Aldersgate Experience 1
Connecting Knowing Loving Growing
THE VISIONS BECOME A REALITY We drew up plans in 2006 to expand and improve our facilities here at Aldersgate. In the fall of 2011 we voted to build a columbarium, an outdoor ministries field, a picnic shelter, a new parking lot, buy a bus, and renovate the youth and scout area in the Family Life Center. A capital campaign was started to help pay for this project. It is now the fall of 2014 and I wanted to share with you how that project has allowed us to do ministry that would not have been possible otherwise. Walk with me through one evening in the life of our church - Tuesday, September 16th. Around 5:15 pm I walked over to get the Aldersgate bus to drive to Oxford Manor. Upward Soccer was starting that night with its first practice, and we had made arrangements to pick up some kids from Oxford Manor that would not have had transportation to participate in the program otherwise. I returned from Oxford Manor around 6:00 pm to find a lot of activity at Aldersgate. I parked in the new parking lot behind the Family Life Center. It was completely full. I looked over to see kids, coaches, and parents gathering on the Outdoor Ministry Field for the start of soccer practice. But there were others gathered in the picnic shelter. A program called Girls on the Run which helps teach character and confidence to elementary school girls through running was coming to a close for the day.
October 2014
At the same time, boy scouts were gathering to meet. There were well over 100 people between the picnic shelter and the field. After dropping the kids off at the field, I went to check Everett out of afterschool to participate in Upward. I saw people from church who had volunteered as coaches. Upward is different from most soccer leagues. We stop in the middle of every practice and game to teach something about the Christian faith and have a prayer together. At the end of each game the kids don’t decide who was the best player on the field; but who showed the most effort, displayed the best sportsmanship, and who was the most Christ-like. On this first day of practice the parents were very encouraging. They supported their coaches and cheered for the players on all teams. Many people were talking and getting to know one another. Some were snapping pictures and others decided to go for a walk around the track that surrounds the field. As I mentioned, the scouts were also meeting. They used a different part of the field and learned how to use a fly rod for fishing. I don’t think they had much luck catching anything in the grass, but it was a great place to practice. Afterwards, they went upstairs and had the rest of their meeting in the renovated youth and scout room. (continued on page 2)
Aldersgate Experience 2
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Letter Unspeakably Blessed, Forever Grateful! Birthdays & Thank you Financials Understanding the Budget 2015 Time & Services Survey Wheels 4Hope Help Urban Ministries Weekday School/Unicef UMM Stew/BBQ Sale AUMC Mission Yard Sale Careing for the Caregivers
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Drive -Thru Prayer/Soccer PrimeTimers Happenings Wednesday Night Prayer Service Making Sense of the Bible Sunday Worship Special Upcoming Sundays New Sunday Class/3rd Bibles Children’s BLOG Family Fall Festival Music Ministry Did You Ever Wonder Acolytes/Altar Guild/Trustees Lay Assistants for October
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Soccer practice came to a close at 7:00 pm and I took the kids back to Oxford Manor. I also grabbed a quick bite while I was out. When I returned to Aldersgate at 8:15 pm, I saw that the parking lot was still almost full. Upwards was over and the scouts had also gone home; but the following groups were still meeting: the Joyful Noise Ringers, the I68 Journey group, Divorce Care, Disciple Bible Study, Community Basketball, and Alcoholics Anonymous. During the evening the Praise Band had practiced and a Girl Scout troop had met, as well. As I drove home I noticed the lights on at the columbarium. This has become the most beautiful and peaceful area at Aldersgate, in my opinion. The lights reminded me of the people who were interred there and how they are now in a place where there’s no darkness at all. Our construction project had its share of snags and it isn’t fully paid for yet. However, it has allowed us to do ministry that we weren’t doing before and, in some ways, is unique to our area. On this one night hundreds of people benefitted from it. And for that we should be proud. Peace of Christ, Doug
UNSPEAKABLY BLESSED, FOREVER GRATEFUL! If you have not received your Unspeakable Blessed, Forever Grateful card for Aldersgate’s 2015 Operating Budget, please contact the church office - (919-477-0509) You may also pick up a card at the Welcome Station located outside the Sanctuary. Sunday, October 26th, is Gratitude Sunday! We invite everyone to come to the altar and present their Gratitude Card as an act of worship. You may also place your card in the collection plate or leave it in the church office.
Aldersgate Experience 3
CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)
Thomas Copley Evelyn Johnson John McAllister Tom Petrosky Virginia Roberts Emma Carver Rob Panza Kim Alford Aaron Dernosek Trentin Morgan George Carver Ryan Turley Cameron Nye Julian Upchurch Jacqueline (Jackie) Andrews Dennis Shipman Jennifer Clark Rose Smith Justice Jackson Phil Korest Lisa Clark Byron Gillispie Michael Jones Nicole Casey Laney Copley Dawn Eckhoff Beth Osteen Doug James Gene Bell Baylis Healy
10/01 10/01 10/01 10/01 10/01 10/02 10/04 10/05 10/05 10/06 10/07 10/07 10/08 10/09 10/10 10/10 10/11 10/11 10/12 10/12 10/13 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/15 10/16 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/18
Ted Verble II Beth Sturkey Curtis Gay Alexandra Rose Gaines Olivia Lain Beth Menchini Beth Menchini Betty Jane Upchurch Joe Clark Abi Lowans Michelle Montgomery Hannah Boatright Melanie Edge Melanie Edge Jeff Sturkey Ella Thomas Linda Berini Laura Fogle Sarah McLamb Leigh Anne Berini William Hofmann Regan Andrews Lauren Carver Dylan Morgan Andrea Stewart Sarah Walker Debbie Edge Chelsea Howard Andrew Petry Justin Drake
10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/25 10/25 10/25 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/29 10/30 10/30 10/31
Thank you to all of the people from Aldersgate UMC for the food and visits during my foot surgery. I do so appreciate my Aldersgate family! In Christ’s Love Mary Ellen Rogers
Aldersgate Experience 4
ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FINANCIAL SNAPSHOTS THROUGH 8/31/2014 Contributions Versus Expenses YTD Expenses YTD Spending $ 510,671
Pledges Received $
Unpledged Weekday School Contributions & Other Income $
Total Year-ToDate Contributions $
Year-To-Date Contributions Less Expenses $
Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD
Pledges Received $
Unpledged Contributions $
Weekday School & Memorial Funds $
Total Contributions $ 1,118,036
Received Versus Pledged $
It’s just a click away !! On Line-Giving ! - Just click the blue “on-line giving” button on the Aldersgate Web Site ( We are accepting on-line donations by debit / credit cards as well as electronic fund transfer (checking & savings). ALL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BY EMAIL - CONTACT CATHY SHEFFIELD - CATHY@ALDERSGATE.ORG It’s convenient – just access our website and you are set! It’s timely – available 24 hours / day, 7 days / week It’s confidential and secure – hosted by Vanco Services, LLC Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Cathy Sheffield to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of on-line giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Cathy at or 919-477-0509, ext. 117.
Aldersgate Experience 5
UNDERSTANDING THE CHURCH OPERATING BUDGET Each month we are taking a closer look at a different piece of the budget pie chart. This month we are looking at money allocated for “Christian Formation �. I suppose everything we do is truly Christian Formation, but we use that term in the budgetary process to include all classes, studies, and retreats that are intentionally meant for education and spiritual growth. This would include all children and adult Sunday School classes. It would include Alpha and Disciple Bible Study. Classes for Wednesday Night Live, as well as daytime and evening classes that occur during the week are included, as well. The curriculum for all these classes is purchased through the Christian Formation budget. Of course, we also have a Minister for Christian Formation that oversees all these programs. Jane Brannock recruits teachers and helps them find the right curriculum for their classes. She encourages all of us to find the right class to take each season or year. So far this year, 359 have participated in an class or small group for intentional Christian formation. In 2014 we set aside 11% of our budget for Christian Formation. That 11% is an investment that is paying lifetime dividends. Pastor Doug
Not included in this chart is the significant and generous financial support Aldersgate members extend to an extensive list of local and international mission programs through numerous program-specific fundraising activities. Please also note that these figures do not include any capital campaign debt reduction funds.
Aldersgate Experience 6
HOW DO YOU SERVE ? 2015 TALENTS & SERVICES SURVEY EVERY MEMBER COUNTS! The 2015 AUMC Talents and Services survey is now available! This survey is your opportunity to volunteer for one of the many ministries here at Aldersgate. Each year we can grow in Christ as we serve those we love in our church, community, and world. By simply completing the survey, the Lay Leadership committee is able to place you in one of the many areas that need your help: Greeters, Ushers, New Baby Ministry, Missions, small group activities—the list goes on and on. We hope you will prayerfully consider the areas you would like to help. To complete the survey, go to and click on the Time and Services survey . Some paper copies are at the Welcome Centers.
WHEELS4HOPE Donated cars change lives‌.Seaira, a mom of two young boys, received the keys to her first car at an exciting car blessing on Wednesday, August 13th at Chapel Hill Tire Car Care Center. The days of Seaira spending 4-6 hours on the bus are behind her. She will no longer have to walk 30 minutes with her two small boys down a service road to the bus stop. Find out how you can help by calling 919-832-1941 or visiting
EMPTY SHELVES AT URBAN MINISTRIES The Urban Ministries Food Pantry supplies groceries to 26 families per day-Monday thru Thursday every week to those who are in need as screened by the social worker. The families range anywhere from one to eight members and the size/amount of the groceries given out is based on the family size. Food items most needed: Cans of green beans, peas, cans of corn, mixed vegetables, cans of mixed fruit cocktail, peaches, pineapple. Also 1 lb bags of rice, pinto beans, black beans, boxes of pasta, spaghetti, dried potatoes, dried milk, always Macaroni. Also soups of all kinds. Please NO GLASS Containers and the can size should be the standard 15 oz size. You can also give money; make the check out to AUMC w/memo-for Urban Ministries. If some of us bring a few food items EVERY Wednesday or Sunday, we can keep those shelves filled and a lot of people in Durham from going hungry. Please bring any type of canned or dry food to the Urban Ministry boxes, located outside the Wesley Room. Let's bring food every week to Urban Ministry for those in need.
Thanks and blessings! Bill Smith
Aldersgate Experience 7
School is now in full-swing for both Preschool and Afterschool. We are looking forward to visiting the Pumpkin Patch this month with all our preschool kids. This is a highlight of the year! They love to pick their own pumpkin and go for a hayride with Mom and Dad. We will also have our Halloween parade on Halloween morning. It’s so adorable to see 100 preschool kids dressed in their costumes! We will be having lots of fun in our Intersession camps this month. We will be visited by Piedmont Wildlife Center and about 8 of their animals. The kids LOVE the snakes! We will also be building Lego creations with the robotics program from the Museum of Life and Science, during Lego Mania Week. Please remember to keep the teachers and all the students in your prayers. dedicated teachers and all of our students are precious.
We are so blessed to have such
Happy Fall, Evelyn
Get out your candy and your coins!! Our annual fall mission project kicks off on October 19th. The Aldersgate children will be raising money for Trick or Treat for UNICEF throughout the month of October. Please support the children by bringing your extra coins and cash to drop into their UNICEF boxes and cans. Donations bring clean water, medicine, and school supplies to needy children worldwide.
Aldersgate Experience 8
UNITED METHODIST MEN ANNUAL STEW AND BBQ SALE Pre-Order NOW on line at, click on the stew pot, or at the Welcome Center outside the sanctuary. Look for the pig !! All orders should be picked up on October 11th in the Family Life Center after 1:00 pm. (space is very limited in the kitchen freezer) $8.00 /quart of Stew & $8.00 / pound of BBQ.
ALDERSGATE UMC MISSION YARD SALE - OCT 18TH October 18th - 8:00 am ‘til 1:00 pm The Family Life Center Drop off items on Friday, October 17th from 2:00 ‘til 8:00 pm in the Family Life Center. Help set up and get first dibs on treasures! Help on the day of the sale and get a special thanks ! All proceeds go to Aldersgate supported missions. NO LARGE FURNITURE, NO COMPUTERS OR NON WORKING ELECTRONICS, NO CHEMICALS OR OPENED CONTAINERS. Contacts: Mary Artley 919-906-2784, Jane Bahor 919-698-6634, Anne Finch 919-818-8376 or Mary Taylor 919-479-9669.
CARING FOR CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Are you a caregiver to a child, parent, spouse, or other loved one? Many members are facing these responsibilities and feeling alone, overwhelmed at times and confused. Just talking to others and hearing their stories that are so similar to yours can be uplifting and comforting. Other resources are available too. Come join others like you on the second Monday of every other month. We next meet at 7:00 pm in Room 210 on November 10th. For more information please contact Sandra Reynolds at 919-614-2154 or
Aldersgate Experience 9
hru Drive-T Prayer
October-December 2014 - Everyone is invited ! October 2nd Covered dish lunch. Sign up to help with WNL meal. Start scrapbook (bring any photos, memories, etc. you want to include in the scrapbook, and any scrapbooking materials you’d like to share) October 15th Primetimers prepares and serves Wednesday Night Live fellowship meal October 16th Bring you lunch (sandwich or salad) Anne Finch will talk with us about the Guatemala Sewing Machine project November 6th Fall Celebration Lunch at C and H Cafeteria (11:30 am) November 20th Covered dish lunch. Aly Jo Wood will talk with us about Our State Magazine December 4th Covered dish Russ Thompson presents a program on Fannie Crosby (the Queen of Gospel song writers) December 18th Trip to Lutheran Ascension Church in Danville, VA, to see the Chrismons. Lunch at the Olive Garden in Danville (Chrismon display is free, you’ll pay for your lunch)
Aldersgate Experience 10
KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. ) The Wednesday Prayer Service. This fall we will look at what we believe by spending time each week with a different line from the Apostles’ Creed. Come join us for a time of prayer and a short, inspirational message on Wednesday afternoon at 5:00 pm.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.
MAKING SENSE OF THE BIBLE… Are there portions of the Bible that you wrestle with? That create questions in your mind? That brings out your curiosity? Or simply don’t seem to make sense to you? What does it mean that the Bible is the “inspired word of God”? Would you like to honestly wrestle with the Biblical questions that relate to science, or suffering, or sexuality ? If so, come join Pastor Doug in the Wesley Room on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm beginning on October 29th. Together, let’s rediscover the power of scripture for today’s world.
Aldersgate Experience 11
LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service)
SPECIAL UPCOMING SUNDAYS October 2nd – World Communion Sunday October 12th – 3rd Grade Bible Presentation Sunday (11:00 am) October 26th – Gratitude Sunday November 2nd – All Saints Sunday November 23rd – Youth Sunday; also Joint Thanksgiving Service at 7:00 pm November 30th – Advent begins; also Chrismon/Hanging of the Greens at 6:00 pm “COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK” December 14th – Choir Cantata December 17th – Service of Comfort and Hope December 21st – Love Feast (6:30 pm) December 24th – Christmas Eve services (4:00 pm, 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm)
Aldersgate Experience 12
CHRISTIAN FORMATION SOMETHING NEW IS HAPPENING DURING THE SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR! Beginning October 5th – November 2nd, adults will have an opportunity to participate in the DVD study Who is This Man? by John Ortberg. In these sessions, facilitated by Billy Cole, Ortberg reveals how Jesus and Christianity came to make an inescapable influence on our world, and how you as a Christian can make an inescapable influence, too. This short-term class is open to all interested adults. They will meet at 9:30 am in Room 210.
Presenting each third grader an engraved Bible from the church is a longstanding tradition at Aldersgate. This year’s class will be honored on October 12th during the 11:00 service. If you have a third grader and have not received an e-mail from Jane Brannock with further information, please contact her at so that you child’s Bible may be included in the order. Meeting: There will be a reception in the Wesley Room for 3rd graders and their parents during the Sunday School time on Oct 12. Jane Brannock will go over what students will do during the Bible presentation at the 11 o'clock service and refreshments will be served.
OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY HAS A BLOG! Keep up with all the happenings in children’s ministry here at Aldersgate – plus, find links to articles and information on topics that can enrich your family life and help your child grow in his/her faith. Go to to find out what it’s all about.
Get out your candy and your coins!! Our annual fall mission project kicks off on October 19th. The Aldersgate children will be raising money for Trick or Treat for UNICEF throughout the month of October. Please support the children by bringing your extra coins and cash to drop into their UNICEF boxes and cans. Donations bring clean water, medicine, and school supplies to needy children worldwide.
Aldersgate Experience 13
Fall Festival
It’s that time of year again! As the weather gets cooler and leaves start to cover the ground, we look forward to hosting our Fall Festival! Once again, Aldersgate is inviting the community to join us on Halloween Night, October 31, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. We have games ready to be led by both youth and adults. WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH DONATIONS OF CANDY, CUPCAKES, AND DECORATED CAR TRUNKS FOR TRUNK OR TREAT IN OUR PARKING LOT. During the evening, we will offer a bounce house, cupcake walk, and hot dogs and popcorn in addition to trunk or treat and fun games! YOU CAN SIGN UP AT THE WELCOME STATION OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY. All donations can be turned in to Tara’s office or in boxes available outside the church office and outside the gym entryway. “What is Trunk or Treat?” some of you may ask! Trunk or Treat is a fun way of sharing candy and treats with church friends and neighbors without going door-to-door. We invite families to bring their cars to church, open the trunk and decorate with a theme of their choice. In the past we have had some great scary-themed trunks, princess-themed trunks, game trunks, harvest trunks – almost anything you or your family likes! Simply come early, decorate your trunk, and share candy or goodies with trick or treaters like you would at home from the front door. REMEMBER TO SIGN UP so we can keep track of how many trunks we have!
October 31st 530 pm til 800 pm The Family Life Center & back Parking Lot
Aldersgate Experience 14
MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade ( for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are most sincerely welcome to join any of our music ministry groups. Give us a try! Contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more ( CHANCEL CHOIR:
Keep Calm Chancel Choir, Aldersgate’s awesome choir that serves at the 8:15 or 11:00 am service, has counted and and there are just TEN regular rehearsals from Oct. 1st and our Christmas Cantata, “Were You There Let the on that Christmas Night?” by Lloyd Larson. This has brought more than a little jingle to our Wednes- Fa-La-Las day night rehearsals! If you’re like Cindy Lou Who and just can’t get enough of Christmas, or maybe Commence! you want to grow your heart a few more sizes this year, why not join us for this season of joy? Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 7:30- 9:00 pm and all adults and youth are encouraged to join in! Like the Who's sing, “Welcome Christmas…Christmas Day will always be/ Just so long as we have we.”
PRAISE TEAM: We rehearse on Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm. If you enjoy Contemporary Christian music, and love to sing or play guitar, drum, bass, flute, accordion, keyboard, trumpet…. consider whether you might add to our team! Youth and Adult singers and instrumentalists are all very welcome! P.S. If you have a song request, please let Nan know – she loves to know what your current favorites are.
Children are invited to develop and share their talents with God through dance, singing, and ringing! Come to one or all of our free programs!
Young Dancers:
Sundays 3:45-4:45 pm - Children from 2nd-5th grades are invited to join this sacred dance group under the direction of the talented Anna Van Deventer. They will be learning two dances this fall, so regular attendance is a must for this group!
SANCTUARY: Parents and all interested children are invited to our organizational meeting at the start of our first practice .
Theme: “Living in the Light” Sundays 4:45-5:30 pm Leader: Emily Wike ALL school-aged children, K—5th grades are needed to come and help us sing to the Lord! We sing at the 11:00 service about once a month, and will present some extra special music at our Hanging of the Greens service. CHOIR ROOM (MAIN BLDG.)
Sundays 5:30– 6:00 pm Leader: Nan de Andrade Learn to play our beautiful handbells! No music reading skills are required, you can “learn on the job!” Several slots are still open; for 2nd grade and up. NARTHEX (MAIN BLDG.)
HANDBELLS: For adults and youth: JOYFUL NOISE RINGERS, our advanced choir, rehearses on Tuesdays at 7:30
pm. Joyful Noise Ringers will be attending the Capitol Area Handbell festival in Raleigh on Saturday, November 8th. The Festival Concert is free and open to the public at 4 pm at the Kerr Scott Building at the NC Fairgrounds.
PRAISE RINGERS: a beginner-level choir forming now, meets on Monday evenings from 6 – 7 pm, beginning October 20th. We are in need of at least 3 more ringers, so if you are interested in ringing, please contact Nan to find out more! (We even have time to have some one-on-one to learn to read!) Please note that youth are encouraged to join with adults, for handbells and choir as well!
SWEET SOUNDS: (HAMMERED DULCIMER GROUP) :If you’ve always loved hammered dulcimer, why not try
learning to play? We have a small group learning together every-other week, on Thursday mornings. We may even have a dulcimer you can borrow! Call Nan and find out more about us!
Aldersgate Experience 15
SPOTIFY YOUR PRAISE Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/pods that plays music from playlists built by members. Our church holds a premium membership subscription, which allows us to build playlists and share them with others. This is so that you can listen in with us! Simply create your own (basic, free) account. Search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, OCT AUMC 2014). Each month, we post a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 Contemporary worship service. You can “tune your heart” all week, and be even more ready to praise God on Sunday mornings! Hope you’ll give it a try – and if you encounter problems, give Nan a call!
A SERIES ON WORSHIP PRACTICES BY NAN DE ANDRADE Why do we do what we do in corporate worship? Each act in our service has a purpose and a tradition that carries deep meaning and intention. Many are centuries-old and some have even evolved into new meanings. This series will take a moment to look into some of our practices at Aldersgate so that we can all enjoy a richer experience of worship of God on Sunday mornings. Past articles include: The Shape of Worship, the Offering, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and Standing in Worship. THIS MONTH – CORPORATE WORSHIP
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO WORSHIP AT CHURCH EVERY WEEK? CAN’T I JUST WORSHIP ON MY OWN? 1. Sometimes our spiritual fire goes cold and dry on its own. Even spiritual giant Martin Luther once said “at home, in
my own house, there is no warmth or vigor in me, but in the church when the multitude is gathered together, a fire is kindled in my heart and it breaks its way through.” There’s something very empowering about being with other people who believe in some One invisible, who help us to have faith when God seems silent, who remind us that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves, and where we can testify to God’s action in the world. Feeling “hot?” – now’s the time to be a sparkler! 2. There’s power in numbers! In the beginning, God created Eve to be with Adam, because “It is not good to be alone.” At our baptism, we are baptized into a community, born again into the Body of Christ. The word “corporate” means “united or combined into one body.” When we gather together in worship, God can build up our Body and empower us to lift high the cross. Jesus implied corporate prayer when he taught us to pray, “OUR Father…” Sometimes, sin is not as much individual as corporate or systemic. When we come together to confess, we are able to repent of that sinsickness, and find reconciliation with God and each other. Also, it is through meeting with other believers that God often speaks to us. 3. It’s a God Thing. From Genesis, God has called God’s people to gather at least once a week to worship. Regular attendance to worship is the wisdom and blessing of God, a gift given to us through law and tradition. In private worship, we may pick and choose what we want to hear. But when we gather together, as we are commanded to do, we find discipline (that’s a good thing) through the authority of the Church. We are given Ministers to guide our faith journeys through Word, sacrament, and order. Together with Christians of many denominations, we hear the entire Bible in a 3year cycle, through the common lectionary. We practice our traditions, share time-honored liturgies and creeds, and find expression through God-inspired hymns and songs. In that hour together, we rehearse the holiness that we hope to live out, in the week to come. 4. If you were invited to worship with Jesus this week, would you go? Jesus promised, “where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” That does not sound like an experience you’d want to miss! God can work on “perfecting us in love” when avail ourselves of the holy sacraments and means of grace that are offered at corporate worship. Sometimes we don’t even understand what’s happening, or what we need! We just show up, and Holy Spirit acts – to heal, to reform, to erase, to make new, to give us joy. One of our Church Council goals for the year is to increase our regular attendance of weekly worship. Life pulls us every which-way and it’s a challenge to set aside even one hour a week! But, imagine what God could do with Aldersgate’s people and power, if each of us to try to increase our attendance by one Sunday a month. If you’re coming about once a month, try every other week! Twice? - try three times a month! And if you’re averaging three times a month, well, you might as well see what happens when your attendance is perfect! If you’re already coming every week, then you know what that’s doing for your life – so let it shine! Jesus said, “Sabbath is made for man.” So “remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy” – it’s what disciples do, and it’s a world-changer!
Aldersgate Experience 16
GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) ACOLYTE SCHEDULE OCTOBER 5TH OCTOBER 12TH OCTOBER 19TH OCTOBER 26TH
8:15 am Service
11:00 am Service
An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.
STACEY MCCORISON LIZ CROSE PAULA ALFORD Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.
The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.
Aldersgate Experience 17
8:15 Worship 10/5
Chick Hinton Pat Porter & Keith Porter Andy McCorison
Mitch Adkins
Sharon MacLaurin
Holly Hall (o)
10/12 Paul & Linda Jones Mary Tom Roberts Chick Hinton
Mike Upchurch (m) Jeff Sturkey (o)
Charlotte O’Brien
Debbie Edge
10/19 Kathy & Carl Chmielewski Kirk Brown Jeff Sturkey
Paul Jones (m) Linda Jones (o)
Pat Porter
Dave Brese
10/26 Richard Riggsbee Andy McCorison Carole & Doug Morris
Keith Porter (m) Pat Porter (o)
Mitch Adkins
Shelia Rittgers
Mary Taylor Holly Hall Lara Rowland Mary Taylor
April Perry Lisa Dye Janes Teri Ray Doug Taylor
Sarah Walker (m) Lindsay Brown (o)
Paula Veasey
Cathy Cozart
10/12 Ronnie Oakley Deb Fletcher Kim & Wayne Aiken
Susan Parham (m) Pam Boatright (o)
Bette Baird
Ron West
10/19 Sarah & Brent Walker Paula Alford Stacy McCorison
Ed Osteen (m) Ronnie Oakley (o)
Amelia Oakley
Suzi Caudill
10/26 Pam Boatright/Jan Howe Maryellen Finnigan Ashley Bahor
Liz Crose (m) Amelia Oakley (o)
Michele Tucker
Ken Morris
9:30 Worship 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26
Cathy & Randy Sheffield Dawn Eckhoff/Steve Fishback Doug & Mary Taylor Gene & Cynthia Bell
David Shaffer Shaunesy Story Linda Shaffer Cheryl Turner
11:00 Worship 10/5
Ginger Hawkins/Jim Willis Anabela Mendes Michele Tucker
If you are not available, please email your replacement to:
Aldersgate Experience 18 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509
Address Service Requested
Follow us: TheGate27712