Hollandse Club Magazine: July / August 2015

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Magazine JULY / AUGUST 2015 ISSUE

A bi-monthly publication by the Hollandse Club

Visit us online @ www.hollandseclub.org.sg

Event Reports White-Out Summer Party Kids’ ZOAT 2015 Sports Updates

Kids & Teens

Holiday Stories Turtle Beach Clean-up My SEA Games Experience

Meet the Members of the Library Committee Off the Beaten Track Rises High to the 50th Down Memory Lane: Lion City & The Club




EDITORIAL COMMITEE Editor: Nina Gunasingham editor@hollandseclub.org.sg

Proofreader & copy-editor: Nedda Chaplin

Writers: Claire Wintraecken Karien van Ditzhuijzen

Photographer: Inge Kuipers

22 Camden Park, Singapore 299814 | Tel: 6464 5225 | Fax: 6468 6272 | www.hollandseclub.org.sg Email: info@hollandseclub.org.sg | Court Bookings: reception@hollandseclub.org.sg The Hollandse Club Magazine is published bi-monthly and distributed free to members of the Club. For advertising enquiries, please email marcom@hollandseclub.org.sg Views and opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect those of the Club, its committee or editorial staff. Š All Rights reserved. MICA (P) 156/04/2009.








President’s Message

GM’s Message

Meet the Members of the Library Committee

Staff Updates

Welcome AFS

Staff Party 2015





18 Holiday Stories


My SEA Games Experience



Terrace Renovations

Loyalty Program

Thank You Reception

Turtle Beach Clean-up






Artist in Focus: Kanak Kiran

Off the Beaten Track Rises High to the 50th

Happy 50th Birthday, Dutch

SG50 Special: Down Memory Lane

Events Calendar

Family Business







Sports Classes Schedule

Club Activity Contact List

White-Out Summer Party

Event Reports

Swimming Reports

Golf Reports







Squash Reports

Tennis Reports

Kids’ ZOAT 2015

July Chef’s Specials

August Chef’s Specials

July/August New Books

EDITOR’S MESSAGE Dear Members, Welcome to the July/August edition of the Hollandse Club magazine, as things slow down for the school holidays. Sadly, this is also the time of year that we say “Goodbye” as many of our friends move back home or on to their next posting. I am losing a few good friends; but I’m happy (and a little jealous) to hear that they’re looking forward to stepping off the plane with perfect hair, away from the humidity of Singapore! It is good to see our younger members getting involved in the Club and the magazine. In the ‘Kids & Teens’ section we have some holiday stories, a couple of SEA Games experiences, and an account of cleaning up a turtle beach as well as the results of the Easter colouring competition. Of course, volunteers are a huge part of the mechanism of the Club but quite a few current committee members are leaving Singapore, so if there’s something you enjoy doing, or feel that you can help improve the Club, please join a committee. In this issue, we focus on the Library Committee and find out a bit about the history of the Library over the years. We also take the opportunity to look back over the history of the Club in the past 50 years, as we celebrate SG50 with the nation. Claire has found yet another corner of Singapore that I have to visit, as she writes about the amazing view from the 50th floor of The Pinnacles. Do have a look at the Event reports and see if you can spot yourself in the many photos: did you attend the White Out party, or the Kuhlbarra Fish Farm visit, or the inaugural Kids’ ZOAT tournament, or even take part in the award swimming or tennis youth championship? And don’t forget to check out the delicious looking Chef’s Specials for July and August, and the new books that have arrived in the Library. Until the next issue, I hope you have a great holiday. If you are leaving Singapore, I wish you the best in the future, and hope to see you back again soon! Happy reading! Nina Gunasingham


MAIN COMMITTEE President: Nienke Nauta-Kuipers president@hollandseclub.org.sg Vice-President: Anneloes van Haaren vicepresident@hollandseclub.org.sg First Secretary: Anne Zwart firstsecretary@hollandseclub.org.sg


Second Secretary: Paul Roberts secondsecretary@hollandseclub.org.sg Honorary Treasurer: Jan-Willem Buist treasurer@hollandseclub.org.sg Member for Food & Beverage: fnbmember@hollandseclub.org.sg Member for Sports & Recreation: Patrice Plet sportsmember@hollandseclub.org.sg Commercial Affairs: Henk Jan Bakker commercial@hollandseclub.org.sg Member for Internal & Corporate Affairs: Steef Jansen

COMMITTEE MEMBERS Kids’ Committee Members: Patricia Joris, Alina Manicea Teens’ Committee Member: Maree Roberts Sports Committee Chairperson: Patrice Plet Library Committee Convenor: Hian Tan (6468 4004) Members: Angela Bowskill, Susanne Westerbeek, Nina Gunasingham Finance Committee Chairperson: Jan Willem Buist Members: Then Wee Lin, Edwin Jager, Wietske Helle, Cecile Sturm F&B Committee Member: Patrick Tan, Susanne Geerdink, Susanne Versteeg-van der Net Magazine Committee Members: Nedda Chaplin, Karien van Ditzhuijzen, Nina Gunasingham, Claire van Deur, Inge Kuipers


Dear Fellow Members, Whilst recovering from a great Summer Party, I’m writing this President’s message just before the long summer holiday starts and many of you will be travelling overseas. With the success of last year’s party in mind, our staff organised for the second year in a row our summer party. This year, the theme was White Out and how great it was to see all of you dressed in fabulous white. The “Hermes House Band” was flown in from Holland again and, to complete the party, there were two great DJs, one of which was our own Main Committee member, Paul Roberts. On evenings like this, I always realize how glad I am to be a member of the Hollandse Club. Having said that, it is that time of the year to say goodbye to some of our valuable members, due to relocation overseas. I would like to wish all of them the best in all their future adventures and do hope they treasure many good memories of the Hollandse Club. At the same time, we hope to welcome many new members after the holidays. As you might know, we have an interesting referral programme, so please invite all your friends who are not yet members for our trial membership. We will have some attractive membership deals during the SG50 festivities period. During the summer months, the time has finally come for the Terrace renovations. The majority of you chose design number 3, which is still displayed in the lobby. In the coming weeks, we will show more detailed pictures of chairs, tables and other furniture. A new Terrace also means renovations works. During the renovation of the Terrace, all outlets will remain open, however, we do ask for some flexibility, as at certain points some areas will be closed. Our GM will communicate the renovation plan and timeframe to all members. Once the renovation is finished, there will be an official opening of the new Terrace together with a welcome-back BBQ around the pool. More details will follow closer to the date. A Club cannot exist without volunteers and, therefore, I ask for your help. Currently, we are looking for new members for our Corporate Relations sub-committee. Although we currently have some very loyal sponsors, there is still much more potential. If you have any interest, please feel free to contact me. Last but not least, Tony Moes, our Main Committee member for Food and Beverage is also relocating. I would like to thank Tony and his family for all their time and effort they have put into the Club over the past six years. I wish them all the best back in the Netherlands. There will be a vacancy for our Food and Beverage position in the Main Committee. If you have a hospitality background and you are interested in lifting up the Club to another level, please contact me as well. For those who are travelling overseas or home during the summer break, I wish you all a good holiday and hope to see you back at the end of August at our Club. Best regards, Nienke Nauta-Kuipers President


GM’S MESSAGE Dear Members, What a fabulous party it was last month! Great crowd, great atmosphere and great music! I would like to thank all those who worked very hard to make the White Out Summer Party such a big success! We can’t wait to organise next year’s edition. Only days after breaking up the party of the year, we hosted the first edition of the Kids’ ZOAT. Organised together with the Hollandse Club Youth Hockey, the Club welcomed more than 120 youth hockey players, their siblings and parents to enjoy a weekend full of sportive games, pool fun and delicious food. The Kids’ ZOAT was a great success and a blueprint for similar events in the future. On June 8th, we officially welcomed the French Association to the Club. Using the Hollandse Club as their new base, the French Association will be organising more than 500 events annually for their more than 2,200 members. We are looking forward to hosting many of these events at the Club, and to a long and mutually beneficial collaboration. The office of the French Association is located in the library and will be used by members of the various organising committees. Typically, things slow down around the Club during July and August … but not this year! We are very excited to start the Terrace renovations and hope that you will be excited, too- when you see the end-result. The new Terrace will feature a new bar, new furniture that provides members with more seating options, better lighting and more service stations. As part of our effort to improve everyone’s experience at the Club, we will also be rearranging the present Junior and Puppy Rooms to optimise them for the age groups that use them. We will also be using the quieter weeks over the summer to do some painting and other maintenance jobs around the Club. During the renovation period, drinks will be served from the Serambi and Pool Bar, and food will be served at the poolside, in the Lounge (outdoor and indoor) as well as in the Tradewinds Bar. The Junior and Puppy Room facilities will be relocated to the Chill Out Room for a short period of time. We kindly seek your understanding for any inconvenience caused during this period. Please see the notices around the Club and on the website for more information. Unfortunately, this is also the time of the year that we have to say goodbye to members who will be returning home or moving to a new location. It is always sad and difficult to see people leave the Club but we are also thankful for the time they spent here, their volunteering, friendship and kindness. In the months to come, we will be looking forward to welcoming many new members. To attract new members, we will be promoting the Club in various ways around Singapore; we will be organising events and offering prospective members free trial memberships to experience our unique and vibrant Club. But we also seek your assistance in attracting new members to the Club. Please share your excitement about your Club with (new) friends and (new) colleagues. You stand to win great prizes and F&B vouchers when you get new members signed up. For those who will be in Singapore during July and August, we will be organising kids’ activities throughout the summer, so please check out the programme further down in the magazine. Friends are welcome! We also have new, delicious monthly specials lined up for you to enjoy plus you might be able to get a sneak-peak at the new Terrace, so see you at the Club! And while you are on holiday, please consider joining one of the committees. Some are looking for new volunteers to help support the Club.

General Manager: Daniel Van Dijk 6461 1103 gm@hollandseclub.org.sg Office Manager & HR Executive: Trecia Pang 6461 1160 hr@hollandseclub.org.sg F&B Manager: Alejandro Puno 6461 1136 fnbmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg Banquet Sales Manager: Aafra Dikhoff 6461 1104 banquetsales@hollandseclub.org.sg Banquet Sales Executive: Mariah Said 6461 1112 banquet@hollandseclub.org.sg Banquet Operations Manager: Tan Boon Phang 6461 1137 banqmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg Sales & Marketing Manager: 6461 1139 sales@hollandseclub.org.sg Membership Executive: 6461 1111 membership@hollandseclub.org.sg Marketing Communications Executive/Designer: Mohd Izzat 6461 1117 marcom@hollandseclub.org.sg Sports & Events Manager: Marilou Groot Nibbelink 6461 1110 events@hollandseclub.org.sg Sports & Events Executive: Yurni Hikmah 6461 1127 sports.exec@hollandseclub.org.sg Finance Manager: Vangel Neo 6461 1108 finmgr@hollandseclub.org.sg Accountant: Zoey Lee 6461 1106 a.r@hollandseclub.org.sg

With kind regards, Daniel van Dijk General Manager WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG | HOLLANDSE CLUB 5



A short history of the Hollandse Club library

The library at the Hollandse Club was started up years ago in the cupboard next to the stage in the Main Hall with only Dutch books. After a year, we were able to use the room behind the stage and also include English books. This room was also used as a changing room for entertainers. After a few years, we got an upgrade: a big space under the stairs for a real library. We were very happy, but we had to move because the Club needed a gym, so we moved the library near the swimming pool, behind the changing rooms. Again, after a few years, we had to move because the Club needed a bigger kitchen. But we were happy because it was the place we had before, and there we have remained to this day.

Hian Tan Convenor of Library Committee I started helping in the library in 1980 because I love reading, so I volunteered on the same day that my children had Judo lessons and my husband played tennis. I still love the work, and reading is the exercise of the brain.

Cora Smouter It was Dubai, 2009 and time for our family to go back home to the Netherlands after having lived abroad for many years. But a huge crisis started in the Middle East and it was not a good time to go back home. Luckily, my husband got the opportunity to take a better job … in Singapore, only for two years. Six years later, I’m finally allowed to go HOME! But I enjoyed every year of Singapore. I kept myself busy with tennis, swimming and libraries, especially the library at the Hollandse Club. When I noticed that the library was always closed, I stepped in as a volunteer … that was five years ago. I enjoyed every single minute of it! I loved doing administrative duties, organising bookshelves, making payments now and then, and sending the reminder letters. Now it’s sad to leave the library with only three volunteers remaining. I really hope that one of you can give a few hours of your time to continue our efforts over the years. The more we are open, the better it is for everyone!

Susanne Westerbeek I am married to Roelof Westerbeek who works for DSM. Mother of three children: Floris (15), Eline (13) and Julia (11). We have lived in Singapore since August 2011. This is our second time here: the first time from 1998 to 2000. We then moved to Shanghai, China and spent eight years there. From 2008 until our move back to Singapore, we were in the Netherlands. I decided to volunteer at the library because I did not want to complain about the scarce opening hours. This way, my kids and I could always borrow books, while other people could benefit from it as well.


Nina Gunasingham I grew up in London and moved to Singapore in 1998, when I got married. My husband and I joined the Hollandse Club when our eldest son (now 11 years old) was 10 months old. Shortly after that, there was a call for new Kids’ Committee members, and I signed up as a volunteer. I first discovered the library when it was tucked away where the Chill Out room is now, and rediscovered it a few years later when it had moved back downstairs to its present location, by which time I had my second baby in tow. I also discovered that the library needed volunteers to stay open, and since I was spending so much time at the Club anyway, waiting for my older boy to finish various activities, I thought I might as well spend some of that time in airconditioned comfort, surrounded by books. Now that my six-year-old, like his brother, also has classes at the Club, volunteering in the library keeps me occupied while I wait for them to finish, and they also pop in occasionally with their friends to read, or even ‘help’ out.

Angela Bowskill We have had a family membership since 2005 when we returned to Singapore from Hong Kong, and the Club has featured throughout my children’s lives as they have grown up over the years. After a few years of being a member, I personally wanted to give something back to the Club and so I joined the Library Team as a volunteer. I have always loved reading, ever since a mobile library visited our farming community once a fortnight when I was a child in a rural part of Northern England, to being taken to the local community library by my grandmother at the nearest market town, and to reading daily, which I view as my ‘treat’ at the end of every day and which I still do to this day. I hope that the library at the Hollandse Club will continue to attract new volunteers, which will help it to have longer opening hours.

Ellen Goense Hi, my name is Ellen, born and raised in the Netherlands. I have been living abroad for twenty years. We have four children, and the youngest is living with us in Singapore. The other three live and study in the Netherlands. This summer, we will be moving back to the Netherlands. My hobbies are outdoor-sports like road cycling, mountain biking, swimming, running, gardening and reading. We have been members of the Hollandse Club for the last two years, where I have enjoyed doing social work for the library.

Annabel Klaassens Eight years ago, I moved to Singapore because of my father’s job, and my family joined the Hollandse Club soon after. We come to the Club very often for many different reasons, such as swimming lessons, eating and for the library. After I turned 14, I thought that I would like to volunteer to work at the library, as I always love reading and the atmosphere of the library. I like working at the library as it is not too busy and I can do my homework there when I am done with all my tasks. Also, I can read there peacefully if there is no one that I can help at the time. This is why I enjoy working at the library and why I joined in the first place.


FACILITY INFORMATION SPORTS & RECREATION Club Opening Hours Sunday - Thursday: 7am - 11pm Friday - Saturday: 7am - 1am General Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm Tel: 6464 5225 (Reception) Fax: 6468 6272 Lost & Found Items Please contact the Housekeeper at  6461 1114 or Reception at 6464 5225.

FOOD & BEVERAGE OUTLETS Terrace Monday - Sunday: 8am - closing (Last food order for the kitchen 9pm) Beverages are available until closing. Serambi Bar Monday - Sunday: 6pm - 11pm (on request) The Lounge (Outdoor) Monday - Sunday: 8am - Closing (Last food order for the kitchen 9pm) For reservations, please call Reception at 6464 5225 or email reception@hollandseclub.org.sg Tennis Pavillion Monday - Friday: 8am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday: 4pm - 6pm Wednesday: 6pm - 11pm Saturday, Sunday & PH: 8am - 12pm 4pm - 6pm For special events opening hours, please ask Reception. During opening hours a limited menu is served. Tradewinds Bar Sunday - Thursday: 11am - 11pm (Last food order for the kitchen 9pm) Friday - Saturday: 11am - 1am (Last food order for the kitchen 9pm) Eve of PH & PH: 11am - 1am (Last food order for the kitchen 9pm) Pool Bar Monday - Friday: 11am - 7pm Saturday: 8am - 6pm Sunday & PH: 9am - 5pm


Gymnasium Monday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm Library Tuesday - Saturday Facility information for the library will be different every week. Multi-Purpose Sports Court Monday - Sunday: 8am - 10pm Please check availability with Reception before using. Squash Courts Monday - Sunday: 7am - 11pm For court bookings, please call Reception at 6464 5225 or email reception@hollandseclub.org.sg. Swimming Pool Monday - Friday: 8am - 10pm Closure times for competitive swimming: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday 5pm - 7.30pm (Two lanes will remain open) Last Friday of the month: 5pm - 7pm *At least two lanes will remain open on School Holidays between Monday to Friday. Tennis Courts Monday - Sunday: 7am - 11pm Booking is required. For court bookings, please call Reception at 6464 5225 or email reception@hollandseclub.org.sg. Child Minding Service Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 12pm For toddlers aged from 1 to 3 years. Tel: 6461 1150 Mums’ & Tots’ Group Tuesday: 10am - 11.30am Newborn to 4 years at Rotterdam Room. Puppy Room Monday - Thursday: 12pm - 8pm Friday: 12pm - 10pm Saturday & PH: 10am - 10pm Sunday: 10am - 8pm For children aged from 1 to 6 years. Juniors’ Room Monday - Thursday: 12pm - 8pm Friday, Saturday & PH: 10am -10pm Sunday: 10am - 8pm For children aged 6 - 11 years. The Chillout Room Monday - Friday: 4pm - 10pm Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 10pm For children aged 11 years and above.



After working for almost five years in the membership department, Nur (Darma) Jahari took up a new challenge outside the Hollandse Club. We thank Darma for her contributions to the Club and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.


Rex Gillera is a new addition to the team, who will be handling the Membership administration and assisting our Guest Relations team at the reception. If you have any queries with regards to your membership, please contact Rex.

We are happy to announce that we have a new F&B Manager. Alejandro Puno is from the Philippines and brings more than 15 years of solid experience in F&B management. He has worked for member clubs in Asia, as well as large catering companies. Alejandro will further improve the service levels and food and beverages choices at the Club while looking to reduce costs and wastage.

Aafra Dikhoff has joined us as a Banquet Sales Manager. Aafra will be developing new Banqueting and Catering packages as well as engaging with corporate clients. Aafra will be focusing on increasing the revenue and our level of service to our Banqueting Customers. Aafra will work closely with Mr Boon and his team.

WILDLIFE ENCOUNTERS AROUND THE CLUB. The Hollandse Club is located in wonderful tropical surroundings, which means that we sometimes get some ‘unwanted’ visitors. Repelling measures are not 100% effective, so if you happen to encounter some wildlife around the Club, please do not approach it too closely, and immediately warn our staff. They will call for help. Although a confrontation might not always be pleasant, please remind yourselves that these species are indigenous and, in most cases, protected by law. Please inform your children not to approach wildlife, such as snakes, monitor lizards, monkeys or squirrels as they might react aggressively to provocations.


WELCOME Association Française de Singapour (AFS) O n June 8th, the Hollandse Club entered into a collaboration agreement with the Association Francaise de Singapour (AFS). The AFS or French Association was established 40 years ago and has more than 37 nationalities among its more than 2,200 members. The French-speaking community in Singapore is a very vibrant one with more than 17,000 French nationals alone living in Singapore. The difference between the Alliance Francaise and the French Association is that the former is a cultural institute and the latter a members association. The French Association was looking for a base to organise their more than 500 events annually. The Association will also be organising events at the Hollandse Club. In fact, they have done so already. “We believe this collaboration will bring mutual benefits and strengthen the relationship between the Hollandse Club and the French community in Singapore.” The French Association’s office is located inside the library. Opening hours will be Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm. Please join us in welcoming the French Association to the Hollandse Club. The Hollandse Club is seeking collaboration with more expatriate associations in Singapore to increase the exposure in the international community and to attract more members and business to the Hollandse Club.

DO YOU KNOW? • Do you know that another litter of kittens were born at the Club recently? • Do you know that we sell Dutch Jenever in the Tradewinds Bar and that we created special cocktails with it? • Do you know that the most popular monthly specials in recent months were the Fish Curry (March), the Grilled Ribeye (April) and the Lentil Salad (May)? • Do you know that we still find several pairs of slippers, bathers and other items on a daily basis? • Do you know that we sell more than 1,000 fresh juices every month?


The annual staff party took place on May 11th. This year’s Glamorous Dinner Party was held at Park Royal at Beach Road. All the Hollandse Club staff dressed up in their finest outfits and gathered together for some team games and a glamorous reception and dinner. The annual staff party is the only time of the year that all the staff can come together at the same time, and is organised by and for members of staff and sponsored by our service providers and vendors. It was a great evening with lots of laughs, plenty of food and, of course, a fabulous Lucky Draw! A big thank-you to our sponsors and the organising committee!





TO OUR NEW CLUB MEMBERS! • Patrick Raymond Connolly • Salvatore Phillip Femminile • Judy Guo • Coenraad Dominicus Hubner • Hans Hanegraaf • Ng Han Ken Mike • Nicholas Ng • Nick Guo • Carlotta Byas • Jenny Mariasant • Giovanna De Oliveira

• Sara Ray-Roberts • Peter John Sant • Barbara Arlette Voskamp • Karsten Martin • Christopher Wong Si Wai • Emma Jane • Eva HanegraafVan Beek • Kyoko Murai • Karenmary Ng • Daniel Ray





T he result of the vote on the three Terrace design options is out. 194 votes were casted. Option 3 received 97 votes, 62 votes for Option 1, and Option 2 came in third with 27 votes. There were also eight invalid votes: no name, multiple or no options ticked. The majority of the votes was thus for Option 3, which was the design closest to the Terrace design presented during the AGM. The new terrace will feature a striking new bar, new durable furniture that provides members with more comfortable seating options, better lighting and more service stations. Renovation works on the Terrace will commence early in July and we expect the works to be completed by the second week of August. During this period, food and drinks will be served in the Serambi Bar, Tradewinds Bar and Lounge areas (indoor and outdoor). Access from the Terrace to the Pool area and other areas of the Club will remain possible although limited at times. The Junior and Puppy Rooms will be closed for a period during the Terrace renovation and will be relocated to the Chill Out Room, which during this period will cease to be in use as a teenagers’ hideout. The Tradewinds bar will also be closed for a short period due to some works to be carried out but will otherwise remain open during the renovation period. Please see the notice board in the lobby and notices on our website for more detailed information and updates on the renovation project.

CAR DECALS Please ensure that your car has the latest (round) car decal. We are phasing out the old decals, which means that from September 1st old decals are no longer considered valid and you will be stopped upon entry to the Club. The reason for this is that there are currently too many different types of old car decals in circulation and we need to determine which cars belong to (active) members of the Club. Please approach the reception or membership (membership@hollandseclub.org.sg) for issuance of a new car decal.

PARKING We call upon all members who park their cars in the parking lots to please park their car neatly and to ensure that when doors are opened (by children) they are not slammed into other cars, and bags or other belongings are not scratching the sides of cars. There are (too) many instances of cars being damaged on the premises.



LOYALTY PROGRAM All members who qualify for our reward membership program (those holding a membership longer than 10 years) have been sent their new membership cards. We understand from some members that there have been some issues with (timely) delivery. If you have not received your card yet, please approach the reception or our Membership Department (membership@hollandseclub.org.sg).

Photos by Rex Gillera



THANK YOU, Appreciation Reception A s we were drawing near to the ‘end of the season’ at the Club, we invited all coaches, conveners and committee volunteers to an Appreciation Reception at the Lounge. Although we all work around and for the Club, we seldom have an opportunity to meet with all the volunteers and coaches at the same time. It was a great way to say thank you to all who make a difference around the Club!

VOLUNTEERS WANTED With the departure of some of our members, we also lose some of our valued and much needed volunteers. Volunteering for the Club is a great way to meet new people and support your Club. Currently there are several committees looking for new volunteers. If you would like more information about the volunteering possibilities or if you would like to sign up, please contact: F&B Committee: Nienke Nauta-Kuipers president@hollandseclub.org.sg Objective: Supporting the F&B Manager with ideas for menus, culinary events and more Kids’ Committee: Marilou Groot-Nibbelink events@hollandseclub.org.sg Objective: Providing new ideas and feedback for new kids’ events at the Club Library Committee: Hian Tan library@hollandseclub.org.sg Objective: Assist with general librarian tasks Membership Ambassadors: Rex Gillera membership@hollandseclub.org.sg Objective: Promoting the Club with prospective members during events and assisting new members to become acquainted with the Club.


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Amelie, 6 (R0401)

Amelia, 4 (T375)

Lcuas, 5 (S810)

Fredie, 7 (T375)

We received a lot of submissions for the Easter Colouring Contest. Good job to all children and congratulations to these 4 winners! Prizes can be collected at the reception. Keep those entries coming in!

TURTLE BEACH CLEAN-UP By Juliet Buist, age 9

I went to an island called Batu Batu. When we were there, we went to another part of the island with a boat, called Turtle Island. We helped clean the beach. We picked lots of trash, such as plastic bottles, lids, glass and much more. We even found pacifiers and flip-flops on the beach. On the way back, we could hardly fit on the boat with all the garbage. We did this for the sea turtles. The sea turtles get hurt by the plastic or get trapped, and then they die. Because we helped clean the beach, more turtles will survive! When we got back we got a free drink. They told us about the two types of turtles: green turtles and hawksbill turtles. The turtle eggs are buried at the beach. They hatched after we left. Batu Batu has a very beautiful beach. When you go snorkelling you can see many very pretty fish. They also have a jetty that you can jump from. This is super-high. Finally, they also have a pool. Each evening at 7 pm a movie is shown for the children in the playhouse. We had lots of fun. Do you want to be a turtle hero, too? Check out the details at www.turtlewatchcamp.org



M y favourite place to go to on holiday would be the Taaras Resort on Palau Redang,North Malaysia. This reason why this would be my favourite holiday is because it was really beautiful. The sand was so white that it hurt your eyes during the day. The ocean was crystal clear and, of course, the diving was magnificent. This holiday, I made over 25 dives, seeing sharks, mating sea turtles and a huge stingray! The best part of this holiday would be that there was a storm building up and the waves in front of the resort were big enough to surf. I probably spent 6-7 hours every afternoon surfing! I would love to go back!

diving Photo of Ruben Smouter Photo of Rik Smouter surfing


By Ruben Smouter, age 12

The best place I went on holiday was Minahasa Lagoon. The resort is in North Sulawesi Indonesia, one hour by car from Manado. I went there four times. The reason why I chose this holiday in Manado is because of the diving nearby the island Bunaken. About one hour by boat from the resort. There’s this huge coral wall that goes down 70 or 90 meters to the bottom. Of course, I only went down 25 meters. The best things I’ve seen there are turtles bigger than two meters! If I had the choice, I would go back tomorrow.

LEGO DONATIONS FOR JUNIOR ROOM We are looking for Lego to put in the new Junior Room so children will have something fun to play with besides Video or Board Games. If you have some LEGO (not Duplo please) at home that’s not being played with any longer, please consider donating it to the Club. Donations big or small are very welcome! 18 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG

MY SEA GAMES EXPERIENCE By Sam Chaplin, age 10

O n Friday, June 12, my brother and I went to see the awesome water polo event for the 28th SEA Games in Singapore. We watched two matches. The first match we watched was Malaysia vs Philippines. Malaysia smashed the Philippines 10-4. The next match we watched was Singapore vs Thailand. Thailand looked like they weren’t even there, with Singapore walloping Thailand 17-2. When the Hollandse Club’s water polo team plays there is a lot more swimming, but when the professionals played it, it was like rugby in the water. The atmosphere at the OCBC Aquatics Centre was unbelievable, with all the Singapore fans chanting and rising out of their seats when Singapore scored. For my first time at a live professional water polo game I’d say it was a very exciting experience for me and I would definitely want to go again.

SEA GAMES FOOTBALL By Noah Chaplin, age 6

I went to the SEA Games football match with my brother Sam and it was Malaysia vs Laos and it was awesome and when they scored they said, ‘GOAL, GOAL, GOAL!’ and there was music and we cheered. We were supporting Malaysia and the final score was 3-1 to Malaysia and we were happy. That night I went to bed at 11pm!


FEATURES During his recent trip to Singapore, Felix Ghyczy donated a designer sofa to the Club. His family’s (company) history is an interesting one.

GHYCZY’S FAMILY BUSINESS GROWS UP Best known for creating the iconic plastic Garden Egg chair in 1968, designer Peter Ghyczy has spent the last 40 years developing furniture based on inventive uses for materials and new technologies.

At the grand age of 73, Peter Ghyczy still spends a few hours each day sketching ideas for new products at the offices of the family firm in the Dutch town of Swalmen. Driven by a determination to improve the quality of living environments, his designs combine elegant forms and robust, honest materials that improve over time. So what made the designer of a famous plastic chair switch his attention to minimal furniture that’s made-to-order from the highest quality materials? The key to understanding Ghyczy’s passion for quality and refined style can be found in his aristocratic upbringing, and five decades of experience working in the furniture industry. The designer was born in Budapest in 1940 and spent time in Hungary, Belgium and Austria before moving to West Germany in 1956 to escape the Hungarian revolution. He studied sculpture at Düsseldorf’s Arts Academy and architecture at Aachen University before taking a role as director of the design department at plastics manufacturer Reuter in Lemförde. It was there that he created the Garden Egg chair as a showpiece for the company’s new polyurethane material. The curvaceous design with a flip-up lid became an icon of pop culture, but in 1972 Ghyczy left Germany for the Netherlands to set up his own firm producing furniture influenced by his appreciation for innovative engineering. “When my father started his own company, he wanted to move away from plastic and trendy design to create products of a lasting value,” explains Ghyczy’s son Felix, who is now in charge of the family business. The fact that Ghyczy still produces many of the designs developed in this early period is a measure of their quality and ingenuity. The T04 table from 1970, for example, was based on a new process enabling the production of thick sheets of float glass that could be held in place by a clamping mechanism to create frameless tables. For the R03 shelf, designed in 1971, Ghyczy employed the Fischer wall plug to allow a thin glass surface to be supported by a minimal aluminium profile. The designer’s ability to identify intelligent applications for new materials and technologies resulted in pieces that still feel as relevant today as when they were first produced. The popularity of these timeless designs provided a solid foundation for a business, which now involves a close collaboration between father and son to ensure products are manufactured to the highest standards using the best available materials and processes. Rather than a sprawling collection that changes constantly, the family has chosen to focus on developing a small core range of designs with universal appeal. These can be customised to meet the needs of any interior by specifying different dimensions, materials and finishes. “We can’t compete with huge companies that make things in the Far East,” Felix Ghyczy points out, “so my father designed the products to be built from different elements that can be put together according to the client’s wishes.” Despite their apparent simplicity, each of Peter Ghyczy’s designs has a unique character resulting from the carefully considered details, such as the way materials juxtapose and connect with one another. The T3456 dining table, for example, comprises two planks of solid oak supported by a steel frame that bridges the gap between them at either end and sits flush with the surface. The oak is carefully selected before being dried outdoors for two years and then in a climate-controlled chamber to reach the required level of humidity so the wood will never crack or bend. It’s this level of care that results in products intended to last a lifetime or more. Another example of Ghyczy’s ingenuity can be found in the R03 shelf, which features two small hidden screws used to adjust the angle of the glass so it always remains level. “The people who copy this product don’t bother with these screws so when you put things on the shelf they’re not straight,” says Ghyczy, expressing pride in this small but important detail. “It’s a very simple solution my father created, which shows his appreciation of construction and engineering.” A consequence of the company’s dedication to manufacturing a limited product range and treating materials in the most honest and straightforward manner is that it can claim to operate a sustainable business. Materials come from known sources and are processed and assembled in ways that reduce waste, while the designs developed by Peter Ghyczy stem from a personal desire to create products that can be passed down over generations. “My father was born in 1940 during the war when you had to be careful with everything you had,” Ghyczy explains, “so he thinks a lot about the environment and is against the idea of a throwaway culture.” Much has changed in the domestic furniture market in the Netherlands since Peter Ghyczy founded his company in 1972, but the products he creates have become increasingly relevant as society faces up to issues such as obsolescence and the unsustainable consumption of finite resources. The challenge ahead for the company is to expand into new regions while maintaining the standards of craftsmanship it has become known for: something Felix Ghyczy is confident they can achieve. “I’m positive about the future of this company because the products are cosmopolitan and extremely versatile,” he proclaims. “I believe there is a market for boutique companies who make customised and characterful products and have a nice story to tell.” Like the furniture it produces, the story of this family business is already transcending generations. 20 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG



The opening of the exhibition from Kanak Kiran is on 1 July from 4-6pm in the Tradewinds bar.

Kanak is a student of literature, an observer of psychology, an academician by profession and an artist by passion. The bright hues and vibrancy of “cultures” across the world inspires her and she tries to capture the rhythm, poetry, energy and exuberance of cultures in all her work. Kanak has been a teacher and guide for Indian Civil Services aspirants for more than a decade, but there was something inside which was pulling her towards the canvas and art since 2012. She picked up her canvas for some journey towards self-actualisation, which was being ignited from within, to pursue her hobby of painting. Her theme across all her work is “Colours of Culture”. What fascinates her is that most of the cultures have some similarity in terms of themes and colours. Her medium is acrylic on canvas, though lately she is also experimenting with oil on canvas. Kanak uses a mix of Impressionism and Abstract forms in her paintings. Her paintings echo the cultures of India, Turkey, Vietnam and Buddhism, and the journey continues for exploring her themes further and achieving a sense of fulfillment through art. Kanak is an artist of Indian origin who has been in Singapore for the last two years and considers it home now. The family travels to nearby gateways from Singapore and each travel infuses her creativity further and makes her explore various cultures more closely. This journey continues and a glimpse of this can be seen in her exhibition at the Hollandse Club from 1st July to 31st August 2015.





By Claire Wintraecken

One of my favourite things to do in a city is get lost and explore, and find the hidden gem tucked away in a small alley. Nowadays, it seems “mission impossible” with all the apps and information available on your smartphone. In Singapore, it seems even harder to play this game. In a city so well known and small, where does discovery lie? In the thrill of the new, yes, but also in the surprise of marvelous views. Just look up, and that is what I did on this ordinary Wednesday. I went with a friend, to a spot high above the ground for a stunning bird’seye view of the city: The Pinnacle Building. 22 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG

FEATURES Located at Duxton Plain, The Pinnacle@Duxton is built where the first two blocks of public housing in Tanjong Pagar - among the oldest public housing estates in Singapore - originally stood. In 2001, the Urban Redevelopment Authority organised an International Architectural Design Competition and The Pinnacle, as we know it as today, was completed in 2009. Its seven 50-storey towers are linked at the 26th and 50th floors by stunning “sky bridges”. The lower one, with a three-kilometre jogging track is reserved for residents but for S$5 you are allowed to go up to the 50th storey. This skybridge is open to all. It was breezy on the 50th storey, which was a nice treat on this hot and humid day. It was absolutely quiet and we could wander around the gardens, sit down and enjoy the jaw-dropping panorama of the city. You will not see the Flyer, Marina Bay Sands or Gardens by the Bay but the view is absolutely amazing. Far below are the serried rows of Chinatown’s shophouse roofs; beyond them, city skyscrapers line Boat Quay. Relax, enjoy and be surprised! To enter the 50th storey skybridge: Go to BLK G level 1 and follow the signs “To the Sky Bridge”. Bring your Cepas card and cash; during our visit, the so-called self-serving machine was broken, so we had to pay cash.

One of my favourite “ things to do in a city is get lost and explore, and find the hidden gem tucked away in a small alley.”



Happy 50th Birthday!

Dutch Style

By Nina Gunasingham

In this issue, we celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday. My

curiosity was piqued during our magazine meeting by the mention of the way in which 50th birthdays are celebrated in the Netherlands; so I delved deeper.

Generally, Dutch birthday celebrations are quiet, staid affairs. But 50th birthdays are another matter altogether, and the Dutch go overboard to mark this milestone occasion. It seems that the most famous tradition is that when a lady reaches her 50th birthday, she is said to have ‘seen Sarah’, whereas men ‘see Abraham’, because they are then deemed ancient enough to have met the biblical couple who were childless until they were both over ninety years old, and who lived to the ages of 127 and 175 years respectively. Along with having fun poked at their greying (or non-existent) hair, the celebrants also have the benefit of being considered wise as well as old. Apparently, it’s not just hair that has fun poked at it. In bygone times, the birthday boy or girl would also get a pastry or cake shaped in their ‘likeness’, with suitable exaggerations. This seems to have evolved over time into a full, life-sized dummy, which is displayed in as public and embarrassing


a manner possible - maybe on their front lawn or in their office. And at their workplace, or down their street, there might be posters everywhere declaring that they are ‘Abraham’ (or ‘Sarah’, as the case may be). It is also a time when friends and relatives of the birthday boy or girl produce ‘witty’ poems about them. Some people may even go as far as taking out humorous advertisements in national papers, gently mocking their favourite 50-year-old. Obviously, it’s not easy to disguise your age in Holland, if you’re sensitive to such things! Well, it must all be true; I read it on the Internet. Happy 50th birthday, Singapore!!


Memory Lane In conjunction with SG50

Relive the old-time memories as we take you 50 years down the road to discover the nostalgic Singapore island and our very own Club! Compare the difference between past and present.

Singapore Past & Present The Cathay - To


The National Stadium - Today


ginal Cathay Cinema in 195

Source: Panoramio - The Ori

Orchard Road - Toda y

Source: SSPC - Newly Constructed National

Stadium, 1973

r - Today

Singapore Rive

Old Orchard Road, 1950s

Geylang Sera

i - Today

Source: yipcheongfun - Old Singapore River, 1960s

Kampong Geylang, 1960s

Hollandse Club over 50 years As Singapore celebrates its 50th birthday, I wondered how the Hollandse Club (which was founded in 1908) has changed over the past 50 years. Boon, who began working at the Club in 1970, and Jeffrey, are two of the longest-serving members of staff here, and they were happy to reminisce with me. Only Edmund, who started in 1968, has been at the Club for longer, but I didn’t get the chance to interview him. When Jeffrey joined the Club in 1971, there were only three clay tennis courts, one of which was where our pool is now. There was only one kitchen, which is the one behind the Amsterdam Room, so staff had to bring food initially around the side (there was no Lounge then) and, later, the route came through the lobby. The Terrace, at the time, was open-air, with large umbrellas for shade and the wet bar, which had to be covered when it rained, was where the payment counter is now. On Sundays, the Club would be full and members of the committee would come down to make sure that everyone present was a Club member. There was mini-golf outside the present location of the Library, and a bowling lane where court 5 is now. Jeffrey remembered that there had to be an attendant, as the pins had to be set up again manually. There was a heavy table-tennis table, brought from Holland, which was set up outside the Rotterdam Room. The Library started out life in the Main Hall, and the General Manager’s office was in the artists’ room. There was a theatre, where the squash courts now are, where films, on big cinema reels, were shown on Friday nights for adults and on Sunday nights for children. At one point, a golf course was proposed for the area behind the tennis courts, before the PIE came into existence. Initially, staff could live on the premises. Jeffrey lived in an atap (or thatched) house, where there are now trees behind the tennis courts, and he could walk to work. The General Manager (at that time, a Briton called Mr Baron) had a house, which was later demolished to become a playground and later the multi-purpose court. The staff quarters were located where the Brabant Room is now. Boon had a good chuckle reminding Jeffrey of the old uniform which was all white with a Nehru collar and two big pockets each on the shirt and trousers. It was quite similar to the Istana uniform, except for the Dutch flag on one shirt pocket and the Dutch flag piped down the trouser seam. In fact, there were three members of staff from the Istana who worked part-time at the Hollandse Club after office hours. Club staff members started their working day between 8 and 9am, polishing the wooden floor in the bar with a steam machine. If you have been a member of the Club for a few years, you may remember the guard, Mr Singh, who was always in the lobby, resplendent in uniform such as you see at the Raffles Hotel, to check that only members entered the Club; there was also another guard in the car park. Mr Singh, who only retired a few years ago, would also patrol the Club premises at night. Jeffrey and Boon remembered that all drinks – beer, soft drinks etc. – were served in the same glasses. Members complained that there was not enough foam on their beer (staff learned on the job that for Dutch beer drinkers, the head must be two fingers tall). Apparently, oil, which transferred onto the glasses when people ate their bitterballen made the foam fall. After a committee meeting on the issue, Anchor brewery supplied glasses, which were used only for beer - and the problem was solved. Kitchen service was contracted out to breweries. The most popular food was the Nasi Goreng and the Uitsmijter. There was a popular fine dining restaurant at the Amsterdam Room where Boon, Edmund and, later, Jeffrey served, which had a carvery and flambéed dishes; the restaurant later moved to Juliana’s, which is now the Lounge. There were lots of events at the Club. Every Friday night was music night, when members performed jazz. On Friday nights, there was a Rijstaffel buffet. Popular events were Carnival, Orange Ball and the Queen’s birthday. Boon and Jeffrey remember Koen Verhoef (the swimming coach) and Frank Bruinsma (the tennis coach) when they were running around the Club as children. Long-standing staff members are always thrilled when the children of old Club members return as new members themselves, and their parents ask after the staff. Here’s to the next 50 years of the Hollandse Club in Singapore! Maybe our children will be bringing their children here then. Edmund Boon


Hollandse Club Past & Present Swimming Pool

- Today

View of Swimming Pool from Quaters Swimming Pool 1970s

und - Today Pool from Playgro View of Swimming Tennis Court 1970s

Tennis Court - Today


Garden along Corrid or Walkway - Today

Table Tennis at Field 1970s

day Main Hall - To

Main Hall Event, 1978

Tennis Pavilion - Today

Event at Tennis Pavilion 1980s



at a gl



Daily Summer Camps


Wednesday - Friday, 9am - 3pm Daily Refer to poster for pricing (5 - 11 years)


Friday’s Kids’ Club: Bingo & Crafts


Friday, 4pm - 6pm, Brabant Room Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 (4 years & above)

Friday’s Kids’ Club: Movie & Crafts


Friday, 4pm - 6pm, Brabant Room Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 (4 years & above)



Friday’s Kids’ Club: Games & Crafts


Friday, 4pm - 6pm, Brabant Room Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 (4 years & above)

Friday’s Kids’ Club: Movie & Crafts


Friday, 4pm - 6pm, Brabant Room Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 (4 years & above)

*Events Cancellation Policy: For fee-based events, a request for cancellation (and refund) will be accepted up to 48 hours in advance of the event. The Hollandse Club must make commitments to suppliers at that time and making changes will result in additional labour, costs or penalties. If the cancellation request is received after the deadline, we cannot issue a refund and the event will be charged.



glance... 3-5

Events not to be missed in the months of July and August! Please do remember to register early to avoid disappointment! Registrations can now be made online at www.hollandseclub.org.sg


Daily Summer Camps 2


Daily Summer Camps 2


Tuesday - Thursday, 9am - 3pm Daily Refer to poster for pricing (5 - 11 years)

Monday - Wednesday, 9am - 3pm Daily Refer to poster for pricing (5 - 11 years)




Managing Asthma Effectively


Friday’s Kids’ Club: Games & Crafts


Friday, 4pm - 6pm, Brabant Room Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 (4 years & above)

Thursday, 11am - 12pm, Brabant Room Free Admission


Friday’s Kids’ Club: Bingo & Crafts


Friday, 4pm - 6pm, Brabant Room Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 (4 years & above)


QR CODE Download the FREE app“QR Reader”

Open app & place in-front of the code

It will scan & load to open source page

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On both 10th July and 28th August we’re going to play a kinder bingo at 4.00pm during the Friday’s Kids’ Club! The Friday’s Kidsclub is a new initiative which gives kids the opportunity to play games, draw, colour and paint! Every edition we also organize a more special activity, like karaoke, playing bingo or watching a movie. Kids can come in throughout the whole afternoon and get a stamp once they register so they can walk in and out during the Kids’ Club.

*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28).

It’s Friday, so time for our weekly Kids’ Club! On 17th July and 31st July kids can watch a movie as well as do crafts! Just register at the reception, get a stamp and come in whenever you like. The movie starts at 4.00pm.

*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28). 32 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG


On 24th July and 21st August, all kind of games and drawings will be laid out for the kids to enjoy a fun afternoon together with others! Please sign up on beforehand or just come along!

*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28).

Dr. Jas Gill will provide a talk about asthma. 1 in 5 kids are diagnosed as asthmatics. Managing asthma is important because it can improve quality of live significantly! Topics Dr. Jas Gill will cover are: What is Asthma? Asthma medications Asthma triggers Managing your asthma

*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28).



*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28). 34 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG


*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28). WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG | HOLLANDSE CLUB 35


*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28).



*Event Cancellation Policy applies (refer to pg 28).



Wednesday Classes Term dates: August 2015 to November2015 (Actual dates to be confirmed)

Monday & Friday Classes Term dates: August 2015 to November 2015 (Actual dates to be confirmed)

Thursday Classes Term dates: Thurs, 2nd July 2015 to Thurs, 24th September 2015 Early bird promotion for classes signing up before 1st July.

Friday & Saturday Classes Term dates: Fri, 14th August 2015 to Fri, 11th December 2015 Sat, 15th August 2015 to Sat, 12th December 2015


Tuesday & Saturday Classes Term dates: Tues, 7th July 2015 to Tues, 29th September 2015 Sat, 4th July 2015 to Sat, 26th September 2015



Tuesday & Thusday Classes Term dates: August 2015 to November 2015 (Actual dates to be confirmed)

Sunday Classes Term dates: August 2015 to December 2015 (Actual dates to be confirmed)

Sunday Classes Term dates: Sun, 23rd August 2015 to Sun, 11th October 2015

Register your interest via Reception. For new courses, you will receive a confirmation email three days before class starts to confirm the course is commencing. If you have specific questions about the class, please contact the respective instructor listed in the Activities Contacts page.









A Aerobics (Step)


0900 - 1000


Ann Yang

9815 0239


0800 - 0900

Swimming Pool


Friday Friday

0900 - 1000 1000 - 1100

Swimming Pool Alicia 9698 9202 Swimming Pool Alicia 9698 9202

B Basketball (7 – 10 years)


1000 - 1100

Multi Purpose

Bernard Williams

9437 6252


1930 - 2300


Franciska Ho

6259 3864

Aqua Spin

Bridge (Duplicate)

9698 9202

Friday 0900 - 1230 Amsterdam Franciska Ho 6259 3864 C Cardio Sculpt

Mon & Fri

0900 - 1000


Ann Yang

9815 0239

D Domestic Helper Swimming


1100 - 1200

Swimming Pool Mauro Hernandez

9725 4198

H Hockey (Ladies)


2000 - 2100


9237 4415

Cecile Sturm

Merel Schwaanhuyser 9237 4344

Hockey (Men)


2100 - 2200


Titus de Greeff

Hockey (Youth)


1900 - 2000


Su Yin Timp

9839 9771 9142 9233

Sunday 0900 - 1100 CCAB Wietske Teunissen

9423 6374

J Judo (Children Intermediate)


1700 - 1800


Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (7 years & under)


0930 - 1030


Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (10 years & under)



Gerard Lim

9750 6305

Judo (10 years & above)


1030 - 1130 Youri - 1230 1130


Gerard Lim

9750 6305

K Karate


1630 - 1730


Peter Robertson

9681 1927

P Personal Training By Appointment Gym Ashraf 8180 6610 Youri Kruse 9739 7610



1200 - 1300


Ann Yang

9815 0239


2000 - 2100


Ann Yang

9815 0239

S Squash (Junior Training)


1200 - 1400

Squash Court

Yeo Kiang Bee

8147 8059

Squash (Training)


1900 - 2100

Squash Court

Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198

Squash (Social)


1900 - 2200

Squash Court

Daniel Gelinas

9725 4198

Saturday Swimming Lessons/Competition Mon – Sat

1400 - 1700 Various

Squash Court Swimming Pool

Daniel Gelinas David Verlinde

9725 4198 9225 7310

T Taekwondo


1700 - 1800


Raymond Chin

9181 0827


1500 - 1600


Raymond Chin

9181 0827

Tennis (Ladies Social)


0900 - 1200

Tennis Court

Maja Duyverman

9750 7124

Tennis (Mixed Social)


1600 - 1800

Tennis Court

Klaus Wulf

8118 0300

Tennis (Ladies Competition)


0900 - 1200

Tennis Court

Pauline Welton

8168 2084

Tennis (Men’s Social)


1400 - 1700

Tennis Court

Patrice Plet

9833 4038

Tennis (Free Family Courts)


0900 - 1200

Tennis Court


6464 5225

Tennis Lessons (Savitar)

Mon – Sat


Tennis Court

Scott Johnston

9038 9348

Tennis Lessons (Mr Wee)

Mon – Sat


Tennis Court

Mr Wee

9673 4851

Tinytots (18 to 36 months)


1500 - 1600



8189 4205

Tinytots (3 and 4 years)


1600 - 1700



8189 4205

W Water Polo (8 - 16 years)


1800 - 1900

Swimming Pool David Verlinde

9225 7310



There it was again: our annual Summer Party! Since last year’s party was such a success, we decided to organise this fantastic event again this year. So we built an even bigger tent, set up the much-appreciated champagne bar, arranged two DJs, and flew over the Hermes House Band once more. Last year, all members and guests dressed up in orange; this year, we welcomed you all in white. Take a look at the pictures to see how beautiful that looked and how much fun the evening was. A big thank-you to all members and guests who made it an evening to remember.





A night with Dutch comedian,

Wijnand Stomp Tuesday, 28th April 2015

On 28th April, Dutch comedian Wijnand Stomp performed twice at the Club. The first show was in the afternoon for the kids, and the second show started at 8.00pm, for the youth and adults. The matinee performance was enthusiastically received judging by the fully packed Chill Out Room. Kids were thrilled onto his every word as he told amusing stories about his childhood, family and all the adventures he experienced as a kid growing up on the Antilles. In the evening, the focus was on the same topics, though he managed to create a totally different show to suit the older audience. So, in the end, both the kids and the adults had a humorous blast that day!

Multi-Sports trial Sunday, 10th May 2015

Multi-Sports Free Trial was provided by Sport4Kids. The trial was organised to give young kids the opportunity to be introduced to the MultiSports classes, which The Hollandse Club is considering offering after the summer. The Multi-Sports program teaches young children (between the ages of 2 and 5) a variety of sports skills while playing different sports. Every week the focus is on a specific sport, ranging from soccer to tennis. During the trial, the kids were introduced to some of these sports. We hope all participants were very enthusiastic about the trial and will participate once we offer the class! If you’re interested in joining the Multi-Sports class, please email or call Yurni (sports.exec@hollandseclub.org.sg / 6461 1127). If there’s enough interest, we can start the class.

May Fair Friday, 15th May 2015

The first Hollandse Club fair of the year was held a few weeks ago on 15th May. Over 60 vendors reserved a booth to present their lovely products and interesting services, ranging from clothes, shoes, jewellery and accessories to travel agencies, home decoration and cosmetics. Guests who visited the fair enjoyed the diverse range of vendors and, of course, the complimentary apple pie and sandwiches! The second fair of the year will be held on 18th September. 42 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG



Fish Farm Visit Saturday, 23rd May 2015

On a beautiful afternoon in May, a group of members travelled on buses to the Singapore Republic Yacht Club. Upon arrival, we met with our guides from the Kuhlbarra Fish Farm - Eva, Themis and Joep – and headed off to the southern tip of Singapore waters. After a 25-minute boat trip, we arrived at the farm. Upon arrival, we saw approximately 10,000 fish each and the cage was specially designed in Holland! The fish are imported from Australia. When the individual fish are about 150 grams in weight, they are transferred from the nursery to one of the cages. When they grow even bigger, they are transferred again to an even bigger cage. At the farm, they harvest three or four times a week. Fresh fish are placed in boxes with ice and sent directly to Chip Bee Avenue, where they are cleaned and exported or sent to the customer. When the tour ended, we were treated to Barramundi fish cooked in three different ways, chicken nuggets, French fries, drinks and ice cream. It was a wonderful experience for all who went on this trip!

Health Talk by Jeunesse

Wednesday, 10th June 2015

On Wednesday 10th June, William Swee from Jeunesse provided a very interesting presentation about how to stay healthy, ways in which our body can reverse aging, and also the ways in which our body is able to cure diseases. It was fascinating to hear what our bodies are capable of! It seems that Jeunesse isn’t the same old story of skincare and supplements; instead, they combine breakthrough sciences that enhance youth by working at the cellular level. They are very progressive and have had great results for years. We highly recommend that everyone takes the time to visit their website.



SWIMMING Dear Swimmers,

The months of May and June have been the busiest of the year. A big thank-you to all the parents who helped during the events: without your help the swimming races could not have taken place. Below is the list of the races/ events that have taken place. Aquaducks League On Friday 22nd May, our swimmers who did not join the Neptune League swam against the Swiss Club and Nexus. The races were 25 metres (7&u and 9&u) and 50 metres (11&u and 13&u) Breaststroke and Butterfly. On Friday 31st May, we had the third race at the Swiss Club for the Triton League. The races were for 25 metres (7&u and 9&u) and 50 metres (11&u and 13&u) Freestyle and Backstroke. For some, it was the first time joining a race; all children did a fantastic job and we had a lot of Personal Bests. Neptune League On Sunday 24th May, the swim team went to SICC. They did a fantastic job. The SICC team was very strong but our swimmers achieved a lot of PBs and gained a lot of experience. Award swimming On Friday 12th June, we had over 60 children join the Award Swimming. All children got an award for their own level. For the small ones, we had the Duckie Awards, and the older ones with proper strokes received the Proficiency Award. Besides having to show how well they could swim, there were some safety questions afterwards to test their knowledge of the Club’s pool rules. It turns out that all children know the rules, as they got all the answers correct (they just need a reminder sometimes from their parents). ABC Swimming awards On Sunday 14th June, we had the second annual round of the ABC Swimming Awards; we had a couple of beautiful swimmers with beautiful strokes. ABC Swimming Awards are the awards in the Netherlands for basic Breaststroke and Freestyle. The awards are very important in the Netherlands as they enable the children to swim in the public pools. New are the Zwemvaardigheids Diplomas, Water Polo Diplomas, and Survival Diplomas; these are the diplomas you can get after the ABC, which prepare the kids for better strokes, snorkelling, competition swimming, junior lifeguard and survival skills for sailing. 4-day swimming event The 4-day swimming event is coming up in September; you can sign up at the end of August. Lessons after the summer Holiday As there are a lot of changes in the school timings, we are making a new schedule after the school holidays. Please contact Coach David to reschedule the class of your child. Best regards, AquaDucks team. Hollandse Club



On June 16th Cora Smouter organized an Award Swimming (Dutch Diploma C) event at the Club as a farewell party / gift for her friends. Swim instructor David coached the ladies through all the required exercises and all passed with flying colours! Well done and congrats, ladies! And what a brilliant idea!

GOLF Ladies’ Golf Outing Early in the morning on Thursday 21 May, at the beautiful Sembawang Golf and Country Club, seven long-hit Hollandse Club ladies; sunshine; wind; golf-cars; parachutists; bunkers; quick greens; long-puts; air shots; some birdies; many more (double) bogies; too many water balls; good food and last but not least, a lot of sporting, golf fun! Did you know that Hollandse Club members have golf privileges at the Warren, Sebawang and Orchid Golf and Country Clubs in Singapore, on weekdays and Sunday afternoons? A minimum of three golf players is required for tee-time reservations made five days in advance. For more information, please contact Yurni: sportsexec@hollandseclub.org.sg Cecile, Susan, Anneloes, Henriette, Danielle, Nienke and Tanja




Once can be considered lucky, twice perhaps as well, but to lead the Hollandse Club squash team to three National Squash titles in a mere five years is nothing short of miraculous, especially considering the individual who has achieved this lofty honour. Kudos has to go to our Tasmanian Devil for being able to marshal his Vets I team to be the best that they can be, to never give up and to fight together as one, in their quest for the ultimate glory. Either that or he has been slipping a mickey in our opponents Gatorade each week to ensure a favourable outcome. Of course, someone from the noble art of teaching art, funnily enough, would never stoop to such levels and so we have to assume that dear Kim has the tactical nous of a Premier League manager and that, one day, in the not too distant future, the owners of Manchester City will come knocking requiring the use of his exceptional talents. Of course, none of this could have been achieved without the valiant efforts of the team and so a special thanks needs to be given to Daniel G, Ross, John B, Colin R, Kim, Colin B, Robson. Well done guys. Next was our C-grade team and another fine job done by PC Spalding and his team; a respectable 7th place in the face of some very strong competition. Our small but dedicated squad played some excellent matches with a stand out performance over the course of the season from Obe Woon. The improvement of his game during the course of the season is a lesson to us all on what can be achieved with focus and determination. These two attributes were certainly amiss for the Vets II team, who struggled to get four players to a game every week. Of course, staging the matches on a Friday night was always going to create a challenge because it was encroaching on valuable drinking time. Nevertheless, the abject failure of the team to show a fighting spirit was a little disheartening. Hopefully next year we can do better. Thank you to Eugene for putting a brave and sane face on what is surely a thankless task. Finally, our E-grade team was excellently run by Jonathan and, despite having to play prepubescent C-grade players whose coaches would rather them thrash >35 year old opponents than actually play against opponents of their own ability and learn some decent life lessons, I think we all did an excellent job. So well done E team!



Singapore National Squash League Champions Veterans Division 2015

So what else since I last rambled on ... Well, Kim and Daniel spent a weekend in Bangkok at the regional doubles competition and found that the free-flow beer on offer at the competition was far too tempting an offer to refuse. Needless to say, they had a fantastic time but perhaps didn’t quite make the lofty heights expected. A reduced trio of Hollandse Club players have also been on our annual Manila squash tour, which is a drinking weekend with a bit of squash thrown in. This might perhaps be one of the reasons for a reduced attendance because the fear of malnutrition and sleep deprivation has had a detrimental effect on numbers. This time, the stalwarts of Fred and Daniel were joined by Colin Robertson and, at the first mini-tournament on the Friday evening, they did not shower us in glory as they finished dead last. A regroup at Greenbelt in Makati, a meeting of minds, copious amount of alcohol and even less sleep than the night before set them up beautifully for the event on Saturday, which they won with aplomb. Celebrations at an exquisite Tapas restaurant and then more celebrations at a nearby nightclub rounded things off nicely. Well done, chaps… Finally, we come to our Hollandse Club Veterans Competition, which was held at the beginning of June and boasted a wide range of talents. We held various draws to ensure that all entrants got at least three games and we saw some truly wonderful matches as well as some utter dross (yours truly vs. Alfie Goh on Saturday afternoon being particularly bad). The two highlights though were Shane Hagan taking on Madeline Perry (ex-world number 3). The speed of the game was staggering, with Shane putting in a valiant effort all the way. His delaying tactics were futile though and Madeline won 3-1 in the end. The other highlight was the final of the over 50s main draw, which saw our Ross Stokes (a D-grade player) taking on Terrance Scott (a C1 Player). Terry got off to a flying start and was two sets up in no time. During the break, he was complaining a bit of fatigue and into the 3rd, which Ross won as he did the 4th. Terry was now in severe pain but Ross, with his micro-cooled underpants on, battled on and in this war of attrition, Ross came through to win 13-11 in the fifth and final game. A brilliant comeback from our Kiwi synchronized swimming champion 1984 (is there anything this man can’t do?). Still to come is the Hollandse Club internal handicap competition, which has already thrown up some excellent surprises, and then to finish the season off we have the Hollandse Club internal competition, which will have been run by the time this edition comes out. So we come to the end of another year and I would like to thank all the committee members for their work this year. To the NSL team captains for their leadership and patience, and a special thank-you to Daniel Gelinas for his tireless work in arranging all the competitions. Finally, a big thank-you to all our members who have been there week in, week out to ensure that our small but mighty club continues to fight above our weight. Well done. Paul WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG | HOLLANDSE CLUB 47


TENNIS Youth Championship 2015 The Youth Tennis Championship was a great success, with record participants of 68 children all between 5 and 15 years old. In the first session of the day, the youngest played. Although small, these little ones already showed great skills. Later on, in the evening session, the older participants demonstrated how it was done on the court. The spectators enjoyed some really exciting matches. Unbelievable how they could hit those balls and how fast they ran around the court. Some won, some lost, but above all it was fun and everybody played with respect for each other. We want to thank all the participants and the parents for their support. If you missed out on this event and want to participate next time, please sign up for the newsletter by sending an email to tenniscommittee@hollandseclub.org.sg. First prizes: Veerle Kuipers, Tom van der Heijden, Hannah Ankersmit, Max Perkins, Rafael Vincent, Scarlet Perkins, Zoe Wang, Aidan Byrne, Jesper Meijer, Jungwoo Luke Kang. Runners-Up: Sophie Geerdink, Charlie Crow, Juliet Buist, Jake Hassett, Benjamin Commissaris, ChloĂŠ Lomans, Katharina Bracht, Florian Ankersmit, Mike Ottervanger, Luca van Breugel.

Warm tennis regards, Ingeborg, Sheila and Danielle


Tennis Committee Goodbye The Tennis Committee must say goodbye to four highly respected committee members: Peronne Wendrich, Henriette Veldman and Susan Janssen are moving to another country, and Anneloes van Haaren is joining the Main Committee! Thanks for all your energy, effort, good spirits and time you spent organizing tennis tournaments. Good luck to you all in your new country or new responsibility! The good news is that we already have new, enthusiastic members: Cecile, Sheila and Ingeborg. Welcome! Of course, we are still organising a lot of tennis tournaments for adults and youth! Not on the tennis email list yet to receive all the tournaments dates? Send us a message: tenniscommittee@hollandseclub.org.sg Warm regards, Marina Aarts, Ingeborg Brondsted, Sheila Bouwman, Cecile Sturm and Danielle van Wees.

SPORTS & SOCIAL EVENTS REPORTS DOUBLE DUTCH IS DESPERATE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 The Club Championships were played between 3rd and 16th of May, with lots of nice matches. We were very lucky with the weather, not too many postponed matches. In total, we planned 79 matches but unfortunately only 58 were played. A few players got injured and were unable to finish their games or even start them. We had 10 different categories in which people could join. Almost every category was divided into one or more pools, so most people played at least two matches during these two weeks. After playing 130 sets and 1105 games, these are the results: Men’s single A Ladies single A Men’s double A

Tennis, fun, ladies doubles, hot, competition, team spirit, training, winners, horrible misses, determination, double faults, joy of winning, swallowing loss, friendships … That is all part of the Double Dutch Ladies A Division. Our team has been playing for the Hollandse Club for more than a decade; we are looking back on 10 years of fun, and hope to look forward to 10 more years of fun. But that is all only possible if we have enough players! We are looking for new female players who would like to join our team for the upcoming WITS season starting in September.

1.Bram Lomans 2.Patrick Goossens 1.Valeria Lomans 2.Ingeborg Bronsted 1.Jarno Timmermans/ 2.Titus de Greef/ Richard Vincent Bram Lomans 1.Susan Janssen/ 2.Lieke Coopman/ Henriette Veldman Ingrid van der Heijden 1.Jarno Timmermans/ 2.Hester and Wouter Anne Zwart Moormann 1.Pieter Le Roux 2.Erik Mul 1.Wouter Ankersmit/ 2.Paul Kennedy/ Erik Mul Pieter Le Roux 1.Caroline Chou/ 2.Hester Moormann/ Gail Wang Anne Zwart 1.Stephanie Weijenberg 2.Sheila Bouwman 1.Sheila Bouwman / 2.Eveline van Aller/ Jolyn Duursema Freeke van Son

If you want to have fun and play tennis every Tuesday morning and you are willing to do some training, please contact Marianne@thebodyfirm.com.sg ASAP. Ideally, we are looking for players with a minimum level of 6. We would be very happy to meet you.

As the Tennis Committee, we concluded that we have to reconsider the format we used this year. With so many travelling participants, it’s very difficult for most people to play this many matches in such a short period. And, of course, we want to find ways to get more participants in the different categories. If you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

The Hollandse Club is very proud that one of its tennis teams, Mostly Orange, won the WITS C Division this Spring 2015 season and will be promoted to the Beta Division next season.

Ladies double A Mixed double A Men’s single B Men’s double B Ladies double B Ladies single C Ladies double C

First of all, everybody can train, relax and get fit for the next season when we will organise some nice events again. Enjoy the summer break! The Tennis Committee


Congratulations, ladies!

The ladies of Mostly Orange: Anneloes van Haaren (captain), Linda van Rossum (co-captain), Susanne Westerbeek, Tuula Schreurs, Stephanie Weijenberg, Stephanie Mulvahill, Pauline Welten, Sylvie Stevens, Sheila Bouwman and Laura Grijpink (not in the photo).

Danielle van Wees, Susan Janssen and Henriette Veldman


SPORTS & SOCIAL EVENTS REPORTS COACH’S CORNER: The Half Volley The half volley is a shot which is usually hit from the middle of the court (around the service line). The contact to the ball is made almost immediately after the bounce, often when the ball is landing near your feet. This shot is common when you serve and volley. The proper technique involves keeping your racquet face “closed” (straight up and down) on contact. To do this, you need to hold your hand and racquet head at the same level which means it is essential to bend your knees. A common mistake is that the racquet head drops below the hand and the racquet face opens, causing the ball to float. As with a volley, use a very short back swing and a full follow-through to ensure the ball lands deep in your opponent’s court. This will allow you time to move forward and set yourself up for a good volley. Practice these shots next time you are warming up by standing on the service line and hitting the ball immediately after the bounce, low to the ground. Develop a consistent half volley to set yourself up for that final winning volley. If you would like to learn or improve your half volley, contact a Savitar coach and they would be happy to help. Good luck! IMPORTANT DATES Beginning of Savitar Junior Tennis Program, Term 3 17th August 2015 Beginning of Under 12 Friday Night Team Tennis Competition Registrations Close August 12th 28th August 2015 Round 1 KLM Junior Team Tennis League Registrations Close August 23rd 12th September 2015 Summer Break Tennis Lessons During the summer break, Savitar will be offering three options for players wanting to continue their tennis instruction. 1. Tennis Camps 3-Day Summer Tennis Camp Aug 4th - 6th, Aug 11th -13th, Cost $225 + GST. Daily 9am to 12pm 4-Day Summer Tennis Camp July 6th - 9th, July 13th - 16th, July 27th - 30th, Cost: $295 + GST. Daily 9am to 12pm 2. Junior Group Tennis Lessons available on Saturday Mornings at 8am to 9am (Beginner Age: 5+) , 9am to 10:30am (Intermediate Age: 7+) and 10:30am to 12pm (Competition Age 12+) 3. Individual & Share Tennis Lessons Available Monday to Saturday To book or for any information regarding tennis lessons, junior programs, or tennis camps, please contact Director of Tennis, Scott Johnston on 90389348 or email scott@savitar.sg (JTTL) Junior Team Tennis League Twice a year Juniors from the hollandse club compete in the JTTL. This season 13 players from the club put their tennis skills to the test against players from all over singapore in various teams. Well done to The Hollandse Hotshots, who participated in this season’s tennis league played at UWC Dover. The team had the challenge moving to the Under 14 category and had good wins throughout the season. The team included Luca van Breugel, Mathijs Bakker, Sieb Kokke, Kane van der Van, Tara van Dort and Robin Kokke. Congratulations on a competitive season. KLM JTTL is a team tennis competition for junior tennis players of all ages. The age groups currently offered are 10/U, 12/U, 14/U and 17/U. A and B divisions are offered for all age groups. The competition provides players with valuable singles and doubles match play opportunities, as well as to be a part of a team. The Hollandse Club is entering teams for next season starting on September 12th; parents interested in entering their children can enter individually and we can place them in a team. The minimum standard is players must be able to serve the ball and have the capability to rally the ball over the net. Numbers are limited so please contact Director of Tennis, Scott Johnston at scott@savitar.sg Registrations close on August 23rd. 50 HOLLANDSE CLUB | WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG

SPORTS & SOCIAL EVENTS REPORTS Under 12 Friday Night Team Tennis Competition Congratulations to Terminetters - Aiden Byrne, Chloe and Maxwell Lomans - who won the last edition of the U12 Friday Night Team Tennis competition. The runners-up were the Slammers - Koen Moormann, Tobias and Florean Ankersmit. All matches were closely contested with the tie decided in the final doubles game. A big thank-you to all the players who participated in the season; it’s great to see juniors participating in match play and enjoying their tennis. The next competition will start from Friday August 28th. The weekly competition is a great way for juniors taking the first step into competition. Any parents with children interested in participating should contact Director of Tennis, Scott Johnston at scott@savitar.sg Registrations close on August 12th or when capacity is reached.

Savitar Summer Tennis Camp at Hollandse Club

Camp 1: Tues 23rd - Thurs 25th June (3 days)

Camp 2: Tues 30th June - Thurs 2nd July (3 days) Camp 3: Mon 6th - Thurs 9th July (4 days)

Camp 4: Mon 13th - Thurs 16th July (4 days)

Camp 5: Mon 27th - Thurs 30th July (4 days)

Camp 6: Tues 4th - Thurs 6th August (3 days) Camp 7: Tues 11th - Thurs 13th August (3 days)

All camps are from 9am - 12pm


HC Junior Development

Young players will learn key tennis fundamentals using lower compression balls, 1/4 court & mini nets. Emphasis on technique, rallying & fun.

Introducing and enhancing basic fundamentals with emphasis on technique, footwork & rallying.

Age: 4-7 years Level: Beg/Int Red Balls

Age: 7-14 years Level: All Levels Orange, Green, Yellow Balls



All Sub Camps will be divided into groups according to their skill level & age. We can assess on the first day to place in appropriate group.


3 Day Camp: $225+GST


• All camp registration will be confirmed 48hrs prior to start date • Once registered, members’ account will be charged prior to camp start date • Special prizes, giveaways, and awards will be given out to all participants on final day of camp

4 Day Camp: $295+GST

ONLINE REGISTRATION: Please CLICK HERE or go to www.savitar.sg, click ‘Locations’, ‘Hollandse Club’ For further enquiries on the camp or tennis, please contact Director of Tennis, Scott Johnston at Scott@savitar.sg or H/P 9038 9348


Send us an e-mail at tenniscommitteehc@gmail.com



The first edition of the Kids’ ZOAT was hosted in Singapore at the Hollandse Club. Those who have been living in Singapore for a while have probably heard of ZOAT. This is THE hockey tournament for the Dutch community, organised by the Dutch hockey community in the region. This famous Zuid Oost Azie Tournooi (ZOAT) is hosted in five rotating cities: Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore (2013), Hong Kong (2014) and, in November 2015, Bangkok will be hosting the 43rd edition of the ZOAT. The Dutch hockey-playing adults in Singapore are already training and preparing for this four-day trip, to defend both the men’s and women’s title of last year. In Singapore, we have a big hockey community with more then 180 kids training every weekend. The kids like tournaments to … so why not organise a similar event for the kids? And so, on the weekend of 6 and 7 June, almost 120 kids from Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Bangkok and, of course, Singapore participated in the first edition of the Kids’ ZOAT. The whole event was hosted at our Hollandse Club, which turned out to be the perfect location. Three small hockey pitches were created on tennis courts 1, 2 and 3 and in order to prevent the tennis court to be damaged, hitting was NOT allowed, just pushing of the ball. For the foreign teams, all the hotel rooms at the Club were booked and host families were organised. The teams were welcomed at 1pm and they received a goody bag, which is a tradition in the ZOAT history. At 2pm, the first edition of the Kids’ ZOAT was officially opened and a group photo was taken on the main pitch. The afternoon was filled with great hockey games, and lots of music and fun, although there was some delay due to rain and lightning. No harm was done; the rain didn’t spoil the fun. The day ended with a pool-party for all the kids, and a barbecue at the pool for parents and children. The kids made a great effort to entertain the audience by showing off their springboard tricks to the beat of the music, while the parents enjoyed well-deserved drinks. The Hollandse Club served around 250 people, with a great barbecue buffet. Good food and lots of variety, the dessert cakes were very popular with the children. At 9pm, the pool-party ended and all children went home to prepare for the next day. On Sunday, the day started with a breakfast buffet. More hockey games were played in the morning, ending with breathtaking finals in both groups, Under 12 and Under 14. A huge crowd sitting in the tennis pavilion saw how the ‘Singapore Smurfs’ became Under 12 champions, and the ‘Singapore Unicorns United’ won the Under 14 Cup. The tournament ended with a prize-giving ceremony in the restaurant, due to rain on this day as well. The staff at the Hollandse Club was very helpful to set up for this last-minute change. All the kids were tired, but left the Club with a great tournament experience. The next generation is ready, since all the kids are now officially Kids’ ZOAT certified. Kuala Lumpur has offered to host the 2nd edition of the Kids’ ZOAT in 2016, so a new tradition is born! We would like to thank the Hollandse Club for a great job during the preparation and these two days. Also, thanks to the social tennis men’s group for making their tennis courts available to us. We would also like to thank our sponsors for providing the “goodies”: Rabobank, Dutch Lady, Executive Homes, and Unilever. And, of course, thanks to the children for their great hockey efforts, the parents for their support and all volunteers for making this weekend a great success. Together we have made a great first edition of the Kids’ ZOAT. Peter Paul Bloemsma and Su Yin Timp








JULY / AUGUST 2015 ________ ENGLISH (ADULTS) _________ DUTCH (ADULTS)

“The Assasination of Margaret Thatcher” by Hilary Mantel Unpredictable,diverse and sometimes shocking will brilliantly unsettle the reader.

“Adultery” by Paul Coelho Perfecly illustrates the faint line between madness and happiness.

“Pigeon English” by Stephen Kelman This is the author’s first book , filled with energy, humor and compassion. A powerful story.

“Het Meisje Met Alle Gaven” geschreven door M.R.Carey

________ CLASSIC BOOKS _________

Is van het begin tot eind een bijzondere thriller, die je dit jaar zult lezen.

“Ik Kom Terug” “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck Creates a drama that is intensely human, tragic but ultimately stirring in its insistence in human dignity.

“The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D.Salinger Study of teenage rebellion.


“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee Compassionate,dramatic and deeply moving novel. Harper Lee won the Pulitzer Prize for this novel.

geschreven door Adriaan van Dis Een man probeert te achterhalen wat zijn bejaarde moeder altijd voor hem verborgen hield.


On behalf of the Hollandse Club Library we have to say a big thank you to three volunteers: Mrs Cora Smouter, Mrs Ellen Goense and Miss Annabel Klaassens, for all the work you did for the Library and wish you and your family all the best in Holland. We will miss you.

______________ ENGLISH (CHILDREN) ____________ “Clementine Rose and the Surprise Visitor” by Jacqueline Harvey Cl e m e n ti n e R o s e wa s delivered not in the usual way, at a hospital, but in the back of a mini-van, in a basket of dinner rolls. So begins the story of a lovely little girl who lives in Penberthy Floss in a large ramshackle house with her mother, Lady Clarissa, Digby Pertwhistle the butler and a very sweet teacup pig called Lavender.

“Clementine Rose and the Pet Day Disaster” by Jacqueline Harvey Clementine Rose was looking forward to starting school with her two best friends, but itwasn’t what she expected. Then the school announces a Pet Day. Maybe everything will be alright if she can take Lavender, the tea cup pig, to school with her.

“One Plus One” by Jojo Moyes

“Flavia de Luce Mystery, The Weed that Strings the Hangman ‘s Bag and The Dead in their Vaulted Arches” by Alan Bradley

Single mother and eternal optimist Jess Thomas has always tried to Do the Right Thing, but life doesn’t make it easy. especially after her mathwhiz daugther gets a lifechanging oppurtunity they can’t afford. On their trip to the Maths Olympiadand to a prize that could change their lives forever, they meet Ed Nicholls, a brilliant tech millionaire. This is the start of a hilarious, heart-warming story.

The Flavia de Luce mystery novels won a lot of awards like Agatha,Barry and the crime writers association dagger award.

New popular books ”Movie Collection”: Disney Frozen, Secret of the Wings, Planes Fire and Rescue & Cars 2 WWW.HOLLANDSECLUB.ORG.SG | HOLLANDSE CLUB 59

2015 calls for a double celebration! This year, Singapore and the ADB are celebrating

Dinner 2015 respectively; time their 50th & andDance 25th anniversary, save the date to reflect on the past and contemplate the future

relationship Singapore and thecelebrations, Netherlands. As part of thebetween ADB’s 25th Anniversary this year a special edition of the Dinner & Dance will be organized. Continuing a strong tradition, we will To do so ADB is organizing the ADB Anniversary dine, toast, drink & dance to ADB’s next 25 years at Conference for itslocation members 25 May 2015, an extraordinary in on a tropical ambiance. focusing on the contribution of Dutch businesses Save the night on Saturday 24th October 2015. and people towards Singapore’s growth in the past, and To liftpresent a corner of future. the veil: put on your dancing shoes but be prepared to take them off! More information on location and speakers will More details on timing & venue will follow via email follow in due course via email invitations and our invitations and our website: www.adb.org.sg.

website: www.adb.org.sg We look forward to a great evening!

W h y s h ould you j oin t h e A d B ?

Why should you join the AdB?

ADB offers not only a platform to share knowledge

ADB offers not only a platform to share knowledge and experience of doing business in Asia, but also: and experience of doing business in Asia, but also:

Inspires through company visits, cultural visits

Encourages personal development through panel

• and Inspires through company visits, cultural visits lectures; and lectures;

• discussions Encourages personal development through held by members, prominent Dutch panel discussions held by members, prominent

and non-Dutch business people and industry

Dutch and non-Dutch business people and


industry experts;

Facilitates networking at our monthly events,

Gives the opportunity to converse with Dutch

Keeps you informed through our bimonthly

• annual Facilitates networking at our monthly events, dinner & dance and during casual drinks;

annual dinner & dance and during casual drinks;

• politicians, Gives the opportunity to converse with Dutch visiting Singapore; politicians, visiting Singapore;

• ADB Keeps you informed through our bimonthly Magazine full of Dutch news with a ADB Magazine full of Dutch news with a

Singaporean twist.

Singaporean twist.

°°° °°°

The ADB connects all Dutch Professionals “Connecting Singapore. Dutchinbusiness people

in Singapore” °°°


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