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Aldersgate Experience 1

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

March 2014


Confirming a Reservation In today’s society we confirm a lot of things. We confirm reservations made with hotels or rental cars when we travel. We receive confirmation of tickets that we buy to sporting events, shows, or trips by plane. If you make plans in advance, it is smart to confirm those plans. If I make plans for lunch a week or two in advance, I will usually send an email out a day or two ahead saying, “Are we still on?”

But the child doesn’t speak on their own behalf. They do that later when they confirm these promises for themselves. When they do so they will say for themselves that they believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, and become a full professing member of the Church. In the United Methodist Church, we believe it is important to teach people why this is so crucial. That is why we have Confirmation classes every year.

In the Church we use the word “confirm” and “confirmation” a little differently. I have often talked about how my experience working at Camp Chestnut Ridge confirmed my calling to be a minister. (For more details about this, see this year’s Lenten Devotional book.) Confirmation usually takes place when youth reach 6th or But the Church may be the only place where we say that a 7th grade, although it is open to anyone through age 18. Adults who join the church by making a profession of faith person participates in something called “Confirmation.” will also spend time either in a class or in one-on-one The word confirmation is used the same as it is in society at instruction with the pastor before making a decision large. Literally, we are confirming the promises made at in front of the whole church. But for those youth it is our baptism. In essence, we are confirming a reservation. a crucial time for them to learn the foundations of the Parents, or those who speak on behalf of a child, make a Christian faith. For most of them it is a review because promise “to nurture the child in Christ’s holy church, that they have already begun the process of Christian formation by your teaching and example she may be guided to accept at an early age; but for everyone it is a time to take stock of God’s grace for herself, to profess her faith openly, and to what they have learned and what they truly believe. lead a Christian life.” Meanwhile, the church promises to nurture the child now before them in their care. And Confirmation classes will begin this year on Sunday, they say these words: “We will surround this person with a March 9. Those who decide to be confirmed will join the community of love and forgiveness, that she may grow in church on Pentecost Sunday, June 8. As a church this is her service to others. We will pray for her, that she may be an important time. We are raising up a new crop of people a true disciple who walks in the way that leads to life.” We who are deciding for themselves that they want to be are reserving her spot. No, it isn’t a spot that is exclusive, disciples. They are confirming the reservation their parents or can’t be made later; but that’s basically what we’re do- made for them long ago. I have often said it is one of ing. And I have always believed the sooner, the better. the most important things we do in the life of the church. I Why wait to receive God’s grace and begin your journey hope you will pray for this year’s confirmation class and continue to remember your promises to “surround them with the Church? with a community of love and forgiveness, so they may At baptism, parents are making a promise. The congrega- grow in their service to others. We will pray for them, that tion is making a promise. Even God is making a promise they may be true disciples who walk in the way that leads in baptism to pour out His grace, to love the child uncondi- to life.” tionally, and to adopt them into the body of Christ. Baptism is the rite of initiation into the church. These May the Peace of Christ be with you, Pastor Doug promises are important.

Aldersgate Experience 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Birthdays Financial Update Summer Camp Weekday School Spring Intersession Wednesday Night Live/Quiet Day Sunday Worship Interfaith Hospitality Network Ministry Music Ministry/Rehearsal Times AUMC Bus Information

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Agape Fundraiser Page 9 Thanks You’s Page 10 Music Ministry Page 11 Worship Wonders Page 12 The Labyrinth & Morning Lenten Study Page 13 Community/Adam Bell’s Team Page 14 Drive Thru Prayer Page 14 Acolytes/Nursery/Trustees Page 15 March Lay Assistants Schedule Page 16

CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Katie Leonard Lara Rowland Annabelle Carver Carli Reo Nancy Grinstead Mary Ellen Rogers Ron West Nathaniel Gaines Michael Hammer Adam Chmielewski Greg Eckhoff Sarah Fletcher Riley Hale Stacy Twine Jeri Vincent Wyatt Walker Joe Lyndon Donna Bingen Jane Brannock Morgan Cody Tyler Hanson Keith Porter Lewis Reo Rob Byerly Jr Maggie Healy Marshall Wilfong Raye Lyndon

03/02 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/05 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/08 03/08 03/08 03/08 03/08 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/10 03/10 03/10 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/12 03/12 03/13

Rusty Grimm Eli Shipman Ned Bahor Colt Westbrook Karen Bowen Gina Culbreth Amanda McCall Bobby Anderson Judy Sanders Jeff Chmielewski William Rowland Kobi Roberts Laura Barnett Betsy Pendergraph Norma Roberts Ethan Whitaker Brody Barnett David Tillotson Henry Atkinson Seth Bosecker Hunter Freeman John Miller McKayle Nye Kathy Reeves Betty Slater Burton King Mary Taylor

03/14 03/14 03/15 03/15 03/17 03/17 03/17 03/18 03/18 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/23 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/27 03/28 03/28 03/28 03/28 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/30 03/30

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We wanted to share the final financial numbers from 2013. Our offerings were running $27,000 short of expenses at the end of October. We made a direct plea to the congregation and many people increased their giving for which we give thanks. As it turned out, we fell short. Your generous giving kept us from reducing important ministries and programs, but we did end up in the red by $12,000. We are starting out much the same way in 2014. Through the end of January we took an additional $11,000 loss. We all thank God for what He has provided for our church. With everyone’s support we will continue to fulfill His mission for us to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Aldersgate is a leader on local, national, and world levels so let us continue to serve Him as He has so richly blessed us. Thank you. Carl Allen Finance Committee

It’s just a click away !! A new way to GIVE ! The Aldersgate Finance Committee is happy to announce a new way to make donations to Aldersgate United Methodist Church. On-Line Giving ! - Just click the blue “on-line giving” button on the Aldersgate Web Site ( We are accepting on-line donations by debit / credit cards as well as electronic fund transfer (checking & savings). ALL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BY EMAIL - CONTACT CATHY SHEFFIELD - CATHY@ALDERSGATE.ORG It’s convenient – just access our website and you are set! It’s timely – available 24 hours / day, 7 days / week It’s confidential and secure – hosted by Vanco Services, LLC Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Cathy Sheffield to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of online giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Cathy at or 919-477-0509, ext. 117.

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Camp Chestnut Ridge – A United Methodist day camp located in Efland, NC. For one of our Summer Camp Weeks this summer we will be combining with our church, Aldersgate UMC, during their week at Chestnut Ridge. They are offered a reduced church camp rate to attend during this week. It is $235 for the week – which includes 2 snacks and lunch each day. And this will provide our campers with different activities than we are unable to provide here at school. Such as; activities in the lake, hiking, swimming, gardening. (They also have a horseback riding session for an extra fee.) May 1st is the registration deadline. We will leave Aldersgate for camp each day at 8:15 am and return by 5:30pm each day. There will be childcare offered from 7:30-8:15 and 5:30-6:00pm if you need it. It will be $10, and you may pay on a daily basis. Camp Chestnut Ridge is for children who have COMPLETED Kindergarten – Middle School. Children 2nd – Middle School are able to choose a “major” to participate in. They group the children based on grades: Kindergarten/first grade, second through fourth grade, and 5th – 8th grade. We will have an information night the beginning of March with, hopefully, someone from Camp Chestnut Ridge here to answer questions. You may also pick up a Camp Chestnut Ridge brochure at the Welcome Center, outside the church Sanctuary. There is also an Open House at Chestnut Ridge on Sunday, April 13th, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. You will register your child at Choose Church day camp Week 1 – Aldersgate UMC You will choose your child’s activity based on their grade. I will accompany the students and get them registered on Monday, and assist with the transportation for the week. There is a “Closing Celebration” at 5:15 pm on Friday, June 20th, which parents are invited to attend. We will possibly have a camp that week for “rising” Kindergarteners who are too young to attend the camp. Please let Evelyn know if you are interested – so we can plan accordingly. You may contact me or (919) 479-8686 with any questions. Evelyn Johnson

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Dear Parents: Spring Inter-Session is right around the corner. I hope that means the warm weather is on the way! We hope you will join us for camp this April. Registration opened Tuesday, February 18th for current after-school families. Community registration began Monday, February 24th. Camp sign-up is open on a first come, first serve basis. In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the After-School office. As a reminder, camp hours are from 7:30am -6:00 pm, Monday - Friday. Themes for Spring Inter-session: Week 1: April 2nd – 4th $130 child 1 / $120 siblings Celebrate Spring! – This week we will be spending time outside on the field! And we will make some creative Spring projects. Week 2: April 7th – 11th $170 child 1 / $160 siblings Soccer Camp – This week we will be using the field to play soccer! Week 3: April 14th – 17th (Closed April 18th – Good Friday) $150 child 1/ $140 siblings Easter Extravaganza - We will have lots of activities to celebrate Easter and an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday! Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp. Evelyn Johnson Director, Aldersgate Weekday School Ministry

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LUKE 4:14-30



LUKE 6:1-11



LUKE 19:45 & 20:8


Wednesday Evening Fellowship Meal - 5:30 pm Family Life Center March 5th March 12th March 19th March 26th

Chili, cornbread, salad and dessert provided by The Jamaica Mission Team Red Beans, Rice, Smoked Sausage, Salad, Dessert by The Haiti Mission Team TBD Meatball Sub Bake, Oven Fries, Salad, Desserts Dinner provided by Serendipity Class

MARCH QUIET DAY - FINDING A LENTEN SOLITUDE In order to fully experience the joy of the resurrection we must use the days of Lent as a time of preparation. Lent is a time for deeper self-awareness and accountability. It is a time to seek opportunities for solitude and inner quiet as we explore the path to more deliberately giving ourselves to imitating Christ. "Create in Me A Clean Heart O Lord" Give yourself the gift of spiritual renewal with a day of quiet time and reflection as we enter into the season of Lent. We will become still and search in our hearts and souls as to simple ways of living in more reflective, heart-felt ways. There will be times of prayer, quiet reflection, scripture reading and sharing. We'll conclude our time together with a simple lunch shared in community. Mark your calendars now and make a plan to attend the Quiet Day on March 29th from 8:30 am until noon in the Wesley Room. Bring your Bible, a notebook or journal and bring a friend or two so you both can enjoy the blessings of the day. To assist with planning please sign up on the sheet at the welcome station. For more information you may contact Barbara Atkinson at habnc@ or 919 764-9784.

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LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service)

Sunday Morning WORSHIP March 2nd:

“You Worry Too Much" - Message: by Doug Lain: OT: Psalm 131, NT: Matthew 6:24-34

March 9th:

“Passing the Test” - Message by Doug Lain: OT: Genesis 2:15-17, NT: Matthew 4:1-11

March 16th:

Message by Tara Lain

March 23rd:

March 30th:

“Lessons from Samaria” - Message by Doug Lain: OT: Exodus 17-1-7, NT: John 4:1-26 5th Sunday - Children’s Sabbath

SPECIAL SUNDAYS COMING SOON March 5th: Ash Wednesday - 6:30 pm - A contemplative service to begin our observation of Lent, including a message by Rev. Tara Lain, Taize music (see to find out what that sounds like) and imposition of ashes. March 30th: Fifth-Sunday Children’s Sabbath - 10:30 am - Family Life Center

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The Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) needs your help! IHN addresses the needs of homeless families and helps them to move toward residential stability and self-sufficiency. Aldersgate hosts families through IHN for a week at a time 4 times a year. Generally, there are 2 to 4 families that we will host. We have been hosting families for many years and this has been an important ministry for our church. Each time we take on the responsibility we need volunteer help in three major ways: 1) We need volunteers to provide an evening meal for the families. 2) We need volunteers to provide transportation early in the morning and in the evening to and from the IHN day house about 7 miles away near downtown Durham. 3) We need volunteers (2 adults per night) to stay at the Family Life Center with the families. As you can imagine, this third area is usually the most difficult to find volunteers. Fortunately, there are a faithful few who will volunteer each time, and we have also established partnerships with other area churches to provide some of these overnight hosts. There is a tremendous need, and we have a wonderful facility to provide shelter for these families; we simply need your help to continue this program. We have neighbors with children who have no place to call home. Please prayerfully consider being an overnight host one night out of the year.

Thank you. Peace and Love Doug Lain

Curtis Gay

Aldersgate Experience 9

ALDERSGATE CHURCH BUS CELEBRATES SECOND ANNIVERSARY We have had our AUMC bus for 2 years and have been driving it around town as well as on trips to Lake Junaluska and beyond. We could use some additional drivers who would like to travel with our Primetimers, Youth & other AUMC family. If you have your CDL license today or would be interested in getting your license we want to hear from you. Email Mary Taylor at or call my cell phone at 919-225-0528 to add your name to our list.

AGAPE CIRCLE FUNDRAISER - Microfiber Magic Cloths

They are called Microfiber Magic Cloths. Because they ARE ! These cloths leave surfaces crystal clear with JUST WATER- no cleaning chemicals. Simply wet and use. Especially recommended for: Windows, windshields, mirrors, glass, stainless, chrome, marble, TV, Lexan, Plexiglass, fiberglass, silver, brass, and any hard surface, computer screens and much more! They can be bleached. * Replace the Swiffer Refill * 16" square--can be cut * Made in the USA. Replaces all harsh cleaners & paper towels using water only! These cloths leave a streak free, spot free, lint & dust free finish every time.. Machine Washable, but do NOT use Fabric softeners, and air dry only. Will Not Scratch / No Chemicals Needed / No Streaks No Water Spots / Keeps The Glare away! And if that is not enough….the BEST PART IS…….THEY ARE ONLY $5.00 EACH ! Please contact: Barbara Snyder 919-818-0454 or email: if you have any questions or wish to purchase a cloth. All proceeds of this fundraiser are used for Agape Mission projects throughout the year.

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Dear Aldersgate Congregation, We send this note of gratitude for your continued support of Threshold. Your offering allows us to continue providing services to Durham’s most vulnerable population. Irene Dwinnell and Kathy Amey-Herbert To learn more about Threshold click

Dear Colleen and Aldersgate, It is my privilege to thank the Aldersgate family for your continuing support of Central Regional Hospital’s Reindeer Store. Last year the Reindeer Store ran out of toys for patients to purchase for family and loved ones; but thanks to the Aldersgate fellowship there were plenty of toys for all this year. Thank you to the ladies who participated in the Reindeer Store. Thank you for sharing your time with our patients. The beautiful singing and helping patients select gifts all serve as a reminder that the community cares. I appreciate your flexible and caring attitude. You are amazing! Deborah Ferrell, CAVN, Director of Volunteer Services. N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Central Regional Hospital -

Dear Friends at Aldersgate UMC, We were so pleased to receive your gift to Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network. Thank you! We are proud to say that in 2013, DIHN served 100 people in 33 families with 80% of our guests attaining stable housing! On behalf of the families with children served by DIHN, thank you again. Your contribution has a tangible impact in the lives of homeless families in our community.

Aldersgate Experience 11

MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade ( for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are welcome and needed in our ministry! Our choir wanted to share a poem by Sue Zaruba, that we recently enjoyed. “When I Say I Am a Choir Member” When I say I am a Choir member, I’m not shouting “I sing better than anyone.” I’m whispering, “I’m trying to sing as well as I can in the hopes that I might touch someone’s heart with God’s Spirit.” When I say I am a Choir member, I’m don’t speak with pride. I’m simply saying I am using the gift God has given me to sing His praises. When I say I am a Choir member, I’m not trying to say I am strong. I’m confessing that I’m weak and need the other choir members and God’s strength to bring His word to the congregation. When I say I am a Choir member, I’m not bragging about how well the Anthem or the Cantata went. I’m admitting that it is only with God’s help that I am able to blend with other voices to bring His message to all who are listening. When I say I am a Choir member, I’m not claiming to be perfect. My mistakes are far too visible; but God believes I am worth His efforts to help me improve. When I say I am a Choir member, I still feel the sting of embarrassment when I make a mistake; but I know that I have a whole family of choir members and God to lift me up so that I might try again. YOU can say you’re a choir member too! You are most sincerely welcome to join any of our music ministry groups. Give us a try!

Praise Ringers (adult and youth “J-V” bells) – Mondays at Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Youth and 7:00 pm Young Ringers (2nd-5th graders)– Sundays at 5:30-6:00 pm Adults - join us!


Praise Team (for the 9:30 am service): Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm Singers and instrumentalists welcome! Children’s Choirs Sundays at 4:45-5:30 pm, a part of Arts in the Afternoon Sweet Sounds Dulcimer Group, Thursdays at 10:00 am. We have one dulcimer waiting for an interested player.

HANDBELLS: Joyful Noise Ringers (advanced) – Tuesdays 7:30 pm

DANCERS: Young Dancers (2nd-5th graders) – Sundays 3:45-4:45 pm (contact: Anna Van Deventer) Sacred Dancers (Youth) – Sundays after UTH TECHNOLOGY TEAM: If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 praise team) and /or prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall.

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BEGINNER HANDBELL GROUP INVITE If you love handbells, you are encouraged to give ringing a try! A group for youth and adults is now meeting, and we’d love to add to our numbers. No music reading /ringing skills needed -- get them both right here! We are rehearsing on Mondays from 7-8 pm. At this point, we have only four ringers, and would love to have at least 7! Please call Nan to let her know if you’re interested.

Worship Wonderings - a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. First, the shape. United Methodist services have a rhythm of PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE, a “conversation” between God and God’s people, which you can observe in the overall shape and within each part. Look at our usual Traditional order: ENTRANCE – includes Announcements, Centering Music, bring in the Light, Choral Introit, Call to Worship, Opening Prayer/ Prayer of Confession and Pardon, Hymn of Praise. PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE – includes Sharing Joys and Concerns, Call to Prayer, Prayers, Offertory, Doxology, Hymn of Preparation, Scripture Lessons, and Sermon, Invitation to Discipleship, Communion. SENDING FORTH –Hymn of Dedication (altar call), Benediction GOING FORTH - Sending Song and Carrying out the Light, and Postlude. Though music often expresses the liturgy in our Contemporary Service, Proclamation and Response still maintains the basic pattern: ENTRANCE – Announcements, Songs of Praise and Worship. PROCLAMATION and RESPONSE –Sharing Joys and Concerns, Prayers, Offertory, Doxology, Song of the Day, Scripture Lessons, and Sermon, Invitation to Discipleship, Communion. SENDING FORTH – includes Closing Song (altar call) and Benediction. GOING FORTH - Sending Song. Take a moment to think about each of these acts – are we talking (as in a hymn of praise)? Or, is God speaking (as in the reading of scripture)? Perhaps it’s back-and-forth (as in Confession and Pardon). Paying attention to when to listen and when to speak is important to having a successful conversation with God, and will help the blessings flow! One final thought: compare worship to a Thanksgiving gathering – we get together, share stories and a meal, remember who we are, and leave renewed. Sometimes, we just enjoy being together, playing a game while we catch up with how we are doing. Other times, we embrace, we remember stories and family legends, laugh or cry together, or work again at healing a rift. We sit around the table enjoying Aunt Rosie’s cranberry sauce (meh, but it wouldn’t be a Thanksgiving table without it) and savor Cousin Tom’s apple pie (one more piece!). All of it is important - to our identity, to strengthening relationships, in shaping us as family, and giving our life its richest meaning. Like a wonderful Thanksgiving family gathering, corporate worship is a time for us to celebrate and remember, to experience God and claim our identity in Christ. It has a vital, celebratory rhythm which is more than ritual, and invites and requires our own sincere attention and response in every part.

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“THE LABYRINTH IS COMING , THE LABYRINTH IS COMING!” Lent begins March 5th this year to have the opportunity to share experience – walking a labyrinth. familiar with what a labyrinth is something unfamiliar.

and Aldersgate is blessed in a wonderful meditative Some of you may be very but for others it could be

One of the most famous labyrinths is laid in the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France and dates back to around 1220. A labyrinth is not a maze – it has only one path in and one path out, There are no tricks or dead ends and you cannot get lost in a labyrinth. The path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for our journey towards and with God. Walking it with an open mind and an open heart will create the most meaningful experience. Now is the time for you to begin making plans to walk the labyrinth with your small group, friends and family members. Our labyrinth will be available Friday evening April 11th through Sunday, April 13th. That weekend is Palm Sunday which is a perfect time to take this opportunity leading up to Holy Week and experience what the labyrinth has to offer you. We also need volunteers to sign up for shifts to be present to answers questions and guide visitors while the labyrinth is at our church. It is an easy but an important job so please stop by the welcome station and pick a time that works for you. Your help is greatly appreciated! If you, or your group, would like more information about the labyrinth, please contact Barbara Atkinson at

TUESDAY MORNING LENTEN STUDY Join us on Tuesday mornings during Lent as we study together “He Set His Face to Jerusalem,” by Richard B. Wilke (co-author of DISCIPLE Bible study). The study will focus on the days leading up to the crucifixion as Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem. We will reflect and pray about where we set our faces day by day and about our need to grow in love of God and neighbor. The study is led by Jane Brannock and the group will meet from 10:30-11:45 am beginning March 4th.

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ADAM BELL'S TEAM (Adam is the son of Cynthia and Gene Bell) Dear Friends & Family, Twenty-three years ago, a little 7-year-old boy, who you never met lost his fight with cancer. His name was Adam Bell and he was my childhood friend. A couple months ago, I wrote to Adam’s mom and dad to ask if I could run my second Half-Ironman in his memory and fundraise in his name. They kindly agreed. So, on the eve of my 31st birthday, I am writing to introduce you to Adam and remember my friend whose life was way too short. Many of you know that last year I was inspired to run the Miami Half-Ironman as a personal goal. Over the course of the training, while logging more than a thousand miles on my bike, a few hundred miles in my shoes, and countless laps in the pool, I came to realize that my individual goal wasn’t at all — individual. I had cheerleaders and advisors and mechanics and nutritionists and comedians and training partners who all helped me along. In my second attempt at an Ironman, I’m starting from the premise that this is a team goal. The Ironman is not an individual event. And I want Adam on my team and I want you on our team. Here’s how you can join our team, support my training, remember Adam, and help fight cancer. The Half Ironman is comprised of a 1.2-mile swim, a 56-mile bike, and a half-marathon run. Totaling 70.3 miles — which you must finish in a set amount of time without aid from participants or observers. My goal is to raise $4,500 before the Mont Tremblant Ironman on June 22nd. So, it’s simple, adopt a mile for $64.29. Click here to make a donation: My hope is that no one has to give more than that. I would like to make this a 70-person team. So, if you want to give more, make a donation and then ask a friend to make one too. Just forward this email or the link above. When you do, tell them you’re doing it for a little kid you never met named Adam Bell. Thank you for your love, generosity and support. Trevor Kincaid

DRIVE-THRU PRAYER is the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4:00-6:00 pm. It’s simple, you’ll feel great afterwards AND, it’s the ONLY ONE IN DURHAM ! Just drive “thru.” Someone will meet you at your car and pray with you. OR If you are interested in helping (but not necessarily praying) you can help set up signs, take down the tent , or hand out bottled water. Feel like you want to check out the prayer part? You can start by observing with a partner. We have heard from many in the community what a blessing this is to them and you could be part of it! If you have any questions, contact Carol Brese at 919-471-2269 NEXT DRIVE THRU PRAYER MARCH 4TH - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Aldersgate Experience 15

GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) Acolyte Schedule 8:15am Service March 2nd March 9th March 16th March 23rd March 30th:

11:00am Service

Katie Leonard Margaret Ann Healy Tanner Reo Emma Freeman Taylor Healy Jacob Bosecker Grace Herbstreith Emily Lain Cameron Nye Gracie Lowans 5th Sunday: 10:30 am - Olivia Lain

An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.

NURSERY MINISTRY Each Sunday Morning: 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Ashley Skinner, Jamie Lewis and Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong


Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.

TRUSTEE THIS MONTH : RON PENDERGRASS The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

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March Lay Assistants Schedule - This schedule for the year 2014 is now available at the Welcome Station (outside the Sanctuary) if you would like a copy emailed to you, please contact: USHERS




8:15 Worship 3/2

Chick Hinton Richard Riggsbee Keith & Pat Porter

Mitch Adkins (M) Pat Stancil (O)

Charlotte O’Brien

Dave Brese


Paul & Linda Jones Jackie Roberts Mary Tom Roberts

Jeff Sturkey (M) Richard Riggsbee (O)

Keith Porter

Judy Alford


Chick Hinton Paul Jones (M) Richard Riggsbee Linda Jones (O) Jeff Sturkey/Mitch Adkins

Pat Porter

Curtis Gay


Doug & Carole Morris Charlotte O’Brien (M) Kathy Chmielewski Carol Brese (O) Carl Chmielewski

Mitch Adkins

Anna van Deventer


Chick Hinton (FLC) Keith Porter (FLC) Richard Riggsbee Pat Porter (FLC) Ed Osteen & Jeff Sturkey

5th Sunday

Barbara Atkinson

9:30 Worship 3/2

David Shaffer Steven Fishback

Doug Taylor (M) Margie Muir (O)

Mary Taylor

Linda Shaffer


Randy Sheffield Cathy Sheffield

Amanda Sublett (M) Shaunesy Story (O)

Lara Rowland

Gene Bell


Cheryl Turner Lara Rowland

David Shaffer (M) Linda Shaffer (O)

Amanda Sublett

Jim Hanson


Marie Muir Margie Muir

Lara Rowland (M) Cheryl Turner (O)

Mary Taylor

Doug Taylor

11:00 Worship 3/2

Pam Boatright Susan Parham (M) Kelly Furr Bill Smith (O) Jim Willis/Robert Carter

Michele Tucker

Suzi Caudill


Jan Howe Ashley Bahor Paula Alford Ronnie Oakley

Ed Osteen (M) Nancy Grinstead (O)

Bette Baird

Judy Alford


Susan Dernosek Anabela Mendes Kim & Wayne Aiken

Mary Ellen Finnigan (M) Amelia Oakley (O)

Liz Crose

Ken Morris


Joyce Pendergrass Paula Veasey Michele Tucker Ron Pendergrass

Ginger Hawkins (M) Jan Howe (O)

Anabela Mendes

Lou Dernosek

Aldersgate Experience 17 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

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