have you experienced in regards to observing or practicing your culture and/or religion on campus: (Choose all that apply)

a. Lack of Academic Accommodations

b. Difficulties with Excused Absences for Observances/Holidays

c. Lack of Dietary Options

d. Insufficient Prayer Spaces

e. Lack of Inclusive Language

f. Other

g. Does Not Apply to Me

h. None

9. Would you be in favor of having free menstrual products in academic buildings on campus?

a. Yes

b. No

10. Do you think there should be cameras in the parking lots across campus?

a. Yes

b. No

Respectfully Submitted,

Cristianna Giovanangelo Nicotera Dallas Jackson

Academic Affairs Chair

Sam Atlas

Facilities and Operations Chair

Equity and Inclusion Chair

Kayla Stadeker

Wellness and Campus Safety Chair

S.A. 2023. 87.009

Impeachment in the Constitution

Taken from Article 303, Section 1-2 of the Constitution



MEMBERS: Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any senator, E-BOARD member, or appointed official of the Student Government Association for failure to fulfill their oath of office as administered.

A. Refer to Article III, Section One of the Judicial Panel Constitution for more details regarding impeachment proceedings. An impeachment action must be sent to the Club Resources Chair, Vice President, and Chief Justice. The action must follow the format of a Senatorial Action and the author(s) must have their name signed on the document.

a. An impeachment action must detail the alleged abuses and reason for impeachment.

b. The impeachment action must be seen at the next senate if sent more than 24 hours before said meeting.

c. The author of the action shall have the opportunity to speak on their action, and the accused shall have an equal opportunity to respond.

d. If a motion is made to pass the action, at least half (½) of the Senate is required to vote to move the impeachment forward.

i. If the vote is tied, the motion passes.

B. If the action passes, it shall immediately be forwarded to the Judicial Panel for investigation.

a. If the impeached party is a member of the Judicial Panel, the Club Resources Committee shall investigate.

b. An impeachment investigation must include at least two (2) hearings.

i. The first, a preliminary hearing must present the charges, evidence, and any relevant materials to all parties. The first hearing shall not occur less than 72 hours after the accused party is notified of the charges.

ii. The second hearing shall include testimony and rebuttal from all relevant parties. Members of the Student Government Association must be notified of the hearing at least 48 hours before. The hearing must be open to all constituents of the Student Government Association.

c. All relevant documents must be made available and easily accessible to all members of the Student Government Association for the entire period of the investigation.

i. Relevant documents include, but are not limited to: minutes, testimonies, evidence, rebuttals, and statements.

d. An impeachment investigation must conduct interviews with all parties deemed relevant.

e. To impeach, malicious neglect of duties must be proven.

C. Once the investigation is complete, the Judicial Panel shall issue their decision to the Senate.

a. If the impeached party is a member of the Judicial Panel, Club Resources shall report their findings and recommendation to the Senate. The Senate shall make a vote to remove the member of Judicial Panel, requiring a ¾ majority.

Hofstra University Student Government Association 2023

b. The Judicial Panel shall decide whether the impeached party is removed from their position or as a Senator At Large.

D. The Senate may overturn the Judicial Panel decision with a ¾ majority vote.

a. When a motion is made to overturn a Judicial Panel Impeachment decision, a caucus is immediately opened.

i. The impeached party shall have the opportunity to rebut their removal.

ii. Speakers may speak in favor of or against the decision.

iii. A simple majority must vote to close the caucus.

iv. Once the caucus is closed, the Senate must go straight to a closed vote to overturn the decision.

v. If ¾ is not obtained, the motion fails and the impeachment stands.

E. Following an impeachment proceeding, regardless of outcome, e-board shall facilitate a meeting with the Student Government Association advisor and all parties to rectify the situation.

303.2 REMOVAL OF ASSOCIATES: The Vice President may remove any Associate at the request of their Committee Chair.


Section One. The Judicial Panel shall hear any case referring to impeachment, reinstatement, or removal of any Student Government Association official as outlined in Section 303. The Judicial Panel shall have the power to investigate members for alleged violations and may carry out impeachment and removal from office proceedings as outlined in Section 303.

a. Senators may recommend members of the Student Government Association for impeachment via an email to the Chief Justice.

b. The party or parties in question shall be notified of the allegation prior to the investigation via an email from the Chief Justice.

c. The Judicial Panel shall then conduct an investigation to gather evidence of the alleged offenses.

d. The party or parties in question shall have an opportunity to deliver a rebuttal in a hearing.

e. Using the gathered evidence and statements provided, the Justices shall then vote on whether the party or parties in question shall be impeached.

f. The Judicial Panel shall then submit any opinions to Senate to relay their findings.

g. The party or parties in question shall be removed from office following presentation of the opinions of the Judicial Panel.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University Student Government Association 2023

S.A. 2023. 87.010

Impeachment in the Policy Series

Taken from Article [section] [number] of the Policy Series


1. Impeachment shall be constituted by the presentation of a resolution in the Senate signed by at least one-third (1/3) the members of the Senate, specifying charges against the member.

a. Notification: The Club Resources Chair shall deliver the approved impeachment resolution to the President (or Vice President, if the member in question is the President) immediately upon the adjournment of the Club Resources Committee. The President (or Vice President, if the member in question is the President) has twenty-four (24) hours to deliver a copy of the resolution to the impeached party. Notification shall be delivered forty-eight (48) hours before its introduction to the Senate.

i. Consideration of the Resolution: Consideration of the impeachment resolution shall be postponed until the regular meeting of the Senate next following its introduction, provided that at least one (1) Cabinet meeting shall convene.

ii. Cabinet Powers of Impeachment: The Cabinet may, at its discretion, refer the resolution to the Club Resources Committee for further review prior to consideration by the Senate. In the event of an unfavorable report of the Committee on the resolution, a majority (fifty percent plus one) vote of the Senate to accept the report of the Committee shall terminate further consideration of the resolution.

b. Senate Consideration of the Resolution: The Club Resources Committee shall meet as soon as feasible to debate and report special rules to govern the proceedings to consider the impeachment. At least two (2) of the sponsors of the impeachment must present verbal arguments on behalf of the resolution at the Senate meeting. The accused member shall also have an equal time to defend themselves. In the event of the impeachment of the Vice President, the Club Resources Committee Chair of the Student Government Association shall preside over the Senate during the introduction and debate of the resolution.

c. Appeal of the Impeachment: The impeached party may seek to appeal Senate’s decision if they feel the process was unconstitutional. This appeal shall be given to the Club Resources Chair who shall then pass it to the Judicial Panel. The Judicial Panel shall deem whether the impeachment process was constitutional or not, and this decision shall be final.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lincoln Anniballi

Chair of Appropriations

Makayla Egolf

Senator, Ethics and Conduct Chair

Leah Wrazin


Kayla Stadecker

Chair of Wellness and Campus Safety

Sydney Livingston Senator

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three


OSLE & SGA Club Recognition

Taken from Article IV, Section 204, Subsection 6 of the Constitution

204.6 HOFSTRA RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: Undergraduate Hofstra students that wish to seek organizational recognition shall be recognized by the New Student Organization Recognition Committee comprised of the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, Administrative Advisors, and members of the SGA Club Resources Committee. If recognized at a Recognition Committee Meeting, student organizations will enter a one month onboarding period. After this time period, eligible organizations shall send their Constitution and proof of engagement via Get Involved (GIHU) to the Club Resources Committee for approval at an SGA Senate Check-In. If approved at the SGA Senate Check-In, the club may receive the full benefits of an active Hofstra Recognized Student Organization as defined in the SGA Policy Series. No Hofstra organization whose governing documents do not abide by the following general standard shall be recognized:

B. The presented organization’s documents shall be constitutional in accordance with the Student Government Association (SGA) governing documents and the Hofstra University Undergraduate Student Organization Handbook.

Respectfully submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Twenty-Three


Detailing OSLE & SGA Club Recognition

Taken from Section III, Subsections C-D of the Policy Series



a. A new student organization shall be considered a recognized Hofstra organization if it is recognized by the New Student Organization Recognition Committee.

i. The Club Resources Chair, as well as three additional members of the Club Resources Committee, shall be considered full members of the New Student Organization Recognition Committee. As members of the Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Committee, the Club Resources committee members shall vote on new organization recognition and actively seek to assist the committee where and when possible.

1. SGA Club Resources Committee members shall apply to join the New Student Organization Recognition Committee for the corresponding semester.

a. During the fall semester, the application shall be open to Club Resources committee members from the previous Spring semester.

b. During the spring semester, current Spring Club Resources Committee members shall be eligible to apply.


i. All new recognized organizations are subject to a one (1) month onboarding period. Throughout this time period, new organizations must:

1. Have at least fifteen (15) members including a full Executive Board consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

2. Follow a constitution having been approved by Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Committee, the Club Resources Committee, and Senate that contains the Student Government Association’s most current preamble.

3. Have all Executive Board members attend all required trainings

a. Student Organization Leadership Training

b. Title IX Training

c. Treasurer Training

d. Student Event Request Training (coming Fall 2023)

4. Manage and maintain their own Get Involved HU (GIHU) page

ii. If an Executive Board member of the newly recognized Hofstra organization is not able to attend a club-wide training session, they may seek additional make-up sessions with OSLE and/or SGA.

iii. Recognition during the Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Process enables all new student organizations access to funds from 5% of the SGA Budget.

iv. Membership of a newly recognized organization shall not consist of more than a quarter of members who were members of a preexisting organization that was removed from campus due to disciplinary actions.

v. During the one (1) month following the Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Committee Meeting, organizations shall hold a minimum of three (3) meetings and at least one (1) fundraiser or event with at least fifteen (15) members in attendance prior to attending an SGA Senate Check-In. The Club Resources Committee shall require proof of such attendance in the form of attendance rosters for at least one (1) such meeting in that semester. Prior to attending the SGA Check-In, organizations shall hold a minimum of three (3) meetings and at least one (1) fundraiser or event each with at least fifteen (15) members in attendance. The Club Resources Committee shall require proof of such attendance and organization gatherings in the form of attendance rosters and additional evidence including but not limited to photos or promotional event materials.

i. The Club Resources Committee shall require the submission of this roster at the meeting for club constitution review.

ii. The Club Resources Committee shall verify that the members present at said meetings are registered on the club or organization’s GetInvolvedHU page.

2. 6. Following the one (1) month onboarding period, the new organization may digitally submit their proof of engagement via the form on Get Involved (GIHU) to the Club Resources Committee for approval. If approved, the Club Resources Chair shall formally invite the organization to a Senate Check-In meeting.

a. The proof of engagement shall be defined as the following:

i. Proof of three (3) previous organization meetings

ii. A Get Involved (GIHU) roster greater than fifteen (15) members

iii. Proof of one (1) prior fundraiser or campus-wide event

iv. The organization’s most recently updated Constitution and governing documents

v. GIHU Events Pass attendance records for the corresponding training session(s) of each Executive Board member

vi. Student Organization Check In Appeals: In the instance a Hofstra recognized organization does not pass SGA Check-in to receive the full benefits of an active Hofstra Recognized Student Organization, they may send a letter of appeal to the Club Resources committee. If the organization is deemed eligible for appeal after review by the Club Resources committee, they may present before the Senate.

Respectfully submitted,

a. During the Appeals process, the Club Resources Chair shall abstain from voting.

Hofstra University

Student Government Association 2023


Appropriations Committee Policy Updates

Taken from Article II, Section B of the Policy Series


1. General Policies:

a. The Appropriations Committee shall not fund any club with a discriminatory attitude with regard to membership as defined in the Student Government Association Constitution.

b. Student Government Association funds must only be used for undergraduate students.

c. Priority Order: The order in which items are listed on the budget event cover sheet shall constitute priority order.

i. Requests shall be considered in priority order. Should an event or budget item not be funded due to budgetary constraints, the committee shall not allocate funds to lower priority events.

d. All clubs and organizations seeking funds shall use the appropriate documents provided by the Student Government Association.

i. All documents shall be provided in the English language and in the United States Dollar.

e. All financial business does not become official until it passes the Senate.

f. Any full-time undergraduate senator or associate may be a member of the Appropriations Committee.

g. Any member of the Appropriations Committee needs to abstain from voting and debating if they are a member of a club or organization seeking funds.

h. The Student Government Association, the Comptroller, and Hofstra University cannot guarantee payment of any financial transactions where all documents are not filled out completely and correctly at least two (2) weeks in advance.

i. Bi-Annual Budget:

i. At the end of each semester, any club or organization seeking Student Government Association funds may submit a budget to the Appropriations Committee for the following semester.

ii. This shall henceforth be known as “Semesterly Allocation Meetings,” to be held in November and April respectively unless otherwise specified by the Appropriations Committee.

iii. The Senate shall review, amend, and approve the bi-annual budget, submitted by the Appropriations Committee.

1. A vote of two-thirds (⅔) may be instituted to remove a person or persons from the gallery.

iv. No club category shall be allocated greater than twenty-eight percent (28%) of the bi-annual budget.

j. Money may be transferred from one (1) club or organization’s budget to another Student Government Association- recognized club or organization’s account with the approval of the Student Government Association Comptroller.

k. Income is defined as any money that enters a club or organization’s budget other than Student Government Association allocations.

l. Unconventional Budgets:

i. If a club or organization requires a budget for an event that exceeds $50,000 and correlates directly to the purpose of that organization, they may request to submit an annual budget to ensure timely bid placement, legal satisfaction, and university policies are followed. Said organization may bring the request to the President, Vice President, Comptroller, and Appropriations Chair of the Student Government Association before the annual budget is seen by the Appropriations Committee for the Semesterly Allocation Meeting. The aforementioned parties need to vote unanimously to honor said request.

ii. If allocated, the funds for the event would not roll back at the conclusion of the semester preceding the event.

1. The club or organization may only request more funds for the event at no more than two (2) nonconsecutive weekly meetings in the semester.

iii. For any additional requests not pertaining to the one (1) event, the club or organization may submit a separate budget during the fall and spring Semesterly Allocation Meetings or at any weekly meetings they wish to attend.

1. Any money allocated to requests other than the specified event will follow the bi-annual schedule, and all unused funds will rollback into the Student Government Association budget.

m. The Appropriations Chair has the discretion to require a Treasurer Training on a semesterly basis.

n. At the discretion of the Appropriations Chair, any organization that fails to attend a required Treasurer Training can be denied an allocation for a semesterly budget and/or a weekly allocation.

i. The denial of an allocation by the chair must be made on a request by request basis, and may not occur when an executive board member has attended a training session within the semester.

2. Meetings:

a. The Appropriations Committee shall meet every week3 during the fall and spring semesters.

3 A week shall be defined as an operational week for the Student Government Association if there are no days off.

b. Any club or organization may appear at no more than two weekly meetings per semester unless otherwise specified by the Appropriations Chair.

c. The Appropriations Chair shall contact clubs and organizations prior to the commencement of their meetings notifying the day and time of said meetings.

i. In order to attend a meeting, the club or organization shall submit a form on the GetInvolvedHU sign-up.

ii. A club or organization must also submit a digital copy of their budget request to the Appropriations Chair.

iii. The roster for any meeting is based on the order in which the clubs or organizations submitted their forms and will cap at the number set by the Appropriations Chair.

d. The Appropriations Chair reserves the right to limit a club’s appearance at weekly Appropriations meetings for failure to appear.

e. If a club reserves a spot on the Appropriations roster and fails to appear, the absent meeting shall be considered as one of the two meetings for the semester, and the club will not be able to reserve a spot on the roster for the following week, unless otherwise specified by the Appropriations Chair.

f. The Appropriations Committee Chair reserves the right to limit the number of clubs on its agenda for any meeting.

g. Appropriations Committee Procedures:

i. When requesting a new budget, additional allocation requests shall be presented at the Appropriations Committee meeting by an executive board member of the club.

1. At the discretion of the Comptroller, a reallocation request may be brought to the Appropriations Committee for approval. A reallocation request may be brought to the Comptroller for review and approval.

ii. All funds allocated by the Appropriations Committee must be spent within the academic semester, unless otherwise specified.

3. Allocation Policies:

a. A maximum of five percent (5%) of the funds that are to be allocated to Student Government Association recognized clubs and organizations each semester may be allocated to undergraduate non-Student Government Association organizations if the organization meets the following criteria:

i. The non-Student Government Association organization must follow all Appropriations policies in order to receive funding.

ii. Funding will only be allocated for campus-wide events, not for items or programs that are specific to the organization exclusively (i.e.: t-shirts, banners, conferences, travel, etc. will not be funded).

iii. Charitable events or items for such events shall not be funded.

iv. Proposals may be submitted for review over the bi-annual Semesterly Allocation Meetings and weekly meetings.

b. Student Government Association will not fund any club or organization that is not registered on GetInvolvedHU. If an organization is deemed inactive for failure to re-register on GetInvolvedHU or for other reasons,

they would no longer have Student Government Association recognition and would have to reapply through the registration committee.

i. The Appropriations Committee shall not fund any club that is deemed inactive by the standards set forth in this Policy Series; and/or

ii. By the definition of the club category set forth by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE).

c. The Appropriations Committee shall not allocate funds for inventory exceeding the price of $100 per item unless the club has an appropriate location on campus to store it.

d. Cost Restrictive Policies:

i. Formals: Formals shall be defined as end of semester gatherings held at HofUSA, Hofstra University Club, and any off-campus location. The Appropriations Committee reserves the right to determine whether or not an event is a formal.

1. A maximum of thirty (30) members, up to $50.00 per member, may be funded by the Student Government Association for a retreat per semester.

ii. Retreats: A retreat shall be defined as an internally planned, overnight stay at an off-campus location that is exclusive to only the members of a club or organization.

1. A maximum of thirty (30) members, up to $50.00 $25.00 per member, may be funded by the Student Government Association for a retreat per semester.

2. No student Government Association budget shall be allocated for food for the retreats.

iii. Scholarships: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for scholarships.

iv. Alumni: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds towards any gifts or items for alumni.

v. Licensing/Certifications: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for licensing or certifications.

vi. Transportation: Transportation may be funded up to a 300-mile radius of Hofstra University, with the exception of the Colonial Athletic Association tournament bus(es) that is sponsored by the Student Government Association.

1. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to five (5) personal cars per event.

2. Student Government Association cannot fund gas expenses.

3. Student Government Association cannot fund for coach bus(es).

4. Student Government Association cannot fund for rental cars.

5. Student Government Association cannot fund for airfare.

6. Student Government Association cannot fund for any rideshare services (i.e. Uber, Lyft, etc.)

7. Student Government Association funds mileage based on the standard Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rate at the time of requested funds.

vii. Clothing Merchandise: No apparel merchandise shall be funded above $40.00 $30.00 per member per semester.

1. Clothing shall be defined as any apparel relating to shirts, jackets, pants, etc. branded or otherwise created for members of a club/organization.

viii. Uniforms: No uniforms shall be funded above $50.00 $40.00 per member per semester.

1. A Uniform shall be defined as a distinctive item or set of clothing that is created exclusively for members of the same organization or club.

ix. Prizes: The Student Government Association shall not fund prizes.

x. Tipping: Organizations cannot use Student Government Association allocated funds for tipping.

xi. Disc Jockey: Organizations shall not be funded more than $1000 $750 for Disc Jockeys per semester.

xii. Coaching or Instructor Fees: The Student Government Association may fund up to $1,500 $2,000 per semester for all coaching or instructor fees.

xiii. Fashion Shows: The Appropriations Committee shall not allocate funds to requested fashion shows unless they fulfill the explicit purpose of the club or organization as stated in their constitution.

xiv. Speaker Fees: The Student Government Association may fund specific speaker fees, but not optional honorariums or donations.

xv. Donations: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for cash or in-kind donations.

xvi. Member Gifts: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for gifts to members.

xvii. Social Outings: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for social outings.

1. A social outing shall be defined as any event that is restricted to the members of a club or organization that does not specifically relate to the purpose of said club or organization.

xviii. Hotels: Three (3) different bids shall be provided before any allocations are to be disbursed for hotel costs. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to $200.00 per room per night for hotels.

1. One bid shall be accepted in the event that a club or organization is mandated to stay in that hotel by the conference or event they are attending. Should this be the case, the club or organization must provide documentation.

2. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded for up to three (3) nights.

Student Government Association shall not fund for Airbnb or independent homestay service (rentals).

xx. Membership Fees: The Student Government Association shall not fund membership fees for the individual members of any club or organization.

e. Conferences: A conference shall be defined as an overnight stay at an off-campus location, planned by a third party, and is open to all students.

i. A maximum of thirty (30) members, up to $100.00 $30.00 per member, may be funded by the Student Government Association for registration to attend a conference per semester.

ii. No Student Government Association budget shall be allocated for food for the conferences.

f. Competitions:

i. When requesting funds for a competition, an organization shall present the Appropriations Committee with all necessary registration materials and information regarding the competition.

g. Budget Appeals: In the event that a club or organization finds the allocated funds during a weekly meeting to be unfair incorrect under their belief, they may file an appeal to be presented to the Senate.

i. Weekly Meetings: If a club or organization wishes to appeal an allocation from a weekly meeting, the club must email the Appropriations Chair within 24 hours after the start of the Appropriations meeting stating their reason for appeal. The Appropriations Chair must notify the Vice President that a club wishes to appeal twelve (12) hours prior to the Senate meeting. The club may present their appeal at Senate during the presentation of the weekly Appropriations report.

ii. Semesterly Allocation Meeting: If a club or organization wishes to appeal an allocation from budget weekend, the club must email the Appropriations Chair within the time allotted time specified at the discretion of the Chair requesting a time for the meeting. The Appropriations Chair shall email the Vice President the list of clubs that are scheduled to appeal twelve (12) hours before the Senate meeting. the reason for their appeal.

1. The appeal will be seen at the first Appropriations meeting of the following semester.

h. Student Government Association Club or Organization Budget: All monetary contributions donated to the Student Government Association Club or Organization Budget, a subdivision of the Student Government Association Budget, shall only be accessible to the Appropriations Committee. The committee shall be permitted to appropriate such additional budget(s) to clubs and organizations in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Student Government Association By-Laws and Policy Series. In cases where donations are made to a specific Student Government Association club or organization, these funds shall be deposited through the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement and designated as income.

i. Consistency: The criteria that is set forth on the limits of what the Student Government Association may fund, shall be held objectively on a consistent basis.


j. Remaining in Hofstra Property Clause:

i. Anything which is purchased through funding by the Appropriations Committee must remain in the control of the club/organization that requested the item due to OSLE policy.

ii. The Appropriations Committee reserves the right to request a full roster of uniforms, equipment, or any item from any club or organization which has received funds from the Student Government Association in the past two (2) years.

iii. Any club/organization can request the same item two years after its initial request due to possible wear and tear or damage caused to the item.

k. Photography:

i. Photography cannot be funded using the Student Activity Fee unless it is for the sole purpose of forwarding the mission of the club/organization requesting the funds.

ii. The Appropriations Committee cannot fund photography for individual use or the photographing of an individual.

iii. The Appropriations Committee cannot fund for any photography relating to graduation.

l. Fundraising:

i. Student Government Association may allocate funds for fundraising items only if the profits raised from the fundraiser are going to a charitable cause/organization.

ii. Student Government Association may not fund for fundraising items if the profits raised from the fundraiser are going to the club or organization’s income.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association 2023


Club Resources Updates

Taken from Article III of the Policy Series




1. Floor plan of Office Space:

a. The Student Government Association governs all club office space.

b. A floor plan of all occupied and vacant office spaces shall be kept by the Club Resources Chair.

c. Only Hofstra Student Government Association recognized clubs or organizations may be eligible to receive an office space from the Student Government Association.

d. Every two (2) years, at the discretion of the chair, the floor plan is to be reviewed and necessary changes are to be made by the Club Resources Committee and reviewed with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

2. Allocation of Club Office Spaces:

a. The Student Government Association governs all club office space.

b. Every two (2) years, at the discretion of the chair, clubs interested in occupying a club office space shall be required to submit an application on Get Involved HU to the Club Resources Committee prior to the Office Space Review.

3. Office Space Review Application:

a. Every club desiring an office space shall submit an application provided by the Student Government Association to be reviewed by the Club Resources Committee.

b. Applications shall include:

i. Name of organization

ii. A copy of the club’s constitution

iii. An explanation of the club’s purpose and how an office space would benefit that purpose

iv. Explanation of campus presence and activity

c. The Club Resources Committee shall review, allocate, and vote on club office spaces preceding ratification by the Senate.

d. Notification of the allocation of club office spaces shall be provided prior to the last operational week of the semester.

e. The Club Resources Committee shall review, allocate, and vote on club office spaces preceding ratification by the Senate.

f. The Club Resources Chair shall monitor all transitions between office space moves.

g. Organizations that apply for an office space and do not receive one, may be automatically considered by the Club Resources Committee to receive storage space in Student Center 260L.

4. Club Office HoursHours for Office Spaces:

a. The organizations occupying an office space shall have their Executive Board members serve two (2) open office hours per operational week in totality.

i. An office hour is defined as a minimum of thirty (30) consecutive minutes where an Executive Board member is available in their office.

b. Executive Board members must log their office hours each week by filling out the QR code posted in each club office space.

c. Office hours shall be submitted to the Club Resources Chair by 6:30 pm on Tuesdays 5pm on Fridays

d. Office usage will be monitored by the Club Resources Committee. If a student organization fails to appropriately utilize their student organization office space, the office space may be revoked at the discretion of the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

e. Office spaces will be subject to routine safety and security checks to ensure all policies and procedures are followed.

5. Club Office Space Policies:

a. General Expectations:

i. All clubs/organizations are expected to use their office space solely for the purpose of conducting official club business. No students are permitted to reside in, sleep in, or utilize the office space for personal use.

ii. No organization is allowed to bring furniture into their office (e.g. desks, refrigerators, couches, or file cabinets) without prior approval by the Student Government Association and Hofstra University. Any furniture in the office is considered property of Hofstra University.

iii. All office spaces shall abide by all fire codes and the Guide to Pride.

iv. Posters, flyers, and stickers may be attached to the office doors and walls provided that they do not damage the surface. Staples and thumbtacks are strictly forbidden. They cannot block any windows.

1. Student organizations may advertise an event on their office door(s) by submitting flyer(s) for approval to the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement.

v. Organization executive boards are responsible for all activities that occur within the office space. This includes the actions of all persons in the office.

vi. There is absolutely no smoking, alcohol, or drugs allowed, at any time, regardless of a member’s age. Any violation shall result in immediate revocation of the club office space by the Student Government Association and disciplinary action through the Office of Community Standards.

vii. The club office space shall not be altered, painted, nor vandalized.

viii. The organization is expected to keep the office space tidy and organized. Clutter, trash, and junk shall be removed from the office space.

ix. Any items used for the purpose of the club that has been funded by the Student Government Association shall be stored in an administrative building.4

x. Any violation or behavior deemed to be unethical shall result in the loss of the office space.

xi. Any items provided by SGA to a club office may solely be used only on behalf of the organization for the purpose of maintaining organization records or furthering the organization’s mission to foster their community. Such items are not permitted to be used for individual personal purposes.

xii. All offices and items within the office are subject to random checks.

b. Consequences:

i. All clubs and organizations are responsible for any damages that occur to the office space and office furniture.5

ii. Organizations are expected to pay for any replacement furniture or painting needed due to defacement, in addition to fines.

iii. Violations of any of the above policies shall be investigated by the Club Resources Committee. The Club Resources Chair shall submit any evidence gathered to the Judicial Panel to be presented in a hearing.

iv. Anything in violation of the Guide to Pride shall receive disciplinary action from the Office of Community Standards, as well as a fine from the Student Government Association and/or loss of office space.

4 Materials shall not be stored in residence halls, cars, etc.

5 This includes minor damages as well as major damages/defacement.

Degree of Offense Minor Offense (ex: Office Hour Violation/Club Dispute) Intermediate Offense (ex: Destruction of Property) Major Offense (ex: Alcohol and other Prohibited Items) 1st Offense Warning Letter Fine and Meeting with Club Resources Chair Investigative Hearing and Senate Approval 2nd Offense Meeting with Club Resources Committee Fine and Investigative Hearing


1. The Club Resources Committee shall perform a yearly audit of Student Government Association recognized clubs and organizations during the Fall Semester. After performing this audit, the Club Resources Committee shall present their findings to the Judicial Panel, which reserves the right to derecognize any club or organization found in violation of Student Government Association policy.

a. Upon notification of an infraction, each club and organization shall be entitled to a 60-day grace period to resolve their Student Government Association policy violation.

2. Deactivation may also occur if a club or organization does not fulfill the requirements set forth by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE).

3. Deactivation occurs if a club or organization’s attendance falls below the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement requirements.

4. Deactivation results in the organization’s budget being frozen for the length of the deactivation and the privilege of occupying an office space being revoked for any period of time deemed appropriate by the chair.

5. Reactivation of an OSLE deactivated organization shall be adjudicated by the University Registration Committee and go through the process to be recognized by the Student Government Association as if they were a new organization.


1. A new student organization shall be considered a recognized Hofstra organization if it is recognized by the New Student Organization Recognition Committee.

a. The Club Resources Chair, as well as three additional members of the Club Resources Committee, shall be considered full members of the New Student Organization Recognition Committee. As members of the Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Committee, the Club Resources Committee members shall vote on new organization recognition and actively seek to assist the Committee where and when possible.

i. SGA Club Resources Committee members shall apply to join the New Student Organization Recognition Committee for the corresponding semester.

1. During the fall semester, the application shall be open to Club Resources Committee members from the previous Spring semester.

2. During the spring semester, current Spring Club Resources Committee members shall be eligible to apply.

3rd Offense
Discretion of Senate


a. All new recognized organizations are subject to a one (1) month onboarding period. Throughout this time period, new organizations must:

i. Have at least fifteen (15) members including a full Executive Board consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

ii. Follow a constitution having been approved by Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Committee, the Club Resources Committee, and Senate that contains the Student Government Association’s most current preamble.

iii. Have all Executive Board members attend all required trainings

1. Student Organization Leadership Training

2. Title IX Training

3. Treasurer Training

4. Student Event Request Training (coming Fall 2023)

iv. Manage and maintain their own Get Involved HU (GIHU) page

b. If an Executive Board member of the newly recognized Hofstra organization is not able to attend a student organization leadership training session, they may seek additional make-up sessions with OSLE and/or SGA.

c. Recognition during the Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Process enables all new student organizations access to funds from 5% of the SGA Budget, although organizations are not guaranteed funding.

d. Membership of a newly recognized organization shall not consist of more than a quarter of members who were members of a preexisting organization that was removed from campus due to disciplinary actions.

e. During the one (1) month following the Hofstra Student Organization Recognition Committee Meeting, organizations shall hold a minimum of three (3) meetings and at least one (1) fundraiser or event with at least fifteen (15) members in attendance prior to attending an SGA Senate Check-In. The Club Resources Committee shall require proof of such attendance in the form of attendance rosters for at least one (1) such meeting in that semester. Prior to attending the SGA Check-In, organizations shall hold a minimum of three (3) meetings and at least one (1) fundraiser or event each with at least fifteen (15) members in attendance. The Club Resources Committee shall require proof of such attendance and organization gatherings in the form of attendance rosters and additional evidence including but not limited to photos or promotional event materials.

i. The Club Resources Committee shall require the submission of this roster at the meeting for club constitution review.

ii. The Club Resources Committee shall verify that the members present at said meetings are registered on the club or organization’s GetInvolvedHU page.

f. Following the one (1) month onboarding period, the new organization may digitally submit their proof of engagement via the form on Get


Involved (GIHU) to the Club Resources Committee for approval. If approved, the Club Resources Chair shall formally invite the organization to a Senate Check-In meeting.

1. The proof of engagement shall be defined as the following:

i. Proof of three (3) previous organization meetings

ii. A Get Involved (GIHU) roster greater than fifteen (15) members

iii. Proof of one (1) prior fundraiser or campus-wide event

iv. The organization’s most recently updated Constitution and governing documents

v. GIHU Events Pass attendance records for the corresponding training session(s) of each Executive Board member

g. Student Organization Check In Appeals: In the instance a Hofstra recognized organization does not pass SGA Check-in to receive the full benefits of an active Hofstra Recognized Student Organization, they may send a letter of appeal to the Club Resources Committee. If the organization is deemed eligible for appeal after review by the Club Resources Committee, they may present before the Senate.

1. During the Appeals process, the Club Resources Chair shall abstain from voting.


1. The Club Resources Committee reserves the right to derecognize previously recognized clubs and organizations based on the following criteria:

a. Active club membership falls below fifteen (15) members on GetInvolvedHU.

b. Active member attendance falls below a consistent average of fifteen (15) members at general club meetings and/or events.

c. A minimum of three (3) club-related events are not held during any given semester.6

d. A club does not utilize Student Government Association services7 above those required of the Constitution and Policy Series for one (1) full academic year.


1. Hofstra recognized organizations are subject to derecognition by OSLE if they fail to apply for re-recognition during the spring semester.

a. In addition, failure to comply with any university policies and procedures may result in an organization being deemed unrecognized.

6 Club-related events may be defined as meetings, programs, fundraisers, etc.

7 Services may be defined as any formal communication with the Student Government Association E-Board and/or its committees.

2. Clubs and organizations that have been derecognized shall no longer be permitted to identify themselves as a Hofstra recognized organization recognized by the Student Government Association. In addition, said clubs and organizations shall not be permitted to request nor obtain the following Student Government Association resources:

a. Funds outside of the five percent (5%) legislation available to nonrecognized clubs and organizations.

b. Advertisement per the Communications Committee.


1. In order to attend a Club Resources committee meeting, the club or organization shall submit a form on the GetInvolvedHU sign-up.

2. The roster for any meeting is based on the order in which the clubs or organizations submitted their forms and will cap at the number set by the Club Resources Chair.

3. A member of the club Executive Board shall attend a Club Resources Committee meeting with copies of the constitution.

4. The Club Resources Committee Chair reserves the right to limit a club’s appearance at weekly Club Resources meetings for failure to appear.


1. Clubs and organizations that have been deactivated and who are seeking reactivation shall attend a Club Resources Committee meeting.


1. Clubs and organizations holding elections for officers shall be conducted through GetInvolvedHU.

2. The club or organization shall notify the Club Resources Committee Chair of the election at least one (1) week in advance.

3. Following their election, the club or organization shall complete the postelection form on GetInvolvedHU with its results.

4. The Club Resources Committee shall audit the elections to make sure they are being done properly.


1. Clubs who begin impeachment proceedings against an officer of the club shall notify the Club Resources Committee Chair notice of said proceedings at least forty-eight (48) hours before the proceedings have begun.

2. A representative of the Club Resources Committee shall be present at all meetings where impeachment proceedings occur.


1. The Club Resources Chair shall have the authority to investigate any grievances regarding constitutional violations of clubs or organizations that have been brought to their attention.

2. Following a preliminary review of the issue, if the Club Resources Chair deems it necessary, the Club Resources Committee shall conduct an investigation in accordance with the organization's administrative advisor

a. Once the investigation is complete, the Committee shall present their findings to the Judicial Panel who shall then finalize the hearing process.


1. Any Senatorial Action shall be approved by the Club Resources Committee by a majority vote prior to being presented at Senate.

a. Any member or constituent of the Student Government Association, not barred by the Student Government Association Constitution, may bring a Senatorial Action to the Club Resources Committee for review.

2. All Senatorial Actions passed by the Senate shall be recorded in the Senatorial Actions Booklet by the Club Resources Chair.

a. All Senatorial Actions recorded in the Senatorial Actions Booklet by the Club Resources Chair are to be reviewed and posted by the Archivist and Secretary.


1. The Club Resources Committee shall require an update of a club’s constitution once every four years. If need be, the Club Resources Chair reserves the right to request one yearly revision of club constitutions.


1. The Club Resources Committee and the Equity and Inclusion Committee shall hold an annual sensitivity training for all club leaders in order to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.

2. The Student Government Association will hold a semesterly sensitivity training for all club leadership positions in collaboration with OSLE.

3. All club leadership positions must attend at least one sensitivity training per academic year.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association 2023


Policy Series Updates

Taken from Section I, IV, VII, and VIII of the Policy Series



1. Senators are responsible for attending all committee and Senate meetings. Cabinet members are responsible for attending committee meetings, Cabinet, and Senate meetings. Executive Board members are responsible for attending a weekly Executive Board meeting, Cabinet, and Senate meeting. Members of the Student Government Judicial Panel are responsible for attending a meeting once a month.

2. All members of the Student Government Association who cannot fully attend a one (1) of their required meetings shall inform the Ethics and Conduct Chair.

3. Senators are expected to dress in appropriate attire when attending Senate meetings or otherwise representing the Student Government Association.


1. All senators, associates, and Judicial Panel members are responsible for serving at least one (1) office hour per week. Cabinet members shall serve two (2) office hours, as defined in this section. An office hour is defined as sixty (60) consecutive minutes, or two (2), thirty (30) minute intervals, where a senator is available in the Student Government Association office.

2. Senators may complete office hours Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM and on Fridays between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

3. Senators may elect to complete 2 or more club elections to satisfy their office hour requirement for the week. The elections form shall have been submitted as proof.

4. Senators may elect to attend a club event (not a club meeting) to satisfy their office hour requirement for that week. Proof shall be submitted to the Ethics and

Conduct Chair in an email before the culmination of the week in question. Proof of attendance shall be photos from the event, an admission ticket, or card swipe data from OSLE. Any other means of providing proof may be approved at the discretion of the Ethics and Conduct Chair.

5. At the discretion of Cabinet, another Student Government Associationsanctioned action may substitute an office hour.

6. Office hours are posted and recorded by the Ethics and Conduct Chair.


1. Members of the Student Government Association must regard the Student Government Association office with respect, obeying the rules as follows:

a. All waste must be disposed of before leaving the office.

b. All recreational activities must be ceased when a constituent of the Student Government Association seeks guidance in the office.

c. No member is permitted to reside in, sleep in, or utilize the office space for personal use.

d. No member shall bring furniture into the office (e.g. desks, refrigerators, couches, or file cabinets) without prior approval by the President and the Student Government Association advisor. Any furniture in the office is considered property of Hofstra University and a part of the office.

e. Posters, flyers, and stickers may be attached to the office doors and walls provided that they do not damage the surface. Staples and thumbtacks are strictly forbidden. They cannot block any windows.

f. There is absolutely no smoking, alcohol, or drugs allowed at any time in the office, regardless of the member’s age.

g. A member shall be held personally responsible for any damage they inflict to the office

h. Any violation and behavior deemed unethical shall result in an immediate removal of post, following the outlined disciplinary procedure.


1. This benchmark is to be created by the Club Resources Chair with approval of content from the Student Government Association Advisor. The benchmark may include information derived from both the constitution and the policy series.

a. The assessment shall consist of twenty (20) to thirty (30) questions, the format of which shall be up to the discretion of the Club Resources Chair.

b. Members of the Student Government Association, including Senators, Justices, Members of Cabinet, and the Executive Board, shall be administered said benchmark. Associates are not required to take the benchmark. The assessment shall be proctored by the Club Resources Chair.

c. Members must take the benchmark by the first senate meeting in November. The Club Resources chair may issue reasonable extensions for members who miss the original date. Members shall take the benchmark at the fourth (4th) Senate meeting. In the case that any member is unable to take the assessment, they are required to meet

C. D. E.

with the Club Resources Chair within one (1) week of the Senate meeting they missed.

d. Data Collection

1. Data will be collected from the results of the benchmark. These results will only be shared with the SGA Advisor.

2. Once the data has been collected the Club Resources Chair will give a presentation one (1) week following when the benchmark was given.

a. The purpose of this is to be able to go over areas that SGA members as a whole seem to be uninformed about.

b. Questions about the Constitution and Policy Series will be able to be asked during this time.



1. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for the upkeep and content of the Student Government Association website.


1. The Communications Committee shall work with any student publications to provide the student body with information regarding activities of the Student Government Association.


1. The Communications Committee shall compile information to provide campus updates on any and all actions taken by the Student Government Association.

a. These updates shall be compiled and distributed once a month.

b. The campus update shall consist of a list of all Senatorial Action and all other relevant actions taken by the Student Government Association since the previous update.

c. These updates can be presented in video and/or print form.


1. The Communications Committee shall promote club and/or campus-wide events through social media, flyers, tabling, etc.


1. The Committee shall be responsible for updating all Student Government Association social networks on a regular basis.


1. A subcommittee shall be created with membership installed known as a Communications Associate.

a. Interested members shall be required to submit an application to the Communications chair, meet the requirements of Student Government Association membership, attend the weekly committee meeting, and complete one (1) office hour a week.


1. A member of the Student Government Association Communications Committee shall be present at all interviews pertaining to Student Government Association affairs.



1. The Equity and Inclusion Chair and the Wellness and Campus Safety Chair may appoint an “It’s On Us” Ambassador, whose duties shall be as follows.

a. Attend “It’s On Us” committee meetings and other pertinent events at the discretion of the Equity and Inclusion Chair and The Wellness and Campus Safety Chair to discuss prevention, awareness and education regarding Title IX related policies and initiatives.

b. Collaborate with politically/socially active clubs, student organizations, nonprofits and other relevant organizations and departments to facilitate programming and promote awareness of issues regarding Title IX policies and resources on campus.

c. Work constructively with the Title IX Officers and advisors in the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement to promote a healthy environment in which all members of the Student Government Association are aware of policies and all available resources.

d. The Vice President shall act as the deciding vote as the Equity and Inclusion Chair and Wellness and Campus Safety Chair see fit.


1. The Club Resources Chair may appoint an Inclusion Ambassador, whose duties shall be as follows:

a. Coordinate internal Title IX trainings on an annual basis in accordance with New York State Education Law Article 129-B and “Enough Is Enough” legislation.

b. Attend Intercultural Club Caucuses and other pertinent events at the discretion of the Club Resources Chair.

c. Collaborate with Intercultural and Service Clubs and Organizations to promote diversity and inclusion on campus.

d. Work constructively with advisors in the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement to promote internal social justice education.


1. The Club Resources Committee and the Equity and Inclusion Committee shall hold an annual sensitivity training for all club leaders in order to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.

2. The Student Government Association will hold a semesterly sensitivity training for all club leadership positions in collaboration with OSLE.

3. All club leadership positions must attend at least one sensitivity training per academic year.



1. Applications for painting shall be taken on a rolling basis. Applications may be submitted the semester prior to the date being requested. The club or organization who requests the week first shall be the first group eligible to paint for said week.

a. Clubs shall submit the design for the Block at the time of their application. This design must be approved by both the Division of Student Affairs and the Student Government Association (SGA) prior to the start of painting. The design shall not be changed after receiving approval. In the rare circumstance where the design needs to be changed, approval shall be given from the SGA Programming Chair.

b. Clubs requesting multiple dates shall submit multiple applications. For example, if a club would like to reserve three (3) different weeks, three (3) different applications are required.

c. Organizations are not permitted to paint until they receive written approval and instructions from the SGA.

2. Paint shall be supplied by the SGA. Once the application is approved, the club will receive an email from SGA’s Programming Chair with information regarding time and location to pick up the paint on the day the club decides to paint. All paint shall be stored in the SGA office in Student Center Room 242.

3. Each club’s design shall be displayed on the Block for one (1) academic week (Monday - Friday).

a. Painting shall take place the weekend prior to that Monday.

b. Painting shall take place on either Saturday or Sunday. The club shall choose between one (1) of these two (2) days to paint.

c. SGA shall not be held responsible for clearing the prior week’s design from the Block.

4. Only the side of the Block designated by SGA shall be painted.

5. Paint is only permitted on the Block. Painting on sidewalks, grass, buildings, etc. is not permitted.

a. All paint brushes and other materials used to paint should be disposed of after painting is done. Paint shall be returned to the SGA office the following Monday morning.

6. Profane or inappropriate language or images shall not be tolerated.

a. Clubs are responsible for all damage and defacement of property.

b. Privileges to use the Block in the future will be reconsidered if these guidelines are not followed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association




Taken from Article I of the Policy Series


1. All senators, associates, and Judicial Panel members are responsible for serving at least one (1) office hour per week. Cabinet members shall serve two (2) office hours, as defined in this section. An office hour is defined as sixty (60) consecutive minutes, or two (2) thirty (30) minute intervals, where a senator is available in the Student Government Association office.

a. Senators may serve up to one (1) additional office hour per week. Cabinet members may serve up to two (2) additional office hours per week. Additional hours will be considered supplemental hours, which can be used to replace unexcused absences from the office hour requirement, Senate, or a Student Government Associationsanctioned event. Any more than one (1) hour for senators or two (2) hours for cabinet members per week will not be included in office hour record-keeping.

1. One (1) supplemental hour will count for one unexcused office hour.

2. Three (3) supplemental hours will count for one unexcused Senate or event absence.

3. In the case of prolonged absences, the Secretary has discretion to allow Senators and Cabinet members to complete more than the maximum supplemental hours per

week as described above in order to make up for any absences or missed office hours.

2. Senators may complete office hours Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM and on Fridays between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

3. At the discretion of Cabinet E-Board, another Student Government Association-sanctioned action may substitute an office hour. This may include, but is not limited to, meetings with administrators and/or clubs, tabling, and attending non-mandatory collaborative events. Substitute events must be approved prior to their happening to count as an office hour.

4. Office hours are posted and recorded by the Ethics and Conduct Chair.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hofstra University Student Government Association



Financing the 18th Credit


As of June 2023, Hofstra University seeks an R2 research status and currently charges undergraduate students exceeding seventeen credit hours $1,752.00 per additional credit hour. In comparison, six of eight aspirant institutions8 which share an R2 research status currently apportion eighteen or more credits in their undergraduate student tuition without a surcharge.


During the 2022 annual SGA Student Appreciation Week (SAW) Survey, over 620 of 764 undergraduate Hofstra students, constituting 82.20% of the surveyed population, indicated awareness that any credit over seventeen credit hours would result in an additional financial charge to the student; undergraduate Hofstra students have consequently voiced a financial burden and plausible limitation of courses primarily caused by the $1,752.00 surcharge per additional credit hour of learning.


In the same set of results for the 2022 SGA SAW Survey, 92.67% of the undergraduate Hofstra student population surveyed reported they would favor increasing the number of credits included in the current Hofstra undergraduate student tuition, thus delineating a clear necessity and strong favor amongst the student population to raise the current credit maximum included in the undergraduate tuition. The Hofstra University Senate Undergraduate Academic Affairs

8 Namely, these institutions include Fordham University, Duquesne University, Loyola University Chicago, Marquette University, Seton Hall University, and the University of Denver.

Committee (UAAC) has additionally created an ad-hoc subcommittee to further investigate the need for and propose methods of funding the eighteenth credit.

Let it be resolved,

Undergraduate students at Hofstra University shall no longer be fined a surcharge of $1,752.00 per additional credit exceeding seventeen credit hours. Hofstra University shall determine and implement a different method of funding undergraduate credit hours surpassing seventeen credit hours which does not financially burden the student population of Hofstra University in their pursuit of further learning.

Respectfully submitted,

Hofstra University

Student Government Association 2023


Appropriations Cost Restrictive Policy Changes

Taken from Article II, Section B of the Policy Series


1. General Policies:

a. The Appropriations Committee shall not fund any club with a discriminatory attitude with regard to membership as defined in the Student Government Association Constitution.

b. Student Government Association funds must only be used for undergraduate students.

c. Funding shall be contingent upon a club or organization’s active member roster on GetInvolvedHU.

i. To be an active member, a student must attend 60% or more of their designated clubs meetings and/or events.

d. Priority Order: The order in which items are listed on the budget event cover sheet shall constitute priority order.

i. Requests shall be considered in priority order. Should an event or budget item not be funded due to budgetary constraints, the committee shall not allocate funds to lower priority events.

e. All clubs and organizations seeking funds shall use the appropriate documents provided by the Student Government Association.

i. All documents shall be provided in the English language and in the United States Dollar.

f. All financial business does not become official until it passes the Senate.

g. Any full-time undergraduate senator or associate may be a member of the Appropriations Committee.

h. Any member of the Appropriations Committee needs to abstain from voting and debating if they are a member of a club or organization seeking funds.

i. The Student Government Association, the Comptroller, and Hofstra University cannot guarantee payment of any financial transactions where all documents are not filled out completely and correctly at least two (2) weeks in advance.

j. Bi-Annual Budget:

i. At the end of each semester, any club or organization seeking Student Government Association funds may submit a budget to the Appropriations Committee for the following semester.

ii. This shall henceforth be known as “Semesterly Allocation Meetings,” to be held in November and April respectively unless otherwise specified by the Appropriations Committee.

iii. The Senate shall review, amend, and approve the bi-annual budget, submitted by the Appropriations Committee.

1. A vote of two-thirds (⅔) may be instituted to remove a person or persons from the gallery.

iv. No club category shall be allocated greater than twenty-eight percent (28%) of the bi-annual budget.

k. Money may be transferred from one (1) club or organization’s budget to another Student Government Association- recognized club or organization’s account with the approval of the Student Government Association Comptroller.

l. Income is defined as any money that enters a club or organization’s budget other than Student Government Association allocations.

m. Unconventional Budgets:

i. If a club or organization requires a budget for an event that exceeds $50,000 and correlates directly to the purpose of that organization, they may request to submit an annual budget to ensure timely bid placement, legal satisfaction, and university policies are followed. Said organization may bring the request to the President, Vice President, Comptroller, and Appropriations Chair of the Student Government Association before the annual budget is seen by the Appropriations Committee for the Semesterly Allocation Meeting. The aforementioned parties need to vote unanimously to honor said request.

ii. If allocated, the funds for the event would not roll back at the conclusion of the semester preceding the event.

1. The club or organization may only request more funds for the event at no more than two (2) nonconsecutive weekly meetings in the semester.

iii. For any additional requests not pertaining to the one (1) event, the club or organization may submit a separate budget during the fall and spring Semesterly Allocation Meetings or at any weekly meetings they wish to attend.

1. Any money allocated to requests other than the specified event will follow the bi-annual schedule, and all unused funds will rollback into the Student Government Association budget.

n. The Appropriations Chair has the discretion to require a Treasurer Training on a semesterly basis.

o. At the discretion of the Appropriations Chair, any organization that fails to attend a required Treasurer Training can be denied an allocation for a semesterly budget and/or a weekly allocation.

i. The denial of an allocation by the chair must be made on a request by request basis, and may not occur when an executive board member has attended a training session within the semester.

3. Allocation Policies:

a. A maximum of five percent (5%) of the funds that are to be allocated to Student Government Association recognized clubs and organizations each semester may be allocated to undergraduate non-Student Government Association organizations if the organization meets the following criteria:

i. The non-Student Government Association organization must follow all Appropriations policies in order to receive funding.

ii. Funding will only be allocated for campus-wide events, not for items or programs that are specific to the organization exclusively (i.e.: t-shirts, banners, conferences, travel, etc. will not be funded).

iii. Charitable events or items for such events shall not be funded.

iv. Proposals may be submitted for review over the bi-annual Semesterly Allocation Meetings and weekly meetings.

b. Student Government Association will not fund any club or organization that is not registered on GetInvolvedHU. If an organization is deemed inactive for failure to re-register on GetInvolvedHU or for other reasons, they would no longer have Student Government Association recognition and would have to reapply through the registration committee.

i. The Appropriations Committee shall not fund any club that is deemed inactive by the standards set forth in this Policy Series; and/or

ii. By the definition of the club category set forth by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE).

c. The Appropriations Committee shall not allocate funds for inventory exceeding the price of $100 per item unless the club has an appropriate location on campus to store it.

d. Cost Restrictive Policies:

i. Retreats: A retreat shall be defined as an internally planned, overnight stay at an off-campus location that is exclusive to only the members of a club or organization.

1. A maximum of thirty (30) members, up to $25.00 per member, may be funded by the Student Government Association for a retreat per semester.

2. No student Government Association budget shall be allocated for food for the retreats.

ii. Scholarships: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for scholarships.

iii. Alumni: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds towards any gifts or items for alumni.

iv. Licensing/Certifications: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for licensing or certifications.

v. Transportation: Transportation may be funded up to a 300-mile radius of Hofstra University, with the exception of the Colonial Athletic Association tournament bus(es) that is sponsored by the Student Government Association.

1. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to five (5) personal cars per event.

2. Student Government Association cannot fund gas expenses.

3. Student Government Association cannot fund for coach bus(es).

4. Student Government Association cannot fund for rental cars.

5. Student Government Association cannot fund for airfare.

6. Student Government Association cannot fund for any rideshare services (i.e. Uber, Lyft, etc.)

7. Student Government Association funds mileage based on the standard Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rate at the time of requested funds.

vi. Merchandise: No merchandise shall be funded above $30.00 per member per semester.

1. Clothing shall be defined as any apparel relating to shirts, jackets, pants, etc. branded or otherwise created for members of a club/organization.

vii. Uniforms: No uniforms shall be funded above $40.00 per member per semester.

1. A Uniform shall be defined as a distinctive item or set of clothing that is created exclusively for members of the same organization or club.

viii. Prizes: The Student Government Association shall not fund prizes.

ix. Tipping: Organizations cannot use Student Government Association allocated funds for tipping.

x. Disc Jockey: Organizations shall not be funded more than $750 for Disc Jockeys per semester.

xi. Coaching or Instructor Fees: The Student Government Association may fund up to $2,000 $1,500 per semester for all coaching or instructor fees.

xii. Trainer Fees: The Student Government Association may fund up to $500 per semester for all trainer fees.

xiii. Fashion Shows: The Appropriations Committee shall not allocate funds to requested fashion shows unless they fulfill the explicit purpose of the club or organization as stated in their constitution.

xiv. Speaker Fees: The Student Government Association may fund specific speaker fees, but not optional honorariums or donations.

xv. Donations: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for cash or in-kind donations.

xvi. Member Gifts: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for gifts to members.

xvii. Social Outings: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for social outings.

1. A social outing shall be defined as any event that is restricted to the members of a club or organization that does not specifically relate to the purpose of said club or organization.

xviii. Hotels: Three (3) different bids shall be provided before any allocations are to be disbursed for hotel costs. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to $200.00 per room per night for hotels.

1. One bid shall be accepted in the event that a club or organization is mandated to stay in that hotel by the conference or event they are attending. Should this be the case, the club or organization must provide documentation.

2. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded for up to three (3) nights.

xix. Student Government Association shall not fund for Airbnb or independent homestay service (rentals).

xx. Membership Fees: The Student Government Association shall not fund membership fees for the individual members of any club or organization.

e. Conferences: A conference shall be defined as an overnight stay at an off-campus location, planned by a third party, and is open to all students.

i. A maximum of thirty (30) members, up to $30.00 per member, may be funded by the Student Government Association for registration to attend a conference per semester.

ii. No Student Government Association budget shall be allocated for food for the conferences.

f. Competitions:

i. When requesting funds for a competition, an organization shall present the Appropriations Committee with all necessary registration materials and information regarding the competition.

g. Budget Appeals: In the event that a club or organization finds the allocated funds during a weekly meeting to be incorrect under their belief, they may file an appeal to be presented to the Senate.

i. Weekly Meetings: If a club or organization wishes to appeal an allocation from a weekly meeting, the club must email the Appropriations Chair within 24 hours after the start of the Appropriations meeting stating their reason for appeal. The Appropriations Chair must notify the Vice President that a club wishes to appeal twelve (12) hours prior to the Senate meeting. The club may present their appeal at Senate during the presentation of the weekly Appropriations report.

ii. Semesterly Allocation Meeting: If a club or organization wishes to appeal an allocation from budget weekend, the club must email the Appropriations Chair the reason for their appeal.

1. The appeal will be seen at the first Appropriations meeting of the following semester.

h. Student Government Association Club or Organization Budget: All monetary contributions donated to the Student Government Association Club or Organization Budget, a subdivision of the Student Government Association Budget, shall only be accessible to the Appropriations Committee. The committee shall be permitted to appropriate such additional budget(s) to clubs and organizations in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Student Government Association By-Laws and Policy Series. In cases where donations are made to a specific Student Government Association club or organization, these funds shall be deposited through the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement and designated as income.

i. Consistency: The criteria that is set forth on the limits of what the Student Government Association may fund, shall be held objectively on a consistent basis.

j. Remaining in Hofstra Property Clause:

i. Anything which is purchased through funding by the Appropriations Committee must remain in the control of the club/organization that requested the item due to OSLE policy.

ii. The Appropriations Committee reserves the right to request a full roster of uniforms, equipment, or any item from any club or organization which has received funds from the Student Government Association in the past two (2) years.

iii. Any club/organization can request the same item two years after its initial request due to possible wear and tear or damage caused to the item.

k. Photography:

i. Photography cannot be funded using the Student Activity Fee unless it is for the sole purpose of forwarding the mission of the club/organization requesting the funds.

ii. The Appropriations Committee cannot fund photography for individual use or the photographing of an individual.

iii. The Appropriations Committee cannot fund for any photography relating to graduation.

l. Fundraising:

i. Student Government Association may allocate funds for fundraising items only if the profits raised from the fundraiser are going to a charitable cause/organization.

ii. Student Government Association may not fund for fundraising items if the profits raised from the fundraiser are going to the club or organization’s income.

Respectfully Submitted,

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