The CEU News Continuing Education Update October 2019 A Publication of the Wesley Leadership Institute Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church
Featured Events October 29 - 10:00 am-4:00 pm (Note - the date was changed from the 28th!) Alcoa, TN 0.5 CEUs This year's Sermon Academy for Advent & Christmas will be led by Charles Maynard and will take place in the event center at the Holston Conference Center in Alcoa.
Charles W. Maynard, is a storyteller, author and ordained United Methodist minister. Charles has been a member of the Holston Conference since 1978 and has served churches in Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. He was Development Director for Holston Conference Camp and Retreat Ministries for 8 years before he was appointed a District Superintendent of the Maryville District. Charles is currently serving as an associate pastor at Cokesbury UMC in Knoxville. Charles has authored or co -authored 31 books, including 22 children’s books. He has written numerous magazine articles on Great Smoky Mountains and Yellowstone National Parks as well as Tennessee history. You will receive sermon and worship resources that will help you prepare for the celebration of Christmas. You will not only gain information but will enjoy the fellowship of colleagues from across the annual conference. The cost is only $25 and includes lunch. Register now!
Women’s Conference: Getting Closer to God November 1 - 2 Camp Dickenson 0.7 CEUs
This year's Women's Conference, "Getting Closer to God", features Martha Luper as plenary speaker, Dina Clower as breakout session leader, and Pam Craig as music leader. Martha is a Certified Lay Speaker in the UMC and has served in missions in Africa, Mexico and Peru. She has also served in music ministry with her family, pastoral position in the Church. Dina was Fulltime Youth & Music Leader at Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church for 3 years. She worked as Executive Director of the Free Clinic of the Twin Counties for six years; also was the Business Office Manager of Golden Living Center-Blue Ridge for three years. She is currently pastor of Woodlawn & Shiloh UMC. Pam is the Choir leader, song writer, and bible teacher for Christ Chapel in Grayson county area. Come and experience a spiritual renewal at beautiful Camp Dickenson!
Events - Coming Soon! Check the Holston online calendar for a full listing of future events. October 2019: Catalyst Conference October 2-4 Atlanta, GA 1.0 CEUs Study of Revelation w/Gerald Borchert October 19 - 20 Knoxville, TN 0.25 - 0.5 CEUs Future of the Church Summit October 21-23 Lakeland, CO 1.2 CEUs Senior Adult Day at Camp Lookout October 24 Camp Lookout 0.2 CEUs Holston Conference Historical Society October 26 Athens, TN 0.25 CEUs Sermon Academy for Advent October 29 Alcoa, TN 0.5 CEUs The Book of Life Conference October 29 Chattanooga, TN 0.3 CEUs November 2019: Women’s Conference: Getting Closer to God November 1 - 2 Camp Dickenson 0.7 CEUs Experiencing the World of the Bible/Fleming: Elusive Archaeology of Exodus November 11 - 13 Lake Junaluska 1.0 CEUs Experiencing the World of the Bible/Fleming: Understanding the Roots of Interfaith Conflict November 13 - 15 Lake Junaluska 1.0 CEUs
CEU QUICKLINKS: Check & Print CEU Report Apply for CEU Credit Event Evaluation Form
CLERGY NOTES: We do a web upload every couple of weeks to get your submitted events into your CEU reports. If you have recently submitted an item and it does not appear on your report before charge conference, just write it in.
I generally post your submitted items within one day of receipt, but they don’t show up in the online record until the semi-monthly uploads. Also, we are currently transitioning to a new website so if the CEU reporting page items don’t appear correctly, just send me an email with details on the event you attended. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
There is a new online training program available for clergy at Online classes are live, and attendees will participate in a question/answer session during the final portion of each class, allowing them to ask questions of the instructors. The fee for each one-hour class is $25. UM clergy will receive a 20 percent discount in October and November when using the following discount code: clergy20 Upon registration and class attendance, participants will receive a certificate designating their attendance, with applicable information, which can be turned in to WLI for 0.1 CEUs per class. There are quite a few classes already scheduled, so be sure to check out the website. Here’s a list of upcoming courses over the next couple of months. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
We hope you like the new format for this newsletter. Please read the letter from the Director on the next page. We will be loading many items of importance to clergy in the future. All you need to create an account is your email address.
Book Review For Ministers About to Start... or About to Give Up by Travis Collins “From Moses and the Israelites to Paul and the Corinthian Christians to all who have served the church since then, this thing called spiritual leadership has been thorny." In For Ministers about to Start ... or About to Give Up, Travis Collins lays bare the realities of church leadership while affirming the call minister, a missionary, and a church consultant are laced with practical tips on treating burnout, wrestling with divisive matters, and recapturing the hope, the faith, and the joy in the call to vocational ministry.
A Message from Our Director... We are entering a new era of publications from the office of Clergy Services I told you last month to look for a change this month. If you are reading this, you know what the change is to which I referred. The Office of Clergy Services and the Wesley Leadership Institute are entering a new era in publications. With each passing month, more and more material is going to be available as an online digital magazine hosted at These magazines will give us the ability to include: text, graphics, photos, videos, and audio. The links within the documents will take you to other web pages and you will have more than just a simple print edition. You will have an interactive media edition of the document. These online magazines will become an ongoing resource for our annual conference. If you go to and search for Holston Annual Conference, you will see the beginning of what will be a much greater source of magazines to help the pastors of our annual conference grow stronger in their ministries and to offer standardization to our Board of Ordained Ministry and our District Committees on Ordained Ministry. One of the primary new publications I want to highlight is The Clergy Services Connexion which will be sent quarterly--October, January, April, and July--to all of the ministers of the annual conference. You should be receiving a lseparate link for this publication soon. So be sure to open it and read the various articles. It is designed to be a resource for the pastors of the annual conference and to strengthen their ministries. Ideas and suggestions for future articles are always welcome. Here are some of the items currently available: Please note, many of them are still in DRAFT stage. One of the strengths, however, of this publishing platform, is that you can click on the link and you will always be taken to the most up to date version of a document. So, when they come out of draft and become official documents, you already have a link to the official version. Check out some of these items: Guidelines for District Committee on Ordained Ministry and Board of Ordained Ministry - FINAL VERSION This document was created to provide a standardized approach to how our DCOM’s and the BOM interacts with the various persons that come before each respective group. I will be going on a road trip in the next couple of months to provide in district training in how to use this new resource. Pastoral Transition Considerations - DRAFT This is a magazine designed because persons at the Local Pastor Licensing School wanted information on the pastoral transition process. This magazine is still under development, but by next year—at move time—it should be ready for District Superintendents to share with those pastors that are projected for a move at the 2020 annual conference.
Guidelines for the Holston Conference Candidacy Process - DRAFT
This document was created to guide persons through the candidacy process. One of the key elements of this document are links on the pages that take the candidate directly to the forms that he or she needs to prepare for the various stages of the Candidacy Process. We are waiting until the new conference web site comes online, so that we can make the links to the appropriate online forms. Other Fellowship (OF) Transition Document - DRAFT This document is designed for District Superintendents to share with persons of Other Fellowships (Denominations) as they seek to serve a church within Holston Annual Conference. We are still working out the details and it has yet to receive the approval of the Cabinet. 2019 Journal – Volume II – Statistical Tables - FINAL If you wish to do so, you may purchase a hard copy of this portion of the Journal or you can download this electronic version and view it on your own computer or at the ISSUU site. When Volume I is completed it will also be uploaded to ISSUU. Look for that by mid-November. Local Pastor Licensing School Worship Resources Magazine – FINAL To help those in Local Pastor Licensing School learn more about worship, we have created this digital magazine with links to lots of material found at Discipleship Resources. This will be a resource that will be updated from time to time. So you can always check back to see if anything new has been added. By the way, you don’t have to be a local pastor to utilize this resource. It would be helpful to any minister that wanted to learn more about worship from a United Methodist perspective.
This is the beginning of many more magazines to come. If there is a committee, commission, work area, or task force that would like to share a document in this manner, then I simply need a high quality pdf version and it can be up an available in just a few minutes. Remember that, if you include hyperlinks to pages outside your document, make sure that those links are saved within the pdf. If you have any questions, then please get in touch with me.
CONTACT INFO: Director: The Rev. Terry Goodman
Phone: 865-293-4147
Admin. Asst. & Editor: Sue Weber
Phone: (865) 293-4135 Website: Wesley Leadership Institute