Alumni association code of bylaws

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Code of Bylaws Holy Cross College Alumni Association Article I. Name The name of the organization is the “Holy Cross Alumni Association” here in after referred to as the “Association.” Article II. Purposes and Goals Section 1. Purpose The purpose of the Association is to foster in its members the Christian ideals of Holy Cross College and to advance the goals of the College. Section 2. Goals 1. To promote the welfare of the College and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the College and alumni 2. To offer social and intellectual programs that perpetuate the ideal of lifelong learning for alumni and members of the community in general. 3. To acquaint alumni and friends with the progress and needs of the College 4. To ensure the continued confidence and support of the alumni and friends who may contribute to the College’s financial and other material needs. 5. To support and assist the alumni, students, faculty, and administration of Holy Cross College wherever and whenever possible.

Article III. Membership There will be two types of members in the Association: active and honorary members. Active All alumni who have attended completed 12 or more hours of transferrable credit and who are in good academic standing. Active members may hold office in the Association. Friends All recipients of honorary degrees from Holy Cross College, and individuals who actively support the College with a one-time only donation of $20 will be entitled to membership as friends of the association. No other monetary obligation is required to be a life time member at the “Friends” level, but annual donations are encouraged. Friends may vote and hold office, but they cannot be a majority in the Council. Article IV. Meetings of the Association Section 1. Annual Meeting There will be a yearly meeting of the Association held during the annual Parent-Alumni Weekend at which the president of the Association will deliver the annual report.

Section 2. Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the president of the Association in consultation with other members of the Council of the Association or upon written request and formal petition of no less than one percent of the members of the Association. Notice of special meetings shall be given at least four weeks before the date of the meeting. Article V. Alumni Advisory Council of the Association Section 1. Mission A. The Alumni Advisory Council provides volunteer leadership for the Alumni Association by working with the Holy Cross College community to design and promote opportunities for alumni to connect with each other and the College. In doing so, the Council serves the College in the ongoing development of a strong Alumni Association which supports and advances the mission of Holy Cross College. B. The Council conducts the affairs of the Association, conducts at least two meetings a year, submits an annual report to the Association, and serves in an advisory capacity to the College. Section 2. Membership A. The Council will consist of a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of twelve (12) members, including the officers of the Council, and one member who is a student at the college. Any active member of the Association who is not an employee of the college may be a member of the Council. The president of the College is the honorary president and an ex officio member of the Council. B. The Council composition shall reflect, as closely as possible, the actual graduation decade and geographic distribution of active alumni. C. Except for the student member, the term of a Council member is 3 years commencing at the close of the annual Parent-Alumni Weekend following election by the Council. No Council member may serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. The term of the student member is one year, commencing at the close of the annual Parent-Alumni Weekend following election by the Council and no student member may serve more than two consecutive one-year terms. D. The Director of Development and Assistant Director of the Alumni Relations shall be ex officio members of the Council without a vote. Section 3. Selection and Removal A. Council members shall be elected by the Council at the fall Council meeting, except student members shall be elected by the Council at the spring Council meeting. B. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates to fill vacant positions on the Council and submit to the Director of Development. The College Administration will

approve the list and provide the revised list to Council members with an opportunity to review and comment on proposed candidates prior to the presentation of the slate to the Council for action. C. If a vacancy occurs prior to the expiration of a Council member's term, the Nominations Committee shall nominate a candidate to fill the unexpired term and present the nomination to the Council for action at the earliest opportunity. D. The Nominations Committee shall consider candidates for nomination to the Council from active members who have expressed an interest in Council service or who are recommended by other active members of the Association or faculty, staff, or administration of the College. E. A Council member who fails to fulfill his/her duties maybe removed from the Council by a majority vote of the Council. Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of Council Members Council members shall serve as liaisons to Alumni clubs, groups, and contact areas; complete an annual self-assessment, contribute financially to the College; attend all meetings of the Council; serve on Council committees and otherwise participate in the work of the Alumni Advisory Council and Association. Section 5. Meetings A. The Council shall meet semi-annually in the spring and fall. Special meetings may be called by the president or at the request of a majority of the Council members. A majority of the Council members constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. B. The Council may conduct business through electronic or other means if necessary. Article VI. Officers of the Alumni Advisory Council There will be three officers of the Council: president, vice president, and secretary. These officers shall also serve as officers of the Association. Section 1. Elections and Terms of Officers A. Officers will be nominated and elected by the Council from members of the Council. These nominations and elections will take place during the spring meeting of the Council. B. The terms of the officers shall be two years, commencing at the close of the annual Parent-Alumni Weekend following their election. Officers may not serve more than one term in that office. C. A Council member may not be a candidate for an officer position in the first year or sixth year as a member of the Council.

D. The nominations shall be circulated to the Council members 3 weeks before the meeting at which the election will be held. Council members who are unable to attend the meeting at which such elections are held may vote by absentee ballot obtained from the Director of Development and returned to that office prior to the Council vote. If a vote results in a tie, an additional vote will be taken. If the second vote does not resolve the tie, the election will be resolved by a coin toss. Absentee Council members will not be permitted to participate in tie-breaking votes. E. A vacancy in an officer’s term, other than that of the president, will be filled by appointment of the president in consultation with the Council. An unexpired term of the president will be filled by a two-thirds vote of the Council. If any officer fails to fulfill their duties, (s)he may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the Council. F. An officer who stands for election in the fifth year as a member of the Council and takes office in the sixth year as a Council member may serve a seventh year on the Council to complete their term as an officer. Section 2. Duties of Officers A. The president presides at all meetings of the Association, the Council, and the Executive Committee; appoints the chairs of all Council committees and members of the committees in consultation with committee chairs; is an ex-officio member of all committees; prepares and submits an annual report to the Association; serves as an Associate member on the College's Board of Trustees; attends and represents the Association at official Association events and at official College functions when requested. B. The vice president of the Council assists the president, assumes the duties of the president and secretary in the event of the incapacity of either officer, performs such duties as requested by the president, administers the Council survey, and chairs the Council’s Nominating Committee. In order to maintain continuity, the vice president will generally succeed the President. C. The secretary of the Council keeps a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association, the Council, the executive committee, and any special meetings, compiles minutes from Council committees and provides them to the Development Office for inclusion in the minutes of the Council meetings. The secretary also organizes the Council’s response to life-changing occurrences of council members which might include marriage, birth of a child or death of a family member. Article VII. Committees of the Council Section 1. Nominating Committee Section 2. Student Recruitment Committee (admissions)

Section 3. Development Committee (development) Section 4. Student-Alumni Committee (student programming) Section 5. Alumni Engagement Committee (regional clubs, educational programming) Article VIII. Finances The Association and its programs are underwritten by Holy Cross College. In turn, Holy Cross College is supported by the activities of this Association. Authorization of the payment of funds must come from the Director of Development at Holy Cross College in consultation with the president of the Association. The business office of the College shall record all funds received and disbursed. Article IX. Amendment of By-Laws These by-laws may be repealed, revised, or amended in whole or party by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Council members present at any meeting of the Association or by the unanimous direction of the College Administration.

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