2024 Wisdom Of The Crowd Survey

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Sunday, November 03, 2024

Q3: As part of the Hogy family, would you be interested in joining occasional live focus groups hosted by Capt. Mike to talk all things fishing? (Select all topics you may be interested in)

Fishing Trends

Citizen Science Participation

Conservation Actions

Product Feedback and Development

No, Thank you

Q4: What zones and fishing styles do you Regularly fish

Inshore Casting and/or Jigging Gamefish

Inshore Tactical Groundfish

Inshore Trolling

Offshore Casting and Jigging

Offshore Trolling

Offshore Tactical Groundfish

Q5: Tell us about the fishing platform you most identify with:

Other (please specify)

Skiff / Small Center (20' and under)
Medium Center Console (21' to 28')
Large Center Console (29' and above)
Cabin Style
Shore Fishing

Q6: Do you fish from shore?

No, never

Not yet, but interested

Yes, I do

Yes, frequently

Yes, occasionally


No, but on the radar.... Never

Q7: Do you fish freshwater?

No, never

Not yet, but interested

Yes, I do

Yes, frequently

Yes, occasionally


No, But on the Radar


How many times did you go fishing this past season?

Less than 5 5-10 11-20

More than 20 1-5 trips

6-10 trips 11-20 trips 21-30 trips

More than 30 trips

Q9: Did you fish as much this year as last year?

Considerably Less (20 to 30% less)

Moderately Less (10 to 19% less)

A Little Less (1% to 9% less)

About the Same

A Little More (1% to 9% more)

Moderately More (10% to 19% more)

Much More (20% to 30% more)

If you fished less this year, what challenges prevented you from getting on the water more this season? (Select all that apply) Weather

Other (please specify)

Q11: How would you rate the success of this fishing season overall:

Great year


A very bad year

Good – Had some solid days on the water

Challenging –Faced more difficulties than usual

Q12: What were some challenges you faced this year? (Select

Finding fish

Understanding tide times and moments

Fish moving too quickly

Wind/weather conditions

Crowded fishing spots

How would you rate your fishing success in each of these periods?

Spring Inshore:
Spring Offshore:
Summer Inshore:
Summer Offshore:
Fall Inshore: Fall Offshore:

Q14: What percentage of the time would you say is "catch and release" fishing?

Almost always (90-100% of the time)

Most of the time (70-90%)

About half the time (40-70%)

Occasionally (10-40%)

Rarely or never (0-10%)

Q15: Are you familiar with ASGA’s “Local Singles” campaign?This initiative aims to reduce striped bass mortality from 9% to 2.9% by removing back hooks from plugs, based on preliminary research from MA DMF Citizen Science.

Extremely important Very important

Somewhat important

Not so important

Not at all important

Yes, I’m familiar and support it

Yes, I’ve heard of it but would like to know more

No, I’m not familiar but interested

No, I’m not familiar and not interested

Q16: How willing are you to ditch the back hook on a plug to ensure catch and release quality?

Q17: What percentage of your catches are on plugs?

90-100% – Nearly all of my catches

70-90% – Most of my catches

40-70% – About half of my catches

10-40% – Some of my catches

Less than 10% – Rarely catch fish on plugs

Q18: If it were simple and easy, would you be willing to participate in a citizen science program to help study conservation best practices for fishing?

Yes, definitely

Likely, if it’s straightforward

Maybe, I’d need more information

Probably not

No, I’m not interested

Q20: How important is it to you that the products you use have sustainable packaging?

Extremely important

Very important

Somewhat important

Not so important

Not at all important

Q23: Which Epoxy Jig rigging method would you prefer, if given a choice?

Treble Rigged Version (Classic)
Inline Rigged (Newly Available)

How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?

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