EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Week 1 Assignment: Creating a School Web Policy Overview Using the Web-based word processor in Google Docs, create a Web policy for your school that addresses the security, legal and ethical issues raised in this week’s lecture, readings and discussions.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 1 Assignment.
Needs Improvement
The evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind.” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area.
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator.
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.
Using one of the web policies researched in the resources on the next page as a template, the student clearly completes all of the following (to include examples of Web 2.0 technologies):
Using one of the web policies researched in the resources on the next page as a template, the student clearly completes all of the following:
Using one of the web policies researched in the resources on the next page as a template, the student, fails to complete two or more of the following:
Creating a School Web Policy
Linkage to School or District AUP
Define types of pages
Define standards for all pages Suggest content for learning sites
Linkage to School or District AUP
Define types of pages
Define standards for all pages
Suggest content for learning sites
Define content standards for administrative and academic support sites
Define content standards for administrative and academic support sites
Provide school home page guidelines
Provide school home page guidelines
Provide Web page guidelines for pages outside main school home page
Clearly defines consequences for violation (including appeal process)
Provide Web page guidelines for pages outside main school home page
Clearly defines consequences for violation (including appeal process)
Linkage to School or District AUP
Define types of pages
Define standards for all pages
Suggest content for learning sites
Define content standards for administrative and academic support sites
Provide school home page guidelines
Provide Web page guidelines for pages outside main school home page
Clearly defines consequences for violation (including appeal process)
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Directions and Resources
Submit this assignment to your Academic Coach in MS Word Format by the end of Week 1. Your document will need to be downloaded from Google Docs into MS Word Format before you submit it.
If you do not have a Google account, you must first create one. You will use the Google word processing application to produce a Web policy based on your school’s policy. o http://docs.google.com
To get an overview the Google Docs software, view the following video: o Google Docs in Plain English
To gain perspective on the way schools are using Google Apps, view the following YouTube videos: o Why Google Apps for Education? o Teachers and Principals Talk about Google Docs o Watershed School speaks about Google Apps
Using the Web-based word processor in Google Docs, create a Web policy for your school that addresses the security, legal and ethical issues raised in this week’s lecture, readings and discussions. You are encouraged to research the web policies in the resources below: o http://www.northwestschool.org/current/webPolicy.shtml
http://notebook.lausd.net/pls/ptl/docs/PAGE/CA_LAUSD/FLDR_ORGANIZATION S/FLDR_INFOTECH/WEBPOLICY_FINAL12-09%20DEEB%20_4_.PDF
You should create a web policy that will work in your school environment. You will align this policy with your own school or district’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Using the sample web policies you have researched, clearly define all of the following (to include examples of Web 2.0 technologies): Linkage to School or District AUP; Define types of pages; Define standards for all pages; Suggest content for learning sites; Define content standards for administrative and academic support sites.; Provide school home page guidelines; Provide Web page guidelines for pages outside main school home page; Clearly define consequences for violation (including appeal process). These resources are useful in understanding the promise and problems of social networking: o YouTube: Social Networking in Plain English o YouTube: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, or None of the Above? o Twitter in Plain English
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Link to Jane Long Elementary School Web Policy Google Doc: http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1CLPRXY66HKpqhjdGXmH j4B3SLY6liSy_mvaUm7ZyFEU Or, see next page for the Jane Long Elementary Web Policy
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Jane Long Elementary School Web Policy As teachers and administrators develop an online presence it is critical to remember:
Compliance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy is Mandatory. o A copy of the Acceptable Use Policy can be found at: http://www.lcisd.org/DistrictbrInformation/HandbooksandPolicies/pdf/electronicco mmunicationsguidlines.pdf All teacher and administrative web pages must be created through the LamarNet web interface and will be hosted on the District Web Server All pages will feature School logo, and make use of design templates as approved by the Web Presence Team All pages must be regularly visited edited and maintained by the party responsible. “This page under construction” may appear for no more than 24 hours or the page will be automatically deleted. All pages will be searchable via Search Box and indexed on the site map. Site templates will feature breadcrumbs at the top of each page so as to inform users of their location and facilitate site navigation. All pages will include a “contact us” link at the bottom of the page Images, audio and video files must be compressed prior to upload to ease download times. All pages must comply with the district's Accessibility Guidelines All pages must be relate to instruction for the betterment of our students No personal contact information for any student may be posted at any time Any link or page deemed inappropriate or not in accordance with district policies may be removed by the webmaster or school administrator at any time
A copy of the Acceptable Use Policy can be found at: http://www.lcisd.org/DistrictbrInformation/HandbooksandPolicies/pdf/electroniccommunicationsg uidlines.pdf
Expectations for Teachers All teachers of record at Jane Long Elementary will collaborate with their team to create and maintain at least one web page per grade level for each of the following purposes: Page Focus: Community
Communicate upcoming events, major assignments/assessments, and activities through online calendar Provide teacher contact information including o Name o Email address o Conference schedule
Page Focus: Parent Involvement
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Foster increased communication and feedback through regular blog posts Post grade level homework and behavior policies Post class schedules Post weekly online newsletters
Provide teacher contact information including o Name o Email address o Conference schedule
Page Focus: Instruction
Communicate assignment expectations for major projects Post assessment rubrics, study guides, and other helpful materials Foster student collaboration through blog posts*, self-evaluation rubrics, and feedback forums Provide links for effective student skills practice for each subject such as: o Teacher created study guides o Online discussions and forums o Instructional based online games o Student and Teacher created presentations or investigations o Appropriate sites provided by the community for instructional purposes Museums Online databases for research purposes E-libraries, etc.
*All posts must be read and approved by a teacher of record prior to their going live onto the teacher’s blog. Teachers are solely accountable for what is posted on such sites.
Expectations for Administrators The administration team at Jane Long Elementary will collaborate to create and maintain at least one web page for each of the following purposes: Page Focus: Community
Statement of School Vision Communicate upcoming events, district assessments, and school-wide activities through online calendar Provide contact information including o Names of Administration Team Members o Email address of Administration Team Members o School Information Address Phone Fax Hours of Operation Links to Current TAKS/TELPAS data
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Page Focus: Collaboration
Foster increased communication and community feedback** through regular blog posts by administrators Post links to school/district handbooks, homework, behavior, and grading policies
Post monthly school newsletter Post link to parent portal (grade book access)
*All comments on blog posts must be read and approved by an administrator prior to going live onto the school’s blog.
Consequences for Violating District or School Web Policy Per District Acceptable Use Policy: The District may suspend or revoke a system user’s access to the District’s system upon any violation of District policy and/or administrative regulation. Prior to a suspension or revocation of system service, or as soon as practicable, the principal or District coordinator will inform the system user of the suspected violation and give him or her the opportunity to present an explanation, as follows: 1. A system user may appeal the suspension or revocation within seven calendar days. 2. The District coordinator or designee will conduct a hearing, but the principal or District coordinator who imposed the suspension or revocation will not be the person designated to hear the appeal. Termination of an employee’s account or of a student’s access will be effective on the date the principal or District coordinator receives notice of student withdrawal or of revocation of system privileges, or on a future date if so specified in the notice.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Jane Long Elementary School Web Policy http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1rMdTSrDfqqNd7CWipdGaDAOhiPCmcV5kZ9zyzgXGQE
As teachers and administrators develop an online presence it is critical to remember:
Compliance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy is Mandatory. o A copy of the Acceptable Use Policy can be found at: http://www.lcisd.org/DistrictbrInformation/HandbooksandPolicies/pdf/electronicco mmunicationsguidlines.pdf All teacher and administrative web pages must be created through the LamarNet web interface and will be hosted on the District Web Server All pages will feature School logo, and make use of design templates as approved by the Web Presence Team All pages must be regularly visited edited and maintained by the party responsible. “This page under construction” may appear for no more than 24 hours or the page will be automatically deleted. All pages will be searchable via Search Box and indexed on the site map. Site templates will feature breadcrumbs at the top of each page so as to inform users of their location and facilitate site navigation. All pages will include a “contact us” link at the bottom of the page Images, audio and video files must be compressed prior to upload to ease download times. All pages will comply with W3C recommendation so as to be accessible to all formats All pages will include metadata to ease site and web search functionality. All code will be validated prior to Go Live. All pages must comply with the district's Accessibility Guidelines All pages must be relate to instruction for the betterment of our students No personal contact information for any student may be posted at any time Any link or page deemed inappropriate or not in accordance with district policies may be removed by the webmaster or school administrator at any time
A copy of the Acceptable Use Policy can be found at: http://www.lcisd.org/DistrictbrInformation/HandbooksandPolicies/pdf/electroniccommunicationsg uidlines.pdf
Expectations for Teachers All teachers of record at Jane Long Elementary will collaborate with their team to create and
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
maintain at least one web page per grade level for each of the following purposes: Page Focus: Community
Communicate upcoming events, major assignments/assessments, and activities through online calendar Provide teacher contact information including o Name o Email address o Conference schedule
Page Focus: Parent Involvement
Foster increased communication and feedback through regular blog posts Post grade level homework and behavior policies Post class schedules Post weekly online newsletters
Provide teacher contact information including o Name o Email address o Conference schedule
Page Focus: Instruction
Communicate assignment expectations for major projects Post assessment rubrics, study guides, and other helpful materials Foster student collaboration through blog posts*, self-evaluation rubrics, and feedback forums Provide links for effective student skills practice for each subject such as: o Teacher created study guides o Online discussions and forums o Instructional based online games o Student and Teacher created presentations or investigations o Appropriate sites provided by the community for instructional purposes Museums Online databases for research purposes E-libraries, etc.
*All posts must be read and approved by a teacher of record prior to their going live onto the teacher’s blog. Teachers are solely accountable for what is posted on such sites.
Expectations for Administrators The administration team at Jane Long Elementary will collaborate to create and maintain at least one web page for each of the following purposes: Page Focus: Community
Statement of School Vision
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Communicate upcoming events, district assessments, and school-wide activities through online calendar Provide contact information including o Names of Administration Team Members o Email address of Administration Team Members o School Information Address Phone Fax Hours of Operation Links to Current TAKS/TELPAS data
Page Focus: Collaboration
Foster increased communication and community feedback** through regular blog posts by administrators Post links to school/district handbooks, homework, behavior, and grading policies
Post monthly school newsletter Post link to parent portal (grade book access)
*All comments on blog posts must be read and approved by an administrator prior to going live onto the school’s blog.
Consequences for Violating District or School Web Policy Per District Acceptable Use Policy: The District may suspend or revoke a system user’s access to the District’s system upon any violation of District policy and/or administrative regulation. Prior to a suspension or revocation of system service, or as soon as practicable, the principal or District coordinator will inform the system user of the suspected violation and give him or her the opportunity to present an explanation, as follows: 1. A system user may appeal the suspension or revocation within seven calendar days. 2. The District coordinator or designee will conduct a hearing, but the principal or District coordinator who imposed the suspension or revocation will not be the person designated to hear the appeal. Termination of an employee’s account or of a student’s access will be effective on the date the principal or District coordinator receives notice of student withdrawal or of revocation of system privileges, or on a future date if so specified in the notice.
EDLD 5388 Web Mastering
Holly Dornak
Week 2 Assignment: Project Charter and High-Level Plan Overview Using Google Docs and templates designated in the instructions for this week’s assignment, create a project charter and high-level project plan (with schedule) for a new Web 2.0 school site. Outstanding charters, plans, and timelines will incorporate significant Web 2.0 technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc.). Based on what you have learned this week, update the Web Policy for your school to include standards-based design guidelines. You will use the Kaiser Checklists to include specific usability design principles in your updated Web Policy. You should incorporate significant Web 2.0 technologies in this new Web Policy (CSS, XML, Ajax), and explicitly point to W3C standards.
EDLD 5388 Web Mastering
Holly Dornak
Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 Assignment. Tasks
Project Charter and High-Level Plan
Needs Improvement
The evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind.” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area.
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator.
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.
Using the University of Notre Dame Project Definition Document as a template, defines the following: Executive Summary: Project Overview; Project Approach; Communications Plan. Incorporates significant Web 2.0 technologies in this plan.
Using the University of Notre Dame Project Definition Document as a template, defines the following: Executive Summary: Project Overview; Project Approach; Communications Plan.
Fails to use the University of Notre Dame Project Definition Document; fails to define two or more of the following: Executive Summary: Project Overview; Project Approach; Communications Plan
Uses the "Step-By-Step Site Planner" by Keith Reichley as a guide in producing a project plan that includes: Background; Audience; Resources; Competition; Content. Incorporates significant Web 2.0 technologies in this plan.
Uses the "Step-By-Step Site Planner" by Keith Reichley as a guide in producing a project plan that includes the following well-defined components: Background; Audience; Resources; Competition; and Content.
Fails to use the "Step-ByStep Site Planner" by Keith Reichley as a guide in producing the project plan; plan fails to define two or more of the following: Background; Audience; Resources; Competition; Content.
Uses the project schedule template in Google Docs to create a project timeline that includes 10 critical tasks. Plan incorporates significant Web 2.0 technologies.
Uses the project schedule template available in Google Docs to create a project timeline for your project that includes ten critical tasks.
Uses project schedule template available in Google Docs to create a project timeline that includes eight or fewer critical tasks.
Updates School Web Policy to include at least 5 usability principles from Kaiser’s Checklists. Incorporates significant Web 2.0 technologies in this plan. Explicitly points to W3C standards.
Updates School Web Policy to Include at least 5 usability principles from Kaiser’s Checklists.
Update School Web Policy includes fewer than 5 usability principles from Kaiser’s Checklists.
EDLD 5388 Web Mastering
Holly Dornak
Directions and Resources
Submit this assignment to your Academic Coach in MS Word format by the end of Week 2. These will need to be downloaded from Google Docs into the MS Word Format before you submit it.
A template and overview of the project charter process are available from the EDUCAUSE Connect site at: o http://connect.educause.edu/Library/Abstract/MaintainingtheRightBalanc/41717
Using the University of Notre Dame Project Definition Document as a template, define the following: Executive Summary: Project Overview; Project Approach; Communications Plan.
Use the "Step-By-Step Site Planner" by Keith Reichley as your guide in producing the project plan, to include the following items: Background; Audience; Resources; Competition; Content. o http://www.sitepoint.com/article/site-planner/
Use project schedule template is available in Google Docs to create a project timeline for your project that includes ten critical tasks you have identified during the first two weeks of class: o http://docs.google.com/previewtemplate?id=trix.pyU3xkckhpI0h2aKBOS05YA&m ode=public
Another Google tool useful in enabling project communication is Google Talk, which can enable real time communications for your project team: o Gmail voice and video chat
Project Charter Project Plan and Schedule
http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1OaqOomKv32j1G85_ mnN1BeJywQhvMuAfL7V_g5T0djk http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1ZYa3hGu7M4S11BPP UR-7KH_ERX08PGVH_pLrvf_p1uI
Project Timeline
http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tBHCWp0g2HLTm7LtVp SeVQw&output=html
Updated School Web Policy
http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1rMdTSrDfqqNd7CWip dG-aDAOhiPCmcV5kZ9zyzgXGQE
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Week 3 Assignment: Content Management Overview Using Google docs, please create an inventory of site content of your classroom Web site, your school Web site or your district Web site. This inventory should include: content item title; filename and location; type and format of the content; item’s size (include dimensions for images); item’s owners and authors; date created and date last modified; incoming and outgoing links; and notes. You will then need to use the WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor in Amaya to convert this inventory to a web page that complies with design guidelines. Based upon your experience using this WYSIWIG editor (Amaya), you now understand how challenging it can be to create web-ready documents. In the K-12 world there is a much simpler and more “user friendly” way to do this. Many educators are blessed with a pre-existing Web system in their school or district, but for the sake of this course we assume that your situation is not this fortunate. Therefore, you will need to take advantage of the Drupal content management system to explore the functionality of a standard Web authoring and communication system. Drupal happens to be an “open source” alternative, as is Amaya. Based on your experience with Amaya and research on Drupal, write a memo to NewSchoolSpaces.net requesting the installation of collaborative editing tools, the ability to upload HTML and image files (without having to learn FTP), post to blog, upload podcasts, and set up RSS feeds from your school’s site.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 3 Assignment.
Needs Improvement
The evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind.” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area.
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator.
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.
Creates an inventory of site content using a Google spreadsheet within Google Docs. Inventory includes: content item title; filename and location; type and format of the content; item’s size (include dimensions for images); item’s owners and authors; date created and date last modified; incoming and outgoing links; notes. Inventory includes multimedia content for audio and video podcasts.
Creates an inventory of site content using a Google spreadsheet within Google Docs. This inventory should include: content item title; filename and location; type and format of the content; item’s size (include dimensions for images); item’s owners and authors; date of creation and date last modified; incoming and outgoing links; and notes.
Creates an inventory of site content using a Google spreadsheet within Google Docs. This inventory fails to include two or more of the following: content item title; filename and location; type and format of the content; item’s size (include dimensions for images); item’s owners and authors; date created and date last modified; incoming and outgoing links; notes.
Content Management
Memo to NewSchoolSpaces.net requesting the installation of collaborative editing tools
Memo to NewSchoolSpaces.net requesting the installation of collaborative editing
Memo to NewSchoolSpaces.net requesting the installation of collaborative editing
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
includes requests for the ability to upload HTML and image files (without having to learn FTP), post to blog, upload podcasts, and set up RSS feeds from your school’s site. Memo specifically requests Drupalbased services and is addressed to a specific officer in the company (e.g. Chief Operating Officer). Memo also requests a specific detailed Service Level Agreement.
Holly Dornak
tools includes request for the ability to upload HTML and image files (without having to learn FTP), post to blog, upload podcasts, and set up of RSS feeds from your school’s site.
tools fails to include two or more of the following: request for the ability to upload HTML and image files (without having to learn FTP), post to blog, upload podcasts, and set up of RSS feeds from your school’s site.
Directions and Resources
Submit the assignment to your Academic Coach in HTML format (Part 1) and MS Word (Part 2) by the end of Week 3. These will be downloaded from Google Docs into these two formats before they are submitted. In order to do this, when you are in your Google Document go to file menu and select download as html and then download as word.
Create your inventory of site content using a Google spreadsheet within Google Docs. This inventory should include: content item title; filename and location; type and format of the content; item’s size (include dimensions for images); item’s owners and authors; date created and date last modified; incoming and outgoing links; notes. Exceptional submissions on this assignment will include in their inventory multimedia content for audio and video podcasts.
In order to use the WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor in Amaya you must convert this inventory to a web page that complies with design guidelines. You can do this by merely copying and pasting the text from your Google spreadsheet to the Amaya HTML editor. Amaya, as a freely-available (“open source”) product of the W3C Consortium, is available for download at no cost. A tutorial on how download, install and use Amaya is available here: Windows Amaya Tutorial Once you have viewed the tutorial , you can download, install and use Amaya by clicking on this link.
Please recall that for purpose of this course you are assuming the role of team leader for creating a new website for your class, school or district. In this role, you will need to communicate the needs of your class, school or district to your partners in the fictitious web services company NewSchoolSpaces.net.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
To help you write a memo to NewSchoolSpaces.net requesting the installation of collaborative editing tools, the ability to upload HTML and image files (without having to learn FTP), post to blog, upload podcasts, and set up RSS feeds from your school’s site, you should review the following resources: o Blogs in Plain English o Podcasting in Plain English o RSS in Plain English
You should also review these EDUCAUSE documents: o 7 Things You Should Know About Collaborative Editing o 7 Things You Should Know About Blogs o 7 Things You Should Know About Podcasting o 7 Things You Should Know About RSS
Before drafting the memorandum to your hosting partner, review the following Drupal.org resources: o http://drupal.org/ o Drupal Overview
Excellent memos will specifically request Drupal-based services and will be addressed to a specific officer in the company (e.g. Chief Operating Officer). They will also request a specific detailed SLA (Service Level Agreement).
For more on SLAs, see the following page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_level_agreement
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Part 1: Web Site Inventory Public URL: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AjmUZ407TuAEdC1BaXpNV2tSOXp3UzcyaFhaR2lZTWc&hl=en&output=html
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Copy and Pasted from Amaya: . Content Item Title Filename and location Type and format of the content Item's size (dimensions) Item's owners and authors Date created Date last modified Incoming and outgoing links Notes . 08 Banner Spacer http://www.lcisd.org/images/08bannerspacer.jpg Background 3px × 240px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/About . 08 Banner 2 http://www.lcisd.org/Images/08Banner2.jpg Image 950px × 150px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/AwardsandHonors . Menu Gold Tile 2 http://www.lcisd.org/Images/menu_gold_tile2.gif Background 1px × 35px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/Cafeteria . Menu Gold Tile 2 http://www.lcisd.org/Images/menu_gold_tile2.gif Image 1px × 35px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/Counseling . Menu http://www.lcisd.org/Images/blue/menu.jpg Background
Holly Dornak
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
175px × 1,500px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/GradeLevels . Sidebar NW http://www.lcisd.org/images/sidebar_nw.gif Background 8px × 8px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/JaneLongPark . Side Bar NE http://www.lcisd.org/images/sidebar_ne.gif Background 8px × 8px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/KindergartenRegistration . Connect Center http://www.lcisd.org/images/connectCenter.jpg Image 146px × 33px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/Library . Employee Login http://www.lcisd.org/images/EmployeeLogin.gif Image 100px × 18px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/SpecialPrograms . Employee Email http://www.lcisd.org/images/EmployeeEmail.gif Image 107px × 18px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/TAKSScores . Patron Login
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development http://www.lcisd.org/images/PatronLogin.gif Image 107px × 18px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/Technology . Employee WebCenter http://www.lcisd.org/images/EmployeeWebCenter.gif Image 77px × 16px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/ArtGallery . Sidebar SW http://www.lcisd.org/images/sidebar_sw.gif Background 8px × 8px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/GiftedandTalented . Sidebar SE http://www.lcisd.org/images/sidebar_se.gif Background 8px × 8px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools . Zoning Button http://www.lcisd.org/images/zoningButton.jpg Image 174px × 72px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 http://feeds.feedburner.com/Storynory . Munis Self Service http://www.lcisd.org/images/MunisSelfService.jpg Image 174px × 53px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 .
Holly Dornak
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development 2010 Calendar http://www.lcisd.org/images/2010Calendar.gif Image 174px × 54px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . Enrolling Your Child http://www.lcisd.org/images/EnrollingYourChild.gif Image 174px × 54px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . Lunch Menus http://www.lcisd.org/images/LunchMenus.gif Image 174px × 54px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . Points of Pride HP http://www.lcisd.org/images/PointsOfPrideHP.png Image 174px × 54px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . Bus Drivers Needed http://www.lcisd.org/images/BusDriversNeeded.gif Image 166px × 52px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . eTV Banner http://www.lcisd.org/images/eTVBanner.gif Image 170px × 50px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . BG http://www.lcisd.org/images/bg.gif Background 0px × 0px
Holly Dornak
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . BG http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/images/bg.jpg Background 1px × 1px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . Welcome http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/web%20welcome.jpg Image 700px × 452px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . PreK http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/prek.jpg Image 150px × 65px (scaled to 172px × 69px) Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Kinder Icon http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/Kinder%20Icon.jpg Image 175px × 76px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . 3rd Grade http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/3rd%20grade.jpg Image 175px × 76px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . First Grade http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/First%20Grade.jpg Image 175px × 76px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 .
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
4th Grade http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/4th%20grade.jpg Image 175px × 76px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . 2nd Grade Icon http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/2nd%20Grade%20Icon.jpg Image 175px × 76px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . 5th Grade http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/5th%20grade.jpg Image 350px × 82px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Staff Title http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/staff%20title.jpg Image 175px × 262px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC_0404 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0404.JPG image 175px × 263px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC_0406 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0406.JPG Image 175px × 263px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC_0075 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0075.JPG Image 200px × 280px (scaled to 188px × 265px)
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC_0418 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0418.JPG Image 200px × 280px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Helen http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/helen.jpg Image 300px × 232px (scaled to 87px × 70px) Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . TEA Exemplary Seal http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/TEA_EXEMPLARY_SEAL.jpg Image 130px × 87px (scaled to 84px × 67px) Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC 0059 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0059.JPG Image 200px × 134px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC 0041 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0041.JPG Image 200px × 134px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . DSC_0058 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0058.JPG Image 200px × 136px (scaled to 207px × 136px) Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 .
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
DSC_0069 http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/JaneLongElementary/images/DSC_0069.JPG Image 88px × 31px Jane Long 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Getacro http://www.lcisd.org/images/getacro.gif Background 588px × 180px LCISD 8/30/2008 6/10/2010 . Combined_V17 http://calendar.google.com/googlecalendar/images/combined_v17.png Image 1px × 1px (scaled to 29px × 17px) Google 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Blank http://calendar.google.com/googlecalendar/images/blank.gif Image 16px × 16px Google 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . icon_print http://www.google.com/calendar/images/icon_print.gif Image 15px × 14px Google 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . btn_menu 6 http://www.google.com/calendar/images/btn_menu6.gif Image 104px × 17px Google 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Calendar plus en http://www.google.com/calendar/images/calendar_plus_en.gif Image 148px × 96px
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Google 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . bubble combined http://calendar.google.com/googlecalendar/images/bubble_combined.png Background 148px Ă— 96px Google 8/15/2009 6/10/2010 . Podcast Link http://feeds.feedburner.com/Storynory RSS Feed
Part 2: Memo Public URL: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=16jjoJom_qUR5qSsi74Y5Q7v2pioMLlNdVdYdypWT5Zs&hl= en
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Memo: The Web Presence Team Jane Long Elementary 907 East Main Street Richmond, TX 77469 (832) 473-1143 NewSchoolSpaces.net 211 Redbird Lane Beaumont, TX 77705-9801 (409) 880-8301 Attn: Creighton Gann, CEO Or To Whom It May Concern: This is to inform you of our request that collaborative editing tools to be enabled on our school website. Collaborative editing tools will greatly assist our students and staff in working jointly and at a highly productive level. In addition to collaborative editing capabilities, our school requests that tools be installed on our site such that staff and students are able to upload HTML and image files, without having to use FTP. Our future vision is that staff members and even students be enabled to create and maintain their own blogs, podcasts, and RSS feeds. To that end, we need your assistance in installing these important web 2.0 tools onto our site. Staff and students do not have the time or expertise to edit HTML and so need an effective alternative. After reviewing the capabilities of several content management systems, we request that Drupal be used as our primary content management framework. We believe that Drupal will provide the flexibility we require as our web needs continue to grow, expand, and change. Please forward a detailed Service Level Agreement to my office that provides for the needs and requests as detailed above. If you have any questions, concerns, or innovative ideas please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely,
Holly Dornak CITS The Web Presence Team Jane Long Elementary
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Week 4 Assignment: Creating Interactivity Overview Successfully use the CMS at NewSchoolSpaces.net for the following tasks: upload HTML and image files, post to blog, and create a podcast using Audacity. Based on your review of the Drupal.org Website and your personal experience with the Drupal CMS provided by NewSchoolSpaces.net, draft a Content Management Procedure for your classroom, school or district. This is a set of instructions that allows users to understand how to enter text and upload image files, post to blog, and create a podcast.
Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 4 Assignment.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Needs Improvement
The evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind.” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area.
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator.
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.
Successfully uses the Drupal CMS at NewSchoolSpaces.net for the following tasks: enter text and upload image files, post to blog, create a podcast using Audacity. Emails instructor with URLs to postings. Accomplished students may also choose to upload a video clip to create a blog entry.
Successfully uses the Drupal CMS at NewSchoolSpaces.net for the following tasks: enter text and upload image files, post to blog, create a podcast using Audacity. Emails instructor with URLs to postings.
Fails to successfully use the Drupal CMS at NewSchoolSpaces.net for the following tasks: enter text and upload image files, post to blog, create a podcast using Audacity. Failure is evidenced by a lack of email to the instructor with URLs to postings.
Submits draft for a Content Management Procedure that outlines how to enter text and upload image files, post to blog, and create a podcast. Accomplished responses will also contain guidelines for using a school Wiki through NewSchoolSpaces.net.
Submits draft for a Content Management Procedure that outlines how to enter text and upload image files, post to blog, and create a podcast.
Fails to submit draft for a Content Management Procedure, or submits one that fails to include two or more of the following: enter text and upload image files, post to blog, and create a podcast.
Creating Interactivity
Directions and Resources
You must send a URL to your academic coach for the content you have posted in the CMS at NewSchoolSpaces.net at the end of week 4.
You will use the Drupal CMS at NewSchoolSpaces.net for the following tasks: enter text and upload image files, post to blog, and create a podcast using Audacity. Accomplished students may also choose to upload a video clip to create a blog entry. Before you log on to your school site shell at NewSchoolSpaces.net, you will need to create an account at the NewSchoolSpaces.net Website: o http://newschoolspaces.net
To prepare your images for upload, download and install the Picasa software from Google and review the basic features in this software: o http://picasa.google.com/ o Introducing Picasa 3
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
To create the MP3 file for your podcast, the Audacity software is available for download at: o http://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity
Notes on Additional Resources:
Although you are not required to set up RSS feeds in Google Reader, it is recommended that you become familiar with RSS feeds by reviewing the following video: o
Google Reader in Plain English
Although you will not get hands-on experience with creating video blogs in this course, it is important that you understand how they work. The following resource is helpful in this regard: o 7 Things You Should Know About Videoblogging
The following resources are useful in understanding the promise and problems of collaborative editing using Wikis: o Wikis in Plain English
Jimmy Whales, founder of the Wikipedia, speaks about “How a ragtag band created Wikipedia.” He answers questions on “What is Wikia?” and offers “Two Views of the "Wiki" Concept.”
Week 4 Assignment: http://newschoolspaces.net/%22Blog%22%20http%3A/%252Fnewschoolspaces.net/node/958 File Details Podcast: App Addiction (podcast attached to page) Video Blog Post: Butter Me Up (Video blog post attached to initial post) Image: HDCITS (attached to page entitled “Holly Dornak”) Content Management Procedures: Content Management Procedures (attached to page entitled “Holly Dornak”)
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Week 5 Assignment: Site Launch Planning Overview Produce a site launch plan with provisions for pre-launch testing and post-launch administration. Site launch plan contains at least 10 total best practices from the Kaiser checklists. Provisions for pre-launch testing and post-launch administration include three or more best practices for testing and three or more for post launch administration from the Kaiser checklists. Accomplished plans will also contain specific examples from student’s school site on NewSchoolSpaces.net.
Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 5 Assignment.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Needs Improvement
The evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind.” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area.
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator.
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.
Site launch plan contains at least 10 total best practices from the Kaiser checklists. Provisions for pre-launch testing and post-launch administration include three or more best practices for testing and three or more for post launch administration from the Kaiser checklists. Accomplished plans will also contain specific examples from student’s school site on NewSchoolSpaces.net.
Site launch plan contains at least 10 total best practices from the Kaiser checklists. Provisions for pre-launch testing and post-launch administration include three or more best practices for testing and three or more for post launch administration from the Kaiser checklists.
Site launch plan contains fewer than 10 total best practices from the Kaiser checklists. Provisions for pre-launch testing and post-launch administration include fewer than three best practices for testing and/or fewer than three for post launch administration from the Kaiser checklists.
Site Launch Planning
Directions and Resources
Submit the assignments to your Academic Coach in MS Word Format by the end of Week 5. These will need to be downloaded from Google Docs into the MS Word Format before you submit them.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Jane Long Elementary Web Presence: Site Launch Plan Public URL: http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1l7q4XpB5ncbpK9laLqxsBWPPJI7jyzFGbbsbTDWGSnQ
Revision 1.0
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Establish a staging server upon which to test the site prior to launch.
Test site continuously throughout the design process.
Conduct card sorting test to ensure the information architecture of the site is adequate and comprehensible to those outside the site design team. Make changes based on the results of the card sorting test.
As pages are created, ensure the markup is validated in order to eliminate typos, and syntax errors.
Validate all CSS as pages are created.
Document all page load times, and keep load times to a minimum.
View preliminary site design on all available versions of Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Lynx, Netscape, and Mozilla.
Test site elements with a mouse, keyboard (only) and other adaptive technologies.
Design and test an error page that helpfully directs traffic to home page or search page.
Proofread entire site.
View preliminary site design on a variety of LCD and CRT monitors.
View preliminary site designs on monitors with a variety of standard and nonstandard resolutions.
View preliminary site design using Vischeck to ensure adequate color contrast.
Make design adjustments as needed.
Systematically test hyperlinks and view content on every page to be sure all pages are fully functioning.
Establish protocol for reporting bugs.
Document all bugs, and assign team member to correct the bug, document the resolution, and complete regression test to ensure bug fix does not cause any other issues.
Load test the site to ensure site will remain fully functioning despite heavy use.
Test and maintain all security certificates.
Ensure that all secure areas of the site are indeed secure and restricted unless users provide password authentication.
Attempt to hack secure areas. Make changes to site security as needed.
Check that lists and tables are formatted correctly.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Soft Launch
Conduct a soft launch, during which time all modifications are brought to a standstill, and any needed modifications are properly recorded so that changes can be made.
Solicit feedback about website functionality, design, and accessibility from a variety of stakeholders.
Review diagnostic information provided by soft launch (User browser and connection speed)
Conduct soft launch with a diverse set of users. Provide adequate means for receiving and responding to their feedback. Allow users to perform their own tasks in addition to pre-defined tasks set before them. Conduct a post-test questionnaire. Make changes to site content and design as needed.
Test all download pages for speed and accuracy.
Test search functionality.
Be sure that any required legal information is accurate and available.
Be sure analytic software is working correctly.
Provide for the site to be backed up every 24 hours and back up data is stored off-site.
Go Live
Go Live (on a Monday or Tuesday – during off peak hours) once bugs and needed modifications have been made per soft-launch user feedback.
Post Launch
Conduct a final search engine optimization check.
Obtain a complete handover package from web designer.
Train/Familiarize CITS team in site usage
CITS team will then prepare staff development plan to train teachers, paras, and administrators in site usage.
Site content will be updated by LCISD webmaster and the webmaster’s designees (as determined by campus administrators.)
Programming issues, scheduled updates, and bugs will be fixed by the site design team.
Server issues and data backup issues will be resolved by LCISD technology department.
Market and promote website as appropriate within the district and community.
EDLD 5388 Web Design and Development
Holly Dornak
Reference Kaiser, S. E. (2006). Deliver first class web sites: 101 essential checklists. Collingwood, Vic: SitePoint.