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There is a law that deals with the quality, management and finances of childcare in the Netherlands. It starts from the principle that childcare is a matter for parents, employers and authorities. Employers can reimburse (tax-free) one third of the costs. Ask for reimbursement from the national authorities. (The childcare centre must be accredited and registered in the place where you live.)

There are many options for childcare:

● The Peuterspeelzaal (toddler group) for children 2-4. Children play together twice a week, usually for two hours each visit. The costs are modest and are often relative to income.

● Kinderdagverblijf (daycare centre) for children 0-4. Children may be present for a half or an entire day.

● Buitenschoolse Opvang (Afterschool Care) Primary schools must offer afterschool care, and often work together with an established daycare centre. If the location of the afterschool care is not walking distance from the school, then taxis are hired to transport the children.

● A Gastouder (host parent) offers childcare in a domestic situation, either at the host parent’s home or at the child’s home. Host parents often take care of a few children at a time.

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