Hollandse Club: The Magazine

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January / February 2013

TheMagazine A bi-monthly publication by the Hollandse Club

Visit us online @ www.hollandseclub.org.sg

Comedian Johan Goossens

Kid’s Author Vivian den Hollander

A Brand New Spring Season

events & Activities 70s & 80s Party New! Kid’s Movie & Asian Movie

Sports New Sports Classes Why Most Whey Are Way Off

F&B Lion Dance Brunch Buffet New Year’s Drinks It’s New Zealand & Australian Month - Food & Beverage Promotions!




Vivian den Hollander

11 The Sinterklaas Intocht An Evening with Comedian Johan Goossens

19 The Talent of Artist Diana Francis

President’s & GM’s Message Events & Activities Members Calendar Food & Beverage Sports Library Club Information

2 4 13 21 22 25 36 37

Contacts MAIN COMMITTEE President Robert Gorter president@hollandseclub.org.sg Vice-President Jacqueline Lemmens vicepresident@hollandseclub.org.sg First Secretary David Liem firstsecretary@hollandseclub.org.sg Second Secretary Kristel Flinzner secondsecretary@hollandseclub.org.sg Honorary Treasurer Bas Winkel treasurer@hollandseclub.org.sg Member for Food & Beverage Jean-Paul Deslypere fnbmember@hollandseclub.org.sg Member for Sports Guido Nieuwenhuijzen sportsmember@hollandseclub.org.sg

Member for Commercial Affairs Wietske Helle commercial@hollandseclub.org.sg Disciplinary Committee Paul Stuart Ordinary Member Alex Lambeek

Membership Executive Darma Jahari 6461 1111 membership@hollandseclub.org.sg

Sports & Recreation Team Youri 6461 1127 sports.exec@hollandseclub.org.sg

Marketing & Communications Executive Geoffrey Chia 6461 1117 marcom@hollandseclub.org.sg

Skye Yeo 6461 1151 sportsrec@hollandseclub.org.sg


Operations Executive Jeeta Kaur 6461 1104 members@hollandseclub.org.sg

General Manager Elmer van Loon 6461 1103 gm@hollandseclub.org.sg

Food & Beverage Manager Shafiz Iqbal 6461 1136 fnb@hollandseclub.org.sg

Banquet Operations Manager Tan Boon Phang 6461 1137 banqmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg

Executive Sous Chef Remco van der Meer 6461 1118 chef@hollandseclub.org.sg

Banquet Executive Mariah Said 6461 1112 banquet@hollandseclub.org.sg

Executive Housekeeper Karrey Quek 6461 1114 housekeeper@hollandseclub.org.sg

Head of Membership & Marketing Evan Quek 6461 1139 sales@hollandseclub.org.sg

Finance Manager Vangel Neo 6461 1108 finmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg Accountant Zoey Lee 6461 1106 a.r@hollandseclub.org.sg Administrative Assistant Regina Sim 6461 1160 adminasst@hollandseclub.org.sg Public Affairs Bridget van Akkooi 6461 1161 pr@hollandseclub.org.sg Guest Writer Karien van Ditzhuijzen

The Hollandse Club Magazine is published bi-monthly and distributed free to members of the Club. For advertising enquiries, email marcom@hollandseclub.org.sg Views and opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect those of the Club, its committee or editorial staff. ©All Rights reserved. MICA (P) 156/04/2009.

22 Camden Park, Singapore 299814 | Tel: 6464 5225 | Fax: 6468 6272 | www.hollandseclub.org.sg Email: info@hollandseclub.org.sg | Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg

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PRESIDENT’S & GM’s MESSAGE Dear Fellow Members, A new year lies ahead of us – the year of the Snake – and it promises to be another year full of fantastic Hollandse Club activities and initiatives to look forward to. But first, let’s take a moment to look back at 2012. The year 2012, at the Club, was characterized by a focus on operational improvements, as well as on structural improvements and upgrades to our facilities. Examples of the latter are the resurfacing of two of our tennis courts and the replacement/expansion of the children’s playground. The operational improvements have resulted in revenue growth and margin improvements. More details of our financial performance will be communicated in our annual report for 2012. Our Club rooms continued to do well, with occupancy rates of over 90%, which created a significant additional revenue stream for the Club, as well as a well-received facility for our members. This year we will be looking to expand this facility. More news on this expansion will follow soon. We plan to present our plans at the upcoming AGM, which is scheduled for 14 March. We also saw a change in management of the Club. Rene Verhulst who has been the General Manager for the last 3.5 years has left the Club, and Elmer van Loon has accepted the position of Interim General Manager. Elmer has proven himself as a well-rounded professional and leader in his previous role as Events Manager. The Main Committee is confident that with his skills set and enthusiasm, Elmer and his management team will lead the Club successfully into the future. At the end of last year, we organized our annual Member Satisfaction survey. The results of the survey are not yet known at the time of writing, but these will be shared with you as soon as possible. For the first time in 2012, we also organized a Staff Satisfaction survey, in which we identified the main reasons why our staff is happy to work at our Club, as well as some areas for improvement. In a town hall meeting in December, we discussed the results of this survey further with all our staff members, which resulted in some clear actions and steps to improve the Club as an employer. Overall, I am glad to say that the large majority of the Club’s employees are proud to work at the Club, and are happy with their current job. There were some suggestions for improvement, mainly in the areas of communication, management style, and training, which the Main Committee and the Club’s management are currently addressing. I look forward to another great year at the Club and hope to see everyone at our Welcome Back New Year’s drink on 11 January or at any of our other upcoming events. On behalf of the Main Committee, Robert Gorter President

Dear Fellow Members, The year of the Dragon is coming to its end, I’ll take a brief moment to reflect. For me personally a great year, we welcomed our little dragon baby Sophia into our family in October. According the busy doctors at the hospital the Chinese believe the Dragon year is the best year to have a baby (and they had a few extra this year). Dragon babies will amongst other things, bring lots of prosperity & happiness. Well, that’s good news then for all of us at the Hollandse Club. Professionally it is an exciting year as well. You as members have successfully worked with us as a team in creating new and exciting events such as the EURO 2012 games, 80’s & 90’s Disco Party, Orange Ball 2012, Quiz Night’s and the Ladies Only Fashion show. I believe that managing events is not just organizing a party. If done properly events are a powerful platform to connect, to communicate and to create added value to your membership and at the same time generate income to get new and better facilities at the Hollandse Club. Having said that, I’m honored to be given the opportunity as your General Manager on the management of the Club in the coming months. I will apply a similar approach to this role as I do to events, because at the end of the day it’s simple. It’s all about YOU as a member. How do we create more added value for you, when do you switch on your “LIKE” button when we communicate, how do we make you more proud of our International family Club. And last but not least how do we attract new members that want to be part of our Hollandse Club Community. Simple questions I’ll be asking you and my team. Then we go and work on those ideas, step by step we make it happen. Looking ahead into the year of the Snake we can already share some new & refreshed events and activities. Starting with our New Year’s bubbles and bites get-together on 11 January, Boys & Girls Basketball, Aqua spinning and an introduction to scuba diving. On top we will spend time on training our teams to further improve our services to you. In the meantime I would like to thank YOU for being a loyal Hollandse Club Community member and look forward seeing much of you in 2013. Feel free to come and see me with your ideas or suggestion at any time. We wish you a happy & healthy 2013 and hope to see you on January 11 at our Welcome Back New Year’s drink. Yours Sincerely, Elmer van Loon General Manager

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Events & Activities

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Events & Activities

Vivian den Hollander Vivian den Hollander is a well-known name for many Dutch children, as she has written more than one hundred children’s books, so far… Kid’s Favourites Most parents will have also heard of Vivian den Hollander’s popular series of books, examples of which are ‘De Effies’ about football junior league, the kid detectives ‘Spekkie and Sproet’ and the endearing toddlers ‘Lisa and Jimmy.’ In a clever way, Vivian den Hollander uses subjects that are favourites with young children, such as football, hockey, ballet and horses, to attract even the most reluctant little readers. And it pays off. Her books are repeatedly nominated by the ‘Kinderjury’, a Dutch award where kids get to decide who wins the prize! Having worked as a primary school teacher for many years, Vivian developed extensive knowledge about the minds and ways of young children and cleverly uses those insights into kids emotions to incorporate small, daily occurrences into her stories that every kid will recognise. At the same time, she won’t eschew more complicated subjects like bullying or children’s insecurities. She even tackles larger topics like history, as in her book ‘Alleen beer mocht mee,’ a book for older children about a girl living through the Second World War in Indonesia. Writing about Holland and the World Her home in the Netherlands, in Reeuwijk, where her study has a view of the flat and green Dutch polders, is worlds away from our hot and tropical Singapore. Who knows what inspiration she will take back from Singapore. Her last visit to the expat communities in Oman and Dubai resulted in her book ‘Spekkie en Sproet, de droom van de sultan.’ So you can better keep an eye out in bookstores next year! Apart from writing, Vivian enjoys music, reading, eating and travelling. So visiting Singapore will be an excellent opportunity to do many of these things. Vivian is looking forward to meeting all the Dutch children of Singapore, and to see how we keep our Dutch language and culture alive far away from home. Vivian will visit us at the Hollandse Club on Wednesday, 16 January. At 4.30pm, she will give a short lecture, and there will be time for questions too. Afterwards there is the opportunity for book signing (order books from the Hollandse School) until 5.45pm, after which you can, if you wish, enjoy a nice meal at the Club.

Jazz Fridays @ Tradewinds If you have not been down to the Club on a Friday evening for a while, do consider coming down to the bi-weekly Jazz perfromance from 7.00pm onwards. Our highly talented resident jazz band, ‘Nick Zavior Quintet’ has been bringing some amazing live music to our cozy candlelit bar since November and has already garnered a following. To top that off the Bar has rock bottom prices on our house pours to help kick start your weekend. We hope to see you at the Bar this coming Friday!

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Events & Activities

The Annual Ang Pow Fund

Throughout the year our Club staff have been working hard to bring you top Club service. Rules prohibit any form of tipping so that is why we have created the Annual ‘Ang Pow’ fund. Members are asked to kindly contribute to this fund as a gesture of goodwill and thanks to the staff for all their efforts throughout the year. In line with this programme in other member clubs, married couples December accounts are debited with $60 and singles with $30. The total sum contributed is then distributed equally among staff at Chinese New Year. Members who wish to give more or do not wish to contribute at all should contact Cynthia Seow at arofficer@hollandseclub.org.sg before the 20th of January 2013. Should no contact be made, it will be assumed that members have consented to contribute towards the fund. The staff of the Hollandse Club thank you in advance for your generosity. 6 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Events & Activities

The All-Ladies Fashion Show A Night of Glitz and Girls in Pink and Black Some glamorous guests accessorized their LBD (little black dresses) with pink belts, jewellery, scarves or shoes, while others finally had a great excuse to wear an ultra feminine pink dress. All the women were greeted with ‘Pink Elephant’ sparkling wine, courtesy of Wine Guru, at the door, where you could also pick up the accessory-of-the-night, a ‘Pink Ribbon’ pin to support the Singapore Breast Cancer Foundation. It was a sight to behold, as 160 black and pink-clad ladies filled the main hall, which was decked out in pink and black silk. When all the ladies were seated, third-time host, style consultant Sharon Connelly, kicked off the fashion part of the night by introducing the casual and work outfits and shoes from ‘Ziegler’ in Tanglin Mall. It was a relief for many guests that there were no size-zero models, as our ‘real’ women models paraded Ziegler’s great looks for all body sizes and shapes. Then, after a tasty starter of goat’s cheese salad, the room really warmed up with lingerie and swimwear from ‘Change’, which has recently opened a beautiful new store at Cluny Court. The audience was really impressed by the body confidence shown by the ladies who modelled Change’s great range for any and all body types, from cup size AA to H. Fancy Frocks Galore The lovely main course of Beef Tenderloin and Tiger Prawn in Hollandaise sauce was followed by the first newcomer to the HC Fashion Show, ‘Shopping at Tiffany’s’ in Tanglin Mall. Their lovely models showed the boutique’s versatile mix of day and evening dresses that perfectly suit the Singapore climate. You could easily dress up or dress down their frocks, for perfect office to evening outfits. Then Chef Remco scored a huge hit with his perfectly baked Molten Lava Chocolate cakes, satisfying every girl’s craving for chocolate. The last show of the evening was from Club Street’s ‘Ana Boutique’ who also brought some flowing and fancy frocks for the ladies to admire. Of course, there was also a serious side to the night, with all proceeds from the lucky draw going to the Breast Cancer Foundation. There were so many great prizes donated by Elephant Parade, artist Diana Francis, Philips, Shopping at Tiffany’s, Ziegler, Bobbi Brown and La Mer, Picotin Restaurant, Maximise Personal Shopping, Change, art from White Emotions, jewellery from Duepunti, Galanga Living, Hollandse Club and a goody basket from the Netherlands Charity Association. It’s no wonder the evening raised $2,165 for the BCF. Many thanks to all the prize sponsors for their generosity. A warm thanks also to our goody bag sponsors. A great night ended on a high with a lovely cheese course and the Best-Dressed competition nominees dancing on stage. HC member Susanne Westerbeek won with a lovely black sheath dress adorned with ribbon in all shades of pink from ‘Rouge’ on Dempsey Hill. Thanks to all those responsible for putting another great night together.

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Events & Activities

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Events & Activities

Rolling in the Aisles an Evening with Comedian Johan Goossens Johan Goossens is a new comic talent who has been taking the Dutch cabaret world by storm, winning several prizes at the Groningen Cabaret Festival. Now he is coming to the Hollandse Club to perform his third and most recent show: ‘Leer mij de mensen kennen’ (Teach me about how people are). Teaching Frustrations The show describes Johan’s recent experiences as a teacher at a Dutch ROC, a type of vocational college. The big city ROC’s have been getting a lot of -negative- publicity lately in the Netherlands. To get some inspiration in the real world, the comedian applied for a teaching job, with neither qualifications nor experience, and got given thirteen classes to teach straight away. Drugs, criminality, guns. You can imagine what followed as Johan tried to teach the kids the rudiments of Dutch grammar. It certainly provided ample material for a new show. Using dark humour and irony, he relates his efforts to teach, or at least to try to keep the kids out of further trouble, on one occasion even at gunpoint. An Eye-Opener The show includes many other subjects, songs, stories and references to recent events in the Netherlands, so is a nice way for Dutch expats to get a taste of the home country. Also to make us realise that there can be more to school problems than coping with the long waiting lists (and the expensive bills!) of international private schools. In that sense, the show is an eye opener, showing a little seen side of the Netherlands to the more advantaged and educated population. New Blood Johan has some experience performing for expat crowds, some a lot more isolated than in our Asian metropolis. When he visited Brunei, he noticed that people had been looking forward to the show a lot. This was not just because of him, but also because he was ‘someone new’. He recognises this phenomenon, having spent some time teaching in Africa, where any ‘new blood’ was exciting because of the news and stories they brought. He characterises the expat life as one that is seemingly very cosmopolitan, but can also be very petty and almost provincial (‘kneuterig’ as he describes it). This is especially true of remote locations where people sometimes start to look forward to Sinterklaas in June already. Wifi Addiction Johan can switch from gentle and beautiful to rough in a few words. His show is dynamic and there is something to enjoy for everyone. Johan Goossens enjoys travelling, especially on the rough. He jokes, “I can sleep on goat’s wool or in a hut in the middle of nowhere, as long as there is Wifi. Otherwise I just think its crap.” He loves the laid back attitude, chaos, and friendliness of Asia. Hopefully the high pace, strict organisation and cleanliness of Singapore won’t bother him too much. In any case Wifi coverage is excellent all over the island. The last time he visited Singapore, a taxi driver clutched his guitar case and refused to let him go. The driver claimed Singapore needed him, as it needed more music, since people here are only good at numbers. This may be the case, so we are very glad to have him back! WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 9

Events & Activities

The Sinterklaas Intocht On the morning of the 17th of November a large crowd of Dutch children and their parents gathered on the jetty at Keppel Bay. In the piercing sun, more than a few parents must have wiped the sweat off their foreheads, remembering the frosty and dark November mornings of their own childhood. The kids were much less bothered, their hearts beating wildly in anticipation of one of the most important events of the year for a Dutch child: the arrival of Sinterklaas’ steamboat. There was singing, jumping and as always, waiting. Then, suddenly, a few waves came rolling in around the bay and there she was: the steamboat carrying Sinterklaas and his helpers, the Zwarte Pieten, all the way from Spain to Singapore. As the boat approached the jetty and the Pieten started throwing around their goodies, spicy small ‘pepernoten’ and colourful sweets, the crowd went wild, diving for the tasty wares. The distinguished guest alighted from the boat, and was welcomed by the Dutch ambassador Johannes Jansing, HSL director juf Nelleke and our own Hollandse Club president, Robert Gorter. Sinterklaas briefly addressed the overheated crowd and then left for the Hollandse Club, where the party would continue. In the main hall, the kids gathered round the stage waiting for the bishop, who in good tradition kept them waiting, while tension mounted in everyone’s bellies. Luckily, meester Joris was on stage, doing a great job at entertaining everyone until the bishop arrived with his helpers. It turned out Sinterklaas had by accident arrived at the Japanese Club, and decided to stay for a small meal of sushi, a nice change after all the sugary ‘pepernoten’ and ‘schuimpjes’. Then a great show followed, where the ‘Bijna-Piet’ (almost-Piet) passed his exams to become a proper, ‘Helemaal-Piet’. He needed some help from the children learning ‘strooien’ (pepernoten throwing) and parcel wrapping, but luckily all ended well. There was great music by the Pieten-band, more pepernoten, lots of singing, dancing and, of course, presents for every child. After a tasty lunch, there was the opportunity to shake hands with the old bishop and take pictures, or just enjoy a little bit of sunshine by the pool. The kids left full of sweets and songs, eager to go home and put their shoes by the fireplace, or ehm, air conditioner, because Sinterklaas had arrived in Singapore! We would like to thank Marina at Keppel Bay and all the volunteers who again helped to make this event a great success: all the teachers, parents and others from both the HSL and the Hollandse Club. Unfortunately, Sinterklaas has by now left again for his home in Spain, but for sure he will be back in Singapore next year!

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Holidays That Drop The Hint

from The Collektion

Island Hideaway at Dhonakulhi Maldives Spa Resort & Marina Haa Alifa Atoll Republic of Maldives Kate Middleton had to wait seven years before her prince popped the big question and it took a romantic trip to Kenya for William to finally ask Kate for her hand in marriage. While patience might be a virtue, seven years seems like an eternity! If your perfect catch is taking too long, why not take the lead from Kate and William and go on a romantic holiday to set the mood and the date. The Maldives is the honeymoon capital of the world and the perfect destination to inspire a proposal. The Island Hideaway at Dhonakulhi Maldives, Spa Resort & Marina is an intimate, luxurious resort where you can enjoy your own exclusive piece of paradise. All villas come with their own personal butler, who apart from putting the ring on your finger, can take care of your every need. The resort even has its own marina so you can sail off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Our offer for Hollandse Club members from 13th January – 30th April 2013 • Bonus night offer stay 4 pay 3, stay 5 pay 4, stay 6 pay 5 • Complimentary upgrade to half board (breakfast & dinner) for two guests We do have limited availability over Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day in Dhonakulhi Residences. For more information and booking, visit http://www.thecollektion.com/maldives1.html or call 6689 1042.

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Members Extending a warm welcome to our:

New Club Members • • • • • • •


• • • • • • •


Mums & Tots @ Hollandse Club This activity is catered for mothers and their infants (newborns to 4 years old). This popular fun activity is held every week, and also a great opportunity for the mums to mingle with other parents and share tips & experiences.

Day – Every Tuesday Time – 10.00am - 11.30am Venue – Rotterdam Room Price – Non-Members: Members: - $12.50 (1 kid) - $5.00 (1 kid) - $20.00 (2 kids) - $7.50 (2 kids) - $25.00 (3 kids) - $10.00 (3 kids) For general enquiries, please feel free to email to sports.exec@hollandseclub.org.sg or call 6461 1127 No need for pre-registration. Just check-in at Reception when you arrive.

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INTERNATIONAL AMBASSADORS International Ambassador Singapore - Geoffrey Johnathan Q: How long have you been in Singapore and how long have you been a member of the Hollandse Club? I was born in Singapore. I joined the Hollandse Club in November of 2005. Q: What are the main activities that you and your family enjoy here? We occasionally use the gym, but we mostly use the Club for the F & B activities. Q: Why did you become a Club Ambassador for your country? I became an ambassador to make known Singapore’s multi-cultural, multi-festivals and multi-racial traditions. Q: What are your plans to help celebrate you home country’s culture more at the Hollandse Club next year? I will try my best to promote Singapore’s multi-cultural and food festivals if possible. International Ambassador for Germany - Katja Paus Q: How long have you been in Singapore and how long have you been a member of the Hollandse Club? We have been members of the Club since 2000. From mid 2003 till end of 2008, we had a passive membership because we lived in Hong Kong for 5 1/2 years. We have been back for three years. During our first stay in Singapore, I was a member of the Kid’s Committee of the Club and helped organizing a lot of kid’s activities. Q: What are the main activities that you and your family enjoy here? Two of my three kids are taking swimming lessons at the Club. In the last 4 years, we have not used the Club as much as we did in the first three years, because the kids are getting older. We still enjoy the Terrace restaurant a lot, especially to meet with friends. Q: Why did you become a Club Ambassador for your country? I very much like the idea of having Ambassadors for the different nationalities in the Club. The diversity is the main advantage of this Club, compared to the other clubs. I think it is important to show that we aren’t only a Dutch club but a global club. Q: What are your plans to help celebrate you home country’s culture more at the Hollandse Club next year? I would like to show that Germany has many different sides. I would love to organize a wine tasting or German book reading club. It would be wonderful if we could also have a German comedy night. International Ambassador for Australia - Rachel Ward Q: How long have you been in Singapore and how long have you been a member of the Hollandse Club? We have been in Singapore 11 years and members of the Hollandse Club for almost 7 years. Q: What are the main activities that you and your family enjoy here? Our family enjoys eating local foods - Dim Sum, Roti Prata and Nasi Lamek are definite favorites. At the Club, my boys enjoying swimming and doing karate. We quite often have dinner at the Club after karate on Sunday evenings. Q: Why did you become a Club Ambassador for your country? I thought it was an interesting idea to promote the culture of the different nationalities of the club and I wanted to help give a more authentic feel to the Australian month activities as well as provide an opportunity for members especially the Australian ones, to celebrate some of Australia favourite events at the Club. Q: What are your plans to help celebrate you home country’s culture more at the Hollandse Club next year? Some of the activities planned are to celebrate Australia Day with the Welcome Back BBQ, Melbourne Cup luncheon and to celebrate some of Australia’s sporting events like the Australian Tennis Open and AFL Grand Final at the Club.

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Members Announcing SoulKids® at Hollandse Club An internationally reputed life-skills program, SoulKids® develops a positive, balanced, self-assured and confident child. Designed for children from 6 years and above, SoulKids® trains them in essential life-skills such as independence, discipline, teamwork and selfawareness, which are imparted to children through playing leadership games, teamwork exercises, story-telling and adopting different roles during the experiential training. During SoulKids®, children become aware of their unlimited potential and learn how to bring it out. At SoulKids® children strengthen their self-belief and increase their selfconfidence. They learn essential life-skills for happiness and success. They become more aware of how their mind works. They learn how to identify their strengths and improve them. They learn to be effective leaders and supportive team-players. They build solid leadership qualities and also hone their teamwork skills. Children become aware of the need to communicate effectively, and enhance their communication skills. SoulKids® is highly enjoyable, fun and very powerful. Children who attend SoulKids® emerge as more confident, focused and happier individuals. In today’s fast paced society, SoulKids® is an essential tool to equip your child with. This program gives your child the keys to becoming the best, the happiest and the most successful person he or she can become. SoulKids® was created by Vikas Malkani, an internationally renowned life-skills expert, teacher and best-selling author of numerous books. He has trained corporations, schools and individuals worldwide in the secrets of living a full and happy life. Here’s what previous participants have to say.... I really liked the activities you held, making me confident, cheerful and not to look down on myself. I‘m really looking forward to another SoulKids class. Most of all I really liked my mentors. Thank you – I know that I AM SPECIAL..” As a result of the workshop, my daughter expresses herself more confidently and makes a conscious effort to overcome her own fears and not to accept defeat in any sphere of her life... SoulKids is now reaching out to the Dutch community to offer these positive benefits to the members of Hollandse Club. “We are happy to be conducting SoulKids in such a positive environment. We want to offer this wonderful opportunity to the members of the Hollandse Club. Thousands of children worldwide have benefited from SoulKids, and now we hope the Dutch kids will too” says Zoe Russell, SoulKids Course Manager. Give your child the gift of SoulKids, at Hollandse Club on... Dates: Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th November Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th November Timings: 10.00am to 4.00pm on both days Fee: SGD $399.00 per child for the full program including lunch and snacks To register your child or for further details contact: Zoe Russell Soulkids@soulshop.org Mobile (+65) 90262030 SoulKids Mentor Training is a 2 day training to help parents and teachers become inspiring mentors to children. It is being taught in Singapore by Vikas Malkani, the creator of SoulKids on November 10 & 11 (Saturday & Sunday) from 10.00am to 5.00pm To get more details or to register, please contact Zoe Russell above.

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Members NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Issue Colouring Contest for kids Winners of

It’s St. Nicholas and Santa Claus! Presents, biscuits and candy for kids during the festive season. This time, we picked 3 winners for the extra prize!

Margot van der Shurem S771

Justin E147

Mila ter Haar T0374

Congratulations to the 3 winners of the colouring contest. Prizes can be collected at the reception. Take part in our upcoming colouring contest. So for all kids out there, do your best and you may be the next lucky winner.

Upcoming Contest

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MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENTS Evan J Quek Head of Membership & Marketing sales@hollandseclub.org.sg

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Dear Members In 2013, the Hollandse Club reaches its 105th milestone birthday and in celebration of this, our focus in the year will be on our most important driving element. Our members. Besides working on the various areas for improvement in our recent membership satisfaction survey, in the year ahead we look to re-ignite member involvement and participation in the vital areas of Club events and programmes. Over the years, many of our volunteer members have been the driving force behind successful growth and we aim to encourage this in 2013. International Ambassador Programme (iAM): More so than ever in recent years, the Hollandse Club has shown itself to be the most internationally diverse member Club in Singapore. We are still on the lookout for our panel of international ambassador members who are willing to represent your countrymen who reside in the Club. We value your voice and opinions and aim to encourage multicultural events within the year. We have a panel of 6 nations at the moment and are looking to increase our ambassadors as we go along. Should you be interested to represent your country with your ideas, simply get in touch with me via email at sales@hollandseclub.org.sg “Go Lifetime”: Our Club has come a long way with the healthy support of members who have stayed with us over the years. In the later part of 2012 we announced a special promotion to convert to a Lifetime membership (yes, no more entrance/renewal fees & letters for the rest of your life!). The promotion ended on the 31 of December 2012 but we will be extending it until 31 March 2013. There is also a transferable membership conversion scheme for members who are not sure if they will reside in Singapore for an extended term. “Double Referral Rewards!”: Another reason why our Club has become what it is today is due to the fact that our members themselves have helped to encourage growth by introducing new members. Within our highly social, family-like club we are thankful for our members who have brought in new friends over the past year. As a big thank you, from now until 31 March 2013 we will be giving double rewards for referring a member who joins us. To find out more about our referral rewards simply contact our membership department at 6461 1111. Alternatively, do check out the details on our ever popular lobby bulletin boards the next time you are at the Club.

The Talent of Artist Diana Francis The vibrant colour palate of British artist Diana Francis has literally transformed the plain walls of Tradewinds bar. Singapore and Asia’s flora, fauna and architecture are obviously her inspiration, but the vivid colours she uses are not necessarily the colours you might associate with the region. Diana captures her subjects in oil paint, which she also applies with a palate knife to create depth and texture. The overall effect is dream-like, as Singapore shop houses are rendered in bright aquamarines or warm reds and oranges. An Artistic Background After studying at Croydon College and Wimbledon School of Art in London, Diana worked as an illustrator and designer, an art director and creative manager, which took her to Asia. She has since devoted her attention to fine arts, with a fabulous studio on the Chip Bee Gardens side of Holland Village, which is well worth a visit. Diana grew up in a creative household and her siblings have all entered creative fields. She explains how during her childhood, “we were immersed in art from our infancy. Art is our mother tongue so to speak. We were born into it.” Asian Inspiration Diana has lived in Asia for 18 years and Singapore for 11. Working and travelling here provide her muse, as the ordinary appearance of an Asian street scene becomes wonderful under her treatment. She may have been here for many years, but she still sees Asia through a foreigner’s eyes. Her interest in Singapore’s heritage around her has earned her recognition from the National Heritage Board. She is now busy producing a range of heritage inspired design merchandise for Tangs, the Art Science Museum and Marina Bay Sands. Her products, with everything from cards to tea towels, are also available on her website www.dianafrancisdesigns.com. Last year’s extremely successful ‘Elephant Parade Singapore’ was a huge challenge for her, as the project’s Creative Director. The Diana Francis exhibition in Tradewinds is definitely a must-see. The Hollandse Club is extremely grateful to this wonderful artist for the works provided and for Diana’s generous contribution to the HC Fashion Show’s lucky draw of the top prize Diana Francis original work that helped to raise funds for the Singapore Breast Cancer Association. WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 19


Project Kajsiab Helping the Hmong People in Northern Laos Living a privileged life in Singapore causes many people to look for some way of helping those less fortunate in the region. Our everyday existence in Asia is very different to one Dutch women’s life in a very different Asia. Lara Picavet Swinkels met and married her Hmong husband, Nzoua, and became a part of the Hmong community in Bokeo Province in Northern Laos. Nzoua’s sister unfortunately passed away in September 2004 from a curable pancreas infection due to limited access to medical help. This terrible event inspired the couple to set up their project to stop similar tragedies happening to other Hmong families. They started Project Kajsiab, named after Nzoua’s sister, in 2008. Lara works tirelessly for the Project, but she always works in complete cooperation with the local Hmong women. Helping the Villagers to Help Themselves The Kajsiab Project started as a way of helping families with a sickly loved one. The Project provided information and basic help for those struggling because of family members in the local hospital, by providing them with meals and blankets. Now Project Kajsiab has really taken off by establishing reception centres for the villagers in the region that give information and advice about healthcare, business and administration matters. The Hmong people value their independence, especially after their recent turbulent history in Laos and, for many, as refugees in Thailand. Project Kajsiab tries to help them to help themselves and respects the Hmong’s wish for independence. There is a particular focus on women, especially those who are divorced and have to deal with the stigma attached to divorce. Kajsiab’s centres provide small business and English language classes, women’s workshops and have a shop that sells local products, helping to provide new skills and income to the village. Visiting Laos and Kajsiab All the good work Project Kajsiab does comes at a price. Lara travels to the Netherlands during the wet season to organise fundraisers, such as benefit concerts, to keep the Project’s invaluable work going. They are grateful for any help they can get, but help does not just come in the form of financial support. Many Hollandse Club members travel to Laos on holiday and that is where your help could also come in. Visiting Project Kajsiab is a life-changing experience, as you and your family can really make a hands-on difference there. Volunteers of all ages all have a great time working (hard) on everything that needs to be done, from painting and building to teaching English and small business skills to the Project’s grateful beneficiaries. Getting to the centre is relatively easy; it is a short (one and a half hour) trip from Chang Rai airport in Thailand and then a few minutes across the border by longboat. Volunteering there is so rewarding and you don’t need to dedicate your whole visit to Laos to volunteering to make a difference. A Great (Worthwhile) Vacation Recent visitors to the Project, Singaporean residents Taly Goren and her family, were so inspired by their three days of volunteering at Project Kajsiab, that Taly is now working to promote knowledge about the Project here in Singapore. Taly, who is from Israel, was looking for a way to give something back to the community while planning her holiday to Laos. She had already booked the fun part of her trip, the popular tourist attraction the Gibbon Experience, a jungle trekking adventure next to Project Kajsiab, that comes complete with zip lines to the guest’s tree house accommodation. Taly was intrigued by their less touristy, but more charitable neighbours, the Project. Taly was looking for a way to teach her kids, Ty and Maya, aged 12 and 10, that life is not all fun and games in Laos. She contacted Lara, via the website www.projectkajsiablaos.org, thinking the three days they had would not be of interest to the Project. It turned out that the difference her family could make in three days was both amazing and enjoyable. Taly’s son Ty describes his experience, “It feels good to do good.” Unexpected Skills make the Difference Taly explains, “It turns out that your skills can be put to use in really unexpected ways. I even helped by making a Powerpoint presentation for the Project to use.” For example, there is a frustratingly slow Internet connection in N. Laos, but the Project is desperate for all the good fund-raising ideas online. Volunteers could even help by searching the Internet here for ideas and sharing them with Lara and, of course, the local Hmong women she always works with. More Information If you or someone you know is planning to spend some time in Laos and are looking for a way of giving back to the people there, visit the website and get in touch with Lara. Donations are, of course, always welcome (see website for details). Also visit the website for more information: www.projectkajsiablaos.org or ‘like’ the Facebook page ‘Project Kajsiab Laos’.

20 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Calender 1 TUES Events • SNERT Nieuwjaars Duik


2 sun WED

3 Thurs MON

4 FRI Tue

5 Sat wed

6 SUN thu

7 MON fri

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme


Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

10 Thurs

11 FRI

12 Sat

13 SUN

Events • Welcome Back New Year’s Drink with Baron Gerard Cornielje (MH)

Events • Comedy Night (MH)

Events • Paul Haarhuis and Jacco Eltingh Tennis Clinics

17 Thurs

18 FRI

• Wagyu beef (J) Events • Thai set meal (T) • Savitar Tennis Camp • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B) • Chicken Shawarma (T) • Poffertjes & Chicken Satay (P) • Weekend BBQ promotion (P)

• Thai set meal (T) Events Events • Savitar Tennis Camp

• Wagyu beef (J) Events • Thai set meal (T) • Savitar Tennis Camp • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B) • Mums & Tots (R)

Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Main Events in

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai set meal (T) • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B)

January 2013

14 MON

1: SNERT Nieuwjaars Dulk 2-4: Savitar Tennis Camp 11: Welcome Back New Year’s Drink with Baron Gerard Cornielje 12: Comedy Night 13: Paul Haarhuis and Jacco Eltingh Tennis Clinics


T: Terrace TL: The Lounge TB: Triple B

19 Sat

AR: Amsterdam Room BR: Brabant Room TWB: Tradewinds Bar

20 SUN

16: Visit of a Writer - Vivian den Hollander & Movie Night 18: Beginners Tennis Toss 25: Tennis Friday Fun Night Social 30: Movie Night



16 WED

23 WED

24 Thurs


• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai set meal (T) • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B)

Events • Beginners Tennis Toss

Events • Visit of a Writer - Vivian den Hollander (MH) • Movie Night (TL)

MH: Main Hall SB: Serambi Bar P: Poolside L: Library R: Rotterdam Room CR: Chill Out Room

21 MON

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai set meal (T) • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B)

25 FRI

26 Sat

Events • Tennis Friday Fun Night Social

27 SUN

28 MON


30 WED

31 Thurs

Events • Movie Night (TL)

1 Fri Events • 70s & 80s Party (MH) • Tennis Junior Tournament


2 sun SAT


4 MON Tue

5 TUES wed

6 Wed thu

7 THURS fri

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

F&B Promotions

Events • Dutch Youth Hockey Kids’ Summer Internal Competition Holiday Programme

League Events

Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

• Asian Movie Night (TL) Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Tennis League Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

10 SUN

11 MON

• Wagyu beef (J) Events • Thai set meal (T) • Lion Dance Brunch • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B) BuffetShawarma (T) • Chicken (T) • Chicken Satay (P) • Poffertjes Tennis&Junior • Weekend BBQ promotion (P)

• Thai set meal (T) Events




• Wagyu beef (J) Events • Thai set meal (T) • National Squash • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B) • Mums & Tots (R)

Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Main Events in

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai set meal (T) • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B)

• Wagyu beef (J) Events • Thai set meal (T) • Beef Kid’s (TL) • BunMovie noodle set meal (B)


February 2013


1: 70s & 80s Party 2: Lion Dance Brunch Buffet 1-2: Tennis Junior Tournament 4: National Squash League 6: Kids Movie & Asian Movie NIght 7: 2013 KLM Junior Team Tennis League 13: Movie Night Legend:

T: Terrace TL: The Lounge TB: Triple B


20 Wed

8 Fri

• Wagyu beef (J) Events • Thai set meal (T) • 2013 KLM Junior Team • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B)

13 Wed Events • Movie Night (TL)

15: AquaDucks Club Night & Ladies Beach Tennis 16: Comedy Night 22: Dutch Comedy Night with Johan Goossens 27: Movie Night

AR: Amsterdam Room BR: Brabant Room TWB: Tradewinds Bar

15 Fri

16 SAT

Events • AquaDucks Club Night • Ladies Beach Tennis

Events • Comedy Night (MH)

23 SAT

24 SUN

17 SUN

18 MON

25 MON


MH: Main Hall SB: Serambi Bar P: Poolside L: Library R: Rotterdam Room CR: Chill Out Room


22 Fri Events • Dutch Comedy Night with Johan Goossens (MH)

27 Wed Events • Movie Night (TL)


AUSTRALIAN MONTH WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 21

Food & Beverage

New Zealand Geraldine Orange Chicken With salad and baked potatoes



Banh Xeo Tom

Vietnamese savoury pancake with prawn, minced pork, bean sprouts and green beans



Asam Fish Soup

Butter Chicken



Served with rice

22 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Served with Biryani rice, achar and papadum

Food & Beverage

Australian Sizzling Spare Ribs

With BBQ sauce, French fries and coleslaw



Bun Hai San

Vietnamese spicy and sour seafood noodle soup



Steamed Herb-Crusted Chicken Wings

Indonesian Ayam Madu

Served with rice

Deep fried honey chicken served with rice and vegetables


$13.50 WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 23

Food & Beverage BEVERAGE PROMOTIONS November / December

24 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Sports & Recreation

GYM Why Most Whey are Way Off! By Head Fitness Trainer Youri Kruse What is Whey and Why it is Popular? Whey protein comes from the manufacturing of cheese. Whey was initially treated as a waste product, until years later when scientists discovered the health benefits of whey. Whey contains all forms of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and can be delivered to our muscles in record time. Whey protein shakes are usually taken by athletes and gym-users to promote the recovery of muscles cells after being damaged via exercise. Whey protein can be used to speed recovery. After an exercise session, there is a time known as the window of opportunity, in which the body can absorb more protein than usual. An important consideration is that the quality of the protein will greatly decide the quality of the muscle. Different Forms of Whey (Denatured versus Whole, Nondenatured Whey) There are different varieties of whey protein on the market. The first category can be classified under denatured (concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzed) whey and the second category is (whole) non-denatured whey. Denatured whey is mostly sold under these three categories: Whey Concentrate: Filtering the protein source through a filter to get the water, minerals and other material out, the residue will become (Whey) concentrate. Isolate Protein: The filtering with Isolate protein goes a step further than with concentrate to get a higher percentage of the essential proteins (usually by ion-exchange or cross-flow microfiltration) Hydrolyzed Whey: The Isolate proteins are broken down in smaller pieces for better absorption. The problem with denatured whey (Concentrate, Isolate and Hydrolyzed) is that most of the widely-known and commercial brands, employ extensive heating and acidic treatments to extract the whey. These manufacturing processes also results in a strong chemical taste. Consequently, the structure of the amino acids is damaged by heat and acids, and renders an inferior amino acid balance. The stripping away of the needed minerals also makes the product very acidic, which hinders optimal health. Further, artificial sweeteners and preservatives, added to conceal the chemical taste, further degrades the overall health quality of such products. As an example, one of the most powerful antioxidants we have in our bodies is glutathione. The body requires amino acid “cysteine” to make glutathione. This precious amino acid is destroyed by the heating and manufacturing process. Whole, non-denatured Whey Although it contains less amino acid content per gram, whole non-denatured whey comes with all the natural minerals to combat the acidity of the protein. The natural components active in whole whey contain immunoglobulin. As we know, immunoglobulins assist the immune system in functioning. Furthermore, whole non-denatured whey provides intact levels of “cysteine”, a rich source for glutathione production. Non-denatured whey provides many health benefits compared to denatured whey. What to look for when buying quality whey: - Made from unpasteurized (raw) milk - Hormone/antibiotics free - Contains immunoglobins - From grass fed cows - Cold processed - No artificial sweeteners - Water soluble The information presented is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Talk with your healthcare professional or nutritionist about any questions you may have concerning food/supplementation.


From 6:00am to 7:00am the last gate going down to the Tennis Court will be open instead of ‘The Rooms’ side gate.


Please observe proper gym etiquette by placing equipments back into their original position after use and help to take care of the equipment by not dropping the weights or banging the machines. Thank you! WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 25

Sports & Recreation



Judo, which is translated as the “gentle way”, teaches the principle of flexibility in the application of technique. Skill, technique and timing, rather than the use of brute strength, are the essential ingredients for success in Judo.

Day/Time: Monday – 11 sessions (Judo Novice) 4.00pm – 5.00pm Start Date: 7 January 2013 End Date: 25 March 2013

Friday – 11 sessions 5.00pm – 6.00pm (All Grades) Start Date: 11 January 2013 End Date: 22 March 2013

Wednesday – 12 sessions 4.00pm – 5.00pm (Judo U7 years) 5.00pm – 6.00pm (Judo O7 years) Start Date: 9 January 2013 End Date: 27 March 2013

Saturday – 12 sessions 9.30am – 10.30am (Judo U7 years) 10.30am – 11.30pm (Judo O7 years) 11.30am – 12.30pm (Judo O9 years) Start Date: 5 January 2013 End Date: 23 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $32.50 x number of sessions, Guest $39.50 x number of sessions Min to Start: 6 pax



Day/Time: Thursday – 12 sessions 9.30am – 10.30am Start Date: 10 January 2013 End Date: 28 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $32.50 x number of sessions, Guest $39.50 x number of sessions Min to Start: 6 pax




Day/Time: Thursday – 12 sessions 10.30am – 11.30am Start Date: 10 January 2013 End Date: 28 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $32.50 x number of sessions, Guest $39.50 x number of sessions Min to Start: 6 pax



Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind.

Day/Time: Saturday – 12 sessions 3.00pm – 4.00pm Start Date: 5 January 2013 End Date: 30 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $21.50 x number of sessions, Guest $24.00 x number of sessions Min to Start: 5 pax

Zen Do Ka Freestyle Karate is a modern mix of Karate, Kung Fu, Kickboxing and other Martial Arts styles. Karate Kidz and Adults have fun learning practical self-defence techniques while developing fitness, physical skills, coordination, confidence, self esteem and discipline – thus improving performance in other sports. Participants learn through games and fun competitions, exciting tricks, spinning kicks, and punches by hitting pads, NOT each other. Parents can also train alongside their children. All ages from 5 to 105 years!

ZDK KIDZ FREESTYLE KARATE BY SENSEI PETER A. ROBERSTON Day/Time: Sunday – 10 sessions (Late starters will be pro-rated from their first session) 4.30pm – 5.30pm Start Date: 20 January 2013 End Date: 31 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $30.00 x no. of sessions, Guest $35.00 x no. of sessions Min to Start: 4 pax

ZDK ELITE KICKBOXING BY SENSEI PETER A. ROBERSTON Kickboxing; Adults & Teens (13 & over) Mixed Gender Classes: Tuesday – 10 sessions (Late starters will be pro rated from their 1st session) 7.30pm – 8.30pm Start Date: 15 January 2013 End Date: 26 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $30.00 x no. of sessions, Guest $35.00 x no. of sessions Min to Start: 2 pax Ladies Only Kickboxing: Wednesday – 11 sessions 10.30am – 11.30am Start Date: 16 January 2013 End Date: 27 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $30.00 x no. of sessions, Guest $35.00 x no. of sessions Min to Start: 2 pax

NEW TERM – REGISTER NOW! Minimum number of pax required for term to commence. To Register: Complete S&R Registration Form at the Club’s Reception. Any inquiries, please email Sports & Rec: sports.exec@hollandseclub.org.sg or call 6461 1127. 26 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Sports & Recreation


Combining cardiovascular and muscle sculpting exercises, it is a great class to attend if weight loss is an objective. This activity increases fat-burning while the strength training increases muscle mass, which in turn increases the body’s metabolism.

Day/Time: Monday – 11 sessions 9.00am – 10.00am Start Date: 7 January 2013 End Date: 25 March 2013 Friday – 11 sessions 9.00am – 10.00am Start Date: 11 January 2013 End Date: 22 March 2013 Min to Start: 6 pax Term Fees: Member $16.00 x number of sessions, Guest $22.50 x number of sessions


Pilates is a body conditioning routine that seeks to build flexibility, strength, endurance, and coordination without adding muscle bulk. It uses controlled movements in the form of mat exercises or equipment to tone and strengthen the body.

Day/Time: Tuesday – 11 sessions 12.00pm – 1.00pm Start Date: 8 January 2013 End Date: 26 March 2013 Thursday – 11 sessions 8.00pm – 9.00pm Start Date: 10 January 2013 End Date: 28 March 2013 Min to Start: 6 pax Term Fees: Member $16.00 x number of sessions, Guest $22.50 x number of sessions


Step Aerobics is distinguished from other forms of aerobic exercise by its use of an elevated platform. The height can be tailored to individual needs by inserting risers under the step. Step aerobics classes are offered at many gyms and fitness centers which have a group exercise program.

Day/Time: Wednesday – 12 sessions 9.00am – 10.00am Start Date: 9 January 2013 End Date: 27 March 2013 Min to Start: 6 pax Term Fees: Member $16.00 x number of sessions, Guest $22.50 x number of sessions

NEW TERM – REGISTER NOW! Minimum number of pax required for term to commence. To Register: Complete S&R Registration Form at the Club’s Reception. Any inquiries, please email Sports & Rec: sports.exec@hollandseclub.org.sg or call 6461 1127. WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 27


BY Mariam Marx

Love Generation Kids Yoga is an actively engaging way for children to develop their physical, mental, and emotional health. Through Yoga, children learn how to relax, focus their energy and develop poise, strength, balance, and flexibility. Yoga helps the child create connections in body, mind, and spirit by developing mindfulness and selfawareness. Through fun and non-competitive yoga games, children develop self-esteem, confidence, cooperation, patience, teamwork and family unity. Come Play Yoga and Share the Love!

Day/Time: Thursday – 10 sessions 4.00pm – 5.00pm (5 to 8 years old) 5.00pm – 6.00pm (9 to 12 years old) Start Date: 17 January 2013 End Date: 21 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $21.50 x number of sessions, Guest $25.00 x number of sessions Min to Start: 4 pax


BY Amy Mak

Hatha yoga incorporates slow stretches, breathing and relaxation techniques which result in wonderful physical and emotional benefits.

Day/Time: Saturdays – 11 sessions 4.30pm – 5.30pm Start Date: 12 January 2013 End Date: 30 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $21.50 x number of sessions, Guest $25.00 x number of sessions Min to Start: 4 pax



BY Abdul Ghani

Zumba! is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving millions of people towards joy and health.

Day/Time: Friday – 10 sessions 10.30am – 11.30am Start Date: 11 January 2013 End Date: 29 March 2013 Term Fees: Member $21.50 x number of sessions, Guest $25.00 x number of sessions Min to Start: 4 pax

28 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Sports & Recreation

Hollandse Club Activities Contacts





A Aerobics (Step)


0900 - 1000 Rotterdam Ann Yang

Aqua Aerobics


1100 - 1200 Swimming pool David Verlinde

Aqua Spin


0830 - 0930 Swimming pool AquaSpin

CONTACT 9815 0239 6461 1159 9225 7310

9321 6200

B Basketball (7 – 10 years) Sunday

0800 - 0900

Multi Purpose Court

Bernard Williams

9437 6252

Basketball (11 – 13 years) Sunday

0900 - 1000

Multi Purpose Court

Bernard Williams

9437 6252

Bridge (Duplicate) Tuesday

1930 - 2300 Amsterdam

Franciska Ho

6259 3864

0900 - 1230 Amsterdam

Franciska Ho

6259 3864

C Cardio Sculpt Mon/Fri

0900 - 1000 Rotterdam Ann Yang

9815 0239

H Hockey (Ladies)

2000 - 2100

9146 5686

Friday Wednesday

CCAB Eveline van Aller

8200 4783

Hockey (Men)

2100 - 2200

CCAB Egbert Abrahams

9235 4449

Hockey (Youth) Tuesday

1900 - 2000


Caroline Abrahams

9002 3632


0900 - 1100


Caroline Abrahams

9002 3632

J Judo (Novice) Monday

1600 - 1700 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (7 years & under)


0930 - 1030 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (7 – 9 years) Saturday

1030 - 1130 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (8 years & under)

1600 Youri- 1700 Rotterdam Gerard Lim 1600 - 1700 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (8 years & over)

Wednesday Friday Wednesday

1700 - 1800 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

9750 6305

1700 - 1800 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (9 years & above) Saturday

1130 – 1230 Rotterdam Gerard Lim

6461 1127

1630 - 1730 Rotterdam

Peter Robertson

9681 1927

Kickboxing Tue & Wed Various Rotterdam

Peter Robertson

9681 1927

0900 - 1200 Terrace

Coordinator needed


1000 - 1130 Rotterdam

Coordinator needed


K Karate Sunday

M Mahjong

9750 6305



Clara Nieuwenhuijzen

Moms & Tots



P Personal Training

By Appointment - Gym Ashraf

8526 6913


8267 2477

Pilates Tuesday

1200 - 1300 Rotterdam Ann Yang

9815 0239


2000 - 2100 Rotterdam Ann Yang

9815 0239

S Squash (Junior Training) Saturday

1200 - 1400 Squash court

Yeo Kiang Bee

8147 8059

Squash (Training) Monday

1900 - 2100 Squash court Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198

1900 - 2100 Squash court Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198

1900 - 2100 Squash court Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198

1900 - 2300 Squash court

Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198

- Starting in September Tuesday

Squash (Ladies Social)


Squash (Social) Thursday


1400 - 1700 Squash court Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198


Various Swimming pool David Verlinde

6461 1159 9225 7310

T Taekwondo Saturday

1500 - 1600 Rotterdam Raymond Chin

9181 0827

Tennis (Free Family Courts) Sunday

0900 - 1200 Tennis court Reception

6464 5225

Tennis (Ladies Competition)


0900 - 1200 Tennis court Natalie Grob

9272 0170

Tennis (Ladies Social) Monday

0900 - 1200 Tennis court Maja

9750 7124

Tennis (Men’s Social) Saturday

1400 - 1700 Tennis court

Patrice Plet

9833 4038

Tennis (Mixed Social)

1900 – 2100 Tennis court Valdo David

9109 2856

Swimming Lessons / Competition



1600 – 1800 Tennis court Valdo David

9109 2856

Tennis Lessons Mon-Sat Various Tennis court Scott Johnston

9038 9348

Y Yoga Saturday

1630 – 1730 Rotterdam Amy Mak

9664 8337

Yoga (Kids) Thursday

1600 – 1700 Rotterdam Mariam Marx

9644 7500


1700 – 1800 Rotterdam Mariam Marx

9644 7500

Z Zumba

1030 – 1130 Rotterdam Abdul Ghani

8339 9753


WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 29

Sports & Recreation

TENNIS Upcoming Events 13 January – Paul Haarhuis and Jacco Eltingh Tennis Clinics We are very honoured to welcome Dutch tennis playing legends, Paul Haarhuis and Jacco Eltingh, who will be visiting the Hollandse Club on Sunday, 13 January. For those who don’t know them, at a certain point they were the best Male Double Tennis players in the world. Together, they won 5 Grand Slam titles, including Wimbledon, the French, US and Australian Opens between 1994 - 2002. Now they are in Singapore and they will give clinics, perform an exhibition match and answer any questions we may have. The program is as follows: 9:00am - 10:30am: Tennis Clinic for Adults (S$55.00) 10:30am - 12:00pm: Tennis Clinic for Children (S$35.00) 12:00pm - 12:30pm: Exhibition Show Match (Free) 12:30pm - 1:00pm: Q&A (Free) Non-Members will pay S$5.00 extra. Please email tenniscommittee@hollandseclub.org.sg to register. Do it now. Limited spaces available. First come, first serve! 18 January Beginners Tennis Toss (Organised by Linda van Rossum en Suzanne Westerbeek) 25 January – Tennis Friday Fun Night Social 1-2 February – Tennis Junior Tournament 19-20 April – Tennis Junior Tournament 4 May – Tennis Club Championships - Singles 18 May – Tennis Club Championships - Doubles 1-2 June – Tennis Junior Club Championships 20-22 – September Davis Cup 15-16 – November Tennis Mixed Doubles

TENNIS SOCIALS Family Social: Every Sunday from 9.00am to 12.00pm

Ladies Friendly Tennis Battle: Every Friday from 9.00am to 12.00pm

Monday Ladies Socials: Every Monday from 9.00am to 12.00pm

Men’s Social: Every Saturday from 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Mixed Social: Every Wednesday from 7.00pm to 9.00pm Every Sunday from 4.00pm to 6.00pm

TENNIS COMMITTEE Patrice Plet (Convener) Natalie Grob Mireille Kodden Pauline Welten

9833 9272 9800 8168

4038 0170 2435 2084

30 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Want to be sure to get all information on tennis activities? Send an e-mail to: tenniscommittee@hollandseclub.org.sg and we will put you on the mailing list.

Sports & Recreation Ladies Beach Tennis Day Friday 15th February 2013 What is Beach Tennis? Beach Tennis takes the fun and fast-paced sport of tennis and combines it with the sun, sea and sand. Come Down to Siloso Beach from 9.00am to 12.00pm and enjoy this exciting sport, new to the shores of Singapore. Beach Tennis is gaining momentum in many parts of Europe, the United States and more recently in Australia. The cost will be $20.00 per player including use of equipment, drinks and snacks to keep to playing! Places are limited so be quick to reserve your spot by emailing scott@savitar.sg.

2013 KLM Junior Team Tennis League The Hollandse Club will be holding a trial session on Saturday 7 February from 12.00pm to 1.00pm for any juniors interested in joining the team tennis league starting in mid-March. This year, players can enter teams for ages 10/u, 12/u, 14/u, 16/u, in either A or B division depending on experience. The KLM JTTL is a Team Tennis competition for junior tennis players. It provides valuable singles and doubles match play opportunities as part of a team. The league is an excellent way to challenge and motivate juniors to play competitive tennis in a fun and supervised environment. You may enter a team or as an individual, in which case we can place you in a team. This trial session is free and is designed to attract players and parents wanting to find out more information about the competition. It also creates an opportunity to assess playing levels and to form teams from the Hollandse Club. Interested players/parents should meet above court 2 at the Triple B bar at 12.00pm, Saturday 7 February.

Pre-Office Workout Want to start the day with a workout and one hour of matchplay, giving you enough time to head into the office and leaving you ready to tackle the day ahead? The breakfast competition will run on Tuesday mornings from 7.00am to 8.00am. It will start in February. Interested players, or anyone who would like more information please email scott@savitar.sg.

2013 SAVITAR JUNIOR TENNIS PROGRAMS The coaches at Savitar Tennis would like to welcome back all players, and look forward to the year ahead. The objective of the Savitar Junior Tennis Programs is to provide a pathway for participation and development whilst creating a fun environment in which to learn. Savitar programs cover the entire development cycle from Tiny Tots to Advanced Squad training. Players can proceed through each structured program, building their skills and enthusiasm for the game at each level. All programs are conducted by Savitar’s team of certified professionals in a positive and safe environment. In addition, Savitar’s successful Tennis Camps are an excellent way to make use of holiday periods to develop your game further. Any parents wishing to enrol their children in one of our specialized tennis programs or begin individual lessons can contact the Savitar Director of Tennis, Scott Johnston by email at scott@savitar.sg.


“For those sports enthusiasts who want to take up SCUBA Diving as a hobby, it is not as hard or expensive as you think.” For those that are unsure whether you will enjoy the sport, we are offering Intro to SCUBA for Adults on either: • Wednesday, 30 January with two sessions at 9.30am and 10.00am or • Wednesday 13 February with two sessions at 7.30pm and 8.00pm Intro to SCUBA gives you a glimpse into what you can expect to see in the underwater world, as well as what you could expect to learn in the Open Water Scuba Diver Course. You will be shown the basic safety procedures for enjoyable scuba dives under the watchful eye of a diving instructor. Limited slots are available! Please register your interest with your Dive-master Gary (gary@gs-diving.com), or email him with queries. WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 31

Sports & Recreation

SWIMMING Dear swimmers, It was a fantastic 2 months and there were a few of big events. Award Swimming On Friday, 7 December, there was award swimming for our Ducklings (children together with the parents), our Duckies (preschoolers) and Proficiency (technical strokes). It was a beautiful day and we saw a lot of beautiful smiles on the children’s faces (and proud parents). Good job, everyone! Let’s work to the next level. On Friday, 9 December, there was ABC Swimming awards (Dutch swimming awards). All the children were very nervous, but everybody got their Diploma. Good job! Neptune/Triton League On Sunday, 4 November, there was a Neptune League for our swimmers at the Swiss Club. It was a beautiful morning and many of our swimmers broke their personal record. Thank you all for coming and supporting our Dolphins. On Friday, 30 November, there was a Triton League. This is a new league for children who don’t swim (individuals) at the Neptune League and prepare them to join the Neptune League. Thank you all for coming and supporting the Dolphins. Water Polo The Competition and Development swimmers had a go at playing water polo during the month of December from 5.00pm - 7.00pm. It was a great success and the children had lots of fun! Aqua Aerobics We would like to introduce a new Aqua Aerobics coach for the classes on Monday at 11.00am. Marina is a very experienced coach from Switzerland. She can’t wait to start in January and we wish her all the best and hope she and the ladies will enjoy the class together. Fun Class / Zwemvaardigheid New Swimming classes : FUN CLASS/Zwemvaardigheid. We are offering new classes in the new year, on Monday and Friday at 4:15pm. During the fun class, we are offering the children the chance to get the Dutch certificates for Zwemvaardigheid 1/2/3, Snorkelen 1/2/3 and Survival 1/2/3. During these classes, we will work on the children’s technique, teach them new things like tumble turns, learning skills for junior life guards, learning to survive in different circumstances and learning the skills of snorkeling. This class is also available for non Dutch speaking children.

Upcoming events Races Aquaducks Championship – 17 March Hollandse club Championship – 12 May Neptune League Round 1 Sunday – 3 March Neptune League Round 2 Sunday – 28 April Neptune League Round 3 Sunday – 2 June Neptune League Round 4 Sunday – 27 October Neptune League Round 5 Sunday – 5 November Triton league Round 1 – Friday 1 March Triton league Round 2 – Friday 26 April Triton league Round 3 – Friday 31 May Triton league Round 4 – Friday 20 September Triton league Round 5 – Friday 22 November

ABC – Swimming Awards 2013 Round 1 Sunday – 24 March (9.00am - 12.00pm) Round 2 Sunday – 16 June (9.00am - 12.00pm) Events 3 Sunday – 8 December (9.00am - 12.00pm) Events 4-DAY SWIMMING EVENT – 23-27 September Award Swimming – 18-23 November Parents Info Evening last Friday of the month February 7.15pm at the pool side. (For parents who like to know more about our way of teaching and learning about the levels and ABC diploma).

Club Nights (swim trials for the swim team) Round 1 Friday – 15 February Round 2 Friday – 12 April Round 3 Friday – 17 May Round 4 Friday – 4 October We wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Splashing 2013. Best regards, Aquaducks team. Hollandse Club 32 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Sports & Recreation

COSMO Playoffs Winners

SQUASH Squash Report – Cosmo Greats Since our last report we have had a busy and rather successful time of it at the Squash department. The internal leagues have been running and this is a great way for our members to test their skills and endurance against others, who we hope are of similar skill and stamina. We have, of course, a wonderful array of talent to suit all levels and so any of you who feel the urge to get fit and at the same time meet some truly unique individuals, then the squash courts are the place to be on a Saturday afternoon. Cosmo League The Cosmo has seen a stupendous turnaround from team HC to a point where from languishing in last place, we managed to end the season in fourth place. The final one day tournament was held at the Tanglin Club on 1 December. We started the day playing the Singapore Cricket Club again and they must be sick of the sight of us, after once again losing to us in the Quarter Finals 4-1. We were then up against SICC in the semis and steam rolled them 5-0. It was then through to the final, where we came up against the American Club. We had Fred, Geert and Ross putting on a fine show, giving us an unassailable lead. The good work was slightly undone by Alfie losing to someone close to twice his age and Kim losing his way once again, but we had done enough and secured yet another trophy for the year.

The Cosmo Tour to Manila

Manila Tour We also had the Cosmo (read Hollandse Club) squash tour trip to Manila. Most of the team arrived early on Thursday to ensure that they were properly acclimatised to the conditions in Manila and spent Thursday evening building up resistance levels at various bars. Despite some rather fragile looking faces emerging Friday morning, by the time our first match against the Manila Polo Club came about, we were focused on the task at hand. Well, some of us were anyway. Our dear Alfie managed to let a 2-0 lead and then a 9-5 lead in the final set slip, crowning himself as the LVP (Least Valuable Player). Paul played with all the rhythm and grace of a 90 year old and lost poorly, but our other illustrious team members ensured that the match ended with us winning.

Another night of resistance training followed and by Saturday breakfast/lunch all looked lost for our matches that afternoon. The majority of us looked as though we had taken the training idea too far. However, once again we managed to lift ourselves for the game against the Palm Country Club that afternoon. Daniel had to play the Philippines #3 from which we can only conclude that Head make possibly the strongest squash rackets on the market!!! Ross too made the whole art of squash look exceedingly complicated and Shahz looked, as ever, graceful in defeat. Fortunately, Alfie, Fred and Paul scraped through despite some blatant bullying tactics from the opposition and so the Cosmo (HC) Team won on a count back. It was an excellent weekend of squash and a great time with friends, so another successful squash tour is done and dusted. We now look forward to Jakarta in early 2013. Veteran’s Tournament Finally we had a slimmed down Veteran’s tournament on the second weekend of December, which saw us break from tradition and host a dinner on the Saturday evening. The games started Friday night and despite the smaller size of the event, we managed to see some excellent battles, as well as some less impressive and somewhat one-sided affairs. Just a few beers in the aftermath on Friday meant a fairly lucid state of play on Saturday, but with players starting to drop like flies it seemed that the winners would not be the best, but rather the last man standing. Dinner Saturday was an excellent affair put on by the Club and our erstwhile sports coordinator Skye, which set us up nicely for the semis and the finals on Sunday. In the >40 category, we had Shane Hagan of Tanglin taking on Bill, Baby Beckham, Hickling and it was power versus guile. It was a wonderful game to watch and a lesson to us all on what some focus, training, fitness, reduced alcohol consumption and a better diet could do to our game if only we made the effort. After some titanic rallies, Bill came through as the winner 3-1. In the >50, we had Terry Scott from the Cricket Club against the might of our own Fred Saarloos. Fred raced to a two game lead, but then Terry found some inspiration and pulled things back to 2-2. In the final game, Fred was at match point 10-7 but then somehow managed to lose the match. Again, it was an excellent event, the format of which we will certainly look to use again in the future. The New Year So the New Year is upon us and along with that is, of course, the annual crusade that we will embark on to improve our health by drinking less and exercising more. Squash is great for the latter but I give no promises for the former. I highly recommend that you should give the sport a try. Saturday afternoons are a good time to come along and test your skills and if you are too busy then there is, of course, Thursday evening after 7.30pm. If you want to get involved then please do not hesitate to pop down to the courts. Or alternatively drop me a line at roberts@alcotra.ch and I will be more than happy to arrange a game with you. During Q1, we will continue our internal league, we will be putting teams together for the annual National Squash League and we will be running our internal championship. Lastly, it is with sadness that we have to say Good Bye to Bruno (Boom Boom) Van der Schueren who apparently has a better offer in Hong Kong. Bruno spent a great deal of time and energy steering the squash section to where we are today. His vision and drive have been a shining example to us all. Bruno will, of course, be remembered for his height and uncanny resemblance to both Jonathan and Kevin Borlee (Belgian 400 metre runners for those who don’t know). We wish you well, my friend, and we hope that we will see you back in Singapore soon. WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 33

Sports & Recreation


Hollandse Club hockey men’s second team wins SHF Division Two championship

Men’s B Hockey Team line-up Back row from left to right: Fred Martens (coach), Rik Zwinkels, David Liem (captain), Paul Rombeek, Job Leuning, Pieter van Houten, Michiel van Selm, Peter Annink, Rogier Smeets Front row from left to right: Sander Scheepens, Paul Kroonenburg, Olaf Bluemke, Olaf Kwakman, Jorgen Bierman (goalie), Thijs Bakker, Robert Sunderman, Egbert Abrahams, Barend van Ijsselstein Not in picture : Camiel Frijlink, Floris Messing, Guido Nieuwenhuyzen, Jan-Arie Bijloos, Jeroen de Koning, Ynse de Boer The 2012 hockey season was a very successful one for the Hollandse Club hockey men’s second team. Not only did they win the championship, they also did it even though this was the first time in the team’s history that they reached the top four in their league. During the first half of 2012, the team committed to improving their general fitness, hockey skills and playing together as a team. They did this with weekly trainings and practice matches. There was plenty of time, as the Division Two league did not start until the end of July 2012. The team also invited all the other teams in their league for practice matches to build up their game and team spirit. With only wins and draws in the practice matches, the team started with full confidence at their first league match against Khalsa. Unfortunately, they ended up losing by 2-3, as champions in the making would. From the second match onwards, they upped their game and beat NTU and Aetos by 3-0 and 4-0 respectively. Two weeks later, the team was ready to beat archrival SRC for the first time in the history of the team, and it was a sweet victory, which had them winning by 4-2 after trailing by 1-2. The best was yet to come, when the team played Police, whom they beat by 5-3 after they were down by 0-3 until the last 20 minutes. Improved fitness levels were paying dividends as the team players outpaced their younger opponents towards the end of the matches. In the games that followed, ORA were beaten by 3-0, the number 2 at that time, and Totally Mind was put aside with 4-1. Having reached the top of their league, it was imminent that complacency would set in and they lost by 1-3 to archrival C&C United. The team has never yet beaten this team in previous games, which will be one of the new goals for 2013. Fortunately, Hollandse Club was still leading the league after this loss. By winning the last 2 matches against the Women’s National Team (5-0) and SHF Rising Stars (3-0), the feat was accomplished. It would be the first time for the hockey men’s second team to lift an SHF cup. All in all it was a great hockey season for the team, not only for winning the championship, but especially the enjoyment for all the players to experience that anything can be achieved with great team spirit. The hockey men’s first team finished second in Division One and the two hockey ladies’ teams finished first and third respectively in Division One. The 2013 Hockey season The Division One league for men and ladies runs from February to June and the Division Two league from July to October. Hockey training is on Wednesdays from 8-9 pm (ladies) and 9-10 pm (men) at CCAB, 21 Evans Road. In October 2013, the hockey section is organizing the ZOAT (Zuid-Oost Azie Toernooi), inviting all the ‘Dutch’ teams in the Asian region to participate in a 2-day hockey tournament in Singapore. In previous years, the hockey section organized the 1-day Wooden Shoe tournament for the hockey community in Singapore. If you would like to participate in the leagues and/or trainings, please contact the respective convenors: Ladies section: Clara Nieuwenhuyzen, Eveline van Aller (dutchhockeyladies@hotmail.com) Men’s section: Egbert Abrahams (egbertabrahams@hotmail.com) Youth section: Caroline Abrahams (dutchyouthhockey@gmail.com) 34 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Sports & Recreation

Youth Hockey From September to December, 125 children have been playing hockey on Sunday mornings at the hockey pitch at CCAB. They have been happy, sunny mornings with good new trainings, competitive matches and lots of fun, whilst parents watch their children with a nice coffee on the sidelines. Thanks to our new internal competition, the kids played more matches and we will continue with this next season. We would like to thank all our volunteers, who have given all their time, enthusiasm and skills every Sunday morning to teach our kids how to play hockey. With the End of the Year Tournament, we concluded the season. It was a fun and exciting morning! We are looking forward to a new semester with more interesting trainings and more friendly matches. Sunday trainings are from 9.00am - 10.00am for group 1,2 and 3 and 10.00am - 11.00am for groups 5 and 6. Tuesday trainings are from 7.00pm - 8.00pm for group 5 and 6 at CCAB, Hockey pitch, 22 Evans Road.


Schedule for Sunday 13 January 20 January 27 January 3 February Internal competition 24 February 3 March 10 March 17 March Internal competition 24 March 21 April 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 May End of the year Tournament

Schedule for Tuesday 15 January 22 January 29 January 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 March 16 April 23 April 7 May 14 May 21 May

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 35


BOOKSHELF JAN / FEB 2013 Library News: In December 2012, we had to say goodbye to Mrs Corine Brouwer and we wish her and her family all the best in Dubai. We will miss her. English Books

“May We Be Forgiven” by A. M. Homes A prayer and the hope that somehow I come out of this alive. Am I doing this on purpose and I don’t know why?

“• Bared To You • A Touch of Grimson • A Hunger So Wild” by Sylvia Day The trilogy balancing with action, romance and humor.

“Believing The Lie” by Elizabeth George Story with the new inspector - Lynley Mystery.

“The Boy Who Could See Demons” by Carolyn Jess-Cooke Although It appears to be like a book for children, it is not. You will enjoy this book if you like “The curious incident of the Dog in the night time”.

“Calico Joe” by John Grisham A father’s guilt and a son’s redemption.

“The Rise of Nine” by Pittacus Lore The third book after “I am Number Four” and “The Power of Six”.

“11th Hour” by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro A new thriller from the Woman Murder Club series.

The Library needs new volunteers, If you have time a few hours a week, please leave your name and contact number at the reception. For more enquiries and information regarding all library matters you may contact library@hollandseclub.org.sg or pass your details to the Reception.

36 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Club Information

COMMITTEE MEMBERS Festivities Committee Chairperson: Vacant Members: Vacant Kids Committee Chairperson: Eva Bell 9298 5924 Members: Vacant Sports Committee Chairperson: Guido Nieuwenhuijzen

F&B Committee Chairperson: Jean-Paul Deslypere 9826 2598 Members: Patricia Butin Bik, Sytske Rijkens, Azaa Undeejav Jargalma & Nienke Nauta-Kuipers

Library Committee Convenor: Hian Tan 6468 4004 Members: Liesbeth van der Hulst, Cora Smouter, Joossien Dessing, Angela Bowskill & George Thia Finance Committee Chairperson: Bas Winkel Members: Then Wee Lin & Wietske Helle

FACILITY INFORMATION Club Opening Hours Sun - Thur 7.00am - 11.00pm Fri - Sat 7.00am - 1.00am General Office Hours Mon - Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm Tel: 6464 5225 (Reception) Fax: 6468 6272

Swimming Pool Mon - Sun 8.00am - 10.00pm NB: Closure times for competitive swimming: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thur 5pm - 7.30pm (Two lanes will remain open) Last Friday each month 5.00pm - 7.00pm *At least two lanes will remain open on School Holidays between Monday to Friday

Lost & Found Items Please contact the Housekeeper Tel: 6461 1114 or Reception Tel: 6464 5225

Tennis Courts (Booking required) Mon - Sun 7.00am - 11.00pm Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg Child Minding Service 1 to 6 years Mon - Fri 8.30am - 12.00pm Tel: 6461 1150 Mums & Tots Group Newborn to 4 years at Rotterdam Room Tue 10.00am - 11.30am

Food & Beverage outlets The Lounge Mon - Sun 9.00am - Closing (Last order 9.45pm) Reservations: Reception Tel: 6464 5225 or Email: rm@hollandseclub.org.sg (Closed on Monday)

Pool Bar Mon - Sun

10.00am - 7.00pm

Sports & Recreation Facilities Bowling Alley Wed - Fri 3.00pm - 9.00pm Sat, Sun, Eve of PH & PH 10.00am - 9.00pm Closed on Monday & Tuesday

Serambi Bar Wed - Sun

6.00pm - 11.00pm

Terrace Mon - Sun

Gymnasium Mon - Sun

8.00am - 11.00pm (Last order 10.00pm)

Library Tue - Sat Facility information for the library will be different every week.

(Beverages available until closing) Belgium Beer Bar Mon to Fri 8.00am - 12.00pm 6.00pm - 10.00pm Sat, Sun & PH 8.00am - 12.00pm 4.00pm - 11.00pm For special opening hours for events, please ask at reception. During opening hours a limited menu is served. Tradewinds Bar Sun - Thur Fri - Sat Eve PH & PH

7.00am - 10.00pm

The Puppy Club (For children aged from 1 to 6 years) Mon - Thur 12.00pm - 8.00pm Fri 12.00pm - 10.00pm Sat & PH 10.00am - 10.00pm Sun 10.00am - 8.00pm

Multi-purpose Sports Court Mon - Sun 8.00am - 10.00pm Please check availability with reception before using Squash Courts Mon - Sun

Juniors Room (For children aged 7 years and above) Mon - Thur 12.00pm - 8.00pm Fri 12.00pm - 10.00pm Sat & PH 10.00am -10.00pm Sun 10.00am - 8.00pm

7.00am - 11.00pm

Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg

The Chillout Room (For children aged 12 years and above) Mon - Sun 10.00am - 9.00pm

11.00am - 11.00pm 11.00am - 1.00am 11.00am - 1.00am

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 37

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