Aldersgate August 2012 newsletter

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Birthdays/Alpha Financial Peace 3rd Grade Bibles/Sunday School Children’s Sunday School/WNL Disciple Classes Spiritual Self-Assessment Sunday Worship/Music Music Church Yard Sale/Fish Fry Rafting/Night Shelter Construction Update Drive Thru Prayer Ministry Financials/Nursery/Acolyte Schedule Trustee & Altar Guild/UTH Leaders Lay Assistants Schedule

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Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

United Methodist Church August 2012 Issue


Invitation to Prayer Whether we recognize it or not, as C. S. Lewis noted, the world is “crowded” with God: “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God, who walks everywhere incognito,” and whose disguise “is not always hard to penetrate. The real labor is to remember, to attend. In fact, to come awake.” The Trappist monk Thomas Merton understood that we live in a world “charged with the presence and reality of God.” As Christians we believe that God is present everywhere. We also believe that God is allknowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. And yet, often times we go through life taking long stretches where we don’t talk to our Creator, where we ignore His power and grace, and instead live life as if God doesn’t exist. Why do we do this? I don’t know. Maybe it is a sense of pride and independence, or maybe it is negligence and a knack to take God for granted. Maybe it is a lack of faith, or on the flip side, a faith that tells us God knows everything about us already anyway. Maybe we are just lazy. But the fact is that God wants us to communicate with Him. God desires a relationship with us. God is like the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) who runs to meet us while we are still on the way. Like that text message, email, or voice mail you have really been waiting for, God is eager to hear your prayers.

So, what should we pray for? Well, we certainly have good models available to us. The ACTS prayer is one. It stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Or, a more simplified version of that is to put it this way: Please, Thank You, I’m Sorry, and I Love You. The same kinds of things that parents want to hear from their children are the things that our Heavenly Father wants to hear from His children. Just talk to God. Living a praying life will make us instruments of God’s peace, agents of God’s love, propelling us to work for mercy, order, beauty, and reconciliation. Over the next five months we will look in depth at the commitments we make to the church. We all commit before God and one another that we will participate in the ministries of the church through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Throughout August we will be looking at the spiritual practice of prayer in much detail. I urge you to take on a regular practice of prayer for the next 31 days and watch as it changes your life.

The power of prayer should not be underestimated. James 5:16-18 declares, "

Peace be with you, Pastor Doug


CONNECTING (Connect with God and one

August Birthdays Will Van Deventer David Upchurch Hank Van Deventer Tara Lain Kelly Copolo Taylor Healy Carl Chmielewski Carol Sue Cunningham John Howe Staci Morris Summer Stanley Sierra Hunt Carolyn Mann Emily Falise Trampas Nevius Kelly Holland Inna Nichols Casey Novak Makenzie Carver Kathy Chmielewski Fallon Finnigan Jesenia Jacobs Dana Leeson

08/01 08/02 08/02 08/04 08/05 08/05 08/06 08/06 08/06 08/06 08/06 08/08 08/08 08/09 08/09 08/10 08/11 08/11 08/12 08/12 08/12 08/12 08/12

Patty Kreiselman Robin Smith Janae Andrews Julia Rosemond Michele Tucker Andrew Gauger Julia Rosemond Michelle Schalliol Wes Stewart Jackson Kimbrough Daniel Cole David Leonard Bill Vincent Matt Cooper Peggy Gregory Crystal Revill Billy Cole Suzi Caudill Courtney Aiken Marie Muir Tanner Reo Daniel Culbreth Ken Morris

08/13 08/13 08/15 08/15 08/15 08/16 08/16 08/16 08/17 08/18 08/19 08/19 08/19 08/20 08/20 08/20 08/21 08/22 08/23 08/23 08/24 08/24 08/24

Wendy Tillotson Norma Ames Debbie Crownover Suzanne Finch Evan Setji Ellen Venable Connie Medlyn Jesse Shipman Conway Ormond Bob Pendergraph Barbara Andrews Mary Gordon Danielle Hay Cara Mansell Susan Miller John Roberts Sanders III Evan Tucker Zach Howe Aaron Weller Linda Mills

08/24 08/25 08/25 08/25 08/25 08/25 08/26 08/26 08/27 08/28 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/30 08/30 08/31

Do you have a question or questions for God? Let The Alpha Course help you find your answers! 11 Week evening class begins September 12, 2012 from 5:30-7:30 pm Includes free dinner, course supplies, childcare and weekend at Caraway Conference Center

New Class - Morning Alpha! - 12 Week morning class begins September 10, 2012 from 9:15- 11:30pm Coffee, tea and light snacks provided Contact: Dale and Betty Wickham - 919-471-0204 Check out The Alpha Course at 2


(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world.)

Two Free Previews ! Come and learn about this program. You may also register for the course during the preview !

Sunday, August 19th at 9:30 am and Sunday, August 26th at 12 noon Family Life Center Gym Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had NO payments‌ if you were completely debt free!?! The Stewardship Committee is thrilled to announce that Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University is coming to Aldersgate in September 2012. This is a fun and practical course that will teach us to handle money the way that God wants us to handle money. We will learn to live like no one else today, so that later we can live and give like no one else. Mark Your Calendars - More information is coming! - Wednesday Nights beginning on September 12th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. The course will last for 10 weeks (but we will take a night off on October 31, 2012 for Halloween) For questions, please contact Jennifer McLamb at or 919-620-8744 or a member of the Stewardship Committee. (Tony Schalliol, John Howe, Lynn Baird, Sheilah Lowans, Robin Thomas, Burton King, Holly Hall, Doug Lain and Garry Bowman) You may find more information at: .

3rd Grade Bibles Bibles will be presented to our third graders on October 21st during the 11:00am worship service. If your family has a third grader and you have not been personally notified by August 15th, please contact Jane at We want to make sure we include all our third graders in this special day.

Sunday School Kick-Off August 26 is Sunday school Kick-off day! We will begin our new Sunday school year with the children attending their new classes and meeting their teachers for the year. Children will receive a postcard the week of August 19th with class and teacher information. Youth and adults will also begin new series. If you and your family have not made Sunday school a part of your church experience, make this the day to begin!


CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING SUNDAY, August 19th at 12:15 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL FALL KICK-OFF AND PROMOTION SUNDAY August 26th CURRICULUM FAIR! August 6th - 7:00pm Room 202, Family Life Center - Adult small group leaders, Sunday school teachers and other interested adults are invited to the Curriculum Fair to preview study materials we have available at the church. This will be a great time to plan ahead for the coming year.


Resumes September 12th

Beginning in September, two DISCIPLE classes will be offered on Tuesday night - 7:00pm DISCIPLE I covers major portions of the Old and New Testaments. This is an excellent beginning Bible study. Leaders will be Doug Lain and Regina Carver. DISCIPLE III: Remember Who You Are participants will read the major and minor Old Testaments and the thirteen Letters traditionally attributed to Paul. Leaders will be John Hall and Jane Brannock. Looks for more detailed information on ALL Classes offered this fall in the new “Knowing" brochure now available.

Have you filled out your "Spiritual Self-Assessment - Charting Your Course" ? If not, the assessment can be located on the Aldersgate website: click on this link: It's located on the front page of the website. You may also pick up a printed copy outside the church sanctuary.



(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)

August 5th

“Pray Without Ceasing” OT: Psalm 25: 1-11 & NT: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

August 12th

“Rebel Prayer Warrior” OT: Matthew 6:5-13 & NT: Daniel 6:1-23

August 19th

Youth Sunday

August 26th

“Jesus Prays for Us” OT: Psalm 13 & NT: John 17:6-26

Contact: Music Minister, Rev. Nan de Andrade (477-0509 x116)

TOP TWENTY COUNTDOWN We’ve been enjoying counting down our favorites, based on a vote taken two weeks in May this year. Listed here is a continuation of some background about our favorites -- all but our final three – take inspiration from these favorites which clearly show the deep faith and enthusiasm of believers at Aldersgate. Mila and Nan will be “spinning your favorite hits all summer long,” so stay tuned through this month, as we enjoy our most popular choices! #10 Be Thou My Vision #451 (8th century Irish hymn, traditional Irish melody) This eighth-century Irish hymn is a prayer for the vision of God throughout life. The lovely Irish melody SLANE with its ABCD form (all four lines are different) enhances the text. Slane is a hill ten miles from Tara in Cout Meath, Ireland, associated with St. Patrick’s struggle against Druid priests. It is our most-ancient hymn favorite. (2010 ranking: #12) #9 It is Well With My Soul #8 The Old Rugged Cross #504 (by George Bennard, 1913) George Bennard was the son of a coal miner, converted during a Salvation Army meeting, who later became a Methodist evangelist. He wrote the words and music based on 1 Cor. 1:22-25. This hymn on the cross has been popular among Methodists, long before it was part of the Methodist hymnal (1957). (2010 ranking: #13) #7 Victory in Jesus # 370 (words and music: Eugene Bartlett, 1939) This rousing gospel song was made popular in the rural south at “singings” that used the Stamps-Baxter shaped-note books, and in concerts by male gospel quartets. Like most gospel songs, “the old redemption story” is a personal story, and its triumphant tune fits its positive, assuring message. (2010 ranking: same #7) #6 Pass It On #572 (words and music: Kurt Kaiser, 1969) Experiencing God’s love as the warmth of a fire that begins with a simple spark is the theme of this hymn by Kurt Kaiser, popular among many who first loved it as a youth or young adult. When you have known God’s love it is only natural that you want to share that love with others – “you want to pass it on.” The contagious spirit of a new or renewed believer sings forth in these stanzas, often accompanied with shouts and hand clapping. (New to countdown) 5

#5 Blessed Assurance #369 (words: Fanny Crosby, tune: Phoebe Knapp, 1873) Fanny Crosby, the blind 19th-Century gospel hymn writer wrote over 8.000 texts! Her ability to write hymns almost spontaneously is shown in the way this hymn came about: when her friend Phoebe Knapp played this tune to her, immediately Crosby said that the tune suggested the words, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is Mine," and within a short time had completed the entire text. (2010 ranking: #11) #4 Lord of the Dance #261 (words: Sydney Carter, tune: traditional) Written by English Quaker Sydney Carter in 1963, and set to a 19th-century Shaker tune ("Simple Gifts"), this ballad-like hymn tells the story of Jesus, as he invites us to join in the dance of salvation. It bears a close resemblance to a 17th-century Cornish carol: “Tomorrow Will Be My Dancing Day.” Additional roots: the convenor of the annual fair in English folklore was called “Lord of the Dance.” (2010 ranking: tied at #1)

Aldersgate Music and Arts Camp - Many, Many Thanks Our Music & Arts Camp gets more exciting every year! We were thrilled to premier our new choral risers, which arrived just in time for our 58 children (age 5 to 12). This year, with the addition of a Real Actress (!) leading our drama sessions, (AUMC member Tracey Coppedge), you could see the amazing acting talents of our children rise. Thanks, Tracey!! The Aldersgate Camp staff, Evelyn Johnson (Camp Director) with Ruth Kay, Pam Hartis. Ashley Skinner, Angela Herman were great to work alongside; and I also want to thank youth volunteers Kelly Autrey, Desirea Jacobs, Rebecca Johnson, as well as Mila Karamushka, who worked with our soloists, Gary James and Bob de Andrade, Setup helpers, and John Hall and Randy Gordon, our wonderful sound and lights guys, and the A-V team. There were many gifts and joys through the week. Most priceless to me: hearing all the children virtually shouting out (memorized) our “Perfect Ten” song, which listed out the Ten Commandments.


The final performance (as we’ve come to expect) was amazing to behold. The Lord was faithful just as at the Red Sea (another scary but faith-growing event)! Thanks to all for supporting this ministry. This week is special to me because it is my chance (as well as many of our “church” kids) to learn together with our Aldersgate Camp/Afterschool children, and to bond. We spend a week immersing ourselves in a Bible story through the musicals we’ve learned (2009: Jonah; 2010: Daniel; 2011: Joseph; 2012: Moses); and because music and activity help us to remember, these are Bible stories that I doubt they’ll ever forget. Glory to God- as we sang in our musical, “You’re a mover, a shaker, a miracle maker and no one compares to You. With a wave of your hand, you turned sea to dry land, and no one compares to You. So we praise and honor You, God. You are the Lord, our Warrior. We’re led by love to this holy place and no one compares to You!.” THANKS – Nan de Andrade

There are four main areas of benefit to singing in the choir: Connecting - working together, you will make friends and share a language in which you can speak to and about God Knowing - you will learn new skills and grow spiritually through the inspiring music and texts Loving - music ministry is all about loving God and neighbor, as singing together is a worship activity to share! Growing - singing is good for your health and even rehearsals on Wednesday nights invigorate you (body, mind and spirit). That sounds like a (familiar) mission to embrace! Won’t you join us as we convene our choir this month? There’s nothing our choir loves more than welcoming the next new member! We would love to have you! No experience necessary – all voices welcome and needed.

CHANCEL CHOIR END-OF-SUMMER GET-TOGETHER Come and join us at a picnic fellowship on Wednesday, August 15 (6:00 pm). This is a great way to begin to know the “green people” of the loft. I’ll need to e-blast you the location, as we’re still fighting over who gets to host this year.

CHANCEL CHOIR FIRST REHEARSAL OF THE SEASON - Wednesday, August 22, 7:30 pm (Sanctuary); child care is available (please let me know if you need it). Though the choir rehearses together, most weeks, folk choose to sing at one or the other of our traditional service times. Each rehearsal covers 4-6 weeks of anthems and calls, as well as preparation for upcoming special services, such as our Advent Cantata. This way, when you need to miss a rehearsal, you’ll not fall too far behind. It keeps it interesting too! If you want to talk or explore further about the choir, please contact Nan. We hope to see you soon! Please watch for E-Updates and bulletin announcements for groups which will begin in September, including: youth praise, children’s choirs, children, youth and adult handbells, and sacred dance for children and youth. Questions? Contact Nan. 6

Church Yard Sale September 22nd

CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSETS! Annual Missions Yard sale : Saturday, September 22 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Because of construction we CAN NOT take any items at the church before 6:00 pm on set-up night. Also we WILL NOT be able to store items in the Family Life Center prior to that time as the building itself will still be in construction mode. Please bear with us this year with the special times and arrangements. If you have a questions re: an early donation, or if you would like to help with set-up or sale day, please call Jane Bahor 919-479-5522 or Mary Artley 919-906-2784.

Come one, Come All - Rafting or Shopping Fun for everyone ! Wanna beat the summer heat? Come cool off in the whitewater of the NC Mountains August 10th – 12th. We are planning a trip for everyone, ages 8 and up, to raft one of our scenic rivers and stay at beautiful Lake Junaluska! This year’s trip will hopefully give you a few more rapids and water, and is still a great trip for families with youth and children, couples, singles – Everyone! Even if you are not a rafter, you can enjoy the lakeside and beautiful downtown Waynesville & Maggie’s Valley for eating and shopping. We hope you will make plans to join us! The cost for the trip is $112 per person, based on four people per room; rate is $82 for non-rafters. Contact Tara for more info at

Aldersgate United Methodist Men Fish Fry & Fellowship August 24th The Aldersgate United Methodist Men will kick off the Fall season with our annual Fish Fry on August 24th-Friday-6PM in Family Life Center. All men in our church family, community and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. In addition to a great fish dinner w/ hushpuppies, slaw, fries, & desert, plus cold iced tea, there will be great fellowship, AND, a guest speaker-Johnny Evans-former NC State All American quarterback, speaking for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A Love offering will be collected. Please try to join us for some great food and fellowship. Please let us know if you can attend--contact Bill Smith, Randy Gordon, John Sanders or John Hall before August 20th.

Help Feed the Night Shelter Sunday, August 12th Deliver to church by 5:00pm The Susanna Wesley Circle will again be sponsoring a meal for the Night Shelter on August 12th. To feed the 220+ persons, we need your help in preparing chicken pot pies. If you would be able to help, please sign the sheet posted beside the office door. If you have any questions, please contact Raye Lyndon - Below is the recipe. They are also available outside the church office. Easy Chicken Pot Pie 2-3 cups cooked chicken, cubed 2 cans cream of chicken soup 2 cans Veg-All, drained

1 cup Bisquick 1 cup milk 1/2 stick butter or margarine

Mix Veg-all, chicken and soup; pour into a 9x13 pan. Melt butter and mix butter, milk and Bisquick (it will be a very thin batter). Pour over the chicken-vegetable mix. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 1 hour or until golden brown on top. 7


(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) WE NEED YOUR HELP FOR DRIVE THROUGH PRAYER!


It’s not as hard as it sounds! The Evangelism Committee needs people to help with all parts of drive through prayer. Don’t feel comfortable praying in front of people? Come help set up signs, tear down the tent at the end, or pass out water. Feel like you want to maybe check out the prayer part? You can start with observing with a partner if you’re not ready to just jump into leading the prayer yourself. We have heard from many in the community what a blessing this is to them and you could be part of it! Still not sure this is for you? Questions contact Carol Brese at 919-471-2269 or Michelle Schalliol at 919-768-0286 - Next Drive Thru Prayer will be: August 7th - 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Aldersgate Phase - August Construction Update Contract work has progressed. The west drive parking lot entrance is now closed. New sidewalks are being poured, as well as the placement of a storage POD. The POD will be used for the temporary storage of materials from the second floor FLC during renovations there. The work on the dry pond has progressed and the shape and location of the pond is now visible. Work on the Columbarium site has begun with clearing the site, preparing the drainage, and leveling the site. Preparatory work is already started to install a brick enclosure for the HVAC equipment to replace the old wooden enclosure.



$ from Goal

% of Goal



Budgeted Goal




Pledged Goal




Trustee for August Billy Cole & Kay Shaver

August Altar Guild Kaye Harris & Regina Carver August Acolyte Schedule 8:15 am Worship Service Aug. 5th: Aug. 12th: Aug. 19th: Aug. 26th:

Catherine Fishback & Janae Andrews Abi Lowans Taylor Healy Hannah Fogle

8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am

11:00 am Worship Service Aug. 5th: Aug. 12th: Aug. 19th: Aug. 26th:

Matt Johnson & Rebecca Johnson Kelly Copolo McKenna Colgan Grace Vincent

Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong

We have a *NEW* UTH Leadership Team! The UTH have been studying Leadership for the past few weeks at Sunday Night and have elected new officers for our UTH Leadership Team. They expanded the team to include 2 representatives from each grade to become a more efficient committee! They have spent prayerful time nominating and voting as a UTH our new Leaders! Please take time to congratulate each of the new members! 7th Grade: Abi Lowans, Grace Vincent 8th Grade: Andrew Petry, Drayton Colman 9th Grade: Mark Vincent, Anna Van Deventer 10th Grade: Daniel Cole, Colton Stanley 11th Grade: Ethan Whitaker, Kevin Parham 12th Grade: Lawson Osteen, Alan Miller


August Lay Assistants Schedule Greeters

8:15am Worship Service Ushers

Lay Readers


Pat Stancil (m) Henry Atkinson (0)

Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon

Barbara Atkinson


Raye Lyndon (m) Sharon MacLauin (o)

Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson

Burton King


Carol & Dave Brese (o) Chick Hinton (m) Charles Andrews (m)

Carol & Doug Morris Jeff Sturkey/Kirt Brown


Carl & Kathy Chmieleswki (o) Lisa & Joe Clark Ed Osteen (m) Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts

8/5 8/12 8/19 8/26

Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Sue Allison Betty & Dale Wickham

9:30am Worship Service Andrea Stewart/Sue Allison Cynthia Bell/Cathy Sheffield Dale & Betty Wickham Gene Bell & Lara Rowland

Curtis Gay Jane Bahor

Dale Wickham April Perry Andrea Stewart Wanda Crutchfield

11:00am Worship Service 8/5

Ginger Hawkins/ (o) Graham Nichols (m))

Maryellen & Walter Finnigan Megan Hunt/Mitch Moser


Maryellen Finnigan (m) Andy McCorison (o)

Pam Boatright/Nancy Grinstead Paula Alford/Paula Veasey

Judy Alford


July & Paula Alford (o) Mary Gordon (m)

Raye Lyndon/Ron West Andy & Stacey McCorison

John Howe


Joyce Mackin (m) Heidi Miller (o)

Andrea Stewart/Sarah McCorison Summer Stanley/Bill Smith

Ken Morris

Paula Veasey

To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below: and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left side of the front page.



Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712

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