New Therapists
the right
Massage COUCH
Your massage couch is probably the most important and expensive piece of kit you’ll buy when you first start working for yourself. Here’s our guide to what to think about before you make your choice… Budget
Your massage couch will be working the same
Your choice of massage table needs to be sturdy.
hours as you are, so it makes sense to invest in
It’s likely that some of your clients may be obese
the best equipment you can buy for your money.
and a flimsy table means they won’t feel stable
A basic model will cost from around £250, with
enough to relax. Look for a design that is robust
spa type couches from around £600. If you
and should last for years. Weight is also crucial if
want a motorised or headed couch, expect to pay
you plan on offering a mobile service as a lighter
over £1000. Just as we might fall in love with
table is easier to manoeuvre, so an aluminium
an expensive designer red carpet gown worn by
frame may have weight advantages over a wooden
a film star, it’s easy to fall for a massage table
model. Choose a model with tensor cables for
that looks great, but doesn’t really lend itself to
added stability. Most portable tables weigh
everyday use. Making a list of your requirements
between 10 and 15kg, but there’s a considerable
makes sense.
different in the dimensions of the table surface
It’s tempting to consider ordering direct from
and the amount of padding. Some portable tables
a bargain supplier like or aliexpress.
come with trolleys which can make transporting
com, as prices seem to be around half what you’d
them easier. Finally, make sure that your portable
pay for an equivalent massage table from a UK
table fits in the boot or back seat of your vehicle.
supplier. Unfortunately, the quality of what is delivered may not match the images shown and it
Height, breadth and adaptability
can be almost impossible to return the couch for
Look for a couch that is height adjustable and,
a refund. There’s also a chance that the materials
most importantly, one that can be adjusted easily.
used in construction may be inferior or contain
Some have an awkward mechanism. A height
chemicals which are banned in the UK, so your
adjustable model makes it easier for your clients to
couch bargain may be anything but.
get on and off the table, but also saves incorrect
If money is very tight, eBay, Gumtree or
alignment problems in your own body. There’s
commercial auction sites like may
little point in buying a bargain table that means
throw up a pre-owned bargain if you have more
you need a massage yourself at the end of a busy
time and can wait for the right couch to turn up.
day. Pay particular attention to the quality of the
holistic therapist 2020