November 2014

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Aldersgate Experience 1

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

WHY CAN’T EVERY DAY BE THANKSGIVING? Wouldn’t that be great? If every day we could gather around the table with our family and give thanks for the blessings in our lives? Actually, maybe that IS something we could do every day. We probably can’t take every day off from work, like most people get to do on the fourth Thursday of November, and we probably can’t watch football and parades all day, every day; but the giving thanks part… I think we could do that. And should. Recently, I preached on Gratitude Sunday. This was the culmination of our Stewardship campaign and everyone was invited to bring their Gratitude card to the altar as one way of saying “Thank You” to God for pouring out His grace on us. I realize that not everyone feels grateful every day. It is difficult to be grateful when you are sick, or a loved one is dealing with a disease, or your kids are having trouble in school, or you are having a hard time paying the bills, or you’re being asked to do more at work, or a meaningful relationship is growing tense, or the people around you are hurting. Life is often difficult, and we struggle to look around us and see where the blessings are or areas where we might be grateful.

November 2014

Experience In my sermon on Gratitude Sunday I reminded the congregation that the first Thanksgiving dates back to 1621 when the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest in the New World with about 90 Native Americans. However, Americans have not celebrated Thanksgiving continually since that time. Thanksgiving didn’t become a national holiday until 1863. History buffs might recognize 1863 as a weird time to start celebrating Thanksgiving. That was right in the middle of the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln decided that a day for giving thanks would help begin to heal the deep wounds that divided us as a country. In the midst of our most difficult time as a nation, it was a way to make us think about what was great about this nation. Thanksgiving didn’t become a national holiday because we were remembering unprecedented success and prosperity. Thanksgiving became a national holiday to remind us in the worst of times that God has still blessed us. I’ve seen the Gratitude Challenges on Facebook, where people have been encouraged to list three things they are thankful for over a certain period of time. Let’s not make this a special occasion. There is something to be thankful for every day. I urge you to begin every day by giving thanks. Give thanks for your family, friends, home, shelter, job, health. If you are struggling in any of those areas, talk to God about it; and continue to give thanks for the others. But most importantly, give thanks for your life and for the eternal life that has been given to you through God’s grace. It is by the grace of God that we are here, and by the grace of God that we will live forever in God’s glorious heavenly kingdom. I think that’s something to be thankful for. May the Peace of Christ be with you. Pastor Doug

Aldersgate Experience 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Unspeakably Blessed, Forever Grateful Goody/Hello November Birthdays Financials The Kitchen Committee/UMC Market Pray With Yarn Love Feast/craft & Bake Sale Community Christmas Outreach Interfaith Hospitality Network Drive-Thru Prayer/Primetimers Parent Morning Out - Black Friday Thanksgiving Lunch For All

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Christmas Cantata Wednesday Prayer Service November Quiet Day Sunday Worship/Special Services UMM Christmas Tree Event Community Thanksgiving Service The Reindeer Store Music Ministry Notes Worship Wonderings Acolyte, Nursery, Altar Guild, and Trustees November Lay Assistants for November

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UNSPEAKABLY BLESSED, FOREVER GRATEFUL! A big “Thank -You" to everyone that participated in GRATITUDE Sunday ! We are UNSPEAKABLY BLESSED, FOREVER GRATEFUL ! If you happened to miss this worship time, you can still turn in your Gratitude card by placing it in the offering plate on Sunday or turning it into the church office. If you have not received your Unspeakably Blessed, Forever Grateful card, or need another one, please contact Holly Hall - You may also pick one up at the Welcome Center, located outside the Sanctuary.

Saying Goodbye to Cathy Sheffield (and Randy) Cathy has been working on staff at Aldersgate for the past seven years as our Treasurer, and for six of those years she was the Office Administrator, as well. Of course, she and her husband Randy have been members much longer than that and have been extremely committed to our church. They are in the process of moving to Seven Lakes, NC near Pinehurst, and we will miss them tremendously. Thank you to Cathy and Randy for all you have done for Aldersgate over the years! There’s Something About Mary As Cathy departs from us, we welcome long-time member Mary Taylor on staff. Many of you know Mary already and recognize the many gifts she brings to this position. She is an experienced administrator. Most recently, she had been working with a property management group and before that she spent over 25 years working in the newspaper industry. When she’s not at work, Mary enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. We are excited to welcome Mary on board.

Aldersgate Experience 3

CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Jamie Ann Carver Aaron Menchini Graham Nichols Brian Parham Naomi Writz Bob de Andrade James Willis Nancy Hargis Mary Anne Hunt Zachary Jones Betty King Danielle Lasam Jack Snyder Bonnie Abrams MB Collier Tipton Sutton Thomas Copolo Margie Revill Leigha Hofmann Julie Kent JC Whitt Marge Andrews Jack Bingen Tracy Byerly Emily Lain Judy Schlegel Mark Vincent

11/02 11/02 11/02 11/02 11/02 11/04 11/04 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/06 11/06 11/06 11/07 11/07 11/08 11/08 11/08 11/09 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/10

Samantha Drake Joanne Wootton Karl Stover Tinsley Johnson Deneaize Bennett Claire Caudill Ginger Hawkins Julie Upchurch Pat Porter Katie Rowland Kylie Rowland Ken Parham Kim Teunis Bryan Hampson Kevin Healy Jean Mrosla Ryan Ray Lisa Janes Haley Michelle Kane Anne Almond Nancy Smith Joyce Sprouse Megan Andrews Luci Smith Dee Stover Ron Weaver James MacLaurin

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Aldersgate Experience 4


$ 579,100

Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contributions $


Weekday Total Year-To- Year-To-Date School & Other Date Contributions Contributions Less Expenses Income $






Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD



Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contributions $


Weekday Total Received School & Contributions Versus Pledged Memorial Funds $


$ 1,131,205



If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity and support! Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Mary Taylor to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of on-line giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Mary at 919-477-0509, ext. 117.

Aldersgate Experience 5

UNDERSTANDING THE CHURCH OPERATING BUDGET ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS - Each month we take a look at a slice of our annual operating budget at Aldersgate. This month we are looking at Administration and Operations. Not everyone finds this to be the most exciting part of the budget, but it is a necessary part to keep the church functioning at a high level. This slice of the pie includes 18% of our overall budget. That includes the salaries for Holly Hall, our Office Administrator and for Mary Taylor, our new Treasurer. It also includes expenses for the copier and website and paper for the bulletins and all the necessary office expenses. Communication about upcoming events is important. Paying our bills each month is important. Having people in place who can address administrative issues that impact each ministry at Aldersgate is critical to the life of the church. This slice of pie even includes one-third of Pastor Doug’s salary because a third of what he does in leading the church is Administrative work, like meeting with committees and staff about upcoming plans. As you read this in the newsletter, remember that the newsletter itself is derived from the Administration and Operations slice of our annual budget. Every part of the budget fits together, but this slice really helps to hold all the others in place. Pastor Doug

Not included in this chart is the significant and generous financial support Aldersgate members extend to an extensive list of local and international mission programs through numerous program-specific fundraising activities. Please also note that these figures do not include any capital campaign debt reduction funds.

Aldersgate Experience 6

THE KITCHEN COMMITTEE The Kitchen Committee is a new group that will be responsible for setting new policies and procedures to ensure that both kitchens ( The Wesley Room and the Family Life Center) will be a safe and ready environment for all members to use. The Kitchen Committee and the Trustees will be working closely with Tony Aichele, our Facility Manager. As the group moves through this process, there will be updates posted in the newsletter, e-blast, AUMC website, and in the kitchens for review. Please feel free to contact any member of the kitchen committee with any concerns, questions or suggestions about the use and maintenance of our kitchens.

THE KITCHEN COMMITTEE MEMBERS Carl Chmielewski - Judy Alford - Ron West -

Debbie Sykes - Barbara Atkinson - Mary Taylor -

SHOP ON LINE AT THE UMC MARKET Shop online? Make a difference when you do! As the holiday shopping season begins, please consider shopping through the UMC Market! Tons of your favorite stores will make a donation to our ministry when you shop through and select Aldersgate Durham. It's the easiest way to donate to your local ministry without giving a penny out of your own pocket. Please visit the UMC Market website or contact Landon Taylor at for more information.

I PRAY WITH YARN ! That may sound like an odd statement but knitting and praying have become a sacred spiritual discipline for me through the years. The rhythmic click of the needles has allowed my mind to focus on praying for someone in particular as I begin a prayer shawl or, if I am not sure of the recipient I simply pray for comfort and healing for the one who will eventually receive this shawl. I often have three or four projects going at the same time and try to make sure I have some knitting with me wherever I am. I’ve learned that knitting on a prayer shawl in public can be a great conversation starter and an opportunity to witness to someone. While I am not able to give away a prayer shawl that I am currently knitting on to someone I just struck up a conversation with, I do try to keep a few knitted crosses in my bag along with one or two “Circles of Love"; so, I can let people know we are all bound together by God’s everlasting love. Knitting or crocheting a prayer shawl isn’t so much about how perfectly it is done - it is much more about how prayerfully it is done. That is what really matters. If you would like to be a part of this exciting ministry and help offer a tangible sign of love and comfort, then join us on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center, Room 207. There is always someone ready to help with instructions if needed. Questions? Contact Barbara Atkinson at or 919 765-9784.

Aldersgate Experience 7

WHAT IS A LOVEFEAST? A Lovefeast service is a service dedicated to Christian love, and is most famously practiced by the Moravians but has become an Aldersgate Christmas tradition over that past 36 years. The Moravian Lovefeast is based upon the Agape feast and the meals of the early churches described in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, which were partaken in unity and love. Traditionally, American Lovefeasts consist of a sweetened bun and coffee (sweetened and milky) served to the congregation in the pews by dieners (from the German for servers); before partaking, a simple Moravian blessing is said. The Moravian Lovefeast also concentrates on the singing of hymns, and listening to music. Each member of the congregation receives a lighted candle at the end of the service. The Lovefeast at Aldersgate is based on the traditional Moravian Lovefeast first celebrated near WinstonSalem at Bethabara (1753) and Old Salem (1766). The buns are from the same baker that makes buns for Moravian churches in Winston-Salem. The candles are made by the women of Home Moravian Church. The coffee is based on the recipe used for many years by Immanuel Moravian Church. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to come and celebrate this beautiful Christmas tradition on Sunday December 21st at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center.

CRAFT & BAKE SALE - SUSANNA WESLEY CIRCLE Plan ahead for Thanksgiving & Christmas: On November 23rd the Susanna Wesley Circle will host their annual Craft & Bake Sale in the Family Life Center from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. There will be many homemade baked goods perfect for your holiday table and a wide assortment of gift items to help you begin your holiday shopping. Visit our tables and help support such missions as the Urban Ministries food pantry and hygiene kits, national/ international mission trips, Share the Warmth, Conduit, Christmas Outreach, and the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

Aldersgate Experience 8

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35

Why does Aldersgate UMC host homeless families for the Interfaith Hospitality Network? Is it a “feather in our cap”, a showpiece of good will, or is it a way to follow the Bible’s teachings on caring for the poor? My guess is, some of all of that. I’d like to think we are involved because we are truly a caring congregation who welcomes these families with an open heart. Did you know that Aldersgate is known for our hospitality and the love we show to these families? I believe that all along the way, from the young people who make the beds and prepare the rooms for the families, to the folks who drive to pick up and return families to the Day House, to those who lovingly prepare and serve meals, to the brave people who venture to stay overnight, and even to those who carry the cots to the next host church and those who wash the laundry, our church shows its love and concern for these families. I am so grateful for the warriors who regularly offer their time and talents to welcome the IHN families! It really does take a lot of people to make the program work! Not everyone can do everything, but maybe you can find a way to reach out and help with IHN. I invite you to prayerfully consider how you might help out so that Aldersgate can continue to open our doors to the stranger. We’ll be hosting the IHN families the week of November 9th. If you want to learn more, you can contact Susan Gay at 919-471-2352 or

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Our Aldersgate Family has responded greatly with love and contributions to those less fortunate through various Community Missions Programs. During the Christmas Season these community needs are highlighted by two outreach programs that have become very familiar to each of us at Aldersgate: Share Your Christmas and the CONDUIT Angel Tree. This year these programs will be referred to as “Aldersgate’s Community Christmas Outreach Programs.” Your contributions through Christmas gifts and monetary gifts can be directed through the program of your choice. The Kick-Off for each of these programs will be in mid to late November when information will be found on displays in the Narthex. Also, a link to a web-based sign up will be available from the web site. Share Your Christmas is sponsored by the Durham County Department of Social Services, and provides needy families with NEW gifts of clothing, toys and needed household items. This year Aldersgate will sponsor approximately 25 families totaling about 90 individuals. Individuals or entire families can be sponsored by signing up on forms that will be posted on a board in the Narthex and online. Suggested spending limits are $60 per family member. In addition, contributions of $50 cash will supply each family with a Christmas Food Basket. Wrapped gifts should be delivered to the Church by Saturday, December 13th. Delivery by the Aldersgate United Methodist Men will be Sunday, December 14th. The CONDUIT Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts for the elementary school age children at the Oxford Manor Community Housing Complex who are participating in CONDUIT's after school learning center. Aldersgate will sponsor about 10 “angels” and a contribution of $25 provides for the purchase of gifts for the children.

Aldersgate Experience 9


hru Drive-T Prayer



How: Parents Morning Out on Black Friday ! Where: Aldersgate UMC, Gym When: Friday 10/28/14, 6:00 am ’til 10:00 am (late pick up available, please email for more info) Who: All children 2 years old & up (potty trained) Why: Teen Girl scout Troop 502 is holding a special holiday Parents Morning Out on Black Friday at Aldersgate UMC in the gym. We will have at least (2) adults & (5) teens on hand to supervise. We are first aid/cpr certified. The teen scouts are trying to raise money for their Adopt-a-Grandparent program where they provide Christmas gifts to the elderly that may not otherwise receive any. How Much: $20 per child, so please contact Troop 502@


NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 - EVERYONE IS INVITED ! November 6th Fall Celebration Lunch at C & H Cafeteria (11:30 am) November 20th Covered dish lunch. Aly Jo Wood will talk with us about Our State Magazine December 4th Covered dish Russ Thompson presents a program on Fannie Crosby (the Queen of Gospel song writers) December 18th Trip to Lutheran Ascension Church in Danville, VA, to see the Chrismons. Lunch at the Olive Garden in Danville (Chrismon display is free, you’ll pay for your lunch)

You’re Invited to Thanksgiving Lunch - Thank you is not enough to tell the Lord how grateful we are for all the blessings He has given. Come and celebrate the day of giving thanks. You are invited to a “potluck" Thanksgiving Day Luncheon, 11:45 am at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in the Wesley Room. Bring a Thanksgiving dish for you and one other person. Turkey and dressing will be provided. Please RSVP to: Judy Alford: You may also sign up to attend at the Welcome Station. (outside the Sanctuary)

Aldersgate Experience 10

KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. ) CHRISTMAS CANTATA PREFORMED BY THE ALDERSGATE CHANCEL CHOIR “Were You There on that Christmas Night ?” The Aldersgate Chancel Choir will present this years Christmas cantata on Sunday, December 14th, at the 8:15 and 11:00 Worship Services.

The Wednesday Prayer Service. This fall we will look at what we believe by spending time each week with a different line from the Apostles’ Creed. Come join us for a time of prayer and a short, inspirational message on Wednesday afternoon at 5:00 pm.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

NOVEMBER QUIET DAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 8:30 AM UNTIL NOON - WESLEY ROOM Prepare your hearts and minds by slowing down and taking time to think about how you want to encounter Christ during this Advent time of "Holy Waiting." In a supported community we will experience: *Short talks on Advent themes *Prayer *Scripture reading *Guided silence *Time for reflection Let the whisper of God come to you during this Quiet Day! Bring your Bible and your journal or a notebook * LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED! - Please sign up at the Welcome Station. Questions? Contact Barbara Atkinson * 919.765-9784 or

Aldersgate Experience 11

LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service)

November 2nd

All Saints Sunday Message: by Tara Lain

November 9th

OT: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 & NT: Matthew 25:1-13 message: “Making Each Moment Count” by Doug Lain

November 16th

OT: Psalm 139:1-14 & NT: 1 Thessalonians 5:11-28 Message “Why Won’t You Build Me Up?” by Doug Lain

November 23rd

Youth Sunday

November 30th

OT: Isaiah 64:1-9 & NT: Mark 13:24-37 Message: “Getting Prepared 5th Sunday 10:30 am FLC Lunch will follow

SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICES November 23rd – Community Thanksgiving Worship Service with Temple Baptist, Mt. Sylvan UMC, Faith Alliance Church, and The Greater Orange Grove Baptist Church on Sunday, November 23rd at 6:30 pm at Temple Baptist Church. Doug Lain will bring the message. November 30th – Advent begins with traditional advent-candle lighting and readings at morning worship. Decorations are added through the month to heighten our waiting and watching for Jesus’ coming. November 30th - Chrismon/Hanging of the Greens at 6:00 pm - We prepare with Sanctuary for Advent by singing Advent songs, drama and dance, the Hanging of the Greens and a Chrismon worship service. December 7th - Alternative Gifts Fair - 8:00 am– 1:30 pm ,Family Life Center Gym - This year find the true joy of living and giving like Jesus. Celebrate the Christmas season a different type of Christmas gift. Help someone else through special mission gifting opportunities. December 14th – AUMC Chancel Choir will present, “Were You There on that Christmas Night?” December 17th – Service of Comfort and Hope - 6:30 pm A compassionate Christmas service for those who are experiencing a difficult season from loss or life challenges. December 21st – Love Feast - 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center, The Lovefeast service is a simple meal of a sweetened bun, coffee, music and the Good News! It is spared in a spirit of reverence and joy that Christ is present in our lives. December 24th – Christmas Eve Services - 4:00 pm Family Christmas Eve Worship Service, 7:00 pm & 11:00 pm - Christmas Eve, Carols, Candlelight and Communion Service. January 4th - Sunday, 7:00 pm - Epiphany Ring Handbell Festival - The annual Epiphany Ring Festival, hosted by Aldersgate, features 10-12 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle.

Aldersgate Experience 12

UNITED METHODIST MEN ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE EVENT November 23th - Christmas Trees arrive Sunday afternoon - @1pm. Help needed to unload, count and sort the trees, drill each tree for a center spike and store them in the bins. November 28th (Friday after Thanksgiving) help is needed : setting up the lot and getting the trees on stands for sales to begin. Tree Sales also begin this day.

CHRISTMAS TREE SALES SUPPORTING MISSIONS IN DURHAM AND WORLDWIDE Aldersgate United Methodist Men have been hosting Christmas tree sales for many years as an annual tradition. All profits go directly to support missions and activities of the church. An annual project, the tree sale has proven itself a remarkable vehicle, not just to fund our missions and activities, but to strengthen outreach to the local community. For several years, all proceeds have gone to support missions to foreign countries (Jamaica, Haiti and Armenia), Uth missions, IHN, hurricane relief, scouts, facility needs of the church and FLC as well as individual requests in support of mission activities. Your tree purchase will definitely make a positive affect on the lives of others. We mail discount coupons to the local community as an outreach. When neighbors visit the tree lot, we invite them to worship with us. We provide a card listing all the regular and holiday worship times and activities. Several families have joined the church after initially encountering us through their tree purchase. We reach other new families through the tree sale by involving our church’s Boy Scout troop and their parents, many of whom are not church members. One profound benefit of the sale has been the camaraderie and fellowship that develops among church volunteers working together, hanging around the fire barrel, and forming new friendships during an afternoon or evening on the tree lot. All church members are encouraged to sign up each year, knowing they will meet new neighbors, develop new friendships, and support strong mission by pulling a shift or two at the Christmas tree stand. Help is always needed working the 'Tree Lot'. A sign up board is available in the Narthex. You may also sign up by clicking HERE now. (sign up Genius) Please sign up ! We encourage all groups within Aldersgate UMC to sign up, as well as families. We need at least 4 people on any shift. All children may work the tree lot but they must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult. COME BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE ! Over 220 Christmas trees, various sizes and prices ! Coupons available at the Welcome Station !

Aldersgate Experience 13

Please come join us for a Community Thanksgiving Worship Service along with Temple Baptist Church, Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Church , Faith Alliance Church, and The Greater Orange Grove Baptist Church on Sunday, November 23rd at 6:30 pm at Temple Baptist Church. Doug Lain will bring the message. Temple Baptist Church is located at: 4504 Sterling Dr, (off Umstead Rd.) Durham, NC 27712 - Phone: (919) 309-0050

THE REINDEER STORE IS COMING TO CENTRAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL - DECEMBER 3RD The Reindeer Store is a one-day event for the patients at the Central Regional Hospital (former John Umstead Mental Hospital) to do Christmas shopping for their families. The hospital is transformed into a Christmas shopping mall with mock stores full of donated gifts. Aldersgate is one of the community organizations that donates gifts for the patients. The Store is a much anticipated event as it is a lot of fun, but even more it may be the only opportunity they have to get gifts for their families. Mental health care today is more intense with no time for outings for the patients. The Reindeer Store gives the patients a chance to step away from their illness for an afternoon and prepare for the Christmas holiday for their family back home. We will be accepting gift donations again this year throughout November, with November 30th as the final Sunday to drop off gifts. Toys for toddlers to teenagers are in the most demand. But adult gifts like you would give to a sister, brother, parent or grandparent are also needed. No glass or alcohol containing items please. You can pick up a gift list at the Welcome Stations outside the sanctuary. If you have any questions or would like to help out during the Reindeer Store day on Dec. 4th, call Anne Finch at 919 818-8376 (, or Colleen Anna at 919 477-8863 (, or you can contact the Volunteer Services Central Regional Hospital 919-764-7520 or .

GIFT SUGGESTIONS Personal CD players & batteries & Handheld electronic games Board games (Sorry, Monopoly, Connect 4, Jenga ) Card games ( UNO, Phase 10, skip-bo, regular playing cards) Art Sets, Markers, Crayons Sports balls (basketball & hoop for over the door, soft nerf type balls & toys) Dolls of all sizes and types & Dollhouse (no large ones) Play Tea Sets Action figures ( WW wrestling figures, transformers, dino-figures) Remote controlled cars, trucks, 4-wheelers & Play cell phones Stuffed Animals & Jigsaw puzzles with greater than 100 pieces Adult or Childrens Books ( must be new ) Slippers or pajamas & Sweaters, vests, sweat suits Toboggan Hats, Baseball Caps, Gloves, Jewelry, Wallets, Coin Purses

Aldersgate Experience 14

MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade ( for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are most sincerely welcome to join any of our music ministry groups. Give us a try! Contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more ( CHANCEL CHOIR: It’s not at all too late to sing with our choir for Christmas! We welcome all to join us. The Cantata this year is extraordinary – it’s called Were You There on that Christmas Night? by Lloyd Larson. We’ll be sharing it at morning worship services on Sunday, Dec. 14. (You can have a sneak-peek and listen if you go to: ) Why not join us, this Wednesday from 7:30- 9:00 pm? Our choir is big enough that you don’t have to make a 52-week commitment, we understand that everyone is out some of the time. Just come when you can! Adults and Youth are encouraged to join in! PRAISE TEAM: We rehearse on Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm. If you enjoy Contemporary Christian music, and love to sing or play guitar, drum, bass, flute, accordion, keyboard, trumpet…. we’d love to welcome you to our merry band! CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Sunday Arts in the Afternoon Children are invited to develop and share their talents with God through dance, singing, and ringing! Come to one or all of our free programs! Young Dancers (3:45-4:45) are led by Anna Van Deventer. Our current dancers group is offering a sacred dance on Nov. 30! A new dance group invitation will be extended to all 2nd -5th graders in the new year. Young Singers (4:45-5:30) for Grades K-5, is led by Emily Wike. They sing for worship about once a month. Young Ringers (5:30-6:00) our children’s bell choir. As well as learning music fundamentals, they are learning Christmas music! HANDBELLS: JOYFUL NOISE RINGERS, our advanced choir, meets on Tuesdays at 7:30; and PRAISE RINGERS, a beginner-level choir forming now, meets on Monday evenings at 6:00 pm. Please note that youth are encouraged to join with adults, for handbells and choir as well! SWEET SOUNDS (HAMMERED DULCIMER GROUP) If you’ve always loved hammered dulcimer, why not try learning to play? We have a small group learning together on every-other week during the day (TBA). We may even have a dulcimer you can borrow! Call Nan and find out more about us! SPOTIFY YOUR PRAISE Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/pods that plays music from playlists built by members. Each month, Nan creates a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 Contemporary worship service. If you search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, AUMC Nov. 2014), you can “tune your heart” all week, and be even more ready to praise God on Sunday mornings! Another cool feature is that you can select “Radio” from this playlist and it will shuffle in a variety of Contemporary Christian music from the same artists and play all day long! Hope you’ll give it a try! – and if you encounter problems, give Nan a call!

Aldersgate Experience 15

Worship Wonderings - a series on worship practices by Nan de Andrade We’re fast approaching New Year’s, for the Church! Every year, Christians follow a liturgical year that helps us to experience and contemplate the story of Christ, from his anticipated coming, through his ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Traveling through the story each year helps us to keep fresh our wonder at this central story of our faith. Each year, we are different, and as the Christ-story unfolds, we are touched and transformed in a different way. So, let’s take a look at how traditional practices help us to focus on the seasons. This month, we explore the upcoming seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.

THIS MONTH – AN OVERVIEW OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR The Christian year begins with Advent, the four weeks of (including Sundays) that come before Christmas. This year, November 30 is our “New Year’s Day!” Advent (Latin: adventus) means “Coming” and is a four-week period of preparation and repentance, hope and yearning; characterized with the color purple (royalty and penitence) or dark blue (symbolizing hope). Who’s “coming”? Jesus, of course, but not just baby Jesus—we are also looking for Christ-with-us now, and anticipating the final, victorious return of Christ. Readings focus on prophecy and the story of John the Baptist, preparing the way. We sing songs like “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and light a purple candle each week until Christmas comes. Other symbols that you’ll see in worship include: the wreath (with the circle and evergreen symbolizing eternity) and the Chrismon tree (adorned with symbols and monograms of Christ. Though the malls are playing Christmas carols, Christians know that Advent cannot be rushed: it is an important, reflective season which can deepen our spiritual experience of Christmas. Surprisingly, the next season, Christmas, is not as long as Advent – beginning on Christmas Eve, it lasts just one or two Sundays. We read the familiar but always amazing Christmas story, joyfully sing all our best-known hymns and carols, such as “Joy to the World,” and adorn the church with white and gold. Often a white Christ candle replaces the purple candles at the Advent wreath. The focus is on the Nativity of Christ, so symbols such as Manger scenes, poinsettias (reminding us of the Star of Bethlehem), and angels are everywhere, as is exchanging gifts, parties and food (celebrating Jesus’ Birthday). FYI, Jesus’ birth day was set sometime before the fourth century, and may have been a way to show divine connection between the crucifixion and the Feast of the Annunciation (nine month’s difference). The date also has beautiful connections between the winter solstice (Dec. 21) and the Sun/Son of Righteousness. “Christ+Mass” relates to the main idea of the season – Christ’s incarnation, God in flesh. Worried about “Christ” being taken out of Christmas? Though we must be vigilant to honor Christ with our celebrations, the word “Christ” will not be easily removed -- X is a symbol of Christ (the cross), so “X-mas” still bears his name, and the phrase “Happy Holidays” actually refers to “Holy-Days.” The short Christmas season gives way to the day of Epiphany, which is the 12th day after Christmas, January 6. We usually mark Epiphany Sunday on the Sunday closest to the 6th ( Jan. 8, 2015). This is another tradition-set date, as the magi don’t rightly belong in the stable, on Christmas eve or even twelve days later; their visit would have likely been delayed a year or two. Epiphania means “manifestation” or revelation. We celebrate the coming of the magi, and praise, with them, God-with-us, Emmanuel. Epiphany symbols include the gifts of the magi- gold, frankincense and myrrh, the star, and crowns. On New Year’s Eve or the first Sunday in January, Methodists often also observe Wesley’s Covenant Service, which formally renews our resolve to live in faithful covenant with God (see the beautiful “Covenant Prayer” on Hymnal # 607). The subsequent 5-8 week “Season after the Epiphany” is “Ordinary time,” book-ended with two high holy days, “Baptism of the Lord Sunday” and “Transfiguration Sunday.” The gospel readings tell the story of Christ’s early ministry. Except for white for the high holy days, the season’s color is a neutral green, symbolizing growth, and symbols might include the shell /baptismal, water jars for the wedding at Cana (Jesus’ first miracle), and candles, for the bright light of the transfiguration experience. We will explore more in-depth the following seasons (Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost) in another article. Meanwhile, “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!”

Aldersgate Experience 16

GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 8:15 am Service 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30

11:00 am Service


An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.



BEVERLY JACKSON DEBBIE SYKES SUE ALLISON Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.






The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

Aldersgate Experience 17





8:15 Worship 11/2

Chick Hinton/Mitch Adkins Linda & Paul Jones

Kaye Harris (m) Judy Alford (o)

Keith Porter


Mary Tom Roberts/ Keith and Pat Porter

Richard Riggsbee (m) Mitch Adkins Jeff Sturkey (o)

Ken Morris

11/16 Jeff Sturkey/Chick Hinton Andy McCorison/Kirk Brown

Dave Brese (m) Carol Brese (o)

Debbie Edge

11/23 Ed Osteen/Henry Atkinson Carl & Kathy Chmielewski

Anna van Deventer (m) Mitch Adkins Charlotte O’Brien (o)

Shelia Rittgers

5th Sunday FLC 11/30 Chick Hinton/Richard Riggsbee

Kaye Harris/Mitch Adkins

Susan Gay

Pat Porter

Curtis Gay

Doug & Carole Morris

9:30 Worship 11/2

Wanda & Michael Crutchfield

Cynthia Bell (m)

Mary Taylor

Linda Shaffer


Marie & Maria Muir

Linda Shaffer (m)

David Shaffer

Jim Hanson

11/16 Lara Rowland/Cheryl Turner

Marie /Marie Muir (m) Mary Taylor

Cathy Sheffield

11/23 Randy & Cathy Sheffield

Shaunesy Story (m)

Lara Rowland

Mary Taylor

11:00 Worship 11/2

Sam & Kay Edwards Ronnie Oakley/Bill Smith

Michele Tucker (m) Nancy Grinstead (o)

Liz Crose

Barbara Snyder


Michele Tucker/Jim Willis Susan Dernosek/Bob Carter

Stacey McCorison (m) Ron West (o)

Jan Howe

Lee King

11/16 Paula Alford/Nancy Grinstead Ron & Joyce Pendergrass

Ginger Hawkins

Susan Dernosek

Debbie Fletcher

11/23 Paula Veasey/Debbie Fletcher Pam Boatright/Maryellen Finnigan

Bette Baird (m) Lynn Baird (o)

Susan Leonard

Julie Reo

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Aldersgate Experience 18 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

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