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Aldersgate Experience 1

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

April 2014


Too Busy? “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) Why is this commandment so easily overlooked? The book “24/6” tells us “It’s the only commandment that begins with the word REMEMBER – almost as if God KNEW we would forget. Well, guess what? We did. And is it any wonder? Look around. Thanks to ever-improving technology, we now feel the pressure to be “on” twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Sure, things like smart phones, the internet, email, text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Skype help us stay connected with coworkers, family, and friends – but what about God? How can we possibly have ‘ears to hear’ when we are plugged in 24/7? If we never take time to ‘be still and know’ God, how can we grow into mature spiritual beings?

In “24/6”, Dr. Matthew Sleeth provides a life-giving prescription for a healthier, more God - centered life amidst a digitally crazed, always-on world, and helps us better understand how our lives can be radically transformed – physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually – by adopting a 24/6 lifestyle.” I certainly have a problem when it comes to intentional Sabbath, and I know few people who couldn’t benefit from taking intentional Sabbath. Beginning in April, right after Easter, we are going to look at how rest can help us live a healthier, happier life. I know what you’re thinking: “How can I possibly slow down? There’s so much to do? Even finding an hour to come and talk about it is going to be a hassle!” Classes will be provided at different times during the week here at church. Nearly everyone I know is too busy. It is time to take control of our schedules and spend time intentionally with God for regeneration, rejuvenation, enjoyment, and preparation for the week to come. As the psalmist says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

The solution is simple; And it is endorsed by the Great Physician himself. In fact, He invented it. It’s called rest. And like all good things, rest is a gift from God.

Be still and know that I am. Be still and know that I. Be still and know that. Be still and know. Be still and. Be still. Be.

Rest doesn’t just happen. It takes intentionality, commitment, and restraint. Yet the rewards are indescribably amazing.

May the Peace of Christ be with you, Pastor Doug

Aldersgate Experience 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Birthdays Financial Update Summer Camp Labyrinth/Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Wednesday Night Live Sunday Worship & Holy Week Missons/JMT Missions/Guatemala Sewing Machines Spring Craft/Bake Sale

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Thanks You’s Music Ministry Worship Wonders Tech News/Church Council Update Community/Duke Homestead/Lyra Acolytes/Nursery/Trustees April Lay Assistants Schedule

CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Debbie Hurley Michael Siler Anthony Siler Jim Wood Richard Kreiselman Ginger Hill Haven Hill-Burleson Allen Shaver Liz Crose Hugh Osteen Lori Fisher Collin Montgomery Rebecca Hart Alice Osteen Madison Brown Bethany Taylor Alice P. Osteen Jennifer Upchurch Lindsey Reeves April Twine Mike Fogle Will Leitzel Alissa Smith Jerry Veasey Jane Korest

04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/02 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/05 04/05 04/06 04/07 04/08 04/08 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/11 04/13 04/13 04/14 04/14 04/14 04/14 04/16

Michael Crutchfield Eden Cody Sharon MacLaurin Neil Rosemond Lori Westbrook Ann Collins Jackie Roberts Ivanna Anderson Eddy Shipman John Slater Kimberly Riggs Kelly Hammer Iva Hilton Roy Lightner Lindsey Clark Anna Holland Johnny McAllister Thomas McAllister Olivia Mitchell Martha Gurganus Raylee Hunt Beth Ormond Paul Whitaker Mitch Adkins Bill Smith

04/17 04/18 04/20 04/20 04/21 04/23 04/23 04/24 04/24 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/29 04/30

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ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FINANCIAL SNAPSHOTS THROUGH 3/20/2014 Contributions Versus Expenses YTD Expenses Pledges Received

YTD Spending

$ 173,238



Unpledged Contributions $


Total YTD Contri- YTD Contributions butions Less Expenses $




Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD



Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contributions $


Total Contributions $


Received Versus Pledged $


It’s just a click away !! On-Line Giving ! - Just click the blue “on-line giving” button on the Aldersgate Web Site (www.aldersgate.org) We are accepting on-line donations by debit / credit cards as well as electronic fund transfer (checking & savings). ALL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BY EMAIL - CONTACT CATHY SHEFFIELD - CATHY@ALDERSGATE.ORG It’s convenient – just access our website and you are set! It’s timely – available 24 hours / day, 7 days / week It’s confidential and secure – hosted by Vanco Services, LLC Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Cathy Sheffield to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of online giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Cathy at cathy@aldersgate.org or 919-477-0509, ext. 117.

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Camp Chestnut Ridge – A United Methodist day camp located in Efland, NC. For one of our Summer Camp Weeks this summer the Weekday school will be combining with our church, Aldersgate UMC, during their week at Chestnut Ridge. They are offered a reduced church camp rate to attend during this week. It is $235 for the week – which includes 2 snacks and lunch each day. And this will provide our campers with different activities than we are unable to provide here at school. Such as; activities in the lake, hiking, swimming, gardening. (They also have a horseback riding session for an extra fee.) May 1st is the registration deadline. We will leave Aldersgate for camp each day at 8:15 am and return by 5:30pm each day. There will be childcare offered from 7:30-8:15 and 5:30-6:00pm at Aldersgate UMC if you need it. It will be $10, and you may pay on a daily basis. Camp Chestnut Ridge is for children who have COMPLETED Kindergarten – Middle School. Children 2nd – Middle School are able to choose a “major” to participate in. They group the children based on grades: Kindergarten/first grade, second through fourth grade, and 5th – 8th grade. You may pick up a Camp Chestnut Ridge brochure at the Welcome Center, outside the church Sanctuary. There is also an Open House at Chestnut Ridge on Sunday, April 13th, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. You will register your child at www.campchestnutridge.org. Choose Church day camp Week 1 – Aldersgate UMC You will choose your child’s activity based on their grade. I will accompany the students and get them registered on Monday, and assist with the transportation for the week. There is a “Closing Celebration” at 5:15 pm on Friday, June 20th, which parents are invited to attend. We will possibly have a camp at Aldersgate UMC that week for “rising” Kindergarteners who are too young to attend the camp. Please let Evelyn know if you are interested – so we can plan accordingly. You may contact Evelyn Johnson at evie@aldersgate.org or (919) 479-8686 with any questions.

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WALK THE LABYRINTH in the Family Life Center A labyrinth is not a maze – it has only one path in and one path out. There are no tricks or dead ends and you cannot get lost in a labyrinth. The path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for our journey towards and with God. Walking it with an open mind and an open heart will create the most meaningful experience. We are all on the path... exactly where we need to be. The labyrinth is a model of that path. For more information about the Labyrinth and Ways to Walk the Labyrinth, please pick up the Labyrinth brochure, at the Welcome Stations located outside the Sanctuary and in the Family Life Center.

HOURS OF OPERATION: Friday, April 11th 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Saturday, April 12th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Palm Sunday, April 13th 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

We also need volunteers to sign up for shifts to be present to answer questions and guide visitors while the labyrinth is at our church. It is an easy but an important job so please stop by the welcome station and pick a time that works for you. You may sign up at the Welcome Stations for 1 hour time frames. Your help is greatly appreciated! If you, or your group, would like more information about the labyrinth, please contact Barbara Atkinson at habnc@hotmail.com.

It’s time for our Easter Egg Hunt! On April 13th , Palm Sunday, we invite you to join us immediately following the 11:00 worship service to go “hunting” for eggs! Parents and children (toddlers thru 5th grade)may gather in the lobby of the Family Life Center/Weekday School main entrance around 12 noon. . We will begin as soon as everyone has gathered. Please arrive early if you are not coming directly from the church service as all our children are eager to fill their baskets! To prepare for this event, we are asking for donations of individually wrapped candies or small prizes such as stickers, erasers, pencil sharpeners, etc. (that will fit inside a plastic Easter Egg.) You may place these items in the container outside the church office. Thanks for sharing your love for children in this church and community!

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Wednesday Evening Fellowship Meal - 5:30 pm Family Life Center April 2nd Chicken Pot Pie, Salad, Bread and Desserts provided by The Susanna Wesley Circle April 9th Bake Ham, Mac & Cheese, Carrots & Peas, Bread and Desserts provided by Haiti Mission Team April 16th No WNL - Holy Week April 23rd Burger Bar, Fries, Veggies, Dip and Desserts provided by Durham Habitat House April 30th Roasted Chicken with Potatoes, Mustard Greens, Succotash and Desserts provided by The Primetimers and Aaron Dernosek

Wednesday Evening Prayer Service - 5:00 pm Sanctuary Your are invited EACH WEDNESDAY beginning, Wednesday, April 23 May 21st from 6:30 - 7:30 pm to 24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier,

Happier Life by Matthew Sleeth. “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Sounds easy, but it’s not…..In 24/6, Dr. Matthew Sleeth describes our symptoms, clarifies the signs, diagnoses the illness, and lays out a simple plan for living a healthier, more Godcentered life in a digitally-dazed, always-on world. He shares how his own family was dramatically transformed when it adopted Sabbath practices and helps readers better understand how their own lives can be transformed – physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually – by adopting the 24/6 lifestyle. This class is led by Doug Lain and Jane Brannock from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the Wesley Room

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LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service)

Sunday Morning Worship April 6th

“Jesus, You’re Too Late” - Message by Doug Lain, OT: Ezekiel 37:1-14, NT: John 11:1-45

April 13th Palm Sunday

“Little Things Make a Big Difference” - Message by Doug Lain OT: Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29, NT Matthew 21:1-11

April 20th “Do Not Be Afraid" Message by Doug Lain, Easter Sunday NT: Matthew 28:1-10 Bring a flower to add to the flowering cross display outside the Aldersgate sanctuary. April 27th

“Believe It or Not” - Message by Doug Lain: OT: Psalm 16, NT: John 20:19-31

Special Holy Week Worship Services APRIL 13TH - PALM SUNDAY - We are waving palm branches and singing songs of celebration as Jesus enters into Jerusalem. This is the beginning of our most Holy Week of the year. An Easter egg hunt for children will immediately follow the 11:00 worship service. APRIL 17TH - MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship Service of Holy Communion - 7:00 pm. Mt. Sylvan UMC will join us at this special service where we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples by sharing communion and the washing of feet. Our praise bands will combine to lead the music. This service will be held at Aldersgate UMC in the Family Life Center. APRIL 18TH - GOOD FRIDAY - Tenebrae Worship Service 7:00 pm - “Service of Darkness” Lights and candles are extinguished as the Passion story unfolds, until one light is remaining “The Christ-light.” The dramatic Gospel readings are interspersed with hymns and special music by a combined choir from Aldersgate & Mt. Sylvan. The service will be hosted at Mt. Sylvan UMC, 5731 N. Roxboro Rd. Durham, NC 27712. APRIL 20TH - EASTER SUNDAY - FOUR WORSHIP SERVICES SUNRISE SERVICE - 7:00 am joint service with Faith Alliance Church of Durham. Message by Rob Tucker. The Sunrise Service will be held at Faith Alliance Church of Durham (across the street). Breakfast will be served at Aldersgate UMC Family Life Center from 7:30 - 9:00 am. 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 am EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP Services at Aldersgate UMC Sanctuary Brass ensemble, handbells, praise band and Chancel choir will lift highest praise on this special holy day. Message, “Do Not Be Afraid” by Doug Lain.

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THE JAMAICA MISSION TEAM would like to thank everyone for their prayers, well wishes and support during our recent trip. It was once again a successful trip! From a construction standpoint much was accomplished. Over 1300 concrete blocks were laid and filled with cement. And a few more columns were also poured. We started our work week with a communion service on site and had a devotional time each morning with a special message and songs. On Sunday morning we attended worship service and had a 55-minute sermon. The entire service lasted a little over 3 hours! The congregation was so happy when we presented the banners to them that they broke out in applause. They loved that all of you signed them and wrote messages of love. It was wonderful to worship with our fellow brothers and sisters. We were especially pleased to learn that the building is already being used! Vacation Bible School was held there last summer and in January, a dental team visited. Over 500 people were able to receive dental care in just one week. 120 sets of dentures were made! WE WOULD LIKE TO GET THIS PROJECT FINISHED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO? Teams will be forming in April and May for the 2015 Teams. Yes, Teams with an “s�! We have heard from some of you that the February trip is not doable in your schedule. With enough interest and support, we could do a February and summer trip. Please contact Lisa Clark via email ldgclark@nc.rr.com or call 919-384-9528 if you are interested. If you contact Lisa, you will not be obligated to go; we will just make sure you get notified of the information meeting dates. We will be holding some informational meetings in April and May. Please watch the bulletin for specific dates. Lisa Clark, Paula Alford, Stacey McCorison, Lowry Caudill, Charlie Boatright and Tom Petrosky.

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The Susannah Wesley and the Helping Hand Circles are having a joint craft/bake sale on Sunday April 13th, 9:00 am til 12:15 pm in the Family Life Center. All proceeds go to support mission projects. Shop early and get that delicious baked item for Easter or a handcrafted gift for someone special!

Aldersgate Experience 10

Dear Aldersgate Congregation, Thank you for your donation, because of you I will have a place to go every day so that I can learn new skills and live in our community. Sincerely, Mike Mackey, Threshold A Clubhouse Model Rehabilitation Program

I am writing to let you and your whole congregation know how very deeply we and more important, your neighbors in need appreciate your congregation’s amazing generosity of spirit. We know we would never be able to offer food, shelter, and a future to hungry and homeless neighbors without caring contributions from congregations like yours. As largest donor to the Food Pantry, Aldersgate UMC has become integral to our ability to meet our neighbors’ needs. Over the past year your congregation has donated some 8,000 pounds of food and hygiene supplies to the Food Pantry. In addition to donating much needed supplies, members of your congregation generously donate their time volunteering each month in the Food Pantry. We are especially thankful for the dedication of volunteers including Jean Mrosla, April Twine, and Diane Weller and for the wonderfully spirited teens in your youth group. Elizabeth Newman, Manager of the Food Pantry and Clothing Closet, and I both know UMD would not be able to meet neighbors’ emergency needs without the partnership of congregations like yours. I know that so many members of your congregation buy, cook, donate, and collect item to share through Urban Ministries of Durham, if you would be kind enough to share this letter of thanks in your newsletter, I would be grateful. Thank you for feeding the hungry and comforting the stranger. Very sincerely, Bryan Gilmer, Director of Marketing and Development

Aldersgate Experience 11

MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade (nan@aldersgate.org) for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are most sincerely welcome to join any of our music ministry groups. Give us a try! Contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more (nan@aldersgate.org) CHOIR REHEARSAL NOTES AND TIMES: Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Youth and Adults - join us! (Praise Team (for the 9:30 service): Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm Singers and instrumentalists welcome! (Special rehearsal on Wednesday. April 16th at 6:15 pm) Children’s Choirs Sundays at 4:45-5:30pm , a part of Arts in the Afternoon. (No program on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday. We will resume on April 27th so that we can be ready for May 18’s musical!) Sweet Sounds Dulcimer Group, Thursdays - 10:00 am. We have one dulcimer waiting for an interested player. HANDBELLS: Joyful Noise Ringers (advanced) – Tuesdays 7:30 Praise Ringers (adult and youth “J-V” bells) – Mondays at 7 pm Young Ringers (2nd-5th graders)– Sundays at 5:30-6:00 (resuming April 27) DANCERS: Young Dancers (2nd-5th graders) – Sundays 3:45-4:45 (contact: Anna Van Deventer) Sacred Dancers (Youth) – Sundays after UTH TECHNOLOGY TEAM: If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 praise team) and /or prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall. BEGINNER HANDBELL GROUP INVITE If you love handbells, you are encouraged to give ringing a try! A group for youth and adults is now meeting, and we’d love to add to our numbers. No music reading /ringing skills needed -- get them both right here! We are rehearsing on Mondays from 7-8 pm. At this point, we have five ringers, and would love to have at least 7! Please call Nan to let her know if you’re interested.

Upcoming Special Sundays April 6th – Young Dancers ,“Word of God, Speak” April 13th – Palm Sunday worship April 17th – Maundy Thursday, foot washing, the Lord’s Supper. Joint service with combined Praise Teams from Mt. Sylvan and AUMC! Hosted at AUMC. April 18th – Good Friday, Tenebrae service of Darkness. Joint service with combined Choirs from Mt. Sylvan and AUMC! Hosted at Mt. Sylvan UMC. April 20th – Easter Sunday, with everything beautiful we can offer! Sunrise Service, a joint celebration at 7 am @ Faith Alliance Church. AUMC Easter Services at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00. Looking ahead: May 18 – “Tales of Wonder” by Marty Haugen. AUMC’s Chancel and Children’s choir and soloists present this fascinating and inspiring musical, celebrating God’s story in song, from Creation to Pentecost! June 8 – Pentecost and Confirmation Sunday June 29 – Fifth Sunday celebration

Aldersgate Experience 12

Worship Wonderings - a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. This month: What’s with the hand-shaking we call “Passing of the Peace”? The Passing of the Peace is a sign-act of reconciliation and blessing which is based on New Testament Christian practice (Romans 16:16 and at least 4 other verses advise, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.”) These days, we are a bit shy about kissing, and some are even hesitant to shake hands, especially if they’ve got a cold. Nevertheless, the act is significant, whether we shake hands, bump elbows, hold up a hippie “peaceV”, or simply look one another in the eye as we greet each other. It is far more than a chance to say “Hi.” In sharing words like “The peace of Christ be with you,” and hearing the response “And also with you,” we are reminded that we are all in this together; we are all God’s children, who “forgive as we are forgiven.” We have the power and the charge to bless others with Christ’s peace every moment of every day, but it’s not easy! In worship, we practice sharing that important, life-giving act. It is good that we share the peace towards the beginning of our worship. It helps us to approach God with a clean heart. In Matthew 5:23, Jesus tells his followers, “if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.” So next Sunday, as you prepare for worship, prayerfully consider people or situations in your life where God’s reconciliation and peace is needed. As you pass the peace with others, earnestly seek to offer and receive the Peace of Christ. You may at that moment experience a blessing of release and forgiveness, or it perhaps it will empower you to go and seek reconciliation in the week to come. Peace be with you!

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The AUMC Technology committee is responsible for acquiring and maintaining the computer-related technologies of the church – this includes networked PCs, software, printers, and telephones. Recently, our long-time web designer and webmaster, Joe Lyndon, announced that he would be transitioning the ongoing maintenance and support of the Aldersgate website to Holly Hall, AUMC Communications Director. Joe designed, built, implemented, and maintained our church website since its inception. On behalf of the AUMC technology committee and the AUMC congregation, we express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for Joe’s dedication and support of the AUMC website over these years. Our technology committee continues to work jointly with Trustees and other groups to provide our AUMC community with access to technology resources to support the programs, missions, and ministries of the church. Please contact John Hall (jahall@nc.rr.com) or any member of the AUMC technology committee with questions or comments

CHURCH COUNCIL UPDATE The AUMC church council has been meeting monthly to begin the process of defining goals for our church. Through these discussions, we remain focused on our purpose – that of disciple-making, and helping folks become more like Christ in their daily lives. The purpose of goals help focus us in our ministries and programs, and provide our teams and committees with guidance for planning. We have established six attributes which help describe a disciple at Aldersgate UMC, along with some high-level goals : Disciples Worship Increase worship attendance Disciples Witness Increase professions of faith Increase visitors Increase new members Disciples Grow their Faith Increase small group participation Disciples Serve Increase identification of members in service Identify areas / quantify people of service Increase opportunities for service Disciples Give Increase total stewardship Increase giving units Leadership Development Train & Empower Church Leaders

In February, all church committee chairs/leaders were invited to attend church council, where we discussed how these goals could be implemented and some measures around the implementation. We will continue to work toward helping committees align their plans and projects with these goals. We will continue to invite committees to the monthly church council meetings, so that we can all be more closely aligned with each other. This is new to us all, but we as a church council are excited to begin conversations about how we as a church can more fully live into our vision statement of Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing.

Aldersgate Experience 14

DUKE HOMESTEAD COMMUNITY YARD SALE APRIL 26TH Find anything and everything at Duke Homestead Road on Saturday, April 26th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Visitors will find the parking lot filled with the “riches of ages� or perhaps just the riches of their fellow Durhamites as they buy and sell second-hand items and take home a new treasure. Thanks to Keep Durham Beautiful and the City of Durham Department of Solid Waste Management, Duke Homestead will also offer a dumpster for large waste disposal during the yard sale. Those who are interested in selling their second hand items at the yard sale can find registration forms and information at DukeHomestead.org. There is a registration fee of $10 and forms are due by Monday, April 21st. For more information contact Mia Berg at mia.berg@ncdcr.gov or call (919) 477-5498. Duke Homestead State Historic Site and Museum is part of the Division of State Historic Sites within the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources.




LYRA, an a cappella group of four professional singers from St. Petersburg, Russia, will present a concert of Russian choral music in the Aldersgate Sanctuary on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM. Mark you calendars now for this unique opportunity to experience the enormous Russian musical heritage. This will be the fourth time that LYRA has visited with our congregation. All of the singers are professionals who perform with choirs and opera houses of St. Petersburg. Join with us as we welcome them back to Aldersgate.

Aldersgate Experience 15

GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) Acolyte Schedule 8:15am Service April 6th

Joanna de Andrade Grace Herbstreith Margaret Ann Healy Olivia Lain Emma Freeman

April 13th April 20th April 27th

11:00am Service Cameron Nye Gracie Lowans Katie Leonard Tanner Reo Kaylee Eckhoff

An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.

NURSERY MINISTRY Each Sunday Morning: 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Ashley Skinner, Jamie Lewis and Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong


Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.

TRUSTEE THIS MONTH : GENE BELL The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

Aldersgate Experience 16

April Lay Assistants Schedule - This schedule for the year 2014 is now available at the Welcome Station (outside the Sanctuary) if you would like a copy emailed to you, please contact: Holly@aldersgate.org USHERS




8:15 Worship 4/6

Chick Hinton Mitch Adkins Paul & Linda Jones


Ed Osteen (M) Henry Atkinson (O)

Keith Porter

Ruth Kay

Doug & Carole Morris Barbara Andrews (M) Jackie Roberts Charles Andrews (O) Mary Tom Roberts

Mitch Adkins

Judy Alford


Chick Hinton Andy McCorison Kirk Brown Mitch Adkins

Pat Porter

Charlotte O’Brien


Henry Atkinson Mike Upchurch (M) Ed Osteen/Jeff Sturkey Kaye Harris (O) Richard Riggsbee

Charlotte O’Brien

Sharon McaLaurin

Judy Alford (M) Holly Hall (O)

9:30 Worship 4/6

Amanda Sublett Dawn Eckhoff

Margie/Marie Muir (M)

Mary Taylor

Cathy Sheffield


Cheryl Turner Cathy Sheffield

Linda & David Shaffer (M)

Amanda Sublett

April Perry


Doug & Mary Taylor

Randy Sheffield (M)

Lara Rowland

Amanda Sublett


Gene & Cynthia Bell

Shaunesy Story (M)

Mary Taylor

Terri Ray

11:00 Worship 4/6

Jan Howe Bill Medlyn (M) Debbie Fletcher Connie Medlyn (O) Bill Smith/Shane Boatright

Paula Veasey

Alice Hagaman


Robert Carter Kim Riggs (M) Nancy Grinstead Liz Crose (O) Ron West/Pam Boatright

Susan Dernosek

Barbara Snyder


Sarah & Brent Walker Ronnie Oakley (M) Stacey McCorison Michele Tucker (O) Ashley Bahor

Nancy Grinstead

Lee King


Jim Willis/Jan Howe Paula Veasey Susan Dernosek

Amelia Oakley

Steve Wilfong

Lynn Baird (M) Bette Baird (O)

Aldersgate Experience 17 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712 info@aldersgate.org www.aldersgate.org

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