Dixit 11th December 2020

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EDITION 102 11th December 2020

The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family

End of Term Message from the Head Master Usually, when I wake up on the final morning of the Christmas term, my emotions are a mixture of exhaustion and relief tinged with that warm, fuzzy glow of the early days of the festive season; emotions scented with pine and cinnamon with thoughts turning from matters of work to anticipation for all of the pleasures of the holidays to come: time with friends and family and the opportunity to let off steam and recuperate ready for the new year. This year, waking up on the final morning of term, I felt a little different, a little more empty perhaps. There are so many things we have lost this year which would usually be part of our festive rituals: time with loved ones; activities and opportunities which bring us joy; community events such as our beautiful carol service in Eton College Chapel. Many of us have seen our health or the health of those we love suffer and many people, within this community and around the world, have lost loved ones. With so many of our usual securities and certainties eroded by the pandemic, it would be easy to look on this Christmas as somehow a pale shadow of Christmases past, our memories of these suddenly shrouded in a glow of Dickensian nostalgia. However, despite all that we have lost and all those we have lost due to the pandemic, this Christmas is also an opportunity for us to reflect on all that we have gained: closer relationships with our neighbourhoods and communities; a greater appreciation of and respect for those more vulnerable members of our society and those who care for them; a greater ability to find happiness in the small things in life: a conversation with a family member; the glimpse of our children’s smiles not disguised by a face mask; a hug. This Christmas will be different from those which have passed but I sincerely hope that, for each of you, it will be no less special for this. As an educator, 2020 has also taught me one thing more than anything else. Schools are more than bricks and mortar and what schools give to young people is far more than the sum total of the knowledge they impart. Schools are communities where people learn how to be people and where their future identity is forged. Despite the disruptions of this year, it has given me (and the staff team as a whole) so much joy to see our students back here, in person. Yes, some of the opportunities and experiences which they would usually get have been a bit more limited (as will be our experiences this Christmas) however the simple things are more important than ever in these times: time shared with friends, working, learning and playing together (and occasionally falling out!) is so fundamental to all of our wellbeing and development.

I wish you all a happy, safe and restful Christmas and look forward to welcoming our community back together in the New Year. Ben McCarey Head Master




DIXIT 11th December 2020



From the Boarding Houses Boarders’ Christmas Dinners and awards


From the Students Our Food Bank collection update


From the Biology Department Some interesting and excellent recent work


From the Sixth Form Investment Club opportunity


From the Community An event at Norden Farm this weekend


From the Welfare Team Details of a support service for young people over the holidays


From the Careers Department Information about an award-winning Apprenticeship Scheme


From the Calendar Upcoming events and items to note

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DIXIT 11th December 2020

Boarders’ Christmas Dinners Boarders enjoyed their Christmas dinners this week with one for Year 7-11 and a separate event for Sixth Form. The catering team provided an amazing meal, everyone dressed up and prizes were awarded for Boarders of the Term, the Festive Dorm competition and the Tidiest Dorm competition. Well done to all the winners! Junior Boarders of the Term  Maisie and Ying

Senior Boarders of the Term  Deborah and Alan 

Sixth Form Boarders of the Term  Alex and Hannah 

Festive Dorm winners 

Sixth Form Tidiest Dorm winners 

Tidiest Dorm winners for Junior and Senior corridors 


DIXIT 11th December 2020


This morning the African Caribbean Society dropped off all the food donations from Holyport College. Our donations will hopefully help the 800 families that rely on the food bank have an easier Christmas. We are very thankful to everyone who donated and especially Mr Parsons for organising and sanitizing the items. Azeezah Okoya Head Girl



DIXIT 11th December 2020

Biology in Action On Tuesday Lower Sixth biologists participated in a Biology in Action event which included a range of interactive and engaging sessions delivered by renowned scientists and speakers, all live and online for the very first time. A plethora of biologists talked to us about their current scientific projects or the area of biology they are working on; from keeping your body healthy to cloning wolves, all speakers were excellent in sharing their experiences, research and ideas, to give us all proper insight into biology. The talks helped relate the content we are learning in class to real life applications, helping us to see the world in a different, more scientific way. This has inspired and motivated us to look into biology as something to take further in the future. âž” Many thanks to our Biology Ambassadors Amaris, Diya and Eliza for putting this report together. Extreme concentration from our Year 13 Biologists carrying out gel electrophoresis. The idea is that they analyse DNA from a family to map the inheritance of a genetic disorder. It may look small but this is actually quite advanced stuff, more like undergraduate practical work. Thanks to Jenny Shaw our expert Biology Technician for all her hard work setting this up - including coming in on a Sunday to get it ready for Monday morning. #HolyportCommitment! ďƒŞ


DIXIT 11th December 2020


Investment Club Opportunity The Eton College and Holyport College Investment Club (ECHCIC) is arguably the pinnacle of investment clubs at any school in the UK. In particular, what separates ECHCIC from other clubs is that actual capital is invested, with real world consequences, as opposed to hypothetical investing that other schools might do. This opportunity is open to Lower Sixth students who have a passion for, or interest in, investing. The Club is a brilliant networking opportunity for hardworking students who want experience researching and investing real capital in the live market environment. In previous years members have opened the day's trading at the London Stock exchange, raised capital, presented stock reports at Schroders Investment Management company and regularly meet with the members at Eton College and mentors, many of whom are hedge fund managers. Students from Holyport have found the experience invaluable as many have had offers from top universities, and used this network to secure work experience at various investment companies including Goldman Sachs. If you are interested in applying, please keep a lookout for more information at the start of next term. You can see Polly Pendrich (Executive Committee and Industry Group Leader), or Mr Slyper for more details on how to apply.




DIXIT 11th December 2020


DIXIT 11th December 2020


Support for young people over the holidays Kooth Service Overview Kooth is a free online counselling and emotional well-being support service for young people. It is a safe, secure and anonymous means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors, as well as other supports such as discussion boards and magazines with peer to peer and community elements. All of which are safe and secure and pre-moderated. Kooth has been commissioned to ensure that young people have access to a range of mental health and wellbeing services. Kooth operates out of hours service weekdays from 12 -10 pm and the weekend from 6pm to 10 pm 365 days a year. Kooth is also available on Christmas Day from 4pm -8pm. Watch a video: https://vimeo.com/318713056/3b5ea08a52 Kooth.com is for age 11+ only.



DIXIT 11th December 2020

Click here to apply now! 9



11th December 2020

Some Dates for Your Diaries Friday 11th December — end of term—buses leave at 2.15pm Monday 4th January—Inset day Tuesday 5th January—Inset day—boarders return at 7pm Friday 22nd January—Exeat weekend Friday 12th February—half term starts

Mrs Jeffery would like to highlight the following service: GEMS Autism and ADHD Support Service - East Berkshire https://www.gems4health.com/

We have great pleasure in welcoming Chris Wilton to the Holyport College Governing Body as the new Parent Governor following the recent election. Thank you to those who put their name forward as a candidate and to all those of you who voted. Chris will be replacing Lucy Pickering, whose term of office as Parent Governor has now come to an end. We would like to thank Lucy for all her work with the Governing Body and support of Holyport College over the past four years. Fawcett tutor groups have been writing Christmas cards to the residents of our local care home this week—all ready for delivery! ➔

Parents’ Evening Dates 2020/21 Year 7 parents evening—Monday 16th November 2020 Year 9 parents evening—Tuesday 24th November 2020

Year 11 parents evening—Tuesday 2nd February 2021 Year 8 parents evening—Wednesday 10th February 2021 Year 13 parents evening—Tuesday 23rd February 2021 Year 10 parents evening—Thursday 11th March 2021 Year 12 parents evening—Wednesday 28th April 2021 10

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