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March 2015


Inside this issue:

Birthdays Page 2 WNL Dinner Hosts Page 3 Lenten Series Page 3 WDS Intersession Page 4 Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Page 4 Children's Ministry Page 5 Sunday Worship Page 6 Worship Events Page 6 Drive Thru Prayer Page 7 CROP Walk Page 7 Music Ministry Page 8 Did You Ever Wonder? Page 9 Lenten Quiet Day Page 9 “The Lost Boy" Page 10 The Buzz Page 10 Spotify Your Praise Page 10 Missy Prissy Tea Party Page 10 Community Recognition Page 11 The Labyrinth Page 12 Nursery/Acolytes Page 13 Altar Gild/Trustee Financials Page 14 Lay Assistants Page 15

Come join us each Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the sanctuary as we praise God and learn about our covenantal relationship with Him.

The Lenten Series “Covenant" March 4th Abraham & Sarah March 11th Ten Commandments March 18th David March 25th New Covenant

Experience DENY YOURSELF? REALLY? Mark 8:34 “He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’" The idea of denying one’s self has got to be one of the hardest commands in the Bible. What does it mean? Why would a loving God who wants the best for us ask this of us through His Son? To “deny” your self means to say “No” to your self and “Yes” to God. Or, it might be easier to understand it this way. It means saying “No” to the kingdoms of this world and “Yes” to the kingdom of God. There is a big difference. It isn’t about giving up chocolate at Lent. It is about giving up our bent to sinning. It means saying no to greed, and violence, and judgment, and hatred, and all that misses the mark that is established by God. And in their place we are to submit to God’s will, which means charity and forgiveness and mercy and compassion and bearing the

fruit of the Spirit. It is to go through life repeating the words that Jesus said the night before he died. When he was praying in the garden, he said to God his Father, “Not my will but yours be done.” It is what millions of Christians have prayed for centuries when they repeat the “Lord’s Prayer.” “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” What does it look like to live out this prayer? Here’s one example. Say someone hurts you. Your natural reaction might be to lash back, to get angry with them. But the path of discipleship is “not my will, but yours.” It is humbly submitting my will to God’s will. Instead of getting angry, we realize that God is calling us to forgive even our enemies. A verse that is becoming more and more important to me is Paul’s instructions to the church in Ephesus. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just

as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). When I am hurt, I am called to submit my will to God’s will and follow His example. This is what it means to “deny” yourself. Now, I certainly don’t always do it. Sometimes I like to reword Jesus prayer: “not thy will be done, but my will be done.” But that’s not what Jesus said. Luke goes a step further and says that disciples are to “daily take up your cross”. The cross was a horrid symbol of pain, shame, and death. A person hung on it, naked, until the bones in his skeleton collapsed and he suffocated to death, no longer able to breathe. This is not a verse we are to take literally, but metaphorically. Every day we are to live in such a way that it is apparent to everyone

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that we have died to ourselves, to our selfish ways and ambitions, and live for God. Another translation words the verse: “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me” (NLT). Something unfair happens and instinctively we want to get even. But we have died to that “right,” we have prayed “not my will but yours be done.” Hopefully, we humbly submit our will to God’s will, and we respond in kindness and humility. Will you always do this right the first time? Of course not. Life is a journey. God understands that over the years we have created habits of our heart that are not easily broken, and God is patient with us as we learn to walk the new path of discipleship. Nevertheless, we are called daily to humbly submit our will to the Lord. The life of the disciple is a changed life. We now follow Jesus, and the new longings in our heart are to do his will, not our own. May the Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Doug


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WNL Dinner Hosts Needed There are a few openings for dinner hosts for our Wednesday Night Live fellowship meals on the 2015 calendar. Perhaps your group hosted a dinner in the fall and would like to consider hosting another date in the spring . Maybe your group hasn’t had the chance to see just how much fun it can be to get together in the kitchen and provide a meal for your church family while raising a bit of money for a worthy mission project. Now is the time to contact Barbara Atkinson and get your choice of dates. If you need help with menu selection or recipes she has ideas to help you. Please contact Barbara at to book your WNL.


March 4th

Agape Circle - Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit

March 11th

Haiti Team - Baked Chicken Chimichangas, Spanish Rice, Salad, Dessert

Come join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in the sanctuary beginning Feb. 25th until March 25th Noah – God established a covenant with all living creatures after the flood. Do you remember what the sign of that covenant was? Tara Lain will talk to us about this covenant on Feb. 25th. Read Genesis chapters 6-9 before you come. Abraham and Sarah – God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would be the patriarch and matriarch of a great nation,

March 18th Habitat Team - Rotisserie Chicken, Green Beans, Boiled Potatoes, Dessert March 25th Agape Vegetable, Dessert

and that all peoples would be blessed through them. Rob Tucker will be our speaker about this on March 4th. You’ll want to read Genesis 12 before you arrive. Moses – God establishes a covenant with the people of Israel about how they are to live as a holy people. We’ll look especially at the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Nan de Andrade will be the preacher on this subject on March 11th.






David – God promises David that he will raise up a descendant of his and establish his kingdom forever. Jack Snyder will help us understand this covenant on March 18th. Look at 2 Samuel: 7 before coming that Wednesday. New Covenant – The prophet Jeremiah tells us in chapter 31 of his book that the Lord will establish a new covenant. What is this new covenant? How does it foreshadow the coming of Jesus? Jane Brannock will conclude our covenant series with this subject on March 25th.



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Aldersgate Weekday School - Spring Intersession Camps Week 1: March 24th-27th (Closed Monday, March 23rd due to snow make-up day at Easley) $150 child 1 / $140 siblings Cooking 101 – We will be cooking something special each day. Welcome to our kitchen laboratory where we will discover new and exciting (and hopefully edible) food. Week 2: March 30th – April 2nd (Closed April 3rd – Good Friday) $150 child 1 / $140 siblings Happy Easter – Helping others through Missions This week we will celebrate Easter! We will also, do some fun Mission projects to help others – even those around the world! We will have lots of fun activities and games as well as crafts. Of course, we will have our Easter Egg hunt on Thursday! Week 3: April 6th – 10th $170 child 1/ $150 siblings Game Show Fun – We will play a different game each day! And the children will come up with the questions for the other groups! We will play some games on the field each day too! If you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Johnson:

Family Ministry- Children’s Easter Egg Hunt It’s time for our Easter Egg Hunt! On March 29th, Palm Sunday, we invite you to join us immediately following the 10:30 am worship service in the FLC, to go “hunting” for eggs! Parents and children (toddlers thru 5th grade) may gather in the lobby of the Family Life Center/Weekday School main entrance around 12 noon.

We will begin as soon as every- will fit inside a plastic Easter Egg.) You may place these one has gathered. items in the container outPlease arrive early if you are not side the church office. coming directly from the church service as all our children are Thanks for sharing your love for children in this church and eager to fill their baskets! community! To prepare for this event, we are asking for donations of individ- If you have any questions, ually wrapped candies or small please contact Donna Deck: prizes such as stickers, erasers, pencil sharpeners, etc. (that

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Children’s Ministry CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL The children’s Sunday school classes will be learning stories during March that help us see how God is with us during difficult times. The stories are listed so that your family may read them together.

Our Bible verse for March is Psalm 121:2 (CEB) “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”

March 1 Mary Anoints Jesus John 12:1-8 March 8 Widow’s Offering Mark 12:41-4 March 15 Last Supper Luke 22:7-23 March 22 The Garden Mark 14:32-42 March 29 Palm Sunday John 12:12-19

KIDS OWN WORSHIP In Kids Own Worship this month, we are learning that Lent is a “getting ready time.” During the rest of March, we are preparing for the biggest Sunday of all – Easter. To really be ready to celebrate Jesus, we are practicing ways we can grow closer to God. Each Sunday, we focus on a new way.

March 1st March 8th March 15th March 22nd March 29th

Prayer Forgiveness Patience Loving Others We celebrate Palm Sunday

MISSION POSSIBLE KIDS The Mission Possible Kids are also exploring ways to grow closer to God during this Lenten season. Each week, we explore the theme through scripture, art, games and discussion. March 4th


March 11th Prayer March 18th Jesus with the Disciples March 25th Preparing for Palm Sunday and Holy Week



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Sunday Morning Worship March 1st Psalm 25:1-10 & Mark 1:9-15 Title “Redeeming Our Darkness - Rob Tucker March 8th OT: Exodus 20:1-17 NT: John 2:13-22 Title: “Righteous Indignation” Doug Lain March 15th OT: Numbers 21:4-9 NT: John 3:14-21 Title: “God Sent a Savior” Doug Lain March 22nd Children’s Sunday Rob Tucker March 29th 5th Sunday Palm Sunday Tara Lain

MARCH 29TH - PALM SUNDAY 5TH SUNDAY - ONE WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 AM - FAMILY LIFE CENTER - COVERED DISH LUNCH We are waving palm branches and singing songs of celebration as Jesus enters into Jerusalem. This is the beginning of our most Holy Week of the year. An Easter egg hunt for children will immediately follow the worship service.

SPECIAL UPCOMING WORSHIP EVENTS - Worship with us through Lent, Holy Week, Easter Wednesdays through March 25th – 6:30 pm Lenten Services Theme: Covenant Sunday, March 15th at 6:30 pm (Mt. Sylvan UMC) “Our Father” Cantata, massed choir and orchestra Sunday, March 22nd (8:15, 9:30 and 11:00) Children’s Sabbath celebration, including a special musical presentation at 11:00 service! Sunday, March 29th (10:30 Fifth Sunday) Palm Sunday, covered dish following our unity service in the FLC Thursday, April 2nd (7:00 pm) Joint service with Mt. Sylvan UMC @ Aldersgate. Remembering the Last Supper. Friday, April 3rd (7 pm) Joint service with Mt. Sylvan UMC @ Mt. Sylvan. Tenebrae service– meditations and music on the “The Seven Last Words” Sunday, April 5th 6:30 am Sunrise Service (Joint with Faith Alliance Church) @ Aldersgate Prayer Garden 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 Easter Worship Celebrations include brass, bells, choir.

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Community Connections DRIVE THRU PRAYER 1st Tuesday of Each Month Aldersgate UMC Parking lot 4:00 pm ‘til 6:00 pm (weather permitting) Coming Up: March 3rd

Durham CROP Walk 2015 Sunday, March 22nd is the 41st Annual Greater Durham CROP Walk for Hunger. This walk has raised almost 4 MILLION dollars since its beginning, and almost ONE MILLION has stayed in Durham helping with hunger relief efforts locally! Aldersgate has been involved almost since the walk inception, and we want to continue that tradition. So sign up to walk with your friends and neighbors and fellow Aldersgaters! Walk information and registration packets are available on the table near the music room. Whether you walk or sponsor a walker, let’s all help! For more information, contact walk coordinator John Howe. CROP WALK for Hunger is March 22nd. Sponsor packets and walk information are available in the Narthex near the music room. Pick up a packet, get sponsors for your walk efforts, and come join us.

You may also register electronically thru the Aldersgate website,, under Growing/Missions” or click on the Crop Walk image on the web site Welcome front page. Sign up and people can sponsor you on-line!


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Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more. ( Choir Rehearsal times: Adult Choir: Rehearses Wednesday at 7:30. Join us! Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 New members always welcomed! Sweet Sounds Dulcimer Group, alternate Tuesdays at 11 am. Handbells: Joyful Noise Ringers – Tuesdays 7:30

Children’s Music & Arts Ministry CHILDREN’S MUSIC AND ARTS MINISTRY NEW TIME, NEW PLACE ! Children are invited to develop and share their talents with God through dance, singing, and ringing! Make a New Year’s Resolution to join our ministry!

CHILDREN’S MUSIC AND ARTS MINISTRY Children are invited to develop and share their talents with God through dance, singing, and ringing! Make a New Year’s Resolution to join our ministry!

New! Afternoon Arts Program

– February and March: Children (K-8th grade) are meeting on Thursdays from 4:15-5:30 pm (after school) for singing, movement and drama! The program will run through March 19. We are rehearsing our Spring Musical “The Lost Boy,” by Alan Pote and Tom Long. On March 22, Children’s Sabbath Sunday, children will present the musical at the 11:00 worship service!

Young Dancers

(Sundays, 3:45-4:45 pm) are led by Anna Van Deventer and are preparing for an upcoming March 29 performance. Young Dancers assemble to rehearse towards a performance, so if you’re interested in joining, the next dance registration will begin in early fall. Please stay tuned.

Young Ringers

– We will hopefully be starting a group on Thursday afternoons in April (after Easter break). If you’re interested in participating, please send Nan an email letting her know.

Our Father: A Journey through the Lord’s Prayer by Pepper Choplin Our Chancel choir is starting to rehearse a wonderful new cantata. “Our Father” deeply examines and lifts up each phrase of the Lord’s Prayer, and reminds us of its power to connect us with God. The music is more than beautiful! This cantata will be presented with a Massed choir and orchestra, made up of churches from several denominations on the evening of March 15th. So… 1) please mark your calendars now for this special event concert and 2) consider joining us in rehearsal, we’d love to share this musical blessing with you! All are welcome – rehearsals are Wednesday evenings 7:30-9:00 pm.

PRAISE TEAM PRAYER REQUEST Join with us as we are praying for a specific need: we believe that a MALE VOICE on our team would greatly enhance our ministry. Please pray that God will send us a male singer! And, if you’re that singer, would you please answer our prayer?

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Worship Wonderings…. a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade SPECIAL FLOWERS IN WORSHIP Certain flowers have a special meaning in our worship space. At Christmas, we’re all accustomed to seeing the Poinsettia. The bracts of the poinsettia plant (not actually a flower) turn red in the winter, which, when brought to America in the 1800’s, took off as a beautiful Christmas flower. The shape of the poinsettia flower and leaves are sometimes thought as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem which led the Wise Men to Jesus. The red colored leaves symbolize the blood of Christ. The white leaves represent his purity. In Mexico, they’re known as “The flower of the Holy Night,” with a legend about a poor girl picking a weed (all she had) to give to the holy child, and it turned red in appreciation of her loving offering. At Easter, the symbolic flower is the lily. It is a beautiful flower to see and to smell! Jesus said, “Consider the lilies… even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” The white color is associated with purity and the flower itself is often connected with the virgin Mary. The angel at the tomb is often pictured holding a lily. Its three petals can connote the Trinity. It’s unique scent is “divine.” There are many other flowers/plants that hold symbolic significance: Columbine - the Holy Spirit (7 blooms on a stalk, 7 gifts of the Spirit); Daisies - the innocence of Christ; Holly reminds us of the crown of thorns; the Palm - victory and is waved for royalty; the red rose- martyrdom, white rose- purity; thistle – the curse of sin. So when you enjoy our altar flowers or a walk in the garden, look for symbols of our Christian faith!

LENTEN QUIET DAY - A PRELUDE TO HOPE St. Teresa of Avila used the metaphor of a garden to write about the spiritual journey. As we enter spring and consider the new growth about to take place in all of God’s creation, you are invited to consider where and how you might be being called to grow. This Lenten quiet day will draw our attention to two aspects of our spiritual lives, what are the things that hinder or prevent our spiritual growth and what are the things that promote and cultivate our growth. Come join us as we prepare for the Easter season yet to come. Consider gifting yourself this time in Lent to slow down, still your mind, and open yourself up to a deeper understanding of how God is working in your life. SATURDAY, MARCH 28- NOON IN THE WESLEY ROOM Bring your Bible and your journal or a notebook LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED! To assist with planning please sign up at the Welcome Station.

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The Lost Boy - Young Jesus in the Temple a children’s musical by Allen Pote and Tom Long Presented by Aldersgate’s “ARTS IN THE AFTERNOON” Children Sunday, March 22nd 11:00 am Aldersgate UMC Sanctuary

Keep the Buzz Going……. Did you hear something at worship this week that went down deep? Maybe a line of a hymn or anthem, or a quote or point of the sermon; maybe you experienced Christ’s love in a new way, or were touched by the prayer. Why not share it with others? A simple FB post or a Tweet, a conversation around the table or water fountain can be used by the Holy Spirit to invite, encourage, or remind others (and even yourself) of the blessing of gathering in God’s house for worship. So don’t be shy, share the good news - you never know what power might be released for God’s glory!

SPOTIFY Your Praise! Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/pods that plays music from playlists built by members. Each month, Nan creates a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 Contemporary worship service. Search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, right now AUMC March 2015 is posted). You can “tune your heart” all week, and be even more ready to praise God on Sunday mornings! Another cool feature is that you can select “Radio” from this playlist and it will shuffle in a variety of Contemporary Christian music from the same artists and play all day long! Hope you’ll give it a try – and if you encounter problems, give Nan a call!

Missy Prissy Tea Party for Women of All Ages Saturday, April 18th 2:00 - 4:00 pm Family Life Center Entertainment Photo Opportunities Original Spring Bonnet Parade $ 5.00 adults * $ 3.00 2 -10 years old Free over 90 and under 2 Door Prizes

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Community Connections Below are only two of the many examples of the impact Colleen Anna was making on the community. Sadly, Collen passed away on February 7th. Colleen, you will be missed. MEET OUR STAR VOLUNTEER FOR JANUARY - COLLEEN ANNA We are proud to present Colleen Anna in our Volunteer Spotlight this month. Colleen is a member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Durham. She was involved in establishing Aldersgate as a host congregation for DIHN (Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network). Through the years, she has participated in many roles, including organizing and serving meals, transporting families to and from the Day House and serving as the overnight host to nearly every rotation. Colleen says the most meaningful aspect of her volunteer role is witnessing the bravery of the DIHN families. She particularly enjoys the experience of hosting the meals, which provides the opportunity to meet and interact with families. She says the time she’s given to DIHN, “has been worth every minute.” Friends admire Colleen for her gentle and unselfish spirit and her constant attention to those less fortunate. A fellow parishioner at Aldersgate says, “Colleen Anna has witnessed her faith more than anyone I know. Not by her talk, but by her example.” In addition to her untiring work for DIHN, Colleen has volunteered extensively and been a board member of Urban Ministries. She and her late husband, Bob, organized meals for the night shelter for many years. Colleen has also worked for countless other charitable causes, including the CROP walk, CONDUIT and the Murdock Center. While Colleen is currently unable to perform all of the roles that she has in the past years, we continue to celebrate her amazing contributions to Durham IHN and the families they service. Please join us in saluting Colleen as our DIHN Volunteer of the month. From: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services - Central Regional Hospital To: Colleen Anna in care of Aldersgate United Methodist Church Dear Colleen and Aldersgate friends, Wow! That was all I could say when Volunteer Services received your very generous monetary gift for the Reindeer Store. I called Colleen immediately. Your funds will be used to make purchases for the Reindeer Store 2015. With funds in hand, we will be searching for best buys through out the year to make the Reindeer Store another success. This success is shared with Aldersgate friends for your continued support. One brief story from the Reindeer Store this year; a snapshot of what your gifts provided. I watched as a hospitalized patient proudly presented family members with gifts purchased at the Reindeer Store. Your donations allow patients to celebrate Christmas with dignity as they share gifts with loved ones. In appreciation, Deborah Ferrell, CAVNC Volunteer Services Director

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WALK THE LABYRINTH in the Family Life Center The Labyrinth is open: Friday, March 20th 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Saturday, March 21st 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, March 22nd 8:00 am - 5:00 pm A labyrinth is not a maze – it has only one path in and one path out. There are no tricks or dead ends and you cannot get lost in a labyrinth. The path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for our journey towards and with God. Walking it with an open mind and an open heart will create the most meaningful experience. We are all on the path... exactly where we need to be. The labyrinth is a model of that path. For more information about the Labyrinth and Ways to Walk the Labyrinth, please pick up the Labyrinth brochure, at the Welcome Stations located outside the Sanctuary and in the Family Life Center. We also need volunteers to sign up for shifts to be present to answer questions and guide visitors while the labyrinth is at our church. It is an easy but an important job so please stop by the welcome station and pick a time that works for you. You may sign up at the Welcome Stations for one hour time frames. Your help is greatly appreciated! If you, or your group, would like more information about the labyrinth, please contact Barbara Atkinson at

HOW TO WALK THE LABYRINTH There is no right way or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Use the Labyrinth in any way that meets what you need while being respectful of others walking. You may go directly to the center to sit quietly -- whatever meets your needs. You can walk a labyrinth fast or slowly. Any and all ages can walk a labyrinth. There are many different designs for labyrinths. Before you enter the labyrinth, spend some time in prayer with God, inviting Him to speak and preparing yourself to listen and

receive from God. Often, although not always, you might come to your Labyrinth walk with a question that you want to ask of God. A very simple question to walk the Labyrinth with is “how is my life like the labyrinth?” A simple Labyrinth walk involves a three part movement. There is the releasing, the receiving and finally, the returning. The first half of the labyrinth is walked releasing/letting go of

worries, concerns, and fears. At the center of the labyrinth you receive whatever God has for you. Pause, and listen for this gift. As you leave the center, returning along the path, give thanks as you walk towards the exit - back to the world, to your everyday life, to the busyness, to whatever awaits you in your life.

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Nursery Ministry EACH SUNDAY MORNING: 8:15, 9:30 AND 11:00 AM Ruth Kay, Lynn Wilfong, Ellen Whisnant and Alice Osteen Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong

Acolyte Schedule For This Month 8:15 am Service 3/1 Margaret Ann Healy/Danielle Nixon 3/8 Tanner Reo 3/15 Grace Herbstreith 3/22 Joshua Bosecker 3/29 5th Sunday - Joanna de Andrade 11:00 am Service 3/1 Jacob Bosecker/Emily Lain 3/8 Cameron Nye 3/15 Kaylee Eckhoff 3/22 Allie Ramirez

An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.

Altar Guild For this Month Suzi Caudill Joyce Mackin Nancy Gaither

Trustee for this Month Susan Dernosek

Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.

Trustees are Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Effective trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

Aldersgate UMC Operation and Ministries: Contributions vs. Expenses Year to Date Operation Contributions

Year to Date Operation Expenses

Year to Date Contributions - Expenses



(18,347.79) )

Data as of: February 15th

If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Mary Taylor to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of on-line giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Mary at 919-477-0509, ext. 117. Thank you for your generosity and support!

March Lay Assistants 8:15 Service 3/1/2015

USHERS Chick Hinton* Richard Riggsbee Beverly Jackson Jeff Sturkey

GREETER Dave Brese - M Carol Brese -O


LAY READER Debbie Edge


Mary Tom Roberts* Myrna Umphlett Rebel Umphlett Kirk Brown

Pat Stancil-M Kaye Harris-O

Mitch Adkins

Dave Brese


Carl Chmielewsk Kathy Chmielewsk* Mitch Adkins Katherine Siler

Beverly Jackson-M Mitch Adkins-O

Judy Alford

Sharon MacLaurin


Doug/Carole Morris* Beverly Jackson Mary Tom Roberts Jeff Sturkey

Mary Tom Roberts -M Chick Hinton-O

Beverly Jackson

Ruth Kay

Michael Crutchfield* Wanda Crutchfield

Mary Taylor

Anne Finch

Beth Menchini


Nancy Wykle* Steven Fishback

Matt Buckner


Matt Buckner* Margaret Muir

Beth Menchini


Mary & Doug Taylor*

Suzanne Elliott

Ronnie Oakley* Bill Smith Nancy Grinstead Ron West

Ginger Hawkins-M Maryellen Finnigan-O

Sarah Walker

John Howe


Maryellen Finnigan* Paula Veasey Pam Boatright Paula Alford

Amelia Oakley-M Betty Jane Upchurch -O

Ronnie Oakley

Debbie Fletcher


Debbie Fletcher* Jim Willis Michele Tucker Kimberly Riggs

Tammy Closs-M Paula Veasey-O

Lindsay Brown

Judy Schlegel


Sarah & Brent Walker* Ronnie Oakley Michele Tucker Nancy Grinstead

Pam Boatright-M Janie Howell-O

Nancy Grinstead

Suzi Caudill

3/29/15 5th Sunday

Bill Smith/Matt Bucker Richard Riggsbee Ronnie Oakley

Mitch Adkins Beverly Jackson

9:30 Service 3/1/2015

11:00 Service 3/1/2015

Mary Taylor Mary Taylor

Lee Worsley Lisa Janes

Judy Alford

Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712

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