December 2015 Inside this issue: Birthdays Weekday School Did You Know? Confirmation 2016 Shop On Line PrimeTimers Sunday Morning Worship Special Seasonal Services Music Notes Children’s Christmas Musical Christmas Cantata Caroling Lesson & Carols Worship Wonderings Christmas Service of Comfort and Hope Tips for the Holidays Share Your Christmas The Lovefeast UMM Christmas Trees Habitat for Humanity Dinner for Eight Different Missions Nursery/Acolyte Altar Guild/Trustee What Are Our Numbers ? Three Ways to Give December Lay Assistants
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The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in His First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in His Second Advent. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ, whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. In this double focus on past and future, Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. That acknowledgment provides a basis for holy living, arising from a profound sense that we live "between the times" and are called to be faithful stewards of what is entrusted to us as God’s people. So, as the church celebrates God breaking into history, through the Incarnation, and anticipates a grand future, it also confesses its own responsibility as a people commissioned to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" and to "love your neighbor as yourself." Blessings, Rev. Dr. Homer E. Morris Senior Pastor
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John Bullock Beth Lewis Reagan Thomas Grace Vincent Mary Artley Karen Hofmann Lauren Linens Mike Siler Phil Stancil John Hilton Beverly Jackson Steve Laws Lucas Barbour Denise Thomas Frank Wootton Emily Korest Patricia A. Moton Mark Culbreth Rhonda Nolte Joshua Bosecker Amelia Oakley Mark Thomas Audriana Cooley Michael Hughes Phyllis Carter Carol Daugherty Paula James Nathan Compton
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Terri Ray Matthew Fishback Ric Johnson Jack Leitzel Audrey Williams Danny Berini Nan de Andrade Doug Rowland Will Johnson Graham Barkley III Chris Wallace Christopher Copolo Jan Moore Sandy Falise Catherine Fishback Joan Lundquist Tracy Setji Bob Hurley Luke Nevius Dennis Kay Cathy Cozart
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WEEKDAY SCHOOL MINISTRY Merry Christmas from Aldersgate Weekday Ministries! “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” here at the Preschool. The children are so creative with their Christmas decorations and crafts. We also believe it is important to teach the “true” meaning of Christmas to all our students. So in all our classes, in chapel and as we learn our Christmas songs we talk about baby Jesus and what his birth means to us.
We would love to have you join us for our Christmas Programs. Each program is held at 10:30 am. They are adorable! The two year old’s on Tuesday, Dec. 15th, Three’s on Wed. Dec. 16th and four’s on Thur. Dec. 17th. We wish each of you a very Merry Christmas! Evelyn
IT’S MORE THAN A BUILDING...DID YOU KNOW ? Below is information related to the building of the current sanctuary. By Rev. Bob Wallace DRIVEWAY - That another entrance to the parking lot (now the fenced in christmas tree lot) was planned for the far end of the property on Bivins road, but there was so much rock, the cost and risk of blasting it resulted in the decision to eliminate it. DRIVE THROUGH - Originally we were not permitted to have a drive through connecting the two parking lots. We didn't want one anyway because we thought it would endanger children. Further, before we even got into the building, numerous drivers cut through the parking lot from Umstead to Bivins road across the grassed area thinking it would be a short cut. PARKING - Ever wonder why the parking lots are out so far from the sanctuary ? The architect said that was so worshippers would “experience the space” before they entered it. That is also why there is no center door at the reat of the sanctuary. BANNERS - The “Clergy Partners” of the NC Conference designed and made seasonal banner and they were available for check out from the Conference Media Center. At the old Horton Road sanctuary, Bob Wallace climbed a twelve foot ladder stabilized by Dennis Shipman and installed cup hooks on the laminated beams. This is where the banners were hung. The banners were moved according to the season. After three months they had to be returned to the media center. The absence created quite a stir, so several women and groups started making banner. When this sanctuary was built, the builder was instructed to install hooks for banners.
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CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CONFIRMATION 2016 Confirmation is an exciting time for youth in our church when we learn what it means to take Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and what it means to be a full member of His church. This year, confirmation will begin with a meeting for confirmands AND parents or guardians on Sunday afternoon, January 10th at 4:15 pm. Classes will begin on January 24th and run most Sundays until March 20th. Confirmation will be on April 10 during the 11:00 service. Youth from the sixth through eighth grade are invited to participate. This year’s class will be led by Homer Morris, Jane Brannock, and Andrew Woods. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Jane at 477-0501 (ext. 101) or email Jane @aldersgate.org.
SHOP ON LINE AT THE UMC MARKET Make a difference when you shop on line this holiday season! As the holiday shopping season begins, please consider shopping through the UMC Market! Tons of your favorite stores will make a donation to our Aldersgate ministry when you shop through www.umcmarket.org. It’s easy, just log onto www.umcmarket.org and select Aldersgate Durham. It's a great way to donate to Aldersgate’s local ministry.
DECEMBER 2015 - EVERYONE IS INVITED ! December 3rd - Covered dish Suzi Caudill talks about her trip to the Galapagos Islands. December 17th - Christmas buffet in the Wesley Room.
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Sunday Morning Worship for November Sermons by Rev. Homer E. Morris December 6th “The Light of Advent” Scripture: Exodus 13:18-22; Isaiah 9:1b-3; Luke 1:76-79; John 8:12 December 13th Christmas Cantata “I Wish You Christmas” 8:15 & 11:00 services 9:30 service: “The Blessings of God in Our Lives” Scripture: Exodus 13:14-19; Psalm 85 December 20th “No Room in the Inn” Scripture: Luke 2:1-7; John 1:9-14 December 24th Christmas Eve Services: 4:00 pm Family Service, 7:00 & 11:00 Traditional Services with Communion, Candle Lighting Services “What Can We Give Jesus for Christmas” Matthew 2:1-12 December 27th Christmas Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols (all services)
SPECIAL Worship Services December 6th * Second Sunday of Advent, Communion, Children’s Christmas Musical * 6:00 pm, FLC December 13th * Third Sunday of Advent, AUMC Chancel Choir will present, “I Wish You Christmas” * Church-wide Caroling * 3:00 pm December 16th * Service of Comfort and Hope * 7:00 pm * A compassionate Christmas service for those who are experiencing a difficult season from loss or life challenges.
December 20th * 4th Sunday of Advent * Love Feast - 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. The Lovefeast service is a simple meal of a sweetened bun, coffee, music and the Good News! It is spared in a spirit of reverence and joy that Christ is present in our lives. December 24th * Christmas Eve Services * 4:00 pm Family Christmas Eve Worship Service, 7:00 pm & 11:00 pm , Carols, Candlelight and Communion Service. December 27th * 1st Sunday after Christmas Day * Christmas Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols (all services) January 3rd * Epiphany Sunday * Communion * Covenant/Remember Your Baptism January 10th * Sunday, 7:00 pm - Epiphany Ring Handbell Festival * The annual Epiphany Ring Festival, hosted by Aldersgate, features different handbell ensembles from around the Triangle.
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MUSIC NOTES MUSIC NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, of learn more. (nan@aldersgate.org)
ADULT CHOIR: Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the sanctuary. Dress rehearsal: Dec. 12, 4:30 -5:30. Cantata Sunday: Dec. 13 SOLOS WELCOME! The Advent-Christmas season holds many opportunities for special music. If you’d like to share a solo/duet, etc. please contact Nan and let’s make it happen! Nan has a lot of music available for your selection, and we can schedule rehearsals. PRAISE TEAM: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 We’re especially excited about the Lessons and Carols service coming on Dec. 27. Lots of beautiful music in December! New members (singers or players) always welcomed. Also, if you’d like to listen ahead to our Contemporary Christian music selections, give Spotify a try! It’s a free app, and you can access this month’s playlist by searching for Nan de Andrade and clicking on the December AUMC playlist. ARTS IN THE AFTERNOON SCHEDULE Thursday, Dec. 3 4:15-5:30; Dress rehearsal Saturday, Dec. 5 10am -12; Performance Sunday, Dec. 6 at 6 pm! MUSICAL Performance Sunday, Dec. 6 at 6 pm in the FLC gym/theatre! Let a “little child” lead you in preparing for a meaningful Christmas celebration this year! Our Arts in the Afternoon children have been working hard on their Christmas musical: “Breaking News: Baby Born in Bethlehem!” Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss the fun!! (Spoiler alert): Join us at Caesar Network News, where we find two young reporters in Bethlehem, competing to find the story that will make them a star! Will they find the Good News? Or will the media be so focused on celebrities, fashion, and shopping that they completely miss the real story of Christmas? Step inside this lively journey through Luke and Matthew as our young reports learn that when the media misses the Good News, it is up to each of us to share the light and love of God’s son, Jesus Christ. Join the talented children of our church, our community and Afterschool program for a wonderful reminder of what Christmas is all about. Led by Mrs. Emily Wike and Rev. Nan de Andrade “I Wish You Christmas” a Christmas Celebration Presented by Aldersgate’s Chancel Choir and Soloists Sunday, December 13 at 8:15 and 11:00 Christmas is a celebration with a reverence that goes down deep; that has roots in our memories, traditions, and most of all, our faith. To “wish someone Christmas” is to share in God’s greatest gift! For, it could only be the good news of Jesus’ birth that inspires a celebration this big! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
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MUSIC NOTES HERE WE COME A-CAROLING! Join your church family on Sunday, Dec. 13 at 3:00 pm as we go out to visit and carol at our local nursing/retirement homes and with some of our shut-in members. We will meet at 3:00 in the FLC lobby to divide into groups. Each group will make just a few stops and enjoy sharing smiles, songs, and Christmas cheer. This is Christmas at its simplest and best! So, come alone or with a group and join us! Lyric sheets are provided. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS Sunday, December 27 (all morning worship services) In 1880, E.W. Benson, then Anglican Bishop of Truro, England, composed a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, based on an ancient sources, for Christmas Eve. Since 1918, the chapel of King’s College, Cambridge has carried on this never-old tradition. Nine scriptures are read, explaining the plan for a Savior, from Genesis to the Gospel story. After each reading , a Carol is sung. You probably have seen this beautiful service enacted on television on Christmas Eve. We will be sharing in this meaningful service of worship through scripture and song, at each of our morning services on Christmas Sunday… featuring… ALL OF US!
WORSHIP WONDERINGS Worship Wonderings- a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. Past articles are available on our website! Why don’t we sing “Silent Night” in worship until Christmas Eve? The short answer is: the same reason you don’t unwrap your presents until Christmas! But, really, our intent is more than building up the anticipation for Christmas. If we join the malls in singing “Silent Night” in early December, we are skipping over an important season: Advent! The word Advent means “coming,” and in our worship, we try to focus on Jesus’ coming – as a baby, and also his return. Advent has special work for the Christian – it is a time of repenting: rooting out sin and turning to God; a time of preparation: clearing out holy space in our hearts and lives for his full welcome; and, a time of charity and evangelism: finding ways to share the love and joy we find in Christ. So, during the first few weeks of Advent, we’ll be singing hymns like “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” and Christmas carols that focus on prophecy, like “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” reserving the classic Christmas carols like “Silent Night” and “The First Noel” for later in the month. Let’s lift our voices for a meaningful Advent this year, one that will help us to deeply welcome the only gift that matters this Christmas: Emmanuel, God-with-us. Then, on that silent, holy night, all good Christian folk will alleluia with exceeding great joy: “Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come!”
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IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS SERVICE OF HOPE AND COMFORT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16th – 7:00 PM If you or someone you know has lost a loved one within the last several years, or you have experienced some traumatic event in your life, please join us for a special service of hope and comfort. This service is prayerfully designed to provide warmth, encouragement, and much-needed hope for the Christmas season. This service will include scripture, prayers, and gentle music for Christmas emphasizing hope and healing. Spread the word: “Christmas is for everyone, especially those who are in deep darkness, for on them the light has shined, too!” TIPS FOR SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS Not everyone’s Advent and Christmas season this year will be filled with family celebrations, tinsel, and bright lights. For those who have recently lost a loved one or those who still have unpleasant, childhood memories, dreadful feelings can start as Christmas approaches. Though some might want to avoid the holidays all together, they can bring healing and hope. Here are a few tips for surviving the holiday season: Accept that Pain Is Unavoidable: When someone is missing, or bitter memor ies cr eep in, it hur ts! Recognize that your intense feelings are normal by facing your pain and reminding yourself that your pain won’t last forever. Don’t Fake It: When you’r e hur ting, don’t pr etend by telling other s that you ar e “just fine.” Be honest by saying, “I’m struggling but I’m doing the best that I can.” Avoid numbing your pain with alcohol or drugs as these coping measures are ineffective and can leave you with lots of guilt and shame. Develop a Holiday Plan: To r educe str ess, make a list of all events and activities that have been par t of past Christmases. Realize that some items may no longer be meaningful traditions. As you review each one, ask yourself, “Can I let go of this activity, or event.” As you create a more realistic list, be sure to be flexible. The key is to realize that it is OK for you not to carry on a Christmas tradition if you don’t feel up to it. Create New Traditions: Chr istmas tr aditions that you dr ead keeping can be r eplaced. For example, family reunions previously held on Christmas day could be rescheduled for weeks before or after Christmas. The key is to make changes slowly over time in order to avoid feeling guilty about possibly forgetting your deceased loved one, or friend. Prepare Yourself for Holiday Gatherings: Anticipate that attending holiday social events may be more stressful than usual. Accept that it is OK to give a tentative “yes” when invited with the understanding that you will attend if you are feeling up to it. If you go, drive yourself and limit yourself to staying about an hour. Prepare yourself ahead of time for questions you may be asked about how you are handling your loss. Also, develop an exit plan so that if an uncomfortable issue arises, you will know what to say and how to exit gracefully. Turn to God: The Chr istmas Season is a gr eat time to dr aw closer to God. Reading your Bible (The Psalms, Matthew, and Luke) and talking with God will help lessen your pain. Remember that you were created to be in a relationship with God, not to be isolated from him and others. Remind yourself that you can get through the pain with God’s help. Most importantly, remember the meaning of Christmas is that Jesus came into our world to end suffering and death—a message that should give us hope that one day our grief will end. If you need to talk with someone about your grief, or holiday stress, contact one of our Stephen Ministers, or call Jack Snyder in the church office at 919-477-0509 Ext. 102.
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IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE…….CHRISTMAS ! COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS OUTREACH IS IN FULL SWING ! Our Aldersgate Family has responded greatly with love and contributions to those less fortunate through various Community Missions Programs. During the Christmas Season these community needs are highlighted by two outreach programs that have become very familiar to each of us at Aldersgate: Share Your Christmas and the CONDUIT Angel Tree.
This year these programs will be referred to as “Aldersgate’s Community Christmas Outreach Programs.” Your contr ibutions through Christmas gifts and monetary gifts can be directed through the program of your choice. The Kick-Off for each of these programs will be November 22nd when information will be found on displays in the Narthex. Also, a link to a web-based sign up is available from the aldersgate.org web site under Advent/Christmas or click HERE. Share Your Christmas is sponsored by the Durham County Department of Social Services, and provides needy families with gifts of NEW clothing, toys and needed household items. This year Aldersgate will sponsor approximately 25 families totaling about 90 individuals. Individuals or entire families can be sponsored by signing up on forms that will be posted on a board in the Narthex and online. Suggested spending limits are $60 per family member. In addition, contributions of $50 cash will supply each family with a Christmas Food Basket. Wrapped gifts should be delivered to the Church by Saturday, December 13th. Delivery by the Aldersgate United Methodist Men will be Sunday, December 14th. The CONDUIT ANGEL TREE provides Christmas gifts for the elementary school age children at the Oxford Manor Community Housing Complex who are participating in CONDUIT's after school learning center. Aldersgate will sponsor about ten “angels” and a contribution of $40.00 provides for the purchase of gifts for the children. These names are listed in the Share Your Christmas list as well.
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What is a Lovefeast? A Lovefeast service is a service dedicated to Christian love, and is most famously practiced by the Moravians but has become an Aldersgate Christmas tradition over that past 36 years. The Moravian Lovefeast is based upon the Agape feast and the meals of the early churches described in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, which were partaken in unity and love. Traditionally, American Lovefeasts consist of a sweetened bun and coffee (sweetened and milky) served to the congregation in the pews by dieners (from the German for servers); before partaking, a simple Moravian blessing is said. The Moravian Lovefeast also concentrates on the singing of hymns, and listening to music. Each member of the congregation receives a lighted candle at the end of the service. The Lovefeast at Aldersgate is based on the traditional Moravian Lovefeast first celebrated near Winston-Salem at Bethabara (1753) and Old Salem (1766). The buns are from the same baker that makes buns for Moravian churches in Winston-Salem. The candles are made by the women of Home Moravian Church. The coffee is based on the recipe used for many years by Immanuel Moravian Church.
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UMM CHRISTMAS TREE SALE - BUY YOUR TREE TODAY ! CHRISTMAS TREE SALES SUPPORTING MISSIONS IN DURHAM AND WORLDWIDE Aldersgate United Methodist Men have been hosting Christmas tree sales for many years as an annual tradition. All profits go directly to support missions and activities of the church. An annual project, the tree sale has proven itself a remarkable vehicle, not just to fund our missions and activities, but to strengthen outreach to the local community. For several years, all proceeds have gone to support missions to foreign countries (Jamaica, Haiti and Armenia), Uth missions, IHN, hurricane relief, scouts, facility needs of the church and FLC as well as individual requests in support of mission activities. Your tree purchase will definitely make a positive affect on the lives of others. We mail discount coupons to the local community as an outreach. When neighbors visit the tree lot, we invite them to worship with us. We provide a card listing all the regular and holiday worship times and activities. Several families have joined the church after initially encountering us through their tree purchase. We reach other new families through the tree sale by involving our church’s Boy Scout troop and their parents, many of whom are not church members. One profound benefit of the sale has been the camaraderie and fellowship that develops among church volunteers working together, hanging around the fire barrel, and forming new friendships during an afternoon or evening on the tree lot. All church members are encouraged to sign up each year, knowing they will meet new neighbors, develop new friendships, and support strong mission by pulling a shift or two at the Christmas tree stand. Help is always needed working the 'Tree Lot'. A sign up board is available in the Narthex. There will also be a “Sign Up Genius” on the Aldersgate web site (www.aldersgate.org). Please sign up ! We encourage all groups within Aldersgate UMC to sign up, as well as families. We need at least 4 people on any shift. All children may work the tree lot but they must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult. COME BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE ! Over 220 Christmas trees, various sizes and prices ! Coupons available at the Welcome Station !
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HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Beginning in spring of 2016, AUMC will be partnering with 10 Corridor District United Methodist churches and Habitat for Humanity of Durham to build a new home for a Durham family. If you would like to be a part of this mission and volunteer for the AUMC Habitat team or if you do not what to join our team but still want to support our cause and work one of our fundraiser, please contact Carl Chmielewski either by email or phone at clchmie@gmail.com or 919-4756685 by Nov 16th As with all missions, there is a financial obligation for each church. In order for us to meet our $2,000 commitment, we will be doing 6 WNL dinners and working 3 Duke Basketball games selling T-shirts only. All members of our AUMC team will be asked to work at least two events. Team members are welcome to work more if you desire. Fundraiser for AUMC Habitat Team - WNL dinner schedule : 2015 Oct 21, Nov 18, 2016 Jan 20, Feb 17, March 16, April 20 Basketball schedule Dec 2-5 and 15 Please consider how wonderful it is to own your home and how great it would be to help a Durham family build and own their first home. Carl Chmielewski AUMC HABITAT COORDINATOR
“DINNER FOR EIGHT” IS COMING SOON! Want to get to know some of your fellow worshippers? Want to meet some folks who attend the “other” services? Want to “break bread” with some interesting people? If so, please watch for sign-up sheets for “Dinner for Eight”! Here is how it will work: groups of eight people (singles and/or couples) will be formed to have a meal together once a month from January through April. Each group will organize its own dates and times and where it will meet. Options include having dinner in homes or going out for dinner together at a restaurant. Two people will be responsible for one of the four meals. Sign-up sheets will be out soon. If you have any input about the program, please contact Barbara Snyder at 919-818-0454 or ncbarbara.snyder@gmail.com. Bon Appetit!
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JESUS, THE BREAD OF LIFE There are many people in Durham that are food-insecure (they don’t have access to food or the funds to purchase the food that they need for themselves or their families). Here at Aldersgate we help provide the bread of life to many in FIVE amazing ways. You can contribute to any and all of these ministries by donating funds in their name at Aldersgate or contacting the individuals listed below to volunteer your time and talents. COMMUNITY BACKPACK MINISTRY – This is a new ministry that was created earlier this year with concerned community members from Aldersgate, Bethany United Methodist Church, and Greystone. There are currently 99 students at Riverside HS that are food insecure. The Backpack ministry is working to provide weekend meals to 30 of those students. Some of the items needed are peanut butter, canned fruit and canned meat. It cost $ 35 per month to provide weekend meals for each student. Contact Kay Edwards samkayedwards@yahoo.com or 919-383-5032 if you would like to learn more about this ministry. URBAN MINISTRIES – This is a local downtown Community Café that provides three meals a day to homeless individuals and families. They also provide overnight shelter. One recent Sunday night we cooked and served dinner to 250 individuals. They have a food pantry where people may come once a month to get a bag of food for their family. Contact April Twine april.twine@frontier.com or 919-475-4014. FEED MY FLOCK – This is a group of AUMC members who provide food to families within our church community who are experiencing illness, death or the birth of a new baby in their family. Judy Alford coordinates this ministry and she is always looking for volunteers who would like to prepare food. Contact Judy Alford, im1angelmkr@aol.com or 919-210-4146. INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK – A local agency that provides short term support to homeless families so that they can get a job and housing , enabling them to care for themselves. Every twelve weeks we host 3 families for one week by providing overnight housing, food and transportation. You may volunteer to prepare dinner, spend a night at AUMC, or drive our guests. Contact Susan Gay susgy@aol.com or 919-451-1497. DUKE 5200 – Once a month we provide dinner to the parents of the pediatric bone marrow transplant patients at Duke. On the 3rd Thursday of each month Judy Alford coordinates taking four meats, four salads, four vegetables and four desserts to these parents. They really enjoy a home-cooked meal instead of cafeteria food. Contact Judy Alford, im1angelmkr@aol.com or 919-210-4146.
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Nursery Ministry Each Sunday Morning: 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 am
Acolyte Schedule For This Month 8:15 AM SERVICE
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An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
Trustee for this Month 12/6 12/13 12/20 12/27
Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.
WHAT ARE OUR NUMBERS? When you think about AUMC’s finances, more than likely numbers, commas, and decimals come to mind. Some may think of the annual budget. Others may think about monthly giving or the church’s capital debt. While these are important aspects of the church’s finances, they are not our most important numbers. The real story is what your generous and faithful financial support of the church makes possible – creating disciples of Christ. It is the lives touched, needs met, and relationships deepened with our Lord and Savior. Throughout the remainder of the year in addition to being transparent with how the church is operating financially, the finance committee wants to highlight a few of the numbers you make possible each month. Like…..
Our Upward Soccer Program. This ministry is a wonderful outreach to the community as well as the Aldersgate children. Over 75 children and their families gathered in the Aldersgate Sanctuary for our end of the season Upward “Soccer” Celebration. Many of the families were from the community. Twenty Nine youth and Nine adults left with Andrew Woods Pilgrimage 2015 in Fayetteville, NC. This will be a life changing-weekend for most. God is good The people of Aldersgate fed 250 guests at the Urban Ministries Community Café on Sunday, October 11th. Eight Aldersgate folks delivered the food and helped serve.
MANY WAYS TO GIVE One convenient way to give is to set up an EFT or electronic funds transfer. You can give a one-time gift or set up weekly, or monthly donations. You can set it up yourself by going to our Aldersgate.org web site and then selecting Mission & Giving and then On-line giving or by contacting our church treasurer. You can make donations to the operating budget, the capital campaign or to special ministries such as the community backpack ministry or urban ministries, or make a special memorial gift. Another way to give is by donating shares of stock. We use the United Methodist Foundation and Morgan Stanley to assist us with gifts of stock. If you are interested in this option just contact Mary Taylor by email at mary@aldersgate.org and she will give you or your stock broker the necessary paperwork to transfer the stock.
Thanks for all that you do to support the many missions and ministries of Aldersgate.
December Lay Assistants USHERS 8:15 Service 12/6
Chick Hinton Paul Jones (main) Richard Riggsbee Linda Jones (office) Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown
Mitch Adkins
Kathy Chmielewski
Beverly Jackson Pat Stancil (main) Katherine Siler Kaye Harris (office) Myrna/Rebel Umphlett
Judy Alford
Debbie Edge
Doug/Carole Morris Andy McCorison Mitch Adkins
David Brese (main) Carol Brese (office)
Beverly Jackson
Dave Brese
Richard Riggsbee Chick Hinton Mary Tom Roberts Beverly Jackson
Jeff Sturkey (main) Judy Alford (office)
Mitch Adkins
Shelia Rittgers
Doug/Mary Taylor
Nancy Wykle
Anne Finch
Terri Ray
Margie Muir Sue Allison
Matt Buckner
Matt Buckner Nancy Wykle
Beth Menchini
Wanda/Michael Crutchfield
Suzanne Elliott
Beth Menchini
Tammy Closs Paula Veasey Pam Boatright Debbie Fletcher
Amelia Oakley (main) Janie Howell Ronnie Oakley (door)
Tammy Closs
Ronnie Oakley Jim Willis Kimberly Riggs Ron West
Audrey Turley (main) Amelia Oakley Pam Boatright (door)
Paula Veasey
Ronnie Oakley Michele Tucker Sarah/Brent Walker
Rusty Grimm (main) Debbie Fletcher Robin Thomas (office)
Audrey Turley
Ronnie Oakley Ginger Hawkins Maryellen Finnigan Tammy Closs
Janie Howell (Main) Bette Baird Betty Jane Upchurch (office)
Lynn Baird
9:30 Service 12/6
11:00 Service 12/6
Mary Taylor Mary Taylor
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
Follow us: TheGate27712 info@aldersgate.org www.aldersgate.org