EDLD 5364 Teaching with Technology

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Week 1 Assignment: Overview The purpose of the assignment this week is to get aquainted with each other, investigate three different learning theories, and formulate a collaborate learning team. Your readings and video clips will focus on constructivism, connectivism, and cyborg theories. Group collaboration is a major emphasis in the Teaching with Technology course. During Week 1, you will assemble a learning team composed of candidates from within this course and preferably from within your section. The purpose is to collaborate and create the solution to a scenario-based group project that must be completed by the end of the course. You can locate a copy of the scenario in the resources area of the course or access it at the following Google site: http://sites.google.com/site/luteachingwithtechnology. Each week, you will update your personal wiki eportfolio. For this course, you will use the personal wiki that you created in EDLD 5306. As you examine the readings and video clips, consider the implications for teaching with technology. Then you will update your wiki eportfolio once you’ve completed all of the readings, videos, and discussions associated with each week’s lesson to reflect upon what you have learned. Web Conferences During this class, you have the opportunity to participate in weekly web conferences. At the beginning of your course, the professor(s) will provide a list of scheduled web conferences and the URL to access the sessions. You do not need to download or purchase additional software to participate in the conferences. However, a headset with microphone and web camera are preferred equipment. For further details, see the information sent to you by the professor(s) and/or Instructional Associate via email, discussion board, Virtual Office Hours, and/or announcements. Post-Conference Activity Although this is an optional activity, you are asked to reflect on the value of the experience in your course wiki eportfolio. For this and other blog posts required in this course, use the wiki you created in EDLD 5306. After making your post, please include the URL of your wiki eportfolio site so that your professor(s) and/or Instructional Associate may have access to view your posting(s). We value your comments and strive to continuously improve our program based upon feedback from our candidates. Your Wiki ePortfolio URL

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Rubric Task(s)


Assignment Week 1 Part 1 Extends personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned about the Week 1 topics.

1.Proofread carefully (no errors) before posting and followed the rules of netiquette: http://www.albi on.com/netiquet te/corerules.htm l.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates excellence in effort, research, and creativity.

3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects an in-depth, substantive onetwo paragraph update.

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review.


Needs Improvement

1. 1 to 2 minimal errors.

1. Numerous errors.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates effort, research, and creativity.

2. Little evidence of an eportfolio update.

3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects a minimum of 1 indepth paragraph. 4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 8 pts.)

3. Little effort, little research, and/or little creativity.

Unacceptable 1. Incomplete. 2. Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations in the accomplished category. (0 pts.)

4. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects less than a paragraph and content is not aligned with the week’s topics. 5. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 6 pts.)

(max. 10 pts.) Assignment Week 1 Part 2 Form a 3-5 member learning team to complete the scenariobased group

1. (3-5) member team formed with varying areas of expertise 2. List of team members sent to instructional associate

2011 Lamar University

1. Incomplete team 2. Incorrect team list sent to the instructional associate. 3. Team leader identified. (max. 3 pts.)

1. Incomplete team 2. Failure to send list to instructional associate 3. No team leader identified (0 pts.)

1. Incomplete team 2. Failure to send list to instructional associate 3. No team leader identified (0 pts.)

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology project due in Week 5 Create a Google doc for team planning to solve to scenario

Create a Google team site (with specificed components) to share your team’s scenario solutions.

3. Team leader identified (max. 5 pts.) 1. Team Google doc created. 2. Team Google doc shared with team members, instructional associate, and professor(s) 3. Appropriate team Google doc link sent ot the IA (max. 5 pts.) 1. Team Google site created. Each of the components do not need to be on separate pages, but at a minimum there should be a Title Page and a Group Project planning page with the following components visible: -Title - List of team members. -Team member photos and appropriate contact information. -Group project planning area page. -Shared Google Document

2011 Lamar University

Holly Dornak

1. Team Google doc created, but late. 2. Google doc not shared with appropriate individuals. 3. Incorrect link shared with IA, team members and/or professor(s) (max. 3 pts.)

1. Team Google doc not created 2. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the Accomplished column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

1. Team Google doc not created 2. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the Accomplished column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

1. Team Google site created, but didn’t follow general directions. Some components missing or not fully completed. 2. Team Google site created, but may not be shared with appropriate individuals. 3. Team Google site created, but there may be an inaccurate site link sent to the IA, team members, and professor(s). (max. 6 pts.)

1.Team Google site created late and/or many components missing. 2. Team Google site created, but not shared with appropriate individuals. 3. Team Google site created, but and Inaccurate site link sent to the IA, team members, and/or professor(s). (max. 3 pts.)

1. Team Google site not created. 2. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the Accomplished column of this rubric. (max. 0)

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

2. Team Google doc linked in Google site and shared with team members, instructional associate, and Professor(s). It is recommended that it be shared with the world. 3. Team Google site link sent to the instructional associate. (max. 10 pts.)

Assignment Week 1 - Part 1 Instructions After completing this week’s readings, videos, and discussion, update your personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned in Week 1. Once you’ve updated your personal wiki eportfolio, submit the information by copying and pasting your post in the box below. This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 1 of this course.

Assignment Week 1- Part 1 Submission Content Your Wiki ePortfolio URL


Time and Date of Your Update

5:40 PM February 27, 2011

A Copy of Your Wiki ePortfolio Posts (Copy and paste from your wiki eportfolio)

“It has been said that the person doing the work is the person who learns. Teachers can structure lessons so they have done most of the work, and students are robbed of the opportunity to discover” (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000, p. 2). Over and over again, I have found this to be true. I believe that students construct their own learning best when they are asked to teach other students. After all, when someone else is relying on you to teach them something, it becomes intrinsically motivating that you become competent enough in an area so that what you know is useful to others. Only when a teacher becomes a facilitator of learning, rather

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

than a sage on the stage, can students fully participate in constructing their own learning. Motivation for learning also increases when the expectation is that this learning will be used in an authentic setting, rather than simply for increased performance on a worksheet or standardized tests. I also find that students take their learning to new heights when given the freedom to determine the direction their project should take. Oftentimes they surprise me with creative ideas and products that I could never have mandated in a rigid assignment. By giving them the mandate to teach, and the freedom to design their own product/project (with support) my students engage in a learning richness, and higher level thinking processes that I would be hard pressed to otherwise replicate using more traditional, rigid, teacher-centered means.

Bransford, J.D., Brown, A. L. & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded edition). Ch. 9, pp. 194-218. Washington, D.C.: National Academy. Retrieved on February 26, 2011, from http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=6160&page=194

Assignment 1 – Part 2 Instructions Group Project - Assemble Group Throughout the Teaching with Technology course, you will be working in a collaborative team to create a unit plan to solve a classroom scenario. The focus will be to design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. You will be expected to apply current research on teaching and learning using 21st Century technology applications when planning the learning environment and experiences to solve the scenario. The final product should include examples of ways to incorporate assistive and adaptive technologies within the Universal Designs for Learning framework. Additionally, authentic assessment, sample technology-based activities, and suggested teacher staff development should be included. The first step to completing this primary assignment is to submit the names of your group members to create a solution for the scenario-based, group project. The team size should be three to five individuals composed of candidates from within this course and preferably within your section. Each member should have varying backgrounds and experiences that can contribute to the team. You should also select a team leader, who will l the Google docs portion of this assignment, and other forthcoming tasks in which communication is necessary between team

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Holly Dornak

members and instructional associates. As a reminder, it is mandatory that each person participate in a three to five member team to complete the project. Remember you can locate a copy of the scenario in the resources area of the course or access it at the following Google site: http://sites.google.com/site/luteachingwithtechnology. Google Docs Each team member will want to create a Google account if one doesn’t already exist. The team will be required to communicate using Google Docs and other features as part of the group project. So, if you don’t already have a Google account, then this would be a great time to create one and experiment with the variety of collaboration tools Google has to offer. You can view one of these YouTube videos to learn how to create a google account: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyYv4H4zTxs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irzTP2IYhVk&feature=related The first Google activity will be for the team leader to create a shared Google Doc that will be used for the project planning and collaboration tool among your team members. The shared Google Doc that your team creates will be the location where you begin brainstorming a solution to the project that will be due in Week 5. For assistance with creating a Google doc, you can refer to Google Docs in Plain English at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqUE6IHTEA. Remember that the team leader will need to share the doc with the other team members to begin the collaboration. Once the Google doc has been created, the team leader must send the doc URL access link to the instructional associate by the assigned due date. Goole Sites The team will need to create a Google site to house all of your team’s project work as you plan and solve the scenario. As a team, you need to decide who will create the site. Then each of you should have the rights to edit the site pages. Your team may arrange the site to meet your team needs. Each of the components do not need to be on separate pages, but at a minimum there should be a a Title Page and a Group Project planning page with access to the shared Google doc for planning purposes. The following components should be visible in your site at the end of Week 1. 1) Title Page 2) List of your Team members. 3) Team member photos and appropriate contact information 3) Your group project planning area page. 4) Shared Google doc. If you need assistance in creating the team Google site, please feel free to view these YouTube videos for guidance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD-4FRTzxkI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B_q_EiVHI&feature=related Each individual on the team will need to submit the content below to your IA via Epic Assignments. Consequently, each team needs to work closely together to be certain each team member has the same information. If you have questions, please contact your IA.

Assignment Week 1- Part 2 Submission Content

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

List your 3-5 member team names and each person’s area of expertise.

Leah Stevens

Your Team’s Leader

Jennifer Mitchell

Your Team’s Google Doc URL and shared with team members, IA, and Professor(s)


Your Team’s Google Site URL and shared with the world.


Time and Date of Your Update

4:12 pm Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jennifer Mitchell Jill Broussard Holly Dornak

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Week 2 Assignment: Overview The purpose of the assignment this week is to learn about a variety of technology strategies that positively impact a diverse student learning population. From the readings and video clips, you will learn about effective ways to teach using technology to guide instruction for diverse learners. Also, you will continue to collaborate with your learning team in the Google docs area to plan your team solution for the scenario-based, group project. As you read and discuss the content in this week’s readings, you should begin to formulate the type of learning activities you and your team members will recommend as part of the solution for your group’s project. Every week during this course you will update your personal eportfolio wiki. For this course, you will use the personal wiki that you created in EDLD 5306. You will update your wiki eportfolio once you’ve completed all of the readings, videos, and discussions associated with each week’s lesson.

Rubric Task(s)


Assignment Week 2 Part 1 Extends personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned about the Week 2 topics. 

1.Proofread carefully (no errors) before posting and followed the rules of netiquette: http://www.albio n.com/netiquette/ corerules.html.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates excellence in effort, research, and creativity. 3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects an in-depth,

2011 Lamar University


Needs Improvement

1. 1 to 2 minimal errors.

1. Numerous errors.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates effort, research, and creativity.

2. Little evidence of an eportfolio update.

3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects a minimum of 1 indepth paragraph. 4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 8 pts.)

3. Little effort, little research, and/or little creativity.

Unacceptable 1. Incomplete. 2. Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations in the accomplished category. (0 pts.)

4. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects less than a paragraph and content is not aligned with the week’s topics. 5. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology substantive onetwo paragraph update. 

Holly Dornak associate for review. (max. 6 pts.)

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 10 pts.)

Assignment Week 2 – Part 2 Team Google doc for brainstorming session

1.Provide evidence each team member has contributed to initial brainstorming and planned ways to solve the scenario for the group project. 2.Provide evidence of who will be responsible for which parts of the project construction and who will be the team leader for the full project, or how that role will rotate throughout the project.

1.One team member didn’t contribute. 2. One team member didn’t indicate their leadership roles. 3. Inaccurate link sent to the IA. 4. Evidence of discussions regarding most of the guiding questions within the Team Google doc. (max.15 pts.)

1. Multiple team members didn’t contribute. 2. Multiple team members didn’t indicate their leadership roles. 3. Inaccurate link sent to the IA or link not submitted. 4. Evidence of minimal discussion regarding the guiding questions within the Team Google doc. (max. 10 pts.)

1. Little or no evidence of team contributions/collab orations. 2. Team member leadership roles are not evident/or extremely limited. 3. Failure to send IA the link to the Google doc. 4. Extemely limited discussion within the within the Team Google doc. 5. General failure to follow directions or complete the assignment. (max. 5 pts.)

3.Team Google doc link sent to the instructional associate. 4.Brainstorming should include evidence of discussions regarding the guiding

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

questions provided in the scenario: -What process will you use as a learning team to solve the scenario-based problem? -Who should be a part of the learning team composition? -Who will be the team leader to get the project started and keep the team on track? -What skills will your learning team need to possess to successfully solve this problem? -Which team member has experience with special needs students? -What will be the roles of each team member in the development, implementation, and assessment of the program? -Who will be responsible for ensuring the technologybased learning activities are

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

research-based? -What grade level and content area(s) will you address? -What will the learning activities look like? -How will you model examples for the teacher? -How will you assess the effectiveness of the learning activities? -What technology tools will be included in the -Google wiki/Web site format your team will use for the final delivery of your scenario solution? Will it include video, documents, and other technology project samples? -Who will publish your work and to which free sites such as TeacherTube, Google Videos, Flickr, or others will be linked back to the Google team wiki/Web site? (max. 20 points)

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Assignment Week 2 - Part 1 Instructions After completing this week’s readings, videos, and discussion, update your personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned in Week 2. Once you’ve updated your personal wiki eportfolio, submit the information by copying and pasting your post in the box below. This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 2 of this course. Assignment Week 2 - Part 1 Submission Content Your Wiki ePortfolio URL


Time and Date of Your Update

March 6, 2011 7:02 PM

A Copy of Your Wiki ePortfolio Posts

Materials and Methods: Shifting the educational Paradigm

(Copy and paste from your wiki eportfolio)

“The materials and methods teachers use can either present students with barriers to understanding or enhance their opportunities to learn” (Rose & Meyer, 2002). It does not get any clearer. Either your materials and methods are both enhancing and facilitating student learning, or they are standing in its way. No matter what kind of tools-tech or otherwise-an educator chooses to use, there is no substitute for a well planned and facilitated project that encourages students to create their own learning and present it to an authentically interested audience. Donna Palley states that no matter what tools we use, as educators we must "break from the traditional classroom model-that of a teacher standing up in front of rows of students to deliver "truth" and later using a test to check whether "truth" sank in" (Rose & Meyer, 2002.) For true technology integration to occur, the educator’s entire teaching model must shift, rather than the simple addition of a few new tech-tools to the educator’s tool belt. Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Chapter 1. Retrieved on March 1, 2011, from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/

Assignment Week 2 - Part 2 Instructions As a reminder, group collaboration is a major emphasis in the Teaching with Technology course. This week, you will continue to collaborate with your learning team in the Google docs area to plan your solution for the scenario-based, group project. Review the scenario, then begin brainstorming possible solutions in your group Google doc.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

By the end of Week 3, your team should have a completed plan to solve the scenario. The plan, written in a Google doc, will be loaded to your team Google site by the end of Week 3. Remember you can view the scenario by going to the sample Google site at: http://sites.google.com/site/luteachingwithtechnology or you can find the document in the Week 2 Resources folder. As you read and discuss the content in this week’s readings, you should begin to formulate the type of learning activities you and your team members will recommend as part of the solution for your group’s project. Your team should participate in a brainstorming session to plan ways to solve the scenario for the group project. Brainstorming should include evidence of discussions regarding the guiding questions provided in the scenario: 

What process will you use as a learning team to solve the scenario-based problem?

Who should be a part of the learning team composition?

Who will be the team leader to get the project started and keep the team on track?

What skills will your learning team need to possess to successfully solve this problem?

Which team member has experience with special needs students?

What will the roles of each team member be in the development, implementation, and assessment of the program?

Who will be responsible for ensuring the technology-based learning activities are research-based?

What grade level and content area(s) will you address?

What will the learning activities look like?

How will you model examples for the teacher?

How will you assess the effectiveness of the learning activities?

What technology tools will be included in the Google wiki/Web site format your team will use for the final delivery of your scenario solution? Will it include video, documents, and other technology project samples?

Who will publish your work and to which free sites such as TeacherTube, Google Videos, Flickr, or others will be linked back to the Google team wiki/Web site?

Provide evidence of who will be responsible for which parts of the project construction and who will be the team leader for the full project or how will that role rotates throughout the project. One member of the team should have already created the team Google site in Week 1. Continue to add to the team Google wiki/website this week by adding additional resources and content related to your finished group project. If you need assistance with creating a Google site, then you can visit these YouTube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwrf_koGSJk or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B_q_EiVHI&feature=PlayList&p=DCE07F20A6117BC0 &playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=6 . To edit a Google site or add pages, then you can visit these YouTube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW3OElLssgE&feature=PlayList&p=DCE07F20A6117BC0 &index=7; 2011 Lamar University

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Holly Dornak

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKXFDdwLLgA&feature=PlayList&p=DCE07F20A6117B C0&index=8 ; or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bIjZdNaFbQ&feature=PlayList&p=DCE07F20A6117BC0 &index=16. To share a Google site, then you can visit this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDxXWf4OXzU&feature=PlayList&p=DCE07F20A6117B C0&index=9 As in the past, be sure to send both the link to your Google site as well as your shared team Google doc to your instructional coach. Each individual on the team will need to submit the content below to your IA via Epic Assignments. Consequently, each team needs to work closely together to be certain each team member has the same information. If you have questions, please contact your IA.

Assignment Week 2- Part 2 Submission Content Your Team’s Google Doc URL and shared with team members, IA, and Professor(s)


Your Team’s Google Site URL shared with the world.


Time and Date of Your Update

Sunday, March 06, 2011 4:04 p.m.

A Copy of Your Wiki Posts (Copy and paste your post from your Team Wiki here.)

What process will you use as a learning team to solve the scenario-based problem?

Jill: Some type of computer based interactive program that utilizes visuals , closed caption, audio. Holly: Great ideas Jill, I was thinking that maybe we could incorporate edmodo for group and individual work. Edmodo would allow us to easily differentiate both our instruction and learning tasks. In terms of process, I think we should brainstorm all our ideas this week, and flesh out the details as we go. Jennifer shared an idea for a great project with me. Here are the details: Project Overview - http://goo.gl/cdGw3 Jennifer: UPDATED VERSION: http://goo.gl/Q1JsB The project Holly posted above combines the idea of Facebook with a research project, allowing the students to take

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Holly Dornak

an interactive role in the research of an important person. Leah: Great idea. This is a great way to document a person’s life. I have see the app that combines a year’s worth of “status updates”. Could we possibly use this at the end? Kind of like a summary? Holly: Not sure if that would work, do you have an example? Or what was the app called?

Who should be a part of the learning team composition?

Holly: In this learning team, buy-in from the classroom teacher, any aides or SPED counselors/teachers, the GT facilitator, technical support personnel, the Campus Instructional Technology Specialist as well as the Administrator are all needed. Jennifer: Great list of people Holly! Leah: Add counselor? Holly: Great idea! Who will be the team leader to get the project started and keep the team on track?

Jill: Jennifer & Jill Holly: Sounds great! Jennifer: awesome! Leah: With the events of late, I think that this is an excellent idea. What skills will your learning team need to possess to successfully solve this problem?

Jill: Knowledge of software that can meet the needs of hearing and visual impaired. Holly: Ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students who have been identified as GT, regular ed and SpEd. Additionally, the team will need to have a broad understanding of twenty-first learning tools. The team does not necessarily need to be an expert in each tool (impossible) but rather, needs to know what the tool is capable of, and curricular applications.

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Holly Dornak

Jennifer: The team needs to have a good understanding of the skills and objectives we are trying to get the kids to master.

Which team member has experience with special needs students?

Jill has worked with GT and special needs students Holly: I have my GT certification from the state (in addition to my 30 hours and annual 6 hour update.) I have some classroom experience with SpEd students, but no practical experience with blind/deaf students. Jennifer: I have classroom experience with a SpEd students. Leah: I too have experience with special needs student. I have co-taught the past few years.

What will be the roles of each team member in the development, implementation, and assessment of the program?

Holly: I propose that we all pour out our ideas and Jennifer can make the final decision on what should be scrapped, kept for further research and refined into the finished project. I will provide any cheat-sheets and develop any staff development proposals we need. Jill, it sounds like your classroom would work well for implementation. In terms of assessment, we will all look at any formative assessments and summative assessments that result post project and form consensus as to the efficacy of our program. Jennifer: Great ideas, Holly. I think Google docs and Skype are going to be vital to keep us all on the same page. Jill: skyping has been very helpful for this collaborative effort Leah: Skype has been very helpful. Also I think it is an excellent idea to use Jill’s classroom. Since I teach art I don’t think we could use my room as well as we could Jill’s. Who will be responsible for ensuring the technology-based learning activities are research-based? Jill: Leah? Holly: I would be happy to help as well.

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Holly Dornak

Jennifer: Thanks Holly and Leah! Leah: Absolutely! My favorite part! What grade level and content area (s) will you address?

Jill: I would like to use 8th grade...any objections? Holly: Sounds great Jill, in terms of content area(s) how about reading or history? I believe Jennifer and I may have a project in mind. Jennifer: I think that because we are most likely going to use Jill’s classroom for the implementation, I suggest doing 8th grade with whatever subject Jill wants. The project that I had in mind can be used as research project for a famous historical or science person or with storybook characters. Leah: 8th is fine with me. I like the science person idea. What will the learning activities look like?

Jill: cooperative groups, internet interactivities? Holly: The long-term project that Jennifer came up with involves online student research, the development of an online profile for both the student and an individual that the student chooses to do research on. After the student has gathered their information, they will take on the persona of the historical figure or a figure from literature and post to edmodo, within their own small group (created by teacher.) For a broad overview of the project visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj-XCUIbbcE http://www.myfakewall.com/w/Cinderella_2 http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/profilepublisher-30067.html (personal profile) Jennifer: We can also add in different aspects to the project like creating a Facebook Profile in ActivInspire as a class or small group (http://community.prometheanplanet.com/en/blog/b/blog/archive/2010/08/22/facebookin-the-activclassroom.aspx). Leah: These are great ideas. The “myfakewall” looks very interesting. It reminds me a lot of SIMS. Is that what they were going for? How will you model examples for the teacher?

Holly: If we decide to use Jennifer’s idea (see samples in above links) then the teacher will need a working knowledge of edmodo. I have found the best way to help teachers get started in edmodo, is to give them a brief overview of what edmodo is,

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Holly Dornak

and then let them use it (even briefly) with their colleagues, and have them respond to a few of my questions. Here is an online overview I wrote a while back, that may be a jumping off point, depending on how much time we have with teachers: http://icafe.lcisd.org/why-i-love-edmodo-and-you-will-too Face to face discussion would be much better, but if that’s not possible, this may be a good place to start. Additionally, the examples I posted in response to the question above would also serve as models examples for teachers, even though the example in the youtube video would have to be tweaked so that the class is using edmodo rather than facebook. Oh -I just had a thought...we should include maybe a video of “what is edmodo” There are several out there we could use. Jennifer: I think that would be great Holly! I could possibly get some video this week of my instruction to the kids for how to use Edmodo with this project. Jill: as a first timer to edmodo it was helpful having you guiding me into a quickstart type of deal and then I just explored...having cheat sheets would be very helpful Leah: I also looked at the cheat sheet. I think that once a person gets started they can “play” around if you will, and learn more of the ins and outs of it. How will you assess the effectiveness of the learning activities?

Jill: “clickers” and Rubistar to help develop rubrics Holly: Great idea! We can definitely incorporate some type of LRS into this project. If we decide to go with Jennifer’s edmodo idea, I think we should go ahead and develop a rubric to assess learner outcomes. Students can assess their own learning by completing the rubric and making recommendations regarding what they could have done better in order to improve their learning, as well as make recommendations to their teacher regarding how their learning could have been better supported. Jennifer: All great ideas. We can have the rubric be a google form for the students to fill out. Leah: When I read the question I immediately thought “self-assessment” but Holly has already said that.

What technology tools will be included in the Google wiki/website format your team will use for the final delivery of your scenario solution? Will it include video, documents, and other technology project samples?

Holly: I don’t know if it would be possible, but it would be great to give links to student

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

projects on edmodo. Also I feel like any tech involved in this project should have a cheat-sheet developed to go along with it. I’m happy to create those. We can use Issuu to post those, and could embed everything in our site. A video overview of the project, such as this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj-XCUIbbcE would be great to embed in our site as well. Jennifer: Edmodo just came out with read-only access, I wonder if we could use that to our advantage for presenting some student samples. Leah: I like the video summary. I can edit if necessary! I have a bit of experience with that. Who will publish your work and to which free such as TeacherTube, Google Videos, Flickr, or others will be linked back to the Google team wiki/website?



Holly: I’m happy to help with this as well. Jennifer: Leah and Holly Leah: Sure! TeacherTube and YouTube can be used to share.

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Week 3 Assignment: Overview The purpose of the assignment this week is to investigate the planning process for developing student-centered learning activities with technology. From the readings and video clips, you will learn about the questions and instructional elements that drive the planning process for teaching using technology. Also, each of you will create a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lesson using the CAST Lesson Builder, check your lesson for UDL principles, and experiment with the UDL Book Builder. Additionally, you will collaborate with your learning team in the Google docs area to complete your team plan to solve the scenario-based, group project. Then one team member will load the team plan to the Google site. Every week during this course you will update your personal eportfolio wiki. For this course, you will use the personal wiki that you created in EDLD 5306. You will update your wiki eportfolio once you’ve completed all of the readings, videos, and discussions associated with each week’s lesson.

Rubric Needs Improvement




Assignment Week 3 Part 1 Extends personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned about the Week 3  topics.

1.Proofread carefully (no errors) before posting and followed the rules of netiquette: http://www.albion .com/netiquette/c orerules.html.

1. 1 to 2 minimal errors.

1. Numerous errors.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates effort, research, and creativity.

2. Little evidence of an eportfolio update.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates excellence in effort, research, and creativity.

3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects a minimum of 1 indepth paragraph.

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for 3. Wiki eportfolio review. posting reflects an (max. 8 pts.) in-depth, substantive one-

2011 Lamar University

3. Little effort, little research, and/or little creativity.

Unacceptable 1. Incomplete. 2. Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations in the accomplished category. (0 pts.)

4. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects less than a paragraph and content is not aligned with the week’s topics. 5. Student sent the wiki link to the

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology two paragraph update. 

Holly Dornak instructional associate for review. (max. 6 pts.)

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 10 pts.)

Assignment Week 3 – Part 2 Completed each portion on the UDL Lesson Template -Lesson Overview -Goals

1.UDL Lesson Template used. 2. All components and subcomponents are thoroughly described. 3.Appropriate use of grammar, spelling, etc., with no errors

-Methods (max. 10 pts.) -Assessment -Materials (ULD Template in Resources area or online http://lessonbui lder.cast.org) UDL networks are addressed within the lesson activities

1.Each of the 3 UDL networks are addressed through an activity, assessment, or some accommodation description within the lesson. 2.Each network activity is labeled to identify the type of activity/ accommodation (Recognition

2011 Lamar University

1.UDL Lesson Template used. 2. Components and subcomponents are described. 3. Appropriate use of grammar, spelling, etc., with minimal errors (max. 8 pts.)

1.UDL Lesson Template not utilized or the content incomplete. 2.Components and subcomponents are missing. 3.Flagrant errors in grammar, spelling, etc. 4. Late assignment

1.General failure to follow expectations outlined in the Accomplished column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

(max. 6 pts.)

1.A minimum of 2 networks are addressed through an activity, assessment, or some accommodation description within the lesson. 2.Each network activity is labeled to identify the type of activity/ accommodation (Recognition network,

1. Little evidence addressing the 3 UDL networks through an activity, assessment, or some accommodation description within the lesson. (Recognition network, Strategic network, Affective network). 2.Generally, little

1.Incomplete. 2.Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the Accomplished column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology network, Strategic network, Affective network)

Holly Dornak

Strategic network, effort exhibited. Affective (max. 6 pts) network) (max. 8 pts.)

(max. 10 pts.) Lesson checked for UDL principles. Personal reflection and lesson included on personal wiki eportfolio site.

1.Shares personal reflection about the UDL lesson and the principles it includes using a minimum of 150 words. Lesson and reflection stored on personal eportfolio site. 2.Appropriate use of APA references, grammar, spelling. 3. Lesson and reflection are evident on personal 3. Wiki eportfolio link submitted in course.

1. Shares personal reflection about the UDL lesson and the principles it includes using a minimum of 150 words. Lesson and reflection stored on personal eportfolio site. 2. Spelling, grammar errors, or no references.

1.Minimal reflection content, no lesson stored on personal site. 2. Many spelling, grammar, or reference errors. 3. Wiki eportfolio link incorrect. (max. 1 pt.)

1.Inadequate content or failure to submit content. 2. Flagrant spelling, grammar, or references errors. 3.General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Accomplished” column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

3. Wiki eportfolio link submitted in course. (max. 3 pts.)

(max. 5 pts.) Lesson is loaded to the group Google site and the lesson title and Google link is sent to the instructional associate.

1.Individual lesson is loaded to the group Google site.

1.Individual lesson is loaded to the group Google site.

2.Appropriate use of APA references, grammar, spelling.

2. Some errors in APA references, grammar, spelling. 3. Link to Google site submitted in course. (max. 3 pts.)

3. Link to Google site submitted in course.

1.Minimal content loaded to site. 2. Many spelling, grammar, or reference errors. 3. Wiki eportfolio link incorrect. (max. 1 pt.)

1.Inadequate content or failure to submit content. 2. Flagrant spelling, grammar, or references errors. 3.General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Accomplished” column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

1. Limited sample. 2. Unclear who

1.Inadequate content or failure to

(max. 5 pts.) Assignment Week 3 -

1.A book sample was successfully

2011 Lamar University

1.Book sample with 2 pages.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology Part 3 Created sample electronic book (At least 3 pages)

created with a minimum of 3 pages. 2. Clearly defined who created the sample. 3.The book was shared with your learning team members, the instructional associate. professor(s). 4. The link is included in your team Google site and your personal wiki eportfolio.

2. Unclear who created the sample. 3.Sample not shared with with team members, instructional associate, or professor(s). 4. Link not included on team Google site or personal wiki eportfolio. (max. 8 pts.)

Holly Dornak created the sample. 3. Sample ebook link not shared appropriately. 4. Link not included on team Google site or personal wiki eportfolio. (max. 3 pts.)

submit content. 2. Unclear who created the sample. 3.General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Accomplished” column of this rubric. 4. Link not included on team Google site or personal wiki eportfolio. (0 pts.)

1. Team reflection is missing more than 1 component; no reference to content learned in the course. 2. Unclear who contributed each part to the reflection. 3. Reflection not shared with team members, instructional associate, or professor(s) (max. 3 pts.)

1.No team reflection included at the team Google site.

(max. 15 pts.) Team Google Site Reflection

1.A team reflection was added to the team Google site regarding the electronic book creation, sharing with others, and its use as a way to teach with technology to meet individual student needs. The reflection should include a minimum of 150 words with references to content learned in the week’s activities. 2. There should be evidence of each team member’s participation.

2011 Lamar University

1.Team reflection is missing 1 of the components; little reference to content learned in the course. 2. Unclear who contributed each part to the reflection. 3.Reflection not shared with with team members, instructional associate, or professor(s). (max. 8 pts.)

2.Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Acceptable” column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

3.Google site link submitted to the academic coach. (max. 15 pts) Assignment Week 3 Part 4 Team Scenario Action Plan and Google doc

1.Evidence each team member has contributed to the solution plan created in a shared Google doc. 2.Team Google doc link sent to the instructional associate, shared with team members, and professor(s). 3.Action plan should include evidence of the following components:

1.Incomplete team member participation. 2.Incorrect link not appropriately shared with the team members, instructional associate or professor(s). 3. Missing 1 of components listed in the acceptable column. (max. 30 pts.)

1.Incomplete team member participation. 2. Link to Google doc not working and/or not shared. 3. Missing more than 1 component listed in the acceptable column. (max. 10 pts.)

1. Incomplete team member participation, late, or failure to submit content. 2. Link to Google doc not working and/or not shared. 3. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Acceptable� column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

-Design of the integration/ intervention program: What grade level and content area(s) will you address to meet the unique needs of 30 students? -Implementation of the integration/ intervention program: What will the learning activities/units look like? How will you model examples 2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

for the teacher? What 21st Century trends will you include in the program? How will you meet individual differences? Specfically, address the following: Gifted and talented, online users, disabled, blind, hearing impaired, and multiple achievement levels. -Assessment of the integration/ intervention program: How will you assess the effectiveness of the learning activities? How will you know when the teacher has an understanding of how to teach with technology to benefit student learning? (max. 50 pts.)

Assignment Week 3 - Part 1 Instructions After completing this week’s readings, videos, and discussion, update your personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned in Week 3. Once you’ve updated your personal wiki eportfolio, submit the information by copying and pasting your post in the box below.

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 3 of this course. Assignment Week 3 - Part 1 Submission Content Your Wiki ePortfolio URL


Time and Date of Your Update

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Copy of Your Wiki ePortfolio Posts

Using Technology to Increase the Impact of Feedback

(Copy and paste from your wiki eportfolio)

10:15 PM

Feedback that is timely and pertinent to student progress can be highly motivating to reluctant learners. Students in my class generally avoid practicing their spelling words if I have them take practice tests or complete spelling worksheets. They will fall all OVER themselves, however to practice their spelling words using an iPad app called Spell Board. Though the app was a little pricey by app standards, (I believe it was $4.99) it was WELL worth the money. With it, students are doing nothing fancier than listening to the spelling word and a phrase that I recorded (super easy to do) writing with their finger and typing their spelling words. The difference is…feedback. As soon as they submit their word, the app tells them whether it was correct. The app records exactly how long each student spent studying spelling words. In quiz mode, the app records the number of words a student missed and which ones they need to continue studying. This feedback is highly motivating for students who are striving to improve their scores. I also find the immediate feedback provided by Promethean’s ActivExpressions to be especially exciting and helpful for students. Even in self-paced learning mode, the Expression will tell the student whether their answer was correct, or incorrect. When used synchronously, students enjoy examining the percentage of students who got the question right or wrong. When using named voting, I am able to see which objectives my entire class, or an individual student need to focus on. In this way, technology helps me provide immediate, focused feedback to my students. This is especially helpful since, “Research shows that the more immediate feedback is in the classroom settings, the greater its impact on student behavior (Kulik&Kulik, 1988.)

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Kulik, J. A., & Kulik, C. C. (1988). Timing of feedback and verbal learning. Review of Educational Research, 58, 79–97. Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Assignment Week 3 - Part 2 Instructions Create a Learning Unit The purpose of the Part 2 assignment this week is to investigate the planning process for developing student-centered learning activities with technology. Each of you will create a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lesson using the CAST Lesson Builder and check your lesson for UDL principles. You can use the CAST Lesson Builder at http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/ or you can view the PDF template in the Resources area of the course as a guide. Once you have completed the lesson, you will write a wiki eportfolio entry about the experience in your own eportfolio and upload the lesson to your team Google site and your own eportfolio. When you go to the site, you will need to follow these steps: 1. Create an account with a login and password at the Lesson Builder Web site, located at http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/. 2. Click on Number 1 with the words “Learn About Universal Design for Learning (UDL).” Read about UDL, watch a video, and/or try a fun activity. 3. Click on “Home.” Then click on Number 2 with the words “Explore Model UDL Lesson Plans.” As you peruse the lesson plans, pay particular attention to the types of UDL connections identified. You will notice there are specific activities and instructional strategies embedded in the lesson to meet individual differences related to the three main networks: recognition, strategic, and affective. Take note of the various ways technology is used within the lessons and consider how you might be able to incorporate a variety of technology tools to meet student needs. Each of your learning team members will create a UDL lesson to meet the needs of the students in your scenario-based, group project. Some of the activities within the various UDL lessons housed at the lesson builder site might provide your team suggestions for ways to accommodate students within your group project. As you collaborate and create your group plan, share your ideas about what types of activities you think should be included in your solution.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

4. Click on “Home.” Then click on Number 3 with the words “Create, Save, and Edit My Own UDL Lesson Plans.” At this location, you have an option to use the site to create your UDL Lesson Plan online. However, since you need the lesson as an example to add to your group Google site, you will need to use the lesson plan Word document located in the Resources folder entitled UDL Lesson Builder. 5. Create your UDL Lesson using the UDL Lesson Builder template housed in the Resources folder. The rubric for this portion of the assignment is listed below. Once you have completed your lesson, add the file to your group Google site. Next, write a reflection about the UDL lesson and its UDL principles to your Blog site. You can use the CAST UDL Curriculum Self-Check Web site to assist you: http://udlselfcheck.cast.org/ Then send both the link to your wiki eportfolio and your Google site to your instructional associate. Be sure to let your IA know the name of your lesson since the rest of your team members will also be housing lessons in the same Google site location. Each individual on the team will need to submit the content below to your IA via Epic Assignments. If you have questions, please contact your IA. Assignment Week 3- Part 2 Submission Content Your UDL Lesson Team Site with UDL Lesson: http://goo.gl/Lf9nt created in the CAST Lesson Builder and stored in the team Google site. The title of your UDL Lesson

Changing Tides – Day 3

Your eportfolio URL with reflection and lesson.


Time and date of completion

Monday, March 14, 2011 12:06 AM

Assignment Week 3 - Part 3 Instructions Experiment With UDL Book Builder The purpose of this assignment is to investigate the planning process for developing studentcentered learning activities with technology.

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

You will experiment with the UDL Book Builder site at http://bookbuilder.cast.org/. Since you’ve already created a login and password for another portion of the CAST Web site, you should not have to create another specifically for the UDL Book Builder. You will create your own book using the software and reflect on the process through your team’s Google Docs site. Once you are at the site, http://bookbuilder.cast.org, follow these steps to experiment with the Book Builder: 1. You should already have a login and password for another portion of the CAST Web site. So use that username and password to access the UDL Book Builder. 2. Click the words “Model Books.” Peruse several electronic books to get a feel for the variety of techniques that can be used to support UDL concepts. 3. Next, click on the words “Tips and Resources.” Take a look at the ideas and suggestions offered to guide you through making decisions about selecting a subject, genre, audience, etc. Jot down some of the concepts that might help you as you create your own sample electronic book. 4. Once you have some ideas about the content of what you would like to include in an electronic book, then work through the process of creating one. You will begin by clicking on the words, “Create and Edit My Books.” Then click on “Start a New Book.” Follow the screen prompts and create a sample electronic book that is at least three pages long. 5. Once you have created a sample, then share your electronic book with your learning team members, the instructional associate, and professor(s). The “share” feature is located on the “Create and Edit My Books” page in the column of the chart entitled “Book Information.” You simply click on the word “share” and invite others to view your electronic book. You will need their e-mail addresses to share the book. 6. Last, add a team reflection to your team’s Google site about the process of creating an electronic book and the way(s) it could be used to teach with technology to meet individual student needs. Send the Google site reflection link, and the link to the sample book, to your instructional associate no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 3. Assignment Week 3- Part 3 Submission Content Your UDL Book Builder URL placed on your wiki ePortfolio AND the team Google site.

UDL Book Builder URL - http://goo.gl/syGRr

Your team reflection URL

My UDL Book Builder Reflection on Team Site - http://goo.gl/KEoxb

UDL Book Builder Reflections – 1. On the Team Site – http://goo.gl/IefVz 2. On My Personal Site - http://goo.gl/fpBgZ

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology Time and date of completion

Holly Dornak

Monday, March 14, 2011 1:22 AM

Assignment Week 3 - Part 4 Instructions Group Project - Finalize Action Plan The purpose of the assignment is to investigate the planning process for developing studentcentered learning activities with technology. You will collaborate with your learning team in the Google docs area to complete your team plan to solve the scenario-based, group project. Then, the team leader will upload the team plan to the Google team site. As you make your recommendations for a solution to the scenario, remember to keep in mind the four basic questions discussed in the Week 3 readings: 

What will students learn?

Which strategies will provide evidence of student learning?

Which strategies will help students acquire and integrate learning?

Which strategies will help students practice, review, and apply learning?

Also, when planning for successful teaching with technology lessons as ideas for the scenario, it is extremely important that you clearly identify and state the content standards, benchmarks, or indicators that students must learn. Then, find the technology standards and indicators that complement the content standards. You can locate the National Educational Technology standards at the ISTE website: http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=NETS. As you make decisions about which strategies to include as solutions for the scenario, you might want to review the type of instructional strategies that could provide feedback and evidence of student learning. Ask yourself this question, “How will students demonstrate their learning?” If there are presentations, the strategies should clearly delineate whether the project/presentation is representative of an individual, pair, or group’s work. Rubrics could delineate the responsibilities. After the team reaches a consensus and the plan is completed, one group member will need to take responsibility for loading it onto the team shared Google site you previously created in Week 1 or 2. If you need to review the scenario, you can access it in the Resources folder or online at the Google site: http://sites.google.com/site/luteachingwithtechnology/. Also, if you need a Google site as a sample to get an idea of how to design yours, then you can view the simple one we created at: http://sites.google.com/site/luteachingwithtechnology/home. Your team is welcome to be as creative as you like with this project. You are encouraged to incorporate video, blogs, wikis, and documents to share examples of how your team would provide a solution for the scenario.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Assignment Week 3- Part 4 Submission Content Your team Google doc action plan URL

Google Doc URL - http://goo.gl/wkPtG

Your team Google URL


Time and date of completion

Monday, March 14, 2011

Presentation of Final Action Plan on Google Site - http://goo.gl/ZsFN1

10:34 PM

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Week 4 Assignment: Overview The purpose of the assignment this week is to design student-centered learning experiences with technology. As a technology leader in your classroom, school, or district, you will be expected to know how to devise technology enhanced learning plans and interventions to meet the needs of diverse learners. But also, you will be expected to know and understand what types of professional development best supports teachers for the implementation of various technologies in the instructional process. From the readings and video clips, you will gain resources, tools, and practices to assist teachers with teaching with technology. Also, you will collaborate with your learning team in the Google docs, Google site, and CAST areas to create learning activities, as denoted in the plan your team created in Week 3, for the solution to your scenario-based group project. Again this week, you will update your personal eportfolio wiki. For this course, you will continue to use the personal wiki eportfolio that you created in EDLD 5306. You will update your wiki eportfolio once you’ve completed all of the readings, videos, and discussions associated with each week’s lesson.

Rubric Needs Improvement




Assignment Week 4 Part 1 Extends personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned about the Week 4  topics.

1.Proofread carefully (no errors) before posting and followed the rules of netiquette: http://www.albion .com/netiquette/c orerules.html.

1. 1 to 2 minimal errors.

1. Numerous errors.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates effort, research, and creativity.

2. Little evidence of an eportfolio update.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates excellence in effort, research, and creativity. 3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects an

2011 Lamar University

3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects a minimum of 1 indepth paragraph. 4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review.

3. Little effort, little research, and/or little creativity.

Unacceptable 1. Incomplete. 2. Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations in the accomplished category. (0 pts.)

4. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects less than a paragraph and content is not aligned with the week’s topics.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology in-depth, substantive onetwo paragraph update. 

Holly Dornak

(max. 8 pts.)

5. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 6 pts.)

1.Incomplete team member participation.

1.Incomplete team member participation. 2. Link to Google site/doc not working and/or not shared. 3. Missing more than 1 component listed in the acceptable column. (max. 10 pts.)

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 10 pts.)

Assignment Week 4 Part 2 Group Project -Team Scenario Learning Activities

1.Provide evidence each team member contributed to the solution and learning activities. (5 pts.) 2.Team Google site/doc link sent to the instructional associate, shared with team members, and professor(s). ( 5 pts.)

2.Incorrect Google site/doc link; not appropriately shared with the team members, instructional associate or professor(s). 3. Missing 1 of components listed in the acceptable column. (max. 30 pts.)

1. Incomplete team member participation, late, or failure to submit content. 2. Link to Google site/doc not working and/or not shared. 3. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Acceptable” column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

3. Learning Activities mirror the team action plan and include evidience of the following components. (5 pts.) Components: -Design of the integration/ intervention program: What grade level and content area(s) will you address to meet

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

the unique needs of 30 students? (5 pts.) -Implementation of the integration/ intervention program: Examples of learning activities/units to address each unique set of needs in the scenario. Evidence of a way to address the professional development needs of the teacher in the scenario. Evidence of the use of 21st Century technology trends. (10 pts.) Evidence of ways to meet individual differences of: Gifted and talented, online users, disabled, blind, hearing impaired, and multiple achievement levels. (10 pts.) -Assessment of the integration/ intervention

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

program: Evidence of assessment for each learning activity. Evidence for some type of assessment which might include observations/refle ctions regarding how you might determine whether the teacher has an understanding of how to teach with technology to benefit student learning. (10 pts.) (Total =50 pts.)

Assignment Week 4 - Part 1 Instructions After completing this week’s readings, videos, and discussion, update your personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned in Week 4. Once you’ve updated your personal wiki eportfolio, submit the information by copying and pasting your post in the box below. This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 4 of this course. Assignment Week 4 - Part 1 Submission Content Your Wiki ePortfolio URL


Time and Date of Your Update

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Copy of Your Wiki ePortfolio Posts (Copy and paste from your wiki

10:43 PM Rose & Meyer state, “Any test that relies on a single medium inevitably, albeit unintentionally, evaluates talents that may not be relevant to instructional goals-talents that are bound up in the medium or methods being used. Thus, students' ability or inability to work with particular media and methods may confound evaluation of their knowledge and skills.”

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology eportfolio)

Holly Dornak

(2002). This seems like common sense, but I’m as guilty as any teacher of attempting to accurately assess students by measuring them against the same gauge. Tangled amongst the student’s actual mastery of the essential skills and knowledge they have learned in my class are their varied learning strengths and challenges. These differences skew the accuracy of most any traditional assessment. Ideally, each student’s mastery would be cleanly assessed in a manner free from format prejudices. Limited time to create these assessments, and even less time to sift through the information provided by these assessments proves challenging to today’s classroom teachers. It seems to me, the most flexible and accurate assessment tool is the rubric. Rubrics allow teachers to communicate their expectations for mastery of knowledge and skills, without chaining students to a particular learning product format. For example, students who create two entirely different learning products-perhaps one student wrote an essay about the topic, and another created a voice thread- can be accurately assessed by their teacher against the same rubric. The great thing is that there are several free tools available that teachers can utilize to create and share their rubrics. Worth checking out as you begin creating rubrics are online tools like Rubistar and iRubric. I also like to use Google Forms or even Survey Monkey to help me as I collect student selfassessments. Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Chapter 1. Retrieved on March 1, 2011, from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/

Assignment Week 4 - Part 2 Instructions Group Project - Design and Create Technology-Based Learning Activities 1. This week, your learning team will continue to collaborate in the Google docs area to fine-tune the activities you plan to include in your group project. The next step in completing your group project is to design and create technology-based examples of the learning activities your team recommends as a solution for the scenario. The examples should be reflective of what your team brainstormed and recommended in your Google 2011 Lamar University

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Holly Dornak

doc plan. Then you will publish the learning activities/units to your team Google site. Each of you should have created a UDL learning unit in Week 3. These can be utilized as part of your scenario solution, provided they support the team plan. 2. If you need to review the scenario, you can access it in the Resources folder or online at the Google site: http://sites.google.com/site/luteachingwithtechnology/. 3. Your team is welcome to be as creative as you like with this project. You are encouraged to incorporate video, blogs, wikis, and documents to share examples of how your team would provide a solution for the scenario. 4. Remember to review your plan components and design the learning samples/units/activities/technology activities to reflect what you brainstormed as your solution. 5. As you make decisions about which strategies to include as solutions for the scenario, you might want to review the type of instructional strategies that could provide feedback and evidence of student learning. Ask yourself this question, “How will students demonstrate their learning?” If there are presentations, the strategies should clearly delineate whether the project/presentation is representative of an individual, pair, or group’s work. Rubrics could delineate the responsibilities. 6. Also, when planning for successful teaching with technology lessons as ideas for the scenario, it is extremely important that you clearly identify the state content standards, benchmarks, or indicators that students must learn. Then, find the technology standards and indicators that complement the content standards. You can locate the National Educational Technology standards at the ISTE Web site http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=NETS.

Each individual on the team will need to submit the content below to your IA via Epic Assignments. If you have questions, please contact your IA. Assignment Week 4 - Part 2 Submission Content In this space, you will provide the URL for the following: 

Your team Google site that contains your team’s technology learning activities.

This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 4 of this course. Your team Google URL

Team Site – https://sites.google.com/site/teamlamarcisd/ Final Project Presentation https://sites.google.com/site/teamlamarcisd/final-project-presentation

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Time and date of completion

Holly Dornak

Sunday, March 20, 2011 11:02 PM

2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Week 5 Assignment: Overview The purpose of the assignment this week is to reflect upon a variety of aspects with teaching with technology. First, the readings will guide you to examine practical ways to use technology activities to direct students to deeper understanding and reflection.Then the video clips will explore what “big thinkers” have to say about the future of education and technology. Next, you will reflect upon what you’ve learned throughout the course by posting comments to the discussion, personal wiki eportfolio, and the team Google site. Lastly, you will complete the course-embedded assessment reflection. Again this week, you will update your personal eportfolio wiki. For this course, you will continue to use the personal wiki eportfolio that you created in EDLD 5306. You will update your wiki eportfolio once you’ve completed all of the readings, videos, and discussions associated with each week’s lesson.

Rubric Needs Improvement




Assignment Week 5 Part 1 Extends personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned about the Week 5  topics.

1.Proofread carefully (no errors) before posting and followed the rules of netiquette: http://www.albion .com/netiquette/c orerules.html.

1. 1 to 2 minimal errors.

1. Numerous errors.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates effort, research, and creativity.

2. Little evidence of an eportfolio update.

2. Wiki eportfolio update demonstrates excellence in effort, research, and creativity.

3. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects a minimum of 1 indepth paragraph.

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for 3. Wiki eportfolio review. posting reflects an (max. 8 pts.) in-depth, substantive onetwo paragraph

2011 Lamar University

3. Little effort, little research, and/or little creativity.

Unacceptable 1. Incomplete. 2. Late with completion. 3. General failure to follow expectations in the accomplished category. (0 pts.)

4. Wiki eportfolio posting reflects less than a paragraph and content is not aligned with the week’s topics. 5. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology update. 

Holly Dornak associate for review. (max. 6 pts.)

4. Student sent the wiki link to the instructional associate for review. (max. 10 pts.)

Assignment Week 5 Part 2 Group Project -Team Scenario Reflection

1.Provide evidence each team member contributed to the team reflection. (5 pts.) 2.Team Google site/doc link sent to the instructional associate, shared with team members, and professor(s). ( 5 pts.) Components: - Includes rationale for the selection of each learning activity/unit and technology products selected for the scenario solution. (10 pts.) - Includes rationale for the recommended professional development for the teacher (10 pts.)

1.Incomplete team member participation. 2.Incorrect Google site/doc link; not appropriately shared with the team members, instructional associate or professor(s). 3. Missing 1 of the components listed in the acceptable column. (max. 30 pts.)

1.Incomplete team member participation. 2. Link to Google site/doc not working and/or not shared. 3. Missing more than 1 component listed in the acceptable column. (max. 10 pts.)

1. Incomplete team member participation, late, or failure to submit content. 2. Link to Google site/doc not working and/or not shared. 3. General failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Acceptable” column of this rubric. (0 pts.)

-Reflection is a minimum of 6 paragraphs in length. The reflection may 2011 Lamar University

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

include text, video, photos, or a combination of mediums to fully reflect upon the team’s scenario solution. (10 pts.) - Reflection shows connections and references to content learned in course; correct grammar, spelling, APA format. (10 pts.) (Total =50 pts.) Assignment Week 5 – Part 3 CourseEmbedded Assignment (25 points)

Note: Reflection at a critical level means writing text that reveals your opinion of the reading or experience, why you hold that opinion, how the experience/ assignment/ reading could be improved, how you see the reading or experience as consistent or inconsistent with what you have learned so far, implications for the future, etc. Reflection should include more content than just a

2011 Lamar University

Student work contains the following:

Student work contains the following:

- 1 to 2 minimal errors

- Numerous errors

- Demonstrates effort, some research, and some creativity.

- Little effort, limited research, little creativity.

- Posting reflects a minimum of one short paragraph. - Posting mostly a recitation of facts from assignment. - Some evidence of prior knowledge referencing work experience, prior coursework,

- Posting reflects less than a paragraph.

Student work is incomplete, late with completion, or shows a general failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Accomplished” column of this rubric. (max. 17 pts.)

- Posting is not related to the content from the assignment. - Little evidence of prior knowledge referencing work experience, prior coursework, readings and/or assignments. - No mention of points from the 3 of 11

EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology recitation of facts and you should document your writing with a minimum of 3 references. Self – Assessment 1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just recitation of facts) upon the knowledge you gained from the assignment. (3 Points) 2. Critically reflect upon the relationship between any new information you gained from the assignment with old information you previously held to be true.

readings, or assignments. - Mentions one specific point from the assignment - Evidence the response directs the quotation, a question, statement, or a previous posting using APA style.

Holly Dornak readings. - Little sources or references. - Little writing in narrative style and/or pervasive inappropriate grammar. This document is posted to the student wiki. (max. 19 pts.)

- Cites some sources and references from assignments. - Writes primarily in narrative style with appropriate grammar. - This document is posted to the student wiki. (max. 23 pts.)

(2 Points) 3. How did the relationship between the old and new information you learned affect your personal experience with the assignment? (2 Points) Learn as a Learner 1. Critically

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

reflect (see note above; not just recitation of facts) upon your approach and strategies used in completing the assignment. (3 Points) 2. Critically reflect upon how you learn as a learner and how you assess your own performance in completing the assignment(s). (2 Points) 3. How did your learning and interaction with colleagues (such as discussion forum, web conferences, wiki and blog participation, etc.) affect the results of your performance? (2 Points) Lifelong Learning Skills 1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just recitation of facts) upon what you gained about learning and how you learn that will impact your future learning.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

(3 Points) 2. How will your past interactions and collaborations with colleagues impact your future learning experiences? (2 Points) 3. As a lifelong learner, what questions or issues challenge you and are worthy of future research or investigation? (2 Points) Additional Criteria 1. Content posted to ePortfolio wiki/blog/Googl e site (1 Point) 2. Mechanics (1 Point) 3. APA Format (1 Point) 4.Minimum of 3 References (1 Point) (max. 25 pts.)

Assignment Week 5 - Part 1 Instructions After completing this week’s readings, videos, and discussion, update your personal wiki eportfolio to include knowledge learned in Week 5. Once you’ve updated your personal wiki eportfolio, submit the information by copying and pasting your post in the box below. This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 5 of this course.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Assignment Week 5 - Part 1 Submission Content Your Wiki ePortfolio URL


Time and Date of Your Update

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Copy of Your Wiki ePortfolio Posts (Copy and paste from your wiki eportfolio)

5:50 PM Helen Barrett writes, “An electronic portfolio provides an environment where students can collect their work in a digital archive, select specific pieces of work (hyperlink to artifacts) to highlight specific achievements; reflect on the learning demonstrated in the portfolio, neither text or multimedia form, set goals for future learning (or direction) to improve and celebrate achievement through sharing this work with and audience, whether online or face to face.” (Solomon & Schrum, 2007.) Students, grades three and up should be encouraged to create an online portfolio. Not only does the online portfolio offer evidence of student progress over time, but it provides a more public venue for student work – increasing student motivation. Additionally creating an online portfolio through venues such as http://edmodo.com or http://sites.google.com allows students to develop technical skills that will pay lifelong dividends. Possibly best of all, teachers have access to student portfolios without dragging home file boxes, shuffling through work samples, or wading through stacks of spiral notebooks. For teacher and students alike, the work samples, once placed online, are easily accessible, simple to comment on, discuss, and provide feedback. ePortfolios even make it simple for classmates to comment on one another‟s work…so polish up those technical skills and prepare your students to do a little higherlevel thinking by creating and self-evaluating an ePortfolio! Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New tools, new schools. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

Assignment Week 5 - Part 2 Instructions Group Project – Team Reflection Your task is to add a team reflection to the group Google site. Be sure to follow the guidelines below and consult the rubric for the assignment’s criteria. 

Be sure to include the rationale as to why your team selected each type of activity/unit and technology samples as a solution for the scenario.

Be sure to include the rationale for the recommended professional development for the teacher.

Provide evidence that each team member has contributed to the content in the team reflection.

Be sure the reflection is clearly identified in the team Google site.

You may elect to use a variety of media to share a reflection such as text, video, photos, blogs, or a combination thereof.

The content should be a minimum equivalent of six paragraphs in length.

So if you elect to use video, keep the script to no longer than a page.

It is suggested that you record several short video clips or use a combination of video and text rather than one long clip.

Once complete, the team leader should upload the reflection to the team Google site and send the link to the instructional associate. Each individual on the team will need to submit the content below to your IA via Epic Assignments. If you have questions, please contact your IA. Assignment Week 4 - Part 2 Submission Content In this space, you will provide the URL for the following: This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 5 of this course. Your team Google URL


Time and date of completion

Sunday, March 27, 2011 10:16 PM

Assignment Week 5 - Part 3 Instructions In submitting your Course-based Embedded Assignment located in Appendix I of the Internship Handbook, you are required to complete a reflection of the identified assignments in your course wiki/eportfolio. These reflections will be used to assist you in completing your EDLD 5388/5370 (*Please note that course number changes in Fall 2010*) Internship comprehensive exam final report. Students should use and cite their textbook references as well as two additional references when writing each reflection. The reflection must consist of statements regarding

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

the knowledge you gained from the assignment and how the assignment helped you master the Technology Facilitator Standard(s) /Indicator(s). The assignment referenced in the document for EDLD 5364 – Teaching with Technology is as follows: As a campus professional development activity, create a wiki-based study group with 35 teachers, leading and supporting, who analyze data related to student learning, create a lesson using Universal Design for Learning at the CAST Lesson Builder http://lessonbuilder.cast.org, create a sample electronic book to share with your learning team members. Lastly add a team reflection to your Google site about the process of creating an electronic book. Share a blog/wiki reference document/site. Use your personal wiki eportfolio to post your Course-embedded Reflection. Include your team Google site as a reference. Assignment Week 5 - Part 3 Submission Content In this space, you will provide the URL for the following: This assignment is due no later than 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 5 of this course. Your personal wiki ePortfolio URL


Time and date of completion

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Copy of Your Wiki ePortfolio Post (Copy and paste from your wiki eportfolio)

10:12 PM

EDLD5364 Teaching with Technology offered a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with fellow coursemates in the design of an instructional unit. Having worked collaboratively during EDLD 5363 Multimedia Video Technology made collaborating this time a snap. All members of our team were familiar with Google Docs as well as Skype, so these were our primary means of communication. Now that Google Docs offers a new socialmedia based “discussion” functionality within Google Docs, as well as the traditional chat functionality, I anticipate that students utilizing Google Docs in future collaborative projects will rely more on Google docs and less on outside conversation platforms such as Skype and email. Other tech tools that we used, but that I was already familiar with were Google Sites, Issuu, YouTube, and edmodo. I enjoyed the fact that our collaborative assignments were somewhat open-ended, which allowed our team the opportunity to explore these various tools and come up with exciting new ways to marry technology with traditional learning. This class certainly exemplified project-based learning, which made the learning fun, as well as lead to a high level of self-motivation. New to me, was CAST‟s Universal Design for Learning

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak

site, lesson builder, and book builder. Though the book builder was somewhat cumbersome, I feel that it is a valuable resource and has the potential to become an important learning tool for classroom teachers. Raising awareness for UDL is, as always, a task critical for effective instructors and as such, I really appreciated the feedback offered by CAST‟s UDL Curriculum Self-Check. I found the feedback very helpful. I was excited to learn more about UDL tools such as speech to text, Braille keyboards, structured search-engines, text linked to glossaries, visual dictionaries and screen-readers increase student performance by helping to eliminate some of the barriers that stand in the way of many students. In the same way, providing a varied means through which students are assessed not only satisfies UDL expectations, but removes obstacles that skew assessment results. Communicating and evaluating learning through rubrics and ePortfolios as well as setting high expectations for student peer and self-evaluation are simple means through which to vary assessment and thus provide for more accurate appraisal of student mastery of objectives. (Solomon and Schrum, 2007, p. 65). Also somewhat new to me, was voicethread. I had heard of voicthread about a year ago at TCEA, but had not had an opportunity to sit down and work through using it. I was very impressed by how simple it was to collaborate and create our team reflection using voicethread. To me, voicethread is a learning tool that exemplifies UDL principles, “break(ing) from the traditional classroom model-that of a teacher standing up in front of rows of students to deliver „truth” and later using a test to check whether “truth” sank in (Rose & Meyer, 2002). since there are so many means (text, audio, visual) by which to create and add to a voicethread. It is definitely a learning tool that I will work to have “unblocked” in our district. Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New tools, new schools. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Chapter 1. Retrieved on March 1, 2011, from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas

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EDLD 5364 - Teaching with Technology

Holly Dornak


2011 Lamar University

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