Aldersgate Jne 2012 Newsletter

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WNL/Birthdays Page 2 Senior Night Page 3 Thank You/VBS Page 4 100 Days of Summer Fun Page 5 Sunday Worship/Music Page 6 Music Page 7 Music Page 8 Eyes, Ears, Nose & Paws Page 8 Bus/Durham Bulls Page 9 Lake Junaluska Page 9 Oxford Manor Page 9 Trustee Corner Page 10 Construction Update Page 10 Financials Page 11 Nursery/Acolyte Schedule Page 11 Trustee & Altar Guild Page 11 Lay Assistant Schedule Page 12

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

United Methodist Church June 2012 Issue

What’s the Latest in the United Methodist Church ? The United Methodist Church just had its quadrennial meeting called General Conference. For two weeks 988 delegates from around the world came to Tampa, Florida to discuss matters that would affect the entire 13 million member denomination. Just in case you weren’t live streaming the conference on your computer for two weeks solid, I thought I’d give you an update on what took place. 1) This General Conference was billed as one that would bring sweeping changes to the United Methodist Church. There were proposals to change some of the structure of the UMC and consolidate many of our General Boards and Agencies. Space limits me from going into a lot of detail; but I will say that a proposal was passed by the majority of delegates and then was quickly found unconstitutional by the Judicial Council. So, in the end, our structure over the next four years will look a lot like the structure of the church over the previous four years. This certainly grieved many who had put in a lot of work to create more oversight and streamline our General Boards; nevertheless, many delegates left Tampa believing that changes will come in 2016. 2) Elders in the church will no longer


have guaranteed appointments. Previously, ordained elders could be moved from one church to another if things went sour in a particular appointment; but the elder would always have an appointment somewhere until retirement. This will no longer be the case. The pastor could lose his or her credentials if deemed not effective. Meanwhile, each annual conference will have a board that will work in conjunction with the resident bishop to make sure that there are protections for women and minorities who might otherwise be re-assigned on account of local prejudices. 3) The official wording in the Discipline regarding homosexuality did not change. This is an issue that always grabs a lot of headlines, as you might expect. A proposal was put forward that basically said that there are faithful Christians on both sides of this issue and that we agree to disagree. This proposal was narrowly defeated. Personally, I found it incredibly ironic that we refused to agree to disagree. Clearly people in the United Methodist Church do disagree on this issue. Some believe homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching and others do not. As you know, people have very strong opinions on both sides of this issue, and there is a lot of hurt and pain over this issue. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people are hurt to be officially excluded from ordination and marriage.

Opening Worship service at the UMC General Conference. This photo belong to: UM Newsphoto streaming.

Meanwhile, people on the other side of the issue believe that their historic faith is under attack. It is easy for us to believe that we are right and that someone on the other side is just flatout wrong; but I would urge you to pray for unity. It is hard for me to catch a vision of what that unity might look like; but I know that God’s ways are better than my ways. In my impatience, I simply wish God would make a way sooner rather than later that would lead to peace and resolution because this issue seems to create so much bitterness and hate instead of love and grace.


What’s The Latest in the United Methodist Church ?



In other news, the overall budget for the general church will be 6% lower over the next four years than it was for the previous four years. An Act of Repentance was held toward healing relationships with indigenous peoples. Delegates confessed that down through the years the Church has participated “in the violation, the exploitation, and even the killing of indigenous peoples.” The United Methodist Church entered into full communion with a number of historically black pan-Methodist denominations.

And, the Conference rejected a proposal to have a Bishop set aside to serve as President of the Council of Bishops without also having the responsibility of leading an annual conference. Those are some of the highlights from General Conference. Most of the information above came from the United Methodist News Service. For more information, you can go to Peace be with you, Pastor Doug

CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another) All Wednesday Night Live activities are on Summer Break until after Labor Day. You are invited to come and listen to Dr. Mickey Efird led a study on I & II Corinthians (while the children are enjoying Vacation Bible School) June 18th22nd, 6:00-8:00pm in the Aldersgate Sanctuary.

Peter Andrews Mark Gavlak Sarah Leonard Cameron Sue Elliott Nat Hammer Gerald Mansell Jr. Mark Mullins Brooke Aiken Ruth Key Trey Forsyth Noah McCall Shane Boatright Reid Moser Olivia Revill Matt Johnson Jaime MacFall Anne Stewart Jon Miller Jacob Bosecker Sherry Harrell Mila Karamushka William Roycroft

06/01 06/01 06/01 06/01 06/02 06/02 06/03 06/04 06/04 06/05 06/05 06/07 06/07 06/09 06/10 06/10 06/11 06/11 06/12 06/13 06/13 06/13


Amy Jones Juliana Hilton Laurie Leeson David Anderson David Anderson Angie Elliott Wendy Hensen Joanthan Revill Mary Beth McAllister Cindy Copolo Jeannine Howard Donny Berini Lou Dernosek Nancy Petry Jeffrey Roberts Steve Artley Terry Roberts Maddy Murrell Erich Strupe Phyllis Upchurch Jacole Okumura Andrew McLamb

06/14 06/15 06/15 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/17 06/18 06/18 06/19 06/19 06/19 06/19 06/20 06/20 06/22 06/22 06/22 06/23 06/24

Bishop Timothy Whitaker (center) helps dedicate the Prayer Room at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. At left is the Rev. Tom Albin, dean of the Upper Room Chapel. At right is Frances Jennings, co-chair of the General Conference Prayer Ministry. A UMNS photo by Mike DuBose.

Bill Medlyn Dudley Robinson Trey Hunt Cherly Joy Turner David Carver David Drake Millie Duncan Maggie Fogle Colleen Anna Grace Falise Michael Forsyth Mike Hamlett Laurie Hyland Kathy Rainey Boyce Coble Jason Gordon Gracelyn Lowans Stacey McCorison Kathy Hay Katherine Siler Wayne Aiken Mark Gilbreath Alan Miller

06/24 06/24 06/25 06/25 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/29 06/29 06/29 06/30 06/30 06/30 2


June 3, 2012 SENIOR NIGHT A Night to Celebrate Our Graduating High School Seniors!

5:00 -7:00pm

All families and friends are invited to join the youth at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary for a worship service to honor our Senior Class! There will be a small reception in the Narthex immediately following the service @Aldersgate UMC. 1320 Umstead Road, Durham, N.C. 27712


"This morning I was just going through all of the wonderful cards and expressions of prayer and concern from my recent surgery and I realized that I am blessed to be a part of a deeply caring body of Christ. Each card meant so much to me and came at just the right time. I am so grateful to the Feed My Flock Ministry for caring for Shelia and my physical needs as well through their culinary pleasures.


This ministry is so important and allowed us to focus on other things without worry for sustenance. I am especially grateful to Carol Breese who took the worry about my dad off of me by visiting him in the rehab facility several times a week while I was recovering and rehabbing myself. What a gift! We are blessed to have each other and for that I am so grateful. Thank you all. April Perry

(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world.)



WHO: EVERYONE - CHILDREN (3 years old and up) & ADULTS ! (nursery for under 3)

WHAT: Vacation Bible School for children and adults. While the children are enjoying VBS, the adults are invited to come hear Dr. Mickey Efird in the Aldersgate Sanctuary. If you are unable to drive or need transportation to hear Dr. Efird, please contact Regina Carver:

WHEN: June 18th-22nd from 6:00-8:00 pm - Free Dinner 5:00-6:00 pm. WHERE: Aldersgate United Methodist Church WHY:

It’s going to be an AWESOME week! Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Kids journey miles below the water’s surface into God’s Word to find what true faith is all about.


Sign up online at

COST: Free! 4

Camp Chestnut Ridge Day Camp is for campers (K - 8th grade) from June 25th - 29th. Transportation to and from camp will be arranged by Aldersgate. Camp Chestnut Ridge provides staff, worship, recreation and lunch each day from 9 to 5pm. Campers must have completed Kindergarten to attend. Registration is now on line at index.php/summer-camp. For more information contact: Jane Brannock:

Two Camps 1) Summer Day Camp for Kindergarten-6th grade- June 11th—July 13th (closed July 2-6th) $170.00 per week. Something new each week: Missions; Operation Overboard; Olympics and Music and Drama. 2) Preschool 1/2 Day Summer Camp-2-5 years old (2 years olds must be enrolled for the fall) July 23rd-Aug 10th-$100.00 per week. Each week is a new adventure: Pirates and Princesses; Things That Grow and At The Pond. Contact: Evelyn Johnson: for more information (919) 479-8686

Music and Arts Camp - One week - July 9th- July13th - age: 6-13. If you are attending Aldersgate’s full day camp there is no charge otherwise, $55.00 for the entire week. Your child will learn the musical “Holy Moses!” by Kathie Hill from start to finish. Everyone is invited to see the show on the last day, Friday, July 13th 3:30pm. For more information contact: Nan de Andrade:

Summer Sunday School - Do you know the stories of Gideon, Josiah, or Abigail ? Come to Sunday school this summer and find out how God worked in their lives and the live of others in the Old Testament. We will have fun exploring the Bible each Sunday from 9:30-10:30am in the Family Life Center. Class groupings will remain the same until “The Fall Kick-Off “on August 26th, except for children completing fifth grade. They will begin attending the Breath of God Sunday school class June 3rd. For more information contact: Jane Brannock: Jane

Vacation Bible School for children and adults. While the children are enjoying VBS, the adults are invited to come hear Dr. Mickey Efird in the Aldersgate Sanctuary. WHEN: June 18th -22nd from 6:00-8:00 pm - Free Dinner 5:00-6:00 pm. WHY: It’s going to be an AWESOME week! Dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Kids journey miles below the water’s surface into God’s Word to find what true faith is all about. HOW: Sign up online at COST: Free!



(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)

June 3rd

Connecting with God OT: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 & NT: John 14:1-14

June 10th

Connecting with one another OT: Exodus 23:1-9 & NT: Acts 2:42-47

June 17th

Knowing more about God OT: 1 Kings 18:16-39 & NT: Philippians 3:4b-14

June 24th

Knowing about each other, and the needs of our world

“ADVENT, CHRISTMAS, EPIPHANY, LENT, EASTER, ASCENSION, and a PENTECOST EVENT!” There’s ALWAYS a reason to sing praise! That’s why our music ministry serves all year long! Here’s our rehearsals schedule: Chancel Choir (Adults, older youth welcome!): Wednesdays,7:30-9:00 pm (rehearsing through June except June 20th) Rehearsal on June 3rd for Adults joint choir begins at 3:00pm at Mt. Sylvan UMC. Children’s Choirs Though WNL is on summer vacation, our K-5th graders are participating in the District “Evening of Praise" on June 3rd. Meet at Mt. Sylvan UMC at 5:15pm. A meal is provided between rehearsal and the service. Praise Team (Singers, instrumentalists for praise band): Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm Gospel Lights—on break for the month of June. (old-time gospel/bluegrass JAM): THIRD Mondays at 7:00pm Sweet Sounds (Dulcimer Group) – 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11:00 am Youth, Children’s Choir and Handbells are on break. Rehearsals will resume in early Sept. Technology Team - If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 praise team) and prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall - If you have any questions, or are interested in any of the below groups, please contact: Rev. Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, (477-0509 x116)


Sunday, June 3rd 7:00 pm Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Church Need Some “Mi-Mi-Mi” Time? Now is a great time for Nan to spend some time with you to help you identify and grow your skills either as a singer or as a music reader! She can listen to your voice, give you some help on how to sound your best, and teach some healthy singing habits. Or, if you always wanted to learn how to read music, you can spend some time learning the basics to get started. Lessons are “free” – it surely will benefit AUMC’s music ministry for you to take some Mi-Mi-Mi time. So contact Nan for some one-on-one time.

Worship service of joyful hymn-singing and a program of anthems, led by a District massed choir, directed by our local choir directors. Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend! Note: The Aldersgate Chancel and Children’s choirs are rehearsing the choral selections now, as well as joining in a couple of joint rehearsals prior to the big day. If you want to help us make a joyful noise, now is a great time to join the Chancel choir to participate in this “musical mountaintop” experience.

Music and Arts Camp July 9th - July 13th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Cost: $55.00 For ages 6-13. HOLY MOSES!! MUSIC AND ARTS CAMP has... DRAMA! There’s lots of character parts this year - from the Bible and modern times! DANCE! We sing show-choir style, with lots of movement; and some may also learn special dance parts to some songs! ART! Help create backdrops and set pieces! And, of course, MUSIC! The songs are great, with plenty of solo opportunities too! “Holy Moses!” by Kathie Hill is this year’s M&A Camp musical. (Our story is creatively told through some characters in the T.V. show, “Trading Places.” As they explore an Egyptian Palace and an ancient Hebrew home, they discover the great story of Moses, from the Nile River to the Promised Land; from Egyptian Prince to Prophet of the Israelites! We’ll be learning the musical “Holy Moses!” from start to finish in one week! Through an exciting week of rehearsals, games, and activities, we will learn the story, the songs and choreography, the play itself, and also create the set! It is fun, but pretty intensive - younger children should only come if they’re up for that! Sometimes we work in small groups, sometimes all together, and just the soloists, dancers, or main characters will have special practice times too. On Friday at 3:30 pm, we invite everyone in to see our show! REGISTRATION for half-day camp is due by 6/28. Please be sure to let Nan know if you’re interested in auditioning for a speaking part early – we give out some scripts early for the larger parts. Registration Brochures are in the office. (*For children attending Aldersgate Weekday School Ministries Full-day Summer Camp Program, there is no additional fee or need to register separately for Music and Arts Camp week!) Please share a brochure with neighborhood children/friends. Volunteers are needed! Contact: Music Minister, Rev. Nan de Andrade (477-0509 x116)


WNL for Kids Thank You from Rev. Nan de Andrade

TOP TWENTY COUNTDOWN of 2012 We’re counting down Aldersgate’s favorite hymns again this summer. This is a fun way to notice “the soul’s own speech.” Hymns have a way of boiling down what is most important and expressing it with depth and clarity. So, what’s your favorite hymn? Is it anybody else’s? Why is it special to you? Stay tuned all summer long to enjoy AUMC’s most popular hymns, and dialogue with others about what hymns speak to you. Hopefully, as we countdown our Hymn Fave’s at Aldersgate, we’ll connect, know, love and grow!

This 2011-12 year, we had a makeover for our Wednesday night program for children, and thanks to our wonderful leaders and all who participated, it was an amazing year of growth! Ms. Mary Lynn Van Deventer and her sidekick, Ms. Robin Thomas, lovingly led our K-5th graders in Bible study – beginning with learning all about the 10 Commandments, and then the Lord’s Prayer, as well as memorizing passages, encouraging their Bible Belt reading, and learning the books of the Bible in order! Ms. Heidi Miller and her faithful sidekick, Wendie Anderson, made memorable music that enriched our worship, special Christmas services, and even produced an outstanding spring musical, The Tale of the Three Trees. Meanwhile, our preschoolers were given a great experience learning Bible stories and songs and lots of fun activities through the year, led by Ms. Jessica Hale and Ms. Lynn Wilfong. We thank God for each of these faithful and caring leaders. And extra blessing goes to Ms. Jane Brannock, who helped in planning lessons, and working wherever she was needed. WNL for Kids was undoubtedly are huge blessing for our children and our church. I hope you will join me in thanking everyone involved, and that you will encourage even more children to join us for WNL next fall! PS If you have any feedback about WNL for Kids to share, now is a great time to do so – contact Jane Brannock - – we want next year to be the best possible experience for our children!

Eyes Ears Nose and Paws and Aldersgate! Aldersgate is now partnering with Eyes Ears Nose and Paws. This is a non-profit organization that trains and places assistance dogs. Their programs create a healthier community by increasing independence for individuals with disabling medical conditions, improving opportunities for individual control over medical care, and encouraging therapeutic interventions that improve physical and mental health. Every pup in training is placed in a Puppy Parent home until they are placed with a person, because EENP believes this is the best environment in which to raise an assistance dog. Charlotte and Jim O’Brien are the current puppy parents for Taylor who is a one-year-old Golden Retriever and are appreciative of the Administrative Board’s approval to bring Taylor to Aldersgate worship services and other activities. This helps prepare him for his permanent placement. Taylor attended worship service and Sunday School on May 6th and was particularly interested in the choir and hymn singing on Sunday. As much as you would like to touch Taylor , STOP! - Please talk with the trainer before approaching any of these service animals. Remember he is “Working - In Training." Please contact Charlotte O'Brien at 919-383-8734 if you would like additional information or are interested in learning more about the organization or Taylor, or contact their web site 8

Aldersgate Family Night ! Durham Bulls, Saturday, June 23rd. 7:00 pm Durham Bulls vs. Buffalo Bisons Things are going well with the bus. We have had three successful trips with the bus. In March the Confirmation class went to Lake Junaluska. In April Doug Lane and Dave Anderson went to DMV so Dave could take the CDL test. (and he passed!) And in May, the Disciple II class went to Camp Chesnut Ridge. We already have two more trips reserved in the coming weeks. The Christ care group is going to Old Salem in June and Alpha will “hopefully” be taking a busload to Ashboro in October. So, the bus is off to a steady start. If you would like to get a CDL license to drive the bus, you can find the bus application form on the front page of the church website: If your group would like to schedule the bus, contact: Dave Anderson, (919) 452-3715 or email:

Fellowship, Recreation, & Learning Mark your summer calendar now for the annual Older Adult Conference in the southeastern states on July 30 – August 2, 2012 at Lake Junaluska near Asheville. This 2012 Festival of Wisdom and Grace is entitled “Transition to Transformation”. Workshops are geared around practical issues as well as spiritual issues. Speakers include Bishop William Morris, Marvin Cropsey, and Jane Thibault. Early Registration: $75 (Before June 1) Regular Registration: $90 (after June 1) Lodging reservations can be made at 1-800-222-4930 or

Tickets $9.00 Seats are first come, first serve. There will be a table set up to sign up and pay on 6/10 and 6/17 in the Narthex. OR you can email Sheilah Lowans at There are 80 tickets this year and they will go fast so be the first to pick up yours on one of these Sundays.

A Fun Field Trip with Oxford Manor & Aldersgate The school kids enrolled at the Oxford Manor Community Learning Center took a fun field trip to Aldersgate on May 10th. CONDUIT folks from Mt. Sylvan UMC brought over a delicious supper that the kids ate heartily. After Lee King welcomed them and introduced the leaders, Megan Hunt, Linda Jones, and our fearless leader, Jane Brannock, led an hour version of Vacation Bible School designed just for them. Regina Whitaker and Peggy Allen joined in the singing and crafts. The children responded with enthusiasm and were well-behaved. Perhaps the presence of their YMCA counselors had something to do with that. Everybody had such a good time that we want to have them come again. At the last CONDUIT meeting, the president of the Oxford Manor Residents Council made a passionate plea to provide activities for teenagers during the long summer days when they have absolutely nothing to do. If you have any ideas or skills that you can share this summer, please discuss it with one of your CONDUIT representatives: Colleen Anna, Sandra Reynolds, Peggy Allen, or Lee King.

For more information, contact Burton or Lee King ( here at Aldersgate) at 477-5245 or Now that we have a bus, let’s fill it up!



(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) Do you have an activity off campus and would like to use the bus? The Bus guidelines and forms to request usage are located across the hall from the Facility Manager’s office in the FLC. We continue to look for volunteer drivers for the bus! If you’d like to receive more information regarding the bus, making arrangements, or information on volunteering to drive please contact member Dave Anderson. The Trustees have approved a policy to open our doors to certified guide service animals or animals being trained. Please talk with the trainer before approaching any animal. An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is located in the hall of the sanctuary building across from the Wesley Room, in the closet marked AED. This AED is reviewed and updated every year. If you have any questions or would like a demonstration of the AED, please contact Laurie Leeson. Just a reminder, the fire code allows only for storage of supplies in the stairwells INSIDE the cabinets. Please remove all items not in the cabinet or any items on top of the cabinets. Feel free to contact a Trustee if you have concerns about the facilities of Aldersgate. Our 2012 AUMC Trustees are: Billy Cole,Chairperson, Susan Dernosek, Vanessa Gordon, Laurie Leeson, Kay Shaver, Randy Sheffield, Phil Stancil, Mark Thomas, & Ron West.

Aldersgate Phase - May Construction Update Some of the sidewalks were installed, the concrete aprons for the dumpster locations and final subgrade for the parking area and stage drainage pipe for pond is now complete.


ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Revenues Through May 13, 2012 Actual Budgeted Goal Pledged Goal

YTD $$

$ from Goal

% of Goal

$257,136 $308,777 $233,674

-$51,641 $23,462

83.28% 110.04%

The EFT Program at Aldersgate Electronic Funds Transfer – electronic giving to the church No more checks to write * Stay on track with pledges * Cut down on paperwork * You set up the amount and frequency of your donation Each donation is indicated on your personal bank statement plus you will continue to receive a Contribution Statement from AUMC. No cost to you! * Cancel at any time. Join the 40+ AUMC families already participating in EFT! Contact Cathy at the church office to learn more or to enroll now! Email or call 919-477-0509 ext 100.

June Acolyte Schedule

Nursery Schedule

8:15 am Worship Service

8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am

June 3rd: June 10th: June 17th: June 24th:

Lewis Reo Taylor Healy Rebecca Johnson Matt Johnson (Father’s Day) Reid Moser

11:00 am Worship Service June 3rd: June 10th: June 17th: June 24th:

Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong

Reid Moser McKenna Colgan Hannah Fogle Kelly Copolo Catherine Fishback

Altar Guild June Robin Thomas, Colleen Anna & Joyce Mackin

Trustee for June Phil Stancil & Randy Sheffield


June Lay Assistants Schedule


8:15am Worship Service Ushers

Lay Readers


Mitch Adkins (o) Norma Roberts (m)

Carol & Doug Morris Chick Hinton Charles Andrews

Burton King


Raye Lyndon (m) Pat Stancil (o)

Joe & Lisa Clark Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown

Curtis Gay


Richard Riggsbee (o) Sharon MacLaurin (m)

Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon

Jane Bahor


Ed Osteen (o) Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Carl & Kathy Chmielewski (m) Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson

Judy Alford

9:30am Worship Service 6/3 6/10 6/17 6/24

Betty/Dale Wickham Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Sue Allison

Cynthia Bell/Cathy Sheffield Betty/Dale Wickham Gene Bell/Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield

Jim Hanson Wanda Crutchfield Dale Wickham Andrea Stewart

11:00am Worship Service 6/3

Sharon Collins (o) Lindsey Brown (m)

Stacey & Andy McCorison Raye Lyndon/Ron West

Suzi Caudill


Paula Veasey (m) Edna & Jim Wood (o)

Summer Stanley/Graham Nichols Andrea Stewart/Sarah McCorison

Megan Hunt


Bill Smith (m) Megan Hunt (o)

Ginger Hawkins/Bill Smith Joyce Mackin/Jennifer McLamb

Anne Almond


Nancy Grinstead (m) Jeff Sturkey (o)

Maryellen Finnigan Paula & Gary James

Andrea Stewart

To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left hand side of the front page.


Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

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