A ldersgate Experience Connecting, Knowing, Loving, Growing
In this May 2012 issue:
“Just My Opinion” Pastor’s Message Connecting Graduation Fellowship Meal May Birthdays Thank you KNOWING Children’s Ministry Vacation Bible School Festival of Wisdom and Grace LOVING Sunday Worship Visitation Team M. Hines Concert Music Notes 8 Days Of Hope Uth Extravaganza Lyra Concert Memorial Day Worship Service Family Movie Night An Evening of Praise Concert Music & Art Camp GROWING Trustees Corner Construction Updates Men’s Retreat Financial Fitness Acolyte/Nursery Altar Guild May Lay Schedule
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I’m really getting sick and tired of media messages that stereotype Christians in America as one monolithic group. Worst of all, this stereotype usually goes something like this: Christians are intolerant, backward jerks who are judgmental, hypocritical, out of touch, and cannot be reasoned with. Now, I, for one, do struggle with being judgmental and hypocritical; but I know Christians who do not have to deal with these sins as much as I do. And, I also know plenty of Christians who have confessed these sins and asked God to help them work on these issues. And, alas, there are still others who take on the name of Christian who are, in fact, intolerant, backward jerks who are judgmental, hypocritical, out of touch, and cannot be reasoned with. (Oops, I did it again…) I’ve been wondering if there is some way to fight this stereotype. 1) I guess the best way is to try to be salt and light to the world, or the leaven in the bread. In other words, be the best possible Christian you can be so that others will come to believe that Jesus really does make a positive difference in our life and in the world; and therefore, the common stereotype of Christians just isn’t true. I think I learned it best as a child, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” If we are supposed to be gracious, compassionate, and forgiving, then let’s be gracious, compassionate, and forgiving. 2) Be willing to calmly and peaceably correct and instruct other Christians when we do perpetuate the myth by being unloving, judgmental, or hypocritical. Since we have to use our own judgment to engage another
in this event, I hope you will engage the other in a way that can encourage them toward a different action and not simply condemn them for their behavior. 3) Be willing to calmly and peaceably correct and instruct non-believers who perpetuate the myth, as well. Let them know that there are about 250 million Christians in the United States and that we don’t all believe the same things and act the same way. There is no such thing as a Christian voting bloc. (We don’t all have the same opinions on homosexual marriage, on abortion, on war, on taxes, on immigration, or the environment.) Just because one church pickets military funerals doesn’t mean we all want to do it. God has empowered the Church of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to transform the world. The worldwide, inter-denominational, one, holy, universal, and apostolic Church is doing tremendous good by positively changing lives, impacting communities, and improving society. We work for peace and justice, to alleviate health concerns and the effects of poverty, to bring the lonely and lost into community, and to teach that salvation is the greatest gift we could possibly have. We do more good than any institution on this planet, and yet often we get a bad reputation because each of us still struggles to live like Christ every minute of every day. Some people expect us to be perfect when, in fact, we come to Christ precisely because we know we aren’t perfect. It is hard to be the person we are called to be. But with God’s help we can be a mirror that reflects Christ’s love to the world. Let’s prove this silly stereotype wrong. Let’s show the world that Christians are a gracious people that anyone would be proud to associate with. Peace be with you, Pastor Doug
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CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another) Graduation Do you have a student graduating from either high school or college this spring? We would like to recognize all our graduates at the 11:00am service on Sunday, May 20th.
Time passes so fast‌ Graduation time again!
Please email Suzi Caudill, sscaud@yahoo.com the name of your graduate, the school from which they are graduating, and their future plans. We will ask the high school graduates to come to the front of the sanctuary to receive a small token and will ask the college grads to stand and be recognized. We would like to receive the information by Friday, May 11th.
The Mid Week Fellowship meal is great for: Connecting, Knowing Loving, Growing‌..
May Menu 5:30pm - each Wednesday the Family Life Center
May 2nd May 9th May 16th May 23rd
Bake Ziti, Salad, Dessert Susannah Wesley Circle providing meal BBQ Chicken, Veggie, Salad, Bread, Dessert No Meal
Aldersgate Experience
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May Birthdays
Tony McCall Thomas Pearson Derek Hampson Ryan Dickerson Wendy Elder Patrick Frank Dan van Blaricom Patrick Westbrook Daniel Shaver Benjamin Wike Kim Aiken Susan Parham Aaron Schalliol Evelyn Anderson Lindsay Brown Andy Revill Jessica Harris Robin Whitaker Madison Neal Jim Smith Alison Wood Peggy Allen Randy Gordon Andrew Holland Margie Muir Todd Nye Olivia Anderson Rachael Crownover Rebecca Johnson Steven Dickerson Robbie Tomasic Sara McGrath
05/01 05/02 05/02 05/05 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/07 05/08 05/09 05/09 05/09 05/10 05/10 05/10 05/11 05/11 05/13 05/13 05/13 05/14 05/14 05/14 05/14 05/14 05/15 05/15 05/15 05/16 05/16 05/17
Charlotte O’Brien Pam Brinkley John Hall Mary Lynn Van Deventer Ann Williams Nathan Mullins Stephen Gillispie Caroline Morris Christopher Twine Pam Verble Mary Dossett Brianna Cooper Sheila Dickerson Steven Fishback Hannah Fogle Grayson Shackett Robin Thomas Brenda Helmer William Murrell Peter Holland Janet MacFall Justin Mullins Cindy Stanley Sam Andrews Jr Lynn Baird Emma Murrell Dale Critcher Tracy Shackett Emma Freeman Travis Hanson Michael Jones Jessica Hale
05/17 05/18 05/18 05/18 05/18 05/19 05/20 05/20 05/20 05/20 05/21 05/22 05/22 05/22 05/22 05/22 05/22 05/23 05/23 05/25 05/26 05/26 05/26 05/27 05/27 05/27 05/28 05/28 05/29 05/29 05/29 05/31
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Your calls, cards, visits and prayers for me during my recent diagnosis and surgery are a reflection of the love amongst our Aldersgate family. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your kindnesses and caring! - Betty Jane Upchurch
"I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks." William Shakespeare
Interfaith Hospitality Network would like to thank the 60 plus people who came together to make our IHN week a success! Each task of cooking, serving a meal, setting up the rooms, driving, and staying overnight, not to mention all the prayers that are said throughout the week, contributes to an atmosphere of welcome and caring for our guests. Thank you!
KNOWING You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 11:19
(Know more about God, each other, and the needs) Nursery volunteers are needed to assist our regular nursery staff in caring for our young children. For more information contact Ann Williams at alw518@gmail.com or 428.1289.
We need assistants for Kids Own Worship during the later part of the 11:00 service. The assistants accompany the children to the FLC and help the leader with the lesson. Assistants would serve about every six weeks. Contact Jane Brannock at jane@aldersgate.org or 477-0509. Summer Sunday school teachers and assistants needed for June-August. The lessons are easy to use and all the supplies are provided. We especially need teachers for preschool classes. Contact Linda Jones at 382-3096 for more information. Training for summer Sunday school teachers will be held on Sunday, May 20th at 12:15 in the FLC gym. Check-in and out routines, supplies and how to use the curriculum will all be covered in the hour session. Safe Sanctuaries training will also be held on May 20 at 1:15 in the gym. All adults working with children and youth must attend a session. Adult Vacation Bible School - We are pleased that Dr. Mickey Efird is returning for our adult VBS sessions from June 18-June 21. Dr. Efird in Professor Emeritus at Duke Divinity School. He is a widely known Old and New Testament scholar. He has authored 14 books and over 60 articles and papers.
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Vacation Bible School - June 18th - 22nd "Save those bottles!! It's VBS planning time and we need your help! Please save all your CLEAR 2 liter plastic bottles and put them in the box labeled "VBS 2012" under the table outside the church office.
Let's dive in! ....."Operation Overboard" “Dare to go deep with God! ” June 18th-22nd - 6:00-8:00pm Dinner from 5:00 - 6:00pm - age: 3 - adults - (nursery provided for under 3) Volunteers are needed - If you can help VBS, please contact: michelleschalliol@hotmail.com or 919-768-0286. It’s also for adults ! We are pleased that Dr. Mickey Efird is returning for the adult VBS sessions !
2012 Festival of Wisdom and Grace From Transition to Transformation July 30 - August 2, 2012 The 2012 Festival of Wisdom and Grace Conference, sponsored by the Southeastern Jurisdictional Association of Older Adults, is an experience that will renew your life! You will celebrate the Kingdom of God!
From Transition to Transformation
The event includes worship, Bible study, workshops, and lots of good fellowship. It is designed for older adults, as well as for persons working with older adults in their congregations. "From Transition to Transformation" Scripture: Psalm 90:2 “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." For questions concerning registration, call 1.800-222-4930 or questions about this event, contact Pam Moser, Ministry Event Development Office at pmoser@lakejunaluska.com or by calling 828-454-6795. You may also contact: contact Burton King - 477-5245 Now that we have a bus, let’s fill it up with older adults!
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(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)
Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Morning Worship 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Aldersgate Sanctuary. Sunday School - 9:30 - the Family Life Center May 6th May 13th
OT: Psalm 22:25-31 NT: John 15:1-8 Message by: Rev. Tara Lain OT: Psalm 38 NT: John 8:1-11 “What’s In Your Backpack ?"
May 20th May 27th
New Visitation Team Do you know someone who would like a visit from a member of the Aldersgate Visitation Team? We have a group of members who love spending time with folks who are homebound or who are limited in their ability to move about the community with ease. If you would like to request a regular visitor for yourself or for another member of our Aldersgate family please send an email to tara@aldersgate.org or call 919-477-0509, ext. 102.
A Concert of Sacred and Secular Songs by Maurio Hines, tenor, and friends Accompanist - Richard Wall Sunday, May 20th - 7:00 pm Aldersgate UMC Sanctuary A Love Offering will be received to help Maurio in his move to the Glimmerglass Young Artists Program in Cooperstown, New York www.glimmerglass.org
Let Maurio treat you to some of his favorite songs, and say farewell to Maurio, who has been active in the music ministry and afterschool/camp ministry here at Aldersgate for a number of years.
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Contact: Rev. Nan de Andrade, Music Minister (477-0509 x116) nan@aldersgate.org “ADVENT, CHRISTMAS, EPIPHANY, LENT EASTER, ASCENSION, and a PENTECOST EVENT!” There’s ALWAYS a reason to sing praise! That’s why our music ministry serves all year long! Music
Here’s our rehearsals schedule: Chancel Choir (Adults, older youth welcome!): Wednesdays,7:30-9:00 pm Children’s Choirs (Three graded choirs): 6:15-7:30 pm (through May 9th, **also participating in the District “Evening of Praise” on June 3rd) Handbells: Joyful Noise Ringers (Adult/youth) - Tuesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 pm Jingle Bells (New Beginner group): Sundays 5:15-6:00pm (through May) Youth Choir (6th-12th graders): Sundays 4-5:00 pm (check weekly calendar for confirmation of rehearsal dates)
Praise Team (Singers, instrumentalists for praise band): Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm Gospel Lights (old-time gospel/bluegrass JAM): THIRD Mondays at 7:00pm Sweet Sounds (Dulcimer Group) – 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11:00 am Technology Team - If you’d like to train and volunteer to run the sound board (esp. for 9:30 praise team) and prepare and operate our screen projection, please contact John Hall - jahall@nc.rr.com
Need Some “Mi-Mi-Mi” Time? Now is a great time for Nan to spend some time with you to help you identify and grow your skills either as a singer or as a music reader! She can listen to your voice, give you some help on how to sound your best, and teach some healthy singing habits. Or, if you always wanted to learn how to read music, you can spend some time learning the basics to get started. Lessons are “free” – it surely will benefit AUMC’s music ministry for you to take some Mi-Mi-Mi time. So contact Nan for some one-on-one time nan@aldersgate.org or 477-0509 x 116.
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Eight Days of HOPE
This is a great state mission opportunity with many levels of participation. The opportunity is in eastern North Carolina, close to New Bern. The mission is to help rebuild/refab homes that were hit by Hurricane Irene. To date there are about 700 volunteers from all over the US who are coming to participate. They need people with all kinds of skills. From clerical, driving, to electrical and plumbing. There is NO COST to participate.
Please contact: Lisa Clark, ldgclark@nc.rr.com for more information
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UTH Updates
Sunday, May 6th 4:30pm—Dinner-5:30pm (Doors Open)
Bring a friend or two and be ready for a fun night!
Family Life Center Come on out for an evening of food, fellowship, and entertainment while helping our UTH participate in Summer Mission Trips! Dinner (Delicious Food!) RSVP to Heidi Miller hmiller2241@froniter.com Or 919-943-0281
Talent Show (Musical Acts, Skits, etc) Menu: Grilled Herb Chicken Breast with Grilled Pineapple Salas OR Grilled Shrimp Kabob - both served with: Gilled Vegetables and Rice, Salad and Dessert buffet. $12.00 Adult/Youth 12 and up $6.00 Children 4-11yrs. - Under 3 years are free
Silent Auction (yard work, baby sitting, pet washing, car detailing, etc)
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LYRA - Concert in Aldersgate Sanctuary Aldersgate United Methodist Church presents in concert:
“In a wide range of time Lyrc represents examples of Russian sacred music, starting from ancient songs of the Orthodox Church to works of little-known, but remarkable composers…..” Lyra.org
LYR A The Russian Vocal Ensemble of St. Petersburg, Russia Wednesday May 16, 2012 6:30 pm Aldersgate Sanctuary “LYRA” – is a vocal ensemble from St. Petersburg. All singers are professional musicians, singing in different churches of St. Petersburg. Through their performances they introduce the musical heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as the traditions of Russian folk music, to all those with an interest in Russia, its history and its culture. Admission is Free. A Love Offering will be collected
Memorial Day Worship Service - Monday, May 28th During a special Memorial Day Service at Sanctuary UMC . Aldersgate’s Joe Lyndon will be presented a Bronze Star Medal in honor of his father’s service during World War II. The metal will be presented by Chief District Court Judge Marcia Morey. This is going to be a special day. All the details of the other portions of the service are not finalized yet, but mark Monday, May 28th from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on your calendar now. Sanctuary UMC (formerly Lakewood UMC) is located at 2317 Chapel Hill Road and is lead by Lay Minister Curtis Gay from Aldersgate UMC.
Family Movie Night!
Save The Date: July 24th What: Movie: “Courageous” When: Tuesday, July 24 - 7:00pm Where: Rm. 202, Family Life Center Soda and popcorn provided!
Bring friends and family! RSVP by July 15 Dale and Betty Wickham Ph: 919-471-0204 - wickswife@nc.rr.com Childcare will be provided for children 7 and under.
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Durham District - An Evening of Praise Sunday, June 3rd - 7:00 pm Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Church Worship service of joyful hymn-singing and a program of anthems, led by a District massed choir, directed by our local choir directors. Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend!
“Shout To The Lord.. Psalm 9:11
Note: The Aldersgate Chancel and Children’s choirs are rehearsing the choral selections now, as well as joining in a couple of joint rehearsals prior to the big day. If you want to help us make a joyful noise, now is a great time to join the Chancel choir to participate in this “musical mountaintop” experience.
Music and Arts Camp July 9th - July 13th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Cost: $55.00 For ages 6-13. HOLY MOSES!! MUSIC AND ARTS CAMP has... DRAMA! There’s lots of character parts this year - from the Bible and modern times! DANCE! We sing showchoir style, with lots of movement; and some may also learn special dance parts to some songs! ART! Help create backdrops and set pieces! And, of course, MUSIC! The songs are great, with plenty of solo opportunities too! “Holy Moses!” by Kathie Hill is this year’s M&A Camp musical. (Our story is creatively told through some characters in the T.V. show, “Trading Places.” As they explore an Egyptian Palace and an ancient Hebrew home, they discover the great story of Moses, from the Nile River to the Promised Land; from Egyptian Prince to Prophet of the Israelites! We’ll be learning the musical “Holy Moses!” from start to finish in one week! Through an exciting week of rehearsals, games, and activities, we will learn the story, the songs and choreography, the play itself, and also create the set! It is fun, but pretty intensive - younger children should only come if they’re up for that! Sometimes we work in small groups, sometimes all together, and just the soloists, dancers, or main characters will have special practice times too. On Friday at 3:30 pm, we invite everyone in to see our show! REGISTRATION for half-day camp is due by 6/28. Please be sure to let Nan know if you’re interested in auditioning for a speaking part early – we give out some scripts early for the larger parts. Registration Brochures are in the office. (*For children attending Aldersgate Weekday School Ministries Full-day Summer Camp Program, there is no additional fee or need to register separately for Music and Arts Camp week!) Please share a brochure with neighborhood children/friends. Volunteers are needed! Contact: Music Minister, Rev. Nan de Andrade (477-0509 x116) nan@aldersgate.org
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(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.)
The Bus has arrived and now we need drivers. If you are interested in getting information on how you can be a driver for the church bus please contact Dave Anderson. The choir room has new paint and carpet. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped give the choir room this much needed face lift. We have many activities going on at Aldersgate as our church expands to fit our needs; new traffic patterns, large machinery and different people. Please watch your children as they travel throughout our campus. The area beneath the stairs in the FLC are not to be used for storage except for the cabinets that are already there. Also, please do not bring any more items from home to be stored in the FLC. Examples of this would be used toys. We are out of storage space in the FLC . If you have something that is currently being stored in the FLC and will no longer be using , please discard those items. Feel free to contact a Trustee if you have concerns about the facilities of Aldersgate Our 2012 AUMC Trustees are: Billy Cole, Chairperson, Susan Dernosek, Vanessa Gordon, Laurie Leeson, Kay Shaver, Randy Sheffield, Phil Stancil, Mark Thomas, Ron West.
Aldersgate Phase I - April Construction Update Trees have been cleared and all wood has been ground into mulch and hauled away. Surveyors have begun to lay out the parking lot east of the Family Life Center and the Activity Field. The connector between the two existing parking areas in front of the church has been completed. We had hoped to save the large oak tree - east of the FLC along Umstead Road. An arborist evaluated the tree and revealed the entire length of the tree was hollow; the tree had to be removed. The grading work has started on the new parking lot. The activity field is nearing final grade.
Men’s Retreat Meeting If you are planning on going to the Men’s Retreat, please attend the Men's Retreat organizational meeting for Thursday, May 10,2012 at 7:00pm Room 206 in the Family Life Center. Contact: Dave Anderson unohairyman@yahoo.com for more details or any questions:
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$ from Goal
% of Goal
Budgeted Goal
Pledged Goal
JANUARY – MARCH, 2012 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS are in the “Contribution Statement” boxes in the Narthex. Be sure to pick up your statement and check that the church records accurately reflect your personal contribution records. Contact Cathy Sheffield @ cathy@aldersgate.org if you have any corrections. or questions about your statement.
May Acolyte Schedule
Nursery Schedule
8:15 am Worship Service 5/6 5/13 5/20 5/27
11:00 am Worship Service 5/6 5/13 5/20 5/27
8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am
Catherine Fishback/Mackenzie Hale Reid Moser Olivia Lain Janae Andrews
Ella Thomas/Kelly Copolo Lewis Reo Matt Johnson Grace Vincent
Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong Wednesday Night Activities: Dee Stover & Lynn Wilfong
Altar Guild May Deneaize Bennett, Nancy Hargis and Wanda Crutchfield
Trustee for May Susan Dernosek
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8:15am Worship Service Ushers
Lay Readers
Carl & Kathy Chmielewski (o) Richard Riggsbee Ed Osteen (m) Henry Atkinson Chick Hinton Charles Andrews
Lisa Clark
Mary Tom Roberts (m) Jackie Roberts (m) Henry Atkinson (o)
Carole & Doug Morris Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown
Sharon MacLaurin
Jean Mrosla (o) Jeff Sturkey (m)
Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts Joe & Lisa Clark
Susan Gay
Kaye Harris (o) Lisa Clark (m)
Mitch Adkins/Raye Lyndon Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson
Barbara Atkinson
9:30am Worship Service 5/6 5/13 5/20 5/27
Lara Rowland Betty/Dale Wickham Ron/Joyce Pendergrass Michael/Wanda Crutchfield
Betty/Dale Wickham Gene Bell/Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Andrea Stewart
April Perry Wanda Crutchfield Bill Paynter Cathy Sheffield
11:00am Worship Service 5/6
Mary Gordon (o) Judy & Paula Alford (m)
Andrea Steward/Andy McCorison Ginger Hawkins/Graham Nichols
Bill Paynter
Anne Almond (m) Summer Stanley (o)
Joyce Mackin/Jennifer McLamb Paula & Gary James
Carl Allen
Heidi Miller (m) Joyce Mackin (o)
Maryellen & Walter Finnigan Megan Hunt/Mitch Moser
Ron West
Ed Osteen (m) Betty Jane Upchurch (o)
Nancy Grindstead/Paula Veasey Pam Boatright/Paula Alford
Sandra Reynolds
To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below www.aldersgate.org and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left hand side of the front page.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
We’re on Facebook
info@aldersgate.org www.aldersgate.org