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Aldersgate Experience 1

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

June 2014


Do you know why we are called Aldersgate? Aldersgate is the name of the street in London where John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, first felt confirmation of his salvation on May 24, 1738. According to his journal, Wesley found that his enthusiastic gospel message had been rejected by his Anglican brothers. Heavy-hearted, he went to an evening society meeting on Aldersgate Street "very unwillingly." It was there, while someone was reading from Martin Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, that he felt that his heart was "strangely warmed." He describes it as: “I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” You know what I love about this story? That Wesley went to the meeting “very unwillingly.” How many times do we do that? We feel like we don’t really want to go to church, we’ve got so much else to do, or we think it is going to be boring or a hassle, and yet once we get there we find that it was exactly where we should have been. Have you ever felt your heart “strangely warmed”? In reading about Wesley I never got the idea that he was the emotional type. I’ve always envisioned him as someone who appeals to reason. But here he said his heart was strangely warmed. Wesley was moved by the Spirit when he realized that Jesus had died even for him.

I wouldn’t call what happened to Wesley a conversion. He wasn’t converted. He knew Jesus. He had long before accepted Him as his Lord. What he felt was assurance. He became confident in the knowledge that Christ died for him. It was a confirmation of what he knew intellectually to be true. This was not a confirmation or assurance that took place when Wesley was a child. He was 35 when this happened. In fact, he was already an ordained Anglican priest! I wonder where you have felt your heart “strangely warmed.” Was it during a moving worship service? Maybe on a Sunday, or maybe at a special service, like Christmas Eve or Good Friday. Have you felt your heart strangely warmed when watching the children sing, or when meeting someone on a mission trip, or holding hands with someone at the Drive-Thru Prayer? Maybe it was at a wedding or a baptism, even perhaps at a funeral. Maybe it was while watching a magnificent sunset or while holding a baby in your arms. More than just a good feeling, when was the last time you felt the assurance that Christ died for you? Send me a note. I’d love to hear your story. May the Peace of Christ be with you. Pastor Doug

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Birthdays 3 Shades of Blue Financials Summer Camps & Weekday School Summer Class 24/6 Project Agape/Shoeboxes Stephen Ministry Sunday Worship & 5th Sunday Prayer Vigil

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 & 5 Page 6 & 7 Page 8 Page 8 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10

Missions Agapeshop4kids Thank-You Music Notes Worship Wonderings Acolytes/Altar Guild/Trustee/ June Lay Assistants June Calendar

Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18

CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Peter Andrews Sarah Leonard Mark Mullins Liam Byerly Noelle Montgomery Bridget Williams Noah McCall Brandon Mitchell Shane Boatright Reid Moser Brent Walker Olivia Revill Matt Johnson Jaime MacFall Anne Stewart Jacob Bosecker Sherry Harrell Mila N Karamushka Juliana Hilton Laurie Leeson David Anderson Mary Beth McAllister Cindy Copolo Donny Berini Lou Dernosek Nancy Petry Steve Artley Terry Roberts

06/01 06/01 06/03 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/05 06/06 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/09 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/12 06/13 06/13 06/15 06/15 06/16 06/17 06/18 06/19 06/19 06/19 06/20 06/20

Maddy Murrell Andrew McLamb Collin McLamb Bill Medlyn Dudley Robinson Trey Hunt Cheryl Joy Turner David Carver David Drake Maggie Fogle F. Richard King Colleen Anna Grace Falise Kathy Rainey Boyce Coble Jason Gordon Gracelyn Lowans Stacey McCorison Jackson Terry Kathy Hay Katherine Siler Wayne Aiken Alan Miller

06/22 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/25 06/25 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/29 06/29 06/30 06/30

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Tickets available in the church office or at the door

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$ 279,528

Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contributions $


Total YTD Contributions $


YTD Contributions Less Expenses $


Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD



Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contributions $


Total Contributions $ 1,000,521

Received Versus Pledged $


It’s just a click away !! On Line Giving ! - Just click the blue “on line giving” button on the Aldersgate Web Site (www.aldersgate.org) We are accepting on-line donations by debit / credit cards as well as electronic fund transfer (checking & savings). ALL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BY EMAIL - CONTACT CATHY SHEFFIELD - CATHY@ALDERSGATE.ORG It’s convenient – just access our website and you are set! It’s timely – available 24 hours / day, 7 days / week It’s confidential and secure – hosted by Vanco Services, LLC Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Cathy Sheffield to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of online giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Cathy at cathy@aldersgate.org or 919-477-0509, ext. 117.

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UNDERSTANDING THE CHURCH OPERATING BUDGET Each month we’re going to highlight a section of the Operating Budget Pie Chart. This month we look at the Facilities and Maintenance budget. This is a large piece of the overall budget. But it represents so much. The facilities include where we worship three times a week, hold prayer services, choir practices, weddings, and funerals. The Family Life Center alone houses our Weekday School, both the preschool and afterschool programs. Hospitality and Outreach are important values at Aldersgate and our facilities host AA meetings, Al-Anon, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Neighborhood Homeowners’ Association meetings, Angel Life Skills Basketball, Community Adult Basketball games, and so much more. That doesn’t begin to include the Sunday School classes, Youth groups, Primetimers, Prayer Shawl Ministries, Small Groups, Bible Studies and the list goes on and on. We schedule approximately 1,000 rooms a month at Aldersgate. Part of our budget includes hiring a facilities manager, part of it goes for ongoing cleaning and mowing, and part of it is for upkeep and maintenance to the facilities. We are excited that so many come to Aldersgate each week. Thank you for supporting the Facilities and Maintenance part of the budget with your tithes and offerings.

Not included in this chart is the significant and generous financial support Aldersgate members extend to an extensive list of local and international mission programs through numerous program-specific fundraising activities. Please also note that these figures do not include any capital campaign debt reduction funds.

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at ALDERSGATE SUMMER CAMPS 1) SUMMER DAY CAMP FOR KINDERGARTEN-6TH GRADE Week 1:June 16th-June 20th Camp Chestnut Ridge-Register: www.campchestnutridge.org - Choose Church Daycamp - Week 1 Aldersgate UMC Choose your child’s activity. Week 2: June 23rd-27th - “Workshop of Wonders" Imagine and build with God! There will be cool science projects, fun crafts and special snacks everyday! Week 3: June 30th-July 4th Camp is Closed. Week 4: July 7th-11th - Music & Drama Week - “The Land of the Lost & Found" “This years musical is a story with humor, music with heart, and every child has a special part!” M & A Camp Directors Heidi Miller and Nan de Andrade 2) PRESCHOOL 1/2 DAY SUMMER CAMP - 2-5 years old (2 years olds must be enrolled for the fall) June 16th - Aug 15th-$100.00 per week. Each week is a new adventure: Summertime Fun, Pirates and Princesses; Wild, Wild West and Dinosaurs. Contact: Evelyn Johnson: Evie@aldersgate.org for more information (919) 479-8686 3) MUSIC AND ARTS CAMP - ONE WEEK - July 7th- July 11th - age: 6-13. If you are attending Aldersgate’s full day camp, you have already paid the $170.00 weekly rate which will cover this camp (Music & Arts) otherwise, $55.00 is the charge for Music and Arts for the week. Your child will learn the musical “Land of the Lost & Found” by Kimberly Ingram, Joe Milton and Heather Olson. This is a musical encounter with the Parables that every child will want to be a part of ! Plus on Friday, July 12th at 3:00 pm, everyone is invited to see the show ! For more information contact: Nan de Andrade: nan@aldersgate.org. 4) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: WORKSHOP OF WONDERS - IMAGINE AND BUILD WITH GOD ! WHEN: June 22th -26th from 6:00-8:00 pm - Free Dinner 5:00-5:45 pm. WHY: It’s going to be an AWESOME week! - The kids will experience the wonders of God at our Vacation Bible School, Workshop of Wonders: Imagine and Build with God! Your children will become Visioneers at the Workshop of Wonders as they explore how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God and experience the love of Jesus. HOW: Sign up will be available soon online and in the Family Life Center COST: Free!

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WEEKDAY SCHOOL MINISTRIES What a wonderful Preschool Graduation we had this year ! We had 52 , Four year olds singing songs together in their graduation robes – so cute! Then each class did a special presentation – playing hand bells, doing the “Happy” dance, and singing more songs. There were 260 parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family and friends that attended. What a blessing. We will miss our graduates as they go on to Kindergarten but are proud of the “big” kids they have become. It is hard to believe there are only 3 weeks of Afterschool left before summer vacation. We will say good-bye to 4 Middle School students who will be going to High School!!! All our other kids will be back in July or August for another school year. It goes by so fast! I am happy to say that our Kindergarten class for next year is already full! So we will start with a new group of sweet children to nurture and care for. It is an honor to be a part of each of these children’s lives. I don’t know how I could get through the day without the hugs and funny stories from them. Have a wonderful summer!

WORKSHOP OF WONDERS: IMAGINE AND BUILD WITH GOD! JUNE 22ND-26TH Our kids will experience the wonders of God at our Vacation Bible School, Workshop of Wonders: Imagine and Build with God! Your children will become Visioneers at the Workshop of Wonders as they explore how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God and experience the love of Jesus. GEAR UP! JOIN US ON JUNE 22-26TH FREE DINNER 5:00-5:45 PM PROGRAM 6:00 -8:00 PM To register a child or to register to help out with VBS or to find out more about click here: http://2014.cokesburyvbs.com/AldersgateUMCDurham. Or contact Lara Rowland (919) 251-9088 if you have any questions. MUSIC AND ART CAMP - Date: July 7th-11th, 2014; Everyone is invited to the performance Friday, July 11 at 3:30 pm. Time: 9:00-1:00 pm - Cost: $55. (You may also enroll in full-day camp though the Aldersgate Weekday ministry.) Ages: 6-13 Musical: “Land of the Lost and Found (A Musical Encounter with the Parables)” A Story with humor, music with heart, and every child has a special part! Please register early, or by June 29th. (You’ll get a listening CD upon registration, and your t-shirt order will be secured.) Registration brochures are available at the Welcome Center, or the music office! Camp is open to anyone! Invite a friend! Please note: Auditions for a couple of the larger parts will be held the first week in June (so that they can study their scripts ahead of time)! Please indicate on your registration if interested in auditioning. Many other speaking and dramatic parts, as well as all the dance, choir choreography, stage art, and music will be learned in our one amazing week! Hoping to see MANY children for this super fun week of music, arts and faith! - Nan de Andrade and Heidi Miller, co-directors. PS : We’d love to have some volunteers to help out during this week of miracles! See Nan/Heidi.

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KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. ) SUMMER STUDY - 24/6 CLASS - A PRESCRIPTION FOR A HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LIFE Did you miss the 24/6 Class? The I68 Journey Group would like to invite you to take the class with them. The class will be held starting Tuesday, June 3rd at 6:00 in Room 205 of the FLC. Judy Alford will be leading the class. Books will be available with a suggested donation of $10.00. The book is also available in the Kindle store.

PROJECT AGAPE CHRISTMAS BOXES - Project AGAPE, the unique mission of the NC Conference of the United Methodists with Christians In Armenia, provides shoeboxes for children. Armenia is the oldest Christian nation in the world. For many children in refugee communities located in the Kashatagh District, this is the only Christmas gift they will receive. These boxes are a small gift containing a mighty message - the priceless love of Christ. Each year this mission has grown as more and more children participate. Each year the need for boxes exceeds the number of boxes available. We have been asked to help fill the need. Because of strict customs and import laws, our shoeboxes must be filled only with items from a specific list, no substitutions, no additions. A copy of this list will be available in each plastic box and at the information tables. If an item is not placed in the box, do not check the line item. Please carefully read the instructions at the top of the sheet in the plastic shoebox and follow them. We will supply 240 plastic shoeboxes for the congregation to fill starting June 15th. Do not wrap the shoeboxes or use cardboard boxes. Simply secure with a rubber band around the box. We will collect the boxes, store them and take them to the collection point in September. Our official dedication Sunday will be July 27th. Please contact Sandra and Glenn Reynolds (se.reynolds@yahoo.com) (919-614 -2154) with questions or concerns.

WHY WOULD I WANT A STEPHEN MINISTER? Read below: I’m overwhelmed with my job . . . I can’t seem to get ahead and I’m always stressed . . . I’m trying to parent my children alone . . . My family does not support me . . . I’m deep in grief and don’t see any relief ahead . . . I’m a caregiver and I often feel overloaded . . . My marriage is rocky at best . . . Our nest is empty and I’m feeling sad . . . I shared my problems with family and friends, but I still need to talk about them . . . The list could go on and on! Stephen Ministry is designed for anyone who needs a listening ear, someone who will walk with them, not providing counsel, but simply being present, praying, and sharing the load of their burden. If you are looking for a confidential, trained, and caring listener, you have found one in Stephen Ministry! You can request a Stephen Minister by contacting any of our pastors, Stephen Ministers or church leaders you feel comfortable asking. They will pass your name along to (or you can directly contact) Tara Lain, Associate Pastor, who will assign you confidentially to one of our trained Stephen Ministers. Our SM’s are available to both church members and members of the local community. If you have questions, please contact Tara at tara@aldersgate.org or 919.477.0509 x.102.

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LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service)

June 1st

Message by Rob Tucker

June 8th

“Keep the Faith, Live the Faith" Message by Doug Lain NT: Acts 2:1-13 and NT: James 1:22-25

June 15th

Message by Lisa Cole

June 22nd

“Entertaining or Enter Training?” Message by Doug Lain OT: Psalm 86:1-10 & NT: Matthew 10: 24-39

June 29th:

5th Sunday - Missions Celebration ! 10:30 am Family Life Center “Here’s Your Take Home Exam” Message by Doug Lain BEE READY - 5TH SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH - MISSION SUNDAY 10:30 AM. Sermon: "Here's Your Take Home Exam" Message by Doug Lain. Lunch will be served immediately following the service. Covered dish lunch. Please bring a couple of dishes, one for your family and one to share. Then, Immediately following lunch:

Aldersgate United Methodist Church will be hosting a STOP HUNGER NOW packaging event on June 29th, following lunch, after the 5th Sunday Worship Service. Each six -serving bag produced by STOP HUNGER NOW volunteers includes rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix with 21 essential vitamins and minerals. Each meal costs only 29 cents and has a shelf life of two years. Anyone can participate, there is a job for everyone. Organize an assembly team from your Sunday School class, Circle, small group, mission team, family or friends. How many meals can your team assemble? Our goal is 10,000 ! Participate as an individual, team or to donate, go to https://stophungernow.secure.force.com/events/ SA_EVENTS__Home?id=70170000000l5O2AAI and sign up today! Donations can be made 1) by check to AUMC (mark on the memo line: STOP HUNGER NOW) anytime or at the event.

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I-I-I PRAYER VIGIL JUNE 1ST -10TH NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE You are invited to stop at 1:00 PM every day from June 1-10 to pray for 1 minute about 1 request: “What is God calling me to do to help make Disciples of Jesus Christ?”

Seek where God is calling you to be in ministry to make his Disciples. “ Go, Make Disciples of all Nations” Sponsored by the Commission on Evangelism of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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LOOKOUT ! Church-wide mission opportunity coming on the

5th Sunday in June. The event will be assembling food packets for the STOP HUNGER NOW PROGRAM. All ages can participate, please plan to attend the 5th Sunday and join in preparing food packages for those in need.

URBAN MINISTRIES NEEDS ONLY 2 HOURS OF YOUR TIME "Do you have a few hours a month to donate time to Urban Ministry's Food Pantry?� Aldersgate is the largest contributor to the food pantry. The Food Pantry is staffed by us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and the 4th Thursdays from 9am to 11:30 am. We package food and hand it out during this time to feed 26 families. No prior experience is necessary. Please come join April Twine and Diane Weller in this very rewarding opportunity to serve the Durham community. If you are interested or need additional information, please contact April Twine at April.Twine@frontier.com or 919-477-5798.

Hi Paula, I'm so glad to hear that you all had such a great experience at UMD. I'm not surprised based on my time with this group of girls who are full of heart! Please share our thanks with the Giggles group for this enormous gift of time, energy and love. It's wonderful to have witnessed this project grow out of a visit with a UMD client and the sharing of one bracelet with her. Thank you for your leadership and for connecting the group with UMD. Please share your photos with Jean Mrosla and April Twine, who volunteers regularly in the Food Pantry. I want to be sure they know about Aldersgate connections at UMD! Many, many thanks! Elizabeth Newman Food Pantry and Clothing Closet Manager,

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Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Agape Circle’s Semi-Annual



SATURDAY, AUGUST 23RD 8 AM -2: PM SUNDAY, AUGUST 24TH 1 PM-3 PM* *half-price sale!!!

ITEMS FOR SALE INCLUDE: baby clothes, children’s clothes, maternity clothes, shoes, toys, books, movies, baby gear, bedding, furniture, and much more! COME TO:


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Dear Aldersgate: On behalf of our homeowners and our Board of Directors, thank you for building homes, hope and community with Durham Habitat! We sincerely appreciate your help. With help from partners like you, Durham Habitat has served more than 600 families and built homes for more than 300 homeowners in Durham! Thank you so very much. Blake Strayhorn, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Durham

Thank you so much to EVERYONE who made the April 30th WNL meal such a success! The Primetimers (and others) helped prep the food, set up tables, make tea, serve, wash dishes, etc., etc. Over 100 people from our church and community came to support our project. Also, Aaron Dernosek certainly did himself proud; planning, prepping and cooking a delicious meal! We were able to send over $400 to the Ronald McDonald House in Josh Helm’s memory! Aldersgate United Methodist Church, thank you for this wonderful opportunity! Susan Gay

Dear AUMC Congregation, Thank you for the dinner and donation made to Ronald McDonald House in our son, Josh’s memory. We are forever grateful for the warmth and support you have provided, Love, The Helm Family

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MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade (nan@aldersgate.org) for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are most sincerely welcome to join any of our music ministry groups. Give us a try! Contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more (nan@aldersgate.org) CHOIR REHEARSAL NOTES AND TIMES: Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Youth and Adults - join us! (Summer rehearsals: June 4th, 18th, July 9th only) OUR CHILDREN’S CHOIR, YOUNG DANCERS AND ALL HANDBELL GROUPS: are on their summer break. See Nan for info on joining a group in September; all ages and abilities welcome. PRAISE TEAM: Praise Team (for the 9:30 am service): Tuesdays, 6:15 pm -7:30 pm. Singers and instrumentalists welcome! OUR CHILDREN’S CHOIR, YOUNG DANCERS AND ALL HANDBELL GROUPS: are on their summer break. See Nan for info on joining a group in September; all ages and abilities welcome. SWEET SOUNDS DULCIMER GROUP, Thursdays at 10:00 am. We have one dulcimer waiting for an interested player. TECHNOLOGY TEAM: If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 am praise team) and /or prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall. BEGINNER HANDBELL GROUP INVITE: If you love handbells, you are encouraged to give ringing a try! A group for youth and adults is now meeting, and we’d love to add to our numbers. No music reading /ringing skills needed -- get them both right here! We are rehearsing on Mondays from 7-8:00 pm. At this point, we have five ringers, and would love to have at least 7! Please call Nan to let her know if you’re interested. SUMMER SINGERS WANTED: The Chancel Choir remains in service through June and July, though with a few less rehearsals (7:30- 9:00 pm on 6-4, 6-18, 7-9)! Because of this, our rehearsal time on Sunday morning is especially helpful. We meet at 7:45 am for the 8:15 am service, and at 10:35 am for the 11:00 am service to rehearse that day’s anthem and calls. The music is simple enough that this brief review will yield a happy result. We would love to encourage any- and everyone to join us on Sunday morning in the Chancel. All that is required is a heart for singing praise to God. Please come and join us at our rehearsal in the choir room before services, whenever you can, this summer!

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WORSHIP WONDERINGS - a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. THIS MONTH: THE OFFERING One of the most ancient worship practices that Christians observe is the Offering. In the Hebrew Testament, bread, crops, animals/birds, drink, and money would be offered or sacrificed to worship God and/or make restitution for sin. In Genesis, Cain and Abel were named as the first to make an offering to God. Throughout the Bible, emphasis is clear that the heart’s integrity, priorities, and generosity are valued over the size/expense of the actual gift. As Christians, we understand that Christ offered the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf, “once, for all,” so that our motivation in giving can be a response to God’s loving faithfulness toward us. We return our lives in service to God, as a living sacrifice (Ro. 12:1). The word offering implies something freely given, something presented as a token of dedication or devotion. Everything we have and are is from God, and we acknowledge this by returning a portion (time, talents, gifts and service) back to the Giver. The Offering is not a brief break to take up a “collection” to defray costs, with some musical entertainment! Rather, it is an important act of worship, our vital response to God and God’s word. It is a way to connect our adoration for God with our life of discipleship. Musicians may offer their musical gifts while the rest of the congregation offers monetary gifts. Even if your offering to the church is given through automatic withdrawal, passing the plate reminds us to center our lives in thankful service to God. Singing the Doxology at the Offering is the traditional way of affirming the source and recipient of the gifts. The Offertory Prayer offers up our gifts as a sign of a larger commitment to serve God in the world, and asks for God to bless the gifts for sharing Christ’s love and building the kingdom of God. There are several important scriptures to keep in mind as you give: 1) God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7) 2) Offering reminds us to put God first in our hearts. (Matthew 6: 19-20) 3) The level of personal sacrifice matters (Widow’s mite). (Luke 21: 1-4) 4) God wants more than 10%, God wants 100% of our heart, soul, mind and strength! (Matt. 22:37)

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GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) Acolyte Schedule 8:15am Service June 1

11:00am Service

Taylor Healy Tanner Reo Kaylee Eckhoff Joanna de Andrade Grace Herbstreith Emily Lain Cameron Nye Gracie Lowans Olivia Lain Emma Freeman 10:30 am: Katie Leonard

June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29

An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.

NURSERY MINISTRY Each Sunday Morning: 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Ruth Kay, Lynn Wilfong and Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong


ROBIN THOMAS AND JOYCE MACKIN Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.



The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

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8:15 Worship 6/1 Chick Hinton/Kirk Brown Andy McCorison/ Mitch Adkins 6/8

Paul Jones (m) Linda Jones (o)

Doug and Carole Morris Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts Richard Riggsbee (m) Jeff Sturkey (o)

Keith Porter

Barbara Atkinson

Pat Porter

Shelia Rittgers Curtis Gay

6/15 Keith & Pat Porter Paul & Linda Jones

Anna van Deventer (m) Pat Stancil (o)

Charlotte O’Brien

6/22 Kathy & Carl Chmielewski Richard Riggsbee/Jeff Sturkey

Keith Porter (m) Pat Porter (o)

Mitch Adkins

6/29 Chick Hinton/Pat Porter Mitch Adkins

Ed Osteen (FLC) Henry Atkinson (FLC)

Anna van Deventer Judy Alford

9:30 Worship 6/1 Cathy & Randy Sheffield

David & Linda Shaffer

Holly Hall

April Perry

6/8 Doug & Mary Taylor

Shaunsey Story

Lara Rowland

Jim Hanson

6/15 David & Linda Shaffer

Lara Rowland

Mary Taylor

Cathy Sheffield

6/22 Gene & Cynthia Bell

David & Linda Shaffer

Lara Rowland

Lisa Dye Janes

11:00 Worship 6/1 Sarah & Brent Walker Maryellen Finnigan (m) Stacey McCorison /Paula Veasey Kim Riggs (o)

Bette Baird

Judy Alford

6/8 Jan Howe/Pam Boatright Ronnie/Amelia Oakley

Susan Dernosek (m) Bill Smith (o)

Liz Crose

Ron West

6/15 Ron West/Bill Smith Robert Carter/Ginger Hawkins

Judy Alford (m) Susan Parham (o)

Anabela Mendes

Burton King

6/22 Jim Willis/Debbie Fletcher Maryellen Finnigan Nancy Grinstead

Sarah Walker (m) Lindsay Brown (o)

Paula Veasey

Lou Dernosek

If you are not available, please email your replacement to: Holly@aldersgate.org

Aldersgate Experience 18 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712 info@aldersgate.org www.aldersgate.org

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