the market. pop-up shop | jan 2016

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7-13 january 2016



curated gifts by the market.

7-13 january 2016

Shop 8 / Salamanca Arts Centre Launch : Friday 8 January, 6pm

Please join us in celebrating a curated collection of




designers who create them.




We’ve selected some of our very favourite products from our market exhibitors; products we love for their free spirited nature, feminine aesthetic and drool-worthy design.

Our aim for the market’s first little venture into retail








beautiful, curated






island locals and visitors to purchase and enjoy - we hope you love it.

s c ou t c e r a m i c s m oll y

k e n d a ll

Working with clay reminds Molly to keep her hands in the dirt and her

head in the clouds. She is a social

anthropologist by training. Her work is fired wherever she can bribe kiln

space. Sometimes Molly makes miniature blankets for each of her products to protect them while in transit. Scout

Ceramics are endearing and charmingly asymmetrical. Molly has excellent

style and a sweet pixie hairstyle.

s c o u t c e r a m i c s . c o m

lo v e d a y d e s i g n s L a u r e n


K a t e

Coop e r

Sisters. Hand paint each of the teeny tiny crosses on their products. The name Loveday was their Mother’s

maiden name.

Lauren likes outdoor

adventuring and is fond of pink

(blooms, hair and products); Kate is a dentistry student with a beautiful German Short Haired Pointer named

Molly. We really like their precise, pretty and unfussy aesthetic.

l o v e d a y d e s i g n s . c o m . a u

A v a d o n T e n n i ll e

A v a d o n

Aside from candle making, Tennille

writes poetry and paints incredible, large scale artworks. Adores

travelling and is fond of a good

fashion magazine. Her candles are

crafted from pure soy wax and have an organic soybean nestled within. They

are individually melted, perfumed and hand poured. Her all time favourite aroma (which has resulted in the

creation of a candle in its honour) is freshly brewed coffee. a v a d o n . c o m . a u

G e o r g i e Cu m m i n g s G e o r g i e

Cu m m i n g s

Hand makes every single one of her products. Relocated to the island

from Victoria this year. Lives in the stunning Huon Valley, with occasional house sitting jaunts in Hobart.

Has just embarked on her first bee

hive adventure...we’re holding out for some hand-spun honey.


exploring Tasmania’s beautiful wild places. Her designs are clever, simple and lots of fun.

G e o r g i e

C u m m i n g s . c o m

m a g ool i e d e s i g n s j ul i e

ho d d y

Enamoured with the properties and beauty of porcelain as a medium.

One of the hardest working women we know. Has awesome shoes, and dainty little feet. Julie’s work is sweet, petite and always evolving. She

supports other local creative’s with

her Salamanca Pop-Up Shop venture. We think her mini pots tick every box in terms of function and form.

m a g o o l i e d e s i g n s . c o m

b i r d y & m e k e ll y

s m i t h

We find her work whimsical, fierce and beautifully detailed. Kelly could

easily be boastful (her client list includes Valentino and Armani!) but she is seriously down to earth and refreshingly humble. We have a pet crush on her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, named Winnie (or Winifred when she’s naughty). Is inspired

by both the beauty and darkness of

fairytales. Gets more excited about Christmas than anyone we know. b i r d y a n d m e . c o m . a u

a d o r n b y s a r a h b i shop s a r a h

b i shop

Creates unbelievably beautiful

gowns from tulle, lace and vintage embellishments. Sarah is a serious

gardener, with lovely long brown hair. Enjoys a cosy night in and a glass of

white wine. We find her work intricate, intriguing and distinctly out of

the box. Her dog Molly is possibly

the sweetest pet on Instagram. Adorn products are French in flavour and painstakingly handmade.

a d o r n b y s a r a h b i s h o p . c o m

My Menagerie C a i t l i n

P e r k i n s

Creates her products from beautiful

soft merino wool felt. An avid animal lover, though particularly fond of

wombats and their waddling walk. Grew up nestled in the bush in Franklin, overlooking the Huon River. Enjoys

stitching and crafting her pieces in

quiet, whilst able to hear bird calls outside. Currently on the waiting list for a French Bulldog puppy.

m y m e n a g e r i e . c o m . a u

E m i l y S n a d d e n d e s i g n E m i l y

S n a d d e n

Multiple award winning jeweller,

inspired by the islands natural flora and intriguing beauty. Creates super

small runs of intricate products with luxe materials. Works from a studio

overlooking historic Salamanca.


a loud joyful laugh, a kind heart

and beautiful blue/grey eyes. Loves

adventuring in the highland bush with her lovely husband and photogenic pooch, Ben.

e m i l y s n a d d e n . c o m

Veronica Fo a l e Ess e n t i a ls V e r o n i c a

Fo a l e

Soap making is a big shift from her

former roles in brand consultancy/PR;

Veronica also used to operate a supersuccessful mummy blog. Her favourite

ingredient to work with is local goats milk sourced from the Derwent Valley - it’s so fresh it’s still warm when she receives it! Has three children,

two dogs and three cats…don’t ask who/ which is the favourite. Finds hand making soap highly addictive.

v e r o n i c a f o a l e e s s e n t i a l s . c o m . a u

p i pl a p i p

b i lso n

Mama to the two most adorable

children, Olive + Kitty, who also

double as models for the label. Pipla designs are always thoughtful and on point. An interior architect and a calm and graceful lady. Produces a small range of products, extremely


We think their spotty patterns

are the perfect balance of sweet and

fun for children. Pipla crowns have a bit of a cult following.

p i p l a . b i g c a r t e l . c o m

s a ll y c a ss a n d r a s a ll y

e ll i ss

Uses vintage lace pieces to create

intricate patterns in her work. Fond of a bright splash of turquoise or yellow. Has been known to turn up to the market in a fierce pair of cowboy boots.

Favourite place in Tasmania is Bicheno on the East Coast (where her shack is,

complete with retro wallpaper + vintage lino). We like that her ceramics are

beautifully made, simple in design and eminently practical.

s a l l y c a s s a n d r a . c o m

Gol d e n Ch i l d Coll e c t i v e P a i g e Fou n t a i n + Z o e B e v e r i d g e

Two Hobart besties, both jewellers, both fabulous. Paige enjoys picnics (indoor and outdoor) and has one of the best fringes going around. Zoe

loves vintage, blue cornflowers and has a lovely three-legged dog named Rosie. Their work is all the things you could want in a jewel; beautiful, quirky and contemporary. A fresh new label - we

think they’re going to go gangbusters.

g o l d e n c h i l d c o l l e c t i v e . c o m

t h e w ho , t h e w h a t & the why... the market is a boutique art + design event, showcasing

independent Tasmanian designers, makers and producers, held in the intriguing Masonic Temple, Hobart. Since its inception

in 2009, it has become widely known for its exciting line up of exclusively local labels, along with its firm focus on authenticity and craftsmanship.

With an impressive collection of exhibitors from a wide range of disciplines, visitors to the market can expect to see

established fashion illustrators sitting alongside small scale

producers of bespoke ceramics. A very particular approach to stallholder selection ensures that while exhibitors are vastly different in almost every way, they all have a common thread;

creative talent, a demonstrated integrity in their business ethos and original thought in their design process.

Alongside co-curating the market, Holly & Shannon both have experience in running successful small businesses of their own and bring to the market their skills in graphic design, journalism, marketing.














platform, valuable exposure and a reach for their products that extends beyond market day.

S h a n n o n Ro b e r t so n

H oll y W e b b e r

Until recently, Shannon was the whimsical designer behind fashion accessories label, Whatever Heather - a confident, fiercely pretty label full of the eclectic and the intriguing. The label produced seasonal ranges for stockists nationwide, along with a coveted Heather Forever Collection, sold online.

A freelance graphic designer and art director, Holly has spent the past ten years building up her design practice, working closely with businesses on both a State and National level to deliver distinctive ideas and creative solutions.

Shannon has recently taken a hiatus from Whatever Heather, while completing studies in psychology at UTAS. Passionate about mental health, she is also a Lifeline crisis support volunteer, and works part time in an old fashioned antique shop on Hobart’s Waterfront.

During this time she also created a product range from her intricate pattern designs and illustrations. It was through this experience as a small-scale designer and maker that served as the catalyst to start a locally run boutique market to showcase these products and those of similar businesses.

Demand to know where things come from, what is in them, who has made them and under what conditions. Do not be led only by price but look for value and craftsmanship. Buy only things and materials that respect the human energy that has gone into them and where the maker is rewarded fairly.

k e v i n m c c lou d Kevin McCloud’s 43 Principles of Home

t h e m a r k e t ho b a r t . c o m . a u

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