Experience J ANUARY 2016
NEW WOOD When the great poet and author Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was well along in years, an admirer asked him how it was that he was able to keep so vigorous and write so beautifully. Pointing to a blooming apple tree nearby, he replied, “That apple tree is very old, but I never saw prettier blossoms upon it than those it now bears. The tree grows a little new wood every year, and I suppose it is out of that new wood that those blossoms come. Like the apple tree, I try to grow a little new wood every year.” As Christians, we need to nurture our lives in
Christ, so that they continue to consistently grow. We will continue our growth as God’s children by studying His Word. By this, we know that our lives will bear fruit for the Master. Psalm 1:1-3 tells us “Blessed are those who do not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of mockers. But their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law they meditate day and night. They are like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever they do prospers.”
“That apple tree is very old, but I never saw prettier blossoms …”
In this new year, let’s make a personal commitment to growing new wood, and blossoming into beautiful children of God. Rev. Dr. Homer E. Morris, Senior Pastor
A RE Y OU S TILL C ONNECTED ? As more and more information is distributed electronically , it is critical that the church office has the most current information on you and your family. Please think of us anytime you change: Your mailing address, email address, house phone number, cell number or even your last name.
Don’t get caught saying…. “I didn't know that !”… Stay Connected ! Send any updates to: Holly@aldersgate.org or call the church office. 477-0509.
Are You Connected ? Birthdays Thank you Worship Wonderings Music Notes Children’ SS, Worship And Mid Week WNL Prayer Service WNL Fellowship Meal Lenten Devotional Sunday Worship Upcoming Worship Thank You from a Child 2016 Confirmation AWDS Spring Classes 2016 Grief Share WNL Classes UTH Classes WNL Kids Thursday Afternoon New Lock System Nursery, Acolyte, Altar Guild, Trustees Sharing God’s Gifts Lay Assistants
Front 2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 13
JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Barbara Atkinson Jill Bosecker Mackenzie Hale Andrew Honeycutt Rick Kreiselman Sue Allison Vanessa Gordon Morgan Ray Holly Fishback Marilyn Shipman Grace Herbstreith Lynn Wilfong Jennifer Reeves Nancy Moore Jeff Artley Jo'an Paine
01/01 01/02 01/03 01/03 01/03 01/04 01/04 01/04 01/05 01/05 01/06 01/06 01/07 01/09 01/10 01/10
Jan Howe Steven Wilfong Jane Rosemond Jonathan Thomas Lisa Williams Louis F. Berini Jill Hanson Patrick Miller Richard Riggsbee Audrey Turley Candy West Joyce Pendergrass Cameron Burleson Debbie Hunt Stephanie Nolte Elijah McCall
01/11 01/11 01/12 01/12 01/12 01/14 01/14 01/14 01/14 01/14 01/14 01/15 01/16 01/16 01/16 01/17
Ruth Kay 01/18 Jim Hanson 01/19 Michele Jones 01/19 Ed Osteen Sr. 01/19 McKenna Colgan 01/20 Ron Pendergrass 01/20 Jack Anderson 01/21 Sandra Reynolds 01/21 June Gunter 01/22 Mitch Moser 01/22 Lynn Andrews 01/23 Max Bingen 01/23 Annie King 01/23 Debra Edenton 01/24 Jason Newman 01/24
Jack Upchurch 01/24 Sam Edwards 01/25 Lisa Johnson 01/25 Carol Brese 01/26 Rosalin Robinson 01/26 Marie Currin 01/27 Gary Edge 01/27 Jan Hagerty 01/27 Brink Hunt 01/27 Kirk Brown 01/29 Linda Jones 01/30 Jimmy Sykes 01/30 Verona Gillispie 01/31
SHARE YOUR CHRISTMAS * THANK YOU ! Poet Virginia Grimmer writes that “It’s Christmastime again, just feel it in the air. Everyone is filed with joy, and goodwill is everywhere.” This year, Aldersgate members exploded with goodwill through our participation in the Share Your Christmas campaign. Through donations of presents and contributions, Christmas gifts and food boxes were delivered last Sunday to twenty five low income families (over 100 individuals) in Durham. Special recognition goes to Richard Low, John Hall, and Andy McCorison for overseeing the campaign; to Judy Alford, Kaye Harris,
Barbara Snyder, April Twine, Joyce Sprouse, and Jan Howe for purchasing and wrapping gifts for the unassigned families; and to the following teams for delivering presents to the recipients’ homes on Sunday: Bill Smith & Doug Taylor, Steve Artley & Brian Reo, Andy Revill & Charlie Boatright, Carl & Kathy Chmielewski, Lynn & Betty Baird, Mark & Regan Thomas, Andy McCorison & Dana Leeson, and Rebel Umphlett and Richard Low A special thanks to Holly Hall for the reminders, announcements, and tending to the sign up board, to Mary Taylor for the financial administration, and to
the UMM for packing the food boxes, and Jack Snyder for picking up the food tote boxes, thanking everyone, and being all around helpful! This could not have been realized without the AUMC congregation whose generous financial support and gifts made this campaign so meaningful !
MUCHAS GRACIAS! FROM NAN Celebrating Advent and Christmas at Aldersgate takes a village, and the Aldersgate Village is awesome! Arts-wise, I praise God for Emily Wike and Debbie Sykes for the children’s miraculous musical, for Anna Van Deventer who led the Young Dancers and Sacred Dancers, Steve Wilfong for coordinating the brass quartet, for all of
our talented soloists and instrumentalists, and for our accompanist Eric Hendricks and tech team leader John Hall for going way above-and-beyond for our cantatas and many special performances and services. Many thanks go up as well for our teams: Altar Guild, Set-up, Chancel Choir and Praise Team, Arts in the Afternoon kids,
Audio-Visual, Lay Leaders, Stephen Ministers, Carolers, UM Men, Evangelism and Missions Committees for all the time and talents you poured into making the 2015 season so meaningful for so many, including me!
WORSHIP WONDERINGS Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. Past articles are available on our website!
HOLY BAPTISM… IS THAT THE SAME AS CHRISTENING? No, it is not, though it shares some of the intent. A Christening is a way to ask God’s blessing, dedicate the child to Christ, and to welcome a child into the world. You can christen a child or a ship, either way it’s not a sacrament; so the child would not yet be considered a baptized member of the Church. What makes baptism distinct is that baptism is a Sacrament. A Sacrament takes the action away from what WE do, to what GOD is doing. Sacraments are “outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace.” Sacraments are special acts that we do because: 1. Jesus did it, and 2. Jesus commanded us to do likewise. The United Methodist Church recognizes only two church sacraments: Communion and Baptism. Holy Baptism as a sacrament is a gift from God, a sign-act that opens us to receive God’s grace, and initiates a child or adult into the Christian faith. This usually leads to the question, “Why do we baptize babies or children, before they can know and accept what is happening?” I might ask several questions in response: In a similar way, why do we make a baby born in the US a citizen, before they can choose it for themselves? Why would we hold back God’s grace until a person understands it fully? And, who fully understands God’s grace? What happens at baptism is a holy mystery, one that takes a lifetime to understand and embrace. It is a way that God has given us, to live in us through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, to claim and work in our lives. This is why, in the United Methodist Church, we baptize infants as well as adults. The promises made by family and the church are important to the process of the flowering of grace begun in baptism. Confirmation and Renewal of Baptism services are more demonstrations of the on-going nature of saving grace. Let us all pray for our 2016 Confirmation Class as they begin their work, and for all of us, as we seek to live out and fulfill the promises made in our baptisms as well as those we made for others.
WORSHIP WONDERINGS (CONTINUED) There is so much to meditate and understand theologically about holy baptism! If you want to read more, go to http://s3.amazonaws.com/ Website_Properties/what-webelieve/documents/ baptismal_liturgy.pdf for a wonderful explanation of the baptism service. The UM official document ex-
plaining baptism is called, “By Water and the Spirit: a United Methodist Understanding of Baptism,” and the full text can be downloaded from the web, h t t p : / / www.umcdiscipleship.org/ resources/by-water-and-thespirit-full-text
M USIC N OTES BY N AN DE A NDRADE ADULT CHOIR: You just SAW how much fun we have singing! Why not join us? You’ll be able to hang out with some of AUMC’s best, let music help you deepen your spiritual worship, grow in your music skills… and music is shown to be a brain-builder and body-nourisher! Come on, all voices are welcome and needed!! Rehearsals resume on January 6 - Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the Sanctuary. PRAISE TEAM: Rehearsals are now on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, 6:15-7:30. New members (singers or players) always welcomed. Also, if you’d like to listen ahead to our Contemporary Christian music selections, give Spotify a try! It’s a free app, and you can access this month’s playlist by searching for Nan de Andrade and clicking on the January AUMC playlist. BEGINNING HANDBELL GROUP: Youth/Adults who are interested in ringing handbells - give Nan a call or email! The schedule has opened up to easily add a new handbell group on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 if we can find SEVEN interested! Call Nan and we’ll enjoy doing something new together! ARTS IN THE AFTERNOON(S!) : We’re going to start the year with two different opportunities with the arts: 1) THURSDAYS – 4:30 – 5:15, Jan. 14-Feb. 25, SINGING FOR JOY! Preparing for a Choir Festival in Raleigh, Feb. 27 and Worship on Feb. 28 2) TUESDAYS - 4:30-5:15, Jan. 26- March 8, RINGING CHOIR CHIMES Six weeks of music through ringing choir chimes All students from 2nd through 6th grade are invited to participate in either or both! Registration is important, please email Nan to sign up your child. nan@aldersgate.org
SING FOR JOY! On Thursday afternoons, we will focus on SINGING! We’ll be learning four beautiful songs in preparation for participation in Sing for Joy! Children’s Choir Festival which is held on Saturday, February 27 in Raleigh (Soapstone UMC). Rehearsal begins that Sat. at 9 am and the final concert (everyone’s invited) is at 2 pm… we may decide to visit a nearby Monkey Joe’s afterward! This Festival will be an amazing experience where we’ll get to join our voices with at least 150 other children under the direction of Mr. Jeremy Tucker. Mr. Tucker is the Artistic Director of the Raleigh Boys’ Choir and is the newly appointed choral director at Green Hope High School in Cary, NC. He’s also been an assistant music director on a Broadway tour and taught in NYC at the nation’s leading performing arts training center for Broadway-bound high school students, Stagedoor Manor!
M USIC N OTES ( CONTINUED ) SING FOR JOY! will meet on Thursday afternoons in the choir room, from 4:30-5:15, and will run for six Thursdays from January 14 through Feb. 25 (but not Feb. 4). Participation cost for Arts in the Afternoon is FREE, but the Festival is $15 (includes a festival t-shirt). Sing for Joy! Festival is Saturday, Feb. 27 and then the children will also sing for worship at Aldersgate on Sunday, Feb. 28 (11:00 service). CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHIMES : CLASSES IN CHOIR CHIMES (they are similar to handbells) will be offered on TUESDAYS from 4:30-5:15 (Sanctuary). We will launch a group (assuming we have seven – twelve interested 2nd-6th graders) on Tuesday, Jan. 26 and practice for six weeks, with a planned performance on our final day, March 8 (before Spring Break). Your child will learn about reading music, bell techniques and playing together! The only requirement is COMMITMENT. If you’re in a bell choir it is essential to attend each week! To sign up (group size is limited to 12), please email Nan by Jan.19. YOUNG DANCERS and SACRED DANCERS will be offering a new session in January, but details are not set yet. Please watch your emails for news early in January. Thanks!
C HILDREN ’ S S UNDAY S CHOOL , W ORSHIP AND MID-WEEK SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR THE CHILDREN THIS MONTH: Jan. 3rd: Follow the Star (Matthew 1:1-12) Jan. 10th: Jesus Is Baptized (Luke 3:1-22) Jan. 17th: Jesus Chooses (Luke 4:1-13) Jan. 24th: Jesus Brings Good News (Luke 4:14-30) Jan. 31st: Jesus Heals (Luke 4:38-44)
KIDS OWN WORSHIP EACH SUNDAY MORNING WILL BE STUDYING THE SAME STORIES BUT PARTICIPATE IN DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES. Wednesday Night Live for Kids - Each Wednesday Evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Begins Jan. 13th ACTIVITIES AND CHILD CARE 6:30-7:30 EACH WEDNESDAY (NURSERY WILL BE PROVIDED FOR INFANTS—TWO YEAR OLDS) The WNL Kids will enjoy a variety of activities this year. Kids Kindergarten - 5th grade will rotate experiences through the month. 1st Wednesday of the month: Bible Experience 2nd Wednesday: Science, Art or Music 3rd Wednesday: Fellowship Games 4th Wednesday: Mission Project 5th Wednesday: Surprise! PRESCHOOLERS WILL PARTICIPATE IN A BIBLE LESSON AND ACTIVITY JUST FOR THEM.
W EDNESDAY N IGHT L IVE P RAYER S ERVICE The Wednesday Prayer Service will return January 13th, 5:00 pm weekly in the Sanctuary. Each Wednesday from January 13th until February 3rd. WE will break for Lent, and conclude with four session April 6th. All Classes are from 6:30 until 7:30 pm * There are also studies for children and youth during this time. * Child care is also offered.
Come join us for a time of prayer and a short, inspirational message on Wednesday nights at 5:00 pm. Our Lenten Service will begin with Ash Wednesday on February 10th followed by different speakers for the Lenten services from February 17th until March 16th WNL Prayer Services January 20th January 27th February 3rd
February 10th Ash Wednesday Worship Service - Led by Rev. Homer E. Morris Lenten Worship Services February 10th Ash Wednesday Worship Service-Led by Rev. Homer E. Morris February 17th led by Andrew Woods February 24th led by John Hall March 2nd led by Jane Brannock March 9th led by Curtis Gay March 16th led by Jack Snyder Wednesday Night Live Prayer Services Resumes April 6th-27th
W EDNESDAY N IGHT F ELLOWSHIP M EAL If you’ve been craving great food and fellowship your wait is almost over. Wednesday Night Live Fellowship Meals begin January 13th. Meals are served in the Family Life Center from 5:30-6:15 pm. Each week's menu features an entree, vegetables and simple dessert. Prices will
remain at $6.50 for adults and $3.50 for children under 10. RESERVATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED, However, dinner will be served on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis from 5:306:15 pm. So come early for a tasty meal, wonderful fellowship and a chance to
participate in a Bible study or other class. Jan. 13th: Haiti Mission Team Jan. 20th: Habitat serving Pancakes, Applesauce and Sausage Jan 27th: Primetimers serving: Shepherd’s Pie
L ENTEN D EVOTIONAL B OOK * 2016 We hope you will consider writing a short story for our 2016 Lenten Devotional Book. The theme for this year is “And He Walks With Me”. Tell us about a time when you felt Gods’ presence or when you heard Him speak to you. Select a scripture that relates to your message and end with a short prayer. If
you need help with the scripture, we will be glad to help you. It should be between 200 – 500 words. Beginning the 1st day of Lent, February 10, 2016, you will receive a Daily Lenten Devotion each morning by email. Please make sure the church office has your correct email address. Printed copies of the
weekly devotions will be available at the Welcome Center each Sunday. When your devotion is complete, please email it to holly@aldersgate.org by Monday, January 11, 2016. If you would like to see a sample of previous stories or if you have any questions feel free to contact Holly at holly@aldersgate.org or (919) 477-0509 x 110.
(Please email Holly Hall and let her know if you will be writing a story).
“The Ultimate Friendship”
Chronicles 20:5-9 & James 2:32-23
SERIES ON JOSEPH January 10th:
“JOSEPH: A Man with a Dream”
Genesis 37:5-19
January 17th:
“JOSEPH: The Price of Purity”
Genesis 39
January 24th:
“JOSEPH: Interpreter for God”
Genesis 40:1-8
January 31st:
“JOSEPH: Joseph’s Struggle to Forgive Genesis 42:1-9, 18-24, 43:1-3
UPCOMING WORSHIP AND SPECIAL EVENTS January 3, 2016 - 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 am
Wesleyan Covenant Renewal and Communion Service This service will be an opportunity to begin the New Year renewed and committed to a deeper life in Christ.
Sunday, January 10, 2016 7 :00 pm Epiphany Ring Concert
Join us for ten handbell choirs ringing the music of the season “one last time!” Festival Clinician is Tim Waugh. The concert is free, all are invited.
A CHILD SAYS “THANK YOU” To Aldersgate For the backpack ministry. I....WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR GIVING US ALL THE FOOD YOU GAVE US AND I REALLY, REALLY APPRECIATE IT AND ME AND MY GRANDMOM ARE VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL THE FOOD YOU GAVE US. If you would like to help, please sign up at the Welcome Center, outside the Sanctuary.
THANK AGAIN Ms. V’ s church -
P.S. God Bless you!
2016 CONFIRMATION CLASS Confirmation is an exciting time for youth in our church when we learn what it means to take Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and what it means to be a full member of His church. This year, confirmation will begin with a meeting for confirmands AND parents or guardians on Sunday afternoon, January 10th at 4:15 pm. Classes will begin on
January 24th and run most If you have any questions, Sundays until March 20th. please do not hesitate to call Jane at 477-0501 (ext. Confirmation will be on 101) or email Jane April 10 during the 11:00 @aldersgate.org. service. Youth from the sixth through eighth grade are invited to participate.
This year’s class will be led by Homer Morris, Jane Brannock, and Andrew Woods.
ALDERSGATE WEEKDAY SCHOOL Ald e rsg a te W ee k da y School’s return registration for current students and Aldersgate UMC Members begins January 11, 2016. The 2016 school year will begin in September, and we will have openings in our Toddler, 2 year-old, 3 year-old and 4 year-old classes.
Registration forms are available in the school office or click on the link below: www.aldersgatewds.org.
Please call (919) 4798686 if you have any questions.
Fall registration opens to the community on Feb. 9, 2016. All church member forms must be turned in by Friday, January 29, 2016 in order to take advantage of early registration.
SPRING CLASSES * 2016 MONDAY EVENING Caring for Caregivers meet the 2nd Monday each month beginning January 11th - 6:30 pm in Room 201 in the Family Life Center. A class for those caring for loved ones with memory loss diseases. Learn, share and walk with others through this difficult journey. Led by: Sandra Reynolds.
TUESDAY MORNING Tuesday Morning Bible Study (TMBS) continues January 5th at 6:30 am in the Wesley Room. We will continue the study “ Titus For You” This is a study of Paul’s letter to Titus. This wonderful letter, give us the information on how to
live out the truth in our life. This class is open to all men and you can attend on any Tuesday. Breakfast is always served. Led by John Hall .
GRIEF SHARE SUPPORT GROUP TUESDAY EVENING Have you had a spouse or friend walk out on you, or were you laid off, or demoted at work, or have you lost a loved one in the past year or are you concerned about a grave illness that threatens you or a family member? Such painful events in our lives can lead to intense emotions that generate much grief and sadness. If so, you are invited to come to the next Grief Share Seminar Support Group. It will begin January 12 and run each Tuesday night from 6:30-
8:30 pm for 13 weeks. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Too often people, including Christians, tend to stuff their grief, or fill their lives with busy work, instead of allowing grief to do the God-given work for which it is intended. No matter whether your grief experience is recent or in the past, you will find encouragement, comfort and help in facing the loss
of something or someone, that is significant in your life. No matter what the cause of your grief and sorrow, this Grief Share Support Group is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and that you do not need to be held hostage to certain emotions such as fear of what others may think. You will also learn valuable information about facing your new normal in life and renewing your hope for the future.
Wednesday Night Live Classes * 6:30 - 7:30 pm Mere Christianity will he held in the Wesley Room. This is an eight session series on C.S. Lewis' book entitled "Mere Christianity." In the classic “Mere Christianity”, C.S. Lewis, the most important writer of the 20th I NSIDE S TORY H EADLINE century, explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand together. “Mere Christianity” provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and non believers alike to engage in a powerful communication for the Christian faith. This class is in the Wesley Room and led by Rev. Dr. Homer E. Morris.
New Member’s Class Disciples Path will be in room 201 in the Family Life Center. If you are new to Aldersgate (within the past few years), this class is for you! This six-week course will discuss our United Methodist heritage, how God is working in and through the people of Aldersgate, and how you can participate in our mission of Aldersgate by taking the next step along the path as a follower of Jesus Christ. Led by John Hall.
The Five Love Languages of Children Held in room 205 in the FLC this class offers the opportunity to discover how to speak to your child’s love language and express that in a way that can make them feel loved. We will be reading and discussing the book throughout the study. Led by Kimberly Riggs and Lara Rowland. James James is held in room 206 in the Family Life Center. This short term study will take a in-depth look at the book of James and how it applies to our lives today. Led by Sandra Reynolds.
P AGE 10
Spring Classes 2016 ( CONTINUED ) The Youth will also be meeting from 6:30 - 7:30 in the Youth Room with the same schedule as Wednesday Night Live.
The Wednesday Night Live Kids will enjoy a variety of activities this year. Kids Kindergarten - 5th grade will rotate experiences through the month. 1st Wednesday of the month: Bible Experience
Our study theme will be: “Social Media: Facebook vs God’s Book” Twitter: “Defining Faith in 140 Characters” and Instagram: “Picturing the Kingdom! “
2nd Wednesday: Science, Art or Music 3rd Wednesday: Fellowship Games 4th Wednesday: Mission Project 5th Wednesday: Surprise! Preschoolers will participate in a Bible lesson and
Thursday Afternoon Thursday Afternoon Bible Study will begin with Favorite Bible Passages Volume 2 on January 14th at 1:30 pm in the Wesley Room.
activity just for them. Activities and Child Care 6:30-7:30 each Wednesday (nursery will be provided for infants - two year olds)
This is a bible study of passages in the Bible that people have turned to for fresh insights and divine guidance generation after generation. This class is quite informal and encourages class discussions. Led by Judy Alford
N EW L OCK /A CCESS S YSTEM 2016 The existing electronic lock and access system on the Sanctuary and Family Life Center buildings no longer meets the needs of our church facility. The software is outdated and hardware parts are no longer available.
Doors affected: New / replaced locks: Door by church office. Hallway office door by Wesley room. North double glass doors to FLC. Kitchen door in FLC.
The Trustees have surveyed other churches, contacted numerous vendors and solicited bids from several vendors and have selected a vendor to replace our existing electronic lock system. This transition will take place January 27th, 28th and 29th .
If you have any questions, Electronic lock removed: please contact a Trustee or South door FLC (Umstead the church office. Rd). New fob/card access will be issued to staff and Trustees as soon as available.
All individuals desiring access will be required to complete a request form available as part of the Access Control Policy. This form is on the Aldersgate website as well as the Welcome Center.
P AGE 11
Acolyte 8:15 AM SERVICE 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/24
11:00 AM SERVICE 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/24
An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
Altar Guild CYNTHIA BELL AND SHARON MACLAURIN Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
Trustee for January GLENN REYNOLDS
Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.
P AGE 12
When you think about AUMC’s finances, more than likely numbers, commas, and decimals come to mind. Some may think of the annual budget. Others may think about monthly giving or the church’s capital debt. While these are important aspects of the church’s finances, they are not our most important numbers. The real story is what your generous and faithful financial support of the church makes possible – creating disciples of Christ. It is the lives touched, needs met, and relationships deepened with our Lord and Savior. Throughout the remainder of the year in addition to being transparent with how the church is operating financially, the finance committee wants to highlight a few of the numbers you make possible each month. Like…..
Share Your Christmas Program — the generosity of the Aldersgate UMC people that gave Christmas gifts and food boxes to twenty five low income families (over 100 individuals) in Durham. Thank you to everyone for “Sharing Your Christmas”.
Advent and Christmas Services & Programs - We saw God move in the number of men, women and children that attended the many Advent and Christmas Services and special events held at Aldersgate in the pass several weeks.
Helping the members of “CONDUIT” by tutoring the children of Oxford Manor each week and providing them with a Christmas party complete with Christmas presents.
MANY WAYS TO GIVE One convenient way to give is to set up an EFT or electronic funds transfer. You can give a one-time gift or set up weekly, or monthly donations. You can set it up yourself by going to our Aldersgate.org web site and then selecting Mission & Giving and then On-line giving or by contacting our church treasurer.
You can make donations to the operating budget, the capital campaign or to special ministries such as the community backpack ministry or urban ministries, or make a special memorial gift. Another way to give is by donating shares of stock. We use the United Methodist Foundation and Morgan Stanley to assist us with gifts of stock. If you are interested in this option just contact Mary Taylor by email at mary@aldersgate.org and she will give you or your stock broker the necessary paperwork to transfer the stock. Thanks for all that you do to support the many missions and ministries of Aldersgate.
P AGE 13
J ANUARY L AY A SSISTANTS USHERS 8:15 Service 1/3 Chick Hinton Richard Riggsbee Katherine Siler Jeff Sturkey
Norma Roberts (m) Mitch Adkins (o)
Norma Roberts
Shelia Rittgers
Phil Stancil Myrna Umphlett Rebel Umphlett Ed Osteen
Pat Stancil (m) John Field (o)
Pat Stancil
Ruth Kay
Doug Morris Carole Morris Chick Hinton Mary Tom Roberts
Linda Jones (m) Paula Jones (o)
Linda Jones
John Field
Richard Riggsbee Chick Hinton Jeff Sturkey Kirk Brown
Kay Edwards Rusty Grimm
Ed Osteen
9:30 Service 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/24
Gene & Cynthia Bell Mary Taylor Jane Bahor Steven Fishback Margie Muir
11:00 Service 1/3 Bill Smith Ed Osteen Ginger Hawkins Kimberly Riggs
Anne Finch Margie Muir
Anne Finch Margie Muir
Denise Thomas Lisa Dye Janes
Mary Taylor Denise Thomas
Mary Taylor Denise Thomas
Ken Morris Terri Ray
Amelia Oakley (main) Amelia Oakley Nancy Gaither (other)
Ronnie Oakley
Tammy Closs
Liz Crose (main)
Cathy Cozart
Roy Swaringen Sarah Walker Brent Walker
Ginger Hawkins (office) Ginger Hawkins
Ronnie Oakley Paula Veasey Pam Boatright Lynn Baird
Amelia Oakley (main) Amelia Oakley Debbie Fletcher (office)
Audrey Turley
Ronnie Oakley Amelia Oakley Ed Osteen Suzi Caudill
Suzi Caudill (main) Holly Hall Pam Boatright (office)
Tammy Closs
Liz Crose
A LDERSGATE U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 1320 Umstead Drive Durham, NC 27712 Phone: 919-477-0509 Email: holly@aldersgate.org
FIND US ON: Facebook: Twitter: Website: LinkedIn:
Aldersgate UMC Durham TheGate27712 Aldersgate.org Aldersgate United Methodist Church