April 2015

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April 2015


Inside this issue:

Birthdays 2 WNL Menus 2 Parents Night Out 3 Family Prayer Brunch 3 Women’s Circle 3 Children’s Sunday School 4 Vacation Bible School 4 Adult Classes 5 Sunday Worship 6 Back Pack Program 7 Stop Hunger Now 7 Drive Thru Prayer 8 Food Pantry 8 Music Ministry 9 Worship Wonderings 10 Guatemala Sewing Mission 11 Lay Servant Ministries 12 Children’s Chrismon Project 12 Thank you 13 Meals on Wheels 13 Nursery/Acolyte/ Altar Guild/Trustees 14 Multiplying Our Gifts 15 On Line Giving 15 Lay Assistants 16

Experience “TAKE CHARGE! BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY LIVING THING…” As many of you know, I have recently returned from a trip to Costa Rica with students and staff from Carrington Middle School. The focus of the trip was environmental sustainability, which is something I knew very little about. Truth be told, I went because I thought it would be great to share an adventure with my daughter Olivia on a school sponsored trip. We were blessed to have a wonderful time together. Costa Rica is a beautiful country with amazing beaches and mountains, and abundant flora and fauna. Although Costa Rica only takes up 0.3% of the land area of the earth, it has 5% of the biodiversity. Costa Rica recognizes its unique place on our planet and has tried to preserve its natural beauty. 25% of the country is in a protected national park and the country hopes to be carbon neutral by the year 2020. During the trip we heard a speech by world-renowned conservationist Jane Goodall, who is most famous for her study of chimpanzees in Africa. We were then split into teams to try and work on problems that would lead to solutions for some of the problems that plague our environment. (My team created an app for your smartphone that would help you make the “greenest” choices at

the grocery store. Olivia’s team created a trash can with a sensor that would automatically sort out the recyclables from the rest of your garbage when you go to throw your tray away at a fast food restaurant.) Much of the week was spent exploring different ecosystems and enjoying the beauty of Costa Rica. The week concluded with the planting of 294 mangrove trees along a river close to the Pacific Ocean. Apparently, mangroves take more carbon dioxide out of the air than other plants and produce more oxygen than other plants. They are really helpful plants. Who knew? Sounds like a great trip, right? But what does any of this have to do with the church? I’m so glad you asked that question! The trip wasn’t a mission trip; but it sure did feel like it. As a Christian, I see things through a different lens than the rest of the world sees things. No one on the trip invoked the creation story from Genesis or used one of the Psalms to speak about the magnificent creative powers of God. But I saw God in everything that we did. I also believed we were carrying out a God-given commandment. In fact, this com-

mandment is a biggie; but I’m not sure the church sees it that way. We’ve nearly ignored it. I’m talking about Genesis 1:28. It is the very first commandment that God gives to people after telling us to ‘Be fruitful and multiply.” God then says, “replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” That’s from the King James Version. The Message puts it like this, “Take charge! Be responsible for every living thing…” I think some people see those words “subdue” and “dominion” and think we are supposed to use up these resources that God gave us. That’s not what these words mean at all. If I were to give you dominion over my car I would not want you to be reckless with it. I would want you to take good care of it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be showing me much respect. I don’t want you to dominate my things. I would want you to care for them as if they were part of your dominion, part of your kingdom. What it really means is that we are supposed to care for the natural resources in the world. The words “replenish” and “responsible” above speak to this.

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So, I find it curious that the church talks so little about creation care. It is only recently coming into vogue, and even then it seems to be gaining momentum only after non-Christians have gotten our attention. Since this was on page one of our instruction book it seems like we should have been leading the rest of the world on this important topic. I know I still have a lot to learn. I’ve never been on the forefront of environmental issues at all. Except when I hear about an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I just don’t think much about it. I’ve never thought much about where my food comes from or how it is produced, and even though I realize that oil isn’t a renewable resource I still buy gas without worrying about it. But maybe as a Christian I should be taking a deeper look at what I am buying, what I’m using, and what

Debbie Hurley Irene Lothes Michael Siler Jim Wood Richard Kreiselman Allen Shaver Liz Crose Hugh Osteen Collin Montgomery Alice Osteen Madison Brown Lucas Novak Alice Osteen Tammy Closs Lindsey Reeves April Twine Mike Fogle

I’m eating. I want my grandchildren to enjoy walks along the Eno like I do; to be able to eat fish from the lakes, rivers, and oceans around North Carolina. I think all people should take notice of the natural world; but as a Christian, I believe God has made a particular point to us that cannot be ignored. The Bible says that we are responsible. God told us to replenish the earth. I hope you will consider ways this spring that you can make a difference in your home and your neighborhood to preserve the beauty of God’s amazing creation. May the Peace of Christ be with you. Pastor Doug

04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/02 04/03 04/05 04/05 04/07 04/08 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/12 04/13 04/13 04/14

WNL MENUS April 1st April 8th April 15th April 22nd April 29th

No WNL No WNL Habitat -Tacos (soft & hard), yellow rice, dessert Helping Hands -Soups & Salad, bread, Dessert Serendipity Sunday School Class -Hamburgers w/ fixin’s, baked beans, chips, dessert.

Will Leitzel Jerry Veasey Jane Korest Michael Crutchfield Eden Cody Sharon MacLaurin Lori Westbrook Jackie Roberts Ivanna Anderson Eddy Shipman John Slater Kimberly Riggs Iva Hilton Lindsey Clark Anna Holland Johnny McAllister Thomas McAllister Olivia Mitchell Raylee Hunt Beth Ormond Paul Whitaker Mitch Adkins Bill Smith

04/14 04/14 04/16 04/17 04/18 04/20 04/21 04/23 04/24 04/24 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/27 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/29 04/30



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Aldersgate Weekday School - Parent’s Night Out PARENT’S NIGHT OUT! Saturday, April 18th 5:00-9:00 pm Have you been dreaming of a kid-free night out? We have just the thing for you! Bring your kids to Aldersgate on April 18th to enjoy dinner, playtime and a movie with their Preschool Teachers!! · Only $20 for 4 hours of fun! · Siblings are only $10. · Dinner is $5—pizza or chicken nuggets, drink and a dessert. · Space is limited! Sign up in the school office today!

Family Ministry - Family Prayer Brunch FAMILY PRAYER BRUNCH Want to know more about praying with your children? Would you like to engage your whole family in prayer life? Bring your family out to our Family Prayer Brunch on Saturday, April 18th! We will begin to gather at 9:30 in the Wesley Room, across from the offices. All families are welcome! The prayer centers are geared for families with preschool and elementary aged children;

You are encouraged to bring your whole family to participate together. Leaders at each center will assist you with the various kinds of prayers and you will then enjoy an experience by praying them as a family. During the event we will enjoy brunch together and close with a prayer time in our sanctuary. We ask that families register by Monday, April 13, for this event so that we will have enough space available.

Email Tara Lain with your family members’ names, number of family members and their ages, and if there are any food allergies. The event will conclude by 11:30; the playground will be available as needed for some of our youngest folks! We are excited to offer this event and hope you’ll join us! Tara’s email is: tara@aldersgate.org

United Methodist Women Circles at Aldersgate. All of the women of the church are invited to join the United Methodist Women circles at Aldersgate. We have three different women's circles that meet each month. You are invited to join one or more of these groups of women. If you would like more information, please refer to the contact information below or attend a meeting in the near future. Agape Circle – Meets the 1st Thursday of each month at the home of its members. President, Barbara Snyder, contact Barbara 919-818-0454 or by email ncbarbara.snyder@gmail.com Helping Hands Circle – Meets 2nd Thursday of each month in the Wesley Room President, Joyce Pendergrass, contact Joyce 919-452-8865 or by email jpendergrass001@nc.rr.com Susanna Wesley Circle – Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month in a classroom of the FLC President, Mary Taylor, contact Mary 919-225-0528 or by email mtaylor251@nc.rr.com

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Children’s Ministry CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Parents: While you are attending the short term study, “Making Sense of the Bible”, during our 9:30 Sunday school hour, bring your kids to our children’s classes for kids ages 2 - grade 5 (nursery for under 2).

We will be studying the stories of Easter and beyond for April and May. Come and see!

Sunday School classes will be discussing how our offering will assist this organization to help those in need.

The Sunday School offering taken up for the months of April and May will go towards the “Stop Hunger Now” mealpacking expenses for our church-wide event on May 31st.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VBS WEEK: JUNE 22 - 26, 2015 Children’s Ministries is gearing up for VBS week at Aldersgate! We are going back to a familiar format for this year— Bible times! Children will get to experience the life of Jesus as a child through Group Publication’s Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid (Google it!). Be on the lookout for more information in the upcoming weeks. At this time, we have some requests from the congregation: We’re taking a journey back to Bible times… without leaving our church! You’ll get to talk to Jesus’ mom, Mary, and find out what life was like when Jesus was a kid.

*Please be in prayer for our volunteers and children that will be a part of VBS. *Please be on the lookout at the Welcome Centers for a banners with informations of items you can donate or lend for use during VBS. It is going to take help from everyone to have the items for our village! *Prayerfully consider how you can be a part of VBS before and during the week of June 22nd. This is an opportunity to minister to children from our community and we can use helpers in all capacities, including bus drivers, food preparation, prayer partners, painters, etc. etc. There is a role for everyone who is willing!

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Adult Ministry SUNDAY MORNING 9:30-10:30

“Making Sense of the Bible” was a popular study last fall and we are offering it again – this time on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am. This study looks at some of the questions most asked about biblical themes that participants often have.

Come join Billy Cole from April 12-May 17th in Room 210 and make the Bible even more lifechanging and life-giving


TMBS is a Men's study that meets every Tuesday from 6:30 am - 7:30 am. Various topics and series are discussed. (Breakfast is always served!) Contact John Hall for details: jahall@nc.rr.com

MID MORNING TUESDAY MORNING “Who is this Man?” is the new study being offered on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am . Written by John Ortberg, this study shows how Jesus’ influence has swept over history, bringing his inspiration to areas of culture such as art, science, government, medicine and education. He also reveals how Jesus’ vision for us continues to inspire and challenge humanity today. Come join Jane Brannock from March 17-April 14th in the Wesley Room for a look at the man who changed everything.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON Thursday Afternoon Bible Study meets every Thursday from 1:30 am - 2:30 pm. Various topics and series are discussed. This class is led by Judy Alford.



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Sunday Morning Worship

Easter Sunday Worship Celebrations Bring a flower to add to the flowering cross display outside the Aldersgate sanctuary.

APRIL 5TH - SUNRISE SERVICE 7:00 AM Aldersgate United Methodist Church

Joint worship service Faith Alliance Church of Durham and Aldersgate United Methodist Church Message by: Pastor Tim Williamson


Easter morning will include Chancel choir, Praise band, brass quintet and handbells in celebration and joyful proclamation of our most high and holy day of the Church year.

Breakfast served from 7:30 am - 9:00 am Aldersgate UMC - Family Life Center

April 5th

Easter Sunday Epistle Lesson: Acts 10:34-43 Gospel Lesson: John 20:1-18 Title: “What Difference Does It Make To You?” Message by Doug Lain

April 12th

Tara Lain Preaching

April 19th

OT: Psalm 4 NT: 1 John 3:1-7 Title: “Starting to Resemble Jesus” Message by Doug Lain

April 26th

OT: Psalm 23 NT: 1 John 3:16-24 Title: “Fish or Cut Bait?” Message by Doug Lain

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Community Back Pack Program

Want to make a difference in a teenager’s life? Aldersgate is embarking on a new mission. In conjunction with Bethany UMC, Grey Stone Church, and Greater Orange Grove Baptist Church, we are forming the Community Backpack Program, which will supply weekend meals to food-insecure students at Riverside High School. Riverside has many students who rely on the school’s free breakfast and lunch programs for nourishment. Their next meal may not come until they return to school on Monday. By sending foods home with these students, they will have something for themselves and perhaps for sharing with family members. Aldersgate, in conjunction with these three other churches, will begin our program by serving 30 students at Riverside, identified by the school social worker. Packaging and storage facilities will be provided by Bethany. Each church will supply five workers each week to prepare the

packages for the students. All churches will help sustain the ministry. Aldersgate, Bethany, and Grey Stone will each be assigned a week to provide Five people to sort and pack foods. On the 4th week, Greater Orange will provide two people to pack, and each remaining church will send in one packer each. On Fridays, Bethany will be responsible for delivering the goods to the Riverside social worker for distribution to the students. This ministry is open to all. Any individual or group can participate. You can be involved by making monetary contributions, food donations, or by volunteering to help pack the bags. Please support the Community Backpack Program with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. For more information, please contact Paula Veasey: geeveasey@aol.com, Pat Porter: porter.home@frontier.com, or Kay Edwards: samkayedwards@yahoo.com

Stop Hunger Now! May 31st, 5th Sunday MARK YOUR CALENDARS now to pack meals for STOP HUNGER NOW on May 31st after the 5th Sunday Service! Look for more detailed information coming soon….. For more information contact Janie Howell at Janie.howell82@yahoo.com.

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COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS DRIVE THRU PRAYER 1st Tuesday of Each Month Aldersgate UMC Parking lot 4:00 pm ‘til 6:00 pm (weather permitting) COMING UP: APRIL 7 TH

Help Is Need for the Durham Food Pantry Network Food Drive - April 18th Anyone is able to do this....YOUTH, YOUNG ADULTS, REGULAR ADULTS, and SENIOR ADULTS! (UNDER 15 must be accompanied by an Adult).

The Durham Food Pantry Network is having a Food Drive on April 18th, Saturday, to support the food pantry at Urban Ministries. We will be collecting food at 5 different Food Lion stores in the Durham area. Aldersgate UMC is responsible for collecting at the Food Lion on Hillsborough Rd, next to Bennett Point grill. WE NEED HELP. We need volunteers to work 2 hour shifts between 10 am & 4 pm. We will be collecting at both entrances and would like 2 people working at each entrance for a 2 hr. shift. Bring lawn chairs to save your feet/legs/back.

We also need drivers with trucks, Vans to help transport the collected food to Temple Baptist church (Umstead Rd) after 4pm on Saturday to be counted & sorted. On Monday, April 20th, we will meet @ Temple Baptist - 9am -12 Noon to count and sort before the food is taken to the pantry at Urban Ministries on Monday afternoon. We need volunteers to help with that process also. If anyone can spare a couple of hours on Saturday, April 18th -10:00 am to 4:00 pm it would be greatly appreciated. For questions or to volunteer, please contact: Bill Smith (919-215-6543 or fleetwood4@nc.rr.com) or Paula Veasey (919-612-0734 or geeveasey@aol.com


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Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more. (nan@aldersgate.org)

CHOIR REHEARSAL TIMES: Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30. Join us! Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 New members always welcomed! Sweet Sounds Dulcimer Group, Tuesdays at 11 am. Handbells: Joyful Noise Ringers – Tuesdays 7:30

Children’s Music & Arts Ministry Children are invited to develop and share their talents with God through dance, singing, and ringing!

AFTERNOON ARTS PROGRAM YOUNG RINGERS RETURN! (Thursdays; 2 groups: 4:15-4:45, 5:00-5:30) If your child (1st-8th grader) is interested in learning how to ring handbells, we are forming groups now for a seven-week program! Starting on April 16, the 4:15 session is open to children who have some music reading experience, whether handbells, piano, recorder, or other instrument (for 3rd-8th graders). The 5:00 session will be for children who are beginning music readers (for 1st-5th graders). Call/ email Nan (nan@aldersgate.org) to sign up! This program will run for 7 weeks, from April 16 through the end of May, with a final mini-concert on Thursday, May 28 at 5:30 pm.

BIG THANK-YOU! from Arts in the Afternoon THANK YOU to our Arts in the Afternoon Musical Director: Emily Wike. Many hours of rehearsing and planning were shared to help our children have a wonderful experience! Sound: John Hall, THANK YOU for doing “whatever it takes” to help us share our story and songs! And to our nine wonderful costume makers! We will enjoy these costumes for years to come! THANK YOU, Liz Crose, Wanda Crutchfield, Peggy Allen, Sharon McLaurin, Rochelle Nye, Linda Morris, Cheryl Joy Turner, Patty Kreiselman, and Connie Drake.

Young Dancers

(Sundays, 3:45-4:45 pm) are led by Anna Van Deventer and are preparing for an upcoming March 29 performance. Young Dancers assemble to rehearse towards a performance, so if you’re interested in joining, the next dance registration will begin in early fall. Please stay tuned.

SPOTIFY YOUR PRAISE Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/pods that plays music from playlists built by members. Each month, Nan creates a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 Contemporary worship service. Search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, right now AUMC April 2015). You can “tune your heart” all week, and be even more ready to praise God on Sunday mornings! Hope you’ll give it a try – and if you encounter problems, give Nan a call! KEEP THE BUZZ GOING! Did you hear something at worship this week that went down deep? Maybe a line of a hymn or anthem, or a quote or point of the sermon; maybe you experienced Christ’s love in a new way, or were touched by the prayer. Why not share it with others? A simple FB post or a Tweet, a conversation around the table or water fountain can be used by the Holy Spirit to invite, encourage, or remind others (and even yourself) of the blessing of gathering in God’s house for worship. So don’t be shy, share the good news - you never know what power might be released for God’s glory!

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Worship Wonderings…. a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings.

THEOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURE Our church’s architectural design is full of meaning. We all experience it, whether we name it or not. But, it’s worth thinking about this carefully-designed space. Have you been aware of the “Worship Triangle” in our Chancel? In the middle, rises the Cross above Table; to the right, the Baptismal font; to the left, the Bible and pulpit. This arrangement speaks volumes about our Theology! For Christians, the Cross is central to our faith. With arms reaching out to the world and up to heaven, the large (empty) wooden cross proclaims the Gospel and centers our worship around its grace and truth. As the song says, this “emblem of suffering and shame” is key to our understanding of God’s eternal love. It has a “wondrous attraction,” drawing hearts back to God, both through confession and celebration. Underneath the cross, the Table. (Christ’s ultimate sacrifice negates the need for a sacrificial altar; rather, we gather around a table to remember the New Covenant in Christ’s body and blood. Our kneelers circle around the table, allowing all who come to have equal access for prayer and provision. (Regina Whitaker compels me to point out that this is a “circle of love”!) To one side of this Center, the Baptismal font is a constant reminder of the sacramental entry point for all Christians into new life in Christ and our Church membership. On the other side of the Cross, the Pulpit stands to lift up the Living Word. The choir loft is off-set for a reason. Our choir is in place to lead as a part of the congregation, not to perform on a stage. There are many other architectural symbols: the pillars, which Paul writes about in 1 Timothy 3:15: “but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” Many enjoy the clear windows, which allow us see God’s beauty through each season. We can see our outdoor prayer garden and also our Columbarium. But the clear glass also to keeps us “in the world,” even as we are set apart for worship. To encourage our sense of fellowship, the pews don’t face directly forward, but are angled so that the congregation can see each other, as much as look forward. The design of our church is so special, AUMC was presented an Award of Excellence for its design, by the Kamphoefner Fund. A plaque placed outside the sanctuary recognizes the (1987) Building Committee, chaired by Burton King and full of familiar “church family” names. I know they would all tell you: they are gratified every time they come to worship, celebrate a marriage, or honor a life, to see their hopes and dreams for our worship space lived into reality. Their thoughtful labor has been used by God to draw many people to God. To God be the glory! Past articles include: The Shape of Worship, the Offering, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, Standing in Worship, Corporate Worship, An Overview of the Christian Year, Acolytes and Candle, Ecumenical Spirit in Worship, Paschal Mystery, and Special flowers.

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THE GUATEMALA SEWING MISSION THE GUATEMALA SEWING MISSION WILL OPEN A SECOND SCHOOL “YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE” The Guatemala Sewing Mission will establish a new sewing school in Las Barrancas, a village in which members of the Association of Mam Christian Women for Development live. The village is only 20 miles from San Juan Ostuncalco, but the winding, cobblestone road requires a travel time of at least two hours. Because of the road condition, no buses serve the village, only pickup trucks driven by local men. Passengers sit or stand in the back of the pickup for the uncomfortable, long ride. The people of the village suffer not only from isolation due to an inadequate road but also limited economic and agricultural opportunities. Although the village is located in a zone where coffee trees grow well, the workers on the plantations work long hours and earn less than $10 a day. Moreover, the soil and climatic conditions are less favorable than in other areas, making agricultural opportunities limited. A sewing school will provide new skills for women in the village. These skills will enable them to make products that they can sell in order to provide income for their families. The school will require some land, a building, sewing machines, and a teacher. Cindie Moore is a member of the United Methodist Church in Berea, Ohio and is the US Liaison to the Association of Mam Christian Women for Development. She is the grand-niece of Presbyterian Missionaries, Dudley Peck and Dorothy Miller

Peck, who spent 40 years in Guatemala. Cindie recently returned from a trip to Guatemala where she hand delivered a check to the Association from contributions made to Aldersgate for the Guatemala Sewing Mission. During her two week visit, Cindie met with many local leaders regarding the proposed sewing school. We are happy to report that leaders of the Las Barrancas Presbyterian Church have donated land on their church property for a structure to house the sewing school. In the interim while the school is being built, they are allowing the women to use one of their church out- buildings for their school. The church agreed to help because God’s work includes the opportunity to help women in the community. Once a teacher is hired, the school will begin operation. Cindie accompanied the women to purchase the first sewing machine that was dedicated in memory of Colleen Anna. A group of young women is eagerly awaiting the beginning of classes. The new school is scheduled to be completed in six months and will be constructed so a second floor could be built at a later date if needed and when funds are available. Since 2/3 of the funds required have already been raised, thanks to your generous contributions, the first stone was laid for the school. The women in Las Barrancas are most grateful for your support both financially and especially your prayers. If you would like to participate in making this school a reality, donations can be made to Aldersgate United Methodist Church with “Sewing Mission” written in the memo line. If you would like additional information, please contact Anne Law Finch at (919) 8188376 or annefinch@nc.rr.com or Mary Taylor at (919) 225-0528 or mtaylor251@nc.rr.com.

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CORRIDOR DISTRICT LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES Aldersgate will host the Corridor District Lay Servant Ministries spring training event on Saturday, May 2nd from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. COURSES OFFERED: Basic Course: Lay Servant Ministries Advanced Course: Worship – Leading Worshiping Advanced Course: Preaching – Go Preach! Advanced Course: Heritage (History) – Living Our Beliefs the United Methodist Way Exploring the Certified Lay Minister Lay Servant Ministries is a United Methodist system for lay leadership development. The basic and advanced courses are designed to help persons develop their skills in leadership, communication and care-giving. Participation in this training helps you build relationships with others in your church and community and to more effectively share your faith story. Registration is $25 per class and can be done online at the Corridor District website www.corridordistrictnc.org only until April 20th. Class size is limited so register early. Lunch will be provided that day. For more information please contact Barbara Atkinson: habnc@hotmail.com

CHILDREN’S CHRISMON PROJECT Our Children's Chrismon tree in the FLC needs some new ornaments this year. We plan to have craft workshops for the children in the Fall to make some new Chrismons. One of the items that we need is White & Gold buttons and pearls. Please take a look at your Button jar and bring any extra buttons that you might have to church and put them in the Button jar on the Welcome Table outside the sanctuary. Call or email Mary Taylor if you have any questions mary@aldersgate.org 919-225-0528.

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Thank you ! I want to thank all the people who made bringing the labyrinth to Aldersgate this year a reality and to everyone who volunteered their time over the weekend. What a wonderful, peaceful, contemplative respite from the busyness of the outside world this provided. Thank you for this chance to meditate and experience the renewing joy that comes from being in God’s presence. With grateful appreciation, Barbara Atkinson Dear Church Family Thank you for your prayers, love and support during my father’s, John F. Salas, illness and heavenly homecoming. Regina Whitaker


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Nursery Ministry EACH SUNDAY MORNING: 8:15, 9:30 AND 11:00 AM Ruth Kay, Lynn Wilfong, Ellen Whisnant and Alice Osteen Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong

Acolyte Schedule For This Month 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/16

8:15 am Service Allie Ramirez and Kaylee Eckhoff Danielle Atkinson Emily Lain Jacob Bosecker

4/5 4/12 4/19 4/16

11:00 am Service Margaret Ann Healy and Cameron Nye Joshua Bosecker Tanner Reo Joanna de Andrade

An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.

Altar Guild For this Month Judy Alford Susan Parham Pam Boatright

Trustee for this Month Steve Wilfong

Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.

Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

WHAT ARE OUR NUMBERS? When you think about AUMC’s finances, more than likely numbers, comas, and decimals come to mind. Some may think of the annual budget. Others may think about monthly giving or the church’s capital debt. While these are important aspects of the church’s finances, they are not our most important numbers. The real story is what your generous and faithful financial support of the church makes possible – creating disciples of Christ. It is the lives touched, needs met, and relationships deepened with our Lord and Savior. Throughout the remainder of the year in addition to being transparent with how the church is operating financially, the finance committee wants to highlight a few of the numbers you make possible each month. Like…..


unique and different ministries through which we are Christ’s hands and feet in the world.


eager faces (and active hands and feet) in Kids Own Worship


voices lifted in praise to our Lord and King

If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at Aldersgate.org and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Mary Taylor to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of on-line giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Mary at mary@aldersgate.org 919-477-0509, ext. 117. Thank you for your generosity and support!

April Lay Assistants 8:15 Service






Chick Hinton* Richard Riggsbee Mary Tom Roberts Katherine Siler

Jeff Sturkey - M Mary Tom Roberts -O

Judy Alford

Burton King


Andy McCorison* Myrna Umphlett Rebel Umphlett Mitch Adkins

Carol Morris-M Doug Morris-O

Beverly Jackson

Susan Gay


Mitch Adkins* Beverly Jackson Paul Jones Linda Jones

Judy Alford -M Richard Riggsbee-O

Mitch Adkins

Curtis Gay


Doug/Carole Morris* Pat Stancil -M Kathy/Carl Chmielewski Kaye Harris-O

Judy Alford

Pat Porter


Michael Crutchfield* Wanda Crutchfield

Margie Muir

Anne Finch

Terri Ray


Margie Muir* Steven Fishback

Shaunesy Story


Matt Buckner* Nancy Wykle

Suzanne Elliott


Mary & Doug Taylor*

Nancy Wykle


Bill Smith* Maryellen Finnigan Ginger Hawkins Tammy Closs

Audrey Turley-M Paula Alford -O

Paula Veasey

Anna van Deventer


Paula Veasey* Pam Boatright Jim Willis Paula Alford

Lynn Baird-M Debbie Fletcher -O

John Howe

Ron West


Kimberly Riggs* Ronnie Oakley Michele Tucker Nancy Grinstead

Paula James-M Gary James-O

Debbie Fletcher

Janie Howell

Bill Smith * Ginger Hawkins Ron West Debbie Fletcher

Bette Baird-M Rusty Grimm-O

Janie Howell

Lee King

9:30 Service

Mary Taylor Mary Taylor

Lee Worsley Lisa Janes

11:00 Service


Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712 info@aldersgate.org www.aldersgate.org

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.