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Aldersgate Experience 1

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

November 2013

Experience “ALL SAINTS DAY”

What gives you comfort and hope? Especially when a loved one dies. What gives you comfort and hope? Is it a belief that things are now better? Is it knowing that God is there? Is it belief in the resurrection? A picture in your mind of what heaven is like? Is it knowing that the pain is gone? It very well might be a combination of all those things. When faced with death, what gives you comfort and hope? As Christian people we do not believe that our earthly death is the end. Instead, we believe that death is a doorway from this life to a life eternal with God in heaven. Eternal means never ending. There is no end. Death creates a loss for those of us left behind; but it is not the end of the story. Rather it is a transforming time where we leave behind our physical bodies and put on our spiritual bodies, as Paul described in 1 Corinthians 15. Since none of us have ever seen that spiritual body it is a little bit unclear as to what life eternal will be like, but we have faith and trust in a Lord that makes all things new.

There’s a dawn in every darkness, bringing hope to you and me. From the past will come the future; what it holds, a mystery, Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see. In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity; In our doubt there is believing; in our life, eternity. In our death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory, Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Even though we can’t see heaven, even though we can’t see our loved ones who have died with these earthly eyes, we are certain of what we do not see. As the song One of my favorite songs talks about the changes that says, it is something God alone can see. I trust God. He’s got a great plan for all of us who believe in Him. take place when we die with several metaphors we understand from living life on this earth. It is “Hymn There’s more than this life and that gives me comfort and hope. of Promise” written by Natalie Sleeth. Read these words again, and if you know the tune, sing it in your Join us on All Saints Sunday as we remember those head: members who have passed away in the last year. This In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree; year that is Sunday, November 3 at all three services. In cocoons, a hidden promise; butterflies will soon be free! May God grant you comfort and hope, In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be, Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see. There’s a song in every silence, seeking word and melody;

Pastor Doug

Aldersgate Experience 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Birthdays Wednesday Night Live Advent Series, Fellowship Meals & Prayer Service Tuesday Morning Bible Study A Different Kind of Christmas Thank Yous Quiet Day & 3rd Grade Bibles Music Notes Thanksgiving Service & Susanna Wesley Bake/Craft Sale Sunday Worship & Upcoming Drive Thru Prayer/Project Agape

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UMM Christmas Tree Event Weekday School Prayer Shawl Ministry Community Connections - Share Your Christmas/CONDUIT Angels/Reindeer Store Oxford Manor JMT BBQ and BBQ Chicken Sale Acolytes, Altar Guild, Nursery & Trustees On-Line Giving by Credit Cards Financials - October 20th October Lay Assistants Schedule

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CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Jamie Ann Carver Aaron Menchini Graham Nichols Brian Parham Naomi Writz Rossie Alston Seth Howe Jessica Roycroft Bob de Andrade James Willis Nancy Hargis Mary Anne Hunt Nicholas Hurley Zachary Jones Betty King Danielle Lasam Jack Snyder Bonnie Abrams Aaron Brown MB Collier Tipton Sutton Thomas Copolo Margie Revill Leigha Hofmann Julie Kent

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JC Whitt Marge Andrews Jack Bingen Tracy Byerly Emily Lain Judy Schlegel Mark Vincent Samantha Drake Joanne Wootton Karl Stover Tinsley Johnson Deneaize Bennett Claire Caudill Ginger Hawkins Julie Upchurch Henry Rosemond Pat Porter Katie Rowland Kylie Rowland Dale Wickham Ken Parham Anna Edge Kim Teunis Bryan Hampson Kevin Healy

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Jean Mrosla Ryan Ray Lisa Janes Haley Michelle Kane Judith Liner Anne Almond Jacob Morris Nancy Smith Joyce Sprouse Megan Andrews Luci Smith Dee Stover Ron Weaver Lewis Compton

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Aldersgate Experience 3


Barbara Atkinson

Proverbs 3:5-6

November 13th

Curtis Gay

Micah 6:8

November 20th:

Doug Lain

John 3:17

November 27th



Sloppy Joes, Baked Beans, Raw veggies and dip, dessert

November 13th:

Chicken Tetrazzini, Peas, & Carrots, Salad, Rolls & Desserts

November 20th:

Tacos with or without meat, Tortilla chips, Beans & Rice and Dessert

November 27th:

No WNL—Thanksgiving week

WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE - ADVENT SERIES - 6:30 - 7:30 PM SANCTUARY Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season - Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead, and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our celebration. This Christmas, cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted and broke at the end of the year. Instead experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us. Join us at Wednesday Night Live on November 20th, December 4th and December 11th - 6:30-7:30 pm as we look at ways we can reclaim Christmas. We will also have classes for the children and youth.

Aldersgate Experience 4

KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. ) TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY The Tuesday morning Bible study group will begin a new series on November 5. They will be reading The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgs (author of Bad Girls of the Bible) to prepare for the Christmas season. The book looks at the powerful truths revealed in the lives of Elizabeth, Mary and Anna and what those mean for us today. The sessions will meet November 5, 12, 19 and December 3 and 10 from 10:30-12:00 in the Wesley Room. Contact Jane Brannock for more information.

A DIFFERENT KIND OF CHRISTMAS - WEDNESDAY STUDY Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead, and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our celebration. This Christmas, cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted and broke at the end of they year. Instead experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us. Join us at Wednesday Night Live on November 20th, December 4th and December 11th - 6:30-7:30 pm as we look at ways we can reclaim Christmas. We will also have classes for the children and youth.

THANK YOU ! To my Aldersgate Family, I cannot begin to tell you how much your love, prayers, cards, phone calls, visits, food and hugs have meant to me and my family since the passing of my husband, Bob. He loved Aldersgate and its members as do I and I appreciate so much your continuing support. Betsy T. Pendergraph On behalf of the Girl Scouts of North Durham, I’d like to give you a “thank you" donation for all the support you give us. We are blessed to have such an accommodating space to use for our events. We sincerely appreciate your support. Many thanks, Rebecca Daniels

Aldersgate Experience 5


The flurry of holiday activities is just around the corner. In order to enjoy this special time of year, it’s good to prepare our hearts and minds by slowing down and taking some time to think about how we want to encounter Christ . Deciding to come to the November Quiet Day is a great way to prepare your heart for the Advent season and enjoy the holidays a bit more.

A Quiet Day provides times of guided silence, solitude and reflection. In a supported community we will practice the contemplative disciplines of prayerful silence, attentiveness, the reading of Scripture, and time alone with God. If you haven’t cultivated silence as a way of deepening your journey of faith, or if you haven’t set time aside recently to simply think on things of God, then you may well find this Quiet Day a time that could bring refreshment and renewal. “Silence makes us ready for a new meeting with God. In silence, God’s word can reach the hidden corners of our hearts. In silence we stop hiding before God, and the light of Christ can reach and heal and transform even what we want to hide from. The voice of God is often only heard in a whisper, in a breath of silence.” (Taize) For silence is responsiveness, and in silence we can listen to something behind the clamor of the world. (Pico Iyer) Give yourself an early Christmas gift this year - a few hours of quiet prayer and meditation, with short talks on familiar Advent themes, can be the beginning of a rich and meaningful holiday season for you. This is an opportunity to look beyond the glitter and bling of Christmas commerce, and rediscover the peace that comes from encountering the living Christ. Attending a Quiet Day will allow you to return to the world feeling more centered, more grounded and more ready for the work God has planned for you. The November Quiet Day is scheduled for Saturday, November 16th from 8:30 a.m. until noon in the Wesley Room. Bring your Bible and your journal if you have one. A simple lunch will be provided. Please contact Barbara Atkinson at 919.765-9784 or for more information.

3RD GRADE BIBLES Bibles were presented to our 3rd grade class on Sunday, October 20th. The following children received a new bible with their name engraved on the cover. Jack Bingen * Makenzie Carver * Grace Falise * Emma Freeman * Bryan Hampson * Grace Herbstreith * Cameron Nye * Morgan Ray * Julie Robinson * Michael Setji

Aldersgate Experience 6

LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.) Please contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more. (


It’s not at all too late to sing with our choir for Christmas! We welcome all to join us. The Cantata this year is extraordinary – it’s called The Winter Rose, by Joseph Martin. We’ll be sharing it at morning worship services on Dec. 22nd. (You can have a sneak-peek and listen if you go to: -closerlook/35025986/A7402_excerpt.mp3 ) Why not join us, this Wednesday from 7:30- 9:00 pm? Our choir is big enough that you don’t have to make a 52-week commitment, we understand that everyone is out some of the time. Just come when you can! “No experience is necessary” – we make a sweet, sweet sound in God’s ear by doing our best, and letting the Holy Spirit do the rest! Adults and Youth are encouraged to join in! So, come on! PRAISE TEAM: We rehearse on Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm. If you enjoy Contemporary Christian music, and love to sing or play guitar, drum, bass, flute, accordion, keyboard, trumpet…. we’d love to welcome you to our merry band! HANDBELLS: Two adult/youth bell choirs and two children’s bell choirs are forming this fall (beginning the week of Sept. 9th). For adults and youth: JOYFUL NOISE RINGERS, our advanced choir, meets on Tuesdays at 7:30; and PRAISE RINGERS, a beginner-level choir forming now, meets on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Please note that youth are encouraged to join with adults, for handbells and choir as well! SWEET SOUNDS (HAMMERED DULCIMER GROUP) If you’ve always loved hammered dulcimer, why not try learning to play? We have a small group learning together on every-other Thursday at 10:00 am. We may even have a dulcimer you can borrow! Call Nan and find out more about us! CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Sunday Arts Afternoons offer opportunity for children to dance (4:00-4:45pm), sing (4:45 – 5:30pm) and ring (5:30-6:00 pm)! Young Dancers are led by Anna Van Deventer. 2nd -5th graders are welcome. As they are learning a dance to share on Nov. 24th, it’s important to come NOW! Young Singers are in two groups: (one for 4-yr. through 6-year-olds, and one for 2nd-through 5th graders). “Music and More,” led by Rochelle Nye and Nan de Andrade is for ages 4-6. We spend time exploring all the arts, and learning music that we can share at worship. “Young Singers,” for Grades 2-5, is led by Heidi Miller, with Wendie Anderson assisting. They sing for worship about once a month. (Save Nov. 24th early evening for a special Thanksgiving offering!) Both choirs together are presenting a Christmas Musical this year!! The musical is called “Chimes in the Night,” and is a beautiful story about loving Jesus through humble sacrifice, and will be presented on Sunday, Dec. 8th at 6:30 pm. Come now and make memories, friends, and praise to the Lord! Young Ringers meeting right after children’s choir, is our intermediate children’s bell choir, for children who have rung before, or have music reading skills. They are learning Christmas music! (Interested beginner ringers, please contact Nan, so she can contact you about starting a group for them asap.)

Aldersgate Experience 7

UPCOMING CONCERT OPPORTUNITIES HILLSONGS UNITED with Darlene Zschech, the Australian praise and worship band responsible for many of our Contemporary Christian standards, such as “Shout to the Lord” and “From the Inside Out,” is coming to Greensboro Coliseum on Monday, Nov. 18th. Nan is working on purchasing group-rate ($24) tickets, call her to get on the list. SPOTIFY YOUR PRAISE Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/pods that plays music from playlists built by members. Each month, Nan creates a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 am Contemporary worship service. If you search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, NOV AUMC 2013), you can “tune your heart” all week, and be even more ready to praise God on Sunday mornings! Another cool feature is that you can select “Radio” from this playlist and it will shuffle in a variety of Contemporary Christian music from the same artists and play all day long! Hope you’ll give it a try – and if you encounter problems, give Nan a call!

JOINT THANKSGIVING SERVICE Aldersgate and Mt. Sylvan UMC will have a Joint Thanksgiving Worship Service on Sunday, November 24th - 7:00 pm at Mt. Sylvan UMC. The Rev. Doug Lain from Aldersgate will bring the message. As is our tradition, a joint choir from both churches will share an anthem.

CRAFT & BAKE SALE - SUSANNA WESLEY CIRCLE Plan ahead for Thanksgiving & Christmas: On November 17th the Susanna Wesley Circle will host their annual Craft & Bake Sale in the Family Life Center from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. There will be many homemade baked goods perfect for your holiday table and a wide assortment of gift items to help you begin your holiday shopping. Visit our tables and help support such missions as the Urban Ministries food pantry and hygiene kits, national/international mission trips, Share the Warmth, Conduit, Christmas Outreach, and the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

Aldersgate Experience 8

Sunday Morning Worship November 3rd:

“When the Saints Go Marching In" (All Saints Sunday) OT: Psalm 149 & NT: Matthew 5:1-12

November 10th:

“Trick Question” OT: Psalm 145: 1-5, 17-21 & NT: Luke 20:27-40

November 17th:

"God of the Past, God of the Future" OT: Isaiah 65: 17-25 & NT: Luke 21:5-19

November 24th:

Message by Rob Tucker

SPECIAL UPCOMING SUNDAYS: NOVEMBER 3RD is All-Saints Sunday. On this Sunday, we remember and celebrate the lives of those in our congregation who have passed on to the Church Triumphant since this time last year. A special moment recognizing our new Columbarium is also being planned. NOVEMBER 10TH – Exceptional guest musicians Little Windows, a local, Celtic-style folk duo of Mark Weems and Julee Glaub, will be sharing their sweet harmonies at all 3 worship services! NOVEMBER 24TH - 7:00 pm - A Joint Thanksgiving Service at Mt. Sylvan UMC. Joint choirs (adult and children’s) will lead some special music. DECEMBER 1ST: ADVENT BEGINS - traditional advent-candle lighting and readings at morning worship. Decorations are added through the month to heighten our waiting and watching for Jesus’ coming. DECEMBER 1ST: 6:30 pm - Hanging of the Greens/ Chrismon Service. DECEMBER 8TH: 6:30 pm - Children’s Choir musical, “Chimes in the Night,” by Alan Pote and Tom Long DECEMBER 15TH: 6:30 pm - Love Feast Worship Service - Family Life Center DECEMBER 18TH: - Christmas Service of Comfort & Hope - A compassionate Christmas service for those who are experiencing a difficult year of loss or life challenges. DECEMBER 22ND: 8:15 am and 11:00 am - Choir Cantata: “The Winter Rose,” by Joseph Martin DECEMBER 24TH: - 4:00 pm: Family Christmas Eve Service, with “impromptu Christmas pageant” 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm: Christmas Eve Carols, Candlelight and Communion Service JANUARY 5TH: - 7:00 pm - Epiphany Ring Handbell Festival - 8-10 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle.

Aldersgate Experience 9

DRIVE-THRU PRAYER is the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4:006:00 pm. It’s simple, you’ll feel great afterwards AND, it’s the ONLY ONE IN DURHAM ! Just drive “thru". Someone will meet you at your car and pray with you. OR

NOVEMBER 5TH 4:00 - 6:00 PM

If you are interested in helping (but not necessarily praying) you can help set up signs, take down the tent , or hand out bottled water. Feel like you want to check out the prayer part? You can start by observing with a partner. We have heard from many in the community what a blessing this is to them and you could be part of it! If you have any questions, contact Carol Brese at 919-471-2269 NEXT DRIVE THRU PRAYER NOVEMBER 5TH - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Project Agape Project Agape is a mission program of the two North Carolina conferences of the United Methodist Church. It began soon after the Soviet Union broke up, and all the countries had to form governments. Armenia's development was complicated by a war with Azerbaijan over the area called Karabaugh. I have seen many changes in Armenia since my first trip in 1996, some of which are the result of the work of Project Agape. These include the NC Conference work team brings internet connectivity Project AGAPE computer class – bringing education completion of the hospital in Berdzor, Karabaugh. In 1996 the hospital to and possibilities to vulnerable Armenian children. was little more than a shell. Also, in Berdzor the children's home was renovated and now has inside plumbing. The church, which was just a flat piece of concrete in 1996, has been built and is now functioning. A Christian Education Center has been built. Here the children take classes in Bible, English, sewing and computer. A guest house has been built for mission teams. Project Agape has also done work in the northern part of Armenia. Currently, most of the work is in Karabaugh. We are the only relief organization in Karabaugh. Some of the current activities include: (1) Rehabilitation of homes. Many homes were damaged during the war and do not have windows. They put plastic over the windows in winter. Some of the homes need new roofs, floors or other things. There are twenty-three homes on the list for rehabilitation, but many more homes are in need. The list had to be cut short because only a few teams come each summer. (2) Heifer program similar to Heifer International.NC Conference work team brings internet connectivity to Project AGAPE computer class – bringing education and possibilities to vulnerable Armenian children (3) Partial support of hospital and children's home. (4) Christian Education Center. (5) Shoebox ministry. Families may walk for twenty-five miles out in the mountains to get their shoeboxes, If you want to know more about Project Agape, Judy Schlegel or you can also click HERE.

Aldersgate Experience 10

UNITED METHODIST MEN ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE EVENT November 24th - Christmas Trees arrive Sunday afternoon - @1pm. Help needed to unload, count and sort the trees, drill each tree for a center spike and store them in the bins. November 29th (Friday after Thanksgiving) help is needed : setting up the lot and getting the trees on stands for sales to begin. Tree Sales also begin this day.

CHRISTMAS TREE SALES SUPPORTING MISSIONS IN DURHAM AND WORLDWIDE Aldersgate United Methodist Men have been hosting Christmas tree sales for many years as an annual tradition. All profits go directly to support missions and activities of the church. An annual project, the tree sale has proven itself a remarkable vehicle, not just to fund our missions and activities, but to strengthen outreach to the local community. For several years, all proceeds have gone to support missions to foreign countries (Jamaica, Haiti and Armenia), Uth missions, IHN, hurricane relief, scouts, facility needs of the church and FLC as well as individual requests in support of mission activities. Your tree purchase will definitely positively affect the lives of others. We mail discount coupons to the local community as an outreach. When neighbors visit the tree lot, we invite them to worship with us. We provide a card listing all the regular and holiday worship times and activities. Several families have joined the church after initially encountering us through their tree purchase. We reach other new families through the tree sale by involving our church’s Boy Scout troop and their parents, many of whom are not church members. One profound benefit of the sale has been the camaraderie and fellowship that develops among church volunteers working together, hanging around the fire barrel, and forming new friendships during an afternoon or evening on the tree lot. All church members are encouraged to sign up each year, knowing they will meet new neighbors, develop new friendships, and support strong mission by pulling a shift or two at the Christmas tree stand. Help is always needed working the 'Tree Lot'. A sign up board is available in the Narthex. You may also sign up by clicking HERE now. (sign up Genius) Please sign up ! We encourage all groups within Aldersgate UMC to sign up, as well as families. We need at least 4 people on any shift. All children may work the tree lot but they must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult.

COME BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE ! Over 220 Christmas trees, various sizes and prices ! Coupons available at the Welcome Station ! Contact: Glenn Reynolds: for more information.

Aldersgate Experience 11

SANTA IS COMING TO ALDERSGATE PICTURES WITH SANTA - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH 10:00AM –6:00PM Santa is coming to Aldersgate! You may reserve a spot for your child to visit with Santa and have wonderful photos taken without the line at the mall. You may make your reservation by calling the Weekday School Office – 919-479-8686. This is also a fundraiser for our scholarship program. Reserve your time today for a special time with Santa! Proofs will be returned so you may order photos before we are out for Christmas.

BABY FOOD JARS NEEDED Aldersgate Weekday School needs baby food jars for one of our Christmas projects. Please place any empty, clean, baby food jars on the table in the Family Life Center, outside the SCHOOL office. Thanks so much and happy eating! Evelyn

The Prayer Shawl Ministry Needs YOU - Yes, YOU! For the first time since our Prayer Shawl Ministry began, almost seven years ago, we have depleted our usual plentiful supply of shawls. In one way, that is a good thing because it means the shawls are getting to the people who need them; however, the supply has not been able to keep up with demand. That’s where YOU come in! I know there are many people in this church who knit or crochet who are not part of the Prayer Shawl ministry. I am asking you to help us out by making a prayer shawl to help build up our inventory again. The directions for both knit and crochet prayer shawls are available at the Welcome Station. Completed shawls can be returned to the church office where they will be tagged, bagged and blessed at the next Prayer Shawl meeting. Please know that your gift of a prayer shawl will mean that someone will experience being wrapped in love and prayers from Aldersgate UMC during a difficult time in their life. What a blessing! If you think a prayer shawl is too big a project to commit to you are encouraged to make some of the small pocket crosses we also give out. Directions are also at the welcome station.

Aldersgate Experience 12

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS OUTREACH– 2013 Our Aldersgate Family has responded greatly with love and contributions to those less fortunate through various Community Missions Programs. During the Christmas Season these community needs are highlighted by two outreach programs that have become very familiar to each of us at Aldersgate: Share Your Christmas and the CONDUIT Angel Tree. This year these programs will be referred to as “Aldersgate’s Community Christmas Outreach Programs.” Your contributions through Christmas gifts and monetary gifts can be directed through the program of your choice. The Kick-Off for each of these programs will be in mid to late November where information will be found on displays in the Narthex. Also, a link to a web-based sign up will be available from the web site. Share Your Christmas is sponsored by the Durham County Department of Social Services, and provides needy families with NEW gifts of clothing, toys and needed household items. Each year Aldersgate sponsors approximately 30 families totalling about 110 individuals. Individuals or entire families can be sponsored by signing up on forms that will be posted on a board in the Narthex and online. Suggested limits are $50 per family member. In addition, contributions of $50 cash will supply each family with a Christmas Food Basket. Wrapped gifts should be delivered to the Church by Saturday, December 14th. The Aldersgate United Methodist Men will deliver the gifts on Sunday, December 15th. The CONDUIT Angels provides Christmas gifts for the elementary school age children at the Oxford Manor Community Housing Complex who are participating in CONDUIT's after school learning center.

THE REINDEER STORE ….. is coming to Central Regional Hospital on December 4th. The Reindeer Store is a one-day event for the patients at the Central Regional Hospital (former John Umstead Mental Hospital) to do Christmas shopping for their families. The hospital is transformed into a Christmas shopping mall with mock stores full of donated gifts. Aldersgate is one of the community organizations that donates gifts for the patients. The Store is a much anticipated event as it is a lot of fun, but even more it may be the only opportunity they have to get gifts for their families. Mental health care today is more intense with no time for outings for the patients. The Reindeer Store gives the patients a chance to step away from their illness for an afternoon and prepare for the Christmas holiday for their family back home. We will be accepting gift donations again this year throughout November with December 1st as the final Sunday to drop off gifts. Toys for toddlers to teenagers are in the most demand. But adult gifts like you would give to a sister, brother, parent or grandparent are also needed. No glass or alcohol containing items please. You can pickup a gift list at the Welcome Stations outside the sanctuary. If you have any questions or would like to help out during the Reindeer Store day on Dec. 4th, call Anne Finch at 919 818-8376 (, or Colleen Anna at 919 477-8863 (, or you can contact the Volunteer Services Central Regional Hospital 919-764-7520 or .

Aldersgate Experience 13

CONDUIT - OXFORD MANOR Summer Quarter Report July Story Time led by Durham’s Partnership for Children at Oxford Manor— 3 Aldersgate people volunteered to read for a total of 5 hours on 2 days. 12 to 16 elementary-aged children attended each time. August 6th National Night Out at Oxford Manor – about 3 hours - Colleen Anna provided drinks for the whole community in memory of her husband, Bob Anna. Colleen and Anne Finch bought and applied body decals (tattoos) and did face painting for the children. Colleen’s son, Nick Hunnicut, and Burton and Lee King transported and served the drinks during the evening meal. August picnic at Oxford Manor sponsored by We Care We Share—Lee and Burton King contributed $25.00 for food. September: YMCA took 6 kids from Oxford Manor to a weekend Camp. Lee furnished some toiletries for the children at camp.

LEARNING CENTER Needs You - There is ample opportunity to help children with their homework at the Oxford Manor Community Learning Center (CLC), either once a week or whenever you can come. The YMCA runs the program from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Mondays through Thursdays. These children are in Kindergarten through 5th grade.

LOOK FOR “THE ANGELS" - Look for the Oxford Manor Angels in the Share Your Christmas display. Aldersgate normally has a dozen of the kids from the CLC to "adopt" for Share Your Christmas . That includes a piece of clothing and a toy or game. The total cost should not exceed $40 to $50 per child. The Christmas party will take place on December 12th.

CHRISTMAS COOKIES are needed - If you can bake some cookies or help serve the party food, please let us know. It’s a lot of fun and we would love to have you join the party ! If you would like to help support this Community Outreach, Please contact: Lee King: (919) 477-5245 or or Colleen Anna (919-471-8863)

Jamacia Mission Team - BBQ and BBQ Chicken Sale

Please help support the on-going mission to build a Family Life Center at Yallahs UMC, Jamaica.

Another BBQ ? Absolutely!!

BBQ Chicken or Pork Aldersgate UMC Parking Lot Saturday, November 16th starting 11:00 am till… $8.00 per lb or plate Order NOW:, the Welcome Station (outside the sanctuary) or pick up and pay the day of…..Credit Cards NOW accepted. You can also pay on line :

Aldersgate Experience 14

GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) November Acolyte Schedule 8:15am Service November 3rd November 10th November 17th November 24th

11:00am Service

Emily Lain Kaylee Eckhoff Katie Leonard Emma Freeman Margaret Ann Healy Grace Herbstreith Jacob Bosecker

Taylor Healy Gracie Lowans Tanner Reo Cameron Nye Joanna de Andrade Olivia Lain

An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth,

NURSERY MINISTRY Each Sunday Morning: 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Ashley Skinner, Jamie Lewis and Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant and Lynn Wilfong



Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.

The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

Aldersgate Experience 15

You’re Invited to Thanksgiving Lunch Thank you is not enough to tell the Lord how grateful we are for all the blessings He has given. Come and celebrate the day of giving thanks. You are invited to a “potluck" Thanksgiving Day Luncheon, 11:45 am at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in the Wesley Room. Bring a Thanksgiving dish for you and one other person. Turkey and dressing will be provided. Please RSVP to: Judy Alford: You may also sign up to attend at the Welcome Station. (outside the Sanctuary)

ON LINE GIVING NOW AVAILABLE ! We are accepting online donations by debit /credit cards ! It’s just a click away !! A new way to GIVE ! The Aldersgate Finance Committee is happy to announce a new way to make donations to Aldersgate United Methodist Church. On Line Giving ! - Just click the blue “on-line giving” button on the Aldersgate Web Site ( We are accepting online donations by debit / credit cards as well as electronic fund transfer (checking & savings). It’s convenient – just access our website and you are set * It’s timely – available 24 hours / day, 7 days / week It’s confidential and secure – hosted by Vanco Services, LLC Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Cathy Sheffield to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of online giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Cathy at or 919-477-0509, ext. 100.

THE EFT PROGRAM AT ALDERSGATE - Electronic Funds Transfer - Advantages to electronic giving to the church: No more checks to write * Stay on track with pledges * Cut down on paperwork You set up the amount and frequency of your donation. Each donation is indicated on your personal bank statement plus you will continue to receive a Contribution Statement from AUMC. No cost to you! - Cancel at any time. - Join the growing numbers of Aldersgate families already participating in EFT! Contact Cathy at the church office to learn more or to enroll now! Email or call 919477-0509 ext 100.

Aldersgate Experience 16

ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INCOME SNAPSHOTS THROUGH 10/20/2013 Operating Income Versus Budget YTD Budgeted Pledged Received YTD Budgeted

$ 671,942



Unpledged Contri- Total YTD Contribu- YTD Collections butions tions Budget $






Operating Income Versus Spending YTD Spent YTD Spending

$ 611,934

Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contri- Total YTD Contribu- YTD Collections butions tions Spent $






Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD



Pledges Received $


Unpledged ContriReceived Versus Total Contributions butions Pledged $






Aldersgate Experience 17

November Lay Assistants Schedule Ushers

Greeters & Welcome Station

Lay Readers

8:15 am Worship Service 11/3

Jeff Sturkey/ Chick Hinton Andy & Stacey McCorison

Henry Atkinson (o) Jackie/ & Mary Tom Roberts (m) Welcome Station: Holly Hall

Sharon MacLaurin

11/10 Paul & Linda Jones Mitch Adkins/Pam Boatright

Jeff Sturkey (o) Judy Alford (m) Welcome Stations: Sam & Kay Edwards

Shelia Rittgers

11/17 Mary Tom Roberts Jackie Roberts Kirk Brown

Kaye Harris (o) Pat & Keith Porter (m) Welcome Station: Mitch Atkins

Steve Wilfong

11/24 Sam & Jackie Andrews Jeff Sturkey/Richard Riggsbee

Linda Jones (o) Mitch Atkins (m) Welcome Station: Davie & Carol Brese

Susan Gay

9:30 am Worship Service 11/3

Mary Taylor Dawn Eckhoff

Sue Allison Welcome Station: Betty Wickham

Mary Taylor

11/10 Doug Taylor Lara Rowland

Tom Petrosky Welcome Station: Lara Rowland

Terri Ray

11/17 Margie & Margie Muir

Beth Menchini Welcome Station: Cathy Sheffield

April Perry

11/24 Sue Allison Tom Petrosky

Holly Hall Welcome Station: Holly Hall

Betty Wickham

11:00 am Worship Service 11/3

Ron & Joyce Pendergrass Joyce Mackin/Kelly Freeman

Sheilah Lowans (m) Shane Boatright (o) Welcome Station: Holly Hall

Jan Howe

11/10 Kim & Wayne Aiken Ken Strupe/Mitch Moser

Ron & Joyce Pendergrass (m) Stacey McCorison (o) Welcome Station: Jennifer McLamb

Emily Wike

11/17 Paula Alford/Paula Veasey Ron West/Nancy Grinstead

Susan Parham (m) Joyce Mackin (o) Welcome Station: John Howe

Cathy Cozart

11/24 Kay & Sam Edwards Shane Boatright/Sarah Walker

Anabela Anca Mendes (m) Betty Jane Upchurch (o) Welcome Station: Judy Alford

Carl Allen

Aldersgate Experience 18 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

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