Hollandse Club: The Magazine July/August 2011

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TheMagazine A bi-monthly publication by the Hollandse Club

Summer Holidays & Upcoming Summer Activities

Visit us online @ www.hollandseclub.org.sg

events & Activities Summer Camps for Kids Sunset Sailing Cruise

Sports New Sports Article - Triathlon Success Zumba & Capriola Dance Classes

F&B Indian Guest Chef Mani Kharal Private Dining in The Lounge


C o n t a c t s

What’s happening at the Hollandse Club

HOLLANDSE CLUB 22 Camden Park Singapore 299814 Tel: 6464 5225 Fax: 6468 6272 Email: info@hollandseclub.org.sg Website: www.hollandseclub.org.sg Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg MAIN COMMITTEE President Albert Jan Hofman president@hollandseclub.org.sg Vice-President Jacqueline Lemmens vicepresident@hollandseclub.org.sg First Secretary Kim van der Heeden firstsecretary@hollandseclub.org.sg Second Secretary & Sub-Committee Coordinator Catelijne Botterweck secondsecretary@hollandseclub.org.sg Treasurer Robert Gorter treasurer@hollandseclub.org.sg Member for Food & Beverage Jean-Paul Deslypere Member for Sports Guido Nieuwenhuijzen Ordinary Member Young-Min Bouman


This Issue 7 Summer Membership


SUB COMMITTEE Member for Festivities Nancy Hilbrink 8223 6303 Disciplinary Committee Paul Stuart CLUB MANAGEMENT General Manager René Verhulst 6461 1103 gm@hollandseclub.org.sg Operations Executive Jeeta Kaur 6461 1104 members@hollandseclub.org.sg

Membership Developments


Banquet Operations Manager Tan Boon Phang 6461 1137 banqmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg Banquet Executive Mariah Said 6461 1112 banquet@hollandseclub.org.sg Head of Membership & Marketing Evan Quek 6461 1139 sales@hollandseclub.org.sg

New Promotions for July & August

Membership Executive Darma Jahari 6461 1111 membership@hollandseclub.org.sg Marketing & Communications Executive Geoffrey Chia 6461 1117 marcom@hollandseclub.org.sg Public Affairs Bridget van Akkooi 6461 1161 pr@hollandseclub.org.sg Events & Entertainment Manager Nele Cornelis 6461 1110 events@hollandseclub.org.sg Food & Beverage Manager Jan Faizal 6461 1118 fnb@hollandseclub.org.sg

Ex-President’s Message


President’s Message


General Manager’s Message


Events & Activities




Executive Sous Chef Christian Crowder 6461 1118 chef@hollandseclub.org.sg



Sports & Recreation Manager Dean Chee 6461 1151 sportsrec@hollandseclub.org.sg

Food & Beverage


Finance Manager Vangel Neo 6461 1108 finmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg







Club Information


Accountant Zoey Lee 6461 1106 a.r@hollandseclub.org.sg Human Resource Executive Diyana A.B. 6461 1113 hradmin@hollandseclub.org.sg Executive Housekeeper Karrey Quek 6461 1114 Housekeeper@hollandseclub.org.sg Administrative Assistant Regina Sim 6461 1160 adminasst@hollandseclub.org.sg

The Hollandse Club Magazine is published monthly and distributed free to members of the Club. Views and opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect those of the Club, its committee or editorial staff. ©All Rights reserved. MICA (P) 156/04/2009.

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EX-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “I am quite content to have seen my imaginary Project 2020 team come to life, as I believe the combined talent represented in this team and the recommendations they will no doubt serve us with, will give us the strategic edge in our long term development plans.”

Dear Members, As this is my last message from the presidential seat, I realize some kind of epilogue is applicable. On the occasion of my departure I have been approached with questions like: ‘What was it like for you? What were your biggest accomplishments or setbacks? What have you gained from this experience?” etc. The thing is, I don’t feel too comfortable putting myself in the spotlight like that. First of all, I barely had the opportunity to ‘leave my mark’ on our club, and secondly, because I think for the large majority of you, my fellow members, it isn’t all that relevant how I personally experienced my time here. I would like to share, however, that I am extremely happy with and proud of what has been accomplished in my years in the Main Committee. This is most certainly not my singlehanded contribution, so I would like to credit all my fellow former and current committee members for turning this club around on a variety of levels. We are in many ways so much healthier (and definitely better looking!) than three years ago, when I first stepped aboard the MC. Yes, we’ve come a long way, but the results we have booked are amazing, and I cannot imagine a team that would have done it any better. On an operational level, I am pleased to leave at a time with so many things still in the pipeline, varying from beautification to extension plans, from organizational to quality improvements. In many respects we are on an upward curve indeed, ladies and gentlemen, and I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to our General Manager, René Verhulst, who has been heading this change of direction professionally, passionately and fearlessly. Coming from a communication background, I have been focusing on improvements in that department and I hope the efforts have paid off. We have a beautiful website to show for, there are fewer typos and errors, and our art department keeps churning out designs any high billing ad agency wouldn’t be ashamed of. Many thanks for that to the guys in Marcom who always managed to keep their cool, even when I wanted to go over our latest newsletter or magazine for the fourth or fifth time. Besides communication, I took a special interest in our club’s appearance and in that respect my gratitude and admiration go out to Erika Staal, our self appointed interior decorator, whose vision and creativity are unequalled. Thank you for making (parts of) our club look hip and happening instead of drab and tired, most times on extremely limited budgets! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.

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Caution, however, still remains our motto. Obviously this upward curve is just a step away from a deep and gaping crevice and we need to monitor each and every step. We are, after all, operating in a vulnerable market and the question remains, more than ever, whether we will continuously be able to reinvent ourselves timely enough to keep abreast of all potential threats to our existence. In that sense, I am quite content to have seen my imaginary Project 2020 team (as described in the message of my successor, Albert Jan Hofman) come to life, as I believe the combined talent represented in this team and the recommendations they will no doubt serve us with, will give us the strategic edge in our long term development plans. All in all, while I am very sad to leave our beautiful Club behind, I am also very happy to know the capable hands I’m leaving you all in. I look forward to staying in one of those hotel rooms next time I’m here and enjoying a double macchiato plus a Panini with jamon Serrano or Manchego between the foliage at the Lounge terrace after a morning swim! As a parting gift I was fortunate enough to literally have been given a piece of the Club to carry with me to Madrid – a small brick I can easily fit into my luggage. I would need whole suitcases, however, for all the memories I’m taking with me. Gracias to you all for that. Ditte Papousek Departing President

NEW PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “I look forward to serving as your President. Together with a talented and committed MC, we will strive to bring both renewal and stability to our Club.”

Dear Fellow Members, I am looking forward to assuming the role of Hollandse Club President this summer. Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you who were not familiar with me in my role as Honorary Treasurer of the Club since July 2010. I became a member of the Hollandse Club in 1996, with a short break when we were relocated to Hong Kong and the UK until 2007. The club has always played an important role in my family’s social and sporting life. Before my wife, Michaela, and I had our children, Pippa (12), Lucas (10) and Max (8), we enjoyed weekend drinks at the then rather rowdy Club bar, where the music seemed much louder than nowadays. Times change and now the Hollandse Club plays an essential social function for my family, as I am sure it does for yours. My vision for the Club, as its new President, is to enhance the Club’s role in members’ lives and improve general member satisfaction. This is my main priority, together with convincing potential members that there is simply no family club alternative to the Hollandse Club in Singapore. My nationality is Dutch, however I left the Netherlands when I was very young and have lived and worked in many different countries since. Of course, the attraction of the Club for me is partially its Dutch heritage. My children have only lived in Netherlands for short time and the Club provides a cultural link with their roots. However, the international character of the Club is its main attraction to me, as for many other members and potential members. Strengthening the reputation as an international club is a priority. As we up-date and improve the aesthetics of the Club’s décor, we must be sure to also reinforce the international atmosphere for members and potential members from all over the world. I invite all members, whatever your nationality, to be actively involved in how the Club develops in the future.

We are seizing on the doldrums of the summer months to give a facelift to some of the more tired parts of the premises, to bring the overall look into the 21st century. In the next quarter, more improvements and initiatives will be implemented which we hope will enhance member satisfaction. I hope to appeal to a broader spectrum of members by developing some new events that appeal to all our members, regardless of nationality. It’s time for a fresh look Club for to a new generation of members, but without losing sight of our heritage. Please feel free to approach the MC with any ideas you may have along this line. At our last AGM, we highlighted how the operating environment of our Club and the competitive landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years. We have taken significant steps to improve cost effectiveness, efficiency and optimise our operations without compromising the Club’s service and product offering. Our Club needs to more clearly differentiate itself from the competition. We are working on giving our brand a fresh look to appeal to a new generation. At the same time, the need to connect all traditional stakeholders more effectively must be one of my and the MC’s main priorities. The recently launched Project 2020 initiative aims to explore, develop and recommend for implementation a strategic plan for the long-term sustainability of our Club. Immediately following the AGM, several members stepped forward to volunteer their valuable expertise and time to be a part of this development for the overall benefit of our Club. I would like to thank the members who have pledged their commitment and hope that more members will make themselves and their talents available. I am confident that the membership and staff share in our gratitude to them. The Project 2020 Committee is independent of the MC

and enjoys its full support. It has been given full latitude to develop a strategic plan and make recommendations for implementation to the MC to ensure the Club’s long-term future. Last but not least, I would like to thank Ditte Papousek for her tireless commitment over the past year as President. Her premature departure leaves some unfinished business that I am sure she would have wanted to see through. She dedicated her efforts to involving volunteers and served as First Secretary on the MC, and as Vice President from 2009-2010. She set an enviable track record of service. We wish her and her family well in Madrid. I look forward to serving as your President. Together with a talented and committed MC, we will strive to bring both renewal and stability to our Club. Albert Jan Hofman President, Hollandse Club The Main Committee: President: Albert Jan Hofman Vice-President: Jacqueline Lemmens Honorary Treasurer: Robert Gorter First Secretary: Kim van der Heeden Second Secretary & Sub-Committee Co-ordinator: Catelijne Botterweck Member for Food & Beverage: Jean-Paul Deslypere Member for Sports: Guido Nieuwenhuijzen Ordinary Member: Young-Min Bouman

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GM’s MESSAGE “It was great working with you Ditte, albeit too short, and thanks for your support and inspiration.!”

Dear Members, HOLLANDSE ‘INN’ As you could read earlier in our Newsflash, we are converting the rooms currently occupied by the Aspara spa and the under-utilized steam room and wet area into 5 standard hotel rooms and 1 deluxe room with a jacuzzi. The Aspara had already indicated some time ago that they didn’t want to renew their contract, meaning a loss of rental income for the club. We were unable to find another spa operator (it is simply impossible to survive on the patronage from members only) but at the same time the club definitely needs any additional revenue it can get. Therefore, we had to look for a money generating solution. Extensive market research was conducted and we visited and gathered information from all the clubs in Singapore that operate hotel rooms on their premises (Raffles Town Club, Tanglin Club, Changi Sailing Club, Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, Laguna Country Club) and we learned that they were running at a very high average occupancy all year around and were all very profitable. The RSYC has decided to build another 30 rooms (from 32 to 60) and the Tanglin Club has just finished renovating and expanding their hotel rooms. The Swiss Club will start construction on a small club hotel in July. We are obviously counting on full support from our members and all those international companies that are linked to the club through our members and who are looking to accomodate their visiting executives from overseas, short or long term. After the conversion, you can book a room in the club for your visiting in-laws

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or friends at a very competative rate. Of course, guests have full use of the Club’s facilities. Our room rates will be set lower than the very high rates charged by Singapore hotels. They will be set at around $100.00 per night per room, exclusive of GST for members. The room rates will soon be published on our website.

rubbish container placed at the car park near the back gate during part of this period.

We expect to recover the modest investment of the conversion in about 1 ½ years, after which the club will start generating net profits. We are confident of running at very good average occupancy figures for the rooms and we don’t need to hire any additional staff either.

Magazine revamp We are in the process of changing the style, layout and contents of our Magazine. We want to introduce more editorials, interesting articles and tone down the advertising and announcements slightly. Therefore we are seeking your help and we are looking for part time ghost-writers, columnists, storytellers, socialites, gossipers and amateur investigative journalists to provide us with the badly needed copy for the new lay out. Please contact Bridget (pr@ hollandseclub.org.sg or 6461 1161) for more information.

We hope to open our doors for business on 1 September 2011 and soon you will be able to make reservations through our website or directly at reception. During construction, which will start on 1 July, we may have to block off two shower cabins of the male changing rooms for about 2 weeks. After the conversion, you will only be able to reach the tennis changing rooms through the Tennis Pavilion. We regret this inconvenience, but we will put in new member’s toilets in the far right corner of the spa area, where the small office is at present, for our tennis and squash players and gym users. Spa services will still be available in the Garden Spa that is being modified for this purpose. Massages, manicure, pedicure and some beauty treatments will be available by appointment only. New tennis court surface The resurfacing of our tennis courts will begin soon, starting with courts number 1 and 2. This means that these two courts cannot be used from 6 July until 25 August 2011. There will also be a

Zoo cards cancellation Regrettably, the Singapore Zoo has not extended this popular benefit for our members. We are actively sourcing for other benefits.

Towels The sponsored new pool towels have arrived! They will be used for pool side only and the white towels will still be found inside the changing rooms. The new pool towels are bigger in size and we are kindly requesting all members to take only one per person. This will help us to keep the cost of washing down and also helps the environment. Thank you to Van Oord Dredging for your support! I am also bidding farewell to yet another President. Such is (Club) life! It was great working with you Ditte, albeit too short, and thanks for your support and inspiration. Sincerely René Verhulst General Manager


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First Hand Back to the 80’s Disco! Friday, 27 May 2011? I don’t think so! For those crazy chickens heading to the First Hand ‘Back to the 80’s Party’, the year was more like 1981. More than 120 guests, all dressed to impress (80’s style), turned up at the Hollandse Club with the clear intention of bopping the night away to the very best of 80’s pop, rock and disco, and all for a good cause in Cambodia. Amidst all the fun, guests were able to donate to First Hand either by bidding for some impressive auction items or buying raffle tickets to win some great prizes. The Hollandse Club sponsored 3 Trial memberships that were auctioned off to raise funds for the charity’s initiative ‘River Kids’. The River Kids Project is a charitable trust in Singapore that works to prevent child trafficking by working directly with Cambodian families in extremely poor areas. All the children in the project are at high-risk of being trafficked. Their families are unstable due to addiction, divorce, abuse and extreme poverty. The financial donations, education supplies, clothes and uniforms that First Hand donations really make a difference. Of course, the party was also about having fun and that was certainly going down on the dance-floor. Strutting their stuff, smoke-machine billowing in the background, celebrity spotters could be forgiven for thinking they had spotted Michael Jackson, Madonna, Axel Rose, Holly Johnson and many more icons of the era. In all, the night was a great success with $16 287,60 raised for First Hand, a fantastic amount, which will go to providing things like towels, medicine, school supplies and toiletries for the vulnerable children in the ‘River Kids’ food programme. As you can see from great photos of the occasion, people sure did Relax, enjoy some Red Red Wine and D.I S.C.O.! For more information, you can visit the website www.firsthandvolunteers.com

The Biggest Losers at Hollandse Club 2011 You have probably heard of the television show ‘The Biggest Loser’, a smash hit in many countries. Inspired by the show, the Hollandse Club had its very own weight loss contest. For 8 weeks, all the participants, both men and women, had the same goal: losing the most weight to become the Biggest Loser. The kind sponsorship of Ready! Set! Go! and Rising Charters helped make the competition a great success! 2 teams of men and women were formed and playfully named “Weigh ahead” and “Weigh behind”. It was the beginning of February and the fight for the biggest title was “ready to go”! All the participants attended team challenges, weigh-ins and meetings every week. The game rules were fun but strict. Absent participants and the weight gainers in a particular week had to pay a penalty in the competing team’s “motivation piggy bank”. We are really grateful to club member Saskia Houwing, who volunteered to use her sports training background and designed the weekly challenges, where both teams were competing for top prizes. Jules Walker from Ready! Set! Go! did a wonderful job as the program coach for both teams. The participants followed her enthusiastic advice on nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle religiously. Together with Ashraf, our very own personal fitness trainer, and Franc from Ready! Set! Go!, contestants lost a spectacular amount weight. The end results were impressive, with some contestants losing as much as 10 kg in just 8 short weeks. The icing on the cake (figuratively, not literally) was the sunset cruise dinner sponsored by Rising Tide Charters. Friends and Family members of the contestants were invited to board this romantic yacht. With the horizon behind them, the guests and contestants enjoyed the sunset over the city and harbor skyline. They cruised the waves to the ideal spot for announcing the winner of our first “Biggest Loser” contest 2011 edition. This competition was new to the Hollandse Club, but the results surpassed all expectations. In fact, we are already planning the 2012 edition for those who are interested! Hopefully, teams from other clubs will be competing for the prize as well. If you need to shed a few kilos this is a great way to do it. What have you got to lose? WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 9


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Countdown to ONE Fighting Championship: Asia’s Greatest Battle of Champions. ONE Fighting Championship is Asia’s most prestigious Mixed Martial Arts event. On September 3, 2011, ONE Fighting Championship launches Asia’s Greatest Battle of Champions at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in Singapore. There will be 9 fights for the first event. 16 World Champions and National Champions will compete in mixed martial arts for honor and glory. Champions from every major martial art will be representing their nations in an epic clash of skill, determination, and hunger. ONE Fighting Championship has been labeled as the “biggest MMA event in Asia” with a media broadcast across the entire continent of Asia. Tickets are on sale now at SISTIC and at all local Singapore MMA gyms. Get your tickets now! The Hollandse Club will be doing a lucky draw for 2 pairs of tickets to ONE Fighting Championship at the Club’s reception (closing date: August 19, 2011). Simply fill in the lucky draw forms and place them in the draw box. The winners will be notified by phone. www.ONEfc.com Email: info@onefc.com

12 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Extending a warm welcome to our:

new club members • • • • • • • • •






Clu e s d n


SINCE 1908

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MAY OPEN HOUSE We had taken pictures of new club members during the May Open House which was held on the 21st of May. New members who signed up during the Open House period enjoyed 15% off for all membership packages, $200 food and beverage credit, and their photos featured in this magazine.

Sumitra & Naveen Menon

Rebecca, Amelia, Freddie & Marcus Taylor

Wouter Van Groenestjin

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Eveline,Wilfred & Maarten Den Hartog

In the Shadow of Deities By Thomas Pierre

The exhibition runs until 17 September 2011, in the Lobby and the Tradewinds bar. For enquiries please dial +65 97985611 or contact Marie-Pierre at mariepierre.mol@mise-en-seine.com.sg

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Membership Developments

Evan J Quek Head of Membership & Marketing sales@hollandseclub.org.sg Dear Members, With the summer vacation just around the corner, we bid farewell to a number of our members who are unfortunately leaving Singapore. We sincerely hope to see them again one day at the Club. On behalf of the Club management and staff, we wish them all the best in their future endeavors wherever they may be. We also look forward to welcoming our new expatriate members to the Club come August. In typical fashion, we will hold our ‘Welcome Back Poolside BBQ Party’ on Friday, 9 September, where we would appreciate our existing members giving our new members a warm welcome. The party is shaping up to be a Latin evening with a great selection of food and live music, as the sun sets on the Club. Mark this date on your calendar!

Countries in the Spotlight With over 40 different nationalities under one roof, it’s about time we started focusing on the rich traditions, cuisines and cultures of all our many different members. Each month, we’ll be placing a different nationality and its traditions in the spotlight; with food, drinks, music, and fun that honour the rich array of nationalities among our members. Chef will be whipping up famous national dishes and events will host fun themed parties and activities for young and old. Our magazine will contain special travel and cultural features about that country. Of course, we are counting on the expertise of any members who are willing to get involved in making a tribute to their nation as authentic as possible. That way we can live up to our reputation as the truly international family club in Singapore.

Your Voice, Your Magazine We are busy transforming our beloved Club Magazine into a communication platform not just ‘to’ our members but ‘between’ our members. We would like to ask any members who have a story to tell to write in to us; be it a unique vacation, cultural insights or simply something interesting you feel that the rest of us would like to hear about. We are also looking to create a column in the Magazine titled ‘Members Speak’ where questions and opinions are voiced for other members to read. It could even be a notice to find someone with similar interests in particular activities at the Club. Simply drop us an email to pr@hollandseclub.org.sg, with your desired text and contact information with the title being ‘Members Speak’. We will do our very best to include it into the next upcoming magazine.

Hollandse Club Facebook Page An official “Like” page in Facebook is created for members and people around the world to check out the event updates, photos and news. To join us, you can search “Hollandse Club Singapore” and click the “Like” button. Our “Friend Page” is still ongoing, so please add us as a friend as well.

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The Quiet Disaster in Bukit Lawang A devastating flood in 2003 wiped out a small village in Sumatra, but brought a couple together to create a family from the wreckage. “It was the children themselves who asked to change the name from the Bukit Lawang Children’s Home to the Family House. From the very beginning, the children took responsibility for the Family House, garden and caring for the animals. It’s not just their house; it’s their family”, explains Saskia Landman from the Netherlands. Saskia and her husband Sugianto, a native Indonesian from Bukit Lawang, have devoted their lives to this part of northern Sumatra since they met and fell in love in 2005. Fate brought these two together after it dealt this small village where they met a fatal blow. In November 2003, a flash flood wiped the village off the face of the Earth in a matter of 15 minutes. What happened in Bukit Lawang seems like an awful dress rehearsal for the devastating tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean rim a year later. In Bukit Lawang, 270 village inhabitants died immediately and 120 are still missing after the river broke its banks. What really moved Saskia and Sugianto is the plight of the village children left behind. With one third of the village’s population killed, many children were orphaned or lost their homes. Some were lucky and found family to live with, but 40 children were left with an acute problem; no family and no roof over their heads. Saskia and Sugianto have worked tirelessly to house them and provide them with food, health and medical care, and an education and most importantly, a home. “Our ambition is that the children get the feeling they are not alone. Our sympathy, trust and love will help them grow to maturity”, they say. They offer vocational training, so the children can choose for a future in hospitality/tourism, organic farming, sewing, textile and paper making, wood work, jewellery making or office training. The Family House’s motto is “Knowledge gives you freedom”. They encourage autonomy, individuality and to follow your heart. That way the children can give back to the community. 35 children attend the school where Saskia, Sugianto and local teachers teach. Not all 35 children have lost their families, but the charity supports them all by subsidising schooling (including books, transport and uniforms) if they live with family members who can not afford the extra costs. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, the school accepts and informs the children about all beliefs. Of course, financing the Family House and school is a constant battle. “Self-sufficiency has been one of our pillars from the beginning,” the couple explain. “We try to be as self-sufficient and financially independent as possible. At the moment, our priority project is our ‘Rubber-Tree-Safety-Pot-Plan.” Their plans to buy an available rubber plantation near the village, thereby guaranteeing many local jobs and securing a steady income for the house, are in full swing. The rubber plantation already exists, so no forest would be destroyed for it. The profits would be split 50/50 between the house and the workers. That kind of secure income means a headache less for the couple. That’s where your help comes in. Saskia and Sugianto need to raise S$ 65,500 to purchase their financial freedom in the form of the plantation. The purchase would pay for itself in about 4 years. Donating on-line is easy at www.kindertehuisbukitlawang.nl. The organisation is a fully regulated Indonesian and Dutch charitable organisation, with all the necessary checks in place to ensure your cash goes directly to the projects that directly support the Family House. To give you an idea of their costs, one child in primary education costs S$ 38 a month and secondary education S$46. A visit to the Family House Anak-Anak Bukit Lawang is a wonderful experience. There is a restaurant, 2 traditional bamboo bungalows for rent and a small shop that sells products made by the kids in the vocational training courses. All profits go to the house. The opportunity to meet these great foster parents would certainly inspire you to donate to their cause. Any amount is worthwhile. See the website for details on how to donate or donate to ING, account 29.64.457 or ABN Amro, account in the name of Stichting Kindertehuis Bukit Lawang in Alkmaar the Netherlands. Please include your name, email (for a thank you e-mail) and company name. For S$22 your name or company’s name will be placed on a rubber tree.

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MEMBERS IN FOCUS Creativity Guru Dilip Mukerjea Hollandse Club member since 1992 Michael Jordan was cut from his high-school basketball team and Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor who said he “lacked imagination.” What do they have to do with Hollandse Club member of 18 years, Dilip Mukerjea? They all had a strong trust in their ability to succeed or “self-efficacy”, as Dilip calls it. “Self-efficacy is the belief that one is capable of performing in a manner designed to attain stated goals. It is the key to success in life! Goal-setting alone is inadequate; it must lead to goal-getting. It took Thomas Edison more than 1,000 attempts before he successfully invented the light bulb, but Edison said he didn’t fail 1,000 times, the light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” Like these famous people, Mukerjea sees what is recognised as ‘failure’ to be an indispensable set of milestones on the path to success. For Dilip Mukerjea success is all about creativity. This ‘creativity guru’ club member is certainly that; a renowned author of books and teacher of seminars that offer ‘brain skills for immediate application’. He is the owner and managing director of Braindancing International and the Buzan Centre Singapore, two organisations specifically dedicated to ‘advancing human performance across multiple domains’. Dilip’s teachings at his Buzan Center are based on his own and leading philosophical thinker Tony Buzan’s ideas. Buzan described how Mukerjea “introduces you to the wonder of your brain’s workings, and guides you to improved performances in memory, thinking, reading, studying, creative thinking and learning. In other words, Dilip opens up the latent genius within you and allows it to flower.” We couldn’t resist sitting down with this phenomenally innovative club member to surf his intellect for insights that have helped everyone from CEOs to school children to obtain “happy habitats for learning and ideas to proliferate.” Visiting Mukerjea’s website www.brain-dancing.com is a worthwhile kick-start to your own creative process in any situation. Every company should take the site’s Innovation Survey to check its IQ or Innovation Quotient with quick, confronting questions such as “In your organization, if new ideas are in short supply, is it seen as a problem?” The website also offers 23 ‘thinkerbelles’, under the tab ‘creative insights’ to breathe life into the creative process. The suite of skills Dilip offers is designed to help you stay relevant to the present, not relegated to the past. Dilip’s philosophies of “creating a learning planet’ offer the tools to upgrade and enable humans to move ahead.” His books are specifically designed to help the reader “act and interact with his smorgasbord of learning systems, based on rapid-fire, yet deep, insights. They will definitely make the reader, not only become more creative, but transform into a dynamic learning superorganism.” Mukerjea describes the dilemma we all face in the modern world. “Today, the amount of knowledge doubles each year. We have received more information in the last 50 years than in the past 5000. The average corporate executive needs to read over 5 million words per month, or 60 million words a year. Information anxiety has arrived! How are we to keep pace with the high-velocity world? There is a dire need for us to deal with ‘information anxiety’.” Educating young people to prepare them for this exponential growth of information is key to Dilip’s work. He feels that, “schools need to know that they are in danger of imminently becoming purveyors of obsolete methodologies. Many would say that the educational domain is the only one that has remained stagnant in the course of human evolution. My clear conviction is that we have a choice: education or extinction! We need to redesign the structure of education so that learning takes place instead of swotting, slogging, and sweating… In terror! Technologies are emerging to make education so entertaining that it will be hard to distinguish work from play. The vital characteristic of a learning experience must be its evocative quality: it must evoke the experiences or meanings from within the learner, rather than describe what is on the outside. It must have the power to catalyse passions.” These are Dilip’s confronting truths. “What you learn will become outdated; How you learn will last forever. The human brain, without review of material being learnt, has the innate ability to forget 80% of what it has learned, within twentyfour hours.” Dilip offers strategies to obliterate these challenges via his ‘learning at the speed of light’ methodologies. Dilip’s answer for sifting through information lies in, “learning how to read a range of materials, at a range of speeds, and depths, to enhance comprehension, acquire skills in writing and speaking, strategic visioning, and boost overall mental literacy via a vast array of visual mapping tools and techniques, all vital components for brain capital creation.” High functioning mental literacy, strategy and innovation, corporate and personal branding, and memory building are promoted in his books and workshops. He continues, “just possessing a good memory by itself is of not much use; it must be plugged into applications, with purpose, and meaning, for winning outcomes. Then having a good memory leads to deeper concentration, clearer thinking, enhanced self-confidence, longer-term retention, wider observation, and phenomenal creativity. Impressive gains in business come from decreased input for increased output, savings in time and money, and incomparable levels of brain fitness.” As for the future for Mukerjea, “my efforts are in no way complete. I remain a work in progress, with much more left to accomplish. Human beings are infinitely upgradable, but unless they choose to see a better way ahead, they are in danger of rapidly becoming irrelevant. I offer the tools to upgrade and accelerate our status quo, enabling us to move ahead.” He believes none of us are too old to profit from his ideas, “We are all born creative, and need to express our creativity; it makes us recreative, and competitive, in a world of powerful possibilities! Besides, severe mental decline is not an inevitable companion to old age. We get smarter as we get older!” Dilip is the living proof. Comments? Email: dilipmukerjea@gmail.com 18 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg


WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 19


Dining by Design in The Lounge Private Dining Planning a candlelight dinner for two or a special lunch to impress an important client; private dining in The Lounge can take all your wishes into account. Whatever the occasion, plan your fine dining menu with an accompanying wine list from as little as $50 per person. Create an exclusive atmosphere with Chef’s Choice menus or your own special favourites, enhanced by a great wine to compliment each course. Customise your menu (2-3 working days for reservations) for that important meal in the intimate surroundings of The Lounge. For formal dining, please contact our F&B manager, Jan Faizal. HP: 9836 6966 or fnb@hollandseclub.org.sg

Menu Items In Focus Available daily at the Lounge from 12.00 noon to 9.45pm Gambas Al Ajillo The Lounge is proud to present one of Spain’s most famous Tapas. Garlic infused flavour blends perfectly with seafood as selected fresh shrimps are sauteed with garlic, dried red pepper flakes and extra virgin olive oil. $6.00 Berenjenas En Escabeche An Argentinian and Spanish favourite. We serve this succulent vegetarian delight marinated in a mixture of oil and vinegar, herbs, garlic, and a hint of crushed red pepper. $4.50

Cheese Platter What would the Hollandse Club’s Lounge menu be without our much loved cheese. Our popular cheese assortment is available throughout the month as a perfect accompaniment to our selected house wines. $7.00/100 grams

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 23



24 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

FOOD & BEVERAGE BEVERAGE PROMOTIONS JULY & AUGUST FeaturED Wines In the month of July & August, we will be giving an amazing 15% off for all wines from the wine menu.

FeaturED Beverage Organic teas offer an excellent means of promoting and maintaining healthy lifestyle and, when drunk regularly, they are said to be especially helpful in terms of playing an active role in the prevention of many common illnesses. You will find an excellent range of popular favourites which include Chai Masala, Original Tulsi Tea, Tulsi Ginger Tea, Sweet Rose Tea, Lemon Ginger tea and sweet Rose Tea. Enjoy Premium quality organic tea at only $3.00 (Hot/Cold)

FeaturED Beers Coedo beers from Japan There are different ypes of COEDO beers to enjoy with variations in aroma, bitterness, richness and colour. These variations are created by the combination of different ingredients and fementation processes: from Pilsner malts , roasted sweet potatoes to different kinds of hops. Now available: $9 (All outlets)

Gentlemen Evening a Single Malt Whiskey Promotion Every Thursday & Saturday until the end of the year Single malt 30% off by glass and bottle Note: Purchased Bottles cannot be kept at the Bar.

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 25

FOOD & BEVERAGE PROMOTIONS: JULY Kids Summer Pasta Tortellini stuffed with 4 cheeses served with vegetables in tomato sauce (Vegetarian).


Summer salad of Fusilli Tossed with cherry tomatoes, mixed peppers, olives, Spanish onion, fresh basil, broccoli, olive oil (healthy, vegetarian).


Singapore Seafood / Vegetarian Hor Fun Rice noodle with mixed fresh seafood / mixed vegetables served dry or with sauce.


Padang Beef Rendang Slow cooked beef in Indonesian herbs & spices accompanied with golden Javanese beancurd and prawn cracker served with fragrant Basmati rice.


Hainanese Chicken Rice Set A classic Singapore dish of delicate poached boneless chicken infused with ginger served with rice cooked in chicken stock accompanied by vegetable kai lan.


26 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

FOOD & BEVERAGE PROMOTIONS: AUGUST Kids Burger Cheese burger served with onion rings and vegetables.

$6.80 Add Black Current Drink: $1.80

Asian Crispy Noodles Golden crispy egg noodle served with special sauce made of vegetables, chicken and mixed seafood.


Basmati Rice Salad Fresh pineapple, French beans and crumbled feta cheese.


Sudanese “Nasi Timbel� set Fragrant rice served with crispy chicken, prawn sambal and golden fermented beancurd.


Wok fried Sichuan prawnS Wok fried Sichuan style prawns served with fragrant rice.


WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 27



Guest Chef Churamani Kharal Weekends just got hotter and spicier at the Hollandse Club. Our new, talented chef d’mission, Churamani Kharal from Nepal, will be delighting diners with weekend specials, such as savoury tandoori, creamy curries and fragrant biryani dishes. The secret to his dishes is the perfect balance of his favourite spices: cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin seed, cloves and more. By blending his own spice mixes the uniqueness of each dish is guaranteed. After gaining experience in restaurants in Bombay, New Delhi and Dubai, Kharal perfected his craft as head chef at Raffles City Mall’s Shahi Maharani Restaurant and master chef at Zaika Restaurant on Race Course Road. You can taste his years of experience in his starters, like vegetable-filled pakoras or melt-in-your-mouth chicken tikka. Kharal has always enthralled with fine, classical Northern Indian recipes from old family cookbooks and kitchens. His mother taught him how to prepare her rich and creamy Butter Chicken, always a popular crowd pleaser. Kharal says, “If you’re an Indian food novice, Butter Chicken is the dish for you. I can make it as mild or spicy as you like. Even kids love the mild version.” The fragrant Malai Kebabs are also a tasty option for a milder choice. Of course, everything tastes better with a warm, fluffy naan, which Chef will be baking in plain, garlic, butter and cheese versions Must-tries have to be tandoori dishes grilled in the new royal tandoor oven or lightly marinated dishes, such as chicken simmered in a sauce with coriander, spinach, lemon and spices, for the health conscious. Vegetarians can also enjoy a full meal, such as mouth-watering plates of popular Tandoori Paneer- chunks of tandoor-grilled cottage cheese garnished with green peppers or Palak Paneer with a spinach sauce. Chef Churamani’s passion in his North Indian masterpieces are yours for the tasting in our exclusive weekend specials.

Your reactions to the new menu The new menu has certainly elicited many reactions from the members, both positive and negative. Many comments appreciate the new specials that keep the menu fresh and exciting. However, we understand it is disappointing when an old favourite is no longer available or if a new dish disappoints. A streamlined menu means better quality and freshness for our customers. Please be certain that we have taken all your comments very seriously and done our best to continue to improve the menu and service. Soon the Kid’s Buffet and a healthy vegetarian special will be added. The chefs continue to fine-tune their selection to improve customer satisfaction.

28 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

CALENDAR 1 FRI F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) Events

9 SAT F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

2 sun SAT

F&BPromotions promotions F&B

• beefPromotions (J) • Wagyu Terrace (T) • Thai set meal (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) • Beef Bun noodle set meal (B) • Chicken Shawarma (T) • Poffertjes & Chicken Satay (P) • Weekend BBQ promotion (P)


4 MON Tue

5 TUES wed

6 WED thu

7 THURS fri


F&B F&BPromotions promotions • Thai set meal (T) • Terrace Promotions (T) Events • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) Kids’ Summer

F&B F&BPromotions promotions • Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle set meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger Promo

F&B F&BPromotions promotions • Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle set meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger Promo

F&B F&BPromotions promotions • Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle set meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger Promo

F&B F&BPromotions promotions • Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle set meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger Promo

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)


Events Events Kids’ Summer • Junior Tennis Camps Holiday Programme

Events Events Kids’ Summer • Junior Tennis Camps Holiday Programme

Events Events Kids’ Summer • Junior Tennis Camps Holiday Programme

10 SUN

11 MON


13 Wed

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

Events • Junior Tennis Camps

Events • Junior Tennis Camps

17 sun

18 mon

Holiday Programme

Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Main Events in July 2011 IN SING

5th Junior Tennis Camp 25th Kids Summer Camp for Acting & Performing

14 thurs F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) Legend:

T: Terrace TL: The Lounge TB: Triple B

AR: Amsterdam Room BR: Brabant Room TWB: Tradewinds Bar


15 fri

16 sat

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

MH: Main Hall B: BUN P: Poolside L: Library R: Rotterdam Room CR: Chill Out Room

SINCE 1908

Events • Junior Tennis Camps

• Mums & Tots (R)

19 tues

20 wed

21 thurs

22 fri

23 sat

24 sun

25 mon

26 Tues

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

Events • Junior Tennis Camps

Events • Junior Tennis Camps

Events • Junior Tennis Camps

Events • Kids Summer Camp for Acting & Perfroming (MH)

Events • Junior Tennis Camps • Kids Summer Camp for Acting & Perfroming (MH)

27 wed

28 thurs

29 fri

30 sat

31 sun

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

Events • Junior Tennis Camps • Kids Summer Camp for Acting & Perfroming (MH)

Events • Junior Tennis Camps • Kids Summer Camp for Acting & Perfroming (MH)

1 mon

2 sun tues

3 wed MON

4 thurs Tue

5 fri wed

6 sat thu

7 sun fri

8 mon

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B F&BPromotions promotions

F&B F&BPromotions promotions

F&B F&BPromotions promotions

F&B F&BPromotions promotions

F&B F&BPromotions promotions

F&B F&BPromotions promotions

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)


Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Events Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

10 wed

11 thurs

12 fri

13 sat

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)




• Summer Camp Jungle Drawing (CR)

• Summer Camp Jungle Drawing (CR)

• Summer Camp Jungle Drawing (CR)

• Summer Camp Book-Making (CR)

• Summer Camp Book-Making (CR)

• Summer Camp Book-Making (CR)

15 mon

16 Tues

17 wed

9 tues F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle setPromo meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger • Chicken Shawarma (T) • Poffertjes & Chicken Satay (P) • Weekend BBQ promotion (P)

• Thai set meal (T)

• Terrace Promotions (T)

Events • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle setPromo meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger • Mums & Tots (R)

Kids’ Summer Holiday Programme

Main Events in August 2011 Summer Camp Book-Making Sunset Cruise Cartooning Workshop Inline Skating Class for Kids

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) Legend:

T: Terrace TL: The Lounge TB: Triple B

AR: Amsterdam Room BR: Brabant Room TWB: Tradewinds Bar


• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle setPromo meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle setPromo meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

18 thurs

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

MH: Main Hall B: BUN P: Poolside L: Library R: Rotterdam Room CR: Chill Out Room

SINCE 1908

14 sun

26th 28th 30th


10th Summer Camp Jungle Drawing

• Wagyu beef (J) • Thai Terrace Promotions (T) • set meal (T) • BunCrystal noodle setPromo meal (B) (All) • Beef Tiger

JULY 2011

19 fri

20 sat

21 sun

22 mon

23 Tues

24 wed

25 thurs

26 fri

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All) Events • Sunset Cruise

27 sat

28 sun

29 mon

30 Tues

31 wed

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

F&B promotions • Terrace Promotions (T) • Tiger Crystal Promo (All)

Events • Cartooning Workshop

Events • Inline Skating Class for Kids

AUGUST 2011 WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 29


NEW TERM – REGISTER NOW To Register: Complete S&R Registration Form at the Club’s Reception. Classes pending will start upon reaching minimum pax. Contact Lavina, S&R Executive at 6461 1127 for more information.

30 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg


WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 31


NEW TERM – REGISTER NOW To Register: Complete S&R Registration Form at the Club’s Reception. Classes pending will start upon reaching minimum pax. Contact Lavina, S&R Executive at 6461 1127 for more information.

32 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg


gym ROWING CHALLENGE In the month of September, the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE IS BACK! Start preparing for it at the Hollandse Club gymnasium. True Strength; show us what you’ve got.


Just a reminder, if you are not aware as yet, that the gym is open from 6am. Entrance will be via the side gate at the Aspara Spa. Please note that staff will only be on duty from 7am.


• Kindly return weight plates and dumbbells back to the rack after use • For hygiene reason, please clean the equipment with disinfectant after use • A towel on the bench and mats will definitely be a cleaner option than bare sweaty body!


All Guests are to be accompanied and signed-in by a member at the Gym Reception. A $20 charge will be billed directly to the Member’s account for the daily guest usage. *Only applicable to overseas guests.

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 33


TENNIS WOMEN’S AND MEN’S CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 27 - 29 MAY 2011 This year, we had entries for Men’s Doubles, Ladies’ Doubles and Men’s Singles. All participants played at least three different matches, where they battled to be the first to win nine games. The Finals were won by the player to first win 2 sets. The level of play was quite varied and the organizing committee took this in to account when creating the different pools. Doubles teams came on court well prepared. Some of the doubles teams had trained together and matching outfits were even spotted. We had two juniors, Tom Verniers and Jan van den Berg, competing this year. We allowed them to enter because of their exceptional level of play. Overall we had some very strong and entertaining matches that weekend. The Ladies Doubles finals were played on Saturday afternoon between Ling Shek and Sabine In de Braekt against Marjel van der Zwaard and Syl van Zadelhoff. Afterwards, there was a BBQ organized for all participants. Men’s Doubles were played on Sunday afternoon, between Alex Lambeek and Patrice Plet and Max Speur and Mark van der Winden. The Men’s Singles took place at the same time that afternoon. This was played between Jan van den Berg (14 years old) against Rutger Oudejans. And after a great tennis weekend, our new Club Champions for 2011 are:

Ladies’ Doubles: Ling Shek and Sabine In de Braekt

Men’s Doubles: Mark van der Winden and Max Speur

Men’s Singles: Jan van den Berg (Left)

All the winners received a Wilson tennis bag sponsored by Savitar and, of course, a trophy. Their names will be engraved on the trophies, as well as on the plates hanging in the tennis pavilion. We would like to say an extra thank you to all players and to Kiki and Frederic, who made this weekend a great success! Note regarding Club Championships 2012 This year we had a lot of entries of players who are more advanced. However, we would also like to see more members joining in who are not regular players. Next year, we will consider creating separate pools for intermediate players and advanced players. Thanks to those who provided us with feedback to make our Club Championship even more of a success next year! Changes in the Tennis Committee Patrice Plet has joined our tennis committee, we are very glad to have Patrice in our committee. Next to that we welcome Marianne Doele as new member as well. We are looking forward organizing tennis events with you! Unfortunately, two of our members leave the committee: Pum Swartberg will move back to the Netherlands at the end of June and will therefor leave the committee. Next to that Hang Groeneweg has decided to resign due to her time limits. Ladies, a big thank you for all your time and input over the last couple of months!

34 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg



Resurfacing of courts ANNOUNCEMENT ON AVAILABILITY Please be informed of the following work schedule taking place these coming months: 27 – 29 June, Monday to Wednesday: Closure of Court 3 High-pressure deep cleaning - Housekeeping team 6 July – 25 August, Closure of Courts 1 & 2 Resurfacing works by Sportsteq Pte Ltd

WEEKLY SOCIALS AND CONTACT PERSONNEL Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Sunday

Ladies’ Social Mixed Socials Internal Ladies’ Competition Mens’ Social Mixed Socials Family Courts

9.00am – 12.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm 8.30am – 11.00am 2.00pm – 5.00pm 3.00pm – 7.00pm 9.00am – 12.00pm

4 2 3 2 2 2

Courts Courts Courts Courts Courts Courts

Maja Duyverman Valdo David Young-Min Bouman Robert de Bruin Valdo David Book a court via Club’s Reception

9750 9109 8160 9234 9109

7124 2856 1179 7965 2856

TENNIS COMMITTEE Saskia Houwing Barbara Drenth Young-Min Bouman Patrice Plet Marianne Doele

9652 8431 8160 9833 9852

7222 7556 1179 4038 6435 WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 35



Well done to all the swimmers and a big thank you to all those involved in the organisation of the HOLLANDSE CLUB SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011. With over 125 swimmers and 67 events, both the morning and swimming pool were wonderfully jam-packed! A special thanks to the mothers who came out with their children and raced on MOTHER’S DAY!! Those mothers who raced in the 25m MOTHERS RACE EVENT were treated to a well deserved lunch. Well done MOTHERS! You are special to us! Mother and son, Annemarie and Freek Loth came really close to some records this year. Freek set a time of 25.86 seconds for the 25 m breaststroke event for the Boys 6 &under. At the moment, the record is held by Nicholas Flint with 25.47 sec. in 2003. Keeping it in the family, Annemarie swam the 50 m breaststroke event for ladies with a time of 40.96 sec, just failing to beat her own Club record of 40.12 sec. which she set in 2008. The golden medal and the honour of the Family Relay Event went to the SCHMITZ FAMILY! Well done to all of you! Swimmers, I encourage all of you to come for training as often as you can! This will maximise your potential and maybe even break a few records in 2011!!

36 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg



Round three of the Neptune League Swimming Competition was held at the Singapore Island Country Club on a beautiful warm Sunday morning. We had a team of 40 Dutch Dolphins swimmers gathered at the meet to enjoy the beautiful view and the great swims. We had a few swimmers who joined the Neptune League for the first time. Well done to you! In total, we managed to win 8 golden medals, 8 silver medals and 25 bronze medals, thanks to great teamwork. This is a promising start as there are two more rounds to go this year. Mark the dates in your calendar: 18 September at the Hollandse Club and 20 November hosted by the Southern Cross Dragons. Kindly take note: this League is by invitation only. Remember that the Dutch Dolphins’ values can be brought along in whatever you do! 1. Believe in yourself 2. Have fun! 3. Do the best you can. 4. Speak good things! 5. Team Work 6. Honour “Dolphins Dolphins. We will Rock. Dolphins Dolphins to the TOP. Heeeeeyyyyy Dolphins.“ See you at the training!

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 37


Triathlon Keeping it in the Family May was a fantastic month for Hollandse Club triathletes, with great results in two prestigious regional events. The Club boasts some top-ranking competitors and an impressive number of newcomers to the sport. It’s a family affair, with young and old-ish taking part and even a few entire families. One thing for sure is that triathlon is growing in popularity and the hope is that member’s successes both personally and on the medal table will continue to grow and encourage others to join in.

Tribob Changi Beach Triathlon On 1 May, many club swimmers competed in the last of the three Tribob events in Singapore; the Triathlon at Changi Beach. The adults competed in the sprint event: a 750m swim, 20 km bike (it was actually 24 km according to my bike computer) and a 5 km run. The teenagers competed with a 250 m swim, 10 km bike and 2.5 km run. The mini triathlon for kids was a 150 m swim, 5 km bike ride and 1.5 km run.

Sheena in Orca suit.

Despite the sea being an unattractive shade of grey and the weather a bit rainy, the cool weather helped our members come up with some impressive times and positions. Unfortunately, road closures meant some competitors had difficulty actually getting to the race start. Despite being too late for her Elite Wave Race start, Hariette Purchase still managed an impressive 3rd position for her age category competiton. Adult Athlete:



Sheena Ashford-Tait Hariette Purchase Jenelle Cosgrove Yvette Middelman Caitlin Muller David Marren Andy Robertson

1.26.32 1.26.58 1.27.39 1.53.43 1.50.12 1.24.07 1.28.08

2nd (40-49) 3rd (40-49) 5th (40-49) 36th (40-49) 6th (16-19) 20th (40-49) 39th (40-49)

The ladies, still basking in the glory of their 2nd, 3rd and 4th places from Harriette, Jenelle and Sheena in the previous Duathlon (run, bike, run), continued their winning streak at Changi. A bit of friendly rivalry on the start line always gets pulses going! Sheena Ashford-Tait explains, “Meeting fantastic people on the race circuit, who are also Dutch club members, has been an added bonus. Whilst many of us ladies race against each other in the 40-49 age group, we are great friends, an inspiration for each other and rivals too. It keeps us fresh and acitive!” Special congratulations to Harriette who accumulated hundreds of points in the series to win the overall champion in the ladies 40-49! Teenagers and Kids:



Elsemieke Marren Anouk Marren Charlotte Cosgrove Roemer Papousek Sophie Cosgrove Brooklyn Judd Harlyn Judd

46.07 28.34 25.28 29.21 29.48 27.28 32.03

1st (12-13) 11th (10-11) 3rd (10-11) 21st (10-11) 7th (8-9) 7th (10-11) 15th (8-9)

Special congratulations to Elsemieke who was not only winner of the day, but accumulated enough points with her excellent performances to win the whole Tribob Sprint Series. This was the last “Tribob” Sprint Series, as the event will change names soon- we’ll keep you posted on the new name. 38 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg


Bintan Triathlon Success

The 7th annual Bintan Triathlon was held on 21-22 May. Again, many Hollandse Club members did the club proud at Asia’s toughest triathlon festival. Our members, many of them first-timers, experienced an exhilarating weekend of challenge, athleticism and camaraderie; all located in and around the beautiful Bintan resorts. The swim is held in the clear blue waters of the South China Sea, off the picturesque beach of Nirwana Gardens. There is no or little current and swell in this enclosed bay. The bike course offers wide, smooth, undulating roads, taking in the lush greenery of Nirwana Gardens and Ria Bintan, the wide views of Lagoi Reservoir, the vibrant market Pasar Ole Ole. The undulating and generally well-shaded Run Course takes you through the lush greenery and scenic beaches of Nirwana Gardens to a palm tree studded finishing straight. It all sounds picturesque, but the blood, sweat and tears are anything but. HC families cleaned up on the medal tables. The Cosgrove family put in a fantastic effort and came away with three trophies in the Sprint, Youth and Kids categories; a brilliant result! Participant:




Jenelle Cosgrove Vincent Cosgrove Charlotte Cosgrove Sophie Cosgrove

Sprint 40-49 years Sprint 40-49 years Youth Tri 12-13 years Kids 8-9 years



55.17 31.53

1st 2nd

The Robertson family, led by mum Harriette, also put in a sterling effort. It seems that none of the lads in the family can beat her! Big congratulations to Harriette on an amazing win! Participant:




Harriette Purchase

45-49 years Olympic Distance



Husband and wife team, Sheena Ashford-Tait and Duncan Ashford, were consistent to their great form. To keep the Dutch Club trend going, Sheena beat her husband by under two minutes. Big congratulations to the Ashfords too! Participant:




Sheena Ashford-Tait Duncan Ashford

40-49 years Sprint

1.22.29 1.24.18

1st 8th

40-49 years Sprint

The Club also brought together teams for the Olympic Relay Event. This event is great for first time competitors as you can really focus on your own discipline. The experience was really positive for one team, Eke De Jong (swimming), Marianne Doele (cycling) and Annabel Deken (running), even though “the relay changeovers are tense”, according to Eke. It’s amazing that so many women are taking up triathlon in their forties and really pushing their physical and mental limits. Marianne said, “I always found shifting from one discipline to the next in triathlon really difficult. The Bintan bike course is heavy, but you know that when you hand over to a team member they’re going to rise to the challenge next.”

Bintan Triathlon Success Starting with a fun race is easy, as there are all types for young and old, fit to unfit. Sign up for next year’s Bintan Fun Race. The Fun Race Challenge is a great way to introduce beginners to the sport of triathlon where distances are shorter and the fun element is higher. Or get started with training for your first aquathlon. Sheena Asford-Tait says, “I started with Aquathlons and Duathlon and worked my way up to Triathlon within two seasons. From my first podium position, I was hooked!” Keep up the training with Nancy and Aquaducks for your swimming and get out there on your bike and pounding the pavement! Eke de Jong emphasises the importance of the swimming lessons in her 3 month preparations for Bintan. “It’s all about your technique. What you learn in the lessons really helps improve your performance.” There are also lots of other events coming up with Trifactor and OSIM. If you’re interested in competing and are a newbie, please contact Sheena Ashford-Tait (swimming convenor and adult captain) for details through reception.

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 39


sQUASH Keep Your Eyes on the Ball This has been an exciting year, to date, for the Squash section and there is promise of more to come. Your team, the Oranje Duivels, competed well in the Singapore Squash league in D E and F and narrowly missed the play offs. Yes it is true, we did come up against better teams but we are now stronger and better organized and next year, we will be a force to be reckoned with.

The Gladiators There was blood sweat and tears this season and there was personal individual glory. You will be pleased to note that each team playing in the Singapore Squash League was regarded as the team to beat by their opposition. This is a big step forward and one that has put Hollandse Club squash on the radar of other squash players. D Team Report Spurred on by their captain, Kim Hine, a colossal effort and brilliant play got them to the play offs. This is a monumental achievement for the Oranje Duivels. They could make the finals and win the league. This would be a tremendous result for the Club. Watch out for the play off results in the next edition of the magazine – bet you can’t wait!

Kim as D grade Captain

E Team Report This team is the heart of the Oranje Duivels and there was inspirational play from them. There were personal demons faced and defeated with consistent practice and major improvements in play. The team is led by the Bruno van der Schueren, who is an inspirational captain and who sets a personal standard of excellence which inspires the team to follow in his footsteps. It is true the team did not make the play offs but this is a minor detail if you consider that this team individually and collectively stands in the epicenter of the squash section. The team came close but ended up in 4th place behind the SCC. Not a bad result!

Bruno as E grade Captain

F Team Report One word describes the performance of this team – brilliant! The captain Paul Roberts, the poster boy of the Oranje Duivels, who is better known for his dancing and as ladies’ choice for squash player of the year, brought together individuals of various levels, personalities and abilities and molded them into the team that competed. His good nature, even under the most severe tests of adversity, personal trials and player tantrums, ensured his team remained unaffected and continued to fight to the end of the competition. Unfortunately, this year glory was not to be but the foundation has been laid for a team that will compete and win in years to come. Paul as F grade Captain

40 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg

Charm and Grace


Each one a darling, the Oranje Schatjes are growing and they are becoming more active. A lot of hard work has been put in by the squash committee to get this going and now the fruits of their labor can be seen. Now that the platform is established, we are poised for growth and we extend an invitation to all ladies looking to learn, improve or play squash. Demand is growing for another evening training session to be organized and we shall see this soon – watch this space. There is a lot of rain in Singapore and when it is raining there are few outdoor sports. Try Squash: it is cool, dry and comfortable and, to top it all, great exercise.

Internal League The Internal leagues will start soon and will run right through to the end of the year, simultaneously with the COSMO league and will be schedule on the same day. There will be a strong focus on the social aspects of Squash and après Squash will be very important. As new members join the squash section, the glue that holds the section together is the social interaction and the friendships that are made during this time. Yes, there are some late nights and plenty of beer and wine consumption, but this is a small price to pay for lasting memories.

The Orange Bowl The Singapore Cricket Club (SCC) has recognized the growing influence of your squash team and players and initiated contact with us to hold an annual inter-club competition between our two clubs. We will compete for the right to hold The Orange Bowl – which has been named after much thought and debate. 5 of our finest will be selected to compete and bring home the bowl. Fred Saarloos is the team captain and chairman of the selection committee for the inaugural match, which will be held at the Cricket Club on 16 July. Next year, we will host. Another fun event to add to the calendar.

Competition The 3rd Hollandse Club Open will be held on 25 and 26 June and it has become a fixture in the calendar of squash players in Singapore. We attract the best and the brightest players from Singapore. The Oranje Duivels test our skills against them. To date, none of our players have won it but we are confident that in the fullness of time we will produce a champion. As you read this, there is probably a young person practicing on the courts with dreams of glory at this very minute.

Tours Your team, the Oranje Duivels, will be on tour to Jakarta in June and later in the year, the players of the Hollandse Club will be joining the COSMO team tour to Manila. You may view this as a bunch of chaps having a jolly good time – and I say “what is wrong with that?” That is not the only objective, as we are Ambassadors for the club and we spread our name far and wide as the Club to join in Singapore.

Juniors “Baby steps” is the key phrase here, as we are taking small steps to reach our destination. We will be revamping and re-launching Juniors Squash and we will be organizing a “little league” to give the juniors some competition and increase their enjoyment and appreciation of the game. There are many competing interests for juniors these days, computer games, holidays, etc and, my goodness, don’t they grow up so fast. Squash is a healthy way to get your kids away from the computer screen and into a sport they will enjoy for the rest of their lives. It also gives kids good life balance and sports skills. Parents: please follow the directions to the squash courts and sign your kids up for junior coaching.

And finally a word from our sponsors - The search continues……….

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 41



July 9th August 13th September 10th

Location to be confirmed, look out for more details Sebana Cove Golf Trip Location to be confirmed, look out for more details

Reciprocal Club: 1. Orchid Country Club 2. Sembawang Country Club Special Golfing Privilege: Every Tuesday – Friday, 18 holes $160 (GST inclusive) per flight of 4 players. Price includes: • $5 meal coupon (redemption on the date of play) • Green & buggy fees • Twin sharing buggy *Promotion not valid if public holiday falls on the above days. Please allow 3 days in advance for booking.

42 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg


Hollandse club classes index






A Aerobics (Step)


0900 - 1000


Ann Yang

6461 1127


1100 - 1200

Swimming pool Nancy Jansen

B Belly Dancing (Rythmnic Fitness) Friday

1100 – 1200


Soheila Forughian

6461 1127

Bridge (Duplicate)


1930 - 2300


Franciska Ho

6259 3864

Bridge (Duplicate)


0900 - 1230


Franciska Ho

6259 3864

C Cardio sculpt


0900 - 1000


Ann Yang

6461 1127



1415 - 1700


Lilian Broekhuizen

6461 1127

H Hockey (Ladies)


2000 - 2100


Bernice Klok

9236 8087

Hockey (Men)


2100 - 2200


Guido Nieuwenhuyzen

9177 5596

Hockey (Youth)


1000 - 1100

Delta Sports C Madelon Delfos


J Judo (4 – 6yrs)


1600 - 1700


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

Judo (7yrs & above)


1700 - 1800


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

Judo (4 - 6 yrs)


1600 - 1700


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

Judo (8yrs & above)


1700 - 1800


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

Judo (4 - 6 yrs)


1000 - 1100


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

Judo (7 - 9 yrs)


1100 - 1200


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

Judo (10yrs & above)


1200 - 1300


Gerard Lim

6461 1127

L Latin Aerobics


1130 - 1230


Meera Nair

6461 1127

Latin Aerobics


1100 - 1200


Meera Nair

6461 1127

M Mahjong


0900 - 1200


Iris Karakashian

6468 8653


1000 - 1130


Eveline Dolleman

9642 8542

CLASS Aqua Aerobics

Dance (Ballet, Street, Baby Movement)

Mums & Tots

6461 1159 9225 7310

P Personal Training

By Appointment -



6461 1127



1200 - 1300


Ann Yang

6461 1127

S Squash (Social)


1915 - 2215

Squash court

Gautam Mukerji

9088 5519

Squash (Social)


1500 - 1700

Squash court

Gautam Mukerji

9088 5519

Squash (Social)


1000 - 1300

Squash court

Gautam Mukerji

9088 5519

Swimming Lessons / Competition



Swimming pool Nancy Jansen

T Tai Chi


0730 - 0900


Keng Soh

6461 1127



1500 - 1600


Raymond Chin

6461 1127

Tennis (Ladies Social)


0900 - 1200

Tennis court


9750 7124

Tennis (Mixed Social)


1900 - 2100

Tennis court

Valdo David

9109 2856


1500 - 1900

Tennis court

Valdo David

9109 2856

Tennis (Ladies Competition)


0830 - 1100

Tennis court


8160 1179

Tennis (Men’s Social)


1400 - 1700

Tennis court

Robert de Bruin

9234 7965

Tennis (Free Family Courts)


0900 - 1200

Tennis court


6464 5225

Tennis Lessons



Tennis court

Scott Johnson

9038 9348

Y Yoga (Dance)


1030 - 1130


Meera Nair

6461 1127

Yoga (Hatha)


1930 - 2100


Jessie Liu

6461 1127


0830 - 1000


Jessie Liu

6461 1127

Z Zumba


1030 - 1130


Zuri Kurmaly

6461 1127


1830 - 1930


Zuri Kurmaly

6461 1127


1030 - 1130


Zuri Kurmaly

6461 1127

6461 1159 9225 7310

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 43


bookshelf JUL/AUG 2011 English Books “Water for elephants“ by Sara Gruen

“The Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society“ by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows

Great story, loads of fun, hard to put down, and also about what animals can teach people.

It is an uniquely humane vision of inhumanity,onebto lift even the most cynical of spirits. “Fortune cookie“ by Bryce Courtenay

“Sing you home“ by Jody Picoult

This is a love story set against the wretched trade in drugs and human misery.

It is about people wanting to do the right thing even as they work to fulfill their own personal desires and dreams.

Dutch Books

“De honderd jarige man die uit het raam klom en verdween“ door Jonas Jonasson Romandebuut van de Zweedse, in Zwitserland woonachtige journalist en auteur (1963). De hoofdpersoon is Allan, die op zijn honderdste verjaardag het door hem zo gehate bejaardencentrum ontvlucht. Bij het busstation ontvreemdt hij een zware koffer die gevuld blijkt te zijn met een grote hoeveelheid door criminele activiteiten vergaard geld. In het vervolg van het meesterlijk gecomponeerde verhaal openen zowel de politie als diverse criminelen en andere in het geld geinteresseerden de jacht op hem. Dat brengt Allan er niet van af, tijdens zijn tocht door Zweden terug te kijken op een avontuurlijk leven, waarbij hij betrokken was bij een grote hoeveelheid historische gebeurtenissen, zoals de ontwikkeling van de atoombom en een reddingsactie voor Mao’s vriendin. Het met spanning, (zwarte) humor en absurditeit gevulde en uitstekend vertaalde verhaal leest in een ruk uit en doet herinneren aan het werk van de Finse auteur Arto Paasilinna. Een heerlijk boek.

Dutch Children’s Books “Norwegian Wood“ geschreven door Haruki Murakami

“Tara vecht terug“ geschreven door Maren Stoffels

Is een indringend verhaal over romantiek en volwassenheid,over de onmogelijke en dappere liefde van een jonge man.

De schrijfster was 11 Mei in de” Hollandseclub library” en gaf een lezing in het engels over haar Nederlandse kinderboeken.Mrs Nina Pillai “It was a very enjoyable evening and Maren Stoffels was very approachable”.

“De koning“ door Kader Abdullah

“Oorlgsgeheimen“ door Jacques Vriens

Aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw bestijgt een nieuwe sjah de Perzische troon. Hij volgt zijn vader op, maar hij mist de daadkracht en de ambitie om zijn stempel op het bestuur te drukken. De koning heeft meer oog voor zijn harem, de kersentuin, de jacht en zijn rijkdommen dan voor de situatie waarin het volk en het land verkeren. Het leiderschap in het economische machtsspel waarin Perzië met Engeland, Frankrijk en Rusland is verwikkeld, laat hij over aan zijn raadgever, de vizier. De handige politicus ziet in de samenwerking met de westerse landen grote mogelijkheden om hervormingen door te voeren die voorspoed zullen brengen. Maar tegen welke prijs? In een prachtig historisch en tegelijkertijd actueel verhaal vol betoverende personages verweeft Kader Abdolah de harde strijd om bodemschatten, land en macht met de magische sfeer van het aloude Perzië. “Het familie portret“ door Jenna Blum Vijftig jaar lang heeft Anna Schlemmer geweigerd te praten over haar leven in Duitsland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Anna’s dochter Trudy herinnert zich niet veel: zij was nog maar vier toen zij en haar moeder door een Amerikaanse soldaat werden bevrijd en met hem meegingen naar Minnesota. Maar ze bezit één bewijsstuk uit het verleden: een familieportret waarop zijzelf staat, samen met haar moeder en een nazi-officier. Gedreven door schuldgevoel over wie haar voorouders zouden kunnen zijn, gaat Trudy op onderzoek uit. Ze slaagt erin om eindelijk de dramatische, hartverscheurende waarheid over haar moeders verleden boven tafel te krijgen. Het familieportret is een gepassioneerd maar gedoemd liefdesverhaal en een indringend portret van een moederdochterrelatie, dat de lezer nog lang zal bijblijven.

Library Opening Hours Monday

11.00am - 5.00pm


11.00am - 5.00pm


11.00am - 6.00pm


11.00am - 5.00pm


10.00am - 12.00pm & 4.00pm - 6.30pm


10.00am-12.00noon and 2.00pm-5.00pm

Het ZuidLimburgse dorp waar de elfjarige Tuur woont, is bezet door de Duitsers. Tuur en zijn buurmeisje Maartje vinden dit in het begin wel spannend. Maar langzaam maar zeker komen de kinderen erachter dat de bezetters in staat zijn tot de ergste dingen. De volwassenen proberen zoveel mogelijk voor hen geheim te houden: de Engelse piloot die op zolder verstopt zit, wie de Duitsers helpen (zoals hun eigen meester) en wie in het verzet zitten. Maar op een dag vertelt Maartje aan Tuur dat zij zelf ook een groot en gevaarlijk geheim heeft. Ineens komt de oorlog heel dichtbij. “Ravelijn“ door Paul van Loon Thmas, Joost, hun broer Maurits en tweelingzussen Emma en Lisa lijken heel gewone kinderen... totdat Joost ze voorgaat, onder de poort door van de magische stad Raveleijn. Tot hun verbijstering groeien ze uit tot ruiters te paard – en dat is niet zomaar. Volgens oude voorspellingen hebben zij een belangrijke opdracht. Ze moeten Raveleijn en haar bewoners bevrijden van hun overheerser: graaf Olaf Grafhart. De vijf broers en zussen hebben elkaar, ze hebben hun paarden en speciale wapens en genoeg moed om de strijd aan te gaan met de monsterlijke wezens die ze onderweg tegenkomen. Maar hoe komen ze aan de magische krachten die nodig zijn om Olaf Grafhart te verslaan? En de nog grotere verschrikking die hen wacht?

Library News During the months of July/August, as stated in the summer poster, the library will have restricted opening times. Please call ahead for information from the reception. Inconvience is much regretted. In June, we had to say goodbye to Mrs Tineke Hiemstra. We Thank her for all her hard work (nearly 9 years!) for the library and wish her and her family all the best in the Netherlands. We will miss you Tineke.

Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays.

Library needs new volunteers,if you have time please come to the Library or leave a note at the reception if you are interested in being involved with our activities. For more enquiries and information regarding all library matters you may contact library@hollandseclub.org.sg or pass your details to the Reception. 44 The Hollandse Club WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg


Committee Members Festivities Committee Chairperson: Nancy Hilbrink 8223 6303 Members: Vacant Kids Committee Chairperson: Eva Bell 9298 5924 Members: Vacant Membership Committee Alex Lambeek Young-Min Bouman Catelijne Botterweck

Mums & Tots Co-ordinator Eveline Dolleman 9642 8542 Library Committee Convenor: Hian Tan 6468 4004 Members: Jeannet Bruinsma, Liesbeth van der Hulst, Marianne Prahl, Angela Margaret Bowskill, Cynthia Andrade, Cora Smouter, Corine Brouwer, Joosien Dessing, Marie-Pierre Mol, Sharan K Gill and Mrs Nina Pillai

Finance Committee Chairperson: Albert Jan Hofman 9641 1524 Members: Alex Lambeek, Then Wee Lin, David van Peursen F&B Committee Chairperson: Jean-Paul Deslypere 9826 2598 Members: Patricia Butin Bik, Azaa Undeejav Jargalma Sports Committee Chairperson: Guido Nieuwenhuijzen

FACILITY INFORMATION Club Opening Hours Sun - Thur 7am - 11pm Fri - Sat 7am - 1 am

Squash Courts Mon - Sun

7am - 11pm

Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg

General Office Hours Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm Tel: 6464 5225 (Reception) Fax: 6468 6272

Steam Bath, Jacuzzi & Cold Tub Mon- Sun 7am - 10pm Swimming Pool Mon - Sun 8am - 10pm NB: Closure times for competitive swimming: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thur 5pm - 7.30pm (Two lanes will remain open) Last Friday each month 5pm - 7pm *At least two lanes will remain open on School Holidays between Monday to Friday

Lost & Found Items Please contact the Housekeeper Tel: 6461 1114 or Reception Tel: 6464 5225

Tennis Courts (Booking required) Mon - Sun 7am - 11pm Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg Child Minding Service 1 to 6 years Mon - Fri 8.30am - 12noon Tel: 6461 1150

Food & Beverage outlets The Lounge Mon - Sun 9am - Closing (Last order 9.45pm) Reservations: Reception Tel: 6464 5225 or Email: rm@hollandseclub.org.sg (Closed on Monday) Bun at Serambi Tue - Thur Fri, Sat & Sun

11am – 3pm and 5pm – 10pm (Last order 9.30pm). 11am – 10pm (Last order 9.30pm)

(Closed on Monday) Terrace Mon - Sun

8am - 11pm (Last order 10pm)

(Beverages available until closing) Belgium Beer Bar Mon to Sat 8am - 12noon 4pm - 10pm Sun, PH 8am - 10pm For special opening hours for events, please ask at reception During opening hours a limited menu is served.

Tradewinds Bar Sun - Thur Fri - Sat Eve PH & PH

11am - 11pm 11am - 1 am 11 am - 1 am

Pool Bar Mon - Sun

10am - 7pm

Sports & Recreation Facilities Bowling Alley Tue - Fri Sat, Sun Eve PH & PH Closed on Monday

10am - 10pm 9am - 10pm

Gymnasium Mon - Sun

7am - 10pm

Library Mon-Thur Fri Sat

11am - 5pm 10am - 12noon & 4pm - 6.30pm 10am - 12noon & 2pm - 5pm

Multi-purpose Sports Court Mon - Sun 8am - 10pm Please check availability with reception before using

Mums & Tots Group Newborn to 4 years Rotterdam Room 10.00am - 11.30am The Puppy Club (For children aged from 1 to 6 years) Mon - Thur 12noon - 8pm Fri 12noon - 10pm Sat & PH 10am - 10pm Sun 10am - 8pm Juniors Room (For children aged 7 years and above) Mon - Thur 12noon - 8pm Fri 12noon - 10pm Sat & PH 10am -10pm Sun 10am - 8pm The Chillout Room (For children aged 12 years and above) Mon - Sun 10am - 9pm

Sports Pro-shop (at gym) Mon to Sun 9am - 7pm

WWw.hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club 45

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