Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits
Champion of Diversity • $50,000
• Two (2) VIP tables for 10 at the Diversity Celebration
• Acknowledgment of sponsorship by the master of ceremonies
• Corporate logo on the Diversity Celebration webpage
• Prominent inclusion in digital video journal presented during the cocktail hour
• Gold Ad in Celebration Journal
Patron of Diversity • $25,000
• Two (2) tables for 10 at the Diversity Celebration
• Acknowledgment of sponsorship by the master of ceremonies
• Corporate logo on the Diversity Celebration webpage
• Prominent inclusion in digital video journal presented during the cocktail hour
• Silver Ad in Celebration Journal
Guardian of Diversity • $15,000
• One (1) table for 10 at the Diversity Celebration
• Acknowledgment of sponsorship by the master of ceremonies
• Corporate logo on the Diversity Celebration webpage
• Prominent inclusion in digital video journal presented during the cocktail hour
• Bronze Ad in Celebration Journal ,
Promoter of Diversity
• $10,000
• One (1) table for 10 at the Diversity Celebration
• Corporate logo on the Diversity Celebration webpage
• Ruby Ad in Celebration Journal ,
Friend of Diversity
• $5,000
• One (1) table for 10 at the Diversity Celebration
• Emerald Ad in Celebration Journal
Ally of Diversity • $2,000
• Four (4) tickets to the Diversity Celebration
• Full-Page Ad in Celebration Journal
, Defender of Diversity • $1,000
• Two (2) tickets to the Diversity Celebration
• Half-Page Ad in Celebration Journal
Individual Tickets • $250 per person
Table for 10 • $2,000 per table
Tickets will be held at the door.
Advertising Opportunities
Full-Page Journal Ad • $1,000
Half-Page Journal Ad • $500
Back Cover of Journal • $10,000
Inside Front Cover of Journal • $5,000 ,
Journal Ad Specifcations
A printed 2023 Celebration of Suburban Diversity Journal will be distributed to all guests. Ad submissions can be in color and should be emailed to Ina Katz at ina.katz@hofstra.edu
For more information about this event or placing an ad, please call 516-463-9939 or email ina.katz@hofstra.edu.
Ad submissions must be received by Tuesday, November 14, 2023.
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Ruby, Emerald, and Full-Page journal ads should be emailed as a PDF or jpg in PORTRAIT orientation, 8 in. wide by 10 in. high.
Half-Page journal ads should be emailed as a PDF or jpg in LANDSCAPE orientation, 8 in. wide by 5 in. high.
If you prefer to purchase tickets, sponsorships, or a journal ad online, please use the following link: hofstra.edu/sdcelebration2023
Reservation Information
Name (Please print clearly.)
Company Name (if applicable)
Title (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP
Telephone Email
Giving and Sponsorship
o I wish to be a sponsor.
Indicate sponsorship level: ___________________ $ ____________
o Please make ___________ ticket reservation(s) at $250 per person.
o Please reserve ______________ table(s) for 10 at $2,000 per table.
o I wish to purchase a (please circle) full-page / half-page journal ad for $ _____________________
o I wish to place an ad on the back cover of the journal: $10,000
o I wish to place an ad on the inside front cover of the journal: $5,000
o I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation of $ to beneft diversity-related scholarships, research, and community-based initiatives.
Method of Payment
o Enclosed is my check for $ ______________ . (payable to Hofstra University Diversity Celebration)
o I wish to pay by credit card. Amount: $ ____________________
o Personal credit card o Business credit card
o American Express o Mastercard o Visa
Name printed on card _____________________________________
Card number __________________________ Exp. date / ____
Signature ________________________________________________
Payment by credit card or check can be returned in the enclosed envelope or mailed to The National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University, 255 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-2550.
All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Proceeds beneft diversity-related scholarships, research, and communitybased initiatives.