Guidelines - DCOM / BOM 2021 Edition

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Supplemental Update Guidelines for DCOM/BOM Handbook

Holston Annual Conference 2021 Edi on

This is a publica on of the Office of Clergy Services of the Holston Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. The material within this manual come from various Denomina onal and other church or annual conference sources. Some were developed specifically by the Office of Clergy Services. This manual is offered to the wider church. Feel free to use any of the material found within. Consider this as a gi from Holston for use by the annual conferences of the denomina on.

A Word of Explana on When the Guidelines—DCOM / BOM 2019 Edi on Handbook was rolled out in the Fall of 2019 it was our first a empt and organizing, systema zing, and standardizing the func ons of the DCOM’s and the Office of Clergy Services. As the Director of Clergy Services it was my intent to provide us a document that would help us to understand the various func ons of my office as it relates to the DCOM’s and to provide a common roadmap for the DCOM’s so that all persons that came before the DCOM’s were examined in the same manner. At the me of its crea on, it was my best es mate of what we needed to get the tasks before us done. Now, a er a year of use by the DCOM’s and a er a year of me learning more about the tasks that fall under the purview of my office, I have come to realize that the basic bones of the DCOM Handbook are good. Feedback from the DCOM’s have indicated that it has made their tasks clearer and that it has provided a structure to move them and the various persons that come before them through the process. During the first year of use, I have learned, however, that there were a few gaps in some of the forms, applica ons and reports that needed to be filled. Over the last year I have created numerous new forms and revised some of the forms that were in the original DCOM Handbook. The manual you have in your hands is not a revision of the en re DCOM Handbook. Instead, it is a fresh copy of all the forms, applica ons, and reports that were in place and that have been developed. Rather than ask the DCOM’s to search online for these newly developed and freshly revised forms, I have decided to print an update that includes all of these items. As I con nue to learn how to more effec vely do my job, I may develop more forms. I may clarify some that have already been created. This handbook is designed for use beginning on January 1, 2021. I intend to update the printed version each year. If a significant change is made to a current form or a helpful new form is created during this year, then you will be no fied and can find these new revisions online during 2021. Otherwise, consider this as a reference manual to all the currently used forms for DCOM’s and the Office of Clergy Services. A Fellow Servant of Christ, Rev. Terry Goodman Director of Clergy Services Holston Annual Conference

Why do we need so many forms and documents? I know that some folk might wonder why we need all the documents found in this manual. From my perspec ve as the Director of Clergy Services, these documents provide the necessary informa on that is needed for the DCOM’s and for the annual conference. At the DCOM level, these documents insure that the process is followed. The DCOM has to collect a lot of informa on on each person that comes before it. These forms allow the DCOM to gather the right informa on at each stage of the person’s rela onship with the DCOM. Think about this, it is the DCOM that addresses issues of candidacy. It is the DCOM that addresses ma ers related to Local Pastors. It is the DCOM that ul mately recommends persons for Provisional Membership. The DCOM will have a mul ‐year rela onship with persons as they progress in ministry and enter into various phases of rela onship to the annual conference. The DCOM creates a file for each person. These documents provide the contents of those files. They show where and when the person started and how that person has progressed through the process. At mes, they show how the person is removed from the process via discon nuance or withdrawal. All of these things must be documented. In the case of discon nuance, a person cannot enter back into ministry unless the DCOM that discon nued the person reinstates the person. In my short tenure in the role of Director of Clergy Services I have encountered situa ons in which persons seek reinstatement from a discon nuance that happened more than 25 years ago. I encounter persons from other annual conferences that need to be cleared by their former annual conference before they can be appointed in Holston. In these instances, clear and accurate records are needed so that a future DCOM will be able to make the appropriate decision based on something a previous DCOM may have done years before. Thus, records and forms are needed. At the conference level, the Summary Ac on Reports enable the crea on of the Business of the Annual Conference. That is the numbered document that we work our way through each year at the Clergy Session. This records the ac ons taken in rela on to each minister in the annual conference and any change that he or she might have in their status or rela onship to the annual conference. Accurate reports from the DCOM insure that we can efficiently and properly enter the correct data into the mul ‐paged form that literally becomes the document that defines what we as an annual conference have done in rela on to those serving in ministerial roles. Why do we have so many forms? We have so many forms because the informa on that we seek is important and these forms help us to more efficiently collect and maintain the proper data on each person that is in or seeking to be in a ministerial rela onship with Holston Annual Conference.

A Note About Files All of these forms, applica ons, and reports have to eventually end up in a file. Here is a brief primer on the files that are kept by different groups within the Annual Conference. ALL FILES regardless of where they are held, with the excep on of Episcopal files, are the property of the annual conference and held by various designated groups or persons within the annual conference.

DCOM Files These files are kept at the DCOM level. When a person begins the candidacy process a file is created. To that file are added various documents each me the DCOM meets to interview the person. The DCOM keeps all files of Candidates, Supply Pastors, Cer fied Lay Ministers, and Local Pastors. When a person moves into either Associate or Provisional Membership, the DCOM files are transferred to either the BOM (Provisional) or Annual Conference (Associate.) In the event that a person is discon nued, then the DCOM must retain the files un l the person dies. There is always the possibility that a person can seek to be reinstated years or decades a er the discon nuance and the DCOM would need to have the files to indicate the ini al reason for discon nuance.

BOM Files The Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) is responsible for maintaining files for a person that is in the provisional process. Once the person has moved into full connec on or been discon nued, then the files are moved to the annual conference. In the event that a person is discon nued from provisional membership, the files are maintained by the BOM. However, if the person seeks to remain a local pastor, the files would be transferred back to the appropriate DCOM.

Annual Conference Files Once a person comes into full connec on with the annual conference then all files previously held by either the DCOM or BOM are transferred to the care of the annual conference. The Secretary of the Annual Conference is charged with the care of those files for 25 years a er a minister’s death, re rement, or separa on from the annual conference. At the me of one of these circumstances, the District Superintendent will also transfer the DS supervisory and appointment/administra ve files. A minister has the right to view, not copy, the appointment/administra ve files, but not the supervisory files.

District Superintendent Files A district superintendent (DS) keeps two files on each person. These are separate from the DCOM files and the BOM or Annual Conference files. One file is referred to as a supervisory file. This will contain notes and other items related to the pastor. This is considered a confiden al file and is only available to the DS and the Bishop. Pastors are not allowed to view this file. The other file that is kept is the administra ve/appointment file. This contains records related to salary, the church, the pastor’s family, etc. It is a generalized file. This file can be viewed, but not copied, by the pastor.

Episcopal Files These are files that are maintained by the Episcopal office. These files belong to the Bishop and are separate from any files maintained by the annual conference. These files may consist of supervisory and/or administra ve issues related to a pastor. Pastors do not have a right to access these files. These files are never transferred to the annual conference they always remain the property of the Episcopal office.

What is a Status? A status represents the current rela onship that a person has with the Annual Conference. For example,

you are a candidate. You are a local pastor. You are an associate. You are a provisional member. You are a full connec on member. Typically, as you move into one of these groups, there are a series of documents that must be completed—consider them as admission requests. In a similar manner, once you are in a status, there is the possibility that you can switch your status. For instance, a full connec on elder seeks to go on voluntary leave of absence. This is a change in status. To make such a change you must apply to enter into the new status. Every pastor is in a status. A pastor can never not be in a status. For instance, a pastor could not ask to leave a voluntary leave status on April 1st to accept an appointment on July 1st. Such a request would put the pastor without a status from April 1st to July 1st.

AXIOM TO REMEMBER: The BOM creden als...the Cabinet appoints. Put simply, the BOM is the group that determines whether or not a person is fit for ministry. Once the BOM makes that determina on, it is the role of the Cabinet to appoint that person. The Cabinet cannot appoint someone that is not creden aled by the BOM and the BOM cannot promise or make appointments of someone to a local church.


FORMS Forms for Use by DCOM and those in Process (Please note that I am offering annota ons to explain when each of these forms should be used.) Form 01 ........ Declara on of Candidacy for Licensed or Ordained Ministry and Approval of the Pastor Parish Rela ons Commi ee or Equivalent Body. This is a beginning form for persons that are seeking to enter into a ministry track. It allows the candidate to declare his/her inten ons. It gives instruc ons to the PPRC regarding the candidate interview process. It gives a place for the PPRC to report its approval of the candidate. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 02 ........ Ini al Approval of the Charge Conference for Cer fica on as a Candidate This form must be completed by the Charge Conference that is recommending the candidate for ministry. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 03 ........ Con nued Approval of the Charge Conference of the Candidate As the person con nues through the candidacy process, if more than a year passes without the candidate receiving cer fica on from the DCOM, then the candidate must seek the con nued approval of the charge conference which ini ally recommended the candidate for ministry. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 04 ........ Report of Candidacy Summit Mentor and Candidate This form is one that is included for use as we more fully develop the mentoring aspect of the candidacy process. It can be used by mentor/candidates as a way to evaluate the candidate’s progress through the mentoring process. The KSAP’s sec on is related to the EM360 which all candidates will have to take as part of the process. That data could be used to complete this sec on. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 05 ........ District Superintendent Fitness Report for Cer fied Candidates and Approval for License as a Local Pastor This report is used in two different ways. Ini ally, the DS will complete this report to signify that the person is fit, in the opinion of the DS, to be considered for candidacy. Secondarily, a er the person has passed through the candidacy process, become a cer fied candidate, and completed Local Pastor Licensing School or 1/3 of seminary, the DS would complete this form to indicate that the DS feels that this person is fit for considera on as a Local Pastor. PLEASE NOTE—the DS should answer ques ons 1‐6 on a separate piece of paper and a ach this with the form. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 06 ........ Supervising/Sending Pastor Fitness of Ministry Report for Cer fied Candidates (Ini al Cer fica on and Con nua on) and for License as a Local Pastor (Ini al Approval) This is mul ‐use form that is completed by the Supervising/Sending Pastor (the pastor of the church at which the candidate is a member). It is completed when the candidate is ini ally cer fied, when the candidate is up for con nuance, and prior to the candidate being approved for License as a Local Pastor. Ques ons should be answered on a separate sheet. It is filed in the person’s DCOM file.

Form 07 ........ Report of the (Required) Mentor Rela onship This form references some items that have not yet been fully fleshed out within Holston. Our mentoring process is a major area of emphasis for 2021. As it currently stands, only candidates are assigned mentors. As it hopefully will be, local pastors, provisional members and other fellowship pastors will also receive mentors. As it stands, this form should be completed with the mentor/mentee being in conversa on and answering the ques ons together. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 08 ........ District Superintendent Readiness Report for Con nued License as a Local Pastor, Other Fellowship, and Provisional Membership Previous reports talk about Fitness. This report talks about Readiness. (Please reference pages 18‐21 in the DCOM/BOM 2019 Edi on for and explana on of these concepts.) At this stage of the process the person has become either a Local Pastor, is an Other Fellowship pastor, or is a Provisional Member. Each year, the DS should submit this Form to the DCOM prior to the DCOM interview with the person. Ques ons should be answered on a separate sheet and a ached. It should be placed in the candidate’s DCOM file.

Form 09 ........ District Superintendent Effec veness Report for Associate and Full Membership This form represents a final step in the process for a person. With this form, the DS is signifying to the DCOM that the person has demonstrated an effec ve level of ministry and that the person should be considered for associate or full membership in the annual conference. If the person is being recommended for full membership, it should also be noted whether the person is seeking to become a Full Elder or Full Deacon. It should be placed in the candidate’s BOM file.

Form 10 ........ District Superintendent (DS) Report for Supply Pastors (SY) or Cer fied Lay Ministers (CLM) Both of these categories represent a person that is not necessarily in the candidacy process. These persons are laity that are responding to some sort of call on their lives and exploring the possibility of service. These persons are under the supervision of a DS, but should also come before the DCOM. This report allows the DS to explain the ministry that these persons are doing and gives the DCOM a basis to talk with the person about his/her ministry experience. At that mee ng, the DCOM should seek to support the person and provide guidance for them moving forward. A person cannot remain a SY for more than a year (maybe two) the person must either enter the candidacy process or the process that leads to them becoming a CLM. The ques ons should be answered on a separate sheet and a ached to the form. A DCOM file should be created for these persons and this form should be placed in that file.

Form 11 ........ Supervising/Sending Pastor Report for Supply Pastors (SY) or Cer fied Lay Minister (CLM) This report is to be completed by the pastor at whose church the SY/CLM has membership. This is given to the DCOM to assist them in understanding the SY/CLM when they come before the DCOM for the interview. This form should be placed in the person’s DCOM file.

Form 12 ........ Supervising Pastor Report for Provisional Membership and Con nued Provisional Membership This form is for submission to the Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM)—not the DCOM. The DCOM has already recommended the person for Provisional Membership and the BOM needs this report from the Supervising Pastor (see defini on on form) to properly evaluate the person either to begin Provisional Membership or to con nue Provisional Membership. The form will be placed in the person’s BOM file.

Form 13 ........ Supervising Pastor Report for Full Membership in the Annual Conference This report would be completed only if the person has a supervising pastor while in provisional status. For instance, if the person were serving as an associate. If the person was assigned a solo charge, then this report would not be filed. Instead, the DS would complete Form 09. This form will be placed in the person’s BOM file.

Form 14 ........ Sermon Feedback Form This form is included as a template to be used if the BOM or DCOM ever needs to evaluate a person for his or her ability to create and deliver a sermon. It should be filed in either the DCOM or the BOM file and should be shared with the person.

Form 15 ........ Supply Pastor (SY) Supervisory Agreement with the District Superintendent This form is included so that a DS might provide guidance to a SY as to what is expected while the person is serving a local church. This form should be included in the DCOM file and referenced by the DCOM during the interview process.

Form 16 ........ Notarized Disclosure Form It is IMPERATIVE that this form be in the folder of each and every person that comes before the DCOM and/or the BOM. This form is directly ed to several places in the Book of Discipline that requires that this data be collected and affirmed in front of a notary public. Please check your DCOM files and make sure that this document is there for each person. If it is not, then you should give it to them and require that it be turned in immediately.

Form 17 ........ Acknowledgement & Acceptance: Less Than Full‐Time Appointment During the Provisional Process During the provisional process, the norm is full me service. Less than full me service can result in a lengthening of the me between the onset and comple on of the provisional process. On this form, the provisional member acknowledges that he/she has been informed of the longer me frame and that he/she is willing to accept a less than a full me appointment. This is filed in the person’s BOM file.

Form 18 ........ Declara on that a re ring Local Pastor has met the Criteria to be Classified as a Re red Local Pastor (RL) This is an important form for the DCOM to complete at the me that a Local Pastor re res. Please see document in appendix that explains the dis nc on of giving the RL status to a pastor in re rement. Place copy of declara on in the DCOM file.

Form 19 ........ Recogni on of Transfer of Membership to or from the Annual Conference This is an important form for the DS to complete at the me that an individual transfers to or from the Annual Conference. Place copy of document in the DCOM file.

Form 01 Declaration of Candidacy for Licensed or Ordained Ministry and Approval of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee or Equivalent Body General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the appropriate DCOM registrar(s). • Date of PPRC approval must be within one (1) year prior to the date of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry Interview for Certification as a Candidate Part I:

Declaration of Candidacy for Licensed or Ordained Ministry

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

I hereby declare my candidacy for licensed or ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church and request the support and recommendation of the Charge Conference for certification as a candidate for: [__] Order of Deacons

[__] Order of Elders

__________________________________________ Signature of Declared Candidate Part II:

[__] License as Local Pastor

__________________________ Date

Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (or Equivalent Body) Interview with Declared Candidate

***The Candidate is strongly encouraged to provide the PPRC with a copy of the completed Statement of Call and Historical Questions prior to the PPRC meeting*** Note to Chairperson: The person named above is requesting certification as a candidate for licensed or ordained ministry in The United Methodist Church. The District Committee on Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her fitness for ministry. The following questions are suggested for use during the conversation with the candidate and while considering the candidate’s request for approval by the S/PPRC of her/his request for certification as a candidate for licensed or ordained ministry. Please give a copy of this completed form and any additional pages to the candidate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 of 2

Describe the gifts and abilities which this person will bring to ordained or licensed ministry. Describe the areas in which this person has given leadership in the ministry of the United Methodist Church and/or in other settings. Describe the evidence which the committee has seen that this person has experienced God’s grace and has the love of God abiding in them? In what ways will the personality of this person contribute to his or her effectiveness in ministry? Is this a person trust-worthy, honest and of good character? Discuss plans for the future (school, type of ministry, etc.) How does the candidate perceive support from family (parents, spouse, children)? Discuss general beliefs in several areas including God, Jesus, the Spirit and the Church. What are their feelings about and their commitment to The United Methodist Church? What does the candidate feel are his/her gifts and graces for ministry? Updated: 2020-11

Part III:

Approval of Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (or equivalent body) to Charge Conference (or equivalent body)

The members of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (or the equivalent body _________________ _______________________________) interviewed ______________________________________ on ____________________________________. The Candidate has been a member of this local church (or United Methodist ministry) for _____ years, or a congregation of The United Methodist Church for _____ years, and has been serving for at least a year in congregational leadership. (Please check all that apply.) [__] Candidate is currently enrolled in school at ________________________________________ and is classified as a _____________________________. [__] Candidate is not now enrolled in school because _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________. [__] We recommend this Candidate to the charge conference as one who has the potential for ministry in the United Methodist Church. [__] We cannot at this time recommend this Candidate for ministry. __________________________________________ Signature of Pastor

__________________________ Date

__________________________________________ Signature of Chairperson

__________________________ Date

(All members of the PPRC that were present at this meeting give their signature on the following lines.) ______________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________ _________________________________________ Name of Church District of the Church

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Updated: 2020-11

Form 02 Initial Approval of the Charge Conference for Certification as a Candidate Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the DCOM registrar. • Date of Charge Conference approval must be within one (1) year prior to the date of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry Interview for Certification as a Candidate Recommendation of Charge Conference (or equivalent body) for Certification as a Candidate Let those who consider recommending persons for certification as a candidate for licensed or ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church ask themselves the following questions which were first asked by John Wesley at the third conference of Methodist preachers in 1746. 1. 2. 3.

Do they know God as a pardoning God? Have they the love of God abiding in them? Do they desire nothing but God? Are they holy in all manner of conversation? Have they gifts, as well as grace, for the work? Have they a clear, sound understanding; a right judgment in the things of God; a just conception of salvation by faith? Do they speak justly, readily, clearly? Have they fruit? (For the Elder and Local Pastor candidate...) Have any been truly convinced of sin and converted to God, and are believers edified by their preaching? (For the Deacon candidate...) Are others edified by their service?

Believing that the above listed individual is called of God and is a suitable candidate for licensed or ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church, the Charge Conference of___________________________________ ___________________________________________ recommends him/her for certification as a candidate by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. In making this recommendation, we attest to the fact that the declared candidate has been a professing member in good standing of the United Methodist Church or a baptized participant of a recognized United Methodist ministry for at least one year, has graduated from an accredited high school or received a certificate of equivalency, and has received by written ballot a two-thirds vote of the charge conference. This congregation [__] is / [__] is not (mark one) supporting this candidate [__] spiritually / [__] financially (mark either or both if supporting the candidate). _________________________________________________ Authorized Elder, District Superintendent, or Bishop

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__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Form 03 Continued Approval of the Charge Conference for Candidacy and Continued Candidacy Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the appropriate DCOM registrar. • Date of Charge Conference approval must be within one (1) year prior to the date of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry Interview for Certification as a Candidate Recommendation of Charge Conference (or equivalent body) for Continued Certification as a Candidate Let those who consider recommending persons for continued candidacy as licensed or ordained ministers in the United Methodist Church ask themselves again the following questions which were first asked by John Wesley at the third conference of Methodist preachers in 1746. 1. 2. 3.

Do they know God as a pardoning God? Have they the love of God abiding in them? Do they desire nothing but God? Are they holy in all manner of conversation? Have they gifts, as well as grace, for the work? Have they a clear, sound understanding; a right judgment in the things of God; a just conception of salvation by faith? Do they speak justly, readily, clearly? Have they fruit? (For the Elder and Local Pastor candidate...) Have any been truly convinced of sin and converted to God, and are believers edified by their preaching? (For the Deacon candidate...) Are others edified by their service?

Believing that the individual listed above continues to be called of God and is a suitable candidate for licensed or ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church, the Charge Conference of ____________________________ _____________________________________________ recommends him/her for continued certification as a candidate by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. This congregation [__] is / [__] is not (mark one) supporting this candidate [__] spiritually / [__] financially (mark either or both if supporting the candidate). ________________________________________________ Authorized Elder, District Superintendent, or Bishop

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__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Form 04 Report of Candidacy Summit Mentor and Candidate

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Date attended Candidacy Summit:


General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for providing a copy to the appropriate DCOM registrar. • This form allows you to provide information to the District Committee of Ordained Ministry as the candidate applies for Certification as a Candidate for Licensed or Ordained Ministry. 1. Did the candidate participate in all Candidacy Summit mentoring sessions? If not, please indicate why and how the missed session was covered by the candidate and mentor. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the grace, gifts, fruit, and promise the candidate has for effectiveness in licensed or ordained ministry (may be satisfied by information included in the KSAPs chart as reported in the candidates EM360 and discussion completed as part of the individual mentoring session). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What additional information will help the district committee understand the candidate and his or her desire to be certified as a candidate for licensed or ordained ministry or continued as a certified candidate? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________ _______________________________ Signature of Candidate Date __________________________________________ _______________________________ Signature of Candidacy Mentor Printed Name of Candidacy Mentor

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Updated: 2020-11

KSAPs Exercise for Candidacy Summit Mentor Report KSAPs Exercise Instructions • From the KSAPs chart (EM360 Report), o choose at least three (3) but no more than five (5) items in each column that you feel represent your strengths o choose at least three (3) but no more than five (5) items in each column that you feel represent your growing edges • Indicate your choices below • Discuss your choices with your Candidacy Summit Mentor as part of your individual mentoring session. Please include an overview of this discussion below Strengths Knowledge



Personal Characteristics

Growing Edges Knowledge



Personal Characteristics


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Updated: 2020-11

Form 05 District Superintendent Fitness Report for Certified Candidates and Approval for License as a Local Pastor Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


[__] Certified Candidate

[__] License as a Local Pastor

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the DCOM registrar. Note to Applicant: Contact your District Superintendent and ask him/her to complete the information on this page. Note to District Superintendent: The person named above is under your supervision in a setting for ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her fitness for ministry. Fitness for ministry addresses the question of whether a person has the potential for developing into an effective ministerial leader and includes an assessment of basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality and personality. Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1.

Describe the candidate’s basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality, and personality.


What gifts and abilities does this candidate have which give evidence of being fit for licensed or ordained ministry?


What concerns do you have about this candidate’s fitness for ministry?


What has been the sending congregation’s response to this candidate?


How would you characterize this person’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? (Include a discussion of this person’s commitment to itinerancy if applicable.)


What else would you like the District Committee and the Board to know about this candidate?

__________________________________________ District Superintendent Signature

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__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Form 06

Supervising / Sending Pastor Fitness of Ministry Report for Certified Candidates (Initial Certification and Continuation) and for License as a Local Pastor (Initial Approval) Applicant Name: Email address:

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


[__] Certified Candidate (Initial Certification and Continuation) [__] License as a Local Pastor (Initial Approval)

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to DCOM registrar. Note to Applicant: Contact your church pastor and ask him/her to complete the information on this page. Note to Sending Pastor: The person named above, who is discerning and following a call to licensed or ordained ministry, is part of your congregation/ministry setting or for supervising them as they serve as a SP. The Board of Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her fitness for ministry. Fitness for ministry addresses the question of whether a person has the potential for developing into an effective ministerial leader and includes an assessment of basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality and personality. Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. Describe the candidate’s basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality, and personality. 2. What gifts and abilities does this candidate have which give evidence of being fit for licensed or ordained ministry? 3. What concerns do you have about this candidate’s fitness for ministry? 4. What has been the sending congregation’s response to this candidate? 5. How would you characterize this person’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? (Include a discussion of this person’s commitment to itinerancy if applicable.) 6. What else would you like the District Committee and the Board to know about this candidate? _______________________________ Pastor Signature

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____________________________ Pastor Printed Name

_______________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Form 07

Report of the (Required) Mentor Relationship Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the DCOM registrar. • Mentor and mentee should complete the following together Please answer for the current credentialing (Annual Conference) year. The candidate may also request a prior year mentor to provide additional information, especially if meeting with the DCOM in the Fall. For the Candidate to Complete: For the current credentialing (Annual Conference) year, I am participating in (select one): [__] Individual mentoring (approved by the Conference Registrar) [__] Participating in a Clergy Covenant or other such similar group. [__] Residency program [__] Year 1 [__] Year 2 [__]Year 3 [__]Year 4+ [__] Other (please describe) ________________________________________________________________________ If participating in group mentoring, indicate the type and format of the group (select one): [__] Skype or tech-based [__] In person For the Mentor to Complete: Number of meetings/contacts (to date) for group or individual mentoring. Has the mentee participated in all scheduled mentoring? Has there been mentoring outside of scheduled opportunities? If so, how often? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Updated: 2020-11

For the Mentee and Mentor to Complete: 1. What topics have you addressed in your conversations this year? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What other non-evaluative, descriptive information do you wish to include? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Printed Name of Mentor __________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Mentor Date __________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Candidate Date

2 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

Form 08 District Superintendent Readiness Report for Continued License as a Local Pastor, Other Fellowship and Provisional Membership Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Relationship sought:

[__] Local Pastor (FL/PL) [__] Other Fellowship (OF)

[__] Provisional (PE/PD)

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the DCOM registrar. Note to Applicant: Contact your District Superintendent to request the completion of this form. You will likely need to provide the DS with a copy. Note to District Superintendent: The person named above is under your supervision in a setting for ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her readiness for ministry. An assessment for readiness includes elements of knowledge and preparation for ministry. It may include identifying developing competencies, academic work, unresolved issues from Fitness level assessments and general evidence that a candidate is developing skills for the effective performance of credentialed ministry Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What knowledge and skills has this candidate acquired which give evidence of being ready for licensed or ordained ministry? What concerns do you have about this candidate’s readiness for ministry? What has been the response of the sending congregation to this candidate? Or how has the congregation to which this candidate is appointed responded to this candidate? How would you characterize this person’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? (Include a discussion of this person’s commitment to itinerancy if applicable.) What else would you like the District Committee and the Board to know about this candidate?

__________________________________________ District Superintendent Signature

__________________________ Date

Please submit copies to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 09 District Superintendent Effectiveness Report for Associate and Full Membership

Applicant Name: Email address:

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


[__] Associate Member (AM)

[__] Full Deacon (FD)

[__] Full Elder (FE)

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the DCOM registrar. Note to Applicant: • Contact your District Superintendent to request the completion of this form. It is likely that you will need to provide the DS with the form. Note to District Superintendent: • The person named above is under your supervision in a setting for ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her effectiveness in ministry. Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What evidence is there of this candidate’s effectiveness in ministry? Describe the strengths of this candidate’s ministry; the gifts and abilities which contribute to the candidate’s effectiveness. What concerns do you have about this candidate’s effectiveness in ministry? What has been the response of the congregation/ministry setting to which this candidate has been appointed? How would you characterize this candidate’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? (Include a discussion of this person’s commitment to itinerancy if applicable.) How has this candidate responded to your supervision? What else would you like the District Committee and the Board to know about this candidate?

__________________________________________ __________________________ District Superintendent Signature Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 10 District Superintendent (DS) Report for Supply Pastors (SY) or Certified Lay Minister (LM)

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


[__] Supply Pastor (SY)

[__] Certified Lay Minister (LM)

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the appropriate DCOM registrar. Note to Applicant: • Contact your District Superintendent to request the DS complete this report. It is likely that you will need to provide the DS with a copy. Note to District Superintendent: • The person named above is under your supervision in a setting for ministry. The District Committee on Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her effectiveness in ministry. Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Describe the candidate’s basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality, and personality. What gifts and abilities does this candidate bring to ministry as a SY/LM? What evidence is there of this SY/LM’s effectiveness as a transformational leader? What concerns, if any, do you have about this SY/LM? What has been the congregation’s response to the SY/LM? How would you characterize this person’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? What else would you like the District Committee to know about this candidate?

__________________________________________ __________________________ District Superintendent Signature Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 11 Supervising / Sending Pastor Report for Supply Pastors (SY) or Certified Lay Minister (LM)

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


[__] Supply Pastor (SY)

[__] Certified Lay Minister (LM)

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the DCOM registrar. Note to Applicant: • Contact the pastor of the church where you are currently a member to request s/he complete this report. It is likely that you will need to provide the pastor with a copy. Note to Supervising Pastor: • The person named above is under your supervision and is seeking continued credentialing as a Supply Pastors (SY) or a Certified Lay Minister (CLM). The District Committee on Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her fitness for ministry. Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Describe the candidate’s basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality, and personality. What gifts and abilities does this candidate bring to ministry as a SY/LM? What evidence is there of this SY/LM’s effectiveness as a transformational leader? What concerns, if any, do you have about this SY/LM? What has been the congregation’s response to the SY/LM? How would you characterize this person’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? What else would you like the District Committee to know about this candidate?

_____________________________ Pastor Signature

_____________________________ _______________________ Pastor Printed Name Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 12 Supervising Pastor Report for Provisional Membership and Continued Provisional

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Relationship: 1st Application Date:

[__] Provisional Membership [__] Continued Provisional Membership _____________________________________________________________

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the BOM registrar. Note to Applicant: • Contact your Supervising Pastor to request the completion of this form. You will likely need to provide the DS with a copy. Note to Supervising Pastor: • The person named above is under your supervision in a setting for ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her readiness for ministry. An assessment for readiness includes elements of knowledge and preparation for ministry. It may include identifying developing competencies, academic work, unresolved issues from Fitness level assessments and general evidence that a candidate is developing skills for the effective performance of credentialed ministry Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What knowledge and skills has this candidate acquired which give evidence of being ready for licensed or ordained ministry? What concerns do you have about this candidate’s readiness for ministry? What has been the response of the sending congregation to this candidate? Or how has the congregation to which this candidate is appointed responded to this candidate? How would you characterize this person’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? (Include a discussion of this person’s commitment to itinerancy if applicable.) What else would you like the District Committee and the Board to know about this candidate?

__________________________________________ __________________________ Pastor Signature Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 13 Supervising Pastor Report for Full Membership in the Annual Conference

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Relationship sought:

[__] Full Deacon (FD)

[__] Full Elder (FE)

General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the BOM registrar. Note to Applicant: • Contact your Supervising Pastor to request the completion of this form. It is likely that you will need to provide the DS with the form. Note to Supervising Pastor: • The person named above is under your supervision in a setting for ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry needs your perceptions of this person and his/her effectiveness in ministry. Please respond to the following questions: (Use a separate sheet and include the Question # with your response.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What evidence is there of this candidate’s effectiveness in ministry? Describe the strengths of this candidate’s ministry; the gifts and abilities which contribute to the candidate’s effectiveness. What concerns do you have about this candidate’s effectiveness in ministry? What has been the response of the congregation/ministry setting to which this candidate has been appointed? How would you characterize this candidate’s commitment to the United Methodist Church, its doctrine and polity? (Include a discussion of this person’s commitment to itinerancy if applicable.) How has this candidate responded to your supervision? What else would you like the District Committee and the Board to know about this candidate?

__________________________________________ __________________________ Pastor Signature Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 14 Sermon Feedback Form

General Instructions: •

These comments are prayerfully prepared to give this preacher a constructive idea as to how her or his sermon presented on the indicated date was received by its hearers. To the DCOM/BOM member or UM clergy person asked to provide this feedback, please provide as much information as possible in completing this form.

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR





DCOM / BOM member or UM clergy Date sermon was preached

Length of sermon (minutes)

Location (congregation / church)

________________________________________________________________________________ Scripture text(s)

Mark the adjective(s) which best describe your impression of this preacher’s manner: Friendly/caring Sincere Engaging Quiet/reflective Knowledgeable Powerful/forceful Gentle Energetic Enthusiastic Organized Confident Passionate Sensitive to mood Motivational Sensitive to topic

Other: __________ ________________ Other: __________ ________________


Did the opening engage your attention? [__] Yes [__] No Comments: ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Did it introduce the sermon theme or otherwise prepare you for the sermon? [__] Yes [__] No Comments:___ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments on the instruction including suggested areas for improvement: _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 1 of 3

Updated: 2020-11

Form 14 Sermon Feedback Form


Did the sermon have a central idea? [__] Yes [__] No In 10-20 words, state the main message of the sermon as you heard it: (e.g. Humility is a key element of modeling Christ for non-believer.) _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Were there any points which were either unclear or unconvincing to you? [__] Yes (please explain) [__] No Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Were there any illustrations which seemed not to fit or not to work? [__] Yes (please explain) [__] No Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Were there any transitions that seemed rough or unexpected? [__] Yes (please explain) [__] No Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to comment on any scriptural interpretation/research? [__] Yes (please explain) [__] No Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments on the Body of the Sermon (including suggested areas for improvement not covered above): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Please circle any of the following areas of delivery you would like to bring to the preacher’s attention and either compliment or constructively critique them. Eye contact _______________________________________________________________________ Voice (clarity, variety) _______________________________________________________________________ Pacing _______________________________________________________________________ Organization _______________________________________________________________________ Wording (grammar, etc) _______________________________________________________________________ Use of notes/manuscript _______________________________________________________________________ Posture/body language _______________________________________________________________________ Gestures _______________________________________________________________________ Facial expressions _______________________________________________________________________ Distracting habits _______________________________________________________________________ Use of humor _______________________________________________________________________ Passion/conviction _______________________________________________________________________

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 2 of 3

Updated: 2020-11

Form 14 Sermon Feedback Form


Was the conclusion an effective ending to the sermon? [__] Yes (please explain) [__] No Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Was the sermon successful in the following: (helpful comments are appreciated) -Being relevant and applicable to life? [__] Yes [__] No ___________________________________________ -Increasing your knowledge? [__] Yes [__] No ___________________________________________ -Causing a change in your attitude? [__] Yes [__] No ___________________________________________ -Causing a change in your behavior? [__] Yes [__] No ___________________________________________ -Connecting scripture and life? [__] Yes [__] No ___________________________________________

Additional Comments

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall, I would evaluate this sermon as: [__] A good effort but the final result still needs some work. [__] Adequate in most ways. Shows promise. [__] Adequate in every way. Well done. [__] Outstanding. Clearly an area of giftedness.

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 3 of 3

Updated: 2020-11

Form 15 Supply Preacher (SY) Supervisory Agreement with the District Superintendent Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street


Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Email:




_________ _________ __________ Month




As a Supply Pastor, I have been asked to serve the following: District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge Church 1

Church 2





State Zip

State Zip

Worship Time Frequency

Worship Time Frequency

Church 3

Weekly Monthly


Church 4





State Zip

State Zip

Worship Time Frequency

Weekly Monthly


Worship Time Frequency

Weekly Monthly


Weekly Monthly


Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM [__] Supervisory file at the District Superintendent’s office 1 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

Form 15 Supply Preacher (SY) Supervisory Agreement with the District Superintendent I realize that I am a lay person and that I am not allowed to administer the sacraments of Baptism or Holy Communion. However, I understand that I can serve the elements if they have been consecrated by an Elder. I also realize that I will not be able to perform weddings, since I am not a licensed pastor. I realize that I will be expected to act as a pastor and will have, at least, the following responsibilities:

[__] Home & Hospital Visitation [__] Conducting and Leading Worship [__] Administration of the Church: Charge Conference and Year End Reports [__] Attend District Minister’s Meetings

[__] Performing Funerals [__] Overseeing/Conducting Church Meetings [__] Meet, as requested, with the DCOM [__] Maintain an up to date Safe Gatherings Certification

In addition to the above items, I understand that the District Superintendent expects the following from me as I minister at the charge to which I have been assigned: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________ ___________________ Signature Printed Name Date _______________________________ _______________________________ ___________________ Signature Printed Name Date District Superintendent

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM [__] Supervisory file at the District Superintendent’s office 2 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

Form 16 Notarized Disclosure Form

Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Ministerial Relationship Being Requested: _____________________________________________________ General Instructions: • The Candidate is responsible for uploading completed Form and any attachments to the appropriate registrar(s) as directed by the requesting registrar. • Document should be completed not more than 12 months prior to the required interview Part I: Legal History (¶ 310.2, 324.12, 346.2, 347.2(a) and 347.3(a)of The Book of Discipline, 2016) Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor? Have you ever been accused in writing of sexual misconduct or child abuse? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, attach an explanation. Part II: Chargeable Offenses Have you read ¶2702 of The Book of Discipline 2016? Are you chargeable according to ¶2702 of The Book of Discipline 2016? If you answered yes, attach an explanation.

[__] Yes [__] No [__] Yes [__] No [__] Yes [__] No

[__] Yes [__] No [__] Yes [__] No

Part III: The Christian Life Do you agree, for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in the world and the most effective witness of the gospel, and in consideration of your influence as a clergy person, to make a complete dedication of yourself to the highest ideals of the Christian life as set forth in “Our Doctrinal Heritage,” “Our Doctrinal Standards and General Rules,” “Our Theological Task,” and the “Social Principles,” ¶103-105, ¶160-166 of The Book of Discipline, 2016? [__] Yes [__] No Part IV: Signature

I hereby certify that all the information I have provided is true and accurate.

__________________________________________ Signature

__________________________ Date

Subscribed to and sworn before me on this _______________ date of ________________ 20____. __________________________________________ Notary Public Signature

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 17 Acknowledgement & Acceptance: Less than Full-Time Appointment during the Provisional

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (____) ______-________ Email address: ______________________________________________ I am currently on the [__] Elder [__] Deacon track. [__] I currently do not serve a church / charge OR [__] I currently serve the following: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Church / Charge District Superintendent is District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Seminary Information: _____________________________________ Seminary Name

_____________________ Graduation date

_________________________ Degree earned

It is the expectation that the cabinet will appoint all provisional members to full-time service. All provisional members have a maximum of 8 years from the year they enter the provisional process to complete the equivalent of 3 years full-time service before they can possibly enter into full connection and membership in the annual conference. After careful and prayerful conversation with my current district superintendent, I acknowledge my willingness to accept a less than full-time position for the annual conference year of _______ to _______. I understand that this will extend my time in the provisional process and that it could, ultimately, impact my ability to complete the provisional process within the required 8 years that are permitted. Signature:

I hereby certify that all the information I have provided is true and accurate.

__________________________________________ Signature of Provisional Member

__________________________ Date

__________________________________________ Signature of District Superintendent

__________________________ Date


It is projected that the above named individual will be appointed to:

Church / Charge

[__] 1/4 Service Time

[__] 1/2

[__] 3/4

District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 18 Declaration that a Retiring Local Pastor has met the criteria to be classified as a Retired Local Pastor (RL)

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (____) ______-________ Email address: ______________________________________________ Church / Charge: _____________________________________________________________________________ District:

[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

After examination, the DCOM of the _____ District certifies that the above named pastor has met the criteria to be considered a Retired Local Pastor (RL). Specifically this pastor has (check one) [__] Completed Course of Study (COS): __________________________________________ Date of COS Completion [__] Not completed COS, but was making adequate progress towards completion at the time of retirement. Upon retirement, the above named pastor will become a member at the following: Church: ___________________________________________________________________________ District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


I hereby certify that all the information I have provided is true and accurate.

__________________________________ __________________________ __________________________ DCOM Registrar: Signature Printed name Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

Form 19

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (____) ______-________ Email address: ______________________________________________ Recognition of Transfer of Membership To the Annual Conference (To be completed by District Superintendent)

Local Church at which this person holds membership: _______________________________________________ District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR On _________________________ (date) the above-mentioned individual received a license to preach. Having become a Local Pastor, the above-named person is now a member of the Annual Conference and their membership is transferred to the Annual Conference.

Recognition of Transfer of Membership From the Annual Conference (To be completed by District Superintendent)

On _________________________ (date) the above-mentioned individual had their license to preach revoked. Reason for revocation [__] Discontinued by DCOM [__] Lack of suitable appointment [__] Surrendered license [__] Other: ______________________________________________________________ Local Church to which this persons membership will be transferred: ____________________________________ District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


I hereby certify that all the information I have provided is true and accurate.

_______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ DS: Signature

Printed name


Copies: [__] DCOM - Retain original in Local Pastor’s DCOM file [__] Email completed copy to Office Use Only: Upon receipt of this form, the Secretary of the Annual Conference shall notify the local church that [__] the person is being transferred to the Annual Conference and that the name should be removed form the roll or [__] the person desires to join via transfer. _________________________ (date) Letter was sent to the Local Church. Update: 2020-11


Forms: General Board of Higher Educa on and Ministry (GBHEM) Form 102 ...... Biographical Informa on Form Typically completed at the beginning of the Candidacy Process. File in the DCOM file.

Form 103 ...... The UMC Medical Summary Report of Ministerial Candidate Typically completed at the beginning of the Candidacy Process. Might be required at other stages of the process. File copy in either DCOM or BOM file.

Form 109 ...... The UMC Theological School Recommenda on for Conference Membership This form is to be given by the student, seeking provisional membership, to an appropriate person at the seminary. The report is to be returned to the Office of Clergy Services and files in the BOM file.

Form 117 ...... Church Support for Candidacy This form is to be given by the local church to show support for those seeking provisional membership.

Save Form Print Form

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION FORM Form 102 Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ First



Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street




Cell Phone: (_____) _______________________ Other Phone: (_____) __________________________ Sex: Male

Birth Date: ____________________________________


E-mail:_______________________________________________________________________________ Ethnic Origin: Asian

African American/Black


American Indian


Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander


Conference: _________________________________ District: __________________________________ Local Church: ________________________________________________________________________

Church Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street




Briefly describe your involvement in your local church, such as your leadership positions, groups you enjoy, church activities, etc. Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

Describe your church involvement in activities beyond your local church, such as district or annual conference work, church camps, workshops, outreach, etc.

Educational Background High School College Graduate School Theological Seminary Course of Study Adv. Course of Study Marital Status:

Dates Attended

Yr. 1

Yr. 2

Yr. 3

Yr. 4

Degree or # of Credit Hours

Yr. 5

Credit Hrs: Single (never married)


Married (first marriage)


Married (second marriage or more)


If married, please indicate your spouse’s information. Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ First



Birth Date: _________________________________ Marriage Date: ____________________________

Spouse’s Occupation: ___________________________________________________________________

Your children, if any: Child’s Name Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

Date of Birth



Additional dependents, if any: Dependent’s Name

Date of Birth



Describe your community involvement and volunteer work, such as participation in community organizations, social clubs, service agencies, and other non-church-related volunteer service:

Your childhood family and other significant relatives: Name



Father Mother Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

Marital Status




Work Experience: (current employment, previous employment, and military experience, if any.)

Have you previously served as a local pastor, diaconal minister, deacon, or elder in The United Methodist Church?



Conference Relationship

If Yes, What Conference? __________________________________________________ DATE

Diaconal Minister Local Pastor

DATE Provisional Member Deacon in Full Connection Elder in Full Connection

Associate Member

Have you had a change in clergy relationship with a conference of The United Methodist Church?



Change in Conference Relationship DATE Discontinuance Leave of Absence Medical Leave Termination by Annual Conference Action

DATE Administrative Location Honorable Location Retirement Withdrawal

Note: If additional space is needed please use a separate sheet of paper and attach this form. Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020


Candidate’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ To the Board of Ordained Ministry: Please indicate here, the name/address of the board officer who will receive this report. Name: Address: CONSENT FOR THE RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION – COMPLETED BY CANDIDATE Candidate Name: _____________________________________ Birth Date: _______________________ I hereby authorize and direct ______________________________________ (physician) to disclose to the ______________________________ (annual conference) Board of Ordained Ministry the following information with regard to the records of ______________________________ (candidate) for the purpose of evaluation by The United Methodist Church for entrance into ministry. I, the undersigned, understand that I may revoke this consent at any time except to the extent that action has been taken in reliance upon it. This consent will expire sixty (60) days after the date treatment is terminated unless another date is specified. I understand that the information requested may be disclosed from records whose confidentiality is otherwise protected by federal as well as state law. Any of the above requested information may include results of alcohol/drug (substance) abuse and/or diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders, as well as HIV status. To the party receiving this information: This information has been disclosed to you from records whose confidentiality is protected by federal law. Federal regulations (42 CFR Part 2) prohibit you from making any further disclosure of it without the specific written consent of the person to whom it pertains, or as otherwise permitted by such regulations. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is not sufficient for this purpose.

Signature of Candidate




SUMMARY REPORT – COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN Comments for physician: Complete the summary report. The United Methodist Church assumes you are completing this information based on a current physical examination of the candidate. Screening guidelines are provided for reference as needed. This person is a candidate for ministry in The United Methodist Church. Among other requirements, this includes being able to typically work a full‐time week – with periodic weeks requiring longer work hours. Those serving in ministry will encounter situations that require the ability to cope with conflict and stress. Job‐related tasks range from office work and traveling from site to site to communicating with and relating to a variety of people and managing multiple tasks simultaneously, among other responsibilities. Candidate’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date of Physical Exam: __________________________________________________________ Check One: ____

Based on the physical exam I completed, this candidate appears to be healthy. I have no concerns about his/her physical fitness for ministry.


Based on the physical exam I completed, this candidate has some health concerns that are summarized below.

Summary of Concerns:

Typical treatment(s) for this condition could potentially include (medication, surgery, lifestyle modification, intervention by specialist, frequent monitoring, etc.):

Questions to ask, or conversation that a committee might have, to address these concerns could include:

Examining Provider: Address: Phone: Fax: Signature:



EXAMINATION STANDARDS* As a part of the ministry application process, The United Methodist Church requires each candidate to “present a satisfactory certificate of good health” by a physician on the prescribed form. Disabilities are not to be construed as unfavorable health factors when a person with disability is capable of meeting the professional standards and is able to render effective service…. (The Book of Discipline, ¶¶ 315.6c, 324.8, 347.3, 357.7, 355.3, 368.5). The following lists show standard screening practices to be considered in an assessment of physical health. Additionally, the physician may choose to make recommendations to the candidate as needed. While the candidate’s physician should make the final determination regarding the need for specific medical tests as related to the overall health and needs of the candidate, The United Methodist Church seeks a summary report from the physician upon completion of a physical examination of the candidate that provides an assessment of the candidate’s physical ability to perform the required work of ministry. NOTE: DO NOT RECORD SCREENING RESULTS ON THIS FORM. Screening Height and weight (periodically) Blood pressure Alcohol and tobacco use Depression (if appropriate follow‐up is available) Diabetes mellitus (patients with hypertension) Dyslipidemia (total and HDL cholesterol): men ≥35 y; men or women ≥20 y who have cardiovascular risk factors; measure every 5 y if normal Colorectal cancer screening (men and women 50‐75 y) Mammogram every 1 to 2 y for all women ≥40 y. Evaluation for BRCA testing in high‐risk women only. Papanicolaou test (at least every 3 y until age 65 y) Chlamydial infection (sexually active women ≤25 y and older at‐risk women) Routine voluntary HIV screening (ages 13‐64 y) Bone mineral density test (women ≥65 y and at‐risk women 60‐64 y) AAA screening (one time in men 65‐75 y who have ever smoked) Counseling—Substance Abuse Tobacco cessation counseling Alcohol misuse: brief behavioral counseling; alcohol abuse: referral for specialty treatment

Counseling—Diet and Exercise Behavioral dietary counseling in patients with hyperlipidemia, risks for CHD and other diet‐related chronic disease Regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes per day most days of the week) Intensive counseling/behavioral interventions for obese patients AAA = abdominal aortic aneurysm; BRCA = breast cancer susceptibility gene; CHD = coronary heart disease. * Based on recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Key Points 

  

        

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends routine periodic screening for hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia (men ≥35 years), osteoporosis (women ≥65 years), abdominal aortic aneurysm (one‐time‐screening), depression, and HIV infection. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends routine periodic screening for colorectal cancer (persons 50‐74 years of age), breast cancer (women ≥40 years), and cervical cancer. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all pregnant women be screened for asymptomatic bacteriuria, iron‐deficiency anemia, hepatitis B virus, and syphilis. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against screening for hemochromatosis; carotid artery stenosis; coronary artery disease; herpes simplex virus; or testicular, ovarian, pancreatic, or bladder cancer. Outside of prenatal, preconception, and newborn care, genetic testing should not be performed in unselected populations because of lower clinical validity; potential for false positives; and potential for harm, including “genetic labeling.” For patients for whom genetic testing may be appropriate, referral for genetic counseling should be provided before and after testing. A human papillomavirus vaccine series is indicated in females ages 9 through 26 years, regardless of sexual activity, for prevention of cervical cancer. A single dose of tetanus‐diphtheria–acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine should be given to adults ages 19 through 64 years to replace the next tetanus‐diphtheria toxoid (Td) booster. A zoster (shingles) vaccine is given to all patients 60 years and older regardless of history of prior shingles or varicella infection. Asymptomatic adults who plan to be physically active at the recommended levels do not need to consult with a physician prior to beginning exercise unless they have a specific medical question. Smoking status should be determined for all patients. Patients who want to quit smoking should be offered pharmacologic therapy in addition to counseling, including telephone quit lines. Routine screening is recommended to identify persons whose alcohol use puts them at risk. For management of alcohol abuse and dependence, referral for specialty treatment is recommended; for management of alcohol misuse, brief behavioral counseling may be useful.

  

Clues for chemical dependency include unexpected behavioral changes, acute intoxication, frequent job changes, unexplained financial problems, family history of substance abuse, frequent problems with law enforcement agencies, having a partner with substance abuse, and medical sequelae of drug abuse. Condom use reduces transmission of HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, Trichomonas, herpes virus, and human papillomavirus. It is important to ask about domestic violence when patients present with symptoms or behaviors that may be associated with abuse. When an abusive situation is identified, address immediate safety needs.

THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL RECOMMENDATION FOR CONFERENCE MEMBERSHIP Form 109 Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Annual Conference: ____________________________________________________________________ Theological School: ____________________________________________________________________

1. Submit an official copy of your academic transcript directly to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry listed below. 2. Take a copy of this recommendation form to your faculty advisor or another faculty member of the theological school for completion, and have it sent directly to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry.

3. Give a second copy of this form to the Office of Field Education if you have had a field education assignment, and have it sent directly to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry. 4. Authorize the release of information by signing the release statement below. Release Information:

I hereby authorize release of the information requested to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry listed below. Recognizing the confidential nature of this recommendation, I DO waive all rights of access to this report without the written consent of the person providing the information.

I DO NOT waive all rights of access to this report without the written consent of the person providing the information. Signature: ___________________________________________ Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

Date: _________________________

Instructions to the Theological School Representative:

1. The Board of Ordained Ministry is interested in any personal insights you can provide regarding the candidate in the following areas: a. academic ability and performance b. personal qualities and character c. spiritual maturity and insight d. field education experience and effectiveness 2. Use the space provided on Page 2 for your comments and recommendations. 3. Attach additional comments or reports you believe will be helpful in the decision-making process. 4. Return this form and any attachments directly to the following before: _________________________ Name of BOM Registrar: ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

Note to Theological School Faculty Member or Administrator: The Board of Ordained Ministry is interested in any personal insights you can provide regarding the candidate in the areas of (1) academic ability and performance, (2) personal qualities and character, (3) spiritual maturity and insight, and (4) field education experience and effectiveness. Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

Do you consider the candidate ready for ordination and conference membership in The United Methodist Church? _____ Yes

_____ No

********************************************************************** Recommendation Submitted by: ________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Printed Name

Theological School Position: _____________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Telephone (_____) _______________________________Date __________________________________ Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020


Save Form Print Form

THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH SUPPORT FOR CANDIDACY Form 117 ¶313.2 – A candidate preparing for ordained ministry shall … provide a report as to whether his or her local church is supporting them spiritually and financially (see ¶246.8) … The report of local church financial support may be used by the district superintendent to express gratitude for this support or encourage a local congregation to improve its basic care for those it recommends.

Candidate: ___________________________________________________________________________ Conference: ____________________________ District: ______________________________________ Local Church Membership: ______________________________________________________________ Other Ministry Setting (if not a member of local church): ______________________________________ Financial Support ___

The above named local church has supported the candidate financially in the previous year.


The above named local church has not supported the candidate financially in the previous year.

How has the local church supported the candidate financially? (Include the amount of financial support provided to the candidate.)

Spiritual Support ____ The above named local church has supported the candidate spiritually in the previous year. ____ The above named local church has not supported the candidate spiritually in the previous year. Please explain.

Signatures: Candidate: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Pastor: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ District Superintendent _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

When complete, the candidate submits form to the district Committee on Ordained Ministry before candidacy is renewed.


Applica ons Applica ons for use by the DCOM and DS for those in process and for use by those Currently Serving App 01 .......... Board of Ordained Ministry/Cabinet Applica on for Approval of an Extension Ministry Clergy seeking to enter into an extension ministry must complete this applica on and submit detailed answers to the ques ons asked in this applica on. A separate piece of paper should be used to answer the ques ons. Copies should be given to the Office of Clergy Services and the Bishop.

App 02 .......... The UMC Applica on for Clergy Rela onship to the Annual Conference This applica on must be completed by all persons that are seeking some sort of rela onship to the annual conference. Please see the categories listed on the applica on. Applica on will be filed with either DCOM or the BOM depending upon the rela onship that is requested.

App 03 .......... Applica on for Change in Clergy Rela onship to the Annual Conference This applica on has been completely redone since it was ini ally included in the DCOM Handbook. This applica on should be considered as page one of a two part applica on. Page two will vary depending upon the change of rela onship that is desired. This applica on instructs the individual as to the next applica on that must be completed. This will be filed in the appropriate DCOM, BOM, or Annual Conference file.

App 04 .......... The UMC Applica on for Readmission to Clergy Rela onship with the Annual Conference This applica on must be completed by a person that has had his/her rela onship with the annual conference severed. Please note, that some changes in status result in losing conference membership. On this form the person must indicate the status in which they are currently located and seek reinstatement or readmission from that status. This applica on should be filed with the Board of Ordained Ministry via the Office of Clergy Services. It is the first step in a process that could result in reinstatement or readmission.

App 05 .......... Applica on to Become a Supply Pastor (SY) Prior to the DS being able to consider someone as a Supply Pastor (SY), the person must complete this form. This person will present themselves to a DCOM for interview and, if the DCOM agrees, then the person is made available for assignment by the DS to a par cular ministry se ng. This form is filed in the DCOM file and a copy in the DS file on this person.

App 06 .......... Transfer of Candidate to Holston Annual Conference from Another Annual Conference This form must be completed by a person from another annual conference that is in the candidacy process that wishes to transfer to Holston Annual Conference. This is referred to as a DCOM to DCOM transfer. The current DCOM must discon nue the person so that the DCOM in Holston may reinstate the person. Appropriate files are then transferred from the current AC DCOM to the Holston DCOM. When such a transfer is planned, the Holston DCOM must contact the Director of Clergy Services to arrange proper UMCares transfer. Place in candidate’s DCOM file.

App 07 ................ Applica on to Join the Residency in Ministry (RIM) of Holston Annual Conference Every person that enters into Provisional Membership is required to par cipate in the RIM. This form should be submi ed to the Office of Clergy Services. Please note that there is an op on on this form for Associate Member. Currently, AM’s are not required to par cipate in the Holston RIM. This may become a future possibility.

App 08 ................ Applica on to Serve in the Holston Annual Conference as an Other Fellowship (OF) This applica on is to be completed by pastors from other Chris an Denomina ons that seek to serve or seek to transfer their membership into the Holston AC. This form should be submi ed to the Office of Clergy Services.

App 09 ................ Applica on to serve in the Holston Annual Conference as an Elder from Other Annual Conference or Other Wesleyan Denomina on (OE) Persons from Methodist/Wesleyan denomina ons may seek to have their orders/creden als recognized and transfer to the Holston AC. This is the ini al applica on that must be competed to begin this process. This applica on should be sent to the Office of Clergy Services.

App 10 ................ Go On Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) This applica on must be completed by all persons that seek to enter into a voluntary leave of absence. A copy, with suppor ng le er sta ng the reason for the request, should be sent to those persons noted on the form.

App 11 ................ Come Off Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) This applica on must be completed by all persons that seek to end a voluntary leave of absence. A copy, with suppor ng le er sta ng the reason for the request, should be sent to those persons noted on the form.

App 12 ................ Request for Less Than Full Time Service The norm for all persons that are in full connec on or associate membership in the annual conference is full me service. If for some reason a pastor seeks to serve in a less than full me role, then the pastor must complete this applica on. Must file with appropriate persons listed on the applica on. File will be placed in Annual Conference file and in BOM file that will be kept as long as person is in this status.

App 13 ................ Request to Con nue Previously Approved Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) Once a person is granted Voluntary Leave of Absence, the person must request annually to remain on VLOA. Failure to make this request could result in the pastor being placed on Administra ve Loca on. Applica on should be filed with those listed.

App 14 ................ Self Ini ated Discon nuance as a Local Pastor Should a Local Pastor desire to stop being a local pastor this applica on would need to be completed. Please note that there are several requirements surrounding the surrender of items. The DS should collect these items and circumstances surrounding the request should be noted. A copy of this should be placed in the DCOM and DS files for this person.

App 15 ................ Self‐ini ated Discon nuance as a Provisional Member Should a Provisional Member seek to sever their rela onship with the annual conference, this applica on must be filed with the Board of Ordained Ministry via the Office of Clergy Services. Careful a en on should be made to the op ons available on this applica on. The document is filed in the BOM files of the provisional member.

App 16 ................ Sabba cal Leave Ministers seeking to enter into a sabba cal leave need to complete this applica on and submit it to the persons listed on the form.

App 17 ................ Maternity/Paternity Leave Persons seeking to enter into a maternity/paternity leave should complete this applica on. Please note the me frames associated with this applica on and plan accordingly. Submit document to persons listed on the applica on.

App 18 ................ Request Re rement This form should be completed by all persons that seek to enter into a re red rela onship with the annual conference. Please note that there are different categories and melines associated with this document. Submit the applica on to the appropriate persons.

App 19 ................ Request for Honorable Loca on Persons seeking honorable loca on must complete this applica on. Please note that there are a large number of items associated with this document. The applicant should pay special a en on to the various items. Should be filed with those named on the form.

App 20 ................ Request for Honorable Loca on – Re red Once a person enters into the honorable loca on status, they can remain on that status un l the me that they meet the criteria for re rement. At that me, they should complete this applica on so that they may enter into re rement and receive this status. This applica on should be filed with those named on the form.

App 21 ................ Request for Withdrawal A pastor desiring to withdraw from The United Methodist Church must complete this applica on. Careful a en on should be given to the reason for withdrawal and the various items associated with each of the reasons. Submit the document to those persons listed.

App 22 ............... Honorable Loca on...Con nuance Once placed on Honorable Loca on it is the responsibility of the person to make an annual request to remain on honorable loca on. Submit this document to those persons listed on the applica on.

App 01 Board of Ordained Ministry / Cabinet Application for Approval of Extension Ministry 2016 BOD Âś344.1(d)

Applicant Name:


Email address:


Mailing Address:


Cell phone:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Current status:

[__] Elder (FE)

[__] Associate Member (AM)

[__] Local Pastor (FL/PL)

Current ministry setting: Please share in detail answers to the following questions (use additional pages as necessary). Please attach any documentation regarding related organizations, structures and accountability that you deem helpful to the Board and/or the Cabinet in reviewing your request. 1. The proposed setting for the proposed extension ministry. _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Your sense of calling to the proposed extension ministry. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Your gifts and evidence of God’s grace for the proposed extension ministry. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. How the proposed extension ministry constitutes a true extension of the Christian ministry of the Church, with special attention to how it reflects your commitment to intentional fulfilment of your ordination vows to Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

App 01 Board of Ordained Ministry / Cabinet Application for Approval of Extension Ministry 2016 BOD ¶344.1(d)

5. How this proposed extension ministry constitutes the intentional fulfillment of your ordination vows, associate membership, or license as local pastor. Please pay special attention to explain how this proposed extension ministry is a task for which clergy are appropriately prepared and authorized in contrast to the work to which all Christians are called. ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Please describe how the proposed extension ministry will provide adequate accountability standards and oversight. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Please initial the following if you agree: [__]

I certify that, even if this ministry is approved as an extension ministry pursuant to ¶344.1(d), I would still “remain within the itineracy and shall be accountable to the annual conference.”


I certify that, if I am appointed to an extension ministry pursuant to ¶344.1(d), I will have to identify a charge conference to which I will relate and obtain a letter from the pastor responsible for that charge conference establishing that I have consulted with her/him.


I certify that if I am appointed to an extension ministry pursuant to ¶344.1(d), I will be required to annually submit to the bishop, the district superintendent, and the Board of Ordained Ministry, “a written report on the official form . . . for the evaluation of these clergy in light of the missional needs of the Church and the fulfillment of their licensing or ordination to be minister of Service, Word, Sacrament, and Order.”


I certify that the Board and the Cabinet have ongoing authority and responsibility to review the appropriateness of extension ministries pursuant to ¶344.1(d).

____________________________________________ Applicant Signature

_________________________ Date

Please submit to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 2 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

Print Form

02 SaveApp Form





Address: Street Cell Phone: (

City )


Other Phone: (




Birth Date:

Being fully persuaded that God has called me to be a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, I hereby request affirmation of that call by The United Methodist Church through the granting of a clergy relationship to the annual conference. The relationship for which I am applying is: _

_ Local Pastor


_ Associate Membership


_ Student Local Pastor


_ Provisional Membership


_ Part-time


_ Deacon in Full Connection


_ Full-time


_ Elder in Full Connection

While I am applying for this relationship to the annual conference, I am also applying for: _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

License for Pastoral Ministry License for the Ministry of the Deacon Ordination as a Deacon Ordination as an Elder Recognition of orders granted by another denomination



An application for membership in full connection is to be sent to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry. An application for license as a local pastor, associate membership, or provisional membership is to be sent both to the district Committee on Ordained Ministry and the Board of Ordained Ministry. Information on required documentation is located on the next page.

App 02 Updated: 2020-11 Documentation to be examined along with this Application for Clergy Relationship to the Annual Conference License for Pastoral Ministry (¶315) 1. All documentation for candidacy certification 2. Report of the faculty of the licensing school or transcript from an approved school of theology indicating credit for one-third of the M.Div. from a University Senate-approved institution 3. Biographical Information Form (Form 102) 4. Medical Information Form (Form 103) 5. Notarized statement concerning any criminal behavior, criminal background, and credit checks 6. Psychological assessment report and any other information required by the Board of Ordained Ministry Associate Membership (¶322) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Transcript from the Course of Study College transcript with a minimum of 60 semester hours credit or equivalent Annual reports from a clergy mentor Recommendation of the district superintendent Biographical Information Form (Form 102) Medical Information Form (Form 103) Notarized statement concerning any criminal behavior, criminal background, and credit checks Psychological assessment report and any other information required by the Board of Ordained Ministry

Provisional Membership (¶324) 1. College transcript indicating a bachelor of arts degree or its equivalent as determined by the Division of Ordained Ministry 2. Seminary transcript indicating completion of a minimum of one-half of the M.Div. including one-half of the Basic Graduate Theological Studies or a Course of Study transcript indicating completion of Course of Study and 32 semester hours of graduate theological study (including the Basic Graduate Theological Studies) or its equivalent through the Advanced Course of Study 3. Annual reports of the clergy mentor 4. Recommendation of the district superintendent 5. Biographical Information Form (Form 102) 6. Medical Information Form (Form 103) 7. Written responses to doctrinal questions 8. Notarized statement concerning any criminal behavior, criminal background, and credit checks 9. Psychological assessment report and any other information required by the Board of Ordained Ministry Membership in Full Connection (¶330, Deacon or ¶335, Elder) 1. Reports of the clergy mentor 2. Recommendation of the district superintendent

App 02 Updated: 2020-11

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Biographical Information Form (Form 102) Medical Information Form (Form 103) Written responses to doctrinal questions (where required) Project that demonstrates fruitfulness in carrying out the Church’s mission Psychological assessment and other information as determined by the Board of Ordained Ministry

Recognition of Orders 1. Certificate of ordination with documentation that the ordination is in good standing 2. College transcript 3. Seminary transcript

App 03 Application for Change in Clergy Relationship to the Annual Conference

Applicant Name:


Email address:


Mailing Address:


Cell Phone:

________________________ Birth Date: __________________________

Current Charge:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

By initialing in the applicable box below and completing the required Application I hereby request the following change in my relationship to the annual conference. Please submit this form with your Application. [____] [____] [____] [____] [____] [____] [____] [____] [____] [____] [____]

Discontinuance as a Local Pastor (¶320.1)......................................... Complete Application 14 Discontinuance as a Provisional Member (¶327.6)............................ Complete Application 15 Appointment to Less than Full-Time Service (¶338.2) ....................... Complete Application 12 Appointment to Extension Ministry (¶344.1) .................................... Complete Application 01 Sabbatical Leave (¶351) ..................................................................... Complete Application 16 Voluntary Leave of Absence – Personal (¶353.2a)............................. Complete Application 10 Voluntary Leave of Absence – Family (¶353.2b) ................................ Complete Application 10 Transitional Leave of Absence (¶353.2c) ........................................... Complete Application 10 Maternity/Paternity Leave (¶355) ..................................................... Complete Application 17 Medical Leave (¶356) ........................................................................................... Coming Soon Retirement (¶357) [____] Between Sessions of the Annual Conference ........................ Complete Application 18 [____] Mandatory Retirement (¶357.1) ........................................... Complete Application 18 [____] With 20 Years of Service (¶357.2a) ....................................... Complete Application 18 [____] With 30 Years of Service or at Age 62 (¶357.2b) ................... Complete Application 18 [____] With 40 Years of Services or at Age 65 (¶357.2c) .................. Complete Application 18 [____] Honorable Location [____] Honorable Location (¶358).................................................... Complete Application 19 [____] Honorable Location - Retired (¶358.3) .................................. Complete Application 20 [____] Withdrawal ........................................................................................ Complete Application 21 [____] Withdrawal to Unite with Another Denomination (¶360.1) .. Complete Application 21 [____] Withdrawal from the Ordained Ministerial Office (¶360.2) .. Complete Application 21 [____] Withdrawal Under Complaints or Charges (¶360.3) .............. Complete Application 21 ______________________ Applicant (signature)

______________________ Printed Name

_________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-10

App 03 Application for Change in Clergy Relationship to the Annual Conference

Further Required Documentation for Change in Clergy Relationship to the Annual Conference Discontinuance as a Local Pastor (¶320.1) • A statement on the reasons for the request to discontinue as a local pastor

Maternity/Paternity Leave (¶355) • A statement on the duration of the maternity/paternity leave

Discontinuance as a Provisional Member (¶327.6) • A statement on the reasons for the request to discontinue as a provisional member

Medical Leave Due to Medical and Disabling Conditions (¶356) • A statement on the nature of the medical and disabling conditions and the reasons for the request of a medical leave • A report from a medical doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist on the nature of the reasons for granting a medical leave • The recommendation of the Joint Committee on Medical Leave • The recommendation of the Board of Pensions • The recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry

Appointment to Less Than Full-Time Service (¶338.2) • A statement on the nature of the agreement for less than full-time service in one-quarter, one-half, or three quarters increments and the reasons for the request • A recommendation of the bishop and cabinet Appointment to Extension Ministry (¶344.1) • A statement, describing in detail, the proposed setting for ministry, sharing a sense of calling to that ministry, and the intentional fulfillment of ordination vows • A recommendation of the cabinet Sabbatical Leave (¶351) • A description of the sabbatical leave including plans for study or travel

Retirement (¶357) • A written request for retirement • A service record provided by the conference secretary or Board of Pensions which confirms eligibility for retirement under the provisions of the Discipline

Voluntary Leave of Absence—Personal Leave(¶353.2a) • A statement on the reasons for the leave of absence and the charge conference within the bounds of the annual conference where membership will be held Voluntary Leave of Absence—Family Leave (¶353.2b) • A statement on an immediate family member’s need for full-time care Transitional Leave of Absence (¶353.2c) • A statement describing the need for transitional leave with quarterly substantiation of effort to obtain an appointable position Updated: 2020-10

Save Form

App 04 Print Form Updated: 2020-11



Address: Street Cell Phone: (







Other Phone: (


Birth Date:




I hereby request: _

_ Reinstatement as a Local Pastor _ Part-time Local Pastor Full-time Local Pastor _


_ Readmission as a Clergy Member of the Annual Conference _ Associate Member _ Provisional Member _ Deacon in Full Connection _ Elder in Full Connection

The status from which I wish to be reinstated or readmitted is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Discontinued Local Pastor Discontinued Provisional Member Honorable Location Administrative Location Withdrawal to Unite with another Denomination Leaving the Ministerial Office Withdrawal Under Complaints or Charges Involuntary Retirement

Signature: Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020


App 04 Updated: 2020-11

Reinstatement as a Local Pastor (¶320.4) 1. Statement on the reasons for reinstatement as a local pastor 2. Record of circumstances related to the discontinuance taken from the permanent personnel files of the annual conference Readmission to Provisional Membership (¶364) 1. Statement on the reasons for readmission to provisional membership 2. Record of circumstances related to the discontinuance taken from the permanent personnel files of the annual conference Readmission from Honorable or Administrative Location (¶365) 1. Statement on the reasons for readmission from location 2. Certificate of location 3. Report and recommendation by the charge conference and pastor of the local church where membership is held 4. Medical Information Form (Form 103) 5. Psychological assessment report 6. Recommendation of the district superintendent Readmission after Leaving the Ministerial Office (¶366) 1. Statement on the reasons for readmission after surrender of the ministerial office 2. Record of the circumstances related to the surrender of the ministerial office from the permanent personnel files of the annual conference 3. Recommendation of the district superintendent Readmission after Termination by Action of the Annual Conference (¶367) 1. Recommendation of the Cabinet 2. Completion of full membership requirement (including candidacy and provisional membership) Readmission after Involuntary Retirement (¶368) 1. Statement of the reasons for readmission after involuntary retirement 2. Record of the circumstances related to the involuntary retirement from the permanent personnel files of the annual conference 3. Certificate of retirement 4. Medical Information Form (Form 103) 5. Psychological assessment report (if required by BOM) 6. Recommendation of the district superintendent Candidacy/Conference Relations Forms, 2017-2020

App 05 Application to become a Supply Preacher (SY) Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street


Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work




_________ _________ __________ Month






[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

As a lay person, I have felt the call of God to offer myself in service to the church. I hereby make myself available to the annual conference for use as a supply pastor. I realize that this is a position that can end at any time and that I will be assigned by the District Superintendent to this role and will be amenable to the District Superintendent for the manner in which I conduct the ministry with the church(es) to which I have been assigned. I agree to adhere to the Supply Pastor Supervisory Agreement (Form 15) that I will complete with the District Superintendent. I also understand that I may not remain in this position for more than one year, unless I am serving Âź time or less.

_____________________________________________ Signature

__________________________ Date

_____________________________________________ DS Signature

__________________________ Date



Date of initial meeting with DCOM:

Does DCOM recommend this person as a Supply Pastor (SY)? [__] Yes [__] No (list reasons) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Please submit to:

[__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 06 Transfer of Candidate to Holston Annual Conference from Another Annual Conference Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street


Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work




_________ _________ __________ Month






[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

I affirm my desire to have my Candidacy transferred to the DCOM ______________________________ of the __________________________________ District of the Holston Annual Conference from the ________________________ District of the _________________________________Annual Conference.

The DCOM Registrar is: ______________________________________ and you may contact the Registrar at the following email address. I give permission for my current registrar to share with the DCOM to which I desire to have my candidacy transferred.

_____________________________________________ Signature

__________________________ Date

_____________________________________________ DS Signature

__________________________ Date



Date of initial meeting with DCOM:

Does DCOM recommend this person as a Supply Pastor (SY)? [__] Yes [__] No (list reasons) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit to:

[__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 07 Application to join the Residency in Ministry (RIM) of Holston Annual Conference Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street

Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work





_________ _________ __________ Month






[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Appointment: ______________________________________________________________________ Relationship:

[__] Provisional Deacon (PD) [__] Provisional Elder (PE)

[__] Associate Member (AM)

Having completed all seminary requirements and having been elected as a Provisional Member of the annual conference, I desire to be included in the RIM Cohort formed following annual conference. I realize that RIM is required for the three years of the Provisional process and that there will be mandatory sessions that I must attend along with other between session assignments.

___________________________________________ Signature

__________________________ Date

Please note, this is not a DCOM form. Please submit to:

[__] The Office of the BOM Registrar via [__] Director of RIM via 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 08 Application to serve in the Holston Annual Conference as an Other Fellowship (OF) Name:






______________________________________________________________________________ Street

Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work





_________ _________ __________ Month






[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


[__] Provisional Deacon (PD)

[__] Provisional Elder (PE)

Having been ordained in another denomination and now desiring to serve, after consultation with a District Superintendent, within the Holston Annual Conference, and in agreement with ¶346.2 of The Book of Discipline 2016, I affirm that I am willing “…to support and maintain United Methodist doctrine, discipline and polity.” I also agree to supply the following documents to the District Superintendent:

[__] A copy of my ordination certificate from my current denomination [__] A Notarized Disclosure Form (supplied by District Superintendent) [__] Take and Release Required Psychological Tests/Reports [__] Submit to a Background/Credit Check and receive Safe Gatherings Certification I realize, that my credentials may or may not meet the standards as set forth by the United Methodist Church and that I can serve without full recognition, but that this will limit my ability to vote and hold offices within the Annual Conference. I also affirm that I am not guaranteed an appointment within the Holston Annual Conference, but that I serve on an as needed basis until my credentials are fully recognized and I apply for membership in the Annual Conference. With this in mind…. I [__] do / [__] do not (mark one) currently seek to have my credentials recognized as equivalent with those of the United Methodist Church by the Board of Ordained Ministry. _____________________________________________ Signature

________________________________ Date

District -- Report of DCOM Action: Date this person met with the DCOM: __________________________ The DCOM [__] does / [__] does not recommend this person for an Other Fellowship Appointment. If Not recommended please list reasons: ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit to:

[__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 09 Application to serve in the Holston Annual Conference as an Elder from other Annual Conference and other Wesleyan denominations (OE) Name: Address:





______________________________________________________________________ Street

Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work








_________ _________ __________




[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Having been ordained in a Methodist related denomination and now desiring to serve, after consultation with a District Superintendent, within the Holston Annual Conference, I affirm that I am willing “…to support and maintain United Methodist doctrine, discipline and polity.” I also agree to supply the following documents to the District Superintendent and Director of Clergy Services:

[__] A copy of undergraduate / graduate transcripts [__] A copy of my ordination certificate from my current denomination [__] A copy of my Form 16 - Notarized Disclosure [__] Take and Release Required Psychological Tests / Reports [__] A copy of my Safe Gatherings Certification I realize, that my credentials may or may not meet the standards as set forth by the United Methodist Church and that I can serve without full recognition, but that this will limit my ability to vote and hold offices within the Annual Conference. I also affirm that I am not guaranteed an appointment within the Holston Annual Conference, but that I serve on an as needed basis until my credentials are fully recognized and I apply for membership in the Annual Conference. With this in mind…. I [__] do / [__] do not (mark one) currently seek to have my credentials recognized as equivalent with those of the United Methodist Church by the Board of Ordained Ministry. _____________________________________________ Signature

________________________________ Date

District -- Report of DCOM Action: Date this person met with the DCOM: ___________________ The DCOM [__] does / [__] does not recommend this person for an Other Methodist (OE) Appointment. If not recommended list reasons: _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit to:

[__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 10 Application to go on Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) Name: Address:






Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Email: Clergy Status: District: Charge:


______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate:



_________ _________ __________ Month



______________________________________________________________________ [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Provisional Member [__] Associate Member [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR ______________________________________________________________________

After review Âś353 of the 2016 Book of Discipline, I would like to request: [__] Personal LOA [__] Family LOA [__] Transitional LOA Initial the following: ______ I have attached a written request stating the detailed reasons for my request. ______ I signify that I have read Âś353 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and that I have read the Frequently Asked Questions section that is part of this application document. ______ I further signify that I understand the process and the implications related to my request to enter into a Voluntary Leave of Absence Status with the Holston Annual Conference. I desire for this leave to become effective:

__________________________ Signature

_________ _________ __________ Month Day Year Please remember that this request should be submitted 90 days prior to the above-mentioned date.

_________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

Please submit to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] Current District Superintendent 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 11 Application to come off of Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) Name: Address:






Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Email:


______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate:



_________ _________ __________ Month




Clergy Status: [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Provisional Member [__] Associate Member District:

[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR



After careful thought, prayer and consideration, I believe that it is time for me to come off of voluntary leave of absence (VLOA) and resume serving under appointment. Initial the following statement: _____ I have attached a written request stating the detailed reasons for my request to come off of VLOA. I desire for this request to become effective:

__________________________ Signature

_________ _________ __________ Month Day Year Please remember that this request should be submitted six months prior to the above-mentioned date or the date of annual conference.

_________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

Please submit to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] Current District Superintendent 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 12 Application: Request for Less Than Full Time Service Name: Address:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip

Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

_________ _________ __________ Month Day Year



Clergy Status:

[__] Full Elder


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR



I desire to serve:

[__] Full Deacon

[__] 1/4 time

[__] Associate Member

[__] 1/2 time

[__] 3/4 time

Reason for requesting Less Than Full Time Service: [__] 1.) Limited Itinerancy — ¶338.2.a).(1) You must submit a written letter, along with this application, stating that itineracy is limited due to temporary constraints which you are facing. Those constraints should be spelled out in the letter. Present the letter to the following persons: [__] The Bishop [__] The Chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry [__]


Self-Initiated — ¶338.2.a).(2) You must submit a written letter, along with this application, stating your request and the reasons for your desire to serve in a less than full time capacity. This request should be submitted at least 90 days prior to the annual conference session. The request should be submitted to: [__] The Bishop [__] The Chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry



Bishop-Initiated — ¶338.2.a).(3) You will be notified via letter from the Bishop 90 days prior to the termination of your current appointment should the Bishop decide this is necessary for missional purposes.

Request for Continuation of Less Than Full Time Services: [__] 1.) After consultation with my District Superintendent and having been previously granted a less than full time appointment, I request that I continue in this status for the upcoming Annual Conference year. Please submit to: [__] Chari, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

App 12 Application: Request for Less Than Full Time Service Acknowledgements: Initial here

I acknowledge that I have contacted the conference health insurance administrator and discussed any ramifications my request might have upon my health insurance.

Initial here

I acknowledge that I have contacted the conference pensions administrator and/or Wespath and discussed any ramifications that my request might have upon my pensions.

Initial here

I understand that my request must receive the approval of both the cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry and that the full connection members of the clergy session must confirm my request by a 2/3 vote at its next scheduled session.

Initial here

I understand that if I continue to desire to serve in a less than full time capacity, that Holston Annual Conference requires me to request this on an annual basis with the request submitted by February 1st of each successive year.

Initial here

I understand that when I desire to come back into full time service that I must submit a written request to the Bishop and Cabinet at least six months prior to the annual conference session at which I desire to return to full time service. (December 1st will be an appropriate deadline.)

__________________________ Signature

_________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Office Use: Request [__] was / [__] was not granted. Request Granted: ______ _____ 20______ Becomes Effective: ______ _____ 20______ Month Day Year Month Day Year

Please submit to: [__] Chari, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 2 of 2

Updated: 2020-11

App 13 Application: Request to Continue Previously Approved Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) Status Name: Address:






Best Contact # (______)________-__________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Email: Clergy Status: District: Charge:


______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate:


_________ _________ __________ Month



______________________________________________________________________ [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Provisional Member [__] Associate Member [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR ______________________________________________________________________

Having been previously approved, I would like to request that I remain on: Date original VLOA became effective: Please note:


_________ _________ __________ Month Day Year

[__] Personal LOA [__] Family LOA

Failure to request annual extension via submission of this Application may invoke the Action of BOD ¶353.12 and result in your being placed on administrative location (¶359).

(Please remember that this request should be submitted by January 1st of each calendar year.) __________________________ Signature

_________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

Office Use: Date BOMEC/BOM approved request: _________ _________ __________ Month Day Year Annual Conference Clergy Session __________ [__] did / [__] did not approve this request. AC Year

Please submit to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] DCOM 1 of 1

Updated: 2020-11

App 14 Application: Self-Initiated Discontinuance as a Local Pastor (FL) (PL) (Âś320.1) Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Clergy Status: [__] Full-time Local Pastor (FL) [__] Part-time Local Pastor (PL) District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________ Having prayerfully considered my current pastoral call, I believe that I am no longer called to serve as a Local Pastor in the United Methodist Church.



I, therefore, voluntarily initiate a discontinuance of my License to Preach. I understand that I must return my License to Preach, my Local Pastor Licensing School (LPLS) Certificate of Completion and other credentials to the District Superintendent for Deposit with the Secretary of the Annual Conference. I further designate ____________________________________ United Methodist Church in the _______________________________ District of the Holston Annual Conference as the church to which my membership shall be transferred.

__________________________ Signature

_________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

Please submit copies of this application to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] Current District Superintendent [__] DCOM

_____________________________________________________________________________________ District Superintendent - Office Use: [__] Pastor surrendered License to Preach: [__] Pastor surrendered LPLS Certificate: [__] Circumstances that should be noted:

Month Day Year _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ DS Mailed surrendered materials to Conference Secretary: [__] License to Preach: _________ _________ __________ [__] LPLS Certificate: _________ _________ __________ BOM follow-up with Episcopal Office: _________ _________ __________ [__] Episcopal Office was informed of the Discontinuance and the reasons for discontinuance.

Updated: 2020-11

App 15 Application: Self-Initiated Discontinuance as a Provisional Member (PE) (PD) (Âś327.6) Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Clergy Status: [__] Provisional Elder (PE) [__] Provisional Deacon (PD) District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________ Having prayerfully considered my current pastoral call, I believe that I am no longer called to serve as a Provisional Member in the United Methodist Church.

[__] [__]

I, therefore, voluntarily initiate a discontinuance of Provisional Membership. I understand that I must surrender my credentials to the District Superintendent

Reason for my discontinuance: [__] I do not wish to continue in the provisional process. [__] I am joining another denomination. [__] I with to terminate my membership and withdraw from the United Methodist Church. [__] I wish to designate _______________________________ United Methodist Church in the __________________________________ District of the Holston Annual Conference as the church to receive my transferred membership. [__] Having decided to remain in the United Methodist Church and seeking to continue service, I request that I be classified and approved as a Local Pastor in accordance with Âś316. __________________________ Signature

_________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

Please submit copies of this application to: [__] The Office of Clergy Services via [__] Current District Superintendent


District Superintendent - Office Use: Month Day Year [__] Pastor surrendered License to Preach: _________ _________ __________ [__] Pastor surrendered Certificate of Provisional Membership: _________ _________ __________ [__] Membership was transferred after consultation with Pastor: _________ _________ __________ [__] Circumstances that should be noted: ______________________________________________________________________ DS Mailed surrendered materials to Conference Secretary: Month Day Year [__] Pastor surrendered License to Preach: _________ _________ __________ [__] Pastor surrendered Certificate of Provisional Membership: _________ _________ __________ Conference Secretary - Office Use: Month Day Year BOM follow-up with Episcopal Office: _________ _________ __________ [__] Episcopal Office was informed of the Discontinuance and the reasons for discontinuance. [__] Record of action filed with Annual Conference Secretary Updated: 2020-11

App 16 Application: Sabbatical Leave (¶351) Name: Address:





______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________

[__] I confirm I have been serving in a full-time appointment for six years (or the equivalent thereof in a part-time appointment) since I came into Full Membership / Connection with the annual conference. [__] Current Clergy Status: [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member [__] Date I came into Full Membership: _________ _________ __________ Month



[__] The length of time I seek to engage in a Sabbatical Leave: _____________ months (12 month maximum) [__] If approved, the date on which the Sabbatical Leave should start and end are: _________ _________ __________ End: _________ _________ __________ Start: Month






[__] I understand that up on completion of this Sabbatical Leave, that it is not guaranteed that I will return to service at the same compensation level as I was when Sabbatical Leave began. [__] This is the first Sabbatical Leave for which I have applied. Having given careful thought and prayer, I hereby request that the Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) consider my request for Sabbatical Leave (¶351). • This request must be submitted 6 months prior to the start of the next scheduled annual conference. December 1st is an appropriate date to meet this deadline requirement. • Submit a detailed description of your proposed program of study or travel and how you feel this will strengthen your ministry or your relationship with God.

__________________________ _________________________ ___________________ Signature Printed Name Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Director of Clergy Services via [__] Current District Superintendent Office Use: Episcopal Office approved request: Date BOMEC/BOM approved request:

Month Day Year _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________

Updated: 2020-11

App 17 Application: Maternity / Paternity Leave (Âś355) Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Status: [__] Local Pastor [__] Provisional Member [__] Associate Member [__] Full Deacon [__] Full Elder District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________ I hereby request maternity / paternity leave, having been in consultation with my District Superintendent, after speaking with the Pastor Parish Relations Committee of my church / charge and filing a written request with that committee.

[__] [__]

I confirm I have had discussions with my District Superintendent at least ninety (90) days before the date of this requested leave. _________ _________ __________ The anticipated date this leave will begin is


The anticipated date this leave will end is







_________ _________ __________ (This can be flexible, since there are always circumstances that might change the date. Our goal would be to give the full amount of time you request based upon the date you actually begin)


I understand that I may take leave for up to one quarter (1/4) of a year (13 weeks), but that compensation will only be provided for the first eight (8) weeks of this leave.

__________________________ _________________________ ___________________ Signature Printed Name Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Director of Clergy Services via [__] Current District Superintendent Office Use: Episcopal Office approved request: BOMEC/BOM approved request:

Month Day Year _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________

Updated: 2020-11

App 18 Application: Request Retirement (¶357) Name: Address:





______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Status: [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member [__] Local Pastor District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________ Having prayerfully considered my ministry and other factors in my life, I respectfully request that I be retired under the following provisions of ¶357: [__] Ad Interim (¶357.2.d) - Between sessions of the annual conference [__] Mandatory (¶357.1) - I will reach age 72 on or before July 1st prior to the date of requested retirement and / or next scheduled annual conference. [__] Voluntary with 20 Years of service (¶357.2a) – by the date of requested retirement and / or next scheduled annual conference. [__] Voluntary with 30 Years of service OR having reached age 62 (¶357.2b) – by the date of requested retirement and / or next scheduled annual conference. [__] Voluntary with 40 Years of service OR having reached age 65 (¶357.2c) – by the date of requested retirement and / or next scheduled annual conference. In addition to completing this Application, I also submit the attached letter stating my desire to retire. Effective date requested: ___________ ___________ __________ Month Day Year Submission deadlines: • To retire at the annual conference session, your application and letter should be received no later than 120 days prior to the annual conference session. February 1st is an appropriate date to meet this deadline requirement. • In the situation of Ad-Interim Retirement, enough time must be allowed between the date of the Application and the Effective date of requested retirement as to allow the Benefits office to get necessary items in place for healthcare and pensions. Please allow a minimum of 30 days between the date you submit the Application and the Effective date requested. During that time, action will need to be taken by the Bishop / Cabinet and then the Board of Ordained Ministry Executive Committee (BOMEC) and then the Benefits Office. __________________________ _________________________ ___________________ Signature Printed Name Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Director of Clergy Concerns via [__] The Appointment Cabinet via current District Superintendent Office Use: For Ad-Interim Retirements: Receipt of Request: Bishop / Cabinet [__] did / [__] did not approved this request: BOMEC [__] did / [__] did not approved this request: Office of Clergy Services submit results to Benefits Office:

Month _________ _________ _________ _________

Day _________ _________ _________ _________

Year __________ __________ __________ __________

Updated: 2020-11

App 19 Application: Request for Honorable Location (¶358.3) Name: Address: Best Contact # Email: Clergy Status: District: Charge:

_______________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last _______________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip (______)________-_______________ Birthdate: __________ __________ _____________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year _______________________________________________________________________________ [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR _______________________________________________________________________________

After having prayerfully and thoughtfully considered my ministry, and the itinerant nature of that ministry, I feel that I can no longer participate in itinerant ministry. I, therefore, request that I be granted Honorable Location by the annual conference. Deadline for Application submission is 90 days prior to the annual conference. March 1st is an appropriate date to meet this deadline requirement. [__] I understand that the Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) must first “examine my character” and find me in “good standing”. [__] I understand that the Clergy Session must also “examine my character” and find me in “good standing”. [__] I affirm that I intend to discontinue my service in itinerant ministry. [__] I understand that I will no longer hold membership in the annual conference and that my membership will be transferred to the ________________________________________________ United Methodist Church in the __________________________ District of the _____________________________ Annual Conference. [__] I further realize that prior to my membership being transferred, I must confer with my District Superintendent, the Pastor and PRC of the church to which my membership will be transferred. [__] I understand that I must surrender my Certificate of Conference Membership for deposit with the Secretary of the Annual Conference. [__] I understand that as a clergy member of the charge conference, I may only exercise ministerial functions with the written permission of the pastor in charge. [__] I understand that I am to supply an annual report to the charge conference stating my desire to continue on Honorable Location and that I must also send a copy of the annual report to the BOM Registrar’s Office. Failure to submit this annual report for two consecutive years may result in termination of orders upon recommendation of the BOM and the vote of the Clergy Session.

________________________________ _____ ____________________________________ _______________________ Signature Printed Name Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Conference Secretary via Office Use: Month Day BOM passed on Character: ___________ ___________ BOM [__] recommends / [__] does not recommend transition assistance. BOMEC/BOM approved request: ___________ ___________ Honorable Location – Retired became effective: ___________ ___________

Year ____________ ____________ ____________

Updated: 2020-11

App 20 Application: Request for Honorable Location – Retired (¶358.3) Name:






______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Clergy Status: [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________ Having been previously granted Honorable Location and having now reached the appropriate age of retirement in Wespath, I hereby request that the annual conference grant me the status of Honorable Location – Retired. Deadline for Application submission is 90 days prior to the annual conference. March 1st is an appropriate date to meet this deadline requirement. [__] [__] [__] [__]

I understand that I must complete Application 18 (Retirement) to indicate my desire to Retire. I understand that in addition to this application I must also submit a written letter with my request to the persons listed below. I affirm that in retirement, I am accountable to the charge conference in which I hold my membership and shall report to that body all ministerial services performed within the bounds of that charge conference. I further acknowledge my accountability to the annual conference through my membership in the charge conference.

________________________________ _____ ____________________________________ _______________________ Signature Printed Name Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Director of Clergy Concerns via Office Use: Bishop / Cabinet approved request: BOMEC/BOM approved request: Honorable Location – Retired became effective:

Month ___________ ___________ ___________

Day ___________ ___________ ___________

Year ____________ ____________ ____________

Updated: 2020-11

App 21

Application: Request for Withdrawal Name: Address: Best Contact # Email:

Clergy Status: District:








[__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work





_________ _________ __________ Month




[__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Charge: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Having prayerfully and thoughtfully considered my relationship with the annual conference, I hereby request the following: Withdrawal to Unite with Another Denomination (¶360.1) I desire to withdraw from Holston Annual Conference: [__] and unite with the following denomination: ____________________________________ [__] I do not designate another denomination with which I will unite. [__] I understand that I must submit my Certificate of Conference Membership to the Secretary of the Annual Conference. [__] I understand that I must also submit a written letter to the persons listed below. Withdrawal from the Ordained Ministerial Office (¶360.2) [__] I desire to withdraw from the Ordained Ministerial Office and to withdraw from the annual conference. [__] I understand that I must also submit a written letter making this request and that I must also submit my Certificate of Ordination and Certificate of Conference Membership to my current District Superintendent who shall convey them to the Secretary of the Annual Conference. [__] I do not desire to transfer my membership to a local United Methodist Church. [__] I desire to transfer my membership to the _______________________________ United Methodist Church located in the _________________________________ District of the _____________________ Annual Conference after consultation with the pastor of this local church. Withdrawal Under Complaints or Charges (¶360.3) [__] Having been named in a complaint or charge, I hereby request to withdraw my membership from the Holston Annual Conference. [__] I understand that I must also submit a written letter making this request and that I must also submit my Certificate of Ordination and Certificate of Conference Membership to my current District Superintendent who shall convey them to the Secretary of the Annual Conference. [__] I do not desire to transfer my membership to a local United Methodist Church. [__] I desire to transfer my membership to the _______________________________ United Methodist Church located in the _________________________________ District of the _____________________ Annual Conference after consultation with the pastor of this local church. __________________________


Office Use: Bishop / Cabinet approved request: BOMEC/BOM approved request:

Month Day Year _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________


Signature Printed Name Date ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Director of Clergy Services via [__] Cabinet via current District Superintendent

Updated: 2020-11

App 22 Application: Request to Continue Previously Approved Honorable Location (HL) (Âś358) Name: Address:





______________________________________________________________________ Street




Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Clergy Status: [__] Full Elder [__] Full Deacon [__] Associate Member District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Charge: ______________________________________________________________________ Having been previously approved, I would like to request that I remain on Honorable Location for the next annual conference year. Original Honorable Location became effective:

_________ _________ __________ Month Day Year

Please remember that this request should be submitted by January 1st of each calendar year.

__________________________ _________________________ ___________________ Signature Printed Name Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit copies of this application to: [__] Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry [__] The Office of the Bishop [__] The Conference Secretary via [__] Current District Superintendent Office Use: Month Day Year Date BOMEC/BOM approved request: ___________ _________ _________ Annual Conference Clergy Session __________ [__] did / [__] did not approve this request. AC Year

Updated: 2020-11


Ac on Outlines (AO) Ac on outlines are documents that are created at each annual session when the DCOM meets with a person. One of these should be completed for each person and a copy placed in that person’s DCOM file. 

You DO NOT need to send copies of these documents to the Director of Clergy Services.


Please note, that each Ac on Outline also has a list of requirements associated with that outline.


Please insure that all the requirements are met.


On those documents that call for a “nega ve” ac on, please clearly indicate why the DCOM did not approve the ac on.

AO 01 ............ Vote for Cer fied Candidacy The DCOM will use this document to record the individual vote for each person that is elected into candidacy. Place this document in the DCOM file for the person.

AO 02 ............ Renewal of Candidacy The DCOM will complete this document each successive year that a person remains in the candidacy process. Place this completed document in the DCOM file for the person.

AO 03 ............ Local Pastor‐Approval of License for Pastoral Ministry Please note that there are other documents associated with this ac on outline. (Form 05, Form 06). Place completed form in the DCOM file for the person.

AO 04 ............ Local Pastor Con nuance Recommenda on The DCOM will use this document for all interviews of the Local Pastor following the ini al approval. Place completed document in the DCOM file for the person.

AO 05 ............ Reinstatement of Approval for License as a Local Pastor This document would be used by the DCOM to reinstate a local pastor that had been previously discon nued by the DCOM. PLEASE NOTE: a person must be reinstated by the same DCOM that discon nued them from the process. A er being reinstated, the person can then be transferred to another DCOM in Holston or to a DCOM in another annual conference. Place a copy of this document in the person’s DCOM file and the DS file on the person.

AO 06 ............ Provisional Member Recommenda on The DCOM will complete this document on a person that the DCOM feels is ready to enter into Provisional Membership. PLEASE NOTE: careful considera on should be given by the DCOM before making this recommenda on. Once in the Provisional process, the person has the right to guaranteed appointment. Do not make this a pro‐forma recommenda on. Make sure to review reports from the District Superintendent and the Supervising Pastor, if there is one. If the person is not recommended, you must note specific reasons. The person may con nue as a Local Pastor under the guidance of a DCOM. If approved, the document will be placed in the file and the file will be sent to the BOM registrar at the Office of Clergy Services.

AO 07 ............ Associate Membership Recommenda on With this document, the DCOM will recommend a person for Associate Membership in the annual conference. PLEASE NOTE: Do not take this recommenda on lightly. Be serious and inten onal in making this recommenda on. If accepted as an Associate Member, the conference incurs obliga ons such as guaranteed appointment.

AO 08 ............ Readmission to Conference Rela onship This one is s ll up in the air as to where the recommenda on comes from. We are looking at the role of the Conference Rela ons Commi ee in the life of the annual conference. For many AC’s this is the logical place that a person would come to in order to ask to be re‐admi ed to conference membership. The DCOM does not deal directly with membership issues, that is the purview of the BOM. Thus, this document must be completed by some element of the BOM. The actual request would begin with the comple on and submission of Applica on 04: Readmission to Clergy Rela onship with Annual Conference to the Director of Clergy Services. More on this one as we develop the process. This will be a goal of 2021.

AO 09 ............ Elders or Ordained Clergy from Other Denomina ons Serving in the Bounds of Holston Annual Conference This document will be completed annually by the DS a er consulta on with the DCOM and placed in the DCOM file and the Other Fellowship pastor’s file.

Action Outline AO01

Vote for Certified Candidacy Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Action:

The DCOM votes to determine certified candidacy status.

Suggested Motion:

[__] Move that the above-named be granted certified candidacy status.

Date of Vote: Vote:

_____________________________ [__] Certified [__] Denied Certification Reason for Denial: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ [__] Delayed Certification Reason for Delay: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ** Individual written ballot, three-fourths majority required to certify (¶666.6) Requirements:

[__] Be a member of The United Methodist Church for a minimum of one year or a baptized participant of a recognized United Methodist campus ministry or other United Methodist ministry setting for a minimum of one year. [__] Enrolled as a candidate through GBHEM’s online candidacy program [__] Recommended by the candidate’s home church or charge conference or equivalent body as specified by the DCOM Form 02 - Initial approval of the Charge Conference [__] Graduated from an accredited high school or received a certificate of equivalency [__] Completed the candidacy studies with an assigned candidacy mentor as evidenced by a written report from the candidacy mentor Form 07 - Mentor Report [__] Provided a written statement of call and response to statements found in ¶310.2a [__] Completed psychological assessment and evaluation [__] Complete Safe Gatherings certification and submitted Form 16 - Notarized Disclosure form [__] Examined (interviewed) by the DCOM (see ¶310.2) [__] Outcome of certification vote recorded in GBHEM’s online candidacy program by DCOM Registrar.

Note: Candidacy status must be renewed annually by the DCOM (¶313) until a candidate becomes a local pastor or provisional member. _____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO02 Renewal of Candidacy Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: District:

______________________________________________________________________ [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


The DCOM must annually renew the certified candidacy status of each candidate or the candidate is automatically decertified (see ¶313).

Suggested Motion: Date of Vote:

[__] Move that the above-named be [__] renewed or [__] not renewed for the upcoming conference year. _____________________________

[__] Candidacy Continued [__] Candidacy Discontinued Reason for Discontinuance: ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ** Majority vote required to continue candidacy Requirements:

[__] Annual recommendation of the candidate’s church or charge conference or equivalent [__] Evidence that the candidate’s gifts, graces, and fruits continue to be satisfactory (DCOM interview, Form 07 – Mentor Report, Form 06 – Sending Pastor report fitness, etc.) [__] Evidence that the candidate is making satisfactory progress for the required education: [__] A student preparing for provisional membership shall present annually to the DCOM an official transcript from their University Senate-approved college / university or theological school. [__] A non-student shall complete school for local pastor’s license and be considered by the DCOM for approval for the license for pastoral ministry [__] Submit Form 117 - Church Support for Candidacy to the DCOM

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO03 Local Pastor – Approval of License for Pastoral Ministry Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-___________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: Status: District:

______________________________________________________________________ [__] Full-time LP (¶318.1) [__] Part-time LP (¶318.2) [__] Student LP (¶318.3) [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


The DCOM certifies the completion of the prescribed requirements, and the candidate is to be listed in the conference journal as eligible to be appointed as local pastor.

The bishop awards the license for pastoral ministry only when an appointment to a pastoral charge is made (see ¶316). The license is effective only when an appointment is being served. Suggested Motion:


[__] Move that the above-named be recognized as having completed the prescribed requirements to receive a license for pastoral ministry (pending completion of those studies and/or the Orientation to Ministry), that they be listed in the conference journal as eligible for appointment, and that the bishop award the license for pastoral ministry and list this candidate as a local pastor, if and when appointed. “Pending completion of those studies…” shown above in parentheses should be included when action is taken before the candidate has completed licensing school and/or Orientation to Ministry.

Requirements (¶315): [__] Certified as a candidate for ministry (¶310) [__] Completed the Orientation to Ministry [__] Completed studies for the license as a local pastor or one-third of the work for a master of divinity degree (at a University Senate-approved seminary) [__] Examined (interviewed) by the DCOM [__] Submitted Safe Gatherings certificate, Form 16 - Notarized disclosure form, and certificate of good health [__] Received three-fourths majority DCOM recommendation [__] Received three-fourths majority BOM recommendation and Clergy Session approval Note: Approval for licensing must be renewed annually (see AO04 - Local Pastor Continuance Recommendation ¶319).

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO04 Local Pastor Continuance / Discontinuance Recommendation Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email:


Clergy Status:

[__] Full-time LP


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR




The DCOM annually recommends continuance of a local pastor’s eligibility for license.

[__] Part-time LP

Suggested Motions: [__] Move that the above-named Local Pastor be recommended for continuance as a local pastor (or listed as eligible to be appointed as local pastor if not currently under appointment). [__] Move that the above-named individual be recommended for discontinuance as a local pastor due to the following reason(s): ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Requirements: 1. Evidence of satisfactory progress in the Course of Study, in college, or in seminary (¶319) until they have completed educational requirements. Full-time local pastors complete the Course of Study (COS) within eight years and part-time local pastors complete the COS within twelve years (¶319.3). 2. Annual report of the Form 07 – Mentor Report. 3. Recommendation of the Form 05 – DS Report - Fitness.

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO05 Reinstatement of Approval for License for Pastoral Ministry Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email:


Clergy Status:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR




Recommends reinstatement of approved status for those who were discontinued as local pastors from the annual conference (¶320.4).

Suggested Motion:

[__] Move that ______________________________________________ be recommended for reinstatement of approved status for licensing, listed in the conference journal as eligible to receive an appointment, and the at the bishop awards the license for pastoral ministry if and when appointed. [__] Date of Discontinuance: ____________________________ Were the reasons for discontinuance thoroughly discussed? [__] Yes [__] No Date of Reinstatement Vote:


Requirements: 1. Completion of licensing school for local pastors. 2. Willingness to complete or have already completed the requirements listed in ¶315.2. 3. Recommendation of the DCOM, BOM and cabinet after receipt of Application for Readmission to Conference Relationship (App 04). 4. Local pastors from other annual conferences shall authorize the release of information on their qualifications and the circumstances relating to their termination before being recommended for appointment in a different annual conference (¶320.4) (R02 – Permission to Release Files)

____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO06 Provisional Membership Recommendation Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email:


Clergy Status:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR




The DCOM recommends in writing to the BOM based on a three-fourths majority vote those requesting provisional membership toward deacon’s orders or elder’s orders (¶324.10).

Suggested Motion: Date of Vote: Vote:

[__] Move that _________________________________________ be recommended for election to provisional membership toward [__] Deacon’s Orders or [__] Elder’s Orders ____________________________ [__] Recommended [__] Not Recommended If not recommended, please state reason: __________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Requirements: 1. Certified as a candidate for at least one year, but no longer than 12 years, before being elected to provisional membership. 2. Demonstrated gifts for ministries to service and leadership to the satisfaction of the DCOM 3. Completed a bachelor’s degree from a college or university recognized by the University Senate (See ¶324.3 for allowable exceptions) 4. Ready to complete all other requirements listed in ¶324 before being elected to provisional membership. Note:

In the event that the person being recommended for provisional membership has previously been ordained as a deacon or elder, the motion shall be amended to allow for the recognition of orders (¶347). Please include amended motion.

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO07 Associate Membership Recommendation Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email:


Clergy Status:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR




The DCOM recommends candidate for election as an associate member.

Suggested Motion:

[__] Move that ___________________________________________ be recommended for election as an associate member of the annual conference.

Requirements: 1. Reached age 40 2. Served a minimum of four years as a full-time local pastor 3. Completed licensing school and the Basic Course of Study 4. Completed at least 60 semester hours toward the Bachelor of Arts degree or an equivalent degree in a college or university listed by the University Senate 5. Be willing to meet the other requirements listed in Âś322 of the 2016 Book of Discipline as required by the Board of Ordained Ministry 6. Received a three-fourths majority recommendation by the DCOM and BOM, and a three-fourths majority approval by the Clergy Session.

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO08 Readmission to Conference Relationship Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email:


Clergy Status:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR




Recommends to the Board of Ordained Ministry the restoration of credentials for all persons requesting readmission to provisional membership (¶364), readmission after honorable or administrative location (¶365), readmission after leaving the ministerial office (¶366), or readmission after termination by action of the annual conference (¶367).

Suggested Motion:

[__] Move that ____________________________________________ be recommended for readmission to conference relationship and restoration of credentials.

Committee / Group making recommendation: _____________________________________________ [___]

Readmission To Provisional Membership (¶364) Persons who have been discontinued as provisional members under the provisions of ¶327.6 from an annual conference of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal predecessors may be readmitted by the annual conference in which they held previously such membership and from which they requested discontinuance or were discontinued, or its legal successor, or the annual conference of which the major portion of their former conference is a part, upon their request and recommendation by the district committee on ordained ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the cabinet after review of their qualifications, as required in ¶324, and the circumstances relating to their discontinuance. When reinstated by vote of the clergy members in full connection, their provisional membership in the conference shall be restored, they shall serve a minimum of two years of provisional membership according to ¶326 prior to ordination, and they shall be authorized by licensing and/or commissioning to perform those ministerial functions for which they are qualified.

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO08 Readmission to Conference Relationship [___] 1. 2. 3. 4.

Readmission After Honorable or Administrative location (¶365) Associate members or clergy members in full connection requesting readmission after honorable or administrative location must meet the following conditions: Presentation of their certificate of location; A satisfactory report and recommendation by the charge conference and pastor of the local church in which their membership is held; A satisfactory certificate of good health on the prescribed form from a physician approved by the Board of Ordained Ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry shall require psychological evaluation. Recommendation by the district committee on ordained ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the cabinet after review of their qualifications, the circumstances relating to their location and conduct during the period of time while on location. When reinstated by vote of the clergy members in full connection of the annual conference that granted the location, their membership in the conference shall be restored, and they shall be authorized to perform all ministerial functions. The conference Board on Ordained Ministry may require at least one year of service as a local pastor (elder and associate member) or approved ministry setting (deacon) prior to readmission to conference membership.


Readmission After leaving the ministerial office (¶366) Associate member or clergy members in full connection who have left the ministerial office under the provisions of ¶360 to an annual conference of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal predecessors may be readmitted by the annual conference in which they held previously such membership and to which they surrendered the ministerial office, or its legal successor, or the annual conference of which the major portion of the former conference is a part, upon their request and recommendation by the district committee on ordained ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the cabinet after review of their qualifications and the circumstances relating to the surrender of their ministerial office. A period of at least two years service as a local pastor (elder and associate member) or approved ministry setting (deacon) shall be required prior to readmission to conference membership. This service may be rendered in any annual conference of The United Methodist Church with the consent of the Board of Ordained Ministry of the annual conference in which members previously held membership. When reinstated by vote of the clergy members in full connection, their membership in the conference and their credentials shall be restored, and they shall be authorized to perform all ministerial functions.


Readmission After termination by action of the annual conference (¶367) Persons who have been terminated by an annual conference of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal predecessors may seek full membership in the annual conference in which they previously held membership and from which they were terminated, or its legal successor, or the annual conference of which the major portion of their former conference is a part, upon recommendation of the cabinet and completion of all requirements for full membership, including all requirements for election to candidacy and provisional membership. The provision of this paragraph shall apply to all persons terminated or involuntarily located prior to General Conference 1976.

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date Updated: 2020-11

Action Outline AO09 Elder or Ordained Clergy from Other Denominations Serving in Holston Annual Conference Bounds Name:

______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Best Contact # (______)________-___________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Clergy Status:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR




1. 2. 3.

Initial interview required by the DCOM The District Superintendent (DS) and the DCOM will interview these persons annually. The DS forwards to the BOM registrar the names of all ministers in good standing in other Christian denominations who are serving or who are about to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the annual conference while retaining their denominational affiliations, provided they:

[__] [__] [__] [__]

Complete: App 08 – Other Fellowship (OF) or App 09 – Other Elder (OE) Presented suitable credentials; Gave assurance of his/her Christian faith, experience and qualifications; Gave evidence of his/her agreement with and willingness to support and maintain United Methodist doctrine, discipline and polity; [__] Released all psychological reports, background checks and credit checks; [__] Submitted a Form 16 – Notarized Disclosure form Note:

Ordination credentials shall be examined by the bishop and the BOM before being presented to the executive session of the annual conference (¶346.2).

_____________________________ DCOM Signature

________________________ DCOM Printed Name

__________________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11


Summary Report Ac on Outlines (SRAO) Most of the ac ons taken by the DCOM require the outcome of the ac ons to be shared with the Office of Clergy Services. Rather than sending a copy of each individual report to that office, the DCOM registrar should instead complete a Summary Report of its ac ons (SRAO). Each summary report allows the DCOM to report a specific kind of informa on on several different pastors. There is a direct e to the Ac on Outlines. In other words, if the DCOM completes an Ac on Outline on a pastor, that informa on should be shared with Clergy Services via a Summary Report. These reports are available in a spreadsheet format. Please contact the Office of Clergy Services for a copy. SRAO 01 ........ Vote for Cer fied Candidacy The DCOM registrar should include the names and the per nent informa on for all persons that come before it for cer fica on. Please note whether or not the person was cer fied, denied, or delayed by placing the date of the ac on in the appropriate column. Return this report to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 02 ........ Renewal of Candidacy The DCOM registrar will complete this report on all candidates that come back for the annual renewal of candidacy. Please note choice by pu ng the date of the ac on either in the Con nued or Discon nued column. Return this report the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 03 ........ Report of Local Pastors Approved to Receive License to Preach The DCOM registrar will complete this report by lis ng all those pastors that are ready to receive a License to preach. PLEASE NOTE: In order to qualify, the person must have a ended Candidacy Summit, been Cer fied as a Candidate, and successfully completed Local Pastor Licensing School or 1/3 of seminary. The DCOM is responsible for tracking persons to insure that all these elements have been successfully completed prior to recommending the person for a License to Preach. Return this form to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 04 ........ Con nuance as a Local Pastor The DCOM registrar will complete this report by lis ng all Local Pastors that have been either con nued or discon nued. If discon nued, a clear and specific nota on should be made on Ac on Outline 04 with reasons for the discon nuance. Please put the date of the ac on in the appropriate column. Please return this form to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 05 ........ Report of Reinstatement Request of a Local Pastor The DCOM registrar will complete this report on all persons that seek to be reinstated a er a discon nuance as a Local Pastor. The DCOM must examine the reasons for which a person was discon nued and determine if the person should be reinstated. PLEASE NOTE: When a person is discon nued, the person must ask for reinstatement from the DCOM that made the mo on to discon nue. Complete this report and return it to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 06 ........ Recommenda on for Provisional Membership The DCOM registrar will complete this report including all persons that the DCOM recommend to the BOM for considera on as Provisional Members of the Annual Conference. The form should clearly state Deacon or Elder and should have the date of the ac on placed in the Recommended or Not Recommended column. Please Note: If a person is not recommended, then nota ons should be made on the Ac on Outline as to why the person was not recommended. This should be reviewed if the person comes back at a later date seeking to again be recommended for Provisional Membership. The person is s ll eligible to serve as a Local Pastor. This document should be sent to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 07 ........ Recommenda on for Associate Membership The DCOM registrar will complete this report including all persons that the DCOM recommend to the BOM for considera on as Associate Members of the Annual Conference. If the person is not recommended, then notes should be placed on the Ac on Outline that clearly state the reasons for not receiving a recommenda on. These notes should be reviewed if the person comes back before the DCOM seeking to be recommended for Associate Membership. This person is s ll eligible to serve as a Local Pastor. This document should be sent to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 08 ........ Readmission to Conference Rela onship As stated in the Ac on Outline sec on, this report is not a DCOM report. Rather it is a report of the BOM or some group, Conference Rela ons Commi ee, within the BOM. The report should be completed by the appropriate group and sent to the Office of Clergy Services.

SRAO 09 ........ Report of Other Fellowship Pastors Serving in the Bounds of Holston Annual Conference A er consulta on with the DCOM, the DS should complete this report indica ng the name and denomina on of Other Fellowship pastors serving within the bounds of Holston. This document should be returned to the Office of Clergy Services

SRAO 10 ........ Report of FT and PT Local Pastors that have been granted Re red Local Pastor Status The DCOM registrar shall complete this form indica ng those pastors that have, based upon the criteria spelled out in Form 18, been granted Re red Local Pastor status. PLEASE NOTE: The DCOM must use the criteria. This designa on is not automa c for any Local Pastor that is re red. It is reserved for Local Pastors that have met certain criteria. This report should be sent to the Office of Clergy Services.

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO01 Certified Candidacy Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Certified Candidacy Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote for Certified Candidacy Status Certified Denied Delayed

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO02 Renewal of Candidacy Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Renewal of Candidacy Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote for renewal of Candidacy for the upcoming conference year Continued Discontinued

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO03 LP: Approval of License for Pastoral Ministries Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Local Pastor Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: License for Pastoral Ministry Approved Pending

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO04 LP: Continuance recommendation Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Local Pastor Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: Continuance / Discontinuance of LP Continuance Discontinuance

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO05 LP: Reinstatement of License for Pastoral Ministry Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Local Pastor Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: Reinstatement of License for Pastoral Ministry Approved Unapproved

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO06 Provisional Membership Recommendation Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Note:  On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.  PD = Provisional Deacon  PE = Provisional Elder

Name Last


Order PD PE

Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: Recommendation to Provisional Membership Recommend Not Recommended

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO07 Associate Membership Recommendation Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Note:  On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Name Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: Recommendation to Associate Membership Recommend Not Recommended

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO08 Readmission to Conference Relationship Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Note:  On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Name Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: Readmission to Conference Relationship Recommend Not Recommended

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO09 Ordained Clergy from other denominations Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Note:  On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Name Last


Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Vote: Ordained Clergy from Other Denomination Date Denomination

Updated: 2020-11

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO10 LP: FL & PL that will be designated as Retired Local Pastors (RL) Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Note:  On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Local Pastor Last


Vote: Designate as Retired Local Pastor (RL) Recommend Not Recommended

Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Updated: 2020-11


Release Of Informa on From me to me, informa on on a pastor will need to be shared with persons and en es not covered under the auspices of The Book of Discipline, which specifies who can have access to files. In such an instance, a release of informa on document will need to be completed prior to sharing the requested informa on. These documents provide the necessary release op ons. They must be signed by the pastor prior to any informa on beign shared. R01 ............... Candidate Release of Psychological Assessment Informa on This form would be used when a candidate or pastor needs to release the results of their psychological assessment to a third party. For instance, the BOM or the Cabinet feels the need for further psychological assessment and/or counseling. This file could be shared with the counselor that the person is seeing. This informa on may only be shared with the consent of the local pastor and upon comple on of this form.

R02 ............... Permission to Release Files This document would be completed when a pastor/candidate needed to release files to a person for a specific reason. It gives the pastor/candidate an opportunity to determine the type of informa on that is released and to specify the person to which the informa on is to be shared. This might be used in a Holston DCOM to another Annual Conference DCOM transfer of a local pastor. Many DCOM’s in other Annual Conference’s request such files. We cannot release this informa on un l the pastor/candidate completes this document giving us permission to share this informa on.

Release R01 Candidate’s Permission to Release Psychological Assessment Information Candidate:

___________________________ ___________________________ _____________________ First Middle Last


___________________________________ ____________________ ______ ______________ Street City State Zip

Best Contact #

(________) ____________ - _____________




[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

DCOM meeting: __________________________ Month

[__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

____________________ ___________ Day Year

Acknowledgement: ___________ Candidate Initial here

Having met with the DCOM / BOM / Cabinet on the aforementioned date and having been required by the DCOM / BOM / Cabinet to seek counseling on matters raised in my psychological assessment, I hereby give permission for my psychological assessment to be shared with the following counselor for purposes of meeting the counseling requirement of the DCOM / BOM / Cabinet.


___________________________ ___________________________ _____________________ First Middle Last


___________________________________ ____________________ ______ ______________ Street City State Zip

Best Contact #

(________) ____________ - _____________



[__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

Acknowledgement: ___________ Candidate Initial here

I also give permission to the above named counselor to share the outcome and / or substance of the counseling session(s) with the DCOM / BOM / Cabinet in order for the DCOM / BOM / Cabinet to make a more informed decision regarding my qualifications and desire to become a certified candidate for ministry. I understand that the counselor will be submitting a written report to the DCOM and that the DCOM / BOM / Cabinet may ask questions of the counselor in an attempt to further clarify the issue(s) for which the counseling was conducted.

__________________________________ Candidate Signature __________________________________ DCOM / BOM / Cabinet Signature

__________________________________ Printed Name __________________________________ Printed Name

Copies of this Release are to be placed in the Candidate’s DCOM file and the Counselor’s file: [__] Chair, DCOM [__] BOM Representative [__] Dean, Cabinet [__] Counselor

___________________ Date ___________________ Date

Updated: 2020-11

Release R02 Permission to Release Files Candidate:

___________________________ ___________________________ _____________________ First Middle Last


___________________________________ ____________________ ______ ______________ Street City State Zip

Best Contact #

(________) ____________ - _____________

Email: District:

_______________________________________________________________________________ [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

[__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

Acknowledgement: By initialing below, I hereby give permission for the following documents in my file to be released electronically to the person(s) listed below. Documents to Release: (Initial to indicate permission) [____] Background Check [____] Credit Check [____] Psychological Report

[____] Medical History Form

Authorized to release documents to: Company: Email:

____________________________________________________________ First and Last Name _____________________________________ Phone: (_______) ___________ - _____________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

Documents to Release: (Initial to indicate permission) [____] Background Check [____] Credit Check [____] Psychological Report

[____] Medical History Form

Authorized to release documents to: Company: Email:

____________________________________________________________ First and Last Name _____________________________________ Phone: (_______) ___________ - _____________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

Documents to Release: (Initial to indicate permission) [____] Background Check [____] Credit Check [____] Psychological Report

[____] Medical History Form

Authorized to release documents to: Company: Email:

____________________________________________________________ First and Last Name _____________________________________ Phone: (_______) ___________ - _____________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work

__________________________________ Signature

__________________________________ Printed Name

___________________ Date

Copies of this Release are to be placed in the Candidate’s DCOM file and the Conference Secretary’s file: [__] Chair, DCOM [__] Conference Secretary via

Updated: 2020-11


APPENDIX The following documents represent specific guidelines and instruc ons that have been developed since the ini al publica on of the Guidelines—DCOM/BOM 2019 Edi on Handbook. Consider these documents to be background and informa onal in nature. Guidelines:

Candidacy Process Step‐by‐Step (UMCares Instruc ons‐Including Background Check Procedures) This is the list of instruc ons that are currently found in UMCares. It is important to note that we no longer use Oxford Docs for our background checks. Instead, we use Safe Gatherings. These instruc ons reference the Safe Gatherings instruc ons for background / credit checks.


DCOM to DCOM Transfer of Local Pastor

This is the paper that explains the process for transferring a Local Pastor from DCOM to DCOM.


DCOM: Determining (RL) Status

This is the paper that explains what the difference between a Re red Local Pastor (RL) and a local pastor that has re red. There is a difference and the DCOM must understand that difference and correctly classify persons when they re re.


Fitness‐Readiness‐Effec veness This is an expansion on the sec on that is found in the ini al 2019 Edi on of the Guidelines—DCOM/ BOM Handbook. These guidelines provide more background and insight as to how a DCOM or the BOM may u lize the Fitness‐Readiness‐Effec veness schema in the evalua on of a person for a par cular ministerial role.


Seminary Course As a DCOM, you might be asked, “What courses do I have to take in seminary?” This checklist will allow you to answer that ques on and provide guidance to students. Please note, that students may always contact Clergy Services for more informa on.

The following items may offer guidance and instruc on on their slated topics. However, they are not included in printed form in this Supplement. Please reference as needed and share links with those persons that may have ques ons on the topic. Please note the links provided are case‐sensi ve.


Less than Full Time Service (FE / PE / AM)

h ps://


Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA)

h ps://

Candidacy Process – 2021 Cohort BOM - Candidacy Process: Step-by-Step Applicant Name:


Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


Pre-Candidacy - Individual Preparation [__] Read and discuss The Christian As Minister with your pastor. [__] Must have been a member of United Methodist Church (or another recognized United Methodist ministry setting, such as a campus ministry) for 1 year immediately preceding candidacy, including a year of service in some form of leadership.


Beginning Candidacy [__] Send a letter to your District Superintendent, including a statement about your call, stating that you would like to begin the candidacy process. [__] You will receive an email from inviting you to login to Most of the following steps of the process will be completed on this website. [__] Candidacy Application 1) Login UMCARESplus ( 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Candidacy” track 4) Choose “Candidacy Application Form” a) Follow the directions on screen [__] Background Check Holston Annual Conference uses Safe Gatherings to provide background checks for persons entering the candidacy process. In order to participate, the candidate will go to: 1) and choose “Get Started” from the menu bar. 2) On the register page, the candidate will: a) Choose Your Type of Organization: from the drop down “Church or Faith Based Organization.” b) This brings up the option: “To what denomination does your church or congregation belong?” Choose from the drop down menu: “Methodist” c) Select the state/province for your organization: Choose “Tennessee” d) Type: “Candidates for Ministry” the city should autofill to “Alcoa” e) Continue to complete the page, and then click next. 3) On the next Registration page, complete appropriate fields. a) On Applicant Type choose: “Candidates” from the drop down menu. b) Since we require a DMV check, you should also check the box: “My ministry role will include driving, so I need a DMV check included in my background check.” c) Enter your Driver’s License info in the appropriate fields. d) Click Next 4) On the next Registration page, complete all appropriate fields and then click NEXT.

Page 1

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Candidacy Process – 2021 Cohort

6) 7) 8)


Page 2

5) On the next Registration page, complete all appropriate fields and then click NEXT a) In the field: “Primary Area of Ministry” type Candidate b) In the field: “Number of years attending” enter the number of years you have been a United Methodist. c) It is important to indicate whether or not you have lived outside your current state within the last 7 years. i) If you select YES you will be prompted to enter other out of state addresses. Enter ALL addresses from out of state by continuing to click: “Add another address” ii) Once all other addresses have been entered, then click NEXT On the next Registration page, answer all questions and then press NEXT On the next Registration page, enter the names of two references and check the three boxes at the bottom of the page. Click on NEXT You are now at the background check disclosure and authorization pages.  Please review the Disclosure Regarding Background Investigation, and click next to provide your authorization to conduct the background checks.  In the Authorization page you will be required read, check the appropriate boxes, and type your name on the Applicant Signature line. The final page of the registration process will be the confirmation that your application cost has been paid for by the Conference.  Click “Continue” where you will be taken to your applications status page. At the bottom of the status box is a blue button “Click here for training course”.  Please also complete the Safe Gatherings Abuse Prevention training course.”


Form 16: Notarized Disclosure Form at 1) Mail your completed Form 16 to: Holston Conference Center % Brandy Williams PO Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850


Form 103: Medical Report of Ministerial Candidate at a) Print and sign form with a witness b) Witness should sign as well c) Have physician complete medical exam and examiner’s portion of the form d) Mail your completed Form 108 to: Holston Conference Center % Brandy Williams PO Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850


UMCARESplus steps – Psychological Assessment track [__] Select: Ministerial Assessment Specialist (MAS) 1) Login 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Psychological Assessment” track 4) Choose “MAS Selection” 5) Mail your $200 payment for Psychological Assessment to: Holston Conference Center % Brandy Williams PO Box 850 Alcoa, TN 37701-0850

Update: 2020-11

Candidacy Process – 2021 Cohort



Page 3


Release of Psychological Assessment Information 1) Login 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Psychological Assessment” track 4) Choose “Release of Information” a. Follow the directions on this Step [__] Personal Data Inventory 1) Login 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Psychological Assessment” track 4) Choose “Personal Data Inventory” a. Follow the directions on this Step


UMCares steps – Candidacy track [__] Guidebook request 1) Login 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Candidacy” track 4) Choose “Administration Fee for the Candidacy Process” a. Follow the directions on this Step [__] Effective Ministry 360 (EM360) 1) Login 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Candidacy” track 4) Choose “Effective Ministry 360 (EM360) - Candidacy” a. Follow the directions on this Step b. Once you have completed all of the steps you will need to upload the EM360 Feedback Report by clicking the “Add File” button near the bottom of the screen

Candidacy Summit [__] Candidacy Summit Registration Form at [__] Attend the 2021 Candidacy Summit (Saturday, January 9, 2021 9 am – Noon) Orientation to Ministry and Group Mentoring Session 1 (Saturday, January 9, 2021 Noon – 1pm) [__] Attend all remaining Group Mentoring Sessions (January – May) 1) Session 2 – Date to be determined by each group 2) Session 3 – Date to be determined by each group 3) Session 4 – Date to be determined by each group 4) Session 5 – Date to be determined by each group 5) Session 6 – Date to be determined by each group Certification Process (Prior to July 1 for Local Pastor Licensing School and Ministerial Education Fund Qualification) 1) Psychological Assessment Interview (MAS will schedule with you) 2) Interview with and complete Form 01: Declaration of Candidacy for Licensed or Ordained Ministry and Approval of the Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee 3) Become familiar with Wesley’s Historic Questions in ¶310.1.d in The 2016 United Methodist Book of Discipline ahead of time, along with any other information the Committee requests. 4) Form 02: Initial Approval of the Charge Conference for Certification as a Candidate a) Take to Charge Conference Update: 2020-11

Candidacy Process – 2021 Cohort b) Secure required signatures 5) Form 04a: Report of Candidacy Summit – Mentor and Candidate 6) Attend DCOM Interview a) Written responses to questions in ¶310.2.a in The 2016 United Methodist Book of Discipline and any other information requested by your DCOM 7) UMCARESplus Candidacy Track - Report of Completion a) Remind your UMCARES Group Mentor to complete the steps they are responsible for.

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Update: 2020-11

DCOM to DCOM Transfer of Local Pastors Issue From me to me, a local pastor from another annual conference seeks to transfer and serve in Holston or a Holston local pastor seeks to serve in another annual conference. This involves what is referred to as a DCOM to DCOM transfer.


Background If Pastor X is serving in Another Annual Conference and approaches a DS in Holston seeking an appointment within Holston, such a request can happen. However, there are certain things that need to be considered. 1. Does this person have legi mate reasons to seek a transfer? 2. Are there issues with this pastor in the other annual conference? 3. Did this person approach a Holston DS or did the Holston DS reach out to this person? 4. Does the bishop or anyone on the cabinet know of any issues that might preclude this persons service in Holston? 5. Is this person willing to meet with a Holston DCOM and is a Holston DCOM willing to recommend that this person serve within Holston? 6. Does the DS of this pastor know that the pastor is seeking to transfer to another annual conference?

Analysis The analysis of this ma er—how the above and other ques ons are answered will determine whether or not it is appropriate for the pastor to serve within the Holston Annual Conference. Careful thought should go into the process at each stage before the request is granted. On the one hand, we want the best persons possible to serve our churches, on the other hand bringing someone in from another annual conference involves a certain level of uncertainty. We have the assurances of the other DS and the other DCOM, but are their standards the same standards that we would apply within Holston. Once we determine that they are, then we are ready to engage in the protocols that follow.

Next Steps These protocols are based upon the assump on that a Local Pastor in another annual conference is seeking to transfer into the Holston Conference.

Items to note:  

This is considered a DS/DCOM to DS?DCOM kind of transfer. Persons cannot transfer into Holston un l they have been discon nued in the other Conference. Failure to discon nue would result in the person being ac ve in the BAC’s of both Holston and the other annual conference.

Steps to Bring in a Local Pastor from Another Conference: 1) A Person comes to a DS in Holston or (in rarer circumstances) a DS in Holston approaches person in another annual conference. a) Holston DS has a conversa on with the person to determine if the person is viable as a local pastor in Holston. b) Holston DS runs the person’s name and circumstances (why person wants to transfer and gi s and talents person might bring) past the appoin ve cabinet to see if there might be any red flags that the Bishop or other DS’s might know about in regards to this person. c) At this point, the prospec ve local pastor should meet with the DCOM and have the DCOM make a determina on as to whether the person is a viable candidate. 2) Once it is determined that the person is a viable candidate, then the DS will no fy the Office of Clergy Services so that a transfer request can be entered into the UMCares system. a) Please supply full name, address, conference, and district. 3) A er no fying Clergy Services, the DS should then no fy the DS in the prospec ve local pastor’s conference that a request for transfer has been made through UMCares. a) If by chance the DS in the other conference is unaware that the person is seeking to transfer to Holston, this might be considered a red flag and a more detailed DS to DS conversa on needs to take place. b) At this point, the prospec ve local pastor’s DCOM should discon nue the prospect. 4) Once the other conference releases the person to Holston in the UMCares module, the Office of Clergy Services will inform the Holston District Superintendent. a) If necessary, there can be another mee ng of the DCOM or, if already approved at the prior mee ng, then the prospec ve local pastor will be listed in the BAC’s as of the date of the UMCares Transfer. 5) At this point the person is now fully under the authority of Holston Conference. a) PLEASE NOTE: A local pastor cannot be “on loan” to another conference as is some mes done with provisionals and elders. A local pastor must have a DCOM in Holston. b) However, a local pastor can serve in an extension ministry, under certain circumstances, in places other than Holston and maintain affilia on with a Holston DCOM.

Steps to Transfer a Local Pastor Out of Holston Conference: 1) A local pastor should approach the DS and state their desire to transfer to another conference. 2) Holston DS will contact the DS of the district in the other conference to which the person wishes to transfer. a) Holston DS will determine whether or not the other conference, through that conference DS, is willing to accept the person. 3) If the other conference is willing to accept the person, then the Holston DS will a) Convene a mee ng of the Holston DCOM to discon nue the person seeking to transfer. b) The Holston DS will no fy the Office of Clergy Services and supply: i. Name and district of the local pastor and the conference and district to which the person seeks to transfer. 4) The Office of Clergy Services will make the request in UMCares and no fy the Holston DS when the transfer has been completed. 5) The Holston DS will inform the DCOM and the date of transfer will be recorded in the records as the official date of discon nuance. 6) At this point, the Holston DCOM may transfer copies of the files on the person to the other conference. PLEASE NOTE‐only transfer copies. Maintain a record on our end in case an issue ever arises involving the person that transferred. The person seeking transfer must complete the appropriate release of informa on document prior to informa on being sent. (Release R02: Permission to Release Files) Ques ons on these protocols should be directed to the Office of Clergy Services at

How to Determine Re red Local Pastor Status



At the spring 2020 Business of the Annual Conference (BAC) review session, it became apparent that there was confusion around the term: Re red Local Pastor vs the term Local Pastor who has Re red.

Background In our DCOM handbook (pg42) the following is stated: “RL or Re red Local Pastor status is a technical term reserved for local pastors who have been approved for re rement and are current with their studies at the me of re rement (made adequate progress as defined by Holston and/or completed the basic Course of Study). RL status allows re red local pastors who are not serving an appointment to retain voice, but not vote, at Annual Conference. RL status also allows an appointed pastor to request a limited license for a re red local pastor to assist with ministerial du es, including sacraments, in the church where the re red local pastor is a member. Local pastors who are serving in re rement, unless qualifying for RL status, will con nue as either full‐ me or part‐ me local pastors. If a local pastor who was not eligible at the me of re rement for RL status but becomes current with required studies while serving in re rement, the local pastor may request to be listed as a Re red Local Pastor (RL).”

This understanding is based on ¶320.5 which states: (emphasis added) 5. Re rement of Local Pastor—A local pastor who has made sa sfactory progress in the Course of Study as specified in ¶ 318.1 or .2 may be recognized as a re red local pastor. Re rement provisions for local pastors shall be the same as those for clergy members in ¶ 358.1, .2, .4, with pensions payable in accordance with ¶ 1506.5a. Re red local pastors may a end annual conference sessions with voice but not vote. A re red local pastor may be appointed by the bishop to a charge and licensed upon recommenda on by the district commi ee on ordained ministry without crea ng addi onal claim upon the conference minimum compensa on nor further pension credit.

The following are BOD paragraphs referenced in sec on above: (emphasis added) ¶318.1. Full‐Time Local Pastors—Those eligible to be appointed full‐ me local pastors are persons (a) who may devote their en re me to the church in the charge to which they are appointed and its outreach in ministry and mission to the community; (b) who receive in cash support per annum from all Church sources a sum equal to or larger than the minimum base compensa on established by the annual conference for full‐ me local pastors; (c) who, unless they have completed the Course of Study or other approved theological educa on, shall (i) complete four courses per year in a Course of Study school, or (ii) shall have made progress in the correspondence curriculum prescribed by the General Board of Higher Educa on and Ministry (¶ 1421.3d), or (iii) be enrolled as a pre‐theological or theological student in a college, university, or school of theology approved by the University Senate; (d) who, when they have completed the Course of Study or a Master of Divinity degree from a seminary listed by the University Senate, are involved in con nuing educa on (¶ 350); (e) who shall not be enrolled as a full‐ me student in any school. ¶318.2. Part‐Time Local Pastors—Those eligible to be appointed as part‐ me local pastors are persons (a) who have met the provisions of ¶ 315; (b) who do not devote their en re me to the charge to which they are appointed; or (c) do not receive in cash support per annum from all Church sources a sum equal to or larger than the minimum base compensa on established by the annual conference for full‐ me local pastors; and (d) who, unless they have completed the Course of Study or other approved theological educa on, shall (i) complete two courses per year in a Course of Study school, or (ii) have made progress in the correspondence curriculum prescribed by the General Board of Higher Educa on and Ministry, or (iii) be enrolled as a pre‐theological or theological student in a college, university, or school of theology approved by the University Senate.

Analysis It is important that DCOM’s determine whether local pastors that are re ring have met the criteria outlined in these paragraphs. Primarily because Local Pastors that meet these criteria at the me of re rement will retain the right to voice, but not vote at the annual conference. Consider this scenario: Pastor X is a full me local pastor serving a local church. Pastor X has completed COS. Pastor X decides to re re. As a local pastor, you are a member of the annual conference because you a serving a local church. If you do not serve a local church, then you are not a member of the annual conference. By having the status of Re red Local Pastor, Pastor X retains the right of voice at any annual conference subsequent to Pastor X’s re rement. Had Pastor X not have completed COS or been making adequate progress towards comple on of COS, then once Pastor X re red, then Pastor X would not have the right of voice at any subsequent annual conference session. Secondarily, there is the ma er of Pastor X and sacramental authority in the church where Pastor X is a member. Please note the la er part of that phrase: “…church where Pastor X is a member.” Upon re rement, a local pastor’s membership transfers back to a local church. In effect, the re red local pastor is now a lay person. Full Connec on members (FE, FD) and Associate Members (AM) have their membership in the annual conference, even a er re rement. Thus, for a local pastor, the designa on of Re red Local Pastor (RL) also allows the person to con nue to administer the sacraments and perform ministerial du es in a local church at the discre on of the local church pastor at whose church the RL has membership. Those Local Pastor’s that re re without comple ng

COS or making appropriate progress will not have that authority. Since there are these two significant ramifica ons related to whether a re ring Local Pastor can be labeled as RL, it is important for the DCOM to have some objec ve criteria on which to report the status of these persons. The simplest criteria is whether or not the person has completed COS. This is a yes or no evalua ve tool. If the person has completed COS, then the person is listed as RL. If they have not completed COS, then the DCOM must use an evalua ve tool to determine if, at the me of re rement, the person was making adequate progress towards comple on of COS.

Consider this scenario: Pastor X, at the age of 64 responds to God’s call and becomes a cer fied candidate and a ends Local Pastor Licensing School and is appointed as a part me local pastor. According to the guidelines, Pastor X has 12 years to complete COS. The Book of Discipline also states that at age 72 Pastor X must re re. That only leaves Pastor X 8 years to complete COS. Pastor X is unable to complete COS in 8 years. However, Pastor X had been faithfully taking the two COS classes per year for 8 years. In this instance, it would be safe to say that Pastor X was making adequate progress towards comple on of COS and could re re with the label RL.

The difficulty arises if Pastor X had not been following the 2 per year rule. Did Pastor X game the system knowing that Pastor X would have to re re before the 12‐year limit was reached? Did Pastor X have some health issues that precluded taking COS for a year and that caused a backlog on the required classes? Was there some other reason outside Pastor X’s control that contributed to a shor all in the class schedule? These kinds of ques ons require DCOM to make a decision that some might say is subjec ve in nature.

To help with an objec ve approach, I have designed a spreadsheet that will provide some numerical indicators of where a person might be in the process of adequate progression. The spreadsheet is not perfect, but it is based on a formula that compares the me allo ed (8 or 12 years) in comparison to the number of classes offered (20) and looks at the number of years since the 8/12 cycle began and generates 2 numbers. An ideal number of what it would look like if you divided the 8/12 frame by the 20 class frame and the actual progress toward mee ng that meline.

For instance, in the 8 year schema, each year students would be expected to earn 2.5 class points (8x2.5=20). So a er 2 years, the pastor would be expected to have earned 5 class points. If the pastor has taken 3 classes, then the pastor is behind. If the pastor has taken 5 classes the pastor is on track. If the pastor has taken 8, then the pastor is ahead.

For a part me local pastor, it would be expected that each year the pastor must earn 1.67 class points (12x1.67=20). At the end of 3 years, the pastor should have earned 5.01 class points. If the pastor has taken 3 classes, then the pastor is not progressing. If the pastor has taken 5 then the pastor is on track. If the pastor has taken 7, then the pastor is ahead of the curve.

The fly in the ointment will be those pastors that move between FT to PT or PT to FT. I would suggest that is those

scenarios, you will need to exercise more of a subjec ve approach rather than an objec ve approach. At the current me I have not been able to develop a formula that would handle these change scenarios.

Next Steps Each year the DCOM needs to inform the Office of Clergy Services as to whether or not re ring pastors have met the criteria to be labeled as RL. My office will rely on your opinion on this ma er. That means a couple of new forms will be coming your way. One will be a form to place in the pastor’s DCOM file that specifies whether RL status was granted. The other will be an ac on form where you can list those to which RL status has been given. These forms are in the pages that follow. Once the spreadsheet is func onal, a copy will be sent to the DCOM.

Form 18

Declaration that Retiring Local Pastor ሺRLሻ has bet the criteria to be classified as a Retired Local Pastor ሺRLሻ

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (____) ______‐________ Email address: ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Church / Charge

District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR After examination, the DCOM of the _____ District certifies that the above named pastor has met the criteria to be considered a Retired Local Pastor (RL). Specifically this pastor has (check one) [__] Completed Course of Study (COS): __________________________________________ Date of COS Completion [__] Not completed COS, but was making adequate progress towards completion at the time of retirement. Upon retirement, the above named pastor will become a member at the following: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Church

District: [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Signature: I hereby certify that all the information I have provided is true and accurate. __________________________________ __________________________ __________________________ DCOM Registrar: Signature Printed name Date Copies: [__] Retain original in Local Pastor’s DCOM file [__] Email completed copy to

Summary Report Action Outline SRAO10 LP: FL & PL that will be designated as Retired Local Pastors (RL) Name:

______________________________________________________________________ DCOM Registrar


[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR

Note:  On this form you will list all Person’s for which a vote is taken and place the date of the vote in the appropriate column.

Local Pastor Last


Vote: Designate as Retired Local Pastor (RL) Recommend Not Recommended

Please submit copies of this form to: [__] DCOM file [__] The Office of Clergy Services via

Updated: 2020-11


Guidelines to Assist DCOM’s for Measuring Fitness, Readiness and Effectiveness

I give thanks and credit to the Great Plains Annual Conference for the majority of the concepts and material found in this publication. This document is designed to supplement materials found on pages 18-21 of the 2019 Guidelines for District Committee on Ordained Ministry.

As it was explained in the DCOM training sessions held in the fall of 2019, one of the set of criteria on which persons should be measured was the Fitness-Readiness-Effectiveness scale. That is a new concept for the DCOM’s of Holston Annual Conference. In the last few years, the terminology and concepts have begun to appear in some of the Board of Ordained Ministry material in regards to the interview process for Associate, Provisional and Full Connection.

Our desire is to bring this concept to the DCOM level so that persons would be familiar with the terminology and expectations that accompany each of the various categories. This supplement is designed to give DCOM’s more insight and provide specific questions to help them in their interaction with the persons that come before them for interview.

Please Note: These questions should only be used after you have asked the required questions for each category of interview.

The questions contained within this manual can also be useful for District Superintendents as they seek to engage persons in consultation sessions concerning their ministry.

The Fitness, Readiness, Effec vness (Frui ulness) Schema from the New England Conference Fitness: Fitness is the focus of the dCOM’s candidacy interview. Statements of call, statements of faith, recommenda ons, interest inventories, psychological assessments, and background and credit checks are the material used in this interview. Explora ons of the candidate’s call to ministry, rela onship with God, and the ability to relate to people are fundamental. A candidate is evaluated on the poten al they have for developing into an effec ve clergy leader. The substance of this interview provides a reference point in later interviews. Using frui ulness imagery: “Budding tree” The tree is healthy. What is there needs tending and me to grow. Readiness: Determina on of readiness for provisional membership and service in appoin ve ministry is the focus. Developing areas of competency are explored. A en on is given to the applicant’s academic background, theological statement, and seminary reports, including field educa on internships. Although skill development is ongoing, those applying for provisional membership are evaluated on whether or not they are fit and ready to serve an appointment and are developing the needed skills for effec veness. Using frui ulness imagery: “Flowering Tree” The tree is healthy, has evidence of faith and leadership that is a rac ve to others, and skills that are con nuing to grow. Effec veness: When a provisional member applies for full conference membership, the interview focuses on effec veness in ministry. Primary documenta on is the DS’s and S/P‐PRC’s (or other employer) reports and evalua ons. In addi on to the Disciplinary ques ons for Full Membership, par cipa on in the Provisional Leadership Academy is evaluated, along with a Frui ulness Project. Using frui ulness imagery: “Frui ng Tree” The tree is healthy, has a rac ve faith and leadership, and shows skills for ministry that are both life sustaining and self‐replica ng.

Oklahoma Conference Fitness, Readiness, Effec veness (Frui ulness) Schema FITNESS Spiritual leaders believe in the Triune God as revealed in scripture and can speak authen cally to the personal and corporate meaning of the basic Chris an confession that Jesus is Lord. United Methodist leaders in the Oklahoma Conference are in harmony with the teachings of the church in the Wesleyan tradi on, such as the Wesleyan perspec ve on grace, the significance of the passion, death, and resurrec on of Jesus, and the experience and hope of the Reign of God. In addi on, an evalua on of fitness for ministry must include a discussion of the candidate’s knowledge, skills, abili es, and personal characteris cs. Fitness for ministry includes:     

An awareness of the work of the Holy Spirit within one’s personal life An ability to communicate clearly A sound moral character Psychological and emo onal wellness Personal characteris cs such as adaptability, crea vity, intelligence, trust in God, authen city, willingness to cooperate with others, dependability, integrity, leadership, and self‐control.

READINESS Spiritual leaders have a passion for ministry and the discipline to work hard and complete necessary tasks. Spiritual leaders:  

 

Are able to ar culate their call from God to service. Prac ce effec ve stewardship of life. They prac ce self‐care as well as care for others. They give a en on to sound financial stewardship. They seek to maintain physical fitness and good health prac ces. They prac ce spiritual disciplines and con nue to mature in their faith and commitment to Christ. Uphold the connec onal polity of the church, recognizing and suppor ng the corporate mission of the larger body. ‐ Are commi ed to a vision of God’s reign. Are growing in their understanding and prac ce of theology and scripture, United Methodist doctrine, oral communica on, wri en communica on, conflict management, me management, administra ve skills, and ability to mul ‐task.

EFFECTIVENESS Spiritual leaders make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transforma on of the world. Effec ve spiritual leaders:   

 

Have an ability to communicate the faith theologically, ethically, and biblically within the Wesleyan tradi on as demonstrated in preaching, teaching, and congrega onal leadership. Have the ability to discern and assist in the cul va on of the spiritual gi s in others, as well as an ability to mo vate others to use their spiritual gi s for ministry within the church. Will prac ce disciple making through: 1) being responsible for their individual role in the ministries of the church, 2) giving the church opportuni es to par cipate in the ministry of the Gospel, and 3) calling and inspiring the church to par cipate in those ministries such as evangelism and mission, jus ce ministries, care and support ministries, and spiritual forma on ministries. Will help the church in its work of growing in worship a endance, professions of faith, and financial stewardship. Demonstrate a profound inner‐sense of calling to ministry. Such a calling bears fruit in terms of transformed lives.


Credentialing Standard:


Fitness addresses questions of basic intelligence, emotional and physical health, spirituality and personality. Additionally, fitness level interviews will address any “red flags” from the psychological assessment and the background check. As a reminder, the DCOM does have the right and authority to review psychological assement documents and the background check material that has been collected on persons as they enter into the candidacy process. The red flags can come in various forms. 

In psychological assessments, they may come in the summary statements of the Ministry Assessment Specialist (MAS). They might also be found in the body of the assessment in remarks made by the MAS. Someone needs to read this assessment in order to ascertain if there are any items that the MAS felt were significant enough for further discussion or consideration.


If red flags do arise from the assessment, then it would be appropriate for the DCOM to follow up by using the Behavioral Health Guidelines provided by GBHEM and found on pages 69-75 of the DCOM Guidelines. If a topic that is found within these pages that is mentioned in the assessment, then you could use the suggested exploratory questions.


In the background checks, red flags may be items such as the following: 

Excessive speeding tickets


Reported convictions for felonies and misdemeanors


Financial issues such as consistently late payments, bankruptcy, and excessive credit debt.

You would apply the Fitness credentialing standard to the following persons that come before the DCOM for interviews each year: Supply Pastor (SY) Certified Lay Minister (CLM), Certification as a Candidate, Continued certification as a Candidate, and License as a Local Pastor (LP) Possible Questions for Fitness are available in the following pages. Please note, you must ask the required questions for each level of credentialing before you begin using the suggested questions or the Fitness questions listed in this document.

Possible Ques ons for Fitness Interviews Basic Understandings and Commitments

Candidates for assignment as Supply pastors, cer fica on as a lay minister, cer fica on, con nua on of cer fica on and license as a local pastor will be asked ques ons related to fitness for ministry. “Fitness” has to do with basic intelligence, emo onal and physical health, spirituality, personality.

1. Personal characteris cs and abili es 

What gi s and abili es do you bring to ministry in the UMC?


What personality traits will hinder your ministry?


What adjec ves do you use to describe yourself?


What will be most difficult or challenging for you in licensed or ordained ministry?


Describe a project or event in which you demonstrated crea vity.

2. Call to Ministry 

How have you come to understand yourself as one called to licensed or ordained ministry?


Why does the church set apart some for ordained ministry when all Chris ans are called to be ministers?


Share your understanding of the process you need to follow in order to make progress toward licensing or ordina on.


What is the difference between licensing and ordina on?

3. Theology 

How have you experienced God? How has God been working in you/in your life?


How did you picture or understand God as a child? How has your understanding of God changed as you have matured?


How would you talk about God with a non‐Chris an?


What hymn most closely matches your understanding of God?


How would you summarize the teaching of Jesus?


Share a favorite story from the life of Jesus? What does that story tell us about Jesus?


Why was Jesus crucified?


What meaning does the resurrec on have for your life?


Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit in the congrega on in which you are a member?


Name the persons of the Trinity. What work do you understand each to do?


What, according to Paul, are the gi s of the Holy Spirit?


How do you understand the Bible came to be?


What is a favorite passage of the Bible? Why?


Think about the story of crea on found in Genesis 1:1‐2:4a. What does that story tell us about God?


The church is some mes known as the ‘body of Christ.’ What does that mean to you?


What has been your experience in a congrega on of the UMC?


What, in your experience, are the joys and challenges of the local church?


Why do we talk of ‘the holy catholic church’ in the Apostles’ Creed?


What are the sacraments of the United Methodist Church?


What types of ethical challenges do you see confron ng persons in the licensed or ordained ministry?


Many persons believe that Chris an ministers are called to a higher ethical standard. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


Joe and Amanda Smith had been married for two years, when Amanda was diagnosed with a serious medical condi on. Although Amanda’s condi on is poten ally fatal, it can be controlled with a new drug. Unfortunately, this drug is very expensive and is not fully covered on the Smith’s health plan. Joe and Amanda become very financially conserva ve, saving as much as they can for her pharmaceu cal bills. However, a er six months, Amanda needs another refill and they do not have money to pay for the drug. When they explain their situa on to the pharmacist, he refuses to cut the price or allow them to make payments over me. Just as their conversa on ends, the pharmacist is paged to another part of the store and he inadvertently leaves the drug on the counter in front of the Smiths. Is it ethical for them to steal the drug? Please explain how you ethically reasoned to a solu on for this ethical ques on.


Describe your personal ethic as a disciple of Christ.

4. Rela onships 

Describe your family. How has your experience of family contributed to your understanding of God?


How has your family supported your decision to be a candidate for ordained ministry? What ques ons have family members raised about your decision?


Tell us about a me when your work was supervised by another. What was helpful in that supervision? What was hur ul?


Describe a me when you had authority over another? What principles guided your work?

5. Commitment to the United Methodist Church 

What has been your experience in the United Methodist Church?


What are appor onments?


What does the church mean by the word ‘i nerancy?’


Contrast the United Methodist prac ce of appoin ng a pastor to a congrega on with the prac ce of a congrega on calling a pastor.


When we say that God intends that the church be inclusive, what issues are we addressing?

6. Discipline of Self 

How do you renew your spirit (refuel, refill your bucket)?


What health challenges do you face? How do you manage them?


What recent experiences have caused you stress? How did you manage that stress?


Describe a recent experience of conflict? In what ways did you contribute to the conflict? How did you contribute to its resolu on?


How do you ordinarily respond to conflict?


Describe your life of prayer.


What disciplines/prac ces bring you into God’s presence?

7. Academic Work 

Do you like school?


What diplomas, degrees have you earned?


What areas of study have you found to be most engaging?


If you have had college work, what was your major or your emphasis?


What academic work will you need to complete in order to be licensed or ordained?


Do you enjoy reading? ....conversa on about current events? ...Bible study? ....puzzles of any sort?


Describe your learning style.


What languages do you speak? Is English your first language? What is your level of proficiency in the languages you speak?

Credentialing Standard:



Readiness addresses questions of knowledge and preparation for ministry and may include issues of developing competency, academic work, unresolved issues from fitness level interviews, evidence that a candidate is developing skills for the performance of licensed or ordained ministry. Note that this refers to “unresolved issues from the fitness level�. It is important to understand that we are thinking in terms of a continuum. Our desire is that the person progresses from one end of the continuum to the other end: from Fitness to Effectiveness. The six areas of the persons life to which we are applying this Fitness, Readiness, Effectiveness (FRE)schema are : Call, Disciplined Life, Proclamation, Discipleship, Theology, and Doctrine. (See page 21 in DCOM Guidelines) In all likelihood, a person will not progress in an equal manner across the FRE spectrum on all of these categories. It might be possible for a person to become effective in one category exhibit Readiness in four categories and still be at the Fitness level in the other category. Part of what the DCOM must do is to examine the person in the entirety of his or her ministry. At each step of the way, the DCOM is seeking to undergird and support someone as they move across the FRE spectrum. One way in which this is done is for the DCOM to make specific notes on the Action forms of the person each year so that next year, when the person comes before DCOM for a follow up interview, those notes can be clues or reminders that the DCOM had previously sought to guide the person by suggesting classes or areas in their ministry on which work was needed. If there are still unresolved issues from the fitness level, now is the time to address those shortfalls. It is not beneficial to the pastor or the church to continue to allow issues to go unaddressed. The goal is to make a stronger more confident and better equipped pastor. The DCOM can play a vital role in making this happen by the actions that it takes in holding pastors accountable for growth and progress on the FRE spectrum. It is at this level that you begin to see that the pastor is beginning to understand and lead from more than just a basic level. He or she is beginning to see their role in the life of the local church and understands that there is more that they can learn and that they can become a better pastor as they undertake training and learning to help them become better equipped to lead. You would apply the Readiness credentialing standard to the following persons that come before the DCOM for interviews each year: Continuation as a Supply Pastor (SY) (years 2 and 3), Continuation as a Certified Lay Minister (years 2 and 3), Continuation as a licensed local pastor (years 2 and 3), and Provisional Membership Possible Questions for Readiness are available in the pages that follow. Please note, you must ask the required questions for each level of credentialing before you begin using the suggested questions or the Readiness questions listed in this document.

Possible Ques ons for Readiness Interviews Basic Understandings and Commitments

Candidates for con nued assignment as a Supply Pastor, con nued cer fica on as a lay minister, the second and third year as a licensed local pastor and provisional membership will be asked ques ons related to readiness for ministry. “Readiness” has to do with the knowledge and prepara on needed for ministry.


Personal characteris cs and abili es 

What gi s and abili es do you bring to ministry in the UMC?


What have you learned about yourself (through your studies and in your ministry se ng) that will be important in your ministry in the UMC?


Have you discovered new gi s and/or developed new skills in your experiences as a candidate?


How have your gi s and abili es developed in the last year?


In what ways does your personality, interests, abili es match the profile of an effec ve pastor?


In what ways will you have to compensate for the lack of certain abili es in order to be effec ve?


What are your growing edges?


What habits or vulnerabili es make your ministry more difficult or your efforts less effec ve?


Call to ministry 

In what ways has your experience in study and in ministry confirmed or ques oned your sense of being called to licensed or ordained ministry?


Describe where you are in the process of being a candidate for full membership and ordina on (or con nued license or associate membership) in the UMC. What steps do you have yet to take to reach your goals?


Dis nguish between the ministry of all Chris ans and the set‐apart ministry of an Elder or a Deacon. What are the dis nc ve marks of the Order of Deacon and the Order of Elder?


What will it mean to you to be a member of the Holston Conference?


Theology 

How has your experience of God changed/ deepened during your prepara on for ministry?


What ac vi es would you include in a confirma on class to help young people think about God and their experiences of God?’


How will you respond to the ques on, “Why did God let my child die?”


If you could keep only four stories about Jesus, which would you choose? Why?


Which of the four gospels do you turn to for private devo ons? Why?


In what ways have you grown in your understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ?


What would you include in a sermon for Pentecost? Trinity Sunday?


How has your reading (understanding) of the scriptures changed because of your studies?


How will you respond to a parishioner who insists on the literal accuracy of the Bible?


How has your understanding of the church changed through your studies?


If you were to establish a new congrega on, how would you describe its mission or purpose?


What types of ethical challenges have you experienced during your me in ministry?


What do you think are the 3 most important virtues for ministry? Why did you choose these 3 virtues? What are you doing in your ministry to nourish and cul vate these 3 virtues? (Note: Examples of virtues would include love, compassion, pa ence, courage, etc.)


When confronted with an ethical challenge in ministry, what “sources of authority” do you rely upon to help you decide how to respond? For example, scripture is an obvious “source of authority” for all of us in ministry. But, besides scripture, what other “sources of authority” would you use?


One of your favorite families is the Applewhites. You really resonate with them and always enjoy being with them. One day Johnny Applewhite drops by your home. He reminds you that the Applewhite family has a one‐week me‐share in Orlando on the second week of every January. Johnny invites you to join his family for their week in Orlando this year. He tells you that everyone in his family is really excited about you joining them in Orlando, and that they will pay for all of your expenses, including travel, food, and admission to different parks and ac vi es. As Johnny said, “All you have to do is pack your toothbrush and pajamas. We’ll pay for everything else.” You’ve really wanted to go to Orlando for several years now, and you can’t believe your good fortune. Is it ethical to take this free vaca on? Why or why not?


Rela onships 

Is your family ready for you to begin ministry in the United Methodist Church?


What rela onships have been most important as you have prepared for ministry?


How will you find the support you need from colleagues?


What boundaries are important in working with parishioners and others whom you will serve?


How do you understand the authority of the Bishop and the District Superintendent in your ministry?


Commitment to the United Methodist Church 

Why does the UMC expect local congrega ons to support financially the connec onal ministries of the church?


Has your understanding of i neracy changed or deepened because of your studies? Are you ready to make yourself available to the i nerate ministry?


Discipline of self 

How do you stay in love with God?


How and when do you keep a sabbath?


Have you begun to observe any new spiritual disciplines in the period of your candidacy?


What health challenges do you face? How do you manage them?


What have you learned about responding to conflict in the local church?


What have you learned about yourself and your part in conflicted situa ons?


Academic work 

Which of the classes you have had in prepara on for ministry have been most engaging for you? ...most helpful for you?


Have you made adequate progress in your studies? What work do you have remaining?


What are you reading right now?


Where have you found connec ons between the content of your studies and the prac ce of ministry?


What areas of study do/did you find most challenging? Most helpful? Why?

Credentialing Standard:


Effectiveness addresses the ability to produce results (fruitfulness) in the practice of ministry. All areas of ministry are open to examination. This credentialing standard is not typically achieved within just a year or two. It is achieved after several years of the faithful practice of ministry and through concerted effort to learn and apply those things being learned to the life of the local church. Note the use of the term fruitfulness. John’s gospel puts it in this manner: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. ... John 15:1-5 ESV Our goal is to help ministers be fruitful. We want our churches to grow and prosper. We want people to enter into a deeper relationship with God. We want our pastors to be the best that they can be. This comes through their abiding in the vine. It comes from their giving attention to those things that make them a more effective pastor. At this stage of the credentialing process, you are looking for men and women that have grown—year over year—in their abilities and their relationship with their congregations and with God. Their ministries show the fruit that comes from their effectiveness. The problem now becomes this. If a person, regardless of category of service, has come before the DCOM for five or more years and is not yet exhibiting effectiveness and fruitfulness, then then DCOM needs to ask some serious questions about whether this person should continue in ministry. This would be one of those difficult conversations, but it is one that is incumbent upon the DCOM to have. You would apply the Effectiveness credentialing standard to the following persons that come before the DCOM for interviews each year: A fourth (or additional) year as a Supply Pastor (SY), A fourth (or additional) year as a Certified Lay Minister, A fourth (or additional year) as a Licensed Local Pastor, Approval for appointment as a member of an Other Denomination/Fellowship (OF), Continuation as a Provisional Member, It is especially important that you apply this criteria to those that are coming before you seeking Associate membership in the annual conference. Once a person has been granted associate membership status, that person has a guaranteed appointment. Do not assume that the BOM will make the hard call and not accept them into associate membership. They cannot come before the BOM until the DCOM first recommends them. The BOM, who has not yet met these individuals is relying upon the DCOM to make a proper evaluation and recommendation as to the effective nature of a person’s ministry that comes before the BOM for associate membership. Possible Questions for Effectivness are available in the pages that follow. Please note, you must ask the required questions for each level of credentialing before you begin using the suggested questions or the Readiness questions listed in this document.

Possible Ques ons for Effec veness Interviews Basic Understandings and Commitments Candidates for a fourth (or addi onal) year of assignment as a Supply Pastor (SY) or as a cer fied lay minister, a fourth (or addi onal) year as a licensed local pastor, approval for appointment as a member of another denomina on, and associate membership will be asked ques ons related to effec veness in ministry. “Effec veness” has to do with the ability to produce results in the prac ce of ministry.


Personal characteris cs and abili es 

What natural abili es contribute to your effec veness in ministry?  How do you compensate for the lack of certain abili es?  Paul talks about coming to a ‘sober es mate’ of ourselves. (Romans 12:3) What is your ‘sober es mate’ of your gi s and growing edges?  Have you been surprised, in any way, by the demands of ministry? your effec veness in ministry?


Call to ministry 

How has your understanding of your call to ministry changed as you have begun the prac ce of ministry?  Describe where you are in the process of being a candidate for full membership and ordina on (or con nued license or associate membership) in the UMC. What steps do you have yet to take to reach your goals?  In what ways have you experienced the covenant community of Holston Conference? What efforts do you make to support the fellowship of local pastors or the order of deacon or elder?


Theology         

How does your understanding of God help you address the ques on of suffering? Select a favorite passage of scripture. In a sermon, what affirma ons would you make about God based on that text? What understandings of God have been most helpful to you in the prac ce of ministry? Contrast at least two theories of atonement. Which makes most sense to you? How would you talk about these ideas in a sermon without using the word ‘atonement?’ How would you summarize the teachings of Jesus? What affirma ons do you make about Jesus when preaching a funeral sermon? How did you describe the Good News of Jesus Christ in your last Easter sermon? Where do you see the Holy Spirit at work in your life and ministry? What gi s has the Holy Spirit given you?

    





Describe your work as a teacher of the scriptures. What studies have you led? What principles do you adhere to in leading a study of the scriptures? What has been the most challenging ques on posed by a parishioner with respect to the Bible? How did you respond? What ecumenical and/or interfaith conversa ons have you had as a minister of the United Methodist Church? By now you know that the church is far from perfect. How has that reality changed your understanding of the church? Describe your ethic for ministry? What virtues are most important for you? In addi on to the Bible, what “sources of authority” do you use to guide your ministry? How does your ethic for ministry reflect your understanding of who God is? One of the most egregious forms of unethical behavior by ministers is inappropriate sexual rela onships with parishioners or colleagues. Studies by the Faith Trust Ins tute indicate that frequently ministers who are caught in unethical rela onships did not consciously decide to enter into that rela onship. Instead, the rela onship evolved through a series of small decisions that weren’t thought through very carefully. As a minister, how can you remain vigilant about upholding your ethical standards regarding appropriate rela onships? A parishioner asks to speak with you confiden ally. What would be important ethical reasons for breaking confiden ality and sharing the conversa on with others? Who would be appropriate persons to share confiden al informa on with? A new visitor comes to your church one Sunday. His name is “John” and he explains that he has recently moved into your area. John begins a ending your Sunday services on a regular basis. He men ons that he had previously “had trouble with the law and done me,” but that he has asked God for forgiveness. He believes that God has forgiven him and he now seeks to live a faithful life of Chris an discipleship. You affirm that our God is a loving and forgiving God and you encourage John to con nue a ending church, which he does. Then, one Sunday a ernoon you are confronted by your Sunday‐school Superintendent, the Counselors from your Youth Group and Youth Choir, as well as a number of church parents. They have discovered that John is a registered sex offender. They want you ask John to stop a ending your church because he is not trusted. They are also afraid that having a registered sex offender will drive many of your church’s members away. How would you as the pastor respond to this ethical challenge? Walk us through your ethical process.

Rela onships      

How has your spouse (child) experienced your appointment to ministry in the United Methodist Church? What ways have you found to keep family rela onships strong? What support systems have you put in place for yourself? Who acts as a mentor for you? Things are always clearer in theory than in reality. Talk about the importance of observing appropriate boundaries. Where have you found boundary keeping difficult or confusing? Describe a person you have found difficult. How have you responded to that person?



Who are the people who have some authority in your ministry? How have you experienced their direc on or input?

Commitment to the United Methodist Church 

What percentage of their appor onments has the congrega on you serve paid in the last year? How did you support the commitment to pay appor onments?  What has your experience been of i neracy? Do you have any tethers limi ng the congrega ons to which you might be appointed?  Which of the resources provided by the general church have you found to be helpful? What are you using in your ministry se ng?  What is the ‘covenant connec on’? How have you experienced that reality?


Discipline of self 

How do you balance the needs of the church with your own needs for rest and renewal?  How have you modeled the importance of the spiritual disciplines in your ministry se ng?  How do you model self‐care in your ministry se ng?  What conflicts have you experienced in your ministry se ng? In what ways did you par cipate in the conflict and in what ways did you contribute to resolu on of the conflict?


Academic work      

Have you completed your academic work? What con nuing educa on did you pursue this year? What con nuing educa on are you planning for next year? What are you reading right now? Where have you found connec ons between the content of your studies and the prac ce of ministry? What areas of study do/did you find most challenging? Most helpful?

Possible Ques ons for Effec veness Interviews Prac ce of Ministry for Deacons 1a.

Service 

What does being ordained to service mean to you?


How does your work exemplify servant ministry?


Describe your ministry in the gathered community. What parts of your ministry in the church give you the most joy? What parts do you find most difficult?


How and where do you serve God in the world? What parts of that ministry give you the most joy? What parts do you find most difficult?


In what ways are you in ministry to/with the poor? How do you encourage laity to be in ministry with the poor? What ideas do you have about how we might change the pa ern of genera onal poverty?

1b. Word 

What does it mean to be ordained to Word?


How do you live out in your ministry of the Word?


What does the phrase, “Preach o en, use words when necessary.” mean to you?


What opportuni es do you have to proclaim the word?


Describe a se ng in which you have been a teacher. How did you choose or develop curriculum? What values guide your decisions?


If you do children’s sermons, what do you try to do in a children’s sermon?


If you preach, how do you prepare? What resources do you use? How do you choose a text? How would you describe your ‘preaching style?’


How do you prepare to lead worship? If you plan worship, what values guide your choice of prayers and hymns? What have you learned about being effec ve in leading worship?


If you have pastoral care responsibili es, what do you try to communicate in visi ng the sick? ....the dying? ....the bereaved?


The Book of Discipline says you may assist an elder in the administra on of the sacraments. In what ways have you fulfilled this responsibility? What is your understanding of


Bap sm? .... of Communion?


Why do United Methodists bap ze infants?


What is the dis nc on between bap sm and confirma on? If you have responsibility for preparing individuals for bap sm and confirma on, describe your efforts in that responsibility.


Does not being free to administer the sacraments limit your ministry? If so, how?




Rela ng the gathered community to the world 

How do you represent the church in the world? How do you help laity to understanding their ministries in the world?


What does the phrase, “One foot in the church and one foot outside the church.” mean to you?


In what ways do you model bridging the church and the world?


Where are you directly involved in the church? In the world? What percentage of me is spent in each se ng? Are you comfortable with the balance between and the claims of both the church and the world?

Leadership 

What is your leadership style? Is it working in the se ng to which you are appointed?


How do you keep from being the ‘lone ranger?’


Describe a team with which you have worked? In what ways have you contributed to the strength of that team? If it was a team which you brought together, what guided your efforts in building the team?


Describe your rela onship with laity. How do you encourage and support them in their ministry?


How do you introduce a program or an idea to a commi ee or to colleagues?


How have you helped the people in your ministry se ng plan for their work?


Describe a me when you have found yourself in conflict with another. How did you contribute to the problem? .... to the solu on? How do you manage when you can not resolve a conflict?


What is your administra ve style? Are you able to delegate responsibility to others? Are you able to tend to details?


In what ecumenical ministries are you involved? your congrega on involved?

Understanding of ministry of an Elder 

What is the ministry of an elder?


How does the ministry of an elder differ from the ministry of a deacon?


How do you see elders and deacons working together?

Possible Ques ons for Effec veness Interviews

Prac ce of Ministry for Elders

(Associate members, experienced Local Pastors, CerƟfied Lay Ministers, those assigned by a District Superintendent, and members of other denominaƟons)


Service 

Describe your walk with a family from the point that they learn a loved one is dying through the funeral and following. How do you work with a family to prepare for the funeral? What do you try to say in the funeral sermon?


How have you invited laity to join you in the work of caring for the sick, the homebound, the grieving?


What do you try to say in a prayer at the bed side of a parishioner who is hospitalized?


Do you understand yourself to be a counselor? How have you prepared for such work?


Have you par cipated in a mission trip? ....or volunteered in a service organiza on? Describe such an experience.


In what ways are you in ministry to/with the poor? How do you encourage, enable laity to be in ministry with the poor?


What ideas do you have about how we might change the pa ern of genera onal poverty?

2b. Word 

How do you prepare to preach? How do you choose a text? What resources do you use? How do you know that folk are ‘with’ you?


How do you prepare to lead worship? What values guide your choice of prayers and hymns? What have you learned about being effec ve in leading worship?


Describe a se ng in which you have been a teacher. How did you choose or develop curriculum? What values guide your decisions?


What do you try to do in a children’s sermon?


Confirma on studies are a responsibility of the pastor. How have you planned for and involved others in planning for confirma on?


What would you want to say to a family and the congrega on in the funeral for a child who died of cancer?


What plans have you developed in your congrega on to enter into rela onship with those who are guests in worship?


What is evangelism? How have you helped your congrega on plan for the ministry of evangelism?


Sacrament 

Describe how you observe the sacrament of bap sm?


How do you prepare the parents of an infant for the bap sm of their child?


How do you prepare a youth for bap sm and confirma on?


How do you dis nguish between bap sm and confirma on?


How do you understand the difference between being a bap zed member and being a professing member of the United Methodist Church?


Describe how your congrega on celebrates holy communion?


What do you understand to happen in communion? What is its meaning in the congrega on?


How do you communicate that the United Methodist Church has an ‘open table?’

2d. Order



What is your leadership style? Is it working in the se ng to which you are appointed?


How do you introduce a program or an idea to a commi ee?


How have you helped the people in your ministry se ng plan for their work?


What stewardship educa on has happened in the congrega on you serve?.


What are the essen al elements in a commitment campaign or a capital campaign?


Dis nguish between stewardship and fund raising.


What percentage of the appor onments did your congrega on pay in the last conference year? How do you talk about appor onments in the Commi ee on Finance and in services of worship?


Describe a me when you have found yourself in conflict with a parishioner. How did you contribute to the problem? .... to the solu on? How do you manage when you can not resolve a conflict?


What is your administra ve style? Are you able to delegate responsibility to others? Are you able to tend to details?


In what ecumenical ministries are you involved? your congrega on involved?


What do you understand to be the purpose of the sta s cal tables? How do you go about comple ng that task?

Understanding of ministry of a deacon 

What is the ministry of a deacon?


How does the ministry of a deacon differ from the ministry of an elder?


How do you see deacons and elders working together?


“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.� 1 Timothy 4:8

SEMINARY COURSE CHECKLIST as of Fall Semester 2013


Student Name


___ Deacon ___ Elder




J Term



This sec on is to be completed only upon submission of the student’s final official transcript.

1. Old Testament BOM Registrar: 2. New Testament

3. Theology


4. Church History Seminary Degree:

5. Mission of the Church in the World 6. Evangelism

Date Acquired:

7. Worship/Liturgy 8. United Methodist Doctrine 9. United Methodist Polity 10. United Methodist History



1. Supervision/AdministraƟon

2. EducaƟon/Teaching

Students required to submit an unofficial transcript at the comple on of each semester so that we might verify grades and determine con nued eligibility to receive MEF. Upon gradua on, the student must submit an official transcript so that it can be determined whether or not the student has completed all of the required classes. An update of this record will be sent to students each summer reflec ng the classes taken through the spring semester.

(Unless your Undergrad degree or specialty is educaƟon. )

AddiƟonal Courses for Elders 1. IntroducƟon to Pastoral Care

2a.—Introductory HomileƟcs

2b.—Advanced HomileƟcs

3. Pastoral Leadership and AdministraƟon

PLEASE NOTE—For the Homile cs courses, it is expected that the course will require you to prepare and deliver sermons. Not all preaching courses require this, so please look carefully at your class descrip on.

Please review this document so that you can see the classes for which you have been given credit and plan your future classes accordingly. If you have ques ons, please contact: Office of Clergy Services (865) 690‐4080

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