publication design creative process book
holly cook fall 2012
table of contents
Inside Columbia Stephens Life ACE
7-27 29-79 81-13
Love Letter Create your own Business Olive Oil
117-121 123-129 131-139
excersises Chapter 6 and 8 Chapter 10
140-149 143-145 147-149
publication design is everywhere.
t 4
projects Inside Columbia Stephens Life ACE Magazine
t 6
INTAKE Project 1
– Inside Columbia feature
Goal To create feature spreads using copy and photos provided by the creative director/client. The student will go through the creative process to create an intro feature and support feature spread for the story provided. The designs will be developed based on the visual identity of Inside Columbia magazine. The final product/design should be able to “slip” into the existing publication feature well.
Due dates – Intake: 9/20 Copy read, mark hierarchy, review images and research due: 9/22 Uneducated pencils, research, educated pencil and enlarged idea – reviewed with creative director and teams 9/25 at the beginning of class Studio 9/27 Over-the-shoulder review and refinement: 10/2 Presentation to client DUE DATE: 10/4 @ 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
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enlargeD Ideast
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Computer Playt 16
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finalt execution 23
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INTAKE Stephens Life Magazine Redesign Project 2 – GDE 310
Research, Creative Process, Design, Visual Identity (with style sheets) and Presentation Total points – 250 points Note: 50 points from the history assignment will be added to this project due the scope of the job.
Goal: Establish a visual identity (or look and feel) for the new Stephens Life lifestyle magazine. You will create a visual identity package for your publication using the content provided to create a professional, finish and targeted magazine. Students must established a visual identity that can translate between digital and print mediums. The creative process includes; intake, word palette, research and computer mood board or samples, uneducated and educated pencils and enlarged ideas
Your final grade will reflect how well you work through the creative process, conduct research, execute professional level print design work that can translate to electronic mediums and sell your work during your presentation.
Project Spec All content will be provided. Students will create an example 1. Flag/cover, 2. one department page, 3. editorial feature spread, 4. four-page visual feature and 5. back of the book departing page
Visual Identity Elements/Treatments: Students will establish: 1. fonts: Headline, subhead captions body copy and pull outs/pull quotes 2. color palette, 3. flag, 4. grid structure, 5. folio (footer), header/department page icon,
Size: 8.25 x 10.75 Colors: 4 color process over 4 color process Bleeds: yes, all 4 sides Paper: 80lb text, white matte (sample coming)
Materials for Final Critique Print: • Cover • Department page • Editorial feature • 4-page visual feature article • Departing page Trimmed and all mounted to black boards Research: Examples of other publications, mood board, qualitative research etc… Visual Identity style sheet Create a visual identity style sheet/booklet establishing the elements of your magazine’s identity
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magazine design 81
INTAKE GDE 310 – Project 3 Magazine or Informational Product Design Project Design and presentation: Total points – 250 points
Goal: To create a new magazine or informational product that will reach a specific target audience and fill a missing niche in the marketplace.
Your final grade will reflect how well you work through the creative process, conduct research, execute professional level print and electronic design work and sell your work during your presentation.
The creative process includes; intake, word palette, list and idea development, research and computer mood board or samples, uneducated and educated pencils and enlarged ideas. You will also write a justification statement that outlines why this new publication is needed. Your statement will include; a description of your closest competitors and why they do not reach your target market, what makes your publication different and why it will reach your chosen audience, your target market demographics (age, income, education level, etc), answer the question “why should I care” or what difference will this publication will make. Provide additional content/research as needed to support and strengthen your argument why this publication is needed.
You will also establish the look and feel of your magazine or informational product. Your final product will be professional, finished and targeted.
Copy: You will need to write ALL your copy for this assignment. However, you do not need to write the feature article
body copy (it can be greeked). If you do write your article’s body copy, it will be worth extra credit. Please remember, this a content driven design project, so the text you do use is very important.
Visual Identity Elements/Treatments: You will need to select our fonts, color palette, flag, grid structure, folio (footer), header, pull outs/pull quotes and captions
Materials for Final Critique: Print: • Cover • Department page or table of content page and • 4-page feature article mounted NOTE: If you choose to create an information product you will need to design materials with an equal amount of pages or using the same amount of “real estate”
All mounted to black boards All images must be press quality and CMYK Size must fit within 11x17
Or Digital: The students will design a digital component to support their product’s message, inform the target audience and create a stronger community. Examples: designed print formatted web site,, Imovie, live web site (coded or template), blog site, ebook, digital magazine...
Research paper: Two pages double-spaced paper covering the information requested above.
Visual Identity style sheet Create a visual identity style sheet/booklet establishing the elements of your product’s identity
Magazine Info Product Worksheet Sometimes you need a little help to jump start for your ideas. Here are a few ideas. Materials will be reviewed by your team. 1. Create a list: Complete the list below and circle the top items. See if they combine to create something new or provide you with a direction for the project. a. Things you are passionate about, what you want to know more about, have always wondered about, what is important to you… b. Things you love c. List your strengths d. List what you are passionate about e. List ideas for a niche magazine f. Information that is missing and is needed in the market place 2. Research: a. your competition or related magazine b. evaluated what is working what is not in those magazines c. create a file of ideas you like: colors, fonts, grids, magazine element treatment etc. Create a visual trend board of sorts for the direction of your publication d. take a trip to Barnes and Noble or the Columbia Library and evaluate the magazines you see. Then leave for a minute or two and write what you remember. Return and keep evaluating/gathering ideas to act as a starting place for you designs 2. Pencil out your ideas – content and layouts a. Refine and reduce your list ideas for a niche magazine
3. Pencil out your ideas – content and layouts
4. Idea Pitch - Bring research, ideas and pencils to class for team discussion and concept approval
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mini projects
Love Letter Create a business Olive Oil
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love letters 117
intake 1 Mini Project 1 love lessons
GDE 310-12
Part One – Content Development
1. New doc indd. 8.5 x 112. Create 2 columns press OK 3. In one column, add a type box and type in headers-Serif and Sans Serif. In the other column, type in headers – decorative, classics and script. 4. Under each header select your five favorites fonts that represent that category. (List them by their name and font so you can see what the font looks like and its name.) 5. Add new page to file and type out the entire alphabet upper and lower case for each font you have selected. 6. Create a new doc indd 5.5x8.5, then select your favorite SINGLE letter out of all your fonts and tell me why in a paragraph. Place the single letter so it is centered and fills the page. Open word and write no more than one paragraph explaining why you selected this one letter and why it is your favorite. You must mention the name of the typeface in your copy. Your copy needs to be written, edited and spell checked in word. Once that is completed “pour” your comments into the indd doc. at the bottom 2 inches of the page. Set the body copy in Helvetica 9/11. NOTE: Body copy point size range: 8-12pt. Readable line length: 5-10 words across 7. Print a copy and have the person the your right proof read the content. Make changes based on edits. Save as a PDF (press quality) in your folder and your publishing team folder. 8. Save as a Press Quality pdf in your team’s folder on the server. You may not use comic sans or papyrus. If you do I will play the Graphic Avenger youtube clip AGAIN. Part Two - Execution
1. Select a love fact out of the hat. Based on the worksheet provided create an info graphic that illustrates the love fact you have chosen. 2. Your info graphic needs to be designed in ai and needs to fit on a 5.5x8.5 page 3. Review your graphic with your team and instructor and save the final graphic in your team folder.
intake 2 Book Worksheet Mini Project 1 Objectives:
Develop creative collaboration skills, learn new or reinforce software skills, brand development, concept development, printing and page layout skills, and introduce students to master pages.
1. Since this is a content-driven design mini project, review all the materials. Look for similarities, unique aspects, underlying messages and main messages based on the content. 2. Write your findings and observations down and analysis them for a strong concept or theme for the book. Establishing a theme will help you develop the look and feel plus the title of your publication. Circle the top picks and share with your team. As a team narrow down your options and select one as the direction and inspiration for the book and title. 3. Because this is a team project you will need to “divide and conquer” the design portion of this mini project. First, as a team, select the fonts to be used in the book. This will help establish the look and feel while maintaining consistency. The team will need to select an overall size for the publication too. NOTE: If you wish for your publication to have bleeds it will need to be smaller than 5.5 x 8.5 or 8.5 x 11. Select a designer/s to be responsible for: 1. Front and back cover design
Teams will need to provide final copy for the book in a word doc. Note: all copy should be placed in a “copy” folder in the team mini project
2. Page layout design Review all content and pencil out what page everything will go on. Then create a super fast dummy doc to size before you start on the computer. This will save you so much time! Trust me, please. I am not making this up.
3. Table of Content and folio/master pages design/grids
This group will create the bones of the book. Work with the cover designer to make sure the look and feel of the book works together.
My favorite letter is the lowercase “q” in the font “Sweetly Broken”. It has a decorative twist to a classic “q”. It also has great lines and shapes that keep your eyes moving throughout the document. The opening at the top of the ‘q’ is also very appealing to me.
On average it takes between
12-14 dates
before couples will trade
house keys
t 122
create a business 123
intake 1 Mini Project 3
part 1 Creative Process Development - GDE 310
In class 1. Vision your life five years from now - where will you be, what will you be doing, who will you be working for, etc. Write down a few details. (5) 2. With that in mind, you need a new business card for you or your business. And you need them really fast. In word, type out your business name, your name and contact information and save it in your MiniProject2 folder>Copy (510 minutes) 3. You have hired a graphic designer to help you. She is sitting on your left. She will conduct an intake session to better understand your design problem and how best to solve it. Remember to pay attention to everything. Once she is done, flip roles. (10 minutes each or 20 minutes total) 4. Now each person, send the word doc with your contact info to your designer. Homework 5. Based on the intake info, work through the creative development worksheet provided. You must research other design ideas. For this project use Print Design Annual. 6. Enlarge your best business card idea and create it on the computer. You may only use two typefaces and two colors. Bleeds are OK.
7. Now create an 8.5 x 11 letterhead that brands with the business card. Pencil out ideas and execute on computer.
8. Save in your folder
9. Print a copy of the business card and letterhead for class review on 9/11 at the beginning of class
Due 9/11:
Intake form, creative development worksheet (or your creative process), printed copy of business card and letterhead
intake 2 Mini Project 2
part 2 Creative Process Development – Identity development
1. Review designs with your client and make adjustments as needed.
2. Get your client’s signature on the approval form. Make sure they have proofed and approved the design so it is ready for press. 3. Now you need to send your letterhead and business card to press for your client and establish the visual identity elements that sets the foundation of your client’s brand. 4. Open your business card document and review. Go over checklist provided.
5. For each item, fill out a printer spec form and print a copy of each item you will be printing. This is for the printer to review and CYA. 6.
When the job is perfect, go to file>package and package your files for press. Use packaging handout as needed. Fix preflight problems before you complete your packaging. Save in the packaged folder in 310>MiniProject Folder>MiniProject3Package
List of items to the printer: 1. Press ready – Packaged or PDF file 2. Printer Spec form 3. Sample of item to be printed 4. Copies of estimates from the printer you may have 7. Now create a visual identity info page. See samples provided. Include info listed below. Using a grid structure
1.Company name 2. Fonts 3. Colors names and builds: CMYK,RGB and PMS 4. Other elements needed: margins, columns, footer, header, paper, logo options
finalt execution 126
Padvertisements LaY 127
Play advertisements
Kelli Ross-Porta
Ehenihil liberibeaquo qui andipsaestia velic tor reperro est ipsapid elenda aut laborum suntia apelliquas doluptate alique si odion con eosti rehent ressitio molorrorecea quid qui conse alit aut que vollab illaut ommoluptatem sectus, omnit iditas non core as estibea temporehenis aut volupietus eniet doluptat imeniet explatem aut dolor aliaeris venderiantia volupta demporrum ullut essin porum volorrovit qui omnim eum reiumen daecab iuntiatur aperferum excest, sumquib erionse sum etur autem non consequae cusandicatem non et andignamus aliquam que voloren imilliquam laborem verspit omnis nonseca ectempos sanimax imaximust faccusda nobitae velisitae. Vellor maio. Itatur aut il ipsanda volorpo reperem niendae perchicia sequi nobitem remquis cienem nonsece pernatem voluptae quasper oviduciant estiusc imoditi atessitis nosam es adis qui doles aut iusandelia nonseque id maximo officaborrum sitatem ea doluptatur acianti istior sima que doluptur ma que non experemquam quia verate nis as magnatur sundigent il id quiati ut omnimenda parit prenetur accusandit fuga. Imentus imus repudam repressint ut ut hil illam quos magnimus, ommo vendunt omnis et as cuptatus moluptatus autatur? Nimus. Eritati iscitaeribus senditae et volendiant et aspitibus nem nobitios ipicati diti unt magnihitio vollabo. Nam reiur, sequias essimint oditi apernatur sit, solore pratus ut escides eos mo volupta sa doluptio. Nam, ut volo tempor alique rent remporrovit alit eliam, accusanda nullaturiore ea commolu ptatur sunditatum explaborem cus, ilitia iliquam, simpor remporendi to beri velic tem. Ut ut et quo ommos repe ped molupit fuga. Et es ne veleseq
t 129
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olive oil 131
intake Mini Project 3
Olive Oil
Goal To create feature spreads using copy and photos provided by the creative director/client. The student may use stock or original photos if they prefer. The student designers will go through the creative process to create an intro feature and support feature spread for the given story. The designs will be developed based on the visual identity of Inside Columbia magazine. The final product/design should be able to “slip” into the existing publication feature well.
Due dates –
dates subject to change
Intake: 10/26 Copy read and hierarchy marked: 10/28 Uneducated pencils: 10/28 Research, educated pencil and enlarged idea – reviewed with creative director 10/28 Computer and execution (studio time): 11/2 Over the shoulder and refinement: 11/4 Complete for class review: 11/6
sketches t
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execution 137
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Read, Reflect and Report
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Chapters 6 and 8 143
intake Exercises 1 Read, Reflect and Report
GDE 310
Exercise 1 Read chapters 6 and 8 and selected essay (pages 101 and 117) in Graphic Design Solutions (GDS) and write a one-page reflection* about each chapter and one page for both essays (Note: you will have 3 pages of content). Your reflection of the chapters and essays should be typed (12pt) in word without any formatting. Also select at least one sentence and/or quote that resonate with you for each. Once you have spell checked, proof and edit your content in word, select one chapter and flow into an indd document. Using character styles, grids and hierarchy, design an easy to read and informational layout. Size 8.5x11 black and white only. No bleeds. Extra credit if you create an additional design in color and/or write additional content. Due: 8.28 beginning of class (print copies of all word docs and designed single Indd doc)
*Reflection is to think
When reflecting about the chapters ask yourself1. What do you remember? 2. What did you learn and how do you know you learned it? 3. What is the main point or message of the chapter? 4. What are the similarities?
Framework for reflection S.P.I.T.
Summarize what you have read, Personalize it, Integrate it to create a Thoughtful puzzle.
Using Images by Alan Robins
or if they should create their
as stable and calming, where as
own images to use when
imbalanced images are seen as
Robbins explains how graphic
executing a design. When first
dynamic and moving. It is
designers must comprehend
reading this question I
interesting to see how
the influence that images
immediately answered to myself,
composition is important to all
have on audiences. It also
use existing images. I’m not a
designers, in every aspect of
explains ways designers can
photographer, and I’m
design. Even though I’ve always
maneuver and present the
terrible with illustrator,
known the basics of
images to accomplish an
therefore using and altering
composition, I never fully
overall objective, or solution
existing images has always been
understood the importance,
to a client’s problem.
the way to go for me. However
meaning, and execution of good
as I read further, I had a sort of
and successful composition.
sing Images by Alan
wake up call. Robbins explained Robbins explains that images
the importance of leaving “our
are everywhere.
creative stamp” on our design
The overall message of this
Images are in the streets, the
work. Using your own images is
essay is explaining the
home, communication
a great way to showcase your
importance of images and the
devices, work and personal
talents. As Robbins stated, a
impact they make on viewers to
devices, and much more.
design should achieve a goal
designers. However, it’s not just
Therefore, it is extremely
because your overall design is
the image itself that’s important,
important to know how to
strong, not just a single picture
it’s the uniqueness, cohesiveness
incorporate these everyday
you found from another source.
and overall impact the image—
elements into a well thought
preferably your own image—has
out design.
on the audience. The essay ‘Using Images’, the chapter readings, and Dave
A section of this essay that
Mason’s, ‘From Start to Finish’,
stood out to me the most was
all talk about the importance
the question Robbins asks
of composition. For instance,
about images. His question
Robbins explains composition
was whether designers should
in terms of images. He states
use and alter existing images,
that balanced images are seen
Chapter 10 147
intake Exercises 3 Read, Reflect and Report
GDE 310
Exercise 3 Read chapter 10 in Graphic Design Solutions (GDS) and write a one-page reflection* about the chapter. Your reflection of the chapter should be typed (12pt) in word without any formatting. Also select at least one sentence and/or quote that resonate with you. Also in your reflection paper discuss a company that you think has a strong identity/brand and tell me why, please. Once you have spell checked, proof and edit your content in word and then flow into an indd document. Using character styles, grids and hierarchy, design an easy to read and informational layout. Size 8.5x11 black and white only. No bleeds. Extra credit if you create an additional design in color.
Due: 9/11 beginning of class (print copy of designed single Indd doc)
*Reflection is to think
When reflecting about the chapters ask yourself1. What do you remember? 2. What did you learn and how do you know you learned it? 3. What is the main point or message of the chapter? 4. What are the similarities?
Framework for reflection S.P.I.T.
Summarize what you have read, Personalize it, Integrate it to create a Thoughtful puzzle.
t 150