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Crisis Intervention and Suicide Save 20%unt disco g n i s Prevention u code AAS20 New and classic titles
Ella Arensman Diego De Leo
Jane Pirkis
Ella Arensman / Diego De Leo / Jane Pirkis (Editors)
Suicide and Suicide Prevention From a Global Perspective 2020. viii + 130 pp. US $39.80 US $31.84 ISBN 978-0-88937-573-4 Suicide is one of the most personal yet one of the most complex acts people can engage in. It continues to be a major global public health problem with an estimated 800,000 deaths annually. Suicide prevention is an important target in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, which aim to reduce premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases by one-third. Suicide is a global problem, but what differences are there in the challenges faced and the solutions found regionally? Written by leading experts, the nine chapters of this volume provide a clear outline of the major milestones and achievements so far in six different geographical regions using the data
collated by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, as well as information on the recent progress in the development and implementation of national suicide prevention programs in different countries. In two concluding chapters, the evidence base and best practice of suicide prevention programs are reviewed, as well as the future directions for suicide prevention at the global level. This book is essential reading for all those involved in suicide research and prevention as well as public health policy and epidemiology who want to keep up-to-date with the latest global developments.
Karl Andriessen
Karolina Krysinska
Onja Grad
Karl Andriessen / Karolina Krysinska / Onja Grad (Editors)
Postvention in Action
The International Handbook of Suicide Bereavement Support 2017. xvi + 422 pp., hardcover US $94.00 US $75.20 ISBN 978-0-88937-493-5 Also available as eBook
“The editors of this volume, leading figures in research on suicide bereavement and postvention, have gathered together all of the significant contemporary contributors to the field to compile a comprehensive overview that will be valuable as a reference for researchers and as a practical guide for clinicians. Norman Farberow and other early influential pioneers in this field would be delighted with the result!” Robert D. Goldney, AO, MD, FRCPsych, FRANZCP; Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, Australia; Past-President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)
Suicide is not merely the act of an individual; it always has an effect on others and can even increase the risk of suicide in the bereaved. The International Association for Suicide Prevention, the World Health Organisation, and others have recognized postvention as an important strategy for suicide prevention. This unique and comprehensive handbook, authored by nearly 100 international experts, including researchers, clinicians, support group facilitators, and survivors, presents the state of the art in suicide bereavement support. The first part examines the key concepts and the processes that the bereaved experience and illustrates them with illuminating clinical vignettes. The second and third parts look in detail at suicide bereavement support in all the relevant settings (including general practices, the workplace, online and many others) as well as in specific groups (such as health care workers). In the concluding section, the support provided for those bereaved by suicide in no less than 23 countries is explored in detail, showing that postvention is becoming a worldwide strategy for suicide prevention. These chapters provide useful lessons and inspiration for extending and improving postvention in new and existing areas. This unique handbook is thus essential reading for anyone involved in suicide prevention or postvention research and practice.
Vita Poštuvan
Diego De Leo / Vita Poštuvan (Editors) Reducing the Toll of Suicide Resources for Communities, Groups, and Individuals 2020. x + 222 pp. US $36.80 US $29.44 ISBN 978-0-88937-569-7 Also available as eBook
“[The book] presents up-to-date and original knowledge about specific at-risk groups, and treatment and prevention strategies. [A]uthored by world-leading experts, the book offers food for thought on how to better understand and prevent suicide. It will be of interest for researchers, students and clinicians working in the field of suicide prevention.” Karl Andriessen, PhD, Centre for Mental Health School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia, in the IASP Newsletter, March 2020
Diego De Leo
The carefully selected chapters in this volume provide food for thought to practitioners, researchers, students and all those who come into contact with the tragedy of suicide, with the hope of stimulating new ideas and interventions in the difficult fight against suicidal behaviours. This is the second book based on the Intuition, Imagination and Innovation – TRIPLE i in Suicidology international conferences, which are organised annually by the Slovene Center for Suicide Research in memory of the late Prof. Andrej Marušic with the aim of promoting intuition, imagination and innovation in the research and prevention of suicide and suicidal behaviour. In five parts, the internationally renowned team of authors summarises the research looking at: • Understanding individuals, • Understanding the groups at risk of suicide, • Understanding the role of community, • Models of understanding suicide, and • Understanding the unique ethical and methodological issues associated with research in this field.
Diego De Leo / Vita Poštuvan (Editors)
Resources for Suicide Prevention Bridging Research and Practice 2017. x + 158 pp. US $36.80 US $29.44 ISBN 978-0-88937-454-6 Also available as eBook
This book is based on the TRIPLE i in Suicidology international conferences, which are organised annually by the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research in memory of the late Prof. Andrej Marušic with the aim of promoting intuition, imagination, and innovation in the research and prevention of suicide and suicidal behaviour. The carefully selected chapters provide food for thought to practitioners, researchers, students, and all those who come into contact with the tragedy of suicide, with the hope of stimulating new ideas and interventions in the difficult fight against suicidal behaviours. In four parts, the internationally renowned team of authors summarise the achievements of suicidology so far (both in quantitative and qualitative research), present effective interventions in suicide prevention (including for youths and older people) and knowledge gained in bereavement and postvention studies (such as in different cultures and those bereaved by suicide), and highlight future directions for suicide research and prevention. The volume is thus a useful resource for all those interested in keeping up-to-date with recent research and practice in suicide.
Diego De Leo / Alberta Cimitan / Kari Dyregrov / Onja Grad / Karl Andriessen (Editors)
Bereavement After Traumatic Death Helping the Survivors 2014. xiv + 208 pp. US $39.80 US $31.84 ISBN 978-0-88937-455-3 Also available as eBook
Unless forced by circumstances, people in modern societies go to great lengths to deny death, to the extent that even death of a loved one from natural causes tends to catch us unprepared and unable to cope with its consequences. Death as the result of a sudden, catastrophic event (traffic accident, suicide, a natural disaster, etc.) can have even more extreme effects, sometimes striking survivors so violently and painfully that it leaves an indelible mark. This book speaks about the consequences of such traumatic deaths in a wonderfully simple and straightforward way. The authors describe, step by step, what happens to people after the sudden death of a family member or close friend, the difficulties they face in coping, and how professionals and volunteers can help. With their wide experience, both personally and as internationally renowned authorities, they have written a book for professionals and volunteers who deal with bereavement in language that is accessible to all, so it will also help those who have suffered a traumatic loss themselves to understand what to expect and how to get help.
Konrad Michel / Anja Gysin-Maillart
ASSIP – Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program
Diana van Bergen / Amanda Heredia Montesions / Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Editors)
A Manual for Clinicians
Suicidal Behavior of Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in Europe
2015. x + 114 pp. US $59.00 US $47.20 ISBN 978-0-88937-476-8 Also available as eBook
2015. viii + 190 pp., hardcover US $54.00 US $43.20 ISBN 978-0-88937-453-9 Also available as eBook
Attempted suicide is the main risk factor for suicide. The Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP) described in this manual is an innovative brief therapy that has proven in published clinical trials to be highly effective in reducing the risk of further attempts. ASSIP is the result of the authors’ extensive practical experience in the treatment of suicidal individuals. The emphasis is on the therapeutic alliance with the suicidal patient, based on an initial patient-oriented narrative interview. The four therapy sessions are followed by continuing contact with patients by means of regular letters.
Nearly half of the inhabitants of several large European cities, such as London, Berlin, or Amsterdam, and a rising proportion of many countries’ overall population, are immigrants or from an ethnic minority. However, this fact has been understudied in research and prevention of suicidal behavior. This volume addresses this gap.
This clearly structured manual includes numerous checklists, handouts, and standardized letters for use by health professionals in various clinical settings.
Leading experts describe rates and risk factors of suicidal behavior among immigrants and ethnic minorities, looking at high-risk groups such as female immigrants and refugees, as well as examining the role of cultural factors. They also show how epidemiology, theory, and other research findings can be translated into solid prevention and treatment programs.
“This is a landmark contribution and may well mark a fundamental shift in how we think about effectively intervening to help save lives of suicidal patients.”
“This book impressed me ... All the information you need to know is in here. A must for policy makers and health care providers who deal with these groups.”
David A. Jobes, PhD, Professor of Psychology, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC; Past President American Association of Suicidology
Ad Kerkhof, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology, and Suicide Prevention at the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Erminia Colucci / David Lester (Editors) with Heidi Hjelmeland and B. C. Ben Park
Suicide and Culture
Steven Stack / Barbara Bowman
Suicide Movies
Social Patterns 1900-2009
Understanding the Context 2013. xiv + 270 pp. US $49.00 US $39.20 ISBN 978-0-88937-436-2 Also available as eBook
2012. x + 298 pp. + numerous frame grabs, hardcover US $59.00 US $47.20 ISBN 978-0-88937-390-7 Also available as eBook
The increasing domination of biological approaches in suicide research and prevention, at the expense of social and cultural understanding, is severely harming our ability to stop people dying – so run the clearly set out arguments and evidence in this lucid book by leading social scientists and suicide researchers.
The portrayal of suicide in cinema can impact public understanding and effective prevention of suicide. This book presents the first-ever comprehensive analysis of how suicide has been portrayed in films over 110 years, based on a thorough evaluation of more than 1,500 film suicides.
The authors review and examine the fundamental issues of why culture is of vital importance in understanding and preventing suicidal behavior and present exemplary recent research, including a quantitative and qualitative study on the meaning of suicide in Australia, India, and Italy, as well as other studies on correlates of suicidal behavior in Kuwait and the US.
In a compelling blend of social science and humanities approaches, the authors use quantitative methods, as well as the voices of scriptwriters, directors, actors, and actresses, dozens of illustrative frame-grabs, and numerous case examples to answer core questions such as: Are we guilty of over-neglecting social factors in suicide prevention and research? Do cinematic portrayals distort or accurately reflect the nature of suicide in the real world? Has film presentation of suicide changed over 110 years? What are the literary roots of cinema portrayals?
Both the necessity and the challenges of conducting good culturally sensitive studies are highlighted, as well as suggesting solutions to these challenges. This volume is thus essential reading for anyone involved in suicide research and prevention.
“This book is a must-read for everyone in the fields of suicidology, suicide prevention, and research.” Nandika Currey, BSc, DPH, in the AAS newsletter, March 2013
This unique book makes fascinating reading for all concerned with suicide prevention, as well as areas such as sociology, film and media studies, and mass communication.
Maurizio Pompili / Roberto Tatarelli (Editors)
Evidence-Based Practice in Suicidology
E. David Klonsky / Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp / Stephen P. Lewis / Barent Walsh
A Source Book
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
2010. xiii + 384 pp. US $98.00 US $78.40 ISBN 978-0-88937-383-9 Also available as eBook
Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice, vol. 22 2012. vi + 98 pp. US $29.80 US $23.84 ISBN 978-0-88937-337-2 Also available as eBook
Suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide in the past 45 years. Despite millions being spent on suicide prevention activities, little is known about their effectiveness. Evidence-based medicine involves the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients – which means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a baffling, troubling, and hard to treat phenomenon that has increased markedly in recent years. Key issues in diagnosing and treating NSSI adequately include differentiating it from attempted suicide and other mental disorders, as well as understanding the motivations for self-injury and the context in which it occurs.
This volume shows for the first time how evidence-based approaches can be used in suicide prevention – as well as where evidence is lacking and how we might obtain it. Leading researchers and practitioners describe what really works in suicide prevention, the evidence for and against particular approaches, both in general terms and for specific disorders, and make specific recommendations about where we go from here.
“This is an excellent and needed approach to suicidology.” Brett C. Plyler, MD, Northwestern Memorial Hospital
This accessible and practical book provides therapists and students with a clear understanding of these key issues, as well as of suitable assessment techniques. It then goes on to delineate research-informed treatment approaches for NSSI, with an emphasis on functional assessment, emotion regulation, and problem solving, including motivational interviewing, interpersonal skills, CBT, DBT, behavioral management strategies, delay behaviors, exercise, family therapy, risk management, and medication, as well as how to successfully combine methods.
“The book is recommended for anyone who works with adolescents and is interested in research on self-harm and suicide.” Béla Buda, MD, in Crisis, vol. 33, 2012
Coming soon
Richard McKeon
Suicidal Behavior Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice, vol. 14 2nd ed. approx. July 2020, approx. viii + 104 pp. US $29.80 US $23.84 ISBN 978-0-88937-506-2
With more than 800,000 deaths worldwide each year, suicide is still one of the leading causes of death throughout the lifespan. The second edition of this volume, incorporates the latest research, showing which empirically supported approaches to assessment, management, and treatment really help those at risk. This book aims to increase clinicians’ access to empirically supported interventions for suicidal behavior, with the hope that these methods will become the standard in clinical practice. The book is invaluable as a compact how-to reference for professional clinicians in their daily work and as an educational resource for students and for practice-oriented continuing education. It’s reader-friendly structure makes liberal use of tables, boxed clinical examples, and clinical vignettes. The book also addresses common obstacles in treating individuals at risk for suicide. It is an essential resource for anyone working with this high-risk population.
Kairi Kõlves / Merike Sisask / Peeter Värnik / Airi Värnik / Diego De Leo (Editors)
Advancing Suicide Research
Approx. Sept. 2020, approx. x + 300 pp. US $75.00 US $60.00 ISBN 978-0-88937-559-8
In this book leading researchers provide an overview of current best practices in the conduct of suicide research. They describe quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches in suicide-prevention research from a public health perspective. In addition, other aspects that are crucial to effective suicide research are examined, including definitional issues, historical background, and ethical aspects. The clearly written chapters include both theoretical and practical information along with specific examples from different areas of suicide research and prevention. This volume is ideal for researchers, students, and academics interested in suicide research, as well as policy makers, clinicians, and other practitioners.
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The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Published under the auspices of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) Editor-in-Chief Jane Pirkis, Australia Associate Editors Maria A. Oquendo, USA Ella Arensman, Ireland
About the Journal A must for all who need to keep up on the latest findings from both basic research and practical experience in the fields of suicide prevention and crisis intervention! Crisis is an international periodical that publishes original articles on suicidology and crisis intervention. Papers presenting basic research as well as practical experience in the field are welcome. Crisis also publishes potentially life-saving information for all those involved in crisis intervention and suicide prevention, making it important reading for clinicians, counselors, hotlines, and crisis intervention centers. Electronic Full Text The full text of the journal’s current and past issues (from 1995 onward) is available online at hogrefe.com/j/crisis (included in subscription price). A free sample issue is also available here. Crisis is indexed in IPubMed/Medline, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC/ S&BS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social SciSearch, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, Scopus, and EMCare. ISSN-Print 0227-5910 ISSN-Online 2151-2396 ISSN-L 0227-5910
Online Journal • Full-text content (PDF/HTML) • Free for subscribers • Pay-per-view article purchase • Online subscriptions • Alerting service (free) • Powerful search (free) • Free sample issues • Reference linking http://econtent.hogrefe.com/loi/cri Order information 6 issues per annual volume. Subscription rates per annual volume (2020): Libraries / lnstitutions: from US $360.00 / € 277.00 Individuals: US $186.00 / € 134.00 Special rates for members of AAS and CASP/ ACPS: US $138.00 / € 99.00 + postage and handling: US $24.00 / € 18.00 Subscriptions delivered in the Americas will be charged in US $, in Europe and the RoW in €. Order online at hogrefe.com/j/crisis
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