Fall Issue 2010

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Fall 2010

Though the Earth Give Way‌.

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Helping children and families in Haiti after the earthquake

Celebrating the 2010

Holt Graduates

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in this issue 4

Though the Earth Give Way

Fall 2010 vol. 52 no. 4 Our Vision Holt International is dedicated to carrying out God’s plan for every child to have a permanent, loving family.

How Holt is helping children and families in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake


From the Family Families share their adoption stories and memories


Graduates Celebrating Holt’s graduating class of 2010


Adoptees Today Mayra Truex overcomes life’s obstacles and is now in her first year of college

Front Cover: Holt continues to meet the ongoing needs of children and families after the devastating 2010 earthquake. Go to www.holinternational.org/gifts to find out how you can help.

Dear Readers It brings Holt great joy to think about the futures of the children in our care and who they will grow to be. When we shepherd children from our care centers into the arms of their loving parents, we rejoice and yet continue to feel a deep connection to each child who leaves Holt’s care. As we continue our 55-year legacy of finding families for all of God’s children, the children who came before continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. You can imagine how much we treasure receiving every family Christmas card and child update sent by Holt families to our offices. Every time we view these beautiful updates and photos, we thank God for allowing us to play a small role in bringing you together as a family. So, it comes with joy and nostalgia that we honor the 2010 Holt graduates in our yearly graduate issue. Each of the graduate’s adoption stories, some of which are included in this issue, is as unique as the paths they have now chosen. Many have even elected to draw on their adoption experience and embark on child-serving careers, such as: social work, teaching, working in orphanages and helping children with special needs. Holt takes great pride in the impressive accomplishments of Holt adoptees. The graduate issue – and the beautiful and talented adoptees who grace the pages – is a special affirmation of the work and mission of Holt International. Holt strives to keep in touch with adoptees whenever we can. We have wonderful programs for adoptees, ranging from heritage tours to China and Korea, to camps for younger adoptees. We pray that the current Holt graduates continue to excel in life. And wherever your journey may take you, we hope you stay in touch and let us continue the journey with you. *If you are interested in joining a Holt heritage tour to China or Korea, please see

In 1955 Harry and Bertha Holt responded to the conviction that God had called them to help children left homeless by the Korean War. Though it took an act of the U.S. Congress, the Holts adopted eight of those children. But they were moved by the desperate plight of other orphaned children in Korea and other countries as well, so they founded Holt International Children’s Services in order to unite homeless children with families who would love them as their own. Today Holt International serves children and families in Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Nepal, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), Romania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, the United States and Vietnam. President & CEO Kim S. Brown Senior Vice-President Phillip A. Littleton Vice-President of Policy & External Affairs Susan Soon-keum Cox Vice-President of International Programs Dan Lauer Vice-President of Finance & Administration Kevin Sweeney Vice-President of Adoption Services Lisa Vertulfo Senior Advisor David Lim Senior Executive Jian Chen Holt International magazine is published quarterly by Holt International Children’s Services, Inc., a nonprofit, Christian, child welfare organization. While Holt International is responsible for the content of Holt International magazine, the viewpoints expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the organization. Creative Services Director Brian Campbell Managing Editor Ashli Keyser Senior Writer Robin Munro Graphics Chloe Goldbloom Subscription Orders/Inquiries and Address Changes Send all editorial correspondence and changes of address to Holt International magazine, Holt International, P.O. Box 2880, Eugene, OR 97402. We ask for an annual donation of $20 to cover the cost of publication and mailing inside the United States and $40 outside the United States. Holt welcomes the contribution of letters and articles for publication, but assumes no responsibility for return of letters, manuscripts or photos. Reprint Information Permission from Holt International is required prior to reprinting any portion of Holt International magazine. Please direct reprint requests to editor Ashli Keyser at 541/687.2202 or ashlik@holtinternational.org. Copyright ©2010 by Holt International Children’s Services, Inc. ISSN 1047-7640

information on page 14 for more details.

Ashli Keyser |

Managing Editor

P.O. Box 2880 (1195 City View) Eugene, OR 97402 Ph: 541/687.2202 Fax: 541/683.6175




of hope

Help a Child Learn to Read & Write

life of poverty Education is the best hope of escaping a a child attain and despair. Your Gift of Hope will help an education, as well as a brighter future!


Suggested Donation Amount: $25 per child

Christm 6.

as 201

Send a Girl to School


Your Gift of Hope will provide one girl in Holt’s India programs with the supplies and support she needs to attend school for one year, enabling her to overcome poverty and live a better life.

Suggested Donation Amount: $100 per student/per year


Livestock Ra ise Families’ Qu s ality of Life

For struggli ng families around the world, live stock can prov ide the foundati on for a sim ple, home-based enterprise. They not only feed a family, live stoc k also supply fres h products for regular household income.


Best donkey$ s 100 you’ll


from hur rica nes and trop ical stor ms. building hou In response, ses, 16 square Holt vulnerable families. To give a sturdy is to give true home, a safe hope to a fam haven, ily who’s lost ever ything! Suggested

Donation Am

ount: $1,500 per

Suggested Donation Amount: $10 0 per anima l

ever spend

Mos popu t la gift! r


Order online at holt

intern ationa l.org/g ifts



Las t-m gift inute idea s!

Give a co or goa w, pig t. Page 1

Keeping our Eyes Open to the Need Gifts of Hope for Haiti The morning of January 13th, 2010. The news reports of the

to children in China, we have also included two new items that

earthquake in Haiti painted a grim picture of destruction, mourn-

reflect the ongoing need in Haiti. As a person with a heart for

ing and chaos. I walked into the Holt office that morning with a

helping vulnerable children, you can join Holt and help provide

deep sense of sadness for the Haitian people, especially the chil-

house-building materials for homeless and struggling families.

dren. Holt staff members gathered on that day to pray—not only

Holt has already built five houses in Haiti and, with your help, we

for the children and families in Holt’s care, but also for the mil-

would like to build more.

lions of people in Haiti whose lives were changed forever. While the mood in the office was a somber one, we also felt a great sense of urgency and desire to help where we could. we do?” was a common question of the day. As we approach the

“What more can

Many of us will probably never know the pain and suffering the people of Haiti experienced in just seconds.

As the news

coverage of that horrific day

“Once our eyes are opened, we can’t pretend we don’t know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts

dwindles, it is important that we continue to keep the children and families

holiday season and the

and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and

in Haiti in our hearts and in

year anniversary of the

holds us responsible to act.” (Proverbs 24:12)

our prayers…especially dur-

earthquake, the question “What more can we

do?” is still fresh in my mind. There is still a lot of work to be done in Haiti, and I hope that we can count on you to help us bring joy and a little comfort to the children and families in Haiti this

Holt’s Gifts of Hope catalog offers many new ways you can provide support to children in Holt’s care this holiday season. Along

There is still a great need. There is still a lot of work to be done…but there is still hope for Haiti. And you can be a part of this hope. Give a truly meaningful gift to a loved one this holiday season and purchase a Gift of Hope for children and families in Haiti. Go to: www.holtinternational.org/gifts

with our gifts from last year, including an opportunity to provide livestock to families in Ethiopia and diapers and warm clothing

Kim S. Brown |

President & CEO


Holt I nt e r n at ion a l .or g


ing the holiday season.

Psalm 46:2 Ashli Keyser |

Managing Editor

Near Port-au-Prince Airport Road, in a Haitian community called Village Solidarite, 22-year-old Nahomie holds in her arms her ailing 2-year-old daughter, Nournia. Nahomie has just returned from her fourth trip in eight months to St. Catherine hospital in Cite Soleil – a slum of Port-au-Prince. Nournia, they tell her, is extremely malnourished. She also has tuberculosis. Abandoned by Nournia’s father, Nahomie earns what she can as a part-time housekeeper, but it’s not enough. Unable to provide the care her daughter needs, Nahomie stands helpless as Nournia wails in pain and hunger. Nahomie begins to weep with Nournia. She weeps for her mother, who has recently died, and weeps for her poor daughter. It seems impossible that their situation could get much worse. And then the sun rose on January 12th, 2010. In just 60 seconds, 230,000 people were dead. Millions were homeless and an estimated one million children were orphaned. For many already living in the clutches of poverty and hunger, life became even grimmer.

(From far left) After the Haiti earthquake devastated the capital city of Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, Holt opened their doors to children on a temporary basis while families stabilized and rebuilt their lives. · Nournia entered Holt Fontana Village sick and malnourished but was brought back to health by the caring and devoted Village staff. · Holt built four cottages on the property last year and was well equipped to care for the influx of children. “I had never seen a city so devastated as Port-au-Prince,” says Will Dantzler, Holt International’s board chairman, who traveled to Haiti in June. “To see the hopelessness and emptiness of spirit in so many people as we drove through the city shed light on the magnitude of this disaster, and its long-term effect on an entire society.” Just two of millions whose lives changed forever, Nahomie and Nournia lost their one source of stability in the January 12th earthquake – their home. After five months living in the streets, Nahomie sat in a church service in Port-au-Prince and prayed. Prayed for her daughter, prayed to survive. Here, she heard of a temporary care program offered by Holt Fontana d’ Haiti – Holt International’s partner in Haiti. Nahomie applied and her daughter was accepted into a 3-month temporary care program at Holt Fontana Village in the western city of Montrouis. “Nahomie said it was the first time in years she felt a moment of joy,” says Mansour Masse, Holt Haiti director. “Her daughter would be taken care of.” Established by Peter and Shay Fontana, Holt Fontana Village provides temporary care for orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in Haiti. Holt partnered with the Fontanas to develop a comprehensive child service program here in 2003. Last year, Holt funded construction of four new cottages for the children. Following the earthquake, Holt Haiti immediately readied the cottages and hired additional staff to accommodate an influx of displaced children. While 21 children departed the United States on humanitarian parole visas, another 25 entered the village. Nournia was among them.

After three months, Nournia’s condition greatly improved. Medically and socially, says Mansour, the program made a vast

In late September, the 25 children in emergency care rejoined their families, who entered Holt’s family preservation program, Fanmi Ansanm (family together). Holt provided the support needed to stabilize these families and continues to monitor their situations through regular home visits and ongoing support. “Our ultimate goal is always to see families preserved,” says Sarah Halfman, Holt’s director of Haiti and Latin America. “We do what we can to keep families together.”

What More Can We Do? Holt, while not a disaster relief organization, must find a way to continue meeting needs when disasaster strikes one of our programs. After the quake, *international adoption from Haiti – with the exception of children already matched with families – came to an abrupt halt. With more than one million children orphaned – a figure in constant coverage on the news – the interest in adoption from Haiti heightened, as did the potential for child trafficking. In response, Holt decided to temporarily halt all Haitian adoptions while staff in Haiti worked to locate surviving family members of children. During this time, Holt committed to meeting the needs of children still in care and serving the families devastated by this tragedy. Holt expanded Fanmi Ansanm; increased services to the 117 families already in our program; and brought 25 children into care at Holt Fontana Village and their families into the preservation program. In May, Holt expanded to Jacmel, a southern city and the second largest hit by the earthquake. Within six months, 3,000 families had applied for services in Jacmel. Holt could only accept 100. Today, 234 families receive family preservation services in Haiti, a meager number compared to the millions who need support. Determining who would receive support was a decision both difficult and heart-wrenching. After rigorous screening, Holt identified approximately 100 of the most disadvantaged, vulnerable


Holt I nt e r n at ion a l .or g

“The children at Holt Fontana were quiet when we first met them but after handing out soccer balls, they warmed up to us quickly,” recounts Dantzler. “I was very impressed with the maintenance and spirit at Fontana Village. These children were well taken care of.” Although many staff members lost loved ones in the earthquake, their devotion to the children never wavered. Several staff remained at the village.

difference for Nournia and the other children, and gave devastated families some respite while they rebuilt their lives.

Fanmi Ansanm provided 6-year-old Peter and his struggling family with nutritional and educational support after the earthquake. Families in the program received monthly food kits as well as education about personal hygiene and natural disaster preparedness. families in Jacmel. In most cases, one or both parents had died in the earthquake or a family had lost their home. With donor support, Holt built five houses for vulnerable families.

to use them. “If the families are learning a lesson on hurricanes, for example,” says Halfman, “something that might be given to them is a flashlight.”

Holt’s limited resources cannot meet the immense need, says Halfman. For now, we need to maintain the services we currently provide, with hopes for expansion in the future. “We are looking at how we can really improve on what we are doing while simultaneously trying to increase the quality and quantity of services available to the families we serve,” she says.

In the future, Holt hopes to increase both the services we provide families and the number of families we serve. New services may include a well baby clinic and day care center in Jacmel.

H olt I nt e r n at i on a l / Fa l l 2 010

Before six-year-old Peter’s family entered family preservation, he weighed 37 pounds, had poor hygiene and had never attended school. His family lived in a one-room house in Jacmel, with one chair and one tiny bed. The children walked around barefoot in tattered clothes, the father’s meager earnings not enough to meet his children’s basic needs. This family’s survival hinged on intervention and ongoing support. Peter’s family now receives one food kit per month with 11 pounds of rice, beans and pasta, cooking oil, dried fish and seven bars of soap. Holt also provides regular visits by a social worker. Education and nutritional training also helps keep families stable and together. “We were amazed at the efficient and orderly process Holt staff had established for the food distribution, skills training and monitoring components of the family preservation program,” says Dantzler. Many families had never experienced an earthquake of that magnitude. Some had no idea what was happening as the ground shook below them. Educating families and preparing them for recurring natural disasters are key components of Holt’s program. Holt provides families with tools and supplies, and lessons on how


Holt strives to change the realities of families in our programs. We give them the tools they need to create better lives for themselves. Along with other school-aged kids in family preservation, Holt sponsors helped Peter start his first day of school in October. His family is on the road to stability. “Holt is making a difference one family at a time and one child at a time,” says Jeff Saddington, a Holt board member who traveled to Haiti in June. “Holt is in the front line of this battle, which some estimate will require 20 years just to allow Haiti to return to the conditions which existed the day before the earthquake. We must do more to help them help themselves, and Holt International is positioned to do this well.” The Lord’s hand is on the families of Haiti. “Though the earth give way,” God will not forget the people of Haiti and neither will Holt. Go online to see how you can help children and families in Haiti through our Gifts of Hope catalog. www.holtinternational.org/gifts. *While adoptions from Haiti have reopened, it will take time to learn how the legal steps of the adoption process in Haiti may have changed as the country rebuilds. Go to www.holtinternational.org/haiti to learn more.


CHANGE A CHILD’S LIFE FOREVER! Children and families in countries like Vietnam, Ethiopia and India benefit from the family preservation services provided by Holt.


Join Holt International & NewSong at

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to Promote Child Sponsorship!

Keeping Families Together In countries around the world, Holt works to keep families together by providing the support parents need to give their children a safe, stable home environment. From nutrition, health and education assistance to counseling and crisis intervention, Holt tailors family preservation services to each country’s – and each family’s – needs. Holt’s family preservation work is akin to preventative care. By providing emergency assistance for a family in crisis in Vietnam, or micro financing a small business in India, Holt attacks child abandonment at its roots – keeping children in families, and out of institutions. With guidance and basic resources, many families are able to achieve selfsufficiency. In Ethiopia, Holt helps heads of household develop income-generating projects, such as keeping livestock or small retail businesses. After providing start-up funds, Holt regularly monitors the family’s progress as they strive to achieve food security, reliable income and adequate housing.

In Guatemala and the Philippines, parent effectiveness training further reinforces parents’ ability to adequately care for – and keep – their children. And in many countries, vocational skills training, employment assistance and educational sponsorship all contribute to the ultimate goal of Holt’s family preservation work: enabling children to thrive in their birth families.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR WINTER JAM 2011 Get FREE entry and a FREE CD when you volunteer to sign-up sponsors and pass out info at Winter Jam 2011! We need 100 volunteers at each concert – so bring a friend! Your 4-5 hour commitment can change a child’s life forever… For six years running, Holt has teamed up with Christian music group Newsong to raise awareness of the thousands of homeless children overseas. In 2010, over 10,000 Winter Jam concertgoers said “YES” to sponsoring a child! This year, we’ve set our sights higher… Help us reach 15,000 sponsors – 300 at each concert! It’s easy and fun! Check to see if Winter Jam is coming to your town and sign up online at www.holtinternational.org/winterjam. Email suep@ holtinternational.org for more information. Rock the House with Holt and NewSong at Winter Jam 2011! Raise Your Voice for Children!



SIGN UP ONLINE AT: holtinternational.org/winterjam


Holt I nt e r n at ion a l .or g

But financial stability does not alone ensure family stability. Many of the vulnerable families Holt serves have endured hardships that strain their ability to care for their children. Through counseling, Holt supports the psychological health of families in crisis, enabling parents to provide adequate care. In China, in addition to financial, educational and nutritional support, Holt helps a growing number of HIV-affected families overcome discrimination.


from the family “They Need to be With our Family” The adoption of two older siblings from the Philippines I don’t think I will ever forget the moment I first saw the faces of my sons. At work one morning, about a year and a half ago, my coworker Lynn stopped by my desk to lay a picture in front of me. “What do you think?” she quietly asked. If it’s possible to pray 10 prayers at once, that’s what my heart sent to God. I emailed my husband the picture my wonderful friend, who's also a Holt adoptive mom, had laid before me. “Those are two cute little boys, what’s going on?” he asked when he called back. Mike looked at the boys’ picture the rest of the morning. In the afternoon, he called me again. “Call Holt for more information,” he said. “Those boys need to stay together. And they need to be with our family.” Adoption was not a new idea to us that morning in January 2009. Many of our friends have adopted children. Early in our marriage, Mike and I had also discussed someday building our family through adoption. After 29 years of marriage, and giving birth to three daughters, we thought our family was pretty settled. We felt, perhaps, that adoption would not happen for us in the usual way or time. But then Lynn showed me that picture.

H olt I nt e r n at i on a l / Fa l l 2 010

After requesting more information from Holt about the boys, we decided to pursue their adoption. Thus began the paper chase to bring Lowie and Towie home to our family. During the process, I remember three distinct times my husband said, “God wants those boys with us as badly as we do. Every time a stumbling block pops up and we are struggling, He provides an answer.” His answers came in the form of family, friends and community support, both emotionally and financially. To have so many people reach out to our family was truly an awesome, humbling experience. In November 2009, we traveled to Manila in the Philippines to receive the boys. While sitting in an office, we heard the boys arrive, and looked up to see two inquisitive faces pressed to the crack in the door. They had the most joyous grins I’ve ever seen. We’re still amazed that two little guys who spoke very little English – and knew us only through pictures and cards – could put


Parents Mike and Lori with (from left to right) Rachel, Lucas (Lowie), Eli (Towie), Alison and Sydney such unwavering trust in us. They showed such bravery traveling half way around the world to become part of our family. I sometimes wonder if I could be that brave. The first time someone mentioned it would be “harder” to adopt older children, it made me pause. ‘Why?’ I wondered. Older child adoption presents challenges, but every adoption does. Just as each child is different, so is each adoption. This is also true with sibling adoption. Each of our boys has different memories and challenges. We make every effort to meet them where they are – to discover what’s motivating a behavior, or what we can do to help them through a tough time. It’s like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Sometimes the pieces fall easily into place. Other times it’s hard to locate the missing piece. A year ago, we were waiting to bring Lowie (Lucas) and Towie (Eli) home. Now, eleven months after their arrival, it is as if they have always been here. Our daughters have also “adjusted” well to having two teasing, rough-playing little brothers. To sit around our supper table, you would think these kids had always been together as a family. *In early 2011, Holt will introduce a pilot adoption program for older children in the Philippines. Ambassadors, selected by Holt, will travel to the Philippines in March to meet a group of older children who are waiting to be adopted. After interacting with and getting to know the children, the ambassadors will return to the States and advocate for their adoptions. We look forward to sharing more information about this special program in the months to come. Many healthy, older children are waiting for families in the Philippines right now. It is our hope that this program will offer valuable information to families considering older child adoption and help bring these beautiful children into permanent homes.

By Lori Pickle |

Logan, Iowa

TyLynn’s Turn After years spent enjoying Holt International magazine with her mother, a Holt adoptee is finally included with the graduates Over the years, seeing who could confiscate the Holt International magazine in the mailbox first has been a running joke between my daughter, TyLynn, and me. We’d “oooh” and “aww” over the cover photo and then quickly turn to the middle of the magazine to adore all the families and children highlighted in the photo section. Then, after all that, we’d finally get around to actually reading the magazine! Truth be told, I wasn’t immune to hiding it. If it arrived on a day where TyLynn’s schedule was already tight with a heavy load of homework, play practice, dance or church activities, I knew that if she saw it, she’d spend time she didn’t have perusing it from cover to cover. But, of course, that meant if she caught me reading it or, even worse, found it hidden in a convenient spot for myself, I was in big trouble. As she grew older, she’d often see the mail before me, so she paid me back in kind. I’d find her reading it in her bedroom, a smug look on her face. It’s with thankfulness that we finally see TyLynn’s name and photo included in the annual graduation issue, having enjoyed it so much over the years. We’ve loved looking at all the photos,

noting where the graduates live, their activities and accomplishments, and college plans. It’s hard to believe another milestone has been reached and now it’s TyLynn’s turn to be included. We feel that God has truly blessed her. After a recent mission trip, TyLynn discovered a passion to help children in need and that, along with her love of dance, is her focus for now. She currently attends the University of South Florida, where she’s taking both general education and dance classes, while continuing her search for God’s will. We’re anxious to see what great things the Lord has in store for her. We have no doubt that she’s always been safely in His sight.

By Denise Eben | Plant City, Florida

Wished For A mother’s hope for a daughter and the blessings that followed I’ve often described having Kami in our family to be like unwrapping a gift, one day at a time, pulling back the paper a little further and peeking deeper inside. We always found a new surprise in store as we’d watch her grow and make her own place in the world. When the Korean escort first brought Kami to us from the airplane, he said, “The other babies cry and cry but this one most okay.” That she is! One night after she’d only been home with us a few days, she began repeating the word “Uhm-ma.” Tears welled up in her eyes, pleading for understanding. She was obviously missing someone who had cared for her. She was only 6 months old but she had already said her first word.

Even in a small, predominately white school district, Kami has never felt the need to follow others in order to fit in. She is her own person and has never been afraid to take a stand, even if unpopular. She won’t hesitate to scold friends for underage drinking or defend her position on pro-life. If there was a new student being left out, Kami would be the one to make sure she was included.

Kami has always been poised, self-confident and competitive. She was also a teacher’s assistant for speech and did hair and makeup for the high school plays. Currently, she’s attending cosmetolog y school in Omaha with the ambition of being the best in her class. Her long-range goal is to get a business degree and eventually open her own shop. I think most mothers do wish for a daughter. They imagine being able to share “girl things” and having that special motherdaughter closeness. Amazingly, we do share many of the same tastes in clothing and music, and nowadays we occasionally share some good “girl talk.” Of course, her father and two older brothers think the world of her too! She is all we wished for and more.

By Sharleen Maxwell |

Blair, Nebraska


Holt I nt e r n at ion a l .or g

At around age 2, we were on a family outing when I told her it was time to go home. Kami resolutely said “no” and refused to get in the car. So I asked her, “Who’s the boss?” She promptly answered, “I’m the boss!” Of course the story did not end there, and eventually she conceded, “Mommy’s the boss.” But we definitely found out about her strong will and sense of self.

She’s been a trendsetter for hair and fashion and classmates often came to her for advice.


Class of 2010

Abeln, Brant

Abeln, Kirby

Allen, Christopher

Anderson-Landers, Sarah

Anderson, JinHee

Bajwa, Jenna

Blessing, Daniel

Bronzo, Lianne

Burghard, Angela

Cadambi, Kiran

Charles, Katrina

Clayton, Jonathan

Cook, Sara

Crocker, Mallory

Crosby, James

Dare, Sunita

Denlinger, Renata

DeSantis, Rachael

Abeln, Brant—Sioux Falls, SD; B.S. in physics & math from Drake University in Des Moines, IA. Plans to attend graduate school. (Korea) Abeln, Kirby—Sioux Falls, SD; (Korea) Allen, Christopher—Annandale, VA; B.S. in aviation technology & aerospace administration, Cum Laude, from Indiana State University in Terra Haute. Flight team, Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Eta Rho. Plans to become an airline pilot. (Korea) Anderson–Landers, Sarah—(Korea) Anderson, JinHee— Ottumwa, IA; Plans to major in business & elementary education at Indian Hills Community College. (Korea) Bajwa, Jenna—Durham, NC; orchestra, dance, tennis, Honor Roll, mayor’s service award. Plans to major in exercise and sports science at Elon University in North Carolina. (India)

H olt I nt e r n at i on a l / Fa l l 2 010

Blessing, Daniel Nam Moon—San Diego, CA; orchestra, crosscountry, track, graduated with distinction. Plans to major in computer information systems at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. (Korea) Bronzo, Lianne—Jacksonville, FL; B.S. in psychology, Summa Cum Laude, from University of North Florida. University Scholars Honors Society, Phi Kappa Phi, Psi Chi, Active Minds president. Plans to conduct research on the cognitive development in internationally adopted children. (Korea) Burghard, Angela—Sherwood, OR; B.S. in business marketing & business management from University of Portland in Oregon. (Korea) Cadambi, Kiran—Portland, OR; varsity football, most improved senior, first place basketball rec-league (09). Plans to attend Portland Community College-Rockcreek. (India)


Charles, Katrina—Kennesaw, GA; B.S. in exercise and health science from Kennesaw State University; competitive cheerleading, cross country, indoor/outdoor track and field. Plans to attend graduate school. (Korea) Clayton, Jonathan—Columbus, OH; student council, track, marching & concert band, drama, musicals. Plans to attend Columbus State Community College in Ohio. (India) Cook, Sara—Troy, MI; National Honor Society, Phi Beta Kappa, band, soccer. Plans to major in arts & humanities at Michigan State University in East Lansing. (Korea) Crocker, Mallory—North Bend, OR; Key Club, honor choir, marching, symphonic & jazz band, girls state rotary, youth leadership academy, United States Tennis Association, varsity swimming, tennis, Hope Award & Violet Richardson Award for community service, Semper Fidelis Award for musical excellence, Ford scholar. Plans to major in culinary arts/food science & technology at Oregon Coast Culinary Institute in Coos Bay. (Korea) Crosby, James—Medford, New Jersey; wrestling (9-11th grade JV and varsity), National Honor Society of High School Scholars, ambassador rep, FBLA (4 years), historian (1 year), DECA business club, Italian club (4 years). Plans to major in business finance at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. (Korea)

Dare, Sunita—Liberty, Indiana; track (shot put). Graduated with “certificate of completion,” independent living & part-time employment. (India) Denlinger, Renata—Asbury, NJ; attending Centenary College in Hackettstown, New Jersey. (India) DeSantis, Rachael—Bridgeton, NJ. Plans to attend Cumberland Co. College. (Korea) Devaney, Kimberlee—Lanoka Harbor, NJ; National Honor Society, FBLA, field hockey (JV & varsity), Jump Start, STARS program. Plans to receive a Masters in social work at Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania. (Korea) Disdier, Claire—Skillman, NJ; field hockey, lacrosse, Girl Scouts, church youth group. Plans to major in exercise science at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pennsylvania. (Korea) Doty, Eric—Canby, OR; attending Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, OR. (Korea) Dunham, EonJong EunMee Nikki—Brush Prairie, WA; National Honor Society, soccer, basketball. Plans to major in international studies at Seattle University. (United States)

Devaney, Kimberlee

Disdier, Claire

Doty, Eric

Dunham, Nikki

Eason, Keri

Eben, TyLynn

Fischer, Adam

Gray, Daniel

Grimes, Manisha

Gunsaulis, Nick

Habegger, Alex

Hahn, Alexis

Harman, Morgan

Heiss, Kimberly

Hillman, Andrew

Huber-Pelletier, Julie

Hunsberger, Jade

Ingham, Natalie

Janka, Todd

Jasiecki, Victoria

Johnson, Samuel

Kerr, Chian

King, Adam

Lassman-Eul, Ujala

Eason, Keri—Taylor Mill, KY; B.A. in communication studies, Cum Laude, from Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights; Communication Department Recognition award. Plans to receive a Master’s degree in social work. (Korea) Eben, TyLynn—Plant City, FL; honor graduate, NHS, Bright Futures recipient, academic and thespian letters, thespian president, Key Club, Girl Scout Silver Award, Barbizon graduate, Plant City Idol, singing/acting/speaking/dance awards, step team, church youth group. 1st Maid Florida, Strawberry Festival queen’s court. Plans to major in dance at the University of South Florida in Tampa. (Korea)

Gray, Daniel—Aurora, IL; rugby, EMT, Science Olympiad, IL scholar, Indian Prairie scholar. Plans to major in chemistry at University of Illinois. (Korea) Grimes, Manisha—Grand Junction, CO; academic Letter, Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Plans to major in medical assisting at IntelliTec College. (Russia)

Habegger, Alex—Berne, IN; football, swimming, golf, academic honors diploma. Plans to major in chemistry at Bluffton University in Ohio. (Thailand) Hahn, Alexis—West Des Moines, IA; B.A. in marketing from University of Iowa; honors program, Dean’s List, awarded one of University of Iowa’s top student employees, technology services employee, women in business organization (president), Alpha Kappa Psi, professional/business fraternity, American Marketing Association. (Korea) Harman, Morgan—Weaverville, CA; cheerleading, academic scholarship, student committees. Plans to major in psychology at Brigham Young University in Rexburg, Idaho. (Korea) Heiss, Kimberly—Roselle Park, NJ; plans to major in history at Kean University in Union, New Jersey. (Korea) Hillman, Andrew—B.S. in business administration (management) with a concentration in marketing. (Korea)

Huber-Pelletier, Julie—South Portland, Maine; Doctor of Medicine at UCSD Medical School in San Diego, California. Currently in emergency medicine residential program at Maine Medical Center. (Korea) Hunsberger, Jade—Runnemede, NJ; art club, tennis, Principal’s List, top 20% of class, 3.65 GPA. Plans to major in art/graphic design at Rutgers University in New Jersey. (Korea) Ingham, Natalie Kim Thuy—Clearwater, FL; National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, English Honor Society, Interact Club. Plans to study physical therapy. (Vietnam) Janka, Todd—Osage, IA; Iowa State chorus (2008-09), band, swing choir, cross-country, wrestling, Big Brother, Eagle Scout, Iowa Army National Guard. Plans to major in physical fitness training at North Iowa Area Community College. Currently at Fort Benning, GA for army basic/advanced infantry training and will attend Airborne School before returning home. (Korea) Jasiecki, Victoria—Jackson, NJ; B.A. in sociology, Cum Laude, from Kean University in Union, New Jersey. Plans to attend graduate school. (Korea) Johnson, Samuel—Lake Oswego, OR; varsity boys soccer, National Honor Society, Japanese Honor Society. Plans to major in engineering at Santa Clara University in California. (Korea)


Holt I nt e r n at ion a l .or g

Fischer, Adam—Yorkton Hts, NY; track, bronze medal in hurdling, Honor Roll, achievement award, Manicchio Memorial College scholarship. Plans to major in automotive technology at SUNY Delhi in New York. (Korea)

Gunsaulis, Nick—Jackson, NJ; marching band (trumpet, 4 years), bowling team (4 years). Plans to major in mechanical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. (Korea)

Lincoln, Jack

Marriott, Charlie

Martin, Fuyin

Martzahn, David

Maxwell, Kami

Meade, Rachel

Metzger, Laurel

Miele, Erica

Miller, Alex

Murray, Melissa

Nandor, Katherine

Partipilo, Chris

Scheer, Rebecca—Cook, NE; cross country, band, jazz band, top ten academic award, academic all-conference. Plans to major in graphic design & music production at Peru State College in Nebraska. (Korea) Servente, Daryl—Rohnert Park, CA; B.S. in business administration with an emphasis in marketing, Cum Laude, at University of California–Riverside. (Korea) Reid, Daniel

Reynolds, Jourdan

Kerr, Chian—The Woodlands, TX; varsity golf (4 years), Army ROTC, 4-year nursing scholarship. Plans to major in nursing at the University of Iowa. (China) King, Adam—Medford, NJ; spring/winter track, cross country. Plans to major in criminal justice at Burlington County Community College. (Philippines) Lassman-Eul, Ujala—Springfield, MO; National Honor Society, Girls Service Society, art, Medical Explorers, soccer, church youth mission trip. Plans to major in nursing. (India) Lincoln, Jack—Edison, NJ; (Korea) Marriott, Charlie—Indianola, IA; vocal music, swimming, cross country, tennis. Plans to major in physics at Buena Vista University in Iowa. (Thailand) Martin, Fuyin—Platte City, MO; plans to major in family and consumer sciences at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. (China)

H olt I nt e r n at i on a l / Fa l l 2 010

Martzahn, David—Greene, IA; basketball, instrumental music, Luther League, National Honor Society, all-state band, academic all-conference, presidential award for academic excellence. Plans to major in kinesiology/health at Iowa State University in Ames. (Korea) Maxwell, Kami—Blair, NE; plans to study cosmetology at Xenon International Academy. (Korea) Meade, Rachel—Dewitt, IA; student council, track, cross-country, chorus, show choir. Plans to major in social work at University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. (Korea) Metzger, Laurel—Omaha, NE; orchestra, show choir, National Honor Society, Omaha World Herald All-Academic program, President’s Education Awards program, AP scholar, modern music masters. Plans to major in piano performance and chemical engineering at University of Nebraska. (Korea)


Savino, Christianna

Scheer, Rebecca

Miele, Erica—Chester, NJ; B.S. in communication sciences and disorders from Emerson College in Boston. National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association (president), Thayer Lindsley Program for the Deaf, Learning Center for the Deaf, Autism Speaks. Plans to become an audiologist. (Korea) Miller, Alex—Ames, IA; Eagle Scout, band, Honor Roll, football, basketball. Plans to major in mechanical engineering at University of Evansville in Indiana. (Korea) Murray, Melissa—River Edge, NJ; president’s award for academic achievement, Arcola scholarship, Luzerne Chamber Music Festival scholarship, Manhattan School of Music (pre-college). Plans to major in piano at Mannes College of Music in New York City. (Korea) Nandor, Katherine—Portland, OR; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Western University of Health Sciences/College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific. (Korea) Partipilo, Chris—Salem, OR; football captain, most inspirational, best running back. Plans to major in pre-law at University of Hawaii at Manoa. (Korea) Reid, Daniel—Sarasota, FL; B.F.A. in film from University of Central Florida. Plans to have a career in film production. (Thailand) Reynolds, Jourdan—Pella, IA; Honor Roll, history award, character award, Parish Ministries, work camp missions trips, student council, wrestling, track, Thai boxing. (Korea) Savino, Christianna—San Diego, CA; B.A. in international relations from University of California-San Diego; volunteered at orphanages in Nepal, Vietnam, El Salvador and Mexico. Plans to receive a master’s degree in international affairs at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UC San Diego. (United States)

Shaffer, Jomar—New Cumberland, WV; National Honor Society, varsity soccer (team captain), WV 4-H dance ambassador, Washington Citizenship Focus representative. Plans to major in business administration at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. (Philippines) Snyder, David—Manchester, IA; band, jazz band, speech, George Washington Carver scholarship recipient. Plans to attend Iowa State University. (Korea) Stieneke, Paige—Cherokee, IA; swim team, jazz band, tennis, NHS, Spanish Honor Society, all-state individual speech participant, thespians, JETS, multicultural vision program award. Plans to major in biology at Iowa State University. (Korea) Trainor, Hellen—Louisville, KY; FBLA, co-captain 2009 state championship field hockey team, Honor Roll. Plans to major in business at University of Massachusetts in Lowell. (Guatemala) Truex, Mayra—Richland, Washington; first place at regionals and third place at state in Skills USA competition for graphic communications. Plans to major in art at Columbia Basin College. (Ecuador) Wade, Alexandra—West Des Moines, IA; orchestra (4-year letter), all-state orchestra (2 years), Honor Roll (4 years). Plans to major in communications at University of Evansville in Indiana. (Korea) Wankowicz, Evan—Phoenix, AZ; lacrosse. Plans to major in psychology at Phoenix Community College. (Korea) Westeren, Deepali—Fort Washington, Maryland; (India) Westeren, Manisha—Jacksonville, North Carolina; (India) Wiese, Kayla—Madison, SD; marching band, gymnastics, cross country. Plans to major in radiologic technology at Mount Mary College in Watertown. (Korea) Winczewski, Kayla—Portland, OR; Special Olympics–basketball, volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul food bank, senior project raised funds for Holt. Living skills program & job training. (Korea)

adoptees today

Servente, Daryl

Shaffer, Jomar

Snyder, David

Stieneke, Paige

Trainor, Hellen

Truex, Mayra

Wade, Alexandra

Wankowicz, Evan

Westeren, Deepali

Westeren, Manisha

Wiese, Kayla

Winczewski, Kayla

Had I Not Been Adopted With the help and ongoing support from her family, Mayra has overcome life's obstacles and is now in her first year of college When I was 8 years old, I was adopted from an orphanage in Ecuador and had no idea what the future held for me. I never imagined that I would one day go to college. Being adopted was like entering a whole new world.

This new

world included a family of my very own. My little brother, Sean, became my new best friend and my parents loved me as their one and only daughter. My new family changed my life in so many ways.


helped me overcome some of the physical challenges of cerebral palsy and encouraged me to follow my interests and achieve my goals. Receiving an Associate of Arts degree to become a computer graphics designer is one of these goals.

Mayra with her parents, Mike and Shannon, and brother, Sean. It also filled my life with many special friends and a sense of

I am studying art. So far, my college experiences have been

belonging and community.

challenging, fun and sometimes frustrating. I am beginning

It seems like a lifetime has passed since I came home from

to adjust to my schedule and work load and look forward to

Ecuador. Soon I will celebrate 14 years with my family. I am

taking more classes that help me see the world in different

thankful for the life I share with my family and friends and

ways, as well as improve my art skills.

thankful that Holt helps find families for children in need.

I would not be the person I am today had I not been adopted. Adoption gave me a supportive and loving family, and a chance to pursue my interests and attend college.

Mayra Truex | Richland, Washington 13

Holt I nt e r n at ion a l .or g

This fall, I began classes at a local community college where


neighborhood calendar

Holt Events The Holt Gala and Dinner Auction in Eugene, Oregon is fast approaching. The Eugene event will be held on February 5th at the Hilton Hotel to benefit children in Holt’s care in Korea. Activities begin at 5:30 p.m. Come and join the fun to help children in Holt’s care! Visit www.holtinternational.org/events for more information.


July 31-August 4, 2011 | Dobbins—Holt Adop adoptees 9-16 years old

National Adoption Awareness Month


This November, take time to celebrate National Adoption Month by actively engaging in our year-round cause to find a permanent, loving family for every child! Your efforts can change a child's life forever. Raise awareness in your community of the thousands of children around the world who need homes. Participate in a fundraiser for a program that helps homeless children overseas, or encourage others to consider adoption by simply sharing your own adoption story. And if you're considering adoption – what a wonderful month to begin your journey! Go to www.holtinternational.org/adoption/nationalAdoptionMonth.shtml for ideas and inspiration on how to celebrate National Adoption Month this year!

July 24-28 | Hampton—Holt Adoptee Camp 9-16 years old


July 24-28 | Okoboji—Holt Adoptee Camp 9-16 years old

New Jersey

Omaha Marathon Holt, in its third consecutive year at the Omaha Marathon, had its biggest turnout yet. A whopping 50 people ran on September 28th, composed mostly of Holt employees, adoptive families and adoptees. Holt adoptee Aidan Monoghan, 5, was the youngest member of Holt’s half-marathon and marathon team.

for adoptees


Holt Ambassadors volunteer their efforts to raise funds and find families for children in Holt’s programs around the world. To find out more about the Holt Ambassador program, visit: www.holtinternational.org/ ambassadors.

on to February 5 | Eugene— Gala Dinner and Aucti p.m., benefit children in Holt’s care in Korea. 5:30 Hotel the Hilton for adoptees July 17-21 | Corbett—Holt Adoptee Camp old 9-16 years

Angels in Adoption


July 31-August 4 | Wautoma —Holt Adoptee adoptees 9-16 years old

Kudos to Michelle Sherwood of Springfield, Missouri – an Angel in Adoption! A Holt adoptee and TV news anchor, Sherwood received the congressional honor in October for her volunteer work and advocacy on behalf of children who need permanent, loving families. Sherwood serves on adoption boards in her community, mentors three girls adopted from China, has escorted children from Korea, and in May 2010, she began featuring foster kids in weekly KSPR News segments. Many featured children have since joined adoptive families. The Angels in Adoption program was founded in 1999 to raise awareness of the positive difference adoption makes in the life of a child. Past and current recipients include several Holt employees, adoptees and adoptive parents.

Camp for

Get the Info

For Holt Events information contact: i Mehl Events and Corporate Relations Direc tor Sand .org ional ernat oltint sandim@h ct: For Holt Adoptee Camp information conta org onal. rnati ltinte k@ho steve at Kalb Steve ct: conta n matio For Holt Heritage Tour infor Lisle Veach for China tours lislev@holtinternational.org

In Memory Jason Libal, 24, passed away on April 29th, 2010 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Son of Gene and Kathy Libal, Jason was adopted from South Korea at 1 year of age. In addition to his parents, he leaves behind two siblings: a brother, Joe, and sister, Erin. A natural athlete, Jason enjoyed gymnastics, football and wrestling. He joined the Nebraska National Guard in 2006. His interests included history, music, movies, cooking, playing video games and computers. He had a great sense of humor and always enjoyed a great story. Jason befriended everyone he met and would give the shirt off his back to someone in need.

H olt I nt e r n at i on a l / Fa l l 2 0 0 9

for adoptees

for adoptees

August 7-12 | Sussex—Holt Adoptee Camp 9-16 years old

Thank you to Team Holt’s runners and volunteers for raising over $5,000 for Holt’s Ilsan Center in Korea! Team

tee Camp for

Katy Bogart for Korea tours katyb@holtinternational.org Courtney Rader for the Holt-Bethany Korea Adult Adoptee tour courtneyr@holtinternational.org



in the Heart

Holt Heritage Tours

14 www.holtinternational.org/tours

w a it ing c h il d re n Omkar

Bor n: 10.9.09 | India

Om k ar

These and other children need adoptive families Ben

Omkar, a sweet and smiley boy, has been in care since infancy. Born with a congenital hear t defect, Omk ar had corrective surgery at eight mon ths of age. His caregivers report that he is gaining weight well and is able to hold and turn his head. Omkar needs a family comfortable with his diag nosis and who can prov ide him with the med ical care he will require.


Bor n: 1.15.03 | A fric a

Danielle loves to sing, play games and attends the top class at the care center. Danielle’s caregivers report that she is meeting all mot or, language and social milestones. Jolly and active, Danielle loves people and acts mature for her age. A family who has parented past Danielle’s age wou ld be ideal for this social girl.

For more infor matio n on adop ting these and other waiting child ren, conta ct Erin Mow er at erinm @hol tinter natio nal.o rg

Bor n: 2 .25.02 | C hin a

Ben is excited about the idea of being adopted, especially hav ing older siblings. He cont inues to prog ress well in care, although he has slow motor development. Well-liked and respectful to his caregivers, Ben does well in school and is a very fast runner. This adorable child would do best in a family with older child adoption experience.


Bor n: 12.26.06 | Kore a

Han-gyeol currently lives with a foster family and attends pres chool. He likes to dance to music and run and jump. Han-gyeol was born premature at 24 weeks and had an inguinal hernia repair in 2007. His current diag nosis is porencephaly , microcephaly, cerebral palsy and leftsided hear ing loss. He is prog ress ing well with regular occupational and speech therapy. Han-gyeol follows dire ctions well and likes to give hugs. This cute little guy is wait ing for a fam ily who is open to some unknow ns and has access to the med ical resource s and therapies he will need.

ww w.holtinternational.org/wai tingchild/photolisting

Da nielle




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Order yours online today at: holtinternational.org/calendar The 201 Holt International calendar features adopted children from around the world. Every calendar you purchase will benefit children who still need families of their own.

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