European Journal of Health Psychology

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European Journal of

Health Psychology

About the journal •F ounded to provide a platform for the increasing amount of research in the field of health psychology and for its application in a wide range of contexts •S trives to promote theory and practice in the analysis of psychological approaches to health and disease •A ims to publish high quality empirical or experimental research as well as sound practice-oriented articles, current methodological developments, conceptual and integrative theoretical articles, and comprehensive critical reviews of the scientific literature

Electronic full text The full text of the journal – current and past issues – is available online at (included in subscription price). A free sample issue is also available there.

“The European Journal of Health Psychology, the successor of the German Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, will continue on its successful road to internationalization. Scientists and professionals working in health psychology across Europe and beyond submit their work and create a platform for academic research and best practice in health psychology. ” Heike Spaderna, Trier, Editor-in-chief

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“Share your research, conceptual ideas, and practice experiences with EJHP. The editorial team and the publisher will make every effort to give you a smooth publishing experience.” Heike Spaderna, Editor-in-chief

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Further information ISSN-Print 2512-8442, ISSN-Online 2512-8450, ISSN-L 2512-8442 Published in 4 issues per annual volume. Subscription rates per annual volume (2020): Libraries / Institutions: From US $326.00 / € 249.00* Individuals (print and online): US $128.00 / € 98.00 + postage and handling: US $16.00 / € 12.00 Subscriptions delivered in the Americas will be charged in US $, in Europe and the RoW in €. * Prices for libraries / institutions depend on whether print or online is required and the size of the institution. Please contact us for detailed pricing. Other Hogrefe journals worth considering are  Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors  Crisis  European Journal of Psychological Assessment  European Psychologist  Experimental Psychology  GeroPsych  Journal of Individual Differences  Journal of Media Psychology  Journal of Personnel Psychology  Journal of Psychophysiology  Rorschachiana  Social Psychology  Swiss Journal of Psychology  Zeitschrift für Psychologie

Editors Editor-in-chief Heike Spaderna, PhD Health Psychology Department of Nursing Science Trier University 54286 Trier Germany Editorial assisstant Lisa-Marie Maukel, Trier, Germany Associate editors Heike Eschenbeck, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany Verena Klusmann, Hamburg, Germany Christel Salewski, Hagen, Germany Silke Schmidt, Greifswald, Germany Andreas Schwerdtfeger, Graz, Austria Anja Tausch, Riedlingen, Germany Claus Vögele, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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Editorial board Urs Baumann, Salzburg, Austria Elmar Brähler, Leipzig, Germany Birte Dohnke, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany Michael Eid, Berlin, Germany Toni Faltermeier, Flensburg, Germany Dieter Frey, München, Germany Edgar Geissner, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany Nina Knoll, Berlin, Germany Carl-Walter Kohlmann, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany Thomas Kubiak, Mainz, Germany Friedrich Lösel, Cambridge, UK Arnold Lohaus, Bielefeld, Germany Mike Martin, Zurich, Switzerland Britta Renner, Konstanz, Germany Wolfgang Schlicht, Stuttgart, Germany Urte Scholz, Zurich, Switzerland Ralf Schwarzer, Berlin, Germany Monika Sieverding, Heidelberg, Germany Wolfgang Stroebe, Utrecht, The Netherlands Petra Warschburger, Potsdam, Germany Jürgen Wegge, Dresden, Germany

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