Holistic Living Magazine. Edition 11. What’s Chronic Pain?

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Is CPS Like A Daily Whiplash? If you’ve ever had whiplash, you’ll recall the intense pain that radiates across the shoulders and spasms of pain that shoot down the spine. Fortunately, with the right treatment and some rehabilitation you know it’s treatable and the pain will subside and you’re on the road to enjoying everyday activities.

What Is CPS? Chronic Pain Syndrome, or CPS is defined as pain in the body that lasts months and even years. Quite often the pain is from an old injury or recent surgery, persistent migraines and as we age, back pain and arthritis.

But what if you had whiplash every day and you had to endure the intense shocks when you go to reach for your towel or bend over to tie your shoelaces.

CPS suffers have said their pain can manifest from a dull ache to a stinging sensation, the area could be throbbing then they can experience a shooting stabbing pain that’s debilitating while others are experiencing ongoing stiffness and soreness. Often Allow me to introduce you to CPS, Chronic Pain CPS suffers say their pain lasts throughout the day Syndrome. while other CPS suffers have mild symptoms that don’t occur daily but several times over the month. Hundreds and Thousands of people all over the world are suffering from CPS and for many; it’ll So you can see; CPS is complex and varied. Each CPS be a lifelong struggle. case needs to be handled with care and accuracy. 19

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