01-02 JUNI 2016
Velkommen til HSN-Expo Vestfold 2016 Det er en stor glede for oss å kunne ønske deg velkommen til årets Expo som arrangeres for 17. gang ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, Campus Vestfold. Opplev nyskaping, ingeniørkunst og spennende teknologi utført av høgskolens studenter på Ingeniørfag, informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse på bachelor-, master- og PhD-nivå. For oss er Expo årets store begivenhet. I år kan vi presentere hele 52 bachelorprosjekter som gjennomføres i samarbeid med over 30 eksterne oppdragsgivere. Det høye antallet eksterne oppdragsgivere viser til nær kontakt og godt samarbeid med næringslivet. Det blir vist arbeider av studenter på datateknikk, informasjonssystemer
nanoteknologi/elektronikk og produktdesign. I år kan vi også med glede presentere prosjekter til 6 studenter fra Brasil som er på innveksling dette året under programmet: «Science without borders». De gjennomfører et år av sitt bachelorgrad på HSN. Når de vender hjem tar de med seg både faglig og kulturell forståelse om Norge tilbake til Brasil. Det presenteres også 15 masterprosjekter utført av studenter på masterstudiet i mikro- og nanosystemteknologi. I tillegg presenteres arbeid fra fem masterstudenter fra fem land (Serbia, Bangladesh, Kina, Egypt og Malaysia), som deltar på programmet «Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration». Dette er et masterstudium som tilbys i samarbeid med HeriotWatt University fra Edinburgh Skottland, Budapest University of Technology and Economics fra Ungarn og Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge. Vi gleder oss også til å presentere 23 posters hvor våre PhD-studenter i vårt PhD-program i anvendte mikro- og nanoteknologisystemer kan vise fram sin forskning. HSN-Expo er til for å vekke din nysgjerrighet. Kom og opplev et spennende mangfold av kompetente teknologistudenters arbeid, og la deg inspirere! Vel møtt til en spennende utstilling! Sanda Knutson leder for HSN-Expo
INNHOLD Stand Tittel Datateknikk 100 Android & Bluetooth beacons……………………………………………………………………………. 101 E-læringsplattform……………………………………………………………………………………….. 102 Rapporteringssystem………………………………………………………………………………..……. 103 RoTO the Robot ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 104 Solving cellular automata density classification task using evolutionary algorithms …………………… 105 Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Networks ……………………………. 106 Bookingsystem for Knattholmen ………………………………………………………………………… 107 Sensor fusjon med Kalman filter …………………………………………………………………………
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Maritim elektro-automasjon 108 PMSmate ……………..…………………………………………………………………………………. 109 Varmeanlegg SVGS ……………….……………………………………………………………………. 110 Hortenstunnelen …………………………………………………………………………………………. 111 PMS Oppgradering – HSN Tunglabb…………………………………………………………………… 112 PLS-basert turbinregulator og skjermbasert operatørgrensesnitt………………………………………... 113 Batterihybridskip med AC- og DC-distribusjon………………………………………………………… 114 Hiv-kompensering med proporsjonalventil ……………………………………………………………..
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Elektronikk og mikro- og nanosystemteknologi 115 WhereMI – Et IoT-skjermsystem …….………………………………………………………………… 116 Design av kontroller for AMV………………………………………………………………………….. 117 Motorovervåkning i elektrisk drevne farkoster ……………………………………………………..….. 118 Switchesystem til hydroakustisk test av flerelementsvingere …………………………………………... 119 Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Large Data Sets on the GPU ………………………………………... 120 Direct integration of carbon nanotubes in microsystems ………………………………………………. 121 Morphology and physical properties of thin film MoS2 prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition .. 122 Glycosylated Haemoglobin Measurement System ……………………………………………………… 123 Investigation of SAW Propagation on Langasite La3Ga5SiO14 using Laser Probe ……………………..
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Produktdesign 124 Kombinasjon av fleksible solceller og støpt duk ………………………………………………………… 125 Remote Radio Control Unit – Design av CWP operatørpanel ………………………………………….. 126 Design av løfteverktøy til guidepost på land ……………………………………………………………. 127 Teknisk hjelpemiddel til barn …………………………………………………………………………… 128 Selvjusterende mekanisme for AMT clutch aktuator …………………………………………………… 129 El-tender ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 130 Materialklemme ….……………………………………………………………………………………… 131 Musefelle …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse 132 Attitude Towards Security Concerns in the Cloud: A Study on Prejudice and Cloud Security ………… 133 Online Bildearkiv - Varden ……………………………………………………………………………… 134 Identifisering av DNA-profil ……………………………………………………………………….....… 135 Veien til skyen …………………………………………………………………………………………. 136 Gevinster ved bruk av skytjenester ……………………………………………………………………… 137 Sosial kunderelasjonshåndtering ………………………………………………………………………… 138 Bookingsystem for Crossfit Revetal …………………………………………………………………….. 139 Museum Scan …………………………………………………………………………………………… 140 Digitalt Personvern ………………………………………………………………………………………. 142 Bruk av nettbrett …………………………………………………………………………………………. 143 Aqar: a prototype application for sonar visualization …………………………………………………… ..
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Science without borders 144 Estimating Carbon Dioxide emission reduction by waste minimization in civil construction through use of BIM method 145 Design of a prototype to simulate an automatic ballast tanks system …………………………………….. 146 Improved situation awareness for an autonomous sailing vessel ………………………………………….
67 68 69
Master i mikro- og nanosystemteknologi 147 Bulk hetrojunction photo devices for microfluidic sensors detecting salivary biomarkers ……………….. 148 Ultrasound particle separation for water purification – Theory and Simulations …………………………. 149 Microfluidic Separator using Standing Surface Acoustic Waves .………………………………………... 150 A Study on Electrical Impedance Variations between transducer Elements in One-Dimensional Piezoelectric Arrays 151 Characterization of acoustic material properties using broadband through-transmission ………………… 152 Study of Anisotropic conductive adhesive with Novel spacer particles ……………………………….…. 153 Application of the Laserprobe on Investigations of SAW Propagation in Multistrip Couplers ………….. 154 Development of a textile biosensor patch for in-pad analysis of biomarkers in urine samples ………….. 155 Novel Assembly Technologies for Ultrasound Transducers …………………………………………..…. 156 Ultrasound particle separation: Lab-scale setup ………………………………………………………… 157 1-D nanostructured semiconductors for photocatalytic applications ……………………………………. 158 Optimization of Ultrasound Pulses for Second Harmonic Imaging ……………………………………. 159 Low-Temperature SLID Bonding …………………………………………………………...………….. 160 A Comparative Study on the Performances of Using Different Propeller Designs ……………………… 161 Micro and nano structures for MEMS supercapacitor ……………………………………………………
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration 162 Ultra-low power electronics for energy harvesting nodes ………………………………………………. 163 Ultrasound Transducer for Fetal Heartbeat Continuous Monitoring …………………………………… 164 Direct Integration of Carbon Nanotubes in CMOS based Microsystems ……………………………. … 165 Graphene Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition on micro and Nano Structures ………………… 166 Delta-Sigma Front-end Circuit for a CNT Resistive Gas Sensor ………………………………………..
91 92 93 94 95
Doktorgrad i anvendte mikro- og nanosystemer 167 Organic/Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cell ………………………………………………………………. . 168 Microbiologica applications of new microfluidic particle separation technology – sample preparation and analysis 169 Design of optically controlled AC Josephson arrays and voltage dividers for high precision voltage metrology 170 Novel optical enginers for UHD, 4K DMD Laser Projectors …………………………………………… 171 Tangible User Interface for Capacitive Touch Screens ………………………………………………….. 172 Approaching theoretical power bounds for vibration energy harvesters ………………………………… 173 Novel Particles Technology for Display Interconnect …………………………………………………… 174 Paper-based colorimetric biosensors array for rapid screening of human urinary biomarkers ………….. 175 Electronic packaging for harsh environments ……………………………………………………………. 176 Packaging of optoelectronic modules for Josephson voltage standards …………………………………. 177 Interdigital-Electrode Thin-Film Piezoelectric Transducers for Autofocus Lenses ……………………… 178 Efficient path planning for deployment of dynamic sensor network utilizing UAVs …………………… 179 Engineering TiO2 Nanotubes Materials for Solar Fuels/CO2 conversion ………………………………... 180 Development of a Biomedical Conductometric Sensor for Detecting Ischemia ………………………… 181 MEMS Slow-wave structures for THz vacuum electronics sources and amplifiers …………………….. 182 Bidirectional Amplifier – A novel front-end for resonant sensors ………………………………………. 183 Design Concepts for Novel MEMS Tunable Lenses ……………………………………………………. 184 A Novel Method in Designing High-Q Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator ……………………………….. 185 Acoustic device for the investigation of the mass loading effect from immobilised bioactive components 186 Electrochemical micro-sensing platform for continuous monitoring of biomolecules in aqueous solutions 187 Superimposition of projected images; Expanding above the DMD resolution …………………………… 188 Glucose energy harvester …………………………………………………………………………………. 189 Modification of TiO2 Nanotube Based Catalyst for Optimization of Photocatalytic Performane ………… 190 Physical properties influencing long-term stability and thermal hysteresis of precision piezoresistive MEMS pressure-sensors
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
Datateknikk Maritim elektro-automasjon Elektronikk Mikro- og nanoteknologi Produktdesign Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse Science without Borders Master i mikro- og nanosystemteknologi Joint International Master in Smart System Integration
Bachelor i ingeniørfag - datateknikk Som dataingeniør kan du løse problemer og utvikle produkter og tjenester, som mennesker og samfunnet rundt oss er avhengig av.
Som dataingeniør jobber du med systemutvikling og drift av maskiner eller systemer. Ved å kombinere det abstrakte og teoretiske med det praktiske, kan en ingeniør i datateknikk håndtere datamaskinsystemer slik at de utfører nyttige arbeidsoppgaver.
Datamaskinbaserte systemer har blitt en integrert del av hverdagens kommunikasjon og arbeid. Dataingeniører er helt nødvendige for at vi alle skal løse våre arbeidsoppgaver. Som dataingeniør vil du kunne utvikle og vedlikeholde alt fra avanserte styringssystemer for båter
til skybaserte billettsystemer. Du blir med på utviklingen av tekniske hjelpemidler til både industri, offentlig virksomhet og til hjemmene våre.
Dataingeniør-utdanningen er en helhetlig, profesjonsrettet og forskningsbasert utdanning som er attraktiv, innovativ, internasjonal og krevende med høy kvalitet.
Android & bluetooth beacons Problemstilling: Finne posisjonene til android enheter innenfor et gitt område, ved hjelp av bluetooth beacons. Sammendrag: Presentasjon av flere bruksområder til bluetooth beacons i form av android applikasjon. En blutetooth beacon fungerer ved å sende ut signaler (via blåtann) i et gitt intervall med en gitt signalstyrke. Kan sammenlignes med et fyrtårn. Det eneste applikasjoner som skanner etter disse beaconene mottar er en id, RSSI (signalstyrkeindikator) og en «measured power» (RSSI på 1 meter). Ut ifra disse dataene kan det lages meget kontekstuelle applikasjoner. Vår applikasjon er en demo for visning av hvordan dette fungerer, med et gjenkjennelige design (Google material) og en enkel navigasjon. Applikasjonen inneholder: - Informasjon om sonen man er i. - Liste over beacons i nærheten med informasjon om avstand. - Tegning av posisjonsmarkør på kart med mulighet for endring av design på markør og animasjonshastighet. - Diverse innstillinger som kan gi forskjellig lesningsresultat. Om prosjektgruppen: Vi er to dataingeniør studenter som går AS-ordning og jobber for Integrasjonssystemer AS i Horten. Oppgaven er også skrevet i samarbeid med bedriften. Veileder: Helge Herheim Bedriftens nettside: http://www.isys.no Arnt Wirgenes 90840110 arnt_wirgenes@msn.com
Martin Bentzen 92425005 martin.bentzen@hotmail.com
E-læringsplattform Prosjektnummer: DA-2016-02 Problemstilling:
Er det mulig å utvikle en internett plattform som øker engasjement og læringsutbytte?
Vi har laget en sosial digital plattform for studenter som gjør hver enkelt student til en kunnskapskilde og ressurs. Det finnes flere løsninger innenfor e-læring, men vi mener at det fortsatt ikke er noen gode løsninger, og har sett på muligheten for å utvikle en bedre løsning som dekker våre behov som studenter. Systemet kjører på operativsystemet Linux og er utviklet med PHP, Node.js, JavaScript m.m., samt underliggende teknologi for å levere, prosessere og håndtere data.
Om prosjektgruppen: Vi er tre dataingeniørstudenter ved HSN med interesse for ny og gammel teknologi. Våre interesser er algoritmer, programmering og hvordan vi kan bruke eksisterende teknologi på nye måter for å løse ulike oppgaver.
Pål Bommen Tønder 99416672 paal.bommen@gmail.com
Pål-Eirik Alm Andersen 95870768 paleirikaa@gmail.com
Jens Walter Nordahl 46649049 jensnordahl@live.com
Rapporteringssystem Prosjektnummer:
Problemstilling: Systemet skal kunne lage gode, visuelle og generiske rapporter av data fra et system som kjører på BaseDax. Systemet skal kunne brukes til rapportering av KPI Sammendrag: Prosjektet går ut på å lage et rapporteringssystem for selskapet Landax AS. Landax er et kvalitetssystem for bedrifter som beskrevet i ISO 9001 og ISO 14001 standardene. Her kan det lagres avvik, prosjekter og oppgaver, timeføring, dokumenter og mye mer. Systemet skal altså kunne lage rapporter på de dataene som er i systemet. Behovet er stort i de fleste modulene i Landax. For eksempel ønsker man å kunne få rapporter på sine avvik for å se hvor man bør fokusere sitt HMS arbeid. Det er også et behov for at man skal kunne opprette egne datakilder og rapportere på disse. Det er mange sær-behov rundt omkring som ikke støttes av modulene i Landax. Behovet er at man skal kunne lage en egendefinert datatabell, legge inn data, og så kunne lage rapporter på dataene. Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av en enkelt student, Jan-Sverre Riksfjord, som har fått oppdraget direkte fra Landax AS. Studenten sitter på Landax kontorer i Stokke og jobber derfra.
Jan-Sverre Riksfjord Tel: 943 44 633 E-post: jasverix@gmail.com
RoTo the Robot Project number: DA-2016-04
Research Question
Which criteria’s and methods are applied in making an aesthetically pleasing robot that thoroughly represents University College of Southeast Norway’s technology based faculty, and has the effect of attracting new students to HSN. Summarization: Interdisciplinary collaborative project, featuring product design and computer science. The project is about building a robot which is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Further, the robot has to fulfill criteria such as height, weight, and overall usability. To implement the design, utilities such as SolidWorks, CES EduPack, user analysis and drafting is used. There is an emphasis on prototyping and 3D printing, project planning and collaboration between different engineering branches. The goal is to make a robot that perceives and interacts with human beings in social situations. Most of the programming is done using Visual Studio and C# and the setup consists of a PC, microcontrollers and a display. A Windows PC is chosen to make use of the Microsoft Kinect SDK, which delivers a library that can identify not only people, but also emotions. To give the robot personality by implementing functionality, such as vision and hearing is the main priority. The program uses Microsoft’s Kinect which can analyze objects and humans in its sight. Stepper motors are used to give the robot three mechanically rotating parts, mimicking human movement and making it stand out in a crowd. About the project group: Ademir Alijagic Product Design
Markus Haugsdal Computer Science
Kristoffer Langerud Product Design
Petter Nybøle Computer Science
Phone: 90586114
Phone: 95817425
Phone: 95094028
Phone: 40458146
Email: ademiralijagic @gmail.com
Email: mjhaugsdal @hotmail.com
Email: langerudkristoffer @gmail.com
Email: petter.nybole @outlook.com
Solving cellular automata density classification task using evolutionary algorithms Project number: DA-2016-05 Research question: Cellular automata rules can be viewed as ÂŤprogramsÂť that solve specific tasks. Searching the rule space with evolutionary algorithms is an efficient method to find such rules. A seemingly trivial task is given: Find the majority of 1's and 0's in a finite array. The rules evolve through competition on how many of these arrays they are able to solve. Summary: An introduction to cellular automata, density classification task, and a software implementation demonstrating some approaches.
Supervisor: Nourddine Bouhmala About author:
Vegard Gjuvsland E-mail: vgjuvsland@runbox.com
Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Networks Project number: DA-2016-06 Research Topic: The CAN (Controller Area Network) bus is increasingly becoming exposed to sophisticated security threats. In the absence of source authentication, the CAN bus is an easy target for even basic attacks. Most approaches to CAN security have centered around cryptography at the protocol layer, but the increased computational and communication overhead does not make this a feasible alternative in many practical scenarios. The CAN frame data field is just 64 bit followed by a 15-bit CRC, and bus load is limited to 1 Mbps, so adding either authentication tags or authentication is not a viable approach. The aim of this project is to demonstrate source authentication using fingerprinting of signal characteristics on the physical level as means of uniquely identifying each transducer on the network, and to evaluate the viability of this approach in embedded systems. Summary: A development environment has been set up using multiple CAN transceivers and CAN Bus Module boards, controlled by STM32 Nucleo microcontroller boards and Raspberry PI units respectively. The detection unit is implemented on a Cyclone V SoC Device using a combination of ARM Cortex-A9 CPU and Altera FPGA. Incoming analog signals are converted to digital vector representation, and passed to learning and classifier functions. Support Vector Machines and Convolutional Neural Networks are compared as alternative supervised learning approaches. To assess practical viability, learning is performed both on the detection unit itself using FPGA hardware acceleration, as well as on an external GPU connected via Ethernet. The CAN specification allows a great degree of flexibility on the physical layer, and thus physical signals are not identical. Even for transducers of the same model from the same manufacturer, the physical characteristics of the component will vary, and unique identification is possible. About the Project Group: Roar Elias Georgsen studies Computer Engineering and has a particular interest in machine learning and optimization algorithms in embedded systems. Roar Elias Georgsen Tel: 411 63 196 roar.georgsen@gmail.com
Bookingsystem for Knattholmen Prosjektnummer: DA-2016-07 Problemstilling:
Prosjektoppgaven tar utgangspunkt i å videreutvikle og forbedre et bookingsystem for Knattholmen Leirsted/Leirskole. Sammendrag:
Knattholmen er en non-profit organisasjon med plassering i Vestfold som tar utgangspunkt i sitt idylliske leirsted/leirskole. Bookingsystemet som tas i bruk internt på Knattholmen er et noe utdatert MS ACCESSsystem som ikke er kompatibelt med dagens programvarer/systemer. Hensikten med prosjektet er å finne fram til en relevant løsning som etter beste evne fungerer optimalt etter arbeidsgivers kriterier samt fungere uavhengig av plattform. Et hovedfokus er også å forsikre en kompatibilitet fremover slik at opprettelse av et nytt bookingsystem ikke skal være nødvendig. Med dette tatt i betraktning har det vist seg at det er mest relevante vil være å benytte en webbasert applikasjon med utgangspunkt i en SQL database. Om prosjektgruppen:
Prosjektgruppen består av to personer som begge studerer datateknikk tredje året, ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge.
Luis Felipe De la Puente Manrique Tel: 922 55 255 E-post: felipedlpm@gmail.com
Markus Labråten Tel: 915 98 326 E-post: marlab_92@hotmail.com
Sensor fusjon med Kalman filter Prosjektnummer: DA-2016-08 Problemstilling: En vindsensor om bord på seilbåten Autonomus er per dags dato upålitelige og påvirker navigasjons system. For å forbedre data, så oppstod ønsket om et digitalt filter. Valget ble Kalman filter for det er ideelt for systemer som kontinuerlig forandrer seg. Ettersom sensoren er upålitelig, så vil filteret gjøre et forsøk på å gjøre dataen nøyaktig og presis ved hjelp av en sensor fusjon. Omstrukturering av eksisterende kode er også nødvendig. Alt i alt, så er målet å legge til rette for at Autonomus kan seile lengre, og tryggere med mer stabilitet.
Sammendrag: Ett lineært Kalman filter er implementert i C++11 på en Raspberry Pi for å forbedre data, dette gjøres ved å kombinere data fra flere sensorer. Filteret kjøres i en separat tråd, for å sikre seg at navigasjonssystemet kjører samtidig som ny data estimeres. Den estimerte dataen sendes videre til båtens navigasjons systemer. Eksisterende kode blir også omformet til å være mer objektorientert og lesbar.
Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektet blir gjennomført av en person som studere datateknikk ved Høgskolen i Sør-Øst Norge.
Espen Kjellstadli Lund Tlf: 46506849 Email: espenlund@gmail.com
Bachelor i ingeniørfag - Maritim elektro-automasjon Her lærer du hemmeligheten bak alle typer elektriske anlegg. Bli ingeniør med denne populære kombinasjonen av elkraft og automatisering.
Vi retter oss både mot industrianlegg, maritime anlegg og bygningsautomasjon. På denne ingeniør-utdanningen lærer du å utvikle, drifte og kontrollere elektro-automasjonsanlegg. Det
foregår gjerne som teamarbeid med god kombinasjon av teori og praktisk laboratoriearbeid. Studiet er svært allsidig og har fokus på fagområdene:
Elektronikk Datastyring
Du vil bli en ingeniør som skaper noe som er viktig for det virkelige liv - ikke bare i i teorien.
Du lærer å bygge opp et helt system, og spenningen ligger i å se det ferdige resultatet. Den følelsen det gir deg når alt virker, kan være magisk.
PMSmate Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-01 Problemstilling: «Is it possible to create a software tool that can extract a Power Management System-setup from Kongsberg`s own configuration wizard and automatically configure Kongsberg`s Engine room PMS simulator with said setup and present a user with an easily operated screen-based simulator of this setup?». Sammendrag: Kongsberg contacted their part-time students with the desire to develop a tool to effectively test their Power Management configurations with the use of engine room simulators. Both the K-Chief 600 and Neptune ERS are well-known first class products with a strong foothold in the maritime industry. The developed tool is programmed in C# and the main tasks have been:
Reading the configuration wizard database Replicating and producing the database for the Engine Room Simulator Ensure that communication is withheld between platforms Tuning parameters to ensure highly realistic behavior in the simulator Creating interface for the tool
and everything will be automatic! Om prosjektgruppen: The group consists of four students studying Electro & Automation while working part-time as engineers for either Kongsberg Maritime AS or Jotun AS. The members have different backgrounds stretching from electrician to business economist. The group got together through our common interest for automations, specifically in the maritime sector. Members are divided in different roles: Project Manager & SW responsible Andreas Sørensen, Quality responsible and SW developer Lars Jørgen Sjuve, Test responsible Anne Berntsen and Document and HMI responsible Lis-Iren K. Pedersen. Andreas Sørensen 450 15 615 andersorensen@gmail.com
Lis-Iren K. Pedersen 902 17 344 lisirenkp@hotmail.com
Lars J. R. Sjuve 454 43 342 lars.sjuve@gmail.com
Anne Berntsen 917 71 168 anne_bernt@hotmail.com
Varmeanlegg SVGS Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-02 Problemstilling: Kan man forbedre energieffektiviteten og derav bedre miljøgevinsten ved å kartlegge mulige reguleringsforbedringer mot temperaturutfordringer i utvalgte områder ved Sandefjord videregående skole. Sammendrag: Sandefjord videregående skole har før og etter overgang til fjernvarme, hatt problemer med å regulere temperaturen i deler av byggmassen. Statkraft ønsker å undersøke om det eksisterende anlegget kan effektiviseres og avdekke eventuelle feil. Effektivisering vil øke miljøgevinsten og bedre økonomien til begge parter. For å kunne bedre effekten i anlegget har gruppen valgt å loggføre en rekke parametere. Utgangspunkt for loggføring av parameterne vil være i to identiske rom som har forskjellig effektivitet til daglig. I sammenheng med loggføringen vil gruppen utføre en rekke endringer av reguleringen i varmeanlegget i sin helhet. Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av fem studenter som alle studerer Maritim Elektro-Automasjon på HSN, campus Bakkenteigen.
Håkon Johnsrud Tel: 9934 4238 E-post: haakonjoh@hotmail.com
Jørgen Tørnby Tel: 9091 7934 E-post: jortorn@gmail.com
Steffen Kjærgaard Tel: 9069 3682 E-post: steffen.kjaergaard@gmail.com
Edvin Jahnsen Tel: 4796 0820 E-post: edvinjahnsen@gmail.com
Andreas S. Moen Tel: 4135 8063 E-post: andreasstromnesmoen@gmail.com
Hortenstunnelen Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-03 Problemstilling: Hvordan redusere trafikkmengden ved området Linden i Horten Kommune. Sammendrag: Hortenstunnelen ligger i Horten Kommune, den er en del av rv. 19, som strekker seg fra Undrumsdalskrysset, ved E-18, til Moss. Tunnelen ligger cirka en kilometer syd for Linden Park, hvor innkjøringen til fergeterminalen er. Den er en miljøtunnel som avlaster Borreveien (fv.715) og Jernbanegata (fv.701) for gjennomgangstrafikk. Innkjøringen til fergeterminalen ligger på Linden i Horten. I tillegg til ferge, er det også innkjøring til Linden Park – et kjøpesenter, en barnehage og Strandparken – et boligfelt. Trafikkavviklingen foregår ved hjelp av to rundkjøringer med to felt i hver kjøreretning. Ved stor pågang til fergeleiet, oppstår en opphopning av trafikken, noe som kan resultere i en kø som strekker seg inn i tunnelen. Dette fører til at folk prøver å snu bilene i tunnelen og det oppstår farlige situasjoner. I tillegg til kø i tunnelen er det tidvis vanskelig å komme inn og ut av området Linden-Strandparken. Dette ønsker Vegvesenet å forbedre, ved å redusere trafikken i rushtiden, og dermed redusere antall farlige situasjoner i tunnelen. Gruppen skal lage et kødeteksjons-system som kan igangsette omkjøring ved mye trafikk. Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av Johan Bø, Markus Grønberg, Jonas Jacobsen og Martin Markussen. Alle studerer Maritim Elektro-Automasjon ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, avdeling Bakkenteigen i Horten.
Johan Sebastian Bø Tel: 950 82 487 E-post: sebtv94@gmail.com
Jonas Andreas Jacobsen Tel: 900 29 769 E-post: jonas.andreas@outlook.com
Markus Elias Grønberg Tel: 992 59 082 E-post: markuseliasgronberg@hotmail.com
Martin Eftedal Markussen Tel: 902 63 036 E-post: martin.markussen92@gmail.com
PMS Oppgradering – HSN Tunglabb Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-04
Problemstilling: Hvordan beskrive og gjennomføre integrasjonen av et PMS-system i et eksisterende elektrisk anlegg? Sammendrag: HSN har en maritim tunglabb som opererer med alarm og overvåkningssystemet K-chief 600 levert av Kongsberg Maritime. Labben består blant annet av en hovedmotor med akselgenerator, to dieselaggregater og en hovedtavle for fordeling av kraft. K-Chief 600 har IO-moduler som gir mulighet for avansert styring av generatorer, og aktiv fordeling av kraft og kraftforbruk i kraftfordelingssystemet. Et slikt system kalles power management system (PMS). Hovedformålet med PMS er å kontrollere kraftgenering og -fordeling i et elektrisk anlegg, slik at det fungerer optimalt og ivaretar de gjeldene krav og regler som anlegget ligger under. Dette hovedprosjekt skal gjennomføre en integrasjon av Kongsberg Maritimes PMS-system for K-Chief 600 på skolens tunglabb, med dokumentasjon, anskaffelsesprosess, installering og testkjøring.
Om prosjektgruppen: Erlend Morland Tel: 473 57 197 E-post: erlend.morland@hbv.no
Tarek Jarrar Tlf.: 958 07 479 E-post: tarek.jarrar@student.hbv.no
Eirik Andre Borvik Tlf.: 932 88 919 E-post: eirik.a.borvik@student.hbv.no
Espen Heramb Tlf.: 959 24 236 E-post: espen.heramb@gmail.com
PLS-basert turbinregulator og skjermbasert operatørgrensesnitt Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-05 Problemstilling: Mange småkraftverk preges av eldre teknologi og ukurante løsninger for regulering. Per dags dato er turbinregulator, spenningsregulator, generatorvern og synkroniseringsmodul egne komponenter, mens stasjons-PLS'en tar seg av sekvenser og styringen av kraftverket. PLS'en er blitt kraftigere og kan håndtere tyngre oppgaver enn tidligere. Vil det være mulig å redusere antall komponenter i styresystemet ved å ivareta reguleringsfunksjoner i stasjonsPLS'en, ved en eventuell rehabilitering av eldre småkraftverk? Sammendrag: For å avgrense oppgaven har vi valgt å fokusere på muligheten for å ivareta turbinregulatorens funksjon i en Siemens Simatic S7-1500 PLS. Funksjonaliteten og oppbyggingen av regulatoren er basert på IEC- og IEEE-standarder, og krav satt fra "FIKS 2012". Regulatoren skal kunne tilpasses Francis-, Pelton(opp til seks nåler)- og Kaplan-turbiner. Vi har også valgt å lage en skjermløsning for parameterisering, styring og overvåkning av småkraftverk. Om prosjektgruppen: Vi er en gruppe på fire studenter med sans for PLS-programmering og regulering, som vil være med på en positiv utvikling av fornybar energiproduksjon i Norge. Samtlige gruppemedlemmer er avgangsstudenter fra studieretningen Maritim Elektro-Automasjon ved HSN, campus Vestfold. Fredrik Fjellvang Tlf: 464 51 117 fredrik@fjellvang.net Kjetil Ness Tlf: 986 01 991 kness1@hotmail.com
Ibrahima Isac Fjeld Tlf: 971 78 128 i.i.fjeld@outlook.com Kristine Nystuen Tlf: 934 89 507 nystuen_automation@hotmail.com
Batterihybridskip med AC- og DC-distribusjon Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-06 Problemstilling: Hvilke økonomiske- og miljømessige fordeler vil hybridisering av skip med tilgjengelig teknologi kunne gi? Sammendrag: De siste årene har det blitt gjort store fremskritt innen batteri- og likestrøms teknologi. Det er nå mulig å realisere hybridskip, både med AC- og DC-grid, hvor større batteribanker og superkondensatorer står for energilagring. Ved å ha mulighet for energilagring vil forbrenningsmotorene om bord oftere kunne kjøres nærmere sine optimale belastningspunkt. Dette vil gi lavere drivstofforbruk. Bachelorgruppen vil se nærmere på disse delene av hybriddrift: -
Hvilke skipstyper har størst utbytte av hybridisering Utvikle et verktøy som kalkulerer mulige drivstoffbesparelser Påvirkning på skipets vekt og fysiske utforming Kabelsystem for DC-grid Drifts- og optimaliseringsmuligheter ved bruk av batteribank Tekniske utfordringer og løsninger
Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av fire studenter som går studieretningen maritim elektro-automasjon og oppgaven er gitt av Kongsberg Maritime Engineering. Henning Mathisen er prosjektleder, Ruben Magnus Kolås er kvalitetsansvarlig, Daniel Kilvik Olsen er dokumentansvarlig og Anders Kristiansen er prosjektmedarbeider. Veileder er Marius Stian Tannum. Ruben Magnus Kolås Tel: 46837334 E-post: rubenkolaas@hotmail.no
Henning Mathisen Tel:91788268 E-post: 1974henmat@gmail.com
Daniel Kilvik Olsen Tel:47650067 E-post: daniel_ko86@hotmail.com
Anders Kristiansen Tel:97535005 E-post: anders.kristiansen@me.com
Hiv-kompensering med proporsjonalventil Prosjektnummer: EA-2016-07 Problemstilling: Hvor nøyaktig kan en hiv-kompensert kranvinsj regulere en last ved bruk av proporsjonalventil? Sammendrag: Offshore laste- og losseoperasjoner foregår ofte i krevende miljøer, hvor sikkerheten til personell og lasteobjektet blir satt høyest. Bølger lager bevegelser som vil skape problemer for disse operasjonene. Ved bruk av et kompenseringssystem på kranvinsjen, vil lasten kunne holdes stabil i vertikal retning. MI-control vil se på mulighetene for et rimeligere kompenseringssystem, enn hva markedet i dag tilbyr. En sentral komponent i dette systemet er kostbare elektrohydrauliske servoventiler. Disse ventilene er meget nøyaktige, og fordelen er at de ikke inneholder nullpunkt i bevegelsen fra -100 % til +100 % gjennomstrømning. Det vil si at vinsjens overgang fra hiving til låring vil skje sømløst. Vi vil undersøke hvor nøyaktig vi kan få til en kompensering ved bruk av rimeligere proporsjonalventiler. Disse ventilene inneholder et død-bånd (ingen gjennomstrømning) ved skifte fra positiv til negativ gjennomstrømning. Vår utfordring vil i stor grad være å kompensere for dette. Vi vil benytte moderne automasjonsutstyr levert av Beckhoff. Om prosjektgruppen: - Prosjektgruppen: Fire studenter fra Maritim Elektro/Automasjon, ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge - Samarbeidspartnere: MI-control fra Kristiansand, og Beckhoff Automation AS fra Tønsberg - Veileder: Bjarne Rolland, ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge Martin Kjær
Mathias Mannermaa
Eivind Hovland
Stian Hermansen
900 30 415
993 86 481
469 44 994
416 08 769
Bachelor i ingeniørfag
Mikro- og nanosystemteknologi / elektronikk Vil du være med på å utvikle teknologi for fremtidens produkter? Mikro- og nanosystemteknologi er systemer og teknologi som er mindre enn et hårstrå.
Dette ingeniør-studiet gir deg en grundig teknologisk utdanning innen fysikk, elektronikk,
matematikk og programmering. Etter en felles del over tre semestre velger du en av to studiespesialiseringer:
Mikro- og nanosystemteknologi er systemer og teknologi som størrelsesmessig er mindre enn
et hårstrå. Studiet gir deg kunnskap om hvordan slike små systemer kan fremstilles og anvendes.
Det være seg en trykksensor som skal måle blodtrykket inne i kroppen eller kabintrykket i et fly, eller en akselerasjonssensor som får bildet til å snu seg når du vender på mobiltelefonen.
Mange av produktene vi omgir oss med er avhengig av avansert teknologi. Vi finner avansert elektronikk i alt fra leketøy til medisinske overvåkingssystemer. Utviklingen innen fagfeltet er
rivende, og kravene til elektronikken i både forbrukerprodukter og industrielle systemer blir stadig høyere. I studiet går vi i dybden på elektroniske innretninger, og hvordan elektronikken i slike enheter er bygget opp.
WhereMI – Et IoT-skjermsystem Prosjektnummer: EN-2016-01 Problemstilling: Hvordan utvikle et dynamisk informasjonsskjerm-system, som har til hensikt å utnytte «Internet of Things» (IoT) teknologi til å vise informasjon? Hva skal til for at produktet oppnår ønsket batterilevetid for IoT-produkter? Sammendrag: Systemet er et produkt som har til hensikt å gjøre informasjon lett tilgjengelig. Det vil da være brukerapplikasjonen som definerer innholdet på skjermene. Prototypen vi utvikler kan vise kalenderinformasjon, kontaktinformasjon og eventuelle egendefinerte meldinger. Ved å opprette en brukerkonto kan man knytte seg til en skjerm og synkronisere skjermen mot eksisterende kalenderløsninger ved hjelp av iCalendar-standarden eller andre kjente løsningers API. Ved å ta i bruk Personal Area Network blir det enkelt å integrere nye enheter i systemet. Modulene vil i hovedsak bestå av ZigBee, Bluetooth LE eller LoRa teknologier. Moduler med lav rekkevidde vil ha støtte for mesh-nettverk. Prosjektet omhandler blant annet følgende fagområder:
C programmering, mikrokontrollere C# / JAVA programmering, brukerapplikasjoner Analog elektronikk, energihøsting Kretskortutlegg og CAD-tegninger av produkt Trådløse kommunikasjonsprotokoller
Eksempler på bruksområder:
Rutetabell, buss, trikk etc. Reklameplakater Sykehus, statlige bygg Informasjonsskilt Møterom
Om prosjektgruppen: Vi er fire studenter, tre fra elektronikk og en fra datateknikk. Vi er interessert i blant annet å bruke IoT teknologi til å lage systemer som er smarte og som løser praktiske problemstillinger. Emil Strand 93233617
Håkon Veddegjerde 47374178
Terje Thomassen 90361880
Åsmund Bøvra 94858340
Design av kontroller for AMV Prosjektnummer: EN-2016-02 Problemstilling: Designe et kretskort som skal kommunisere med AMVs utstyr via CAN-bus. Designet skal oppfylle spesifiserte krav fra bedriften.
Sammendrag: Oppgaven er gitt av AMV som har hovedvirksomhet innenfor tunnel/gruve segmentet og i offshore industrien. AMV ønsker et kretskort design av en kontroller som skal kunne kommunisere med deres utstyr. Mer spesifikt skal denne kontrolleren kunne brukes av en maskinoperatør utenfor en lastebil. Kontrolleren kommuniserer med en hovedenhet inne i bilen. AMV har tidligere brukt andre bedrifter for design av kretskort, men vil nå ha sitt eget design. Målet er å lage en fungerende krets, realisere en prototype og teste den. Kontrolleren skal kunne innhente data ved f.eks. knappetrykk, og sende data videre via CAN-bus. Krets designet skal oppfylle bedriftens krav.
Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av Fredrik Normann som er Elektronikk student, og Andrew Suhanthakumar som er Mikro- og nanosystemteknologi student.
Fredrik Normann 905 63 592 fredrik-normann@hotmail.com
Andrew Suhanthakumar 911 36 933 andrewsuha@gmail.com
Motorovervåkning i elektrisk drevne fårkoster Prosjektnummer: EN-2016-03 Problemstilling: Oppgaven er gjort på vegne av FFI med stor frihet til å velge løsning og fremgangsmetode. Problemstillingen er utformet deretter og er formulert som følger: Oppgaven består av å utvikle et uavhengig målesystem som kan benyttes på forskjellig typer UAVer, primært «multicopter». Løsningen skal være fleksibel og må kunne brukes på farkoster av forskjellig størrelse, utforming og antall motorer. Sammendrag: Prosjektgruppens hovedfokus har vært utvikling av et fleksibelt system som ikke influerer med fremdriftssystemet. Med dette som utgangspunkt har gruppen primært valgt å benytte seg av «hall effect sensorer» som gir utslag på magnetfeltet rundt en leder. Signalbehandling av måledataene fra sensor av denne typen, har naturlig nok vært en stor del av prosessen. Andre sensorer benyttet i prosjektet er: IR-termometer, akselerometer, luftfuktighet- og trykkmåler. Systemet er basert på et nettverk av målenoder, der det benyttes en node pr. motor. Nodene sender data til en hovedenhet. Kommunikasjonen i nettverket er basert på en selvutviklet databus, som er optimalisert for fleksibilitet og har gode ekspansjonsmuligheter. Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen besår av 2 studenter fra bachelor i ingeniørfag – elektronikk.
Torje Indseth Songe Tel: 48 60 00 50 E-post: Songe@live.no
Jonas Trondsen Tel: 45 61 49 12 E-post: jonastr@start.no
Switchesystem til hydroakustisk test av flerelementsvingere Prosjektnummer: EN-2016-04 Problemstilling: Kongsberg Maritime Subsea har flere hydroakustiske målebasseng for test av svingere i vann. Til test av flerelementsvingere finnes det i dag et switchesystem som kan håndtere opp til 256 elementer av gangen. Det eksisterende systemet består av utgåtte komponenter og må erstattes, i tillegg til at det er et ønske om at ny switcheløsning skal dekke svingere med flere enn 256 elementer. Per dags dato er det høyeste antall elementer i en svinger 800, men i første omgang ønskes det en løsning som dekker 480 elementer, med mulighet for utvidelse. Det må også tas hensyn til forskjellige tilkoblingsgrensesnitt til forskjellige svingere og at software for styring av switchene skal kunne implementeres i eksisterende LabView software. Sammendrag: Switchesystemet brukes hovedsakelig i to typer testscenarioer. Ved måling av senderfølsomhet blir et signal sendt ut på ett av elementene i svingeren og mottas av en hydrofon, de resterende elementene i svingeren skal være terminert til hver sin motstand. Ved måling av faseforskjeller mellom elementer blir et signal sendt fra en ekstern lydgiver og mottatt av to elementer i svingeren, de resterende elementene i svingeren skal være terminert til hver sin motstand. Dette gjør at det trengs 2 DPDT switchekanaler, eller 4 SPDT switchekanaler per element i svingeren. Om prosjektgruppen: Lars Jørgen Bjerkesti har vært ansatt hos Kongsberg Maritime Subsea siden 2006 og har studert elektronikk ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge på deltid siden 2010
Lars Jørgen Bjerkesti Tel: 92 69 27 37 E-post: lars.jorgen.bjerkesti@km.kongsberg.com
Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Large Data Sets on the GPU Project Number: MNT-2016-01 Objective: Will a parallel adaptation of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering algorithm run more efficient on a GPU than on other computing devices? Summary: ALICE is a heavy-ion detector on the LHC ring. The detector is designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where a phase of matter called quark-gluon plasma forms. The ALICE detector is capable of producing data of up to 300MB per event, where collisions occur approximately 200 times per second. This is a lot of data to process, so in order to reduce the need for large memory banks, the data is processed at great speed. Part of this data processing is cluster finding, which is greatly accelerated by parallel programing on multiple computing devices. The cluster finding algorithm used in this project is the Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm or GMM for short. About the group: Øystein D.H Lurås Student at HSN Micro and Nano Systems Technology Responsible for developing the parallel Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm for the GPU
Øystein D.H Lurås Tel: 96226118 E-post: oeysteinhl@live.no
Direct integration of carbon nanotubes in microsystems Prosjektnummer: MNT-2016-02
Problemstilling: Do carbon nanotubes, synthesized using localized resistive heating , show selectivity and sensitivity to various gasses?
Sammendrag: The goal is to make integrated sensors (sensing elements and processing electronics in one chip) in a low -cost process. A target application is sensors for determining food decay/ageing. The testing will consist of exposing carbon nanotubes to varying concentrations of test gasses and recording the electrical output. The results should give a clear indication of how carbon nanotubes, synthesized using localized resistive heating, changes electrical properties when exposed to various gasses.
Om prosjektgruppen: The project group consists of three bachelor students from the Micro and Nano Systems Technology program at HSN.
Anders Solum 92 20 58 03 Solaro17@hotmail.com
Andreas Emil Niemi 93 60 47 53 Niemia_936@gmail.com
Kim Valdemarsson 46 80 53 65 Kim_valde@hotmail.com
Morphology and physical properties of thin film MoS2 prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition Prosjektnummer: MNT-2016-03 Problemstilling: Build up process for deposition of thin film MoS 2 with radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering for potensial sensor/actuator devices. Sammendrag: RF magnetron sputtering was used to deposit thin film MoS 2 on SiO 2 substrate. Morphology and growth characteristics was examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and profilometer. Absorbance was measured with UV -vis spectrophotometer. Correlation between process conditions, film stoichiometry and morphology was analyzed with systematic variation of sputtering parameters. Conductivity was measured with four-point probe station. Om prosjektgruppen: We are three students from micro and nan otechnology. Kim Gustavsen is the project leader. He is responsible for deposition of thin film MoS 2 with AJA Magnetron sputtering systems and AFM measurements. Preben Honerød analyzed film stoichiometry and morphology. Ken Nygård measured absorbance and step-height of thin film. Conductivity measurements were performed by all three.
Ken Alexander Preben Honerød Kim Gustavsen Nygård Tel: 99525807 Tel: 41292296 Tel: 92044847 E-post: E-post: E-post: Prebenhb@hotmail.com kimgustavsen240@hotmail.com 107439@hbv.no
Glycosylated Haemoglobin Measurement System Project code: MNT-2016-04 Research statement: To design a handheld silicon based HbA1c measuring device that is accessible for diabetic diagnosis at home. Summary: The World Health Organization estimates that globally, 9 % of all people over the age of 18 will be diagnosed with diabetes, and by 2030 it is predicted to be the seventh leading cause of death. The number of Norwegians diagnosed with diabetes type 2 have over the last 50 years grown fourthfold. Diagnosing this disease requires a blood test measuring the molecule HbA1c. This project combines different fields of expertise, based on background and field of study, assigned each group member. Based on the current in-house sensor technology at Zimmer & Peacock, we will develop a silicon sensor.
We will also customize the design for a compact circuit, focusing on noise reduction, incorporating a Bluetooth device enabling connection to a wireless platform. The sensor will be characterized for the enzyme reaction we wish to measure, in this case the HbA1c. The project group: The group consists of four students. Britt and Ronny are studying electronics, while Mads and Eivind are studying micro- and nanotechnology. Britt will focus mainly on characterization of the sensor and circuit design. Ronny, currently employed at Senitel, Horten, will focus on circuit design and noise reduction. Mads and Eivind will develop and fabricate a sensor in silicon. Britt Viljugrein Tel: 98415020 E-mail: viljugrein12@gmail. com
Ronny Lindqvist Tel: 46787895 E-mail: lindqvist.ronny@gmail. com
Mads Fredrik Walaas Eivind Tel: 97679437 Hovland E-mail: Tel: 48049491 madshurlumhei@gmail. E-mail: com eivhov@gmail. com
Investigation of SAW Propagation on Langasite La3Ga5SiO14 using Laser Probe Project -number: MNT- 2016- 05 Problem: The analysis of the complex field of the wave in order to calculate the angular propagationvelocity of a surface acoustic wave (SAW). The characterization of Langasite substrates obtained from different manufacturers. Identifying which substrates can be used for filter application. Summary: When referring to electronical filtering, SAW filters are one of the most common devices used for communication-technology. It takes advantage of the piezoelectric property of certain materials, such as Quartz, Litium Niobate, Langasite etc., which induces an electric potential due to the mechanical stress, and vice versa. The device consists of an input and an output interdigital transducers. The production of SAW filters offers less complicated filtersolutions than other filter- varieties, such as RLC filters, however the performance of SAW filters is highly dependent on the properties of the piezoelectric substrate. Kongsberg Norspace is the world-leading supplier of SAW devices for space-applications. One of the recent research of this company focuses on the investigation of the Langasite (La3 Ga5 SiO 14 ) material with the Euler angles [0°, 140°, 25°]. This cuts offers a higher coupling coefficient compared to Quartz, and an acceptable thermal stability. However, the angular-dependent propagation-velocity has to be measured with high accuracy, due to design-simulations. Two different manufacturers supply the Langasite substrates. It is necessary to characterize these substrates and evaluate their quality prior to the usage in SAW filter production. Using a laser probe, constructed by Kongsberg Norspace, the surface-tilt and amplitude can be measured with the high precision. Using Fourier-mathematics, the velocity - as a function of propagation angle, can be calculated from the measurements made. The calculations is then compared with the digital simulation. Project group: The group consists of two bachelor students Kristoffer S. Lied, and Ludvig Wærnes. Both are currently undergoing their last year on a bachelor in micro- and nano-systems technology. During autumn 2015, they participated in an exchange program with the University of Waterloo. This peaked their interests in nanotechnology, which has motivated them to study the subject further.
Bachelor i ingeniørfag – Produktdesign I ingeniørutdanning innen produktdesign lærer du å lage nye produkter som både er attraktive og funksjonelle, helt fra skissestadiet og til produktet tilbys på markedet. Hva skal til for å gjøre produkter mer attraktive, sikre og brukervennlige? Ingeniørutdanningen i produktdesign gir deg kunnskap om hvordan produktutvikling foregår. I
studiet lærer du om materialer, form, mekanikk, produksjonsmetoder og økonomi til å møte kundenes ønsker og forventninger. Det blir lagt vekt på å utvikle ferdigheter innen visuell kommunikasjon og 3D-design.
Som ingeniør jobber du med å tilpasse og utvikle teknologi som skal dekke forskjellige behov
innen et bredt spekter av bransjer. Her er ingeniørstudiet som gir deg kreativ utfoldelse, en variert arbeidsdag og muligheter til å jobbe som produktutvikler.
Kombinasjon av fleksible solceller og støpt duk Prosjektnummer: PD- 2016- 01 Problemstilling: Hvordan kartlegge og teste hvilke tynnfilm solceller og støpte laminatduker som kan sammenføyes til en fleksibel duk? Sammendrag: Fleksible tynnfilm solceller er i stadig utvikling og er et produkt med mange muligheter. Støpt duk kan produseres med ønskede mekaniske egenskaper. Prosjektgruppen har sett på muligheten for å kombinere disse to produktene. Dette vil kunne gi et innovativt produkt, og være i tråd med det grønne skiftet. Hovedsakelig har oppgaven bestått i å teste egenskaper og ytelse for ulike typer tynnfilm solceller, i tillegg til å se på metoder for sammenføyning av elementene. Takket være gode innspill fra flere kunnskapsrike fagpersoner har prosjektgruppen økt sin kompetanse og fått bred erfaring innen ulike fagområder tilknyttet oppgaven. Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektgruppen består av Marianne Hernes, Henriette Johansen og Marius Borg-Heggedal, som alle har bakgrunn fra Ingeniør i Produktdesign ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge. Veiledere: Birgitte Prebensen, Høgskolelektor og Jan Kåre Bording, Førsteamanuensis. Bedriftens nettside: www.vdg.no Marianne Hernes 932 67 623 mhernes@outlook.com
Henriette Johansen 922 32 671 henriette.johansen@live.no
Marius Borg-Heggedal 975 64 474 marius@tarponseil.no
Remote Radio Control Unit Design av CWP operatørpanel Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-02
Problemstilling: Hvordan designe en brukervennlig og funksjonell radio remote controller, som er konkurransedyktig med eksisterende produkter på markedet?
Sammendrag: ATC and Coastal Communication Divisjonen har tradisjonelt laget ulike typer radio sendere og mottagerutstyr som brukes av flygeledere og trafikkoperatører for å styre trafikken i lufta eller på sjøen. I de senere årene har man også beveget seg mer inn på kontrollsystemene som brukes, ikke bare radio. Dette har vært mulig på grunn av bevisst satsing på IP teknologi for kommunikasjon mellom de ulike delene av systemet. Jotron ønsker å styrke sin posisjon innen kontrollsystemer hvor de ser et potensiale for betydelig vekst i årene som kommer. Jotron ønsker derfor å profesjonalisere dagens løsninger for at de skal bli mer attraktive for potensielle kunder, og kunne oppfylle brukerkrav til funksjon og utseende
Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektgruppa består av 4 medlemmer, alle knyttet til studieretningen produktdesign.
Kyrre Hovda kyrrehovda@gmail.com
Martin Aa. Jensen martinaarholtjensen@gmail.com
Tor Erik Aa. Jensen torerikjensen@gmail.com
Therese R. Høiland therese.r.hoiland@gmail.com
Design av løfteverktøy til guidepost pa land Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-03 Problemstilling: Kongsberg Oil and Gas Technologies bruker i dag et guidewire-anker til løfting av guidepost, et åtte meter langt stålrør. Ankeret er designet for å feste en wire i toppen av guideposten under vann. Ankeret ikke gir tilstrekkelig sikkerhet ved løft i verksted. Gruppen skal designe et nytt løfteverktøy, slik at løfting av guidepost på land kan foregå på en sikker måte. Sammendrag: Rapporten omhandler design av et nytt løfteverktøy for guidepost. Kongsberg Oil and Gas Technologies har et ønske om å forbedre sikkerheten rundt løfting av guideposter på land. De ønsker et nytt løfteverktøy som garanterer et sikkert løft. På bakgrunn av dette har gruppen sett på flere forskjellige ideer og konsepter, og gjennomført analyser og vurdering for å finne den sikreste løsningen. Gruppen kom fram til flere forskjellige ideer som ble 3D-modullert og vurdert opp imot hverandre. Etter samtaler med veileder fra Kongsberg ble det videreutviklet to konsepter, som så ble utviklet til et endelig konsept. Det endelig konseptet ble detaljert i SolidWorks og dimensjonert. Oppgaven omhandler også valg av materialer og tilvirkningsteknikk for løfteverktøyet.
Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av tre ingeniørstudenter fra Produktdesign. De tre studentene er en sammensveiset gjeng, som har god erfaring med å jobbe sammen fra tidligere prosjekter i studiet.
Klas Solberg Siw R. Søiland 975 00 723 452 01 549 klas.solberg@gmail.com siwrenate94@gmail.com
Fredrik Stokvik 414 00 445 fstovkik@gmail.com
Teknisk hjelpemiddel til barn Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-04 Problemstilling: Tekniske hjelpemidler tar opp stor plass og kan være vanskelige å transportere. En annen utfordring er at hjelpemidlene er stigmatiserende og kan skape stor avstand mellom barna med nedsatt funksjonsevne og funksjonsfriske barn. Målet med prosjektet er derfor å skape et kombinert hjelpemiddel som skal være attraktivt, brukervennlig og med god ergonomi. Sammendrag: Prosjektet gjøres i samarbeid med Krabat AS. Konseptet er en kombinert rullestol og rullator, for å gi brukeren økt bevegelsesfrihet og fleksibilitet. Rullestol-rullatoren er plassbesparende, ergonomisk og enkel i bruk. Krabat AS utvikler, produserer og markedsfører tekniske hjelpemidler av høy kvalitet til barn. De ønsker et nyskapende og unikt produktkonsept som skal gi økt frihet og god komfort til brukeren. Prosjektet krever innsikt innen mange fagdisipliner, vurdering av løsninger innen universell utforming og tverrfaglig samarbeid med helsepersonell og pedagoger som arbeider med barn som har behov for spesielle tiltak. Arbeidsoppgaver omfatter: -
Designutvikling (3D-Modellering)
Analyser (ergonomi, brukerbehov)
Mekaniske beregninger
Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektgruppen består av tre studenter fra Maskiningeniør/Produktdesign. Alle synes det har vært veldig spennende og lærerikt å jobbe tverrfaglig, med universell utforming og velferdsteknologi. Spesielt har Linda vært en pådriver for å jobbe med en oppgave innen helse og velferd. Linda S. Simenstad Mirjam Winnæss E-post: E-post: linda_simenstad@hotmail.com mirjam_bang@hotmail.com
Sigrid Moe E-post: sigrid.moe1@gmail.com
Selvjusterende mekanisme for AMT clutch aktuator Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-05
Problemstilling: «Hvordan kan vi på best mulig måte komme fram til et effektivt og funksjonelt design av selvjusterings mekanismen i en AMT clutch aktuator». Sammendrag: Gruppen samarbeider med Kongsberg Automotive som produserer førsteklasses produkter til det globale bilmarkedet. Vi har fått i oppgave av Kongsberg Automotive å jobbe med selvjusteringen i en clutch aktuator for en Automatisk Manuell Girkasse. Gruppen skal jobbe med å finne løsninger som forenkler justeringen slik at clutch aktuatoren blir mindre og lettere samt billigere i produksjon. Samtidig skal gruppen prøve ut, dokumentere og evaluere forskjellige innovasjonsprosesser. Prosjektet vil være tverrfaglig, der fagområder fra Elektro-automasjon og Produktdesign vil krysse hverandre. Om prosjektgruppen: Vi ønsket bevisst å jobbe i et tverrfaglig prosjekt og opprettet derfor en prosjektgruppe hvor en student er fra Elektro-automasjon og fire er fra Produktdesign. Dette gir et svært lærerikt og realistisk prosjektarbeid. Elektro-automasjon Fillip Østgård 48009890 fillip.ostgard93@ gmail.com
Produktdesign Malin Guntveit 918 39 865 malin_guntveit@ hotmail.com
Produktdesign Vegard A. Nærø 938 84 692 vegard.naro@ outlook.com
Produktdesign Haakon Norseng 974 88 883 haakon.nors93@ gmail.com
Produktdesign Torgeir S. Mørken 948 72 648 torgeir.morken@ gmail.com
El-tender Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-06
Problemstilling: Hvordan kan man få ned skadelige miljøutslipp til sjøs ved hjelp av el-kraft?
Sammendrag: I denne rapporten finner man går fra en tanke og idè om å få effektive el-motorer inn i fritidsbåter. Dette kan sammenlignes med en «Tesla til sjøs». Her gjennomgås flere analysefaser, intervjuer, tekniske løsninger og beregninger, samt det endelige produktet. Rapporten tar for seg fremdriftssystem, el-motor, batteripakker og hydrogen som energikilde. Man tar for seg hvilken teknologi som i dag er på markedet og hvilke begrensninger som ligger der, og kvalifiserte antagelser fra flere fagfolk om hva som blir veien videre.
Om prosjektgruppen:
Remi Ingemann Johnsen Telefon: 90 88 76 12 E-post: rjohnsen99(a)gmail.com
Materialklemme Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-07
Problemstilling: Hvordan gjøre en kapp og gjerde sag mer brukervennlig og komme med en løsning som er med på å forbedre HMS, uten at det går ut over effektiviteten? Sammendrag: Selve hovedmålet med dette prosjektet er å komme opp med et produkt som gir best mulig løsning på problemstillingen. For å realisere dette kan man dele problemstillingen i to viktige delmål. Disse to delene er HMS og effektivitet. HMS er et delmål, og der er det flere mulige veier å gå for å forbedre det eksisterende produktet. I all hovedsak består løsningene av å skape en enhet som sørger for at materialene holdes på plass uten håndkraft, og dermed minsker kjangsen for eventuelle kuttskader. Det andre delmålet er effektivitet. Dette er også veldig viktig, da produktet må være såpass effektiv at det faktisk blir tatt i bruk. Det blir derfor hensiktsmessig å sette brukbarhet og effektivitet opp mot HMS og finne den rette balansen for å komme fram til den beste løsningen. Denne løsningen skal utarbeides ved å bruke kunnskapen som er opparbeidet gjennom studiene. Dette er da kunnskap om materialer, tilvirkningsteknikk, dimensjonering mm. Det vil også bli tatt i bruk en del forskjellige metoder og hjelpemidler for å nå målene. Resultatet av arbeidet under prosjektet vil bli en rapport som tar for seg hele prosessen og som argumenterer for valgene som er tatt under veis. Det er også et håp om få til en form for prototype som vil kunne vise tankene og ideene i praksis. Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektgruppa består av to medlemmer med bred erfaring fra hvert sitt yrkesliv. Begge medlemmene går produktdesign og jobber med en oppgave som er utarbeidet i felleskap innad i gruppa. Oppgaven bygger derfor på erfaringer fra både arbeidsliv og skolegang. Denis Puskar 93424029 denis.puskar@sf-nett.no
Henrik Lilaas 99507837 Henrililaa@gmail.com
Musefelle Prosjektnummer: PD-2016-08
Problemstilling: Er det mulig å utvikle en human musefelle, som er sikkert i bruk for bruker og ikke ha en negativ effekt på økosystemet rundt fellen?
Sammendrag: Grunnet nye Biocidforskriftene og nye nasjonale krav er det nødvendig å utvikle et produkt som kan avlive mus på en human måte. Ved forskning er det bevist at flere dyr som havørn, hubro og hunder har fått rottegift i seg. Tønsberg Skadedyrkontroll AS ønsker å utvikle en ny musefelle, som nettopp tar dette i fokus. Prosjektgruppen tar for seg å utvikle klappfeller slik at de blir mer effektive for å minske feilslag.
Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektgruppen består av 2 medlemmer. Hvor begge er knyttet til studieretning produktdesign. Oppgavene er delt likt mellom prosjektgruppa.
Bård Brenna Tel: 48175872 E-post: Bardbrenna@gmail.com
Jan Martin D. Olsen-Berg Tel: 41361304 E-post: janmartin.olsenberg@mail.com
Bachelor i Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse Bachelor i Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse gir deg en solid og etterspurt
kompetanse innen program- og systemutvikling, drift, brukerstøtte og opplæring. Studier i Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse handler først og fremst om samarbeid mellom
mennesker og informasjonsteknologi. Hvordan kan slikt samarbeid føre til nye og bedre
systemer i ulike sammenhenger? Hos oss vil du lære om web-løsninger, IT-drift og programmering. Et viktig mål er ”å lære å lære", slik at du har en god basis for kontinuerlig utvikling og oppdatering av ferdighetene dine også etter studiene er over.
Etter tre års studium med bestått resultat, vil du få tittelen "Bachelor i Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse".
Attitude Towards Security Concerns in the Cloud: A Study on Prejudice and Cloud Security Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-01 Problemstilling: Prosjektet har som formål å kartlegge hvilke holdninger mellomstore/store bedrifter har mot sikkerheten i sky-tjenester, er det en større trussel enn on-premise tjenester? Og om dette kan påvirke dømmekraften til å ta i bruk sky-tjenester eller ikke. Vi ønsker å finne områder som er mest utsatt for sikkerhetsbrudd og å få oppklart i hvor stor grad sluttbrukere er bekymret for sikkerheten i sky-tjenestene. Vårt formål med oppgaven er at vi skal få rede på om sikkerheten i sky-tjenester er bekymringsverdig og om det eksisterer godtro/bekymring rettet mot bruk av dette. Sammendrag: Vi har ved hjelp av intervju, Delphi studie og forskning analysert sikkerhet og holdninger ved bruk av sky-tjenester. Det er bedrifter i dag som ikke har tatt i bruk sky-tjenester, vi syns det var spennende å finne ut om det er på grunn av sikkerheten. Igjennom Delphi studiet og intervju fikk vi mange interessante synspunkt på dette, blant annet har vi fått svar fra en anerkjent Microsoft sikkerhetskonsulent som mener at bedrifter tenker ofte "hvis ikke jeg styrer mitt eget datasenter, er det ikke sikkert". Om prosjektgruppen: Vi studerer informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge. Vi har igjennom det siste semesteret skrevet en bachelor oppgave om sky-tjenester.
Odd Daniel E-post: Taasaasen1991 @gmail.com
Kristian E-post: Khokland @hotmail.com
Patrick E-post: Patrick.ingebretsen @hotmail.com
Fredrik E-post: Fsvendsen @live.no
Robert E-post: Robertlind @live.no
Online Bildearkiv – Varden Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-02 Problemstilling: Utvikle et online bildearkiv for Varden og deres lesere. Bildearkivet har som hensikt å finne bilder basert på søkeresultatene som brukerne taster inn i søkefeltet. Sammendrag: I både Telemark og andre steder, kan det være personer som sitter på viktig informasjon bak gamle historiske bilder som Varden er i besittelse av. Det kan være gamle kjenninger eller historiske begivenheter. Dette mener vi kan være med på å øke interessen og i tillegg gjøre at folk blir mer interessert i lokale begivenheter. Prosjektet har som mål å utvikle en webapplikasjon som skal dekke behovet Varden har for å få på plass et online bildearkiv. Noen av teknologiene vi benytter oss av er PHP, MySQL, og i stor del JavaScript. I tillegg har vi brukt HTML5/CSS3 til å forme brukergrensesnittet. Som søkemotor i dette prosjektet benytter vi oss av Elasticsearch for å søke gjennom informasjon i databasen og hente frem relevante bilder. Videre har vi implementert rammeverkene Bootstrap og Material Design for å sikre en mer intuitiv brukeropplevelse på tvers av plattformer. Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av 3 studenter på bachelorstudiet Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse. Gruppens navn er JET. Vi bestemte oss tidlig for å jobbe etter arbeidsmetodikken SCRUM. Alle får derfor anledning til utfordre sine evner med å bidra til prosjektet ved å tildele oppgaver til seg selv eller andre i gruppen. På den måten vet vi hvor i prosessen oppgavene til enhver tid befinner seg. Tidlig i prosjektet satte vi noen ansvarsområder, slik at alle på gruppen har et ansvar for at oppgavene blir gjennomført: Jørgen Johansen – Prosjektstyring, Teknisk infrastruktur og Utvikling (Back-end) Erik Røed – Prosjektstyring, Utvikling (Front-end og Back-end) Kenneth Tyminski – Brukeropplevelse, testing og dokumentasjon.
Jørgen Johansen Tel: 934 93 248 E-post: post@jorgenjohansen.no
Erik Røed Tel: 940 53 830 E-post: post@erikroed.no
Kenneth Tyminski Tel: 984 00 831 E-post: post@kentym.net
Identifisering av DNA-profil Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-03
Problemstilling: Hvordan skal vi lagre DNA-profilene til LAR-pasientene, og ivareta de sensitive opplysningene slik at de ikke skal kunne brukes til andre formål. Sammendrag: Oppgaven går ut på LAR-pasientenes urinprøvetaking. I dag blir urinprøven utført med tilsyn av en ansatt, noe som skaper ubehag for de fleste av LAR-pasientene. Det lages nå en ny metode for hvordan denne prøvetakingen foregår, og som vil hente ut DNA for å identifisere LAR-pasienten. Dette vil skape en bedre og enklere hverdag for LAR-pasientene der de kan foreta urinprøvene uten tilsyn, men blir ved levering sjekket opp mot DNA-profiler. Vi skal derfor finne en god og effektiv identifiseringsmetode som samtidig har et stort fokus på LARpasientenes personvern og sensitive opplysninger. Prosjekter går da ut på hvordan vi best kan ivareta deres sensitive opplysninger samt sikre opplysningene mot misbruk. Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av 3 studenter som studerer bachelor i Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse.
Christina Nymo Lizeth G. Capiral Husni Ali Husein Tel: 92422730 Tel: 47312792 Tel: 97762280 E-post: E-post: E-post: christinanymo@hotmail.com lizethguevara@live.no spider_man_122@hotmail.com
Veien til skyen Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-04 Problemstilling: Problemstillingen vår vil ikke bare være ett enkelt tema, men mange mulige fallgruver som kan oppstå når en bedrift tar beslutningen om å flytte virksomheten opp i nettskyen. Vi vil se på early adaptors, og hvorvidt disse var tjent med å være tidlig ute, eller om det kanskje ville vært lurt å vente til nettsky kom i en mer moden fase av utviklingskurven, og dermed en late adaptor. Sikkerhet er også en viktig ting å tenke på. Alt fra bedrifters økonomiske og fortetningsstrategiske metoder, til personalinformasjon om kunder og ansatte. Sammendrag: Vi skriver en bacheloroppgave om nettsky, om hvordan en overgang til nye systemer fører til utfordringer, men samtidig også kan ha store økonomiske fordeler. Vi mener dette er et bra emne å ha på oppgaven, siden nettsky fortsatt kan betegnes som å være i en tidlig fase. Mange bedrifter kan antagelig være tjent med å lære om emnet før de faktisk tar steget opp i nettskyen, eller bare vil lære om hvordan overgangen kan gjøres på en økonomisk og fordelaktig måte. Om prosjektgruppen: Vi er tre studenter som har gått på studiet informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse fra høsten 2013 til våren 2016. Gruppen vår består av en kvinne og to menn, som alle har en felles interesse av nettsky. Det var derfor enkelt å velge emne, både ut fra interessen, og tanken på fremtidig jobb i en spennende bransje. Steinsholt, Thomas Myhre Tel: 94033884 E-post: thomas@lobex.net
Hammersborg, Karoline Tel: 95467191 E-post: karoline@ohammersborg.no
Løke, Vebjørn Antoni Røsok Tel: 48291133 E-post: vebrosok@hotmail.com
Gevinster ved bruk av skytjenester Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-05 Problemstilling: Hvilke gevinster forventer norske bedrifter å oppnå ved bruk av skytjenester, og hvilke av disse gevinstene blir faktisk oppnådd? Sammendrag: Studiens mål var å se på hvilke gevinster norske bedrifter forventet å oppnå ved bruk av skytjenester, og hvilke av disse som faktisk ble oppnådd. Vi utformet og testet hypoteser som forklarer gevinstrealisering i forhold til skytjenester. Variablene som vi valgte å bruke er: Kostnadsredusering, økt lagringskapasitet, forenkling av arbeidsprosesser, bedre tilgang, samarbeid på tvers av enhet/avdeling, og sikkerhet. Studien ble gjennomført i form av en kvalitativ og kvantitativ tilnærming. Vi tok i bruk intervjuer og en spørreundersøkelse som ble utført på nett med støtte fra tidligere forskning. Utvalget for intervjuet var markedsledende bedrifter innenfor skytjenester i Norge, og utvalget for spørreundersøkelser var norske bedrifter. Våre analyser har gitt noe varierende resultat. Blant annet har de vist at sikkerhet kan være en positiv gevinst for små bedrifter. Om prosjektgruppen: Prosjektgruppen består av Vegard Uri Sørheller(25) fra Ålesund, Tage Marensius Lessum(23) fra Asker, og Eirik Weddegjerde(23) fra Ålesund. Vi studerer informasjonssystemer og ITledelse ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge.
Tage Marensius Lessum Tel: 90575433 E-post: tagelala@gmail.com
Vegard Uri Sørheller Tel: 95003198 E-post: dragev_77@hotmail.com
Eirik Weddegjerde Tel:92146496 Epost: eirik.weddegjerde@outlook.com
Sosial kunderelasjonshå ndtering Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-06 Problemstilling: Hvorfor Audiens AS bør ta i bruk sosial kunderelasjonshåndtering og hvordan kan det forbedre salg? Sammendrag: Vår bacheloroppgave omhandler en bedrifts kunderelasjonshåndtering i sosiale medier. I forkant av denne bacheloroppgaven hadde vi et inntrykk vedrørende bedrifters bruk av sosiale medier. Det er er stort marked i sosiale medier og kunder forventer å kunne finne bedrifter på sosiale plattformer. Enkelte bedrifter har gjort stor suksess på sosiale medier og er veldig tilgjengelige med sin tilstedeværelse for sine kunder. Vår nysgjerrighet ligger i hvorfor en bedrift bør satse på sosial kunderelasjonshåndtering. Hva er forskjellen på tradisjonell kunderelasjon og sosial kunderelasjon, hvorfor bør en bedrift ta det i bruk og hvordan kan det bedre salg, dette er noen av de spørsmålene vi vil prøve å få svar på ved denne oppgaven. Vi har valgt å rette denne oppgaven mot en bedrift. Dette fordi vi mener at det vil gi en dypere forståelse om emnet, fordi vi nå har en mulighet å se ting fra en bedrifts vinkel. Bedriften vi retter oppgaven mot er Audiens AS. Om prosjektgruppen: Vi i denne prosjektgruppen består av tre studenter fra faget informasjonssystemer og ITledelse. Vi har alle på gruppen en interesse i dette temaet, og slo oss sammen av den grunn. Vi er en arbeidsom gruppe, som har erfaring med tidligere prosjekter sammen. Prosjektgruppen vår jobber godt sammen, hvor hver og en har som mål å gjøre dette prosjektet så bra som mulig.
Steinar Danbolt Jørgen Brembo Malene Ryvænge Tel: 92284646 Tel: 47283093 Tel: 91734759 E-post: E-post: E-post: Steinar@danbolt.no Jorgen.brembo@gmail.com Malene.ryvaenge@gmail.com
Bookingsystem for Crossfit Revetal Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-07 Problemstilling: Crossfit Revetal er et treningssenter som tilbyr variert trening, og har en stadig økende medlemsmasse. I dag brukes Facebook som arena for påmelding til timer. Problemet med denne løsningen er at den kan virke veldig uoversiktlig, noe som gjør det vanskelig å vite på forhånd hvor mange som skal delta på en time. Denne løsningen er heller ikke optimal siden den ekskluderer medlemmer som ikke bruker Facebook. Vi ønsker å lage en løsning for Crossfit Revetal som også kan tilpasses andre aktuelle brukere i fremtiden, som inneholder ferdige løsninger for timeregistrering og påmelding. Samtidig skal løsningen følge rettningslinjene for universell utforming. Sammendrag: Med fokus på administrator og bruker valgte vi CMS-løsningen Joomla. Vi har har valgt å lage en template som inneholder et nytt timeplansystem, og som enkelt kan tilpasses både for Crossfit Revetal og andre aktuelle bedrifter i fremtiden. Timeplansystemet vi har laget inneholder mulighet for at administrator kan logge seg inn og opprette eller endre timeplanen, og få oversikt over hvem som er påmeldt. Medlemmene logger seg inn via nettsiden, får tilgang til timeplanen og kan melde seg på der. Om prosjektgruppen:
Marianne Løvdok Tel: 984 79 640 E-post: mariannelovdok@hotmail.com
Øystein Paulsen Tel: 481 30 536 E-post: oysteinpaulsen@hotmail.com
Edvard Sverdstad Eikås Tel: E-post:
Rune Grønli Tel: 926 68 242 E-post: runegronli@mac.com
MUSEUM SCAN Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-08 Problemstilling: Gjøre museums opplevelsen mer spennende og lærerik. Sammendrag: Vi har utviklet en Android-applikasjon, til bruk i museum. Ved bruk av bluetooth mottar smarttelefonen/nettbrettet signaler fra beacons. Beacons er fysiske bluetooth-objekter, som plasseres i nærheten av en utst illing. Brukeren vil kunne få t illeggsinformasjon om utstillingen på sin smarttelefon, eller nettbrett. Vår målgruppe er skoleelever, og tanken er at dette vil øke engasjementet og læreviljen. Med denne teknologien åpnes det for nye muligheter for en mer interakt iv museumsopplevelse. Under besøket ka n brukeren akt ivt bruke applikasjonen t il å ta opp lyd, ta bilder, og skrive notater om besøket. Filene lastes opp til en personlig nettside der brukeren vil kunne se, redigere, og laste ned filene. Nettsiden er formet som en rapport, og kan leveres som en skoleoppgave, eller bare brukes som et minne fra museumsbesøket.
Om prosjektgruppen:
Elin Sørlie Tel: 95449458 E-post: elin.sorlie@hotmail.no
Marielle Lorentzen Tel: 41276327 E-post: marielle.lorentzen@outlook.com
Inger Rostad Horn Tel: 92695202 E-post: Inger.r.horn@hotmail.no
Digitalt Personvern Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-09 Problemstilling: Hva er personvernskonsekvensene av sosiale medier? Sammendrag: Vi har i denne bacheloroppgaven undersøkt personvernskonsekvensene av sosiale medier. Sosiale medier får stadig flere og flere brukere og mengden informasjon som samles inn åpner opp for spørsmål om hva disse dataene egentlig brukes til og hvilken påvirkning dette har på brukerne i dag og i fremtiden. I denne besvarelsen fordyper vi oss i relevant teori og ser dette i forhold til intervjuer og eksisterende forskning om temaet. Om prosjektgruppen: Vi er to studenter som studerer Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge avdeling Bakkenteigen. Vi har i løpet av tre studieår ved HSN vært innom mange ulike fag. Vi har fått bryne oss på både praktiske og teoretiske fag som har påvirket oss i retning av temaet vi har valgt for vår bachelor oppgave. På bakgrunn av dette ønsker vi å se nærmere på personvernskonsekvensene av sosiale medier.
Mads Kveldstad Tel: 40859047 E-post: Madslk@gmail.com
Martin Sander Finstad Tel: 94984291 E-post: finstad.martin@gmail.com
Bruk av nettbrett Prosjektnummer: IS-2016-11
Problemstilling: Hvordan gagner bruken av nettbrett barns motivasjon og læring i skolen?
Sammendrag: Vært år satser flere og fler kommuner på nettbrett i grunnskolen, når vi startet arbeidet med denne oppgaven visste vi at satsingen på nettbrett i skoler hadde startet, men etter å ha innhentet en del informasjon fant vi ut at satsing på nettbrett rundt om kring i fylkene er stadig økende. Bærum kommune er en av kommunene som virkelig har satset på nettbrett i skoler og har vedtatt at elever og lærere ved 15 skoler i distriktet skal få hvert sitt nettbrett, kostnaden på dette er estimert til å være 15 millioner kroner per år. De skolene vi har hatt kontakt med er alle enige om at det har kommet veldig mye positivt ut av satsingen på nettbrett. De føler at de kan bruke det som ett verktøy for at alle elever skal få mest læringsutbytte i skolen, spesielt elever som har vanskeligheter fra før av.
Om prosjektgruppen: Gruppen består av Kim Falch, Armin Kaniza og Bjørn Tore Blomskog som studerer Informasjonssystemer og IT-ledelse ved Høgskolen i Sør-Øst Norge. Armin Kaniza og Bjørn Tore Blomskog har samarbeidet over de tre siste årene, imens Kim Falch er ett nytt tilskudd som kom til gruppen tredje året.
Bjørn Tore Blomskog Tel: 92289006 E-post: bjorntoreblomskog@live.no
Armin Kaniza Tel: 45245646 E-post: armin.kaniza@gmail.com
Kim Falch Tel: 92858012 E-post: kim_falch@icloud.com
Aqar: a prototype application for sonar visualization Project number: IS-2016-12 Research topic: The seafaring vessels of the Norwegian armed forces utilize active and passive sonar for underwater detection. The sonar data is processed and fed to specialized consoles in the vessels and the images interpreted by trained operators. Current means of visualizing the data, and the ways for the operators to customize and manipulate the views, do not employ modern touch-based interfaces. The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment wishes to explore the possibilities and gains of using a touch-based means of conveying the data to the sonar operators using off-the-shelf components. Summary: Aqar (short for aqua argus) is an application that interprets sonar data and presents it in a visual format on a touch-enabled computer screen. The goal is to present the data in an intuitive manner, and let the operators perform touch gestures commonly associated with regular tablets and smartphones to manipulate the views. The current implementation is not meant to be a functional deployable version, but a prototype to explore the feasibility of a touch-enabled interface. The application is Microsoft Windows-based, programmed in the C#-language, and relies upon the .NET framework. About the project group: Thor-Arne Høiland-Hallingrød and Espen Moe are students of information systems and ITmanagement at the University College of South-East Norway. During the course of their education, they have garnered a special interest in systems design and programming, and wished to challenge themselves in particular in these disciplines. The project has entailed touching upon nearly all subjects that have been part of the curriculum, but has been particularly challenging in the technical department. Thor-Arne Høiland-Hallingrød Tlf: 91711525 E-mail: tarhh@outlook.com
Espen Moe Tlf: 91766897 E-mail: espen357moe@gmail.com
Science without Borders Studentene fra Brasil er her gjennom stipendprogrammet Science without Borders. Science without Borders tilbyr økonomisk støtte til brasilianske studenter innen naturfag, teknologi og helsefag som ønsker et studieopphold i utlandet. Målet er å øke internasjonal mobilitet av brasilianske studenter og forskere innen disse fagområdene. Det er i år 5 studenter fra Brasil og 1 fra Spania som studerer ved Fakultet for Teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag. De presenterer sine prosjekter under HSN-Expo 2016.
Estimating Carbon Dioxide emission reduction by waste minimisation in civil construction through the use of BIM methodology Research Question: How much waste is generated in the construction and demolition (C&D) industry? How much of this waste can be reduced with the same results in C&D industry by applying a specific methodology in integrated building design? How much carbon dioxide is emitted in the life-cycle of this waste? How much would this reduction be beneficial to the environment?
S um mwe a r yhave : seen a big concern in the increasing of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in Earth’s cades Iatmosphere. nthe last de One of the main human sectors that emits GHG’s is the civil construction, or the Construction and Demolition (C&D) sector, representing one third of the GHG’s emitted by mankind. Its emissions are associated to: raw material extraction used in building materials; to the fabrication processes of these materials; to the energy spent during the lyfe-cycle of the constructions; the operation and maintenance of the constructions; and to the materials transport and waste disposal. Buildings most commonly consist of elements which are designed by different project participants and companies, and its corrections are made only after the construction work has already begun on site. This leads to rework and tons of construction waste. For many years, researchers had studied one tool and methodology that facilitates building design, the Building Information Modeling (BIM). This tool may reduce this waste in civil construction. But what about the reduction in emissions of GHG’s, or in the case of this study, the reduction in weight of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere as a result of the reduction of this waste? The main goal of this project is to estimate, through previous studies and publications, this carbon dioxide quantities. The Project Group: The group members for this project are Marco Rocha and Hans van Putten, both bachelor students in Civil/Building Engineering. The group supervisor is Marius Stian Tannum.
Hans Peter Van Putten +47 96733354 hanspetervp@yahoo.com.br
Marco Antonio Soares Rocha +47 90683326 Rocha_marco13@yahoo.com.br
Design of a prototype to simulate an automatic ballast tanks system
Research Question: Cargo ships need ballast tanks to maintain stability and to correct heeling problems, in other words to keep the ship’s level according to the cargo loading distribution. How to design an automatic system to take care of distributing ballast water in the ballast tanks in order to correct this problem? Summary: The project aims to design a lower scale prototype of a system in which a series of tanks, pumps and sensors work together to maintain the level during a loading process in which weights will be randomly placed in the prototype’s hull. A gyroscopic sensor will get the ship’s position data and is going to activate the pumps and fill certain tanks in order to compensate the cargo’s weight. The Project Group: The group members are experienced in different engineering areas thus, as this project involves more than one field of expertise, different members are working on different specific parts of the project and all of them are working to bring their parts together. Thales Camesi Tossi and Manuel de Luna Amat: Projecting the hydraulic system; Projecting the tanks and running tests. Vinícius Oliveira Barros: Programming sensors; Processing and analyzing the gathered data.
Manuel de Luna Amat Tel: +34 656 67 91 08 E-mail: manudeluna@gmail.com
Thales Camesi Tossi Tel: +47 925 17 932 E-mail : thalescamesi@hotmail.com
Vinícius Oliveira Barros Tel: +47 48090885 E-mail : vinicius0728@gmail.com
Improved situation awareness for an autonomous sailing vessel Project number: INT-2016-03 Research Question: How can awareness of the surroundings be implemented in an autonomous sailboat to improve self-navigation? Summary: In the last years, the maritime industry is investing in new hybrid technologies and automation. Unmanned surface vessels with the possibility to be zero energy and fully autonomous, are wide known concepts nowadays. Wi th the recent advances, compact, effective and affordable unmanned surface vehicles have become more capable. That generated a rapid growth on USVs for many applications. USVs have been developed and demonstrated by academic labs, corporations and government users. Their currently serve science, defense and general robotics research. Autonomus is now leading the field of autonomous sailing in Norway. The project is exploring the potential of autonomous sailing platforms. Building a knowledge cluster in this domain. A working autonomous sailing algorithm has now been developed and tested in different weather and wind conditions. The next stage for Autonomus will be to improve the sailing algorithm further, develop situation awareness, optimize the energy syst em and increase the robustness of the control system. There is where Motion planning comes in. A motion planning algorithm would take a description of these tasks as input, and produce virtual waypoints as output to the vessel’s control system . This work will focus on motion planning techniques. The software developed by this project will deal with static and moving obstacles, as well. The Project Group: William Batista Aguiar Motta Tel: +55 61 9961 1546 E-mail: william.b.motta@gmail.com
Master i mikro- og nanosystemteknologi En spektakulær utvikling skjer på mikro- og nanonivå, og du kan bli ekspert innen denne teknologien.
Vi tilbyr en masterutdanning i mikro- og nanosystemteknologi, som vil åpne dørene til spennende jobber innen et mangfold av bransjer. Mikro- og nanoteknologi finner du innen nær
sagt alle fagfelt; elektronikk, medisin, romfart og petroleum er noen eksempler. Nettopp derfor er studiet tverrfaglig og inneholder elementer fra både elektronikk, mekanikk, fysikk, kjemi,
matematikk, modellering og prosessering. Du vil lære hvordan komplette mikro- og nanosystemer designes, produseres og karakteriseres.
Bulk hetrojunction photo devices for microfluidic sensors detecting salivary biomarkers Goal Description The main goal of the project is the realization of an organic photo detector based on a 3d-ITO free electrode structure that can be integrated directly in a paper based microfluidic device for medical diagnosis. The project mainly consists of design and fabrication of the detector and its characterization. Technical Grounding With recent advancements in MEMS technology, point-of-care (POC) diagnostics have recieved considerable attention from research groups. Such Lab-on-Chip (LOC) devices deal with volumes of fluids at micro scale and because of their portable nature sensitive detection systems are required to be integrated with the microfluidic module for on the spot detection. The detection of fluoresence or chemiluminesce from bio markers is one of the most used method in such systems. Organic photo detectors are intersting for low cost portable optical sensing applications, and because of their low cost can be integrated with disposable devcies which makes them ideal to be used in a POC setting. In order to get a sensitive OPD which can detect the fluorescence emissions from biochemical reactions in micro channels I am fabricating an OPD based on an ITO free 3d-mems electrode configuration which will enhance the light absorption by increasing the surface area and studying the use of new polymer blends for use as active layer which is expected to increase the power conversion efficiency of the detection system as compared to the conventional OPD systems. The OPD is fabricated on a PMMA substrate so that the microfluidic module of the POC can be directly integrated on the back side of the microfluidic module eliminating the need for any extra housing for the detector making the entire system small and portable. Project Results A commercially available material Orgacon by Agfa速 was used as an alternative to ITO with a micro pillar array fashioned out of SU8 to fabricate the 3d ITO free electrode configuration. The fabrication and characterization of this OPD shows the potential of the organic photo detectors in POC settings, and is one part of the project for paper based microfluidic systems for detection of salivary bio markers for medical diagnosis. About the Student Ahmad Hassan Mirza did his bachelors in Electrical Engineering and is currently pursuing a Master degree in Micro and Nano systems technology at University College of Southeast Norway with research interest in MEMS sensors and detection systems, he can be reached at ahmadhasanmirza@gmail.com or +4797406547
Ultrasound particle separation for water purification - Theory and Simulations Goal Description ENWA is a water treatment company. For water purification, they mainly use membrane filters, and replacement and cleaning of these filters is expensive. The aim of this project is to study a new method for water purification using acoustic waves to trap particles. If successful, this method might replace the filtration method in the future. The goals of the project are to explore the ability to apply ultrasound in water purification systems, to study principles for ultrasound particle separation, and to determine limitations and give initial data for the further research and experimentation Technical Grounding
The opportunity to use ultrasound in particle separation is based on the acoustic radiation force. The force arises due to different material properties (speed of sound and density) between the particles and the fluid. The force will move particles toward the pressure node or anti node, depending on particle properties, and allows controlling particles displacement. In 1866 August Kundt first obtained particle motion due to acoustic radiation force while he was doing experiments for speed of sound measurement. Later, in 1934 Louis V King derived an equation describing the acoustic radiation force for particles in a 1D standing wave. King’s equation is one of the governing equations in the project. Project Results The achievements of the project provide directions for how to apply ultrasound in water purification systems, provide information for design of a real device, and give a basis for further researches in using ultrasound for water purification. About the Student Aleksandra Egorova, master student in HSN, Micro and Nano Systems Technology department, interested in physical process modelling by using COMSOL. Tel. +47 969 72408, Aleksandra.Egorova@student.hbv.no
Miccroflu uidic S Separratorr usin ng Staanding Surrface A Acou ustic W Wavees Goal D Descriptio on The maain goal of the project is to fabriccate a microfluidic sep parator thatt is able to separate particless in a liquid media (fo or instance cells, virusses and exo osomes from m human bllood) by using sttanding surfface acousttic waves (S SSAW). Th he separatio on is governned by the physical propertiies of the objects, o such as size, ddensity, com mpressibilitty etc. The project con nsists of four m main parts: (i) fundaamental thheory study y, (ii) fin nite elemennt modelin ng, (iii) microfaabrication annd (iv) charracterizationn of the microfluidic seeparator. Techn ical Basiss Particle separationn is one off the fundaamental meethods used d in biomeddical and chemical c engineeering in ordder to purify y or up-conncentrate a biological b sample s prioor to analyssis. Most biologiccal cells haave a size in the ordeer of a few w to tens of micrometters, which renders microfluuidics an ideal i platfo orm for effficient cell separation.. To date, several tecchniques includinng dielectroophoresis, magnetophor m resis, flow fractionatio on, and inerrtia flow haave been implem mented to sepparate synth hetic particlees or biolog gical cells in n microfluiddic devices. oninvasive ttechnology that is able to controol the moveement of Acoustoophoresis iss a new no particless by SSAW W in microflu uidics. A sttanding aco oustic wave field is gennerated by tw wo ports of metaal transducers on a piezzoelectric ssubstrate thaat exerts an n acoustic foorce that moves the particless towards a defined reegion of thee acoustic field. fi The magnitude m off the force depends on the pphysical prooperties of the objects,, such as size, density,, compressib ibility etc., and thus can be eexplored as a basis for separation as function to the migrration veloccities in the acoustic field. Projecct Resultss This prooject will demonstrate d e a simple and flexiblle techniquee that enabbles the con ntrol and manipullation of particles or biological cells based d on their physical prroperties. With W the advantaages of low cost, small size, less vvolume requ uired, high biocompatib b bility and biosafety, SAW ddevice can be regardeed as an iddeal tool fo or biomediccal analysiss applications. This separatiion techniquue providess a basis foor further biiomedical and a chemicaal analyses such as cancer ccell detectioon, drug screeening, andd tissue engiineering. About the Studeent Chaohaao Chen recceived his Bachelor inn Chemical Machinerry from Tiaanjin Univeersity of Technollogy (Chinaa) in 2011, and workedd as a pipin ng stress engineer in W WorleyParso ons for 3 years. H He is curreently pursu uing his M Master in Micro M and Nano N Systeems Techno ology at Universsity Collegee of Southeaast Norway.. His curren nt research interests i com mprise micrrofluidic technoloogy and poiint-of-care diagnostic d ttechnology. E-mail: chaaohao.chen@ @student.h hbv.no.
A Study on Electrical Impedance Variations between Transducer Elements in OneDimensional Piezoelectric Arrays Goal Description Electrical impedance of the elements in a transducer array give valuable information about the performance of the array. Variations between the elements can occur due to imperfections during the fabrication process, i.e. dicing and bonding. This paper investigates possible sources for such variations, and estimates the contributions of these sources on the electrical impedance. The fabricated arrays were investigated under microscope, and the measured impedances compared to FEM simulations. Technical Grounding A 8×20 mm2 plate of pz27 bonded to a flexible circuit using epoxy was diced into 53 elements to form an air-kerf linear array with 300 µm constant pitch. Electrical impedance of all elements was measured in the range from 0.10 MHz to 20 MHz with 0.05 MHz frequency step. The measured impedances were compared and variations between elements were classified as caused by geometric differences or changes in material properties. Sources for geometric differences between the elements can be e.g. variations in kerf width, kerf shape, bond-line, piezoelectric plate or electrode thickness. Debris inside the kerf was also observed on microscopic images. Material property changes were linked to local heating of the piezoelectric material during the dicing [Nix-2005]. Contributions from these sources on the electrical impedance of each element were studied and compared to Finite Element simulations using COMSOL.
Project Results Kerf width variance from 40 µm to 60 µm was found to create a 6% upward shift of the flexural mode at 6 MHz. The observed variations in kerf shape was found to have less than 1% influence on the electrical impedance. A 3% shift in frequency from the resonant (2.73 MHz) to the anti-resonant frequency (3.53 MHz) could be attributed to thickness variations in the piezoelectric plate, from 483 µm to 498 µm. Electrode thickness variations from 18 µm to 22 µm resulted in around 1.5% shift in the resonance region. Debris inside the kerfs may cause spurious modes, and thereby influence the main thickness extension mode. Material property changes were identified as the main source of the impedance variations, causing a decrease of nearly 50% in magnitude at the anti-resonant frequency, and an increase of nearly 160% at the resonant frequency. The measured results were compared to and explained from FEM simulations. About the Student Full name: Le Anh Duy Tel: +47 45146172 Email: leanhduy220590@gmail.com
Characterization of acoustic material properties using broadband throughtransmission Goal Description In this thesis, the velocity and attenuation of the compressional and shear waves in both homogeneous and composite materials will be characterized using a broadband throughtransmission technique. Homogeneous materials, i.e. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and aluminium (Al), and composite materials, i.e. Eccosorb MF-117 and unknown materials are chosen as examples to characterize. In addition, temperature effects on ultrasonic phase velocity and attenuation in both PMMA and Eccosorb MF-117 materials are studied and compared. Technical Grounding A through-transmission system was implemented with a sample immersed in a water tank between transmitting and receiving transducers, where the sample could be rotated to vary the incident angle of the acoustic wave to it. Two pairs of transducers were used, one pair with centre frequency 5 MHz and another pair with 10 MHz. Phase velocity and attenuation as function of frequency were calculated from the phase and magnitude of the received spectra, for compressional and shear waves. The temperature was controlled by heating the water in the tank containing the sample, and letting it cool down slowly to avoid the creation of air-bubbles. Measurements were done in the temperature range from 19℃ to 37℃. Project Results Phase velocity and attenuation of the compressional and shear waves in Al, PMMA, and Eccosorb MF-117 were measured, and the experiment results agreed well with literature data. For Eccosorb, at both 5 MHz and 10 MHz, the phase velocity decreased 5% and attenuation increased 30% when increasing the temperature from 19℃ to 37℃, for both compressional wave and shear wave. The differences in phase velocity between 5 MHz and 10 MHz were less than 0.3%. The attenuation was found to increase almost linearly with both frequency and temperature, and the attenuation of the shear wave is higher than that of the compressional wave. The PMMA showed a similar trend compared with Eccosorb MF-117. These measurement results are important for transducer design used these materials. About the Student Hoa T. K. Tran received the B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from The University of Danang, Vietnam in 2012. Currently, she is pursuing M.S. degree in Micro and Nano Systems Technology, at University College of Southeast Norway (Email: hoatrankhanh89@gmail.com and Phone: +47 45211310).
Study of Anisotropic conductive adhesive with Novel spacer particles Goal Description The main goal of the project was to improve the performance of Anisotropic conductive adhesives (ACA) in LCD industry with regards to the ease of manufacturing process, improving display resolution or reducing component size while ensure proper electrical performance. The project includes: develop a tool to predict electrical failures of ACA, design and fabricate devices for testing electrical performance and study effects of novel spacer particles. Technical Grounding Anisotropic conductive adhesives are widely used in LCD application since they can provides smaller device footprint, finer pitch and lower temperature process. An ACA comprises conductive particles dispersing in an adhesive polymer matrix making it conductive in zdirection when the particles are deformed while insulated in xy-plane. A key challenge in developing ACA is to ensure a uniform distribution of the conductive particles in the adhesive to prevent short-circuit failures. So far, particle distribution has been investigated by manual qualitative inspection of adhesive films or pastes having single layer of particles. During the bonding process, the mechanical deformation of the particles is important to ensure a reliable and low resistance contact. A new approach to improve the control of this deformation is incorporate non-conductive particles called spacers. These spacers, which are smaller than conductive particles, can work as barriers that prevent conductive particles from crushing, thus make bonding process easier and decrease resistance. Project Results During the project, I manufactured a number of ACAs based on different particles, resins, curing agents and mixing parameters. I developed a computer program to quantify the distribution of the micro particles in adhesive by processing and analyzing images of thin adhesive films or layers of pastes, approaching single layer of particles. The result is numeric values of different distribution parameters showing high sensitivity to critical factors of the particle distribution. Computer-generated images of “particle” random-like distributions with different particle concentrations made it possible to develop reference values, and hence helped improving the understanding of the different distribution parameters. Devices (test circuits) for electrical measurement were designed and fabricated. Interconnection using the developed ACA and testing devices were successfully formed and measured. Dispersion of polymeric spacer in the adhesive matrix has been studied and improved. The spacers were then well dispersed in ACA and they also improved the distribution of conductive particles within blank glass-to-glass bonding. About the Student Huyen Nguyen is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Micro and Nano Systems Technology. Her background is Polymeric Materials and her main interest of research includes utilization of polymeric materials in Micro and Nano Systems. Email: huyennguyen037@gmail.com.
Application of the Laserprobe on Investigations of SAW Propagation in Multistrip Couplers.
Goal Description In this master project, the wave propagation properties through the multistrip coupler will be measured with laserprobe. The project and samples are provided by Kongsberg Norspace AS. The aim is to verify the accuracy of existing mathematical models on wave propagation in multistrip coupler by a direct comparison laserprobe measurements and simulations by using specially designed software by Norspace. Technical Grounding Multistrip coupler represents an array of parallel metallic strips isolated from each other, spaced with a constant distance and fabricated on piezoelectric substrate. Multistrip coupler eliminates the bulk wave problem; the major purpose of using multistrip coupler is to transfer laterally the surface power of the acoustic wave incident to one of its ports. In SAW filters, the multistrip couplers may be used between two interdigital transducers (transmitter and receiver). It is possible to consider incident SAW as a sum of two modes with equal amplitude (symmetric and antisymmetric). In the symmetric mode wave launches with the same amplitude and phase in each track, no charge flows between them, giving the condition of zero coupled flux. In the antisymmetric mode wave propagates in two tracks in antiphase. Exact compensation appears and no potential arises at any element and the condition of zero coupled potential applies. There are many applications based on using multistrip coupler like operating as a former of frequency modulated signals or as a high selectivity bandpass filter, also in unidirectional transducers, surface wave mirrors with very low reflection loss, reduction of bulk wave responses and many other applications. Project Results So far in this project fundamentals of surface acoustic wave devices and laser probe working principles have been studied. Radiation susceptance, radiation conductance, insertion loss and frequency response for delay line were simulated using Matlab software. Multistrip coupler has been designed and produced by Norspace. Coupling constant for multistrip coupler has been simulated in Matlab. Power distribution in the coupler has been analyzed and simulated, optimal conditions for full power transfer and half power transfer have been found. Multistrip couplers with different designs have been simulated in Comsol software. About the Student Iuliia Bodrova received Bachelor in Information Technology from Baltic State Technical University in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, in 2014, and is currently pursuing Master in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at Buskerud and Vestfold University College. E-mail: Iuliia.Bodrova@student.hbv.no
Development of a textile biosensor patch for in-pad analysis of biomarkers in urine samples Goal Description The project aims to develop a textile biosensor for urinalysis, which integrates multiple biomarkers from urine sampled in the device. It consists of the biosensor design, modelling; fluidic simulation; fabrication of the biosensor patch; and preliminary experimental tests in the laboratory. In addition, use COMSOL Multiphysics to conduct the simulation, perform part of device fabrication and conduct tests of colorimetric detection using the smartphone application. Technical Grounding The sensor designed presents an arrangement of five main device layers, including: the surface sheet through where the sample passes through; the collection sheet where the sample is conducted to entering the testing sheet at downstream; the testing sheet where the sample flows and contacts insulated assay-reaction pads; the protection sheet serving as the barrier to avoiding sample splitting in the testing sheet at upstream; the readout sheet allowing the display of the assay results as color changes occurred on the assay reaction pads. The unique set of five device sheets are sealed by placing the surface sheet and collection sheet on top of the testing sheet, which is covered by the protection sheet and readout sheet at the bottom. Around the inlet of the device is arranged the “self-locking� system for controlling sample entering to the testing sheet. Furthermore, to obtain the optimal absorbing performance, some numerical analysis and simulation based on modified Darcy Law for the fluid-impervious channels impregnated onto one porous testing sheet are necessary. Project Results Sample collection and test are both conducted by the proposed on-diaper device and method. Furthermore, the device can handle small sample volumes compared with the conventional dipsticks; perform multiple assays simultaneously in a single device; detect over tens of health biochemical parameters on diaper from a single urine sample; prevent cross-talking between the different reaction pads, and maintain the reliability of the result for a period over 8 hours. About the Student Kai Dong completed his Bachelor degree in Automation at North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU) in 2014 (China), and is focusing on his master study in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at University College of Northeast Norway (HSN). His fields of research: BioMEMS, Electronics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Micro and Nano Systems. Email: dongkai189@gmail.com.
Novel Assembly Technologies for Ultrasound Transducers Goal Description The goal of this project is to investigate the assembly of an ultrasound transducer array on a system substrate using isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) based on metal-coated polymer spheres (MPS). Technical Grounding Ultrasound imaging is one of the most utilized forms of medical diagnosis nowadays. In order to obtain high-resolution 3D ultrasound images, the transducer inside an ultrasound probe must have a 2D array with an extremely high number of acoustic elements, typically several thousands. The assembly of an ultrasound transducer generally includes bonding the acoustic transducer to a system substrate followed by a dicing process to form an array of acoustic elements. Such process requires bonding technologies that can provide reliable interconnects with good electrical and excellent mechanical performance to withstand the tough dicing. In addition, the chosen technologies must have a low bonding temperature (below 120oC) to avoid depolarization of piezoelectric materials inside the transducers as well as a high yield and a high throughput to facilitate the manufacturing in terms of cost and process flexibility. ICAs filled with MPS (MPS-based ICAs) have emerged as a potential solution for the assembly of acoustic transducers. The materials consist of a non-conductive adhesive matrix filled with a high concentration of MPS, and hence provide electrical conduction in 3 dimensions. With the mechanical properties dominated by polymer materials, these novel ICAs have been demonstrated to provide improved mechanical performance compared to conventional interconnection technologies. Having an improved mechanical flexibility, MPSbased ICAs are expected to provide transducer array with a high yield and a high reliability. Project Results
This study is the experimental confirmation of the applicability of MPS-based ICA for assembling ultrasound transducers on system substrates. About the Student Nu Bich Duyen Do is a master student at HSN. Her current research interests comprise material science and packaging technology. E-mail: Nu.Do@student.hbv.no 81
Ultrasound particle separation: Labscale setup Goal Description Study the scaling-up process of the ultrasound particles separation technique and build a labscale setup for experiments. Demonstrate the ability of using acoustic radiation force for particles separation in industrial applications and make the separation process visible to the naked eye.
Technical Grounding The acoustic force acting on the particle immersed in the fluid has been mathematically described by L.V. King in 1934. Nowadays this phenomena is widely used in lab-on-chip applications to perform separation of the microparticles. The acoustic radiation force also can be used to filtrate water in scales much bigger than micro. Successfully built filtration system can replace the traditional filters and perform cleaning in the real time. All physical features involved in the process has to be reestimated and applied for macro scale:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Standing wave in the Plexiglas channel filled with water Piezoceramic vibration modes Elimination of the lateral vibration and wave propagation along the channels Ultrasound transducer design
Project Results The theory of the radiation force arising in the channel with suspended in the liquid particles has been studied and critical parameters has been explored. Based on the theory, setup has been modelled using finite element analysis and possibility of application has been predicted. All parts of the setup such as channels and ultrasound transducer has been designed and fabricated. Setup has been assembled and ready for further experiments Further work: the system has to be extended to apply frequency sweep method to achieve faster separation
About the Student Petr Ryzhonkov has earned a bachelor degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering from Baltic State Technical University in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Now he is a second year master student at University College of Southeast Norway in Micro and Nano Systems technology department. He has strong interest in artificial intelligence and ultrasound technologies. Email: Petr.Ryzhonkov@student.hbv.no Phone number: +4791287323
1-D nanostructured semiconductors for photocatalytic applications Goal Description The main purpose of this project is to achieve high photocatalytic activity by fabricating and modifying 1D nanostructure semiconductors. Economic and simple hydrothermal treatment have been utilized to create the nanostructures. The characteristics of the as-prepared and modified 1D nanocomposites are investigated according to fundamental physical and photochemical mechanism. Technical Grounding To solve the energy and environment problem, harvesting sunlight energy using semiconductor as photocatalyst is the most promising pathway. Among many photocatalytic candidates, TiO2 and ZnO is the most widely investigated and the most suitable for industrial scale applications in term of photoactivity efficiency, stability and low-cost. However, as a wide band gap semiconductor TiO2 (3.30 eV) and ZnO (3.37 eV) are only able to utilize 4% of the UV portion of solar energy. Thus, modifications are necessary to increase photoactivity response in visible region. Project Results TiO2: Silicon as low band gap modifier was successfully doped on titania nanotubes by hydrothermal method. The interruption of Si into titania crystal results in red-shift which is Methylene blue beneficial for photocatalytic activity. degradation ability
ZnO: Different plasmonic structures were created simply by hydrothermal and sputtering method. SiO2 coated Au nanoparticles on ZnO nanorods arrays performed excellent photocurrent generation under white light illumination.
About the Student Phuong Dao with chemical background obtained his bachelor in honor program in Vietnam. Now he is working as master student at IMST. Email: phuongninja@gmail.com. Phone: +47 93428931
Optimization of Ultrasound Pulses for Second Harmonic Imaging Goal Description The objective of this project is to improve the image quality for ultrasound imaging system that utilize the second harmonic. It is done by optimization of the transmitting pulse shape to compensate for the non-ideal behavior of the transmission system, including electronic controller and amplifier driving the transducer and transducer itself. The project consists of three main parts comprising measurement framework setup, model simulation and optimization algorithm research. Technical Grounding Over the later years, second harmonic imaging has become the preferred technique for ultrasound imaging of the heart and other organs. The method consists of transmitting sound pulses at one frequency and receiving at the double of this frequency, utilizing the nonlinear properties of the tissue. The method requires a broadband ultrasound transducer and careful optimization of the frequency bands for transmit and receive. The optimization methods are done theoretically as well as empirically. A theoretical model of non-linear system like Hammerstein’s model is assumed for the system and least square curve fitting is applied to figure out its non-linear characteristic. Then a predistorter is utilized to eliminated undesired harmonics. For trial and error method, simulated annealing algorithm is proposed to achieve the project’s target. Project Results A measurement framework has been setup to evaluate and automatically reduce the transmission second harmonic of probes driven by 3 levels voltage and multilevel current pulser. In addition, some optimization methods are applied to design the best suitable pulse shape utilized in second harmonic imaging. About the Student Thong Huynh received his Bachelor in Computer Engineering from HCM.c University of Technology (Vietnam) in 2012, and is currently pursuing his Master in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at Buskerud and Vestfold University College. His current research with GE healthcare interests improve the image quality of second harmonic ultrasound imaging system in biomedical. E-mail: htt990@gmail.com
Low-Temperature SLID Bonding Goal Description The main goal is to understand the fundamental of mettallurgical bonding for temperaturesensitive materials such as poled piezoelectric materials and polymers. Finding the suitable material for low temperature bonding process, designing the bonding proces, studying the interfacial reactions at the interface and evaluating the mechanical property of the bond-line are the works in this project . Technical Grounding SLID bonding is also known as transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding, isothermal solidification or off eutectic bonding SLID technique uses a binary system consisting of two materials, one with high melting temperature (Au, Cu, Ag) and the other with low melting temperature (In, Sn). This technique has been developed for die attach and interconnection in high temperature and low temperature applications. This work focuses on using In-Bi eutectic alloy which has a low melting temperature. Due to the low melting point of the alloy (<1000C) and wide composition range of low temperature, In-Bi is a candidate for SLID bonding at low temperature process which leads to low stress in device. This is of interest for many temperature-sensitive applications. Project Results Two bonding systems are investigated. One is a vacuum bonder with the appearance of Intermetallic compound under scallop form. However, the applied pressure cannot be controlled and the thickness of the bond-line is not uniform. Therefore, another system at ambient condition is used with the formation of the IMCs layers in the bond-line. This system is more stable than previous system. In addition, depending on the applied pressure, the bond-line thickness can be controlled. a)
In-rich phase
b) Au7In3 AuIn
Figure 1. SEM micrographs of Au/Inâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;22Bi/Au joints with different bonders: vacuum bonder (a), ambient bonder (b).
About the Student Vy Nguyen currently pursuits her master in Micro and nano systems technology at University College of Southeast Norway. With strong background about material, she applies her knowledge effectively in her master thesis about SLID bonding. Email:Cherryaivy1009@gmail.com. Phone: +47 93428931.
A Comparative Study on the Performances of Using Different Propeller Designs
Goal Description The main goal of the project is to qualify and confirm the propeller thrust effects with different designed geometries applied into the propellers for commercial ships. Numerical tests need to be performed with varying RPM. Comparative results will show the properties of propellers with altered designs. The project is one kind of computational fluid dynamics problem consists of two main parts finite element modeling (mesh) and numerical analysis. Technical Grounding Since 1960s, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has made rapid progress. The main demand from industry pushes this technology focusing on transferring traditional design method which is time costing in advanced numerical simulations. In the industry of the commercial ships, according to the propeller geometries, CFD has played an important role for practical application in analyzing properties of different designs. CFD has been involved in calculating viscous flow, flow separations, viscous resistance, appendage alignment, propeller interaction etc. During a recently completed research projects some new effects that have the potential for increasing the propeller thrust of commercial ships among others, was discovered. Establishing the 3D model of the propellers in ANSYS is considered to be one of CFD problems. The common problems of fluid mechanics are about the directional judgement, numerous variables, arbitrary geometries and complex boundary conditions. In this project, the models are considered in the open water. Project Results The achievements of this project will provide a suggestion with several designed geometries propellers that can be used for the commercial ships with a bigger thrust, and a higher efficiency. About the Student Yanni Chang received her Bachelor in Department of Aeronautics from Xiamen University (China) in 2014, and is currently studying her Master in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at University College of Southeast Norway. Her current research interests are in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics. E-mail: Yanni.Chang@student.hbv.no
Micro and nano structures for MEMS supercapacitor Goal Description The main goal of the project is to fabricate micro and nano porous structure for the application requiring the largely enlarged surface. Electrochemical process for the porous structure will be developed. By the application of local oxidization we will create an optimized one-dimensional diffuse porous structure as the scaffold of the supercapacitors. Based on a novel concept, the MEMS supercapacitors of both electrostatic and electrochemical types will be designed and fabricated, which can have the improved energy density.
Technical Grounding Supercapacitor, as an energy storage device, is a new energy storage components falling in between conventional capacitors and batteries, as well as a secondary power supply providing large pulse power. Its power density is 10 times higher than the battery. The biggest challenge in developing advanced supercapacitors is to achieve high energy density. Micro and nano fabrication technology has been advanced to the level at which we are able to produce the porous structure of large surface gain per volume or feetprints. The porous structure with novel design of supercapacitors enable us to achieve a better supercapacitor with improved energy density.
Project Results The multi-layer structure with single mask process has been designed for on-chip stacked electrostatic capacitors in parallel connection. The metal and dielectric layers in the capacitors have been deposited by sputtering process. We are in the process for optimizing the thickness of each construction layer. Al oxide nano tube array has been fabricated by electrochemical process. This will be used as the electrode scaffold for supercapacitors. Due to the onedimensional structure, the diffusion of ions in the electrolyte will be quick and a lower resistance in series will be achieved for the large specific capacitance. About the Student Yongtao liu is currently pursuing his Master in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at University College of Southeast Norway. His current research comprise supercapacitor based on porous structures. E-mail: Yongtaoliu66@gmail.com
Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge tilbyr, sammen med Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK)
og Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Ungarn) en felles mastergrad innen mikrosystemer og mikroelektronikk og hvordan dette kombineres til komplette systemer.
Studiet er lagt opp med ett semester på hvert av de tre studiestedene (først Edinburgh, så Vestfold, så Budapest), med masteroppgaven som det fjerde semesteret hvor studentgruppen blir delt mellom de tre lærestedene.
Dette er et EU-støttet studium og med det følger stipender som dekker både skolepenger og levekostnader.
Ultra-low power electronics for energy harvesting nodes Goal Description The main goal of the project is to design, simulate and verify an electronic circuit which will be integrated in an autonomous vibration energy harvesting system. Harvesting of the electrical energy is conducted via a capacitive transducer in a double charge pump topology with a flyback path. The controlling circuit has to determine optimal time for flyback path switching while being sufficiently low power that it can perform normally from the harvested energy. Technical Grounding The idea of energy harvesters has been popular for a long time, although the physical realization might not have been completely feasible and was limited by technology. However, with the technology being what it is today, these concepts are regaining popularity in terms of research, fabrication etc. There are many types of energy harvesters based on the environmental energy source that they utilize to harvest electrical energy, including electromagnetic harvesters, piezoelectric harvesters and electrostatic harvesters. In this work the transducer element is MEMS structure behaving as two variable capacitors, which is connected in a double charge pump circuit with a flyback path. The part of the circuit that controls the flyback switch is the main focus of this project, with the main constraint being the power consumption. Many techniques are employed for conserving the power consumption of the circuit, including utilization of specific low power topologies, operating MOSFETs in weak and moderate inversion and using a clock signal with an extremely low duty-cycle in order to create a “sleep-mode” for the parts of the circuit that consume a lot of power. Software used for design and simulation is Tanner Tools with AMS 035u high voltage CMOS process. Project Results At the end of the project a part of an ASIC design is expected, including layout and postlayout verification. “Part” implies that the complete ASIC should still hold additional circuitry for sensing and communication, which is to be added during later design phases. The entire circuitry should be able to operate autonomously without a constant power supply, relying solely on the energy harvested from vibrations. About the Student Aleksandar Žujović received his BSc in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering, and is currently pursuing an MSc degree in Smart Systems Integration, an Erasmus Mundus programme conducted by three institutions: Heriot-Watt University, University of South-East Norway and Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Ultrasound Transducer for Fetal Heartbeat Continuous Monitoring Goal Description The main goal of the project is the fabrication of the ultrasound transducer for fetal heartbeat continuous monitoring. The project consists of the Matlab and Field II simulations and fabrication and characterization of the ultrasound transducer. Electronic hardware will be utilized for signal analysis.
Technical Grounding Pregnancy tests are performed to control normal and high risk pregnancies in women such as fetal movement assessment,-non-stress test, contraction stress test. However, these tests are not usually performed for women with no signs of problems and it sometimes lead to critical incidents, even sudden fetus death. Also, these tests require the women to come to hospitals frequently which can be hard for women who have health problems. Moreover, the fetus is not observed in between the tests during the week and there is a chance to miss the developing fetus health problem. Ultrasound transducer can be built for fetal heartbeat monitoring. Ultrasound transducer is a device that converts ultrasound waves to electrical signals and vice versa. This ultrasound transducer will act as a transmitter and a receiver. Piezoelectric single crystals will be used to construct ultrasonic transducer. The ultrasound waves will reach the heart of the fetal Ultrasound waves are reflected from the heart and received by piezoelectric crystals. The electrical circuit senses the frequency shifts and converts it to electrical signal. Project Results The achievements of the project provide a basis for the development of ultrasound transducer for fetal heartbeat continuous monitoring. The transducer should be safe for long term monitoring. Transducer design and testing are developed in Matlab and Field II.
About the Student Assel Rakhmetova was graduated from Multimedia University, Malaysia with Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics majoring in Nanotechnology. She is currently pursuing a Master degree at University of Southeast Norway under International Joint Master program in Smart System Integration. 92
Direct Integration of Carbon Nanotubes in CMOS based Microsystems Goal Description Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have many splendid mechanical and electrical properties including high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity and very high tensile strength. The sensing ability of CNTs also make them very effective for various sensors, including gas sensors. Therefore, integration of CNTs in standard CMOS technology is necessary for manufacturing cost-effective gas sensors. The main goal of this project is to figure out and demonstrate effective techniques to integrate carbon nanotubes in a standard CMOS process.
Technical Grounding Carbon nanotubes can be grown on polysilicon or metal layers of CMOS circuits using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique at a temperature around 900 °C. However, this very high temperature is destructive for CMOS circuits which can barely tolerate temperature around 300 °C for a short span of time. Therefore, the complexity of the work lies in growing these CNTs at such high temperature, in a very small area without destroying the functionalities of the CMOS circuits and doing that within a distance less than one millimeter. Localized heating can be an effective solution for the heat issue where only a small portion of the structure (in the location where CNTs need to be grown) is heated to such high temperature by passing electrical current (joule heating) through the structure. However, the CMOS circuits may still be effected due to heat conduction from the micro-structures, which makes this process very complicated for a standard CMOS process because of its limited temperature tolerance and non-flexible fabrication methods. Although this method can be applied in a MEMS process with fairly less complications, however, integrating MEMS & CMOS afterwards can be complicated and expensive. Therefore, CMOS-CNT integration is necessary for fabricating commercial CNT-based sensors, even though the process is far more complex than growing CNTs in a MEMS process. Project Results The results of this project should lead to a suitable way of fabricating a carbon nanotube based cost-effective gas sensor. The results of this project is not limited to this gas sensor, a proper method of CNT-CMOS integration will result in various types of CNT based sensors where the enriched properties of carbon nanotubes can be effectively utilized. About the Student Avisek Roy received his Bachelor in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh in 2011, and is currently pursuing his Master in Smart Systems Integration at three different institutions including Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge organized by the European Union. His current research interests comprise CMOS-CNT integration for gas sensing applications. E-mail: avisek_roy@hotmail.com
Graphene Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition on micro and Nano Structures Goal Description
The main goal of the project is to developing a process in house to grow high quality graphene on porous nano structures. Chemical vapor deposition technology (CVD) under atmospheric pressure is utilized in the project. The graphene synthesized on porous nano structures may be compromised by extended defects, including for instance grain boundaries, cracks, and wrinkles. The electrical performance of the CVD will be thoroughly characterized and analyzed for process optimization. Technical Grounding
Graphene is atomically thin two-dimensional (2-D) sheet or membrane of sp2 bonded carbon atoms with exceptional electronic, magnetic, optical and spintronic properties, and an exceptional mechanical and thermal properties. In addition to above excellent properties, electrochemical satiability makes the graphene an important potential candidate for the application as the active electrode material and current collecting elecrode of supercapacitors. In this project, a catalyst free methodology CVD process is investigated to produce graphene on top of a target substrate such as silicon wafer for process optimization, micro and nano structured silicon for confirmation of its application in supercapacitors fabrication.
Project Results Currently, in house facility for CVD is in the building process. The CVD process flow and test structure for characterize the electrical properties have been designed. The samples of silicon forest are fabricated through cooperation team. The achievement of this project will be in house available CVD graphene deposition process, the technology for conformal graphene coating on micro and nano structures for better performance of supercapacitors. About the Student Binbin SU is currently pursuing a master degree in an Erasmus program Smart System Integration. He received his bachelor degree in electrical engineer in SCUT, China and had been working in a nuclear power company for three year. Contact details: binbinsu@foxmail.com
Delta-Sigma Front-end Circuit for a CNT Resistive Gas Sensor Goal Description
The main goal of this project is to design a front-end circuit that can convert the change of resistance of carbon Nano-tubes (CNTs) upon the exposure of a gas into a digital signal via a delta-sigma modulator. Technical Grounding
One of the characteristics of grown arrays of CNTs is change in their electrical resistance upon exposure to different gases. This phenomenon directly makes CNTs a good transducer to be used for gas sensing applications. The CNTs are grown at HSN cleanrooms and integrated with a CMOS chip resulting from this project. To determine the type of gas and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concentration, an electronic conditioning circuit is required to interface this sensor with good reliability, enough sensitivity and preferably low power consumption. In this project a Delta-Sigma modulator topology is proposed to convert change of resistance into a stream of digital bits for further low power processing. Project Results
The project aims at designing a high quality gas sensor capable of detecting gases, and it can be used for numerous detections. Some of the applications, for instance, is using it for detecting the expiration of food or biological products, as when a rot action takes place it is usually accompanied by a release of certain gases. Similarly it can be used to detect certain gases in conditions that involve a short or long term chemical reaction such as detection of deadly gases in lab facilities or detection of unwanted gases in cleanrooms that can lead to the failure of a process of some sort. The project also aims at using a compact, portable and low power device which can be used in various mobile devices and applications. About the Student
Moataz Elkharashi received his B.Sc. degree in electronics and communication from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Egypt in 2011. He received a Nanoelectronics diploma in 2013 from the American University in Cairo. Currently he is pursuing his M.Sc. degree at HSN University in Norway as a part of the SSI Erasmus Mundus program. His research interests include Analog and digital circuit design. Email: moataz@ieee.org
Doktorgrad i anvendte mikro- og nanosystemer Mikro- og nanoteknologi har etter hvert blitt et meget bredt fagfelt, som spenner over alt fra fysikk til materialteknologi, kjemi og elektronikk med mer.
Ph.d.-program i anvendte mikro- og nanosystemer utdanner forskere med bredde- og dybde-
kunnskap i mikro- og nanosystem teknologi. Dette blir en stadig viktigere del av vår hverdag, i
alle slags «smarte systemer», det være seg sensorer integrert i mobiltelefoner, utstyr for medisinsk diagnose, for overvåkning av miljø eller for instrumentering i industri-prosesser.
Faglig sett bygger den på et bredt spekter av ingeniør- og realfag: Elektronikk, produktdesign/
mekanikk, material-lære, informatikk og kjemisk prosessering, samt grunnleggende fysikk. Forskerutdanningen spenner fra design og matematisk modellering med avanserte dataverktøy, til framstilling og karakterisering i nasjonalt ledende renroms-laboratorier.
Laboratoriet ved HSN, sammen med komplementære laboratorier i Oslo og Trondheim, utgjør
«NorFab», som er Forskningsrådets satsing på nasjonal infrastruktur. Programmet er tett koblet til industriklyngen som eksisterer regionalt og nasjonalt, spesielt NCE-MNT. Denne tette
industrikoblingen er unik blant norske Ph.d.-utdanninger. Nasjonalt er Ph.d. programmet en
sentral del av forskerskolen «NanoNetwork» med nasjonal arbeidsdeling, hvor HSN’s rolle er
å fokusere på integrerte, komplette systemer med direkte industriell relevans. Internasjonalt er fagmiljøene innen Ph.d.-programmet tett knyttet til ledende forskningsmiljøer i Europa, NordAmerika (Intpart-programmet) og Øst-Asia.
Organic/Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cell Goal Description
The main goal of this project is to fabricate efficient organic/inorganic perovskite solar cell via planar inverted/non-inverted structures. The project consist of the fabrication of solar cell as well as systematic characterization of different layers. Technical Grounding
The researches of photovoltaic devices that convert sunlight to electricity are attractive topics for decades. Recent emergence of efficient solar cells based on organic/inorganic lead halide perovskite absorbers promises to bring a revolution for the fields of dye-sensitized, organic, and thin film solar cells. The perovskite solar cells has been studied intensely in the past two years. Currently, numerous researchers joined the effort, attracted by these cellsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; promise to be inexpensive yet high performance. Research actions rapidly pushed the efficiency up to 17.9%.
Perovskite organic/inorganic lead halide compounds (e.g. CH3NH3PbX3, X = I, Br, and Cl) as light absorbers have shown high performance for thin film solar cells,[1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6] hopeful to acting with Si, Cu(In, Ga)Se2, or Cu 2ZnSn(S, Se)4 to form hybrid tandem solar cells. By cooperating with Spiro-OMeTAD, PEDOT, CuSCN, CuI etc as hole transport material (HTM), perovskite organic/inorganic lead halide based solid-state thin film solar cells have exhibited high photonto-current efficiency (PCE) beyond 18%. Project Results
The achievements of the project deals with the renewable energy storage devices having clean environment affect to overcome the prevailing problems of energy crisis due to the continuous depletion of fossil fuels and natural oil/gases in global context. The exploitation of such energy storage devices not only makes its impact to overcome energy crisis to some extent but also for the betterment of society and environment in the global market. About the Student
Asmat Nawaz is doing PhD at HSN since August 2013. Her interest comprise perovskitebased solar cells. Email : Asmat.nawaz @ hbv.no
Microbiological applications of new microfluidic particle separation technology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; sample preparation and analysis Goal Description The goal of this PhD project is to investigate the use of the TrilobiteTM microfluidic particle separation technology for microbiological applications, with particular focus on separation and detection. This technology can be used to up-concentrate biological particles. The analytic objective is to detect waterborne parasites by a molecular biological method that is suitable for lab-on-a-chip systems. Technical Grounding The TrilobiteTM technology consists of a microfluidic chip capable of separating and concentrating particles in a continuous flow pumped through the chip. Continuous concentration and separation/purification of particles from samples may present advantages over traditional dead-end filtration. The detection analyses are based on the molecular biological method NASBA (Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification). NASBA is an isothermal alternative to PCR for nucleic acid amplification. This method has good potential in lab-on-a-chip systems, as nucleic acids are amplified under isothermal conditions. It is therefore no need for advanced temperature cycling, as would be required for PCR.
Project Results Proof of concept of the TrilobiteTM chip has been verified, and the chip has been tested for its application in microalgae harvesting. The chip proved to have potential in harvesting of microalgae that might be difficult to harvest by other harvesting methods. The chip is currently under testing for concentration of parasites in water. NASBA analysis has been used to distinguish the intestinal parasite Cryptosporidium parvum from C.hominis. Both C. parvum and C. hominis are able to infect human. About the Student Birgitte Kasin Hønsvall received her master in Cell- and Molecular Biology at NTNU in 2010. She is now working on her industrial PhD in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at the University College of Southeast Norway. Her industrial PhD is in collaboration with Trilobite Microsystems AS. E-mail: birgitte.honsvall@hbv.no (This page should be deleted before submission)
Design of optically controlled AC Josephson arrays and voltage dividers for high precision voltage metrology Goal Description First, to design a system for realizing arbitrary voltage waveforms up to 1 V by optically operating pulse driven Josephson arrays using lasers and photodiodes. Further, to design resistive voltage dividers as an alternative to range-resistors for the purposes of extending the AC voltage traceability up to 1 kV and 1 MHz. Lastly, to design voltage buffers for signals up to 1 V and 1 MHz which may be loaded by 90 Ί thermal voltage converters (TVCs). It is required that the dividers and buffers have a frequency response limited to the ppm region.
Technical Grounding In 1962 Brian Josephson discovered the superconductor effect known as the Josephson Effect. As of 1st January 1990 this effect became the BIPM accepted standard for DC voltage realization up to 10 V. Since this time, extensive research has gone into realizing AC voltage waveforms using both programmable binary arrays and pulse driven arrays. The latter is the subject for this study, where the arrays will be pulsed using photodiodes driven by an amplitude-modulated laser. The arrays are pulsed according to a delta-sigma code, which in each case is calculated to produce the desired waveform from the arrays. Due to the physical limitations of both the arrays and other instruments involved in voltage realization, either range-resistors or voltage dividers are needed to extend the traceability up to 1 kV. The main challenges in making an accurate AC voltage divider are keeping track of, reducing and compensating for parasitic contributions in both components and the geometry. The Josephson arrays and voltage dividers must be buffered up in order to be loaded with a low resistance TVC. For wideband operation and highly stable unity gain, GHz transistors must be used. Wide bandwidth transistors also has the potentiality to cause self-oscillations.
Project Results Currently, prototypes of the voltage buffer has been made with no trace of oscillations. They have been tested at 300 K with frequency response within the required limits, and have been shown to survive and operate at 77 K. A method for characterization at 77 K is being devised. About the Student Bjørnar Karlsen received his Master in Physics and Mathematics at NTNU in 2013. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at HSN, with research involving the AC voltage metrology at Justervesenet. E.mail: bka@justervesenet.no
Novel optical engines for UHD, 4K DMD Laser Projectors Goal Description Main goal of the project is to develop an optical engine that can be utilized in new generation 4k digital micro-mirror device (DMD) laser projectors. New optical engine will have higher brightness and efficiency, higher contrast ratio than previous generation. Project has 3 different phases, design and simulation of the optical engine, prototype integration and the performance measurement. Technical Grounding Display technologies are going through major improvements. New standard for “high definition” will be considered as 4k (4096*2160) or Ultra High Definition (UHD-3840*2160) resolution which requires 4 times more pixel than Full High Definition (FHD -1920*1080). To catch up this trend, Texas Instrument is now developing a new 4k Native digital micromirror device (DMD) chip with Tilt & Roll Pixel (TRP) technology, which has some advantages over older generation: such as increased etendue, higher cutoff frequency due to smaller pixel pitch and greater tilt angle. However, it does not come without new design challenges. Some of these challenges are; Contrast Enhancement: The most important design challenge comes with TRP pixel is the reduced contrast due to bigger pixel gap between the pixels. One possible solution to this problem is to engineering the pupil shape therefore new point spread function (PSF) and diffraction pattern might be more advantageous for reducing diffracted energy from offpixels. High Resolution Projection Lens: Each optical design project has aberration budgets. In the lens design for DMD projectors, aberration budget is determined from pixel pitch of the DMD and the total size. New TRP DMD has 5.4 µm pixel pitch, this means higher cutoff frequency, projector lenses need to have at least 40% MTF(polychromatic) at the cutoff frequency of the DMD and the difference between sagittal and tangential MTF should be less than 20%. Additionally, lateral color requirement is between ¼ and ½ pixel, since TRP pixel is smaller than the previous generation, cutoff frequency is higher and chromatical color shift budget is lower, this brings additional challenges to the lens design Project Results we intend to achieve up to 10000 lumens on the screen wall from the projector using a combination of blue laser diodes and phosphor materials or green/red laser diodes. Projection lens will be diffraction limited or within aberration budgets. About the Student Burak Cunbul received his Bsc. from Bilkent University in Physics, he has an MSc from University of Paris 12 in Biometrics.He is currently Pursing his Phd in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at University College of Southeastern Norway. His current research interests are Imaging and Non-Imaging optical design. E-mail: burak.cunbul@hbv.com
Tangible User Interface for Capacitive Touch Screens Goal Description Touch screens lack the haptic feedback provided by other control interfaces, such as buttons and levers. Controlling machinery or vehicles using only touch screens therefore poses a challenge in that the operator has to focus more visual attention to the screen. In order to provide the haptic feedback lacking in current touch screens, we are looking into designing physical objects to act as a bridge between the operator and the touch screen. Technical Grounding Solutions for so-called Tangible User Interface exist for optical rear camera based touch screens. Since these suffer from ambient light interference, we have chosen to target mutual capacitance touch screens, the type found in smart phones and tablets. Such screens work by measuring the capacitance between a set of horizontal and vertical electrodes. Fingers or other objects on or near the screen surface influences this capacitance. The existing commercial touch screens however, are designed to only detect finger touches, not other kind of objects. We have studied how we can use these screens, without modification, to detect objects grounded by the touch of the operator. We have also studied how we can design objects in order for them to be detectable by the screen, even when not touched by an operator. We have looked into using both passive objects and embedding electronic circuits to interact with the touch controller in the screen. Further, we are looking into how to design the mutual capacitance touch screen such that it can also be able to detect and identify a wider range of ungrounded objects, as current screens limit the design options for such objects. Project Results In collaboration with RWTH Aachen, Germany, we demonstrated the detection of ungrounded tangibles on commercial screens, with both passive and active designs to circumvent the limitations touch in data available from these screens. In addition, we have also shown through simulations and own prototype controller, that mutual capacitance screens can be designed to detect untouched objects. Possible applications includes control interface for vehicles and machinery, touch screen games with physical figures, interactive exhibitions with on screen objects and recognition of cups in coffee bars with touch screen tables. About the Student Christian Bjørge Thoresen received his B.Eng. in Control Engineering from Buskerud University College in 2008, his M.Sc. in Micro- and Nanosystem Technology from Vestfold University College in 2012. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Applied Micro- and Nanosystems at the University College of Southeast Norway. His current research interests includes touch screens and tangible user interface. E-mail: Christian.Thoresen@hbv.no
Approaching theoretical power bounds for vibration energy harvesters Goal Description In this project, we will explore ideas on electrostatic vibration energy harvesters and their power electronic interfaces that deal with the following challenges: (i) Ensuring maximum performance under displacement-constrained operation to approach the optimal VDRG, (ii) Interfacing devices suffering from small capacitance variations due to parasitic capacitances, (iii) Bootstrapping devices that can self-start from an initially inadequate bias. Technical Grounding In practical MEMS electrostatic energy harvesters, the proof mass motion should be restricted in order to satisfy the specific finite dimensions as well as prevent the fracture of springs. However, these devices are very well fit to wafer-based mass production while also, in several ways, boasting more design degrees of freedom than the alternatives. The latter is important to deal with real world issues like complicated vibration waveforms and to make optimal use of the available space. The electrostatic generators either can be operated in continuous mode or switched mode. A trade-off of switched-mode operation is the requirement of complicated electronic systems. The evolution trend of the conditioning circuits is to simplify the external control, which is indispensable for their operation: the constant voltage and constant charge circuits require two synchronized witches at each period of vibration, the charge pump based circuit needs only one switching over several periods of vibrations and the Bennetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doubler perform well without employing any control circuits. Project Results The paper about to be published explores ideas on electrostatic vibration energy harvesters and the power electronic interfaces along with challenges in suffering from small capacitance variations due to parasitic capacitances. This work is about the operation of in-plane overlap generators based on Bennet's doubler. The influence of diode parameters to system performance such as reverse current and p-n junction capacitance are taken into account. The average charging current and initial bias voltage can be estimated from simulation results. An analytical expression of output voltage vs input acceleration is obtained. The saturation phenomenon is due to both of the figure of merit and diode characteristics. About the Student Full name: Binh Duc Truong, tel: +47 4511 0881, email: Binh.Truong@hbv.no
Novel Particles Technology for Display Interconnect Goal Description The main goal of the project is to supply technology and materials that will support reduced contact pitch distances on the next generation of LCD screens. Within the global objective, the main-focus conducted in HSN is to perform ACF bonding investigation with new material as well reliability testing. Technical Grounding Along with the huge development of display industry, there is an increasing demand for highresolution display devices. This drive towards finer contact pitch has led to reduction of conductive particles size. The currently used Ugelstad process for conductive particles manufacturing at Conpart has given a highly narrow distribution in terms of size and mechanical parameters, including cracking point, while today utilized traditional ACF particles have wider distribution. This allows a narrow process window during the ACF bonding process. The large size distribution of ACF particles in the market will result in a wider window process but an arbitrary variation of particles deformation not the desired optimized deformation for optimal reliable interconnect. Therefore, many technologies introduced to determine or enhance the correct deformation of the conductive particles obtained in bonding process. There is also requirement for finer display electrode patterns. ITO (indium tin oxide) has been the most widely used for display applications due to its high transmittance in visible region and low electrical resistivity.[2] However, more attention has been drove towards IZO (indium zinc oxide) for its ability in electrical conductivity, optical transmittance, thermal and chemical stability[2], and easily patterned process for a finer electrode. These promising changes have motivated the project ACF bonding with novel particles and IZO glass.
Project Results The contact resistance between metal and ITO/IZO glass has been investigated for better understanding of interconnect conduction mechanism. This reveals different behavior of metal on ITO and IZO. An analysis on adhesive flow behavior during bonding process has been done to have better control of bonding force in order to achieve optimized particles deformation. About the Student Giang M. Nghiem received her Master in Micro and Nano Systems Technology from Vestfold University College in 2013 and currently pursuing her PhD in Micro and Nano Systems Technology from University College of Southest Norway. Email: giang.nghiem@hbv.no
Paper-based colorimetric biosensors array for rapid screening of human urinary biomarkers Goal Description My goal is to develop practical and user-friendly solutions to help healthcare service providers with screening of urinary biomarkers for functionally impaired and/or incontinent diaperwearing elderly, as the retrieval of urine samples from this type of patient is challenging. The purpose of the solution is to: (1) Avoid unnecessary catheterization to obtain urine samples from uninfected patients with suspected Urinary Tract Infection (catheterization may cause infection) (2) Avoid culture of clearly negative samples as it introduces a delay in the diagnosis of 1-2 days minimum. (3) Avoid misuse of antibiotics from empirical treatment due to difficulty of obtaining urine samples for testing. Antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are dangerous
Technical Grounding The technical solution consists of two parts: (1) Colorimetric biosensor set: A passive microfluidic absorbent media diffusion device that collect a sample, then transports and isolates urine from the environment, followed by â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;naked-eyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; detectable colorimetric reactions for multiple biomarkers (~12). (2) Eval-U: A smart-phone application that can take a picture of the Diaper assay. Pattern recognition finds the relevant position of test colors and reference colors printed on the Diaper assay, and collects the data. A multivariable statistics data quality assessment helps decide the classification algorithm, which is used to give a semi-quantitative prediction of class-membership. The colorimetric assay use existing biomarkers and detection procedures, but as a part of the research work, new improved biomarkers and their detection in urine is under development. Project Results A functional prototype for the biosensor set has been fabricated, but optimization is required to achieve the desired functionality. An early build of the smartphone app with core features implemented has been developed. The project is heavily application driven, and was started due to a request from healthcare services to solve a particular problem. Hopefully the solution can make work routines simpler for healthcare personnel, and improve the quality of care for the target patient group. About the Student Haakon Karlsen (haakon.karlsen@hbv.no), age 26. 2nd year Ph.D.-candidate. Topics of interest: Microfluidics, multivariable statistics, sensors and signal processing
Electronic packaging for harsh environments Goal Description
The project aims to develop reliable bonding technology for electronic systems for extreme environments. The project is divided into two cases, joining
electronic components for continuous use at high temperatures; up to 250 °C thermoelectric components compatible with extreme thermal gradients; 20 °C and 550 °C
Technical Grounding Reliable packaging systems for thermally exposed electronic applications is sparse. High temperature (HT) applications include; instrumentation in hot wells, energy harvesting by thermoelectric generators, and sensor systems in combustion engines. The project focus on two similar bonding technologies:
Solid Liquid Inter-Diffusion (SLID) Liquid Solid Diffusion (LSD)
Both technologies utilize liquid and solid inter-diffusion in binary metallic systems to from joints that can be applied at temperatures higher than the original material configuration. The ability to form solid phases from liquids by inter-diffusion has made SLID bonding a preferred technology for HT applications. The Ni–Sn material system is promising. It melts initially at 232 °C and have three solid intermetallic phases with melting points above 700 °C. LSD is a novel technology that control both composition and morphology of the joint. The Au– Ge system has an eutectic point at 361 °C, the eutectic morphology may be controlled by heat treatment, and it has good wetting properties, making it a suitable candidate. Project Results The mechanical strength of Ni–Sn SLID joints have been measured to be up to about 230 MPa, or about 40 times the requirement in common standards. Cross-sections indicate joints with an unexpected Ni / Ni3Sn2 / Sn / Ni3Sn2 / Ni structure, without a distinct intermediate Ni3Sn4 phase. LSD joints was fabricated and successfully demonstrated basics of the technology. Au–Ge joints have been shear loaded up to 600 °C in vacuum. Cross-sections show homogenous bonds and a morphology transformation. The residual strength exceeded 40 MPa. About the Student Andreas Larsson received his Master in Engineering Physics – Applied Physics from Uppsala University in 2006, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Applied Micro- and Nano Systems at the University College of Southeast Norway. He has about 10 years’ experience from R&D and is currently employed by TECHNI AS. ala@hbv.no / andreas.larsson@techni.no
Packaging of optoelectronic modules for Josephson voltage standards. Goal Description The project aims to develop suitable techniques for packaging of an optoelectronic module intended for cryogenic voltage standards. A package containing several high-speed photodiodes on a silicon substrate, connected to optical fibers, is to be developed. High precision is required in the photodiode and fiber attachment. The module should have small size and be robust in order to survive cooling to 4 K (-269 ÂşC). A particular challenge is the significant thermal stresses that develops when cooling the device, leading to risk of cracking in materials. Technical Grounding The European research projects Q-Wave/QuADC involves several research and metrology institutes in Europe, including HSN and Justervesenet in Norway. The main goal is to develop a standard for the generation and measurement of AC voltages. Today, the primary standard for DC voltages has long been established, based on the superconducting Josephson effect. The generated voltage can be traced to fundamental constants and the frequency of a constant â&#x201E;&#x17D; microwave signal: đ?&#x2018;&#x2030; = 2đ?&#x2018;&#x2019; đ?&#x2018;&#x201C;. Using short current pulses, arbitrary voltage waveforms may be synthesized by modulating the repetition frequency f. Using optoelectronically generated pulses at 4K, rather than an electrical input from coaxial wires, has several advantages related to the high-speed characteristics. Project Results An optoelectronic module capable of surviving repeated cooling has been produced and operated at cryogenic temperatures. The module contains eight high-speed photodiodes measuring 350 Îźm x 350 Îźm and optical fibers aligned with high accuracy on a silicon carrier measuring 1 cm x 2 cm. The photodiodes were flip-chip bonded using gold stud bumps, and precision cut silicon fixtures and commercial alignment sleeves were used to align and fix the optical fibers. About the Student Eivind Bardalen is currently pursuing a PhD in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at HSN. This is his email address: eivind.bardalen@hbv.no
Interdigital-Electrode Thin-Film Piezoelectric Transducers for Autofocus Lenses Goal Description The objective of the project is to investigate and develop the next generation of a piezoelectric microactuator based on interdigital-electrodes concept. The target is to produce a stronger actuator to further improve the performance i.e. power consumption, optical power, focusing speed, miniaturization of optical lenses. Technical Base In recent years, the market of mobile phone, personal digital assistants (PDAs), digital scanning apparatus, and medical instruments has experienced a worldwide growth with the count of devices up to billions. This has left a tremendous demand for the manufacturing of camera lens and a part of this is autofocusing. Currently, Voice Coil Motor (VCM), patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1874, is considered as a main approach for autofocusing lenses. However, modern design of optical lenses is facing huge challenges of compactness, miniaturization, high speed, and low power consumption. Therefore, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology is the solution for the demand. Piezoelectricity, which required less power but enable high force and fast response in compared with the VCM approaches, is proposed as the candidate to the requirements. Due to the piezoelectric nature, the piezoelectric actuator will response differently with different electrode configurations. Hence, understanding of the electro-mechanical properties of the piezoelectric transducers is vital in designing a high performance actuator. Project Results The research have fully established the two-port model of the piezoelectric transducers. The established tool enables the understanding of the transducerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s static and dynamic response. Generally, the model can be implemented in variety application such as actuator, energy harvester, and ultrasound transducer. Particularly, theoretical understanding of the transducer is a basis for the designing, optimization, fabrication, and characterization of the microactuator. About the Student Cuong H. Nguyen received MSc degree in Micro and Nano Systems Technology from Buskerud and Vestfold University College in 2014. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD degree in Applied Micro and Nano Systems at the University College of Southeast Norway. His research interests is modeling, designing and characterization of MEMS devices. E-mail: cuong.nguyen@hbv.no.
Efficient path planning for deployment of dynamic sensor network utilizing UAVs Goal Description The goal of the PhD project is to create new algorithms for multiple drone cooperation and path planning, and use them to place sensor packages forming a dynamic sensor network for reconnaissance in disaster scenarios (natural disaster, terror, accidents). Dynamic meaning that the sensor network can be changed as the scenario changes over time. The project will deliver algorithms performing 3D map interpretation for identifying viable sensor placement locations in the environment, in order to create a sensor network grid, and multiple drones path planning and cooperation. Hypothesis: Algorithms can be identified that will enable the system of drones and sensor packages to outperform manual disaster scenario response in terms of time efficiency, cost and dependency on personnel? Technical Grounding Today, drones are a hot topic all around the world. With the introduction of UAVs, (unmanned aerial vehicles) especially quad copters available for the masses, the amount of research has rocketed. Today most drones are controlled either manually or pre-programmed automatically, research is progressing in various fields in attempts to reach true autonomous, i.e. self-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles performing tasks, such as surveillance, and in this case placement of sensors as a swarm. When using UAVs to perform tasks, we must take into account limitations such as battery energy of UAV and length of flight. Much research has focused on methods to optimize the flight path of UAVs, mainly by using multi-objective optimization methods for single drones. This project extends this to optimize flight paths of multiple drones (swarms) cooperating to perform a task together in an optimized way both in terms of flight path and placement of sensors. Methods under research include deterministic classical graph based search methods such as A*, and non-deterministic methods such as evolutionary algorithms. The system aims at succeeding in a wide range of mission scenarios. Project Results The results from the project will provide an important key in making the use of multiple drones autonomous and practical. The future application fields of the system are many. About the Student Jon-Vegard Sørli received his Master in Systems Engineering with Embedded Systems from Buskerud and Vestfold University College in 2015, and a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering with Cybernetics and Automation from Oslo University College in 2013. Currently he is working as a PhD research fellow at HSN Kongsberg. Contact: Jon-Vegard.Sorli@hbv.no
Engineering TiO2 Nanotubes Materials for Solar Fuels/CO2 conversion Goal Description The main goal of the project is to develop concepts of free-standing flow-through CdS/TiO2 nanotube/MoS2 membrane photocatalysts for solar fuels/CO2 conversion. The projects consists of basic solar chemistry based on earth-abundant elements as well as engineering nanoreactor for solar fuel generation.
Technical Grounding The perceived risk of running out of conventional fossil fuels and pollution risks associated with burning fuels led to crash programs on renewable energy. Solar fuel is an often used term indicating synthetic fuels derived from biomass through biomass-to-liquid process. Solar energy and CO2 are captured by plants and converted to large molecules, which are then used as feedstock for gasification process to produce final biofuels. The efficiency of plants converting solar energy into chemical energy is lower than 1%, and its processing to biofuel is complicated. Therefore, it is necessary to simplify the process, enabling the possibility of efficient synthesis of fuels from sunlight, water and CO2. A variety of research strategies have been developed to explore viable routes towards the challenges. Low temperature photocatalytic conversion by proper semiconductors is an interesting option, while their conversion rate is still unsatisfactory. To seek efficient photocatalysts, a series of semiconductor materials have been examined for CO2 conversion reaction. Since discovery of photo-induced water splitting on TiO2 electrode by Fujishima and Honda in 1972, TiO2 has been extensively studied and applied as the most significant functional materials in photovoltaics, photochemical water splitting, photosynthesis and biocompatible material. However, the band gap of TiO2 limits light absorption to UV and the efficiency of photo energy conversion. Therefore, the co-catalysts system based on TiO2 materials still need meticulously design and fabrication for the application in solar fuels/CO2 conversion. Project Results The expected results of the project are following: (1) an approach to fabricate large-scale, freestanding and flow-through TiO2 nanotubes membrane with high mechanical strength; (2) a deposit method to load electron donor and acceptor on TiO2 nanotubes membrane to achieve the electrons generation, separation and transmission; (3) the efficiency of solar fuels conversion could be reach up to ~1%.
About the Student Kang Du is currently a Ph. D candidate at University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) under the supervision of Prof. Kaiying Wang. He received his M.Sc. degree in Micro and Nano System Technology in 2014 at Buskerud and Vestfold University College (HBV), Norway. His present scientific interests are focus on nanomaterials and photocatalysts for energy conversion and applications. E-mail: Kang.Du@hbv.no
Development of a Biomedical Conductometric Sensor for Detecting Ischemia Goal Description The main goal of the project is to develop an implantable, biomedical and conductometric micro sensor for detecting a lack of blood supply to tissue (Ischemia). The project consists of three main parts comprising solving electrode instability, bubble nucleation and developing a novel prototype based on microfabrication techniques, suitable for mass production.
Technical Grounding The idea of using CO2 to indicate ischemia stems from Dr. Tor Inge Tønnessen in 1997. All sensor designs suggested in the last decades have yet to meet all the requirements of size, function and biocompatibility. Ischemia is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and several research communities are working on different approaches to make a device capable of real-time, continuous and organ-specific ischemia detection. Ischemia produces CO2, and CO2 in water will dissolve into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate, changing the liquid’s conductivity and enabling direct ischemia detection. The water reservoir must be inside a gas permeable membrane to avoid ion contamination. Other gases such as oxygen and nitrogen do not contribute to a conductivity change. For long-term measurement, the electrodes should withstand water submersion. In addition, potential nucleation of bubbles of air inside the sensor has to be controlled. A bubble nucleating between the two electrodes will disrupt the electron flow and destroy the sensor function and sensitivity. To make the sensor small, biocompatible and suitable for mass fabrication, we must utilize micro and nano fabrication techniques.
Project Results The results so far provide knowledge on the most stable electrode compositions in a lightly corrosive environment. In addition, the bubble nucleation rate correlates to a surface’s properties, a relation that yielded bubble trap design suggestions. The achievements provide a basis for further development of a fully implantable CO2 micro sensor for ischemia detection. About the Student Lars Holhjem received his Master’s degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2007, and is currently pursuing his PhD for Sensocure AS in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at the University College of Southeast Norway. E-mail: lars.holhjem@hbv.no
MEMS Slow-wave structures for THz vacuum electronics sources and amplifiers Goal Description In this project, we have novel ideas to develop powerful, compact and low cost MEMS-based THz vacuum electronics radiation sources and amplifiers in the 0.2 to 1.0 THz frequency range. The project involves all elements of this development from device design and simulation, growth and device fabrication to device characterizations. Technical Grounding The Terahertz waveband, which spans from 0.2 to 10 THz, has potential applications such as: medical imaging, security screening, lab-on-chip biomedical diagnosis, molecular spectroscopy, and extreme high bit-rate wireless communication, to name a few. Since, there is an overall lack of mature device technology for the THz band, including sources, detectors, waveguides and other components. Especially the lack of compact, low cost THz sources operating at room temperature with sufficient power constitutes a severe barrier to the widespread exploitation of this technology.
Among the available methods for THz sources, vacuum electronics traveling-wave tube (TWT) THz sources, can deliver high-power over wider bandwidth and are compact in size. In vacuum electron device family, TWT is the prominent choice in THz regime, which can be fabricated with MEMS process. The working principle of TWT is transferring the kinetic energy of an electron-beam to the electromagnetic field for THz wave amplification under phase matched condition. TWT broadly consists of an electron gun, slow-wave structure, magnetic focusing system, input/output windows, and collector. Slow-wave structure plays an important role where beam-wave interaction take place for the amplification and the generation of THz wave. Hence, this project mainly focuses on realization of novel miniaturized slow-wave structures using micro and nano fabrication technology. Project Results The milestones reached so far are: proposed different kind of high-performance slow-wave structures that have been analyzed extensively with computer simulations, designed a UVLIGA supported process flow and fabricating a prototype SWS for THz TWT. About the Student Laxma Reddy Billa received the bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree and masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in electronics and communication engineering, in 2010 and 2013, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Department of Micro- and Nanosystem Technology, University College of Southeast Norway. His current interests on THz vacuum electronics sources and MEMS fabrication.
BIDIRECTIONAL AMPLIFIER – A novel front-end for resonant sensors. Goal Description
The main goal of this project is to design and fabricate an electronic interface to drive and read a generic resonant sensor. The project is divided in three parts: fabrication of a prototype with discrete components to test the concept, fabrication of an ASIC to implement an optimized design of the interface and test of the front-end driving a real MEMS resonant sensor.
Technical Grounding Resonant sensors are utilized in many applications , this is mainly due to their high performances such as high resolution, high accuracy and low drift. A typical approach to drive and read a resonant sensor is based on two systems: one to actuate the sensor and the other to read it. Even though, it is a simple way to design this system, it is not an efficient way to do it. Nowadays, the main concerns of electronic designers are: low power consumptions, small occupation area, compactness and simplicity, for all of these reasons a new type of front-end was developed to meet all of these requirements. One of the methods to accomplish this purpose is to realize a bidirectional amplifier, which is a single electronic interface used to send and receive any electrical signals. The directionality of the bidirectional amplifier under study, can be change by inverting the power supply of the electronic interface. This system, if opportunely controlled, can actuate a resonant sensor and read it alternatively. Project Results A prototype was realized with discrete components in order to verify the operating function of the system. It was tested with a real resonant sensor made by piezoelectric material. Measurement results show that the system allows to send and receive a signal from a resonant sensor. Although the system work properly it is necessary a design strategy to optimized the system. The optimized system will be implemented in ASIC and will be designed to control a real MEMS resonant sensor. About the Student Luca Marchetti received his Bachelor in Electronic Engineering from Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche, Italy in 2012. He received his Master in Electronic engineering specialized in Power electronics from Politecnico di Torino, Italy in 2015. He his currently pursuing his PhD in Micro and Nano systems Technology at Høgskolen i Sørøst Norge. His current research interests comprise design of front-end for sensors and transducers. E-mail : Luca.Marchetti@hbv.no
Design Concepts Tunable Lenses
Goal Description The main goal is to develop a system model of the opto-electromechanical behavior of piezoelectrically-actuated tunable lenses. This model will spotlight key parameters for further improving focusing range and having larger numerical apertures. The project involves developing variational models with a cross-validation with FEM models and characterization experiments for the fabricated devices.
Technical Grounding Tunable focus is a crucial feature in cameras especially when photographing objects at different distances and having them in sharp focus without any aberrations or loss of picture quality. Over the last decades, many research efforts have been made to incorporate tunable focus feature at micro-scale level in mobile device cameras such as smartphones. The Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)-based tunable focus lenses are promising alternatives to reach this end when compared to the conventional macro-scale approaches as Voice Coil Motor (VCM) or ultrasonic motors autofocus mechanism. Tuning focus at micro-scale systems is generally achievable by two approaches: either changing the effective refractive index as in Liquid Crystal (LC) lens or changing the interface’s slope through which the light rays are passing between two medias with different refractive index as in piezoelectrically-actuated lenses as: TLens®. Piezoelectrically-actuated lenses use piezoelectric actuators to bend a transparent membrane between two medias with different refractive indices (i.e. air and polymer). A thin soft polymer is attached to the transparent membrane as in TLens® case, which will follow the membrane displacement and effectively provide spatially-dependent slope at the interface. Project Results The main achievement of this project is providing variational models for the optoelectromechanical behavior of piezoelectrically-actuated tunable lenses with a cross-validation with FEM models and experiments. The developed model can be used for further improvement of focusing capabilities and achieving larger numerical apertures.
About the Student Mahmoud A. Farghaly has received his BA and MSc in Electrical Engineering from Assiut University, Egypt. As CENA scholarship holder, he worked as a MEMS designer at imecLeuven (Belgium); mainly modeling and designing MEMS magnetometers. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree in Micro and Nano-systems at HSN-IMST with a focus on the development of piezoelectrically-actuated MEMS tunable lenses.
A Novel Method in Designing High-Q Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator Goal Description
The miniaturization of wireless systems as well as their high-band operation frequency have raised the demand of Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) filters with extreme performance. The goal of the thesis is to propose a new method in designing high-Q BAW resonators for filter applications. A design guideline is carried out based on the modelling, analyses and simulation of the resonators. The new design is then fabricated, characterized and tested to verify the effect of the optimizing structure on the resonator performance, i.e. Q factors. Technical Grounding
The Q factors of a BAW resonator rely on the amount of losses in the device. Energy loss, in any form, will cause deterioration in the Q values. One of the most concerned reasons for the acoustic loss is the inevitable presence of Lamb waves propagating laterally in the resonator. They can either generate unwanted transverse resonances called spurious modes or escape out of the active region. Energy, supposed to be confined in the main resonance, is now both stolen by the spurious modes and taken away by lateral acoustic leakage. Previous works have focused on suppressing the spurious modes to improve the Q factors. This work, on the other hand, for the first time solves the lateral leakage problem as a strategy to enhance Q. The idea is that Lamb waves can be trapped inside the resonator active region if they are forced to be reflected at the border of that region. The optimization is carried out at anti-resonance frequency (fa) since the lateral loss is more dominant at this frequency. Project Results
The optimized thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR) exhibits a superior improvement of the Qa factor which has been increased from about 1500 to 2500 compared to the non-optimized FBAR. The electrical characteristic at fa of the enhanced one is much sharper and smoother. Consequently, the ladder FBAR filter response possesses a very steep right-skirt, also leading to an improvement of the 3dB bandwidth of the filter. About the Student
Ngoc Nguyen graduated her master program in Micro and Nano Systems Technology at Buskerud and Vestfold University College in 2014. She is now working as a PhD candidate at the same institution. At present, her current research interests include modelling acoustic waves in piezoelectric multilayered structure and bulk acoustic wave resonators.
Acoustic device for the investigation of the mass loading effect from immobilised bioactive components Goal Description This project focuses on the development of surface acoustic wave (SAW) device for continuously monitoring the glucose concentration with potential high sensitivity. The principle of this concept is the change in acoustic wave properties corresponding to the mass loading effect of the affinity assay on top of acoustic structure. Technical Base
One potent technology that may be suitable for continuously glucose monitoring is based on the use of piezoelectric acoustic wave devices. These were originally developed for use in telecommunication but have been modified to detect bio-molecules in liquid based on the mass loading principle, due to high sensitivity. Another attractive aspect of piezoelectric acoustic device is the ability to miniaturize the sensor, making it promising for implantation. Based on that, the proposed acoustic wave glucose sensor is the combination of Love wave structure and biological part. The biological components consist of a layer of carbohydratebinding protein Concanavalin A (ConA) immobilised on top of delay-line surface. High molecule weight polysaccharide known as dextran binds to ConA at binding sites. The competitive binding glucose to ConA causes dextran detachment from ConA, triggering mass change that is detected at the acoustic structure. Project Results
The SiO2/AT-cut quartz delay line device that operates in the Love wave mode is simulated for use in a glucose sensor. The structure was characterized using 3D-FEM, which was combined with analytical calculations based on the dispersion equation. The geometric parameters has been optimized to have high sensitivity. A chemical immobilisation protocol for a common lectin ConA on quartz has been developed. Surface after immobilisation has been investigated by using fluorescence and AFM method. Green emission of fluorophore when excited with blue light was observed after ConA immobilisation on quartz surface. AFM image confirmed the immobilised ConA by showing densly globules covering the surface, together with the change in roughness average and height scale. This research study is promising capability to develop a glucose biosensors for continuously monitoring the glucose level in the human body, which will be further investigated. About the Student
Trinh Hoang has started PhD project in Applied Micro and Nano Systems at the University College of Southeast Norway since 2015. Trinh has received her Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Degree in Micro and Nano Technology from USN in 2014. Her research interests are surface modification, fabrication and characterization of Bio-MEMS devices. Email: Trinh.Hoang@hbv.no
Electrochemical micro-sensing platform for continuous monitoring of biomolecules in aqueous solutions Goal Description Development of a complete miniature electrochemical sensor system which can determine molecular concentrations of bio-relevant chemical species in aqueous solution and transmit the acquired data wirelessly. The system will provide a platform which can be tailored to be specific towards one particular analyte. Technical Grounding Electrochemistry based sensors hold a powerful position among sensor architectures owing to their simplicity in design and operation, reliability, low cost, and their suitability to miniaturization and mass-production. There is a growing interest in such sensor types rooted in the desire to monitor biological and environmental conditions with low-cost, portable sensors which can be used by semi-skilled operators. The proposed sensor platform consists of a screen-printed three-electrode electrochemical transducer operating in amperometric mode, i.e. supplying enough electrical energy (voltage) to facilitate a redox reaction. The monitored current is a measure of reaction rate, and will be proportional to the analyte concentration. The working electrode can be tailored to one specific analyte by treating it with biocatalysts (e.g. enzymes). Components for sensor conditioning, read-out and transmission will be constructed from off the shelf-components. This serves a dual purpose in demonstrating that low-cost, low-power general purpose components need not be significantly inferior to an ASIC (application specific integrated circuit), and allows the work to be focused on the sensor part of the system.
Project Results The current prototype has successfully been able to quantify physiological concentrations of glucose, lactate, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. Long-term stability (40 days) of several candidate reference electrodes, which can have a significant impact on drift in sensitivity, has been characterized.
About the Student Sindre Søpstad received his B.Eng. in Electronics from Vestfold University College in 2013, M.Sc. in Micro- and Nanosystem Technology at Buskerud and Vestfold University College in 2015, and is currently pursuing his PhD in Applied Micro- and Nanosystems at the University College of Southeast Norway. His current research interests comprise electrochemical sensor development and electronic front-end design for biosensor applications. e-mail: sso@hbv.no Tel.: +47 452 77 888
Superimposition of projected images; Expanding above the DMD resolution Goal Description The main goal of the project is to explore the possibilities of expanding the resolution in projectors by superimposing spatially shifted images from the same projector. This method introduces both temporal and spatial image artefacts, and these artefacts needs to be identified and tackled. Ideally, these artefacts should be minimized to go below the human visual system threshold. Technical Grounding The idea of expanding the resolution of projectors by superimposition were introduced in the early 2000â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, but the idea did not really catch that many market shares. Now the demand for 4k projectors have made this technology relevant again, especially since there is a lack of affordable native 4k spatial light modulators. By projecting every other image with a sub-pixel shift, the perceived resolution will be significantly higher than the native spatial light modulator resolution. The drawbacks with this method is that the superimposition produces spatial artefacts like blurring and aliasing, and that the temporal resolution decreases significantly. Spatial artefacts in this method is inferred by the optical overlap between the different superimposed images. This project aims to preprocess the images in such a way that the artefacts is minimized. Image correction algorithms are already an established research field, and adapting the established algorithms to suit in this use-case will bring new knowledge to this field.
Project Results The expected results will make us better understand the possibilities and limitations of superimposition of projected images, in both the spatial and the temporal domain. This will make it possible to have affordable high-resolution projectors in the medium-cost markets like home cinema and simulation.
Figure 1 Conventional display method on top. Superimposition with sub-pixel shift below.
About the Student Svein Arne Jervell Hansen received his master degree in electronics from NTNU in 2007, and is currently a PhD candidate at the University College of Southeast Norway. Svein Arne is currently also working as an FPGA designer in Barco Fredrikstad AS, focusing on image processing. His interests in the field is geometrical distortion and correction, and image processing in general. Email: svein.a.hansen@hbv.no
Glucose energy harvester Goal Description This project focuses on research aspects harvesting glucose as a sustainable renewable energy source powering bioanalytical microsystems (BioMEMS) by the aid of a novel abiotically catalysed micro-fuel cell running on endogenous substrates. The promise of higher power densities compared to current battery technologies prompts longer operational lifetimes in a smaller physical package. Glucose is the universal energy source for all living systems, and developing a reliable method harvesting electricity from this sugar molecule will not only benefit implantable microsystems, but also offer technological input to existing fuel cell technologies utilising alternative hydrogen donors. Technical Grounding The technology for the glucose fuel cell is based on the principle of a catalyzed reaction between glucose and oxygen, where the glucose oxidation reaction at the anode releases electrons and the oxygen reduction reaction at the cathode receives electrons. These chemical reactions release energy that pushes electrons from the anode to the cathode through an external electric circuit in order to supply energy for that load circuit. One key challenge is that a micro glucose fuel cell will operate where both reactants (i.e. glucose and oxygen) are present in the same fluid. Obtaining an adequate efficiency of the fuel cell acquires the use of both a glucose selective anode as well as an oxygen selective cathode. Abiotically catalyzed fuel cells use nonbiological materials such as noble metals (and their alloys) as the catalyst.
Project Results The benefit of applying porous alumina membranes as a substrate for a thin film Pd catalyst and the Raney-Pt film with Pt-Ni alloy on Si wafer are investigated for their applicability as the oxygen selective cathodes and the glucose selective anodes, respectively. The Pd nanoporous cathode and the roughened Pt-Ni anode are characterized for their oxygen reduction / glucose electro-oxidation selective properties under simulated physiological conditions with different oxygen / glucose concentrations both in the presence and absence of glucose / oxygen. The Pd nanoporous cathode and the roughened Pt-Ni anode are characterized electrochemically to investigate the real surface area. Their electrochemical impedance are also measured to estimate the oxygen reduction activity for the Pd nanoporous cathode and the glucose oxidation activity for the Pt-Ni anode. About the Student Uyen Phuong Do received her Master degree in IMST, Vestfold University College and is currently a PhD fellowship in IMST, University College of Southeast Norway. Her current research interests is glucose micro fuel cell for medical implants. Email: Uyen.Do@hbv.no.
Modification of TiO2 Nanotube Based Catalyst for Optimization of Photocatalytic Performance Goal Description This project aims at optimizing the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 nanotube (TNT) based photocatalyst so that its solar-to-electrical/chemical/hydrogen energy-conversion efficiency is acceptable for industrialization. Relevant applications include but not limited to DyeSensitized-Solar-Cell(DSSC), degradation of water pollutant, H2 production by photocatalytic water splitting and CO2 conversion into CH4.
Technical Grounding Taking advantage of semiconductors to convert solar energy into other kinds of energies which people can utilize is the most promising approach to solve the potential energy crisis in the future. TNT is an one-dimensional (1D) nanostructure which is easy to fabricate, nontoxic and highly resistant to photo- and chemical- corrosions. However, the limitation stays in the fact that TiO2 possesses a wide band gap of 3.2eV and suffers from fast e-/h+ recombination, meaning that it can only activate by the small portion of ultraviolet (UV) light in the solar spectrum and cannot separate the generated charge carriers efficiently. Electro-anodization of Ti foil is an easy approach to synthesize well-ordered nanotube arrays, and following calcination can help to obtain crystallized TNTs. According to a majority of researches, introducing impurities to the base material is an effective strategy to widen the absorption spectrum of the material and facilitate the separation of charge carriers. A variety of instruments can be implemented to characterize photocatalyst such as SEM, TEM XRD, XPS and PL. In addition, first principle study can provide a physical view of how the dopants interact with the TiO2 lattice. Project Results The project is a fundamental study which has promising applications within clean energy generation field. Most concepts of converting solar energy into storable or directly usable energy require the presence of a photocatalyst, thus exploration for a perfect material composition can be beneficial to build a solar-based-solely photocatalytic system. About the Student Ying Zhao received her Master in Micro and Nano Systems Technology from Vestfold University College in 2012, and is currently pursuing her PhD at University College of Southeast Norway within the field of innovative nanotube based photocatalyst study. E-mail: Ying.Zhao@hbv.no
Physical properties influencing long-term stability and thermal hysteresis of precision piezoresistive MEMS pressure-sensors Goal Description
The goal of the project is to understand and control relevant physical properties influencing long-term stability and thermal hysteresis of precision piezoresistive MEMS pressure-sensors. Technical Grounding
Although there are an extensive number of scientific articles about the piezoresistive effect in silicon and text-books about silicon sensors and microsystems, this literature mainly covers reporting of basic parameters such as sensitivity, linearity and thermal drift of zero-point and the large variety of technologies used to build and manufacture such devices. Total accuracy requirements for pressure-sensors for the most demanding aerospace applications are 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than for industrial and automotive applications. Solutions to control all the parasitic effects that have an influence on thermal hysteresis and long-term stability are usually company specific and confidential, and literature covering solutions to these problems are therefore limited and must be gained through experience and research. Project Results
The influence of packaging stress from glass frit lamination on the signal zero point and thermal coefficient of expansion (TCO) has been simulated and characterized for a relevant sensor design. In addition, the effects of microcracks in the glass has been simulated and tested. The effect of a varying sensor cap pressure on the output signal has been simulated using FEM and experimentally verified. Effect of storage at altitude and storage at elevated temperature in the presence of a cap leakage has been discussed. Based on this, the influence of humidity on the output signal characteristics has been described. Current work focus is on possible contributions from surface charging phenomena as well as the effect of metallization on thermal hysteresis. About the Student
Ă&#x2026;smund Sandvand received the Cand. Scient. degree in physics from the University of Bergen, in 1991. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in applied micro and nanosystems at the University College of Southeast Norway (HSN). E-mail: asmund.sandvand@hbv.no