Experience F EBRUARY 2016 C ONTENTS
LET’S GO TO THE MAT! When Jacob encountered the angel of the Lord in Genesis 32, he was permanently disabled after his all-night wrestling match with God. The resulting limp must have been noticeable to everyone, because God "touched the socket of Jacob's hip." A man was crippled by almighty God and lived to tell about it. Jacob had been an arrogant, manipulative, selfsufficient guy before God pinned him to the dusty desert floor. However, after he was blessed, during this face-to-face contest with his heavenly Conqueror, he was re-
duced to a humble servant. He had surrendered. His limp was a daily reminder of his total frailty; yet he knew that because God had shattered his strength, he possessed true power. Jacob had decreased and God had increased. Would we like God to "bless" us like that? Have we been broken by God? It may be our time for a wrestling match. It's God vs. us. We must wrestle with the Mighty One of Israel. We think we know Him now, but after He pins us to the ground, we will understand why His strength is so much more
powerful than ours. And after we have submitted to His loving but crushing blows, our pride will be shattered--and the world will see the true anointing of Christ rather than empty human hype. I hope all of us are willing to go to the mat with the Lord. True renewal won't come until our strut resembles Jacob’s (Israel’s) limp.
Birthdays CONDUIT WNL Lenten Services Children’s Sunday School/Worship WNL Meals Stephen Ministry AgapeShope4Kids Missy Prissy Tea Party Circle of Love Music Notes Valentines Dinner Circle of Love/ Guatemala Sunday Worship Upcoming Events Church Council Aldersgate Weekday School Grief Share Prayers 2016 General Conference Sharing God’s Gifts Ways to Give February Lay Ministry
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Rev. Dr. Homer E. Morris
P RAYER S HAWL M INISTRY N EEDS YOU! The Prayer Shawl Ministry of Aldersgate provides a tangible expression of love by giving shawls to people who are dealing with a life transition, grief or health issues. These shawls are a visible reminder that they are being wrapped in prayer by their church family and hopefully they will feel the loving presence of Christ close to them as they gently sit on their shoulders. We need new people to come join us and help us in this important and rewarding ministry. If you’re saying to yourself, “But I can’t knit or crochet” please don’t let that stop you. We have wonderful people that can get you going in no time. Please know that this ministry is open to men, women and youth, so please join us the first Sunday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in Pastor Homer’s office, across from the Wesley room. Our next meeting is February 7th.
FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Shelia Rittgers Roy Swaringen Dave Brese Barry Marlow Jane Mullins Paula Veasey Jeremy Anderson Lee King Helen Strouss Baz Cunningham Greg Fisher Nick Montgomery Linda Morris Mary Kathryn Panza Isabella Anderson Jan Coleman Korbin Nevius Ronnie Oakley Abby Schoerfeld Cindy Jones Anna Van Deventer Julie Reo Shaunesy Story Anne Finch
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Margaret Leahy Debbie Sykes Michael Tillotson John Crose Mary Douglass Alice Hagaman John Hagaman Elizabeth Healy Susan Dernosek Maryellen Finnigan Shirley Whitney Shannon Adcock Abby Anderson Sheilah Lowans Randy Stewart Carl Allen Chick Hinton Diane Weller Susan Gay Madeleine Hughes Michael Setji Charles Boatright Andy Jones Abigail Twine
CONDUIT Christmas at Oxford Manor What joyful noises came from the O. M. Community Center at CONDUIT’s Christmas party. When the children arrived, they filed by Judy Schlegel’s station to register a guess of how many pieces of candy (provided by Anne Finch) were in her large jar. Mrs. Santa visited with the children as they were getting seated. Winnie Morgan’s reading of the Christmas story using a nativity figure for each child began the activities. Co-president Lolly Holmes (Duke’s Chapel UMC) led the singing of carols. Then Pastor Homer Morris asked the blessing before the bountiful meal. The six churches in CONDUIT generously provided chicken fingers, veggies with dip, cut-up fruit (Aldersgate), cheese and crackers, and lots of homemade cookies. After filling their tummies, the gifts were handed out for the families to carry home, along with a treat bag of candy. The children were delighted with everything. A great big THANKS to each of the families of Aldersgate who gave such beautiful gifts to the Oxford Manor Christmas Angels! Some of their packs of gifts were larger than they were! And thanks to all who have contributed to the CONDUIT Fund at Aldersgate in the past. We used some of it to buy fruit and treat bags. It is wonderful to have Judy Schlegel and Pattie Porter as new representatives on the CONDUIT Board. It took all of us to fill the shoes of Colleen Anna. She set a high standard for us.
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Ed Lothes Drayton Coleman Pat Stancil Susan Cummings Kay Edwards Mark Tillotson Ashley Bahor Marsha Covington Kim McAllister Fran Newman Andy McCorison Sara Barbour Bob Carter Kaye Harris Ryan Honeycutt Regina Whitaker
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W EDNESDAY N IGHT L ENTEN W ORSHIP S ERVICE LENTEN MID-WEEK WORSHIP Begin with our Ash Wednesday service on February 10 – 6:30 pm. The Service of Ashes helps us to repent, or turn back to God. "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return" or, "Repent and believe in the Gospel" are the words shared as ashes are marked on the forehead or hand. The ashes, which are created from last year’s palm branches, also symbolize grief;
in this case, grief that our sins have separated us from God. You are encouraged to keep the season’s focus (which is all about establishing a closer walk with Jesus, through prayer, scripture study, and worship), with our Wednesday Lenten Series, 6:30 pm each week thereafter (through March 16). Each week, music, prayer and preaching will speak to the theme “Lift High the Cross.”
KIDS OWN WORSHIP EACH SUNDAY MORNING will be studying the same stories but participate in different activities. Wednesday Night Live for Kids - Each Wednesday Evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm
ACTIVITIES AND CHILD CARE 6:30-7:30 EACH WEDNESDAY (NURSERY WILL BE PROVIDED FOR INFANTS—TWO YEAR OLDS) The WNL Kids will enjoy a variety of activities this year. Kids Kindergarten - 5th grade will rotate experiences through the month. 1st Wednesday of the month: Bible Experience 2nd Wednesday: Science, Art or Music 3rd Wednesday: Fellowship Games 4th Wednesday: Mission Project 5th Wednesday: Surprise! PRESCHOOLERS WILL PARTICIPATE IN A BIBLE LESSON AND ACTIVITY JUST FOR THEM.
If you’ve been craving great food and fellowship, your wait is over. Meals are served in the Family Life Center from 5:30-6:15 pm.
So come early for a tasty meal, wonderful fellowship and a chance to participate in a Bible study or other class.
Each week's menu features an entree, vegetables and simple dessert. Prices will remain at $6.50 for adults and $3.50 for children under 10. RESERVATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED, However, dinner will be served on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis from 5:30-6:15 pm.
Feb. 3rd: Susanna Wesley Circle Feb. 10th: Haiti Mission Team Bake Potato Bar, Soup, Salad Feb. 17th: Habitat Rotisseries Chicken, Green Beans, Garlic/Dill Potatoes, Brownies Feb. 24th: The Choir will sponsor the meal
STEPHEN MINISTRY Are you grieving from the loss of a job, a debilitating illness, a broken relationship that you can’t mend, or some other loss that leaves you feeling like you’re losing your mind? If so, you may benefit from working with one of our Church’s Stephen Ministers. These persons are well trained and will provide you with encouragement and hope to help you heal from the pain of your grief. They will establish a safe, confidential environment for you to unravel your feelings by talking about your loss. Jazmine, one of our recent participants, says that there was a giant void in her life until she requested a Stephen Minister. She reports that when her daughter died, she didn’t want to go on, for life had been sucked out of her. She met almost weekly with her Stephen Minister who helped her see that her pain was a part of the normal grief process that she had to
go through in order to heal. Now, Jazmine says that she doesn’t know how life could have been any harder than losing her daughter, but she is thankful that her Stephen Minister helped her to see that God was walking with her through the whole time. “He didn’t let go; He held me and carried me.” If you want to learn more about our Stephen Ministry program, or if you know of a friend, or co-worker, who might benefit, contact Jack Snyder at 919-477-0509 Ext. 102, or at: Jack@aldersgate.org.
STEPHEN MINISTRY WORKSHOP SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM ALDERSGATE UMC FAMILY LIFE CENTER On April 2, 2016, our church will open its doors to congregation representatives from all over the state who seek information about Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Ministry headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri has selected Aldersgate as the venue for their regional workshop due to our unique central location, our excellent facility, our welcoming congregation, and our long history with Stephen Ministry since 2004. Invitations to attend this informational workshop are being sent to approximately 2000 congregations in our area. Groups of four or more may register their entire group for $50. Individual registrations are $15. As thanks for being the host congregation, members of Aldersgate’s congregation may register for free!
The workshop is designed with three sessions. The first focuses on Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief. This program will lead into session 2, An Introduction to Stephen Ministry. The final session allows attendees to experience How to Care in a Distinctively Christian Way. These workshops will give participants the opportunity to better understand Stephen Ministry and to consider implementing it in their church. Individuals may gain insight into Stephen Ministry and explore the possibility of enrolling in Stephen Ministry training. If you are interested in attending this event, would like to volunteer, or would simply like information about it, please call Pat Porter, Liz Crose, or Jack Snyder.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Agape Circle’s Semi-Annual
AgapeShop4Kids A Children’s Charity Consignment Sale AND Vendor Fair Saturday, March 5th 8am-2pm Sunday, March 6th 12:30pm-2:30pm* *many consignment items will be half-price and no vendors on Sunday
Items for sale include: baby clothes, children’s clothes, maternity clothes, costumes, shoes, toys, books, movies, baby gear, bedding, furniture, and much more! Come to: • Aldersgate United Methodist Church Family Life Center • Umstead Rd., Durham • Call or email for information: • 919-818-0454 (Barbara Snyder) • or request info through agapeshop4kidsaumc@gmail.com * * * Please Note: All Consignment Sales Are Cash or Credit Only * * *
Missy Prissy Tea Party for Women of All Ages Saturday, April 16th 2:00 - 4:00 pm Family Life Center Entertainment Photo Opportunities Original Spring Bonnet Parade $5.00 adults $3.00 for 2 - 10 years old Free over 90 and under 2 Door Prizes
Circle of Love Ministry The Circles of Love Ministry was created in 2013 and is sponsored by Aldersgate UMC and the North Carolina United Methodist Youth Service Fund. This ministry provides Christian witness tools to share God’s love one circle at a time. It also provides an opportunity to share God’s love by wearing, making, and sharing necklaces and bracelets made into circles of love. These circles of love are conversation starters. A chance to talk about Jesus, to share the gift of presence and cele-
Trinity Necklace
brate in God’s creative gift to us, and invite others to spread God’s love by making and sharing the Circles of Love. All of these items are anointed with prayer and associated with scripture before sharing the items. The Circles of Love Community will encourage others to share this ministry and continue to spread God’s circle of love. The Circles of Love Community continues to expand one person at a time by teaching, witness-
Trinity Bracelet
ing, and sharing God's love with items that form circles of love. Circles of Love Ministry sponsors classes on how to make and share the circles of love items; Trinity necklaces, bracelets, Trinity bell necklaces, love clips, mission packets and prayer partner packets. If you would like more information, please email: circlesoflove316@gmail.com
Trinity Jingle Necklace
MUSIC NOTES By Nan de Andrade * Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more. (nan@aldersgate.org) ADULT CHOIR: Now is a wonderful time to join the choir. We’re beginning our special Easter music and a dramatic cantata, “The Living Last Supper” which we will sing with Mt. Sylvan UMC’s choir and an orchestra on Maundy Thursday (March 24). Come on, all voices are welcome and needed!! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the sanctuary. Just stay after our WNL program or worship for a double-dose of spiritual nourishment! PRAISE TEAM: New members (singers or players) are always welcomed. Rehearsals will be held at 6:15-7:30 on these dates: Feb. 3 (Wed.), Feb. 9, 16, 23 (Tues.) (We’re moving off Wednesday because of our Lenten worship series. We plan to resume rehearsing on Wednesday after Easter.) Also, if you’d like to listen ahead to our Contemporary Christian music selections, give Spotify a try! It’s a free app, and you can access this month’s playlist by searching for Nan de Andrade and clicking on the February AUMC playlist. ARTS IN THE AFTERNOON(S!) We have started the year with two different opportunities with the arts for children 2nd-6th grade this session. Though both launched in January, if you act quickly, there may be a spot for you - please email Nan to sign up your child. nan@aldersgate.org 1) THURSDAYS – 4:30 – 5:15, Jan. 14-Feb. 25, SINGING FOR JOY! Preparing for a Choir Festival in Raleigh, Feb. 27 and Worship on Feb. 28. This group is excited to go to a Children’s Choir festival in Raleigh, Feb. 27, and will sing for worship on Feb. 28. SING FOR JOY! On Thursday afternoons, we will focus on SINGING! We’ll be learning four beautiful songs in preparation for participation in Sing for Joy! Children’s Choir Festival which is held on Saturday, February 27 in Raleigh (Soapstone UMC). Rehearsal begins that Sat. at 9 am and the final concert (everyone’s invited) is at 2 pm… we may decide to visit a nearby Monkey Joe’s afterward! This Festival will be an amazing experience where we’ll get to join our voices with at least 150 other children under the direction of Mr. Jeremy Tucker. Tucker is the Artistic Director of the Raleigh Boy’s Choir and is the newly appointed choral director at Green Hope High School in Cary, NC. He’s also been an assistant music director on a Broadway tour and taught in NYC at the nation’s leading performing arts training center for Broadway-bound high school students, Stagedoor Manor!
SING FOR JOY! will meet on Thursday afternoons in the choir room, from 4:30-5:15, and will run for six Thursdays from January 14 through Feb. 25 (but not Feb. 4). Participation cost for Arts in the Afternoon is FREE, but the Festival is $15 (includes a festival t-shirt). Sing for Joy! Festival is Saturday, Feb. 27 and then the children will also sing for worship at Aldersgate on Sunday, Feb. 28 (11:00 service). 2) TUESDAYS - 4:30-5:15, Jan. 26- March 8, RINGING CHOIR CHIMES Six weeks of music through ringing choir chimes CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHIMES Classes in Choir Chimes (they are similar to handbells) will be offered on TUESDAYS from 4:30-5:15 (Sanctuary). We will launch a group (assuming we have seven – twelve interested 2nd-6th graders) on Tuesday, Jan. 26 and practice for six weeks, with a planned performance on our final day, March 8 (before Spring Break). Your child will learn about reading music, bell techniques and playing together! The only requirement is COMMITMENT. If you’re in a bell choir it is essential to attend each week! To sign up (group size is limited to 12), please email Nan by Jan.19.
M USIC N OTES ( CONTINUED ) HELP WANTED: HANDBELL RINGER We are in need of a bell ringer for our Joyful Noise Ringers. If you’ve got some music training (piano, another instrument, or bells) and would like to give it a try, please contact Nan! PRAYING FOR SOME VOLUNTEERS FOR OUR SACRED DANCE PROGRAM! As you know, Aldersgate has a wonderful legacy of beautiful sacred dancers contributing to our worship. We are in need of some women with dance experience or a heart for sacred dance to begin leading these groups. We have one elementary group, Young Dancers, who have been dancing on Sunday afternoons. The youth Sacred Dance group has traditionally practiced on Sunday after Youth group. (These times are not set in stone; we could poll interest and availability based on the leaders schedule!) If you would like to know more about this, please contact Nan (nan@aldersgate.org). Resource materials/training are available! Let’s not let this legacy die – we have young girls very interested in continuing to serve.
You’re Invited Breakfast in Bed! Sunday, February 14th 5:00-7:00 pm The Family Life Center
Do you love eating but hate to cook? Do you like going out, but hate to get dressed up? Well AUMC Youth have got you covered! COME ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, FROM 5:00-7:00 TO ENJOY A RELAXING VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER IN STYLE! COME WEARING YOUR COMFY CLOTHES AND
THE THEME IS “BREAKFAST IN BED” SO PJS! Youth will be cooking breakfast food
worthy of a great breakfast in bed! Come excited to enjoy games, entertainment, and a wonderful meal! Meal Tickets: Adults: $10 at the door or $8 in advance Children: $5 at the door or $4 in advance. $25 cap for a family of 4 or more so bring the whole family! All proceeds will go to funding the youth group in our mission projects and mission trip this year. Come enjoy a great meal in a fun and relaxed atmosphere! If you have any questions, please contact: Andrew Woods (919) 477-0509 x 115 or Andrew@aldersgate.org
AUMC Circle of Love Ministry Partners with Guatemala On Wednesday evening December 30th, the Aldersgate United Methodist Church women & youth Prayer Partners gathered in the Wesley Room for food, fellowship, and a program by Cynthia (Cindie) L. Moore. Cindie is the US Liaison to the Association of Mam Christian Women for Development in Guatemala. The Mams are one of twenty three indigenous groups recognized by the Guatemalan government. Cindie is a retired attorney and a member of the United Methodist Church of Berea, Ohio. She travels to Guatemala several times a year at her own expense where she works with the Association. The purpose of the Association is to help women develop new skills, spiritual resources, healthy bodies, and income earning power. Guatemala has the highest rate of chronic malnutrition in Latin America. Half of the children under the age of five go to bed hungry. Cindie is actively involved in the Guatemala Sewing Mission and assisted us in setting up prayer part-
ners. Currently there are twenty women at Aldersgate serving as prayer partners with twenty women in the sewing school in Las Barrancas, Guatemala. There are also thirteen youth at Aldersgate who are prayers with youth who are members of the Gethsemane Presbyterian Church of Nueva Concepcion, Guatemala. At the meeting, Cindie presented two beautiful Guatemalan cloths to the Aldersgate Youth Prayer Partners from the Youth Prayer Partners in Guatemala. Regina Whitaker of the Circles of Love Ministry coordinated the Prayer Partners and accepted the cloths on behalf of the youth at Aldersgate. Each Prayer Partner has a picture of his/her Partner. They pray for each other daily. The program consisted of a power point presentation with recent pictures of the dedication of the new sewing school in Las Barrancas and pictures of the Guatemala and Aldersgate prayer partners.
Cindie also presented a beautiful note, and a embroidered plaque, to the members of Aldersgate United Methodist Church from the Women’s Society of Jesus of the Mam Presbyterian Church of Jesus of the True Light located in the village of Las Barrancas. Many of the students in the sewing school are also members of the local church. They are most appreciative to Aldersgate for our role in the management and financial support for the construction of the new sewing school in Las Barrancas. The local church offered the women a room in the church for their school while their new school was being built, and they also donated land adjacent to the church for the new school. If you would like to learn more about the Circles of Love Ministry, the Prayer Partners, or the Guatemala Sewing Mission, contact: Regina Whitaker regina.whitaker1@gmail.com (919) 417-8024, Anne Finch annefinch@nc.rr.com (919) 818-8376 or Mary Taylor mary@aldersgate.com (919) 225-0528
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S UNDAY M ORNING W ORSHIP February 7th: “JOSEPH: Joseph and the Providence of God” Genesis 50:19-21; Romans 8:28-30 SUNDAY WORSHIP from Feb. 14 – March 20 will also help us to center our spirits in the Lenten practice. A special sanctuary visual of a Lenten cross created from former Christmas tree trunk, a crown of thorns and a purple drape, remind us of this season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
“THE CROSS: It’s Offensiveness” John 6:41-53, 60-61; Matthew 11:1-6
February 21st:
“THE CROSS: It’s Message” Isaiah 29:13-16
February 28th :
“THE CROSS: It’s Realism” Deuteronomy 21:22-23; I Corinthians 1:26-31
FEBRUARY 10TH ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP SERVICE - 6:30 PM SANCTUARY LED BY REV. HOMER E. MORRIS February 17th February 24th March 2nd March 9th March 16th
led by Andrew Woods led by John Hall led by Jane Brannock led by Curtis Gay led by Jack Snyder
2016 LENTEN DEVOTIONS “AND HE WALKS WITH ME...” will be delivered to your email inbox each morning, beginning Wednesday, February 10th. Please make sure the church office has your most recent email address (send to: holly@aldersgate.org). If you do not have an email address you may pick up a weekly printed copy of the devotions at the Welcome Center each Sunday beginning, February 14th.
PALM SUNDAY, March 20TH * These ser vices ar e mar ked with waving palms and singing hosanna, but are also the time to begin our contemplation of the Passion of Christ. MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 24TH * “The Living Last Supper ,” joint wor ship with Mt. Sylvan held at Aldersgate (FLC) at 7:00 pm. Orchestra, joint choir, drama, holy communion. GOOD FRIDAY, March 25TH * J oint wor ship, tr aditionally a solemn but hope-filled Tenebrae (Service of Darkness) with scripture reading and song, held at Mt. Sylvan, 7:00 pm EASTER SUNDAY, March 27TH – Sunrise Service, and our three celebrations will truly “Lift High the Cross” on this highest holy day of the Christian year.
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AUMC - 2016 CHURCH COUNCIL The AUMC Church Council held our annual planning retreat on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at Aldersgate’s Family Life Center. All committee chairs and staff were invited to join us as together we planned, visioned, and worshiped. After a brief administrative session, we discussed the various job roles and responsibilities in our church. UMC Discipleship Ministries has published one-page job descriptions for committee chairs and other
church leaders, and these were made available to all attending. (For folks who were unable to attend, this book is in the church office) We reviewed, discussed, and celebrated major events and happenings of 2015, and John Howe led us in a group exercise of our 2016 goals. To close our time together, Pastor Homer led us in a devotion and we celebrated communion together. A great start to our year! John Hall Chair, AUMC Church Council
ALDERSGATE WEEKDAY S CHOOL Aldersgate Weekday School’s Fall registration opens to the community on February 9, 2016. The deadline for all church members was Friday, January 29, 2016.
Please call (919) 479-8686 if you have any questions.
GRIEF SHARE SUPPORT GROUP TUESDAY EVENING Have you had a spouse or friend walk out on you; or were you laid off, or demoted at work; or have you lost a loved one in the past year; or are you concerned about a grave illness that threatens you or a family member? Such painful events in our lives can lead to intense emotions that generate much grief and sadness. If so, you are invited to come to the next Grief Share Seminar Support Group. It will begin January 12 and run each Tuesday night from 6:30-
8:30 pm for 13 weeks. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Too often people, including Christians, tend to stuff their grief, or fill their lives with busy work, instead of allowing grief to do the God-given work for which it is intended. No matter whether your grief experience is recent or in the past, you will find encouragement, comfort and help in facing the loss
of something or someone, that is significant in your life. No matter what the cause of your grief and sorrow, this Grief Share Support Group is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and that you do not need to be held hostage to certain emotions such as fear of what others may think. You will also learn valuable information about facing your new normal in life and renewing your hope for the future.
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LET’S BE A CHURCH THAT COVERS THE 2016 GENERAL CONFERENCE IN PRAYER! General Conference is the top policy making body of the United Methodist Church and meets every four years. The conference can revise church law as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for church wide programs. These decisions require discerning God’s will and listening to the Holy Spirit as they will have far reaching effects for our denomination in the future. Our delegates have important church business to carry out and need to be held in constant prayer in the months leading up to General Conference and certainly during the days of General Conference.
NC CONFERENCE DAY OF PRAYER * FEBRUARY 10th FOR 2016 GENERAL CONFERENCE Bishop Hope Morgan Ward has chosen February 10 (Ash Wednesday) as the day set aside for the North Carolina Annual Conference to spend praying for the 2016 General Conference. This twenty-four hour prayer vigil is both a privilege and a responsibility. It is a privilege because we serve a God who hears our every prayer and listens to the cries of our hearts. It is our responsibility because we live in a broken and hurting world in need of the light and love of Jesus Christ to be shared with all. Prior to February 10th at the Welcome Center you will have an opportunity to sign up for a 30 minute time slot to pray for General Conference. You may come to the church to pray or you may pray in the comfort of your home. A list with the names of the NC delegates to General Conference will be available for you. You may also use the monthly prayer guide for ideas to help guide your prayer time. If you have other ideas of how we can cover General Conference in prayer or you would like to be part of this special time of intercessory prayer, then let’s join hearts and hands together. Please contact Barbara Atkinson at habnc@hotmail.com or 919 638-5711.
Daily Offering for God’s Will to Be Done The disciples asked Jesus “Lord, teach us to pray”……..and he responded with the simple but profound words of the “Our Father…”. Within that prayer we are taught the importance of seeking God’s will over our own and of the need to offer forgiveness to each other.
We are asking everyone at Aldersgate to set aside a specific time of day when you can pray the “Our Father” and offer that prayer for our delegates to the General Conference. It takes less than one minutes to reverently pray this beautiful prayer and yet this is one way we can be assured that we are seeking God’s will on a daily basis. If you will commit to praying the “Our Father” on a daily basis for General Conference ,I’m asking you to send me an email with your name and the time you have chosen. This will be exciting to see if we can get all 24 hours covered ! Bishop Jin Cho of the Virginia Annual Conference said we need to be praying for God’s will and “nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else.” I can’t think of anything that sums it up better than that. Send Barbara Atkinson an email at habnc@hotmail.com with your time to pray the “Our Father”. Let’s see if we can get all 24 hours covered!
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A Prayer for Every Month Daily : Pray for Unity Prayer: O God whose Son prayed that his disciples would be one, we pray for the unity of The United Methodist Church. Protect us in your name, and protect us from the evil one, that we may abide in you, the Eternal One, and you in us. Amen. Scripture Text: John 17:20-21— “I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. January: Pray for Understanding Prayer: Come to me for understanding, since I know you far better than you know yourself. I comprehend you in all your complexity; no detail of your life is hidden from Me. I view you through eyes of grace, so don't be afraid of My intimate awareness. Allow the Light of My healing Presence to shine into the deepest recesses of your being—cleansing, healing, refreshing, and renewing you. Trust Me enough to accept the full forgiveness that I offer you continually. This great gift, which cost Me My Life, is yours for all eternity. Forgiveness is at the very core of My abiding Presence. Scripture Text: Joshua 1:5—No one shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. February: Pray for Discernment Prayer: Open our eyes and our hearts to be able to discern your loving will together. May your love be the root of all that we do and decide. Amen. Scripture Text: Philippians 1:8-11—For God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. March: Pray for Gentleness and Humility Prayer: Lord, help us to reject the "wisdom" of the world and to depend completely on you. Equip us to take on your easy yoke, and make us gentle and humble in heart. Amen. Scripture Text: Matthew 11:28-30—“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” April: Pray for Patience in Preparation Prayer: Dear Lord, guide us as we prepare for a new season in the life of our conference and our church. Strengthen our faith and grant us the patience to wait upon your reveal. Amen. Scripture Text: Colossians 3:12-13 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. May: Pray for Our Delegation and for the Future Prayer: Gracious and Loving God, walk with us into the future of your church. Help us to be as one with one another even as we strive to be one with you. Amen. Scripture Text: Jeremiah 29:11— For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. June: Pray for Rest Prayer: Gracious God, let us come to rest in the strength of your Spirit. Release us from confusion and stress. Bring us together in the tender presence of your mercy, grounded and restored in your everlasting love. Scripture Text: Zechariah 4:6—“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the LORD.” Psalm 46:10—“Be still, and know that I am God!”
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When you think about AUMC’s finances, more than likely numbers, commas, and decimals come to mind. Some may think of the annual budget. Others may think about monthly giving or the church’s capital debt. While these are important aspects of the church’s finances, they are not our most important numbers. The real story is what your generous and faithful financial support of the church makes possible – creating disciples of Christ. It is the lives touched, needs met, and relationships deepened with our Lord and Savior. Throughout the remainder of the year in addition to being transparent with how the church is operating financially, the finance committee wants to highlight a few of the numbers you make possible each month.
6,207 pounds of food donated to Urban Ministries from Aldersgate UMC in 2015. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” Matthew 25:35 We enjoyed ten bell choirs that performed at Aldersgate. We truly felt the Holy Spirit in the fellowship with the other churches and area neighborhoods.
Year End 2015 Financial Summary Income:
Net Income $7,176.00
MANY WAYS TO GIVE One convenient way to give is to set up an EFT or electronic funds transfer. You can give a one-time gift or set up weekly, or monthly donations. You can set it up yourself by going to our Aldersgate.org web site and then selecting Mission & Giving and then On-line giving or by contacting our church treasurer.
You can make donations to the operating budget, the capital campaign or to special ministries such as the community backpack ministry or urban ministries, or make a special memorial gift. Another way to give is by donating shares of stock. We use the United Methodist Foundation and Morgan Stanley to assist us with gifts of stock. If you are interested in this option just contact Mary Taylor by email at mary@aldersgate.org and she will give you or your stock broker the necessary paperwork to transfer the stock. Thanks for all that you do to support the many missions and ministries of Aldersgate.
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F EBRUARY L AY A SSISTANTS USHERS 8:15 Service Feb. 7th Chick Hinton Richard Riggsbee Mary Tom Roberts Jeff Sturkey Feb.14th Scout Sunday Feb. 21st Kathy Chmielewski Carl Chmielewski Stacey McCorison John Field Feb. 28th Richard Riggsbee Ed Osteen Chick Hinton Kirk Brown 9:30 Service Feb. 7th Gene Bell Cynthia Bell Feb. 14th Scout Sunday Feb. 21st Mary Taylor Anne Finch Feb. 28th Margie Muir Sue Allison 11:00 Service Feb. 7th Kimberly Riggs Lynn Baird Pam Boatright Tammy Closs Feb. 14th Scout Sunday Feb. 21st Ronnie Oakley Michele Tucker Suzi Caudill Ginger Hawkins Feb. 28th Roy Swaringen Tammy Closs Kimberly Riggs
O = Office Door M = Main Door Jeff Sturkey–M Terri DeMaeyer-O
Jeff Sturkey
Barbara Atkinson
Myrna Umphlett –M Rebel Umphlett-O
Myrna Umphlett
Pattie Porter
Sharon MacLaurin-M
Sharon MacLaurin
Kathy Chmielewski
Greeters = Main Door Only Denise Thomas
Denise Thomas
Mary Taylor
Margie Muir
Margie Muir
Denise Thomas
Jane Bahor
Jane Bahor
Richard King
Lindsay Brown –M Nancy Gaither-O
Lindsay Brown
Paula Veasey
Michele Tucker-M Liz Crose-O
Michele Tucker
Al Piacentini
Paula Veasey-M Kay Edwards-O
Paula Veasey
Ronnie Oakley
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Acolyte 8:15 AM SERVICE
2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28
2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28
An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
Altar Guild LINDA SHAFFER, CYNTHIA BELL AND SARAH WALKER Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
Trustee for January KAYE HARRIS
Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.
A LDERSGATE U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 1320 Umstead Drive Durham, NC 27712 Phone: 919-477-0509 Email: holly@aldersgate.org
FIND US ON: Facebook: Twitter: Website: LinkedIn:
Aldersgate UMC Durham TheGate27712 Aldersgate.org Aldersgate United Methodist Church