Birthdays/WNL Classes/Hope & Comfort/Christmas Trees Lovefeast/Special Gifts Christmas Outreach /Parents Morning Out Drive Thru Prayer Thank You/Weekday Day School Sunday Worship/Special Worship Services Music Ministry Stewardship/Trustees Acolytes/Trustee/Altar Guild/Nursery/ Construction Update Financial Updates/EFT December Lay Assistants Schedule
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Connecting Knowing Loving Growing
United Methodist Church December 2012 Issue
As the conversation turned I began to talk to her about God’s desire to forgive her of past sins. She concluded by asking if she could become facebook friends with me. Now, she wasn’t converted to Christ in the 15 minutes it takes to get my hair cut; but she’s more curious than she used to be. Mostly because I listened and asked her about her story. That created a natural opportunity.
The last pledge that we make when we join a United Methodist Church is that we will faithfully participate in the ministries of our church through our Witness. We have spent months talking about Prayers, Presence, Gifts , and Service. What is Witness? Does that mean I have to go ask people if they’ve been saved? Not exactly. Witness means to share something that you’ve seen or experienced. Like an eyewitness to a crime tells the story of what they saw from their point of view. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins and continues to cover your life with grace every day, then how can you witness to that fact? You could, in fact, tell someone about it. As I’m writing this I am thinking about the experience I just had while getting a haircut. I usually get my hair done by strangers, and end up talking to them about their life while I sit in the chair. This particular hairdresser shared that she wasn’t very religious, but wished she was. I continued to listen to her story and ask curious questions. She obviously needed to talk.
Now I know that not everyone has the gift to have such a conversation with a total stranger. But when we tell co-workers about our Drive Thru Prayer, it says something about what we believe. When we tell a family member we’re going to Jamaica on a mission team, it says something about what we believe. When we invite our friends to come to Sunday Worship, it says something about what we believe. Serving a meal at Urban Ministries is a form of Witness. Singing in the choir is a form of Witness. Praying at your table when you go out to eat at a restaurant is a form of Witness. December marks the last month of our Stewardship campaign to remember our promises. It also happens to be the month that encompasses the seasons of Advent and Christmas. This is the time of the year when we, as a church, tell the world that a Savior is born, who is Christ the Lord. Let us witness to that glorious truth. Peace in Christ, Pastor Doug
CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)
John Bullock Beth Lewis Reagan Thomas Rob Tucker Grace Vincent Mary Artley Karen Hofmann Karen Hofmann Mike Siler Phil Stancil John Hilton Beverly Jackson Laurie Lee Frank Wootton Emily Korest Jerry Mansell Mark Culbreth Rhonda Nolte Eddie Williams Joshua Bosecker Mark Thomas
12/01 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/02 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/03 12/04 12/04 12/04 12/06 12/07 12/07 12/08 12/08 12/08 12/09 12/09
Kenneth Cameron Mike Bonham Phyllis Carter Carol Daugherty Paula James Tony Schalliol Linda Wallace Terri Ray Zachary Mansell Matthew Fishback Ric Johnson Danny Berini Danielle Nixon Jessica Noel Nan de Andrade Doug Rowland Mary Stanley Noah Casey Jim Key II Owen Williams Will Johnson Chris Wallace Christopher Copolo Jan Moore Sandy Falise Catherine Fishback Joan Lundquist Tracy Setji
Wednesday Night Prayer Service 5:00 pm - Sanctuary 12/5
Message: David & Mephiboseth Doug Lain - Samuel 9
Message: “Creation” Doug Lain - Genesis 1
Service of Comfort and Hope
No Wednesday Night Live
12/11 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/16 12/17 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/21 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/27
Heather Daugherty Bob Hurley Luke Nevius Terry Janes Dennis Kay Cathy Cozart Suzanne Duncan
12/28 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 12/31
WNL Menu - 5:30pm - The Family Life Center 12/5
Bake Ziti - Agape Circle
Roast pork potatoes, glazed carrots, dessert - Haiti Mission Team
No Wednesday Night Live
No Wednesday Night Live
(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world.)
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE: ADULT CLASSES - WINTER SESSION The class will be “Forgiveness: A Time to Love and A Time to Hate” led by April Perry. She will use the PBS documentary which highlights real life scenarios and how forgiveness played into each of them. The class will then discuss the story in the context of the biblical view of forgiveness and how people may have struggled in their own lives. The second class is “The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem” based on the Adam Hamilton book by the same name. The class will travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem by using historical information, archaeological findings and personal reflections to look at one of the most amazing moments in history. By following in the footsteps of Mary, Joseph and others, we will gain insight into our own journeys with Christ. Sessions will be led by Doug Lain and Jane Brannock. Both of these classes will through December 12 from 6:30-7:30pm.
(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.) CHRISTMAS SERVICE OF HOPE AND COMFORT December 19th - 7:00pm - Sanctuary If you or someone you love is experiencing a difficult year of loss or lifechallenge, please join us for a special service prayerfully designed to meet you where you are. A Christmas Service of Hope and Comfort is a peaceful and compassionate service, with scripture, prayers, and gentle music, emphasizing the Christmas message of hope, healing and comfort. Christmas is for everyone, the light shines for everyone !
HELP IS ALWAYS NEEDED working the 'Tree Lot'. A sign up board will be available outside the church office. Please sign up ! We encourage all groups within Aldersgate UMC to sign up, as well as families. We need at least 4 people on any shift. All children may work the tree lot but they must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult. The Boy Scout troop 400 always works Tuesday evenings 5:00-9:00pm. Working shifts for the tree lot :
Monday –Thursday 5:00pm to 9:00pm Friday - 3:00pm-9:00pm Saturday-9:00am-1:00pm , 1:00pm-5:00pm & 5:00-9:00pm Sunday-1:00pm-8:00pm
COME BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE ! Over 220 Christmas trees, various sizes and prices ! Coupons available ! Contact: Bill Smith (click Bill’s name) or John Sanders (click John’s name) if you have any questions.
WHAT IS A LOVEFEAST? A Lovefeast service is a worship service dedicated to Christian love, and is most famously practiced by the Moravians but has become an Aldersgate Christmas tradition over that past 34 years. The Moravian Lovefeast is based upon the Agape feast and the meals of the early churches described in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, which were partaken in unity and love. Traditionally, American Lovefeasts consist of a sweetened bun and coffee (sweetened and milky) served to the congregation in the pews by dieners (from the German for servers); before partaking, a simple Moravian blessing is said. The Moravian Lovefeast also concentrates on the singing of hymns, and listening to music. Each member of the congregation receives a lighted candle at the end of the service. The Lovefeast at Aldersgate is based on the traditional Moravian Lovefeast first celebrated near Winston-Salem at Bethabara(1753) and Old Salem (1766). The buns are from the same baker that makes buns for Moravian churches in Winston-Salem. The candles are made by the women of Home Moravian Church. The coffee is based on the recipe used for many years by Immanuel Moravian Church. Come celebrate this beautiful Christmas tradition on Sunday December 16th at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Be sure to invite family, friends and neighbors!
SPECIAL GIFTS The lighting of the candles on the Advent Wreath is a special time for everyone at Aldersgate. The centerpiece of this wreath is the Christ Candle, lit on Christmas Eve to symbolize the fulfillment of Advent prayers with the Nativity. Our new oil Christ Candle has been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Billy Hinton by Chick Hinton
During our Communion services on November 4, 2012, Pastor Doug acknowledged the addition of a new pottery chalice and paten (bread plate) that will now be placed on the Lord’s table and also used for Holy Communion. The chalice and patent have been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Don Mills.
COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Our Aldersgate Family has responded greatly with love and contributions to those less fortunate through various Community Missions Programs. During the Christmas Season these community needs are highlighted by three outreach programs that have become very familiar to each of us at Aldersgate: Conduit Angels, and Share Your Christmas. This year these programs will be referred to and displayed as “Aldersgate’s Community Christmas Outreach Programs.” Your contributions through Christmas gifts and monetary gifts can be directed through the program of your choice. SHARE YOUR CHRISTMAS is sponsored by the Durham County Department of Social Services, and provides needy families with gifts of NEW clothing, toys and needed household items. Each year Aldersgate sponsors approximately 25-30 families totaling about 100 individuals. Individuals or entire families can be sponsored by signing up on forms that will be posted in the Narthex or online over the web. Visit in the next few weeks for a link to the online signup. Suggested limits are $50 per family member. In addition, contributions of $50 cash will supply each family with a Christmas Food Basket. Wrapped gifts should be delivered to the Church by Saturday, December 8th. Delivery by the AUMM will be Sunday, December 9th. CONDUIT (CONGREGATIONS OF NORTHERN DURHAM UNITED IN INTENTION) ANGELS provides Christmas gifts to the children participating in the afterschool program at the Oxford Manor low income Housing Complex. There are 40 children receiving daily help with their homework at the Oxford Manor Community Center. The gifts usually include a toy requested by the child and/ or needed clothes or shoes. Aldersgate will sponsor 12-14 children in the program. Contact Lee King or Colleen Anna for more information. AMERICAN RED CROSS SEEKING VOLUNTEERS The American Red Cross is seeking drivers to transport Durham residents in its vehicles to and from medical appointments and dialysis treatments. Driving shifts are normally 4-8 hours per week. Office volunteers are also needed to answer phones and schedule pickups for clients. To volunteer, or for more information, call Blanche Hudon at 919-489 -6541 Extension 376.
PARENTS MORNING OUT! Child care by the Haiti Mission Team Saturday December 1st - Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm - Cost: 25$ for one child /$5 for each additional child from same family. Ages: 2 to 10 yrs. (no nursery) Bring a light snack for your child and enjoy your morning out. Funds will assist in sending two teams back to Haiti to fit eyeglasses. This is a great time for Christmas shopping ! If you have any questions? E-mail Jane Bahor at or Regina Whitaker (919) 471-6539
DRIVE THRU PRAYER - DECEMBER 4TH 4:00-6:00PM All from the convenience of your car. Simply drive thru the parking lot. A volunteer will meet you at your car window and pray with you. That’s it. It’s easy and simple.
Everyone is invited to drive by Aldersgate UMC, 1320 Umstead Road; It’s open, free and available, just like God’s love. 5
Thanks, As I see the dedication and talents shine through our Advent-Christmas season, I give thanks and glory to God for the gifts that all of Aldersgate’s music ministry volunteers so sweetly share. God has been very generous to us – we have such an abundance of talents - from budding to professional, from singers to dancers and instrumentalists, of all ages. You give, and give some more, and most importantly, do it with pure faith and love for God. Thank you and blessings through this holy season and for a healthy, happy new year. Love, Nan
JAMAICAN MISSION TEAM GOLF TOURMANENT Thank you to all of the players, hole sponsors, groups, and individuals who have supported us over the years with your pledges, time, gifts, and prayers. The people of Jamaica and the Jamaica Mission teams greatly appreciate your support and dedication to this mission! You helped raise $6,316 for the 2012 Tournament
Thank you for the opportunity to bring Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF to our church again. As of November 13th $315.25 has been turned in and the boxes are still coming! That's enough to provide supplies for five classrooms. Way to go Aldersgate! Each year I am touched by the generosity of the children and their compassion for other children who they will never meet. This year one mother told me the story of her young son who wanted to donate his own money to UNICEF. She praised him for being so generous, but suggested that he might want to save some of his money and ask others to help him fill the box. "Mom," he responded "I have all the things that I need. There are children who don't have anything. They need this money." Matthew 19:14, "Let the children come to me... for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Thank you to everyone who contributed time or money to our campaign to help the world's kids alive and healthy - and to allow the children of Aldersgate to live out their Christian faith.
Big Thanks to everyone ! We sent 207 shoeboxes around the world with Operation Christmas Child ! (Our unloading crew delivering the shoeboxes.)
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALDERSGATE WEEKDAY MINISTRIES! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas with all the children’s artwork on the walls. I love to hear the children singing their Christmas songs as they prepare for their Christmas Programs. You are invited to join us for the Christmas Programs on Dec. 12th, 13th and 14th at 10:30 am in the sanctuary. We wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and very Happy New Year.
December 2nd December 9th December 16th December 23rd
Message by Rob Tucker OT: & NT: " We All Draw Attention" Message by Doug Lain OT: Malachi 3:1-4 & NT: Luke 3:1-6 “Whatever" Message by Doug Lain OT: Zephaniah 3:14-20 & NT: Philippians 4:4-7 Message by Doug Lain
MARK YOUR CALENDARS THESE UPCOMING SPECIAL SERVICES CHRISMON WORSHIP SERVICE - December 2nd - 7:00pm - This will mark the beginning of Advent season. There will be a covered dish dinner in the Family Life Center at 5:30pm. Please bring enough food for your family plus one more. At 7:00pm we will move to the Sanctuary for the Hanging of the Greens/Chrismon service. CHANCEL CHOIR CANTATA - “ADVENT WITNESSES" - December 11th, 8:15am & 11:00am Witnesses to the Nativity are not frozen in history – they are all around us today! Our Chancel Choir, Joyful Noise Ringers and Drama team combine to present a musical with familiar and new carols of the season, introduced by contemporary witnesses, whose stories echo the hope and joy of the original Advent story. MORAVIAN LOVEFEAST - December 16th - 6:30 pm, Family Life Center - We will worship in story and songs to share the special Moravian Lovefeast and candle-lighting traditions. CHRISTMAS SERVICE OF HOPE AND COMFORT - December 19th - 7:00pm If you or someone you love is experiencing a difficult year of loss or life-challenge, please join us for special service prayerfully designed to meet you where you are. A Christmas Service of Hope and Comfort is a peaceful and compassionate service, with scripture, prayers, and gentle music, emphasizing the Christmas message of hope and healing. Spread the word, Christmas is for everyone, especially those who are in deep darkness, for on them the light has shined, too! CHRISTMAS EVE - FAMILY SERVICE - 4:00pm - For all ages, but especially designed for families with children, who take on a Christmas character (animals included) at the “impromptu Christmas pageant.” Come and worship and experience the Christmas story in a casual and memorable way at 4 pm on Christmas Eve. If you’d like to help with this service, contact Tara Lain - CANDLELIGHT, CAROLS, and COMMUNION SERVICES - 7:00pm and 11:00pm - Come gather and worship as we sing carols and hear the Christmas story. Kneel at the Lord’s table and share the light of Christ. HANDBELL FESTIVAL - THE FOURTH ANNUAL EPIPHANY RING - January 6th -7:00pm hosted by Aldersgate and featuring 8-10 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle sharing massed-ringing and individual selections, this festival celebrates the music of the season. Guest conductor is composer, Michael Glasgow of North Raleigh UMC. The concert is free; please invite your friends and neighbors to come and enjoy.
Notes from Nan Music Ministry CHOIR REHEARSAL TIMES, and special notes: Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30pm. Cantata is Dec. 9th at 8:15am and CHOIR PARTY is Dec. 12th (7:30pm, Upchurch’s home) Dress rehearsal for Cantata – Saturday, Dec. 8th at 4:30pm Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15pm-7:30pm New members always welcomed! (No rehearsal 12-25 or 1-1) WNL for Kids includes Children’s Choirs, 3 choirs, for age 3 through 5th graders (Wed., 6:15pm-7:30pm). Rehearsals run through Dec. 12th. Children are singing for the Chrismon Service (7:00pm on 12-2) and also for Christmas eve at the 4:00pm service. (We may sing one other time, stay tuned!) Sweet Sounds Dulcimer Group, Dec.6th and 13th at 11:00am. The dulcimer group will be playing at our Lovefeast this year. Please contact Nan de Andrade ( for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are welcome and needed in our ministry!
RING IN THE NEW YEAR OPPORTUNITIES A New Handbell Group for Youth and Adults will begin on January 14th at 6:00pm – 7:00 pm. If you’d like to give this a try, now’s your chance! (No experience necessary, all comers are welcome!) Young Ringers (intermediate children’s handbells) will resume on Sunday, January 12 at 5:15-6:00. If there is interest, a new Jingle Bells (reading and ringing fundamentals) group will also form. Joyful Noise Ringers, Youth/Adult Handbells, - Tuesdays, 7:30pm (off Dec. 25th and Jan. 1st). Epiphany Ring handbell festival is Jan. 6th. Massed rehearsal 3:00pm, Concert is Sunday evening, 7:00pm.
UPCOMING SPECIAL ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: ADVENT JOURNEY WITH BABY JESUS What would it be like to have baby Jesus at your house for a day? It might make you think differently about the holiday.. Baby Jesus is looking forward to his home visits! This will be Aldersgate’s fourth year for Baby Jesus to travel from home to home throughout the Advent season. A journal will travel along with him. In the journal, you can write about your day together, or your personal response to his presence with you. On Christmas Eve, he will finally return to the church and be placed in the manger scene at worship. Jesus will be given to the first family on the first Sunday of Advent. If you receive Baby Jesus, welcome him to your home and life, share in the journal as you will, and then simply choose someone else from our church family (not already on the list) and pass him on. We also ask that you call Nan (919-477-0509 x 116) when he moves, so that we can track his journey. Or, let Jesus Facebook on your account and we’ll all enjoy watching him travel! Whoever has him on Dec. 24th should be sure to return him to Nan by that morning.
CHANCEL CHOIR CANTATA “Advent Witnesses” Sunday worship, Dec. 11th, 8:15am and 11:00am - Witnesses to the Nativity are not frozen in history – they are all around us today! Our Chancel Choir, Joyful Noise Ringers and Drama team combine to present a musical with familiar and new carols of the season, introduced by contemporary witnesses, whose stories echo the hope and joy of the original Advent story.
HANDBELL FESTIVAL The Fourth Annual Epiphany Ring - Hosted by Aldersgate and featuring 8-10 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle sharing massed-ringing and individual selections, this festival celebrates the music of the season. Guest conductor is composer, Michael Glasgow of North Raleigh UMC. The concert is free; please invite your friends and neighbors to come and enjoy. Concert - Sunday, Jan. 6th at 7:00pm
(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) WITNESSING IN THIS TIME OF CELEBRATION How many times have we all heard the old Christmas carol say “Ring Christmas bells, merrily ring, tell all the world Jesus is King”? And how many times do we stop to think about actually telling the world about Jesus our King? As we come into the month of December, the stewardship committee is finishing up its campaign of focusing on a different vow each month – prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness - with the focus on “witness”. Witnessing is really pretty simple. We don’t HAVE to go door to door, or stop people on the street, or hand out fliers at the airport to be effective witnesses for Christ. While some are moved to do these things, many find a more subtle way of witnessing. And some of our most effective “witness mentors” will tell you they don’t “actively” witness at all. But when you see those people, and watch their actions, and talk with them for more than a few seconds – you realize they are telling the world what and who they believe in every day. We all witness very differently. So during the month of December, we challenge you to do 2 things: 1. Think about how YOU witness for Christ. Whether you do it boldly, quietly, directly or roundabout –there is no wrong way to witness. 2. Take the “Witness Challenge”. Invite at least ONE PERSON you know to ANY activity at Aldersgate happening this month. Invite them to a Sunday service, or the Lovefeast, or a Wednesday meal, or a prayer service, or simply invite them to stop by and see what’s going on at our church. So let’s ALL take the “Witness Challenge” and watch what happens. When we witness, we invite others to know Christ our Savior. And what a GREAT Christmas THAT will be! The Stewardship Committee
Through the donation of generous members we have new round tables for the Family Life Center. The Trustees would like to offer the older plastic tables to the members of Aldersgate first for a price of $25.00 each. If anyone would like to purchase a table, please contact Billy Cole or Gary James. The stage in the Family Life Center is being replaced. If anyone has any ideas what can be done with the old stage please contact Kay Shaver. With new chairs in the Family Life Center , trustees were able to sell 325 of the existing chairs to non-profit organizations in our community. Be aware of your surroundings as you leave the church property. If you see someone or something that you feel is out of the ordinary, please stop and ask them if you can assistance them. If you are not comfortable stopping, please give the police a call. Two cars were broken into one evening last month. Please make sure you do not leave anything valuable in plain sight in your car. Put valuable items either under your seat or in the trunk. The Trustees are looking at steps to deter break-ins or thefts on the property. Our 2012 AUMC Trustees are: Billy Cole, Chairperson, Susan Dernosek, Vanessa Gordon , Laurie Leeson , Kay Shaver, Randy Sheffield, Phil Stancil, Mark Thomas, Ron West. Feel free to contact one of us if you have concerns about the facilities of Aldersgate.
Merry Christmas To All 9
DECEMBER ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th
2nd 16th 24th
8:15am Service Rebecca Johnson Hannah Fogle Mackenzie Hale Katie Leonard Olivia Lain Emily Lain Taylor Healy Margaret Ann Healy Ella Thomas Joanna de Andrade
11:00am Service Taylor Healy Ella Thomas Grace Lowans
Special Services Chrismon Service -7:00pm Love Feast - 6:30pm Christmas Eve - 7:00pm
Special Services Kaylee Eckhoff & Joanna de Andrade Margaret Ann Healy & Katie Leonard Emily Lain & Jacob Bosecker
8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am
Tuesday Music Practices:
Sunday Morning Nursery
Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong
Tanner Reo Rebecca Johnson Kaylee Eckhoff Hannah Fogle Jacob Bosecker
Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant
The work on the second floor Family Life Center is nearly complete, final work on elevator controls remains.
Columbarium is progressing well, major item remaining is the installation of brick pavers and final landscaping.
Site work is complete with the exception of a few planting areas and pieces of sidewalk to be installed, drainage to be finalized along Umstead Road and bike rack installation. Activity field is complete and picnic shelter has only minor items remaining. There will be a final walk thru with architects and contractors over the next several weeks.
December Altar Guild Suzi Caudill, Susan Dernosek, Rose Smith, Kaye Harris and Judy Alford
for December - Ron West
ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INCOME SNAPSHOTS THROUGH 11/25/2012 Operating Collections Versus Budget YTD Budgeted Pledged Received YTD Budgeted
$ 561,564
Unpledged Contri- Total YTD Contri- YTD Collections butions butions Budget $
Operating Collections Versus Spending YTD Spent YTD Spending
$ 653,743
Pledges Received $
Unpledged Contri- Total YTD Contri- YTD Collections butions butions Spent $
Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD Spending
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Pledges Received $
Unpledged Contributions $
Total Contributions $
Received Versus Pledged
Offered by Aldersgate UMC Consistent giving Automatically on your bank statement No weekly/monthly check writing Sign up once & its done (until you stop it) YOU chose the cycle—weekly—semi-monthly or monthly Contact the church office—(919) 477-0509 x 100 or to sign up
DECEMBER LAY ASSISTANTS SCHEDULE 8:15am Worship Service Greeters
Lay Readers
Richard Riggsbee (m) Sharon MacLaurin (o)
Joe & Lisa Clark Jackie Roberts/Mary Tom Roberts
Ken Morris
Chick Hinton (m) Charles Andrews (m) Carol/Dave Brese (o)
Raye Lyndon/Mitch Atkinson Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson
Sharon MacLaurin
12/16 Ed Osteen (m) Carl/Kathy Chmielewski (o)
Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Carole/Doug Morris
Susan Gay
12/23 Heidi Miller (o) Mary Tom Roberts (m) Jackie Roberts (m)
Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown Joe & Lisa Clark
Barbara Atkinson
12/30 5th Sunday 9:30am Worship Service 12/2 12/9 12/16 12/23 12/30
Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Sue Allison Dale & Betty Wickham Cathy Sheffield/Cynthia Bell 5th Sunday
Dale & Betty Wickham Gene Bell/Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Andrea Stewart/Sue Allison
Andrea Stewart Wanda Crutchfield April Perry Betty Wickham
11:00am Worship Service 12/2
Judy & Paula Alford (m) Mary Cameron (o)
Megan Hunt/Mitch Moser Nancy Grinstead/Pam Boatright
Joyce Mackin (o) Heidi Miller (m)
Paula Alford/Paula Veasey Raye Lyndon/Ron West
Andrea Stewart
12/16 Anne Almond (m) Summer Stantley (o)
Andy /Stacey McCorison Bill Smith/Summer Stanley
Barbara Snyder
12/23 Betty Jane Upchurch (o) Ed Osteen (m)
Andrea Stewart/Ginger Hawkins Andy/Stacey McCorison
Cathy Cozart
Anne Almond
12/30 5th Sunday
To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below: and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left side of the front page.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
Follow us: TheGate27712
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