breathe, relax, yawn, stretch and begin my day, which invariably ends up like this. Mental body: consider whether you’re stuck in an old belief patterns that involve fear, internal
and external language and old programming that could be upgraded. Clear your clutter. Never verbally
of success into your life 4.
own an illness or painful condition. “My headaches” can be simplified to “this headache”.
Sarah Williams, explains how to attract new opportunities and abundance in the new decade…
Gong, running, swimming, physical workouts,
decade. Just as a computer
or spin classes. Try the 3, 4, 5, breath. Breathe
needs upgrades to keep it
in to the count of 3, hold for 4 then sigh out
running well, so does the body
for 5. Repeat 6 times. This will help you to feel
business and finances, relationships and emotions or mental wellbeing. We can’t expect these component parts of our lives to perform well if we
meditation, breathe, mindfulness, prayer.
The ho’oponopono mantra is so helpful, and free! Simply repeat the following 4 phrases to yourself when you experience heavy or toxic emotions and situations. “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” This new recipe can give
ELCOME to a brand new
and every other aspect of our lives, whether it’s
Spiritual body: try the practice of
grounded and in your body.
Emotional body: creativity will flourish. Set an intent for your day before opening your
run on old operating systems. Old thought patterns
eyes. I say to myself, “Today will be filled with
need to change so we can reboot ourselves! Like
joy, bliss, beauty and love”. Then I open my eyes
you a new end result / outcome. How we live our lives and what we attract in the coming decade is a personal choice. Only you limit your potential. It’s not what happens, it’s how you react to this that you can adjust, dreaming your perfect world into being. n
6 SIMPLE STEPS TO SUCCESS Suggestions and tools:
1- Nature recharges us on every level.
our compuers, sometimes we need to try switching
2- Free yourself: Forgive yourself and others
things off and back on again. This format seems to
3- Become the observer
create magical transformation.
4- Don’t enter into drama
To swap metaphors, if we seek change and abundance, to manifest, create or make anything, we need to adopt a new recipe for life; we need
5- See the bigger picture 6- Avoid knee jerk reactions
to add new flavours and ingredients. See your life
I wish you all the most magnificent outcomes
and body as a new dish in the decade ahead. It
this coming decade. 2020 is just the start!
requires nurture and attention. Think of yourself as a cake made of four layers. Each layer requires the right nurturing nourishment, blending,and delicious new flavouring.
Physical body: Your food choices will change. This will happen
SARAH WILLIAMS has been a multidimensional healer,
masseuse, aromatherapist and intuitive for over 25 years. She now offers Skype, WhatsApp and facetime
automatically as you evolve during
personal sessions and consultations.
the next 10 years. You may feel
Her high vibrational healing tools
that old choices just don’t feel or
include the highly acclaimed Soul
taste right to you anymore, so you feel drawn to different foods. Look
Harmony Aromatherapy creams and
at your current exercise regimes
candles. Discover more on her website
and decide what suits you best –
perhaps yoga, Pilates, Tai chi, Qi
holistic therapist 2020