August 2015
Inside this issue:
Birthdays 2 Drive Thru Prayer Weekday School 3 Children’s Ministry 4 Primetimers 4 DivorceCare/ 5 Grief Share 5 Sunday Worship 6 This Fall at Aldersgate 7-8 Thank You’s 9 Agapeshop4kids 10 And Sellers 11 Backpack Program 12 Church Yard Sale 12 Music Notes 14-15 Worship Wonderings 16 Nursery/Acolytes/ 17 Altar Guild/Trustee Finance 18 August Lay Assistants 19
POWER TO LIVE BY Niagara Falls is an impressive sight. My parents said they visited these falls, and many newlyweds have gone to see their beauty, as well as to discover the beauty of each other (in the process). The ride at the bottom of the falls on the “Maiden of the Mist” is impressive, as the plunging mighty river sprays gently on the face. The light show is exciting, as they display the falls with different colors at night. But in the long run, our greatest appreciation is in the acknowledgment of its power, not only in the falls, but the byproduct as well. This is power to live by! The Holy Spirit is not simply seeking to give us “emotional connections.” The power of the Holy Spirit is what we live by, and is a vital need for every believer. Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” He meant that if we are not connected to the Holy Spirit, there is very little that can be accomplished in and through our lives. There is no telling what can be done if we “live, move and have our being” in the Holy Spirit (Acts 17:28)! Pastor Homer
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AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Will Van Deventer Ainsley Dickerson David Upchurch Hank Van Deventer Kelly Copolo Taylor Healy Carl Chmielewski Carol Sue Cunningham John Howe Summer Stanley Rylan Kent Sierra Hunt Emily Falise Trampas Nevius Kelly Holland Suevil Cox Inna Nichols Makenzie Carver Kathy Chmielewski Fallon Finnigan Jesenia Jacobs Dana Leeson Patty Kreiselman Elena Thomas Janae Andrews Michele Tucker Andrew Gauger
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Julia Rosemond Jackson Kimbrough Madison Burgeson Daniel Cole David Leonard Bill Vincent Peggy W. Gregory Billy Cole Suzi Caudill Brian Reo Elayna Bouck Marie Muir Tanner Reo Ken Morris Wendy Tillotson Norma Ames Debbie Crownover Ellen Venable Connie Medlyn Jesse Shipman Alexa Kent Conway Ormond Barbara Andrews Danielle Hay John Robert Sanders III Ed Denbo Linda Mills
1st Tuesday of Each Month Aldersgate UMC Parking Lot 4:00 pm ‘til 6:00 pm (weather permitting) COMING UP: AUGUST 4TH
08/16 08/18 08/19 08/19 08/19 08/19 08/20 08/21 08/22 08/22 08/23 08/23 08/23 08/24 08/24 08/25 08/25 08/25 08/26 08/26 08/27 08/27 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/31 08/31
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PRESCHOOL CAMPS: Aug. 3rd -7th Aug. 10th -14th
Kings, Queens, Castles and Things A Visit to Outer Space
AUGUST 26TH PARENTS’ MORNING OUT - 9:00 AM UNTIL NOON (LUNCH BUNCH IS OPTIONAL UNTIL 1:00 PM) Hosted by the Aldersgate Preschool Teachers $20 for the first child and $10 for each additional sibling $5 for lunch – choose between pizza or chicken nuggets Call Evelyn to sign up – (919) 479-8686
AFTERSCHOOL IS BACK! Easley Elementary and the School of Creative Studies started back on July 20th, and students from Sandy Ridge Elementary, Excelsior School and Carrington Middle School will be joining us the end of August. We have 120 children, grades Kindergarten thru middle school, enrolled in the afterschool program. They are a great group of kids. I ask you to pray for the families that attend our school – for some this is the only place they hear about Jesus. I also ask you to pray for the teachers who are in contact with the children each day. Also, for their own personal families that this will be a great year for each of them. Thank you for your support of this ministry of the church. Evelyn Johnson OUR AFTERSCHOOL TEACHERS FOR 2015-2016 JIM DECK MEGHAN WHITE RUTH KAY WILL MANGUM STEPHANIE ELSTON WILLIAM FONTENELLE KARMON ALLISON RAY ALBAN LINDSEY SELLARS JESSICA JAKOBCYZK AMY LUDWIG SKYLAR MATTHEWS KAYLEE JONES PAM HARTIS
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Children’s Ministry KIDS ON WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR AUGUST AUGUST 2ND THE SHEMA DEUTERONOMY 6:4-8 AUGUST 9TH PSALM 23 PSALM 23:1-6 AUGUST 16TH JOHN 3:16 AUGUST 23RD THE NEW COMMANDMENT JOHN 13:34 We need help with the Children’s Summer Sunday School, during the month of August. The Children’s Christian Formation Team is looking for volunteers to teach and assist in Sunday School this summer so that our teachers can have a summer break! Everything is planned and all materials will be provided. If you are willing to help out, please contact Lara Rowland at .
ADULT MINISTRY Primetimers is a gathering of adults 55 and over (although we don’t check ID!) that meets each first and third Thursday of the month. This fellowship group shares a meal: covered dish the first week and bring your own sandwich the third week. We connect by sharing our stories, singing hymns, and enjoying each other’s company. We know by learning from various speakers about matters important to us personally (how to save on our use of electricity, what chiropractors can do for us), and issues that affect our community (how Threshold cares for the mentally ill, how the 911 call center operates), and missions that reach beyond our community (Haiti mission team and Guatemala Sewing Machine mission.) And, sometimes, we’ll just play a game. Our love for each other is evident by the laughter you hear and the smiles you see on the people who come together at Primetimers. We feel that we are growing spiritually and mentally as we share this fellowship with our friends from Aldersgate and other churches. We meet in the Wesley Room from 11:45am to 1:30pm each first and third Thursday. Look for meeting announcements in the Church Calendar section of the Sunday bulletin. You can contact Susan Gay for more information. ( or 919-471-2352.
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ADULT MINISTRY DIVORCECARE We, at Aldersgate, take seriously our call to be our brother/sister’s keeper—that is to show compassion; to listen; and to offer comfort and hope to those who are suffering. One way our church is responding is by initiating a weekly seminar and support group called Divorce Care which is for separated or divorced men and women. Kathy Reeves and Curtis Gay will co-lead this 13-week support group which will begin on September 15th at 6:30 pm in Room 201 of the Family Life Center. If you are experiencing pain from separation/divorce, know that you are not alone and that help is available. Please come & give this program a chance to help you recover from your pain. Also, if you know of a relative, co-worker, or friend who is struggling, please encourage them to attend. The group is open to Aldersgate members and community members alike. For more information, go to, pick up a brochure on the table in the narthex, or call the church office at 919-477-0509 Ext 102.
GRIEFSHARE After the funeral when the cards and calls stop coming, most people return to their normal lives. But if you recently experienced the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend, then your grief continues and you may feel all alone. Often friends and family want to help, but they may not know how. That’s where GriefShare comes in. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through grief and loss resulting from the death of a loved one or friend. Barbara Atkinson and Jack Snyder will co-lead this 13-week support group which will meet weekly at Aldersgsate UMC beginning September 15th at 6:30 pm in Room 202 in the Family Life Center. GriefShare features nationally recognized experts of grief recovery topics. Video presentations include: “Is Grief Normal,” The Challenges of Grief,” and “Guilt and Anger.” If you know of a relative, co-worker, or friend who is grieving the loss of a loved one, please encourage them to attend. The group is open to AUMC members and community members alike. For more information, go to, pick up a brochure on the table in the narthex, or call the church office at 919-477-0509 Ext 102.
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August 2nd
“The Faith of Noah” Message by Rev. Homer Morris Genesis 6:5-8 & Hebrews 11:7
August 9th
“Faith In Christ” Message by Rev. Homer Morris Romans 5:1-11
August 16th
“Faith for Life and Death” Message by Rev. Homer Morris Genesis 50:24-26; Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32; Hebrews 11:22 THE EARLY CHURCH
August 23rd “The Dynamic of the Early Church ” Message by Rev. Homer Morris Acts 1:1-14 August 30th “Spiritual Pretense” Message by Rev. Homer Morris Acts 5:1-11
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Begins September 16th 5:00 - 5:30 pm 5:30 - 6:15 pm 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday Evening Prayer Service Fellowship Meal in the Family Life Center Bible Classes for Adults “Reason for God” by Timothy Keller Led by Rev. Homer Morris “ Namesake” by Jessica LaGrone Led by Lara Rowlands and Kimberly Riggs
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday Night Live for Kids
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE DINNER HOSTS SOUGHT Wednesday Night Live starts back on September 16th. After a busy summer for most of us it will be good to gather together again for fellowship and a delicious meal. Once again we are asking all the church groups to take a turn at being a dinner host for WNL. This is a wonderful opportunity for groups to provide an important and needed service for their church while also being able to raise funds for a mission project. The process of planning and cooking a Wednesday Night Live meal together is a great way for small groups to get to know one another better and have some fun in the process! If you have a favorite menu your group likes to do, or to get the best selection of dates, please contact Barbara Atkinson as soon as possible. If you need help with menu ideas she can help you with that, too,. You may reach Barbara at or 919-765-9784.
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THIS FALL AT ALDERSGATE Begins September 16th 6:30 - 7:30 PM
“REASON FOR GOD” BY TIMOTHY KELLER Why is there suffering in the world? How could a loving God send people to Hell? Why isn’t Christianity more inclusive? Shouldn’t the Christian God be a god of love? How can one religion be “right” and the rest “wrong”? Why have so many wars been fought in the name of God? These are just a few of the questions even ardent believers wrestle with today. In this study, Tim Keller uses literature, philosophy, real-life conversations and reasoning, and even pop culture to explain how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief, held by thoughtful people of intellectual integrity with a deep compassion for those who truly want to know the truth. Led by Rev. Homer Morris in the Wesley room.
“ NAMESAKE” BY JESSICA LAGRONE Every name tells a story. Names in Scripture were often given to tell the story of a person’s identity, upbringing, or character. When God transforms lives, He often brings more than we bargained for: new identities, new journeys, even new names. “Namesake” is a six-week Bible study for women that explores the transformational power of God through the stories of biblical characters who met God and whose lives and names were changed forever. As you meet Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Naomi, Daniel, Peter, and the unnamed woman, you will discover that God wants to be just as intimately involved in your story, offering an identity that shines with the purpose for which you were created. Led by Lara Rowlands and Kimberly Riggs in room 201 in the Family Life Center
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THIS FALL AT ALDERSGATE QUIET DAYS ARE SCHEDULED Quiet Days are offered as time set apart within a supportive community for prayer, meditation, reading, reflection, silence and time alone with God. The Greek word for church, ekklesia, means “called out of the world” and refers to the calling of people from their ordinary life to gather together in sacred time and space. It’s where we listen for God as our souls are shaped. Quiet Days provide an opportunity for that holy listening. Get your calendar out now and block out some time for spiritual refreshment. Quiet Days are scheduled for Saturday, September 26th, November 21st and January 16th from 8:30 a.m. until noon in the Wesley room. Lunch will be provided. To assist with planning please sign up at the Welcome Station. Plan on bringing your Bible and a notebook. For more information contact Barbara Atkinson at or 919 765-9784. “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee, O Lord.” ~ St. Augustine PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY FALL KICK OFF The Prayer Shawl Ministry will have their Fall Kick Off on Sunday, September 13 th at 4:00 p.m. in the Wesley room. This will be an opportunity for our daytime group and our evening group to gather together, share ideas and new patterns, assist each other with any problems we may be experiencing with a pattern and to look to the future of this very important ministry. Each of us should be looking for someone new to invite to the kick off. Perhaps there is someone who is new to Aldersgate that just needs an invitation from you to make that leap into believing they could be a knitter. All are invited to be a part of this ministry and you do not have to already know how to knit or crochet – we have many expert and patient teachers willing to show you. Mark your calendars now and plan on inviting a friend to our Kick Off. Come and help be a part of wrapping others in a visible sign of the church’s love and prayers.
NEGLECTED VOICES - Ever wondered about some of those people from the Bible like Phoebe, Simon Magus, Shiphrah and Puah? Who were they? What did they do? What kind of relationship did they have with God? If you are interested in learning more about some of the lesser known characters of the Bible, come join us on Thursday afternoon at 1:30 as we study Neglected Voices by John Indermark. Questions? Call Judy Alford at 919-210-4146 or email at Classes begin on September 17th.
THE TMBS (Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 6:30 am class) will study, “Run With the Horses: A Quest for Life at its Best” by Eugene Peterson. In this series we will explore the heart of what it means to be fully and genuinely human. Eugene Peterson’s writing is filled with humor and self-reflection, insight and wisdom, helping to set a course for others in the quest for life at its best. All men are invited, 6:30 am each Tuesday morning in the Wesley Room . You can join this class any Tuesday morning.
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MUCHAS GRACIAS ! Words cannot tell all the thanks I have for everything that Aldersgate folks have done for me the past four months. Thanks to Ken Carle, Doug Taylor, Keith Porter and Garry Bowman for taking me to many doctors' appointments, no small task since they have to take me up and down the step in a wheelchair. I'm not mentioning other names because I might miss someone. I do appreciate those of you who have gone to the grocery store, bank, drugstore and elsewhere. I also thank you for the gifts -- food, money and medical and other equipment. I'll say it again -- Aldersgate folks are the greatest. Since getting a spinal injection, my leg is 90% improved, but the back is now out of whack, somewhat controlled with pain med and muscle relaxant. I told my doctor that he had to get me back in the world by September. He didn't promise anything, just said backs were harder to treat than legs. I will be starting aquatic therapy on July 28th. Visits are welcome!!! Thanks again for everything. Judy Schlegel
Thank you for your gift of $2,794.00, received on June 2nd. You play a crucial role in our ability to distribute food and other life-changing aid to people around the world who suffer from hunger. Since 2005, we have shipped more than 200 million meals to schools, orphanages, vocational training programs, medical centers and other community development programs around the world. We truly appreciate your commitment to Stop Hunger Now and or shared fight against hunger. Rod Brooks, President and CEO Stop Hunger NOW
Dear Aldersgate United Methodist Church, On behalf of the Durham Children’s Choir, I would like to thank you for the support you have given to us during our 2014-2015 season! We are grateful for your willingness to share your space; it served us well for our End of Year Potluck and Cabaret! Sincerely, Dena Byers Artistic Director Durham Children’s Choir
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MISSIONS Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Agape Circle’s Semi-Annual
AgapeShop4Kids A children’s charity consignment sale
Saturday, August 15th -- 8am-2pm Sunday, August 16th -- 12:30pm-2:30pm* *some items half-price!!!
Items for sale include: baby clothes, children’s clothes, maternity clothes, costumes, shoes, toys, books, movies, baby gear, bedding, furniture, and much more! Come to: • Aldersgate United Methodist Church Family Life Center • Umstead Rd., Durham • Call or email for information about being a Seller or a Shopper! • 919-818-0454 (Barbara Snyder) •Or request info through * * * Please Note: All Sales Are Cash or Credit Only * * *
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We hope you’ll join us in our efforts to make some money for you, make some money for some very deserving charities, and provide high-quality, gently-used baby/kid items at great prices for mothers in our community. Seller’s shop early AND make 2/3 of your selling price! Drop off your marked items with clothes sorted by gender and size, ready to hang up! You don’t have to be present on the day of the sale to sell your items! FALL / WINTER CLOTHES ONLY Here’s how it works: Collect items you would like to sell. These items include: Children’s Fall/Winter clothing (no stains, tears, etc.) Children’s shoes (in good condition) Accessories (hats, socks, purses, etc.) Maternity Clothes Indoor Toys (with working batteries) Outdoor Toys (bikes, climbers, slides, athletic equipment, power wheels, etc.) Baby Gear (strollers, exer-saucers, jumpers, walkers, playpens, swings, breast pumps, etc.) Feeding Items (high chairs, bottles, etc.) Books, Movies (DVDs or VHS), CDs Bedding Furniture/Decorations (book cases, children’s tables, easels, pictures, lamps, etc.) Car Seats (they need to be “certified” for use—you can have them checked at a fire station). Please pick up a registration form at the Welcome Centers, located outside the sanctuary as well as in the Family Life Center. There you will find the instructions on how to become a seller. If you have any questions, please contact: Barbara Snyder: 919-818-0454 Or request info:
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MISSIONS Love your neighbor: share a granola bar. Feed the hungry: put beans in a backpack. Does this make sense? Absolutely! Provide groceries and snacks to food insecure teenagers. Send weekend meals home with students on Friday afternoons. This is the Community Backpack Ministry. We work with other churches in the community to package meals for students to transport in their book bags. This food feeds hungry bellies, but with God’s help it also feeds hungry souls, providing much needed encouragement, support and love. We are beginning our first full school year at Riverside High School. Everyone is welcome to help in this ministry by gifts, by service, by prayers. Contact Kay Edwards (919-383-5032; if you would like to participate or for more info.
Aldersgate is one of 30+ Durham churches that make up the Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network (DIHN). In our role as a host church, we bring the families in the program to Aldersgate each night for a week for a hot, nutritious meal and a safe place to play, relax and sleep. Many hands are needed to help make these families feel welcomed and loved. Our youth transform classrooms into bedrooms for the families. Drivers bring the families to the church each evening and return them to the Day House each morning. Evening hosts prepare meals and share in fellowship with the families. Overnight hosts sleep over and are present to respond to the needs of our guests. Youth and adults share their time and talents with these families playing a game, reading a story, sharing a song, or just being there to listen. Aldersgate truly opens its doors and heart in response to these families. My heartfelt thanks to all those people who are already involved in making our guests feel the spirit of Christ’s love, and I invite you to join us if you are not already a part of IHN. We will host the IHN families the week of August 16th, and again the week of November 1st . You can learn more about IHN at the website for the Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network or contact Susan Gay at Susan Gay
Drop off your items, Friday, October 16th 2:00 pm ‘til 7:30 pm
Yard Sale Begins: Saturday, October 17th 8:00 am until 3:00 pm
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MUSIC NOTES NOTES - Nan de Andrade MUSIC Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more. ( Choir Rehearsal Times: Adult Choir: Choir will launch the fall season on Sunday, August 23rd with a Fellowship event at the home of John and Alice Hagaman. Please contact Nan to find out more! The first rehearsal for the fall will be on the following Wednesday, August 26th at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary. We hope you will join us! Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 (no rehearsal on August 4th or 18th) New members always welcomed ! Sweet Sounds Dulcimer Group, Tuesdays at 11 am. (call Nan for more details—919-477-0509 x 116) Sacred Dance, Handbells and Arts in the Afternoon for children are on summer break. See below for upcoming fall opportunities. MUSIC AND ARTS CAMP KUDOS from Nan de Andrade Wow! What an amazing week we had! Many people helped our children to experience faith, music and arts in our fun-packed week with “What’s Up Zak?”. A special thank-you to: Evelyn Johnson, who stepped up with Jane Bahor to help with the drama. The excellent characterizations and memorizations is thanks to their loving care with our budding actors and actresses! Jane was also our set creator, with help from Dan Barbour, Cheryl Joy Turner, Jessica Hale and James Lee. The Barbour and Rhyne families also prepared a special snack. The Summer Camp staff were very helpful with many aspects, from leading arts and crafts, distributing t-shirts, preparing snack and Friday’s pizza party. One (Mr. Tim) even showed his hidden talent playing Jesus for the play! Andrew Woods ran sound for us, and the ever-faithful John Hall hung the lights and prepared the room for CD, mics, and sound. Most of all, we must give high fives and thanks to all of our forty-three children, who were more than wonderful (responsible, well-behaved, enthusiastic, and just adorable!) the entire week through! SPOTIFY YOUR PRAISE - Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/ pods that plays music from playlists built by members. Each month, Nan creates a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 Contemporary worship service. Search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, right now AUMC August 2015). If you’re having trouble, try following the link on Nan de Andrade’s Facebook page or request that she send you a personal link FALL DANCE MINISTRY - Young Dancers is a troupe of children from grades 2-5 (no dance experience needed) who will prepare a sacred dance in the fall, and another in the spring for worship. They are led by Anna Van Deventer and (new this year) McKenna Colgan. The Fall dance season will begin on Sunday, September 13th at 3:45-4:45 pm. Parents are asked to come along to the first meeting for the first halfhour. They will meet for eight weeks to prepare their dance, which will be shared on November 8th (all 3 morning services). There is an attendance requirement (goal: no more than 1 absence/ season). SACRED DANCERS is our dance ministry for youth (6th-12th graders). Led by Anna Van Deventer, Sacred Dancers will rehearse on Sundays at 7 pm (after UTH), beginning on September 8 (make plans, choose musical selection. (after UTH). They will be preparing a dance for the Chrismon Service which is November 29 at 6:00 pm. Now is the time to let us know if you’re interested in joining in the dance, this fall! Anna Van Deventer’s email is Or you may contact Nan de Andrade
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MUSIC NOTES (continued) P.S. to AUMC’s SECRET DANCE LOVERS We just know there are some members of our congregation who spent their youth dancing, or who simply want to support our dance ministry with their presence and background support. As dedicated youth leaders who will give this everything they’ve got, Anna and McKenna really need some adult support (chaperone help, backing, encouragement, advice, care, parent liaison). Please make yourself known! Please dust off your slippers and give us a call to see how you can help! HANDBELLS - The Joyful Noise Ringers will be back to rehearsal on Tuesday, September 8th at 7:30. JNR is a fairly advanced choir, so if you’re a note-reader (even formerly) this could be the choir for you! But, if you’d just like to learn to play and have limited reading skills, we would love to launch a Beginner’s Handbell Choir. It’s not as hard as it looks, and it’s a great way to exercise your brain and praise God! If you’re interested in ringing, please contact Nan ( ARTS IN THE AFTERNOON FOR CHILDREN RETURNS SEPTEMBER 10th! All children are invited to participate, including children of our community or Afterschool program! Save your Thursday afternoons, 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm for a special (free) opportunity for children (K-8th) to experience the Arts! Mrs. Emily Wike (AUMC member who also teaches Drama at Durham’s Arts Magnet Elementary school), and Rev. Nan de Andrade are going to prepare our children to share a Christmas musical (singing, movement, drama, sets!!), during this fall’s Arts in the Afternoon program! Our September through early December offering will be geared toward preparing a special musical program for Christmas. Here’s what the calendar is shaping up to look like: Session 1: Sept. 10th, 17th and 24th: - Intro. to the Musical, learning a few songs, auditioning for the speaking roles. Fall Break Oct. 1st, 8th, 15th. (time to study lines and listen to our songs) Session 2 (6 weeks): Oct. 22nd- Nov. 19th + Dec. 3rd- Preparing our musical (drama and singing). Dress rehearsal Saturday, Dec. 5th Performance Sunday, Dec. 6th at 6:00 pm! In addition, we are recruiting for a children’s handbell choir, which may rehearse on Sunday early evening, or afterschool on another day – if you’re interested, let us know so we can include you! (
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Worship Wonderings Worship Wonderings - a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. Past articles (available on our website) include: The Shape of Worship, the Offering, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, Standing in Worship, Corporate Worship, An Overview of the Christian Year, Acolytes and Candle, Ecumenical Spirit in Worship, Paschal Mystery, Special flowers, and Theology in Architecture, and Funny Words THE BODY IN WORSHIP Our postures in worship hold traditional meanings which “speak without words” for us and for our attitudes in worship. STANDING When an important person enters the room, people stand. As a mark of respect for God’s presence, we stand in worship as we say together our Call to Worship and Opening Prayer. We also stand when we sing, which frees us to raise our hands or move to the music, but also signifies our common assent to what we are singing. For the same reason, we stand for the Creed. Standing for the Gospel Reading is a traditional practice highlighting the primary significance of the Christ story, and especially the words of Jesus, to our faith. (This is a common but not universal practice.) SITTING In 2 Samuel 7:16, David sat to pray. Students would sit at the Master’s feet to be taught. This could be why we sit for the sermon and prayers (but IMHO, long periods of standing makes one think about achy feet more than what is being said!). Sitting for worship/prayer did not become common practice until pews were invented (just in time for those long Reformation expository sermons). KNEELING We also have the opportunity to kneel in worship, especially for communion or altar calls. Kneeling signifies our humility before God. OUR HANDS Contrary to what you learned in Sunday school, you are not required to “fold your hands and bow your head” to pray. But, this practice (a long history, especially in Jewish tradition) can help you to be still and minimize distractions. Back in feudal times, serfs would fold their hands and place them into the hands of his Lord as a sign of his fidelity and loyalty. It’s also been a sign of surrender. So it can be meaningful to imagine putting your folded prayer hands into God’s hands, as a way of showing your submission and faith. Some like to sit with hands open, palms up, which is a physical way of making room for the Word (like a cradle). You also may see the worship leader stretching out his/her arms, palms up, during the Benediction, initiating the Passing of the Peace, or the Great Thanksgiving prayer. This is called “orans” and is an ancient prayer posture. MOVEMENTS In the UMC, we don’t do a lot of bowing or signs of the cross, but they are certainly welcome gestures in our church. The sign of the cross is made from forehead to chest, then left shoulder to right. Along with the gesture, most people silently say (in the name of the) “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Bowing or making the sign of the cross can set apart a special action, such as hearing the Gospel or the words of consecration in communion. We rarely formally process in to worship (we’re just not built for it), but our acolytes do, as the light of Christ is brought in during our Centering Music. We are invited to process forward to receive communion. Each Sunday, at the end of worship, we all process out, following the Christ-Light, the Preacher and Worship Leaders into the world. You may have heard that “Methodists don’t dance,” but we do! Sometimes we do a little sway, shuffle or toe-tap. And we all enjoy our Sacred Dancers gracefully move to express the meaning of a special song. Sometimes, we clap to music or after a special musical offering. It’s important to understand that when we clap, it is not for someone in worship to receive appreciation – God gets all the glory! But, out of a feeling of joy, or as an accompaniment to singing, clapping is a natural worship response. A song I like says, “Body, mind, Spirit, voice – it takes the whole person to sing and rejoice!” God created all of us, not just our Spirit, and what we do with our bodies has an impact on our spiritual approach. Even more, if you try to remember why you’re standing/sitting/kneeling, etc., you will reinforce its power to help you keep your worship God-centered.
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Nursery Ministry Each Sunday Morning: 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 am NURSERY TEACHERS ARE: LYNN WILFONG, ELLEN WHISNANT AND DAWN ECKHOFF.
An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
Altar Guild For this Month KAYE HARRIS REGINA CARVER
Trustee for this Month GLENN REYNOLDS
Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.
MID-YEAR FINANCE COMMITTEE UPDATE As we move into the second half of 2015 the finance committee would like to update you on the financial operations of the church during the first six months of the year. First, we want to thank you for your generous financial support of the church. The money you have given each week and month has made every act of worship, praise, instruction and service at Aldersgate possible. Without your support the church cannot fulfill its mission of creating disciples of Christ and helping each of us grow in our faith. Aldersgate is a place of active and far reaching ministry, none of which would be possible without your financial support. Thank you for generously sharing with Aldersgate the resources and blessings God has given to you. Monthly the finance committee reports in the bulletin the contributions made to the church and the expenses associated with the ministries of Aldersgate year to date. Through the end of June the ministries of Aldersgate have cost $31,000 more than the church has received in offerings and contributions. This pattern is obviously not sustainable long term. The finance committee asks for your help in recovering from the operating loss. We ask you to prayerfully seek and follow God’s leading in how you financially support the ministries of Aldersgate.
If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Mary Taylor to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of on-line giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Mary at 919-477-0509, ext. 117. Thank you for your generosity and support!
August Lay Assistants 8:15 Service
Chick Hinton Richard Riggsbee Kirk Brown/Mitch Adkins
Pat Stancil - m Kaye Harris - o
Mitch Adkins
Dave Brese
Jeff Sturkey* Andy McCorison/Chick Hinton Mary Tom Roberts
Dave Brese - m Carole Brese - o
Judy Alford
Shelia Rittgers
Paul/Linda Jones* Doug/Carole Morris
Beverly Jackson - m Mary Tom Roberts - o
Beverly Jackson
Ruth Kay
Beverly Jackson* Katherine Siler Mitch Adkins/Andy McCorison
Paul Jones - o Linda Jones - m
Mitch Adkins
Burton King
Beverly Jackson* Mitch Adkins/Ginger Hawkins Maryellen Finnigan
Dave/Carol Brese
John Howe
9:30 Service 8/2
Doug/Mary Taylor
Beth Menchini
Anne Finch
Mary Taylor
Margaret Muir* Steven Fishback
Suzanne Elliott
Mary Taylor
Nancy Wykle
Nancy Wykle* Matt Buckner
Shaunesy Story
Holly Hall
Lee Worsley
Doug/Mary Taylor
Margaret Muir
Cynthia Bell
Lisa Dye Janes
11:00 Service 8/2
Bill Smith* Sarah/Brent Walker Ginger Hawkins
Amelia Oakley - m Ronnie Oakley - o
Amelia Oakley
Steve Wilfong
Maryellen Finnigan* Tammy Closs Pam Boatright Jim Willis
Michele Tucker - m Amelia Oakley - o
Paula Veasey
Anna van Deventer
Ronnie Oakley/Paula Veasey Bill Smith Debbie Fletcher
Ginger Hawkins - m Maryellen Finnigan - o
John Howe
Ron West
Kimberly Riggs* Ron West/Ronnie Oakley Michele Tucker
Betty Jane Upchurch - m Debbie Fletcher Tammy Closs - o
Janie Howell
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
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