Aldersgate UMC Newletter-November

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Birthdays/WNL KOW/New Classes/Marriage Course UMM Christmas Trees/Santa Pictures Community Christmas Outreach Thank You/Jamaican Golf Tournament Red Cross Blood Drive Methodist Home for Children Susanna Wesley Craft & Bake Sale Ted Yoder Concert/Parents Morning Out Sunday Worship/Drive Thru Prayer Special Holiday Services Music Ministry Trustee/Altar Guild Construction Update Columbarium/Memorial Garden Nursery Ministry/Acolytes Financial Updates/ EFT November Lay Assistants Schedule

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Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

United Methodist Church



The dictionary defines service as “the act of helpful activity.” Boy, that is pretty broad, isn’t it? There are millions of examples that could fit into that definition. But that’s probably good. After all, there are millions of different needs and millions of opportunities to be of assistance to someone. So what does it mean when we commit to faithfully participate in the ministries of our church through “service”? First of all, we at Aldersgate absolutely, positively, 100% unequivocally believe that you should be in service in arenas that are not created and sponsored specifically by the church. That might include something formal like joining a local service organization or volunteering at a local school or hospital; or it may be less formal, like helping your neighbor, or helping your own family members around the house. This is what Christians do and we fully believe in serving others in capacities outside our local church. By all means, love your neighbor as yourself. However, the pledge we make when we join the church is a little more specific. When we join the church we say we will faithfully participate IN ITS MINISTRIES through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. I see that taking shape two ways. One, ministries of service to Aldersgate; and two, ministries of service from Aldersgate. First, ministries of service to Aldersgate. These would include activities such as ushering, lay reading, teaching Sunday School, greeting, singing in the choir, participating on a committee, serving on Altar Guild, cooking for a fellowship meal, or taking down chairs after the meal. Obviously, these are just a few examples of the literally hundreds of ways you can serve.

Second, ministries of service from Aldersgate. These would include mission teams, serving at Urban Ministries, walking in the CROP Walk, building with the Habitat for Humanity team, knitting prayer shawls, getting items together for Share Your Christmas, or spending the night with families staying at the church through the Interfaith Hospitality Network. Again, these are just a smattering of examples. There are so many more ways to use your gifts. But, as odd as it may be to read this coming from me, I don’t want you to hear that doing more somehow makes you better. Instead, it is more important to find the right areas of service where you can best live out the calling God has placed on you and can best use your gifts in order to minister to others. If you are doing fifteen things you may be taking up a space where someone else might like to try and serve and feels cut out. Also, you might wear yourself too thin and keep from doing your best. So, pray about where you can BEST serve the Lord in ministries to Aldersgate and/or in ministries from Aldersgate. But, don’t forget to serve the Lord in ministries that Aldersgate doesn’t even sponsor at all! In His Service, Pastor Doug 1


Jamie Ann Carver Aaron Menchini Graham Nichols Brian Parham Naomi Writz Seth Howe Bob de Andrade James Willis Nancy Hargis Mary Anne Hunt Nicholas Hurley Zahary Jones Betty King Tipton Sutton Thomas Copolo Margie Revill Leigha Hofmann JC Whitt Marge Andrews Jack Bingen Tracy Byerly

11/02 11/02 11/02 11/02 11/02 11/03 11/04 11/04 11/04 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/06 11/06 11/07 11/08 11/08 11/09 11/10 11/10

Emily Lain Judy Schlegel Mark Vincent Samantha Drake Joanne Wootton Karl Stover Tinsley Johnson Deneaize Bennett Claire Caudill Ginger Hawkins Julie Upchurch Henry Rosemond Pat Porter Dale Wickham Ken Parham Anna Edge Kim Teunis Bryan Hampson Kevin Healy Jean Mrosla Ryan Ray

11/10 11/10 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/12 11/15 11/17 11/18 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/23 11/23 11/24 11/24 11/24 11/25

Lisa Janes Adrian West Emily West Anne Almond Jacob Morris Nancy Smith Joyce Sprouse Megan Andrews Luci Smith Dee Stover Ron Weaver Lewis Compton Jim MacLaurin

11/26 11/26 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/28 11/28 11/29 11/29 11/29 11/29 11/30 11/30


A U M C Wednesday Night Prayer Service 5:00 pm - Sanctuary 11/7

Message: David & Mephiboseth Doug Lain - Samuel 9


Message: “Creation” Doug Lain - Genesis 1




Message: Samson & Delilah Doug Lain - Judges 16

WNL Menu - 5:30pm - The Family Life Center 11/7

Chicken Divan, Rice and Salad


Soup (2 choices) Salad, Baked Potato Haiti Mission Team


No WNL—Thanksgiving Week


Chicken Pot Pie - Susanna Wesley Circle



(Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world.)

Congratulations to our Third Grade Class who received their Bibles on October 21st.

Isabella Anderson, Louis Berini, Chris Copolo, Joanna de Andrade, Kaylee Eckhoff, Georgia Fishback, Margaret Ann Healy, Emily Lain, Eli McCall, Patrick Stephen Miller, Ryan Ray and Jon Shaver.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE: ADULT CLASSES - WINTER SESSION In the next session of Wednesday Night Live, adults will have two ways to prepare their hearts and minds for the coming of Christ. The first class will be “Forgiveness: A Time to Love and A Time to Hate” led by April Perry. She will use the PBS documentary which highlights real life scenarios and how forgiveness played into each of them. The class will then discuss the story in the context of the biblical view of forgiveness and how people may have struggled in their own lives. The second class is “The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem” based on the Adam Hamilton book by the same name. The class will travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem by using historical information, archaeological findings and personal reflections to look at one of the most amazing moments in history. By following in the footsteps of Mary, Joseph and others, we will gain insight into our own journeys with Christ. Sessions will be facilitated by Doug Lain and Jane Brannock.

THE MARRIAGE COURSE January 10th- February 28, 2013 Dinner at 6:00 pm- AUMC Wesley Room $125 per couple Childcare and children’s dinner- $5 per child per week Make the best of your marriage and have a date night! Registration deadline- November 15, 2012 (Limit- 12 couples)

Contact: Dale and Betty Wickham Ph: 919-471-0204



(Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service.)

United Methodist Men Annual Christmas Tree Event Saturday, November 10th - ALL MEN ARE INVITED - United Methodist Men Meeting - tree lot preparation after the meeting. November 18th - Christmas Trees arrive Sunday afternoon - @1pm. Help needed to unload, count and sort the trees, drill each tree for a center spike and store them in the bins. November 23rd (Friday after Thanksgiving) help is needed : setting up the lot and getting the trees on stands for sales to begin. Tree Sales also begin this day. Help is always needed working the 'Tree Lot'. A sign up board will be available in the Narthex on Sunday, November 4th - Please sign up ! We encourage all groups within Aldersgate UMC to sign up, as well as families. We need at least 4 people on any shift. All children may work the tree lot but they must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult. The Boy scout troop 400 always works Tuesday evenings 5:00-9:00pm. Working shifts for the tree lot :

Monday –Thursday 5:00pm to 9:00pm Friday - 3:00pm-9:00pm Saturday-9:00am-1:00pm , 1:00pm-5:00pm & 5:00-9:00pm Sunday-1:00pm-6:00pm

COME BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE ! Over 220 Christmas trees, various sizes and prices ! Coupons available ! Contact: Bill Smith (click Bill’s name) or John Sanders (click John’s name) if you have any questions.


Santa Claus is coming to Aldersgate! Santa will be here to take pictures with the children on Friday, November 16th from 10:00am-6:00pm. This is a great way for your children to meet and talk with Santa without the long lines at the mall. This is also a fundraiser for the Weekday School scholarship fund so please come and support the school and get your child’s picture with Santa! Please call Evelyn at (919) 479-8686 in the Weekday School office or email: to sign up for a time.


COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Our Aldersgate Family has responded greatly with love and contributions to those less fortunate through various Community Missions Programs. During the Christmas Season these community needs are highlighted by three outreach programs that have become very familiar to each of us at Aldersgate: Conduit Angels, Central Regional Hospital Reindeer Store and Share Your Christmas. This year these programs will be referred to and displayed as “Aldersgate’s Community Christmas Outreach Programs.” Your contributions through Christmas gifts and monetary gifts can be directed through the program of your choice. The Kick-Off for each of these programs will be in mid to late November where information will be found in the Narthex. Following is a brief description of each Community Outreach Program: SHARE YOUR CHRISTMAS is sponsored by the Durham County Department of Social Services, and provides needy families with gifts of NEW clothing, toys and needed household items. Each year Aldersgate sponsors approximately 25-30 families totaling about 100 individuals. Individuals or entire families can be sponsored by signing up on forms that will be posted in the Narthex or online over the web. Visit in the next few weeks for a link to the online signup. Suggested limits are $50 per family member. In addition, contributions of $50 cash will supply each family with a Christmas Food Basket. Wrapped gifts should be delivered to the Church by Saturday, December 8th. Delivery by the AUMM will be Sunday, December 9th.

CONDUIT (CONGREGATIONS OF NORTHERN DURHAM UNITED IN INTENTION) ANGELS provides Christmas gifts to the children participating in the afterschool program at the Oxford Manor low income Housing Complex. There are 40 children receiving daily help with their homework at the Oxford Manor Community Center. CONDUIT partners with the YMCA to provide instructors and volunteers for the program. CONDUIT has a Christmas party for the children before Christmas break and provides a gift to each child. The gifts usually include a toy requested by the child and/or needed clothes or shoes. Aldersgate will sponsor 12-14 children in the program. Contact Lee King or Colleen Anna for more information.

CENTRAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL REINDEER STORE The Reindeer Store is a much anticipated signature event for the patients of Central Regional Hospital (CRH) in Butner. The event is an opportunity for the patients of CRH to get Christmas presents to give to their families in a holiday mall like experience. Community charitable organizations and commercial organizations donate the huge number of gifts needed to fill the mall-like stores. On the 5TH of December the Main Street of CRH will be transformed into a hustling, bustling hive of activity for the event. Each patient receives Reindeer Bucks, which is the only cash of the day. The patients take great care to use their “bucks” frugally in order to get presents for their family members. We will be accepting gift donations again this year throughout November. The final day to drop off gifts will be November 25th. See the display on the bulletin board and pick up a gift list. If you have any questions or would like to help out during the Reindeer Store day on December 5th call Anne Finch at 919-818-8376 (, Jane Bahor at 919-698-6634 ( or Colleen Anna at 919-477-8863 (, or you can contact the Volunteer Services Central Regional Hospital 919-764-7520 or .


A NOTE OF THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, This warm and heartfelt thank you for all of you today, holds more appreciation than any words can say. For you're the nicest kind of people this world has ever known, and you'll never be forgotten for the thoughtfulness you've shown. The Williams Family (Nicole and her four children were our IHN guests the week of October 7th)

DEAR AUMC & UMM, Thank you so much for your generous donation to my summer project. Thank you for your prayers . Please pray for all of us that we would continue to grow and learn and that God will lead us to repentance. The theme of our program was What God says about dating and marriage. Pray that God will give us wisdom and understanding in this area so that we can glorify him. Thanks again ! In Christ’s love, Hannah Boatright


Thank you, thank you, thank you! ….from sending out the food requests & sign up sheets, to cooking the food, to delivering the food to Aldersgate, to transporting the food to Urban Ministries, to serving the food ! A BIG, BIG thank you to everyone involved ! Urban Ministries said the meal went very well ! 203 people were fed! Thanks again to everyone, Colleen Anna

JAMAICAN MISSION TEAM GOLF TOURMANENT Jamaica Mission Team will be hosting a golf tournament at noon on November 3, 2012 at Occoneechee Golf course in Hillsborough. Individual players will be $75, non sponsored teams $300 and sponsored teams $400. Please contact Andy McCorison at for more information. Please come out and support this important mission.

American Red Cross Blood Drive November 18th - Aldersgate UMC The Family Life Center 8:00am - 1:00pm

SUPPORT METHODIST HOME FOR CHILDREN The Micah 6:8 Covenant Group is sponsoring a WNL dinner to support the Methodist Home for Children on November 7th at 5:30 p.m. We’ll be serving a delicious meal of: Chicken Divan, Hot Buttered Rice, Carrot Salad,, Rolls and Butter And Texas Sheet Cake – 3 kinds! The Methodist Home for Children has served children and families in NC for more than 100 years. In addition to foster care and adoption, its services include family preservation, gang prevention, family drug prevention, early childhood care, multipurpose homes and higher education scholarships. Methodist Home for Children’s mission is to build upon the social, physical, and emotional strengths of children, youth and families and to affirm their worth. By doing this, they have been able to transform lives of individuals and families. The financial cost of providing these services is huge………but the payoff is immeasurable. There is a funding gap of at least $1000 per child each year. You can help by making a donation – even a small one. Checks can be made out to AUMC with Methodist Home for Children in the memo. Thank you for your support. 6

CRAFT & BAKE SALE - SUSANNA WESLEY CIRCLE Plan Ahead for Thanksgiving & Christmas: On November 18th the Susanna Wesley Circle will host their annual Craft & Bake Sale in the FLC from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There will be many homemade baked goods perfect for your holiday table and a wide assortment of gift items to help you begin your holiday shopping. Visit our tables and help support such missions as the Urban Ministries food pantry and hygiene kits, national/international mission trips, Share the Warmth, Conduit, Guatemala Sewing Machine Project, Christmas Outreach, Pastor’s Discretionary Fund,

NOVEMBER 18TH - TED YODER A National Hammered Dulcimer Champion is coming to Aldersgate! Ted Yoder plays the hammered dulcimer like he has at least 3 sets of hands, and sings too! In addition to many performance venues including the Gaither Fall Festival, the Indiana State Fair, and churches, he has recorded four CD projects, including his recent “Chocolate Skies.” Since he is coming to the de Andrade home to present a House Concert on Sunday evening, Nov. 18th, Ted has been invited to share his music with Aldersgate at morning worship. You can read more about him and listen to some samples of his music at and others.

PARENTS MORNING OUT! Child care by the Haitian Mission Team Saturday December 1st - Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm - Cost: 25$ for one child /$5 for each additional child from same family. Ages: 2 to 10 yrs. (no nursery) Bring a light snack for your child and enjoy your morning out. Funds will assist in sending two teams back to Haiti to fit eyeglasses. This is a great time for Christmas shopping ! If you have any questions? E-mail Jane Bahor at or Regina Whitaker (919) 471-6539


November 4th November 11th November 18th November 25th

All Saints Day - “No One Like Them” - Message by Doug Lain OT: 1 Kings 3:4-12 & NT: Hebrews 12:1-2a Message by Tara Lain “Blessings and Testings" Message by Doug Lain OT: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 & NT: Matthew 25:31-46 “Hindrances, Heartache and Hope" - Message by Doug Lain OT: Joshua 3:17-20 & NT: 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

DRIVE THRU PRAYER - November 6th 4:00-6:00pm all from the convenience of your car. Simply drive thru the parking lot. A volunteer will meet you at your car window with a cold bottle of water and pray with you. That’s it. It’s easy and simple.

Everyone is invited to drive by Aldersgate at UMC 1320 Umstead Road, Its open, free and available, just like God’s love.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS THESE UPCOMING SPECIAL SERVICES Nov. 4th (Sunday morning) All-Saints Sunday Nov. 18th (Sunday morning) Acolyte dedication; Guest musician Ted Yoder (Hammered dulcimer) Nov. 20th (Tuesday evening, 7:00pm) Joint Thanksgiving Service with Mt. Sylvan, hosted at Aldersgate Dec. 2nd (Sunday evening, 6:30 pm) Chrismon Worship Service Dec. 9th (Sunday morning, 8:15, 11:00 Sanctuary) Chancel Choir cantata – “Advent Witnesses” Dec. 16th (Sunday evening, 6:30 pm, FLC) Moravian Love Feast Dec. 19th (Wed. evening, 6:30 pm) Christmas Service of Comfort and Hope Dec. 24th (Christmas Eve) Services - 4:00pm, 7:00pm and 11:00pm Jan. 6th (Sunday evening, 7:00pm) Epiphany Ring handbell festival

JOINT THANKSGIVING SERVICE When it comes to giving thanks, we can’t say enough – so we join forces! Last year, Aldersgate traveled to Mt. Sylvan, this year is Aldersgate’s year to host. The Rev. Stuart Milton from Mt. Sylvan, will bring the message. As is our tradition, a joint choir from both churches will share an anthem; this year, as a special treat, the children’s choirs will chime in! Our joint Thanksgiving worship service, Tuesday, Nov. 20th at 7:00 pm @ Aldersgate is a great way to make this year’s celebration a feast for your spirit. Bring along a donation of canned food for the hungry, and invite a friend!


Notes from Nan Music Ministry SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS In November at worship, we’re focusing on the stewardship promise of “Service.” Though to an outsider, this might sound like “work”, to a music minister it sounds like “joy!” Sure, we sacrifice, giving our time and talents for the good of the people and to honor God – but we’ve got to admit, it’s life-giving, joyful work. We give an hour-and-a-half at the end of a (perhaps) long day, and when we emerge from rehearsal, we’re “recharged” both in body and spirit, through the music and shared mission. There are opportunities for all ages to serve with joy. If you want to talk or explore further about any of our music ministry groups, please contact Nan de Andrade . Here’s some details: SINGERS CHANCEL CHOIR REHEARSALS - 7:30pm -9:00pm (Sanctuary); child care is available (please let Nan know if you need it). This group sings weekly at the 8:15am and 11:00am services, and is beginning to work on their special Christmas music! If you love to sing at Christmas, you are very welcome to join us, even just for the ho-ho-holidays! Though the choir rehearses together, singers choose to sing at one or the other of our traditional service times. You may have noticed that we’re especially in need of tenors and basses at 8:15am. Please note: special Saturday rehearsals are scheduled for Nov. 17th, 2:00pm-5:00pm; Dec. 8th, 4:00-5:00pm. The Christmas cantata is Sunday, Dec. 9th. PRAISE BAND – rehearsals are Tuesdays from 6:15pm-7:30pm (sanctuary). We would love to add more talent to the team! Regular team members, or substitutes (esp. drums/ bass) are welcome to join us. We’d also especially love to add some more male voices to our singers! CHILDREN’S CHOIRS – Wednesdays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. Graded groupings for Preschool, K-2nd and 3rd-5th graders enjoy a rotation of music and learning activities. As well as delving into the fruit of the Spirit, we’re learning music for the AdventChristmas season ahead! (Children’s choirs and Young Dancers take a big part in the Chrismon/Hanging of the Greens service.) ALL children are encouraged to come to WNL for Kids. Upcoming dates: Sunday, Nov. 18th, 11:00am; Tuesday, Nov. 20th (service at 7:00pm; rehearse at 6:25 pm); Sunday, Dec. 2nd, 7:00pm. YOUTH – Sundays at UTH. Our youth know that music is a great way to connect with and love God, and they sing almost every week at UTH worship time. Look forward to hearing our UTH Praise Team and Singers in worship soon! See Rob Tucker— if you want to get more involved in this ministry. Youth are also encouraged and welcome to be a part of Chancel Choir, Praise Team, or Handbell groups. HANDBELLS JOYFUL NOISE RINGERS Tuesdays, 7:30pm-9:00pm INTERESTED IN BEGINNING HANDBELLS? A new group will hopefully begin in the New Year, with rehearsals on Mondays 6-6:50 pm. See Nan if you’re interested- we need seven to begin rehearsing. CHILDREN’S HANDBELLS Jingle Bells (for beginners) class will continue through Nov. 11th. Young Ringers (intermediates) will play at worship on Nov. 11th, and then be on a short break until the new year, when a new group will be offered. Also… DULCIMER Sweet Sounds – a small group is learning to play the hammered dulcimer, and if you’re interested, we’d love to have you join us. To find out more, call Nan or you’re welcome to drop in on one of our sessions – we practice together on 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 11:00am in Nan’s office.



(Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.)

Upgrades to the Family Life Center - A private donation has made several upgrades to the Family Life Center possible. One of those upgrades are new chairs. The 275 of the existing chairs have been purchased by the Triangle Sertoma Club and The Columbus Club of Durham. Aldersgate UMC will keep some of the “old" chairs to use through out the facilities as needed. Look for more upgrades as the year progresses.

The parsonage master bath and dressing area have received a long overdue update this summer. The area was expanded approximately 4 feet, new shower and double sink installed with the dressing area reconfigured. Construction is completed and everything looks great. OOPS! No one was hurt, but we have a hole in our church building. The trustees, the insurance and construction company are discussing the best way to fix the wall. Reconstruction will begin soon. The 2012 AUMC Trustees are: Billy Cole, Chairperson, Susan Dernosek, Vanessa Gordon , Laurie Leeson , Kay Shaver, Randy Sheffield, Phil Stancil, Mark Thomas and Ron West. Feel free to contact any of the Trustees if you have concerns or questions about the facilities or Trustee for November

for November - Mark Thomas November Altar Guild Jan Howe, Beverly Jackson & Debbie Sykes


ALDERSGATE PHASE - NOVEMBER CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Phase 1A consisted of construction of the Columbarium, picnic shelter, entry canopy on the east side of the Family Life Center, installation of an elevator and renovation of the second floor, east wing, Family Life Center.  Columbarium curved walls are about 85% complete, equipment screen wall about 80% complete and the electrical about 45% complete. The equipment that will be the niches has been received and is being stored off site until final construction is compete.  Picnic shelter slab and foundation were placed last week, columns are up, roof trusses are in place.  Foundations for the entry canopy are in place and construction will follow the picnic shelter progress.  Elevator enclosure is nearing completion, roof assembly is in progress now. We are waiting for a final schedule for elevator delivery. second floor renovations are going great. New walls are up, bathrooms tiled and with fixtures in place, electrical about 90% complete, plumbing about 95% complete, HVAC complete, sprinkler complete, insulation and dropped ceiling complete, painting about 95% complete and floor tile installation about half finished. Phase 1B consisted of the exterior landscaping and excavation. This work included the construction of an activities field east of the Family Life Center, construction of a parking lot between the activities field and the Family Life Center and construction of a dry storm water retention pond at the corner of Umstead and Bivins Rd.  The activity field has been completed, with fencing and seeding. We expect the field to be available sometime the first of the year to give the grass time to firmly root.  Sidewalks around the activities field and along Umstead and Bivins Rd have been completed as has drainage in these areas.  The parking lot has been completed, along with lighting and sidewalks.  The storm water retention pond has been completed along with associated drainage structures and sewer lines, as well as adjacent landscaping.  The required connector between parking lots, along with a speed control feature and crosswalk has been completed.  Minor landscaping remains to be done in front of the sanctuary, in the parking islands along Bivins Rd. and at the temporary construction access.



COLUMBARIUM & MEMORIAL GARDEN In recent years there has been a significant increase in the practice of cremation prompting many churches to meet the needs and desires of members by building Memorial Gardens on church property as the final earthly resting places for the deceased. This revived tradition has given Aldersgate United Methodist Church the opportunity to provide a place of inurnment of ashes of loved ones within an attractive garden setting adjacent to the Sanctuary. Sacred to the memory of those who have departed from our midst, this hallowed ground of Aldersgate will provide a resting place for ashes of loved ones and become a peaceful setting for remembrance and meditation. The Aldersgate Memorial Garden and Columbarium is designed to blend in with the architecture of the church and will contain 64 double niches. Each niche will hold one or two cremation urns. Members of Aldersgate United Methodist Church, or others who meet the eligibility requirements, may reserve niches by contacting the church office. The reservation price of each niche is $2,000. The price includes the urns and the engraving of names and dates of birth and death for each inurned person. Reservations made by December 31, 2012 and paid in full by that date will cost $1,500. Members may request a provisional reservation of niches by making a down payment of $750 per niche at the time of application. The applicant must pay the remaining balance within 3 years of the date of application. Eligibility for use of niches is specified in the Memorial Garden & Columbarium “Policies, Rules and Regulations�. For a copy of this document, and any further information you may need, please contact the church office. Questions and comments may also be directed to any member of the Aldersgate Memorial Garden & Columbarium Committee (Joe Lyndon, Gene Bell, Kaye Harris, Millie Duncan, Paula Veasey, Dana Leeson and Randy Sheffield).

NOVEMBER ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am Sunday Morning Nursery Lori Fisher, Jamie Lewis & Ellen Whisnant Tuesday Music Practices: Ellen Whisnant & Lynn Wilfong

8:15 am Worship Service November 4th: November 11th: November 18th: November 25th:

Hannah Fogel & Olivia Lain Taylor Healy Ella Thomas Mackenzie Hale

11:00 am Worship Service November 4th: November 11th: November 18th: November 25th:

Ella Thomas & Mackenzie Hale Hannah Fogel Rebecca Johnson Olivia Lain


ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INCOME SNAPSHOTS THROUGH 10/14/2012 Operating Collections Versus Budget YTD Budgeted YTD Budgeted

Pledged Received

$ 486,944 $


Unpledged Contributions $


Total YTD Contributions $


YTD Collections Budget $


Operating Collections Versus Spending Pledges Received

YTD Spent YTD Spending

$ 578,109 $


Unpledged Contributions $


Total YTD Contributions $


YTD Collections Spent $


Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD Spending

Pledges Received

$1,360,993 $

? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Unpledged Contributions $


Total Contributions $


Received Versus Pledged $


Offered by Aldersgate UMC Consistent giving Automatically on your bank statement No weekly/monthly check writing Sign up once & its done (until you stop it) YOU chose the cycle—weekly—semi-monthly or monthly Contact the church office—(919) 477-0509 x 100 or to sign up


NOVEMBER LAY ASSISTANTS SCHEDULE 8:15am Worship Service Greeters 11/4

Jean Mrosla (m) Kaye Harris (o)


Lay Readers

Joe & Lisa Clark Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown

Jane Bahor

11/11 Jeff Sturkey (m) Lisa Clark (o)

Raye Lyndon/Mitch Atkinson Mary Tom Roberts/Jackie Roberts

Judy Alford

11/18 Mitch Atkins (m) Norma Roberts (o)

Chick Hinton/Charles Andrews Richard Riggsbee/Henry Atkinson

Kathy Chmielewski

11/25 Raye Lyndon(o) Pat Stancil (m)

Jeff Sturkey/Kirk Brown Doug & Carole Morris

Lisa Clark

9:30am Worship Service 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25

Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Sue Allison Dale & Betty Wickham Cathy Sheffield/Cynthia Bell

Gene Bell/Lara Rowland Michael/Wanda Crutchfield Andrea Stewart/Sue Allison Lara Rowland

Betty Wickham Cathy Sheffield Jim Hanson Dale Wickham

11:00am Worship Service 11/4

Jennifer McLamb (m)

Raye Lyndon/Ron West Andy & Stacey McCorison

Carl Allen

11/11 Raye Lyndon (o) Marsha Covington (m)

Summer Stanley/Andrea Stewart Sarah McCorison/Bill Smith

Sandra Reynolds

11/18 Andy McCorison (m) Maryellen T. Finnigan (o)

Ginger Hawkin/Graham Nichols Joyce Mackin/Jennifer McLamb

Suzi Caudill

11/25 Graham Nichols (o) Ginger Hawkins (m)

Paula & Gary James Maryellen T. & Walter Finnigan

Paula Alford

To access the monthly church calendar, please click on the link below: and click on This Week in Our Church—on the left side of the front page.


Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712

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