September 2014

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Aldersgate Experience 1

Connecting Knowing Loving Growing

September 2014


Everybody needs somebody. We don’t like to think that is true. We like to think we can do fine on our own, thank you very much! Scripture reminds us that, not only do we need one another, we are inescapably linked to one another. Consider these words from 1 Corinthians 12: “The body is a unit. Though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free – and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.” We are all parts of the same body. The physical body cannot be separated and expected to function! We would never try that! In Romans 12:4-5 we hear, “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.” So not only can we not separate the parts, the members form a whole and each belongs to all the others. You are mine and I am yours; we belong to one another. Wow! What if we chose to really, truly live that way? What would our lives look like? Within our congregation, we have ministries devoted to the nurture and care of our members and the community. The people who serve in these ministries are keenly aware of the sense of belonging the scriptures above describe. Each of us has a particular gift or way to care for “the other person” who belongs to us. The Visitation Team is a group who goes out to lift spirits, pray, and regularly interact with those among us who are homebound and sick. Stephen Ministries is a group of well-trained lay ministers who are paired with persons who have a need for weekly, person-to-person care, whether that need comes out of the physical, emotional or spiritual. Our Nurture and Care group is filled with people to care for others who need a meal after surgery, who have recently had a new baby, those going through a divorce, people new to our congregation, and the list goes on and on. At some point, we all have a need. Christ reminds us that we belong to one another and, as such, we are to care for one another. If we belong to each other, don’t we want to care for those parts of the whole who are not well, who are not whole? When we are all connected, if one part is not well, doesn’t the whole body suffer? As you seek to live into Christ’s call on your life, I invite you to consider what it means to relate to others in a new way: you belong to them and they belong to you. The “others” around you are really part of you, part of the same body, bound together in Spirit by God’s love. We are not separate but parts of the same One. As Christians, it is part of our DNA to share in the caring for one another! We can live this out in our daily lives; even better, we can intentionally work with others who share our gifts and make an impact on those who are in need of care now. How will you share your gifts? What is your call? I hope you will take some time over the next few weeks to pray and discern in which part of the body of Christ and within Aldersgate you may best serve. You are requested to share what you have discerned through the Time and Talent Survey (online and paper copies available). Blessings to you during this month of September. May we live together as ones who truly belong to one another and know Jesus as Lord! Pastor Tara

Aldersgate Experience 2

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Letter Did You Ever Wonder ? Birthdays Financials Understanding the Budget 2015 Time & Services Survey Weekday School Homework Helpers Haiti Hoedown Drive -Thru Prayer/Soccer Quiet Day

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Sunday Worship Wednesday Prayer Service Christian Formation/Sunday Schools Fall Classes Music Ministry Calling All Bread Bakers Acolytes/Altar Guild/Trustees Lay Assistants for September

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WORSHIP WONDERINGS WHY DO WE STAND IN WORSHIP? There are so many Biblical examples of believers standing in worship, the better question might be, “Why don’t we stand more?” At Aldersgate, we stand often, and it is not just to have a break from sitting! Our standing has great significance and tradition. 1. Unity - When we stand together, we “stand together.” We show with our bodies that we are collectively affirming what is being said; for example, rising to recite a Creed or sing praises. 2. Respect – In Nehemiah, when Ezra rises to read the recovered Book of the Law to the people, it says, “as he opened it, all the people stood.” And they stood for HOURS! Though we’ve gotten a bit lazy on standing for all scripture reading, we do rise for the Gospel reading, Jesus Christ’s words and story, which we honor as our primary authority. 3. Recognizing God’s presence – As we stand for our Call to Worship, we are similar to the people in Exodus, who would all rise and bow down whenever the cloudy pillar appeared at the entrance to the tent where Moses met the Lord. We stand to show respect for God’s presence among the gathered Body of Christ. 4. Signifying our Salvation – The Psalmist asks, “Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts…” (Ps. 24: 3-4a) We are made clean and worthy because of salvation through Christ. 5. Preparing to March – Jesus’ healing words were often simply, “Stand up and walk!” Although at the beginning of worship, we may have been battle-worn and in need of healing, after an hour of worship, Jesus says to us, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well." Our Sending Forth gives us marching orders and a blessing, and we follow the Light of Christ into the world to serve. Final note: It’s difficult to impossible for some to continually stand up, but we can all “rise as we are able”! Whether we actually rise to our feet , or straighten up and sit at attention, our rising is an intentional expression of worship.

Aldersgate Experience 3

CONNECTING (Connect with God and one another)

Christopher Bonham Reese Westbrook Grayson Byerly Wanda Crutchfield Harper Johnson Regina Carver Alison Andrews Kelley Gauger Martha Payne Randy Lowans Petra Taylor Matt Gauger Walter Finnigan Gabriela Mebane Taylor Katie Hammer Emily Wike Davis Brown Eliza Brown Lee Kane Paula Alford Susan Leonard Cynthia Bell Mary Beth Cole Scott Falise Sheryl Morgan Anne Bowman Donna Deck Connie Drake Emily Moser Karsyn Roberts

09/02 09/02 09/03 09/03 09/03 09/05 09/06 09/06 09/06 09/07 09/08 09/09 09/10 09/10 09/11 09/11 09/12 09/12 09/12 09/13 09/13 09/14 09/15 09/15 09/15 09/16 09/16 09/16 09/16 09/16

Matthew Vincent Gary James Sam Panza Jane Bahor Michelle Honeycutt Carla Neal Kevin Parham Sarah Upchurch Lou Ann Martin-Rogers Michael Upchurch Wendie Anderson Heather Mitchell John Sanders Jr Charles Andrews JC Berini Richard Low Steve Smith Preston Verble Pam Collier Tim Deck Mackenzie Cody Glenn Reynolds Lauren Stewart Kaylee Eckhoff Samantha Elder April Perry Edwin Worsley David Moton Jr. David Shaffer

09/16 09/19 09/19 09/20 09/20 09/20 09/20 09/20 09/21 09/21 09/22 09/22 09/22 09/23 09/23 09/23 09/23 09/23 09/24 09/25 09/26 09/26 09/26 09/27 09/28 09/28 09/28 09/29 09/29

Aldersgate Experience 4


YTD Spending

$ 478,702

Pledges Received



Unpledged Contributions



Total YTD Contributions



YTD Contributions Less Expenses $


Capital Fund Snapshot 2011 - 2014 Pledged YTD Capital


Pledges Received $


Unpledged Contributions $


Total Contributions $ 1,022,051

Received Versus Pledged $


It’s just a click away !! On Line Giving ! - Just click the blue “on line giving” button on the Aldersgate Web Site ( We are accepting on-line donations by debit / credit cards as well as electronic fund transfer (checking & savings). ALL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BY EMAIL - CONTACT CATHY SHEFFIELD - CATHY@ALDERSGATE.ORG It’s convenient – just access our website and you are set! It’s timely – available 24 hours / day, 7 days / week It’s confidential and secure – hosted by Vanco Services, LLC Currently our fund options are: operating fund, capital fund, mission teams, JMT – Other areas of Missions or fundraising can be added. Please contact Cathy Sheffield to see how your Aldersgate group can take advantage of on-line giving. Great for fundraisers! Contact Cathy at or 919-477-0509, ext. 117.

Aldersgate Experience 5

UNDERSTANDING THE CHURCH OPERATING BUDGET Each month we are taking a closer look at a different piece of the budget pie chart. This month we are looking at money allocated for “Worship �. (See page 6 for detailed explanation)

Not included in this chart is the significant and generous financial support Aldersgate members extend to an extensive list of local and international mission programs through numerous program-specific fundraising activities. Please also note that these figures do not include any capital campaign debt reduction funds.

Aldersgate Experience 6

UNDERSTANDING THE CHURCH OPERATING BUDGET WORSHIP is at the heart of what we do as Christians, especially here at Aldersgate. We gather each week as a community of faith to worship our God who gives us life and loves us beyond compare. We want to give Him all honor, glory, and praise. Part of our church budget goes toward supporting what we do in worship. This year’s budget sets aside $152,675.40. This includes the salaries for our Music Director, Accompanist, and a third of our Senior Pastor’s salary package. (For the purpose of this explanation we separated Doug’s salary into a third for Worship, a third for Congregational Care, and a third for Administration.) Of course, we also spend money to buy music for the choirs and hire additional musicians on special occasions. We need money to tune the pianos and buy candles at Christmas time. All in all, we use approximately 18% of our annual budget for Worship. Doug

HOW DO YOU SERVE ? 2015 TALENTS & SERVICES SURVEY – EVERY MEMBER COUNTS! The 2015 AUMC Talents and Services survey is now available! This survey is your opportunity to volunteer for one of the many ministries here at Aldersgate. Each year we can grow in Christ as we serve those we love in our church, community, and world. By simply completing the survey, the Lay Leadership committee is able to place you in one of the many areas that need your help: Greeters, Ushers, New Baby Ministry, Missions, small group activities— the list goes on and on. We hope you will prayerfully consider the areas you would like to help. To complete the survey, go to and click on the Time and Services survey . Some paper copies are at the Welcome Centers.

Aldersgate Experience 7

The kids are back in school! We are so excited to have all of our sweet preschool children back with us ! We have 150 preschool students ages 1 year thru 4 years old. I would like to introduce you to our preschool teachers: Tammy Golden Regina Carver Therese Griffin Joyce Weber Megan MacIver Amy Ludwig Deb Matthews Angela Herman Karmon Allison Ruth Kay Ashley Skinner Judi Collier Carol Eddinger

Marcie Hutson Kelly Reaves Carol Finch Lynn Wilfong Pam Hartis Ginny Hall Mary Johnson Aleda Deck Stephanie Elston Merriem Franks Amanda Sublett Maria DiFrancesco Susan Caviness

There are many ways the congregation can help the Weekday School: * Pray for the families * Pray for the teachers *Donate your Campbell’s soup labels – we can redeem them for free school supplies We are looking forward to another wonderful year with all our Aldersgate Weekday Ministries Families and Staff. Evelyn Johnson

HOMEWORK HELPERS NEEDED With the beginning of the new school year, CONDUIT is once again soliciting persons over 16 years of years to help elementary children with their homework at the Oxford Manor Community Center. The YMCA runs a great program after school every day from Monday through Thursday beginning around the first of October. We like for volunteers to commit themselves to an hour or two on the same day each week. If you are interested in helping a child succeed in their daily school work, contact Lee King (919-477-5245) or Colleen Anna (919-302-3689). Join Colleen, Lee and Burton in this rewarding endeavor.

Aldersgate Experience 8

Aldersgate Experience 9







Upward Sports is a non-profit Christian sports league designed for kids in grades 5 to 8 years old. This “sport with a purpose” provides children with "skills for the sports arena and values for life." Upward Sports stresses biblical values; such as leadership, teamwork, integrity, and respect and….

IT’S AT ALDERSGATE! for girls and boys five to eight years old. SIGN UP NOW. Registration brochures are at the Welcome Stations and on the church website ( We will have a volunteer orientation meeting on Wednesday, September 3rd, 7:00 pm at the picnic shelter. We need volunteers to act as prayer partners, devotion leaders, coaches and referees...lots of jobs for everyone. For additional information, contact: Holly Hall (, Debbie Sykes (, Cameron Burleson (, Mitch Moser ( or the church office (919-477-0509 x 100).

Aldersgate Experience 10

KNOWING (Know more about God, each other, and the needs of our world. )


Quiet Days are times set aside to be still before God and a time to catch our breath from the busyness of life. In a supportive community we will have the opportunity to practice the contemplative disciplines of prayerful silence, attentiveness, reading of Scripture and time alone with God. You are invited to take advantage of the opportunity to refresh your spirit and listen to God’s “still small voice.” September’s Quiet Day will be held on Saturday the 20 th from 8:30 am until noon in the Wesley Room. Lunch will be provided. To assist with planning please sign up at the welcome station. Questions? Contact Barbara

Aldersgate Experience 11

LOVING (Love God through worship, and love our neighbor through service)









THE WEDNESDAY PRAYER SERVICE will return on September 10th, in the sanctuary. This fall we will look at what we believe by spending time each week with a different line from the Apostles’ Creed. Come join us for a time of prayer and a short, inspirational message on Wednesday afternoon at 5:00 pm.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

Aldersgate Experience 12

CHRISTIAN FORMATION SOMETHING NEW IS HAPPENING DURING SUNDAY SCHOOL! Beginning October 5th – November 2nd, adults will have an opportunity to participate in the DVD study Who is This Man? by John Ortberg. In these sessions, facilitated by Billy Cole, Ortberg reveals how Jesus and Christianity came to make an inescapable influence on our world, and how you as a Christian can make an inescapable influence, too. This short-term class is open to all interested adults. They will meet at 9:30 am in Room 210.

Presenting each third grader an engraved Bible from the church is a longstanding tradition at Aldersgate. This year’s class will be honored on October 12th during the 11:00 service. If you have a third grader and have not received an e-mail from Jane Brannock with further information, please contact her at so that you child’s Bible may be included in the order. Our children’s ministry has a blog! Keep up with all the happenings in children’s ministry here at Aldersgate – plus, find links to articles and information on topics that can enrich your family life and help your child grow in his/her faith. Go to to find out what it’s all about.

LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES TRAINING EVENT Why should you become a lay servant? Each of us is called to be a servant of Christ. We all have gifts, graces and a call to ministry. Being trained as a lay servant allows us to be better equipped to use our gifts to communicate the Good News not only in our local church but at our workplace and in our community. Through continued study and training, lay servants support the mission and ministries of the church. An opportunity to be trained as a Lay Servant or to continue classes necessary to become a Certified Lay Servant will take place on Saturday, September 6th at First United Methodist Church in Graham, N.C. The classes being offered this session include: *Basic Course for Lay Servants (taught by our own Curtis Gay!) *Basic Course for Youth *Life Together in United Methodist Connection (Polity) *Leading in Prayer *Interviews/discussions for those interested in Certified Lay Minister All registration is online through the Corridor District website . If you have questions please contact Barbara Atkinson at

Aldersgate Experience 13


TUESDAY MORNING THE BOOK OF ROMANS Tuesday Morning (Sept. 2nd) 6:30 -7:30 am - The Wesley Room The Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Class (TMBC) will meet again after a summer break beginning Tuesday, September 2nd. Our study will continue on the Book of Romans, using the study guide published by ThinkLifeChange (additional books are available). All men are invited to join us for coffee, biscuits, and good discussion. Led by John Hall. For more information contact: John Hall at (919) 477-5802 or

COLORS, SIGNS AND SYMBOLS: WHY WE SEE WHAT WE SEE AND DO WHAT WE DO! Tuesday Morning (Sept. 23rd) 10:30 - 11:30 am - The Wesley Room This study will engage your senses as we discover the history and meanings behind what we see and do in worship throughout the seasons of the church year! Come to laugh a little, learn a lot, and leave with an enhanced understanding of worship at AUMC. Led by Tara Lain.

TUESDAY EVENING DIVORCECARE Tuesday Evening (Sept. 9th) 6:30 pm - The Family Life Center, Room 205. DivorceCare is a 13-week support group that helps people face challenges and move toward rebuilding their life after separation or divorce. There is no judging, only acceptance, in an honest, open format for God-directed hope and guidance. Each session covers topics such as Anger, Depression, and Forgiveness and you can enter the course at any week. For more information about DivorceCare visit Led by Jack Snyder ( or Kathy Reeves (919-382-0569).

DISCIPLE I: BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY Tuesday Evening (Sept. 9th) 7:00 pm - The Family Life Center, Room 201. This series covers the entire Bible in 28 weeks. From the story of creation to the New Jerusalem, it invites persons to bring their experiences and struggles to the Scripture, yet no previous Bible study is required. Led by Doug Lain and Regina Carver. DISCIPLE IV : UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE Tuesday Evenings (Sept. 9th) 6:30 pm - The Family Life Center , Room 202 The study concentrates on the Writings (Old Testament books not in the Torah or the Prophets), the Gospel of John, and Revelation. Led by Jane Brannock.

Aldersgate Experience 14

WEDNESDAY EVENING ALPHA 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm - Room 202 in the Family Life Center (includes dinner). Alpha is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, a place where guests have an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed friendly setting. Led by Maryellen and Walter Finnigan.

DISCIPLE’S PATH 6:30 pm - Room 205 - Family Life Center - A Disciple’s Path guides participants to take the next step in discipleship and become more dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ. The study focuses on a Wesleyan understanding of your growth in God’s love and grace. Led by John Hall

MOM SEEKS GOD 6:30 pm - Room 201 - Family Life Center - The first years of motherhood can be the most challenging of a woman’s life – and faith. When you’re surrounded by the happy chaos of children, how do you spend quiet time with God if the only quiet time you get is while you sleep? This ten week course, designed for mothers with young children, will explore ways Moms can grow in their faith in the midst of the busyness of life. Led by Kimberly Riggs and Lara Rowland.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON 24/6 & ALMOST AMISH 1:30 pm - Wesley Room It's not easy finding peace in our digitally crazed world. How can we free ourselves from busyness and reconnect with our Creator? In 24/6 we find a prescription for living a healthier, more God -centered life. Almost Amish shows us how to implement these changes in todays world of technology. No one has enough time, everyone feels stressed out. Led by Judy Alford

COVENANT Covenant is a new 24-week, in-depth Bible study in which participants read and discuss the Bible together; learning how to love God – and others- better. It emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying pattern throughout the entire Bible. It underscores the unique relationship that God chooses with us as his people. (Covenant is flexible, relevant and engaging). Lou Dernosek will be leading the class, with the day and time to be determined.

Aldersgate Experience 15

MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES Please contact Nan de Andrade ( for a more complete description of our varied musical groups. You are most sincerely welcome to join any of our music ministry groups. Give us a try! Contact Nan de Andrade, Music Minister, to learn more ( CHANCEL CHOIR SURVEY-- Check as many as apply to you: __Love to sing __Yearn to worship God in a deeper way __Desire friends on your spiritual journey __Want to learn a new skill __Hate watching TV night after night __Looking for a way to learn scripture __Seek to be healthier __Need encouragement to “rise and shine” on Sunday mornings __Look good in green __Think our choir could be better If you scored 1-10 checks, you’re just who we’re looking for! CHANCEL CHOIR is a great way to address all of these needs, in one wonderful ministry! Chancel Choir rehearsals are from 7:30 - 9:00 pm, and folk choose whether to serve by singing at the 8:15 or 11:00 am service. No experience is necessary – we make a sweet, sweet sound in God’s ear by doing our best, and letting the Holy Spirit do the rest! Our choir is big enough that you don’t have to make a 52-week commitment, we understand that everyone is out some of the time. Just come when you can, “the more, the merrier!” Adults and Youth are encouraged to join in! And, we’ll be starting to learn our Christmas “fa-la-las” in just a few weeks! So, come on! PRAISE TEAM: We rehearse on Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm. If you enjoy Contemporary Christian music, and love to sing or play guitar, drum, bass, flute, accordion, keyboard, trumpet…. consider whether you might add to our team! Youth and Adult singers and instrumentalists are all very welcome! P.S. If you have a song request, please let Nan know – she loves to know what your current favorites are. CHILDREN: Sunday Arts in the Afternoon begins on September 14th. Children are invited to develop and share their talents with God through dance, singing, and ringing! Sunday Afternoon Program (pick and choose, or come for the afternoon!): Sacred Dance (3:45-4:45), Choir (4:45 – 5:30) and Handbells/Chimes (5:30-6 pm). It would be very helpful if you would register in advance, so we can prepare. Sign up at our WELCOME TABLE or email Young Dancers: All 2nd -5th graders are welcome. A parent is asked to attend the start of our first practice, for a brief meeting where performance dates, attendance expectations, dance dress and other information, will be shared. Led by Anna Van Deventer. Young Singers: Choir and music activities for 1st through 5th graders. Member Emily Wike, the Drama teacher at Durham’s Arts Elementary School, Sandy Ridge, and who has an angel’s voice, will be leading the choir this year! Young Singers lead in worship about once a month and will also be working on special music for Christmas!! Young Ringers: Meeting right after children’s choir, is our children’s bell choir, for children 2nd through 5th grades. There may be one or two groups of ringers, depending on the numbers and abilities of those interested. P.S. Parents of elementary-aged children, this has potential to help with your Sabbath practice!

Aldersgate Experience 16

HANDBELLS: For adults and youth: JOYFUL NOISE RINGERS, our advanced choir, rehearses on Tuesdays at 7:30; and PRAISE RINGERS, a beginner-level choir forming now, will likely meet on Monday evenings. If you are interested in ringing, please contact Nan to find out more! Please note that youth are encouraged to join with adults, for handbells and choir as well! SWEET SOUNDS (HAMMERED DULCIMER GROUP) If you’ve always loved hammered dulcimer, why not try learning to play? We have a small group learning together on every-other week, on Thursday mornings. We may even have a dulcimer you can borrow! Call Nan and find out more about us! SPOTIFY YOUR PRAISE Spotify is a free application for computers or smart phones/pads/pods that plays music from playlists built by members. It has provided us a great way to surf the learning curve in new worship music! Our church holds a premium membership subscription, which allows us to build playlists and share them with others. This is so that you can listen in with us! Simply by create your own (basic, free) account. Search for Nan de Andrade and then choose the month’s playlist (for example, SEPT AUMC 2014). Each month, we post a playlist of the music which will be sung that month at our 9:30 Contemporary worship service. You can “tune your heart” all week, and be even more ready to praise God on Sunday mornings! Hope you’ll give it a try – and if you encounter problems, give Nan a call. NEED SOME “MI-MI-MI” TIME? Love to sing, but only in the shower? Maybe a little bit of vocal instruction will give you the confidence you need to share your love of music with Aldersgate’s choir. Now is a great time for Nan to spend some time with you to help you identify and grow your skills either as a singer or as a music reader! She can listen to your voice, give you some help on how to sound your best, and teach some healthy singing habits. Or, if you always wanted to learn how to read music, you can spend some time learning the basics to get started. Lessons are “free” – it surely will benefit AUMC’s music ministry for you to take some Mi-Mi-Mi time. So contact Nan for some one-on-one time at or 477-0509 x 116. CALLING ALL BREAD BAKERS We are looking for a few more people who would be interested in helping bake the bread we use for Holy Communion. Perhaps you have a love of baking and would like to share your skills with your church family. This is an opportunity to participate in a sacred moment in the life of our church as we come together for this holy meal. The act of baking communion bread, is a reverent and prayerful activity. If you are interested in making communion bread you have the option of using a recipe we have ( which is quite easy) or your personal favorite. So what are the characteristics of good communion bread: * Crust easy to tear or break * No flour “dust” or oil on crust * Interior of loaf “tender” & holds together without crumbling when broken * No seeds or nuts (dangerous allergens) Baking bread is an easy and rewarding process. It is one of those great “behind the scenes” ministries and would only require about two hours of your time every three or four months. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Barbara Atkinson at 765-9784 or or Tara Lain at

Aldersgate Experience 17

GROWING (Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and as a faithful community called the church.) ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 8:15am Service SEPTEMBER 7 SEPTEMBER 14 SEPTEMBER 21 SEPTEMBER 28

11:00am Service



An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults.



CATHY COZART PAULA JAMES KATHY CHMIELEWSKI Altar Guild assures the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship.




The Trustees supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

Aldersgate Experience 18





8:15 WORSHIP 9/7

Chick Hinton/ Mary Tom Roberts Andy McCorison

Kathy Chmielewski (m) Charlotte O’Brien (o)

Keith Porter

Susan Gay


Kathy & Carl Chmielewski Jeff Sturkey/Mitch Adkins

Henry Atkinson (m) Judy Alford (o)

Pat Porter

Curtis Gay


Keith & Pat Porter Paul & Linda Jones

Dave Brese (m) Carol Brese (o)

Mitch Adkins

Anna van Deventer


Kirk Brown Richard Riggsbee Carole & Doug Morris

Jeff Sturkey (m) Pat Stancil (o)

Charlotte O’Brien

Ruth Kay

Mary Taylor Lara Rowland Holly Hall Lara Rowland

Gene Bell April Perry Cathy Sheffield Lisa Dye Janes

9:30 Worship 9/7 9/14 9/21 9/28

Cathy & Randy Sheffield Wanda & Michael Crutchfield Lara Rowland/Cheryl Turner Margie & Marie Muir

Doug Taylor Holly Hall David Shaffer Marie Muir

11:00 Worship 9/7

Pam Boatright Ed Osteen Paula Alford Nancy Grinstead

Stacey McCorison (m) Paula Veasey (o)

Anabela Mendes

Kim Aiken


Ronnie Oakley Ginger Hawkins Anabela Mendes Bill Smith

Robert Carter (m) Debbie Fletcher (o)

Liz Crose

Janie Howell


Ron & Joyce Pendergrass Michele Tucker Paula Veasey

Mary Ellen Finnigan (m) Kim Riggs (o)

Sarah Walker Brent Walker

Ronnie Oakley


Jim Willis & Susan Dernosek Ron West

Judy Alford (m) Susan Leonard (o)

Nancy Grinstead

Peggy Allen

Aldersgate Experience 19

Aldersgate Experience 20 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1320 Umstead Road Durham, NC 27712 (919) 477-0509

Address Service Requested

Follow us: TheGate27712

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