Aldersgate April Newsletter 2012

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Aldersgate Experience

In this issue:

Pastor’s Message Connecting Wednesday Dinner Birthdays Thank you KNOWING Summer Sunday School Wednesday Night Studies Vacation Bible School Wisdom & Grace Event LOVING Sunday Worship Men’s Event “Rewired” Music Notes UTH Updates Wednesday Afternoon Prayer Service Weekday School Ministries Love Your Neighbor CONDUIT IHN GROWING Trustees Corner Construction Update Financials April Acolytes, Altar Guild & Nursery Schedules April Lay Schedule

Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing 3 3 4

April 2012

4 5 6 6

7 7 8-9 10 10 10 11 12 12

13 13 14 15 15 15 15

Beginning on April 24th delegates from every United Methodist Conference around the world will join together in Tampa, Florida to make decisions about the United Methodist Church. This gathering, which takes place every four years, is called General Conference. Some important changes are being proposed. Some will pass, and some will not. But I hope you will join with me in bathing the Conference in prayer from April 24th-May 4th. For more information about some of the proposals that will be debated at General Conference go to the official United Methodist Church website, which is One of the things that every church in the denomination is being asked to do in anticipation of General Conference is to make goals for the next four years. These goals came as a response to the 2010 Call to Action Report, which you can also find on The United Methodist Church is working at “developing existing churches and starting new vital congregations so that we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Vital Congregations Planning Guide, p. 3) A study that reviewed the statistics of 33,000 churches found that nearly 5,000 over a five-year period were growing and engaging a greater percentage of their membership in worship and ministry.

They were engaging disciples in worship, in making new disciples, in growing their faith, and in giving generously. It was not only that these things were occurring; but they were evident at a significantly higher rate than in other churches and the vital congregations – no matter what their size, location, or ethnicity – demonstrated growth over a period of several years. So, we are being asked to measure those areas in bold above. “The entire denomination is being invited to redirect the flow of attention, energy, and resources to an intense concentration on fostering and sustaining an increase in the number of vital congregations effective in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Call to Action Report, p. 14.)

Over the next four years, and perhaps beyond, we will be looking intently at the following five statistics: 1) Average Worship Attendance 2) Professions of Faith 3) Small Groups 4) Members in Mission 5) Dollars Given to Mission Every church in the entire denomination has been asked to set goals for these areas and keep track of the numbers for the next four years. Obviously, we won’t simply create a set of numbers and hope we meet the goals. Instead, we will have to be intentional in making plans to achieve these goals. I often hear people complain about tracking numbers; but in reality, we are tracking people.

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The numbers represent you, me, your family members, your friends, the people worshipping with you, studying with you, and engaging in mission work with you. It also might begin to represent people who have not yet joined Aldersgate; but just might in the future because they are attracted to what we are doing in the world for the sake of the Gospel.

“Are we helping others in Jesus name? Are we being generous? Are we making a difference in the community and the world around us? " Pastor Doug Lain

On Monday, March 26th the Administrative Board took time to discuss these goals. We looked at past trends in our church, and demographic trends for our area. We discussed things that seem to be helping our church grow, as well as things that may be hindering our growth. And, in some cases we decided we needed more information before making a good decision. I won’t bore you with a long list of statistics; but I would like to share some of the highlights that came out of the meeting. For instance, Aldersgate’s average combined Sunday worship attendance for the year 2011 was 340 people per Sunday. We believe with God’s help that we can increase that average to 380 by the year 2015. That is nearly a 12% growth. Meanwhile, the 27712 zip code where Aldersgate is located is only supposed to grow by 6% from 2010-2015; so 12% is pretty aggressive. Are we bearing fruit for the kingdom? Over the last 4 years 44 people made a profession of faith for the first time at Aldersgate. Considering that 60% of the churches in our conference fail to receive even one new member on profession of faith each year our 44 over four years looks pretty good. But, again, we’d like to set our sights higher. If it be God’s will, with His help, we’d like to see at least 52 people become members by profession of faith over the next 4 years. That’s an 18% increase over the previous four years. Clearly, that means we will have to step up our evangelical efforts to the community around us. The United Methodist Church has determined that a common characteristic of vital congregations is the use of small groups as an important tool in helping disciples grow in their faith.

A small group might be a Sunday School class, Youth Group, Handbell Choir, or even a Mission Team that prepares and works together for months before taking the trip. It might be a group of people who meet for intentional spiritual formation in the middle of the week or away from the church campus. Some will be short-term and others will last for years. Obviously, there’s a lot of variety of groups. We had 22 such groups in 2010. With last year’s push to include classes on Wednesday nights, we accelerated the number to 38. Now that we’re beginning to create Covenant Groups and Journey Groups on top of our existing number of small groups we don’t see why we can’t have at least 50 small groups by the end of this year. The two other numbers we are supposed to track include the number of Members in Mission and the amount of Dollars Given to Missions. Are we helping others in Jesus’ name? Are we being generous? Are we making a difference in the community and the world around us? We quickly saw this was going to take some extra work to track so these numbers are still forthcoming. While I believe we do more mission work than any church our size; I believe we will still want to increase our efforts in these areas, and find ways for EVERY member to be involved in some mission project sponsored by the church. So, these are some of the goals we will be working to attain. While the impetus came from the denomination at large, I believe that it will be good for us to have some set goals that we are trying to reach. It will be one way to help us see where we are making a difference, and if there are areas that might need more attention. I invite you to be in prayer for our church that we might all be faithful to the call that God has placed on us as individuals and together as a community. In Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Doug

Aldersgate Experience

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CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another) 5:30pm each Wednesday the Family Life Center Connecting Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal.

April 4th April 11th April 18th April 25th

No WNL No WNL Meatloaf, 2 veggies, dessert Baked ham, Au gratin potatoes, carrots/peas, bread, dessert Haiti Mission Team Fundraiser

April Birthdays Debbie Hurley Michael Siler Anthony Siler Jim Wood Richard Kreiselman Ginger Hill Sherri Nevius Allen Shaver Dell Jackson Matt McCorison Liz Crose Evelyn Miller Hugh Osteen Judy Compton Alice Osteen Susan McLean Bethany Taylor David Brown Alice Osteen Jennifer Upchurch Marty Griffin Lindsey Reeves April Twine Mike Fogle Alissa Smith Jerry Veasey

04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/02 04/02 04/03 04/04 04/04 04/04 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/06 04/08 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/11 04/11 04/13 04/13 04/13 04/14 04/14 04/14

Jane Korest Michael Crutchfield Logan Hill Sharon MacLaurin Neil Rosemond Ginger Low Lori Westbrook Ann Collins Alan Matthews Jackie Roberts Eddy Shipman John Slater Susan Brewer Kelly Hammer Iva Hilton Roy Lightner Lindsey Clark Anna Holland Johnny McAllister Thomas McAllister Martha Gurganus Beth Ormond Paul Whitaker Mitch Adkins Bill Smith

04/16 04/17 04/17 04/20 04/20 04/21 04/21 04/23 04/23 04/23 04/24 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/29 04/30

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Thank You for Feeding the Angels Basketball Teams Again, servant-hearted members of Aldersgate rose to the occasion to help feed participants of the Angels Basketball and Life Skills program. Four of the six teams practice in the FLC on Monday and Friday nights from January thru early March. This is a ministry of approximately 80 young people and 20 adult coaches and drivers, led by “Coach” Bryan Umstead of Mt. Level Missionary Baptist Church. In addition to the use of the FLC for practices, Aldersgate also gives support by providing suppers for the teams, coaches and parent volunteers. The Iron Men Class and United Methodist Men prepared and served hot dogs with all the trimmings for approximately 66 people. Also combining talents and taking a turn were members of the Serendipity Class and the CSI (Christ Scene Investigators) Class. Bill Paynter of the Durham Pizza Restaurant graciously offered to provide pizza for everyone, but his night was cancelled due to inclement weather. Many, many thanks to all of you for stepping forward to interact with these young people and support this ministry. Coordinating these meals is a breeze because all of you are so joyfully willing to help and are so generous with your time and talents. “Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place!” Peggy Allen


(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world)

Summer Sunday School “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

Thanks to our teachers of our Childrens’ Sunday School program for working so very hard throughout the year. They really need some time off during the summer to recharge! We are looking for teachers and assistants to help with 2/3’s, 4’s &K, 1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th. All materials needed for teaching will be put together and provided for you. Please contact: Lee King and after April 15th contact Linda Jones if you can help.

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Wednesday Night Studies April 18-May 9 at 6:30pm

Christianity and World Religions “As Christians, we should build bridges with others so that we might grow in our faith, seek peace in our world, love our neighbor, and find positive ways to share the gospel‌" Rev. Adam Hamilton

We live in a diverse and changing world. Around the globe and in our own neighborhoods, we live and work with people of other faiths. What do they believe? How, as Christians, should we respond to them? How can we learn about their faiths and share our own faith with respect, building bridges of mutual understanding? Doug Lain will lead the four-week study that will explore Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism with sensitivity and respect, always seeking to discern God's truth and grace for us. The study is based on a video series by Adam Hamilton, pastor of the Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.

The Bible from Scratch: The New Testament for Beginners

Have you been invited to attend a Bible study group and you thought of many reasons not to go because you were sure you would feel out of place?

Have you been in conversation with someone who quotes so many Bible verses that you feel embarrassed about how little you know about the Bible? Were you ever in a Bible study group when the leader instructed the class members to look up a Bible passage and you weren't quite sure how to do it? Have you been invited to attend a Bible study group and you thought of many reasons not to go because you were sure you would feel out of place? If you answered yes to any or all the above questions, this is the place to be! We will focus on how to use our Bibles and look at the overall themes in the New Testament. If you are new to Bible study or just need a refresher course, come be a part of the class. The Bible From Scratch will be led by Dale and Betty Wickham and Jane Brannock. It is based on the book The Bible from Scratch by Donald L. Griggs.

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Vacation Bible School - June 18th - 22nd "Save those bottles!! It's VBS planning time and we need your help! Please save all your CLEAR 2 liter plastic bottles and put them in the box labeled "VBS 2012" under the table outside the church office. Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Kids journey miles below the water’s surface into God’s Word to find what true faith is all about.

Let's dive in! ....."Operation Overboard" “Dare to go deep with God! ” June 18th-22nd - 6:00-8:00pm Dinner from 5:00 - 6:00pm - age: 3 - adults (nursery provided for under 3) WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL MEMORY FROM WHEN YOU WERE GROWING UP ? Send it to: or 919-768-0286. Volunteers are needed - If you can help VBS, please contact: or 919-768-0286.

2012 Festival of Wisdom and Grace From Transition to Transformation All older adults are invited to the annual gathering at Lake Junaluska from July 13th to August 2nd. There is nothing more fun and uplifting than joining with many others from the states in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church at the beautiful conference center in the mountains. This 2012 Festival of Wisdom and Grace is entitled “Transition to Transformation”. Workshops are geared around practical issues as well as spiritual issues. Speakers include Bishop William Morris, Marvin Cropsey, and Jane Thibault. Early Registration: $75 (Before June 1st) Regular Registration: $90 (after June 1st) Lodging reservations can be made by calling 1-800-222-4930 or click on : For more information, contact Burton King - 477-5245 Now that we have a bus, let’s fill it up with us older adults!

From Transition to Transformation

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(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)

Sunday Morning Worship ONE WORSHIP SERVICE April 29th 10:30am

Sunday Morning Worship 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Aldersgate Sanctuary - EXCEPT: APRIL 29th FIFTH SUNDAY 10:30AM - The Family Life Center - Sunday School - 9:30am April 1st April 8th April 15th April 22nd April 29th

OT: Psalm 31 NT: Mark 14:43-64 “Is There Hope in Pain?” OT: Isaiah 25:6-9 NT: Mark 16:1-8 “The Eternal Hope is a Present Hope" Message by Rob Tucker OT: Psalm 5 NT: Luke 24:36b-48 "The Evidence is Overwhelming" 5th Sunday—10:30am—ONE Service Family Life Center - Sunday School - 9:30am

“Rewired" “Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name.” Psalm 142:6

“True Christianity is NOT about “acting good.”

Men, have you been striving to be “good" enough? Men often get caught in the performance trap, but good news….You can escape your own and others’ expectations. You don’t have to live a life of obligation, quiet frustration and futility. True Christianity is NOT about “acting good.” God offers more than behavior modification. He offers heart transformation! God will rewire your heart to build a passionate faith. We are calling all men to “Rewire.” Please join the men of the NCCUMM for this life changing event. Sessions Included: “From Performance to Grace" ;“From Self-sufficiency to Faith"; “From idols to Spirit & Truths "and “Rewired for Biblical Manhood" This event will be held:

Saturday, April 21st 9:30am - 3:30pm Cost: $40.00 (includes lunch) 3MC (Methodist Men’s Ministry Center) 676 Community Dr. - Goldsboro, N.C. For more information or to register, please contact: Paul Wilson (919) 5992159 or visit:

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Contact: Music Minister, Rev. Nan de Andrade (477-0509 x116) OPPORTUNITY FOR FREE MUSIC LESSONS! What: A six-week class on Beginning Handbells Content: Ringing techniques, note and rhythm reading basics, ringing together Fifth-Sunday, April 29th: Children’s Sabbath

For: Children in 2nd through 5th grade When: Sundays from 5:15-6:00pm Dates: April 15th through May 13th Class size is limited to seven children. If your child is interested, please email Nan to register!

An extra-special addition this year will include some of our Weekday preschoolers sharing the scripture with drama and song, special Bible Belt award presentations for our Sunday school Bible scholars, and leadership from the Youth praise team and choir! So, put on your Sunday-best smiles and come and worship…like a child! Joint District Choir Opportunity On the evening of Sunday, June 3rd, “An Evening of Praise” will join choirs from all over the Durham District in a service of worship through music. We’ll be rehearsing our anthems here, as well as joining in a couple of joint rehearsals prior to the big day. If you want to help us make a joyful noise, now is a great time to join the Chancel choir to participate in this “musical mountaintop” experience. We hope that everyone will make note on their calendars and plan to attend! Organ Recital

Fifth-Sunday, April 29th: Children’s Sabbath Are You Holier Than a Fifth-grader? Jesus seemed to be saying, “Maybe not!” But, WHAT IF... we all came to worship, like Jesus said… like CHILDREN? We’re going to have a chance to experience that on our next Fifth-Sunday, April 29th! It is time for our annual celebration we call “Children’s Sabbath” and this year’s service will be uniquely geared, not just to having our children lead in worship (which they will), but also for an entire service which will be energetic, creative, experiential, …dare we say, “fun?”

Our very own Mila Karamushka is planning to present her Graduate Recital program on Friday, April 20th at 7:00pm in Winston Salem, at the Crawford Hall at UNC School of the Arts. Some of you may not know that as well as serving as our Organist/Accompanist for the past three years, Mila has been a graduate student, in the rigorous Master of Arts in Organ Performance program, studying under Kenan Professor of organ, Dr. Timothy Olson. She was honored to be their 2011 Merit Scholar. If you would like to attend this special culmination of her studies (which will certainly be awesome!) please let Nan know, and we’ll plan to travel together. The program is a variety of classical organ masterworks, and will be performed on UNCSA’s magnificent Sarah Graham Kenan Organ, designed by Charles Fisk.

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Aldersgate Experience

We’re not just making music here – we’re a MINISTRY WITH A MISSION! Join us for an opportunity to help fulfill your purpose and mission as a Disciple of Jesus Christ! CONNECTING with God through music; and with a special group of believers who also love to praise the Lord.

“We’re not just making music here – we’re a MINISTRY WITH A MISSION! " Rev. Nan de Andrade

KNOWING more about God as we spend time singing His Word; and about others and the world through studying inspiring texts complemented by beautiful, memorable music. LOVING God as our worship is deepened by music, “the soul’s own speech”; and loving others as you serve together in worship leadership. GROWING as the Holy Spirit speaks in and through us through music; and as a church as we share our talents with the congregation. Here’s our rehearsals schedule. Chancel Choir (Adults, older youth welcome!): Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm Children’s Choirs (Three graded choirs): 6:15-7:30pm Handbells: Joyful Noise Ringers (Adult/ youth) - Tuesdays, 7:30 – 9:00pm (note: April 3rd, rehearsal moved to Wed. April 4th at 6:30pm) Jingle Bells (New Beginner group): Sundays 5:15-6:00pm - will begin April 15th.

Youth Choir (6th-12th graders): Sundays 4-5 pm (April 15th, 22nd, 29th) Praise Team (Singers, instrumentalists for praise band): Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm Gospel Lights (old-time gospel/ bluegrass JAM): THIRD Mondays at 7:00pm (April 16th) Sweet Sounds (Dulcimer Group) – 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11:00am (contact Nan if interested) Technology Team - If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 praise team) and prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall.

Kudos & Kongrats ! To our WNL for Kids children for a job-well-done in their recent performances of The Tale of the Three Trees. Your message of how God uses everyone for a special purpose in sharing God’s love and the gospel was both received and lived out in your beautiful presentation! Special thanks and blessing to our leaders, Heidi Miller and Wendie Anderson, and for “Ms. Van” and Robin Thomas for their enrichment as well.

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Alabama Mission Trip: June 10th –16th - High School Only - Register by April 8th Disaster Relief, Worship, Water Park and more! Cost: $302.00

• Summer Breakaway: June 18th-23rd - Louisburg College - Youth in Grades 6-12 -Growth Groups, Concert, Dance, Talent Show, and Recreation. Register By: ASAP– Fee $25. Total Cost: $225. • Appalachian Trail Hike: June 23rd-30th - For Youth in Grades 9-12th Hiking Trip, Campfires and Campsites. Must have own backpack & gear. Register By: May 18th- Fee $25. Total Cost: $150 • Annual Conference Session: July 16th-21st - Methodist University Youth in Grades 9-12th - Worship, Growth Groups, Legislative Affairs, Recreational Activities. Register By: June 25th - Fee $25. Total Cost: $250 (AUMC will be helping you pay for this. Contact Rob for more details!) • SLAM Week: (Formerly SERVEdurham) July 30th-August 4th Durham/Raleigh Youth in Grades 7-12th - Local Mission Trip in Durham/ Raleigh with Worship Band, Speakers, Breakout Groups, Activities. Register By: April 14th– Fee $50. Total Cost: $150.

Wednesday Afternoon Prayer Service - New Time We are taking two weeks off from Wednesday Night Live - April 4th and 11th. We will resume on April 18th with the prayer service beginning at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. The prayer service will continue through May 16th.

Aldersgate Weekday Ministries is now enrolling for Preschool and Elementary Summer Camps Elementary Camps - 7:30am-6:00pm Monday – Friday $170 for the week June 11-15th Missions Focus June 18-22nd Ocean June 25-29ht Olympics July 9-13th Music & Drama

Preschool Camps - 9:00am-12:00 Monday – Friday $100 for the week July 23-27th Pirates & Princesses July 30-Aug. 3rd Things that grow Aug. 6-10th At the pond

Registra/on forms are available in the school office and on our website. Please call 479-8686 or email Evelyn at with any ques/ons.

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Aldersgate Experience

Loving Our Neighbor Through Service For her birthday she decided she did not want presents, she wanted to do something good for someone else. So to celebrate her 10th birthday, Brynne Clayton decided to collect new or gently used books from her friends and send them to the children in Jamaica with the Aldersgate Jamaica Mission team. Little did she know that she would have a full duffel bag to send. She sent a letter with her name and address to the people in Yallahs along with her blessings and the love of God in hopes that they would write her back. The team left in February with Brynne’s duffel bag. The mission team leader, Stacey McCorison received pictures and an email from people of Yallahs to give to Brynne. They wanted Brynne to know where the books were distributed and how much it meant to everyone. Below is the email. “Hi Stacey. I hope you are all ok. These two pictures were taken at children's fellowship meeting and these are some of the children who received the books. There are other children who received them also but “And said, “Truly, I are not a part of the children's fellowship at the church. We still have say to you, unless some to give to others in the community. Please show the pictures to you turn and beBrynne and say many thanks. Nicole is to the far right bottom row with come like children, you will never enter one of the twins. Every blessing to all. Jane.” the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3

The 2012 Jamaica Mission Team told Brynne: “It's amazing what our children can do for the love of God. Brynne, you have no idea the impact you have made on these children's lives in Jamaica! Thanks Brynne for your generosity and love, The 2012 Jamaica Mission Team” Brynne is the daughter of Kevin and April Clayton and the granddaughter of Raye Lyndon.

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Durham IHN Durham IHN is looking for individuals who have a heart for homeless families with children, and may want to help in other ways than our traditional service of supplying meals, staying overnight, providing transportation, etc. They are looking for people to help provide leadership within the organization by serving on board committees in the following areas:

IHN is looking for people to help provide leadership within the organization by serving on board committees.

Congregation relations (includes volunteer education and recruitment of new congregations) Facilities (includes upkeep, maintenance planning, and future facility selection) Marketing and communications (all inclusive such as branding, web, Facebook, newsletters) Events (annual gala and all other IHN fund raising events) Grants (researching appropriate grants to apply for and helping to draft) Annual Fund (includes all fundraising except events and grants) Each committee would be chaired by a board member; however other committee members would not need to attend board meetings. Time commitment would be seasonal but would normally be 2-5 hours per month. The committees are starting to form NOW as we plan a fundraising campaign along with plans to expand our capacity to serve more families, so please contact Catherine Pleil, Durham IHN Executive Director if interested in participating, (919) 682-2846 or .

CONDUIT News The YMCA tutoring program provides academic assistance through homework help and tutoring and offers life enrichment skills. Student development will be tracked through close contact with each participant's school to ensure academic success.

The YMCA asked the CONDUIT churches to take turns hosting a fun, educational “Field Trip” for the after-school Oxford Manor Community Learning Center. About 30 of the kids we tutor will be coming to the FLC gym on May 10th from around 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The Children’s Christian Formation Team is excited about planning a VBS-type of program for these kindergarten through fifth-grade children. If you would like to join in the fun, contact Lee King at 477-5245.

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(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.)

The FLC has been steamed cleaned and a new vacuum purchased. Please help keep the floor clean by picking up food or cleaning up spills your family or group makes. We are going to steam clean the carpet more this year to try to keep the carpet in the gym cleaner. We have listened to your comments and decided to do something about it! We have purchased and will be replacing the toilet paper dispensers in all the restrooms throughout the facility. Hopefully these dispensers will be easier to use than the last ones that were in the restrooms. The Bus is here! The Trustees are hard at work putting the final touches on the Bus Policy developed by the Transportation Committee led by Joe Clark. David Anderson will be our Bus Administrator that will oversee all requests for bus use, scheduling, drivers availability and collection of fees for use of the bus. We are looking for people who would like to be bus drivers. This would require a person to be at 25 years of age and have one of the following, Class C license with a passenger Endorsement or a Class D license for the 20 person capacity bus.

Aldersgate Phase I - March Construction Update •

The site work contractor, Mid-Atlantic Infrastructure Systems, Inc. (MIS) installed tree protection fencing for those trees to be saved, (orange fence) tree clearing, utility layout, some landscaping (tree planting).

Official permits were obtained to begin land disturbance (digging) and we should see this begin the week of March 26th

Final drawings have been completed for the Columbarium, Picnic shelter, FLC 2nd floor renovations and elevator. We will be soliciting bids for this work in the next two weeks. Clearing for the Ministry Activities Field

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$ from Goal

% of Goal



Budgeted Goal




Pledged Goal




April Acolyte Schedule

Nursery Schedule

8:15 am Worship Service 4/1 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/29

Abi Lowans/Matthew Johnson Grace Vincent Ella Thomas Rebecca Johnson 5th Sunday - 10:30am

8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant

11:00 am Worship Service 4/1 4/8 4/15 4/29 4/29

Janae Andrews/Olivia Lain Reid Moser Hannah Fogle Mackenzie Hale 10:30am 5th Sunday - McKenna Colgan

Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong Wednesday Night Activities: Dee Stover & Lynn Wilfong

Altar Guild April Judy Alford, Susan Parham, Rose Smith, Susie Medlin

Trustee for March Laurie Leeson

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8:15am Worship Service Ushers

Lay Readers


Mitch Adkins (o) Jeff Sturkey (m)

Jackie Roberts/Mary Tom Roberts Joe & Lisa Clark

Curtis Gay


Kaye Harris (m) Norma Roberts (o)

Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon

Jane Bahor


Raye Lyndon (o) Pat Stancil (m)

Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Carole & Doug Morris

Judy Alford


Sharon MacLaurin (o) Richard Riggsbee (m)

Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown Joe & Lisa Clark

Burton King

9:30am Worship Service 4/1 4/8 4/15 4/22

April Perry Betty/Dale Wickham Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield

Betty/Dale Wickham Gene Bell/Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Andrea Stewart

Cathy Sheffield Jim Hanson Dale Wickham Betty Wickham

11:00am Worship Service 4/1

Jack Snyder (o) Mary Taylor (m)

Ginger Hawkins/Graham Nichols Joyce Mackin/Jennifer McLamb

Lou Dernosek


Stacey/Sarah McCorison (m) Bette/Lynn Baird (o)

Paula /Gary James Maryellen/Walter Finnigan

Paula Alford


Raye Lyndon (o) Marsha Covington (m)

Nancy Grindstead/Pam Boatright Mitch Moser/Megan Hunt

Mary Cameron


Andy McCorison (m) Maryellen Finnigan (o)

Paula Alford/Paula Veasey Raye Lyndon/Ron West

Mitch Moser


5th Sunday One Worship Service - 10:30am - the Family Life Center Paula Veasey Sarah McCorison/Stacy McCorison Pam Collier Ginger Hawkins Bill Smith/Summer Stanley

To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left hand side of the front page.

Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

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