Connecting Knowing Loving Growing
20 13
During the month of May, we celebrate Pentecost. For many, this is the day we wear red to remind us of the tongues of flame that came down that day. For others, Pentecost is the day the Confirmands will join the church, affirming their baptisms, and becoming full members. Still others know Pentecost as the Birthday of the Church. This is the day when the church was born, the Holy Spirit blew in like a mighty wind, and people gathered together to worship the risen Lord! The good news is that we can celebrate Pentecost in all these ways! And we will celebrate, on May 19th, all of these things! Our Confirmands will come, reminding us of our own baptisms and what it means to commit ourselves to the Church. They will be given red stoles that have been prayed over to remind them that they join not only Aldersgate but they also join the ministry of all believers. Pentecost is the day the church began and it was started for the purpose of spreading God’s love and sharing the word of God with all people in order to make everyone a disciple. We are all ministers in this understanding of the word. It takes the gifts of each of us, offered individually and together, to share the grace of God with a world that doesn’t know it’s loved! We join with the Confirmands as we reaffirm our vows to support the church and spread the gospel in the world with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness! Join us for this uplifting celebration on Pentecost Sunday, May 19. Celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the church, by wearing something red. Support our Confirmands by reaffirming your vows and recommitting yourself to let the Spirit guide you in the use of your God-given gifts. Join with the body of Christ as we collectively, here and around the world, say “Come, Holy Spirit, come!” May the presence of the Holy Spirit inspire your work in the world during this season of Pentecost and always.
Pastor Tara
CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)
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Inside this issue:
Page 2
Morning Apart / Vacation Bible School
Page 3
Promotion Sunday /Volunteers
Page 4
Music Ministry
Page 5
Sunday Worship/Gratitude
Page 6
Heart of Carolina Page 7 Barbershop Harmony Chorus Carnegie By the Creek/ UMM Fishing Trip Drive Thru Prayer/Yard Page 8 Sale/Sanctuary UMC Invitation Thank you’s/Alpha Book Sale
Page 9
Music & Art Camp /UTH Extravaganza
Page 10
Children’s Ministry and Weekday School Ministry
Page 11
Acolytes, Nursery, Altar Guild & Trustees
Page 12
Lay Assistants - May
Page 13
Financials Thru April
Page 14
Tony McCall Derek Hampson Sarah Maynard Ryan Dickerson Wendy Elder Patrick Frank Dan van Blaircom Patrick Westbrook Daniel Shaver Benjamin Wike Kim Aiken Susan Parham Aaron Schalliol Evelyn Anderson Lindsay Brown Russell John Chapin Andy Revill Jessica Harris Robin Whitaker Madison Neal Jim Smith Alison Wood Peggy Allen Randy Gordon Andrew Holland Margie Muir
1 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14
Todd Nye Olivia Anderson Rachael Crownover Becca Johnson Steven Dickerson Jake Keplinger Jacob Keplinger Robbie Tomasic Charlotte O’Brien Pam Brinkley John Hall Mary Lynn Van Deventer Ann Williams Stephen Gillispie Jeffrey Harris Christopher Twine Pam Verble Sheila Dickerson Steven Fishback Hannah Fogle
15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 22 22 22
Grayson Shackett Robin Thomas Brenda Helmer William Murrell Tyler Tomasic Sam Rhule Scott Rhule Janet MacFall Cindy Stanley Sam Andrews Jr. Lynn Baird Emma Murrell Dale Critcher Tracy Shackett Emma Freeman Travis Hanson Michael Jones Richard Smith Jessica Hale
2&3 JOHN
5/1 Pizza Casserole, Broccoli/Cauliflower Salad, Bread, Dessert 5/8
Chicken Salad, Fresh Fruit, Rolls, and Dessert (by Haiti Mission Teams)
5/15 Roast Pork, Rice & Gravy, Vegetable, and Desserts 5/22 Baked Potato Bar, Salad, and Desserts
22 22 23 23 23 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 31
KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. )
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MORNING APART - MAY 11TH - “COME, HOLY SPIRIT, FILL THE HEARTS OF YOUR FAITHFUL” The next scheduled contemplation is Saturday, May 11th, from 9:00 a.m. until noon in the Wesley room. Now that we have celebrated Easter we will be looking toward Pentecost and how we can encounter the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. While this time apart is important for each of us individually, so our spirits can be refreshed and renewed; it is also important that
we do this in the context of a supportive faith community. We learn and grow from each other in our journey to experience the presence of God. Please accept this invitation to be part of this time to draw closer to God without the distractions of the world. Stretch yourself and what you know about prayer, meditation and solitude. In the past, we’ve ended our time together with a simple
and humble meal – For the meal on May 11th, everyone is asked to bring a salad to share. It will also add more meaning to our meal if everyone has contributed something. Please remember to bring your Bible, your journal – a favorite salad to share and a heart that is open and ready to receive God’s blessings. If you have any questions please feel contact Barbara Atkinson habnc @ or 919 765-9784.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - JUNE 24TH - 28TH - EVERYWHERE FUN FAIR Everywhere Fun Fair Vacation Bible School is June 24th-28th from 6:008:00pm, with dinner from 5:00-5:45. Register now by going to and click on the VBS connection. We also need lots of adult and youth volunteers. You can also sign up to volunteer at this same web site. We have a job for YOU!!! Please take a look and see how you can help out!
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LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)
MOVING ON UP - PROMOTION SUNDAY Traditionally Aldersgate has held promotion Sunday the end of August for the next year. However, the rising sixth graders now move up to the youth group at the beginning of June. We also have a number of yearround children in our program. Finally, all the children feel like they have been “promoted” to the next grade when they end their school year. Therefore, the Children’s Christian Formation Team will move the children to the next grade beginning with the summer Sunday school season on June 2nd. We will follow the Durham school policy, which observes the cut-off date of August 31 for grade decisions. Please contact Jane Brannock if you have any questions -
KIDS OWN WORSHIP NEEDS YOU! This is an important ministry to our children, but we cannot do it without enough folks willing to go to another service a couple of times a year and then be with these wonderful children during the 11:00 am service. Two adults are needed for each session. One person leads the time together and the other adult is there to assist. Contact Jane Brannock jane@aldersgate.orgor Holly Fishback if you are interested in being a part of our children’s ministry.
SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS ON JUNE 2ND. We love all of our Sunday School Teachers and would love to give them time off during the summer. They worked so hard throughout the year! Let’s show them how much we appreciate them! If you can teach or assist one or two Sundays this summer, please contact Jane Brannock at
Volume 1, Issue 1
MUSIC MINISTRY “You can’t out-give God.” You’ve probably heard those words before, and know them to be true. Every time you give your gifts to the Lord, you realize the heaven-sent rewards somehow exceed your sacrifice. Well, it’s doubly-true with music ministry. Ask anyone involved in our ministry here at AUMC! We give our time and talents… we get: an outlet for our art, Christian fellowship and support with some of the best folk you’ll ever know, health benefits equivalent Notes from Nan to time spent exercising, a satisfying way to communicate our love for God, music skills, deeper knowledge of God’s Word as expressed through music, and not to mention, a super cool seat and robe! YOU are invited and welcome to join in our music ministry – no experience is necessary; the only requirement is a heart that wants to praise God! Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more. (
MUSIC SCHEDULE Chancel Choir: Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm Praise Team: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm. Singers and instrumentalists welcome! Children’s Choirs: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm (This is a part of WNL for Kids rotation of Bible Club activities and Music time. It meets through May15th and will resume in the fall….meanwhile, check out our Music and Arts Camp, held July 8th-12th.) Handbells: These groups are “winding down” for the summer break, but in the fall, look for choirs for all ages and levels of experience! SWEET SOUNDS DULCIMER GROUP: Would you like to learn how to play a hammered dulcimer? We have a dulcimer for you to learn on, and a small group to learn with! Our sessions are the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11:00 am.
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Aldersgate Experience
May 5th
Message by Rob Tucker
May 12
“Rock Your World" message by Doug Lain - OT: Psalm 97 & NT: Acts 16:16-34
May 19
Confirmation Sunday “The Best Is Still To Come" Message by: Doug Lain - OT: Acts 2:1-21 & NT: Ephesians 3:14-21
May 26
Message by Tara Lain - OT: Psalm 8 & NT: John 16:12-15
When George & I joined Aldersgate UMC 40 years ago, Rev. Bill Simpson said to the congregation: “Members of the household of God, I commend George & Regina to your love and care. Do all in your power to increase their faith, confirm their hope & perfect them in love.” I am so grateful that each pastor and member throughout these 40 years has done exactly that. Aldersgate also extended that promise to our children, Laurie and David, as they were baptized, confirmed & married here. Aldersgate has laughed with us, celebrated with us, cried with us, prayed for us, increased our faith, confirmed our hope & most of all loved us.
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Aldersgate Experience
THE HEART OF CAROLINA BARBERSHOP HARMONY CHORUS Special Concert Finale to Wednesday Night Live! May 22nd - 6:30pm “Full, rich sound - without instrumental accompaniment or studio gimmicks - is the striking impression you get from The Heart of Carolina Chorus,” says the News and Observer. Heart of Carolina is the award-winning DurhamChapel Hill chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. The all-male group is composed of 32 members coming from a broad spectrum including salesmen, medical doctors
and retired clergy. Aldersgate is especially proud to claim tenor Mark Haskell. Their concert, held in our sanctuary, will include sacred and secular favorites. Read more about them, and sample the treat coming our way at :
Carnegie By The Creek Our singers who recently sang at Carnegie Hall are excited that a morelocal concert of the same anthems, conducted by composers Joseph Martin and Pepper Choplin, will be offered this July at Buies Creek,
NC! This will be a concert highlight of Campbell University’s summer “Oasis” Music and Worship conference, featuring the Carnegie concert’s ecumenical assembly of singers from all over the
USA, and accompanied by a bluegrass band. The concert will be held on Monday, July 15th at 7:00 pm. Watch for more details to come!
UNITED METHODIST MEN’S ANNUAL FISHING OUTING ALL MEN ARE INVITED The Methodist Men’s Annual Fishing Outing May 3-5th Fort Fisher, N.C. Contact: John Sanders (919-697-7205) or Jim Smith (919-471-1198) for details and reservations.
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Aldersgate Experience
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS DRIVE THRU PRAYER is the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4:00-6:00 pm. It’s simple, You’ll feel great afterwards, AND it’s the ONLY ONE IN DURHAM ! Just drive “thru". Someone will meet you at your car and pray with you. OR
NEXT DRIVE THRU PRAYER MAY 7th 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
If you are interested in helping (but not necessarily praying) you can help set up signs, tear down the tent at the end, or pass out water. Feel like you want to maybe check out the prayer part? You can start with observing with a partner. We have heard from many in the community what a blessing this is to them and you could be part of it! If you have any questions contact Carol Brese at 919-471-2269
by MICAH 6:8 COVENANT GROUP for THE METHODIST HOME FOR CHILDREN One of the ways the members of the Micah 6:8 Covenant group strive to be better disciples of Jesus is by seeking a more simplified life. Now that spring is here we'll be cleaning out our closets and garages and holding a yard sale on Saturday, June 1st from 7 a.m. until noon. The sale will take place at the home of JANE BAHOR, 5619 RED COACH RD, DURHAM. All proceeds from the sale will go to support Methodist Home for Children. Please plan on coming out early to get the best buys and help support a wonderful cause! For more information please see Betty Wickham, Jane Bahor, Susan Cummings, Sandra Reynolds or Henry and Barbara Atkinson or email
SANCTUARY UMC INVITES YOU... Sanctuary UMC will celebrate Memorial Day with a special worship service May 26th at 2:00 PM. Many members of Aldersgate attended this event last year when we awarded Joe Lyndon with a Bronze Star Medal his father had earned in WWII. We hope you found it a rewarding and moving experience. We are planning another service this year that we hope will be just as special. The church, formerly known as Lakewood UMC is located at 2317 Chapel Hill Road, at the corner of Chapel Hill Road and Huron Street. Curtis Gay - Certified Lay Minister at Aldersgate UMC and Pastor of Sanctuary UMC at Lakewood.
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Aldersgate Experience
THANK YOU This is Elizabeth Pittman, mother of Nahla. I'm just writing to express the joy and peace that you brought to me this past week. It was a lovely stay under the circumstances. I really appreciate everything that you have done for us. Things are looking up and keep us in your prayers. I will be moving into my place on May 10, 2013. I'm very excited. I'm not too far from the church so I will be making Aldersgate my home once I get settled in Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart you. Thank you again. - Elizabeth Pittman From one of the Interfaith Hospitality Network moms. Elizabeth and her 15 month old daughter were our guests the week of April 7th. Words cannot express my gratitude to our Church family for all the cards and calls sent to me during my recent accident. Most importantly the prayers that you all sent to our heavenly Father on my behalf helped me so very much. I thank each of you for showing me all that love and support as I heal. I know how blessed I am to have such wonderful, loving Church friends. God bless each of you and thank you again. - Ginger Hawkins Please express my gratitude to your congregation for the wonderful, weekly donations of new socks and underwear as well as men's clothing for the Clothing Closet at Urban Ministries of Durham. Aldersgate UMC has a generous heart and an incredible spirit for mission which have blessed many at UMD. We are fortunate to have many such faithful partners in mission as you. Marjorie Lott, Coordinator of Food Pantry & Clothing Closet, Urban Ministries of Durham
Alpha Book Sale
Sunday, June 30th 9:00 am-12:00pm, Family Life Center You can help by: Donating books, music & movies! (no objectionable language or content, please)
Coming to the sale! Proceeds fund the Alpha Course at ALDERSGATE UMC To donate contact: Dale and Betty Wickham - 471-0204
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Aldersgate Experience
A TECHNICOLOR PROMISE MUSIC AND ARTS CAMP has... DRAMA! There’s a part just for you! DANCE! We sing show-choir style, with lots of movement; and some may also learn special dance parts to some songs! ART! Help create backdrops and set pieces! And, of course, MUSIC! The songs are great, with plenty of solo opportunities too! Rise and Shine! - “A Technicolor Promise” Everyone loves a rainbow! Not only is it a wonder of creation, radiating beauty after a rain, but more importantly as a sign of the covenant, it reminds us of God’s overwhelming love and grace. “A Technicolor Promise,” by Allen Pote and Carole McCann, is a sometimes humorous but still truthful re-telling of the story of Noah and the Ark. WHEN: Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 12th - TIME: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - COST: $55* FOR ages 6-13 - REGISTRATION for half-day camp is due by June 28th . Registration Brochures are at the Welcome Station or see Nan. (*For children attending AUMC’s Full-day Summer Camp Program, there is no additional fee or need to register separately for Music and Arts Camp week!) What’s the plan? - We plan to audition for some of the larger speaking parts (Noah, Mrs. Noah, and four storytellers) in June so that the week will be fun as well as amazing for all! Mostly, though, we’ll be learning “A Technicolor Promise” together from start to finish in one week! Through an exciting week of rehearsals, games, and activities, we will learn the story (including many other speaking parts and some solos), the songs and choreography, the play itself, and also create the set! It is fun, but pretty intensive - younger children should only come if they’re up for that! Sometimes we work in small groups, sometimes all together, and just the soloists, dancers, or main characters will have special practice times too. On Friday at 3:30 pm, we invite everyone in to see our show! M&A Camp Directors: Heidi Miller and Nan de Andrade Please share a brochure with neighborhood children/friends – we love children! Volunteers are needed! Contact Nan -
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Aldersgate Experience
WEEK 1: JUNE 10-14
Mark your calendars now for these upcoming children’s events: Vacation Bible School June 24th-28th Music and Arts Camp July 8th - 12th Chestnut Ridge Day Camp July 15th-19th (Children may attend any week; see Jane Brannock - )
ALDERSGATE UMC - SCHOOL AGE SUMMER CAMP 7:30AM-6:00PM June 10th-14th - Tie Dye Summer Fun June 17th-21st - Beach Week June 24th-28th - Everything Fun Fair July 1st-5th CLOSED July 8th-12th - Music and Drama Week - “A Technicolor Promise" (Noah)
WEEK 2: JUNE 17-21
“BEACH WEEK” “Everywhere Fair ”
Week 1 -July 29th-August 2nd “Pirates & Princesses"
Week 2 -August 5th-9th “Dinosaurs”
WEEK 3: JUNE 23-28
Week 3 - August 12th-16th "Camping”
The school year is quickly coming to a close. Our 4 year old students will be graduating and moving on to Kindergarten. It amazes me how fast the year goes. I would like to thank all our families for allowing us to be a part of their child’s life this year. And also a GREAT big thank you to all the wonderful teachers at Aldersgate Preschool and After school for all their hard work and dedication this year. I look forward to seeing our returning students in the Fall and all the new families who will be joining us. Have a great summer! - Evelyn Johnson For more information on the “Aldersgate” Camps contact: Evelyn Johnson (919) 479-8686 or email:
Volume 1, Issue 1
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GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) MAY ACOLYTE SCHEDULE
May 5th: May 12th: May 19th: May 26th:
8:15am Service
11:00am Service
Hannah Fogle Gracie Lowans Ella Thomas Mother’s Day Mackenzie Hale Margaret Ann Healy Memorial Day
Tanner Reo Emily Lain Olivia Lain Katie Leonard Becca Johnson
An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
NURSERY MINISTRY Each Sunday Morning: 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis and Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong
MAY ALTAR GUILD Nancy Hargis Lisa Clark Wanda Crutchfield
Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
The new activity field is now open for usage by our members and friends. If you want to reserve the picnic shelter or activity field for a special event , please contact the church office, (919) 477-0509 or
Thirteen New Picnic Tables have arrived and are being installed in the new shelter for everyone to use!
If you or anyone you know is in need of hearing assistance in the sanctuary, please contact a usher, they can assist you with the proper devices.
The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.
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May Lay Assistants Schedule
Greeters & Welcome Station
Lay Readers
8:15am Worship Service 5/5
Joe & Lisa Clark Stacey & Andy McCorison
Chick Hinton (o) Kathy & Carl Chmielewski (m) Welcome Station: Kaye Harris
Barbara Atkinson
Paul & Linda Jones Mitch Adkins/Pam Boatright
Frank Wootton (m) Ed Osteen (o) Welcome Station: Sam & Kay Edwards
Burton King
Kirk Brown/Jackie Roberts Mary Tom Roberts
Henry Atkinson (o) Judy Alford (m) Welcome Station: Mitch Adkins
Curtis Gay
Sam & Jackie Andrews Kaye Harris (o) Jeff Sturkey/Richard Riggsbee Jackie & Mary Tom Roberts Welcome Station: David & Carol Brese
Cathy Sheffield
David Shaffer/Cynthia Bell
Greeter: Linda Shaffer Welcome Station: Holly Hall
Margie Muir
Dale & Betty Wickham
Margie & Marie Muir Welcome Station: Lara Rowland
Lisa Janes
Dawn Eckhoff/Mary Taylor
Shaunesy Story Welcome Station: Betty Wickham
Marie Muir
9:30am Worship Service Lara Rowland Welcome Station: Dale Wickham
11:00am Worship Service Carol Newman (o) Brent and Sarah Walker (m) Welcome Station: John Howe
Garry Bowman
Doug Taylor
Walter & Maryellen Finnigan Ashley King/Bill Smith
Emily Wike
Cathy Moser/Ginger Hawkins Jan Howe/Graham Nichols
Bill Smith (o) Daoug Taylor (m) Welcome Station: Judy Alford
Cathy Cozart
Kelly Freeman/Joyce Mackin Ron & Joyce Pendergrass
Ed Osteen (o) Holly Hall (m) Welcome Station: Sam & Kay Edwards
Carl Allen
Mitch Moser/Ken Strupe Kim & Wayne Aiken
Gary & Paula James (o) Ginger Hawkins (m) Welcome Station: Susan & David Leonard
Burton King
To access the monthly church calendar, please click HERE : or click on This Week in Our Church - on the left side of the front page of the church website:
Offertory Prayer: Gracious God, giver of all good things, as we give our gifts, help us to shift our focus from what we have to what we have to give away. Help us in our giving to focus on the gift of peace that Christ gave to the disciples and that he offers to us. May the gifts we offer bring peace to lives that are in turmoil, hearts that are troubled, and people who live in fear. We pray this in the holy name of Jesus the Christ. Amen. (John 14:23-29) ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INCOME SNAPSHOTS THROUGH 4/21/2013 Operating Income Versus Budget YTD Budgeted Pledged Received Year to date Budgeted
$ 255,978
Unpledged Contributions $
Total YTD Contributions $
YTD Collections Budget
Operating Income Versus Spending YTD Spent Year to date Spending
$ 248,802
Pledges Received $
Unpledged Contributions $
Total YTD Contributions
YTD Collections Spent
Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged Year to date Capital
Pledges Received $
Unpledged Contributions $
Total Contributions $
Received Versus Pledged $
Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
Follow us: TheGate27712