Reflecting on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats can make the path to personal success much clearer…
EFLECTIVE practice, simply stepping back from the day to day tasks and thinking about your performance, has been shown to be an effective method of self-improvement. It can help build stronger relationships with those around us, create a deeper understanding of our personal motivations and identify any gaps that might prevent us from succeeding as we had hoped. Undertaking a personal SWOT analysis may sound rather intimidating and it’s fair to say that many of us are much better at listing our weaknesses than our strengths, but it can be a remarkably useful tool to help us plan the lives and businesses we want for the future. Using a personal SWOT analysis helps us be more focussed and organised about what we want to achieve or the changes we want to make for a more fulfilled or balanced life. That’s a great return for 30 minutes to an hour of your time.
Getting started Start with a blank sheet of paper and fold it in half vertically and again horizontally, so you have four quarters. Label the top left Strengths and the lower left Weaknesses. The top right is Opportunities and the lower right is for Threats. Strength and Weaknesses are internal factors, because they are qualities within ourselves, whereas Opportunities and Threats are more often external factors that we can work with but not control.