AUMC December 2011

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Aldersgate Experiences

Volume 12

Aldersgate United Methodist Church

What Are You Waiting For? By the time you receive this newsletter we will have begun the season of Advent. Advent is a season of preparation and waiting. In my family we tend to prepare and wait by decorating, cooking, buying, and wrapping. We look forward to Christmas when we will join together with extended family, eat a big meal, and swap gifts. But 2000 years ago the people of Israel were hoping for a Savior. Most were hoping for a military hero who would overthrow the Roman government that was oppressing them. Many Israelites felt that would solve everything – if they could just be independent again and be allowed to govern themselves. So they waited for a conquering hero. They waited for someone to save them from the life they were living. What are you waiting for? Is there something in the back of your mind that has you thinking, “If only this would happen then everything would be all right”? Maybe it is a Christmas bonus, or a promotion. Maybe it is improved health or a better relationship with somebody. Do you catch yourself thinking, “If only I could get to retirement…” Or, “If only we can make it until the kids get out on their own…” Or, “If I just had a new car…” What are you waiting for that you think, hope, and wish will completely change your life around for the better? Something that will “save” you from your current situation. When Jesus came to us, He didn’t come to be a conquering hero, to get us a promotion, or give us a new car. However, He did come to save us from our sins. He did come to save us from death. He did come to save us from ourselves and from this world that can often be cold and cruel. In Jesus we have a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. In Christ we can find hope, joy, peace and love. In Christ we can find healing, forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation. This is what we really need. Yes, Advent is a time to prepare and wait for our Savior; and if we are ready for Jesus to come into our lives, we will find that He is all we really need. Merry Christmas, Pastor Doug

December 2011 Inside this issue:

Music Ministry Lovefeast Acolytes Schedule Nursery Schedule Season Activities Birthdays Christian Formation Youth Ministry Communications Evangelism WNL for Kids Safe Sanctuaries Financials Altar Guild for Dec. Trustee for Dec. Lay Schedules Thank You’s WNL Meals Fundraisers Music Ministry

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Aldersgate Experiences

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Music Ministry Upcoming Special Advent and Christmas offerings: Advent Journey With Baby Jesus What would it be like to have baby Jesus at your house for a day? It might make you think differently about the holiday... Baby Jesus is looking forward to his home visits! This will be Aldersgate’s third year for Baby Jesus to travel from home to home throughout the Advent season. A journal will travel along with him. In it, you can write about your day together, or your personal response to his presence with you. On Christmas Eve, he will finally return to the church and be placed in the manger scene at worship. Jesus will be given to the first family on the first Sunday of Advent. If you receive Baby Jesus, welcome him to your home and life, share in the journal as you will, and then simply choose someone else from our church family (not already on the list) and pass him on. We also ask that you call the church office (Nan, ext. 116) when he moves, so that we can track his journey. Whoever has him on Dec. 24 should be sure to return him by that morning to the church office (Nan)! Chancel Choir Cantata - A World of Christmas by Joseph Martin Sunday worship, Dec. 11th, 8:15am and 11:00am Let the wings of song carry you to far away places, as we celebrate the coming of Christ through traditions and songs from all over the world! Contemporary Advent Lessons and Carols - Prepare the Way! Sunday worship, Dec. 11th at 9:30am Contemporary Service Praise and Worship with scripture and song. Led by our Praise Team, with a special music offering by Youth Praise Choir.

Handbell Festival - The Third Annual Epiphany Ring - Sunday, Jan. 8th at 7 pm Hosted by Aldersgate and featuring 8-10 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle sharing massed-ringing and individual selections, this festival celebrates the music of the season. Guest conductor is composer Alan Lohr, of Greenville, SC.

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Worship What is a Lovefeast? A Lovefeast service is a service dedicated to Christian love, and is most famously practiced by the Moravians but has become an Aldersgate Christmas tradition over that past 33 years. The Moravian Lovefeast is based upon the Agape feast and the meals of the early churches described in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, which were partaken in unity and love. Traditionally, American Lovefeasts consist of a sweetened bun and coffee (sweetened and milky) served to the congregation in the pews by dieners (from the German for servers); before partaking, a simple Moravian blessing is said. The Moravian Lovefeast also concentrates on the singing of hymns, and listening to music. For Christmas Eve, each member of the congregation receives a lighted candle at the end of the service. The Lovefeast at Aldersgate is based on the traditional Moravian Lovefeast first celebrated near Winston-Salem at Bethabara(1753) and Old Salem(1766). The buns are from the same baker who makes buns for Moravian churches in Winston-Salem. The candles are made by the women of Home Moravian Church. The coffee is based on the recipe used for many years by Immanual Moravian Church. Come celebrate this beautiful Christmas tradition on Sunday, December 18th at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Be sure to invite family, friends and neighbors!

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AUMC Acolyte Schedule December

4th 11th 18th

8:15am Worship Service

11:00am Worship Service

McKenna Colgan Ella Thomas Catherine Fishback Mackenzie Hale Lewis Reo Taylor Healy

Reid Moser Kelly Copolo Grace Vincent Abi Lowans Janae Andrews Rebecca Johnson Linda Morris


Nurser y Schedule 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am - Sunday Morning Nursery: Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis and Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Proactices: Ellen Ehisnant & Lynn Wilfong Wednesday Night Activities: Dee Stover & Lynn Wilfong

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Advent/Christmas Worship Services & Activities Sunday, December 18th - 6:30pm Moravian Lovefeast This is an Aldersgate tradition which “packs the house” as we worship in story and song to share the special Moravian Lovefeast and candlelighting traditions. This service will be held in the Family Life Center. Wednesday, December 21st - 6:30pm - Service of Comfort and Hope A compassionate Christmas service for people who are experiencing a difficult year of loss or life challenges. With scripture, prayers and gentle music, this meditative service emphasizes the Christmas message of hope and healing. Christmas Eve – Three Worship Services Family Service - 4:00pm For all ages, but especially designed for families with children, who take on a Christmas character (animals included) at the “impromptu Christmas pageant.” Come, worship and experience the Christmas story in a casual and memorable way as we re-create that special Bethlehem night. If you’d like to help with this service, see Tara Lain! 7:00 pm & 11:00 pm - Sanctuary-Carols, Communion and Candlelight - O Come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! We will join together to sing carols, hear the Christmas story, kneel at the Lord’s table, and share the light of Christ! Sunday, December, 25th - Christmas Day - 11:00am One worship service - Come celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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December Birthdays John Bullock Beth Lewis Reagan Thomas Rob Tucker Grace Vincent Mary Artley Mike Siler Phil Stancil John Hilton Beverly Jackson Frank Wootton Emily Korest Jerry Mansell Mark Culbreth Rhonda Nolte Eddie Williams Joshua Bosecker Mark Thomas Mike Bonham Phyllis Carter Carol Daugherty Paula James Tony Schalliol Terri Ray Zachary Mansell Matthew Fishback Ric Johnson Danny Berini Danielle Nixon Nan de Andrade Doug Rowland Mary Stanley

12/01 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/04 12/04 12/06 12/07 12/07 12/08 12/08 12/08 12/09 12/09 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/14 12/16 12/17 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/19

Owen Williams Will Johnson Chris Wallace Christopher Copolo Jan Moore Sandy Falise Catherine Fishback Joan Lundquist Tracy Setji Heather Daugherty Bob Hurley Terry Janes Danielle Jones Dennis Kay Cathy Cozart Suzanne Duncan

12/20 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/30 12/31 12/31

Aldersgate Experiences

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Christian Formation Summer Dates - Believe it or not, summer planning is well underway. Note these dates on your calendar: Vacation Bible School June 18-22 Camp Chestnut Ridge June 25-29 Music and Arts Camp July 9-13 Registration begins for Day Camp December 1st on-line. Make sure you register your child under church day camps and then the Aldersgate section. The camp is offering earlier registration this year in order to our children their choice in their “major”. Please contact Jane if you have any questions.

ADULT CLASSES FOR JANUARY Wednesday Night Live will resume on January 11. We have three new classes that will run until February 15. All Wednesday night classes are from 6:30pm 7:30pm.

Walk Across the Room – Wednesday Night - an approach to sharing your faith and bringing others to God. Led by Doug Lain and Andy Revill.

When Christians Get It Wrong - Wednesday Night - gain an understanding of the issues that keep people away from Christianity and keep Christians from living a more compelling faith. Led by Rev. Jack Snyder

What Does Worship Mean?-Wednesday Night - At look at the meaning of the traditions and liturgy of worship. Led by April Perry and Rev. Nan de Andrade

The Jesus Lifestyle - 7:00pm, Rm. 202 - the Family Life Center - The First Monday of the month (excluding holidays) Topics to be covered: Dec.5th - How to Spot False Prophets - For information contact: Dale and Betty Wickham - 919-471-0204 or email:

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Youth Ministr y UTH: HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL - CHANGE High School Sunday School will be changing to 9:30am starting December 4th! Meet in the UTH Room!

WINTERFEST The rest of the Winterfest money is due by November 30! Please make checks out to Aldersgate UMC. Write at the bottom of the check your child's name and "Winterfest Payment."

WINTERJAM Winter Jam is January 7th in Raleigh! 10 Christian Bands for $10! Be on the look-out for the Sign-Up Sheet coming soon! Have you not been receiving the UTH Weekly Email Updates? Please email to receive them!

Pastor Rob

Aldersgate Experiences

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Communications “Spreading THE WORD " Aldersgate’s Newsletter is going ELECTRONIC ! Starting January 1, 2012, the Aldersgate “Experience" will be distributed electronically. If you are currently receiving the weekly E-Blast, you will automatically receive the electronic version of the newsletter starting with the January edition. If you are NOT receiving the Eblast and would like to receive the newsletter (and/or the E-blast), please email: Holly Hall at There will be a limited supply of printed newsletters available outside the church office for those that do not have access to email. There are many advantages to electronic distribution. The biggest ones are cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Our distribution numbers are increasing monthly. We are currently printing 425 copies of the newsletter (25 pages) each month. The current newsletter is costing the church $17,508.00 per year to produce and distribute. The new electronic version will cost approximately $3,600.00 per year, with a cost saving of: $ 13,908.00 per year. If you have any changes to your email address, or have any questions, please contact: Holly Hall, or (919) 477-0509 x 117.

Evangelism Drive-Thru Prayer December 6th - 4:30pm-6:30pm “Sharing Hope with God’s People Through Prayer”

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Christian Formation Wednesday Night Live for Kids In January, the children will be learning more about their Bibles while having a wonderful time. They will learn how to easily find Bible passages, do some Bible drills, find out why the Bible is like a library, and much more. Their activities begin at 6:16pm and continue until 7:30pm. Part of the time they spend in Bible exploration and the other they spend singing great music with Heidi Miller and Wendie Anderson.

Bible Black Belt Update The children are reading their Bibles! So far, twenty children have earned at least their white belt. Ella Thomas is the first to go through all ten levels. That’s 100 Bible passages! We encourage others to continue or get started. Awards will be given out in April so there’s plenty of time.

Safe Sanctuaries We live in an uncertain and often dangerous world and unfortunately that sometimes includes the church. That’s why all United Methodist Churches have adopted Safe Sanctuaries (child and youth protection) policies. Beginning in January, we will fully implement the policy our Administrative board adopted in August. Everyone working directly with children and youth will be required to attend a training session and have a background check. This includes Doug, Jane, the rest of the staff and all the other adults who are in ministry with our children and youth. Two training sessions have been scheduled for the first of the year:

January 4 at 6:30pm and January 22 at 4:00pm All adults who work with children and youth are required to attend one of the sessions. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend so that all adults will be informed about our policy.

Aldersgate Experiences

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Financials Where is your money going ? We need your help! Aldersgate has so many opportunities for us to give. Please indicate on your check the exact fund your offering supports. You can combine several things into one check, but be sure to let us know what is what! Example. Mr. Nice Guy puts a check for $100.00 in the offering plate. However, if nothing is in the memo line, the entire $100.00 goes into the operating budget. BUT if he puts a notation in the memo line...$50 to operating, $40 to capital fund sand $10 to Urban is easy for all areas to receive the money intented for them. Help us help you! Be sure to indicate the funds on your offering envelope, check or electronic giving form.

ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Revenues Through November 20, 2011 YTD $$

$ from Goal

% of Goal



Budgeted Goal




Pledged Goal




Altar Guild for the Month Suzi Caudill, Judy Alford & Kaye Harris Trustee of the Month Billy Cole

Lay Schedules Greeters

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8:15am Worship Service Ushers

Lay Readers


Jeff Sturkey (m) Paul & Linda Jones (o)

Millie Duncan/John Hall Billy & Chick Hinton

Shelia Rittgers


Judy Alford (m) Pat Stancil (o)

Phil Stancil/Jeff Sturkey Doug & Carole Morris

Jane Bahor


Dave & Carol Brese (m) Ed Osteen (o)

Mitch Moser/April Perry Alice Osteen Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts


Tippy Sutton (m) Betty S. King (o)

Charles & Barbara Andrews Judy Alford Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson

9:30am Worship Service 12/4 12/11 12/18 12/25

Mary Taylor Ron Pendergrass Betty Wickham Joyce Pendergrass

Lara Rowland/Cathy Sheffield Kay & Allen Shaver Michael & Wanda Crutchfield Dale & Betty Wickham

Beth Menchini Lara Rowland Cathy Sheffield Lisa Dye Janes

11:00am Worship Service 12/4

Edna & Jim Wood (m) Rosalin Robinson (o)

Aaron Dernosek/Claire Caudill Richard Low & Anne Almond


Kathy Chmielewski (m) Raye Lyndon (o)

William Murrell/Anabela Mendes Tom Copolo Paula Alford/Jody Slater


Richard Low & Anne Almond (m) Graham Nichols/Pam Boatright Carol Newman (o) Raye Lyndon/Sarah McCorison

Carl Allen


Betty Jane Upchurch (m) William Murrell (o)

John Hall

Jan S. Hagerty/Ginger Hawkins Nancy Grinstead/Steve Artley

Mitch Moser

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Many thanks to the people who helped me when my arm was acute, those who helped me dress and those who prepared and brought food. Special thanks to Jane Bahor for vacuuming my cluttered apartment. And super thanks to the Bairds for waiting eight hours (!) while I was in the ER. Judy Schlegel Our most sincere thanks for the love, caring and kindness expressed in so many ways by our Aldersgate church family this year. Our health lives have been challenged, and thus our everyday living has changed; but God, through Jesus Christ, has always been with us, and so have you. We appreciate you more than words can say. Glenn especially appreciates the warm greetings and hugs. Beth wants to thank the Agape Circle for their love, prayers and support. The beach trip was her highlight of the year! And, the choir gives meaning to her life. Beth and Conway Ormond Glenn and Jo’an Paine Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to everyone who helped with the Alpha Book Sale on October 29th! We greatly appreciate those who donated and/or purchased books and those who helped set up, sell and clean up. We raised a total of $241.75 and shared $120 with the Durham Food Pantry Network. The remaining $121.75 will be used to support the next Alpha course. Dale and Betty Wickham

Dear New Baby Ministry and Aldersgate Family, We would like to thank everyone for all of your thoughts, prayers, meals, cards and gifts that you have given our family after the arrival of our twins, Davis and Eliza. It has been a wonderful blessing to receive all of your love and support during this exciting time in our lives. With Love, Kirk and Lindsay Brown

Dear Aldersgate Friends, I want to thank you for your many acts of kindness and support and for the cards of encouragement surrounding my recent back surgery. I am doing very well and look forward to becoming more active with you in your many avenues of service and outreach. Sincerely, Barbara Snyder

Aldersgate Experiences

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Wednesday Night Live Meals WNL Menus December 7th Meatloaf, veggies, dessert December 14th Roast pork loin - Sponsored by Haiti Mission Team December 21st & 28th NO Wednesday Night Meal Children's Menu - Chicken Fingers, Tater Tots, Dessert Price this year is $6.50 per adult, $3.50 for 5th grader and under, FREE for 3 year old & under. Meals are served at 5:30pm. Please sign up. The meals are being catered this year and need accurate numbers. Deadline for sign up is Monday by 1:00pm. You may sign up on line - - or place your reservation in the offering plate during Sunday Worship Service.

Fundraisers Jamaican Jamboree Hosted by the Jamaica Mission Team Saturday, January 28th, 2012 Doors open 4:30pm, Dinner at 5:30pm Dinner Beef or Chicken Kabobs, Rice, Vegetables, Salad & Dessert Silent Auction Please consider donating items or services for the auction Entertainment Stay tuned! Tickets $12.00 per adult or $30.00 per family Please contact any Jamaica Mission Team member to purchase tickets or donate

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Music Ministr y If you have any questions about any information in Music Notes, please contact: Nan - (919) 477-0509 x 116 or email:

Do you perceive the same vibrations which stimulate my auditory sense organ? (Do you hear what I hear?) Christmas is in the air!!

Choir Rehearsal times and special notes: Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30pm. Cantata is Dec. 11 at 8:15am and 11:00am. CHOIR PARTY is Dec. 14 (7:30pm, Upchurch’s home), “off” Dec. 21-28th. Dress rehearsal for Cantata – Saturday, Dec. 10 at 4:30 pm Gospel Lights: Tuesday, Dec. 5, 7:30 – 9 pm. If you enjoy just singing or maybe play around with a stringed instrument, join us for a jam! Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30pm; Special Lessons-and-Carols service is Dec. 11 at 9:30am. Youth Choir - Rehearses Sundays at 4 pm (Christmas rehearsal break starts early, Dec. 11). We’re singing in worship at 11:00am on Dec. 4 and at 9:30am on Dec. 11. Young Ringers – if you’d like to ring-and-sing carols with us, come to the gym at 5 pm. Past ringers are very welcome! A new session for intermediate ringers and beginners will be offered in January. WNL for Kids includes Children’s Choirs, 3 choirs, for age 3 through 5th graders (Wed., 6:15-7:30pm). Rehearsals run through Dec. 14. Joyful Noise Ringers, Youth/Adult Handbells, - Tuesdays, 7:30 pm (off Dec. 27) Dulcimer Group, Dec. 1 and 15 at 11am. Note: Our DULCIMER GROUP now has a name! Sweet Sounds - which is a translation of dulci (sweet) mer (sounds) You are welcome and needed in our ministry!

Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

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