EDLD 5366 Week 1 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Week 1 Assignment: Introduction to Graphic Design Directions
Assignment 1.1 In Week 1, you were introduced to the principles of design and have had opportunities to practice an analysis of visual designs using the principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. In this assignment, you will be identifying these principles in three graphic designs. These graphic designs are located in your Resource Section titled Week 1 Assignment Design Principles. You will use the table below to record your analysis of each of the three graphic design examples. The table cells are expandable so that you can cite more than one example of each principle. You will submit your analysis through your courseware.
Modern sans serif Font at top ―Corpus Christi‖ with heavily serifed, ―Caller Times‖
Triangular shape of pie with reddishorange triangle in corner
Darkness of jersey, suits, and ―Thanksgiving with a twist‖ background with the overall white/light background
Dark jersey, dark suits, dark ―Thanksgiving with a Twist‖ background
Reddish orange, sans serif headings with black serifed headings
Color of the pie, color of the ―Thanksgiving with a twist’s background
Serifed Title and subheading with bold sans serif byline.
Italicized ―Caller Times‖ or ―Associated Press‖ beneath sans serifed, bolded byline
2010 Lamar University
Reddish orange background at top, with ―Corpus Christi‖, ―Road Warning,‖ Car bottom right of traffic photo, as well as several other headings and page references. Blue of ―25 Days of Treats: background with blue in gentleman’s tie, blue ―Islanders‖ logo, blue gradient at the top, and blue lighthouse logo
Angle of player’s body forms 90 degree angle with line of traffic.
Bylines near titles
Captions near/beneath pictures
Centered alignment of newspaper title contrasts with left and full justification of text in columns.
Date, price, and edition near newspaper title – placed in the center top of the page.
Weight of runner’s body falls on the right hand ―main information‖ side of dividing line-below
Page numbers near descriptions of articles
Subscription information near copyright information and barcode …all near the bottom of the page.
Bottom of caption in ―Celis surrenders‖ article aligned with bottom of main article text.
Top of ―Manager will face‖ headline aligned with ―Road Warning‖ and ―Runner takes seventh place‖
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EDLD 5366 Week 1 Assignment
Presentation Zen
Highlights and shadows on rocks
Strong black line and quarter-circle with organic lines of the rocks.
All caps ―FOREWARD‖ with all lowercase ―presentation zen‖
Darkness of suit, hairline, and piano with lightness of background White text with black suit/gray background
Reflection of rock in ―water‖
Rocks aligned in right third of page
Blue gradient dark to light first at top, then repeated in the bottom quarter of the page
Acknowledgement, title, and subtitle aligned with author’s name and ―New Riders‖ logo
Sans serif font used for ―presentation‖ repeated in ―Garr Raynolds‖
All caps ―FOREWARD‖ with all caps ―VOICES‖ at the bottom
Dark shadow on left of man’s face with highlights
Light hand against dark suit/piano Blue of ―Hit Man‖ with grayscale of the rest of the design
2010 Lamar University
Repeated organic elliptical shape of rocks
Gray of ―Zen‖ repeated in subheading font color, rocks, and near bottom of page.
Black suit, black tie, black piano
Sans serif of ―David Foster & Friends‖ with sans serif of singer names below
White shirt with black suit and piano
Bold white of Garr Reynolds with blue of ocean
Foster CD Cover
Bold white of ―presentation‖ with regular typeface gray ―zen‖
Holly Dornak
Light highlights on face, shirt, hand, and most text Vertical angle of man’s body makes isosceles triangle with piano lid – the triangle this forms is similar to the triangle formed by the lid and lid prop Vertical length of ―Hit Man‖ mirrors the vertical length from the top of the white text to the bottom of the page..
Rocks all stacked on top of one another
Subheading near title
Horizontal center of bottom rock aligned with blue horizon line.
TM or R subscript near ―Voices that Matter‖
―Voices that matter‖ right justified with the two rocks that stretch farthest to the right.
Author, publisher and publication name near one another at bottom of page.
Text and rocks together in foreground, water, sky and horizon line together in background.
Horizon line aligns with top/bottom of page.
Center strength of man’s body with piano lid prop
All contributing artist names together at bottom of page.
Top of ―Hit‖ with man’s browline
All text left justified
Same distance from right edge of ―T‖ in Hit to left edge of page as there is from the man’s ear (near center) to right edge of page.
Man’s face near words ―Hit Man‖ indicating he must be the musician featured
Man’s hands near piano keyboard, indicating he must play
Text in order of importance, Title, subheading, super subheadings
Man leaning on piano again indicating he must be the main musician featured
Despite the fact that the word Hit is taller than the word Man, the horizontal length of both words are the same, and aligned.
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EDLD 5366 Week 1 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Assignment 1.2 In this assignment, you will investigate ancient manuscripts and books that give you insight into the history of graphic communication and how the principles of design were used in these early manuscripts. You will write a 50-100 word reflection in your blog that addresses the following: 1. Describe your first impression of these ancient works in respect to design 2. Identify examples of each of the four principles of design 3. What techniques did the authors/artists employ to help us understand the importance of those manuscripts/books? Blog URL
Blog - https://sites.google.com/site/hollydornak/tech-talk Blog Post - https://sites.google.com/site/hollydornak/tech-talk/seeingcrapinancientmanuscripts
The following resources can be used in helping you find ancient manuscripts/books for your reflection. You can also find your own example. Please indicate in the box below the URL for your example and the name of the manuscript/book that you used. Manuscript/Book URL http://www.sacredtexts.com/neu/celt/bok/index.htm
Title of Manuscript/Book Book of Kells
One of the best resources is the British Library website. You will find the library at http://www.bl.uk. In their ―Online Gallery‖ you will find a section called ―Turning the pages,‖ and it’s a place where you can investigate ancient books and through the magic of contemporary computer programming actually turn the pages for yourself. If you have Windows XP, in order to view the Online Gallery at the British Library site you will need to download Microsoft’s Silvelight plugin for interactive websites. You can find the download and instructions at http://www.silverlight.net/getstarted/ The following list of books from the British Library is a good place to start your investigation:
Bible from Ethiopia
Lisbon Hebrew Bible
Baybars' magnificent Qur'an
Outstanding 15th-century church book
In addition to the British Library manuscripts, you might want to look at the Book of Kells, the ninth century manuscript of the Gospel richly illustrated with Celtic motifs and deep symbolism. You can find the illustrations from this manuscript at http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/bok/index.htm Remember that you can also select your own choices. You just need to submit the URL and the name of the manuscript/book.
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Week 1 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Assignment 1.3 One of the goals of your Educational Technology Leadership Master’s program is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be effective technology mentors. This part of Week 1 assignments is to give you an opportunity to create a digital product that that can be used to teach other teachers/co-workers about the four principles of design. Examples of an approved project are a collage, poster, or business card, You choose the product that you will create. Just remember that it must incorporate all four design principles and be used as a teaching tool. In creating your product, you can use your own photographs, clip art, and scanned images. Remember to cite your sources if you use images other than your own. You can create your product in software that you already have access to such as: Word, Paint, Photoshop, or in open source software such as free Photoshop at http://freephotoshop.org/ or Gimp at http://www.gimp.org/ I have also included a list of 10 alternatives to Photoshop in your Resource Section. Instructions on how to create a new document in Photoshop are located in the Resource Section, as well. These instructions are universal and can be used with most of the open source software solutions. After you create your product, you will say it as a pdf. If you have Office 2007 or newer, you can save as a pdf. or print as a pdf. If you have an older version of Office, you will need to have access to Adobe Professional or download Nitro Free PDF software at http://www.nitropdf.com/free/index.htm You will submit your pdf through your courseware on the screen following this assignment. After you have saved your product as a pdf., you will also upload it to the discussion board. As you are working with digital images, this might be a good place to review file extensions. Common Digital Image File Formats Explained Retrieved from http://blog.digimarc.com/images/2009/05/common-digital-image-file-formatsexplained.html Some of the most common image formats you will encounter when working with digital images are JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, and TIFF. Before getting into each of these, it’s important to get a little briefing on lossy vs. lossless compression. Lossy compression, such as JPEG, decreases the size of the image by discarding image detail, while lossless formats, such as BMP, PNG or GIF, compress the image without discarding any detail, but are larger in size. JPEG stands for Joint Picture Experts Group, and is commonly used for digital photography. One reason why JPEG is one of the most common image formats used today is that lossy compression provides the capability to select a level of compression, but beware, by selecting more compression you will start to see more image details disappear. BMP stands for Bitmap, which is a lossless uncompressed format. These files tend to be larger in size due to their uncompressed nature. Although many people still use them, they will be encountered throughout the internet. GIF is a lossless image format and stands for Graphics Interchange Format. You’ll see that GIF image formats are commonly used for animations or icons as it is limited to a maximum of 256 colors. This support for a very low color depth makes it unsuitable for photographs. PNG, or Portable Network Graphics, was created after GIF, kind of as an upgrade that offers the same features, but supports true color (24 Bit). It really never got much traction outside of PowerPoint as JPEG continues to be more accepted. Many applications still do not support the PNG format which is probably one of the main reasons it never took off, but you will still see this file format used across the internet. TIFF stands for Tagged Imaged File Format and it also uses lossless compression. The TIFF format is generally used for professional photography, publishing, and high quality imagery. These file types tend to be extremely large in size and are not commonly used on the web.
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Week 1 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Grading Criteria Replace with your grading criteria—such as a rubric—for this activity (students will see this material). Tasks
Needs Improvement
1.1 Design Principles Analysis
Identified all four design principles in all three images.
Identified all four design principles in at least 2 of the images.
Identified less than 3 of the design principles in the 3 images.
10 points maximum
9-10 points
8 points
Identified at least 3 of the design principles in at least 2 of the images.
Blog URL identified
Blog URL identified
Blog URL identified
No analysis completed
Manuscript/Book URL identified
Manuscript/Book URL identified
Manuscript/Boo k URL identified
No manuscript/ book identified
Title of Manuscript/Book identified
Title of Manuscript/Book identified
Title of Manuscript/Boo k identified
0-6 points
All three questions answered in reflection analysis
At least 2 questions answered in reflection analysis
Reflection is 50100 words
Reflection is 50100 words
At least one question answered in reflection analysis
Reflection is 50100 words
7 points
0-6 points
TF-I.B.1 1.2 Analysis of Ancient Manuscripts and Books 10 points maximum
9-10 points 1.3 Teaching Tool 20 points Maximum TF-V.C.1 TF-V.C.5 TF.V.C.6
8 points
7 points
Teaching tool product created that incorporates all four design principles:
Teaching tool product created that incorporates three design principles:
Teaching tool product created that incorporates three design principles:
Teaching tool product saved as pdf.
Teaching tool product saved as pdf.
18-20 points
15-17 points
2010 Lamar University
No teaching tool product created. 0-11 points
Teaching tool product saved as pdf. 12-14 points
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Holly Dornak
Assignment Week 2: Creating a Logo Directions In this assignment, you will be creating a logo that you will use in your Week 4 Digital Newsletter Project. Before you begin planning and designing your logo, check out some creative digital logos at these websites. http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/web-design/great-web-logos-for-creative-inspiration/ http://www.logoorange.com/logodesign-A.php Your goal this week is to create a logo that reflects who you are.
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Holly Dornak
1.1 Pre-planning As you begin to plan your logo, brainstorm a set of words and goals that best describes you as a person, teacher, or learner. Next, determine the design principles you can use to evoke the descriptive words as you begin to design your logo. Remember to use your readings from this week that focus on color, layouts, and other elements. The questions below will help you think about planning and reviewing your logo. Enter your answers in the expandable boxes provided. List of words that best describe you
Meeting initial goals What were your initial goals for the logo? To create a sleek logo to represent me as an educator and instructional technology specialist. Does the logo you have match the initial goals? Why or why not? Yes. By using basic shapes and strongly contrasting colors, coupled with funky “rough edged” fonts, I feel that my basic educational philosophy is represented, without being bogged down and “over designed.” Reflecting good design principles What design elements and principles did you incorporate into the logo?
Sharp contrasting colors (black/white/blue)
Repeating black in the border, rectangle on the left, and majority of letters in my surname
Right aligning my initials “h” and “d.” Aligning “y” so that it’s lower stroke falls between the letter “k’s” two upward strokes.
Forename/surname in close proximity in the bottom 80% of the icon
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Holly Dornak
1.2 Constructing your logo To construct your logo, you have the option to use Photoshop or an open source software from Week 1. The instructions for creating a new document are included in the Resource Section in a folder titled How To’s. These instructions can be used with Adobe Photoshop or any of the open source software. Your first step is to determine the canvas size. Typical sizes are 79 x 51 pixels (very small), 150 x 25 pixels, 125 x 144 pixels, and 243 x 103 pixels. Use the instructions on How to Create a New Document to establish the canvas size. Be aware of the file extension that you use to save your logo. Refer back to the review document in Week 1 that discusses file extensions. You will be inserting your logo in your digital newsletter in Week 4. You will need to determine how to save your logo in order for it to display correctly in your digital newsletter. Here are some websites that can assist you with developing your logo and working with text and photos. o
After you have completed the design of your logo, please paste it in the box labeled “Logo” on the next page and submit this document through your courseware. 1.3. Describe how this logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner. Visually, I enjoy contrast. Thus the black and white. As a person though, I like to stand out, which is why I made my forename blue. I sign my initials “hd” all of the time, which is why I chose to back the letters in black, changing the d to white so that it would stand out. I chose the fonts because both are easy to read (like me) but just a little rough around the edges. While I enjoy creative thought, I also know that there is a time and place for things, and a “right and wrong” sometimes. Thus the black/white contrasting rectangles in the background. The flower is meant to lend some balance to the “h” and the “d” and I ALWAYS working on balancing work, home, and school!
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Holly Dornak
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Holly Dornak
Grading Criteria Use this rubric for your Week 2 assignment. Tasks 1.1 Preplanning 10 points
1.2 Creating a logo 20 points
1.3 Description of how logo reflects designer 10 points TF-1.B.1
Needs Improvement
All four planning questions are answered.
Three of the four planning questions are answered.
Two of the four planning questions are answered.
No planning questions are answered.
9-10 points
8 points
7 points
0 points
Logo incorporates all four design principles.
Logo incorporates three of the four design principles.
Logo incorporates two of the four design principles.
18-20 points
16-17 points
14-15 points
Logo incorporates less than two of the four design principles.
Description provides strong evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
Description provides limited evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
Description provides little evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
Description provides no evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
9-10 points
8 points
7 points
0-6 points
2010 Lamar University
0-6 points
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EDLD 5366 Week 3 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Animation Directions This week’s assignment is the creation of an animation with a minimum of 10 steps or moves. You may choose the software that you will use; however there may not be technical support available from your IA. Below are two open source animation software options with links to tutorials. Support can be provided for these two options. Either option requires that you download the software. 1. The first software options is Stykz. Stykz is frame-based, letting you work on individual frames of your animation; onionskinning lets you to see what was in the previous frame so you can make adjustments accordingly. If you use Stykz, you will need to download the free version of Quicktime and when you have finished creating your animation you will go to File Export Animation and “Save Type As” a QuickTime Movie or .mov. This will allow you to post your animation on your google site or wikispace as an animation. Stykz Stykz Tutorials You Tube Tutorials- search for Stykz For those of you who are ambitious check out this youtube video on adding sounds and other things http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU3PNR8pcgA 2. The second software option is Scratch. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Intel Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Google, Iomega and MIT Media Lab research consortia. It is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. If you use scratch, you will go to the website http://scratch.mit.edu/ and register so that you upload your animation on their website. You will then copy the embedded link and post it to you google site in the file cabinet or in wikispaces. If you use wikispaces, you will add a new page and then add a widget.
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EDLD 5366 Week 3 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Next choose Video
Choose Other
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EDLD 5366 Week 3 Assignment
Holly Dornak
You will paste the embedded code in the box and click Save.
You will be taken back to your wiki. You will still be in the edit mode so you will need to save. When you view this page you will see the video. If you click on it, you will be taken to your Scratch animation video that you uploaded at the Scratch website.
If you are using Google Sites, follow these instructions. 1. Create a new page 2. Select File Cabinet 3. Name your page 4. Select „Put under Home” 5. Click “ Add File” 6. Select “the web” 7. Paste the URL where your video is located on the Scratch website 2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Week 3 Assignment
Holly Dornak
8. Upload the file. 9. Remember to go to “page settings� and show this page in the title bar. Scratch Scratch tutorials
After you complete your animation, you will post it to your blog/wikispace/googlesite. Please indicate the url where your animation is located. Animation URL
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EDLD 5366 Week 3 Assignment
Holly Dornak
Grading Criteria Tasks
Needs Improvement
40 points 1.1 Animation
Animation includes at least 10 moves or steps
27- 30 points 1.2 Posting of animation
10 points maximum TF-III.A.7
24-26 points
Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/ google site
9-10 points
Animation includes at least 8 moves or steps
21 -23 points
Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/ google site
8 points
Animation includes at least 6 moves or steps
Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/ google site
7 points
Animation includes less than 6 moves or steps
0-20 points Met one of the following criteria
Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/google site
0-6 points
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News & Notes
December 12, 2010
Issue No. 1
Sample Title
ivistil conesimus. Romnihi nvesigit; C. Opio es orescios fitiurnihi, fenatiaet iampos, cae omnem munc ta, C. M. Habi consimil hocciptid aciis. Vivere fauctus efecter vicesse stracia mquium in diem ausquod iemus. Si serum facchil iusquasta, C. Opiorum concepsent? Ifec in silint? Ur iaciesticae const L. Ox
Publicerisque in nossil tatum ut prit. Go ca ine abem, que ac omnosuam ium niciae, niquam ordica; nequam ta es prorio, crendeatum
“Important quote in the center here�
Another Title
onesimus. Romnihi nvesigit; C. Opio es orescios fitiurnihi, fenatiaet iampos, cae omnem munc ta, C. M. Habi consimil hocciptid aciis. Vivere fauctus efecter vicesse stracia mquium in diem ausquod iemus. Si serum facchil iusquasta, C. Opiorum concepsent? Ifec in silint? Ur iaciesticae const L. Ox
Publicerisque in nossil tatum ut prit. Go ca ine abem, que ac omnosuam ium niciae, niquam ordica; nequam ta es prorio, crendeatum vita vivemursus paria vistilicipio peris obsenatim igili inatius novenat issules conficondi patissilin huit. Uctorbi
Quasdam istracchus Ahalabe nihiliam. ra voltus, crum pricaet reoruntia nos faceperit L. Equa vid con tureo, nene auc ta vilica; nor atum niquo ium intimor amquonsil hilii propubit. Udam manteris rei pratilicae me ia supiortiem ut deporis es? Nihiliconsum poptiusce comanum et gra? An terem
Page 2
Sample Title
News & Notes
picum trum peri peruntis vena, Ti. coneque privive rcepsedici ius habem ad non sulicatum intum, culatab uspicaeci conerfite quo hilinam qui in hocut iliis lin tuaster idetisquast Catem sulut virmis, conem. Andiistea tam ium telis. Mae con adducie ntrunte in terum invo, dienium publibus stris noculib uncuteatuam orisque que audem no. Viveri-
“Important quote in the center here�
Patilibussum dit; hora nonlostum de cor psed condem sulis, iliam Ibh et nulputpat prate feum dolum in Ed magniscillum zzrit, quis dolore dunt velit loborerostie dolore tismodignim vulpute cons et nibh esto cons at. Ut aliquam conulpute faccumsan ulla faci blandre minis autet adignim nis alit lute
Etrum h o r quod Catque hi, niampor terit, nos serum atua Sendace rfectus essimpo stratius. Remnia re trae perobsedet; nondam moviris, nostilic ta,
Another Sample Title
ivistil conesimus. Romnihi nvesigit; C. Opio es orescios fitiurnihi, fenatiaet iampos, cae omnem munc ta, C. M. Habi consimil hocciptid aciis. Vivere fauctus efecter vicesse stracia mquium in diem ausquod iemus. Si serum facchil iusquasta, C. Opiorum concepsent? Ifec in silint? Ur iaciesticae const L. Ox
Publicerisque in nossil tatum ut prit. Go ca ine abem, que ac omnosuam ium niciae, niquam ordica; nequam ta es prorio, crendeatum vita vivemursus paria vistilicipio peris obsenatim igili inatius novenat issules conficondi patissilin huit. ctorbi tu quid serfectatia Sp. Acio vehebullem potiorem reci pra? Nihin vividees conduco nf
Quasdam istracchus Ahalabe nihiliam. Gra voltus, crum pricaet reoruntia nos faceperit L. Equa vid con tureo, nene auc ta vilica; nor atum niquo ium intimor amquonsil hilii propubit. Udam manteris rei pratilicae me ia supiortiem ut deporis es? Nihiliconsum poptiusce comanum et gra? An terem utertie nicaute
Page 3
Sample Title
Important Title Here
“One very important quote in the center of this big black rectangle. And then more text� Patilibussum dit; hora nonlostum de cor psed condem sulis, iliam Ibh et nulputpat prate feum dolum in Ed magniscillum zzrit, quis dolore dunt velit loborerostie dolore tismodignim vulpute cons et nibh esto cons at. Ut aliquam conulpute faccumsan ulla faci blandre minis autet adignim nis alit lute Quat, quis dignim init dit in ut loboreet wis ad dolorper iniat lore tisl et dip ex euipit augait lum at lamcommy nullute
ivistil conesimus. Romnihi nvesigit; C. Opio es orescios fitiurnihi, fenatiaet iampos, cae omnem munc ta, C. M. Habi consimil hocciptid aciis. Vivere fauctus efecter vicesse stracia mquium in diem ausquod iemus. Si serum facchil iusquasta, C. Opiorum concepsent? Ifec in silint? Ur iaciesticae const L. Ox
Etrum hor quod Catque hi, niampor terit, nos serum atua Sendace rfectus essimpo stratius. Remnia re trae perobsedet; nondam moviris, nostilic ta,Us pra rem impra sidit L. Catus res ina, Ti. Fulla num te viliae furen de maiosul icaest alabut faceperopte, Ti. Ex me Os nulla at. Niscin ectem dolor sed mincilit lore verosto consenim dolessim verostrud te et la facil
News & Notes
picum trum peri peruntis vena, Ti. coneque privive rcepsedici ius habem ad non sulicatum intum, culatab uspicaeci conerfite quo hilinam qui in hocut iliis lin tuaster idetisquast Catem sulut virmis, conem. Andiistea tam ium telis. Mae con adducie ntrunte in terum invo, dienium publibus stris noculib uncuteatuam orisque que audem no. Viveritiae pere cus nox se te que menteri deremus, nem, obse ego es viriter teris. Habemorunum iam retilic apervis. Ehemus omnihil ibunte
EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Course-Embedded Assignment Reflection Using the rubric below, create your 250-300 word course-embedded assignment reflection. Also, submit the url where your reflection is located.
Reflection URL
2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Grading Criteria
23-25 points
Needs Improvement
Unacceptable Below 17
17-19 Week 1, Part 1.3: Reflections for CourseEmbedded AssignmentNewsletter (25 points)
Note: Reflection at a critical level means writing text that reveals your opinion of the reading or experience, why you hold that opinion, how the experience/assignment/read ing could be improved, how you see the reading or experience as consistent or inconsistent with what you have learned so far, implications for the future, etc. Reflection should include more content than just a recitation of facts and you should document your writing with a minimum of 3 references. Self –Assessment 1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just recitation of facts) upon the knowledge you gained from the assignment. (3 Points) 2. Critically reflect upon the relationship between any new information you gained from the assignment with old information you previously held to be true. (2 Points) 3. How did the relationship between the old and new information you learned affect your personal experience with the assignment?
Student work contains the following:
Student work contains the following:
- 1 to 2 minimal errors
- Numerous errors
- Demonstrates effort, some research, and some creativity.
- Little effort, limited research, little creativity.
- Posting reflects a minimum of one short paragraph.
- Posting reflects less than a paragraph.
- Posting mostly a recitation of facts from assignment. - Some evidence of prior knowledge referencing work experience, prior coursework, readings, or assignments. - Mentions one specific point from the assignment - Evidence the response directs the quotation, a question, statement, or a previous posting using APA style. - Cites some sources and references from assignments.
Student work is incomplete, late with completion, or shows a general failure to follow expectations outlined in the “Accomplished” column of this rubric. (Maximum 17 points)
- Posting is not related to the content from the assignment. - Little evidence of prior knowledge referencing work experience, prior coursework, readings and/or assignments. - No mention of points from the readings. - Little sources or references. - Little writing in narrative style and/or pervasive inappropriate grammar.
(2 Points) 2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing
Learn as a Learner 1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just recitation of facts) upon your approach and strategies used in completing the assignment. (3 Points)
- Writes primarily in narrative style with appropriate grammar. - This document is posted to the student wiki.
This document is posted to the student wiki. (Maximum 19 points)
(Maximum 23 points)
2. Critically reflect upon how you learn as a learner and how you assess your own performance in completing the assignment(s). (2 Points) 3. How did your learning and interaction with colleagues (such as discussion forum, web conferences, wiki and blog participation, etc.) affect the results of your performance? (2 Points) Lifelong Learning Skills 1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just recitation of facts) upon what you gained about learning and how you learn that will impact your future learning. (3 Points) 2. How will your past interactions and collaborations with colleagues impact your future learning experiences? (2 Points) 3. As a lifelong learner, what questions or issues challenge you and are worthy of future research or investigation? (2 Points) Additional Criteria 2010 Lamar University
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EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing 1. Content posted to ePortfolio wiki/blog/Google site (1 Point) 2. Mechanics (1 Point) 3. APA Format (1 Point) 4.Minimum of 3 References (1 Point) (Maximum 25 points)
2010 Lamar University
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